....,......... ...._. .. .... ......_ naught Illhdcnnhg lug thou.- poomou Inc IIO pnuuug noun-no. In gmqih ovilounhduu no pthlhg c-undue: Ir. Ihpndaluulhca nndil byhnlrutoro so` It. Ioylo lat lib plrpon. but In hnitubcquuole. Iqhnodod ilhmlokudlluuytuoourubu In dfipl It In It. own`: out haunt mango an DI docnlcwuu dmlln up to moon Inhudhh i|oIhlp,nd||IhnulIr. Doylo` chattancnhnho lupuhnldbo M pcidoulhollonubdnnld hgnudor and )0! thlbulodd Inommulng chanson! Iona lldnnqotulil-I Akita codnnobnulualihrcnula ` that chatting loo -Net tuneup cu pdl III Jon, Ihdldn In Inll-nu t|IuunyUIlon Iuuud." ninth.` and Ihullllnnnl gaunt; Idlv. Iqhlnn Inland th- I 4 ! ovlpvuul. ' .1 I-n.JIaIl1l'IllllII N nnulvn-u. Mr. (Jludotuno wmu mlho Nmu. do~ proamng my lemunurutmn now [an pain. by the Libonln. in his honor out ' hm return tn lmmon. ll Eul III LIFILI IIUN. The lknly Naw: hllntl that the Cougar- ulu Inll cunlnoo Wllh the Home Ru Ian tn dolut the Libornl Adminiuntion. _U-II lUI.l HAINH. Lnndnn, April 7.-Dr. Cnmlom And Mr. U'KaIly hue be-n olnclod fur Rm- oummon cnumy, n Hump Rule gain of two. rurrv mm In the oluounn ya Liberals In-no nmIn.ml,4 and fnurlun Hum Ru` return or Enulnnd I 0! puoo f A UKIAT `APE!-|'AKD. The Tuny jounmin umumuuully Inul the Impurulnl Incl lhll. the Llbornh have Iocursd 3 clear mnpnuy without taking mm account. the Home Rulers, who bud Impal lo huld the hnlnnca 1! power and turn the lclhs In mmr uwn hundn. This :5 ounudarod I grant -mlagunrd 5: adding onurmmnly to ma real strength Ind u- curu {mum oi the Lube-M Adminintntiun while at the nuns tune mnklng tho rr Hill of Ihe om-quart mum uunnicant. YIHTIKUAV U ILIITIONH. Luau. return: hum all our show the election of 27`? Llborull. I63 Conic":- uvzu and bi; Home Rulou, giving 1 not Llbonl aim of 68. The Lmurnl oundi unwn have bun ale:-tad tor Wngtonnhiw -mu Buteuhlre. IKIHH LI I UINT\lINTN. The Mnrquu at Hlpon II the fuurlto onndudnte lur the vice-ruynlty of lrolnnd. , The Emnnoipnmn Act require: I Hutu- I am. but that naatinn of ma Act mwhl. ha III! nmnnclpumn AC1. I'l q|lIl'OII rI UlOC' mm, but that Ieotinn of the Act might bo ropenled. The U'l`onnur Dun will be ulfurod the h`ocrelm_ulup fur Iroltud, and II he` doclmu to on vo Mr. mum Lufovro wall be lppulnhld to that oioo. v-um-an n . u'.. -n -. v1-Irnnlu . .~..-.;`ot on---._ .......o-- `' - It vodll-can-lcull. In nguity about ourwho` an immllnnlr irundvbfv-Hitvoili for-c-no! Mr. lqoc adamant. at uumm. ,, _.n__:.._)L,:,_ ....u_..a:._.--, nun. nvl \,u.n-mu . 1!. re nun behaved to he improbable then Mr. Herbert Glmlnmno will comes: the city of Lead! In the place of his in- ther. Mr. W.E. Hledetone. Irhohed held lhu constituency In ruerve In one of his own defeat fur Mldl--luiln. _ The Liberal: propose to put. up Mr. Edward Belnee in the clndidluy vaunted by Mr. Gledntune, eeuiur, In cou;uucuun with Aldermen John Barren, mm reupruwuled mu place in the lulu Pnrlinmemt. Mr. Burns: in I men 0! decided elnhty Ind vnll probably nuke I good run. although two out of throne member: tur Lead: In the lute-Per liemesnl. were Uun|_g[_y;y.lV|-I. Lead: hnd A repuured vute of 4S|,."-If; U... ...-....... Thu 'I`n'nm \\'anhingt.un Ipocinl lays Min Raymund rammed yeoterdny in her ntntamuut that nha had nu claim on Hull, tint. her letter wu written by the Private Secretary 9! Hill, who induced her to Iign it by prumlnxng that Hill had pledged hm honor to provndn for hor. g wn u un-r .u~n|l'rhu'I' 1|\.nA4 . - Iinuuul : nun . The Pall Mall Uazrflc nyn: "Another cruohing defut of the viuvernmont i; in- ovitnblo in I few yours. The Met II In have crutad I Democratic Iynmn and mun. bow to IL The ticklnnou of tho Democrat in n purl of the uldeot. expo- rianao of the hnmnn rnro. Alter diIcard- iluz ld favoriten, with every appearance of (lingual. and contempt. they ruturn lo them with nrdnr In I year ur two." .1`- . n. V. ..~.. . ...... mun-......m- I|n,V1|I'|.I nu. ..uuu .unuu\unn. Thu Hrruld'.9 cnhle any: Snr Stnurd Nbrlhcnlu tlullvurml n npeeclnm Monday In Turqlmy. Thu nunllonou nu an diIor- derly tnat um nmetmg anded premature- ly. Nunhouto wn nuultod on his way hnune, b|Il._lIII friend: oacortad him IlfD- on Hill. |ADl'(l DOIOODIIIBIU CUII IIJVII Queen to land for Mr. Ghduuno. .. ..u.-. _....u nu-v . umn. On the formuiuu of a new Cabinet Pnrlmnent. will ndjourn for I Ioumght topounit of the re-election of Minister! holding seats Ill tho Home 0! Cummonl. ....... ....-... -......... ..... uuuuu nu l'|\ln ,1 l|l3I|l.'VlllllN. Lord Buconntiuld holdn Lard Lyman - ruignumn no Viceroy uf lndin, to take effect nbaululely In cue the elections are adverts tn the Government. It. in probnblo Lard Nnrlhbrnok will be ukad to go to India for I couple ul your: to pm. mutter: in order there. ..u..:- v ....u..... Arlninu wvvn In -uuvn vvvuuo uni . uluryu . Mann. Goulding uni Murphy upra- unud Cork ip that Ian House. u -- Ir--vnal-.lllV - an-null-I Tho Libonln hm-9 no pupnnng (or I [root domonnntion in Honour nl Mr. Glnduone. I un-,.vn... .,nn..- .. - ruuvunn. It in gomnlly bx-lwved that Lord Bu- connold will 0nl]`AllI|nIllIc9 hi: ruignr uon m_t.ha (int ultmg of H119 new Pgrlir A...-... mont. ,- II". uqw uu_uwI--I. -u -u.-._---- l`u'1o`uu. dnllhihoino l,{u"Pu!iunu- ury. PrIINn 0-Ibnloo that Iojot tmooo lot sh app: nicbarinl of Ion uodolyntdyotilhkd on good` Muholily uhuuooanndo ul oopou ol 0 uonanut plnphld on Canada no not bdlj lptinl in HM jub olleo M In: journal. `Hm ouuinly Iuoh Mo h.-in; bio-I lu nhunin from usurpati- Mon and than dhlanonhjy uoluing Iho tunes 0! Ilaoollpun`. Twelve Ihouuntl - dullnn on u pnuy hudnono prouinn` In? tho ptoponualr and Incbdruyll ol 3 punter : tundu, nnkuut `darned: hank-ring um, and obtaining work uvhwh proplrlj belonged to Iho rm uhvch hull [add him such I print lo! hit nmronont in than luuur, and to: M: inluneo with the Gourunom-. 4 Innro ....-.---unuu unuvvrwwnv. '10. in rumurud u the Carlton Club that Lord Boaonmtield Fill Advise the lbunnn 0n nnntl inn Mr (H-1!-n..n.n nu-I -vs.-at-1 u-nu-nu up. ' lam.` '1`. Dnlluu and Pamok Smith. Huuo Ruloru, have been olooud In Pin`- luuuont for `hpponry county.` "I Home Rule pin 0! one. Smith In the but lpilkor paving the Bonn Rulorl and favor: -tho" npul ufbo union. Fur Cork an M sun. Duh and Pu- noon no ropuu uuno umon. Fur Cork city sun. Duly ond Por- noll. Homo K-alum. luovo boon olootod, resolving 1.923 ond 1.506 who nopoot- ivoIy.dofootina Mr. Gouldin, Oonootvr tin, 'ond Mr. Murphy. Liborol. Dir. Pu-noll only onnounood hiodotorninm l.io|iw ooutoot Cork u the out! ol Int. Inn]: in no-dnr In nu-O up Ilunnlnn . rum: or run. A 31. Polanbum dnpuch uyn Ch! mum of n Llbnrll nnvornlnom in Bouluml II avmldoud u urioun pkdfo >l fur Europe. no: in coma: uorx u um Old 0! tuck in order to and Mr. Murphy. `Canny: llnuhlinn --.4 Ilnrnlnn u Iaudoa, April 8.- l'hn (Mal Liboul vow I0 `It in 1,235.0!) nation UHJII); Tlsnoul couuullu can I! III n 003,000, Apia at 119,000. .- `- nun: uni nun unrvnnu-n I TM Gaduland I:O:u-n-.ll0r n ral Nucruaayg-Political Wire- -...u4-.._ 1 1'. - n..-u._.-..a ,- -0-nus Ivotl nun. TIC AVCIETHU-C-.`__I UICIIIUT FVUTU pulling--`tho Btcucuuml .__-. . , InpoHsr|xLn'u runrosu. . ____..- I.. L I1 _..I AL_A I __ . -.----v v uno:-s"ri.'\`x' Ii |l5'Al$b:MA_Pltl_l` 7, snh1ioTL_:ctuqus. fII$I'V HIVII `HI. ye.-nor-lay -re mmmml. nu Unngm nonyqut. 7 llfulllp. _...I D_A.._I. In Shunt. on April Mb, -f.'I Ian. and 3* n-Ir_ Th NIIIII IIII Ida plan Iron in Ink Indians, than unonoo Tunic; pen 3; as In ulul. Innunnd uquhlnnuo on Inked In mood. cut, to Ibo Juno (Judy. Cantor. Ac lulu:-gh. an luoI,mb. John A II-NI. M uondoo. to lpny Want. at Utah : Ink. . I AIIII I It. ` Called I Ioluad . A :1: us. s'u'.'n. 11'-'.(~.:.'nua -3: J an .31. Wilson. law mm.- Cecilio. Iurlnu, at lull in laws. only dllgltbt 1000 W. P. Ilul. ul Ill; ran. Al Du`nnd, on Incl III, Alnnudct Youun. to In Julio Inns, 5" of cun- IQ. 00 Ian! -'l|Ih. J IIIII. of `M. Ibo Jan Ho y. of Condor. Ilowlouml. no InnI_ I70. Jul: Umcsgn, Apm .4 - when M; nur. Corn .15 In llbf cub; 36 (HI May. l'nrk 10.37; Mu. um 70 to 72;. I ' 1'II1-_:Av.. In-Aha cl A-`llgu. luau humour also on `ll. Hill had ahnru W to `.!l.llI_ ship- uum (I) to ll!)-. uiddliup no to 22.00 nnrlm Allah oodllqlldoll II! the wllool :)r'W. Inll: alt`. ' 5 ` Ryo~Quiot snd neuron; Cumin mum- lolly on to as in bond. Colman! per Ion--bo|ud 22; uuhulr 2 . M.II 1...: ,.n....o. In I. "I III .hm.` uurn-umI; Inuu vu-nu Sun 50 In 60. Duluth 55. n...|-.._n.... Inn .>....o- sun on w uu. uuuun nu. Bu|ny-nn. but quaint; 1 null: hold It K); No. I I In H8, No. '2 Canada [D010 9 "u 0,70 In `.,uu. Whnt-~-Indy; ` uprinu L36; wlmo I LICK. Oliigu, April 7. Flam--llo. I spring 6.10 lo 6,75; um bot unmet st 6.70 to 6,96 ; whim winter A! 7,) In 7,2.-|, dnuhlo GIHIILKI lu7,I{); now procom II 7.00 '0 7,25; (lruhnm .'.' In 7.). 0,49 Bacun-8o to SR-. HunI-1l to 12. `Anhol per I00 Iho -pnu (I,m tn I qmcl. mn |3,70 to 3.80; purl: nu `ll. Inuunl por ZlNllII-1.L)U in 6,0 C -n-mall pol 200 |bo--2,90 to 3,00. Ru-|or--QuIo Ind ILudy;\Vonlorn 174 to 19; Brockvi 9 And Morriuhnrg we to '_'Ilc; Euurn Tnwnahipc 20:: to `.'-h-; arenmencn Ind nelntmnn `.. f)c In `.'Tr. Hull 183 to 210 Chm-u-l4c to Hit` Pork-mou Slam to !l.3,f0. Lnrd-Ic tn my fur tub: and pull. Drenod hogl per I00 lb: .'p``.`.` :4. 5,75 IC- OI IIMI Mil. III. 0! N. .\'la nu. In In: Jnll (In I. L`:-Inlr V K}l~h;UlA"4DI-:;I:.'.l': Montreal, April 7. - Flour--raoaipta 600 bbla, aaloa 300 ; market quiat, unchanged; Quotationa: Superior um 6,10 lo 6.15; extra an- pcrtine 0.00 (.0 0,06; fancy, 0,00 1:16.00; aprina` aura not around, 5,95 In \o 6,00; aupertino. 5.50 to 5.00: Il.I 0l.'|g baliol-I 6,25 to 6,73; line 5.00 to 0.10; middling: 4.15 In 4,25; pollarda 3,21 : in 3.50; Ul'Il.ll'I4\ hiaga 2,90 to 3,00; city bag! delivered 3,113 to 3.20. What per 00 Ilia-Nu. 2 Canada apring 1,37 to L30; while winter 0,00. Corn per 66 |ba- 65 to 70 duty plld.` Pap par 00 lba-8lc. to 82a. 1' - .ur 32 |ba-3'Jc to 32. l `- v por48 lhl-50.3 In 60: i:. ....r 56 Iba--80c mm. Hume-ll 200 |ha-4.b0 to 4,60 -i-meal pol` :i_m. I) " .. .-.. n...-a ...d .n_..lu Ian. I... BIHDILNCIK I III-WI(Il\'LTION. Berlin, Apnl'7. -~BiIunrck hu lemler ed hi: maiguniiun ll Chancellor ofihe Germnn Empire, owing to the vote un nancial reform in the Federal Council. London. April 7. -A Berlin oorreapnn dent uye the new: of Binmnrclh resig- nation nu crealml I nunntion, but nu one believe: he nrnenoly desire: to with- 'drew, n he hu tun much unfinished work on land, nnr II it believed thin the Emperor could accept hie ruignnlinn. The Chnncellpr prubnbly aqgg nut cnrn ebuut the prupneud receipt stump tin. but in no rejection he dincovere a can venient opportunity Inr nltnring the nine of thing: in the Federnl Council, which hue lung nnnoyod him. A funda- menul change 0! the Imperial mInIlil.ii- tiun, nil-evuiig the.Bundeeret.h. II probl- bly his real object. ---------coo - Yarn 3b In Clnqn. ms! Effwuuzuns; ' nah: 363-I n. mi -~l ronigmtiun I u Ll n....In.. An:-il 7 _ nun -rullln ~ -.-.-.-.-. Lord Hnrtington, Ipolking It l.nnca~ uhire yeaterdhy, aid the British cuuld only reura from Aluhnniuun alter (ha restonnnn of nrdur thorn. : __v, . __. ,_.._. mm. ` CoI'o-du||; Mind Wuum 67 In 57 hgt- MI in MI nanlnulh K5 In v auunu nunnunu uuuu nun . London, April 7.-- The Vienm UM pm-h lay: the Governor (leuerll of Eut. Siberia tulrgrnphu Lo St. Putorlburg [hit it Ill Irregular Turtnrs that mndeul Ruulnn tarntury. 'l`tey umnccoinfnlly aluunpced lu own the Amnor. Thu Ch: nape govormnom. II pnniu tho 'I`u'l|nn sharply. fur. ol nnz.~'s mmum. Inr. ya man.` a n - I London. April 4.- lnvo Bndun Bulon on t. but toturn to Enghnd. .-- .u..u.u . . ununnnnnn II---l\ n .-unn. A Constantino lo dupntch say: the `Ports hu Iwppet the work of Uolonel Valentine Bskzr In Asia Minur. lllmle nl. _ The Prillllllg Committee nlw um! and uumiuod Mr. Hope, book binder. of (Hunt. He nuled that out of lhu 1,500 paid to min for mhanuhng m. zouaor 0000 In: pnid to Mr. E. C. Huber, of the Finance Department, for Illilllllru in propnriug calculuioun. P'3 un. .q..- .4... Londun, ApI'-il 7.-A letter from Ale plo. Mu-ch 18. any: in couuquencp uf the [Amine 4,000 Kuurdl Inn dew-ondad fro'm ghe monntuul sud plundered the town of Mordon, in Aninio Turkey. They murdercd I numbor of prion: nnd nuns, nnd tome European marchsnu. .... nu!-Inn nur-n.'.. In/luau P'l"':trs.' R: In C mmiztoe the `Fm r n o I o . o - son and Turtle ounuun luilwny Bull, Ind aha 'NoloonBuRIvcI"""l3ill Into znds oonli oration. I. ` I worn or or to and over to allow tho Nelson River Compnny to Amolgnunu with mother Company nenluug I chutqr for the mug purpnoe. The Montreal 'l`elaanoh Uummnv'I Mnntronl Telpnnph Uumpnnyi Bill wn also under dncuuion, bu! um dllplllad M. Printmu IIIIWO], `U Olllnlnlll. II. IIVDIIIWJ `HG opininn thu tho Ion] "nonhIu'd"in the Quoboe Act means duo north from the conuence of tin Ohio And Miu|uip- pi rinru. In the Ruhr" Committee "Emor- lnln `DD TCVIOIII ylf. In the undnry Committee yuterdnl Mr. Murdoch. 0. I1`... Pacic Rniluy survey, In: onminud. ` Ho favoured the unininn 7ii;:r?;,o.o.. 1 , -- .. Ouum, April 6.;-'!'ho Snpnnu-Court Iill hold i special union on the 9th in`, Ihl tho Solkitk ulocuon one null 03 |||ou.u . The couaulalionality ol th-lam ouponma Act. rill ulno be him up. Mr. Abbott hn nivau notion of chill uni lunn and uuunnco ooupnmu. On' Ibo Pouwnnu and Chalk rivou lull I million an! Ion hnvqbun cut Ihi Iduou, about tiny percent. more thnn Ihn rovionl year. In tho undu-I Committoe Iuterdnv The Lumbar lo-adv V Sn` Cbvorl-Contudllge _l!'or l`ruul ng Jobbary. lllrll ' Mr. Abbott has given notice of shill lo_ wide for the Iinding up of insul- un bank! nnd inuunnco oou`:pnniu., 0n' tho Pnutnnn rinu -I|IIUOOi.D|OIbI, I`!!! I`). OI- ' by a Man owned Bonny. ol . LL. maps: 9; :3: Win omhgod, '3 could `in so oxphnuon. .\'eu'n From Arron u Orum. Ijuj ll IITIII. .1 I n-._A._ - ---~~-%ooo Tr - cAnLc_I_mus. on_gf No. I hard Duluth > Itch LII!-, rod Itnlo E.` n-nrnn. T.-Tha Queen WI n the lfnh iml. nu ,)....| \ Lnnlcn l:l|'| , Cumin an I grids 77 In Solprenoc _l!'ork < ` `; Jalhl 0- ` noohu urn!- II Inc. "In: Iohudlug-boon Iuip Mu who IMIUQIIIIQ P00 onl. and: IN!!- kuod lit ID til 3"! hint) and an n.- hum Put. J1 Imau N Appiy -at .|aoV mt-auuu. A1 mnu, FIRM` cum oun- MAKERH, It ' QUAIAI IIIIII 1 `VIENNA. ` [Self - Raising Flour I Inc I-ul-unbor will all nl ho lump, menu um. um. an, up. I onomwoy unvl a hut llnugh Cu! llonl. with a large Lm umnunt on Juno: Hvnol, with (fo-llnr and 5 good Wood 8501!. Ala In oloollnnl (huh-n " Tnmn mndu known It linw nf nob. J I. lIlVT1.'l|II|()!l. Auotnoor Am-II `nth. I \Toronlo Flour Store. IIIIINIII HTIRIIT. AUCTION SALE OF CITY PROPERT Y SI. .I0ll.\' IADIN-`Ill ILILI`. . II IUIIILI. vu-l'I`vI|IOIto [upt&,.Apn| HI. MO. mums. April sun. In. "l`un~'4luy um-.. Iprn us, l880.| Am.-I I-\' lhu Du-nntlflll Arnln ...- YOGOHI]. 0| I30 "Pinion" Iutiuoo. I||nI,'IIII tulmdnl. old: lap I- ~:.....*- -:::::..-:.-~...-:. :- 3: : any non, dink: on chit view fru- gngo. Ou tho paid ll you gunvllllhti II I'll put: label on ll." OI In . ; ml-nL|iIn nnnnindc n `hum. Ilnltnu-1, u lino-M. April t _ .0.` -. -. 0...... ._ RIALI BROS. `Ir, A. l l'l()l`. !|lAI1;wnv Upon llnuno-, 'I'o1-mun. Inna column the gran uml unly __`|Il ||::. R re" A u u. IIlI_' I|'l\/I. HF lI'I/lI{ID_\' llol Tea. (`om-1-, I?l|o-olnle and Lunch at all 0lll'.-h .0IIII'lhIllf.{ lImI`u M-ml:-,d which should be well Pu I rumzed. ni`e'_"><` \ Tc:rnperanc_e, Dmmgand mrru: mums. Klh '6 \I`lH-. I. IH-.'I \\'E|N PRINCESS sud I-.mM`K NIH!-Il ARE Nuw IN llmm,: IZm:;);.:Hl the orvlcn M .-n I-`out l lass (`volt 7. .>- y- \lt\a--n -.-an-n FOR SALE. A New& Pleasant House Sexl. Mmr I0 Express Olllm. hid I It" "No I plumb-lino nuoody in .3,- pl down [I3 I50 hut! cards. n= DUUO antler. Pal bu on an luau Thcn much to an nub iyosuy nbouslho Boyle than at the Guava Pnuthl Sundnlu stove to cheat us. doapu ddaloubou Thalia to my luau. Zloylo sud lioopor cool so In guouuqully nun: In regard so than ponoul Oolclidtyu that nopuun lnulodtlalulu. Ia. Hoopof inlaid an no Into an Io us not puuully __... .1 -__ A-LIAM.-n` g.` E- MIILL. liq I00". I no tau. choc: , us In 3. uouhpnod Hana IOII " _ `" " u uuunu. .. (haul Tnnhuln w,uu; 00 I0 - Burl.-y rm; two muod auto 03 I07 ; nil rune! dc-KID:-:84; No. lunundn _ to (UK); No. `J do do bright L05 to 1,13. on rmer; rec:-i'pu lT,(ll) ; Illll 20,0); mixed Iuturn and ICIII 4'.` Lu {5; 44 $1143 wluto div. Pofk dull ll ll4'0I.oll,61). LIN! lower at 7.52%. ` . Butter ll31i\ 32. [Ja.s. cRAwFoRn's] ] I?{htd?1Aucti6h% R666. | w,uw: 5.10 up 1,110 vapor uuo um wuun; 4.85 on 5.36 Gannon to choice our: nun; 4.90 to 5.3) do return; no our dull n 4.75 ` oo, - I Run tlnll Ell In 1- Anal nnnjn, I up IIIII. vuwvlllilnu unnun. Whoa:--sprung do unkind; vipurl uhnut lo lmn-I: , ll6_(l)0; silo: 48.(XJO; No I Wmu Hay l,3H. Corn huvv; romimn. l'.'2.(ll1. nlu mihmvm. "-fTsc-1 mar I huh}. and two runs. an nan: .000; no | \\ run any l,aIg. Corn hnyy; ncoiptn. l72,(ll0, nln KM); 54 064} - - Huh-v rm: auto In 70: IMAPLESYBUPE HRH, R. ".0I'I(IHIH-`I3. Kmgnlun_ Apnl 7:1`. ""40, I sat. Apru n. _ St.-ch Ink. Uunou dull -c 123. _ I-`Ion quip: ;' uooiph H.000, ulna 10.41; 9.10 4,13 sun and wcnhrn: 4.86 on 5. All lluunue-on prnmptiy nlluinlod lo. ro:t_s1x.I:I" , April 7 ran _8_ALl'." IAN! lunar II 1.0 II: `In 32. CWDGNO II In KINGSTON & PEMBROKE TEA l)l-1l`(.;'l`. To TKILORS7 IQIII` mm M. I,iu W. " By! dull. 90m and Cumin. Whoa:--a mg C035 Iipu: L I n: nun ..`I- TOPEHA {HOUSE- 1, -5" ~ to us. new of A. sum. Whw. Door Ii,-Iouo ol your Kmnton bnohn an ltoquutly nu urivmg Donovan! throngs: our ouuntry mull witlloodlolol pild one npun tho olhao. III IDIO than with that head: high: outwith box at tho nhnclo haul: in an ant nun ch: poor autumn ugh: ulna: wnun. lo than no In to proton! um ca-Id hurled unity! -TIIIJ than who would be gull II II` III the [GI Mind lo unjfsy Ibo 001$! pnlt derived Iherolmun. and will, It not Dyan: nation! In, by the In cl nun. be undo to nulor I in path). In why no tho Ia-olingl nuhwhnnnduon ndmdpcuutaha casualty along lnqunny In so nu by mud nuiblo and Ilnnlunl M. MORRISON. Irnfqlnllwlnnd (`nu-nqnon lnvl VA] ` .h.. K.-...u--u or .1! V:-nu-uoqniuza. Mnrvnhuun lierlmtnon ' FIHCD G IAEUEK. lm.u.cmI H2-nag-I for Herrnnnn (rum and Insulin. MET CALFE- r_v nu Ilm to-murv' ' nhmn Drvuln by Illa-, Addie. lnmrvn. Munir nu-I llnlmnnpl. -0, `am and `zinc N91 1 `I I A EDEN. For Herrnnn u .\'o. 340. lPIuobuyh.l.unu,_:;g-:2,- v ll.MU'l', Hm-rotary. n. Null h hhltl D umplnhun haul Ion-,4 Inna. llnuum Ila-hon, `Vacated Wnltodvdu; Loo no u 13:; Ouuudlhuthnunnxu Much. Iulfihnforld Inn-aligns... A c. moIu., .c|unoo uni, onndn IO of f 1:. 9." I 'ou-u. noun. .._ ...'.'7 ' IIHIUI ",'vs-Tr;-eTo'AI'I-'T A Cantabile I4 luau on Am-4 `nah ngubig. of 0 00 Iuehou II-Mo. Wall- A noun a halo annoy lugs (`an lloou scams. : Ian: 3:: |`oho:,`W:d-don't` Mud . luau on not a 331..-u-.. lulu II. `I've lwhd Inn Ila: h mun n! m bo an an: at Anna um rum to To nnhlu 7 Iuu|.IIwhu Pu uh. nun... ad Chan. wan mic... Divan To nubh 7 luau. Km-hon. Inc. us In. China. And Cu- in. WIIM U Inhlod um pun-hunt fun! In-.4 lion-I. lm-Um. lndnnod by V100-Clue-ouor Male and IAAJIIQIHIMUIM1-nmnm. 50.0.:-I. .50: 1 nos; .:1,5OpM luu " H I It, llulmln. Wound`! 1 Dope , 1'. an `"u `t. "If Mary 1 ma 4-1.4- _ lll PlIB'l'IB8?inr SALE. ju IIW OIIIIN. Full Moon, 5 loans nu-I 9 Inch: Ouduo. W III DInMu,_n| In! den oflllou - lulu I51. A can Idol lluu Nowlunv. Reply to colonel Ingarsoll, HE l'Ixe lb: In John hum all-r I-vr ulo lbw hm lnr Dvollinu an Union Hum, nuvlv "ll l l"" C "M13 in 1.1 and In hurl npln undo:-In -who-. Th- ldla Olltlll Ch-I-can 5-ulllll Old! on Luge (Du lldlnul NM tin on 050 pnnila, the vial lwlug In ` An;.lv In Hnnrv l`unni...,|.nn H; oollllllly tloiq Inquest but by Ildpthhlo-M |spf1?di& nvgu_mg t'Mi'iE'. mrou. DUI! rnluvr, on Tuesday. April 13th, All M MI llonulmkl F`urunnn~_ A .~- '0 I wot-or My-uhoootu ll:-vi. -.' Munln_ uur Chub Chain. loll, Iurhlu Tup (`o-mru Tnhlr _ In-mr. PIOIIIPOO, |1_W. Ilclahoonl (Hugh `l`op>_ Cum sod olhor Uhuln. Lhgln Blulrnoln Hot :4 p|oonl,l$.W Bo-droom Ho: M Dunn 5 mm; Mud otbornlruuu Cornice, rum, uh oundl. Toilot HON wuvlrobg lInh_y Curran, Crockery hull tlonghunnlrglnal Hull Mun, Plpa, (0 Quinn, Dunh mm-, with 5 n In! 0! Min ullcln hlo M I0::l)o'clooI. Tenn: nul- .l E HI/l`L`Hl'l&~`I IN A . A ...iI ml. no la!` HAVE row-ivmf Iv-nrmlmnu Iruun MIL JONICIVII H \VlT.INH M null Ivy Pub. Anonon, AT HIS KKHIIIKNVE, Hytl--nlunm Slrool. nut Prlnmu, t\.. Q..--J-._ A__.'I noun. Dalian, WIT Ill Home __0I Inc! can nflllnu Con la an In-no. an-ubin I and Household Furniture- UPBIOHT PIANOS. B. W. In-Imam sot, lulu ievu. wuln I1. W, Wnldrnhp. Spring nml nth:-r M Mo. fa-nvlu-r Haul: um Pullnvu-_ l`nn- I Dutch Cupou, Font Bu'h nml I'm, cry. Arnnd lfnnl move, (`onh Mm Hp. Kllohon Uwnul. Imnnp-. dv Halo :3. |0:.\0 u olmk. Hlr\`M_lIn FKIULY. A|'KlI:?"h, III II! lbs I-'nr'nIuI'u llmroin. I-oniuing of H (` main. Kuy (7IuirI.Conlrv,ISda and mhur `lumen, (`no owl nthnr Uhnun. Tupntry (`urpalm Hnnrulnhuu-. Hall Table and (.'huIn_ Hil l,`|uIn.SI|ir lflrpot and Rmla-_ ll. W nim- hol`d.H. W Ullll Tlhlu. (`Im`|I. Hlirunlln, B. W. Ba-lrooln Hot. l'OI|l` Wuulmtnntla. no Au:-Imn It tho ruinous-o lulolv on-uploal M Mr. A. I Ivlu mun. Km: Hm-M. mmr um- Hlrnmnn I-`RI AV. API(||.9Nh. all n! Hun I-`nrmiuru Ihoroin. I-mnminn 1` Nnln lvrlvu Iv nu ---, --up---yr.` u, WV oloullot H Dollrit hu ulna Illcl by I50 II. `I . N. Uibh. (Ir llomaelmlcl I"lIl`l||||ll`I`. (`ar- pols, etc. an Inn Ann`! 3 uo ucn_y_x mus- XX and XXX Ales and Porter The boot in tho Karin ' AUCTl0__l_I SALE. THIBIST WILDSCIILOESSCHEN! LAGER BEER. _Ap_m um. - I 1'!` Apnl `.1. Print: editorially . "A uhnri ilma ago i tha Ottawa Harald, which loolia alter the iaiaroau of can Iriah Catholic: in poliiical Inatiuiu, and men oapacially aa ragarda patronage, non--ondad the nuns of Dr. Sullivan, ol Kingaton, in oonnociion Illh a Banatorahip. Tho vacancy Iii lled, hoiuvar. by tha nomination of aiioIh- r. Now that thou in another vacancy Dr. 8al|ivan'a lrioiida think thia would his a good lino for Sir John Maodnunld to aka! in a puulnal way hia wall kiwi-n appuoiation ol Dr. 5ullivan'a aorvioan --n bahallol the party by nominating him in the Sonata. Tho doctor haa Uollplvd noaitionaol oivig dignity in Kiiipuui, in a aapilal Ipoahat, a aonilunau ul high charaaut. aad oaa i-limo nomination in no Boaua aa a uoaibphoa 0! our Cuba- Iohialda Iolld ha lookad upon with [chill lavoar. `I50 Oathollaa Ian not can than thir ahan oi niatinn ia the Sonata, and In Julia could hardly I II Elna: |b0ail aappotian boiiar than y aualaninq In honor oi a an ihenin II the vacancy ro- hat, oaauioaad by tho rlnaui ololaloth already bun aii.a an an n, 1`. N. uihh, popular Oalholioa i In mokto with null lhn Lalo-at Nun-Itm in South. Thu, (llnvu. Huclory. tr. gwlm-h are wallyorlhy of Inpoouun. - The 1lon'tlenIen`s I-`urnlls-Iulng llepnrlnu-ul. - Han rtopcnod with nn nnunly NEW HTOCK ol English. lloowh. ltlsh god (`I ' nuhua Tweak. Wounds. elm. of tho LATEST PATTERNS fHesumpti'nnf Business -SEALEEROS. , % Merchant % Taiiors, rn1'Ionss stunt, K mgnlnu _April 1-. !spi1[}~%c 1 1880.` Ir. J. ll. JINKINH IIII. u forum-r!_v_ nu` parinlnud tho (`mnmm Du-putnmul. an-I ur- duh Anlrulnd tom wull umu In-uh prulnpl "!99'!:._ . Broolvillo, Aprli ml lmcfion SALE Full Line ol rondn. Iallunr, Uoqnluu uni u-goo. Irluoh Inn boon selected with (Mn Mm. (Purl Hope Gvulle ) Mr. C. H. Mclncnoh, mayor ui um- uny and proprietor oi tho Cilum, nu uploinod bolnn 3 Porliunenury Com- Iniuoo how he managed to auto hll big hnlouiol the public liouury. Thorn 1 III nothing particularly Inge.-nmun III the Illehing, but Illll In locking in thin ro- opoct in nbnndontly mode up for by the coolant ol an operation and the shunt ` loos nudooity of tho conllllinll. Ho cum lrunkly llntiho nowr did Anything for tho 012,11!) he on--nod lrmu llno pnnph oi Unnuin through Mobun, Itogur & Cm, and 151! IIO nuur hid the Illglilau intuition lodo anything. Tn quuto his own now uuinui. , "I hod nu lulnlllloll ol doing tho work; `mm not in; Hm I would go on till the Ivork, no 1 did not control the under myullg the urvice 1 rondond Ill tho uvviuo McLean. Humor & Co. on now undonng,"--that II to say. in 30! than njob. Ho did not uou draw on hi: oln under. Mr. Roar did it (I bin. 30 thl. ho gnt bin '11. , for moral; writing his ouoo at the and oil than under. A morn nhunoiul ' pilot ol booinou never saw lho light oi dny. ' -j~ `O09. TENDERS. BA.JIIS' . Hoorgo B. Wldlllll. ` Hairy Clllllhnqhllll, Haunt M , lull! Ctlllllqilnlu, :7 I50 pron Ian. 'Apl1| MI. 330. -_- .` . . -_ . PURITX . VHILII` K|IIKe`l|| Inhu Funnin no but Brick mnrlv up-p-nun mum no-w. I, ll. W. BM: - melt. nrnuuu, u. W-uuhnundu, uvlu-r MANN! kumhr ` iminbor oi pupil: unending. Inlllodhtl. than in I nry (rut danpr but the Iqhhvn [nut to our school: will no vitbdrovri. Wo ontinly dissent. and no will Ibo not majority ol (III in - punts. li-on tho uunion um "tho withdrawal ol the gun: Vwnlal In A grant bynollt. How it vuuld pears and: than its Impoot would ho to lnmuo by'|o much tho burden of loouluntion II no not ouym lot. The uunnoo 0! Church and sun in nll very IO"; tho! inn it nhould be; but the upantioa of Education lrom Gunm- Inont in n vary diloront mutter.` Every onlighbnod and oiuliud Book now to` ooguiu it; ohliptionl to onoourgao. nu- - pohlu nod lupin by every man: in in - power and by envy lnillble {uoiiity tho ` oduootion of its youth, imd no money in honor oxpoodod thou in the par cnpitu nllovnnoo node by our Provincial Coura- mont towards tho expense of imparting a sound And thorough Englinh education to our boys and girl. And thin grunt must not be ondinprod by our own paruinnony or romiunou. and one of the condition: of getting it in thnl. Iuiublo acoommodr lion be furuinhod proportionate to the Thin we csnainly do not pour-In in Kingston just now. Mnny of the deportmonu are il legnlly ctoldod And shore in nothing for. it but to provido for this preuuro by ex- tuldml Accommodation. The npplicntinn to the City Council in I new thing [or the School Board, and it done in compliance with tho lay recently pnuil by me (in urio Ingiolntiiro to thnt effect. The up plicntiori of the Board cannot be rafusud except by I two-thinlo vow of the (Youn- cil, nud even than Ill appeal cm be had to tho poople: But oi mu Ihole II no donor. The City Council win In tool aunrod, not think of rofuling In renou- nblo n rrquul and for no coinparuiuly until 1 non--onpoeiully when new be Iloun to bo inpornzivoly nndod to no cumliodnto the ropidly inc-ruling nuru - ban Ind reqniromanu of our school popu lltion. .__joo+---:_ `Irv:-It -utuuuu-u Ir] `-nu.-:1 una--vu uuuluco u our public Icboolu. Fur 0030 the put" tho 0 Idi`li`l| many at the room has ban in in clrun at the `limit allowed by [10, [ad il the Inuur in `much loud Illovod to an uuhudod and ..........aa..I' .5..- .. . .... .....n 4...... -.--* -~ ' I It In potfocdy pmpuv for tho Cusyl Council up ululho nqunu col ue Pair `lie 8ulIooIaudl$n Ooouitia-,buc tbonuuc should ho npuldhlnil Ooh-lavish all cannula! flhu, muuuin su.dau.nqurgmooo. Tlrnquuc In-ontyall tIoOoIuiHIlor T `E bthnl to thognnun of I fl). for 1 0 pupouol providing an! ` owhml -Ann-\-nJnlinn A-4| lhun DANA`: lI|n -Vii VI 1' -Uij-wv-. 0-. --o Boyle and haul It had I-dud ..-gAA--l- -dALJ..-ln4 In-4 IL: nn-. uubonoduioo. and Ihufnnch tho N paaurzaunmasyymgstymumua 2 and-`Juana at null nnhlin nnhm-In '0'! ~I||I -rbnd, and N. on-` nan n um: um... .41 m noun um mamas: Imhtfvfrully. (Toronto-'1'v-Ic.aram ) ._.-joo+---.___ . contract rlunder. jaw - A sontornllp. my to II Inuurll loyal-int-no u~o-sun an. an at in ununaubb. "Ho 5 pa .' Ho dull tor llhzuu -cal` nn it. "lblvy I III IINI 0 gall IIIII |I0 W`! to sin IMO. I: `:70 the uh I mini; Dlkh It cu-ad not and could not benign have ublunrd. The uuonnd ol lib club h 3.. I'.'."'.......,"" "5 m..""""'.a.'."."'.'i'l; than poop on I ma: hm; ggjggd 1`. ggznlzd 050 have non [ha lolly at that: mine. to Jul Ah nlinhh hllnnn 4.! n `nan- IIQPIIIOII Ulllrlvll uv Inn uyyuun uv Irv -- all oonlottod by the ruuunnoz. Tho; an ntlcl malino-I tn thin: not only with Sir John Mood-suld that thou -ha go well qdd add to wealth, strength and puill` ol the ndioinmg uuun. but that what will than btddod tu tho Stub` mill in loot to Canada. and putioululy hvtllo dourud luonlttiu It In a pity and a that that tbooontry would botohholulnpopuhtiu which it In boon thunoot an ot no 0lO0t|IAI pwplougrut upouo tn upunt by tnuignltoo. On ol the upon]: but!!! N ottloNcttoII|lPoIoy Inn to aouint In , ttu hat that ontybody should (act that 1 Cash no (or Canadian. and bone Outline for 09:94:. Doplubn, Io nuotdophnl by It! John lndonld with it did not edit. In to be utterly 4 I 1 tuputtblo In tho I. P.. and 300 the Inca it II III that Ind tho like ol tic pnuu claim In and bean Icon in cash. Julpdtlou by the blunt Hindi] Ito lolnluo til National Pv- lny In pond on llliltgobg lultmt A,_ A, 4-4.; ,_ ,__ Tuuunuavo Iuu .|lIIDn taken po.":L-u-ux 3 tool- in. M mun , vlotlu luvuoblu or vso|,u'IIufl|o bouts: unnludiouiou "1 an hang. ol the 15* annuity. Almost any nylll 1 Rainy '4 ol IOOIODI H II ;::t.:rl A III lIO ?o| out In MIC I I :.1.-,*:;..' "V, .J::.';.'-.::: I {L H H I20 louont. ~.|||O lllylll IIIK. .IWI|l um.-1' 3-an-un...:.a.-..zT..* nun lool Itllhgtn tho Dochkn at Ihonnxl -anal. And lbs: I: nun u no new all. yup lonpuul, noiovor, wt-other the T6005 Camila II publ- ol oomluodn I gontnuom ounuiuuion uly; but in, not i! Inc. coulc not that his juydly. An uuununt hu boon advanced tilt and nuaouuun poupnt l189|Io ptoot cm the bin: 4 #7 ll Il|,I"II'!-|'II|d- `run only onLa.i a .u mu. taken 5 pzorlo dug IJII |lu|~ 1-- -1 niacin: 2.:-bl. .- low of homo ll ION" I punoulnr phat ol loythy, Old Illqh inu- enced nr pounding 5 (loop Inc a homo, mun, without Ibo ulvghtut doubt. be truly and Itoy loyal, II In All very well to any out Oh Vnooi Ouuduun still ngudn with pdo the torn: la boll: Funds. What action It whether this ho two or not; MI low low Uuudn in In much mug that thin npni 0! Mo lor Inns: in not of mud! uonout. And :5 for nunuhn lo noO'I`Mnh of it, an In in vpll scan that he would not on- joy his religion; rlyilnpu, it wound, no new don. `ch doubtlul, hoiour, ` nhnthar LI: '||tI ll olnlblo HIO [IOU |'|Il UNI. VIC l:Ul"I|'| Ill` nun gland and um -Clllll $0 Mu?" to cloud their nvo country. The Ion of homo in soul; pnmoul-r mm. at lnnhv. and may hurt. ptuvo mu (nun unnuuu In mu. loyal. Tm Inn. 0! match), not been proud, not on It be while the Fronch Canadian In and Ill! inluonood by the deep love pl Iota that B0 in, nntallh- Ilpndin| tho Olllllioll on the Sunni- vhiah ho bu with t uhroly to honor bin poonnlpry oondi In and that ho, sun by a long nations In no Sh-o-. luau hu loolmn ul Ioyuhy, In dhptuvod by the run lhll during the Fcmon sun nnni gland and Inn uilliu IOMIPII nuurod, nluy,uuI any nory -not-peuu of loyalty, lmporinl Fodontion and Nouonnl Policy in the same breath dool In either in nupidily or toll-ncknouledp no error. Loytlty 0| F-dorntion cm not by my pmoun of nuoning be reconciled with the Nation! Pulicy. They no more Agra Nun ml does with water. When In: onmmo or stump! to nnnlyzo m-r Iuyulty an End nut is in I oonumo-M n. tho mghoot Ienu u! the turd, dmsply ruoh-d in am hnru. We no Val" proud M it W: uh: I nroud |uI.unnI. In ruotml In our nnru. no In Yul" proud I it. We uh I proud |uIorool BI'l|iu'l mm! uhiovo-noun, Ind fen) shut In onld luoo part ol our very nature uhould Io IHOW it to be tnkun from In. Any political argument queu- liumug er disputing the umonro ul lhil tooling in to II] the Inn vory Ill-timed and ill-ndvilld In` Iill not be hlllntd In lllh soy ` no whnuuover. A pnorllo use 6 _ lusty boon Iude In nluvl that vlrhoh Ouudhu on not K1 WIIII -11 IX Wll-X\lIVUI- I1 :37-any `lunch In Ionl. Inn. Install]. ` Conodioiio, And they will oocriiice every- ` Ind ll bI9bUOVl'I no in honour to remove ` in duty bound to ho loyol to tho Britioh ` to onnoxntion, out! long inoy they do. lo. otiotiioto ooo rioolioq oiu. `run to ooniy true. Tholoorouinowhouonotocnox-' otiqnioto tor tho rooooii thot thoy do not hold tho ooinl tool bio iooho in ou`c- coooino, 0! oh 3 no Bu.` Ir. Buy- in o notoblo oxonplo.'oocoii bo can in cunning our whot ho ullo hio popor. tho tor, lcrtholoottwoortnroo oionttio. lo foot in tho Oioh tlioro in not o oinglo toooihor who loodo public c in- iun in tho oliglitoot . nor ono ho ho ovor ohown ony ohi ty in tho uiirovol- mom of pulitico-ocunooiicol diicnltioo. I`ho'tirodo of tho Olobo lnoroly oiirrod tu- odvortioo tho Spectator oud lnrniohud on opportunity (or tho oditoro of both pu- poro to indnlzo in 7` Igor ood_low por- oonolitioo. Wo,th on. do not odmit tho obility of tho Club to diocuoo quoo- tiono ol indopondoooocroiiiioution though no any admit tlioir right, but thot it will chongo public oontiiuont or opinion, ur out it to polliocr to Condo : ioioi-out to diocino thoooquootlono wo on not proporod to Admit. We woof tho opin- ion thot wo (tho Oonndiono)oro ot. preoent too loyol to ovoti Iiotoii to my diocnuiom of thin noturo, ond that vory prodoiug circuinntoncoo iodood will hovoto oi-iu boloro tho public oor will bo open to od~ vice of this tcniloncy. Wo niiiy be met at ihio point with tho oriiumont thiit. our iinonciol pooition will lorco thooo molten upon our content ottontion. , Thio crun- inont will not hold wotor. Any thought- lul poroon who in wotchiiig tho timon ond con roul thoir oignilicoiico. con no that tho Conodion plo oro conoidoring the tiuonciiil pooition without my iieicroiicc Public opinion in boconiiug bcotilc to tho Pocilic Roilwoy, no it will no crip- plii tho tinoncoo of tbo country on to ilrivo on into ropudiotion ond otter` lhl into onnoxotion. Tho incro tli- ujit of such o poooibility in dooply repugnant. to thing rather ihon thnt. ouch on event Ihould come to put.` Any ono con olno no this growing dioboliof in that dummy of tho Torioo, tho Notionol Policy. It II not our intontion ll thin timo tooxpotiota upon its iuony oboulditioo, but we would moot it with tho brood ototoniont thot it ll inorolly ond politicolly foloc tn the core, A roliv: of tho oqo o! borborinni, ond iiigoniouol y ond plouoihly oct holorc voter! to dcludo ihoin. The great orguniont in ilofoiino ol it in tho proipority ol the United lltotao, which ity II with juotico ottributohlo to in cnormout ouiiuol production of whoot-Itiio. The Ainoricouo on now hoginning to too the injustice of toxin] oconilnunity for the boiiotit of tho iovoiiiiod low. ond without doubt Ihio will won hove otprocticol ofloct. 0m- oviilonco wo hovo in iliQ,ro~ moul ot the duty on popcr. Agoiii, thio Notiunll Policy io cppoood to Britioh in- tort-oio of which wo hovo ovidonco iron the inonulocturoro, thon whom we could not hovo bottor judgoo. A fooling of re- tolioticu liu boon Itirrod up in England, the tuition of it. Wo on in honour ond Crown, ond any diocnioiun hum o controry tondoncy io trouonoblo. Wo line no right to think ol- oocoooi--ii, much lcoo diocuoo it (with tho ucepiinn thot wo nioy do no oltor dinner ii In li Political Economy Ulub) ino ooriciu light. I t: It in only o'jolio of tho Now York Herald. it Was hovo to bo luyol to tho Crown And it to Conglo. and it ohould ho our otuily to c! to conduct our ooiro thot no injury iiill ho duno to tho intoroot or wolloro ol oitbor. Wo hovo yot to ooo prool that Inch oocuroo to not pcaiblo. On thooui.- ' trory wo hovo prool thot tho inioruto can be inodo jiiot on id:-ntiool on th--oc oi my two Stotoo in tho Union. There II no noooooity thot tho intorooto ol tho one I should hovo woooilouco to tho dotrimoot ' of tho otlior. 0! am thing wo inoy root nuurod, iioiiioly,thot oiiy Tory who i-pooh nl InwnIlw_ Imnorinl Fodorolinn And in \ I Tho Hontrul Rnllwny oeinlu coun- puh IIIO dopnduru uf Cundinnu Item can point to tho Sum to be M the nu of one Ihouud pot took. The uodun from the Iurilino Province: Lino con Iumu Ilnsbttod. lo Ipnto ol tho Ouuu 1`mun'a idea um :80 deplouon in movi' (IMO and bonoloiil u poapln in tho depleted dialrlou do not nppour to I u -1: ...-._.l.uoul hr tho rnnnnc-Anon. Tho! IIIOI I IIIITII Ii. AEONlIIl up the Globe I" Ibolonhnn no tuner uionm. ua mun.` -1.; `um i. n Iy true. Than an noun thunn not Anna: 3 uwun II 1:19 Vllll uy mu -unuun in not an iqhnu, il noosutondsnoo in any indicuioh, u to nation! um Lb; meeting for the `$99!: 1:! Dumb did not uh galuo. lho dinner incl! lulu; to u~ and 9 oulllaiqnl no-hot. Aooouling up ah; lnha All ILA nn-|u-an nun l.hIl~ _... - for I8: "7089. _ Mlul no pro usual the lo:-Intlon. II outlet any IDlO_.|'DhOI|C J I ?olIu~ 1 wind ' dn and die -1`: mp l I (ha- (197. Thu duouuiou ol cilia ol that subject: hu not ll yu ahead the opia- wnn ol the Canadian Mic. The inter- 31IIIl` If? "b," IlIi human in nm. run inhnnn. it nomnhndnnuo ` __ ` nu -ouncIn,a| TIMI nctun malt Ari V ' 1 I-oI.Iru-Al. uolou. ' W W` IIIVII lohopl. N N150! ohuu tin an-onus Ahab Innat- :mn mm-1s_rAt wmc, wsnntsmv. APRIL 7. logo. A LVIIY II$vVIIIu. wumgm. ApnII.~J. l..IoIMnr- land Ann Ame, lumpy, nponn no dunonvy at uncut norduy, um cm! 0! ohm utes hair I IJVIIIIII In-wnunn Iorloulovn. N. J.. April 6 -A|l (ha 505.]. 3.4 but uglo--no Ion Wind no- Indrg hlolnlnly, u Uunglao Con- an an nu ma: handou- . .....-r nngnni-nut. WIPI I1 `-'IIlIll I nun,-vain. `u War: Wolliliull H)! the hm il- mdnood In the Room by ud,p|uoun- on-iocinu on the muuponulou at In- punod good: than my portion of ouch Iruilporlotihn ll undo h land as due um In Uuadn. `ha I In an amdlun lmln upochlly nu lnnd `Trunk. (Inn atom and Gun- I. I....oL.n. unmn OIUIOI llllly 0| IIIIIIIIIIIU. nap: --v "|.uH'ol me man In nhou ;u'.n with cum! curiosity the ddniu unnounoononl 0! ch; mu Tory Governor of Onluio. IIIIVIII NIIIIOII. Thu Jun`: BL Loon an nhun will pu-uoipou In the Inn-turd |O_lI conun- liol In that am. The Hun` CODOMIMI` I]! W I100 ud Now Albouy, !nd., II null; gin Dannucrnllo -nioritin. hnn noun III. IHKU \lIIlVVIIIIUUC X'U I 77.,- in Donmcum -njoriticn, ban `on! ihpubnon. . -1-: .0 n.nun`n IAIII-Ail The mun`: lndluupolin up the culmi- Iutiund amendment will In ntilod. which Bcpubhunn nun will inun |bn`b,(XX) uhlitioud mun in II Prod- donn-I ouumc. `flu- Hun . H1 [Ania nan: nhnnn mill !-`mnu Foo, N. M , April 7.--Chu. Furrduo. while u I dunno :0 a nap I canon non hen. qunnllod with 0 party at nllrold and-n nnd III choc. [on I LIVE IN TII WRIT- onuon neu urn. quuruuoa mm o puny ol nulrond grunt-n four times ud Ilfkd. Two men won hlbd by Indians on Much 27 Inn San Jugs. an n.-mung: _AI Annrnnunn Innu- I llloullorn Ilocdl. new vmonuucl. . Tho deb. III continuod by Mr. Tun (Mmhhmlm). and Mr. Gullnur (Libor|l.) Thu H:-uu mm Al LIT) n.m. Olll ll "HUI IIIIOU U` G". Sir Albert. Smith lull--wed. Alluding to aha mum: cat by Sir Cnulu Tapper npnn Sir lhuhud Cu-wright. that be In the king of detioltn, Sit Albort turnod tho table: by oh-wing thnt Sir Alexander Gull Ind tn doclnro `then Flmnca Miniator, Ihu lnrgul. decits within gho olpnrionco -4 thin country. And. yet In Ill now the man whom the Tories dolighu to honour. In conclusion he did! It lugtl upon the pejudicul nporutiom nl tho uri on tho hlnborilw And shipping intotuu ol the Maritime l rovmcm. nnd upooinlly New Brunswick. 11.- .I-I..o- -.. ......n;......a 5.- n. Iu"I.1I "Y GIT I.l\'"`IIIl'u I|lIl'y' WIIII mined oevmll nun-ndmvulo la the for Idopllnn by the Hume. Ho clumc-I the right to reply to the cum: ul mu lmaumul ulntonwnl. during lhu Budge! rlo-hula. Aflar I ha ruucludrd Inn npoech, sud III cnurno M In: nmmrku admitted that Calm-rutiunn hul mod to mute lh D ... oh- l|..o...... I.....l ..I....h..... .n I CIIHUCH KIN! TIKHI I0 rply [0 [HO UI'I5l' mule ween III that that the the N. P. l tho Untnvm Incll election: nu mun, but it had hilrd tn (in. Q1. AIL. Hnuah l..I|..-`A Allnali-nn Relating. without nniing him, to the uuoocuor oi Lieutenant-Guurnor Mon- duunld tho otgnn-in-chm! of the Domin- mn Govcrnnont donluu that lhoonr hi uuy ho "ho will nkothn dunt of tho poliuinnl onus of in bet tho inoinont ho nu bunuvorn in." II so than he will-not much ulollhlo Hi: Honour Mr. Robi- uillqvhoundn it hit nt buoinou alter mpplnntilg his Pl'IdOlOIi:l to land hin- noil to the `Fury intnguon oi Quaint: in ordor to upolon. Mr. Joly ltoln uioo by nnoonuitntiunnl mum. Noithor will ho ho nnoh lih Hi: Hononr\Mr. Tilloy, who had bnroly limo tn "nha 1-if tho duct, otc.," Ihon he hind him hulnl from th dobru" of the Pacific Bonn-inl Unbi- uot inth hi: Communion u Lieutenant- Governor in hit hmochol pocket. and ltoppad down lroin hm nominally nontnl dignity the noinont tho opportunity on" [end to Itnko hutidl ngnin with this our- rupt cliquo with whom he had diagram- lnlly inllnn iron power. We Ito glul to have tho Ilnunnoo of the oi-gun tbnt thn "wnooioltiau nun" who it to he the , nut Licniauot-Gavntuor ni Onurio in In in of an entirely diloront stump from oithor Tilloy or Robttullo. Altar tho ` ...- _. .5- 1-Ca-R -. .....ra T-..'.n um. V llllllllll OI mum! by Sir I. mined I I... -A....n.... ) IIISOIVOIII lflllel`. The Unvernvm-nt`n runoluuon, pro- virlmu fur the payment. of certain uiclnla, &c . In the N01! Wont Torriwriu Ill read In Cnunmnueo. llld afterward: m- corporutod III the proper Bull. A number nf return: were laid on tho p-L.I.. ."I HIIIIIUCK Ul table. Tho dnbun r lV.........u-- -l I" KVIIIHUIDI. Mr Abbun. mtrmlncod I Bill to pro. udu for the dinmhnunn of the null of Insolvent trwlen. 'l`l._ ulna-.."-.....o`. ....n|nom.. nun, Sir Juhu hiIul(Il;l(;|lltI`OdIl0Pd I Bill for thy: tinnl usltlevmsut of clniml ta lldl in Mum.--bu. M. A55... ...n....l.....l - I-l;lI 5.-. n-.. Inlrmluriug Boll. ~lfr!urna---De- mm on How Imdyet. allnll ll! BIILIO S. lar It in Lhuught that the following will he lhe troupe pfdlollt at the grand review in the my nn tha oolohntion of Her Mnjeny'I bnrthdny on the 24th of Many next, in pretence of the Vice regnl puny laud prulubly of H. R. H., Pnnoo L-snpnld and the um tom uf the Prince of \`\'nIu: The Quebec Squu dnn of Ron! Cnundinn tluunn. Blh . Quebec, April 7. --The (flarouicle to~d|y nu-ugly oppmm lha claim of Montreal to be made A from purl M the trxpeme uf than Dumlnnnn, and nnppnrtn the nctiun pl 19... Locll Ilmsrd --I 'l'rn(lo Ill, Imlilmmug against. the nauuex So lnr It lllumzht tlml the fnllnninu mourn.) The H:-nu ran at L15 um. __ -`.__.___ II I'- left. l'Il[llDIl, llnnuly I Illuuul II-V-nu. -- twoen tho VOl'Ji0l. as the poll: and Iho retirement 0! the Ministry. luuoul ul exhibiting my Imduo tenacity in holding on tu power, then. the Hon. Mr. Muc- lronzio Ihd hid collagen evinced u do- culod minority in tho tununnhlo pi-ompI.i- laid. with wlmih Ilioy ncquiqoood in tho popplu vote and undo ny for tho so- ooulion ol tluir political opponent: to pour. - lm auortmua are uiunanrablo. This . It on good aiithority that ho lnliaud in unnsriry. cnnululowry anu IIIOITIVC, and fur the raaaou that paopl II Inc! Mano IMI him` ho -bu became conopitad, and imaginoa that gentleman In` tho Secretary ol tho Cana- dian Exhibit at Philadalplua, and I have an ungontlomanly manner to Sirldiatd Thou-ntnn. Ru thin I: it may. no mo in Ilontnll has a.h'uh opinion ol him. A: to M1 . Bray he ll loarlou and out- apokon, but ooncaitad. Ha ha: atatod that ho lmowa hotter the political laoling of the country, alter a thtoa nan` atay. than dnea Sir Francin Hinclu and uthor lenders. Such a piece of onucoit in unique and unequalled. Surely he in miataken. `rm. i'..imc.i E.-.........y Club it doomed to die, and H, is merely a quoation now an to hot. it can die in a graoalul inun- nar, or expire in a blue of noloriaty. 1! they could elact Prolaator Golduin Smith an honorary munitor. Ind aware the aid of his pen. they might manage to pt annthor wool`: naupaper critloiam, and than rotiro bag and bangago to the Lmie Star Stata, lhua securing aqnod eld (cu- elralic ihamina aml lihantina Cnnsdn Dill QBIID, Illlll IXIINIIK Inoa DUI [Hf enntic Lhoorioa pml liberating Canada from the ndiculn uf harboring Ihru Inch |mprnctmablen." Thorofyru no un- nible pu.`I-on in at A ilnrmon it their thonrin, n. r due: he heuov my thought upon them 1' the l`!nh I any verb. .vap., if It in tho: c.m- 1 .u- it has my wisdom (`hr Coming Rermuv - Royalty uml l i-v-Ifoyalm-Brclumtle of l.'ul!c-Ntm. I u_III|[ Inlcn uh-y canyon wmuugg, upg- cnllyllr.-Puvuh. Thiolotutqolooul in one Illh whom ma mnnnt nmvnrnn. not ol K lw._-Ii ordct by any uungnnd, an 3 I bin be!-In aloud, don not iolunto 3 public upngu. n in the: slightest, Iulfgnm ` uqnomly chq Incl al nu luruuion. in of no impunuwo that-usr. It is ntoly I clique of unudgod pulauciun dcnilou ol notoriety. and mu mnnbon. Ian. HM] and Puuull. have sdloiuy uni- od to town all dun lune lot Ililvd. 'l'hoir_ Iudornbip of tho Ollb In Int boon diupuud tnnugll mm. magn.a. .g the Ian lio us`: I Ihll utunp bung M-15": hood 0! 1 Club in tho death-kpall. They would ki|l"1'y- thing which any sound to mmuo, Cfirfkffjn [mm whom one: qnnnt BIIIVOIII, nun on other than polmoal nation, III a modornu ..nud uumhlu `way. lie in nrbiu-u-y. cnnu-ulna:--ry and nuniu. pooplo -Ill 1.... .p..... _.n. Li...` L- L-- Apnl 7. I880, M0113": o`r"6OIiiIFds. 1. @r N0 `HI! nN)l.I0n In `[0 lull` `I Way: Ind Mum III ro- ' La-nnnrd Tilley, who lub- || the l.ari' A then criti- Inn ..u.I .n.o........n .....l- Releniegle lie prubeluliuee in Iqml to lhrl Beeoqueldh now iuevitebie re- eignetion, the Toronto Telegram, in quot- m; precedence, Incidentally rennrlu Lhlt "Jar. Ileatensse eppeued to nhibu undue teneeity in holding on to the nine ul power." `I'M: does an injustice to the Cuudien ex-Premier. Hui he been so Inclined there was plenty of precedent to JUIIH retelmou of the reins" till the new Home would meet. end tunnel- ly, by I vole of nnn-condence, give the Ministry I hint to retire. -The prepon- derence ol `ell hietotioel precedent wdnld have juuied well 1 cuuree, but Mr Meokenlie did not em for than. so soon ee ever he could eel. thing: in order [or hue euooeeeore he and Ian culleeguoe rnelgne-I, eoemely I month eleyeiug be- n-.... n.. unmlinl n. the null: and -0iJETEC. T Kmusrou. 1 -Ilr 1:; Rollo nu ma. min I ::IJgI.f.I IInInnf.";E:.rmIo. I DOMII I dououl '95` aka.` II uwunnuv I may mu 33,01 to H.009 anon MI Mn tn no exam at In or ohm lulu last night. .-_.:...-;_.A__._. Ilontnal, April ;: I'ho in in the SI. lumen opposing the city In noun; guy npldly. A motion in hnlnn (ha Iinnnnn Con- DUI] npuuy. A motiun in bolero the rinunoo Oom- Iniual at tho Oity Canal to Man tho Recorder`: am] no. 03.51!) to 010(1). have an no mum d lI|l-l IIIDIIIIII _II KlallIII s London, Aprll 7.-'l`Io P-ght Hon. Anhbunon Crult, Hum: oonury, Cou- Iunun lot Lnncnluro. southwest, hu hon to-olouud to l ulinum:v.. In on Mt lure;-:llanordor a sal- ary- mmw Fall, on...