APO proparod mgivo IXTIA VALUE III the Cokbruod -'I'l|o Royal Cull-up clnfun will b3 cloned [qr the union to-unrruw. 'I`h'un (or the onnnnntion. Meanwhile the student: will hnlnnca upon the rugged- odge. , -Wo-publish only to-day in order um our reader: any be plocod n npud- ily 0| polliblo in pnuuuinn ol the /tariff chsngu. ,. .. . I n:, -Mr. l .'C. Urogunn hu puud hi: uxgniuuion at Toronto, sud been ud- mitlod by menu to the pnctico of do: - ditty. Ho nudmd under Dr. Clements. ml, in _ u .1 n ,|.__,_ _,_-In L . '--The City Engineer gvidently duo not know the daurenoo between a note and geoniod ward account. -'l`lp lbthdl Muvh in the dny chill` the olootion ol Chanoollur Quota : Unlvonity. --Pmbu: Frail: nnrl-wutarly aorta-outorly winds, pntly cloudy clan cold Iuthor. - -'l'ho QM1|'l Cullcgc Journal for tho _ fortnight hu Ipggnrod. ' . ' ' AL. rail ..l n. VA}... -A me of olopcmonl ha . ohmgod tho mollobny Pl thing! 1!. tin Tom (in Pom Bunch. -Bahdmnnn ought to have I lune oudianolo-dny. -`l`Iuo in I [n donut the the lab mu-p mm" will injure cunnin- thou. ` l._.. rho: uuoul ubclcu `um op uuovl "!-A:Aothu-l4ono:a:puIonon cod. -0xlotd-0n_nbri(_lgoIhootnoo_ 'on the man" ' HE_NDERSQl_J__ _$, Opening of Navigation. Pout Oice Changes, A Polnlsd llvnul. P TI]: I?` i i)0l' nit ol Dr. Yum. * 3- _.,_ ._.:,A-_u._ .1 -_l the > the I Iulllilullu. The Quota`: College Miuionuy Auo~ omion tuned to support lniuionmu It Pnlmoulon, Einohinbrnoko and Bodford, and one Bola` on the Hunting: Road, ax- oopling the amount votod by the Hung Minion Committee. nu_-__|_ u_._._-_:A|. -...l \l7.`lA.._ _._- In luunu any-nvu u . The Prubyury ronumod M T 30 o'clock, the Modorntor in (ho chair. After pnyu-tho mlnuzu 0! tho After-I ........ I-nniun -an rant] and nnnrnvadx ION: lusuxol ll_l 0lTB. Rev. '1`. 0. Smith, Convonor ol the Home Mmion Commiun for this Pru- bytcry, prountod hit upon. Tho only noanciu within tho bound: of tho Proo- byzery were Glouulo. Hnrrounmith and Wilton. To carry on tho work of the Cnmmmoo in thin Prnhytory 8854. u ngninnt 81,155 Int you, would be re~ quurod from the Home Miuion Fund. The Homo Miuion Committee were out ol debt for tho m tint in many you-n. Ha entered into dotuill ugndinn the nup- phol um Ind bun pmidad [or the dif- ferent. Ininionl. The report. wu tnkon up mmtim. A .Ii.......inn nnanu-I I-nan:-(lino A nrn P IVYICIINI. A discussion omuod rounding 3 pro posed diviaion of tho Nowburgh and Gun- don miuion eld. Mr. Smith In up- pnintod to invouignto the one nnd mslno 1 unlunont. nu , .x ,,, -_ n,II_-- |l;_-;-.._-.. A--.. IVIIHIOII Uulluulum.-. Glennlo, Hnrronmith and Wilton III ordorod to ho` put on the probotionorf Im. II IIIITIIIAI [KILL [G I. Spriiig lmpnttatiiing IIII. PRIIIYTIMAU COLL I0 I. The man regarding tho proposal of a Prashytonan University was taksn up. R". A. Wilson moved that tho remit on the proposal 0! a Presbyterian [Tul- vsrsiiy be disapproved of. This was car- ried unanimously. D-_ A lllunn in nsughlnn I.` Id. ln1a_ "III II IIDIIIICUIIII o Rn. A, Wilson in spouting lo M: mo- tion said In tnnud that Queen : would be more oluooly nlliod to tho church, and that thou oollopo not lining tho pour ol conferring dogma would ho uliuud with it. 1` A `P-nll ll)!` A`l1- llllll Ulillullv UIUAIIOIUIIII It -IUu uy` Maud by Dr. Cmnt. 000004011 by R01. Mr. Young ; "With H306 to Roam Oniholio ordination. in the opinion of the Prubyhry tic OOIIIII hilhonololiom on! by the lions olnnlm that conni- cuu the nuilotl dumb. to decide each can u it ouoqo, in nil! lolloud." n._ A um... n_.g-0.1 AL- 'n"A-_ CHI 3 II I-II'U, vv nun uv-nu-vvu. Row. A. Wilson pnlutod III lolIow- lng unomlnont, Iuoondod by In. Mr. Conlclunl : "That in the opinion 0! this Pnubyuq with OI ox-prim ol the Bonn Oubollo Ohunh nah uliilon tothooIoIol|hoGoIpol lliuhtry In ohould, it loud qllolllod. In uodvod an ptohulonuyud Iluuullodto ho a putor by u oougupuou, or sppoinud to labor as 0 Ihdolpry in may dim-kt. or uiotiou ol the Church, he ought to be original in the and mum." lh-_ A wnnn AM Inln 1 Innn Inlnuou lur IIII pllullunlug uunvwv. The landing rules regarding the hold- ing of mating: oi the Presbytery ITO changed. The meeting: will be Altorn ut- ed botwun Kingston und Bollevillo. -um- u..,:..--n..- ..;nl..l.`.- hi. mnnm. Uu DUIWUUII IllIl'IlVIl Illll nav--vvuiw. The Modoruor withdw hi: motion regarding the division 0! the Presby- tory. 1`|.- .4-nil nnnnl Hm rannnlinn nf I.UI"'. The romit anonl. tho roooption nf ministers from othoi churohu wu ap- proved of. Th. Pu-nnhvlnrv than ndiunrnnd mm] Rev. A. Wilson undid Into A long` diuudon ngu-dingohuuut. lokld oouidcnhlo dun upon an quoilon whats: Clo Clutch ol Reno was branch at tho width Onuh at Ohi- Huoounldlluhwunot. l uyyuunuuu n - 5- -u-.-.. - A uimilnr application nu received (rum the Presbytery ul Putorboro fur the tnnuiarono of Bluiuuov but the Minor was delay-d for tho purpoue nf aworuu.` mg the deoira of the people. .-uvnvokv oUl.zmoss The R. D. Um, of G lunch, being prennt, wu requuuted to Llku a nut and unit! in the den! un-nu of the court. - ,__.--_. ... .; .... -_...- ..-- :-...;i.. III!!! III I-III: uvn-I nuuuuu vn vuv uvu--. Au llloilmasnl M 20 cent: per fsmily III docndod upon [or tho Pmbytery p-u-pout. 'l`|u. 'l`o.--urn:-'4 I-nnrt -An rnnaivnd and HATS 1 IHITPUIUI. The Trouuru-`n report Ill rocoived And nduptod. Mr. McAlliolor, Trouurar. wu thnnkod (or hit painstaking Ionics. 1*..- -.....a..... ...l.. nnnnrdinu nu hula. provou on. The Presbytery than Adjourned unul 7.30 o'clock. rvwuiln Iinlnl`. II` II II. culouo olmnnol. Tho man u to tho mum, of the Ho- mu Cnthollo ordination no taken up. ll-..) L. h. (Inn! noun-Anal '|- D.- rflllfllf II$IUl'l'Zi . The Preehytery record their deep. ' eenae oi the very great loee eueteined by themeelvee and the whulefreebyterian Church in Canada through the death of ' their beloved and honored colleague, ` Proteaaor J. H. Maekerrae. Endowed with a clear and ready intellect, and a sound judgment, profeeelng a knowledge of Church law and practice ecaroely equalled, certainly not eurpaeeed, by that of any living ininieter of the Church, inteneely intereeted in christian work, and eapecially in the exteneinii" atid proa- perity ol our own branch of the church, alwaya exhibiting in hie demeanor and utterance profound reverence for hie Manor, and `chriatian courtesy, towarde hie brethern, he wae a moat nlelul and inuential member of the Prrebytery, a_nd of the higher oourte at the Church. While regarding the death of their very deiir and much reepected brother, as a calamity at no ordinary kind, the Free- bytery yet hope and pray that it may he eanctied to them by etirring them up to greater diligence and tidelity in working fur Chriat during their brief term of earthly aervioo. The Preebywry eleude. am: to expreu tn Mrii. Maclrerrae lheir heartfelt eyrnpethy with her in her great affliction. " 2 an I I ,,. .'__A_..-A_A A- -.....l I.l.. IIIINBI DX. 'An application was read {mm Brock- ville` Presbytery. uking for the trunufar- ones of Morton to that Presbytery. The application no gnnud. A gimilnr nnnlip-linn In rlcnivd IHIICKIOII. z Tho clerk In instructed to land Mn. Mwkorru A copy oi the above minute. -I-n Awlrlln nuwnonu you up-unu. Mr. Jum Cuubotluad and Mr. (I. 0. Patterson, utudonll of Queen`: Uni- voruity, applied to be taken on CI-in] lnr licenses-to preach. u urn nor. Iucxnnu. 1 , 5&3-15 , .... . Prufnuor Mwhnu: nun. . n___|._. ._._ IXTWZTTT 1 I! Wanna: -Iv ` fourth qurtody nesting M I50 Kilt `non Pnpbyhry opened in. St. Andrew - nll\ln thin dty.` Then Ion present I [up anchor 01 minimal and olden. DA: Finlay J! Id. nnmunlnd lhl nhni! Tu. ninkun of an 1... rogulu ma two special nuunp umn Ind and ndopto ml CLARK wauwsou Ill]! IIIEX ClllII%l Iqlu Uninv- Rov. l'inlaylo('!1n|g occupied the chair u Iloduuor. , The pcoeoodings oponod with prnyu. ` . 'I'I.. ninuhn .1 an Int mnulu llld til guinxo narumv - Alllool unnuhfj- -A sun: or Innin- ~ In lVIJI.1`l-!II up. .u-.---.-. ________ _. Tho lolluqiug ruoluliou nu pound ro- .-.;:..- n.. I.......o.4 ,.1..n._nf__n.|uJn. ` nxmsn wme, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10,` loco; yul IIIU uuuuvuu uu vuv -uv. ni-m Inn road and approved ; `o'clock ch; u__ -1 .L. It]... come up. There eoldiere eeperesea the men, uung the butt of their rillee. 'lhe dying men wee deeerted end doubt!-wee become the prey ol the dog: end the vulturee. The whole country from Pe- tuni to Simnltte wee covered with oorpeee. Vuliuree end cernon crown were hovering over them. oonteeting lo!` the npoil Iith the dog:-e horrid Ipeclel, grim, punt. with long huge end eild, Iieroe eyee, teering the lleeh eud gluon.- ing over their unholy meel. The horrore ul I battle held ere bed enough, but by no mum to revolting u the niuhte I rest et Petuni. l heve eeen the retione enn- ed out to Iheee uoheppy prieonen. A loel ol bleck rye breed end e eoenty por~ tiou ol rev eeh wee eerved out to eeeh The breed wee eeherd ee etone, end the poor reoipieote were compelled to than the wow by Itendieg in it to get e little moisture to when no llinly eub- etenoe. Their herdehipe over the Rou~ iueuien pleine ere too Ierribleto deeonbe, the thermometer beinket timee twenty degreee below rero. othing could be done to elleviete their egoniee. Ilurnng nuldlerl Illomptoa 10 out his way through the Ru-nun ' hues,` and tau compelled In yield, the whole army Iurrendurmx lhermelveu u l'll()lI- ' on. They mum in delschmentl 0 about two lhouund at 3 tune. gunrdud by low- monu of Raul: , nnd were billoted on the peuamry. 'l'yphnId fever, uunll-p-ax And dym-mory hml dacunntod than rnnlu And may were nu wank they cnuld A scarcely hobhlo Along. The mhnbinnu nf the vnllngo. inhuman wrowh-u, t.urn ed mug pour pnoonon out iuw (ha man, and too debilitated to ruin. they lay down And were frozen to death. Evety morning cnrll wont round pick- ing up the donl. The Ipirix 0! cama- r.nJru in very strong Among the Turks. I nw one Door wrm.ch-dyin51 from I u nulcru u mo Iurn. I nw poor wrm.ch-dying fatigue Ind fever, uuotod by I stronger comrulo, hnlting by the roadside until the rear guard ol the Roumnninnl Then soldier: Iepantod the mm. unmz rnu. -,.., ., _ -----o1.--. Dun our tax 'I`nu!on.-Cn|ul tho Oliulnnl count of my [inn diuuo he rolnovod, thoroil no puoconlul way 0| obtaining a pornnnout can. On the mnuul of the original unto, porhapu in mm can out at can, nature ml! union honoll and can the nick In. India min from a urioty oi nilaum, noun- a... 4...-n unnunn-n. think in haul! Ilu Inlet from umty ol ulaonu, num- ing from norvouncp, which fruit at indigestion. our Engliah India no, on tho whole. among tho but ult- on. but thonlh thousand: in my home: who II not hko mum: oxoroiu. Thy out olondln food and lot tho onnuquonou. 1') should ronon the original cum ol l u ttoublo, which, in non: nut. in $110 stomach, by tho me o! tlut nhndnd nodiolno, Du. HIII.lCl'n Scan Count Plus. which gun folio! .9 mun. Th: livnl monks IIOIIINIJ, Connn PILLI. nun gnu nuu ntouoo. The liver uoncu hultbtly. tho Iuduhnionhh. the: non. Nib. clocnud, in built up. Ill 3 can In vroujlt. Try them sod you will nd that: All Ibu they chin to ho. tho but udioinool tho . Thy an In In ` found carbon it tho Dominion. following At Pelum, I villege on the road to the Dumb, I witneued A herrowlng epectnnle. It wuimlnndnetely After the fall at Plevnn, so buvely defended by the pliant Uemeu Puha. You remember the some made upon the exntrenchlnbnte. when Oumnn at the heed of bin nuldien Attempted to cut M. Inv throuuh Ruulnn hues, L'nn.|_ luon-.-'l'M upon at no lininu ol Agriculture gin: none lulu- Iuuu to cm none ol Uuudhn tie to tho eountty during :10 1'1.` 144.]: -an - Hofl QM. In all ODIIIII1 nunng soul: won : Hanoi auto, , 79156 ; nine. 4.765 ; W0. The luUOol||Ii- saloon baud ioalhund Daemon`; IIOIIIII won nulls! than by other Tlnnou 0! Ion Ounpc LN!) mo 6 pol 1.01!) on Inns: and Hill pot1,0WonAup. Mr Vllliorn. the London tlnaphir nun who pulled through the Ruuo~Turki|h cnmpllgn. and who hul jun ruched New York on his way home from the Mghun onmpsign, an intuviewsd in Nah York by I ropurtdr Among the nanny thrilling Ipectnclel witnessed by him in the furmor wnr he related tho following At Pamm. A villuzo prmluctmn, to the required uzo. Mr. McTIgho than that by hi: ex- periments he ha been Iblo tn reproduce clearly llld faithfully. in A duk room nt his ruidonoo, tho imnqo of persons at "tho uthor end" nf the lino, extending from mother put n! the ha-mo. and that while the telephoto in put. in in Infancy, nf in nhinnto nerrection and utility while the uolephuco ll ynt in nu mnncy, of its ultimate perhction utility thoro an be no doubt whatever. srt. Th9 inventors began their invostigstion uf the subject several weeks sgo, the ides being obtsinod from the Irst attempts msdv at the dovalopment of this teln- phuno. In order to be sbln to work un- rlarslandinuly, Mr. T. A. Connolly. chi: \Vnnhing!un member of l.l1B rm. took up the subject. of phntugrsphy. and mastered IL cumpletely. From Lima to time. so they made new plans and discoveries, drswinginnd pspera were lylod nwsy st. Wmihington. with prnnf of the nine. In that they um fully propsrecl to prove the priority of all their claims should my elfort be made to dispute the llllli`. The c-uupsntiva imprsctir.-ability of Dr. Lick : dinphuto is insde sppnrant from the hot that it requires seventy-two wires totrsnsmiz tho imsgn. Tho t.ale~ phulr, like the telephone, requires but ssinula win. It will tnnsmit thd image of any object, however lsrqo. which, while nan! in diminished size, is num- niod at the receiving point, before its production, the required size. Mr. Mc'l`mho by c`- ' \-/- "-.J\r, M7 Qua ltreot. bu Coon obnu. lulu-oul aunt. llupwn. luck ltd. 1&0. lion. It in claimed by Mr. McTighe, `with whom your ooereepondent convened lut evening, thet when the new invention in suicxently perlooted for preoticel nee it will he poeeiblo for one oltlie two pennne onnvereing by telephone to perceive die.- tinctly at the nine time the image of lbe person with whom he is engaged. The preoticnl utility of the invention will, however, be more thoroughly Apparent when it in eteted that the inventor: be- lieve they will be able to trenunit in- etentnneouely, from point to point. any written or printed document, u, for in- etence, one entire eide of A non eper. The reproduction of the imege ie t e re- eult of chemical oliengee, which are now utilised in the science of photogi-e phy. and are perfect] femilier lu ell opernture in that breneli of ecienoe and Art. 'l`kn in-nntnn lmunn thgirinlmelinnlinli (Uintu'vmatt' -lnqui:c1.) / Connolly end Mo_'l`igho, of Pittnburg, patent attorneys. not their up ltoetiun l for A petent on s new invention to uhlng. tun to-night Tliii ltu notbeon 3hrieten- ' ed uyotthy the invontnu, but may be culled telephoto-toliooo, or taleoptioon. The chin nude in the ebili to transmit the byline! rue (one of [in toldotrloity, ` ' l but * trinity in 3 creation of Inlet light, the . principle buing this invention In thet of the c-mvertibility of electricity beck ngein into light, and in the ptooeu un-- dergrmo the reproduction at the point ul reception 0! the object mbmitted tn the action of the solar nr powerful electric fl]! At the point of tnnumim nion. Bu. In Oonldul Iuloylnprh, in I Iillilu-in-nu` , . ' Rev. P`, Iocnaig, Prof. Forguuon, Rn. Mr. Granny, Ru. Hr. Chlllibon Iuvjwu. _ V Tluuuulnoos Ill put and lost.` The orixilinl notion in than euridd. Four mombon dluuuhd. ' "-IUIIIIKII Illjilltlo ' The Court then ndjpumod until 10 o'clock LII. ' . .----oj-0- -.._. nix rnuruouzx oun>o2u:. HURRUIIS 0|" WA|C|AB|'I. VV Colouring, Plulorllg. ltnobo Wot!- In; nnd Oononl Jobbing. All kinds oi Ttnun; for Innido walla anon CIIIAP ud NEAT tonnil the dull tlmu. W. JONI8, ..___.:._ u__ n.....__. g.`_ -. llllllllc, Fill, Illl vr-u-u-ou- Marc GLAZING, PAll1'll0.PAPII HAIOIIO, KALIOIIRIIG. OODOIIIO, to. I-IITIVII-5 I lhlhlu I I vlonlhlsr, Bookbinder ! Latest Improvements, In Workmunahlp Second to None. " In prim u (`HEAP or CHEAPER than NI]. M. lhn old vlflbulhtd Kingston Plumber Works. |u3f's`i&ii%v ronimicjj - ._._.. __.______i.-._.___ FRGNTENAC LOAN `Investme Society.` IFBI ANNUAL ll Ila of tho aun- holllon of tho Itoutuo Ian and I `Bl IIITIIO ll , huldonof thoholnuo vouwant Godot mil be held (mine on WED IIDAY. tho IAICH. IIN. as on but ILII. HAIOII none was-Inmnnnm' ._ . _,..._._ ---an- -11 iii"- OIITIAL DIIPINIA NY A I`:-uhlup I of Wllntuvbypw lur llo Iunkshlh lnaouo nu: ma hpr. mo I Intact 0! III r. I-0 : I`:-nu nu n...n.n-. nu Linn on (Incl hood). inn !:_MII.K 1 I| //,,".-7 -3 4 . -/ fir"-.'"-"'.:_,-,-`so- M m""' `$70 .a':*' :...:r-~ .Iv""' I % I Nu N5 BIOCK SKIOOL EITEW AGEING, KAlIolin|ng,0Itddo Plumrlu. Work- In: and Jobblu. Hugh 0! A.` W, _R0BINS'0NA f>7~N.I,.L..rsILLV-I IN. McNEIL| J: V --9Oov--- --- Vnsslzl.Pnosncrs.--ThoChioqo ma, no ucellnnt. authority on much mutton, any: the improuion II very genenl that iuuru money will be wide Iron: usual to- pariy thin your than over before. at [all owners were in the very midut of tho Iivrlu-at time: they had oxporionood mince 1873, when wiutafclolod in upon them and forced a caution of satin work III the mutter of part. trndiug. But. the chilling blasts, that Itiffonod the ennui und rigging, loomed to warm the hurt: of the ownon und nimuluto them to grant- or effort in preparing for tho future. The lookout now is laid to be molt churihg, and tho prospect: no that tho uuon will open nrly. . . __ -.._-. . ____ ___ Iooy/, nophowl .'l`l_1onI uoa, I llllll we on oil nilling." The uncle in over ol opinion "thot it io oll uphill uaxk.mh-mm.:.'... Ellhoxootol. nu. tun, merely ooy: l1:onk you, eouoin;"- on the young lody whoa oll thin otir lo obout preoorveo o moot ltubborn oileooo. llunwhile the prooont, gooorolly coo- oiotiqg o! o drool or oolno ortiole 0! won- ing opporol, io produced, ond with oomo ohm-t opoeoh, the loot wordo of which ore but fointly heord, handed by tho boolllul ond ookword ooitor to tho lody, oltor which he fl0ll_lIl0I O ot hio oooo. Tho ` future fothor-in-low, fully eonoeiono of his great wisdom ond naurol ouporiorlty over the bootdlooo ouitor, ovoilo himooll ullho owkword pouoo which ononoo to overwhelIn'him with inoohoront opooulo- Iionn on the preoont Government. Alter o ohorl mtervol the young lody- oppooro inthe who thot hoo been preoonted to her, which her onitor looko on on o token of oncourogemout. On the toble io plncodocondlo, which ployo no moon part. in the nogotiotionl obout to begin. Till thin _ooudlo hoo burnt out no decioivo nnowor con be given, for while it in burning oIi' opportunity in ol- fordod to the young mon to open hio hurt to the young Indy, ond oequoint her with hio proopecto; ooy 4,000 ocreo of land, 20 oxen, 100 ohoop, o rohuot con~ outulion, o mother who hide felt to be I bleuing to her doughter-in-low, o good home of bio own, eto., oto. `Sometimeo the young lady bringo o very ohort bit (Ior thocondle olwoyo oppeoro with her), and than the ocene to rather diotroooinu. on It may be o oign thot ohe io either ' III a hurry to reject hil ouit, or ooger to Iccapl it. In the nine woy o long candle denolu heontolinn. It oloo hop- pene, l om lultl, tho! in tho oouroo of convorouinn the girl olyly cuto oll o bit of tho candle; or, molring light ol oll to diuuo lurnnlitie-, ouddenly onio out lulu. lonnnrinn tnnnr " And rnnliuo In ll Jluun Run at J Glspr. HUI 0! Illa: Info lull. Ca:rbo||`| Cod I-Int OIIJIIIOI hull. In Ilo , 0! Gout! III! . hum om wanna .lo. furuulme-, suddenly mun our thu lingering taper," and replica to the suit of ;he nnxioun youth by throwing hor Anna about his nook. mulling him 5 hop- py man {or overmoro. -9Oov--- HEATING nppoom ll` lurch Och, IIOO. I'll our IIAII-1 luck In. I1. C` Huiufwtary ruloroncu on In givon. P-|i lhgltoa. lanh Id, I3. noun luau. lunc- Ju.U.|D- WhomvII'lno con 0! I boot I onurtipghg pt-oooodu In tho lo ting wunwlm. singular nuut. Ho nilu himullin his guest I put], an hi but in hit nout (Lisbon! pips H... p in smiths huh not Illl.) himull In nu guy!!! I puts, an up 'poinhiuIoulll Iithonltb the in with! but not than.) uounu the moat spirited horn bun luylxinhnndaomto links I allnllou imprauion on tho obiot ol NI Ihodou, Ind Bully nrondn inull with some In Ilondo, 00 Mn Wun,nc :1 us. :3. Splendid Variety Anwrimn SQ}? Hats. C.......',.l .4 lion Ii.)-n land nally pnmdu nuuou Imn present to win the butt 0! tin Mt OIO. Altar lnviog shaken lands with .u tho fund]. In uh! Ilutlld trial to fur quite at out. but only unaud- ooking nthof loolinh. AI Int, snot Ibo solemn iilonoo. which gun on : paying 1 I vim so a Boat alum pnoodol oonvoruslon, ho onqniun mu lho mm. of ovary one present.` The sun! replica: "why, what mu noplaovl Tlunk God,l think u no Inldiing." imprauion up outset 0! all uuouuu, Bully pmndu union! hurt on. run un Finn nan! `TEAM and Hot Wnhr Appnnou (or 5 Hauling BuI|d1n[.&o,. am: up with no whouvotthooonofuoory _I umpoinnh; nnmnndn in IE0 IIX W 0 UV -up m`h}|`)mi:I:0l.l'I. Burns`, PI-hon: It nuuvul. -p-- KDLI AOII Al llxtlf PAS`! ll IATIIICIILL UIDIHAIIIO. A1` wwm nu; N. lolllh. llld very cheap. us will chup running. THE IMMEN SE SUCCESS GIOIGI ulna humede en-umemente with the Itreet Isilwey Oompsny by which All customer: ettending hie Gilt!` IALI. which is now in; on. will hue their return ee paid. Thie 0 er in to hone nde purchuere o 0! DOLLAR AID UPWLID. Pine Stock to eelect from. end prioee out right down to the lone. For tgo haapast Whimnd reyliuttnn. Shootings, Pillow AAAA -- "`-`nI- I `nnnn 'IV.\-.I. An] "`n1A"`n4I OUR GI2B"'I' SALE luhdIIIduto0IIthIoltOuIo1nh!4on|It.IIuwIwill EIOZEY & IZI.'.nE'.'I.".'I."S. PRINCESS STREET. auv mu TIIIIIIK no v_A_L1s_e_nou mum :. IJIOKETT `I'hllAf(0III%00-kVII7%III0l1!. Ivory I w,3v on. an Ivomungnoud anaum..'5: `an ,.',' `"',..'i. Ixaniu cu luck Won hrohuing. f1o6gPnIncs_s_q.csInu:1o6 '"z."..'...'*'.:.'.:.'x'.:%# *.-F*.'z`..`a:a::.` ~..`:.-*'.:..`*.'-::."" 3' VII! LOW ll P1103. p- An Inspegtion Sr Goods and Prices Solicited. IICIIY C IIaI`l"I'o Prlloell St:-act. tho tuna ll` of Trucl u lam of Cu] Dhlnnnd I` Pricrio ' _----%o---:- Whiu Shin-to for Stout lion. White Shins for `fall Mon. Whih Shim lot Slander Mon. Whit; Rhin.,\ |~'~'u'u WEST. mums `MAN. so 'W"ES"I."' l Twain in tho Oboleut Pusan: over mnufncmrod. A rune Auorsnool ol loofah Tvootlo. Al A I881 CLASH SUIT OB GARIENT I ad to lot II but our :5 0 vain [and us work mnnufncmriug I Crash: A-nloou-.t:onIp;tC|o'3|n:. and funk: uh-in; a loud lode Coat. Panto. or a Van will and mm nqunl In many rupoou o0nlor_ othnnd 3 055` Anon-tmant to ohoooo In-om. A choice Auonnont ol GENT! IUINIIHING ID , New and CHEAP. Jut lh.-coived-thrae outs of Ann- rioon FELT AND IUII HATI. Ill OUI WINDOW fora diuplny of thus above (loodl. Cull before punish; that and SAVE ION EY. llomombor the Pine. an, 13:: mtrtxnlll, Won-sud Coming: In Chock! Dlngonnlu, Diamond: And Fi um. Fine" Wound Trov- urin 0 In tho man Now lork Eula. hno Broadcloth an Douklu I`lno Onnodlu `hr mnufnconrod. Auorsnool ol Tvootlo. woruwu Ulhunll In I-llillild ulruuulu unmuuuuu -nu rl nun. I-nun vvurlu-u Ann.- 3] . urinp Tvoodl Auonnoutol Anv onl nanlrlu I H881` at I nodal-no who will plan _ - '- ' _ ' I And we will show you nlploudld assortment of Cloth. Twcoda ad Worsted Cancun, which for style. durability sud cloapuu cannot be equalled In the cltv. .__._-?00-----?_. 00 WHEN YPU DECIDE ON GETTING YOUR SPRING SUIT PLEASE CALL A1` `nu `I21,/all the Leading Colors and ' in all .S'i:.-.-, Plain and Ribbed, ' Just Rec-m z~e1 by` RICHMOND an % BOYDEN`. , 48 Incl: Street,` unur nqugnn. Om Inna on... m.m._uIr " .._..;..____..__...___.. fllrlpring Stock in coming forward daily. and sum in told notwinniundlng the heavy advance at last you`: very low prlcu. INSPIOTIOI INVITID. Which he Wlll Boll VIBY CIIIAI . as well Is I Fall MIC of Palms IN POMPADOUR AND owann PATTERNS for an Spring rm. Has Received a. Lot of mew oonszrs. The People's clothing Honso, (SIMS. LIVIKGSTOII, 2| BROOK STREET. 14.... am. 1330. Anni whinhha.m.kestn o;~ae::,z_:_a:st.+=1a;sLsye, `Sec III lobby scotch Tweed sultluu. * - Sec II: Wound: for sumlp. ' , " ` See his Fancy Trownorllp. See his lobby Twoodl For Boy s um Youth: salts. lcuviii `iuN's SEEING (ii-OTEING or nvniti um up A!` ALL ruou The Oheapeolyhlte 8_I_1_irtu in the Guy. RECELVE5 To-DIV. -Af !II- Ind: hd, IMO. iF'Il%I%E?T:A`i -I ilL"ERE'%%HJbiE-RY .__._..__o.,__.- rinn lll. Arch 411:. 1889. T K wnm umru non no no 17 u White Shim, good Cotton, lmh Lina: Front. 01 00. White Shim, Buv&OotIon. Fina Linen Franc. 31.10 Whit! Shim, but gamma cotton and but Imh Linen, IL25 W|Idr0I'l White Shirt: M 01.25, oqusl to what are unully cold {or 2. 25. I. WAIJIIIGN. Wilson`: Bulldlnp. Mu-eh Am. 1%. In-hruoulnrn I00 Illdbllln. March 9th, 1880. Much 9th, 1880. EAINES an Loormrr, (loud for Lowfriool.) Ioouunoufn Ilock, Prison: It. nch ma. `grntionur. Anchor Bunldimrs. llvwtvvv IV --vv -- cw g-cg--' -_'-.._.- Eonzna. Table Linens: _ToIJvol: and Towollizig. `Hanna: Ann LAO! ounuuu. - New 9I3.__9.@'*.!IJ'!...9.10- __.. _|.__._ -- _ - ' `oh- I|-.--. E :x:'g:' R MAKE A NOTE OF THIS I um B1-utar lndnumunts than Vim. saw a few IQ]! of 1eom'u.}'.- cwebrarea SINGLE BUTTON KID GLO VES, wort/2 $1.25, for 25c. and EA- Liv; 50`. AND IIIIAILNTIISA PIIFICQ` FIT. PRINCESS STREET. FANCY IIIAD AND OAII BIKER. IABKI I` SQUARI. In-h I111 uwr till! I men. 1. FBI? 3.1`. Brook Strut. {vim door: from luhl lqmn. manner mun. Whito Shirlmlor Small Mun Whih Shirl: from 1` to 17 inches. nn front. I1 (I), I . I. COCIIIIAU C90. Nos. 134 And 136 Frinuu Strut. -'('.'.-M.- on um (,'h--In ol nuohw In pupa wnppor. Thule bookqbo G would 1.-out Ibo!!! `L7 . K -w nml Rundud ` wrapper. Inna own. no In In u. ullnnry Ivny. . Bo.-ward other Now and Shntlud Work Vwlll Iliorlly be luruod in the um um. I"|rr|r'n Llfc u! (`hnlnd Lilo at St. Pnul on Ihurily fu|'~_L:lCl club. luau |uu- nrdrn fi udvnncmu llmlud Iupplin will be recs-lvod :0. BREAD} _ B R_E_A DI . For Good emu : IIIIWI uuiv K117! 1.1-uv. Special Alteration Silk and Felt Ilats, make. J. -._.__ ....--L.-. .1.` A Bow Ballh, Ivory lonth, And uvoruonnei-not Luau ug- ` mu llltllun. . , __ _A .....-...,...,.a..;......`... Henderson's Bookstore. Two Book: in One, 0! the f`~-ntaau-wary Rcvlaw. 'l"uI-udxlnly And Ninoloenl Ccmnry rm-oh:-d c-vary munch; `lb (Junta couch Ninoloentll (IQ `J6 - I At Hnderson s nuund uul dnohd P:-in Christy's Hat, Spat son : John P ham`: Talk uni "('u'ly 1- Boob, in strong unnu wrapper. lgooh,_[:o_qght In or A'r]{"ENnEns0N's] A_ most Ixundvo mm of Inzlinh. uunorioan and Ouudhn Kann- Iactnrod hit Em. Dhmund Fiona and l`ricr'4(| Ocnu. 9V.I'-D.ZI"1-a.n OIBIIIT uh DIUOOIIT. Lalo of I`. loop;-r O (.`o..`1bv-mun.) I34 PIIICKI II. IIICITOI. '4`: IAAL In - Those Old Magazines Pu-! ll. u-v Iullaltlolnd [dud brand I velludln. Ill Illdui l"hNu l d'dn.nhun. lib an 3. av mu; nu` {mm in - v?:y way, helm on- u not All told yet. B1: or sight uohlo. I chap. Gut them ut ones, If you ah chup Kannedy at the cape. CHEAP ' REPRINTS Feathgr_v_veight. Tho Him Un Papnr. Purchuod Dtnolfron loan. .1. I. t W. (Thrmzydr Co.LoIdou A Inn mock r nl pl. Inn Ugh! SUI nu. n. :1. Town, ....__. -.-.n.-..-. nlnvron nu NRC! It In your duguan. lib I no tn ovary palm II)`-` nd lhiiditatiihholablnlltu-. bu Umllnatvnv. we mun urnpmc. l'lII|I|IIu', -Inn, -. a tillo. lnhnsti and Accurate Boob 1' ""c~ Eb ..'. ': r`2a.3.' .`x`." 3 . 4 no , ..i'21m...2'1..... ' MI Cantu. BQOKSTORE. l TO SUIT ALL HEADS U AND POCKE'l`s. given to our own in .\'m(' I hyury, I when Iniuruu--5 u-1...... \III\\ll rod on a mum n to tho validity of. Ronun Catholic nrdinntimu. The Row. A. Wnlnnn nu-l Pnnclpnl Gum. were tho principal npoakon. Enoh geutlomon pro Iqutod motion: on which, nbout ll o'clock, I dociliun an taken, resulting in the pungo of that prupoled by the Inter by two mtu. -,,-_.4n>..____. 'Ilull|( Tho moat nnnfutury purchases are to ho Vmndo M 1.'l.AIlI WEIGHT 4. BON', Wolllnpon Btu. Inch Mb. I860. Tmt HuIon.-~Thn nuignlionin quin nearly Iuupondml. The 'Piurropon|' wont out thin morning about 7:30 o'clock ind did not got through to Gordon II- lnud uuul mar 10 o'clock` The outing ioo Ind bccotno quite rm, Ind offered I Ilruug rouunuco. Tho tug `Lady Funk- lin' tuwod tho schooner 'Rivonido' down to Dondlnufn Buy, when she will loud vm.- n-__.... ..-..-l unnn hum mn- lo UIIUHIIIII us , any... -..., ..... .-.._ ion. The Onugn voucl men hnvo con- tract: in land ice at Three mile Buy. (`ANAL 'I`0I.I.~4.-A\ A meeting of ship- per: and usual minor: in Hz. Culunnee the quuliun I-f unel tulle was very lully diecuued. end nleo the ndveutepee end dindunngoe of the `Ft. Lawrence route. The meeting seemed In be Very fully 01 the opinion that nnlou Iumotlning III done to lower or tntelly Ibolilh cenel tolle, end Iu mnlorielly reduce the herbor duee ol Moutrul, the very large oxpendi. lure to enlarge the Wellend end 8:. Lnrenco oeuele will prove I lou, ineteed ol e pin. to the country. _.__._...._..._ Till Ru|.wn' hlPl0\`IMIlTu.-Som0 Iondor tho! no moniion an undo oz tho Council mooning of the corrupondonoo Inontionod by us an having puud bo- cwoon the (Brand Trunk Roiluy ond tho Moyo: snout the propaood improvomonu, tho oortying out of which would be of such bomlit to tho oily. Wo any on- ploin tho! tho ourrospondonoo in qnooilnn in men priuio nun public, but to un- duound thus it in to ho opluidoud by tho Finonoe CL-mmiltoll, sud, n. tho noxt mootinfit. may reooivo `pnblicity. In tho momiiuo tho curious mum poooou Choir ooulo in polionco. Mr. John 0`bonno|l. Pruidon! oi the Catholic Boncvulaut Social], on lurning that Mt. Puuoll might. in onupd lo uidnu a mating ban on Thundny atoning, an the "Irish Land Qumtionf luuodhloly uleunphod to the-editor at the Iontnal PM, utoudina I cordial invitation to Rt. Puulhud uodvotl tho lollowing nply . nnilxl 9. ---~47-0--~-. Pour: Covnr.--This morning two mrion vroro ned 50 oonu each for loitering on-the serum on Saturday oun- ing Int. They paid the nmuunt. The ouo of Grimnhnw nu withdrawn upon payment. of coca. Pulico circlu no or cvodingiy quiet. The cbnnno In the lari inn mhjoct Ithioh little affects the foal- iug of then funcciomriu; whose snxioty lion in tho uninumouoo of luv nnd ordor. .__ -......__ An INTERINTING Dun: --Lut -ovou- ing at the meeting at the Ki,mmon Pru- hyury, moat imorolhng donuts occur- ...e M. . "mm n to validity ! ecu llll nun: an Inn vpnuun oiouklho. . . . 'l`Iuunianlunoar- lyunddopth ol the whole unpcnoua lion in nothing alum 0! just. Tllln In hundred: M plunoon IN: lulu! that may buy nun IOIII duh: I "IMIIII or pndorlul Opolio. Tho) on no account mu loving Km lul- Buduaorn lnglioh Conpsny in ur- rind. um um ail outing product "Baum" in the Open Mono. 0! It. Iudumn'|.nhmIy In luvs dread} odd Imol. III doliuotion bf the hero 0! Ibo Pinyin aid to_ be pol-loouou ilnll. A oquhopnnuy up. Illlnn In-4I-A-IL : an-nnnlinn ls` Oahu. I W_l||Z|ll'II'] - I. "In. Badman : oooooption ol Oph- lh h ouol uurkod undo: and audio- pnnt; ad is ulniumh I display 0! ` luotu. wild, heartbroken. yd granola! and ndudioun dlnu-notion, which lot ones ` in ouo'I |ilo rioltiu All that Ophulh hnnnuhg . 'I'Mu-uicnlduor SPRING WORK Auonnm Hana -- The uorkingmou "will In doluglne-I when they mnlu an ex- nminuiou oi the min`. Ivhloh than thut on the Article: mun consumed nnd uud by them the burden of untion bu ht!!! increased. Notice the Item: 0! sugar, tobtocu, cotton snd con], 1- . - 0 Q} - ' ' - CAIILLUN Du nu) Locn. -~ The conodpondence relative to this contract, in to fur n the rm of R. P. Cooke 3: Co. were connected with it, has boon brought duIn,and the whole bulinou `will In dnlcuuod in Puliunont. We Ii" now not st the bottom of I cue. tho nvelntionl in rupoct tn which mny not ho to very pluunt to cortniu opponent` ol Mr. Mackenzie. Ill! l0||0II!|| rupny Montreal, Intel 9. "Ir. Pornoll Iuvu to-night {or Not York slur loonto, on rock to Inland " ` J. 0. Fulum. mu [wiis=iiii a*1!s:o: ` ivitisazsoai Lmfc `07 " an 4 1v`uv10`11vIr."'-" - A largo Ctnoor tuned in thin hour: IMIUII Thmnoorwill In]! on! III Mn dun. t place wuro the cancer III will had h I in-r| nun. Po nu nnl nblo wcono u my lair-my. I16 lchun Anus.` Dotrout. llohlpmror #5100 loll! use by Post Olen Odor. Illl In sent Inodleinel Inobljn are their cancer 58 their homes. Dr. Tholnu run: I Chrodto. HOIVOIIIDQ their Chrodlo, Prinu Dianna. Bond sump Cur Ind. Ihloh will `he lull information of ` nnd sllothor Chronic Disease, with nun, uldnnu IIIII luau! u-amen: at n nu- bor of pefnonn onrod of (fsnoo-rs. `Addnu Ii. l._Ti{{)[A!. _l_.AD...` ` H.ll.1`H0lA. I. no Ilohignn Avenue, lodlonl and I Inmate And Cancer lnnmry. 1 Ilohl u. liov.`J4l I879 V ulihvig Pu-In, non tumour. ll. nods` lonkuoro, Wolnpau throat. and having had nu onculvo upochnou My-I, in- uudhglo do slln: lb power to photo bin nu-strum In sum nnolvo hhahuo o! tonohunoxuulhll vo don mu. 1; buunuI.dIo|onnhhu uonrnonlworloqhuumnalvill nova: thlo lo obllgo sll canon. ' J. A. TIIIOBALD. n... mu. I319. lencm ;ug_ioa cun`1 MI. J. A. TIIIOIIALD dulnllo inborn sh mun: oi luguon nu vicinity llnblnl a first Clan III! Drus- nollhv 3 Fnrlor, dunolr. ll. `coda an lnrluiul ounorknc-onncl AM not prepared to dc Home Pointing. Gluing. Psp.r Hanging. Inlnomtnlng. (Inning unl Mn Pointing. PIrI'_oo| uuhbouou [Iuutood up to In uarlnl. Wnlunultp and Prtoo. 1- 2. -u 2'--V-1" /'\ IBOOKSI Ruuinn tho ulo at Prat. Mcliorru Duo. I291. I879. * . A. oq.un.un. -3--o;-..,.. lr. Parnell`: lnvlutloi. IOUOIT. AID ELI). A. nuuiiuum mu-an .I.|v n. 8 t}a{||'rFaff%e%% Smith}! rod `Adana IL! THUIAIJ. I.D.-. nnno. Ulfl The Poetineeter hen announced thn er- reugemenu which line been decided `I upon in view of tho contemplated , chengee in the menncr of delivering llllll mutter when the improvement: now in progreee ere completed. It in ennmmood I thet new lock delivery hoxee and - drewere ere about to he pieced in Hue oloe, the bone end drawer: to be eppor- . tionedtothe preeent box end drewer holdere, end the key: delivered to them on payment of edepoeit u`! une duller, ' which will bereturned on the termine- tion of the line of the box or drawer, end on the Iiey being given up. Now thie peyment of en ad- ditlonel doller ie jun! what not e low pereone lvlijecl in. They .heve peld the rent of A but fur the rreeent you, end hold I receipt therefor, end `they ere not diepoeed to break thin con- trect in the menner propoeed, cepecielly ee the extre fee will not eecure eny ec- ooinmodetion to which they ere not now entitled. Juet whet the keg holder: and the Government uiciele are going to do ehout it we cannot conjacturu, but the eituetion II in Mount unntiefectury. Othere iney nut think ee we dn, but it ie et leeet moat roeeoneble thet the Gov- ernment ehould be ex pocted to curry out my ol in bneineee treuuctione, and box holdere ehonld not be eeked for en in- creeeed rent until the current yen ex- , ,, 4 lo Buffalo (`ommerrml Advertiser bu tn editorial on the prospect: for the opening of navigation on the lake: And ounll. Anal indulge: Ill high- oolond anticipation: ml the flood of grain And olhor produce thu! may cuufulemly boupootod luring the coming uouon. [I in beliovod lhn the ullonngn for grnin nill bu lnrgely in oxnm nl tlmuo in I870. The Iurahuuun in the western. Kfll contra no tuntinq with the store: of to full, and the interior in still full of com 511.] when. Ilin hu not yet loll n! lundu. ln nddnion to thegrnin Inge qunnlitiu of timber, ore and nave: will be offend lot shipment thin year. In Ihort the volume ol lnko bmineu for 1880 bldl lair to be tlia lu-goal on record. To UM mt/uur u_r Inc nrlluu n nay. Dun. Sui,--I have rz(`0|V0d e merhd Daily New, conteining e letter canin- iliotlug e ueloment which eppeeted in your paper to the effect thel. Inme 56 ehoelnelere lied loli Kmgeton lur Detton. the eeme luring worked In Kinnuiun ei the time 0! the election between Mr. A. Gunn end Sir John llleodoneld. The letter in your ooniern rery in Iigned "'1'. T. M." I-lieiniiiele oennol identify, end I un loroud to believe the! they no. hope et bent or at laeet nut thine ol any former Klrpgetonien etd truthful IIII. elee he would not give publicity to lo ineny meniloe! lnllllll-O~ Inenle. I Am in e poeition in line the! the inlornieliun wee porlmtly correct. T. T. M" up there ere heru only seven elioeuiehre lram Kingewu. That ener- tiun eumpe lhecurreepondent lilh e de- eire to delend end exouee e Govern- Inenl policy which drove so many out of Cenede in nee: of employment l'|IhIl" thee uuive e plain unuraiehod lent. I one I eell count. 24 Kingston shoemak- ell I it whoee bneineee engegeuenle I an uelnled. enll there ere men; oehereo when I have been]. Now, eh, I wee e Proieotionbt at the lee! election. n. .....u. .0 me nmuliu neooinllonl in Inn; I"l0l'Oo!l0nIl. Ill uu nu Ilrxuun. o In u in munch! on: Iozpblnw, 187`, non! tho Tury union, to which I Ind, however, Ill slung bun inclined. I III one of lhuoo gullod b the upooid yrvmiun of Juan 4.. but ` huo that changed my aim] in up:-d tn III! N. I . It in I loulul (rand, sud I non: mliud thin but no plainly u when I ough ouploynom an other photo as Roll an Ktmuton, and lonud nu um unions to pay oven nmncion mu until I touched thin pine:-. I mm to land oln bonus K-npton an oval nu, but nut content nyooll Illh ho a 0 Yankee until uuqh noon 5- the ow- dunno can knock the y MT the whool and cnuo tho Undo and ummy In tho labour Ilfhl Ihwh fa-I prnanuod by Sir John. Prim than it you plan- (`ma n.nnuu-. Tu Vonnw BIL!` Co, luuhall. Ink.-Wgllund thott ulohuh-I Eka- uv~V-vhdo Bulk h the I`u~tod upon {)0 (kn Irinl. Iv emu lullloud They can I It may say. Wm: 10 ling Isthmus delay. ngdnu. Mme. lth, nun.` To u 1m,.'u.r J; 4. nm.'.I. m.._.,. n- _ c-._ I 1.-.... ......-;.-;l . In -Bomo enemy of Aldermnn Hahn`: ha been giving to the public lhruuqh our coutemponryn ntatement of the Guy Engimori, to the ebct that though Frontenac Ward had been voted 81,130, it only Ipont 8ll`23.3(l, and, thareloro `imtudotovordnwing, had put.-umnoy back into tho treunror. -Tilloy blnnuu Cartwright fur I poor nnnoinl exhibit lut your. In I name way he may be blamed {or the I ticipllod decit this year, and yet, I N. P. in in operation. n , , 1 n||.__.,._1v._|: On: at the must Oi-nphlc, Amuuing, And. at tho lnhnsziz Aocunco nl'l`nvol our public . Covimng dncIfi_p~