Daily British Whig (1850), 10 May 1880, p. 3

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Uu Dtlughl and in quulithoto mil nur Uuutomon. Nothing like It tough I`nrn lilumi. IIIIIUI In -uuuu-.. luv ... lill in the inalum: --I` otruiaviit lino: mud cllrvcn wilhnut llw uu]'ul iuulrmmml`. of my liind. There nus mnlli.-nu nf any; I Irljunlina thus line: And canon In-r llm pilrpnla uni glvillg i-fl}-vll, an-l Um Romulu- on know lluw In nlm Hm yunll-.5 lmw M ' nmlio than linen and curvu to rnpra~m~nt certain nhj-sch. The rllnylul than an- toroul in duuil an In the nnnnur in which ho would lunch a clunn attain the grantee! progrou and utiuhciiun. Thll pan nl the piper wu pro!-nuly ll- luututod, and in 1 style which united the cnmplimnnuof the Aulncinlion. The nungeuionl were exceedingly pijnunonl and to the point, nnd cure, thorofme, the more uppracillod. In cnncliuinn Mr. Moan ronnrlwl that tho nuhp-rt of drawing onllod lor thn uctivo en-nporuinn and uympuhy of the (unborn. If thc ndumtorn at tho land cry Dunn Vlllh An," down it will mural] go. Mr. Hummerhy (Mndel Schnnl) .~.nrn~ mentud up:-n whet ll celled the ecience of common thinge, end is popularly lmnwn unbieot leeeone. He held tliet in ell unl leeeuiil the lmowledgo ecquired eliuiild he directed to precticel piirpoeee. Ediicetinn Ill ept to become ton lerliicel il the tenchur his not continiielly on his gunnl. The children were given much knowledge, but ton nlten little Iriedoln. Teecheie [eve ebetrect priiiciplel, hut very --lten they gave no direcrnne en ti: their epplicetirin. The echoul ceiiii--t he cvinverted intu e Iorhhop, but the pupil an be given u much prnc'.ic.l inlurmr tion ee pneeible. Thine the cliilil ee- eucietee ebeti-eat prinsiplee nl ecience with the common elin 0! every dey lilo, end fume illuetretione nl them in olijecte the mnet unlikely. the iutereet in continually kept up, end when he leuu It`l|00l end entere upon the battle it lile, ineteed ail performing hie work blindly end in virtue inenly ul tmitetioii. He doee it with the intelligence 0! e men ivhn liee tried the reelitiee nl lite which eebeiet hetiveeii theory end prectioe. ll leeeom of tlne kind were more cneunnn he wee eetinetl that they would lieeuli tn the greeteet heeetlte. The beluioeol the peper wee dacnptive ol the manner it! `teaching eenein eiilijeete. hie reniei-he being beeed upon hie experience, which ie the beet guide if prnperly telien ed- ventege 00. an A Li: ,, _1- ,___,n stone`: literary work no In-gun nun - `Nu u nun, uuvl uvuu; In; "I nut in 5 nunppor pu-qnph the other In; not lnlfd 3000oIolhld Ind boon uhd his opinion cl Ir. 0|ui|tono'o vmlingu. Ilia Lordohlp nplid list while In tad and linked to H7. Glllnlonfl opudn with delight, In could not and In writing, u bin nllolnl nu Involv- M and mu chum." It. Kolnrlnr ulcnl no panoul ariuhau o! It. Glad- II v--...,,.._r___ _ __' __ __ ..... up` phoojnu I071: utooludhn. `I505 'dI|Oy|ntopl00Q4Il|!IC lfllu at tho mun pQNINIMQ_dIol tho out.` (ll `Wan `mu ' I, . " 3` I Kiapma public 0-inch ly IVIf- l mpallnducoluth nap pu-d nu` `at fhttbnnu Band in chi sh` Guy Oocuil loo O$.7|0 taking the no Ulnq cutting alpaca ul the nine oily. 'I`IoKlnpII-on Bond . and In IILMO, copy the cutting or I plhioloorouboolmcll the to pay: dohuuun tn bclllhg pnrp-no, ad yd ioninpmylobn Kingston who an bull to `rumble. 5 II I.ll QWIII Ill IIIU yuan-uau -nu-an-cu. --- , ' papor nu wall voritlan. lllnatratium gore given in a rnannar which can Moll hour I proud [roan no at Moon : undoubted I al>ility.tor ho ia nut only capable M l ahtohinu wall but of eabraaailig liia opinion: in ratliar aoloot language. `I'M- , artiat pIintod out that forlorn lieoauio illualriona in art. lint many nulnl and iiialrnctivvp. and the loop lor ariiata ia ti-dav Ildtf than it haa our hun. People nonorally tiara vary abaurd idea in regard to_ tho utility of drawing, Link" in aa they do upon it as an uoounipliah- maul t-- has cultivated by than of slogan} laiauro. While to Inch drawnw may bla useful in a nieana uf diapi-lliiuz idlonoaa, it ll ol importaneo In ponplo who have to cam their daily bread. Scarmily a India can he mentioned in which a knowledge (If it will nnt pron bonoticia|,ani| itia just ` an ouential that mombera of tho prolon- tiona have I luioulodgo all the aama art. some pqoplo imagine tlint phutlvgrlphya baa Iinllitiod tho utility ul drawing. This war I mistaken idea. Photography can nnvur I-ntor the domain of art. It In 11000181!` to he that everlasting alavn of vhaniiatry, and in inapirntionr (lupend. anlaly upon the alato of tho vwalliur. When it iloea its that it must beg itaanft liniah from tho artniI'n hand. It waa imagined by Inrniy that the intrmlm-Ii--n ol the coloured chroma would give the death blow to art. Thin ia auuthar er- rur. The chaap chi`-nun lmprnvea than public luam. and boaidaa it adda la the alt nlkwravoiiuir, ainsa lmlora there can he a clirmnn thern inn-it lie I painting trum which tn print. In iinparling tho rurli mom: of drawing to pllflli tho tenclinra lay thn loiindatiun of an am-nmplirlimant that may have a marked nllact np_un the other lives of aomo of the I'nrnu~r. The atndy at Iho nntaat alumanda iuuth-ul, and the pupil lliua ploaaanlly iulliir-m'uil gradually l)(`f`HlIl(`l morn careful In Ilia general coiiduot. The quest: -n H, How can it but Inn taught l It ll nut mum-auary that I tuacher ahonlvl bu in aunt in ni- atruct in ll l\\lI\.(. l`ho rmlivnent: mn- _.-. 2,. .i,._ ....|....`. .i` -..-..;.i.i lino: ....t ' Our Auooiuiou reports! lwl A Mac ounuplion ol tho um-anon made by Mr. |lcl`u-Inc to maiden : ultimo. What no doubt and n (ma Friday afternoon) -.... HI -._.I in n gnnnngngn -.---.-.1. Tho Auoelulon adjoin:-nod at n lun- hour. Tho election ol uloou will uut uh place until the non muting. n,, p_,.,:_.:,__ _.,-_.__ 1,: a a uuulll vluw IVVIII: lul- pnhlia I baton Iclmmm | Al the clan ol the dincnniion I Mr. ` Kidd : pop; on spatial mwhucln, Mr. H. A. Nichollon doliutotl tn Idduu on ' Illmnonou. duo:-ipuvo M Ma nuance ol mounorizing tho names ul plscu Ind thing: by initial lonun And hpruoutw Iiv`o wunln. -Ho gun Ilmy onmplen on the lnnckbmrd in uuppori at hi: thooyy. A-.__,. ,... ..w._._... __.r,-_ , _ I At the coumouoolnont ol the |(lOtI;0on union Mr. A. W. Moon toad ll excel- Iont. any 0n the but uuhnod of [unh- ing having an the public school; Tho nun. -.. -.ll an-itun Illnnlrnliunl I070 Golden Lion Grocery I .__. On Sum-hy doing the Tension" lotitnto cone to ,u aunduuuu, the fir`! nulq up also whole hula; nun nddurl hum I A liukuvupvho:-Ilyld he nut all .1--- .-.._. --_.'a- ..L..| _.As..... II\.-i 'tu'Ih:I8' mwumos. .3Iu'r1sH warn. MONDAY, MAY 10,1850, `A Mllll (WIPII. vn--a v---.. JOIJIIIIIY . I -Qoobu no lon M M II uouulnu Intro. `-1 Allnpnrhmtunnnl dopucuouldt: to nab Amnm bitch. nu : mlmwalwwnvdmy ch lII.D.O.l0f ul Auhvy ht Q-oohn. and by the Anti- ' ml mm luouaurnvhcn. into the amt Dachau Input. .'l'lm uddut duty which the yuung man of Kingston l.n\u performed fur your: :11: that of yesterday - oumnntuuu I Hm dun tlm tannin: 01 their much lunautod cumpnuiun. than [its Aloundar I"-nirnuor. Rt.-.Ium~Iy Inn 6 larger nuornhlnga ulrlhut ulaux-fmlv;-am buun not-n hare, |nl cer- tainly never a more mouruful (me. Every handy oumadjo [ml the dopruuian M the nmldfen nml ud remunl ut A young man an In-nlthlul, native and pr--mining. Tho reruo--I ll tho hvmu, coudm-mod hy the Row. P. ncomg, ol 0|uluurI' (`-nnrnh, were deeply oictmn. The pr:-ouunn moved to Primou Itreot. by may at liar rio |t:ut,u-ad ovary where ulumz the route worn IUCII on-tdoneu 0! the pnhlin nym- palhy. AI. (`aurnqui Cemetury the I.-uly, lhlll two day: before hul hunt: the em- bodlmant of lilo and health, was put tu rent for nnr-n oilonl but u lurclhlo I urrnnn to the ynnng n In our punch- ed. ltcnunutho pun-ihlc llnt. Itindor` words Ioro over npv-Lon than than which urn univuruy [mu-I upon the levell- adyeatordny Ho Ind Inn the regard` of tho :I.i uul the Attach--m -f Iha young. Every om! hud mm: kindly um mu-om- at his Ir mclnlp, that mnvor Vafytllg uouciuinn, ulwnyl lush nu-I green. Tho wumut oylnpnthy n M` tor hu lumly, whu no uhockevl hey and dncnptuun by no Iou ul a tu Hlul Inn band, um Illd bruther. Thu tolonnphtc sceounv. In wrong in uno putioul|r-tho fun: In cut off, nut the whale Iug-un ingury nut mllimut ol itself In lull. Death ruultod from tho Ihook nunmnod, the pctuont being oonnuouu alturtho accident. Ono cur puuul nfoly our him. and hud hu lnm uill on thottrnck for I few locnndl |um(r would have uclpud. Hut. presence a! mind in such on nocidont in not pnunblo. ---~- ooo-7-? ' Z $I%I II I-IIw'IUU ' '1' anal '3` Banana Ibll uebngo qnmu on tho mu pmiiun, ndor oc- `nuo-onuuo be lulled. Ouolou `l mu. MI-oonnudoudolcon and gnnol'B'Iukry,~|ououpbGool ;....'-~ *::-..~:-.-- ......'- ~ 2'.--.~. *-~ ' . Inn 00 ' . I Oubuount pol Ila non mm. The Bruchvnlle M-miloi having rhel~ longed the Genenrque lhpm tn 'ainlnrm- etmu ee tn the eueteuee 0! sub rnle end tern:-rien neer Lyndhuret, in the Adjourn- in c pump, the letter peper puts forth the etemneuoe o! No prominent Megiunlee who live on the spot One ul than wrilee Ihet meny people no in her M I tngedy reeembling the Biddulph nnuder; end the other aye In: it in nu nee mu- ing wurenle uul there enin-I certem pen-wee, u the Cuneublae ere elreid lo we. A Illll oornpleined the! e huree In been etolea from him, end, no he would gel no onneuble there to lake the rue in hand, he use to eaeuoque to lay Ine information. The pepere were pn- poved by the l'ulice Megietnte lhete, but the village eoeetehlee rclneed no em Ihe Ummty Oounul relnunq to pep hr each eerviees The runpmeem, one Geese, en than left entirely without re- dnu, and alter uehiee tbh complaint he In eel upon and pound-d" to bully tho hie injmiee any prove local. Chou In Me eonlned eqelneo Ne em e en up- ,,_ _ ._ .1 L:- --- |....... -- _-_.. I `III Drama Home on la lune Won, y t`(Il.0lIL MICE. lu- Auly nan door. II IIUW Iullnvu U.-uuuu nun sun I: an Ivy- pu room at his own houo. no parent: ubnfnllnnd was to M: 010090 04000 when launu it do to protect his amn- ' Qlliudng with Idle punks. `Truly laid: to in I happy gnu, no Ian tau 37 (inch mum Quinlan no [alluring avian tupuung 14. .L.__. .1 -_lA-gI- do about 0! Bottom: I I u- ...n om n.n..a.. "g IN|.OUIIO$II'IU`I' FINN]. I Outage! upon shun. ` [Joutuuuu Ooloul lulu tall hoops Ir spew ol Mulmy lot Ibo homm cl .Qubu long In In In unload thorn. I Allnnnnamotnnud dounnnulddm hurls oi the people at large. The funeral ubarquin were oulohuta ml in tho Chapel 0! Our lady of Pay, I":- Ihur Hugul, I`. I`. u! St. Ann`: Chutcln, ollioinung. The large number pruunt, tmnpnuul of clergyman, pnpnln M St. Ann`: nnhnuls um] diutinnuuhnd ciliz -nu. bemdvu the member: of the Iumily 1-! de- couad. ware vinihly ntfoclatl dllrmg the ~ Ierm-e, tho Innurnlpl attain: of the IlII-l- lunry chant rumiudmg lhem that aim wlxnm Ihoy hid up long knnvm and oharnahml mu uulm)-I I--gt In th.-nu` I-r In lillot ll. FIIIIII. no author: Hupononuol St. A-r : lonnlo sch-mlu. and Dr. Routo._ Into oi |lo|uul-n Junlly no kulllah in In dovolcdnou lo ' tho man of Sr. Pnlrbk than in in du- my to in pumnyhlo tradition: And Ion moouuiry. Bomin Kingston, utuin, I826. Sh-0081. Ind. 33 the mm at ` hot lunonu-d death. Ind unwind` hot` i any-am. you. tbiny-fro of than wow I Iponl. II the rloinor. But so no not to 1 nndorqund by the arm oloiou-r that me N tnbjnctul um notice pnuod~.|ur lnlotimo I in tho nelnaiu oxnrdu ol prints down 4 tionl 0! in ulnllly nothing out hour ago ` ulnlimr. On tho ouututy hot`: III 1 null uulul and instructive nor, Ihounndu now living, and an many mun when urghly pnlgrimngo in undod, hu- ing manually and wmglly oenutiuul by hot culmroduuining HM ounplo. In- and muplunin ind unluuu were the 1 n-piutium of not piety that an: In never ttuly happy oxcept when |.i\'|~'.y ongagrd n pionur ul rvliuinun due..- tiun, wholhor It home or nhrund. It in than that the III found nu iltdrfuliglbln miuionnry, thou lnbori extended [mm the about of the St. Luvroncetn the purine lauds ol Inn Wumorn Ssnlu. Bot- ` lhiar,ChuIollutown(P.E I ), CnIlIhrHutI- p -It (V||unchu|ottl). Nnucnllo (Nun Urumnvioi)_ And Knnlnkeo (lllumna). worn Iuocnuivdy nude tho lhulres uf her uunium in the cnuno nf learning Ind rrlngst-n, Ind in ouch of those wide-ly ne- pnmted miuiunnry held: did nus goud meal Hut the Icnuorrd nbundnnlly mu! ` tiply, whiia the memory ul hur (`hrinluu vitluan lmnnl In nbulmg place an the hearts of the poupln at Inge. Th tuuarnl nbaeuuica On Wotlnnuluy, the Run April, in marred all llml III at-tul of Satan t. lfmolnn. moo at IN: worthy dnughun ul ! um Vonot bk _l.,um Bourgeois. tho ` nlluutiuu an ol the order ofCou- gnponsl Nuuol Ilonuul. The du- cuood Indy bdoucod to the Iago family In: link: 80.. Ii`:-main. 0| 'Q|OOllOd I . 931'" `ID IIVIIAL of A l'I\'0I I| IV`- E -4- MIILI n I-Ilnlful, W . - - , In! ..un.`d all that in mutual of at 8:. M:-rr ]q[\ 0Ill, In-ire nm~urel_\' Thn-' this wurl-I ui vim. `Tin but her clay}: bofnro In Her u lrit. hrighll far \In, 8031 live: Anal :10] I the chums (W Ho|\`an'n Mn-at chnll lhm n ' - Mmafrm! I`u.vI. 1 I00 -I . J I VH5.` rupwl _v It-. I. l.}mn-. nu-. I --uoon|u lot :3 Au Lix ins, hr.-r mule nnnhmun Wu. that her mortal Iniuin \\'nnlr| and In the lmiliun \\'nu|d rod in we Uf lilo hayoml the Ikic-so ' An-I hand her pray or an, uman, Fur few lure put. nmrr purely - nuvum. v~ournl_\' Was, nmrlal Inn--un and the (If his bavoml ukivm - But why nhnulal wu- lulu-I|l|1~-I ' -`ha-'3 our to Him Ivhn soul hm 'l`n Hm: who newt In:-QM hm` For I-Arth'u unh-y ;--ya ! her mule nnnhlti--n Wu. Inivai-m > --.--7- vvv...._-. 1|. Urn: llll `lronblu, n`!' ..j "I" .QOl'lOI- swfru st. midi.` `I he |.Inl. Illlvu, On Saturday normng Michel Hams nu lmlnrn the Acting I`--lone Mugiurnto. olurgml umh In-cony, uuulung Ihn pulicu, nml drunkonmu. Ho In ned I6 and mu: hr the tin mm And then culnmmod for trial In! tho other and more action: Mince. Ho Ind only boon Iodgod in thin 0.umIy lhnl ubonl an hour vhonv in nu docilod In u-ugn Mn bo- lon the onuuty .lnd,v, nnd ursiqnod M II! at-conlmgly. Ho plntlod guilty to the three count! In the iudlolnont, And III In! nah unloncod In ihroo south` lmptioomnom, lb: period: to run concur. ronlly. Ho Ill than unruly puniulwl in How u! hi: pruimn ha-I rooor-J, and In tank the and u grnoolnlly n I cmuinnl nl Inn nputalinn. It cannot Injnn the could um M u nnul dub whilo II the United Blunt In In a mo- ounlnl olonmt ol impurity, and lodpd (or a Mile in 5 Elana prioon-u last the lnuung nlohlu M Ito any any no, and J! glue omonoul lo and man why lhoy uro- not unpecton ol tho tmlh. -----_. -..._.. -.-. a nu lnluuv I , Inc. an nun n no . Sun. -039 you lqlvrn In Iholhu I! in |.,g| uf mhuruuu lur more-hnnu on lirock And Priuous Sunk to nbumot the link- Inlh mus gnu ugly stunt, ohm no onhnoibly mod 1-: the purpose M an- ohunug In-Ivy lotus. has IHOII my load In the dul--onion 0! Some one`: null Now, sir, II E; not long oiloo I III bim- od to runnu I hitching post ban: (on I no inlovId)h in Curb; In -In and mold not In Iollnlod. In a vandal I Ion o-luuu In any nlpoot than no ungainly unuo I Dad the palm um upon opium thou. and uh nu Iholn bnouu nut 04 an Wain bnmu one than` no: can Mdotuua cl lulu -uvw, -v~. F \W;I-|Ic.II.Q-IV-II. Young A 110' Vnnnh LIMIO. `ht II $90 . In my I TIIOI quuuun on museum- to an anuddurntiou ul the nuthunmu. I old that than uhouuuiou an uncut- ory. no I may cod mph, utuhd huh dvlonll, would and 00 pl Inc which is in and they no dud . Yuan. oi Bolurdaylut - ~,_ ' hm no, mined. in uuouunu of may ulohnud union that an anal Monro. 0. ll. Weber & 041'; upright pnnno. Thoir exulleqgg mumuin (ha PONIIIII boll Iih qlulily ol u treble, tugothor with an unualpl Igtll of vi- : bnlfwn. Tho middle sad but that input u pour ul tom which on- r nblu I|.u pinnilt to untidy ovtty funny 01 - his iunamnuun. Tho ncgiou (nvbilc it is >- 0! any touch) responds in lho' pmnpton P I Innnor In any and out] doluuad of the lingers. _\\'o unhodhtingly pronounce thou pilnua u prodnuiouu 0! (not pro- yr?! in the um qt ,pi|nu-making in L`:- HI 5." *. , .-,.._..,._. -..._._ oroonn maa Inna v who u bounce on: tho: on ma Aidonuun use oily l Thou quail-an an annual- nd In [ha mmnidnnlion nl lln Maliunfln. nan-v ryvun. nu. - nu , .. \ hr-cl hfu nu Kingulun, In-ing up.-cled horn lhil uummn. .\u mnmunl limo olcpul vmlmut new: from Inm, uud the anxious ups-ll III brc-Inn by u_1-Mar mm-wed this morning, announc- ing his 1`-`Uh, n! which his relnlivrn hero |_ul II I Hm uhghleuv. pgomnnill-m. In line Inn:-I no ulull lull nnd hrnthey thny rrvaivu nn mammal Iympalhy. n A IL. .I .......n 5...: Alvin mm. n.....u. uus IHIIPI I-I nu sun can -nu. ...u...-, Tina d.ce.a|md lint :lllIO- Intu pvunun new. with the lruh Ru-liol ulnulfl ulinn of I548. Hm shun of the work wn ac- cnupliahul wilh l|H`h hat and skill that hi: HID] Lyunam in -that nhlic Ivrvzcu unwn full-M-ul. Ila rwoived lm lint . .n... I `VI I"IIl'W"`|- lln luslulvtu IIII "III- army mmminiun In Hcyubar, I856` III survive in many pnrllnl tho wurld. We can recall his app!-inlun-M n Auntom Buperlnleluhun ul Stores 1! Unornuy in 387i; and HI hm prnnmu-m to be Dopuly Cumnuulry Horns] m China with rank of Liuuumnnt C -|~-no]. In I877. Whilo in the limpinu M II Sun, ho -uupuilh mulul Iho eroonun of tuna ll 0 critical purlml v\i'h an I|'i`', 'M l`I"0d hitch - irinl rm unnmmiumn In I gem-rnl order. There h-an lwen Inn In uho lmpennl nnh gu4)nd oicer, and to the public I Iholo To Nu Ilddlut 0] la itu Wing. Cu. 151 -.. l-I._-_ _- -L.AIu ..-,.,., ` ,..V an -of the po.Ip|~- In I -uml am uvhu In tho liven .\lr. Munro lore fr `In ('lIIuI;` In Japan Iuinun--n. I-~n tho u to Io-llllll tn Englnnd am\|.'u wnh n guud 1- nu]-I--Int! hll harm uf hm-v rp-`III. Ihu q-'3' Kingulun I-...u u.....u., an... n. ...- '.......- _ ....,._ In-uIuJ ,u-nllemnn I! u 1 ungulnr cuincldouco Hut lhu Illa Hllsllrgelvn Oprht und Oulon-I M- on who hath tannin {rum long Elg- Iiuln nu | Iel VIC:9 Hm Iunuuer And Iolllu m Kumuu-n, and both dlml within I hm duyl ul Irlhrr. upun tho Ihruh- hold 4-! their llln of mu .l";rnt l)i\~inon-- Elinheth Homttidue, Fllilnie "Aide", A-`neg Lyon, Hem; Gon- uully, Hanh Cr--ft, Mica Hons!-tiduu. So-nnnd Dnvmnu--'Sar|h McConnell. Ila no-loll cw-Inmoonn cl Ila 000 (HO Wnlonliul than do. list pt - ulna. human: in . an pr:-nu-on our I-oh: Ila!) Pm, (Dunno Q. _ApMl\'\-CL. cg _ 'l)l1`AI'nID wn-ml. Ind at I luau at want an hi I; r. wan. .` oollu M Inc Mr gruusgolud ' as him clan IMO! hands In . " " ' I anon John: hint. l`-I. AALL II. i`u-.ln_v ; phvmk In given tn I King- n m fnmniy by n rs;---rl oi the lath 0| 1.`. (`ul Jnnw: !\l--ura. Deputy "u-Inmin ury Hm-oral III (`lulu fur um lmpornl (`untr--| ll-5-nrtununl, Ha wili he re- nuunlmrud III Kim-_ulm| u the manual, gen tloumuly up My Auishnt Uvmminnry H.-nu-rnl II| c|ur;,-o of local INIPOI nlmnl twnlw yanrs nu-. llnrlng hm roaidonae hero Im xrn umlvnml In Mm! Thihnd, . . . u . m. ,,_ g .|A,_ Kim-_ c|ur;,u my -. umrn dlulghlcsr hgppy mu; ... ..i ll. uully, Harm Ur--H, Mica l1InItl'IdIl0'- McConnell, Mary J. Dlrnuh. Qlnrguet J. Mcwnll-n llulen Wiolollt, Ghrinlonl Bummer, Mn- be-I Arthur: 'l`|.:-A h . _\l'... k..nnn.Iv Juan: In-I Arlhura. Third Division ~ '11:. Ix-nu y, Jamm I-`Ioher, Murgnml Mcwnlor. Mnbal Mm-m-y. Ambrolu Pnymn, Laura Bniulon. Fnnnh Dixiu-m -- Lilv Lvun. DI-I ! Mm-m-y. Ambrnu hymn, Lnun unmn. Fmmh llixiaum Lily Lynn. Dun Mi-la,` Funciu Evuul, U00. Little. Funk .-in Nwh--I-nu. Churlu Lmduy. Fmh Divininn -Mnry Mcuniw. Maud. \'-tnrder, Mnry Fnrnyna, Luly Fzlher, Elia \ Fmnyvhe, Alice Fuhc-r.;\lu Milne. Rum Du-umn-Nail Il.:C:niu. Chu- I`l|l.| M-uyvhe, Alma rum-I'.;\Iux. lvumo. Smh Du-man-Noil IL.-Cnniu, lulla Hnrtrick, Iuholla Conwry, Chn. linker. June: Payne, Robert fhlienpio. Suwnth Dnui-m~ Andra! Eulla, AI- frul Wnus. Alu. Mllla. Fran-k Milne, Jungiu (`ran-I.-I-I, \\'m W|lhnrIL EIg_|Il1|[)ivirinn -Vmcunt Lynn, Jun. l"ura_vIlu-, Wm Smith. I):-rn lhruick, I-`rmlerick Vnnnl:-r, Rnymon-I Yuri):- dur, .1\'ld l'nrh-r. QC- ' -- - . I Pool Kauhuun, ofmelnlb. like-. roughly icmmpliahod musician u! put dlpotionco uith innlruunItb,l_r'IhI I9 Chi Bmckvillo ISM-rdn , on bin iuuiul IMO! Run an. indeed. u `XV , HQ 5. u`J1 I . lull ..unujnm1jI_I fol nu: tu. 01.1 I wanna rtln. ` n:`.:mgovo"'. A '::: ll 9-um ll . Pants 1- . I lay u uobh um Howl Nu-0 Alan-Sunni Maura nu Hay NM, Mm, -.-u I III!-DITA 0 IUOIF. * "' ` `:.`.| . nun. lha jun. hum. In D- '00 I N93`! I H 3: 3 un- _v, -tuulllluhdul ion __n.n. .- ..__ ...__. -..._. _ l'0I1'I0lJ`l'Il SCIIOOI -->--009 ,- lh-uh ct loloun-I oor. vurnun-Inunu nu nu-nu -- -v, `r I1 MI. A. 'l'hib|0.4I' IIMI HIP ..u"|n In-I (no he.x\r'y .;u M with the -:1 Kingston, which n h-xppieu of mum-d Ir. Iucmnly nnudu n trip nuqlm on an iunpurlllat I moluu m he Inenm u and retire [mm the guild ulluwmcag. hnviug :1 I-uy. Horn: In .-nl.I|n.1.-nt'y manllu uf his re-' Yes nil unusual ia.}7}i{ m"m.c.-i. an-mu. xotlifr. `n... Inn nan Q III no mnuluo apply tn lit. -1.1 '9'". . .._..._ In. and l_ Itnlirlnl. ..-_._.. " *` ~0.0-~~-.. Mu Orulnln. I and fvopcllul u 5e,.:.~vrx.... AI ml P: ohl I"!!! 1. :l|lgl.l`l't)l-llMn IIOIII, IQ Ion. Im Wm 0' not mi) of 1"I-use and supporter! on 1 obpld In In uni, Uuuluul nu unnulrgoln Ill Jun W-l.ll.dcln Oh Ilihhbqou bold. llsvhglodlyuvdvxpuuonlohn uuoounuwdhhuulu. Oonlnllll. ' am no. Inn. A New Estahllshiien In--oz u.vV. Zotonnus. ` or Amos, omm oo., 241., WILL AGAIN VIII? AI POLIDWI Kll0I1'0l-llM lull. U Il, MCI and IIII. II I "qua -y ' mum at :3 nuhlub ' uuhauunh unoroluvlur. I50 0* `TERMS UF SALl-I ROI| T CASH. AND 'NI.l`! I SPECIAL BARGAINS IN TWEEDSj' 0ODozen New Kid Gloves, itra cheap, All New and Desirable Shades. At such Price: as will oubk him to elect I Spud] lulu, and u then on may very duinblo utlclu qullo new in Rock an only Inspection is Invited. R + AT cLE4*R_;NG SALE. For the Next Two Months O'er his Entire Stock IIIXNIADI IUII ruuuuuuu. 1 Into! Iql. Out but In Inn.` [nu Mon. WILYII C WIIHIIT. I-I hi, I`. sfkndid Bargains in __a_|l_ Kinds of am. our M2 suit all Wool Indo to order. our M5 Sun. In Scotch Twoeds nukes the load I 1 the city. We Guarantee First class Wnrkmansllip and a Bond Fit. n o_-: All Kinds ol Dnuod nnd Rough Luntm, um Tunber. l.1'lI. 'l`--union an Inn and thno III III, snot Com flroun fun. Pnurud (Imqu. I :-ooonod Clmcuhlo. Hhok (`urnm Jolly, u-.I n...-nan Jolly I- -T W I-- :-----_.._` __ ` Igllhqelrel to` Order In first -I`|:\.IA!l Style. ona6o`aaooeo'aeooooaoooco..: `.5: ~ : ~...-h-o`c:aoo_;oa:,, "n'IHIH"I WVIUV "ITRPEIFEGY FIT C|IIIIITIII`U H`::oocoooaooaaaaoooaococ":::::\:.oa:;:,a:>=eoo:o: I " WA IIIIIII sun: nu-unu - Iazocceooooooooaoeeoooo< llll an nvojiun an on nun -nu: `uimnr anon`:-Zinur br 0113:: um noon on. owns an an arm nxmarr . A Well Assorted Sock of L_a.ce Curtains , Vary Ohup. the n Good: for Home Cloning `rims. and 1.6 be found at 130 an 132 Princess gt:-oat. oppouito Ozzy Hotel. AIAO-Mill Wood, Loud Murat, Pluter ol Pam. Wmar Lima and Porrnnrl Canon - A! 'rIl_ Ilathbun I-::';nber Yard. W.-vor O Toccata-0. Wuhan Inuluoaulul ..._._ g._..-g n-A Dal`-n-gal 3'3! -:--- EW Pouudonr Dnuooda la all the Luann blmlu` New Plain and I` and Dunn ood: Iron l0r. pu Jud. Now Illnch A 0 nml Brllllonuul Iron I pr ltd. "Nov Colored Cuhmun II Very Low Prlou. ow mu-In (`uh-nor. Unit: at! ool, from Qodper ynrcl. 450 been but Priurr, In Pmnrldolr. L! M, Iedlnn all out hu- oloq II ol prion. New lb Sulllulu lrorn `I0;- on-Ia. _ at turn And HII Puuolo. [And and vllnllnovl, Cheap. luv Iloulory ad (now: In all then lull. lulu; low illt nd Llano llnndhmhlofn L n Collar: nudruln. Macy. Illlk uul T_lu.lAou sad lAooGoodn,l'rillln r In II hon. New Blush Rllk nun! Chenille Frlllgcu at Var` Lou Prioor. uc-an` Mu. Hogan, ud "xlord mum. runglnp non Mm Allo Ill soufr, `Tlu. Born, Collars unfl Cult Cnubn. Merino and I.-ml:-' Wool llonh. 00mm and Iorino llndorolotlalng. A HPECIAI. l.lNI-2 or In! um: LAUII`. CIYITAIIB. 9.`-por oonr, under regular pnou. `00 In Wlnlto Ind Gray (3.-Inch. ollonaf us 500.. ngulnr prime 7. . All Wlmo uul Grey `onou at llunuhu-mrorr` l'rlm Al (aford. Iloguun and I`-unndltu Cotton Bhlniun at but Your: Primn. The above umms All ALI. NEW. -ud wlll ho at-U L`. lX1 RAO|IDlNAllll.l' lmw PRIPES. An lnopamlon ul Stout and Prlou rupoatfullg nollenod. _ ~ IIICIIIY & IIAETI`. Princess Street. We have received another uupply of tho Ibovo Hm-(II, and lhuy are nut and hobby. ! \Wu Ilmuu 0: You; must. 1 In . Prank Alan no I. kl -u-um ho, numb Inland N no. Apply In VIAICII IJTTLR. AIM!" '_ __.___` an n m: `gnu-. nodal II III! ad C \v.w.Iut In-as. III In a- Golden Lion Grocery. ">35C9ODUUFOUvvvv-y---- _ . emu lipoftod mum: Iuuru-.um~n. In actual. In- land all West ol lnzlnml. O. LIVINGCTCDIV.` M ' Th Poo,.|s'a (`Juthing nun-,0 J llruek Nrut. 4 WI Iljiu natal tn H0300! LIIOHOOOI of Ilulvbor Cosh II all tho New (`--Inn. Z1 I~ SEE l%|`NT|Nl.~L RICHMOND 65 BOYDEN. .-\\\'. N'l.'\'(]| l`LU]`H. Dual no. 1:033:30: Ion nmmvcnou. at gun... 1.`... ..-n A... In In.. 1 cloctoootnnoclchcpbyulhdclnufailor. ?l1T=TtTr'fiT Tho But I`:- G OFFICE-loot of Oman Btu-ct, Kluumn. April sow. nssu Lulio-' Two Button Black, C aloud and Evouipg Slndu. Indie! Tbroo Button Black, Uolorod and Evening Stud:-n. L|d|u' Four Button Black, Colored And Evening Shndu. Indus 8:: Button in Inning Bhuln only. Ludm Twu BIINOII Blunt and Dub Catur Drinng Glusen. Homo Drab Ocrmon Cantor Glovu, But Qulllty. Gum` White Gonna Cutot Glenn, Milit-ry, 81.00. 100 doz. India` Two, Thno sod Four Buuon Hull Glovu, Buck ml Co|op.d_ 1 jvnnn--um --nu . May 7. mo. ---1----q--u-5 my um, um %JU ST .[ %+%]%(:`w%I+J}l VELD. 00 The lubncribor, being about to loan Kingston. will BABE. D0035. BLINDS. MOULDINGB. &c-. &c. menu l'I|l'IIl|I ecu , Mod Uurnol Jolly. li.m0Ob0l | y Jolly mu`. rm: jclly. Mnrmsludu, In, M , Io. HIOKEY__ ILETT. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN :.\'l\'lI('l`~i AND SKIIITINH, IV! OFFIRING THIS WEEK uuvv --vs . V... - u- ~...uvu-, un-.3 Au: vm -I. WAl1lDB0.{,W\;'lIuou`u llulullngo. .ll H'l` llE(.`El\'|-.|i l!\ ROCKWELL BROS. `tin qua-o loud. but can DIISI. Input, Maui an. an Younfdmsda, IQIIPO CIUWI U. M -03. um, woarll 31.75. low u'ur"iuI u ao.. -.g... ontggal Hat Item 4 IIOCK nun. I LIA.`- A lull `frown Itlflolt III. rum tun, wonl ll.76. 900 GAR QUY H.M.8. PINLIORI HAT," I `MK Nut Irh-t I C. I nunhol mlr. JC.I`I?.J`s-got Al I00 pencil to do Pslho alum. up : an. ll (Hush; and Ian Fuuuog. . - P-that -u-(noun nuuulud at to lo. Ion-I. Wrhnunhip and Pub- .1rn /4 'IE"`I"" I\ '..l. I \lU A-:1.-cwa, in Q.-can awash-o Iullunl Ion-I. W rl-unomp and r 1+`. 0. MiL0, ' In u...... mun. loll aunobvo Issued In 0, 300. an... GEORGE LAING. Uppalto AINOI Idol. Pnuou Ital. IIAIY PEIFEGY FIT IIIIIAIIIII to :a_oo-a:9coo=oooboo WIIHE SHIRTS, &o.. ctr. . Hbnngler, Fence Pout. Pu.-Iuw J, (MIDI `,l'0 IJIIII. 5 .0! It g Iluol Pr gun 0 E all It! coin to ouodluum N |o1Ilny.|Ih. Al-Inn I. LIIIII. Au .Il.|OIt. -- m I$jI Fund . `CW. ;lvj,;IIII-cu; wd nn'|Mu ms. nun-do-nu . `.-.-u-_..__... __.._ - ?%`T'jA5j Apt---H.190 . Apnl ram. Hum. Goldenbion Grocery PURE LIME JUIIBE. I 3. INIIII X11. UCUIU FUVF` gun on nun: nuns, nuan- nII-. Ilj 71L'(') gar. ":E'c3"i:71_i:Isi3f Thu that and Ohoupuc Sun. TIM "all Ultqid, bafluylr. .I. III. Iutuolc-` Pun-oak: ml :3 Applyulblool V J P \VHER Preserves? ' `Q: -n-n vmmaus. muns| 'I`lm But huh` lluuor. " :='5n_`.1.ss7 Him But Para Cola. The Bat Uhouo. I llF2~l1` III` IVIIIYTIIING, Tho Bu`. nml Fina! Alon. Tho But Ungu Curd Hun, Auuuuunu Cmnuumu. ~1`lno gonllomou comp:-mug the Agricultural Coumiuion Inn euuuuneod llnoir l|boun-Iho cnllocllnn ol nnlurnnmn no Quoting the null. climate. topographical hum-. oultluhlo nu, Anal product; an anal um:-nut Ibo Pmvlncu, Ind the ptnou And mudilion ol hul- ` hodry nu Unurio. ll tho Co-nluoion noun Ibo end at which it All It Illl prloru a moot unolnl unieo _ ,.L.._.....' I. DI. U. II. IVIIIIIFII --nu nun u. - Skin of Eungolinho muting Ill huld In the Y. ll. 0. A, room: In: night. The Attendance In good. Brio! And pointed uklnun nu givon by Mr. E. H Divi- lol. III`. Waldo! and Mr. Macluy. The looting: will be ounlinud uity cumin thin not It eight o'clock. Mr. `Locke! and olhan will speak In-night. -4-_. Cuuuu-'t1`u.|. Hn AnI.-Lntovun. Inn old Indy undo application It the police station lot protection. A: oun- touuy the Banana on duty Inn lo nah nuiuiul coma in u book [or III: pnrpou. Among othu quutiono uhd In "Wlno your I'D I" "Oh Lord I dunno," oh uplio-I. Whilu we won again; out In-um lbs: mild and oomobody Jglpour pnyu book, And I nut hp! mum mar um." ..... V - Ctluunu l'r` - Tho pnlu-o 1-icinlu Inn how imhuclod tn proc--o-I with In Inlpocuuu M the mly, an that all Imi- IIIIOOI --I wlmteu-r kind mny be re- uouul. Thu planning:-I the struts can nail nothing ii the yard: and Iona sud byway: are not nimilnrlv duh with. AI it in: uoocuuy lurk has been tuu lnng delayed. v V_ i V \ -oO>-~- fill! SHOP and In In Insole. 3 (Min. htol nu-u -(db Jana Don Io. gngfy M: M -uni. I `Idle, Idle ton; (.`lu-an sum. S. S. ANruvn~unV.~\'enlard|y Altar noon Ibo Q-mm Slroot Rabbnlh School Anniversary occurred. Asldruuu were doliurod lay It-av. Dr. .|n-hon and RM. Gnlbnich. The nttcnclnncf--I children In good; that at iriumln ol the school but niodonlu. 'I`lm evening the nununl IOOCil'I[ will he held. In woven in it Ilopotl lur. _ cans . uvoltzn Hon-un. -I`. C. liindo. Acting Cy Uuunnuiunor, hu undo an impaction of the nluuhlor bonus 0! tho diurut oily bulohon. He found then goucnlly in I very dirty condmun. In uuly all MOII he ordered thnt the phooo to In olunnd lonhwilh. Ho also visited the strut. cu nhodu and fouml mun In I olunly oooditmn. Thu Supurinlondont prunljtld to have tho ull lled -- onus 7,- N II Ron. Mr. H, Wnkino Inu bums not mad, vlurh Inll he upolltd lot Iain in Ihoul up nooks. through tho woods (mu: the Chnndon nation, K. n nu . .L_ _,___.;__ _,.g .5. III IUOCII lrluu uni uluvuuuuu ucuuu, u. & P RR. tn tho gnnation nth the Fronhnu Raul. It in the mud. uliront and Ihonul rnnto In Ardnci, Plum and Vnnlluclnr. Being noolnninlion toad it In built by the Government, ol which Mr. Wulluu an the uncut, - acu....._. Loan [Dun-nun . "- TM uuptiou that III holdnliip will roeolvo at tho Upon out slab ouumg will hooulliciout to lupus Mn tn do In: pcomou." A [Bird many will laugh at his ouecvminitiu, Mu. Man you, In Inn : ullml it 3 N0. no good numd and sorry h It: yo- mm. to null ho an advantage to go only. uhnmo M nay not no ddnblo Io go at ull. `I lord and um I!- dnd Ilnh Illa-Inou. Thy an Iolaololl I Blair popularity null: -_ -,-:.; _. / - rur- 0u_tmn.*-A Iona tin.-lo ul Manda noun lhu dauiu nl Mn Tnylur, tho lnpoto-.I Ill ol lllo (lavornunonl untu- hoot iupootar. She luul boon oiling fur who Hun uld gradually linking; dull: Glad I lilo Ilucln hul he-a_n happily opom. Mr. Tnylur hn may sympathy. _--- -1- ... Ctun (`o.~mnm.n.-Pmuumuth, ful- ing nvind titles the St. Luurunco cl`. Ulliugo Forwarding (`ompony lm-and Charo, Inn ippuinlod I chief cmuublo. III`. Alenndor Hun-Iy now patrol: Nu vlllqo, with 3 fair nizod lnmn. tut tho lllnlounvo of nrdor mmho pm ol in muons-. Tloinun Inuln Pun -Tbo Put will Ioopouol to vbuun Ipol-IOII lllh. Th sun at nuculmuuh will In !nIJu|y IHI ml Aug! Slut. hit John Iuknld In duloul on Auviluhn In dolinr ubuunupuonmslu any cthu abject. hula; you can M no `on induct with Ila pkutan nl II?! II. Wllllu Tandy. ol Kingston. vlll undid Ibo Inch 0! ch Iouhy School Pulhuult. Anne! 0-. untold by :1- 1.1.1. -..n III. a... A Dhnn (hula.--Ir. Wu. M1055 aulhquo pd. uyud. Inst odor g not nalr ouondod tn the Udhd lulu. II In lately about cbrongl n all ludnl by bin. in ho uuhd Inland. 15-00; In mdbd Inn laden -_ ..A.. In. lug nuts. ..I 5.1- II... I.-- IV ancvdluInpauIol|IIlI(luthuv. alin-spa-no.) houuu can In Nudist: "ugoclohoohhlqiul uhyuqoobucllonllbldl __-_......-......_._| uyllltooo I1 `rbaul Ed has ycuwoyoonqoonollllnuuvbo." Mum:-null I Iltllo, low-JuIn.~ (`luau V Ju.. Ih. I! _ NIIUHII: on gum noun. luau lu- rk and Dlvntno luau lat nodu- nin A ply m Wllllnu Into, INC Qua It . in nu: or n ls. mm. In . IIO. __ .. _. . . H` .. no ;:__-__ -1 ._ .....-.._. ljnlolu. Puun:.- Pouthoro (uh thdnodm cuoiaul by tho N. I . Thu I nlapayon thin your number 1_'.'Bl; Int you` any wan 1,350. Tho inhollihnh nuunhot 331 loan. The 'n|uo ol rul uuulo In dndrncmlod 890930. Nolu-ly -. .. :;_LM n... .....4 llnrutvl VIII-III, nuguu I -10, In lam. nd lb Bur. Ituunu Avuonuumn.---A Epoch! mou- ` lo! {M K510 Rolotni Auodotioll till he bald thin tuning in the Roloun mono. uuuu Uun Block, lacunae- tiou with the than I the law Hon. Goo. Brobn. Thu noting ii o|I|od lur 7:50` o'clock . 0-iniu Baud. Iluu-:1-nut. Ruulnrunm. --To not- mu mp onniution ol euulidnlu lot the nlpiury in connection till: tho`. _I. Ooolonuu wall ommnonu. B. It. lu'r,,B.A , in thohninnun ol the In: . II_.-.4I I!!s2~*:a sutim-: Amuuuwuluum plolll Ihnut uwuonon inning. ' __...o1o"-_..._ li I . VI. u u- Iu uu ..........._.... l_ViIi_tu||v. Ilhbud Gunny (hu- `I~'lC[hl,]0IOI|lI, via Galloway. prono- Y. M. U. A. Mnmau --Tho fun! 1 p m,,._-,|:_;.'_ _--.:_.. _-- I The Mn`. Pumul cl-I Tn, --jojo ---- Idu P. w. 0 R.-To 1.. n..u.uou-I. .._...142...- II. ln.L...l D1.--my (ht!- 'ibi' nvullo. I no. uupiuuuuu-u gun: av". .. Bwimxu tho nmo ropott. ':f:7FIab 310 I I. -Prohu lwnh In brink us--utherly |n westerly winch, cloudy In puny clundy oontmnod hut wulhor tn-day, with nun Inn nnd thunder nlormn, lulloweal hy Bun Ind slightly co--Iar vu-nlhur to-mor- The one of the miirtleruiie elmutinq all the Hon. George Brown by liannatt ie' enotlier pron! of the iiaceeeity uf rigor- ouely eiippreeeing the carrying of deetlly Ieepuiie. pertioulnrly tire-ernie. Thu Blake Act, which et the time wee cerp- ed et by ennie ee tam iniinh of en iiilringr lent of the "liberty at the euhjeci," hee been ebniidently jnetilled by thie lenient- ebleeeee, one niurel lruiii which in thet the let ehuuld he mede even mure Ilfill` ent then i`. ll nuiv, en-I enfcirond hy Ill nuinchinu intlit-tinn __ul ile peneltiee wherever it ll viulete}i`.' Even lhllll nu linrln is intended illll-'l`OIIIll ere olten . oeneed (ruin the cereleee nee hi tire-erme. Only leet week, ricer Meelur-I, e rnmv peny at young men were lunlinp with e revolver when one nl them, thinking the oheiiibere ul the wsepnn were ell clie- cheriieal, painted it et e cnmreda eiirl ehut himileed upon thii epot. Curiniiely enough the neme oi the young men who thne iinintentiurielly lullml hie friend, nee George Brown Withunt uniting tn reehn tliet the ehot wee e leiel nne the dietncled lellnw ilruve e hureo en thet it liee eiiice diul Ill hie ltlotnpl to get medi- oel eeeieterice, end he hee ever einre been rieerlyiiieeiie with vein remuree tn: hie rnhneee. Aecidente like then; ere oolietently ocmiriiug, end they ehmild be rendered nut to ieipoulhle hy severely pnnieliinu with Imprisonment ell whu trie with the live: at nthere by carrying lire~erme, no inetier Iilth how innocent en intention they mey du en. --'|`he oumiluliunn in cunluactiun mm the nc|_Ioul |l_|:;;l|t by tine ('hrinlmn Bu.- than cmnruouoed thu Ihvl`lI0uII. Tho ruulu on intorulmg In many parent! sud lriondn. -Mr. Bunting mun Imus rMsigI|onl hi: out in I'M-Iinmont. Thu Mail prim: Iovornl (lnvornmont uclvurlinmueuln, A thing he and he would not do an lung an In can an M. I`. HIV. -- It in our haocmul u.-ntumpunry who up: I"requ|ncy or pnlmul mum-nu 'I I grant 1.-urn." Uur uiuod Fm-nd would think no i! then Wu 5 d_Iuolutinu damn; tho ptuom. temper of tho pen- ---Thrao young huliol have pronontml Cholulrol It the oumiuulmnn u: an: at the Toronto l'niu~rn|ly. 'l'hnv have Il- rudy passed the nmtriunlnuiuu tau. Tho Bast Hun! ol lflunr, Tho lira! to! Jun will what in am-that aaaaon at thia, tho pmmpal Canadian nu- |aId Iaianug plum, and the expectation on that it mll ha lnvaliar than any that Inn ptacadad it. Thu Bptinp are al- paya a plaaaant plan In vidt, and good oonpany Ia auto in bi Id nhln. The vinaa n! the watun an to II" known, and the ma [or which may an apacis an cannon. that maarn no availing at tho nialortnnna u! lhair (allow new you an like-Iy to be aupplnanta at tho almnool Daladonia Ihanooaading year. Thy will. loo. nut again with other: than ban! only on aopgiinu the pkauua nl Illa plan. 'I`baUmul Hum haa nndarguma a uno- rrmgh ovarlnauliag in preparation for tho aaaaufa lmainaaa. I`ha tnanagemaui In baaa oaanpd, It in axpaenod-M the honor. and with oid upnianoo-I handa as $0 hollows Imhing will In Ian In done he Ila aajuynaat and amnion at B pliant. `I'M utaa Mu haan ann- Ilnol an to bring ulna at-oounnodation Illiu the tango I a vary iuanaaod nua- buolpooph, anlauchaalhat is Iillbo adviaabla luv laundlag viaitora to can aoly appuuauoa and ananaonanta. oopm daily in Ila an at human. Than can ha an doubt at tho aanhta no will last than Illa IUIIOI. `I'M Caledonia nun luau bag but lanoua In ltd: oaty to blood, aha. nriaary aaubp, lltillaual and dyapopua. . --coo-- ~ .. ,`....---... ..... ..... ........ -14.01`: Ion, Vummr prenlirhul a mid May hr this motion; Thurufnra nu are lmnugn rbd hut mm. Yenlurdny wu Ink: 1 lap iuln midnmuuwr. .. .. . .... . p .. n -.--- .. ._.., .... ._.._. ,.____,,,_ .--Tho Muntratl Cullferennn of lhu t`. M. Church npam on the mm M Juno l Stmuud, Que. l.`lu mum-1 upromp tntivu mom on the llh inst. -0-0 - I. I. ColnlllrI.-0n mudoy put should Ounluuon open In th- I. I. Cinch Ma. `No Iuudnol oi ubhun-uluu-ob-o chouuiglng. Tho` lav. Iblop (`nun will pnudr Tho` may .1 as uw-was I l5I1ili~ ; out" Dopltuiuu not the Oahu.- ul ljagnn Cnntau-Mu vnll be pnuno ' In Qcdhj M Omviomnu we are re- Ihld moan up Wlllhn Ian. M (MI my, lulu M In. about lhjuu, opal in loan I0 I50 Inc loIIodM' -5- -.--..L..4. in ILA: nil: in I an -- Yutouluy morning ltov. M-urn. Unlhnilh and Jnllilfu uchnngecl pulpiln. and in III: uumlug Rev. W. .lnnlm--u and Dr. ,Ju~huu (lid lulu-win. .4. .. .-.. .. -- -u- xiv u-u-nu FWXUIWTUV suopuobnin use my bin! at -`-1: if the iulontluu of the Strut: Oommiilu tn luu Ill thd ntoneprouingo taken up And rfplneatl by phmk uran- mru ? ` It should he dune. r'"'--- -1 ------------- --'- v~-. ~ v - ' -P. c. Nubiu hu boon buaipuoihbd from union `in conuqu/anon nl the in juriu inllctodl by . Haiti-. lhnln ho urutod {of many. - n n,,_ n,,.._...:.... ._. ....-._J . -Butter and chum Inn been ning. "aodli lid} by nido,"aomoIhinu nm unununl to we huth product: Inning `It tho nun limo. w._-.---v -.... -----.-_-.., _.- . .-.. `-A {um m the Mnmon district, containing an Anhouoa `name, but ban pmnuu by Amorlum to: 315,000! n n u ,n:.. L`- |_-,... : .-,._-_A-l-'.I cnoupvd Ii_ym|.oIIl. nuns. nmlluoo panama. Apply Klnjlioi. Apnl :I-cl. ~-The IIII whoa] h.-nu in Capo VIII- au no bum in an yup IBI7. a. up _-. ii l,,_L ,1 1| ........ .- --`l'ln n in rapidly nriving dull ljqaa lulu ind I mow hql. will nom- ploh a nun : Ind:-olbo. 11-4...- . 1 u:__J_.__ I -..-..... n|..|. ' --AIdung olvinglhou Luau-no Club} nth Bfilllh Amoncnn I19!-lion Woduu- dny owning at Sum u'olucI.. an -1: -. n 3. n,, A 4____,; g`;_ -w; -.v..-... -- --.|-.. _ -..-_. -Ir. W. I`. Bull hu to-opened Ma photographic gnllny. I1 is equippod [or amount Ind um!-ouny unrio- ` . .. up _ ,_, J:,._:-A `-Dr. W. S. ;IV|'nII04||lO. ha` been nppoinlul Aulolilto Gownor lot luodapnd Grenville. V , 'O\u- ] luau nuooin Burn um oruuovn . A.---. --"IrIn and (Bo .l5fO||l|||`|" IN M35" n L, '_ lI-_-A_ ` I TIOw('Il'll0|lIl Hi|I:-ngn. -7 7. co -~ - 'I he ll:-own Aymu-It. KIND` WAI'I'8. IT CAN BE GOT!

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