Wm. laconic. Pariah Funky. |r., Ii. Jcmp, Junn Campbell. Jun: Jun: Dillon. Juno: (Jam! and Thomu Louck. Pub Hnucn--Sanlul Uoodlollow, John Kennedy, Iiohul Judao, Edvard Judge, Wollinglon Cnupboll, Henry Smith, John Giles, Juno: Wulhr, ILA. hminld. Aluudor But, John ltuton, ` Pom Finn, J:-on Dalian, Jun: Holt]. Polnok Donahue 'lhonu Summon, Thoma nuon, Winn. Hnulilum, M... |IcKni In, u-., John IIOKIIQM, jr., Wu!- lilill lanolin, Thoma Kuhn, D. H. Oondiollov. John lulu, A. luul lhhoooh. Thoma Hnidor. Thou. buck Thoma Broom. Pntrtak Doyle, w... he-aw. If. I . noun. Ind Putin! lnuln. Hinder, 4 Tho app:-int-qua? 1880 an :- I"or pound-Ioopon--Jnnnu Pulsar Ind Juan saw. I`... I'..... -:-_-__ l..|._ u,u_: ;. 1 rennin Isir, _ Yunr ubedient eel-vent, D. '1`. luwm, R. A. Teh (III Poul Bunch, Key 19, 1330- ", Gunner \Vermiugtan did nut o.ill upon in, end, therefore, the in the tint intiuietion we have rewind at e change 0! beee u to hie recent eeceped. One reeeun, probehly, ehy he did not all to correct our eteteuent in thet it nu per- tielly upon hie authority that it In mule. Furtunetely we preeerved e pm of iii. menneeript, end ee it wee nut con- dentinl we en tree to me it, oepecielly than double-deeling in in vogue in the nutter. Not only did his letter monliun hie vieit to Toronto, but eneeml at the miller: M the Bettery lhn eeerc|ied'et the U. T. R. etetion, end It the Turolltn police, fur nut lining oepturod him. We did not chronicle the epperent daeertion when it occurred, `and e week leter ven- tured, upon the inlurnutiun 0! eevenl uulitery gentlemen. In give e report. Nu! it ie donbtlul which nor; ul Wer- minglodeieoorreot. M preeeut it ie in hie mtereet tu eey thet he never left the ,4 city. It wee not en much so before he I wrote on. ` --`O00 nun unuur. I Fur Faun viouu-I--John lonighl, E. Judge, John Utlpholl. Janos Dillon. And Thnmn gum in will I IICK Iluor In Turulllo. At my iuvoungntmn M the cue Ur. Wnrmiuuuvu iulorinad man that he Ind boon on n drunhm spree in thin city dur- ing hi: Ibumon-, Mu] when quuuum-d by me yuntcmlay, rolnllvo an the pong:-nph In than newupupur, he Hum inlormul -up _l.hnt hi: original ohlumun. to me nun our- " "idiot Mill Mint he had dot. lull. Kiuunluu. (lunnor Wnrmington aim upruwd hll willingneu in call upwn you and toque-I your outructinn. An I pPI'0lVO thin Inn nut bugduua, my I roquvu that you will be gourd onumgh in publish Um nbme hon. I` --...-.'.. u:_ nu our. uuuu: n} 1156 uvulall "lug. SuL,4My Auuntlou yutanlny Ill cull- ud tu an uncle in your Inns of the Huh -inu., relative up Ur. \Vnrmiuglc'm, in which it nun Ituod tlnt he lml boon ub- Ient willmut luvs lur throo days. having gum to visit I nick minor in '1`:-runto. At my invn-hunomn n' nl... ...-_ 1:. In-In-III-I. Tho origin 0! the (ire in uuknoun. It `in ouppoud that n in: p land boon lIuop- ing in the shod, am. by Ike cu-clan use of mntchu ignited the ] ':co. There In nothing in `tho Ihou WII','l'b me tin commenced, the family of the late Mr. R00! having vacated the premium about I wool: Igo. On Mundny lug I lumly nnmod Auburn moved into tho `hotel to lnko curt ul tho building, which in in the pououiou of the Ontario Building and` Saving: 5 rcioly. To the Editor uf (he 3.15.1. Whig. ` Hn._;Mu .u....o.A.... ....o...|.... .. IIIIUU IIIIIII Uyldllilsu Mr. P. 0lrrol|'o bun, which ndjuinod one end of the shed, was comidenbly hanged. 'I"I.- ...a..;.. ..l `L... R... :- ....|.- .-_ u. ""`.i," .`.' .'i`.'.'.`.':: r":'%i.`.a -:' L anon Surat .1... 1.5.1: nruv IIUIIVIU IIUI UU `VI VII! Illll IIIIJ |JCTIIII' ed. A pig in severely searched. to vmueh no lhnt it had to be killed. Mn. Hognn Ind no inluunce upuu her pro- porty.and her loan will be huvy. At one tune it III thought the gun work: can in dnnuor, but the work of the remen And I lire I-nll provuntod the dune from upruding. In D n.....II|. Lg-.. -Li-L _.J. .:....J Township oflllncllnrooko. uuuu---5 -- nun-uuruuy unulgiu. III ohodn bolnjnd the Fronunnc Homo And Hogan : luuol backed out othur, and tho onttiomol the lumen lnilod to sue them. In Mu. Hogan : I hone uunod by Mr. Unlliun, a cutter, nu bumml. It in lodiod in the Ontario and and. Mr. Gallnni onduvoiod to get the , Imus oul.bnt tho haunt no intense and um umoh no gnlocnling that hip olfuru Inn non-nudounlul, sad the poor nniunl poliohod. Mr. Gnlliunb loan in about I250, nu, beside: the hone, hi: my and huuun were consumed. In Ill ud- jninimk app-taunt Q `number of thing: baluugiug lu Mu. Uugnn worn burnt. M the and of line wooden building noon, valued 3! 825, In; locked in She could not. be got out And Also pariah- ad. A nia inn lnltnrulu mm:-nhul ... I I-pull II III}: IX HIT W51 nil,` Tm Ohio! of thbopu-taunt in- lornnudut it no ooiof thohudou. ght: the non ha had. Thou living in the vicinity undo actiu pnpgntiono to non out. 'l`,ho Frouhua Home on ignited `nun! linen. Thmnu of the building In ooutdmbly dnnnd. Tho ` nhntln hnhintl 1|... I'......n..... u...... ...a | Uni U U II'OiIIiOIhO`li.l|l'$fl0l thol`mnunu mad. an Ontario that. An dun`-In inuodiunly `inn, With the Inca arrived they loond tho builalinp caul- nnul in II.-. `Pt. II........ -...A...I '3: nun: on; nun-A noun: uncovr run: 1: `III ILAIII. This nothing. about 3 o'clu ukul- luu in tho Coynuc 1:! ch Hanna flnnnnnolnnn (Inga..- .Ii..._....I -1. IA rennin Sir, Y-nu uh :___jooo_..;.._.. Wnrullgwfu Absence. Z a'uuw4.-nu nun, *`V'I'I'I'."fI`lIOP'I B zildlnu. Indy a sum! to Ila:-ion A bit '7 uuuu. uu: Ihn I.u':'a. n.,.':.o:3 `Don L`: ' uwtcuuuou v.-I poo: HID O. I Qi I Ill u bind-130: ` nut uuuu Irnvull |II- Iuuruoou "DD Ioolnll out I saw at {our onpty bug- on m.. I-..uli.p.I.. I.n -m. -3.- L-.... mm-. wru, nu av um: uuuuono, `Ink, 10,650 but. nun; `0|onbod,- ll,2IJO do; `land. 15.!!!) but tn. : Ono ol Oulvin E San shun pumps vu;put In opnuou hot ovonlu, um! uoooodod in ruining one at the Kingston I. Forwarding Oouponfo bonus, which had been Injured by too shuns and nunk. 'l'ho"0I|do' nn-Ind uh nlurnooa Iron Il--;_--| _nL _ _.- I n ,,_ , , ua,u-an vi-nu. vvl-, Iullll IIIII I0`1lI" `Tho `City ol Bollonllo, Icons ovary day at 7-!) 5.0:. for Photon, uoopdug on uurdnyl when Ibo you out at 6:30 o'clock. Shah doing a moderate b'|ti~ 1 av -mu. uuuru Iuwuu 6| IUII IIIIIII . | o I 3 corn ; `G. M. No0|on,' Chlcnga, 22,380 Innnh Anpn- `J I} nQnAn.' nsa...... mun , u. an. n-vluu, \J|lll`l'Il. 6,001! bull. corn; `J. R. Bum-nu, Olioqo, 22,315 bush. corn, ruched hon to-dnr `-I-5.- Inn. .: n.n...n. v n..-.. ----- Puud lhruugh tho Canal fat Kings- Inn : 'Au.qunu,' `Pulodn, com ; `0rian~ hl,` `M1666, ;"V..s BlnInbu}zio,' Chi cogu, cum. ` IIVL- --|.- al-...._ vIII_|-1, nl ;..nL__,u, I -uuwUII VIII I IIIW Ill VIIIIII Ty! DIV.` on. Blue Ipuodlalaly loft with tho bugs 'I|lIuuho,' 14,01!) bub. w_|oul, 7,(lI) L _.L ..... -..A an ;___ _ _`-. _, _ V , __ _..__ w ` ,'::~.-.r,.-:.*a ::.- ..f.u.o.punubI. Anlyunnd-I. TM schooner `Juno I WnodrnlT' took linbor Iron Auhubula to Kinannn yon- ntorday M 350 pot on. tlumonml cnbm loot. ....... .. `ITII. Tho prop. `Niagara, Iightonod 4,500 'oom at Porlunoulh to-day, nnd proceed- ed to Montrul. The ulo from Chicago to Kinptun in grldudly inoreuiug`. The demand lol- nuulriu [I1-It. 'l`I.- ....... cN.'-..--- | I; _n.-___| A 5,... --'l`l.o Iohr. `u F-um olurod lor Deuor, N.Y., nth 51,000 foot 0! lumber Io-dly. Thu `Jcuio lhodomld curios I60 was of irun mo tn Clurluuo, at 35 cc-ma porton. `I'M fonnfding oompmiu an nmythlng but busy. Business In almost at I sum. - um. The `Julio u.....Z.."....,- rim, um. d {mm Clnrlntto thin morning. an p .|~ Jlll I-`Dill, vllflh The sour. `Laura, Toledo, 2l,4tl) both. up. - In M N...l.... ' lVLA--.... on non I0 llllfll I. Rev. J. Church. KIIUITOH DlH`l'lllC'I`. F. Chinholm. Pruidiug Elder. Kinguou-J. Young. lnvor|l'y-J. W. Andrews. Lnnghburo- J. FM-guoon. Wulle l||nm.l-J. W. Lam. (hnnno uo-(i. 8. White. 1cI;au- .5. mm. F`nrmonviI|o-~W. A. Phillips. l.yndhurIt- H. McQu|de. 'l`uledo-J. I . Dunhlm. ` Eaton`! CoruorI- J. Fulll. Mnllorytown~-L A. Bonn. Lyn-W. Barnett. ` lnuodowno-- W. D. P. Wilton. Vemnn and l nrhuu~-F. H. Knmnltun and I. U. Mnllory. , 0duu- F. B. Stnuun. . I. H. Aylumnh. L L D.. lnunferrml lo llurmu Dcotriol, Onurin Conference. Rlll. J. Lilli---Aunnl 'nl' Knnu-h.n u: a nut A vast III/`I . W. H. nlmu. Pruialing Eldrr. (m.nn--'l`. W. Pickett. Bu-c|uille-A. D. Trnollar. Wmclu-ntor-1`. W. Mnvoly, BA. UhOII0l`Vi"O-~S. Brian. Iroquois -W. Blair, B.A. Pmocull.- B. F`. Auntin, MA. AuguIt|--D. U. Bruco. lvldnrdnbutgln-J. W. Sill-. Jlorrilbnrgh - W. H. Hudgiun. AulIuIIIIu-J. E. Ilubuuu. Nuwiuuwn--J. C. Curmll. RIoovillo-- W. W. Ween. R4-nfuu- E.D0livnnl.. Nap:-nn-8. upnu. WnIlmunh-W. A. Bulp N:-uh A|l|1I'I- T. llwlmrdt. . lnhsrmnn-E. S. lluwnd. Arupnur--J. Hang. ----~---ooo-__ _ .1. on-clplod lI_yt.`IIl.l)lIlo llulcl. podino puuulou Apply gaunt. lingual. Apvll ii lllllolell---U. Brill. MoIlovillo-T.l:I. Mcllunnhl. Ilord---S. Ferguson nnd W. G Hun- don:-gn. Domumtvillo-D. WIIIOD. 'I'uod-'l`. Iloammond. 0loyno--J. Brown. Donbigh- P. Wagon. Arden - J. B. Robeson. Lupnuu-u.a. Isuuunu. Piqwn-J.P. Wilma. B.A. m - s'|u|`II- |lorvon--A_. H. Andonun. Selby-ll I. Alba. Mill I oiol.-H. Williunn.` Tamworth-(LA. Boll. 8|unnunvillo-Jll:l. Andras. lfoxboru'-W.H. Pnlmor. Uuniltou--lC.A. Bsndonun. 0nmd{n-- E. Woodcock and H. A. Vllor. Hu||uIel|-D. Brill. |l..Il...;II__'I` ll I.l..h......1.| Rho Bblwp mad the following u the app:-lnunonu funln cunning you-: . I IADAIII nlurn Inn Vurcmoo uuonnna .. | luv VIIIIICUXK ITIIIHTI |lIUII' IIIIIlI`I M 8:30 o'clock. A uunhor ul unimporl`- Am. mnqton nu nrnngod dud tho Om . funhToo udjmmud . . .`I... m.|.........A oh. l..n....x..- _- .5- Th lollowiq unlidstoo iaro Admit- V uaoqmw. ONIII Diddde W. BuI,H. A .Vhut, D. og, ` , Oauforonu adjouuud. " lat onning tho pulpit in occupied and u umou punched by Ru. Mr. Oli- nnt. ol Walla luluul. `[25. 'III._ -C Tu W K uljji Oil .-3|! Ion I30. Kinploa In [inn I oaWnInuhp ovahg. The ninth: utouilululphnl. Thonlqry cl tho Khptoo Ohul Apucculxodunn V The Iiniouulgrnnu lot diluent ailuniln -an -3. Kingston. -.. ..i..n ` T . 5 Etlcl-00$ & `III I130!--';'II I-I-' I-nrluun VIJIIBI W. Sonics, Presiding. Elder. Nupnuoo-0.8. Euuunn. Picum-J.P. Wilma. H A Il`WU llusuu on Young $000. lat Iod- onlo and dtnuoo plnnn. `nil! W Innuwn hmlo * an I1. The M 3 o'clock .. E..I_...|.. ._ _x__ 3;. ,, x_,,. _ our lulu. \ ucolnol, Unurm Conference. |hvoIy--Agonl (or Klngntun MI. I. W;-!IIII( - I." Ilflo luau-I Ihoir sitting: .....|-_ ll. loam. (ag , Iublolh 9.0m-um an unomlunnn IUIIOII y.(hrIu'olI uuomlo II... no V W 111' Awning um Ana}. L cl ' "'.'..v-.-'uu.. v--w:y'_uvv TVIVIIIVHII hub Uu Pinqtnlnld Habitat um. Dry And lured 10 inches lonr, In-nod land and thawed; loll Ioplo, Irud and (hand; lomvood. [L-CRAWFORD I 00.. Value! Oman lllnu. llll. "U - r~ .:.:x..;__;__ ,_ _ _ ADAM M ABTH A lH`nIY\l!'A|!'l' Al I I-`*6: Kindling Wood and summer Wood Pun Wills, without -I noublo mall at Iuotmplnlmlarly 5419 {or author nu. u|lr`|;:.n of:Il"I it but in an o . r I ""~ .. ...a..., A IIRCHHIIMIINH. IN\'Imu!A1'lNu. and nhnva I", I NlL`Al.'l'll llllllkll IIIVIIIAIII . A not-ul Imhnsou ul Cinn- pngno. wick the avour nnd healthful mp!!- uu of Innlun-nl. laualubo. FIIIIC IUI Al.C(lH(Il., In Enlhuul unl -Iup.u.. ;..n.._|..-...: .. ._ Au:umn., In In Inn-I. sud vharovu introduce], It In an n I .1 u 5.; 5. u'3s'.~A" n':.:T...i;i'..i.po'.'.' -3-p'L. SUMMER on.. "I1 '5. an - ------.a.... [suaothing Now.` Manlsenal limeN_a hampagne A Hl_':'El!IN", V|N\'l1ll)HA'l`lNll. And % A. oiixowii;" A H'nl lfurr v.n.........1.-.._., _- L-`a .`31.'.'."`'&."`.`."V."n . QM:-vol lslouan nod Inn. Ifiollhh rm non. rimur. nun. and the uncut brand! of lunily our. AT THE BAZAAR, Oranges. Lemons. Pinup lu. Tomuoen. New Pontoon. ow Onionl. Bu-swberriu, Bunnnu and Oocoanuts. um:-s mum, H..-_f-..n..-:.._1I..,r -x V IIIBUIUI August (uh. um rIIIUlL-'I par lmttlv TIIII l3I.||` DIIIDITINI3 150.. `l`0ION l`0. jswmr CREAM! part II 0- dc Foiulogy Huh] II] "unlit: Wndn. N (7. Vnlml Pl(IUE-.I lb 'l`llI.' Ann I m v_IrI'ALI1srE- N Hhl Fnlnl-llnlmnl Huh-ry, (?oul'm-lmu- A O`f_V uml lnnwlnlng, Iluuinmu for nI'I- I-bony. nu Km Hln-M, Marin: Hqlum lieu, v-mluovuu and in llama. Hvnn, an nary, UH-uni!-. lnop I-`i\tur-n anal Nun-I in r-I. rm nnlrr. .\ulIafnwlm`_v rt-nun: far uullin; Inn. Apply It Ibo Wum nh-u, or to lhn pmprio-h-run lhu pnmlu-r. 'l' B. IINW LEV. May 19,2890. nnmv AND RESTAURANI FOR __S_ALE'. Golden Lion Grocery mu-cu-nurn m snurl. Wondu. torm-r Brock and Wellington Streets, Iugston. Man` W. lml l5'`E`:'t`-..?... r.Y.{...*9. e..1.i9.LE 5l . \ ___.,-__..._. :.__.._.___. \'IuI.I-II vuraa I-`cs--mlo Uoluph-mlo Hmuh I: fluun. J. M. King, H Wudn, Pnlum 6'. ('0 ,ouul nllbruulns l |(lUl--.I lmtos j'ramp Abroad, A Hiutory ol Hm-in-I) and nvarlunnnl from lha nurln-an purlml luuur mm Iinmn, by (`Ina KIIiyhl_ (`ulugnlutr in Eight Vulun :9! HI! \'ulmm-n now lh-a Iv Klllgllfs Pouulnr Illstory of I.'n,~:lnml. sVIvl ff May I9, I380 mwnn-r , Everybody Should Read- FIUS I' CLASH dmury mmu. in annii IAIV1 r Ann, I TIGII [013 If III.` III)` only Ily nnlinnrv Ir-uinn ~ um-lvuu 1':i:Iun:`i`:i"mII be bound on use :."'ml bud 'l4ih\Mnv gnocl lo return up to llu-. `.'. nh Ila; lm-lunive, laowoqu I" pull!!! on the "no M Olin (`Inn-cl Trunk Ruilvny, at (DIR nnsr I-`Alli! and I l`lKD' I-you dmnry nuttn. Iii-ITUIKN TICK 81`)! will he issued In nun nll poinuon Iholiuol ttodnnd Trunk Railway un the Twenty Fourth ol In at HINHLIC I-`AIR, `fl:-Iou good fur that day on_Iy Infv nf\IIIn_|r_v VIVI:-ui:l|VI_ lQuean a:B.-i1-thtllay-A lsmuw Prim T: Cnnlp Endl, Dlurk Au KXAIIIATIHI lor uoulublou of "pupil; lo the I In- unuto-Illl EDIE (0. 9 I LII. ootlllllbti aid WLDIIIIDAY, inland but Hill. Inn, oouncuhdu! us. uudhlna -In um lhoUIl.,y lunch: umgh A. P. In t. .Il.A.. named the lunuuu-. not I! 3 AI Sch Ilny.ol - than lnlouuou to pnunl Ihoululvu lot on nmluuou. . G. ILDD. IILIDOCIOQ OIFIUII: lit. IIIIIIDI. ` n 2: mm MEDICAL HALL not __v`.- ,. I Entrance -V _xm`ination. , ' ! 01 M-mlnunl Iny 17th. I. In; I ah, IOW- `W, nlfubllelohut. -55334.. Ihe esl Brand: nf flout Public` '_ScI1gol library. . I $ ~ *0 man vhcuoua Quanta, udho-dnotunuud my to H!I3'`_- N uxulnnnu lor use}:-uh. ol "numb Ibo Kl.-non lhlhchh In- Nluw-nurn In Snul. \VondI. nu ID-....l. -_.n |ur-nnn__ IIIIIIV IIIIIUH, Iuufmluring (,`nnl'w-Hunaru. "0. `ml pro:-`um soapy` It n u w. I. Chiral` nu! Oydounnud PM- K `I wuiu s New Book. l`lU,ClI! no cmrrs. vllllu I 00.. hot at Quol tuna. |lA'Wl.R\'. Inrhu Nquu--, Kingnlnn. mum: m|'nm.| J(_!sIPH Hlrxsuu. non! lunar. Jth. 1 at 3' an man u` r s u ovary ll I3. :0- t .5- ns..'au full llunrtnducns IIIIIMIIT. MAI I nu Nuluh-. Kilmnlnn Delnllnv. I l'nIan. H-uk Noulushr, In In- `I0. Qua luau. nu insulin W] In. Iudhj 11`. C. MILO, s|=-mu I'5'nx I SPECIAL BARGAINS IN TWEEDS. 1 C|oIhodInodohm|y|l`|IL'I&TqIlu. nuns or sxuwruoun cum. -- FLOUR, GREAT (":'I';1g4H1g_I NG SALE". no lnhurlbor. mifahon in am names. will Iloathbun - n tn- I-umber I -1-'00 All Khan 00 M131! and laugh IAQIH, Ill! 1 A LIO-M|ll ` A Well Assorted Stock of Lace Curtains, -.-.vv-j Very Olin . ti: Good; 7 round I. 133 35,132 m.f.;'7. ..":`3'22.3'1.7.'?.f.f'.'E..".,':'.',- '.',`,',,` " II... ~ Iunn II poqnnl do Ilh:I::. Punt ll.:n|-nI HA5 0!! HAND `IE8 LAROIIT ASIORTIIIIT Of OAIEITI AND P1400! OH. 01:01!` El HA8 YET IXKIIITID. Golden Lion Grocery II uvpq-ndhdo luau. hpr aps; Eh" at! you Phg. 4..,;vDD3:CODO0CDQ000450: ,, :ca:s:aoooo:n|coeo -'l3'AIIlP!IlWTTlIlIH.0VEI1-I "If! F! TFIT GUIIAITIII1-I" "e:25:aoaeaooaooooaoeoawk: co - a:oo=oosoooeoe 5.4 Clculs Imported direct Iron -I :-nuramurers In sootlud. Iro- lond and Inc on lunnd. C. I.II'VIK3C'I`QX'. Tho PO0|I|I'l Clothing ljuuu, 69 Brunei Bub. N B - W0 lurnjnul uooivn II Mogul Anmrtnumt nl Rubber than on all no Nun Colon, {GEM .LQTHING ii.-`A"`%v"3*":'5w"`7'33T--f' ' 5` 135100 3" iv in! Ill!" (.0 lllll. yvll. V pr Plauomll n THE NEW wmx ounrmnn onion elsewhere And no no nun to unit you. We Guarantoa First class Wnrkmahship our (I2 Mm all Wool lads murder. (bur M5 Sun In Scotch Twodu [alum Ihn load In the city. We haw rrceived an-vlhor mpply of the Ibovo Umnla. And they an: Inn ml noblny. ` III. II A in . _. -- - :1 ()|`I`lt?l~ 9>%0MLEJAND SEE` NEW. uni will he midst IXTIA and Print nupuolfnliy sullen:-d. We no uilinglunu than than any other homo In 0 undo. Be convinced and no for younolvu -.... ......... ........m......... .- nrr.\;lIII4 I.uu|; ur no new LMEE CIYIITAINI, H- mm. under mqnlnr puma. ill) In Whit: and any Canon. olonn at 503.. "(I prk-o inc. All White udroy noun lunluvlurorf Prim: Al Uxturd. I an and ltunullou Cotton llilrtlun at but Your: Prime. `I'M above (I000! All Ll. NEW. mid M IXTIAOKIDINAIIIIJ [MW PRIUICN. AI luupootlol I Hook .,- ---~ ~ UlUCII'_ L1 (loud: lmlu lor. pot _unI. Now liluk Hum: tml Ilrilllumnntron ma. par ud. Haw lfuloro-cl Unlhluatrl all. Very lnw Prion. at much Uuhuusru, Union and ool. (mm `.'. x\ mr yard 4-'-0 mean how I`:-In-n, In P:-unpnaluur. Light, Median n-I Duh Fan- om at oh prl.--n. New afl|O"I nnnlmdn from `AM: oh Haw nun uul Hill l'Aru0|I. him-d and Unlined, Cheap. New llouiorynnd (Nov:-In In ml! the landing Dlylug low Nut and Linen llnudlornlnlofn, Linen Ihzllnn and (`n'u. D`uw_v. Silk Mu! Iuwuu, loan and lace oods, Frillinn and lilrhoun. N01! Black Hilk nml Chenille Ftillgu II Var but Prams. that-' White, lb-pun, uni xlunl Hlmln. naming from 6&3 `ho an uurfa, `Hon. Bowl, Cullul uni CIIITI Collnn. Ilorlvm nml l.|mIn' Wool RIMII. Ooltot IINI Merino Undorclnlhl-1. A NPECIAI. LINE ur I.'0 Lmflsi CURTAINS, H my prk-o_7.'-o. A uulroy lunnmum-.' Prim: Al n-I.-A I----u May 7, mm. * unii "nu" TII S Guaranteed u gooiinlno as similar qualms: can in sold for by ""' IIIGIIMONII 3. sum. Mny lihh. nu:naa:.1sn:mg:k:.|`.])noel. III we cnoxous pltlofll, III by ' UNION. D0105. _2 Ply Wool and 8 Ply Wool. RIIP. DU'l'0I,Vonot.in. `hputry And Bruno]: Stair. 00001 IATIIIO in all widths tom 1.8 inches to 2 foot. NAPIII. IATTIIO for H111: and Stain. - - IIGLIIE AID LIIIIOAI FLOOR 011. 01.013. / LIIOLIUI 81113 01!. 01.01`! All) BTAIB Llltlll. ' Llllll AND ISL!` OIUII; OLOTHB. Door Intu, llurth Bun. Bazooka. ac. ac.. dc. ' Axlunwru. in body ma am: to ....m.. a.. Turkey dam. museum by tlwbut mnkon. noun :1. In em mm: -mu. ' TAPIITRY 0AIPI`l'8.uallprlou.l th choi 3 non nab thomootrollshlomskon. n e an F. .' ' TIC IITIITIOI OI` IITIIIIIG PIICIIIIII H IIIIITII IO Olfl LARGE:AlD:UlB1VALI.ll:8TuGK:F::l!ABPB1f8 Golden Lion Grocery. IUAHPETS!m==wvoBAHPETS! IAIH-' Sills Unbnllu at , II India Itldlinl Unbtdluol 750.. Ionh Illll India` zuailh Unholb 00 Elm, uurzll 75. bulb` Sail]: Unbuu M290 . Ind-I 137. . [Adi `Inna; ll..h...II.. V: ' V ----..--- lndin"8ilk Unlnu uuw. not won [Ad|n' Milk Unlnnlhantlll. m . _...__..__.._........-...-.,...._._ CHEAP` SILK ULV1mu;L1;2as J3ZiE2;O].\T S. ----.g_._: KW I o|_u|-odour Dnunodn in all the lnadm Shula New Plain and Ind Dru: (loan. our. Anmu I w Yuluuanf nol. u. `Vun up-: -.-..| A .1] ..A_-_- L ,_, An, - - A ' ` sun. noon. unms. IOULDIIGI, a... 5.. l.I| -_,; u Mu nus. llqgnl n vu-Hgio Iqyllc ollhkild in llulug-st emu olth Dominion. ------EIBRA(YlN(l----- Puke and Unaduliemted COFFEE I jj - - ww T`? I Manufactured to In-oler In Find- ~ Inst of 0100- must. Khguou. : all OWIIIIO THI8 WIIK ROCKWELL BROI. I .w. can win Ifnhuhl MOLIO. until 39.25. |4db'8Ik Unhnllu at 02(1), north $3.50. , India` Salk Unbnllu N16, vht`|hvO3.1|, lust u. um. IIICIIY ck ll.I`ll`. Princess Street. mmmi 'i"i;iI;I'ol Mny I7. HUD. First of the [season 1; Hnellaity ii! Cegse. ` Ina. on-uvvibocro GEORGE LAING. 0!!-I0 MN-I.llctd,huuuIuuu. mg. x31,:rJ17.' Uibuu at 220 Inf`-.1371`. Ladies` Alpaca Unbrollll. `(-1 chop. It It. \|'.|IaUION'8. , wmruu and I-emu Oonol STURI I-ofnu `ning your - muss Mylo. :o:oooae|ceoeo {T In nun `nun-m... S UGARS .I|-24 u Imu- Golden I.ii>nT Grocery "`.:.'."'.-.'.*"'.'.:.'::.:.'-" *9- vcc4uol|=nJnuL . Ihggho. "I, DO. ' ()()C()A J)()()R% MATS. 500 D6;rats, ('1) (L) : `W. no.5}!-mo'o'iua; DIFFERENT BIZIS. O IQCN AI I. IIIIDIY. `Int... 1 HAID x '1`? I. A. IIWII. W`-W II: II IT. UIO odbvlhuglvooululhn. `hod- lav-Irina-vulupcuoouuuhul: Q-n-IA.-L_ IlI__._ Um Iatuuthtuuu. Iuuulduulou at oldphuoplau cloolnhonnbuu I.-ui-In-Mn-Lnnn... II..- lhuly any cl mom Iuunntuluinuhqutho Dada Ocqiibmulotclnvunnh A. -.1-M-A-(4.4! AL. .L-__A-__Ln_ ...- W m 1 II` W nunnn-uuI.ucuuny clufnop In&a,v|IlotI|Iouppn"ht|b ldldllllldhhuu. Wobqnb no Ahlhoubponov owning an the Gay loll. g__...;....._... ---- ojc -~-- Cm HA|.L.--Wu dun spook! Mun- louiothprqrnnnodnunaadw Oonou tuning. `u object not It, the uhllhaoi the Queen luol chunk, to or-muudahlo on. with It: pro- gnnno Italic not and ntiod. Ih Dan, at lhutlcon, In an established llvuodhlu Kingston, and thou Ibo Mutual hr with pluunoo Iain annulus will Bonn to nail lhuulnn OIINI opputtuniiy to Inn! luv quit lb IInIh.ol Uxhddp. noun highly nun-add an a main, and In nucll hhnnplll to oultd by but Int ap- pIIauIduoIKu..wII|IMoIu. A than out olloal nodduo, nuul nndhdpu-no-A-I sandals. oI...$.A. Inn nodon Manchu` cl I006 ul Coll Wnonluh Inn: to 1| II pun -In Panda I Apn p in .m:u.i'.u, (5. but Apruwu. Inn. D".:.`~-2.""`E'* -1: :' =.::' 000. . In-on can`... 1 fl-0310'! 'n':n':o'u n.-t I-an W . I I "" '" nuou. IIICX II tutu-no puuuc Ill IIIC yillll park. Bone ol the dniu an null opu, II` othul but how mid out, and It iclqlllht thopoblio nnulntuod to Oboinud bun no not! in couplohd no-canola.-gum Iillllodnouycd. flu Ilrdngo unto: will In pualdl dunno u noun in-winch! an luck on paiblo um.` Ila public The lug. lulu In bhq undo by annual. --- 01----a ._ ocos .._.. Tu Pun Quui-Iou.--1'lo Ohuhnnu of the Park Counmoo hints: at that Ir. Nah, P.L.., hon boon engaged to: pm `an in taking Iuolo nod oponing chin n Ihobc-t puinlaln the public um-Iv Huang A. ILA `lulu; an` ill g..- utwn In nun |IlIIlIII'UInlI'III, I50 Intonot in the Ildr, bonour, Ill not melt u but been nmilulod by tho puhlicol funur noaulom 0! I niunlu him]. While I" Admin Hahn ud gpplud his moon: they have nulhinq luounblo to any ol the Union Bprinfo nun, who was rightly named Iv, Ch: Ca- nadian champion 1 "big dull'I'." We atoll not lihly but Any noon about lb porous u an IIOIIIII. `" -1 " .3. -~- O.O--< . Tn Wucunwmn Run.--Wo bu! noon In bolion that: [nod deal I! may changed bnndulnthia city on A null oi the anlan-Oonrtuy mac. l|I.- Inlnognl 1.. IL- .t.x- L.._-....- _-- ... - -o$...__._. Al OLD Urn:wn.-Mu-y Hurt Ill rebut! {mu pol slew nhyo no, but thin morning IIIO nu Again boloru no Court (or ngrucy. She Is 76 your: nl ago. ouool null, In fuel I! in unable In do anything but unolm tongue. Kay at on cam III In inuuco ol tho Home 0! lndmtty, but her nbnu led in her dia- olurp. `I'M Ihgiuluto onnumud hot to pal fut clone months. 0-- ~v {Qui- I Km! Rllnnlnwn. -Tlaa Ink Onpt. * Borrow. lotuorly raiding in Kinptuu, hulouby hi: can saw uunn; (kn duty) to the Dun and Clmnoollor ol the Diane, the lntu-out In In Appliod by LIII, ll haiku to the dolorving poor at- tontliog 8|. Goo:-ac`: Cuhodnl. Ho alto `III!!! the lint you`: intcroqt to be `inn to St. (In-mo`: Social]. 0! which no In late Pruidom. ' - ..4____ W -, -.Qs- 7. _ UNCLI '['mc's 0um."-0u I":-ichy evening Hey 28th Uncle Tom : Uebin" will he played in the Open Home by the Hyere Shun Uombinniun, one of the heel ooupeeiu truelliuk. Although Ille dmne ha, been porlolod here on eevenl oeoeeiuue It will drew epin, uepeeielljvhou it in produced bye bom- peny of each Acknowledged telenl. ---~ ' o<}o-~--_ Pouuu Gov r.~llu-gum UAHO] Inn nmu-nod In the city. Youocdny, lived by uudn liqunr drinking. she went about tho oily (according Io can-rm) crying lor her child. BM in urulod nod thin morning given 3 elm.-u fur that month` bond at thoooupty pol. Mono; Duylo, a mint. dopoait.ul`8l lot Mn coconut. ~ - .43. V-- Out Aaul. -'l`ho uulnor ` Wu known In been thoroughly rebuilt and nuod during the pug vuulorgnol, wilfmnko hu- Int trip un Buurdny non. Bho nnltu I chap oxounlnu to 0:90 Vinoont on Q0000`: Biuhclny. Sh: in looking line. and will no doubt ha 5 lnvotilo colour- . .iun ntenm-. >- oats -... Ounr EXf1UIlHluN.*"|Io author in lo rum that than ox.-union season in ulrudy non ripe. Uu Saturday the `Mum Ii oh: 1150 line 0! the uuon--our to the Onpo. The pouplo have bun Iinhiuq for the beginning ol the clump trips. Now tho] Inn one to mm on. .._... ._ _.---... %::.zusf m at. "* ( an . . ht. Q ,....-- .. '.v..':--.-..-.......- ' ...,- ubu oidmuul unovaau: uids In In. ll-0. nun. ._..__.3.___ _ `0Al.l.lD.-LI a lab nesting ol the Ptunbytorlun oougregnliou oi Nonboro, Wulpo, Doll-I nnd Murtun, lhn Rev. JIIQI 0. Blunt, 0! Truntou, nooived _o all to human thoir minuur. ' .4`. ,_; --- .1. ..; EVAINUILIHTIC. -`l`ho ounpli-tic mak- ing: wall be resumed in the V II. 0. A. moan (Li: ow-hing It 8 r-`clock, thou ad- dnlnu till he (inn by Hutu. huolxon, Nllnnu `t. nuuu aphlodon tannmhlch nib lot Inland on tho 19:5 wolino. am as [Inn 0} Willow, and utlm-I. .__.__.j. _ -._jo~.._._- WIIILIDOI Tuul.-Oupl. Bunch- ml Bout. Baillie, guu.47u. Mun-, L..- L... ..1..;..n .- 5...... ..n .L-l Inn untluar. with shower: and lhundoc Alum, lollonl to-narrow by coola- mu uuorly in northerly clad: ` had `In nnnnhr I Pulru --Cloudy to partly cloudy _...3o -- lupus ......_.._...._. II In Iul-and Inn-but ue fpblolnuofoolil Iago. 3;: gang gnttsyjwuu, \ `. lijgml `a clutch, 0ul- as rum: 1 I I'D lll Alluw Psrti-unlurwutwl vhhn to sin nonul. `uuv sumac! upon In. Mm. utm- cxrrrosuAuu}ux|1oaA lhll--lg R-ILLlL.h-Llnn-A-Mud-h F?-Tf_-T-inf? '. T;-...._ `*I"'i`a iJ'|3`n/i`s1z'4"v"'i:iil`iii;fi4v,ao. " ` mrruau "vroxnii-`r :-"" n--- ' _\"' " I rni}ons_Auuuu|rou 5-nu uinh o'o:; a`. pa {mm = I.lld:i.Abn-mnlunlo. A ' tuning. __ - --uv-- IQIIIII III`!!! II III? August. 'ru9tuIyInnuInunbo uu.-npoauq.-goIbou- ..".'.'2............ null. sauna Iholudqlouulhtlannd. [ Tuouuln luun l n|.-'l`ho hand: than ado] OM Tlolnsnd hind Put. (WolIs' Inland) Inn inuod the In! ` dllboo ol their papal . announcing tho ` popnnodonhouqphgnnnao. `I'M nllqlounnpnouuuqbaiuoutlo ' ll|hJuly.nod dun July mm Bu. It. Gallant pnuhu on uh uh. C CIOQUIOJ CI). The ldutilo all Idbolhudovuu on Jul Dial. and column cull July I715. o unpr- -uuupnoplnnot oulnlylimond lboit `ns and o-uulloliau will Inc null .AqnIlot. u lildnyohcolfar .uuuuuouu..-o. nucuuuuu Elli Illllutlron August UNI Anguuu.1'Iu am ugouqchbo QdUId]Nl"$oN|IO Bnludfhuhlqviillolclllodnx Icoou fvdnlug 0-lingo um bull lo iuugbq-at u-I H Oululn, Ibo cndnoalhuuoon new man: can I I I I 4 I hhud hlwno Auyudnnl-1 `Bo bum hm moms. Ihlgillol Inna! Unlnuuy. and boiug ocular and up-ouoooo you; In oobnoo nod uunmo onto a page uuiuuon. Dr Wuhan uulvd olllohl Ioulonliou yu- Inlay. unuuua noun: -0 Inseam: unwor- ty. Pmhuoo Wnuou, now ol the Lane old! In Oman`: Uninnlly, Kinphn, 04 I Wuhan nn 5 Inc lunuriu mun IN Ouitdl. bath Principal snd Pmhoour, lid H nltonlhr I inlli unnd lnllnn us I vuuan III 0 lint umunu mum both and II hot I jnlly good follow. Brno! the mu 5: only 32 jun o! no." Im on man an LL vs. Inc not tho um ol our young (rind and out dun` tlnguinhod dunmn 0! mutant Univer- -ho, Paula-an wnlnnn um- nl LL. Ln..- "DHynI noun Ilailic, nu-an tho um: mum i.I.n..|.u - the Anna nl mun mun-a hi.-4| ...| ...a 4|... emu-4| hy If, u. 0: runs. Inc nu. :u~. IN-can-bu In lag. Aug, .4 and :prIl'-Ml. I'll `rill llama: pr cupid In Jo-u Wldll . any lltrnvmfolug (Mt! I no. nod: mnvuhuaol lluul -all Inn. 1| lid mg n `I'ho Glasgow Bailio alumnus the lemon ouhtud on 0 loomed Klnptouinu In this unis : urn; __,_ _ .. . n -n- Tho Globo Ilolu (Inn with A View to making the nyuonn of unnqomont at the Andrew Mercer Rafurmltury u p-Hoot upouiblo, Mn. Wkeilly, the Superin- |OMIoM,hll boon am to the Fnminglum Intilution. In! I oimilu nature, in Bal- ton, to mind; tho nyuom In operation than, and Mn. Laird. the Animal nporinlondonl, tn tha Indianapolis Fo- nah lufnruunry for I similar purpooo. This Insulation: luv: the mpunlion ol hing uooodingly toll oontluokd, and . no doubt the upuionu pinod by tho bdhl lonlisnod um N 0! [Ion union 1 to than when they ugh: upon their ` work in (No dd). ` ,, Thorn in deep rogrot snout the death 0! M Mr. John Hondoronu, lur uboututwonly yours I hm-Inoller nnd udlioiiur of lhin oily. For uniiy month: he had been in declining health, And bones the cloning loan in liinlilo._ which lonli plnce this morning, wu nu event which haul been ` lull] ouuhmplntml by hi: friend: and nlntinc. Ho in-i A Scaluhmnn, born at Porth. [lo raw tn manhood And Ierved u I nutlonel-'3 clerk in hit native plaice, but when quite yuung he reummd hither and oinhnrhul in the hunineu which In Ioluoooulully cnndnctscl by him until ill~hullh lnreod I pnrtlnl rolouo md_ nally I complain `retirement (rum ,l.ha can of trade. No nun yum more con- lolonliimo sud unmloifhtiuun. H: In: , Ilnoh dovutoil to business, purlnpa 1.0.) inch on, null all who lnd ouch rolaui--m with him unify tn hi-I niuioly to do whnt was hirand jun. benlwun man and mun Ho Ill guided by gum! mnnl principlu. lnduuriono, methodical and enterprising, sad it In uuly rouonnhlo to oxpocl thni. In should pmapor. In print.` lilo he "1 was most ouiuplnry, nnd his family 5' Ila had no ambition but tn live npriuhlly Ill` not II lnultlonly u possible. In his dououio and nnoinl uiooo ho Inorilod the low and cumin of which ho Ind In-quont Olllnlllllonl tlllflllx hi: illnou, and in blloinul cumin ha ha lelt improuniuna which Illl be long l'ClIl0lIll)O|'BLl. Ilia funeral will uh place on Saturday after- nnnn --A Clayton lunar up that the yacht `Ja|nphino' was launched Jn Suudny, and Ilumed ruuml, She will be run thin your under the name of `KIllmany.' This name in ruhor n grim one, oonnidor in; hit minforluno ul Int year when on nnny livu more loot. --Pt!erum's Magazine lo! June in A bright cheery number, fully up In the good mnrk of in Vprndoouuuu. `lhoro in no lady`: sanguine I0 popular u Paler- Ionl. 0! course Harper`: Bazm u 1 piper in uualcolled inih clnn, Ion. .--Gibgum, than death M. lholuylnnm III ropoel youunlny, In cnnnuiltad about I your go to the Panilontinry fur , toning re to t. he pumio Ichoul building non Hionlmuh bridge, in Glouooolu Tovnahip. ---Joseph Brnuliahduxogd limo tenor of the Hullln Upon Company, III to- unitod tolliu lunily At Throe Riven, Quebec. lately. nor In obuuco o` twenty (in pan. n . _._..l.,.__... . -,-Tho usury blouginu to the Pi- nko ol Ponunouf In eoniidnrgblu lunged on Tnudny canning.` It III lot while on male to the -tnlun. . -N-Gl`l_[`l`I;IhO Ipinillr {landing the H. E. Cuilfotunoe Inn Inn (of bone. Thy upreuod tlmuolvu plou- od with unit visit to Kingston; `-"I'M ugly two Imp iii the city, Inn tootlu; up Barrio mm thin morn- ing. `u third porcine can burn: 5! the Hogan u. ' Ill um Illrk-lJ(2:Ia:...ON`l I!luOU Ilo r. a I j and-4| `y Ir. 0. ll Patna... hut uo. In. Anal: .4 Ibhal _-__--.._ ,..-v--_'. -i-A bnohdluu-uhll And I In -n|I-boy: onuod inuouu nuuumnt 60 Gina and Inn cunning. ' --Ivory hiohnnq In (mm a gnthnanlman in the any on Bun- dqy. Ho willginnhcucl lot in :0- ll!` leroer lleloruaiory. A In; -cc. Lalo John Ilellllornol. run nxrnsu Wme.` Tauasou; MAY 20, 1939. ml; Man, And no now $0! any the Hana hunt: all J the qt. and in consulate In on tdoohho Kolly puupthllou. jaw?`-j ""- - I `Plan in Ilhon, lot inounoo. Idol-. I: not a hunk`. For but it. H: to ' aim on can on I": mmnun om-ugh ` in t in country--n nun, .pouontin. nugniu. Ignorant. show-cl Anorlnn. . Ho undo nguoulanl, nd! . Ihinh hi undoonrytblnq. AI 1 ulnar ul hat, ` hohnnocnhlhhlho tool lib: line. map that cones slung. H. would Sunni uruorrow, lnputlutquod lniti. 5 thno-bur! ltool. Bo vonld In opoolntnnnrpnlloaolook on: y ; to last out than-lqqod Itool. luloulh nuhqu It :0: 5.5 Inn. and nnuvubulu huocauinvouam Innmrlwugc logwifiaaago` "fn'1-`Damask "5" Maul:-4| Plnlnnn `In-A -ah: