Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Mar 1880, p. 2

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;.. g.m..u.i mu, ......_._..__ __?.._._..._..____.._.-- Iuhouio sud uyuu. Biplohu Iudould concurred in non. of tho than nduncod in oppooilion to the notion. 5 It. Robinson, honour, lot as OAIOIIKC of Lino. On the Epoch: putting Ibo quution 8lrJo||u ronnrhdv that in thought it ought not to` In euriod. The Speaker doclnnd tho Union luu. Mr. Omicron (North Victoria) moved that thus: for receiving Jtivlh Bi.l|n be uhndod tvolu dIyI nan -an mind in tin bo uunuoq Ivolu can. u um un mind by the Sir John sand that tho prop - niol ol use In nduood to six dun. This not tho vluu ol the Homo. 7 Bnrlnhn 110409511 inlrmlnnnd L Bill to oouuolidsu and amond the Ada ro- lallug to the North-Won Torrltotiol. Mr. Flaming lntrodnood a Bill. provid- tho Noun-was. Ta-menu. Flaming pcov|d- inguau tho onpuihu of n-ulu almll ho pononnlly hold nnpomiblo for bringing pun r onigrum to this country. - oinluoriul manure. providing for lhonhriu 0! the Additional Jndnu of the Soprano Court 0! British Columbia, Ill ulnnood 0 Iago. Th. dnhnh In mmmod on Mr. Mo- ednnoed Inge. The debut In neemnod on Leunen e motion for e statement 0! the eonlrenu let. on the Peeio Rnilwey up to Jen. II! Inc. Ileekeulie concluded hie epoeoh, end indicated the! the Opposition would heeitete in eenotioniug the extreugent expenditure on nocuuut 9! the Peeille * Reilwey, which the prulent Government. eppeuod In have initiated. The enor- Inoue Annual expenditure threatened to be pursued hy (ha 1: werument would ultimntelyleudlhu cpuulry in inextri- ceble debt. ll. DI-unh -nnlua ll I-scene. After cable debt. ` Mr. Plumb spoke till rooeu, After vhicl aural private Bill: Inning lgoon advuiood I nuuo, tho debate In nonm- od by Mason. Ryan and Dawson. who spoke Against the Inc Admit,inruiun'I railway policy. The motion VII car- nod. M. Md} rhv A H|lIn_ to nmaml tho Mr. M00 rthv`a Bills. to nmond Sn rams Ind Exch:-quur Courts Act, no to Amend the Act relating to prom- luro in criminul oueu. can Advanced I -In an Inga. A colnunication from the Guvarnur Geno:-nl nu rand, uslmuwladging lhe're'- ooipt of tho joint Iddrou (mm the: two llouul ootuntuluing him and the Prinoou Lauiu upon choir recent. unrrow 0 pa from I Ind Accident. if Ohnlu Tuppor announced um the Euimnhl will be brought down on Mon- day and tho Budgot. Spuoh dollnrod on Tuondav. Condensed for the - clay. -1107. Mr. Pnnom, I onllod lo Knox Church. T roooiu 83,000 per nnnulp. 83,000 nnnum. --The two riot: thich calm off :0. Quebec Int Iummor have con. the City Oorpontlon the nico Iiltlc aura of 816,- (1)0. Itnnjlll on Illl|II' Iluu on uni ......... Thai: polio] ll boon undo np of ne- ' `scion and carping otltieioan, and by null: o! it tho; have Ion 31-nund both in tho Houu gnd the oounu'y., Altogothor `tho kind Tory Opposition has cut I sorry lgnn, whilo the Govornmunt nnui- lculy inonpod iii hdld upon tho ru- Ipoot Ind Inppon ol tho people. The Eolonn potty has now bun noun time in also in Ontario. and, judging (roan tho `winning mouth and populnrity ol the Mount Govunmont, it bido_hir to ro- mnin than he may I long you to com. The Oonountivo party in the Oihfio 0ltIlol" no pnouullv oomod A- _.A-.-In-I g-KIA Inn-I nn--f (DU. - l`ho Harald : San Francisco up : Far. 0! the bonann firm, in in poor . health, and will probably roll out to Mnchy. ._.l (I. Ontum. a well known thntriocl Mwhy. --Ill. Onttun, mnnsgor of Sun Frnnciou, nuioidod at Alumni: Int night. Ho left I letter to hi: wifmuyiug that he could not Ly hio debts, und richer thnn be I dofnu tor he killed hlnmolt. _'n.. A-Innntinnl 1. tho Mount he killed human. -Tho donations to In Herald`: fund: ynourdny urn `L900, Including [L000 hum Wm. L Soon, a prominent. railroad mun. --Annlicotlr.na for tuna IOI'I truly prominent railroad --AppIicntlr.nn utuuh undo 3|,` Chinuo qnnrun, New York, yesterday. A number 0! Sun Franoinoo rolugou were hind. ` ---(}on. W. Cum: nid tn the New York hind. --Goo. W. Tribune ropnoontuivo yutordny : ll Unut in` nominnod he will but doluud. and the Republican party lilo! mind." _Rir Jnhn Iluvlnunld I$CII' IV thor- `u-vac! During r-mun 0 use Inkling II-indlnnv In And the lccpuhhcun puny moor nmuu. -Sir John llnodounld yum my nmm sddrouod a note to the working men of Ottawa. muting that then won no public worh that an be ouriud un odiuuly (or the run: 0! an OppT0- pru --A upocinl dupntoh lrom For! Me- lnod up that am of the mnrdonn ol Mounted Polioomcn Guybum hu boon trrootod in Montana `Territory, and in oonhud at Fort. Benton. . _'m.. npnnhmh Nninnnl Conun- oonhnod Fort. Benton. -TIIo Groonbnok Nnionnl Iion, which mu M 8!. Loni: thin cook, hue noulmtod. B. Dllllyo, of New Ithmpchiro, uthoir uudiduo for tho Pruidoncy, snd B. J. Chamber, 0| Tun, lot tho Vino-Pruidoncy. Monuoal, March 6.- l`ho Court of Ra- viav hua bu nodorad an important jud moat, which auabliuhaa Iha priority on a claim on Inongapo no: annual In pralounc-9 to all othar ondllon. It alao establishes the dootrma that no Wihf can bring a not ship to nab uilhout Nu oonnnt u! t 0 mortga- I mportaut l)a.;l-Decouou ~- newa hut - Lecture. ~- It hquiio sppcopmu lur tho Kinguton Dusty Nun to Island and polling the rowdy bohuou ol tho Soonury at tho U. I. Olob, who took Advantage of 5 partial: Injority to violno tho dignity ol Pulinuout by oloring pouolul insult to on ol III nolnbou upon tho oor of Ala Homo. In cult! to plauubly Apolo- `ioo lot thin non unpordonnblo outnp, 1 - --_.- I... an nun-A In In omtolnlrl '0'. Mr. P. 0`Donoghuo, o' Toronto, In to ldutnu Inn on St. Patrick : day. 1%.. nln nl man for Punch : Iootun ldutnu Ian He. rumor: any. The tale ol auto for Parnell hon bu been Iuoouuhll, sad 3 lull v o- . homo in upootod. | I The Iran! or Pr-noun to London. bond :11, March b.-1`ho prolinninuy trial 0! the Biddulph priaon-n in con- tinued, when uidonoo Ill uhn touch- ing Hula Min`: H00 and tho story told bythubay ollnu Connor. Two! the prhonon, you nrmll and Patrick R]- der, jr., can It hi on bail Ind an mu in unit: adjourned until 'l`uuday, IIIOII three other wmuuu will In called 5 the Grove. Two o! than an Joan odor and the Into 0! William Doonolly. Fuudn The ouu ndjuurnod st 9 46 p.In. ..._ ILIIJIAI Illtllrpln. Ilcdlup, PL, Inch 0.-lt Io Ivaond thuhoulnl Rulvq olow CID]. In boon laud by an hang. nanny, wind this ouch: n Mud route to New York city. It lnull. Inch C.~TO "I15 t III] Ill ran IVIIII van 1. Oinduui, Ohio. nub I.-Ir: M- bath and Gun Wanton: till lay I Olin] nil Iron Idlhua to lauihbory. nod, looonploh ntbtolhlioooluuulud nan. the IHC will 1 5 third all on Yul city. BI. Loch, Ihulng has oooaludul O lulu minn- uut nth the In lvuicon y. hdnnn. Ohio. C.--- 50 toconpldo nnroonuuolunauu go, lholrhwill fnlhtnl uon no noun dlvbton, Iron Borullovnllo ` Io lacuna. Wham`: ohuuu In by June non, Ibo on You Cen- lnlrlhon IOU nblou lfioto on $5. Ina with the Atlnl and Grant | nhnx WUZI I ullumlolf. Balm, luvh I.-`ho will out the NI haul llnhuou gin: II,0W M ohrluilu purpouo. UITIU "VH3! IOU for----u to potpomol exile from power. win; an unusual. '"6'."oZ' ....""' ',?'.7..' mm-Imn.|'t. Ina 0...; no 000; niulvmlo 1 pin: 9 , . uuu.ma.. :.,,uuu.y.Im.:.-'u-nnn:' .' 'un:-u*u.m. 00lll|0I!I_BI.|IIl_TT __.. _ -ow--- - LATEST I_5ums. aIbnhLb1Mcov. uuuuv Inuit!!!- _- n- n...Ln _.II In Ipi_t_uL. who bu boon Toronto, in to u W]. 19" 1'0- u("ll.I.l. liuunons" nun non; for `lbtouto to Nporinund tho polio- (ion ol the oponu llut city. Mr. Gamble and I puny ol uvouuou `Isl lor uuu -un -up.-..... .. ..-..-...-, _,4ho orgu III: to noon In In ouutmnny dmonion or Inppunlon ol the luau. - - ----.n. .. .. and "Mr undo- r--..... Pacic II'alIIm1y--Arl `OM00- uou.-))'uunal Gnu-renou- Oubrnouun, ol the opens: was easy. ".'-...."-":. 1:. v`."' '. "ass: I art CI" of l.!'.'5.-ahin |'nl a.nnnnI.i nn Iillflhl Pnio uguunnu Ill conuucuuu Inn uul - uwu Reiluy. v , The Inembere u! the pun pllery you to-deyinvned to ineped. An Exhibition. `Me collection coup:-ieee our tour bend:-vd picture: and deeigne, end ieeehnowleduul by Lhoee who no eompeeeut Io jean to be the beet our held in callbd. The oonitibmioue {mm Oenedien eriiete an on the whole, very line Ipecimene. `hie Prinoeeee exhi- hm eevorel preu ieuiree end ekelehee. The Governor will lot-nelly ....... an nhihitinn ehie eveninl. Tho uournor udnuu nu nu-unuy open the exhibition this tuning. A an bridge -will ho tluon nu-on the River u 3 touponry shit. pending the connruotiou ol 3 man who Itunlinl Iuuctuu. I 35 ' ' . , n|giqn,;l_,.,gIa 4 I public muting tor Thursday owning. Boo. Ilr. Lnnnger in in the city on buninou `ounnected with tho , Dominion authorities. Ho duirn some Imondmonl Inulo tn the Crimiml Act. of the Prov~ inoo nl Quebec. _ 'l`h- tint. instalment 0! Euallnh omi- Quebec. The tint instalment Engllnh gnnu has gone t9 the North-Wont, And will settle In lha Turtle Mountain din- trict. They came out undu the an 0! Rev. Mr. Armstrong, nnd number about 250. Thoy will he fdlunod shortly by nnnther party. 'l`lm SL ! ntrick'| Liwnry Society 0! The St. Pnu-ink`: Litonry Society Olhwa tuning written tn Mr. Pnrnoll, to Ad: In what cupncity he was cmniug hero, ~reoeiud I reply from In: socronry, um- um tint any arrangement: noouury {or Mr. Parpolvlh visit to Dunn Ind dru- plu hann ninth: Mr. rarpeua v dy been made. An order-in-1 order-in-council hu been posted. iubjocting the owners of vouch occupy- ing thn bank: of the Luchine Onnnl, u 3 site l0'r repnin, to I tax of 84 for ouch vonol. . Tim |nAn|Iu\I`l hnm Hrililh Uolulnbil vonol. The momborn from Hritilh Uolulnbin vuiiod on the Mininlornf Public Work: thin morning, and udvocnted tho proprio- ty of dunling with thu vnrioun worh now in ouune of prugreu In the Province. The drodging ol Vmlnria htrbour wu Ipocinlly referred tn. It nu mud lhnl. In|ny`publuc building: require ropnirl. Mr. Lnngaviu pronuua-J tho mntor his ntuntinn. , BIN lilntl uivlnunv. Land--n, Much 6.-Mrn. Georgina Weldon, fur lnhu-Ilmg Mr. Rivioro, con- duolur uf the Cuvent (hi-don Prouonulo Concert, tun been fnund guilty, but new hmce In: hem deferrod. .....u.'.. A1-|-unnl dmonion 0| Iupun-non on u. ........ For ounplo, In In told "Mr. Madon- Iollfn unuh had no nlorcnoo to Mr. Huntington : position no 3 mambo: ol pu-lhnont." Thin denial is altogether too silly lot notion: nluutiou. Under the oimuunou ol than tho `malt __u 1.--- ..I......... m n.. hon. unila- \ "IND ~1 llll-I/VB Hum; Kong, Mlroh 6.--Chin: in prr paring Ior III` in View of the frantic: dil- pnton with Runn. China in Idoptina 5 more dolhnt attitude toward I" lonign nn--rn unnv powan. Puwvlu. WATII WORK! HCIIM I . London, March 6.-A |tI'ong__ opp-oi- cinn in developing ouuido ol Plrliunont In tho mhamo f--f the purobuo of the London Wnor Company woth; on the ground that the nmuunt proposed to I). paid in oxcouivo, , . I4-ll!1'llfl(' IXPIKIIIIIIT. A ICIENTIIII ILYIIIIIIIHI. Purim, Much 6.--[)apbury. the French Engineer, clnimn thnt ha ha doviud mnqq lor transporting largo vuulo our intlarnuul, honour neop. The ex- puunnnt will be Ihnrtly mod: ll. Ar- guntilo by lifting I ship of 2,000 won: from tho Seine, and taking it on nil: in cnothor point n! the river. -.n n-um ..: urma ll, YIRIDIIIIIU Ill III./no-In Constantinople, Much 6 -Tho Com- mittee fur the distribution of Aid nmong the rahngou in Eaton-n Ronmolin reports that union huh fund: an pro- vided it mun cane npentinnl in 3 low dc I. Many null parish hi Iumgor. n \ nn_Armnnun Jiflv tau ucrlonl diod Many IuII perlhh Ml Imngot. n Vnn,Armonn ,tifIy p_rson| of ourution. Ill-`LII UIl\'I\.|. Liverpnnl, March 6 -'l`ho searching enquiry into the oolluiun ol the II. An- wnn" with In iceberg on tluth Non, found thlt tho I0okouI'0n the steamer wu dolootivo, sud Iunpondod the uni- ouu of tho captain and second nuts lot In muulhl. al".I.I. Jlgnu aging I u n uunu n `.-..... Landon, March 5 -Tho can of Arthur Orton, tho Tmhbornu olumnnt, will man up about the middlo of April, And will ho nrgnod by Mr. Bonynmin, tho American oounul. I; ru IHILII EXPLOSION. I A I I I. muunn n-- - us....,.. . A boiler oxplndod in Glugow to-dny. Six ponom were killed Anrl thirty unn- ly injured. 0NVALl:st`lNT. the oirounuuuu 0! llluuunu m. ........ oould Inn nloronoo to the hon. pulley IIII in no othur poulhlo capacity Ihn u . nonbu ol the Houu, sad the inpu- Jalt Iuhrol tho Iolpoguoo, subsequent- ly ddnnol to tho Ban. Mr. Bunting- -bohpmul ol Ibo hohllprool Ion ....|..n Hun mnnnnonn unwittingly t0lIVA|.l.'9\ l.nI. Londun, Mu-ch 6. --Tho Muquin ol Salilbury in connlnoont. -uni nnn nu nIv|.mulnl. Til I IUILIII IA ruvnnun. Ulugnu, Mureh 6.--'l`ho dutha by the boiler oxplooino youorduy but now ruched oixloou. UVIIII llll. Gslhrnjlhi Ipinnin: mull wn blmlod; l,0(l)-spindles Ipn ouroyod. Dump 50,000. Two lino have bun loot. .j.....:_ Mantras], lurch I3. Flour--roooipu 500 hbll, Inks (ll): uurht qmot. nnchulpd; Quotation: inyenor sun 6.!!! to 6.15; ours on- pQpne.8.(]| to _lI'r fnuq, 5,, I0 5,; spring nun new noun. 5,85 to \n 6,90; uupatna. 1150 In 5.60; nu-nu. baton` 6,00 in 15,40; lino M!) 0 6,10; middling: (.1!) In 4.25; pollardn 3.25 to 3,; Ontario hugs `LU? to 2,90; db] hl doliund 8,1!) to 3,20. urn... .... m lh.-No. 2 Cumin nodal News ` 8,15 3,211). What pct 60 |bu--No. nprlng 1.30 to [,4]; Ihiu winur 0J1). Oar: par 66 llu- 650 to 70 duly poll. Pun pct 06 |bI-78o. to 7049. On: not 32 lho-3lo to 32. Consul per 200 Ill-'l,l!u I0 o,uu. Humor-Qmol and stud ;Wo|Iorn No to 17:; Btoolullo sud oninlmrg no to Na; Illbrn Townalallc I90 wile; onuurlu and nlootlou ' to 27. Ohouo-14 to lolc. Pct--can 010.11! to OM30. Incl-10 In no In Cuba and In. Dnuod hop pot Ill) lln- ,5 lo 5,50. Buooaloa. Buull colic. Aohoo-Poo: dull, llnh. 8,1) to 8,70; purl: Iolllul. __..._.....o0o-..__.__. I.llln mm to man up. nu. _. wants; 5,6010 5.86 common to chain `In mm; 0.50 muuo nuoII;ry` Inn! and; on {NM 5.. WhuI- apt-in; qnht. nulnnpdg III- Ildo add. dull; ueoipu Alli; can ` KAI: Io. `Jun IMIJM Io LU). Ryodllhlo VHIMCC lldoul . . 00!: Jul; nuluh 11.000. ulna 50.- |oln;nIua0(l|0:WHol|. , u..|-- and. Inn mood Ihto|o75s` ` U01. Hour dull; 0.1!; (M) In 6.30 nupot In-, 1 us ucolpu -..a.... nmmlsnhonnnonlu 1l;n|oIMHIl)'.67|loG0. Illfloy dual`; two mud in Iowa! lo II) to M; No. no. Ida do bugs ` sun to do Ll. IQQ HID'l OI III! III, II ynnu wu- hooded. Our oonouponcy unwittingly tollnbo truth than it up, He (Ila- douoll) undo all the mend: pouiblo." W0 duo us; the onotuu undo all (In cicada cl which he no oopnblo, and vhhi 5 Tory majority lould permit to be Ids Iouinnllul opponent. No HIIIII ll Ilollonao Mont o! it "would I I I 1 1 V ` Inn baa dnlijiud it Mr. Iaodonnoll had IIIOI IO` M) jpil," but no II-uurt tho but that Incl the Iudonnoll mntugo hoollloulloilodtbliluooddutlo Oondun Pulhnut. Gcinull would be ,_ ..:-..x-- ......|.I uunnun in his gium Illl llmrtly noun not unsu- unbin in connection -iurnu Pacic Barley par 48 ibo-480 lo 000. Rye pct 66 |ho-80e to B0. Ouuul I 2) |hI-4.00 to 4,00. Conan pot 900 Ibo-2,90 In 3.00. n..u..--am. md -may;wumn .. - _....___ JOITIIAL PIIOITI -lIII`I- .._..__. .... IIW IOII IAIIITI. * cusL dniiT A-1};-0.55 the Ocean. 3.1:;-Yuk, luck 1 L. Oaullul rum:-nu, ur--u WIIUIC .. IOI oujoylng nuptial company In his llnpb loading homo. oo-j.j_ Intuit` pInl-II I-O. w;--u -_- -- an-1 kd OQIIIIO-Ill I-I, [I1 I I; lulu . ==2,nLlI.117.l-.l._..'._ _~ ,,._,_, um-to an-|:-~m.a. 1:; nl--T:3Ii` but cl Tuunto-r-l I1. I15. Hahn`: link--35. ll. nu -huuQ.uu'.I-I K1ninLII I I-2, lgru-IO ouqo. anon-e.:wu.u 23 Apyii: 26} Ilny. Con 37} ollhi h_|' 5"` njxodhoovmixod 35.; rqoolo. . Pm-k H167! Anti]: 12.96 In. lard ndxld 365: I0! and 30;; 11300100. an. |_l oI-k ll;07_ April; 12,96 lay. | l.12 Apru. _ ----o-3-.--.... locum`: Unto: noon: uonnnumu uouu II 1.!) o'-loot. I. I. L`. A. Llknly Iutiu, 853.`. Cu! 0oluvon.-lonlu mooning-8 p m. Halon`: Ink--55. ll. Ink-40. an 'l'II.0o on ,9: u; -up-*5 uou uuouu. , v cnocaoo i n`a"iTiiI5'r. Ila Cor Bhundlu, all oi Nu nu. - .T0-0,-0 |I_|..!!!b ":9 In ,.L<.=-.39 no.|d.-- nthniituu it irla ml .r. Nelson 3. IOKIIII. to III! Olive I.. olden! nu. ' nufc. .'n.-uni. up. Wm. Shaun, Nu Ill lllrpytholav. (_:._Qq nos...-r" ` A `" lIIii3f` `If: ldnon B.IoK|n,Io on Sum gmnbghur ol Ir. Dnvld Wu-mu. All or y. . In thin all on tho owning ol 5&1! Inuk- Ir. Jonah oon. sgod 69 non. 11.. lhnnrnlillllnkn ulna hum his Ina `I'M Ionl Inopt organ In suddenly` Anton u noooouuiuol turn, and alone- uol in out to my "anything jut not on tho com: o! 050 out." low. M: II nbnu In a-uolly unkind in It. Iloopor, Ian I 6:] _ol we duo Io wog_Ao|d that -L- .|.l.|..nLu.- -non nn| 3 ggg `I 1'50 RIIQPII IIIIIIIO PIIGO lI'0lll IIII lllll ruulonon. oorur ul Oolboru And Ulcr y su -- u....a.. an. u-...i. n -1 nm. rhmh IKIIIOIG, nuricr Ill vvluvrx nu-u van y ou- ou Iondnnlsh lumh, at `J pm. thud: Old uqulutnnou no roopootfally invited to n mml menu. In Ernouown, on End: . Fob. `9111. Mary L. Cummings, wllo of some Cnmuingm aged 43 you: and Win. : on lfobnnry Yhghhlr. John Andornn. ` mu Ir. uur l.unodnIa.apd, yum. Un Wodlloldny. Much Ilh Snub L. Bowon, l.unodnluI.IlOd,G-`2 Wodlnldny. of Richmond. aged 43 our-, 9 nnonuu. At Ii|lPoInt, on odnudny, lug-h ~Ilh. Tavern Kaapars.Sl1npKaapors. Whnlasala Merchants and llthars. wuonl Ir MAY comcnuu. NOTICE in hubby given an application: for License [or Ibo [isle of Llq .on in \ha City of Kinntu, fur the you lB80`3l willboroooivod at tho Olleo ol um Lloouuo Commhuonon. oppoalto the Ian-h-unto` Bani, King Street. moulhn. Il|lPolnt, on lurch Annie Dryden. aged I7 yours 7 montln sud lodnya. , on and utter the Ilrst [lay ol lurch up to first of April, ..__._._. N OTICI given tin. wplioationl uh. cm _lB80-3l III-III vi II, Inc --v--um -. _._ son, when Ir. Hooper up cunning Ildnilngn Aldduuha the do- IhqIIIt.honb|I plan` in the Hun, uni dollhvddy Iron a uputho hi mm: that up to Ilounoo! lit up pohtnplollh Oonniuion honho In puuullpud windy nonunion ol goubtuloodndolahnoy Boulunbo ullaunhosuhnn Ibolronyuno you hdpnuucnl hh hoohal.` Uudumho-nluouiththovory - ,4-_4 .1 .....u- I... In. A..... 5.. ` ' " `H . -'lu;uu|L-oyuu Pnrno cl aim lotnnln mu. :3 kpoppualolillhldoo-on ti I |hddIIW.&'1 Ibo Doddon Pullo- ._.-A In -n.-at Ln nnmlnnil lll Between the hours o! 10 and I o'cIo--L, After which dale no nppllmtion WI" be received, otgplic-mu inun. furnish the name of ma I nnd sum-Sent nun-at LINEN RAPERY GOODS. Having purchuod our entire Stock of Lin- uu pnvloun to tho his great rise in prices M I ou At but Ion-`s Lowest Rates `ALL cmssns OF noun. Inna : Union nuns Comma-qnl Ila-no n. LII awash. , A lu-go Stock of shootingn, Pillow Oottonl. matched and Imbluchod Oottonn. Eoulokoo rs no inviud to in- Ipcct our took of Linen: and Oottonn. which no oorod under prount murkot nluo. IARIIIII. " Mac .I noup.I`b.2h IIIl.b_y nu. nu. .11. man. I1. um. lo mm Cu" llhn-mu. Nnnuoo. .7... |.__.__ IOPI-_RA_HoUsE.{ Ir. JDIODII loo. IE0 V` 7'."- Tho lhnenl wllluko plum horn .....l..... mp... ..| Pnlhnrnn uni Ulllli u mn|IvIII-1-v---:-- ----- gun. onto an. Sui: ovum ll ;,,.,...,u,.u nlriondly. Lot the quIIIlIl|:Ii`" 00*-W--`H 3. 5". 5. gun! in Inner o0 n....... A...--. In be lined! in IWIDIIBDAY - 1 Tn [-II'\IVI&& I ' Baum, (u plnyod by tho: I: I Illzpugu :1! out no votld.)......Ir. Indnum Ophllnu... . . . . . . .. ....In. Bud-nnv, llpporhd by his nrtulbl lullah Col 1uiJI8DAY -lulu`: nut uemy 'l`llUI5|)|l ~ Iucnuuuu fin: -uuw, "'cnooL son scAunAL. Du... In-nod Inna 7-`he; Pumuolto 75v; ;'R.&J.GARDINER vvedneulay Ed Tnumlny. nn-....n. Inch A I In. Illllnlh run vvnnunu. Prion Iuorvod Inn 7-`Io; Pun noun 751-; Dun Chain and Balcony. .'-0r; 0|`|uy L`!-o Ian]: I`. Wootll ' Toronto Floor Store. BIIGKWIIEAT FLOUR, I Imoum Kknguon, March 6th. 1880 _ IAIIOY BIIAD AND OAK! IAVKIR. IARKIT SQUARE. nn,..L Agl. j VB R__A DI I-'orBo_IAu_lABroad larch 6th. IQ. Tsblo Linonu, Tsblo llnpkinl. `rowel: and Tovolllngo. Clan Olotln. Kitchen Towollinz. W UIIIIJIIIQJ IIIIII - nu. u-.. llu-cu Int J Ilm. Tho Grout Tngie Anion, Ir. And In. an g nn Innn A II II cm and an low M Wood-' IONI Gab. IILN IIIII OATIIAL. links. and uh. I:.:',:=1=::-'"?=`-{,.',.""*"~..g."`"'.... `_.`,.r.F"`.` UKTCIUI vIw"Iv"'I rdoautd Cull] lot the ol-polo Ioihlolooulun Boopu'nouun`m- unldlhoohnb bldlul. Honk -_..-u..4 .1...-alnhinh lhanllnnod In-Ium. nun. gplieuau iuunt. (urmoh I.- nun-ot`o{-`.1 cg: Ilolh kt noun. -3 Mins- M. MORRISON. :0 Great Tngno Aruur, -r. um um BANDMANN. nllatni lhniunooroi lhbl n. a. Town, RNJIINDEKH. Tlll OLD IIHIAILI 1-- ml.--4| hr than In --ALSO- WI `ICC In Iuvvuu vs Input`: lacuna, In olt. Ikoql lg! nut `(will 30 lo uuondunondulobnu. '1`( )` W. OLIDDEN. `I880 lupv-owr. I II 0 0'0 Inbllnu Wnth I L Stock M Khan nnd lnllduu lludvnn. Inn, Olin, he. . wk: hoxpuh ta roulvo 5 sun at jhdnf pouunp. lento nnouoololbli-kulaudthfuilio llmgouonl that to will ops: in now has `)5 Vuuooh must. on Lu Ind lulldon lludvu-n. In.u.OIlo.&e..vhonhooxpu|u Agent for loxonf Brothers outings and oum noun. n_-` _-&... 1 8' Builders And Oontnctoru" K13-dwuo I Spoclslty. nmcllol oluuoolwhial no olhpod hon nothing. on 510.00: w. M. nnammu. 4 Fob Nth. IQ). , Demonsuavnrjieitfes |OOOKEBY.| Kn-nunguvu. Landon, lng.. llu uouvur - lJouI-In (fauna ul laolnru on Cuokorz |u ICEWUII HALL, Goldnu l.|on Bloc , Colllnieuclllg llnrcll Slh. I880, Jud 1-ouulmuuz over onulny, Woduuclny anal I -`rlduy untd vonelunlnu ul Ihr Uounu. ' H.R.Il. THE PIUNCESR LOUISE. M;-0 Donn. Whn hold: 1 Hunt (flux Diploma from South London, Eng will deliver I Cooler lIA[.l;_ ' 'l`lun In-cturu. lIou|V~luIIr nu number. will hodmdod iutu two oouruu. one In tho nsfloh noon for Superior (`uokus-v. Ind one In the evan|nu for Plain Cookery. Tlvkou fur Alum-Lou Course 33, or Me tingle Mlllllllklll; Tlckaulor livonnvg Unursa .50.-. or loo an: In ulmhnion. Amn-noon .ml.ur-n M. II 0 -slot-k`. Fveniug on 'l`|Iursda_v. I-In-V.. Mun-II I6. ulmhnion. Afmrnuon -` Lovluru at !`u'Iocl. lurch 2nd. I880. [J NDIIII the nqnpicou or Que-nu Br. |.ulion' And Boolely_|v_v RI-.\' I.. N. BEAUDRY, of honIren|,on tho `Iagbu Incl Sumo: ol Life in Libby Primu' In (no l`I'I`Y HALL. The Prom III the United Stats: and Unundt [posh vtry li!1l(v ul lhe nbowo leoluro. Admiumu '..n `eul.-` (LA. HPAKIL4, 80:-. l.sdien' AM. Quoou M (`bun-h. Mnrrh (Sch ow may run {srmu. M IV T l7Ij' .,...M..uy oomonjnc now onto _..n. Anhnnnm. Sui: V` Culuurinv. Plnvonngz ing and (lnnernl .l.Mnnn Tinting for inside Inlla dun NEAT to am! [he dun Imus-. u ,l I `IIKVANNUAI. IIICKTINII of tho Blane- . Imldern of the I-`u-nteuu hngn and In- vestment somntv will lm hald in the Society`- nm. on EUNESDAY, Ihc nu. my or "ARC". {'30, It the hour 0| (VII u':look II.I'lI. V 'FRON'l`ENAC LUANI Investlneut Societ.y.l Ispnmc wonK| AM unw propnrad In du House Painting, Gluing. Pup r lhnglng. llnloolnlulnx. Gunning und Sin: Pliutmg Perm-I utu-Iuaunn gugnnloud u to In (:nI:i;g H131 Still Pniutfg` lerinl, W.nr|un:unhi|- null Price. = {'- - . - - 1* Ht` /3 _-_v\.-__.._,, I Ilil Que-4-n'Htu~aI. In-ur Joan nbovo Iltmlnnl nlrt-L Monday Evening. lurch Stll. A upor cull be rud-by It. I! South. I on "Tim Tooth, and their Relation to [Ms (lananl Health," All Yonnu Man are muted, uul to bring -ro Loi; Ooinoral All Young their frlomla. (`nrnmonrr ll 5 n'rlm-l, lu small or lugs smut. on Ionpp on lI`nrIn or fit] Pmper..`"uptl`y ohuuu Iunugor Frmunu loan ll lnv'| loamy. Kn-puuu, Inn-II 515, IDIL 3" Plrllllrlhip horololon ubtlng it mean George MI1 `own Illl-. Hot- ton and I`nrmn. undur the um 00` lulu ln-oo., la this clay dluolvod In nun! cou- uu. 'l'hn&ulunoo will he could on M Ito old aunt and Indnrthnuo Ir-Inna lllllu Iron Iby `Hula Illln, who wlll collect all raonlll and mum nll lhbllmu ol the hu rm nu?! ma nwll.l.Il. Icgllhtot omo,|. an punks Innly com If no Olbouhlltf. lurly opul- |nIll'o OHM-o . Prlleao Ital III! II um ulna. fxpplybl. I. IIIOIUI '0' Ihllvnn lion. Ooorpi IIIOI, Pfll at manna. Incl OIL. A lllllu ol the lungs : Unlgu III to hold no (lo Connonhl than You of human Mn. nu IUIDAY IVIlilIn A lull nuccluoo In nquuul. u buluu of 6-ponuu VIII truuoud. I. J. CUPIIIA I. I. llllbil. rnddou lodnury. Uppomlo Ir Ilnrch Mb, 2820., lhnguou. March 3n), l8*u Bin-L. Klngnlnn. Mgroh 3|:-cl. IX). ` .1.. n._-_.I- Ionl. nah-I Ira OIOIOI IILIAI. `NIOIAG IILLI. Klnplol. luck I, I3. LECEIRE. Literary Meeting llissnjlullnnIarlnilship. I.'J. c0I'lIIAll I. Illnl-'1-. rrukou. Ilml duh, mo . ..... -.v.-..... .. -....---.- SlnrJa)'. 28": last. YHITEW ASHKML Kulvum-|uIug,0n.nuIo Pllltlh, Stunuo Work nd All kind: uf I. mm. mm... CHEAP Incl ('AIl1AIIl'-I; . liiul cl unto . Mum Viv puuulau not: b II: I). long. 101 Quuo omoc. . `V o urvu nu, - Ubpomo Ira liurgur, Prineuo um. vol: llh, I880. mum ram Tm} % senuiifiillioi. WAl_'.l'Eli.` 000 000:. FoR_ATCtT=.T wAi_& Tr-:0. "fa % gr. no lutouio nhhq. '0 In wo- wed in um um Mano dldjlppu during um but my an-ud In 1 n-`_&`nou eoctlnuooo uulnornoun ouout-dInh the Tury uncanny print to: Ooolodoution. In `J1. _Ad04-n4\hnoa nnnngnnol In AAHHIA "LA nut. II count In ourlnouul thul . _._.4- ...n- l_...t.L.. - I...` gun a 5 o'v|nt-i, W. N N. RHINNUN, on-retary Y.M.l.?.A 0 7 kind: nf huh: and I BRIGGS. I'|naxer. Antborhu thinks! uqunb Inuuu ouulu ouq that unvzo dunk ` into not-It Uuammi _`E_.Eu'u District. v A TAVEIII LIGEISE A Aulurlun hold. of Llqlorluquuiuuol, no la: than that ball pinto. none-to ho cou- ,uu|I um: tho banding of which oulubp lo:-nuunmby Ituouuoc umlly rutdqn uuuuho nuuuuup bu-ulnpamby ponou`Io| uuullyrddgl M I. - I y Pu-uenlur nnaulon I: draw: tho 1! havoc: "Tuvalu" Ind lIop" LI,- unu. Tho ML! 0!` Bill and other H- Ion BY `I'll! QUAI1`. or lama gummy, u IJILAWIUL under a Tavern hooun. CHI CTZII" FUFIT II Zulu uuv I rilpouibility for II;-up upon Sir J--lln cull Ill MI Ntul confront at tho pa-Ooulodontiouont `hm than can uuplutu dud-nun "pried of in- n.u.. ..La.I. s.....n...1.. .......a.4| Ah. '"".Ha:"q'uxa-.="-1....-" W. . an Tavern lmo`ur. I Thll Inn of the Law will he unruly For the you most (beginning Iolluy) nut ho lon with tho luuufwan or Inlon no In Ann . _ A nl. mo Bluy Iomo of pplluuon my to had of the In tor. Pub! by ordcoho Bond of Llano Cc-nnhnonon hr Midi: Ion Dlnrlos. non |` IADDIN. . Churmn' JAR. AYIJWOIITH. lupootor. 'l'uuwonh P0. Incl III . will This pan tho until; II- II Town: noun. [loud huuor. jun. ummm: uAu.,,nvn.DlNa ruzw . ()1`TA\\'.\. me We%eiFhT'liandL"3i:e?: WILl.`Bl HELD IN `rm: `Opera Monday. On: Gnml (`uh liiflnl Two do ul .I.(l.ll-ll) ~ ( na du ul 312,000 ifcasn aim. ICU lllrplii IIll'lI'IIlI punuu In ur ` um Iliol innodinbly coon-dud the daunting at tho Douilulon` no- body cloths. bin it In unduly due `.0 an unnatural lhllul to undo. which ,_ _,u 1 ._,A _-|_ x_ n___.|- L..s 4.. (luv do all '1`:-n mm M Ol00,uU Tan (In (10.0 J 1'25 do `3.00 aw um. 872.0030} Commlluo of I|nunoIuun--l". Clouow 7011.. Pvutdunl; Wm. Cherry. Eu; , Tron`. W. (I. hub. county; J. Brunt. Bunion lumm: Duml nouudnon. ll. W. Coopol`. Bunion In: t; Coopol. 0. J hunt. a. I '.'lu. (IoargnC|oI'h. llrlonumon-John Hot-humor. lhq, M.P.; G Vllonl, l.P.P; Dr. Clmrch; A.J. c.....a., xaq- mum. an-., AM J. xmm An. lnnpouIon-'l`bomu K n luv. ILM|.,(.`il_1"l'roI- Inna; and Jun (Pub, Ihq . J P., County of Culomu. '|`Lokou win In and -1 0.3.00 duh. und tiny can be prqennd Itom Samuel lhornton, our- nor of Ontario and Brent Street; lllunuu. who u the duly uuhorilod at hr the solo of the tune; nr us no Wino Woo. For par uonlnn uto Inodo of drawing. Sic . as hand bills. which can In obtained mun who than v. - WRNCIB CLEIOW, W ll. LIWII. Prnldont. uoentcry. Wm: Commudiou Hanna, in 3-vod ropnlr, rh oomly spend ind pllnk-d thou bolt. Lodge. urn. loo Ind inothunsoo; Col nu. Outbulldmn and whom mod Wul. than an lholt Ihmq-thno Aaron ofuoollonl d, In good ban, 1 oouuldonblo poruon 3 My Iy onrlobod all in prime onndltlu lot nnrlu gudon purposes. t: um 1-ouln of an Utolnrd ol choice I`rI|t Treat. no-ll in tall but-lug, MIMI! Gordon Ulolnd mt a van uuunvo oolhouon ur V5m|l|_ Fnm cl Furnished 0r -l(7;r1Z|r'|1|v-mod. minutes` ull fun the mum gnu For iibpr particular: and olden to via`! c I to `"5 ? N v *.'J'.'.`:'.~ with vary mun ovary hind. Thou an nlno Ilnu Aupuqu and Rhubarb um, cold Inmn. the moat nulublc kinda ol outdoor Hnpu. um! we Vinonu with Aloha: I-`orolmu Vina. The termini: of who any Intent Can ll hut um tho unnum for lumbar norllnllu-I Auo-rionf K1.*rE -l\I- all M the In-nllnn, Go . oonoinunl oi ll|Il~ none Pnrior lot In CI-tn-on ling. hiy I. Buy. Toronkl; I`uno{d`l`nh|u, Inn? in :1, What- um. Cutn. I and ounr able: 1` mms. I on Inouhn mun. 1`_.s;g,_ pnuillod not only in Ouch but in other countries also during that pofiod cl on-menial oxlmnpuu. The run- cion ol dopndol all hand uonomy in oonnonlol and punk lilo not in u u uitor'ofeodno;-ndatoashnloegua qunco 030 public arena: could not but fool and indiulfiho ohnnp. Tho Ihokumo Gonna at Ind no man rupucuiblo oonnocti um: um dociu , ..,_ L,; .g_ |n-_.:..- ._0'_ louulolcl Furniture um Valu- able Prlvne Mb:-nu. u- nnn. r. hon mound Iuzroounnn In all In Pub- Im Auction at the rolhlulwoul ulm Into P:-oluou J M. In-Inna. I.A , Juhnnon Htnol. HM: and Tlhlan T c :, mum funk, Dido . DC of I`! Onl Chnlrn. HMO Tub Dunner lot, 15. In. lluokfut Ihv, rum! Umu. Duh Prua, `line On Iluol Can. Ttluu Chin. Ian . Wmh; Tnhlcl. Duh, Coal Dunno, mum. Wuhoth. Io-uudn. Wool Csrpou. Tails! Ilia. Inn- vu-nu. lode. lo, healing Ollnqo, _ - Tolls! lob. III!` Cu-pot. lode, 10., Ollnqo M- Imnoo, Iofrigcrwvr. Wu-Inger. I cats` but (`ovum [lull (MI Clull. Cockle: Iuvo,v1III I lot of other M-dc-In too numorom up own. 11.. Ink of Both will` an plu_~A_o_n_ my loco! Uoonulnoroun mama. Th plan on sud sounds ovulngu, um um um, aun- Immlu cu` ovulng u 7 o'u|oo|. (`mu- locoo I to bid than no Amscknur. lo at I :3 o'clock. Tu-In out J. II. lllY`l``IlEM1l. Aullonur. n-..|. 1.1 Iii mczmm & ommb NAVIGATION 00. V In IE TENDERS F08 PMITIIG. Ilblllmuuutl to ma uuom ad. vtllhnulvol nnl 'l'IIlIInDA , the Inn Inn _ for the naming ul human IIDIII, Mdvfd Iho Indonl 0-I, , mo. , ran min; Ibo t`--nhu, lunch. bl sud Irv DOV lying the-Poul 0! Input. Pa mism- uut mllhounhudvhluwr onto an I1!-llnh-h nun! r,C.In. IOIPOIIIIIIO ounllwnuu Iuu uu uuuu--u ol the dapnauiou than had the Indon- ald ministry with the aurpluaaa ol the pro- oodiog lnlntino. It prov: ooavautont, haunt. "to: an organ-which taken it` for granted that ita raadon, liha itaall. cannot look below IIII anrlaoa of t_hinga- to nab a diahouoat Ina ol laota which an tnoaablo directly to othac oauun than the Uovu-unanla which ha-l axial.- od at tho lino ul' thifcioournoca Again _ IO aaaort that the an ol dolioiia act in nu- dot tha old Maodonald-Cartier and,Ua|-liar? Maodonald adininiatrationa; then may Ian ohmnio and, ralativoly. ouormuun, and it In than that the public ddht grow to Inch alarming propottiom. The dbolta which occurred during the Mac- kanzia regime can the natural and inni- tahlo reaction From the an of ination ` and axttavaganoa immediately pl-ooodmg, which the Tory laadara foolishly lanciad could lut lorovor. Had the apandthvift Iulora ol that tina raaliud tho fact: at tho nanind n' n _; -L__ .........:...l at.- Silk Iylnulonou-n you 'I put, r. C. II. nub. 0 Coupuy will not 50 mum to cop! the hunt or 5-: Uncle! J I l.Alll.lIl. can on no on'I':9'm" ` 1 sun tract. on- uooI. -u'un.?bo. - ...._.-_.__..-.... ._. ., SPRING t_1_grs:"an. uuvuuuunohuu. II.I.I -lh IIIIO IIAPIA All IOW `I'll II. In bud Volts In any and Mn, luyulknl. Oullnluubouv llu~ .__ -,,;,._..._. ..,._._. ..-._..._. ___.,.._,,_ ITIAIIIO, FEIIIEI AIII mu m 331:. um. PHANCIS CLIZII. Fob l8lh, IQ. ' " ' v M--nn.I., Ularouc N'_, (wan Pool 0603. llnpton, l'oh um I .. ._....- ___|. - --__ Iuu|aI|rd,I@. union 0! III IIIIII reeuuw me --an u. .... oeee, hed they recognized the period 0! inlletien ee each end hnehuuled the pub- lic reeounee eooordinglg iueleed of living up to the lull. duller ol the ebnormel pub- lic income, they wohld heve evinced e etetemeuehip worthy ol the neme. To heve prepered egeinet the time of ener- oily during the line 0! plenty would heve been to inisete the preeoienee end the pru- dence of en eneienl end benelioent ruler, end to piece their own title to true etelee- uenehip on e (we end eure funndegion. But to equender the enrplue I-ee-nu-oee ee ir J ohn end hie oolleeguee certainly did, end then lor hie urgene In blemo hie enn- oeeeore for the reeulu 0! he own impru- vldenoe, might. eurely eeem to|be the cli- Inex lo Tory impndence. But no, there :, u_.--- 5.. l..II..- " Nni nnli in the on Tlnnday. lurch mu. "THE FIATHIRWIIOHT. .__.g_ _n .- L-. `HEATHFIELD. A suoicnss `III? CCCFID Uuuvhhuuud Inpolmoh. ammo. TO LET? House, Ottawa. lurch V-zmn. I880, Illalall IRON D.s......-A In-an hunt III! In uxy uupuuuuu-. u-. ..u, ...-.- in more to follow." Not only in the Libonl Party blunodlor II!!! It can In no IOIIIO be rogudod rooponoiblo tor, but an ptnbliohpoudthrifta, uuuuing tlu min 0! political quash, luv. nroluunod to pre- Ictibo for tho very enmplnint they might luvo nntotinlly provontod, ad the very name of absurdity In ruched now Nut the hot: no do-onotrgling tho {utility and fund at tho noutnun they but lately pruclsimod In In the onuroign curs-All 0,... .n ma nmmtrv'o nulitionl. timnciul 312,000.00 (`I4-uni WII. ` pfI)0IIOlI I III IIII ZIVIIUIIH ......, -.. for sll the country`: pulilionl, and ind-utrinl ills. Thu moro this nub`- jaot in lsirly oonlidorod tho non inunoly untomblo no sun to In All the Tory oontonlionl in roloronoo to it. ;---jvO-Q ` plentiful, M an in mu 0 To UM ldilov 0/ CM BI bk Whig. Bil-,-An Min Dodo two count: of lmou on cooker begin on Ilond|y,poc- all no lo Ill 0 I mucltion which IOIIIO ol ydut plnlonthtopio rudcn may think worth attending to. Kin Dod|' lVIIIlI[ oonru ol Joulom on plain nook. cry, while It in inundod for nil who will an sdvuuqoolil, in more upooinlly ; ddoignod to haul! tho win: of wokil3- now who may novor hue had the - uaugo of burning the but um and ooouomiul ways ul pupa-In; ordinnry dinner. I on swan that with many M that tho difmmy bu, lor some time, hen the more actions on at nothing to root: But hotbed: 0 no coming, and I mono ol Min 0' lacuna might help then to ooouoniu when wagon no ptovlnou far do}: when wqpo and work no not cut .u Th: nlnnlo lot tho IVOIIln[ oonru Our hull: dqo when ma won an um. -. I". Tho olurao tuning 0! lvolvo la-om in unly Mty oonu, sud any Indy who winhu to Iuiot. in dalm- "Inn 3 knovlulp ol Ilolno-o and conn- ` oniosl cookery Illhht do to by plum.- inn aha ol than thick to working- ourlnauu um lllhciorgulylurqltbn slurp pun ol onionl oooloty mum do In] pruumr in; How ol than rotting- -0190 when. Ynun. Kinplon, IINI 6th, 1800. Thoqnutlon 0! marriage uith a do- ' ounud wile : lillll` in now occupying u I good dad ol public attention. A in words an tothonuluuo ol the In in tho nub: will on ol inhrut. II n the pun! boluol that nurrhp may a ` villa : mu 3: not lap! in Onudo. II B, to I oonuu ulun. In out at not an 0, II no puuu Inn Hid` Oll. III In it onnpddouuhtluuv. . .. lid! Inn Ital `Inc one: on I panama. _ this Bill blag puud into I in much In than an clutches Id not 01- l nun]: hlbid iv. It would probshly DIIIIIQO I? III! ITurv-cu Tu u-uh-`$.- pron] bl I I Iuuln pm I] dually uatunnpoddool ii the Par hunt duh uni nuviuo u I dvil me only, having the that to nuke Ihuout nudidou ol chunk nonhu- .u.. than Jugg-`MI, you sat" a my nub obi lot you ol-I." III Ihnvly. and HI Iunulont uddn you an nun in tho honing." Bus to refund the clot. allot all. Ho all he couldn't be I'olloU|'.'p0 lplIIC -liar ulu ponoo loo an . " um- Iou bun] Wonk! tint lvauld non widulyonh it known In an an vir~ tun. Inn` III iucc n to name Mn: nth oi his inoulion.` UIIHwlCll]IIl'1IIuIur'v pun vu` Jho Doqhhioouuvdl. Nun` uuuooauisoam-um In no: In Igclou G-this patron contribu- tion, ulloigt It and have gone gun on polo ` cl tho oconomin|" gcodnnos at the Oppoolti than to no thoountl utplonnodgtl upon. Cou- ddodlg an ohjoot olll nobody would dun opuly object on, but it must hue gouolotlo bulb ol tho onrpluu tur- nbinoinnjoooolupnliao u} in wood to my purpou. It will not ho In on-an lac du other Pmvhlou to follow tho ox- ulplq d Ouhrlo, and `in nothuhiug 4..-.nIn In nnnnmdnhln An obilol. U ljq` II MIX! I"! no Inch 1 iuoulon. Aloundut 9 D...Anbm, rm! ._.,... ..__ _ Follow has old ...... ...."g'.;'.'.'"`......... "'%.`s3.s.. unr w--' ---_._, , Wouuufr `nu Ir. -Thu 1..|..a..--.-mansion! [Anon In Plain (fooling. um _ng_um. lonlml -Il'I'Il| 0. Yours, w. y b___gIiIty' I in] Eln un-IE lfitlli. II I (0 uqldla Ch! nnpuqw Ullunu, nun [NU up-um... Qcwulll no coanutlbhlon objou. u " mile-s"as1iair *'iiu'i1ti`Ihi oaumf any l_ wvh.oiAl nlumuuu, coguhor with privqiiriii iiibwripiiu, Oqnulo Id| Inn ovary reason to be proud 0! hu- [nod total at contributions lot the menu! at lrllln din . -..-.}oo .7 ...._.._- Oman. I oeu,'t!u`IaHul"vo lnonbly oltlu union: of Ounu-io in union uooubl-J, npptouh Your llonut at the clan ol our labels with cgulinchh ol Ilnloignod duouun and Ionic: to Bar Manny`: hound Go-/on-uncut, and humbly to peanut lotion Baum`: Iooop vhu'eo|Billinutnidu'Au Mr tuning to HO! Haj-sly antic none noon)` to May the cxpu-not the Civil (lov- nrnumnl for the nu IOU). And for other UQIIIIIU W I - TIC Cprcuuouin-- ` lpeakci ldJr$--I'M 14'-' 2 nmnnnmh 35$. In It Puul You Bolton: w., an Iiid um: Julilul nu. km, the `lqkllvc tnonbly 0! the . ....a..... .1 nmuin in nuinnnnonblml. dolny tloupuxot in um: um- ormum you ION, otlw purpouu thunk: noluuood, tlun p|u.`im( um dinponlof tho Crown tho noun In that the Gonumont on In undo oxidant tor the union An: ulluo ol thin tannin: IUl$IlDl'|III -I'v-III -nu wwuucu .. thin pnuuu. ' To thin Bill the Boyd uncut In un- a..........a h. ch. our of tho burials- ngugggglp _t_luUluI*ol mo uguu an s..:'J.r,":a";:a iulrimuivaioi- --' : "Bu Honor the Liam.-Govonor doth thunk u Iujqutfl dutnl and loyal wbjll. uooopu their booovolonoo, nod nouns in thug Bill in Hot Iljeotfn 'l`n0 lollll. uovcljwt uuu I-v-u vuu uu- ` lowing speech. 1 Ulltuuu or `I'll Lumnnxu Au-` unnnl vu ` IIKIILV`: , Inn glad In ho shit to "allow you from lunhor nuondnnoo upon your legis- Intivq duties, and to that gun for the oonlul ounudontion you Inn [inn to many uuful mounts. to which I have urday been called upon to taunt. It givu on gun plenum to know from the nation you have ukon that my Gov- plenum to know u-om mo ncliou you arnuaont will have your cordial Ind loyul nupportln uscting the just olsimn and right: of this province, more on inlly III (hair otforu cu uuunin the II (J the Arbilutuu, by which tha Inorthatl and wutorly bouudnmu of Ontario hue been determined. and I have to acknow- |...I... mg munnuun will llich you .- .........- The load Tun orgnn in doing tardy but Illll palm jlutloo to. tho Ilnnhnn Ilullliltnton. Altar two yun ul unio- I.-prnulhon I/bomdo-nothing policy, In: on line Ihool and I" um. the organ now upnulyr Itlhl "at tho Iuhuzio Gounuool had nuuinod in power, ' A ` ` ""4" L--- `IA-M I-urinal In In dolonliuod. mu I Mu I0 |cInow- Ioduo no pun than with you huo plnood M. t e dinpoul of my Advis- en the neouu_ry hmdu for mu. pur IIIKD, It in grnlilymg to Inc to observe mu. the Iubjoct of providnna my And in crouod nooonunudutlon for the Logialuluro nnd (lovornmont at tho dopnmnontn hu onpgoul your nmntion. I trust that with- out exceeding the aaliunlod cunt. the bualdnu a will no orocl-od fully sq-ml to the dounh I at the public urvioo, ms] in I" `nausea worthy of this grout sud wenlthy P-uuinnn Province. The reuliueee with which you here Vulod enuni of money [or the relief of nut inating lellow enbjeou in lrolnnd will, lun euro, be werinly eppreoieled by then. end Alford a truth pi-ool oi the ouuiinuu eentimente ul intereet end enu- peihy which unite the people 0! the many widely eepentued portione of Her Me`enIy'e Dominican. . In Bill inoomontiun the Agricultur- Minty`: Bmnunonl. he Bill incorporating Agricultur- al Uullsga. uhich has just became luv. shun the some onuruiuod by you ol the importance 0! Ihn iuutitnliuu to the lumen ul Uuuriu, and I hue no doubt your won, thus upraqed, vnll to nhmd m n oonnumly iucnuing uunhby All uluou of penplo. II tho utility ul this in- Imntiun ll` further dolnonntruodv by ex- porionuod poroum, and step will be uluu to Ippull an Agricultunl Com- miuion, nncl to man lur any outlay no lncurnd tlu mull pneliosl nod bonohnnl rouulu. - am- -.n....inn nl than iuriudioliun of Tho uhmion ol the jurisdiction the Divinion Court: will and to euro to I lug. number ol suitor: I more rudy md Ion oxpoulivo mount for oulorcing jun demands, Ihilo Iho amondmoutl in tho kw, sanctioned by you, Iill Odd nutorially to tho oicloncy of then Iri- bunnlo. . vn.. imnnrlnnl unmdmant In thu Tho important uncndmlnt municipal luv ruulting from your dclib- onniuuo, mare pnruouluily Ihuoozvyhich roduoo the mmbor of statutory dump uom," and olfecl curtain ohangu in the incidunmu 0! local tnusion, cannot fail Iu in u! gnu public bonot. \\'hiln thnnubiool in one um-roundod publw buxom. Whilo thoaubjool with oonsidonblo dillonlly it may` `be reasonably upoctod that your onqmnu - u Ln tho boot menu ol providing ucurity qunu nooidvunl Io brnkoomon md other niluy uruuh will in duo limo ruult in the utsinmonl. oi thu mun duirnblu object. The manure: to provnnl tho Iuleful `Inmate. I him: provnnt duiruoiion ol pine umber on luo unnt lndn, in bring Moohnnicf Innitutu any dot the nogninnco of the Miniulor o! Idnoution, lo sbulioli priority ol clsinu amongst execution creditors, to chock the iinnuuunr Holding 0! Ooronen` In- quuln, on Io mtroduoo on improved qstoni uf mnnngomont into the [biannu- tury (or Buy: at Ponounguiinhono, ul- dunonltnh lull] the roprd 0! H10 Logiulnivo Anuubly of Onunn lnr lhu unod Govormnonl and the wulfnvo ui tho Province. I Hunk Ion (nr Lln nunnliu van tun nun." - The Lion. Gout-not than road the fol- .`-lnu annnnll UUVIII-In nun wuauu-u lu y-......, oooo noouo would hon hoou I-ooouod to to moot tho toquhonouco ol tho lino, Mid It wouldpoooooorily lmo boon in poumetion man an {neroarot the an If." Aaoordmg Iolhinho tool ioouo bocooou tho Into Uuvunnonl ond tho prooout uno on not the ol pnooooo, oinoo our oontonopor pry not poohivoly ooootto tho forum would hon rooortod to the ' ooll-nmo polio] onyuy. And yot no hovo boon told ad mucous by tho iory oomo anon that thlo woo tho Iitol inuo at tho loo` olootlon, ondfltol tho Iota Uovornmont who rejoctod booouoo 0! in olubboru ro- hool to sue hond or loot In tho mum. Ul amino it won too much to oxpoot M an uppauonl, but otill it would hovo boon [monnoninouo thing {at tho organ to hon lot tho obovo cot out ol tho boa ho` loco, md lhno hovo oovod tho Libonl pony II-on ddool at the loot oloolion. .---.-__.....}..--~..__.__. I thank you (or an Iuppllu an vmo-I for the public urvico. hoy will be Olpcndod with all the nprd tor oounomy that inoouniuonl with olcioncy sud publio roqnitununn. lu nddruninn you probably to! the lat nnd public roqmnlnonln In addressing you probubl tiluo In my ofclnl capacity, {cannot holp giving up:-union to my urnut duiru lot the luturo prooporily ol sh: Pmunoo of Ouurin nnd the pornnnonco of thou inomnuom by which in pruont. proud ...a lunar nonithl In boon lunch so- by which HI pruou prouu and |np% pooiuon in Iugoly ourad. my Dnvlno Wisdom our guide _ ..n in n.L......n `ml n hluninl .|.- ...... poomon In Inn Iapq the oonru ul in uuuunon Ind I bloating ntund the induutml the pooplo. n The Provincial hry than uid : M. .1-1--an um fnuunlm or `I'll uou. in grnlifying to to observe thnt r... nuhiaclof nrovidmn My The rronnom uocnury man uuu . . Mn. Bruin um GINTLIIIK a Lumu-nu Anna-u, It II III Honouth will And plounro that thin Liulllllhl Auombly ho pm~ roguoll, Ind tll Iqillulvo Alumbly in nocordmnly unwound. _ rognml, nu ma AJIIIIII nocordmgly prorognod. ml P_aru_all R:':epmn-J Row Erpuoud Onmunu Rumors --Brutal 0am-age. Toronto, Iluoh B.-TlIo Pmull Ro- oopuon Oonmiuoo Mu bun badly in- npd all morning using such unap- monu u may dun mount to pronnt my dioturhineo to-ulgln. uiouu eu- noun Inn tun durum ta-any ol I and!- nuund plan thuvnill onto the la-stun tn oomo to .3 sudden termination, And many Dalton that trouble will grin. II b outed lint. the gas pipe: in the upon lloou luv. boon Io u-nnzod that the apply can In out 01, leaving the plnou in datum. An tho hour np~ pruohu the talk havoc: non pun! and all iqpndooo olnuly pout lo Iordn diaoonkunjng the Irish agin- tonnd his lrhuln.` Two of I39 Oahu!!- n.. `J nan:-1|. loft Int I-Innillnn this " ,' 0---o&.__._ -r0Io Inn! in mankind to: Mini at 53:: Int _Id.qup|h was In 5 IIIII tne porn IIIVI! mm um, u--.... ... bonded ol the increeeeuf expreeeiou ol Choir eonldenoe in the More: Minielry leet June. Much ueoful legielelian llee peeled the Home at the ineteuoe ol the Q -Vernngut, ell ol whoee meuuroe have 1:: one Iey or other eouglu to promote the pnblluincereet. The Oppoeitiou hee elen eneeeoded moet edminbly--in de- Ilooetnllng he oln weekneee, not mere- ly in mnehee but ,in policy. inuence. dehelinu power, end ell the qluliliee mu ere popularly knovn ee eleuente at puny ettenjth oh either eide ol the Home. rm..;. ....Ia.. nu luau medo no K ted to blocncul op , run pnuu dual cuodluou. 3`; and cod luoouy. "Ill. in neighborhood. has hon strand on I.':'::. I~`-"' no loud in MI I'IououJou onto an noon! Dhcncul capiul, when .5. n nnnnll nu in 0 wodmon. mum Iu moon. `two ol no vonuu- ug ol nut Iolt Io: oniuon this naming, a shy will out oodpuuott Punoll uuhb oily. The nonpupon but all vi?! UNI I00 "'0 WWW pm. In lm tho uutud Globuwou to have ignored Puma! and his pnpoud In-tnnn IIIVI |'uuIvII I uu-vu-- any yuvyuu-g W bIn:y. I I `oyd ant. tuna cup. st this-no at Mr. 1'ul|ory.|||o IION I-nod, no running tron tho my to In none on Woduvlq lull. Sh In our nkou by an plop. who Inch`:-i luv to panaholuu tall!"-Nth upped so an Inn drained. the loniblyurrkd lot In on ujusning nod. thud Ila] hnhllyou be. lit none unuund .._....a .. manna lingual. 7 5 _"*"'T" W WW Qlguno __P_l_l_l.lIIII. ` tong|_to." `run mzmsn wn1:,`sA'manAv. MARCH 6. I880. Jun ru- '. `u Liam.- .' I LA nnnnl ;I|ui:::rinciplly Io ouch, you you own. . Mr.` J. H. Robinson Inond Nil` tho lino lot uniting petition (or prinu Bill: ho oxloudod tiolu duo. Kr. Blah round Ii: abjootuyn to tho ptopoonl. in which new In up supported by Iloun Mackenzie and Ryuul. Hip Jnhn Ihadould oonounod Hr. `Beverly 3:5.`-RIOS BL on North Irene Icrruorlcn--Um prouna court, dc. .....},. . .... .....__- The class ol tho Gut uuion at the nu Ontario Loghlatuu gins oocuion.Io any that the pooh hlvo Ind nary uouon to L. ..I..I nl Hm innr-null nxnnnion

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