`II- W. ` oOO--~-- -- Tn North Anmu-an Renew fur Hey eoetinuee the eetiee of [aspen on the Third Term Qnnlion. Mr. Leeley 8&0- phen II-itee u! "The Religion ol ell Seneible Men." The creed of the future, he eeye. muu be cepeble ul eeeimilulog modern erienmic Ilaeorin. George Trainer Uunie oontienee hie eenee ol Iiclee on IIoC|el|Au'I Lu! Service to the Republic." Mr. Frencie ll. Under- wood contribute: an any on R. W. Inereal and hie lrilhgl. and e MIMI]- uoue emu on the lance doctrine. _%,__... , .; --~ 000 --- 1 Nlw Eunnrnnnr. We Uddfllllld I llnt. I Montreal Company urn negutuhng K with the Mean. Rnurk lnr the pnrchuo of the eltennnna water-power end Iluur mill: at Kingston Mnlle. 'l`he Uumpsny intend erecting an peper luclnry lbereoln, elm enlarging the our uulle. This In An edmiruble pneiuun (or I DIDCI fectory u poplar end beeewood, which now enter largely Into the meuulncums ul paper, on be leid down It thin point 3% the lowest. coal. The Company Iyill nlen utilile thounnde ol tone of eurlh hey which in not burn. or alluded to rot enuuelly. The work will give employment toe 1 nuhber 0! men. _ ..._._ _.___ ` Pun cojgy ' dllpllch any: the In. .`.WA-MlI~D,'T0lMl:-, olurou lnglll. " Nna unth nu, light `Una `G. W. Moborly,' formerly I gull pilot boat, than I Kingutuu plum"-g yuhl. and lutly I dynnmito cnrriu, will this your Iupply the Huvormuonl lighthouse: with all. I n ma. bny. lMr.Jonn Blsok, uf Nowburgh, dial st hi: nlidanoe on I-`ndny Inn, at the no ul county-tour yqmrl. Thu deoanod took ill about four wealu lgll, and kept ninking till luv. Friday. The Nowburg Rqunlcr up Mr. Mhuk nu born near Bolluvillo an I80-I, but spent. the yuan of childhood in Kingston. tn which plloe his parent: remand than he was quite When He removed an Ad- dington it In nporfect wildornou. The villuo of Nuubhng nu nut. than |u ex- inunco. The forum. sun in in nntnnl II-Mo, And vary for union. The` In oouul gontlomnn did I large and unan- Iiu unnory undo. He can nlwnyu vul- hn to do all that he puunbly cuuhl {or the wolhro of the pines. lying halplouly inmncalad n_u Walling- ton Iluol. Nu rolling ur nhnlnng cnulcl nrouno the Inobrintu, nlmi nu vehicle sun in light 0 (lruly hml In be tnkon In the police Itniun. The police utliasr cum tomplulod the niluntion for 1 Inouom. seizing the uulivi-lunl lw threw him Acrnu his nhouhlens unl coolly Inuched don: the ntroot,_amid thu choorl of Hits byltnudorn. 'l`im Iru laid on the guard bunch, and cnntinllod hi: Iloep. Wham ho awoke ho wu duguolod to nd hun all conned. in the pollen nutiun. Thin morning In; wu -liunu_wd. n he unnr hand I 701'] pouiunl nplru. It in rural] o policunnn perlurma the nu-vice which loll In P. C. Sumlalen yNIlefdl_V, and nnly In: I mun had In: fooling: In rmly ulvoniucl In luul Tun lI'HrAdy. O09 - Ill! uuuuou vluw ul l\Il|xIl.lIlI lllflllf. - Tuking n rib"iu I compnou oxprer lion wherever good Engllllr in Ipnken. Una oditor in Kingalon wn torribly.|hock- od about it tho other day: Whu in the auto ul his mnuitivo fueling: today, we wnndor l -oo4`___._- ` ywunwu -vu--uu u--- / . .. -Among H. Sondhun-'1 druvingn, with the tint pnpr'on :l`ha Duminum ol Onnndn," we note -yrincipnlly tho el- looliu. luminoun and nluuuhor chum` mg ulnul View uf Kiugntun Hnrbur. ---r.|.a.... . .;s.-v;. . .............. _-_.-__ --Pmhu: Funk 20 brink iindn. an- duully shining to nurth nml out. pan], cloudy warm wontlaor tn--lay, with shower; in some looihlien, (allowed I \ cooler weather to-night. I A......... N u....n.-...-_ .x___;__._l --C|pL A. G. F'nur,ln .o o! Wwortown in whiting Inn pnpuuory to` numinu tho olnrp of hi: tug, the "Priudarvillo," of Dotmit Mich. ' --Tho (mun currapandout oi the Chicago lbw-(Mats says Mr. High i. thopoot of any man an either side of the Home 0! Gunman. n ..n In, u. .... ,..___.._ ,.-o `mt IALI ~A Ulll In one on Iron lat bullish any UNI I.-wn. Harden. \mbrv.lu. Apply to Jon Inner I - vu uuv unlnuyuuu VIIIIWI -rIII_llIII. --'l'lu Bnby Pindon`0onptny in not ` makings tour of tho Pnoviooo. 'l'h' 4 elnldnn rung} Iron 3 `to 9 your: ol nun. -Tho Rn-ordcv` up that glut im- pronnionu an lacing undo thin unau- ul the 8%. Lunuob Ucntnl Cramp" uroundn. 4.. - - Iw I U - -'l'bo _i6_l`o|iou la Ouluio Nuiguiou C0-PO01 ! I-nu ll oy run climact- I] for nvhilo altar starting. .11. nnnin ' Ihnlllnnu in gun. ----- ---u-A Inna!!!` at vvul` Iluuotl hh concern. The prinoipd hall in on the Rogiopolin Unllqo grmgnb. ' -~1`|A chi PinAlnvn`lVnn-ngn- in s...- , . .__ "IX VAUOVI IMVICIB AID OIJAIIOVII --Suuoouo bu:-0:: giving our con- 1n|jvhla"` - 7.. `I he uu-. .\lr. Blue-ls. A Iuucular I-'olIc-nun. J I d lum- rluliuu. d, THE BRITISH . wnw. THURSDAY, .APRI.` 22, web. `. `fnlcbdon n u. Hgnunuhn _ I.- -ApMl|.I!I 7; A.-- as '-s VII Iv-I liiiyvvi UIIIIIIDIZ. uiu-pnuuhu thauoondumg thoonmu.-hludlnnluolthl opal-nuom ulthoaaukyonllhh the loudly ul lihonlly ununhuq In no vlriou Inuhmululhoy may hooublo-I to urryontho wool upon nnoolooonmom male with In Iuporluu. 9...... .ul._..;.. 1.. .. .._.._._ _;.| .. vcu VIII I}. lCrK Tw | Fallon: daunting to no-opnlo with the Allinnoiuonquoldtooornnpul mm` thlolloclng clan at lit Pnvigg l|.._.L..._ ` -av -u--oq -- I`:--1 U-our-u. The Allhuo uracil: ul nupoalnlly mp: sll to dhnonnuoa than of nuoxwuiuq drinks. and to add an m-ion Tonponnn Iooloun. IA 3. |_-.-n--n nL-n AL... .._.|.. . It IIUICJIOIOVU, In Ioillollodqod 'Im the Usual: To-potuoo Act nlnol you In nduphd in anal bolhtiu Ijun iu opontiool an ion nodal; it Is, (hm. Ion, Inpouu I ch a guard Djihlion in mm 0' an principles ol mo Alum. should booouhntly Iliniliui, that in In {nu Ito nltou Provluhl Liana hn lurnul nunhu upon its Liquor ` Talc the pmvidoooolold In Ibould ' be bound] and tigly Inland. A l'I.- AIIL--g --.4-AI- --J n,,n Huh bunnh in called upon Indeter- Inino npnn counties in which the Onnndu Tomponnoo Act can be ma-at manage- ouuly nohmmod, and to throw all Iho in~ uonoo the Alliance on command into such`:-onntiu with a via: to securing I nuiuntiu In (not at the Act, bII'enItoo 1 in uluption by 5 lug: anchor ul oon- ` uiluoocin will olurly uunnt the n- ' Mona M u gonna! app:-on! ol prohabn , wry Iogialation, uul (tarnish ground of i npbul lo Purlhnom lat funhr logiulr I hon in tin diuodnn. ` Flj N I. nun-5-3.. Iv. hug, w...g,.., In view ol the deoieion ol the Supreme Court, by which the Celede Temperance Act. he heeu eueteined, the Council u! the Dontnioo Allience, hee celled lot the imlnediete or-[solution ol all friends at te-petenoe end prohibition, tor the pnrpoee at nehing eyetenetsc eort in hermony with the principlee end nine of ' the Allienoe. Ian: I C1. Olio--.l'. Jail `Cumin, 'l'o- mb. ' Innwouhy. 1 Uodruuna, I collar .-nu I on In Im a Apply u- - l.I. 1 _-in J.-o. 'I.[j..g_J Thocuu of Tryun n. K. at P. RR, And McDonnell u. Bunny. won uulod out n! Unurt. I `J: MULLIN v. Ihvwsou. ---At 1 du- crun uh! or not Mr. MaMullon bmuzhl nu angina from Holdall`: mill non Vor- onn. but it vuuiwl by Davidson, Duran ` 1% 00., under: rent roooip.und Mr. Ju Riclnrdnon chimed it u 5 part J the naluuto. Mr. Moullon hr--ugh: ac- Man In roonur the unonnt ul uuunoy pain! for it. Decree for Richnrulnun, In puy II -I And coal: to Mullullon. The bill ngunll Dlvldlnn, Donn & Co . In: J diumiuod without. wan. Maura. Smylh 5` Dick:-vn lnr p|t|'.. Moll Mu-donnoll ( &' Mudio and Bunion N 'Ihchu fur , doll. Cnu-uI.|. vs. \\'u.:mv Auucll--II fur I600 uluy, I0 pr u-am. l'ammI|-ion, null Inonglul duumul. Hill dinuiund -uh n--nu. Mr. '.\.RI-an l_or pl; Mu- uoun Bu ' '.on an Mnohu Iur duh. Mvurnvv. .h.:.m' -llocru fu domptiun by muuut, Moan. purick & ltugen fur 5-lt|'; nml Snoul. fut ulefl. IUIII |l UUIL Esfux .\`. Nu.-sh. -r\ ulnar!!! by rill) um, vulnug the pr:-potty m cliupute Io pltf. nn payrnem hy mm m the urn. 0! I250 wuhin n nu-mlh Mr. T. L. hu--ok fur pm` ; and Maura. Hnvnlen It Mlrhor l . .5. Anon.-mu v. Cowu.- Quantum of account [or cork dune. ' Vdrdnct hy cun- nom fur arm 51!. Menu: Mcdonnellct Mlldlu I--I pill` , Hus I1. \\ 4Hu~u| I. `VOL koul I.-r dall. " ---. Runouu Vn. Mnwu.|.. - -An ncnun brought. by tho plniuti (A widuu) to re- cover frum the defendant. who Ins chu oxocutdr for her husband : unto, a pur- co} uf lnml given to tho dofvndnnl. De- oraa by consent. Maura. Hriuon & Whiting fur pluuluf; Mr. J. Mclmylo for defendant ;_..u.. .-urn:-u p'ImlnlI', m'IlulH` -uuuuuu an un um the dotomhm. 1uIl`IALl~A at and plogggn Iloqp-} hwou Ithoildon lung Ito ` ud links I-Um! . II val !-IIMIII In loan .3 `mt -. Yeats:-lny st three u clncL ILo Cuull uf_ Chancery opened, the Vic-v-tfhnncnllur presiding. ' VANI.rvm vs. \ 4.~4|.1\'u.~4. ~ Hnin nu, Ill nctmn In rovuvor by nmngngu the Amount of I nulo paid by the [|niInlntHor Ihn I.f_n.I-an A J...-.4. bu. ... \. uuuu -uv-. We max add lint tho nuuu uf 0. nuns and him` wifo III Osrpu, they Iivocl on Onuriu street. II. in mud in the city that the `Penis, uhioh lived here this morning. Ind pnued I cabin nliuu on the lalge; but In our reporter the captain of the bout famed the ntuomant u- 0n"l'harala7it can npotlafthaca Hf IdIIl|IIl'ddl I0ladll. Tho no Alcilhya: `Tho (IQOOUOI aha lul-_ k- '.|--win; day. that no vraohp had ouau hora, `atnd to ahaqthan and balls! 11- uatao vuol had haan loat,aod tha lll - moor .waa lad dying out who a sala- arau from Oaphin alluiea more at- ti tracud public altanuon. It waa than 1. laarnal that Ila aohoonar N0l`KhllldlI,'/ on. 0! Hamilton, had baaaao uiloanal Iangth - --I tina inking har (tip in Kiugatoo. nu- Tho `Non-Dian loll Pod Dalllouaia on p" Thou-aday aonwun, tha lbth iuat, with a lair wind and na waathu, hound lot to Kingalon, loadad with 23,400 buahala of ia wheat anal 000 buahdla ul corn. Alter . aha loll port nothing wu learned at her until Illa rumour appaavad in tho Nail that a boat waa aoan bottom up thia uda ., oi Tmmto, which, it in conjecture}. waa " Ilia ill-latad orall. Tia crew were eight in_ numhar. Tho captain waa Frank Cardotla. ol Thua` Rivan. 'l`l`o V mate cama lrom Kingatnn, and tha cool, I ha wile, with tin aoaman, wan all `-`ranch lrom (ha Inwar Pruwinou, and -r namaa an not known. The `North- u.... .' can a oumparativoly -new vaaaol, having beau built. acarcoly ve yaara ago, and aho waa conaidarad um of tho boat. of tho laka float. Sha had a raginlorad lon- nagu ul 32 : tom, waa valuad at 8l6,U00, ` and was inaurad lor ,(XJU in tha Anchor Cmipany. Sha waa loadaul by Mr. Mor- rm, of tho Wallaml Railway. in SI. (.`I`l|`IlUI. Acuol Called For. WTII 31100333 IOITIIIAN. (`linear t `ourt. - y-u. u, ruv |'ll A dz-crow by C-II \\' .lL .... 9. \\' n nu-Luv: n, ma `\\'A'kmIn K` \\'.g , _ L2.-uldnl. II. \'n`Lom fur .. ..- iri- rwvunnnuo Yonqllnut no I. r....'.'.a.z..m'l Also In Inuit mt. H.-unto lot, nu ch Jon! and Our: Iona. " In ` ruucla u'r1'mr. u-v-nu--Iqv.I-I IIII ll IIHCOI lul no-menu mumps-uuuugchu an iu in In and (Ilia than. 0! "l'nnh|n." (in lqonu). tho New Yot_UnpAc'-In UH` BM hunt in ohuuu UM I Ioadulul aha. _ `rboyounganol attain. clolhuo, Ion- dornlpormiuplnd by: bomb uni, _ walling tnlnvull input In the nor- viooohhao aha }onn--not in "Pa- Ihuk." Ind not In Icy Autum- So pfl throughout )0 try. 3 gap A ollbo Ugh-ouloul (Inst Colon sun in iaoudblo to aoocdu. The uqubito gnu nl hm loo lot-. wbio land: all ` on r.u.-may In chub an-, and on ; .mua-pouuonoob in and 90:00:04 ~x--au-" -4 "P-us-A-." -ow. s. --- ...... AL-ant ch. 1.. .4. 4.3- _u Qdiuqiv tvvvtvyc ll j W; "|!nIuo"AlI g PIITIB mm 3;. W - uy pouthnuqh no In uumuu. _,_"':'--I `Wt-Av-no-u tinolnno,urvon|nddlaoug|`p.' ~ tmjl, . I`Iul "tuna, , Vulnnvll :...'-~.......4_~ .' uh` ll, ilhznnnunnunuu. '` Iuuqw htou:-0;-Tmonto, bu cvory I-unnntonntioipou noon In the our and appuroooo Ion ol II: In; Anlonomonollholudilg ohuohbo A-uh: mac. and a lady at vanda- lnl Ilddnnh mill: A-gall;-I-- AL-n ALL. noouu, upon at nu one to contain u cant room. We nu ma that both do- psnuuu ol 1! an III with non child- nn than tho low roquint nanny mu. onoula IIIVI dolllbdod It. The Dopot school the Oomnmu -Ind not vim. Tho lnapootor inlonn no that it in ovorcrowdod. that it in mode lo sc- ooumoduo in a liar! ol 0 way 0] pupils Ivhllo the I 1! number in M. unldl tnnl. nnnl in Alan no--. wnm ms nu: nuuoorum. Gordon unk ohonl In duo ont- Iooloul, duo in add to contain n aunt nnnm Wm -nu ans. nhn Inns .l-_ Inmua no u nuonum nnunun. Thu Connmoo honed inputted qniu fuonbly with Johuon strut school. and human! to be oonviuod that tho School Bond not only mod the hm. ohould have dtll ad it. Th. Dnnnl Inhnnl sh. n.......m.. .n..a room. um room and nun Ilnotlounldi an divided by I an pumlon, and- oooommodnu 100 who an Ihilo 70 should in I nnonoblo uninun. Th. u--nu`. ..._..I .'...........a very own um out crowded. Min Unnnivmhnni - nou-Aungo sthoduoul Ihy,.muirin3o linlo morn room. Thin Min Iaodonnldi an dividnd In I Inmnnou-u ngnhuu. um. Irll In on-|nuo .21-u huh `how: I Ilflar, ' Li`. ..a to lawn nan: lllll Air; on pnunl and 12 on roll. Mia Iudoncldi rooII-Only I`) x 2| loot, sud 67 print; lush! uponod it close nod crowded. in l}l|nnil|nhnn`a - nu.n_A-._..' uu. Min Tandy`: I-oom--Eight gn-In hue no out: ol their own. but got. I plum when olbor oeholu-I no chum; fullest room viuiud in thin gndo, but plant} 0! light and Air; 56 panel and 7? roll. in Ilonnllfn mnn-()nlu I`) 2 -1| to ma emu; IU nun. Min Mclulynh rooIn--Could uh: I`: nchulnn, but than no no more faith clu- unoa in the city to dull Iran. I! not: worn I" dllod (any '24 not nan!) an uninunt would bo nudod at I coat 0! IIYI: I your as loan. Man 'r....|.~. ......., ,1:-;-n.. _.-:- ..,_ Mm McDoIull'n room-Hu nu nor ago utondnneo of 48, but 57 rally bolung to tho olua; 70 nun. Min M..I.......'- ......... n....I.n ._n. , ... pr:-um; Inmellmn overcrowded. The vuitnug (`c-unuiuoe, in signing the Vmtnrl Bonk below luvmg lhn nchnul, doclnrad in Ifllill unumnunuly that the l"lImo| In very much uurcrmnlod. Ill ! IIIB uluril. llll `ll Illl run. pr:-soul; lnmelimn overcrowded. Thu Inn Inn: 1` in... in .. Ing now Min Honhg-~Knmu nut lial. could Mia 13 puplll more. Min Phippen'n room r'|'uchor rmlld nut ulna nmro. hn `(II on r--ll, unlh ho; nrn-nnI~ lnrnnlilnnn n-an-nu.-rl..I mar` Min Mcllrofn room~'l`uchor ropou~ ed no upon unu,nnJ too many nlloudlng Min HunIIu~- Rnnm llnl ll...l .u...I.l mm mm mu monmnu Ior tun. Minn Gill`: rnqm 39 girls, qllllu grown. are here uhnmofully cro-vded um. I mum l0x`.. 0 foot. Thoy huo no duh bocuuno than II no room In them, and, thorolur they use Min Oruwloi-d : rmnn fur writing uoruiun. Denying Anthnna` me girl: on their nlntu on their knees. Thu um wm lot 1'-`I-~ .-oo.._ ma mm, inundad for I touching Ipllmggp on], um window. Ilh. K....n'- -...._ n,__-.-_--_A ,. vmaow. Min Soon`: mom-Countotpart ul Mun Gill`-, but containing 56 young acholnn, and gone-nlly 75 in the num- mar. r[.IAuAI\T until an AIM! luau` now ooouolod by (` Iolh Iooull. Wulanhoul` Plnuh. ollur o-fl Apply Io II. N Vndordur. Duh:-Io Inna. Ilmnhm Inn-h'1I1h :1 Min (`ruvfun|'a room- Plenty of dash but (anchor hn all she mm inntruct. Miuliilh clua nun this jointly n ,_|n uumbly nnd writing room, And then it II uvr-crowdnd. Ronm loo lugs for clul and molmlll (or two. Mn. nan`. ...n... , -m ..;.|. Mr. Godwin`: runm~ Reported full Ind cunuimug nlnotuu above the legal unrul- bar. ` mu over wu on roll lllt summer. The uenanl impmuion given M thin Ichool was that than in plenty ul mum and Iir in the -hpnnmonlu, uul that probably twenty-ve Ioholnrl ooulal bu ulwu {rum other section: provided the nlunl Spring muons in ulondnnoo dun : nbuorh that apart rnom. urn puny. - Min Shiblf romu---Ton duh ucnnt. hut lchulurl oummg In every day; three joined tint. day; no-rugs M 45 mm, Iun bud nor I-00 roll Int 'l`b.- ..... --l ....n-..-i,u. .....u. .0 al.;- new mun recently opened. Miu lhmn` rooIn---l".ighl nut: to -pure, And Iuchor could take that many Is`hu- Inrn onily. Min Shiiulf rnnnnm-Tan dunk: vu-nut uucnar mu nanmo. Mm Hy|lnp'l rumu-Cnuld nntulm nu:-re; no dusk: to npuro; name of the pli- pilu had to nd place: -1 anchor`: table In trite that In-urninu. Mun Englinhi romn-A|l null taken when there II I good attendance; clul Iron were coming In daily. Thin II the clan recently opened. roo|n-.-l.iahI um: mu-e. Mr \\'-u-d`: rm-|n--|.nrg rwnu, pleu- ly of nuruul Iomo spare unmnd fur In-aw duh, 56 Ian; Henge nendnm-e l'n'.. ; mixed boy: and ulrll, llld us many in mm teacher handle. Mu. Hu-...n`. p..nn._[`..ul.l has :-l... limo-. hl--nedmkn nro, therefor.-, needed in Min Hayward`: rnum (Inn the whole (chm-I (`mild npnro nun usmpnrnrlly. nunul. uo uonouu; enouun anon. Mm CHE : mnux-- Another mull room. almost I the space ocuupiod by children, I luv empty menu, but not I full unend- An.',u~. ' nmln I00 IIIIUI Ana crowned. ' Min Livingston`: roo:u~-Avu-Age I nbnut 55 noholuu; enough Josh. Mlll UHF} rnnm ._ Annlh-r nnnll rnnm I` `WU Hanna on Y`Il `POL E Frumh hm. hub orauury nocounonn. Min Hnywnnfu room-- 68 guod nimd ichalu-I in ulkndnnoo ; duh for 43. M.'.. nu...-. ........_'m.; ;. ....I. n: . |u Icmuu-I m uunanuoo dun lnr 15. Min Allen`: room-'[ hiI in only Ni 1 I8 fool largo, sud oonuinn over Mr pupils ; duh for I", but the tncher report: the: nTmn loo Ind] And crowded. Mi.. l.ini-...nnn'. -.m... A ...... .. .r twenty nun mo'nw. ` Mr. Campbell`: roon--Just full up lu thin Ink, Ihlll 1 for buy: went to wurh. `Expect: to Inn ovary dock occupied by ordinary nocouiom. Min HAvIAm'n roam-4'13 mmd nimd Mr` Summarbfu room-Fuuro/nu mm ucum, but nll thd fth clun Ichulnn III the! city are authored in thin robm. When Model School nouiun bogim thorn no twenty duh Ioo'fow. I Mr. Cnmnbollh I-nmn--Just full nn 1.. uu-un In-v tuuu uuunluvulllv . The Committee viailod the oahooln in the lolluviiug order, with Oh: ruultu given : noun. an-uom.. II I turn; Vllid tllonnuu-.uy, hm lrom tho A|donII:uio viow. Thoutiun tolun mu-sly donoha a clock oversight by tho 0onnittu.-ghtpd with tho #- uanoon. mu`: all of tho Atfniu ol the public for Iyhich Inn In levied. And will pun : the way (or nu only uupoution ol the work: (at Ihich strut nppropriutiunu no wan to be and. And 0! than tin Impala And police doputmouu for lurthdnuning oppmprintiom-- that in, if tho Committee be comment. Allor Inch Ill ulrwrdt nary departure it cannot,` howovor, be nthlnviu than conailtcnt. mg 4: , _ -.. ` 'ootcrdny the Fmuoo Committee of ` the City Oongscllpnid 3 vinit to :50 Pub- .li8ehoolIuIb they lulu judge of wool and ol tho ueooulnodaoo lot which :- jnut all-6.0!!) In aid. {Til School Board till, probbly, lul that thin in- npootion in Ionovhuol an-inmlt added to injury, but that, no aoqlinlly believe, View ol the uncut. qt [mm 1l..`Al4|..-..'..;.. -:-_ ML----:. .. I . _.... I .1 VIII`! 0!, Awnxn to us rInwwu.| ` lnhnnlg | Inhou._u siloon, Auouonyrlou. JOII IIAII Invent lamb Ibo Oauoyhnnln. lacuna. (ht. IOUI. WI. f:*a3:.:.w.-- uououou. lid Iololl. Uahubboud In- urun not Ayn] 738, IC To Wham it__l_n%y* cannon; v I I I`(ingston-KUr.7t!i6iiT "R6om?. I In In loo [ML and .....'.`.Ia...'d~ ':m'.'.'.., ..`2.`f.'c...' du QXUOI I371. O IJII. hulkin- uucunuo cu-wrrv nun cu um. rm` Luann qluurlu or nrr nu-use quamlu on ]om`_;,;u aani.7.I:;j 1 - Ind III. WIDE I and supply of Ian and support! In! as y adopted hr :3; and, Uuhmnl and uncuoolnulno In - run Pmf. ll. thin III IIIIII Ihl in bold. Hutu hi Iyuufupuhot-o "a:.":...':':'.'*.:.:'.*'"*""" hill l lC'l`I)N -W||uo IIIIIO. Icy II and MI. :u:AlII-0n-pt-out aunt. In us. In 9! . IlN0l`l0N-A|Mau Iloul. Icy Il. lllll soil, , I II harp ma`-i In: on Incl ..... I. bon`a::dII-u'==ooI?aII -AE~ WILL AGAIN VIHIT AS FOLLOWS.` l_l If-.'.c"s=. I-' I:.|.I'nI'qng1`Ln:o.I.|' ct`; April `I -:_. Prat. (I. T. ``hhmq hnoomo lnuuv all no mud on M-. Anrll I0|h IX. (Io sad Ma. April loch. IQ. .3. H. ME~TV0_ALFE. (lnmtng nnd lllvn Pnlnnigv Parhcl. nlhfnocion gunronlood no to In Ionnl Worhmnnahlp and Prtoo. I017 Quonn MIMI, Icmr doom ubovo Inotnnl utruu. I AM not pr:-pared 1 do Home Puntung, mumu. PIp.I' Ilunnng. Igloo-mun. (lrmmng Ind Puhmng. Porfqcs [nuanced In .1 by P. Hnrty. lioq. A9 I] xo Thou. Icon. hunt I `nu-h '1.`-ch. Iilfl [spams IOBKI Lagos-' Bohr. CALL AND III`. THIN. A1` Till NEW HAT STORE. `fit:/`M I'\'-\,.;\.- E. (7. MILO, six lbozrn Mo: of mm 50. Tweed llama. M 1 L Es" "T3 RUS I lupin. In-cl ilnl. Il ;m""T%aii;%"`hat-J IIOCI IYICI1, IAIII? QIOII, um 'sr`I_t_r_ Ann cv.` Corner P"-. , `ago! In. April 20,1331; ` \ .1`: I . RUPTURES. or ossmms pm Pnomm. ur Aunm, Onunn Co., N.Y., IN TH E. l.A`l`If8'l` 24 FY LICK. whinh they oa I at rauonnblo priau. Q` Aoull no no;-on fuglv llufllml. IM|\'I.In` I. lll:`L'I'.`V Ln Ituo-muw Auortunom nf I-ZNGLIIIH sud A!l'lI||'.\!\' PIIXH4 m Hui! and 30!! Mamifacture. April Ihth. A Large and Varied Assortment of Spring Killinory sud FANCY GOODS. ' Spring I1_}1:B-rta.tions DOYLEJL I-IIOKEY r|.I`AIMl\T Ol'Il Alfred 0- ; Ilnunl. Wuldlholl. Phi. nllnl (ls own and gran I-out Inn." ' Alan. no sum oftoot I-in City 0! ` I Inguuu Wuar Woth Co-pa Tnruuu muonnhlo. will he .3. tool: at tuna of uk. .__. ___.__..j.j____:_._. ;%l"iiourons' em REAL ESTATE NEWOARPETS! CHEAP _C_,`;oA_R%P% E'1`S ! 4 f 5 `lI3l'.~ A Lot on It! Inn 05130 of `Icahn! Dual. mu an Grind `hut Idlvuy Donal, an! one hit new Al in the I0. nol thhu` All of I! Noll. u Causation the `Point! at Klnulou, an Ibo I140 0! lb lull Illh Ibop Eu: Hho I'orurF'ool Ind. ndom rupox:y of Ir. Vnnonhr. on non. 550:`! a mile {mm the mum of the any. Alunonr thlri I-f Illa Ital OI tin KID` own and ofdn Poul rum: In '15. cm nf 'I`l'I'}h'IIAI'. APRIL .`TI`Il. Auti-|iA`S'AlE :2 i B" "i'8V. l.l. ANII urn TIIFII A1! mun nu As the A ' lac: Illlhn Inn]. 0! Man. Part: of Ian :`.l'nnl 13 on I hustler -orly Janina` lance, with we `hunch: uuildinu. ouhuuugvubont still! at up nan. `Man O lMonthlnnhudoofPh'oIuuc gud Wat. of Putt-Ml land, clubbing no can ' I _ A ` I. Belonging to Ihlnu Ir. Banal tut! ldnuin than Ci: of Kungnlou uni Land: in. ' Ihcoulty ol gala:-. will-in null by Pul- Ik A10!!! III I - ,\pril `J: h. / IIAYIC rs-euvod mumotiuns In olhr fur -u-Io by I`IllI|iA`AII(`lIolI on . r nu. _ w ._ 1` ......'.2:"::,':a':'.',..:.:`."n. 2`.:a'.'.. :2. Iiodhhnouounnu. Apply outdoor. Kllgl. April Jul. " 'ru`1: {OP um puns... Ulnlbo louse Build! ly --mwhd bnlnnnn Dnnnlhn A l'H(H(?l A880R1'IENT 0|` Hula II I'.' mvluol. WILIJAI nununt, ` Anouonur. K iuxhkuu . April Nth, IAN. ' KInx_oton. Ont- MILLINERY. uunv Iron 5.". an April Next. L`-\I.l. AND III OUR I.III'0Il TAN I` :1-_- - DH\'l.l'J & IIICKRY, HTANII -- I. V. II U'l`(2IlKSON. Aucliouoar. Vlll IALK HI `[0 LIV-A ITOII uoudoul nun luau Ihripus Iv ul hm` Mount Annlv h .|'nhn u-an > l'rim~au Strut. ;.n.%ua%n.%m.m.nJ HAVE lomO mu than Help Chop to the Doha moot- jau. cuwromrs] '0RANGRS.LIli6Nud, Mud loll VII `h mu In Ihu [not nodal Ann Inst, (bargain. ml r. govtuuhuuludngu link at clan 2' I) h u Qulrillo 1 olgc-uh 1'0! 1 M hilly : Inch! upon. VIOLIN Ill`. ll quad Inhool latch ad nu: piplll znho Well. `I: out 3. mu Iuhlo [O-I lion non: nun-m DANIEL FF ? ElLLY, I'IOI.I I III`- _,I`LA1>1I+:s IIIIITQA1U'XAIHf... Till: IOP lath lunch ly n.- byJnnu Appiy no-lunn I Ildb. . U|n_nu gnu. WI` ,.o-- 4 ':mnn1o;x ;'wl_aimx| TIA All In Iprilg Goal: Inn on-rind. bland Polnpadour Trlnnlu sllln. Pompulonr Pa dour ID:-an Goodu and Ponpndour Prlnu. T U1 UT Stock 0, udeonlmua vorloty of vary Mao and Dtyllnh Coon` . II for |nu|a.ool::o'|:.(:-u. on A: II no tronblo no that Good: Lulu: with Ilplllly o:||.u than. Hchlopolod I New lataf @SpaciaI Bargains in Hosiery like our stock and satisfy l'ounu-Ives an m Ilnnlilv .....a n....- RIOIIIION D 65 BOYDEN S. April mu, I880. Iiquul In 4m_a/II: ing Q/the kind in NH` I)unu.'ru'4 m./In` Value, lily and E.r(euI, is now all 12':/u'ln1i(m u! ""1 (AIM! IIDICINI 130., l'l)IlII`II I Dutch: wu.'.c7s ' WAPETS ' Club OI! Inooloiu-go by 0 VIII! Clan `nun. wuuzu cannot oe pnronuoa 1n -nny other Home in the OM} We "(re re to nuke them up in unnnner which cannot be our a n eoomlnlon. English nod American styles. Remom r we gunntee I peeot lit. The People's clothing House, ,_ `__-__.\, -4 g r v 1J1J_1JkJo vmg udurod some very 'Ilo.guIt Lines in Irish Twudl, ud which cannot be purchased in other th prgpargd up {nuke thgm which cumm in ..m....... -AT IN! ' gatbun Lumber Ylard I-`Flt I-out of Queen turner, Knnxuron ---un. uvvnw. Dulll. QUULUINUH, AIM) Mall Woo-I, LAIII Plul.-u, Pluvdr In Paris, Wan-r Lima 1 - .9 an. -v :--oo--- All Kmdu A1 Ilrounl Ind Rcvnnih Lumber, Bull Tiuuhc-r. LAID-, Bhinglu, I"oucc Punt `SASH. D0038. BLIND8. HOULDINGS. &c., &o. Woo-I. Pint.-u Plnntdr ..o u...;. w-.....- _ ,_ . _ . ...... ...- m -. nu. unr u-wun Ilvul pllll. UUK READY-MADE DKPARTM l'4.\"i` in umuunlly wall umruwd lhla ctr. And In III Jot:-nnhnnl lo kuap up unr n-puluiun lurhrupnaun, Durnbililv Ir-I Hlnul it. (Mr U:-olle mc-n'u Furnishing Gouda, also Hun. (`up-, Trunh nu-I Vuliu-u. are I" m-VI. And N an dc-trr mint-I In n-ll than II price that will ukr tlw load in tlw -Vin`. (`all .1 nnrn anal uvfxro wmr uf Ilw Al-urn lhnznim at the N-w Yurk |`Ia-thilu; Stun-, Hr-ml` .\'trv~-t, 7.. l'Rl`I\'0S'I`. To think that you are llcunble. Tm IN Ul'l{ ORDER DE[ A|lTMI\'.N'l` WILL BE FUl7.\'l) A SPLKNDID AS30111`- moul ol Scotchunnhn And I-`rrnch Tweed: u! the lam design: In Dixon`-. Brundclolhn. Harp: uIiH7i-inn-In we luvs full lhu-I Thunr -cut Ling mu with their union for thv Obovu Goods. will [at A II`! RS1` Cl. A-is Fl1`nml md w..rT:....ns.., :0. lb la-wot living pmlit. OUR DEI 4\RThl l'3N'F`lu gr: uopup:-nr_n-p_Igluiun um H.-ml. lav I-mu. tuna Wlalu, /ud Ouhrd sum-. niugin} r:oi'0i$3"':Ino'l'l'l` Input Ioufu. Tina. Bows, Callus no Cal: Como. Merino and l.uuh~' Wool llooh. Genoa . us! Ion`-so Undanxlotlnng. A IPICIAL LINE of I50 nouu_'l.At!K CURTAINS. 9!: r cam under mull: puma. - -am Quin White and Guy Conch. oonn at 500.. ugixr noun 3! lnnahotumrv Prlooo ` Al Uxfonl. loguu [mac ?.'n-. All he Ind {In} to 7 And lfnnulhn (Bolton llilrliln u I4 Yum Pfkbl` The nbovu 000118 ARE ALL An lnpoouou ol lurch HCW. and will ho noun KX'l'RAOIu)lNA RIM l.m\' PRIt'i:n1 nul Prkvoo no;-oouulty nolionu-I, F V IICIIY oz ll.I: l`l'. Princess Street. INEWGUHHSATULHPBIEES :r-n-I--ID Gnonan LAING 1 Lo Prion. c.m...m..... n.......- ..n"$...'..`.'.""" """ ' 800 pglnlotuuh|mhoo0urtuu.IxtnUhup. I. `ALBION. Wilton`: Idlllul. Apt-ll 2sd.mn , -u an 1. u u u n .l.a U m 3` Ul-`Pll?l4'.-||`oo& - mm UUIll Ll'l`l'.'D uls SPRING and SUMMER STOCK. ._j.;4m____. Nani lull: to nllon. and with ptoporuo will em I" dluuol Irhlng Inna llnpnrllv on Ilia blood. (llh VITALIII nh Ihl. Old vol: III] I-ooxinond um I: no wculdlbl lonody. I 8! par ho|8|O;.|l Colby Hull: t Gnu. J. C. King sad I" Dngpu. &|. 151 ?- he The Most Extensive Variety ot c. I.'l\{!f[0\CIK;m$:1"(')iI',` IN THE CITY, ARI OFFERING THIS WEEK max:-:1:_g_ n.n-r-1-. mu m an cu m 8o|oo0OlIhoUr!Ig l:ubrv:r'Inl:. "um ' . W I000. Imgmm, Hunt 2005. I3. ..2r.%::r".a':":."?c::.;; ' 0 : - T T 2| BROOK STREET. j HA8 `OOIIPLETI-.'D HIS ._. .I DT$1Q::- ROCKWELL BROS. IS OFFERIM; Undnuol llbvuhm udhu-Iltlou. mum (van nurmorn ulwny In Uollulguoudj wh zuopnnon `funds. Cd:-hi [AID Erin And Jr: or name [An (or `lingo nu` Illvun : and Colugwood and Iain Dupe- rlnr Hupuwvn tor Duluth and Illllobn Itmry umulurt for pnuangon. Puuhag the In `lured Tlmuuncl ln'nmlo |I_y|IA_vIIg|nl. 'l`In|oll_ Irblvh Include llmlu and Bulorooux. R.&J.GARDI_NER French Kid Gloves W FUR!- lcw putry on-pant Low Prion. Ll] I-Mthn. ALIO--Ilnok all Wilto- DISlK_Ol'8 HF A|'lV!ICIlAHlNU In `sum ! Thou-unol'ln'nnula by Llnylnghl. Stateroom. lover than by any olhor Hun. 0-!-V13 . -0 to `remain; locum uohu 06.50. R. J. IILIIICI Agent. __ I _ Dom. *0]. union. on-no Mun uotd. Pnuun Iona. '. Paolo. Plottin- :l Y`I Inlunn A _ L _ vow-. cuc- - and l'nr`n<| (`omo - and an-are name: PR l'2\'05'l`. PQIIF` UUNKIU I II);- Al Mrwlgulu and Pnznlattt wig u-Elna Ion mum. MD M Ofdou It upuu trnln (or White: Iountnn, Lie Cbunplnln. ljnolnn null III N0-D ltuland poll). A! T!`- rmuu (vi; Nurlhorn lhilwny Uollmgwoud) wH_h_uupIIon _(`nln-bio. Erin. ` u 'l'UI:l|DAY, ruuuunmr and I IDA) , Inning Kn: Ion-- Gmng Dowmru on Wounoodlyl. I uni Huudnn M. 7 mm. Umug l"pwnnln nu 'I`m-mlnya, Thu nml Hntunlnyo st to p.m. CONNECTIONS. u-vtvnln uni Pm-nnnn cm. 4.. ARM EN 1A] Cray`: ifltnllno ! M rrn.-m:u u(.`l'l`A(II. an 4: }:| aunt at IIIIIIIII ollhd In II. Do: Do. nnguon', April mu, I Toronto LINE OF STEAMIRO `ii-o :::i.n-:i.- . rmu Will w;3nl un. A1` uom-nu. In 3133:. 7: noon . J. IIAIDI. an:-gl In... A MISTAKE IN ILA VIC Turuntu Illll "(don-obu J 7 `lfUI:I|DAY, `I'll E l .\H.'ll'INIllCl( 8'l`I'IAM]_ERS V EA ovary TUB !. lhIlIlon-- FoI='_`ALt-:. znuv um'rAul. hr` :0 I`:-I not 0. -nun soul y r. r. m:uv'mu . Inn; and I . [hot lulnhu ud Woodnhotl, II Ilul Mr luruoo. Wollnul Cm- L nlulurdor. hunch: In lay` A___TII `CU BEA -Icy: | 1)R0l'IlD, Ll`l"l'l.|". mm npnnfiuu hr woo. mu nu--mvruou v. wuuva Pnnhd luau. H. HINDIY. Johnna u Thurnd n y: I, Frhhyn Xjv UV.` lwwvyruun, HUI .- ohu vuwuuuadco continua. fb dtunounou Inunbu nth Ij I lnlnnuu UUIIO IOI|l'D- IX:-vi I----ucuwvrjq can; up, than the nhnoulo nu died without apoahiq to 5... Wllothovovonothu Dunno!-cling `oxfhldlt Dr. Innvioi qnhod` nouuivuoco i-V-wiot.I-unusa- ...A.l._ -- `-.lhA..l h. 51.. " OZ-O ~1>--- Tn llvmuuon can - Dr. rnu In no to up that tho uncanny addition at I nod! rod in his caucu- nbluludo ll annual! lluaunu, child dial; on Randy, an 5|. that to H021) Ind ban worth` .-_-- pg: nnnn-n L` nul-n_.-p- nppn. noun has Iul 3:. I.oun.|:Gnu $05k. lrulln I-v nUnr::.`IaI:,#cnuu.to . In nllarlu, 1.... on u oomph: bu-uh- :-uuaunsmuuuu .:.'a".... on work :1 cluwukuop. Q01! |IIj-I III III rivuputlll II Iuolhonlohnot lid untold NhA||IIO|luotoutbugouIlouoI'o hudouoounudunnooolobnudloo In aoat Inuuu. ' HCINJM, ol which WOJIID bu inn pull In e|&._ `I0 - DWI Viva! Ivvrvun vllutull III IIII VIII VI II].-The annual sunny 0! the Klopton Diotrict Inllooour in Unau- qu on the Hm: of lay. -`l`lIo Both cit- onio, oi whoh Ru. W. lmdou in paint, huh lb on tho Ilolld and II. hnlhu had The land in lo! nub- .jAun-n;a _l_.L:,L Annnz... L, L, , Inluolnur, - Prohuiunon in its K|@ton dismal will-In onnlnod no Alngllnngg Ill-`.0 DL...4L ._ nL_ mg. ,.l nujunn -:1-tun wuruu UlI-IIlIIl pill IhoQIoou\|-utchurah on the (Moll II.. 'II.. -......-| _.--.L_- -1 .;- AI.uuIn|u Bu. - The Cruuum. Indtonund Inland Homo: uo pn- pu-iug for the nuumor Iumiau. 'l`I-y will null their former oloru. `rho local It Wuunmun Park Ill] hon nutty-no uddmoml rnonn nished up `out tho coming season. u. Uoo. Raotnllh robuililng tho Moon yacht `Hum. Capo. I. W. Van: in lining ` up the stunt: `loluul Wsndonr oi -7- Wlnnuuu Pnun-ruunn. -Mr. Vonnnr, in luluro, will not publish his prodioa uom In newspaper lnrm, n he nun that tho npmducunu n! than in tho United Hutu noiupapun has In! been unabr- tor}. I"utthornnn, ho mluruu us Ilut I'D wuthot oonupundnnco hu ununu-d mach proportion: that ho cunnut spare ` oithur nine ur Ilnnay uncanny lur nu Iuuhu eonununnco. -/ ." . -- -- 2 - A Oomnn IL 1`! `.--0|` Fru Frau in our nuthom, so. Saying that llulon ol 5 oolond pnllomnn in Ohatlnn intend: trying at the out on- nuinnion fur ontnncu into tho Roynl Iiljury (Fallon. If he nuooond no fool lift in uying that tho young man will not Iuir tho uporienoo oi` \VhiIuhr, the colored cmlut ul than Aauricnu Maln- hry Uullogu. I- .3 V XIIVIIC II-ll `XI UVUIIIII`. I IOU Mtooduloo In good. The dancing III much oljoyod by those present. Whnl III J10 oubjoot ol the moat conW9u&- tion In tho fact. that 3 count `rm . .: I In uldo-I tow" ~ "ow-utuaent. !`|nunu`n A.-mnn.v.- The remen heveevery reeeon to be Ietieed with the leeell. ol the unenbly which they held in the Viemrie Hell lent evening. The -nL__J_-4. -g. _...\.I `IN... .I-.....-.. ...-- I` In wan Islam" (laden In` Cd Menu, remaining and .. try. mantle. to. Ind :04 IoW|Ow [0 Kit c-boa. Will hand! for Input: on In In! Am-Iv |-- I 1`. nuhnaulhopnuhno. lingual. April (LINN. 0lNl`l`m`l.0uI. -7- We hue roooivod ' (mm Mr. George Holnnn n onuloguo of the nlnu-hblo colloction ho oon [or ` ads in another column. Any nun inur- utod any call and no it. Such A unit oollootiun of bird: would he: vnlunbln pououion for my great. inuitution. nnd would nuke the museum ul Quota : CoI- I logo, for innnnoo, vary utuotiw. I -..~..-3-o _._. ` _ .q-v- A .__ Blnuouun.--Mr. J. W. Hongough, (I: up`: onrtmmint, irrivad hare this Illu- noon {rum 'l`or>nlu. We hope hu lac- luro thin owning will be well iltcndod. It will mcril [om] support, And to pro- nilo that it will ,utinl'y. A number ol local churnmon will but intmduood by mum ol the onyun nlrotchu during tho Iooturo. - cox -- Tm: Mmmnm l u|.I<-u.-'l`ho rumour that the mounted police hml I culliuipn with the Indians, Ind that twenty-cine n! the former Ind been killed, hu no loun- duion in fuel. Thr statement In: mu- unphed from (muulo the Munlroal Nut. Axum run A MlNls1'lIl. ~Tho Pruby- urinnu at Nuwbunzh hue npplml In the ~ Kiiigltuln Prrlbylory fur the nppolntmnut ul u, Mr. Um-mu-k, ururdnuod minin- lor to eunduct lt`l"Jlc0I at thn village dur- ing the cmnlng uuuuuer. Fill MlmuuI..-'l'ha Do mining Tale- mph Company unal lroo mange: I30- gnrding coiufrihmiunn In tho\ diurouod people of Hull, nianod by the Ihyur or Secretary uf my rplial cnnumivoo. 2 Ir. J. I. IA'l I`1. low: not Adver- llallg Anni. II Purl: low 1 Inc: lulu!- lnp, new hot. I: nntlorlud to conned lot Aqvortlunn III II II4`. "lrlllnl Whig" u out but nun. PARTIES mu Wu: would all on l..l ILILIIIL` .K, at um Dominion Telegraph Ola, Ontario must. baton uohnu choir Tlalon olnowhoro. no be In Anal la the Gun Wuuru ltnllwu, and nun all u chap :0 by my ulnar main to laugh rd I" DNIIO `taut. ?1iU'Ii2iDA{ xv:-zumu, mai. 2%.?" r- . I __ _(`)`_l_"_\h'l;`L1_,-KNOWN wen. mm. 'MIilI&6i.Ul'; Pnrquio.-In-. 354'. Hub m clued In Dru: Umln uul Blleoly. Plan It Woo-1'1. jcnnvou smcngsl kmrklcnnllnu. ull of happy Uh o("f`ri an an Inuua I ' '7:I..'r'...:.'. .1,Lnuu u."".L1'.`uu$:."a' an Iunauuly llhutnud ylth ' Ianmauanl OPERA HOUSE, f ruunmv, Ann. man. I "III \ _Apdl I7. .4 -._..._- _r [|;U`MOR andFUN.;' GARICATUBIST 1 I'1:u*I'i`4 orolciu. Dru: Llml. I Wool ; 7. 1-an mnrr'.usu: n.a.,-I-vwulpunulu not lull tfltuclulnndo hath can dmalutly hllhl. Tbhtlhlt pohluu nvuIuIdb&u 0O9i----- A Lil! 000;?-anon` -- Isaac lion I hrgul. QM mflcn hold our oppunnd. you today. A not khplo Iul I yuan! Inumuct no placed today umhm g `louunvool Ilonlhubnuoud upon uuopmlovn. has natal to Iovonl omen VIII hon uunhlcd 00` I50] III ul Ilium; ' 5.. an. ..._.. ..4 -n .;- .___x, , Dnnnnu I`! noun. --1`uo diunu Inc Chicago In Houston], us the We] nd and St. Lawrence canola. in LR! silo; the -Intueo Iron clung to In York. via [hide and the ln'o 0ud.hl,ll9uDu, or I50 am: in iuordlblunotnumu gain 0! 7| ingots hvw onto luau! roam, IL. H-4 - IL; --K. _--I A. -L_..-__.n :0: my dun who: can u and. -:..._...-og__...__._ la. nun. .IwIu-vu vuqvvuuu DU City IJIIIII -~lnrulnou to the you Kaolin`: In-cl cold in thin any :0 30. uonnlly can 01. .--~--goo -.3 II IIVIIV UI I-I GUI Q` 'l`hoMuoulhoIrio0oul In donned -I.._a ah... J-.. _L-.. -n_._ ., , n F lion Gnu Wolln.~ Three nmro ol the standard notion o! I. K Funk & (30,, 10 Day tnol, Nov York, hue appur- od. Tiny contain Rankin`: "lunar: In Wotiuan," and 'TnIyIou'u "ldyla 0! in King." Th lotion III full ol quaint Iuiliniul the On all such ol unri- non. Th ,6 in am ooriu no Ioulod, the pop tnd pron cork an pod, avoid- ing Ihu auunuon omoction to dlup booh Ln-oh-Inna: In (L. Anna u..-L;--- ` I` was a s Fur... u gm: n..'.'... `ml; h Ion man. 7