Tl-IE uggf; A A A! all: Aictll Montrenl, Much I0.~-A tire hrnlm out in the oellnr of the Express ' Howl, Dnniul McCloghsn pruprietur, at an enr- ly hour thll morning and loan spread to tho upper ute. The guest: were uloop It. lln time Incl had I uurrt-Iv escape n! being burned to death. A number were obliged to jump frmn the window: on the ucond story to nu their lives. Tholngoriuyr ul the proruiwu are com- pletoly gutted, sud the hm will exceed $90,000. v ------- 009- IIKF/Al PINE. Rouun, March ll.~-Threo fnurthn of the Nevooinja H.-rz--u--vnnn. III burned yutordny. Nu lure: wen: lual. The tire wu nooldontul . \ .. _.......\ .....- A Large Incr-e-a-:0 In an Doree- ' noun. nosed. . Tho Mnnnion Reliaf (`nmmiuee mud T04 grunt: yesterday, Hug lurgaut number yel made in one day. -%--~- A 4oo--~- Iv-I -no-u-nu... \ A nImunuNA!3.'rn.1 Mndrid, Much ll.-A lih. between Mnrnhnll Comfol and the Provnier in the Senate yoqterdny onunod I nonunion. It In bnliovnd the Cnmfun in on the on :1! juining the Libonln. . unn.I.:n'x IllLIA1IK. I Ialllllahldt nbhlnano London, Much l0.-Griuell, who wu recently comunuad to Nowgnto on I vote ol Ihu Huunu M Commons, will be rclouod u noon u Pnrliunout ll distal- `J 'llIu'ulu.n ring. um .-.u.`...... A St. Polerhburg telegram uyu I gm: re occurred on Mundny at the waning wnrh, Muucow. The entire building Ill deutrqyud. TWOHly'f pt-nuns wore hurued lu month and twenty-nine In- mu-nan jurod. RIW IIXVII Ur I-\I-Lying, John Dunn, tho ruidonl British ro- pn-Isulntive on the Zuhn frontier, in Already boginmng tn usurp his nuthurity, And vary grave (mun nro entertained by the colonial: that hit ogmuic and cruel muenoo may lead x endleu complica- tionn, pouibly at I u-ivinl numru at lint. but which will, in the Inuriublu opinion, onlmmntaintu very grave and uarmun rouulu. HA u null AT SEA. Ofllll Kl I`|'IIb!llI. St. Poterohurg, Much ll. - After the Iccoml ropronntnunn of Rubounte-in'I new open Inn Knluhur lkntf," at which tho lmponnl lumly Ill rouent, in porfurmunoo hu been pro ibmd. This Icons 0! upon in lnid In timo 0! Cur Inn, tho Tumble. Ixrlblnon Anunonub. The Ruuuu oxpodiuon to Merv `in [or tlu [mun At hut, nhumonod. A man nu. |'Il il. Mu-oh ll ~ The rbducul noupa par Mo! l)'0rd I publiahu nu sddrou of ch : Kuulun uvuluninnny Outnmmco thanking the French pouplu [or raluciug the utndmon nf Hnrtnunn. ...... . .. IIIIIO CO *0 nun |lII'II nu. -u -...- doubted nation uguinnt "Jmgoinm" in lnlltbd tho pnnnl Govornmcnt would bun boon Ilnou um to go to tho nu. Bu Dutch how I Inok worth an ul going In tho country In such u tamper toward: him. Ho bu vmoly uiuod ull KM nor: 0! dutpprohuinn hu pu-sully u but Iuhuidod, Ind opnnin Unnatu- tin nuouuu ol |Ah-Ioubly clause` at Lin:-pool and Bonv.hwstk--have `oar vlpcld him that hie moot lnvunblo op- pwafwlity ho Irriunl, And he bu ruch- ed ncooldilgly Iponjuoing W the pooplo. Ha has now I hit ohmoo of raunnng powot lot hi: pan; {or manor Pum- -nhq tan. 0:: the echo: and the I 1L...|. ._ .1 Ln AIIIAAHI oundoul 0` A Srare for . IIAIAUIII AI man. London, Much II. --The ntouns-r `Ol.hello,` which mulod from Hull un the Rxh hr Nnw Yurk. Put into Plymnulh, huing Iuluinod dunno: in 3 colliaion. nu-nu uI'PPIly.llD, For the spoody turn of Consumption snd sll Ililollrl thst lusd to II, snch ss stubborn Coughs, neulsctsd Colds, Bron- uhitis. Us Favor, Asthma. pain in tho side and dry hacking coughicklinq in the throat, uslssnsss, Son Thrust. sndull chronic or lingering tlissssss ul Ihs throat sndlungs, Dr. Kin 's New Dnsoovsry Ms in until and III! blith- sd for null s wutld-aids reputation. llssy lssdina physicians nooussond and use u. an lhsir prnmos. The lomuts lmm thick is npsnd is highly nonm. Iuoudsd by :1? Isdlssl journals The sad the prsss hsvs oonpllusoud It the past lowing torus. Go to your dronlst sn pt I Iris! hauls IND olooshors ulusnlslor Qlllblot ssls by J. (I. ma. Buaosssot to II. B. Psrkst, Ilsrht Bqusru Kingston. Municipal ( ontbulioun mu! Pourmg m. !|lA|.L~l'U.\ IV runs. Putin, March ll. -I'roulanoo ul mull- : horn in cnounnu muoh alum. The nnicipnl Cuuncnl in ulnug manure: against. in Iprnd. coo -~ -A-~ ...., .____,. ,, _ .__.._...__ A national blcling In ooooon, Im- than unbono"lm-luounn." mu or uonuaho an: it. II in punlymg. beautifying. Ind uquuih in avor Whoever uuntngulul Iillkoop bk tooth tur nun. nod v we nhoulm dunks banal! 3 gnu luxury. In com ..........u..| Inn Imlo menu. And an Why in Bonn-1:17: Owl his love! loans it torso strong ollubqnh. Oi, duo. ....- .,-.......i..._ .__.___ - -9... ......__. -`I'M Onouhuk Notional Conun- IIII. which not at 8!. [null Chi I003. Inn Iodbubd 0. ll. Dllhn. 0! New u-IpcMro.uIlMr auction [at the Pnouonq. and I. J. phat, T I In: an Vno-PnnHa-`.. `. nu. doom maul! non: luxury. 1 gap tinly but Imh many, In dsblo. -_.__..._..... _._____..__- .c_._.___.-._..__. 1-uuksnn mrnuluoh nnnou u. _.._ _..._.... .__ ...... _..-_._..__._.:__....__ .\'eu~s From Acrou the Ocean. -:._~_........_:_ hnann TB!!! mrnc. I7oIJorfI`I.l.)l;e;I;y ms nag] ruin? ~--~-- - -CIBLEGBIIS. ----roo--- --- Il0IE_L_F|BE.~ several 1 nnorentq. Iontnnl luck ll. Flour--roooipu X! |bb`|, Idea 0(1); market qinot, unohnnpd; Quotations: Supenqr utn 0,10 to 6,115; nu-A III- pordno 6,00 10 6,(5; funny, 5,90 lo 5,90; -mints`-*nvr V | Illiddlillgl 4.10 In {.303 P9055. 3.39 W 3.50; onum mg-2.30 to 2.90; my b-:- I dcliyorod 3,15 to 3 20. _ V wr....o. mu an lhn-Nn_ 2 Cnnndn umnx so 5.90; nupen-lino. 5.50 to 5.60; strong bakers` 6,00 In 6,40; line 6.00 to 5.10; middling: 4.15 no 4,26: 3.85 to 3 50: Onnnu Dalila) 2.; city hll -g, gr-_ ug my uuur uuuu un- Lw..|... I 53 gquglly condent __,_. -_.| -. ;. a. ....n lnnl to tail for dolinrod 3,15 :5 '40. when per 60 lbI-N-v. 2 Ipritig L37! to I,-I0; Ihile Iliutlt 0.(Xl } Corn per 66 lha- 660 to 700 duly paid. Pan not 66 |bI-"8c. to 79. ' ' Um per :12 IIu-;sIc l0 azc. Barley pot48 lbo--18.: In Rye par 56 lbn-30c to 80. , Oumo pot 200 lbc-4.b0 to 4.60. Cornmeal per 200 lbo-2,90 lo 3,00. Buuer-Quwt and stand ;Weatorn 14:: _lo l8c; Bruclwille and orrinhnrg 17 to 20; Eastern Townnhipo 190 to 22; oronnwrloa and M-loction `JIM: to `:70. 0hoeu- Ho tn llic. ` Pork-meu $16.00 to N0`; 55: LIrd-l0c to He fur tuba and plill. Dreuud hugs por_ I00 n;.-5,m to 5 '25 0,20. HAcnn-Rc to tic. Huna-ll to 12. Alba: per I00 lbI~-notI 0.113 to 0,00, quiet; lirnu 3,45 to 3,50; peull nomin- ll. D6I' Fllllf (II It 7,35 tn 7,: In! n nnnll prucuuu nu. ,;.- (u .v,..., ...-,.-... 7,00 In 7.25. \\ heu-ntud,y; Nu. I white Michigan `l,~l3 tn l,~l3; white nude 1,36; 10111.40. Corn-nendy; Mind Wenlern [)7 tom ; SKIKO In ll..ul..u_l':rm hut. uniat: CI` fuur rnw---1 steal an. 73. Rya~~QIIlol and scarce; Csnsdn nomi- nally RH tn EH in bond. Cnrmunl m-r ton--bolted `.53; unmit- ad 22. Ml" lood-Ihnrta 00 to 20.00: ship- uulfo 00 to 20.00; middling: 00 to 20,00 nnr inn (luau . ouch. . Duvka per pmr. Fowl: par pur.. Puntnaiuo. per pill GxN|uAL.---l oluluo|,per bulb . Hopo. pm lh . . . . . . . . . . . ` Hmul, per 1 lb Lunf our dull u 0,!) M: n,'a). Whuc-lovorioh,' umoulodg opting quick, nnminui; wmu-r ml fo 1- n, nhito {o to Ho Imnt. bony; rocoipu 54.000; aloe ll`J_U|lI; Eu. 1 white April L451 In 'l,H', N0. '3 rod April 1,45]. d Rye dull. 90 m `.0?! Into sud Cona- L . DUI II! II D; Oqluuy Irulunuun in canon. and u it in not long to unit no but II III] vain dl eonjootuu md Inn is lot duo to all the result. dn. Uorn quuut -. roeoiph 118.1110, ulu 40,uuu; 50 lo lil. Hula-y dull; um rovod IQJOGCUOTD: on raw! do 80 will; No. lOnud| W 4.. I nn. u.. .n.n.. .|.. b..a..In I (In In [ml nu rnwoj an Ill I050; 110. |uunuu In I {(1 L00; Nu. `Ida du bright L06 to LW. 0: : quiet ; reoeiplt 3b,(ll) ; I10 40,000; mind western and um 47} to 48`; 47] lo 51] white do. `ark dull at ll`.71'rtn 12,01. '.nn4. --.i.- -0 7 IL". F`mux-XXX poi m.x.. -- xxx we I... Rhona, r um. . .. . Proven enper mn...... . Gum:-Barley par hunhel. No I do No. L` Bright. Buokvvhon:............. Inn -- Hoof. 10010:. . Lnmb.pqt I .... .. Hutton per lb. . . . . Fresh Pormpcr lb ..... Drouod hop. per I00... Pork per!-bl. .. Hum per lb. in Itoro. . . . . :1 Bacon " " .. . Tnllow rvaudorod . . . . . .. do rough . No. I Fleece Wool. .... Ponnn r-Turko,v-much . . Hum: much . . . . . . . , . new l0I'l, nuwu In. Stock: tluclunling. ' CIIMOII quiet, 13 1-`. - Flour dull; receipts l2,(XIl, lulu 3,000; 460 In f_|0 super um and wuoru; 5,20 In r.,b0 common to chance ntn sum; 5.20 to 51.13:; do western; ryo an... a..n .. 4 m 1.. A an 11,21 to .l,lI.l a dull C,U) in 15,25. UL--. l-...i.L' m... , IUOlI.Il'I Ann: uu.v|.-`l'bo hm Salvo in tho world for 0010. 35*! Bonn Ulcun, loll llhouu, Tolbt. OM; hand; .C||ibluu. Count.` and Ill 5000 ol BLII Impuoun. `Fill III 5 gounuod Io `ho pood swim: in only can or many nfunod. I soups box. Fur-do 11.1. 0. Mn. mammal M) K. UIPICIOI. m. . Hush Elmo; a lo. 3 EH AP!` -Whoa! 3|} A H 3 Cum J`! In 37 can; my in and ; mac and ; njoobd lb Pooh 11.37] Add April; ILDM to 11.56 :3 May. L511 3' and 10 AF: N I . BII JOIII MOOIIOIIIIII IIII Illuuv - -v---- ouulcuioa in writing Ind our Lu own signature ol his utter imbocility in tho Inptkt ol bouormg the deoponlo condi- tion 0! tho Inning Iorkingmon of tho Cnpihl. Wlutovor sting than might hue boon thought to be in the "y on the whooi" cry union the Inc (iuvormnont, ho oxptuuly deduct Ill thin humiliating doounom thu hi: Oovonunom in "with- ou! noun or point, thou no bin vozy won-vb, to help tho ltbourlnu vorkinguon in the In] in which they sued for on- pbpnonl. And you um II the nut public Humbug who nut the albums uorhingnon to Premier Iluch-uzio. and [In tho: to undonluad it nu Lhc plain duty ol IIO Government ol that day to alleviate ihir hrduhipu And furnish than --l-K .--I-.._--.5 In I. . nntinnnhla dil- lauupotbol. In-ruuo u mouse: to I. I-`uncy " IUU " ..... New pronou. p.-r hhl.. l|`umern`una|o-.;t~r 100 UIHIINII. per lvbl. . . . . . . . Corn Maul, [H-r am-k... Hulkwho-at Bluur lamb Shun lln Cnlfsl no por|b.. Duco Sk1nn.... Tnllow roudorod dn rnluh . . . Hroul, per 1 lb 1.: Turunpn par bug... (furruu, per hush (Inuhduweru . . . . .. . ulu prllll Eggs, per a I liurd (foul pa-r [on N01"! Cml, per Inn. . Mil(`hCnwl. . . . .. 313-M I-`I. cu m-, nu nk--N, 00. In Tcl. Co ~93.-4,9134. j:--.o-o:_-:- Corn 06 Ibo-mow we can Pou per (ha nor 32 lba-3Ic to 32. Pou 00 Ibn-.oc. no we. Om Barlav m3I'48 60: muguug gram awutg.| ..:__-_... ___._._._.: ... ,_-_:-_____--- mlly P118 an In bond. Cnrnmonl pa-r `ton--bolted nd '2`) Rye Pen Onions per pM'I Hny.p1-r ton Srww . . . . . . . . . . . lflovu do Colo-_v pot haul nbhugen. Mr dullm. Phosphnln. nor mu. Apphn. per uIhol.. . -----0; um cum :1 .,u Batu! 15 lo 30. ._.- ...._l mu \r\} nu .~,vu, ....__....-V , , .' ton. _ V __._..g. ~ __-. KINGSTON IDSTAII. -AIIITD. chcovu. .. ...... .. mlhv soul. par bunhol .. vat do .. -- -2 - v-Tjij` IOITIIAL Nil IAIFIV. -:?--.99__--_-1 CIIIIOO IIAII IIIIIT. - - .`go_.._-o EIW ICII IAIUITI. CIIUVIT I-III IICIU--urw -u- u... ..-.. ...-... with Iiployllollt. It in I noticublo dil- lcnuo that when tho Omu vurkiop an Appliol to Hon. Ir. Mukonxio, he hhdd n Iuhndpuon lpr their rolls! with no out ol his own poeht. Rut J.bBI'I low, houovor, oovond no unil- hnoo, but doluiolod amply and Iololy ul 5 point blank nluul, or vim to lhcln couch to the Man thing. 3 oouluuion 0! Into! Inability to Ilil huad or too! In tluh . bolnll. Th uorlxingnou oi the Oapoul. and throughout an country gon- ._II. -1` -Ania an In I lulllutlon ol lJllIll.... u,lI0l'lb.. l. lrnh IL I sprung u,uI II? 1.00; star :1 7.00 H 7,35; white winter .00; doublv axIn7.50 0.07.75; A at 7,75 to 8,75; Graham Oawogo, Much I1. I spring 6,75 tn 7,00; un- 7 01) m 7.25: V:v~i'or|r, Mfreh I I. r hunhel. No I No.2 Capitol. and Inrouquous uu Inlpwy gu- ovllly, ICC noting up I u realisation how out the ohunpiou hunbug now, in that: nitrogen, nu tho bud oi shin iu outbid to the all-duhbod oognonon ol "lb vcttllguuh [mad 9" .}.o-_.:.... 0.4I)I 0.7. : (Lila 0.7`) 0:500 0.2:. 0.0.` O 0.21 0 I0`! 0,!!! mm: on L000 2.00 L000 2.00 0.000012; 0.2.53 030 0'I'nIu-No. I Flour lu lug 6.7:. out: 7.~`L'; dbl nun 7.8). Ollmanl 3,50 lml, Oonnodkn; Bourbon Flour 3.1.0; km; 700; 03:03! wine; Peu Eon--|:unh.55to0c. _ Beau We to II, Bu-Icy 4- to 50v pox-hush. _ uuouuon 00 to Joe: -png when gun, lull vlnu Ol.!5-Foo I.|W. :uua 50 w 5.`:-. h. -Iona loo; Port 03.50 bbl-. Bur L50: Ian} 6 to 70; Apples r hbl 3,00 to fm; Wool 950: M00 31!. to 41]); good ndwuotl 09.50 to O3. u 07.00 to MW, Choeullnln I40. Euoletolu ('UII-7`II-r"0|If- not 100 Ilu.C-.!,75 to` (1.00; . (Cancun! to Dan.) Punch--shy tube; Iyu :5,-wmc Ibuou, on. noose-.rauwo;b had, u. Plan: $3.23. Hosanna: CII ;CouN6 lqekv I &. Mun I. u~. (than-n lkln l.'n. lunar Us to Pblalun llntur I71 3:1, no to IE. nu: us.-.3. ; (`out No Ilnl nu. Lin. Chas I9: lo 15.. `J . 2:. I u 0. I `ID `in nu! `Joe _ In 00. we to we. 3:. 3.; out son to 81.50. _ l uunoIn-|fmur not lob! u 00 an 6 .10. nu- per WI MI) no out we QIJO. Nay too l.tI) 3 om, PuuuoIu-raour pol` 6.00 6;, mt- uul bl-I .s,wuo6,oo. when I,I5 Io LII). 50. Dan 3200 M. Io IILIIHQ OJ!) |ln Boga par owl. 51!`) to .00. Tulvleyn > 40 to 511` on-asmao. I IInuwA._Nn, I But lletolllu tlulzu-u-.rIour. per Wlula Wheat. 1.46 In L35. Spring When. I.-.'.'- uu I 27.0mm: 3610 30. H'nrlov 4.'w55, Rye 7: us 74. Poulio ta 65. Hay 6.!!! to 7.5.0, bus I! to us, Butler kod II; to It`, roll I9 mm, Pu- IIIOOI I0 to! Wool 00 lo ('0 l!Iu.|.:vIu.l- Burial 55 to I10:-. when [I ft : 13---'-'~'C3O}O -- It. Ilutu thinks it high the the tonic: lot Huom had -do the no qcdnouu at In Inutimouu. Ho pn- Iinulhluln I good uapdon phonld it go In Drihh Ooluubiu, but [imp him to IIIICIIIIII tint it to In [chin duly Oatlul (Conny. \u go without ut- --- II.. 1.1.. And an lhn.i.h H45. Wool 00 (I) lhu.I.Ivn.u--Bulay . -No we, Ola lo `LL10. Una i In 40; Pen 60 In `.50; ltyu 7!, lluleo-.5 lo .I..'oU. IIuI'd. 00; Wool `.'.'x=. Hhot-p tllnn-ohou|ing: 8|.00lu |l.7:;dukiu| I. -v. polu L00 totl. '-. lutwn 4 to 7:3; Hum B m I00; Boat {-3 to 85; Lamb 5 to Gr: Butter. mll. `)5 to '50; Bpwor. tub. lb to ltlo . (fhiolann Me tome; Chemo I0 to I20: I4; 0 I8 10 H : Lin! 8 to I00; TIHOV-l'0Il[h . ,rouderod :9. Ptnlt-M7- u` per lug; Flour .ll..:l) par bbl. AV .5 $0 -50. Muir 8-I .m:,oo per ton. Pork 05.00 to I.-`A0 par owl. (`um \'x.\'-:sr-~tiutu-r I6 1.: `J:-; l'|Ie1-nu-V.` 1.01.3; Evga 1'1 1 2: l'utaI,msn 50 to 00; Huvk what F}--ur par ll 3, Ali new 77' !.n1.00-, (fmu utalm. 008,4: 5'); Oak [0; haul-1 LII} tn L30; Bu-la '. L l`IIWt,-1|, 05010 |L"I: (In. G r--weal, I30 lo 1'5; In)` :'_(II 1... 8.00; Iianixmml 4_0I)_ sun, .......| 9 an 9.. run l.u...h.~r niu.- 1.3m 1,. when rlognr, y.',1U: Hurley bum we, mumm- .': pan-wt. Unions. ilk to 504- var hush: Hum lie to 100 per lb` Mutton In to per ll. Lami- fxo on fwper lb; hum): I4 w 20;: per lu; Eggs. I0 In I2 par don. Lnrd. 71- to Wu. Tallow as Kip Bkiuallio w 000. -Calf Skim `Jo per Ill, Dogma Slum 300 In Him nah. Mnl"rniu lhaleu 50 w 3|. Lamb hliun 50 to 60.`. Midas Tu per lh tliuunod.-Wool `.'. x`. to `J5;-. par lb; Chiclu-ns `M m ..`m. I'ummmu naw. The ban. Uordwoood Huoiwhouc 40. Flour $1.10. Umonn -101: 10 50c. llnmu w I00. Mutton .'>c In 70. Iiuw-r lie to Mr, Egg: 15:`. hard `Jo to flu. Tnllow . -c to ho. Kipuhua . -00. (,`n|l'n|umI Go per lb. Deu- oonn ll)-~ ouch. Lambskin: ill: to .500. links: II to 85. Wool 20. Cuiokanl `J. -u to `.."m. Poun- umo 73.3 per l-nu. May I6 1.087. Huy . .(I| 3.00; Hunlu wood 2.50 to 3.00; Lumber, 'I.!lII, `J0 In ".50, I'uutu~u new. 7. -o hug. Uordwoood dry hnrd 03. green hard Q: 50. Man II 10 37. aunt in $3, Haney l. w. 'l`ur|u~yu 40 to 75, Geo`? ' '11` w 301'. (`lu-Mu l. <- lnl-I1-. Ihml` $I,.'>U tn _ tn TuIl0N1Y). - Wlmnl - lull {L29 to `L30. nnnua {I28 to $I_3h, wool-per lh. 001- I0 "I! luy-8 .00 lo SILOU. ntnw {.00 to $6.00. ut- Ior. roll. "120 w `.`.'x`, poulou per hag, 5. ` In 60. MRI '7! to I80. Tuwnnrn.-Whom: 0I.;Iu, Barlcv 50:` '0 50`. Bye the. Pan 7003. Corn 500, (Jul 450. Buckwheat 40, Flour $1.40. Onmnn ilk: to His. lluuun In nuns: un- On March lllln, lha info of Jnrmninh 1I'IJnncol|,o! Pnrtnuuouth. 0| l.wim_ Imy um! and u'IDr girl. Un Igod I10 VOIII. The funeral wil| ale plnoo from the ren- aonccof hor son-In-law. Ir. Indus A-ulndnn_ ournor llrook,nnd 0:-rdon mroela, Kingston. on Bntnrdly M. `.':.'N o'clock to Cnunqul C-_ molar). Friends sud ucqlninunceo an ro- Ipootlully Invited wnlund. At N-nun. on lurch huh, lnry Ann Eli- uboth Wnlwn, rrllol 0| me nus Junn way can. I ed (`J yuu. At spun-9, on Ilsroh `ma. Linn: Iitchrll. Igad `J you n AI Nopumo. on March 9I.h. Archihnhl Dun bun, and H momhl. . Al. south "I'QdQrN`i.bu'`l,4UH In-oh `uh. W ZIUIIIII Try! u-vu--. ..-... curb hvluuun. hvqlu be you it dull Ion his nu. ordoulloh, ---.-.4 I_.A.-in-n-annmngg TJJII. NAPImII--WhoAt. Lilo: ll}-0.750. Pu.-La fine. Coru Onto 380 In Illa; Bnnkwhuat -lfw. When Ifloyr. $1.70; Barley now me. (human! I! non-wt. per March Him, we wue 0| mm-pn n Pnwor, ul 3 daughter. In |\|n1ot-n on larch 9:11, the wile of Cnpt` B. Rynn. an` | man. at Nspnnw, nu lurch 8th. the I oi Nammn Lu: 0. of I can. dnughler ul ml. is. xwnnuu, nu nu luv- burgh. ` - un um I01}: Ear:-h, at the rt-Iidanuo 0| In. J. W.l-urrrl| the Rov_ I-`. lot)-nig. George S. nobut. to Elnnbulu A. A!euv-dermldoa: daughur or the mo Rev Purlqk tiny. ull ul Kungulnu. At Nydoniin. 1 Imun-, mlicl, sf I Igod 80 Tin fnlmrll I At Soulh F`rQdurII'Il|)nrgh.:un ||'l`_h Mnry Ellan Kerr, bolovod min of Wllnzuu ll. Wnghl, mod `:9 yearn. ' S0AlI_l6'IIIIIIV l|InI uVN4*e1lrcI m`ux which nhuuld lN.w4-II Palrpnuled. Open on nuroh 17:11. :xcETs|oR Temperance, Diningand `(_):Il"l"Iil`.' /I{00MS. llol Ten, l`oll'ee, l`I|ocolut- and Lunch at all ours. U DINNER from I`? to hnl! punt um? OYUTIIB in every ltylo - ,_.n 15.... .... u .... .. ulunuuus nun:-u_y I\ Iu. I-adios Dlnlng luau: sud Ind-ng Room for India and g-ulomu up noun. Kurt:-My Ira! slut. IX IT-I-' It: Iuyv Ivlunvu -u-U-u_ Cb hm Hi. Eh oonuiluouu in , udoulu, to-oollmr nonbor. lilhlllholouthuudo, nah: oluuolopououluitou, wgoout sbnullnohthtuullthhudlulot pooglohttlololoolwbouwppon In gutilbllo Podll IOOIIII Icopo Mid ggdqnduuil-nllnyunlmllpuvr .. 3;` In Ilonbo Innpontdly , _,_ .5. ....n.... hulnmnnlllm In4n- Outer 8-myoru every night In pnrtlu M um Ion than four `:50 not ;I-uv yuan I5:-. soup ovor_ydu_v for Dinner. Pint-Inn Dmnnr [or 20:. Bill at I-`urn ovary day. Hun Sandwiches Inc. |.nnnh I0 -. Codoolopu nnp. Orton. Blank sud llud Ton T-o pot cup Chooohh ho par cup. Inqbody ohonld [In no I all.` 32-15 L: Innnn1Illnll|A`l! Ila. In livwnuuuu-no N .H - You will too by tho nbuvolho pr:-mine: will not be mmplnwd. lml In will ho routs tnr lmnnqu on the I7-In llngnon, Inch nu, llm. C UIIIHO V 1` W n.`...'?':'- Ia:-eol -AI|I|ll'4Ih On the Nth instant. At the residence of the bride : father, luv the Rev. J. I-`en-gumn. Mr. Hirun Mkinwn, to Mini Annie, wcund dnughler uf MI. R. Bennett, ml] -1 Pum- buruh. vvnu -.-. --v...._.. KING UTRERT. IIETVVEEN I'RIN(`ES ncl IIWDCK BIHEKTR. 6i=r; RA HOUSE.j tun mom 0! an and mgnc Anion,` Ina. MID MI_I_8.BMllJMA|.llI,: Surgical Instruments ' EVER IMPORTID HIRI- nlluculonlounnpouwuly pun. uh nduuu hlnpocil the Inn- .4.| man: of Ibo Dontnkt 3) All Inlet Mrunol Cuu. Pooh! Iclldlo Cues led `a lump. minus! Turnou- Iumiy Io Ivnnfvu, and other nut- lhd. _ _ A __ _ _ hppomd av mu:-nmau x_-gm C- pny In 5ior|t|u:'I_ (NM Ioehty Play. `l"'.|i nhtn III` I Ionl, l.Y , lutrlhont Inlet! In Ml lbs or Yeti Hcnpildl. Md `.1 bad! tthnrybou nun. E-':,..p...:.u. ;Iummcuo-_m-'-'0 . Ioumollnpuiluhth ungudl ill- lnyolvrho. N. c. PoLoN. In-.1 [Inna -Lava (Inna: Mann ----- I ban on Mad Ibo hunt and III! Alfd IIOGI 0| ...... _..___. .. "'3. nmu. I o..ii u.r1I." Dow-Iun4QIolnofla-tannin nice! in lld girl. Mm-h Imh, Pnuor. dumb I! SGIIOOI. FOB SGAIIIIAL. rpootlully Invited to uunu. Al. N: nor. -`uh, Eli- uhmh mun. re-Hen ol the Inn Juhn Clay ---- Po;IoI nnnn. Idlfl '0l'lODI. cl f Ell?` Illlifl. I- tilt-- ---f-- F,` .. ...- -_-.. .5: 13$`:-0 o! the Domain. By ....). amlohn mop: Ilcothur Bun. . -I- n_.n-n.... Lunch; in son in at DUI Ianh IIID. MU. Tia` `mugging. Tlmnday. In-ch IIIII nun, vuv-.- In-.. _ ~.. mm. s. Ilocluuhut. vm. -in an In an -bun the uro-mum n 3` T $5.93!`! Mn! but than Opn HOIIIO. III. "N. muumzn. ._...;_..o . H... .4 .m`(1-..'.." In. elm nrnf: nu-.1-_ , nu lush 1011:, Barbara ' Iho Ina Joseph Iouuro, the wife of Joseph W 7". $00 RIIIII`-II, lluu-ow, upus.hrhu o_uuaooo|lIncInh v hougudu-hhlhphznlnm. `new HAT stone! .`JUST'OPENED | noun unit. nun no; lo the "Iran I Whh," vnth all tholnuu llylu at I 1- 1. 2 u WM and 'm9!i99...!*2'5! U I wnm. willlm ooltlnlniu N59!` 711' like Inn `hide. `~ ]su.K ms uje1nonna.| ..__.. am {nu ma Huh--lloolod uni Inpnltod At one and nude like now. I A` A IDQD ..--..:___ ECONbM7| M 0 RR I s o N * 8- Toronto Flour Store. TuTavern Ksspers,Shup Keep- em. Wholesale Merchants and Others Whom it may Unncern. II TU]. II! [V Inunuuu I-I - not delay. But John ted the Iintiab Oulnnbhu as small; indobtod so out other, lh Olhlhln lo than lot Inc can In Pallhonl allot MI ignouldoun Id II Alb diy, and they to III luv 0 tlllhgnuu to hutnpo tho vholo oon_n- llwhlldtllolnll in nuhucyund ax- padn onuruuu 1:! IN: Inland. Win O0] pt Coptic: than will doubt Inn to on upodmro ol nub IMIII million. In Qbough II: nonhu- lur Vlad: us; than not change pm I3 `N NIH INN loldpn ho Iionld Ibo IIGOUI till Iopo lohtnd nuhih AL- 5--.. 4.]. III. ...-.nion..n. an on aml`afI-r the First Iialy ul II-__..|. .... 1.. 13:... 0 ..r A....:I \ Aul uvmg_,. up 0! l|nnlrunl,un Hm Llfo ill Lihh_y Pr... Halve:-ntlw Imurn M II) and `I at-1m-k, gflor which dnl-~ no mIp'h'atmu wnll he rru-iv-(`. A >p|ic-mm: muol fur: uh the names I [Wu gum and nuhmul nurelmv. . VV. (l'.II|l)l`CN. ` :.I,;lnn and Sand" 1.1 l rmm' III the CITY HAI,l._ on 'l`hIIrs4lau'. live" March I8. Thu WM: in llus United sum nml Conudn npunk we ry highlv of lhoullovo looturt-. Adlnhuuon 2.'C`rntn. `J98-@%9%BAF!E92T5| At the Innat- ,vu:uuA nneii Ann nous. I|'llI`IIl Ann I Inn!` *U%NIdN J"F"Iif_` msmuucncoummv, no 1~nu: nu 1-n Ways In the ~SlandaId.| 1-hohvut an bgud In quantum. (1 nomoppodhno wuumu. ileum Nun: I Joann II mun- - Saussges Always Oil HA1! D. Agont a-t-%-Kingston, JOIIN FRASER- Sugnr Cured Hum, Smcad Rnll I Felice Be`:-f%(_oIlnl| Iilu lwgun hmlnool in PllAT|'l|jl)l.l) HHPS uni DIl.l.-I:l-I0. Otlbour urn-,o,m Ina pranks! Iuoly can H 5 who lab-ulna loaf] on-one i` kill`: on-pl, H-Ian-n, luau Io-nu om henna. "Incl. I. lllllf. low llmloun Mon. Occur`: Ihd. Flinn thomuu. Kpplyul. IIDHIIY. luv ndoun IupvII,I|hII8. Eastt Eg_{_Tns`ug3E Large Assortment AA AI_---- FEATH Eri WEIGHT M 1Ij1,s BM )S, UQKIQIJIV Kinzuwu. lurch lllh. 13- VV. (N.Il|IH`lN. lunpc-c-tur ul l.m~mu-n Kinuamlr, Man-h Gill. W90. Bologna. llun. Bum and Port` cl I llueh__l9_Il. mo. __.-:-__*.T Cc-rnor Pnneou And B5300 u. Mu-ch `Jzh, I550. YH'[lI.`l1'. II he-min` given that nznplinuli ml lnr Lu-ttnlmu 1--r Ilm Eula of Ln] .orI III VII uuu urn`: nu: --u-vs urn-J u Mllrrh up to Fir.-.l ul'ApriI. Ivvnru w-w-- --_ V..-._ _. Kl.\'(:S'l`UN & IWIMBRUKIC TEA l)F?l 1-'l'. ` SPRING HATS; ITAII D. Iuloly onus-hd by Vuun-. 1?. .o__._._ Sir John Moodonnld bu undo u forlnll : ,_ ;_ _...x__ ._A .....n I... n-n %I IiajE:'I_`_`t:I'Ti:&=;ia:1Tj "NDER thou:-pic-mm! Queen RV, l.u|it~c' Aid Sm-Lvlv` |u |H`.\'. l.. N BEAUDIH , A` ` : II Is Really .\'oh|u' .0 ` g Brook u-oovt. M. MORRISON. A|.sAMu1'Amo. muuon. ~.'.'(`entn. (LA. HPAIKA. l.uiim' AH. Queen st. Church. ch Gm Yul` CAN BUY I1` ' UIHCII IIIIIII. Spiced Boll Bacon. Oumbeuud Buon.` `Ail Ark 9/ V f V V a) 'x III iittlj Int: WHITE All) LIGHT. nah-an Ql A GRAND uaubnnu 9 u-nnnml Vnr Ln] 1' Knnmtuu, fur llm _n~ar I880-HI. `iveul an um l)h~ nl tln lmsennu mu 1|. Mar.-lunl. Ii-v V: V v--u or romwro. Q-61 w-vo' In-{mum Cnhnbun. 1|: mo. wag" H Uh-A nl UI\ Inmnnu uppo-Alto l|u\ Man'hunL:' IIGO IIIO IIEI. J, GLIDE. ' Prlotlonl Hnncr. Ill hllllll . BID! II03a -n..-A-.. I hunlnnjnnnon 2-.\' l..N mznumu, .Iglnn (AMI IUIIIU DIODE: Ion Pork. 337331` IJ ounlunotovwaorno mm`: awn |bUIB|iIUlUIlolI|. WALIII I. WALIII HOIIIYI IOLICITUIZI. to King ~u.on-Jmln I-mos... Imnnnl I Johan A Inn Stool`. of choice puttorlut-1 uloct lroln. " Alu-.n II'nrm nl |:c1 M-Ma M mun near Ila:-poll`; Cnrnar. 'lownahIp ul .KInnnum. Them In on the premium n lnrgu Br:--.k llouln um otbar m-reuury out I-`nrm Ihnld; mu; Huurunh Ind mhvr Wood so ul Tun bar; mmd Hanan and Well u \'\'m-~r. mul Imus l"run"rc-mu. rm. I-um nu Inra-|\ allu- ued. [rum Illlrh lhnra in In good \'u-w uf lhu (Til v mul Mun uf Quinlan. il:ITuNNEs -I0 Acru 0! Splendid Ian-l Iwur (`I-umqui, with rloi Dwelling And lmvo llnu- Iml olhor Uul.h\u|dInp; gum] suruzg lur nun.-_ .w.'I and Clulnvn at tho Imuu-; tn-`o owl. this 0! 450 but Grafton Fruit. From, an Acre nl tnwlmrrta-n. Thla uluo ll nmlmulullv Mod. Irum vim-In In-are r (Til 7 gm! Mu uf Quhnlm. AI-u. in live (In: of] nml AI.-. in Guy of Kmgnun. Mo-, '1 munudvol Hid ttgro.-g_D`rn-1::-.1-A-rx KIN; Ind Who lrdili, Vli I nlmp Iii on A good [due for I human. `I In show proportion mly Ina mm gum! plum for Damn. : ohnnp And on any wnn AI-my to I. Cooke. Cnlnnqui. nr 1 Apply to D. M an ant. (lrooor, PI-luau: Sm-or, Kiugnmu. Arch 3111. I830. I l7ppu can Mu-hut, 9 hnin. mad I hrdgdudnmn` Puuoulm united by Flynn. Iuunl Ann. Anne: at. lama unit. and Ouuulullu Irrrhul. npnu. 0. names on-uuumu Q0 In 144. hi It. IQ. A noiulor abontlln Dun In-and la- 0 ' Mgvlli pnruenhn. P, _ ,.'.-_ -,.-.-_.` BIO HWIIIKVGIBIIIAUI--u; 3 VII ab 0! Edna:-I uh-noun of Struvborrta-A. Thla alum nplmulully nlluouad nour I road so oul Ind Clnm-In-o. 1ho I-`ml: will pl]! 9 lnhronl on I-urn-luau nmnov uf properly I knmlrrl In. AI-o for ulr. non Fnusnqui. hotwoeu III Furnished or ' l'nI`urnI.~hel. minute--` walk from [be ontronua plan For lunhor puuicnlnn uul cmlnrn to Apply! - 14 1' M:'ll.|_. FTxrhTsT15i`[}'1tyPrdp{erLie FOR _ALE. a! properly Imnmlnl In. Fun ul. um! 40 Acre: of Hwuuo Lam , gum! lur u- turo. on wlm-In than in Ann amount M Iwk lnr I.nun- THE ARRIVAL OF Ills` Spting lmponatiuns. MIST ! PACKING HOUSE. III oolnml nun U-I--lo III luau lucked lot [mute Indlvlll. - mm: p. nun _ Inch I6. ID. 1=Ac1m_zg;1oUsE. Pork, luau. llama-. Lard. waonunu AND Rrrun, swim, reams um rum in ,g_A_u, umr. R.&J.GARD1N ER ISANDS Hgbdoouo plttorlu lc pot yud CRETONN Eh`. Hnndlnno iunornn at I.`-a.por yard. 250 r ynni. ` N Hx'(Hl.l Uluruuo Ht, 09 min Paul in` Kmplon, fol `Nth, In | luck 90. I1. Hlodoolno punofm 3! 20, per ynnl. An inspection invited. Illlph um lurullu uuuu cnnun-'1; . am on um. OMS" qply In liq HEATHFIELD. J. 8. SAQDS. BINIH TI) ANNV)l N|l-' Tllllll IIIII I\l| Walllnnwn Street, No-xl Door Io Wnldrouf at 135 Wellington St- wag.-Tao: ,_ on-'ro1\`N":s. CRETONNES. CRETONNES. Ag UNDER. ts. . ,1: lIuoonnu(1lIio)Cidapodc5ol |nnInnrlirlaooud1'UqI'|clIIn' illhourilunut nbil Idddlol ,4m,`Ill) rould uonfh IHO-70,10: uuusnduu_p'huuhq_aonnn_ug thunk ouhhm, 1."- _-__.AL|_ ll- oh... A-hnlnnd mg mg] $lUIu-Il-uuv-q-v-vow-, --.-,-- , opoudblo. Ho than an the dun lo 5 high: unt! would app nudlilhullnlylllil ,UW.0,00. no Inc Ito and blobs ol 1878-79 Ionld In bot Cli.` Ho 30- bring: down uaonu IIH that A decit in that pure! Il.8,0W. and much that it would not but C3,0(l),0(l) but lot the dun cl-total Tho Inch: ululuiun is loaded on the uluuptiog the the total quantity 0! oomnodiciu wluoh paid lnpodnod udno duh: would an! Inn boon gtutnhultloold Gil boon to- hiuul: is when that I-lnmnggpption oluutlnmdu no duvund. by iii the in win oouoquonl on hihh duties, to n dupe. which tho Pinup Iiniuor had not lounuu. Tho hom annulu- ., ._.__v .-.4n._.....a a.......n. In l-II n'. Ind not louuu. nu no-I llilllluu-r mun Inrifuund in-ponn to lull off, and pudnood neither proopori nor ` nvonuo. __ Dalia; with the nsixnuhn for 1879-80 Sir Inonu-1| aid hit you 2 A|III_ __A._-a- -- ah- i-sauna [rum )0 the Dominion. " He not ulnik I deciency for 1879' 80 of `000,000, and It in Info to My that tho mud decit will amount to nearly 82,000,000. Thom in nothing in the re- nnuo returns, not in tho unto of this county, on which to loam! his `sanguine cutimutn ol receipt: [or the romnindor 0! who you. / _ M , I opplindon 01 this no! (on! tho rooonps ot II,I),(Il) in uoooo on tho rooult ol shoohongoo in tho propoood krill. Tho Govonunont llu boon olooodin ly onx-` iupo. boon II tho lmpooition oouo at tho ion: to, the (or no louuro. ot any nto, vo oholl hovo no more dooiu .il to poooibly con ovoid it. sud I boliovo in urging out that object tho pooplo will juuly no out! ooy, `Collect on much re. vonno on will moot the oxpondlguro 0! Dominion. " IL _-_ _A_.3A- - 4|-ainnni Inr I879` A largo nu! omical audience [on ov-suing Iilueluod the performouco of "l1unIoI,` by Bandmnnni Ebglinh Com- pony. Auto tho result there any be homo alight dionnoo 0! opinion but thus combo no quullon that tho ploy no produced in an able And most oooopublo monnor. Mr. l]ondnunn'a lhmlot." dilfon from tho pourtnyoln ol the chu- nctor `inn hontoloro in Canada, u but of which, perhaps, In: tho: of II- M n Ila-.. II.-ulna-nu : gm- j I no mu: oounu inc: and in Want mg nu udu.uum um wzna; gun a. r -n.....u I:o'tum in onoblool on Vhluh In-us._no I_holo_o_u|_c_n_og__I_vl_I_h. but ol Iumu, pornnpu, cu. u... .. Mr. T. C. King. Bandmnuuh Hum- lu" hu ovilonlly bun studied, and Im luau and gesture and Vvoioo no truthful outward indent ol the fooling: which minute the man. In the Ioliluquy ho hu 5 commanding upoct, upecully when he dobtlol the quouion, To be or not to ho." Tho uriolu nun: of tho '~~~ ---- --4- -..m|-....-In fnminnlinn an moon-a nu nu yuur : W0 union to tho incl-an from tho hnl` tho uooipt .1 nmnom in noon IIOI I0 II. III! vuuuuu vvuuvu v. u..- plny Ion undo wondruuuly fuoimtina by the spirit of tho plnyon, thou nuc- oou wu manifutod by tho vigorous appluuo .0! tin mdionoo sad the cull ol the ptinoipnl ployon before the curtain. It won unncounry to Ininuuly oriucizo tho noun! 0:- dollont future: of tho pol-lornunco. The non uluotiu cocoa Ion Hum- |u;'u" oonloronou nth the ghoul 0! his umrdond fnthcr, hi: uonhy muting tuh "Ophelia" than ho bid: but to I nunncry hogono, lunorul ol the domonlod luur, and tho lml onoouuur at tho olou. Throughout Bmdmnnn wu pow. odul and urnkingly otiginnl in his to pnloncuiona. Ho III II supported by Mr. Uoun, Ir. Lyqol, Mr. Avoling, Mr. Uolnorvilll, Mu Bnndunun, Min Aiuhn, and olhon. Mn. Baudlnnnnh illpcnoouion ol "ophulin" wn muted by null! excellent lacuna. She Ip- pouod to nest udvnnhp in the pnholic patb-whou feigning inuhity-whon bar molunlloly mum III Alecting to turn. Tniing the porlocmsnoo All in I" it in much n In uldom no in Kingston und such I: doootvu the Innnut commands- . , or- _x-|.s .|.- Hphnn` lnv Rzmnunl" Inch GOQIVC Ill! Illlncu ovllunuuur nun. To night IhoV8chool {or Scandal" should draw will. Tolhcldibrqflhllviliah Whig. I\_._ I... I J..-. It 5:. LA :1 T0 MI DOCK" Iv ull Dr nun n Irv . Dnl. But. --I do-n It to be undm otood that laid not intend in my lung: to you, publiuhod yutordny, to imputo bunch of condant: to Mr. Iuhnr, tho 1 un infonlud had nothing to do with giving 8,50 orronoonu Itutounpntlhnt nu publhhod. I nuke thin Illtomont In! my long: ghonld ho undnntood ll fedl t- in; on Mr. Kuhn. ' You-I faithfully. Rlonnn '1'. Wuuu. Kingston, unk loch. Tu Bonn.--A hunt : lilo in one of puhun Id hardship Going into outlying and undviliud ngionn, he can nut and noon to subtlety to no- unn his prey. Bu Ma mo in alto one at [loll nu-ndou. Be is null; vary uolbodicd. putting up with tho conno- nnu of the us Solution his camp in onlinnod by prunes at an on- uuniuc. uh. nouns no Anond and It you l OII'Ol'|I| with 3 cough or IOVOII odd, do not stile HM youuoll ......"' "".'.*:'........"" " '. ':.:'::' 3"! ll buy no out, ._mu"_"o'c iunnlinnod hy llopuunou or an on- tlnuiut, 1:0: .:|I`ponun Alglond and away poni lo mono can on in pru` vidul. Old "Ihup Eye," the louder. ugowu the luofllo upon when guano my In upudod and `lo plum hiuul! thucholh. lial oollu tho nude chat, the udunonl mending tho punult. the kid Iloh ringing through the air. the gulch` ol the none, and Ilonhru to the sup. unhnuo with loads; and his Italian 0! the human. 1: in qhldll to Run I pod hunt. I! in 3 good thing. IIIII, to hunt lb: di-nun in the human mum. to thin than any. And In thin oounonl an to Du. Inna`: Goon Conn Pm; `thy uolhn non pained hlnlon slut dunno you horn. Tn Putt-Kn;-n.-W Inn known tho but Avatar 0! til! uodhino, and that It I: not with [rent menu and uttdutho to our vary but hoilin. lthkhvodb nollhtlc ol our uh- doudu In button lands. vim tiny unltnonuullclutoptlur tor tho Alanna thubunod to than nm on- uctn. It should it kept In out} hvmlt, and to In ndluu be sudden much at utIhun.-(lrM6u hm. ohup and Ionian I nun mu bu nous. olloulo 3 AUG`: no. n..._.u_..h-mnhnnudtha du- Itugaothulluuionn. lotlupstocl It-dtgcuiu and halal. Iocdolailutyln-Iuyuuu: I 'kInI 0' cotlln equal .1: Follow nopho-` -hn-. lnduunnhnchnnnnloolu ntllu qul -D Follow.` llypopnco-' him. ludutuuiuunnuucbool-I n -no-aha pd-nnnnlnh I Dim ----ooo BIIIIIII ll "||...|uv `III Portland lilocthu. Douinion Oonrlunont pronoun immi- gnua in 0) the Km payment for uni dnuoniudun ol pnlnphloln oontun'in,;_ `tic mu, I good deal 0! inhrmuiun about Cuwda but containing n wclfuming Adunhoacnhol land; {or uh in No- ` I-'~~_-- ._g .15.. A.-..n'n.n dun polscy. 4 Thu mouilcoto of Ir. Sh . Homo Bola louder, obuohriun n..Zo.a.u'. ` I-ttuunnmllutxnfluina mu iuum boloto the pooplo. hmliuu Inucilo the Iorlt paniou of tho iguut-inc. Ho ` Mlribounho luninuin lulnnd to tho Government : culpgblo ignonuco and Inxloot. Ho declared u: Hull Rule ` luau that tho oolniotion botwoon th ` T7r1T oTi6WfifUI`]I!IaI&~virt'-rbod6by'\ N bail through comm:-tional Iiunnl Mr`. Shaw Appeal: {or an unnhdnin; aw ` jority. plodpd lo the union 0'! I pou- nnl proprietary. ' - ` London. March vlI4--Tho Stock El- ant ` London, -ll.-Tho ohanaaahowod thaalaolof thaapproaching Wiinaolulion of Parliament yesterday in a chap daolina in uoarilua an the theory that a uanoral olaotion noun an increas- ad demand for many]. There in a uvero panic in water atocka, an the diaaolutiou 0! Parliamant ia a practical ahandonlnant of thu Watar Bill. Tho Ounaorvaliva and Lib-:1-al parties prolaaa to be convinced` ol their nqoooaa in the coming elections, but nfoithor aide claim: to upset. a vary da- oidod majority. ` London. March 10.--Tha Liberal load- _ men." "Bemoonneld'u foreign policy hu boon nn inulox-mun. diuuroun failure. Vuto Igniun. him no you would ngniml. ID enemy of your country" in I Innmfunto ngnod by tho loll-wing Illolnbcn of Pur- lmnanl: Funk Hugh O'Donnell, Juno: L. Finnigan, Alexander M. Sullinn, uhn O'Connor Power, Juuiu McCarthy md othorl. I..mA..n Mu-pl. 11 _In Ihn Cnmmum md othorl. Landon, Much 1l.--ln lho Cnmmum tha Chnncollor of the Exchequer mtro~ duood the Budget, nhouing the rovenuo thin your t.o'yioId ;.,'2.l75.0(X) leu Ihlll estimated, Iaanng n decit ol3,366,000. --Pu-mall say! hi: vinit to Amariuu bu been nuoceufnl bayond hi: expocutiona. - Hi! A, 1`, (hit nnd fnmilv II" lone than my no nu yu mot. -Tha urvioea of Mr. Anmnd, Caul- diun Emigrnnt Agent, are to be retained mm! the an-in] nf an-. A. If. (his in London. and pouibly permnnontly. --'l`ho Home of Renronomnivru Wnyl majority. I * London, II , Lord Hutington, will ndJreu the n: political mun meeting at the cun- pniun st Aocriugmu on Snturdny. Th. Hnma Rnln Confederation ol Aocriugmu Snturdny. The Home Rule Great Britain hue iuuod the {alluring violont. manila to to the Home Rule AI- nooiuionl nnd Irish people 0! Grant Br i~ Igin` kin; Lord Buoomold bu iuued in the faint of I lotto! to the `Vice-Roy. 0! Iro- And A declaration of Int: Upon yuul oonlm-v and your friend: the minmry iu uqking to obuin I renewed term of uloo by noting diucnnion and hunted .botwuu Enxliuhmen and Irilhmon. Beuconaeld n vioinnu mmifooto diroctly nppuln :43 the wontpuuionl snd prejudices for the purpose of stirring up Enszlillh men Igunot lriah nntlomlity. The minintry ueithor known nur rnr--u how to PIIIBVG our diurouod felluiv c--untry- beon Iuoceuml bnyoml nu expocuuonn. Sir A. T. Gnlt ind fsmily II" for England on tho '38:]: in the Polyne- m' TVI n-u--- .-- V-.- ,, bush. Kuuu and aunt Amman `Sutton and urritoriu. When this an brought under tho nqlioo of Hon. Mr. Popmby Hon. Ir. Blsko, whnlo tho tor- mu could not deny the luv. in lost. `hm -.----.. _.... :5 --.0 nADn`nlII'I Inunrlnd III". -Mr. Parnell up that be onjoyod hit with to _'l`uruuto very much; that the people no Iuuro English \n then nnnuor than ha ha: ynt mot. -'l`hq urvinaa Anmnd. Lundou. and poulbly permlnonuy. Home Reprolontotivrl Wnyn sud Mum Uummittu. It Washington, have agreed to report favourably I bull ohunging the duty on malt from 20 per cent. ad valurun to `25 cent: 3 bushel. ,,I`mho ohmu.-nd chum hnndrnd Im- ad mwrem to `.50 com: Dlnmn. ---EIght. Lhounnd thrvo hundred um- migrunel landed in New York in Febru- nry, sgnimt 2,800 In Fubrunry Int you. A hundred And lotty-eight thousand ar- rived during the your ending Fobrusry 25th. Against 82,000 in the previous yur. ...Ilr. Tmnhnlmn II oniadv mooted- 25:11. ngnlnnt 02,000 In the pronoun yur. -Kr. Tronboluae quietly prooood- ing with tho Argonteuil ountenod election one, which in to be pushed to the bitter oud. Ividonoo atop: on: daily, and it in oven aid thn. enough in in hand to In- olude Sir Ohnrloo Tuppor in the prumih ing Iuy. Comlomaerl for the WIHg" 1'o~ day. COIIUNIIM ll Q run-unuu San Francisco, Much ll.- I`he 24th of March in that day lined by the nuts toru [or nbnung the Chinnbown nummuw. II. II boliovod that the ngitnmrn an] be diuuulcd (rum cumng the lnnmloned trouble. ltu oertuu um. Llnmmuniom ;- .5- .-..l "him: nl tho Kurnuilau. It in certain um. kummunlun in tho rul object 0! the Kurnoyilu. Every nrrnuunuml. ig undo to most. (ha lint. ml of violanoo. . .... ._.,... ..-..-nnn.un- A P0I.I`rlI*AI. unuuluunus. Hanna, Much 6.-Tho Sunday at- lampl. to (in the theatre at Msnbnun hy petroleum ol wooden bombs, in: discov- cred. Two gwlngoo of dynnmih were nlno lound. I in boliuod tint II. no in- tondod to blow up an tbnlro. Evidonon point to an clan nlu I diuurbnnco with I political aim. nu nun.-nc uruunmla. .\Il.ll(:AK A!l'lmmn:n. A Pnm dupntoh up urnngomeuu have boon completed for tho co-uporr hon ul the French Guvornmnnt in tho oxpodiuon planned by PM-ru Lnullnrd, ul New York. for uploring lh-: Inl|ql|l- lie! nl Iluico. Tho unodmun will nut only in April. The sum coat in ullmuod at 000,000. The unrnunonl lnrnlohoo 00.000 nod tho outt. ol Lor- nllnnl (020_uou) now, and ptobnbly much -nu :- mom. uuaiulna puma -on-our noun ht III count nu accent to UHIJH, 0! which l) counts from the Ptovumol Ouurouul. Tho B`uuulIou-Pnyot coumotod docon out in It John 0 Wad. coat Q00, think 5`. Itlillull. Ihodohuod un- `I'M-IICIO VII] lofty nun, nut auwy, oolhdod wit a tug but ni M, wrecks; Ihlum. Uuul Illa doc land: In 4|...-ngal CIIIIII uloul. Mn. Eouonl, ol Csltlurnis, who in be- lriondina tho newly Arrived China: in this city, in overwhelmed with applica- nnu law China unuu. she in non- .;.a...a... oh. .........I mango. nu In-can ""0. '0' I-`III? aid tho I911 Chin: uh on tutoring plum. John! hpvnl-u;ro--vouly am -~Hor to tho Eon. more. -run Ioulol D0(`Illl. Now Ynrk, March ll.-'I"ho Herald`: Wuhinutun up of tho Munroe Deon-inc am the hnbbub bu holpod the Soon- tuy of tho Navy to pt 5 rnulmiun through the Homo authorising she Oom- nmoo M. upon the pnouonbuliny ol cum- plotlng MIN doublo turn-owl In-mnon. Non York. March ll.-Tho domllonn plotlng lrmt donblo cm-row: In-mlwn. Non York. to the Herald lfund yonurdiy won ,~ Tll At no I000` at the atom! Ililmry Dunks Auocislhu yutotdn Ir. Goo , a named sums oLuod _- -_ ` "1`IuIIIv."-`humor powlu '00, lyhimuu Ibo huh, a-owning tho uguygpd uioulotlld the noun. TM bu-hiked, uublhoadnlc Mlluailu on onml. Auk mbruuiu lot " u (Hun. id in pt]. ! yum` pa-loo ! In tum. dI 0IIIOd. '00 A ITIAIIOAT 00!-LIDOI. The June Oily lorry buns. New Join}. ...u.4..1 -n n my Int. mum. ureoknn I IIII` Ulllli IIIWI rl ropoulm ouuntl could not only um um. an mu. `m. ulpot out it sod potuhnlly nwrtod um. he could not be upocud to kllol ourything like its member lor Walt Dutlun. Thin non I put with the in- nulting htortq ol the ill-nunnorod Minu- tor oi Canon: 1! miuilun dooin to compo the lab of Opppniuon or gononl public uivipiun lot thou: In future uoid nth think-uiuod blundon nu oxpcnding Cnndiua mom}: ouonubly in the inter- ut of Oonndlua immigration, but at the cum ti-o u no cdurtiuing medium lor tho rival Attraction: of tho neighboring lllllff. ~. 0 ..__. ._-_-+oo--__.._ LIIEST I_L_cms. 'iiim cii.` ` `""tFi_En'g'ib`." nu unusu. no u oun- > to one! u innonno loan at Sontag: uul own 1. murxsn WBlG,"l`HURSDAY.A macn 11. taco, The Bounty, vnnul uul uugnpn Committee llil" thin morning and the Bull, Iulhonxiug the ptsbliahnom of I Supennnuuiun, Hrovidont And In-' nurweo Fund, (or the (Iron W`I0orn|RIi|- wny Compnny. The Bill rel ` ting the ' man: and Grand Island ridge In also pnuod. Thu work II to bo communa- od uithnn three yuan, nd to bo com- bined within nix. _'X`hu act to inco I- an the St. Clair ind Lulu Eiio Nama- Ainn. nmnnnu In nnnnad Iith llnOI.|d- the BL Ulur Iml Lilo nrlo mangl- tion Company Ill pnuod with unaud- mnnll. TIC UOVIIBIIIIIII IIIEIIIDCVI Il I`Ill unu- cuo this morning, the union i_u 1 very prolonged ouo. ' --oaa Montreal, Much, 1']. -The Grand Trunk Rnilwny lruic for the week: end- ing 6m March, 1830, and the xh of Much} 1879. In l880~-puungon 040,114, expreu {taught `and nuilo 05,- (XX), freight! and lnvumck 8149,5554. Toul Il94,708. lu l879-puungon $39,422, axprul freight mud mu]: 86 ` 500, height and livestock Il2l.772. Toul Il64,6!M. luorouo in 1880. I30,- 014. Tho Rnvioro du Lnnp roooipu arc Included in 1879, nut. in I880. Adding them 04,200, was weak: increase in 834,- 214, um: um nmzrogllo increase for um Noah in $l'.N),l.`H. .~o M-.- Dublin, March 11. The Maunion Home Relief Commmee any: muniliciunt oonlributiunl continue to be received. Yonlerdny 2,000 from Rinmne. 15,000 from Sydney. Australia, E."-,000 from Nelson, New Zonland, and !,'l`>00 from Luuncuton. Hand It not been for Am- tnlisn contribution the operation: of the Uplnmitleo would long umce have ceased. 'l`h.. nnninn Rnlinf (`nmminoe Both tho gnu! politictl portion in Gnu Britgiu an working with night. and main lot the ptiu ol Iueoou. Just now it in wall nigh impouiblo to luruoo or lonhll how the c-loctoul on will juuip. Had the cloouon boon held sump mu. ago than than was an un- .I....Lg-.| nnnniinn naninnt "Jnmminln"