JUST nnnrvnnrl Imam XII 1'gu-hing. school Amendments. (`ons|nbI- Service. mg; ilrii. --.- VIDIlDAI"l nnnInrx-A uvui nu Ilol--fil uwcuu ucun_u. Tlocounopoabu 19 o'olouk; cu} Iiuduuutls ch dob. Alla pnycr thoninnludtbbtionvaonsd '__.I -___._..I nrucnn vol Llcnuu "Tho upon ol that Iuuining Cunnil- toovu pnlontod to tho elect that they had onuinod tho young men who dair- od lioonun Ind noouumnding Ihnt tho Synod bu applied to te gin than Inn to be ukon oi trial. n , n __._ n-_n,-_ u\__..-_..\ I(.|- -bu vruvvuj ` uuun cunt. I Thdnuitu to the anus ontiuq Ininioun no than up, And it In` de- cidod that they In rohin:l"on tho roll: ol Ibo rqgiutivo Pnlbykriu no long an Ihoy oolllllo Iitllln the Pnubycory s.......|. _ luv vvu hounds. to be nun on Inu. Rev. Home. Ueeleeu (Convener) Kel- no, tlellqhelgteay end Wih. were eppointed I committee lolhemiuiung uudume who desired Ioenter the minin- Iry until the General Aeeembly of V881. rm... ...,.....u...| Ii-A nl .uninmonu for out quay. . Tho Ru. Iloun. Henna And Mitch;-I`! were Ippoinllod go tnbulalu tho Snbbulh School return. In , |l_ n__.I n.....l..-..A LA. -.3.-nu Hendarsozfs` Bookstore. I)Il.lUIl.Il DUIIUVI IUIIII um -Rev. Mr. Boyd tendered his nuignm tion A: putor ol Dunorouvillo. The con- gregnliun more lled" upon to meet at Bollovillo on the 29th of Much to con- Ilder the resignation. vu- u....I..-.. .....l.. - .o.n..mm.1 rs-an-(L uaer mo llgnnuuu. Mr. Maclun made I statement regnd ing the noon: Eunaolnmc urvicu ro- ceully held in the city at Bonuvillu. Ho npuke of the lotion 0! Rev. Mr. Hun- Iuond and hi: oo-lsbororo towdrda him. The Itstomont in not at All complimen- tnry In the ruviuliu. A.I:.u.-nul an mum: at {I n'nlm-.l(, illu uulnuun wuuv In-an -uu uvuun I-vv~ u The Presbytery prooosdod h nppoiut Commiui-men to the Genus! Assembly which menu 1!. Homntl ill Juno nut. Thou selected by rotation were Pr'lnci- pal Grant and R07. Mann. Turnbnll, MoLz-llun And Granny ; olocud by ballot, Revs. Prof. MJIM, T. G. Smith and D. Kulno. Tho following olden lure chulen. Maul-I. Gilliu, Glounuqnoz D. Nucul, Cntnnqui; W. MeKoux'e, Pmmn ; U. David:-sn. W. 0. Craig, Kmgnun; R. Gubuon, tlleuvnlu, Ind DI` H:-ullur, Hlil'~ hug. mm... D... m u nh.mI.... . .. mliumd If, lllll HID UIIIIII lljllluly un Ivuu The proocribod lint ol uuninuionn the students on trial Ill nude out. - A oommittu continuing of Rev. Meurv. Guooy, Mm nu, niniotero, nnd"Mr. Goo. Gillian. ol Ounonoquo, In nppolnb ed on the into 0! religion, with instruc- non; to union: to (on-nrd lhoir report: to tho Convouor oi the committee with- out dolny. rm- n... M...-g Holman Ind Arrznoon unluum. Tho Proabytory resumed at. 3 u'cl-vck ; the Modentor proaiding. After prayer the minute: were rend and oonlirmod. Irn , n_,_|._.___ ___-__.I-J A. Hug. The Rev. T. S. Chamber: u n relieved uf the Modornlnnhip ul Um lurk $00- niun of Glenfal-s nu-i Hurovuumh, and Rev. A. Ila:-u wan :|\p0inl.0d' ilIII.Old.' "- |l`.l,. .. --....-....| .... IL; uv. . "II`||||I INII iI|'|IUIll|'|| lujfuu. The Rev. A`. \\'nIn--n reported on the keeping of tho rocurd ol Gauum qua Kiyk Sunion. annealed tlut cumin change: be much in the mode oi kupiug.-Adopts _.| _ Rev. Mr. Wilson muvod the trnmmir lion ol tho following overlute went Homo Miuiom: Whoron the mud nf lnnnnging the Home Minion huoinua --I the Church in unnluhotory, and whorou >itV_in dainblo Ilnt. was duauut Inuthod `nhunlnfbo adopted or important ohmgn :_ u.- ...-...--......o oh.-...f mmln it in Il'|UllIl] DI uuupsnu ur uupuuuuw launch`:- in tho Inmlpmonl. thonof undo, it in rolpoclfully overland to !ho reverend the Synod of Toronto And Kigltun by tho Presbytery ol Kingston to cute thin mum-r into their action: conlidernion, and if thoy I00 oauu to lay it. by ovu- turoor otherwise. boloro the rononblo the Genus! Alumbly.` Al: _ _ _ . _. A:.........n ah. nIAl-.|II- -nu I'II|:l|3l|lI vlinlnu. An overture wu Iubmiuod by thn Rev. Andrew: Wilson In rognrd to the oloction 0! I Moderator for the (knots! Auombly. Ho recommended. that the Modontul be oloclnd on the floor of the Home. - - _....__ :_ _.|_a:.... 1.. AL- -.....I..... An MN A cold yd. H: or chit nu lath. And wry rhup. not than at mm, if you wish chap renting. TIGUIC. An overture in relation to the employ~ mom of etndente wee reed,reoommend~ inu that no etudente be employed in min- eion work without the Uuthority of the Preebytery. The College authorities were empowered to limit the work In that it any not interfere with the edu- catiulul pureuite of the etudente. I ---- ..l ghgnuun lnr lnur -ninth: Ill IIII \.lIIIII Il nu-uu-u, After some discussion the nurture no wilhdnwn. -rnrnulnv you NINU. Clllvllll purluuu ul ulv liuuvuuu. Leno 0! about for (our mouth: III nrlntod to Rev. J. L. Smut, uf Tronton, on account of ill hotltll. Mr. Stun-I goon on I viait to Bonnudn. The Pm- bylory oxpuuod in oymputhy with Mr. Stunrl, nnd appointed Mr. Mcbnu to hue nn ovoroighc of tho church st Trou- ton in the shame of the former. 'n...wn..u..' lt`..u-aim Mmiunnrv So- in the ubuuoo 0! mo lutlnor. The-Woman Foreign Mnuiunnry So- cioty report III road, and gnuouion oIl'IDOd at the work dono. 5.. l..1I..-inn rnnnlnllnn In Adnnud ucu . Thu Inning hutd Ru. Mr. Holman`: summons 0! pillollll expirnonoo In con- nooon with the noun ruin! union in Bollovillo. oxpuu in sympathy with him, and rooord their app:-uul 0! his conduct in the muut domlod by him. The motion nu nnniuomly ourhd. . The Prubyhly chm ad out-nod,` tho nut meeting to ho hold I: Bollovilln on the Int Tuutlny in July. '-1-QOO'-'1"1 On Saturday night In! two might tum: cullidod in front 0! Ptodoriohbnrg otqtioh, mar Kinpton, and both angina and tonal (night can `won oomplotoly umohd. It uppcu-uluuboy com to turn lho witch. without any llouito in- uruotiomftnrlnd the noon on, than ,,, .L_ __..,_|. ._..AL.. .-..l .u... cllllll WI ICED. nun-II Iuu nuuvu uriou uooldout count! on Monday nltomoon last at Iowlumlllo. A fnlqht tnln no uniting tln urlnl of the mind tnln, ad that arriving, M the nation. was pulled yhoul to but on to the siding to allow sh ulutl . train to pan, whoa tho mm. min cane in and collided Illla hot. loch onglnu an ro- porlodtohollully tlunpd 1; rolls: 5 .......s..b A Int-In. nu numbed. J. Dd , qngloou-, I. Ionic. Imam. ad 1'. Young, bnkunu own (nigh; min, and 0. Onuhuw. oudnoor, J. Alla, lumen. AMI Cook. buhoun, on tho mind mall non orglcu Injured, ad |---- --L- _- on. La II: nlnnd `Frnni I Illid IIOIII -NI UIJ1 Iluurvu, um: um uhuuu olbyllolud TI-uh odnll M Bowunvtlk. Otoulov in reported to hue uuulnld nation: injur- E lalyhilo julpila ol. .--_... Ill'IoIl0nI,lurIIIu I-U VIIUII vunv. unu- cunning the unulp Alotht tad more --.1-..- -...lA..A 4.-annual nu Iumlnu Um ul the moat Unpbk`. Alnuhc. And, at the name limo. lnhnlntul Accurate ul Tnvnl evar hlllll ' man at C1`): (Vo (hinge Fl-to sun. 0 llinmunul I-i.-mum fhul. Pricr 60 (3:-nu Illlltllyu porwu I nunbd 0! flight I\_I_ -_.l-... I I `lo IIO uuluua vv-.- `nnonn cl Il" hd, on round It the torn com. in lollowing ronolnunn in Adnpud in reference to Hnmmondh Roviul Sor- ` -ingn An AnImnou.-Iloopot`u bounce uluit mutual:-I0. II! have in pan ~ to the halo: Oonty Ooudl Ibo I ,,. -1 .54. Lamb nnif1sn'vyn1e. mtJ12snnr,' MARCH 11, 1630.` Sf 50 Ivllll FUVIVICIII. Adjourned to meet At 3 o'clock. , ___`__. ,. - uinguuuron ...gs;:.... -:-_...._._-: Runny Aecldolu. UIIQUII In VIII II u an mauled. npuatuu or `nonnouxcz-' II sve- HENDERON S, Spring Impmtatiuns I Al I scan; 01 an Piushnqh Qurlu-I Jlonrll cl IMO. I. Qlulrchy hild ludhit Iunond by Bro. Juoph Moon, mum um. w; Bhutan, ruohlnd, this gun'- Ihly Baud duin to plan on record llloirhighnncdntbn ol 150 I0rv%ol loll junior pnuohogy Boo. J. Tbonp son. and duply gynpuyiu vita hid in bi: gm! nlictioo In boiug compollod 0-n account or ill-hulth) to loan u..;d:r;- Ind pay the Gran Radio! the Church . that he may be soon It In `fun-that uovd. u,-ooulod mud n- solved. that I copy of this solution be ` IODI tn the Wnuu Burma Wuw for 1 ` p!!L|L|!0D_- .. ................ ...u. (ms 2 The people of Ual-don lahntf no ao a- uatad that they cannot onjoy tho lrequonl. onbertainmanta in the Oporaouao, but tho} haw among than an abundance oi talent which hu ample opportunity for dovolopmenl. but evening a concert took place, for which than van a good deal (J preparation; and the Iuocpu of whicl! in a manor 0! gonezal congratula- tiuu. Mr. Anthony Malone waa the moving apuit. on the ooouion. Upon him devolved tho. training of the chilJ~ ton, sumo fty in number, sud tha_gnan- nor in which they acquitud thomaolvoa was orodnubla lo tutor and people. The men lance no xood-A chanctoriatic of the lalandurl, which doc: honor to their good some. The prognmmo waa I rare nun m I-A nAI-linnlAr|-- in mmanal ' In VUIIIU IDIIUIII Illvlv (uni: Ivulusu uuvl u.wlnlo the nrnngeuwnll were much that no Llolny occurred to prolong the porfvrmnnce of the programme. The children were uniformly dreuod in white, and uugmid recited with ndminlile npli~ nude and other. We do not purpun re- viewing the entertainment in dotnil, but without making oiennively invidioun de- etrucuune, Ia uuy mu the: the eingmu of Mine: Caroline Fergueon, Snnh Lee- en, Sarch Juno Smith, and Katie Rooney nu exceptiounlly line. The oumic ufnge by Willie Srnith. warn of courts `nppn-clued. but Tie nice to be I hither" an the 5-rutut Iuccen, the clunu being ronohnd when little Marin llrobont vpreoenled him, in the clueing eunn, Huh I bouncing hub] buy. The dinluguu were well received. Dome of them provoking lunch merrimnint. A kindergarten wIm-hy{ntiu Rooney in very unruly upplnuded, and an incend- mg umnrablu unpreunou nu Mt by the lung "Let It. ban" by All Mricln gentle- man iuooetumo. Pl`uf. Martini string hnnd III in nttcndnnce, mid the accum` ` uunimencu were well pluyul by Min Cam- In Buolh. The per!--ruunce cums I0 n clone nbmn. 10 o'clock. the childun join- ing lmudl sud singing Auld Lang Sue.` The people ul Garden" lelnnd should be deeply intuu-Ited to Mr. Malone fur the iulerull mnnilutod by him in the unmic.-il education ul Ihe <`lIIl(ll'0l|. He in nu model! n not to (leliro even tha M` knuwledgmem, but I! ll the lent the! can he paid. 2991.10"-!o!~ An oyntu nppco Eh ME ' iut.,'n tho Zion Church, which In I you suooou. A number ol dialogue- nnd recitation were given by the young people. and can hnnily nooivod. The Lnuaio In furnished by the choir of the church; uuhhd by Mia: Smith, of Walt- brouls. Ind Mn. 1'. 0. Satin. goou Ionw. nun prugruunuu wn - saw one In two puticulnrn -- iu uuununl length. And the rounrknbia oxcellonco of it: ruudiliun. of vocngl-nut] inurumerilal music. reading: And dialogues, there were thirty onmoc un the programme, About duublu tlia nveuge quunuty, and in some future: more than nvongu mor- |_. _.._. .._ ____________.- _____ ._.,.. The [lenunoml nwivel in Bellevilln ltll developed e plieee which muet lm reretved by the chrieiien public er-niw whet unplonannlly. The Rev. M. W. McLeen_ at the nweting uf the King- etnn Preebytery. in St. Andrevfe Hell yeeterdey, suede e etetomentwvhich re- ecte upon the Hemmond million. Mr. McLeen wee not en upponent of the re- vivel, but llti wee nut willing to become pereonelly interacted in it, e on-worker of Mr. Heminnnd, until he hed judged ol his work, heung no knowledge of the cherecter n! the men beyond whet he lied reed ul him in the neeepepere ll-om time to time. There Ill nothing urdinerily olleneive in Mr. Ielneen hold- ing eluol under the cimnlueteneee. but hie eciion did not pleeee Mr. eienond end hie` eeeooletee, end they eeeie to hue etteohd him meet nnteirly. Hr. lcluen wee indeed informed thet "hun- drede were preying lnr him beeeuee hie heert wee deed:" end Mr. Heininond in reported to _ ve gone eo (er en to eey thet Ir. H in "tree hreekieg hie own heed it he did not join in the movement." The rerlvel Iney heve clone good -there wee greet need of en improvement in the ninreleol the people of Belleville-but the etetelnente reepeetieg it here evi- dently been coloured. Rev. Ir. Me- Leen in not populer with the evengeliet. bathe bee the eupport ol hie eongregu tion end the heel-tieet epprovel of the Preebytery: ' A copy of Sir honud 'l'il|oy'o uti- nntod upoldllll for the uncut you reached an thin norniu. hon it It note are {allowing itommof interest to our radon: can an man Ill ----OOOC-1-'- 1 CuuuuIo.-8ucn cl Provident from Ugdoulul-3 an in the city asking collection. Tho Shun ol the so 0! Prgvidonm ol Kluptu do not in the siduno to Illluudontnnd Ibo ulll that no now being Ind: upon their guaad~ Cy. The Hound Provhloiu cl Ihhdiy unoun ya Ipiuld to Ihoduun, . but than thy do Io hopo tho; IIII shot with I bonny rapouo. (upiul nunfl) `A uni `B Bot- |oriu....... . Kinmod Ioni- TO SUIT ALI. HEADS AND POC|\'|C'l`H. A most. Ixundvo has of halhh. Annnnn And Klan` Kinauon Poul- tputnuy. .. . . .1 II II (on in! unit) Knit limb!` (II In: uotru M30 Isliury llogo . . . . . . In H Comet`:-I 1! Garden Island. " Ilulldollng" Momma-nl. `mm 7 %..`..V.. 1 no Bu!-ates. ` mo-so 180081` .1ao,o17.&'a -mo,2n.5o ' 115,000.00, cLAm a,opo.oo I nn,ooo.o0 0,000.00 Illllll 10.0001!) l1,IW.N 59.(l'l).(l) III! II! n,:moo Till DIV IAIN AID ENDWIN-`ID. . - & =-` - ` ' uuunmuu Incl; l0p.o.v Bud GRQJ 25. An unpaved mg`|:v:.:X-`LI: VALUE in 1710 0 25 p.u. shoonskall iuk$B 0. A soon 15 p..;, ml Irlthloopr right book-; -tanned) Ga. pat lb. Blunt boot: I) p.c.; lotottlyo. Ohxonon, and: did nhauupu; fwmorly nda dilonnc hoods. II 200., ` 25c.lcnd ilk. IS IIIIQI,` in pan. um-nu chugod dilunnt tutu. ` (lam, containing llh. undtt Waking- ton Treaty. 1| utmuph, nun at Ann- riom duty, . . Chan and porcelain` 26 p 0.; lonurly 90 n c. VII llll [W 20 p.c. Combo, ' gll kinds, `J5 p.o.; lo:-Incl] Or-upon 90 32.0.; fonnoriy nut enunc- ntod And ohuruod 20 pe. Item... rod: 30 n.a.: found: not onu- Fllgl Ilonu, um '5-WV ['5 "'| f 90 . o';:IrO.r |nuP3i5 -0.; f0I I0|"!'W P-- Silnr-ploh Jul 25 p.o.: `*""! 20 u.c. nuuu Illu Iyuuvu. Iv Ip.-.. , un...-.., 20 pc. Pnpar, ruled, 26 p.n; formerly 22} p.e. Cotton: and prinu, I kindn. 30 p.c.; fvrmorly lc. per nquuo yurd, sud 16 p.o. ad nl. ` Quicksilver 10 p.o.; foruorly 20 ms. R|W Ipun milk 15 p.o.; lormorly 90p.c. Chunpngno, nix bottle: to ooultiluu I gnllnn. Steel free to I882. (`urindutnnu $2 per urn; lormurly Cl an rllv pyvul` p um-ly not olmn Flu noun. 1:. A}:lii|l Iona sud loolhoub p.o.; formerly 30 pm. - sin. 0! ull kinda 26:; tormrly 30 Slntu at 25p.o.; torncrly 20 or 25 p.a V Cullnn. null] and (rank 30 |).o.; lor- 25 Culllru, oulfa p.o.; Inorly 30 33.0. .. Trunks And nliun 30 p.o.; formnrly 25 p.c. ` Gnpoo 2c.` pot I|$.; formerly lo. Glovu And milk 26 p..; formerly 20 to 30 p.03. I \\'-......|.p A..- o..|.i..n IA n n lnrmnrlv Sm oon'n"Juhn P|o\I|IIl||n'l ' "Cu-ly e on the Chnlco of Books," moot wrapper. Thou b_ooh._|_:o_Ig `.20 30 Wrought iron tubing 16 p.o.; lormorly I0 p.c. Subs. hlonm. otc., 10 p.c.; formorly I24 p.'c. ' Licorice for mnmtfncluring '20 p.c. Enact: of malt. 25 pa; lormuly 20 p.c., u nnenuuuontod. Milk load 30 p.c.; formerly `)0 p.o., n unenumentod. -mm- ..aI ..I..o|.. 3n n n - lnmnrlv an unenulnentotl. Tnble oil cloths 30 11.13.; fonnorly '20 p.c., an unonumorptod. Cabinet. onnnn lb p.c. ; lormorly IU p.c. Imitation polcuhin, nhndu, docnnun, 25 p.o ; formerly 20 13.0. Pomsd nuultrv nnd nut. 20 n.o.: for- 25 formerly 20 Potted puultfy pun, p.o.; merly nnonumonted. Anphultum for varnish, 10 p.a ; for- marly nnenumoratnd. 'l`nmal.oeI in cam. Bo. nor lb.; formerly 81.30. Export duty to be included in value for the duty of mg. Flux urinou, except. for shery, 25 p.c.; ` formerly 25 p.o. . Ciglrl nnd ciguntlen, 00 p.c.; lormorly 50 p.c. w.m. mnvnmanll. 21'. 13.0.: forum-Iv CE I "II: UIUFBNUIKV. A l-`rub Supplvof Wlntoroorbylb Bull o- ntornr. Ho Bitten. Abo|'I Fnoklo lotion. Johnson a nun! of Jungian Glnpr. God (rev I Extract of Elder Flower. IIo`I Fruit Hult.Cun boll`: Cod L|nr Oil lknihnnd). I-`.nnB|on 9 or Golden HM: Wuh,PnouI- live Wine, bu Jr. `I? III. (`L .. fljla- ntod sud churned `J0 Fishing rod: 3) 51.0.: fonnatly can- mom.l"nnd charged 90 gm. I lfinb mool mint M: IIOI` pound: twir- |....(._ '0 unonumorptod. cram: p.o.; lormorly I0 porcelain. nhuiu. Pnrehud Dino! hon luau. J. I . t W. cm-n an Cmlaldol _A_|u_tp nook 50 Watch movements, 25 p.c.; '..'U p.c. _: Cam and ntohea, 25 p.c.; lonnorly 20 p 0. Con), bitnminmu,l}0 cent: per short mu; formorly 50. I . \\'n .1. Loiceuer. Cutnwnld. Lincnln- formorly 500. Wad, Loiceuer, Cutnuvnld, nhira. 3 cent: per pound; formorly iron. IN. l!IcNEIL| On nununclurod lnhpoco and muff of nll kinds. per pound, 20 oonu. On uuuru 40 conu. On umo made from Oundinn tobacco an p\nl|. 30 cent: ran uh. Machinery for comma or vol-nod mills, free till In October, 1853. \\'ntm- colon. Paintings. Newspaper: by mail. Latest Improvements, In Worknnuhlp Second to None RECEIVED To-D"A Y.] TIA! Incl Hot Want A puntu for Healing Building. #9,. I Ind up with Ilia In price in cmsu of cnurn um Any. M. thr ulll o-Itnhlhhod Kingston Plumhnr Works. Nu 33 Brook Mud. Featherweight. Splmdid Variety "in New A merir_an SQ/7 liars. 0._--...I Au....I.'nn .n'nnn In U! tho (`.4-ntemponry Review. Fortnightly And Nine month Century received ovary month; 12!. Cunu uch - I In and nhsvhg Puhr, Int Carlo It. I. coda` Ioohhro, Wollha nd. III lmlnghd an uuodvo uprhuund In-, tending to do all I No your to II: 4-uwuon mum to will naolvo lino ol nmonn. I: human. Inn cousin. in ciomudtouulcuucuullullsnucu nnotbornonhalo Ihutnl. until!) new no INC 10 oblige all OIUUI. J. A. IIIOIAID. n..., Nth. II79. -.~ .,. ... "fa Whom It In Gincarliil 0V. T. C. \ ZTZ.-ILA. CHKIIBT Al DIUGCHT. II.-Al: of 1.`. Hooper -9 Cm. TOI`07clu.) I24 PKINCKSS UTKIKT, KIIGHTON. l-`ah. `J1 ch. I8!) HEATING 4-union `nacho [Intro 0! . I bl. I .'7.`..'.`Z2't'.. ... n .. cunt a'u&'x'l3."2a.. umumr maniac lo tho nnl. nnljlll It BT13 Iiqlhh` no ulnlnd It path-uuyvor Iultudycnllbh tuna In * V V I all um, so |.o.: roiuly nnrly unenumoruoa. Tomatoea cum, par lb.; H] n :- nomahnd obcygod 20 pm. I _ Firb ploolyunt fo. pot` P00: 3'!` norly notonunanhd and ohrxod '20 N - Fl... nan... nnnnnll `I .12! Ian: /lmrr lcun ulg - uu_-o. Special Attention gin-u Io Silk and Felt llau. our on make. _. _-n.A..;.._ -nah-can An In Fi plol plilll 30- P Pom? ""1- P-- Flng noun, duo-od. 81.50 pot Ion; ormnllv N n.c. INLAND Ilvuml. Increue Ln unnufucturn tobacco $25. If foreign tuhncon .50. Tomlmlfnclllro tho use in bond, I'll\ ` AT THU c:u'rnAE onsrauunv. | Huh Rnnnlvnf W|ntcrmrhvn'I Hair KO 1` Snthfucwry nlcruou an bo given. Die. 180. 1870. Ni II will In Mhldd 00. Ian. ll. . $1 1: :%mr1 .c l-gobs and spoken, 15 p.c.-. u1:w{ nmgn `si1%aI=;T urn`: imam tutu. pg, as pg; lo:-surly All ` mucus loan Iunml. ' 0|u:I:`g'.Phpr llnghg. lulu-Ilgn. (Inning AMI Dill Puluung. Povaot -sunsh: gurnlholvu to It uml. Wu lnnullp nul Moo. .\. _- --1--1* /'\ ' I'VUrj-I I32!`-olY-l 7. IUIJITI. Wnlllnnnllll. -1.] A` U. Iolllb. -, forum-I ; ; formerly ; formerly ; RmAi:6 Kit Spring Stock in coming forward daily,` And will be sold notwithstanding tho heavy advance at last you : very low prices. INSPECTION INVITED. The People's clothing M House, _Hg_:_u:_\u.` uvr.-csrou, 2: max smear. _ ll-.. sP'iiiiii:\vonK Has Recelv ed a.Lot of NEW GORSETS, Which he Wlll Sell VERY CIIEAP, as well as a Full Line 0| . T PRINTS IN POMPADOUR AND OTHER PA'l`TERNS r..r ch. Spring Tndo. See his Nebby amen Tweed sumngs. See IIII Worsted: for snltlln. See his Funcy Trowierlngs. See his Nobby Tweed: For Boy's and Youth: sum. In `all the Leading Colors and in all Siam, Plum I and Ribbed, Jusi Recnired by ~~ 5: GIOIGI MING humdo strung-omonu with the In-at lsllwsy company by whlaltll outolnon standing his GREAT IALI. which in now loin: on. will have then; return yqggu |c.LIvi'ri's`iuN s% SPRING o1:.o-1-nnsra or sun mm an AT ALL nlons. All of which he makes to Order-Win rst-class Style, `RICHMOND as BQYDEN. 1-..".'.(. In tho Cboleoat Putts:-nu Ever utncmnd. A Irma Auonnou or aooggg-1-g A: one nqulrhg 3 H361` CLAIM 5 1` UK GAIIIENT at I moderate pm. mu Jr; col on u. Wo have but hard at work mumrnoturlng I Cnuioo Auorunonmlclothlng. and pcrliu airings Bald Huh Coot, Plan. or I V-mt. will Ind nun oqunl in any respect; luOI'1`Ol_ orhnd A cry Lu-go Auorunnnv. Lu elmmus (mm. A Iiholro Anubrtnont of GENT? 'UlB`NG 00(`D3, NOW 3!! CHEAP. Junk Kneeivc-d-|I|rQQ 53 of `"5. Hon FELT AND FUR HATS. 1 SEE OUR WINDOF for_g dlnplgy of t!1_n_a Above Gnodn. Call hafon puninolq on `(July 1 n...."'s='.nZf'i'n':'o ans. ' ` .........:.: 2B:.W.:322: :.::'.:~;.::~ =--~-~--- ` m. Pnmvour. ' ` "-A II....|. lomn fnulrnnlln [mm grin: nunm for the cheapest White and Greyitietten. sheetinus,Pi1lew cottons. Ttblo Linens. Towels and Towouing. noxnlas an 1.10: OUBTLINI. ` 77 7 I And we will IIOWJOII n Iplendld assortment. of I loan. Tweed: and Warned Coatings. which for style. durublmy and cioaplou cannot be oqlnlled In the ouv. wnnu vou anon): on asnINu'ot'R smuxw svrr nus: (um. 11' TI! xoxtnr "3 11.2:-1-1-`s, PRINCESS STREET. nuv mm um um v1L1_e_nou mum 1. LOOKETT _ __ an-.. h.._?ALA_... RI...- On onto 1. Elana um. Osllsndluthom M uurnw ;3'x'r'm:o.t': nn 3 on kn nun. q-_ vnz Law II PIIOI. gnu nu--. I` ' An |nspe;:7ti6}1-1; Prices Solicited; IICIII l II.lI`l"I', Prlnous Ila-not. mg n. ..-amt. nun: mm-c Inga-nut ina Anal lnntructivn Ratdlll. and Illnltlihxl `'80 WEST. Yl]|J||l MAN. fill WEST." 1BREAD; wBR__A on I-'orBo_u_lABroad nxcv nub no on: Jun. nun: noun. na__-L Aal. lj I -="iii`i:&`:':i:Asnuu:n%: nosnnv luau um, Ra uu:.1m. T latch and, mo. lwpiooq Ndvhhck All Wool Oulucrn. A: III, ou.uu, av. A vlooulou Union Oujnuu, M95. 30, 315 und 60 Conn. uaouunoucig-Anwonaunu-.g,aou2u=.m.... Omyhoullov Prluu.ntInu_`P|-ion.` 50 pay: Nu Ouch Tnodq. All wool. to. bond 00 Gina. ' I- wn.mmx_ Wilson's Bull ' ___..'._---ou---- "gun vouln 1 Chain, Diagonal: Dhuondu Ind I|`i not Fina Warned TIMI- m,`: 1. 55 lgu|t`l.lo: Yotk lulu. b`1'no Bnmlololhl nu Doukmo. l`lno Cnndln "J. over ufnclnnd. Inna of lootoh `Pwouln. .. ..... .....m.. GAHIENI pr}o_o_ v_1[l pinup ioo xn"au.n Al!Wool Ouhntna. -us", 50:00, 70. 75 Auwdang m. u..n.a-.n.A-.ng.n15.w.35nnd400ouu. V- Much 9:1, 19.30. : TIIU` March 9th, 1880. Math am. 1880. Much (ch. 1880. :j Iompuny II] was whlch in now ...uI fhln n n. 11. T0113, GREAT A :B"`A.Ra.e;11~is." AI Inn. uew W 9mHJ!_.$.TnE- _.L_ lII...--. --.VIVICIDl llu c-pond acbool Ionic nlpnpnlnh `V . KI LIWII 's".3`.}` .`'a. not Jan ulr '` Llllll n-W.`lUIIlIll'U|I|vuv- nu... p..- _..-__ __ puny IA lch cairn; that add. `I'M! in to boat ndo purchuon o OI DOLLAR AID UPWLID. lino ltook to select from, And price; cut right down to the Bone, MAKE A NOTE OF THIS I :I..A..|..|.V 42.50.: uv -- _._.____ __` (loud for Low Prion.) Ioosmmonh Block, Prumu II. Still a few lg/t 0/ Rouillom .o Celebrated SINGLE BUTTON KID GLOVES, worth $1.25, /or 250. and (JV; 50c. us noon in en. otsy'.Wivory lav. lurythl on Llumunguua uusmg. 9:-nu ., y...'f. " lnnho our Itook baton . mu GIILIIANTIIISI rlmirncm Ht. noun a nun, cannot oqlnlled ..._..j-on.----_- CONN. WOO I-IIIII Olnll VITO 1:3. CJMILO, nu ..... Ihnnl (nan dun: Ibo loulnol I I T --an [nu nag; .4WAI.ID_I0N. Wilson's Buildings. Z. 8'11]: VcJ-'I.'. Brook Stmet. four doors from lulu llqurn. Bookblndor HI. Stalletaffe Smith. Anchor Bugldlmro. 48 Inch 8|:-00. nun maul. Out Inn: Ola. [$79.13 Non. 134 und 136 Princess Balboa. Bow Balls, Every Month, And .-uweralochen or Latest nu- I_Ish luxullu. a 67iI`TIi'EILLY. IrI4s|.llA`I` Those Old Magazines Christy's Hat, I'V\UrIv 0 TN undo .3 lint Bib, IMO. ' " in! lo: nu IUD IXII Auction 1 I. uni: CHEAP REPRINTS The Girls l1wn`Paipar. N in: (month (3: 2!: (luau - Kannhdy at tha Gaps. you nun: ours: son`: "John Plouuhnuru Tnlh," and . . oh the in Qt:-o-nu B( )( )K ~}'1`()Rl3I. and guns Ian`: J. Ir. ".3 st. 143:1 BIHEOP` hut oubluohry [amounts an CLARK Wllgf C. `I. olllqluu Imus. Link Il IEENDERSONS It `ixunnvo mm or mum: ri d0 In - 'z;'2zu:`.`3 r`.i'`i1u. ...- H I Iii I I . YIOIAIN I81`, I - u .k....I I... ah. nmu AT Ill. which VIII the III sloth: Chronic Dhuun, with nuts, ` " IId`duuul wucn-co{uum- nu " " '"'" Mu.|.1~auuu. 1.. MO Ibn A . maul and lalrnary. I with Numeruuu E1 qvlnp. . Pnrenu Im II or your dnaghtcn. It In mun-.1] In!` rul able in on wnv, bah; enn- ductod b this I`ld|l.nr of the Allin. our. Price: .. or IL )l\|' yau. Prnh Iuppllu 1-! an I. expat.-tad very won. I 3% . ....... Alum. - The bronze diplonmnwsrdod II that Pplh `lxpoollioo 0! 1870 lo the Klqgutou Vimgni Works Gompapy, ur- Iivod yiuptdny. 'I`hough'Io Into ih dom- Ing it :1 |:ighIy_.uluod. ------ocos..-__ Dnowsm.--\ eouI-day I hom, mpg- od for homing ice into tho acht. No!- way, at Garden lnlsnd, nu any taking the plan with it. The fooliuh nninul ncud into the open Inter and In- drowned. - cob. --V- coo. Mnwul v.-I. `.`I1'\'.--Jndgmont inilhin out use given yesterday. The plain- tilfn claim for a repayment of the In paid on Income for I871-"75 bu boon II-Iv dnullowrd, but he recovers for 1870- :4, than! $48, - oath -. -nu Tun (,`AruIuA.1 l"n Agricultural mu] Grange p|per,puhlinhed II. Welland, 0., ha been enlarged to 16 pugu and Mharwile Improud. It in I good lumen` journal, ably mud pncucal- ly conducted 6&9 -~-< Oun C0ll0RA'l \'l.ATl0N!-I. -- Yeoterdny Mr. G. S. Hobart and `Mn. Alunnder , In-n united In mnrringe, and left [or the 135! on tho uuul tour that follow: Inch ovonu. The wedded cnuplo luvs tho conqntuluiumu! A very lurgo circle ol lriondl. - ._...... ._ __ mu gai1g3}i{:I; 4 &'h_g. | AcL1Dlh"l'.--3hOHun unity. an om- ployoeju Dorbyuhiro Saw Mull, Odun, Ind hi; arm badly cut on I unnll odging nu, Tuudny morning. , Ho locoivetj IlOdic|| nwndanco and in getting Ilong EQALIZATION--Tha Ippell cu: in re- gud to the County Equnliulioll out can rouumcd yentorduy beimu gho Judge Ind Shoritf. The remnindor 0! than ovi~ dance Inn tuken, together with the ugnumnln of the cue. Judgement In rouned. ._... o \.-.._ Lmm.-to Il('l.--'0 nru inlurmod Ihnl n many 1- titty men are onguaud in ice cutting It Colhmby. Two vouch no landed. and now the "congealed uid" in .bd'mg...pilod upon tho hunk: of the buy for Ihipmonv. at won at bugs: or vouch oarg by brought. lrom Pornmouth. This woolfa cold amp has been I bean to ?co: .. . . ......-.._ S1-um: A Boxu.n.- We hnvo jun lllrned ml the reanurhblo `fund at ILOUI by mg luyen, who` were making In inventory 0! the proprrty of An c-Id ltd] who died the olhlr d|y.- The lav canon] nppnn to huva been vary minor! in her domestic nrrmgpnngu. and non ol the money nude by her In "ulud down." "-' 09-~--- (.`u-lyre in Iwong pspu wnppor. books. bought in or dinnrv vuy, wuuld ct-IV about IL75. an:-ul nthc-r New sud Sun-had Work: will uhmuy be iuuul In the sum oorlu, Fnrrnrh Lift 0! Chrllt and Lilo at St. Pnnl nlpoctexl uhnrtly fur Wccnu nah. , loam luvs onion ll Idnnca, u limiud supplier will be Toulnd st IE well. .....__._ Don": On Exurr|b.--The Bollovlo pooplo Ihould npl. watch Kingston aunt: with auch u julnua eye. The oorrupou- dance of tho Urund Trunk .Comp|ny with the May: r in canning I oomlnotinn. The Bellevlllc "Mario buy: that "in view 0! the fact Ihnt. Kingntuu is emulat- uug for the prize. our cltizem uhuuld no tint Ihoir clnimn no properly ud- vanoud." Our friends Ihullld not be- come nnnoonury Alarmed. - cos-.- Hanan L0.'~'I'.--OII Suturdny |ul.,13th ua... Mr. Juhn Murphy Ion hiu hum mmr Salty : Bay fur the pnrpuna nf lul- mu nnnm gram to the mill to be gruund. Us In Jrivinv_ I lpln of IIJTIOI sud II )- nthor Ill tied behind. `Vhxlo owning the im an Chg ounnl near Ihu place the horns bunk thruugh carrying with them the Inggnn and the uthor hune. The three horses were drnwuod. The loan in very cnnniderublo 1-) Mr. Murphy. - _.1.. ._ FA-ru. A-vwn1'.-Un Monday In: I very lumnlnhlo nccidont occurrod in the Towmhip of Dnlhounio, non Umpah. A young mun mmod Ullloupio, 5 ruidonl ol Luurk County, hind to 3 tumor in the Township ul Unlhomie nnd Ill ongngod in chopping in the loud: Along with I comrade. A tree which III boing out by his onnaudo lolvl-, And boforo Gillnpio nu . _._. .1 n... _-_ in nll-nn|( eonld gt! out of I and trained him. I mum]. The poor horrible Aupurnuoo under" IN rue. A Nu-3 Box -15'omo time up tho Lon- nox County Council unnlod Mr. Hooper, M.P., an umuion of line in order to dlnpluy an upon to unis! hinrin chock- ing our hi: book: nn-I mnkingnutomont in rebuttal ol tho ComIniuionO1'l' llpo. thiah mule him I dolnultor in 3 largo amount. Tho utundod time hu oxpiud, Illa Uuuneul hu moi again, hut Mr. Hooper in ii (mun ind hu dam noth- ing hy ny ul olplnining his pouitiblfu the ma County Tnunnr. What`: to he dun About It? In IIOI the iuunuiug question. Ilunuuu the Oounul of then who pujninnod for the Unhin- dqn holds tho Wgrdou and Ooundlvr Ipoalihlo [or My tampering with II: hooh. ; I _._ . . - . .. `_:... 1:2- 'l'HUBsuAY 11:v;mNuuu_wu 11. " om ;:nma'mi:" l.. -O$o:--- Vox.un|unIo.-`l'hcn sum to be a nvlvd hunts in vollntnnu, and tho load Bothliun ma ya}. u. at man ad. in ooupoood ohioly 0! young not, who on nond by military oothnduu, col to ruin now natuib, when `I- puhum moved more by poounwy dun ~ puliotk Inluouu. Tho Gonn- nout data not hundlo the num- fonu II II Iloqld. W: no not asking I political pullu nyin; this, due, [or null, tho volntoot onion bu not but wlul It should 50. Thu: the ruin! IO have nomad in the non commendable and nutouonlly. The mnbunln` chm. panyol no I . W. 0. lulu will prune 0 One Ippolnneo it tho original mun- onn at In pruonl wombat: In cnniod into that with than the old] anuunl pay oltbo Gonrnuunl. `u uouall oooo Iidonnon. Inn... ' ."|i.iiai n.i.4n lldlnnl. nnu DOl0I'I Ulllulpuu the way it struck lnunntuoonn dash * follow prolullod I 9 than taken [mm Part lngorulv inn sml lnatructivn Ratdllul, Illuu-nhx Elngrqvlup. _ ._ . _ j-- `non uuour union up oi uuousl -`-Tluuulor `Piornponl.' amok in the in thin naming. ` _.. . u,_, a_,_.:_.. _. _'....I .0 IX IIIIU ?IIIlI$.- ,_ -'l'houuI_:u- N_o_u_,Bcoliun ngivd at iililu"u 10:15 p.u. - u n n. :1 _._-_| 1..- K4- - W05"! 10'!!! Ill nuluuuvu nus v |tho [coda nloetod by chi cu-il changes. .1 .L, -_._--A t_.\_ I! I Hurt. -Dr. Topper : npecch, in reply to Sir Richard Cartwright, in duoribbd u I Ionic of rhetoric without; in soon: of thought. 1...-_, ._n .1.-. ,...- I: I3` I... I--' I'`"' -----v- -: --- w-v~ - ---Rad the ulna from R. J. Curl- vrighfu spend : on the budget pnnud` on the int pogo. -`-1'hu'o bro bohuh 740 and 750 cop- viola-in tho Kinggtnn Pnnilalltilfy. Th! luv hoopihl in nearly ready [or occupi- oh... ' ~ IIIIIIl.IlI~ -Il.IIintimuv.ad that on L). F. In: boon puunud with u mods! by his friend: for services rondarod n qrnnll choir in the city. _. .. .. . .g _.__ _____`___`_____A nu -uv mu, . _--'l`ho Mail is evidently nnxi-nu to sup press Sir R. J. Cartwright`: lpooch, by far the ables! effort on the nancinl quot- tnon on Tnaodny. . .. .`. -.., L. ;L_ uvu vs. .--V.__,. ~-'l'ho cvvlleohom at llcllevillo for tho lrial1Roliel Fund the still being uh.-u up, but nu authentic return of rnultl ' can u yet he obtnined. --Much Iickuuu prevail: in the} city. ' Thin fwtin nppnrent in no place more thin in the nlmoll, Iuvernl tenqlleu hav- ing recently been ill. A.. -.,.__._;_._...... _.n 5... ..'....... ;.. nu. .--....., . V _ . . . . .. --An aulerutinlnenl will be given in the C. M.Church, Wollbruok, on `the ` Honing ol'l`uondny, March `2. %rl. Rmul- ingo. reciunonn, music. I]. L- L`- ._|. 0.. luu'.l: n-uuln Two Books in One, IIl`I. umuau-mu, ... mm. --Prob: ; Fruh to brink vnnda, cloudy milder, wnnther with mow, fol- lowed to-Inorrow by wnlerly {o norther- ly wiudn, clearing and colder wellller. A - Arr L,.., .,.,...,........u .... Hm II wnuuug -.-~......5 ...... - ._-. --A coao have mm-emonl. on tho English plan in qainiug' grant fnvuur in Monlraul. A slulul-sr eatnblialnucnt. in ubout to be oponucl in Kingston by Mn. S. Mooluidge, on King ntreat, near the City Book Sturo. The building in being lillod up in guod Itylo. The principles of the houne will be purely tempante, and India muy freely vim. ll. See the ndvortinameul. nppeanng lwdny. Yllulun 3: `var r.-- 1. rm. Pmuu um. Munuqounr Now York um Inland yuundny. ` .-_ ._ ;___- __--A..l~-l.'.| ..I| The (hnuda School Jon! nu. lur Merch mine` the emendmente to the Public School Act. Inede` et the lust eueaiun of the Legieleture. Section one givee rurel trueteee the power to open the Ichoolu on the 3rd ineteed of the 18th ul August. The legal holiday: ere notchenged. Six weelre will elill be regarded en the regu- ler veeetion, end no Government or mu- nieipel ellowence will be given for thie time. Trueteee may eveil themeelvee oi the emlendnnenr, but u. in uxpoctud thet they will pay me teacher {or the entre time he re employed. Suauon two re guletee end provide: them non-reexdenu, even if property ownerl, ehuuld be lieble to pey feee. Trust:-ee era to be ellnwed to chemo en much ee 00: per month tor the children of other non-ruenlrum. Section three appliee to the working of the ethool eectione. Section four erm- pliee the work oi telling the eohuol cen- eue. All collecting end plying rchool retee in to be borne by the nwnicipeluy. Section nix empuwere the trueteee to pro cure certein Iupplioe. Section eight rnekee eohool by-lewe Iegel end velnl, when they bevo been eubmitted In end Jonlirrned by the Minleter of Education ` Section twelve ernflrlvl the Minietor oi Education to compel the ettendenoe of witneeeee In my echool enquiry. On the whole the new hit will give eetielec- Hitherto, in the nee of larceny and other eerioue uencea In the county, the city police have been in the helm, when celled upon, of doing .-i mrvice which properly belonged tn the o.-neublee M the rurel inuniclpehliee. They did that rule only reeeonehle under the (`.l|`0Ilm~ etenoee--MnI in their bille (fr inepectiun by the County Boerd of Audit end pay- ment on eccuunt M the Admiiiietretioii oi Juetice. Theee hille have been the eeuee of cmmderable oontroverey. which he telren e enmewlut unexpected turn. Judge Price hee written: in Cal. Hence ` the: under inetruciiumi from the Attor- ney-Generel the Board 4:! Audit cennol. ellow eny eocc-nu! lnr er rviee performed by policemen ouuide the CH]. The re- eull. will nol be e suing, II the county end Government ivill perceive ere long, i beceuee put experience nu shown the! one policemen could discharge rlunee which wquld require the epplicetion of two or three county ennecehlee. II econo- x- |..`|-- -:...-.I nu n lane Han and Thin in the title 0! u mu. work publiIh- QJ by (hp I 00., and in designed an All aid to young (Johan-and old;-r nnel too--to show them manyo! the puinla. little in Ihomulvu, hm gruv. in tho qgrognto, thnt hulp tn unlm the teacher uuoooulul my otherwise. 1: in wuuw by Mr. J. L. llugllu, Iuapoocnr of Schools, Toronto, an old Iuohor. and on who thoroughly uudonundn hi: unb- jut. Tho votk in in 4 ohupton under the hood ol Minutes in Sohuol Hung nonl. Hindu in Discipline. Minutes in Ind Mistakes in Manner. indie! which is divided imo uunllor unbound hnlly uplninod. Tu luck- on oonunmin; their work it till bo an innlubk help. u it till point out to than uh] roch" -n which thoy Iijhl loiindar to omnnuneing that ..-..n Tu Fun lunar.--Mr. I. You Or- In all!` It Illa loo this coming nil dd that In April Inn ho had to gin up QM hh buoipou bncuuu he could not got the Hub!` Onnmiuootu [ml the III Ililol budnnq M u u-nnnuhb show. He is now nuximu l(_v bogi-n buuiuut, but ounnl gin on IIIIIOII thn bmlding hubs] now loot nnd pump. um! _nthor alight twain. `I'M Csmioil mould unduly ml at an to occupy I place anion inn -In good [cw tho-pcvrgvnum l no who II in illwdod. `* I'D IIIIOO oounvy uuunuu-. u unaw- my in bblng aim:-d at to fur the and will notjmtity the mount. _.-g L-`:3alIoo;l -for 7.8:`:-ndul"`. in 5 popuh; In uuu uvuuuu 1:-cu--P I We gin to-day m IIIIOIICOC list 0! .......a. .n'_-1.4 in an hril ohnau. At Henderson's