It not nr named by I858; I lean. Wcdnhd. (`Io-oh E Di Ob, ton Apply 00 I. W \` . Uuhtb` lured. Ihnlllnl. IANI `JIII. I`. FIIFYITI. 4 Dorooho Ill At one: nliuchnrgml, but Guugh III detained to unit. hi: incl fur the: unull. upon G90. HI-m-kl. Uunum vu. Gnu. Dons. The prinonor an bruugln. mi. cuurl and Hi: Lordnhip nlluwod him in enter: plan u! not guilty" to tho |l|dI|`i- mcnt --f wounding: guard at tho Pom tuntiuy at tho limo of hi: ucupo. Quuu vs. Uouuu Un thl chprgo of omnionmg u-tin; hmlily hum. Mr. Mclulyre uliexl that the cues be hold over until the non Cuun. Hi: Lordship directed lhnt U:-ugh be adniino-I to hail, the: Iunuu to be to the utilfnction cf the (Iron: uicor. IIIIPIYIIII CIIII"'. Tho jury rolirod mud returned in A low miuulu with I Votdlcl of mu guilty." Tho uullonon npplnudod, but, the dam--Ir Itnlion ul tooling In uupprohod Iuy the Shori. I'\ L ,_,. _A _..-_ .I1_-L_-....I I...A .|uu Inn-nu ya-nu: u..-. Um clw Ind ml-1 Mr. Ri;:I.u\)' In the lien: UIIUH. Ill l'ynII and Uummlly I the portion, and um than they cleared oul. nu II n ,,, -_, :1 I|._.._..| t_- CIU`I'U\l Illllo Y MI`. Ncbonunn f-|-Ilowoul fur Crown, sud Mu'lnu gave I uupnrtinl clings. `Pk. hum -`Oh-`Al lull I-nlurnml in A llfll Iulll UIII nu uug, Thin ooncludml tho oviul-moo, and Mr. Mclutyro procwdml to nddreu the jury. Ila dwelt for comidomble length upon the uideuoc uf tho thrua lending mt` noun lur Um defence, c-um-n-hug that , | I I. _--..-A,.I IDINI Edvard Hickey umro that on the 24th of January, at 10:45 o'clock. he saw Dunn cl-we his shop, and Afcerwurdn helrd lum call In: dug. nu _ ,n n I .` . ....:l....,._ ....I II. D .Hm WI`:-lug uani . . .4 ,,. n_,. |nI1ulI.`l I '?|'I` Ialll". Cum. I'c-ny. la |.v.-ry I: y I r Mr. llnrknolgdopoud that he hm luau Uuuuh nnd Dorocho in Dunn`: butcher Ihop an 10:45 o'clock on the evening ul the rub- her}. I]. {`:..Il...|.-- - nnlunln n-nrn Hut In! uery. Mrullnulwr, I cubmnn, swore that ho druvos Flynn and Connolly to Uaslnunmlua on the Muudny after lho rcbbory `u Rug ney`o. He received 810 lur driving than there. u n ,_ | u:,I_-_ __..__ II. .n .... ll... 0.I.|. Imnu. A. Ihnhlurd (Dunn's boy) tesliliod tlut he us! (laugh and Domche in his am- pluyer'| nhup, ;:heI) he returned nt l0:I o'c!ock lrom W. H. Anglin'|, where ho had been delivering mut. Ha left the nlmp fur. homo n 10:40 u'clnck. The .... .. .pn -n-.. lhnnn am will I-ouhddlu. ' ' . .-Tb , II. I I`... b pl 1;. I. IAIII. Kiln. nolnlnx IIII VII Uluzuuu Innu um---. Fur tho dofonco. Thoma Dunn III the first vilnou called. Ho Illlod that be lint herd of tho robbery on the even. in; lullmving it. He dc-clnrcd lhu (laugh and Durocho came into hi: chop. on Wcllingtolh utroot, n 10:06 u`clncl un the evening of Jun. 24 to Inrmthm- nolvu. They romninod than uuul nflar ll a'c|Qck. Ruuhlord (his delivery buy) ulno nu them. A boy named Perry Ipuke lu lholn It 10:45. Theo crou~u- uuniultion olicilod nothing further. In answer tu Mr. Mclmyro tho witueu uni he know on: Connolly bud an anchor on hi: hllld nimiln to the one on Der-relics`- lmml. . n ,4: ._,n lI\......`- l..\..\ o...o;r....l Olin! Ir . I` lyml IUT DCIU IIUIUIIIAV. Mr. Wu. Rignoy, Mr. Hickayla Min Hickey wqru nll oxuninod,l nothing not an oliciud from them. la`.- IL- .I..l.-A. 'l`|uunn- Ilnnn I Ill. II-I'll. IUIIIIIIII IIU yuuu` Iuvu Ilml ho boliond to be the mbbon. They can sinned,` brought bolou the Pulice Curt and consumed for trinl. Since than they Inn nlndud in gwl. Dm- inx the wlaolp all their win! youardny the ` prilonon pud strict nmmiuu to Jim. wu boing laid by tho Iritnuua sud oonuul. The Court-room I_n_n packed with npoctnton, who uaorly ruched the pruooodingl. ` Mr. Iolnnnuu, Q.O.,nnd Mr. 1`. H. Wouin mind an annual lor tho Cruwn - 3 --rink prosecutor, And.Mr. Moln- L; u nppouod lot the dolonoo. II. III... Mr. Hi:-.Ixnv Alldv II till jlfdllv In Clplluuuu-up--o-u The lunar Ion rpconud. boinglouud. by Mr. John Iunhnll in rear 0! Mnoklouon Cu.'l Innltuo non. Tho polido worn noliod ol tho robbery, and on the 25th Mr. Rignoy ldouliod two young man -u...... L. |..|a....a :. 1.. u.. ...u.... 1'..- Yuk&(-.D-;)|l|nIoopu . Oahu. lth It. Wu. Riga) : lion, oh Pric- cuu Stunt,` nu sound about 10:30 u'dock by we yuan; non. Wliilq om contend with It. Rigney ngudina ` nouo.b|-ndy, the other picked upud ` Imnulocl out I cull-box ogifliininy $700 in duh lldm in uouluul cheques. ' ML- I_n-- __.. ...........l 8.43.... 0...:-`I luv I'll non! |onnv--A3,. nun rionul -wqunu.dv in nuoaun. A I -n.- BRITISH ` wage. BPIIIO -rAllIlU`_ ' I: II Iwuu u ' lm `I OO'U'I! W` W o.L.'{...,u-gm. nu-uunuuq. `nu: Iuu I up Bun-I forum who Ia-nu menu In found then no bud nu than hunln can pnroluo II Ch look: In M800 :'l.QcxIBl.l.' aim! llu. um In Aru.hh|I;ly .1 Min tam t. ad Iuuol Mug. _xt _Y|3I_l \'.-Ina .|'uu:`UcIh'r t .510 ! II! I 1`rnuI |h|I'u.-lI in npnrhl that the llama. h In I put III, loud lino ado: Jul Solo- nulr. So up he Iona Ii hn II. and to Inn at bone. Win lul- ouau-. at It toll and albums hub. Ia`: Idler the-" cvml hunts-I`:-:0 Bunnie : Inn 000' `Ill I50 3 ::..'.... .. .. ..."'`"....... ....."""-'. CC WT COX! III 1' I FVCUIZI FUI ' in nunoliot. llo nnduddbyujhg thou to no thank: Id a ministry thoroughly oquippol for 00 Doll that ag] id lot IMO lulu. 0-UV-u-uuuujivv-C KIUUUIUU. IV`! slur which Dr. Bmoul panned IN L...J..u.- ll they won gohgto an the world they and Inn dcucooopdouol the luudouonul u-uh cl drbthully. Th church 9! oh luau nqubd to under- Jllltl all use-yotathlot udouuoutol Ilioh I" that doubt: run whiny. won: an than quuuguou. and tho nomut thlplrigh believed list 5` glodouo vicbty no (loin, and Io|hod- nu In Sm-I to an I ptontnll put In Ohm nnnIinL II: an-nlndnd to again. wuru, \.; uuru lullwlulkunu .....-, \.., their c~i-icuumml work No diccuucd the but cud com! cut! them pnnooodod tn cpock of the tlurxl. This educational work prnviniod the unmclry for the future. Tho unumry wu an institution -I` Uur lmr-I. Almost bofuru tho church was {armed pruviliun wu undo lnr tho unu- ictry. It the church ol the future wu ` to oxict the Dllll have I niuictty u wen u I hold [or that niuictry tu labour in. Ho cpoko at Iqnh Iaugth ol the ro- qniromonh ol the niuiury of tho chriuinu church 0! tho future. They wuutcd not: who how tho pour 0! thin: groan. and hid the iulucococ ol the Divine Spirit rusting upoithon. But in Iddition to this they should have All the propuratiod for their work which cduculion could puaihly gin thou. ll their children Inn to ho iuucncod hy the preaching to which they listened, they must hue I niuictry no In in ad- unooul them uthoniniury ol thcput ` won ahead 0! choir own day. The nin- ictry rcquilcd a thorough htowlollno ol God`: word. Ho ought In Ildulhltl it lent tho Now Tcctauont in the nrigiuq ' tongue. Another thing which won ch- colutoly nocuunry us an undcrouudiug o! the urn! nlicion dillicultioc cud duuhln which prounlod lhomcolru in n|igi-nu thought to-day. A ninictor who wu not prepare! to uh hic pooplo through that doubts up not pnpuod for hic work. Ho also required to hon - -I`-- gnngnnhign J lngg Jnnl-I-- i. TUESDAY, APRILIC, 1080. lllllluluulll ul uauu nuusu -nun." uni`-nu be called Ihur ilnmo-liuto um:-k~|ho prunhiuu of tho gnapol. the Iuppu ol tho ministry, and the bfoclinll and main- lonnnco I-I lhu home of warship. Thou more things which nppulonl tn them In imlivuhnln, but the church In nut. in: the prouut alum-. They had raaponululh Inn and duua tn put.-nu, hours thsy hnd It the proum: day three prumuuut immuuum. (I) their Sabbath ochuul work, (2) their Innunmpury I.-rk, (ll) ._J .L ,_, , , ,.: ._..-.. u- . wltll Irulu ||llIIlllIll IV! euw uuuu uvlrv-cu in them. If I Moth-ulilt preacher wee , true In the epirit of Melhudieui he wu ouneunlly learning, end growing in grece end in culture-or he ehuuld he-nll the time. It we: of the utinuet inipur- tence thu they should line men not only endwwed with the Holy (lhuet, but who, endowed by the Hui, dlioet, Ind eleo I (cud - education, thuruugh underetnudi ' the truth, and were able t. cope with or- in em! must lho iulidel at my time. After euathor eelaotiou from the chuir, Dr. llurwuh, ul Victoria Univenity, Oubourg, eddreued the meeting. He wu heppy to meet the people ol Kingetun Sgem. It wu ineny yeeu eiuoo he hed lnd the pleuiire ol eddreeeuig Ill educa- tionnl meeting in Kingeton. lle eeid the total Iniuuut ruined Int yuer lur lhe purpoeo_e of thin fund wu $6,500. Ul this $1,:-Kl were expanded in grant: ta uid yunng men who were went by tho CU|Ilt~|'BlI60l lo millage. some furl we-rv eppuiutul, end Ibnut twu-thirde were rv- [ ` cm-iviug eid. They lied to ounlnlmle CAI) tu tliu l reeident'e nlery, And iutereet end diecuunt unuunted hi all or eeven hundred dollere. When the pe-vple we-is giving to thin fund they were not giving to the oollegee. The Quiet bulk 0! it wee elpemled directly for the purpuee cl providing lot` the yuuug men who were on trnl or prohetion for the wurl M the miuinry. lle egoke 0! three oi the gn-et inelituliuiu uf their church which might IL- .;,._ .___._- n.4,. _..-|. luv um-4 mun : u-nu -ur|~-..-. be an ignorant. clul of men. He duo ny-they hnd boon ignouut. Although Mothodiun III born in n Uni- vullily it began it: work in tho Iuhotrr tum of moiety. Ho Ipoko of seven! u` the only Mothodtnt. pruchun, And [rum thtuu, he laid. Ind grmvn I utlooeuiun worthy tho Methoduto who hul declared Christ and him crucied iu the hen ut n perm-outing wurld. Muthndinut had been, hum-vor, the uutntt-lllgont thing that It had been c.tllod. Han and there then: hnd been eccontri.-ity`, but they m-re men than were t|Il\hOd tor tho trust nopoued Ii" uh... If - Mufhnunll nrannltnr inn uuuu` nun I IIIIIIFUII HIE II lllll III non Dc-I: wilt WIDI IANDI. `h-uvollll Pmht 1`apO, Irving; 0. nd ovary hind llu-l uaur Int In and ya to in bad II :80 w... an Collection ms nu. ma , AL- -I(..l- ..__ -_-nL.. __I..4 K.- h IIUIII an n UIIIVW ZUBIDIU-. uv` Ipuko a an oduultuual ma, aad aaid thattho Motllodiat Ohotol aoogat by dovoloping tho. inlnllootual faoaltiaa of tho nun wl:.: quad ita ministry to pan- : pan than tovgragiplo with tho great burning qualioua of the day. ' Alton oalootion by tho choir. Rev. Mr. Uarratt, of Lanadownc, nplnko. Ho waa glad to be (how. Then wua great daal in contract. Tho or- gauinra ol tho muting` thogght. ho aup~ poaod, that it would be woll to ahowat onoo tho advamagaa o! a good training on tho one hand and tho uty action. lack of it on tho othat. aa ha onohnod, ' that ho had llkul hi rlt IINIIII hum a Univoraity profauor that avaoing at ha. and he hoped that it would do him good. ` Ho waa glad that notwithstanding the many Mothodiat funda tho eduoatuonol 1 fund (or the put you had boon well aun- tained. There worn a [mat many vaguu ideas regarding Motho-lint pn-achon. ` They had alwaya `boon auppoooa In N ` .1... ..o _ Zilijllj W I : Us -I UIIUT 'uu hold Iulongiqin no Bydanhn , Stuck Ohnnh. Tho mating unqua- ,odIitlninglnguidp||y_ by Ba. W. ` Jain-n,dur which Ir. J. `hnpnu , Ii: nllod ol tho chair. Ila Ilid that in lomor you-I chnirnon had been ohucn with 1 view to showing the ndnlhgco of I Uuivenily education, but this you: chnirmnn Ill chain: in u )0 show `tho and o! . vlmqasy mm... U0 ` ....|... 2.: .5. ..|....n....| 1...: ...a ..;.|` -',- uwuug Ill an-Iulllu IIII If Educational Bou'oOycMho0.I.Chnvch -ll HAM Inn! uranium in IL; HnJnnLn- Illllllll lids -I:&h- .2: Iuowu-uh. '..1:a`a?.' . -`ooquhuoo :1 pt. "1 at 0:600 IIIII. haven ver-.cnoIah II . [tau -...! 9".` | _:_4_Y!9PP l [A NewtP|3a_:sant House] ` T `Ill hug: and L'o::dbIhDION~ um I lat Icnomupu-no count: hyl'.Iln.!.IIu. Poouonoulno . All this ol lint;-;o-I-I Clap. Itluln all dlnlv. Pu-loans Iuuot. Kingston. Iodvol HUG PHIOMQII Illlud OOIMII Fab cl III. [Pun Enid Baking Poldorl HAVE Removed their Hal: Chop to II It.` -011 ion M lAIhy'I Ilooluon u. .-houe. will to [Inn In 5 Mum ol OI! I tug. `A ! _hd, II. li?'ai"'a'i:iT__1i;:;,_Iiii:h:imioi:| Han JIII Opolod a horn and Islam luck I Spring Millinery and Fancy Goods. 5 chin` from lull" M n- . ;"tgoolnu In PMouuT.ud.BI':0."|l,::;` duolo-I 5` n -0:. Iorllilx Ilnnhrlnol. Lmlin d6[IIl1;I:l:|"'I.IO:.i_]` " on elm. -|`q-up 0| ' *2" "5" ' """'l'" `"E! &`. Imalc. -_"LK \IAhT~"lH'lC` M W Iunod (3%... I. Inll. Wcild. vh. H ` Cb. MILLINEBYI WALSH&C0. on HUN DA \', Aptil l'2Ii. umn-um Iaglnoh Front, Druving ad Pnimiu II Wuor bola-I nu] Okla; IIIO okouohlug Tho clue Pnhtlll ud Biuehlux con- 1-um-a ul munun, u -mu 01 um muu. Elognut pr--Iona In All Itylol Hnndnmna um H1-oh. I" nylon. cud rues, (llovo Hunt, Opera UIIIIOI. ` - Puuuga Sump: always nn hand. THE Summor'l`onu will commence (D V.) uuuuu, rm. Mum-Inn lanlnh. Ftoul. Druvln -4"""'.'".< Reprint nl XIX Country Contemporary, Osuelfu Mngnino, Bop` 0-n Paper. I 350 Vulu. 0! but Fri. I 3 ma Seallde urlu. . uenot Msnagunout. ebulfrjjiiu. Young Lan_ig s Academy. At fouu Uoubn Din Icy Hnlvy Ilhl. Young Inn`: American Hall ll HUI II` 1`.po.lmnn: Can; onn KIPJGITOK I PIIIIIOKI `I'll DIP!!! riiiirs_Iomauk-. Rmomivmn - I1`: Tngifew Book Store. WIX `Ill! Ir III II TMQInvot,ol,n \AI A n ':."""......:: In Iolldlod. LJ A I` Very Handsome Broceded Trimming Silks. pogeum with 3 full range of exceedingly hand: some Ohenille. aid Jet Iixed Silk fringes. It will y to examine burl Stock be ore purohulng else- where. We no showing the moat Lon- don lldvoltiu in R.&J.GARDlNERl | cums: mass nmnm.s| IOBTON HA1 ITOII. I'II.l.lIIIII I7. UN 1-; 1 `RIUEON LY- GEOI MILLS 00. - lhnrnnrlvnl Inn Dnlhnnt Also very hsndumo Silk Mixed Pompadours New Dress Materials I-Imlb our n H. & J. EAHDINEHS A;-nl huh Uuadilnl following Klingon. W : UIQ. Pnrhll. Iuluugl. OH` .3 ""... "1 ".f.."".:".'`5` '"' ' n , won I I 0. and cuyndoduu` ulna and p0II.:.Il.:.h0 untamed not Iotcthnthonudny allay. C-udidua nu bounhoiu an of I50 rouou-in counts: futons. onus. or 0`l'l3lInLonbylvIIIh\Ihuunnul oatdllknoonbo Olldrbt Iulnllhifu um the lmouhubjoot-In uh axin- uouuuthoynn Iwundlll nu- hnvo hon not has Inland Innuunuuu Inthhwlun. 131 mu Ala In ..a..m.n Same b, u. Harland. 100 \'-Ila. Rnl)orlnun'I Library. lufolnce, St. Elmo, Pngnuio Paulo. (Bum-I ul Amhun, |- man 0! Old lid. Illlmnnt nr.-mun m bl nlvlnn i April am. 1880, M363 snr: mus. P... _:_ _ l_ ` ,'l.hcIb.Ililn,I$ I Gilchtisl Educi Schlilship I Iluina C-ml: Hook. Ap_r|I Mb. mu: ~ _.z____ The Uirln'0nn Pnpor. April. The A. B. C. lhilwny Gui-lo. Mus Dodf Cook Boak. Ilolfonli Mnquiua, Aptil. n. 1:. uosI=-.T-I-reeeptress. ho avor ol 5 ll Iollolhd. WALSH ti. 00-. mi sum and man. In Ih:.IaAInu-5;: Building. lately nu II JO-d Ail! In Indus 5 db. FOR BALI. In tho so}: 'I.'63a}}. 'nTJoil" I30--Avhounhoduuvurun S. WOODS. Book In! Household AITIUB P. BAIDY. huniudd Sc:-nary`. ly to `M1. 0. Iubslt, No. `I?! Queen III. .. Frnnlxlin Sqnu-9 mm mm In Inga-I. hunt Gludlolllu Flu, In Vurkmu NI-ado: M Purl ',lIl'III sad "I- Ihnl Alan, n [all lino 0! lg, 51,1.` nu. nlulo for "IHLDRIK ONLY. ' u. I! u u 1` . uggppg . `.!.~.:~......-. -~.-..--.- ~`- --'- lurnl Wmu III:-0. ' "." `u nonmsou ms ; no mm mo: in an am. '37:: low. nmysuu amp. and IVO|7IIll`I.[.In0-It` 1 : will yum nuv mu mm no v1L_Is_c_mu names 1. LOGKETT lRECEIVED| I-cu WEST. vuuuc MAN; so wssr." sPE_>_I_AI, 3ABG_AINs IN TWEEDS. Loading Lines in Bunting and Pompadour. - - - --- -'---- -----aw-V-Iv `(II/at Sprrial Allmlima In his l)I{I:'S.S' (:'l)()IIS in Shy)`, Lus- lres and Cus/uuerc.~', bu! mufv r .~*];,'cI':(/I.y (4; ------00------ . IN OUR ORDER DEPARTMENT WILL BE l`0U..\'l) A SPLENDID AH-SORT. man ol 8ootoh.Cundhn And French Tvoodu ol the [stud lasagna. In Dhunn|'I, Bmuklouu Harp: and Cadnann In have full lines. Thu antnutlnu I_uI with their union lo: up .1,.,.,. Guodmwill [It A FIRST-CIAXCH FITnnd workluuuhup st thu lowest. living prot. OUR RIAl)YHADE I)llI AR'l`M EN la umuunlly wnl` umrtul thin nu, md to gr. dotorluluod to k upon: liplltlnftbf Chcnpneu, llu'v-ability Aral Hm-l L our u.m|.- moo`: lhrnlnllllg louda, nbo Hm, L , Trunk: uul \ hulfl, Irv all new, uul up 3" mg..- mlud to all Ihonut print: that will ` ulna Ind In the wit)". (`all stones and Iucuro uunguf the gbun Bufdul at the New Yurk ( Iuthlnx Hturn, Brock Strwl. Z. PREVOHT. Tho Squrn lint: Itnl llnt In Jul DOV `INK HAT cu` Ibo Mun hnou who MIDI-Ila fnlnl than IA. Ind an may NOII Gill I0 I Pompulour Trlmmlnl Silks. Pompndour Farasola, Pampa- donr Dress Goods and Pompmlour l'r|nts. ---- ---i-----, 1 -`---- vivi- Allure Bprlng (loud: have sIlvo;l`..dud grain: `$3:-32:5,`:-Ill very rarely Ilml . [gnu- forluopoouon. an u it in no tronbla to not Good: bodies with nmpunuty all An Inspect Buick 1.` now oonglnlo, Ind mm: vurioly of very Nu-o anal Stylish Oeodo. all u odmn them. No but opened 1 Now [An of PR10T N EW Pompulunr Dru: Good: In all the healing H|m.Iaa. New Plnin uml I`! and Drug ` (load: loo. pol y\n'rd. I New Block AI u-An nml Bu-`illiumnoa from I per nu] New Smlon-d (fad monowu. uh As Pyiooo. ow Hlngk l.uIl:momI_, Union Illd Wool. fyom Km` lporgnr . I |ooen_ o_w Pun-I, In Pa`mnmdunr. Inga, Ilodnm anal out Fun. man no Ipl|}'|'l`I.ed N`0I nod; hunnhgdon from 104'. ou_-h ow um} uul llilh Pnrgaolg. Llnodunu u Ilul , :.hnhp.r 1 _Mr Ih`mor_y and H`lovua Eu nll the _I.ulmx slyloa. ngy sun and 1;; :`ngIlem to I, |.`I_non Lollnn um um. D-`..m._,. VI,` and Lw.n_ l`. and huge (I 0, rd _in n _|ud wnlulmnn. New Iilnuvl Mlk |ud_ (.lu-mllo _lI`ringoa .5 V..- Low Pnnon. muons? I ma.` `urn, |I:ul nxmnl ranging` from we maul Sou-l'o,'l`ion. II, (ml nu ma Ln 3 ` Louon. _N`arn_nu'uucl Lunlu Wool Books. com. and IoIIo_ Undonala-thing. `A IIPICHAI. Llhl-. ul I.0 emu LMT CURTAINB, 9.`: :- ocnl. undor roqulnr Queen 200 `l|'I White And Gray (;orIou. onorm at 500.. raga gr poo AH` Wlnlo uni Grey onom at Innulnmnron Prku. AI lixfonl Regan: llld Lnndhu Lemon blnnlnwp at but Your: Pnou. The IDOVI (D0003 Ail `LL NIW, not] will be oold 3: I1 ! BAORDINA IIILY LOW PRICES. An lnlpoellon of smog and Price: Iupootfulty nolienod. _ THAT IS N01` TO BE HAD ANY. PLACE ELSE AND WHICH IS SUIT- nhln lnl nlnnnnt agar I-nnuinn in nl-inn ll-nm [$14.50, 16, 1882 2 INEWBHUDS ATLl] PHIIIES 11 Vnrlunu NI-ado: 0! Pull flint: and 0:- Iiml Alan. lino a! lunar Ilvhn nun. IC.|.|VlNGSTON S [JUST To HAND 43'3" F"S?{ _% 3' F ANDISUPPLIIIT) Wl`l'!'l A LARGE AND l`A8`I'li.`i3Ul. 8'N)0K. X` A CALL hi (ILA [Adina in lunnnonllu nnhnitgd hu ' mute no mo doing: by a mm on... 'r.uu_ Doouibl Nil. -379. RIOHMQNE an BOYDEN |MILL1NERY_ Roniombor we gunnntoo 9 perfect t. 100 pkou Nu Black All Wool Cuhuorin. at 45, (:0, 60, 70. 75 and I00nu 60 phone Nu Union Ouhnono, st 25. fl), 36 and 40 Cum. U0 New All Woul Draco: II I) nd 26 Uonu. ll] uni`... N mini. .0 '4\- Dd... '1 he I-`ulsinuhh Maya In that H nod: an um H-anon nnnrhhlv hug. and nhonld .-uurmoucl nu-nnaplvn IOIWIP we who our Inns 5: Kill Hal. N0 CH Kl gala fur lvnuilvm hull llnln nun! n-ml :1 mnr huh nu LII! unnon uuu-one. u `to. :1), :50 and 40 Conn. soon.-no. '0 Allwoulbnuuul l)ud2bUonu. 61!! icon New riuu at Low Prion. 60 noon Now Cumin Trudi, All Wool, M 60 and 60 Oonu. XIV OIOOZIIY VNII. 0 uunn I un I smunro ail}: sum'i"v1"i.5n s-roux. jab!) Much l9h. I880. RUIIITBON BIKE, Non Juno that 0 Gun ; .5 an an HAINEB an LOOKEIT, ' (loud for law Pr1ou.)lo0unno|'u llook. Prlnoou It. R()()%K WELL B R(_)b`.. Elegant Scotch Treads, 108 Princess Street. Kingston. 4,..`..I A1: ...1. ..'. l|lbl,`4.'4v GREAT BARGAINS- Hill HI! NU CHAIHI UN lirnhlng u: pun-I um-nl at ur I gh-bum ul. ` In the Milllnory Department nrlnn (lnmln lmva arrival` and nnrnn nnmluuinu will vn .. ..I n M will be told I1.'l'K4 I - III.|.|xnn up nu'rI.i ` saw .v icons M the People's Clothing House. Per Allan l.lIe--`:-AnoI.l-Vr Inn 4-! those VIl"IIIl'DUII TU lnnlu our luck lzofol-0` 1 HIGKEY_ ILETT. `IV on. n_nu mu. ru.-wn. nuar. mu; Ww nbln for pnoont wear. nnging In pnoc lrom vvrru A hluus Auu `1'AuI'EI!.'I.Il.alVu\ [Ion the India it ulpoctlully on-hciud by I"RICSlI !R(N)D; ' A'll`I)A ARI OFIIRING Tl WIIK I. WILIIION. Wllilol`-I Illlldlngn. HAS C()MPLl'2'l`l'}D HIS in to uumvoq rug min I _ 7O_E_ N I NAG! ROCKWELL BROS. Rlchiaaoiad d hoyden. 7 IIICKIIY E ILETT. Princess street. - AT- l 1 an-I900 hguuul upnnuuuu; Ag Inns Ilquau. Ion! Int. "1"':.:'.'.'.'."- ,':r.:-".-..,-.-.':-a::a.t'.:a nodhtounuua.` Aullunthu. ' ` -Q1, lnrnolul. {.0 IITTII WUIK II 70 I` II" II IIUUITTII THAI 0"... local `I, E. r-. "rok_l_.I:-1-. 1 wjuiu 10-15 J ' Z IUAT RUIMIIIO ETAIILIIIIIIIT nnnnmtvnn s ;....;;......;.;m.T.`.:;;..1s...;.% .-_ .1--- n..n_n._ A LARGE !T()(JK Ji;._iNAPl"8 |llL" IIIYIIJIIHII IIIAIII IIIIHIH` uppum Amos Haul. Pusan Imu. h.;n-pod h;I:uI.olII. lg panama.` Apply * Ilbolll it ' U lnlylalonlluhlnu `an-\r' Ivuun-I-9 E5 V3 trunuulyol lulu Irothonb April Inl. li -ro ;;_.n-1.-. Iona. ' Kingston. Iuul MID. II. THE BUSTIIN I I'l'AL`uIu 4 I113. at nun lanai IIIIII UIIII 1: ....""!.`.'."`.'.'..#"'.."".... 3:. 1?: mm pl! a.....J.u.. mun bu IOII drhvonrolduu-dhl.0. In II. [In HAT STORE. M In taught. and uuuuoly uqlnhf. ' r \ .-Ina Don `v_|' SILK j-jATS. 4:80 IIIHIUH I AT1 RAC'l'l\ I STYLES! LOW PRICES - FUR likj In uouqlvu. ITO pnunvonh npmdwhnuuiy bula "I|oooIumorguduJ)nunol chuhIIsoubo)'i0|I5|l'0'!`l'*' 4.. n w- ---- any-uuur vu n I-null." Thoolootunosulcl. It In all tho that no uobcuylotho Ihmthubohd in Helena. fa n----.-nI- --.-n..IA.'.L..._...A_ j I2 DwUIIIII'lIIII UVIFIUVUI DIV Iuxijil in I vary logical IIIIIOOI. Then who have 5 Iain In undonund tho pr-uluon cl Ilgdiill and thou lhu III Ilbjoct Cu MI Inching: uh--ulol procure 1 copy. +49. __ -......u~:.~:. ...":.-~.:,'-.-.'* I at . In uhdd ta. ' I.I.-Th nun: -All In gin-.4 In A. ... "WWI: U I HUI III -7 slot. Tlouoctololduudnow hm _ A,_L,-;:_ __ _- ,,,-n nl . x H UHTXIHWUCW V XITIII ooioohodiu COOP] uuhblo duh; pluuulonth nu qt. 0! the lap: tndupuntocpllonho-noon. Io-0 0150 Llpllon pontoon! -up at It. Iquflu llbohrgul :51 in Cum- dyndanluopducual antinu- clip. Thnhmud-ul urdulng ouch V nut oubldool Kiultizn. I .___...... __ . A `fuunu Jon.-4 In-rlbk joh Oupulpduutduoho Auhuooluhr h . A Call than Iodiul [Cuban rn huh. on-ind In the Burton: cuoudlnn nun-Cd that hot lb- nahrhdhutdinunauouth. no Ian the In dhlouuhn lulu; cau- nlupuolcnu Oudlbolqnr pontoon instantly wanted an be nppmul It In banana Dnonhr Ill - All _...AL " 1'5. .D..a _---_n..n n. juujl Iii vulu Iuunulvri Ul IIIU VII and Ibo theological wbiuu uodmuuod K..- -.-n In-iggl ---.n- TL`: -nkg ._.r 439 non Worn.--Ir. Philip 3...... at the Kingston Bunny, has ouupol'I slop ol In oouond ouployt Inc clue wotlnqulu It. `Ploy on constantly ` _.n... L....|. o. ..a`..a.. in. ....n . ...| --'vUI-' Iv In-III -- luvuuullll uotiqboduu In lager uucl iuuior -1.` `R4 -Anni. ..l n!) ...J _.- I..-..l- Barron Tun -`'How I. shino in Sooioty" in the mic ol 1 liltlo lmol il- tuod by the Toronto Noun Cumpuvy Thou who duiro to illumino tho circle In which tbyy non Ihonld purohuo I hook and nnlully nludy it: contain.- II. 8.]. Brine, 0! the Willud Tuck I'I._._lA-.- TA-....t- L.- In-_-_.I..I A- unu"u, In us: vv nu-nu unnu- Dopnory, Toronto. hu lorwudod to no 0 copy on nply lo Robots lnpnoll by tho Hon. (I. R. Wondlhg. The pnllunu an both uunhon ol the bu, -..J AL. n...I...a..| ...I.&.4- ._ J........J wutltqlu III II. J-v uni win-IIIIII hulilglu-nln,Io ntinly Lu gnuind -..gl_- L`-1-... I- I . . . - . . ..I !..._K-- A FIN: lblnrmv. H l`n-day Mnun. Riehnuc-ml at Haydon hul their Swing milliuory uponml. The` visitors warn numotuun. Thu to-um were very tutu fully docontrd. `l'hn null: wore draped with ohuvln, milk: and paruuln pruunling Ill exceedingly Inudooun and rich up- punnoo. Floral duigm nu IIIO u- hibitod. Tho tabla Ion lled with the nobbiut -tylon ol the oouou. Tho hm ud bound trimmings won I." the work ol the India onglpd in tho uub|iah- nool. This Addod to in sunctiuneu. Tho diqluy in one 0! the host that II-I Moll undo in the city. I.) I . M I .` !uuuot`:._v...e4I:.nlr:l.PIl'i:1`|I`l: I|-I ' . I llodnoua lln-l lush: odnhl. mug .-:3: nu up fnruuo; and cut- ontulm ezuunloc. n-mom log. I "" " a. union. Johann nal. Uvmn I-`ouuD.-'l`ho uki that drilled on (hrdon Inland yoourdny morning bo- Ionpd to Mr. Ganru lfriggu. On Bunch] ultllill holsut it tn two young man to I to the Ichnundf "(L M. Naelm." While Ihoy were on b-lard the vuul tho but broke IDA], n -0. being ucuroly lntonod. Tho young man had to ho Minn uhnn in tho ynvl boluauiug In tho uuol "' `-6 ?- ` Cu: Ann Rum -Snmo time no 3 Ilnlll put hot hmbuul'| ring upon the o rlloo-m phlo u nconlribution lor min- simory purpooou. Nu; being dinpoubla thou-uiu In uiqnugo the mag ha been put in I ah, slice: 0! whicl toll lat lon oonh nah. Thorn an nrluuu way: 0! ranking main-y an-ily. Thin in one of thou. co---.j 0|-Imuu 0u1'.-Mr. P. C. Crounu, L D.8., 0! this city, who roouutly puoed tho Donal College with great cndit, in about $0 upon pruxtiro hero, Ind hu tov holed an oico on Princou strut, our Chi ilnu )1 Mill: Brothers. Al the sun ol an old citizen, and being clover At hi: proleuion, he uhuulrl nuanced. M 0 T0 Mnonlc. -Tha Deputy D.Itrict (lrnml unt, |l.W.,- Hm. Wllfeun, I rinil to Mind": Image In! evening in in new hull, whore it in prooporinu null. Ila fc-III. ulhliod with the curl: Illd the uni of the nmnuhurl, llnl in turn was well` re- ceived. Luz wool: ho nicinlly vniled Cnunqui Lodgo. Mum nvnrnuv in exprnuod t-.r lino lnmily 0! Mr. William Roan. lIo'ol Isoopor, Unuriu uroot, who dial this morning. A dnngbusr in vary III in honllh pl Iholimo. Mr. Ron Dov ing 1 wombat of St. John`: Lodgr, Pilla- Mltu, will be burned wilh munnic h-mun. Pum.-nut. ~Mr. Fred. H. ,Mno'lc~r. buliueu nmungar for lluruuun, the re- notnod 1- nlieliyitulmr, nut in the city to-clay llinkum arrangement: lur the Ip- pitronoo ol that wondorlul exponent cf the black III] on Tuoulny tuning, April |3th, M. the Upon Iluun. -1----vjo - % Tu: Guuw MINI.-I Yoordny aha iron fur lho on switch [mm the K. & I . R. K. lo lho (Indy on InillQl1`".h(9l('. which in duvribod u" I big bonnnzn in mm. It ha boon visited by many per Iona who no interested in mining oprm tinn- I. 'IA1'I;m:7 V 7 ldvml h nulhuhnl Io cog;-sq Pm: Ih.L.~-A nu-ho`: oi any gun.- nonauuovin; for tho auction :4 u -Iillllr LID nuulodun -4 paper pm, in. Good. 9101' in this any at to [ho county. wlpn tuna`-d can he obumod In plum! quaomqa. The luau, Thupoo. ol Nnborg. MN I point Int th nnuuhetun ul (Mn pulp, all [In Utah to [00 than tn to I50 inbdutuvy `I'M huomu d can he runuml `oIb.olIuol (M K cl . ll.ll..unrg ulna um. I 1'.-Isl ........9,Im! III In Uuunuquo tho upon: won .25.- lI4.2b; Pinion, 010,0!-I8 I0. and in N59- noo 095,906.06. In Nopuu the on- poru hon Mill Point And nnrroundiug `photo but boon Added. OCI ` --v~ R0?! and Dlll.I.ll. sun. In no pnnlun by tho tlnbuwtbot. lowly I ll`: Gnu! .PrIuoaI n no Mun ygly M I. . Iludvuo 600110`: - v--r Bcnool. IH'oIIIoDA1'l0l.--Tl0 public Ioiooh nun `rally onnmvdocl to-dc]. `I'M undue: in gaining out day, II the children who no kept at hone du- ll; the rink! Ion not lling up tho clans. The IIOO noon in Onhnqul School nu oocuphd today by tlojlnlu uoond alum dot III Inll. dials- oon Stud School. recruited Iron Ibo Input-can mnuagod by Inna Run and such. he u.poom. Im cadu- vuund to and on may oiihlun no pun- dotu Onlunqul, hat to has lulled In mm Quin Iuwrtnhy nnucuun liilnuohnolhmw hon worded thou `During the put throo month: the 0: porn to the l'ni|n-.-I Hum lino bun quite olunoin. Tho Consul, II. W. Twitcholl, gin: us the gures tot lhc Int quarter : VALI- Ml llluul luv IIIIHIIHIIIII nu u.-um.---. tor]. Mr. Henry Mxlm-, jr., ul Mun- trnl, WJI thunm-coulul lint ptizomnn, ` and he, lmlieving that It wuul-I he of cunlidonhlu ulna In undanh in Can: dim Hiunry, hn give-u the uunaozmnn and uuwen {or publication III book form. Datum Br-n., of Munlrenl, are llie pllh~ linhern und hnvo lhll mil. "5 can can- lidanlly rncunnuond ll Lu uludunu uf the `mun rare at all mull.-u In Cu-ndn ~tho hintory uiuhr -wn cuunlry Eight prr/.u Ierou'urod,nn-I Um liral llmsn who worn uiwcugfnl um H.-nrv Miles, ir; Montrul, Mun (fhrinlum Stuart, Mnrrilburg, H. H. rbaphouin, HI. l4llIlbOI'l.'I; P. Q Muny of tho question: given nn-I nun-voted were oun- nooud with tho only hinlory of Cundu, which the writer: nf provimn hluoriu luvo bonunablotn nnuur fully and Iniolnclorily. -~The Council in Igiuting I-Tr a change of room in which tn .huhl lhe meeting: The Us-mlnitlee on Unty Pr--party, in View of the lulu hour: lu which the Ionian: - are prolonged, should, if I rmwnl to the Ontario Hull be lnnda. Iupply ouch Alderman with I mmtruu. It`: hnrdly worth ` while [or the Aldermen to go homo fut sleep altar the maetjngu u now ounhluctod. -- ----oo--v-- In Mun-.h, |!7'J, the Cnnulinn Spec tutor," nf Mnnlraul, I-uted pn_7.en to than who would gava Iho but Anuwn to lbulll I00 qua-tinun in Cmndlnu Hu- n.-- u- 31...... Mu... ;. ..l Mun. rturuu v. ...v ..._.. --Mr. Alex. Framer, oi Wnlfu IIIAEI, one of our mun rubuu sons of tho loil, lo. to-dny lo Ielllo in Iowa. The exodus for the vent. will in 1 nhort limo alter the completion of Frontenac directorian materially. _.. .. ..- ._ _. , 7 Li" A --II in lllld0_r|hmd that the jury up` about npnlly divided for and ngnimt the plniulitfui the true of Barrows: v. Hm city. The numnd dlmlval diacuuc-4| by name would iml mnrly cuvcr the ax- pemcl of the trial. _ .- 11, nI_._ I.\......_.. l\f \\I..Il.. I-I-.uI -l5ajun, uf the Kmgnlon` Hrewary. ucured I lino crop ul thick ice for hi: own u|e-n\'-r L200 tons. Hi: lager will he cm-I eunugh, nnywny. --'l'ho City Couumimuuuurnlnip is by nu mean: diapuwduf fur lho balance of `.hu you. Tine ra-c nnaidarznlmh may be dup- po4|,bul. he Imrmluctiun of as by law ctnnnt be prevautod. ./.... . 1 I -- The Bellevnlla Io`/MIL-'mu'er in fur. ful lent the nnuiugr davolupmonla en! sud want of it mny In-ave lvlut city in lho allude. In cit!`/.en| cumut wnluo up to Ill opportunity until there in Iuuu.-thing to vuko uhuul. '\I"K'IlII|l -PruhI: Wind: nvrlhly and nonh- wualerly, pmbnbly increuing to high to- nihl,c|umIy in partly clnudy cmnl author, with nccuioml mow urriea. cup null. 0| run-autos Batu M __I`v-I-tn. !I__v_ch :ng:__noa. .- ..,- .V.,. . . --Sunmbmly dropped I pant ullloa It-y un Wollingun Ilroul. Sauna uno clue foun I it. It may beclnimocl at tho Wmu ulco. ': your dullnrl --'|'hi| on-lung I lnnquot lull be lcmlerml to Mr. Dennium. llaevo of Pot!- lllld, It ll:nruI\uuiIl|. A mun-lmr ol Kingnloniana wont ml. .. . ...` .9 . Phosphate, 312 tom . Ropo undRnp..... Sloopnndhunbo... than Imn . auop ma u Bonp lnm Varnish. . . . , nu-u uuu---v -nu `-- --u. Jvuun nu... .._- . . -1 party ol (Armor: called 5!. thin all: - to_-dq uulinx their ntfain prioc to Ian- lng for i Iucatiun in Unclu Sun`: arri- wry. I1. I . V n I |,|_,_AI-___.:.u-.I__ Buhy . . Fun, nw "Ill!- -The Du:-nil I"nr Prm nmnrkn with 1 for yurinu-n'ol protection the Cu- |disn uurino will up: nnd join their nuvr. . . .1 n u ...:,,.. Horus . LIHI . . , -Wotkmou no bmily unpgod in pre- paring thvo grqund fur Ilr. Molntyrin new home on Sydenhnm most, want. ....- -,-..-_. ...._-. --R0-. |Iouu1'Bny and Stevenson, 4-! Manual, have how lecturing in Ion- mu in reply to lngonoll. --Mn. llunon Mummy, than death in la day Anuouncod, bu been I resident at Kingston lur thirty-Iivo you-I. -`Bojua' Brougty in wall for I lingo. A 3|-us quuntiq in Ilofod [or the opening Ludo. u__, nn-_,-,\.n,, , ,._.| n ______ _._ niinx 2 tux: T: "I -Ibo `Mum has 5:30 thoroughly mwvued. She will ho the glut unr- oion but olho Illlon. . -Priuonu mud in being chad. It nodal acupiag. ` , -'l'ho Allin Court in though ill bmindu qnciklp ' nu- nn,,.u gm ;_',, .L,-,,.,L|__ auount:l-lrdglut an and-. an IL: riva- -1 'on}uIur uepori} .. ranndlnn Illslory. VIII! --- . :.a,:s:w 5:; . 11.37 cm fllll Ill 3,111: uu 95 (I) 9.709 47 4,100 50 mm m 1,100 no 250 (I) 9.0 (I) Value. xryt `I'll Lu: non mu! ....""3`{.".`.'...`:l`."'.""'...."'l.:`. 1?: I I,i|llI IR`! 333 00 L502 00 We on 273 49 3.42: 00 [II W U. qriuvwu I!" II -urn fufuuob Ilh |0,l> bulolnot ryo. The dance '|I Wllfanl `Ion faint.` will In and boppolu fur Chu- Ioua ud lit. Ootlulnu. loll this slur- nooa. 1`Io'luInn|uloI Ihouuun M llollolio no the uncut! `Anionic, hon Piston. Nnvlguhu than opouo abolish Joy milk: than last yup. . .....-~ ~.......-*'*:.*-..*.:'.*.:: till T50 llIIlIlu,ucnn\- road at In: hadron, unduly and, 5 g. one with la - The ploinu, Wuvonclniuun thnt n our- lnin and running from Kmuuou In (Isn- nncqlu Ill not Hoyt in I proper mu 0! npuir. Ind that on tho 10th of Nov. Int whilo he and Ma yilo "to driving in 3 curl-Iago, and using duo can, hit hone tumbled Mid fell into on unguarded ho|o_ booting nainod. injured And unlit tor In for a long ue. Ilia carriage and hunt: wan dutrond, and ho and his Illo unruly lujnml. He had boon put - to [not upono In procuring nodical al- Iomhnoo. oh. lloulahuod moo [or In lnjuricl be had nooivul, lad lnr tho in- jury to his Ulla, horn. human sud innings. The can In dnllnr to that ol .0l'I`oI0l n City. It. I. I. lrmun, Q.O., lot yl II`. u. L Vlollbridp gnu It. Inna Agnew, lat ddb. ` 'l`|oj-atyh shunned lhnowu v. the Olly, altar hlq laid Ip lor nix Mun, round Ooooun, and tho Judge` hing hlornol that thy cnnld IIM qua ho; was tllnobd. II`. VT V!` XI Z d. I- uhgaout `D. ArdnvI' Ht this naming 1... funny. -no. man Innnhnh .1 ..- Tu Bu or Q:;;rs-lavhukm 10 now lulljooun on tho Iq. `handou- .. III`...-J Alana-I -a-A.-1-- l._._ tliuvtu Univ! '1 ll'l)- gollovlo vllhlto htIt.OolIuIus,|hol A._A .....I ,...A In. AL` ..._-_ l\ .'Il IH 'II-N\:-Il- The three priaoura who aaoapod Iron i the Panitantiaty lanai on March 26th '0?! brought into ooun and aalml it may had anything to aay why aantanca ahouldbapaaaad on than. Tlfay had nothing to aay. Sanual Winalow waa aentonood to nine month` addilional im- prisonment; Chan. Doyla and William (low to ail nool.ha' additional puniah~ mam each. .01! . on In `I lean. Inch lunu. ' rxun. I00. .I. in an Inn: by P. lhru. In Awaw Thu.