Hutu mu: Obihnyxvlll I Mouiro Brltton & Kirkpat- . L. Suook . uuoanna Wnlkoln mi 331719}! mus. Fmmr, .mwnL.1a,% ny-- mr Kifkpll; hluook -hm 'l.D . nuc- . Mnchnr ru. Brit- ru Moln- Eliu will u u. `tug Xi when in an a la. "ll. `. IIOOK for u Iuuul nun nuur so some the dc ty udjutwh-gounl and winds ma- am in the non title ul In- me: its! clean, and at on onion 4" the routine Incl for and dhum. Hy IMO Inna a nun; In! about 022,1!!! could included, uln thooudlu din mm the ualulou could in II datum pnyuuhr and qunounuht tho. `u: son, and 060,0!) hon tho Annulmen- ` uoolou-nnoluruudddllhatnouon - In H H ....';.."`.:-`. :.::.;5._.'.'g "':."... and Iv poncho ol o0onI:,d Tnnuuldou to not annual nnuulI|u-Iud In . C oloth hbnpplld la-Irma (Menu The eyelen of dieu-Set etele ie Heme- I portionecely elpeeelve, eoueoderieg the . ureogth ol the nilitie (one. The tote] ` expenditure (or ale! purooeee nee lees ` yeu-I,I70. or neerly I0 per oeel. ol the whole enpenalunre. 0! thie em: up- eerde ol C2331!) wee [add [or nleriee end expeueeeol the deputy edjtuenle-' generel, eel M6,!!!) (or hrinede Inejv-re, Ila. however eeel-cl they night he ee on-geeteete in the ol eer, ere utterly neeleee end eueeeeeuty he the ul peeoe. ` ltiould helec beueno the de- 1 puny edjuteehveeeenl mind. ..... -nu -u -- -Ilvw|U\I'U, uuu Inns Ill cumu- i the hlluh and nun-ning William: he I ply undo A lninhh. Hr. Willunu Ill] be oulnpollcd to pay all outta. .a1`E5i.;`mu"i{%L V Kl. I31: Ibuvuvru UU VHIX -IIII '7 II"-"I 06, thue entitling Mill: to the eeet. With regent to the corrupt preotioee Mr. Willieue denied ell qency or right on the pertol my penune to oler my in- duoeneete to votere to eupport him. The J mlge, however, held, from the eviduuco given, thet than hed been bribery by egente. The J uolge eeletely oeneured eome votere whom the reepondent, Wil- ` liene. hed to deel with. Bribery tree to them not A new thing. ee they went ehout it in e very hueineee-like manner, end endeevored to keep their ecte Veilml. In A tmvnehip where Ieeetheu eeventy votee elect e men, and where ebont hdl - dozen pereone hold the belenoe at power, the Judge thought the ten] 0! the undi- detee' ll-Iende might oenee them to uter- reeeh their exploded Authority. but he did not ooneider Ir. Willneme guilty cl bribery other then by egeutm With re- epect to the Returning Uioer the J udmu thought he hed ected eoour-ling to the belt ul hie knowledge, eud Chet in count- in.. u.- |..lI..u- -...t ..n.....;.._ tum.-_._, 1 ' I Inljority of lounlly pulled mum, and Tho judguioni. in the lunnobcu cloc- timi one hu bean given by Judge Price in Cliunhon. It Illl be l'IIlIIlIlbOfIll that llll. Jnnunry Moan. Mill: nncl Wil- liam: were cnndulnh-I (or the` Ronoohip `of thin toxvmhnp. 'l`ha Raturnmg Olcur, Hr. Tlmmu Amlron, drolnrod Mr. Wil- liulo --lncual Ly u nu-j-only ul livovvntoa. Mr. Mill: cmmnanoul pm` ending: in wt um uh-mion aside for hm ronona: (I) that ho (Mills) Ind received (2) thlt Willluun mu quill] n! mrrnpl. prnrtimu. 'l'lm run an Iriad ll\'ulll lug-u ngn, incl t`n|mhJuralnl~ rvidollmo llhm. l'l|o ju.lg to-uoivul hie dacinnu. nnd delivered it ymurdny. Ho unulo I . recount of Ihb bull-su End lggml that . Hill! had rocuvud (38 vi -Ion nnd William `I (It! AL..- -.,.lAI.'...,. l.I:II, Al, . Pu yon: WIIOI account nod nu dia- hf [A-Iuulull II III We reed the proceeding: of the one with much inteteet, eepecielly nnco the ' Compeny hsvo ehipped vie thie city large ; while the petty quentitiee of the eulpicione onnupound. On one occuiun, not long einee, three tone and .3 hull of it were Iended in the citj, and left in I. hate] yard over night in chug: ruled the honee thet hed drum it I" the any [mm Montreal. The preeenco ol the metoriel wee unknown, otherwise the occupant: M e certain jmelelry would not have slept en happily while it was within the ehedow ul llu:-I` nuunl. . -nun-out Iuurv ,llIl IIIIHI HIUI II , loll you likod thou). Mr. H. A. Bain. Panama 0! Chewin- ' try 9: en. Rm: mum, Collage, ma.- non, ugudod nitro-glyoorino A: one u! uh`: moat oxplocivo oompohnda. He did not regard npontunoouu combcllion poo- niblo, but I lugs qulnlily ol tho uliolo nu not pun tri-nitro glyooriuo. Then in ndungu of explosion when decom- , position not in. ' I III- ..._.I AL. ...._.._.I:.... ..l AL, ,___ : 15-1.?! Ilill jU 9; VCICVIIIIII-Ill IIIII " tlb us like]; to hppou ones in one hundred (hound yours. The oI'uu-ox- . oulundoo bmugln out the uu-ration ' ol . mono pulliuinddonu. Witnup unis I Id 110 Ind that: ball thmngh I keg ol : ponder, uldtlnt htought no nplouion, whilo hi: ooluin that I bdl Qhmugh the sum to; Ahonud and procured Au 9:- ` plouion, doubtbl by lining uruoi he I V. -~u nonmuallio Inbohnoor A van >... r iron to oxplolion nuht go right l around the oath. Ixplonionnofpovdcr I mill: Ion Md vonun-|ono man`: 1 _...__ .I.- .._,,.., ._.7 L. - an curt Iaijuhlllt Ilylllll ll IUIIII.` danaavad, but nada `ea calculation N ILA. nag. Ill--I- a- I.-....... ....__ :.. ,----u- u-usury:-I uwu II opcndonf oholiouulpooplo lumina- iouhloutoudioloor tho pnuno ol ` tho nuguino, nndthollhoohuouaon that 3 Imagine would blow up unoo in cm wouaksriaan. Ho boliuul am ['3 train Ill upon tho track thou ono ol thuonqninn uplodod it would be alums`-A hno n-`A..- -_I...I-n:..- nL-A ' `NVOOI0 47.30:`: Bush, loo- tnnl. In lm B My kid at pasta! lap IL: nnnnunnnlnn M (Li nu-nl..n..- ".1 nin nruuriovumn--Anna to wr- PI1 l!I|IAlI7'A0'I UI.I II `I0! - Klflzul-ZBAIIC Bl.l!C'rl0N. ..j--cx-j:. llllua hpouu. urn-emu-use. _' 'Aldnui-and has rvwuu C '13 '3`-3%. his. Toronto Store. . M. MORRISON. linden. Aull bug` ID. un, bow on Can! lawn can. can II that ole-pin-In at has 1:711-3 rmn- [1:nu=n:s_r1.oun.] I II largo and t.`onudbuIuuDI ..'-.:.:'.,!`*.::..%"'::'.-::.'.'.'-.-:'... I The I I . A n"y :o` "N-In-on tuition swine" imnan I I 2.s.mms.r UIUAUIIT 0" ' I1 . HAITI Blfllllll. In manual III Ianonu Phn. or-gno Al -ID--xnnhno-' ll.-IA.-.- -- t-u1I In Ijol rune, U1-g; AI In-.DcIIooIon' Residence. Wolllnuon lg. (onouu nu loan. ---mm W". Ur}; A Ovens. (7 I ). `J. us], no}. Jamar nu.---s. w. Dydo, (uo);'u. Kendall, (W); '1. (lino, (U); W. Nio- ol, W. Ohli, A. '4. Slim (30); A. Bison, (II); T. 1'. Ron.- ton, 79); A. Thompson, (10); II. N. 0nno.(7|). "a.'s'...'"3a'"5 u r... N` - . `J. I-111.06). u"`" `"3" Jnmul Lnun_0!l W n..a. mr.\.ou . Ir!-3:3 Alhnudybuo iuo'o"wan .. p. ".i.:.'."".:1."""'...~ .-3. :--._' 9:-:9-.- Ilonpuon. un); JIID. lclnpd. (71); I L. Smith, (I8). Senior 0no|- Join Hay, (lM);` Hair, (82): A. J. Buuuon, (77); J. Ioiklo (70); Jim. Young, (75); L ' . (74): J. A. Brain. (7 J. -OIllO UI); JIMI. Young, (15); I, I . (74); BNIII, (71); ll. W. lnmo, (70). BOIKN lAMlI--'H. H, Full.-A tum W ~|oc ~`=`-~ non-or-run nu---'3. W. no, (90,; Suondiou--`J. W. Inn, :8); Tlutd 1000- Jan. Ron gl). Jlllllof 0nok-`8. ydo, (N); `I. lumlollwl); W. Nicol, (93); A. (Juan, A. 1.. sum, (as); w. on-boa, (so); 1`. Reason, (84); A. Shunt (80); A. Thompson. (76); Jun. Iclnpd. (74); R. Bunch. (I8). (onourn noun. acuool.) PlAlU.&o-`l`vo - at-4'5 .-uuuu-u-T . ' N. umnn ruy, um). Junior Iuhonukl--'d. W. D 0, (00); 1. Gina, (as); W. Ohnlun 07). Bola-on-Inn: nu--"8. W. Duo. uuuug, 141:! 1.; , aunn nay, (DI!) ) ; ll. , W. Frulluui, (H94). Fred. Huvlunl, , (51.3). M. :4. Kuboruou,(79). Rhotunc and English lIulury.- `H W. Dydo, (97); `A. L. Smith. (son); A. Unnu, (94) ; W. nuon. (93); I). Mu 'l`uuh, (90); J. A. Hum, (89); J` Duwniuu. (89); ll. N Dun, (86); J. Stale, (80) ; K. Ovomn, (86); W. Unans- bol'|(83|); A. Shot!-. (W); ll. U. Foot, (77); A. A P:-nu, (74). Nunnl l"hiloIon|n-'J P, Hm... nun. ` (44); A. I l'l'Ill, (:9). Philooophyv-`J. I . I `B. N. Dana, (74). `Samar Mnhnmn1im._ `R neuvun ; `Junn Ioung,( Hluorv. ~ .l. (`. Muillo, Ymnux, (H9 7.); Jnhn H.` (mu ). Fr. on .5). Kubotuou, (7: Rhnlunr nml Rnullnh rinnnmn n `*1 an w u. -.'.nII'Ip`O` 3I:(.).l:')?|Il:.`A?. 7:... llpjh. I IIII . (linen. April 81.", aggfu mu uanniiie I I`. I T A 0| I nib. . .,`..'r'.:.....:.":-"Tr Jun. list. It n. 11. ulvll, (:1). `Senior DlnIhunnliu--'R. `John HI , Junior u.||nnnMnn-J1! `ll . Unuuiulry. `A. R. Lintun (87),- 'Jnhn Hny, (73); `W. (I. Brown; `D. MeTnvinh `Jain: Young,(70), I HIOWIV. ~"J. Muillo. HIM: H, II nun, Iv. unaon, II. II. Iollllluu. Nuunl Boionoo.--'J. P. Hume, (84)- . M. Mount, (78) ; `R. 6. Foot. (76,; H. U. Fowler, (73); J. D. BI-onnollo. 0n. `R. r..|i.'(7i,; Funlu, (73); BA-onnotlo. (7')). n. U. (72). Una: llo'l`nvIaI. Kuuo|.-'W. Hoiklo, `J. D. liiuolr auto, W. liridon, H. H. lollnllnu. Nnunl Hninnnn ._'.l P I-In..- run. We no mubhd to-dny to give the to~ null: ul tho recent Collogo cumiunlfnomv which will In inuuuing uugrut mnny. The man: with uuriah mm naive priuu in books : - Logic And Iouphy|iu- `A. K. Lin~ Ion, `D. MoTnioh, `B. N. Dun, W. G, Bmwn, I . K. Pollock, R. (3. Foot, Ju. BMIIIIIIIIHI. urown, r. l. Sumunrnllo. I`.:o Inna: K- PM but luun-'A. R. Linton. D. |(u l`nuh. n.p..,.._w 11.1.1- II n u.--_.._ III! TITS. OI * `hi . `WHO `Ill I'll .V Dthllldlauhl. , Ivluuwli -um-u. IIII ullxllt-TIDE IIKOG hat I! ll!!! deli:-ocl lo npill my more bland " Shogucuod not." Sh. thought the wlmlu or.-Id should be bound our to loop the pence, but hat notion! won not adopted.` This cloud the, Court. bu uaaaavvulrln Ill UUIIUU. I. la-uia Muaaoo, {rum Ottawa, and John 0 Bonnutt, of Nowboro, cunfeaaml that they had "amllud" tun uftun. Thvy ware dia- chargrd. Benn-on ll an --M pamiumsr and came In the any fur Ina uaual uv- ermnant'a allowance. Ila aulutml the |'.M. haiuro he left." , Mary Lunar] Ivan charged with annull- ing Mr. Thouupaun. Sha admitted the otfanoa. ha atatod that aha meant In hit hia conplainanfa vita but ha came in the way and aha markad hm. Tha fuaa commenced mar Mary`: Iowla. She ro- laled the story ul har wronga--and than ' Thonipaun gave hia vamou of that Mary. The ohip" Mary throw at him proud to I about twulaot long and nix inohaa uida. Mary gaa hand In ) or the alter. nativnof lodging ID daya in gaol. She aaid it waa worth that to apill tho fuoIluw_`a bland." The Mauiatrate aakod npill II .u.... u-nu nu -mun yuuo Iooi lllllllll pnao. ho had o plonoot loco; but o bod tonguo. Tho uogiuruo ooiod hot Ihot dummuuq,M|omb nwumw that she III vory nick olon oonoaldoon to tho outrun. Tho P. I. govo hot tho chance ufn no; of O6 0 ! iii iwzithi in ` pol. Morgan: Ind no mouoy, And at ` mention of limbo uood vory vilo opi- Ghoto. Sho Mid oho "would rulhor go to II?! thou go to pol?" Bllo cup- poood oho'd looo hot ourlo. ` ` Pnttiok O'Btion. o young non of pro- Iuhly Ioonly-Lou cannon, roopondod to cllu-goo ol drunkonnou. dioordorly conduct, baiting Iiodovo. noon]: and I robbory. Ho odniuod boing drunk but oouldnotplood so ooyoltho othor ofonooo. - A virus: govo on oooount ol tho riotous conduct 0! tho young an on, Wollinjton Ilroot. Ho broko Boner : Iindowo, no ooultod tho young girl at tho homo, and throolonod tho fumly. The mogiotroto ilnpoood mtino of 815 or 3 months. The prisoner in o huy mood on down no- morking lhnl. "By - - they had I nice oel. of polioomou in Kingston. Thoy hod nenrly broken hio wrist." Tho I . M. furlhor extended his time I Im-nth (or cuutumpz ul court. l,....i- M .... .. 1...... n..__, ,,,I I I .,__. ... ..... _..v..n. nn.-lIV . `NONI - PITANIIIIG OF TIR HTU IIINTIN. I uuuunwyuwv IT"- I lunncbooghnyjbo nnrnuod - yuktdayinmturihlo plight uppouod Vuohth nun: ton dnrgool > drunkonnou. 8Hobu||uwu'pnunIn- bl: nppunuoo than yum-day. She voruanioo nhnvl udoponod luxurious curls in which _uho look much pride. SIC I nlnnnl Inna: hut n Ind . --- 7 Al IITIIHIIIO DOCK!`-III LIVIIJIIT COUIT '0! %II {III--FIJI Nil 1 - CIICCI uuunmrr or |lII'l an-an Qumcws mmuzmc. THE nun l0lll)(,(1U), .('. (90); H, ; lhy, (89.6 ); (H94 I. Frnd, Ihwh. reue-3:03:37. Humo,(3): _ um, (88): out ya I far : - -v-- vu:-. ' V ~-- `(II IALI--A IAIOIIOUIIEIIOI u,uuo_uu_IuulIqhahodu-hi Alllluf %%w `:1 "` ""'-..u."' $ & OIIAPOOI II` IOQNXCIII KO. _ ,_-- _ --,-v DAN BI: 001' OIIIAP AT BILL ! l ll0)0lIAPlO ITUDIU. . .___.._:__.__..__. ]Pno`roa1urni.I OPENING DAY -ro-monnow, when they will exhibit no mm Assortment o! Inltnory Goods in the (my. WALSH & GO-. 1 SBA Ifip- u..... __-_*_-2-V.-_`-:-'_{,-'5'.` mg..- ___ _ A `.313. #1" mnw.ka.u-an-.1-nu mum Portrait: dull Ilse O Ilylo `An Golden Lion Grocery W. I. la! 8 00. Apnl tizh. ION A SMALL STEAM ENGINE, Aplll MIL, .. ._- ..._..._._.L_-. ]Ja.s. GR.AWFORD 8' hall 3 mile from the Ilium ol the our.- AlIo.omI third I the mm on the King Ildlll and of Ilm Perth Haul. . Alon, can shun flunk In tho City of I Inpton Wuur Worn Cmnpu: Torin: IIIIIIIIIMO; will be main IIIOIII at tuna! uh. Opening! wALiI&c0. man. not In nut. Hull nl Lot No. II. in the It Conuuinn o! the Towuhi or Kinnlon, on the sort undo oi the Ball and nm. In: oi the Forty-lI`out local, adjoining the pmportv of Ir. Vnonkl-.nIouorI. About hull AlIo.c_mo l.|_\lrd_ of the Kin: `w- `W? Plbun It I ION. Mno, n In! on the North nkloof Plun lltnnt and War. of Pllriul lltnot, ounlalnlng on Aft! A but on thr But side of lnutnnl uent. onpunlto the Grand Trunk Inilvny Depot, I nnuuo hnltnorn Aluo. no! the lat Hull of Lot No. III. l(In_gIon, on gbo Bath and KlNuH'l`oN a vnusiwxu nu wmrr. April um. um M Ibo Auction lloonu ol Wlllhu Inn-ny. lute: uquuo. Kingston. Pun M Lola 2`) and 13 on III: Hunt. lur- marlrn-Joullun` bone, with um Tau-out Bull (l, muumnng shout one-third of in uoljq. _ V `Fan 311.13. Belonging to tho Inc Mr. Samuel Inyth Louin that City nl Knnpwu and land: in the County at Iholluu, will Inc sold by Pill Ito Auo'.|un on tune of Hula It |'.' u'0|0oI. W Hula It I`: o'v|ool. `WILLIAM IIIIRHAY. Alnuuuoor. Kinnwu, April 12th, IF". P()TATOES one mm mm. or for complete (Ind: 111 rum-.I`u-on, ho , and ulduu by 3: t to the (lruml Hotel 00'). oguuu. lamb l9th. IQ). Pd M95. IUD. Eiiourans sAIE[ out lodiul nuthormu. Ir. Thou. Jnbb nor uofnm of the 8!. ldWnI$ Hall. Ionlrul) vi I hue ohu-go ol the cal. and sauna do- alrlap t:n mute Irrongelnonta IIIIV commun- oaun with him. for complain guldo Twin: by noon M npuuuon; uuhlliu opoolllo III all llheuunr In-. Dyupogth, Blood. lhn. Liver. lklnoy uni llndm nnooonn. noon:-oudod In high- out Iodiul nuthormu. Jubb uoyun I-urunoo Hall. Ionu-am sun Ivor; I-unwed elm-gu uul satin glnuu of mango-ant. lteuon from In June to (bomber. Truulonl. run: from 00.50 to $2.30 Mr day; Ioollv frvln Io |l7.!n0; ohzldrou undgr tvoIvo half ruur under live with nnnoa free; nduood run `or nun n-Inn unu. 'l'hnCn|ml'-niun Whitoulphur. llnluao and us. Watch and hntlu have I unhmnnl npnuuon; uuhlu m-._ _DyI_popIlo, Liver. Kklnov Thin oolobulotl summer And health nun um he onndlulod on s nan uuuln ash than over; reduced ohm-gu uni gluuo .of7_II_|n|`o_Icn|._ lfeuon _n-on jut lildbriii Airflhgs, BIHWIIN IOITIKRA I. And nrl-I-`A w 1 cu nun: um lIfII||IICII'. l IfIO0 jlsii has am_ng Hotel.180. REAL ESTATE. Saturday. am: Aprll Next. Adding a Provlulou men! to our lluuluu, And will onduvou to ash an 3. oh Hausa-y to -tho Po:plo,.l?1 x.'.".%:. stock the In: Article in mm: and Ihhhku than Oahu cu ` and gum; (mid m wm-.u :.'.:um." to thulruntl Hohll The oyd canadian uasuuucs ooumv , _-_ -w-w---c- ZFI II-vi IOITIEAI. nd 0`l'l`AWA. Muoopllonuullnnoundtnp l'u-Ioat. I ML- l'I_-._.I II -L_l can-In `goat. Ilunton. ()li'FiCE-42 Clarence Burnt. mm. mm. mo. SHIPPERS. A MARINE msunmce. Amy Io WILL RAVI THIIR an AV A-nu: our Iuillticp no menu unable In to |np~ pny Pnmuiu (IN MORE FAVOURAILI TIMI! THAN ANY 8008] IN `PHI TBADI. Iuldu our large and Varied ltook ofrooorlqa In have undo ` an oort to moot tho wum on! Public by I-(hh.Toud.nlI Hgdo; ennui `me `nd In ran SALE}. I . TO 1 (vossoluunors c. r. GILDEIISLEEVE, A ._._A -95., _, 3. "I lri. ml BiolI.ll'dIIlVl`I I nix}: ""-n-1 Iunowd choir um Ihop so the colon Inch. . ' ........._,____ ,, I unul Importing tho Vu-Iona As- sortments o! unuumuus, Tlh. saw us, cornucs, w1NI:a, nuns, manna, counluzms. ac. from `tho Iunlhotnnn Illd plus: of growth, which cable as to hand our Outonu-I II `III Lift dun-ublo on 1 I Lum-:n?. Spring Importation: novua mount 1' ( --_v- _y-vwuv TTACVIIXAI-$313. jl `I'M [argon luck In up (my. lnrythtn and lnrythtu loud Ind ltro . Innln our luck Info-:0 W- In 13!). Uau-II. will [14 A l"llL`4T (`LANE l"l'l`md on OUR READY-MADE l)El'ARTMI4IN h determined to has up an npnhuun fur Chen ` a--Ia, Also Hun, Pun. `Pm Inked in lo Ihvm M pdru that VIII Mir NH In Ibo shun Bu-pin-at the New York Flulhlug j __-_----- _ IN OUR ORDER DEl AR1`MEN'l` WILL Ill.` FUU) maul. ol 8coIch.(`ondhn And Frnwh Twnuln u! Ihnluu-14!.-gi Nuts and Cndmnan wr h`u'o full I_im-`n 'I'h4-tr -ntrunting m f`::'#:'.*.".='.:, `.:a*.v:w:. :::+:~' (P n E v 0 s T HAS C( )M l l.l'Z'l`El) H is All the ring Ouch have nnlvod. mod 1 Ponnpulour Trlnmlnu silks. Pouuudour Pnruoln, dour llrmn uomlu and Punnpndonr rum. i T T I man! in not com lots, uul~onl.aIunu vnrioly of vary Nwo for impaction. an n It Iumlrouhlo to show (loonh Iaullot thou. Ila Inn opomool A New I i5` UNI. -II. Z Clohoot Inoololumby I ...... .`....... uuuu vvnlw, wgnun, nu-I Hxlunl Hlmlu. ranging mm 350.7 Alto Ill` sum, `u. In, Collar: uni (Juli Conan. Marina and Lamb-` Wool looks. Conan and lube Undaulutiing. A NPICIPIAI. LINE ur mo nun LAUI CUI'l'AlNI,_9-`n r us 000.. mg: or mnc. under nulnr puma `I00 In Wt-no ncl Grey Ifornou. oonl gtwuu ac luumuuu-on` Prion. Alf uxloul prion 7515. All Wino and Gray _ M an trauma Go mm-u u but um rm... no show 0000: Al ALL luv. and um ho .: IXTHAOIIDINA um unw 1-nu.-nu. an Inspection at Icon IIPIIOC I! Ibo lad. .. '. .' , ' -IIYIKEII A ll l.II|'I\ I|_l._- , -- , _. _-'.. N8! 3Dl'1l1E Dress Goods choap at Waldmn's. N-.. Il..Is.._ nan _. ... ._ .--_.._.. """0 ' aw Pompu!nnrDrou8oodoln nllthol r an .1 . N H : |r `""" - I N oodurom Inn. per yard. New Bl`::("A. M':o`:IIu| llrIni':nu:o': I ".:'.D.':;' New Cnlorod Cuhluotwn ll. Very lam Prion. ow Him-l (Buhmnru, Union and col.` from?-`to poryunl. 4.50 More: [um Prints, iu Pm: - i . Li H, Hedi I . oh: ntold prh--n. New Zulu-Ila aunulmlu lroxu `Kiwi enta;`.:n.:n:;4|{):rr:.-"23., Lind and Unlined, lllnnp. Nnw llunlary um! uluwu in :1! mg I in myj.` N." Hut and Mann Hnndlowhlofo, Liuon Cullnru Ind l`u'n. Funny. Nil and l4onTho Lgou ad Iago Ooodr, Frillin Hlnallzlihlurul. New um: Hill mud Ch:-mllo Frlqgu l"\'Qry vPnou. uouw to `us: IHI nun. I . ' lion, ...'.I (1.3. " `:':':an:....' M` ' l ' M" "' "' `"' Undoulotllu. NPICIIIAI. kg. 09' In` ..I` I'M ..n- I n.uu nnn_..-... - nan U()u|'1,|a;-my 1,`- SPRING and SUMMER STOCK I OUR URDICR I)IIZl'AR1`Ml-`N r wu . ..._. 1N 0PmE Soc ourslock uul musty Younualves an to Quality and Prices. v I0l Especial Bargains In I-loslary nasty an in Ilnnlllv ....n D-I... awn nu. mo. dIaD"bnp. Iinohu I RICHMOND an BOYDEN S. SI l.`I'.'.Vl1ll ,l'AI.l/"E at all Prices and in Great l'ai':'ty, I-Lnun uocu on aim: ns` I..'3?W.7o'.1"a .`c:.'....".xu."..1`&:. _ -_---r vvw u -u- ----oz- Nov Mellon Clocking: At 60, 60. 75, 90 On. and CH1). New Canal Hair Cloaking: at 01.25. `I 50. Cl 75 pad 821]). New Diagonal Olouhin , All Wool, 1601.75, 02.00 and 82.60. New Union Diagonal loakinco MIMI), Cl 25 and 8l.60. 50 pieces New Boumlul some Dru: (luudn, lhmllnmo 04-Ion, at 20c. 2) piece: Bouultilntlhudu Lnnlrol, Cheap, 3!. l2n. 60 ploonn Not All Wool Dohngo, Lovely Shula, Extra Vnluo, al `the. I one Now Wool Buntinuuy While. Black, Navy Ind Bronze, at 26c. MD pioou Hon-och Wlmo Cnllnnl. A and Il, M. ultl prices. 900 pioou New Fancy Prints. :1. old pricu. 60 pieces New lllnclx Cuhmoru, All Wool, llomuluhly Chomp. ` ----0-V-&'\' =d-- -- I I .A.J_1_JJJ KJO I llvlncuound It vhl annocbopnlg-:d"l:,uy.$::r Emldhnhuunp Anunnnorwluoaouggg 5. bouillon. Ilglinhnd American Stylus, C-lX`-Q- Q nn-I-`A -A .;`::.'J:.5?s:'`.':.m::: The People : Clothing um, c. LIVINGSTON, 21 BROOK STREET. (loud for Low 3- Q n----.- Dllalil IIIOKIY, CLIE- Gnonqn LAING .,.`..-. mu. mo. j TF7}? Families of Kingston .8URRUDI-H - GUUITBY. In tho Mllllnory Doptu-haunt prlugoodn nr_I-Iyal. pu-Ibo purchasing -m IN ALL rm: NEW s1'YLxsT.[ -I75 mxsn m:;::;::>:sif -Ina .A:-gJ -Ann; -3.-- -`-...._ HIGKEY__e_ ILETT. ARK 0F'li'ERlN(l TRIS WEEK ` U purohulu Ill Iohonnl Btooi or In nook: warn; "'7 I ._.__.__.-_.__:-.--.__ Frashand ifhuica oods. *' - couH.Im:u nzgl fmzj , . .. , ...r --us-n unnlgnn In lngunglg, all lines haw Inn with the-Ir -mien for the gbmu I! H1` Indoud wurknmn-hip. at lhr low-at living pun. . in mmauauy wull umrcal thin cu. and an an sdun Choopnann, l)urnblHly II I (load it. Om (hour u. 'l'run|rI and Valium, Arr I" new. and I0 an dour will Mu land in the city. I` All stunrv In-1 nun-v noun at 'ur|| Iltnrr, Bn-ck Hlrcvl, j ......-.-., nu vv uul, Iwmlrluhly Uhup. ll. WALIDIION. Wllmln llumllngn. ROCKWELL BROI. Uppanlu Allin local, luau! Iinu. .. .--r-u--vs Ill Dull: -ICKUY C lI.Is"l`I`. PHIIOOH SCPOOL - BROOK STREET. `I\)l0I:1U. wuuuununIpu;|~?IanoflaIlII.h Vrnunocn-at uucrlnl nun In In nuuu. Vmulncou--suntan no can to no nut]: udoolilolllmue I Vnauulu Uncut. 2 bid by O a-._.:.nT In.--A -n AS TO PIIOI n me): 1: us` nnnhln .. iE.1*{.9;IgLNDr `Is onrnmun vnLL me FOUND A HPLICNDID ASSORT- ` Ilwlumldnnlxlm In Dhuunnh. Bmultlothn lhunr oud prot. '5 lhhlou. `yenpnc-nu. DuuliHn~ .-.I H----' *- spnluaifinx u . 0'-'a'nu7'II-3'3 a-' '.' :. a. nun an D3 CIIALTIII llVII1'0I 0' ynf and Hlylioh Utah. I hallo! with nnpuum all nun`! 17.! all rug. 0 :11! nynyonqa (on 1. - IIADV '0` T.` Nu *.:.'.`....."" . my Nine Him` I luullu nnpuunty e | Ian M 7 run!) Isl a loner - and u 7. PREV081` 7".'..'.'u".'...` In, Poupr I. FoR__s_%ALf& 0|]! lncowl. V we are this IQQADO Oh Q - ` ""`- '1 II I-Ir j dI%dI|b. ol .JohlalOulcwuhnuI-I IGQI. Th haiku Inllohuu. vlhlidooplbugutluuuvbol. oluu duh. lb noun. nnqh. dQqu.bunulnu;uu.,a, 15. k In-nnulnndnnn L... 5..., u-uu--scan`. I tuna-IICIZ. IT gnpllnhtndchin. conu- ah|Ih.udpn`uulqu-L blah-onutcrculahulouu undo. hoI~hkhdcqlpnpu- gal. I not I run and u... r'nv:'=3Iuuu"u Inn an Inn- unu. Inunnllhunlll -. HhIbm&n (X.0ndq.I|ollnduIoIIol|ho hbndhnnntboholluquuhbd |nIiooo|uubyInou`l$Inlquon- llg. Iolcllbonolocllopnfyollln Ichulodlnd lay. and duh` Ila uluuuubhlhndllu huunvulu alto. Muynhhunbnnddon, uddolntbpt Outlay holds: -ah-Ina... gas-...._.A.. _l-IJ -- o&o---- `I'll lent lnrnnlnlnlt. - his ` min the In! public muting ol Ibo Young Pooploh Auooiuion ol CIllIOtI' OIINII look pluo; ROI. Ir. Io0IuIg in the `do. The uhttoiniont on lot lb hull at the Sobhuh School Fund which In and houluod ninety. The radon can loan. D. G. lohrlnt. T. DIWI, III. W. J. Gqo nldclpt ` Ilddluoonho Ioloitb In. Julian, lb Diihuo. In. W. laallo, In. lio- hn, Ir. mm. Ir. Gnllony and Ir. W. J. lhpuod iulnnoohl plan: not giun by Ibo Inna, Iluu It than and Min Iunlinut. In P. On] and Inns. Innis, Ordghlon and L`.-, ._ P. l. SocuI..-Lut evening the social given by Mr. Hoary Bonuou in the P. K. Church. Bron! strut. Ill quite uno- aiul. It was roll bonded. The n- huhnonh nu gonorovuly provided by Ibo pollontnhcntionod, sud his pic- Inloo. although in doliauo health, III I ` lathe lot amgntuhdou, Than Inn ulduuu by It. H11. Jnlhlo ud Yong. and singing by the choir nd dial. The I . I. Chanel: In no lulu, but than no can mall liablliuou which an Inn hing liquidaud by that aouinlo. -3.. v as-nun: I I` u|I-lAI..-- I III mm`- ' uh. tho lnnonl of tho loco P. U'Roilly loot phenol 8:3) o'clock. It woo vory lorply otlondod by tho many lriondo of thodoooonod. Tho amino voro tokou to tho oothodrol, whoro Row. Folbor Tvoluy ollhiohd in tho Urogorion non. Tho choir In prooont. in full loroo And long with touching ooot. Tho poll boonloworo Monro. Mouu-o. J. No- lntyro, P. Bmwno, I. Shift. M. Floun- gonnnd ll. 1'. Wollon. 9-xomw. -nu-V. may run uulurluuy, IIlIl'I llllllj good pcoupoou ol the canon`: bunimu. Tho Int allipnant ol attic for tho ou- aol. inoouuolion with tho rm of which Hr. Ilium in the nunior, bu boon undo. - V to >- '0:---- aorumna Dn.--Yeetudey _e!Iu-noon in opening day et Welsh B 00.. milli- ' nary l 00lIII. Then nu en em-eative elmw. The beta and bonnele diupleyed vote very lees] end vere much edniud. The lediee Ibo heve charge ol thedeperh nenleen vol! quelied lot the poeitione Ihey hold. Thou who vieited the room: \ were planned with the diepley and pan- Ihed Io odne egeln. Peuonn. --lr. Pulleu, ol use lira 0! Pellets a Oeler. Toronto, the punheeec ol the county debentura, tee in the city to-dey.--|(n. John Elliott Ilee loll lot Hvupeul. He eeile Iron: Heme: on Hoedey. He Rel! ebeerlully, there being lid nnenenh of III: nnnnnnh Dunning.- l I -- ---43o~--_ Rlluvlo to I_ um.-Mr. George Pid- goou who ha boon long oonuotod with tho GI-nod Trunk ltoilny, no a clerk in tho city oieon, inn bun renov- ocl to n position of grunt rupouoibility in Pu-in, Ont. Mr. Pidpon in worthy of promotion, lining many personal lriondo to oonnnond him to the consideration Ind favour ol tho Inumpn of tho road. ----os._..... 1 ....--ojo I ~- ` KI. 0'R|lu.t'I FunnI..--'l`hiu lnnr- ; J-_ LL- l__._.I -0 AL, I... n ;AII| on ` --v~-- ecu... ,;. Dun AIIOt.'lA`l'l0N.--'l'ho Innull re- port 0! the proiauodinp ol the Int. Con- vontion, (hold at London) of tho Dir}- uIon`n Auoointion of Woolun Onuriu bu been hand. It gin: tho uldluiu ud speech: 0! tho urioua looturon ur- Imim. To ohoou mnnufutonn and others concerned in dairy npondoun tho upon will fun 3 upoeisl intannt. .- 41`. ' -- ~ coupe .__. Oolrmcnfxl-. - scum! puhau at good; now he in the Customs` Impact- lug (mice. They worn uiud lot minn- pnuntuion And uudar valuation. The Doputnont at (man bu bon inform-- Cd and decision: am being nwnitonl. The "good. wi| cu probability, 5. mm. -~on...,;. -_._ o1._I----0 Shout ]Ial.llIM.-MI`. Monty locum- inky, who union`! omployod`u K pilut upon the Bay of Quinta like and river, in no more. He puud sway thin morn- lgnatlu Aduncul up of 56 pan sluts ol_Ion month: illnun. >-4o1o-r._- Sunguumr.--Ilr. A. Gun. II. I'., ha: giion I wholmhip at CNN) to In nvudod on tho ruulf ol the Multicult- Non onminuiona in connection with Queue : Uninnity. -.. " ..... o:._h._.n _--,-ojo----- Boon no Bnou, at In: than old pmu It (In Anndo," oppodh Albion Hotel. The public utoordiallj Invited local! Ind inspect good: Ind prion.` >--O-T---2 .:._..____._.4-._. lVienna Roil and Buns. ~---~-o1-o----- lau by mu. wv'v--b 3-I.vvr1|IUX|X andtho hIolbudl Go'rhu.olKtq dd. Ioobhiul naocntdv-Imam glupounucho Ar-ydunlho Oununnr. Ho Inna: Inland InaNHuu.iuuu.dluudngiuu, Imhallghonlp. Ho aaulonhl` ulhqdon i-Konguonmn cpiq.` Ihgudlludlovuhuu-It uhlipq, Iddudh nu annulus um Ion! 1ItlxIIiuIb;;mutn a mu dodonhcuclu cluloinmutlo 0ovanuuIlloq6gnI,llu|u.olIdpIo I:nA. all (1.5... an ...a It! If V lhothnnhoon Io the pollen. pad Ilhounnannhloto lap that they Illllohnugll to taunt. -: lat Ilgitlho hmuool lint Walla. Yuk Stud. In nhoiod by null! nulls. `lioyuunpudoolonotlo death. Iholaul-icsdodlhodoonbut whntholootnnbtohaobolotho ulnondhwrbd um. polio: mun] Inn-and-Inna; 'L.------ -1-. --A- ` qunrhtly ponuiun. ` lag nmlmbuol pououloroibly dnund , his loan. Ho and Mn wile won alone. On Tuesday I puuionor minor Samuel Frau, living it Polmonlh, draw Ma Ho poid I luv cnolllicbiluin, and had I balance 0! about 015. About and chum non` ua Illhoutnlighl in the man. may uhnhdlhoold mu. hating bin to- vuvly. While being uolmaud ho do-' clam two ponou, (thou he IIIII And be when nnum hue boon (mud) ennui the IIOII] frmn Mo pooht. Fun! Ill no can (roan tho blown to haul naked that In no nut INC null yltuluy to ash complaint to It. Ieindat. J. I ., who not stain: to hntlognmy pcnonn [nought to ju- Mn -I vv--r-.v- Bod tho `Maud remained much longor on an: Shoo lollnd the totals: would have been anon anon: than they won Oonddordllo tuublo nu upuriouood II jotting hr ol. `lho pouor ol the `Hi- nn Galvin` III II tuod. . vn--mu-u yu-wruuy Irmn rorl ll0|JO Iilh u,ooo buoholu of pen, comignod to tho 8; [Autumn ma m.a..... w-........a_ ...-.. .v,wv -an-nun on pun-, cuuugnou no the St. Iavnooo sud Chicago Found- ing Company. llul oh. o|l....a- ._..-:_-A _.._L L--A- .--- v--nun-u you II. Tho propeller `Cuba, of tho Toronto and Ogdonobnruh Line, (tune into port this naming for the n: limo, 8! will run rogolu-lymn her old routo. The uohr. Agnu Hops" nrrincl at Portsmouth yuurdny lrmu Port Hopo ltm) blllhnll .1! non A-Anni-In-J On The unmet `City 0! Montreal` I can the place at the `Unugo Bella` tuna Oongu, Kingston, Toronto, I other Onudnn pom. 'II.. _.....n._ .n_L, v . .. n. -...... ..,...v um. . ,vvu nun-on ul wuuuu An olfort will ho undo to recover two, IIIOIIOPI Inst Inc Int Full on whn is known as tho middle Iroundi, Wollu-0' Boy. TL- -A......-_ ll\.A.. -1 |n_,,._,,n :n vupuvv. A nhoonor in Min`; liniahod at Bath for Oopt. Oolnmlor. Sh: will carry bo- twun 6.0!!) And 7,(X)l) bunholn of what. A-. -Il'..-n ...'n L. __..|, nuuu Irulu DIIIIIID IIIII The Ichr. `Kate, of Onhillo. hn bun laid to Onpt. P. Oluk for 02,460. Tho `Flight oonnnonood her trip: bo- twnou Pinion nod Nnpnnu on Monday. The color. `Olivia Inn boon sold In Knoll. J. OJBA-ion and D. Sollinn for 11 mn AIIIIVIIJ II I UI'I DUIIKJTIIU 1 Allen from Bunlo with coal. TL- ..L- I2... I -1 n,|__:n_ vvnmng nor um. A-alonon n. Cowln -Menu-I. 1 null J; India [or pllf.; Moan ` & Walton for duh. Rm-n n Q.`.......... , u- m I a nun: Ior non. Brown n. Simpnon-Mr. 1`. L. Sue for pli; loan Briuon It Whiting doll. no: at Iwgou lur don. Ounpboll n. H|r|y~--Munro C Olntnn for pltf; Mann I Whiting for am. AIAIIOIHMI II. Cuiln -Mnnu-n Iyro lot can. Murphy v;I. Allan - Munro. rick I Roger: fur yl ; Mr. 'I'. [or don. 'I'p-nu ... I! .....l u n_;|. [or non. Tryon in. K. and I . lhillly Juan Agnew {or pltf.; Mean. Kil rick & Ramon lur don. Ounnhnll n, u-w.,.M.....-. Mu I01 COIL Raymund u. Muvvoll~Mouru. I Ion & Whiting fur pm" ; Mr. Juhn M tyre for duh. Mm-nln n An... M....... I(i-I. name Inc pm. Ounolnll u. Wuhan -Mr. Robert Shni I6! pl; Mann. linwden It Much for duh. R-up-...-4 -- |l--._._n u___.__ n_:. aonqqu a nlmm tor den. Muodonnall sud Bnrnoy Mr. India (or pllf. VI. Wuhan ..Mr I III! I WIIIIID I0! "I; donqqllthindiofor on. Mnndnnnnll and [hung unauu. Vnnluvon vs. Vanluvon-Maura. V in I Wulhm for IE; Mean. 3 dnnnnll &. Mmlin far .19 I Mk! 0! 10 LII-A I1 -.,..`:.'3`.:'.:: .:":'.'.'.."'.:1.'.`.'s as... 4.. .._____ , nu uuuu nu. . Molfnllbn u. Duidwn --' M Smyth & Dicluon [or pl.; Moun. donnld cl: Mudio and Ihwdon at M: lor am. 9.0.. .. D..-.. n. In I n..- I On Tuoldny nut (hp Spring (arm hf tho Court of Chancery 'In'l| open how at 2:30:o'cloolt, Chlnoollnr Spnuo proud- ing. The following cue: ore not down for hosting : |l.Il..lh... .. n_-:_)_ .._ r |:...,.' Atvod `M. Pon-Ct->;bomo Iohr. |Il-_ 1.... n..n-.|_ _:.x _,.n Ior nun. Eaton 1:. Ron -Mr. 'I`. L. Snouk for pl ; Melon. Bawdou ll. Mnchu for do- londml. ` Vnnln-... ..; \'-..I..-.... IA_.... urn -'l`o-morn-Iv tho Fingor-bond `tavorn, u mm! nut:-d of tho In-ll nmpwu honki- riu of Pinaburg, will be olfaud It suction in the Mulm. sqqufe I.o-monow, tu- golhor uith the adjoining farm. -------~--ooo - ~ -|Ir. Gillespie. lrupcr 0! the light huluo at Long lnlnud. ha I momlrouty in the Ihhpo ol 5 lunb with night logs. Than Ion-o_ two bodiu, joined st thn uhonldora. mud ano haul. --nun: IVCIVKI, VI, urlllulului IIII lad: pig I pnlllul of milk tho (.1 coming. und than out ofouriooity tho pl` in the nuns pail and lou'nd I it Ill only halt lull ! lig lI1|lIlnnl'.a\nn 'A|-D-II In. . ....~.-nu-... -'l`h nuubulol ol the In- puriul Givurnnunt paid mr thin nut in Kingston III 943. Thou won uvbnl dck Inna buidu, whoa mono] III nut in .1... _, -._. _-._ --..-... .._._ ..-.. -`nu 1.o.o.r;` kelivfkoourd lot Mn: annulus I portrait ol the Grand luau, Filo Fowler, I. D. 1! Alan [inn on no- oount M M. anoint ya Oddlollow. ~NAry lcCul|oII[b, tho wing of Toronto goclhurriud at hot new homo in tho Kinplun Penitentiary `unity. Two countable: Von not so gun}! II_,l1\;\lI -.1-nun .. . --innu: Bcnngviuluuduodqnlo plu~!ronl.h|onhuut9 mull: nut. cloqdytonlny nuhor. ~_ , nan.- ppguhllfllz wl'Oo"llCIOCll[ anon turban Ilnuly begin It tho 3!. hr- ln-nn nnnin --John Ronny ol, Grindntono lolnnrl, ml: niu g n-lllnl nl ...iIIp oh. ._I.,. `-150 author puking pnuodold llopolitpiintioibandnuunutl. --l |ol,HouIkiqwill|>oloIdiuh Al&IIlohloIIIol0|I,lltIInIll2|I Ila. ' Assault 5:!` Iobbory. any . nun. non when coupon m on nnon ~ Court of chicory. ~ ono--- lune. vu nun-n-u- rig` um . runnuanr HUCII Alhd W not occupied by Enpi. Iolhda lune. We-odoboll. lhlht all Oh- I-nn Apply to I. W. V nut, Uuhrlo `MIG. Illgsbl. Iuoh `MIL. I3. I')"ci"u.-nun u.11'Abl. lei at In! some as . ll I . '.::.....""" .:.'."'a:..'..""".";',""$-......."'-"`. A nhnouur--no. on can. ?'EI:m ehuudct. hmdoI.l.u lay. " 0 U mt,