I IUIIIII. C|I|ed at Sam u Ste nmen Algarlln, Hamilton ;l urnin. SI. Cuhunnu Conn Lhinn, Montreal; AFIBOIIII, `|'ur>uto 6 Cuba, Ogdonnburu` . -n._ ..-..... n_I....-...- 1...... ru.A...... '1 .\ K/IIUI, \IK|I'llIU|lI'. Tho prnp- Onhlornu from Chiongo, 3,- 600 buoll. whont, and Lskn Ontario, To- Iodu, 4,000 bmh. wheat, ligbuund to-dny um] proooodud to Munlrul. 1'5.` Il.II-.|I|- lingo harm hnnn Innltul IIILI PKUTUIII DU lvlllvivuu. `I'M Bollcvllln u! have been muted cu parlioipuo tn the Knnguou rupua. but owncn objoct to numuu (rum unchur M in unully done It Kiunton. mu..- a..n..-;.... ...L.........-. (mm Klnullun ll IIIIIIII] IIUIIU II nIIl|(II.vu. Tho lollouing ochuonoru from Kmgllun pulod through the Cum! yuunhy bound up Tooumuh, H. Dudley, for Chlugol White Oak, Cleveland , R. Murvmud, Fnirpon. `,'AIl[|lIl|, (luldhuntor, Tulndo- Thu achr. E. P. Ban pun! down lur I Kmguon with when In-m Ddrmt. ilk- .._ .... ..l H... -nluum-D Hui-rnhml luv. George 03:73,, 0! Omega. in timing Na Honda and former pumhioar on in this ally. lip- -I...n Al n..a..:.. lllnll Huvnunll 0-0 of Oh prlnuipcl nun:-o why u. Iv. Inna! NCUIOI his pmiuon In the | to could not urn tho clan tn the pumon IWIMVII L.l__ .LI_ ._ AI..Lm--- -A` J-n..- IVHIUUH VJIIIII lll \I|.lIWl An eortiu being made to nd the wrock of tho i-"red Norihnun. which gunk in the Spring null` Port Credit. A ..__ ..-.....II... I... h-... |......n|....l -_ III \}`u'II'UlII`. IUUUIIIIIK II |.l|l|KI|llIl- Thu ownors ol the nchr Anna l-`mule `nun undo: ountrnol. for carrying 200,- 000 Iocl ollnmbor lo (Juwgu at 81) cu. ..-_ II VII II. Notwithotmding the growling of the Ynnhn in rogud en the Clundvln wreck- ing Into Congrou Louk no notion in tho manor, I n n 1 . n 1. u., ,,, __ Al,_..._.. IX. fullw lth-I In Aprn ..` 1.1-. lII'lIIf. Tho Iohr. A G. Ryan is I.-acdiuu 950 ton: of lron.oro for Unarlnno u! M) couu `p r lqn. Th. unhr F H Rnnuulu-9 in untlnr. r ' . The uchr. E. G. Benz-duct in under- going npum. She hu not been charter ; ml in yet. 1-... ...x.., n u rm... .......a.. nu.` III II yll. Tho Ichr. B. W. Folgor came in this morning lrom Oharlouo. Sh. wall spin loud ulognph poles. Th- ma. non -I-..nuI-mrnnn and lnln-Onan wuu llliitlyu yunxn. Thorn no ti va nlumbnrgu And lourtoon Imps ongngod 1n the iron'oro trade of ths Ridun Canal (mm Ottawa A- ,n,-. 1- L_.'__ _.-J- A- l:...l AL- DI . . The schooner Hurnnu in undergnxng upnirl ,It the ohipiyurd in order (:1 qlnu higlur. -n.. ...w.. .1 P. van a.I..-.A;..u em Tho prop. Mich;r; iuwlonding u-on ruin at tho M. '1`. Co`: whnrf fur Hamil. 1 IV": Tho Itunor Hunting: had In ucuninn yesterday lrom Boll-sullo In AI-nndri Bay. FL. nnlunnn--12...:-`nu in nnrlnranxna --Tho Maul And tho .\'m:- have at length ruched nn undontandmg Ibou the Military C--Hogs. Tho mun Ill poaormcro tn blnmo for mcreued ex_ ponditure in connection with that inni- tnliun. Vary |(00d-\llIl|l tho non. bolt. ---oo~-~- - ........ .-, V. ...- ..-___ --0ur Amoricin cvunim would like to no 3 good uprounlatnnn of Cnnldialll r. their Fourth of July demnnnlrntionl. The ontun Inn! to lull the Hrvitiuhon just whit the fullu ncrnu the line Hunk of them. .,-.._r-.,_._,,., , _ --Tho Maul uyl lho `R|4lm' letters were not written by I Kinxltun Tory, but by, I Frunlanuc Reformer ui cuuv udonblo eminence in ma party. -Ml'|. Edwards, Irving It (la)-ton, Ihilo in I drunken mndntion, tank |'.u-u (non And dledon S-In-lay evening. Four lmllldildn hlvu bean thr--wn upon: the chnrity of tho world. A . , , __,__A_ `_ L) l`.__ ,_> caledonaa spEfng;,| -., -u nu.-_u nnu'l'IIAl --A IHIIIAINA _.,,,,_ , .,,, , --Tho nuilu nf' Mn. Dlndlnn and Mn. Mncalilt -r should be reverted III the hair dunner`: cue. Th:-y were plaru-1, honour, u lhsy were given In us "'. """ . -Th Nnpanu Co-nponllvi Warn- houuing Co. intend to restrict lhn use of the Inch:-uni thin uunn tn member: of tho cnhcurn. --'|`he Bnbcayabon lmlcpm./m! IHQLEOI that "u man n ma rupbemu name tn the whole pnpu|uI--n frnm lhare l.lll`h beam to [Allen up]: -A plrty of muons loft lhio nfzernm n [or Dell: to cum |'m'_lnying, under munc- in Illlpiou, the cornor Itbno u! I build- ing thou. N1- xv ____ -- n .... __....._` X4 I 4-A at poiaon in _udu'niud that win unto nu go nwjy to I noighhnfl houn and dis. -1! n: a long lulu cum. on; ,,_s,,. ,,,-1 I _. ,__,-. ;,, :., -Th": option and but urnnpd suite ol ou mbuu in tho city up th` occu- pied bylho Bolml Bond in ch. \'iIlin- IIII block. -150 Wnlqrtowu popon an Inrkinx : up the uouuiou to Kmguon qn Dunnin- -Thu Bench Cumpainy is [named Iitll buuimu beyond its gbilivy to Iopply the Junuul pnunptly. .|__-..,-_,.| .L,. _:I. . _,. _.- .4 _ - l'Iu main; to nrnnu lot 5 uatuv , cry celebration will an plus this nun; J 1-` '"'---'I"L:J:I(-vi-0' mu" 4--"w-' -Inna-V ' "as H mono! jasper daily. ` _--___:-; -_|.| -_ `L- cu i-_, -I ---- -- r-r-- .--a- -Strnbutioi cold on lb; 8!. Lu- nnoo Whrl urduy lot 3.: par box. : auuuvw -. - ..~.... .-...-__.._ ._.-~.. wan. Tho Big nuiil. wan. PHI Vlli ITUICU AID OI VAIIODI A-`I'll Oololnlion Conlma till nut III tuning. ` .o , :_,, .u, , , _L:_#.'__ -II. A. 8mb:i:|pnl lot the [Ian .-n --.4_.._ Marlue News. WI"! WINK. _-.oo... _ Found . Tun sums wme. WEI`)-NF.SDAY,; JUNE 25, xaao. IOII. An uuult moo, in Ihhh _two In! den om ooncuud. no Imldnn, the uloudun paying the auto. and pro mun; bum` conduct in futon. llw-I vs. City 6! Kunmouaon. um non! MI`; I munouo by My ul ppod Iran Mr. Juhoui win to rub: 1 NH 0! costs. Round. I 3.- nn___.__ 11...`... n____- __| I lIVI$ I IHII VI Iluuiua "tut vviln kc Klnptns lhetbu; Dunn n. int-lush obtained _nu otdot lot poyuoot us ol (quail d pulbnt. omit HIIIIIIIIOII OI I DQ000101" Ooh II:-1 on-. K ruinous! c-hunt! -Ill GIN!` 050080 .( m.ou.u-ac. Mun Iran In Jan to n. 1-g-nan! snganhnn II `In `K lnuujnw upvu IIII yluvu III IV IIuIIlIVIllI. T Ilocnubouu nu Ind '2 for drunlunmn. Hops tho anon! ad loft. John Loadbntor undo complain! at tho police union Hut 3 woman was domin- inu hi: oluhinq for brgud. Ho nu very drunk at than than and the police put him in the colln. TM: naming ho Ill had C9 or 10 Jun. .1 ur nu uu_v-. . J. Corrigan. I Bolhvillkn, admitted that In Ind oondqd by public drinka- uou. Upnu yrouininy to ohotoinlmm liquor in fulqro he no dhuhnod. ll 'n'A- ...J I Mi-I -non nlun..-J III`Il"I' Ill Illlqlv II wuu II-1-[vIlo M. Foley and R. Hill Inn chnud by Pam Tulnud with Iruuning by putting their hone: In the cache old our night. Dolnduu nu dimmed II"! I Inning. A L..n-L.- -g. Ilnnal II In. ;Il.._:.._ - Wu I W-lIII-'I ` A butohorsu Ind II lot allowing 0 nuiunoo upon Ma plus in Willlumvillo. `P Ilgnl-Lu... -an In-A .1 I..- -greve. -.- Lut week rokreuoo wee nude 10 the one of Au old mm, uh with dthere. nu removed from the Hanna 0! lndue- iry because the revenue of the institution an no! nulcioni to keep ell the in.- muee. With-ml. mean`! end phyuonlly heiplue the pIice It-re hie only friends In hie extremity. He true taken care of for 5 day or turn, and then, I! the ci .y'I expense. em! to relativee lieu Bnttereea, but he wul un!y kept by them until they could mike erruige menu In send him luck to the my. This uu-nilng he Ill before the Court. He hnd to be housed in wine II]. and as n vagrant he en committed to the ownty pol. He telle I pitieble etory. He hnd Ill mm and n deugher. nll oi whom no Ill hir circuineienoen. Tu the youngcet Ion he gue hie {um on con- dition that he ehuuld be Iheltered and protected while he lived. Ae eoon n he parted with him property he wee un.ed no inure. He lelt hie eon : eml went to line dnughtev, with whom he lived until lut Fell, when hll Ion iu-IV becluie in- lane and win nut to the uylum. 'l`lwn the feeble, deorepid old men lound I home for the time being in the Home 0! Industry. Hie children ere evidently bringing hie grey heir! in Inrrow _.n the Hie cheehnuld be e turning to all pemm to retain poeeueion ol their men Ihile they. live. Bone and dnugtr terl are rim to be dependrd on TGII l'!'I|ll'l|Iu Ill luv lvusv luuuu. A dinner, prepared by the congrega- tion, Wu given in 1 grove Adjoining, and nwanlth of pI'0ViIi_Qul nu dinpouod of. Afterward: I meeting Wu orznmzud, und Mr. Ayleuvonh, Reeve of Ernemown, who mulls: n hughly polished but buhful cnairmnn. presided. The nponkero n- suunbled wow Rovdl. F. B. Slrltlqnv J. MuVeely, (Knnpwn), M. H. Hmurd, (Wilton), Andernon. (Morvon). And Vu~ car, (Camden), Chief Allin, of Nupnnoq` Mann. Mordon ld Alliaun. A number of subucnptiona toward tho now church were given. from 860 t.oIl0, Mr. David Alhnon being umoug tho hlgholl dona- ton. It to proposed to open I new burul ground our the church in u buunlul Ipol. ' llnnc T-he Greiid Muter delivered en ed- drre.-, expleiiiiirg the pretence of the Order end the encient netiire of tlie cereniony. The ecrull of record: enil the current pepen were incloeed in e tiii bux end ingerted and the etoue lowered to in plece. _ Another preyer from the Chep' lein, the Acting Grend Meeter he-ring Ipreed the inurter with e beeiitiliil truwel preeenled tu him un behell of lhe onngre- zetion, the Deputy (}i-end Muter end Werdem tented lhe mine with the equere, level enil plumb rule, end the (lrend Muter pronounced it well tuede end iriily Ieid. Curii, wine end oil were poured upon it with Iynibolii: explenm tiun, end the Acting Grend Meeter eu- triieteu to the eichitect end builder, Mr Stovill, of Erueettuwn, the male with which to c-miplete the building The iireiid llomirl were given, end the breth- reii returned to the lodge runm. ' A A;...... ............I buy Hun nnnrirnevu. Inc ulauu uuuyuuu. Thg Ru 1-` B. Smuun, putnr chargo, ukei lhfbrethrou tu lay 1. "H". Thu hr-slhton mnved in prncaauun from the axlemporirud ludgo room L) the lilo. Tho Oduua choir tang an ap- propriate hymn, aml prayer vua and by the Grand Chaplain. TL: 0.... I.` R Rn.-.H..n nnamr in _.-. fl-`WU lluuaon on Young NI-cot. Ion! nod . own and Iitlion pluunt Ly-plv to Inno o l.m|o. Mun` " " Gen. Duly. Bath, 0.5. D. " " C.R. A|||non.Adolp|Ius'.'n..J.D N 8mlh,Ew0IttoIn. 0. Pair. Rev, ' llowii-`fl. lnrvon. 0. Chg). ` NJ . Wood, l-Jrnantlown. . Bug. The Gnnd Steunrdu inure W. BI Ul_ Muybeo, Aylouwrth sud Deacon, Bron. Amey, Joulninl, `(WIlton), _Ind Benja- II. VI . IJIIVI '50. lrvrlp `-7. I1." IIP. 'I'.K. _.ltou, ol Odohu, Deputy Dmrict I nu Idllid Diatricl, : vu idviud to lay tho comcr uano. ahd. Inning called the brethren ot Kmptou. Nuponoo, Oduu and Bull: tu uuilt, I Gnnd Induo uh formed yo ordny, with n Jury. nttoddnnol `Flight brought ucunionilu ram tho upper pol, whilu iunumonblp In > bruughbrothron and vimon lrmu coun- try puts. Tho nioon oi tho dny, no-pro-_ arming Grand Lodge, wore: ILW lord T.K. Iou, Oduu. II GM. " " LLB. Penn. Kluguou. D.G.|l. DJ! Mllnov, Adah hInt`n.l 0.1!. (MI. HnIIIIu,Buh, G..W. " 0. llhoh, NnpuIoe.G.J.W. " JJI`. Ayluwonh. Odouu, 0 T. " LL. Ilordon. Nnpu-woo. (Ht. J, Allen. hupuno-, 0. H. Worh. W Johmon. Clnrtfn Mllll, 0.01.`. " " RA. Mnboo.()1loau. .u 0.0 C. .0 u I uowmq `Aswan ; -- uuugwu mu laying tho canoe nouol I not I. I. `. Ollunh Ito floating Btidgo`. Er- ncmon. u no But roqd, uboug I em... nu: ma Kinguon`: -um up bun loaned I oongngnliou in that noo- tion, 96, cith tho mu ninionnry opirl: of the M. II. Church`, the auction 0! 5 an none honu ol lonllip Ill uocntly Illulvod `upon. Mr. Cheater Niohalaou duuuod I Iih upon I tidy: ovulooking, , the road, nt om ol the pruuion point: of I pioturuqnd ouuntry, Md Ilgglj I nut non. troop run itulf up. KW. Bro. my n... .1 na.`... 11...... Du-trial nfaoluve ouubny nu nuu1-rows- .--- u - annua- Ynolordgy (Tun-3:) ` .-u-- IL; Ann-`J nit.-1 Old Age moon! friends. LHIIO A (0 III 5105!. Pollen mm. Luv tun moon. Clirtfn . Mnyboo.Utloau. y. lhlv. Bulb. T1`HF. BIIUP uad ptvmiaa in tho laconic BulHInx,lala|y out-upiod by Jana: Duo ghuo .-\pp~y W Mu-aonnrll U Iudh, Bo- :in'I.a-lt. luvuoo Hlrw-I. -A. uloghd for nnl Anni H,l_ Inv-rs In n the uucl oloupllohol uuiuouon to ovcryou tho bulttohl. W0 Ah porumnd tn` run to munch! u! ciuluoo, who II" 39-` ml; an an no to In In. N. C. Po- -mt ml .. LIOIII. , "`l`nnnv."-The non undo: I. ` UM!--nun tho mm. _dv'i|lQ|llly 11-, Hill]!!! Chlou _`_ To My i' u to; bw~u~ nltnolll Co `ho 5-hum. Ina. ' My popdu same. ol no ,7. A his-gnu oamolu tho Woolqyuu Fa; uulo Sonilury at Cincinnati tor Mia Iluy Buck, dmgbmul 5 Into Boun- I-wr. uylng MM Ilor lath! Incl did and- douly ol upopluy. Tho nhool ulgaisln nn 3 ready an-out to Int opoody depu- mn. Ild did Ill they coal! to soothe nd gum the unuingly [rial-urichn `III. she Ill jun:-I M the depot by a young in who: am `nut-ducal u but oounhi. Ila mlly III In: unnhun, and had loll the lemon uoohling In 5 pnviom nndomudung -ms Inn, dot in- nus ht lute: III dad, lotbo III not, but Io olublo bar to got on ol the unnu- nry and dope nth Ila. They were named baton the hind III diuuvond. -ltufalo lapmo. . at-Tn. hnonnn. to lvnnoIn.- We Mn jnu rewind: lunhpr upylyo` Patios : Pdnlou Outta Iunuw. which but gin 1 such ouupttm-cl satisfaction to onryoul nlm hnlrhlol. We nornmod In! There Ie mw pmmiee of en eIcollr.nt rugetle, in whlch e greet Iutcncet lnu bum l ew-kennel. The Olnll-lull of prczuu lnr rowing races at ret gevo dleeetuelncu-m, eluce at the pronoun lime uh-re ll en nu- ` mleteieeble lonulueee eml preleroncs for ` thie kind of recreeti--n. There being but one liret clue yecht in the hlrbuul it wee ` eulggeeted tlut the money epuroprietud tore nee between bone over twelve tune ehould be cancelled, end the C130 epplted to the eddttnon cl en extre put: to tho eevoud oleee reoe, end the elorteetion of eeverel pureee fot eiugle end double ecul- llug eeou. It would never do tu eben- dou the orxgiml progremme, became thefe here elreedy been (our uzgriee In: the `tint oleee veoa-the `Elle, ul 0.. wego; the `l)ldrteve,' CuI.hbert'a new boet, end e oht lrom Cnbourg. `The Kegette Cum ttee bee been grented 860 Iron the enn-uni vs-ted by the Cuunctl and diembuted by the Fmenee Connem- toe` Such ectnon wnllmeet with general public eupport; III feet the ewerd wee beeed npun the en geetioue ol nun ta- preeentellve teen. heOe|e|~reti-an on-` mtttee will meeuhue eveutng to hut the report In! the Cettveeeing Committee. en-I make the nal enengememe. Ae but one compeuy ul llmnen exll mu the my it ll probable the `rent eoede lot the euIer- 4 teittment at three cmrpeniee will be re- duced. ` I .._j.-.._ tioptxll. unuron. , ` Tuna morning It 8.30 {clock a prayer `V mooung vus held. coqduoted by Dencon ` Wnuo. A! 10:30 u'cI-"ck the Anocnuon ' useuublod for the election of oloen and gunornl bunnou, And me! sin for buli- uou at 2 30 o'clock. Al 7. thin enn- mg I mucmmry and educational moel. ing cull be hold, to be nddruled by Rev. Menu. Mllnnm, Mclaran nod Proluuor To rnnco. lluu uu Dine nu.- UIICVI: non of their `(Wilfrid on what. they were And eighiug and groening and relueing to upprelicnd the preoiuie promise. every time they illiiwrd lheiilelvee to pursue lhll coin-liiiuii may to an iniicii muilu iliu emu cl Ciimv. of iion-etfrcn Hu knew tlinz Ill .'vi.itlirr win: It w.u iuiponubla fur ili--m In make the ctnee of Chrlel rif n in--eifoci. li wu giurded with nabmii jeeloiiny by the L -rd God llpnleul It oehooved them ell to think tur I limo while whet. clear. that crou hind npun llslll uuu :5-nu, ` their work And their line during the 154:. He liked if the e were ` twelve hiomhe. my` who had not yet. eppreheudcd the panel of Christ crucied. I! there were nny.the course they ehould edopt. use the outing of iheineelvee before June and ` believing Gud'e record concerning Him, lhet He died {or their nine. 15...: oh. -4:-nunn A enunn Int`! -1: um no Clot! [or men um. After tho sermon 3 young lady wu hupnud according to the {arm or Hug Bgptm. Church. Tm: mornimr :1 Duvet T------ - ~~- '1`!!! Ivwolhug Home on Kn sen Wont. ucrupml by |'Ul.')NIl. ANCE. II.- IOI`||nll |wDnln0I.0II. Applv MRI uluot. King-(nu. Apr-I ,!rd uvu mun um-u. Jlnv nn :1! [hut an beauulully nuggeum-_ nl` than. vun cuuuplex by wuy u! the ayunm.` haul in the npleuald mm] of the Levmcul I12, and he bnhald II. -fernhmluurod hy the cross. Putin; on to the mug: oi the king: of Judnh sud ol the propheu the preacher and the lpnlllu cull behold. Iho uhgdmv uf the own. The Ipmlla knew Iumethlng of the elfect uf (ha oruu upon hinmolf, and than who know the rlfact at the arm! upon lhumoelvuo` were most Inkely to be jonlouu of the oruu, tu he exceedmgly nuxioua with rw guru tn It: affect upm ulh.|'I. Thu ronreud. LQIIUOIIIIII uled what was wu the effect uf the cross upon thou pm- unt, upon than who prolosluul tu gym plthuo truth the npmt nf thy chapter read And the uuint of tho hymn: sung ' Wu the world crucied unto them, And were they crucied unto the world ' Thy hnd all nude tho crou of Cur:-I ul nrm~ elcct gnlll and again, and on every nuts- ..I nlnur lnnkiu: nu Chnl llmv -rar- -nnn uvuluu uuv u .a-c vu vu .. ., .., awn it. ll seemed us though the upnntla nu ambled to luuk o'er lho ' pitrinrchal ngo and see thuui old chnncurn pknruung their course, and he was the olmguw 4-` the cmrn there. The npumle Iuuknd up` .. -ll -L_L .--, L__..s.'..II.. -... ...n..... . Ihyvls In III-V vnnuux vuuua uuuuuuyu au- Qii:-lpalo anything rho night bo able` lu say. The emu ol Christ! Huwmuango A term to than whn have no pt! or lpt in Hun. Tha qmu inf Chriu I How gluti- oualy oigmoam in thong whu have real lollunhip with the apint 1:! the hymn: they had bouuingiug; how mindful w thou who buy nut been able to appro. hand that their hope in built on nothing ` lion thanlho blond "of Janna and Mn ' righteunanena. H51 julmia Ihu apmle III of that upecial theme. Of ex-unu thou ware certain roaaona Ihlch uwle him jrllolll. `rho ayostlo saw Ilia croq- of Chriat an ovanhadmnng lho whole domain at divmo rawh- twni It nomad an though tha npuatlo was ehllml to a pamoular pmut -I \an - Gaga whcncu be could u`-srmk Ilse vma, and it mama he had an atraugo n capa- oiiy that has could gnuunpnn the very rut tranlgronllung and louklng upon Hm pour quivering (wan: jun. lhrnu from the pyrulnul unca happy Elan, ya-l. careful` of the prumi.u dropped upun the vary lhroohhold. It aeemad as though he cu_nld behold the crou of Christ 0'urIl|ad-;I\|ng 7 ` aL.._...L n... .. _,......x _. _, _.. _ Ulfl '-I 1l'lIIIIIII. I. II. | They would potooiu.` u preacher : aid. thltllo In} an old, IIH" tum Munro, whence he would be hudly likely to not 'b-.=fbu thug my new Ilwughn. Thou of Chad who knot the import of zinc wordy could dnubtlou an- oi. -amt. `Anulhinn In lniuhi. ha nhln In `u opting utviao ol on-`ono`l tho. Booth! Ann-sinus: Id hold Int onniuil the Baptiol Ohunh. Mic: ringing Md indie; ol ocipsun. Jud prayer by Roy. Ilr. H|edouold,o( Win- nipeg, Rn. Jouph Forth. ol Forth, npngnlngnl `Inn: ag lull.-in... tall IIIVUI, gwvo vvuvvyu runs, on 1 turn, pruchul Iron tho lullu-iug tut . "bulthal-on of cum: should be nu!-I of uunool."-I Uotlumnmul. 17. NM... __..I) Ilgnlllg Inu gruunng Iuu rvluuug I.U nu; v-mu ---, lav --.- ehuud lluu. Tno concert in In-rut. Tnena vms I comlninn :1... pm '0! .xcumuuIIlnt 1 huh that attached tn ma In-cmno one or l..c p- ln-m at of tho cllri-lll`|H'.: Ila M . _ I. . . . ' . 4- .r _ I. _ __ _ IA'I'l'I'%l'l msoclnlox. 1 he (onlu; Ileana. -* .-....- . lot HI-Io!-atrklou. Golden Lion Grocery [RN 9! Inltl. mu M Ibo Noh Hal! oils! in I-5. no: use Mano -ad Inna Iumlm with uy-In Ann I pkmclmi land. nl `aloha quality, In! I nah quluuuu. and I0 In-oud.I| lulu dam. {mum 1AnI2s'cuuu.Lf' ' LUL'l 1 `\ 3 '0! III` gpplyu ` ll'll(IUT ncnmhrulm, Ngluv min Ir-van Kmplon, on the uydulmla Iogd_m nu Nauru (`nu-rum: Tnunohw of Klunton. 9 Fauna Iloou. `wish Inc-Inn sad Vloonnhnt uooobd; nhu lam. Iouu, x N. mi -uh":-1 In two llornu ul three con. with I: to: [our Iona cl Hay. ulna. guano Act an. Hnary Honor!-u.lc.. and n and Well Tiopropu-0 c-noun til :01: A--rv-I-zlanul, xvi: In Hoe ohm: mu... -~..un ovary ponhulur nn am (Illa! common. 1hn|V-nvovulboelein-god [or In nu-on-nv Illuinnl. slut Ilnnhuvollulouanud Inc My pm-pony niacin-1. Mu. udhmu Ito shun, On ndrod And I Loud. M tho North Half allgo In I3. Ihh nun Mung null Inna in lmhr pnnteulououqula-n_ rt Cumin W. luylh. OI cut. I. I. ocurr. Pnptkm tlgcmm. um; tub. no :SEE pR`osPEn'run. nu..- _L.,; ,, EELIGIBLE raopmm l|l"Cr|lll0 IIUU III la-U if '!'||ll|l It-autumn-nu lucatl-vn here. Tim furmer his road as well an brau Instru- meutu, and conncquantly the mum`; In ui A oohor llld ml-[er ~'n.n-never, such or :- mou erturuunng to than who are, u on on oxcumrm. brought mm clooo con- tact With tho performers, Ihnlo dnronoo londu unchnnlmont lo the hormony of I purely bran bond. Bolero the boot. nun-d, And whnlo lha oxeunionuu were accumulating, the baud ployod auroral ooleounno in on aruum nunnor. and 1 undo I most faworlblu nnpreulon. The 3n.l on man rnjnynblc, the all bump char and braL1n;.;. In woo noorly und- u:,,ht when the return won undo to the ...... ..n . .. ..... m aha .-mminn nl n..m. I-A-hlll. -vnuu um Ivtl-In "nu ulnunv -u ....., city, all cm. noun In the opinion 0! I-vme. The church, unncully. must hue roll- nzod hnudnmnely by the cunt. Tho Bonk Bnln! of our, IIJ A I IKIMIIA Ll..lO.. hallo! 0\nvs,0uhr.IIV. The u..umg.u-rn of S5. Paul's elcumwn muat have been well uunliod mm the runulz of the Inuonlighk excurlion which took planes on the steamer `Muud' In` lllghl. The Auundnnou (about 400) tax- cue-had Lluo hunted nunnbol. no thpt zxpec-" tatruuu were unnto than realized.` l'he . ..nu n. I-nllI"||I WUIU I|l"|V lllllt IKClll4WII~ Ill`: rim. prrloruunco in publ.c J! B"- Bu- lary band Inn, in doubt, the great. lunc- wu one of marked dxupummn on the AXCIHHIUIIIILI to compute thin-band I t n A" lhI.tor_s', which - _. . ._ _..|... u.. p .. -um Iu|Hru - nu tu no u u.`., ., ........... mg I- ur nulnra with I Mung at much end. .-Hlur u gm-al do-.nl xf nmuu they wary hllltd, but nut IIHHIB they hml succeed- ed Ill l$dV|ll :1 fun largu noun nnu uvulhm lnpa behind them. Tho puny ur- rzvml nlely at Mr. '1`. C. lleuvis, when after n freehlng thenuwlven and won um~ `lug the lelr--rs n! the deep, the-y (ripped Hm "Ii,-ht fnululic toe" 'l|ll lhu uunll hnurn.--lsux \\'.u.r-`-N` _.u.-.- A very auoounlnl huluhg puty In` 1 hold on Pu-cdano Pain. lluu Island, on. ; Sn(nrdny,.Juno 1915. II `was composed principally ot the you poop]: oi Pinn- \ burgh who data`-inod wlorgotcinlot ` one dny. The party ohlmnd the 11:13: `Helen, crunch, with 0 number of null boot: in WI, ptoccodod to the palm. nunod. Mm {mung lo! I tune with .. lutto luk but plculy of tun, ch-y tutu- 'od their uIouI_|ou to. I opud ptuvidod for the you-I916. Mu: QM: up ml luu begun. Four prmeo urn olcred tor tho but Ito:-nu, aitbnr otigmnl or ulootad. the only lnmmlion buin` tlut unh us-ry du _lu be told lroun an-nary. and not uc . cupy In0l'O/ than seven` minutu in dou- var . Thou II` Oijht atria. TM lune occupied 1:: all uni |boul Au hunt. Than I won III tnluu when (lit IoUuw- mg uuxdl ware nude ` I.`..-. ....-- _|-Tm. Innm dull the RE-OPENED. I'`() l\`. SA LE. M. l'nnl's Excursion WIIIIYTIIIAII. YISIIIVH Pill Y. AND THE DESK` OF IVIBYTBINO, pg ....m,.m.v-nu. In Inc It I-mam Inn:-II mush: I|.Uu:.U 3... .|. , w-nhlv lmm IoI|1.!\O~ oh; Mt uuuhr urnlvu loll valor Itd `'0 VIII tuna um, udluv-I ml-due nlunood Iot- vcnlo The Mal ulna WIlDIIlpIV.IlI0 and Han Wurn and Inn. nun! yo;-mun-, av-nun; n all - no |V_Mw -u-. Ilnnl. n. ll` hum` pnntmuu run: 0 out u..a..u .-an-nmk. Mr. I D loan at Li. M [Ant-Inn Inll. OOLOIID (CI 03511 IXLKI AND IATINI At hut Pm:-an frantic}? LADIE8} \ nuupg n [5 pl vuuu. am] My Haul: 5 0uI.J Wait. I C. P-Ihul 0. (Jo , and I, X` L. rtlllll U ` 0 I IHIIV 1`.|IlU an ant lnmn co.. 5 TUIOIIO. DIDIIII prwunv fa vmuua numm A-A A-4 ll IL. `mun: ul III? II IIC II"lI!'!I Ill 'GAAY'8 vlrausi In uL.I Ihon nnsgnlmnl up ' BONNITB AID OTIS! OIL!- IIATID IAIII OF ILAOK SILK! l'l|'llrIlIlr nunnuon In mlrruu uv our NEW SATIN IIIIBH BLACK OEOIOBAIN BILL! ,.Annl| nu ., , __; an .m . iR.&J.GARDINEk The Boot. Path}, Large, Complete and! Cheap Stock of A Silks ' ` A Well Assorted Stock of Lace Curtains, I Very Chomp, the Very Good: for House Clesning Ti found at 130 and 132 Princess Strum. opposno 01:`; I.llcl:ol`.o b. jg: . All Kind: 0! Dnuod and Rough Lumber, Bull 1'.mhr-r. Ln-h. Sllxngioa, I'o hag Io null Ilsa umuuum M lulu luyun A I0 I50 . ` Rathbun 2lE.:;mber Y HA6 on man nu: unansr Assoarunxr or a; nu) noon on. c1.o'g_.us HE ms var 1XH1B11`gp_ 32373 It See Samples in out window. `nun; part ottho Wholonlo Stock 1` R. B. 0 Manual, which we bought. at I Very Lgw Prxce. mm & 0" 0! 40 GT5 1u3D1; c1`1oNz IT cm BE GOTI Jno II. IE. |z. `?1iiui."'1VFiv""3?'u"fiE"'i3iBi`i{f1{'zore. mm Street. % CV3 . V2150! CD111 ll 0| 00. I1Ih.Il.is8ud II 00 par yu-I. RIoI-11\z1:oN:D 3. BOYID.EJl\T S, THE _PEO_PLE'S GLOTHINQ HOUSE --- --SIMS. LIVINGSTON. '[)i`:.~`.~' Goods`, I ur4Isol.~', Blurk and ("n/u/'ml S1/ks, New Prints and (,,utrrm.~'. IIn.~'ir'r1/ rmrl (i/~I`.'.~', (hr/u'(.~` cg/'u/I kinds, JIi//im/r_I/ and Jlrunllo/.~', Tu'.c:/,~' and C/ml/ls, and Dry U114!/.~' of II (Io'.~':'I'i[)tI4:II.< _r)n In A Fine Assortment of All-Wool Borges, 00" You should` no hit hinted Ollicoos st 70. per yard. And his Muslin Lawn at 12 1-8 ct: per yard. Au-d Lmad sunshade: in Fancy colon at 636. cub- `Tho But Pnuhd M Tu. ` P.S.---Kid Glovs at 25c. `per Pair. LAlNG S, 106 Princess Street. The Cheapest Goods in the city Nov Blank Blntinp. Nan Chariot. All W 7iA1V_f`I`PIJ;\fG-'%sv1p_1'1`.%s`. CHETP: !W_A.LDBoN s. .._._.uo__.-- u .. u-- u...... .u.-... 100 Linen coats, 81n`le and Double Breasted. 50 Linen Ulsters, extra lengths. 200 Black Lustre Costs All uses. 100 Single and Double Breasted Russell Cord, beep makes. In the above Goo-`ls we defy any house tn lbc uh` for qushzy , work uasuhfp And ohgp. one. Q Pleue give us I call on-tore purchasing ohwwhoro. I nnI':|1'Inr.l'l'| I1-.. W....l. f|I..4L.`....._ n;___ I nl U` 0i'VlL'E--Foot cl Queen Strut. Imnwu :)- REMEMBEl{-Wo guu:nnloo I purfoct t. (_iolde_n Lion Grocery ` In! about In Cooinnm. Inna ud 'l`nIamtng vnrpouu THAT 400 PAIRS WOMEN'51;RUNELILA BUTTON BOOTS, Worth $1.25, Reduced to 853. ` .\|4y T, 1880 Also-A Caspian Anon-than nl V I I UIDIIVB I TIIKI II , Asian ll ood-lion ul j - `Jigs `HIT A I III! I C VI I IwuIII- In that mu ronphul nquhcn. nun luau not n-gun `\Iu`! I mu nun d-nu nul uqsup an moi nu-I In Mu-an us lair. - Va urn just through mutufnozunng our Light (3 Yodn I01` tho vunn It-non. vlnoh V9 5:. oellnngnz Iha Lawoct Lulu; Prom. AA v:_-_ n__..- a...--1- -..A n-..|.I- b_-.._A;.| At Inucly lav ?ou Where you will have the largest hoice and get the moat Reliable Value. Jun 2314. I880. Ru: pberry Vinegar. Lemon Syrup. ` Etnwberry syrup. w mun sump. . _ ..- , Notclovioc All Wool Buithp, ' - _ ` V ` New Navy Blue Said-up, ` New AH `Wool Doha: nilingu, Iilnci All Woo! Dc-hind, > 1 New Lighp Blue, Cudinul And W-hue Camping Sharla, Chap, up w u nuns in sun : Ilnlldlnnn. BASH. D0038. BLINDS. MOULDINGS, &.c., Suits to Order for $12. A FnlI.|t;np of In A-I'I nanny Wood, Lbld Pllllal, Pluto: M Pnns. Wnur Linn um | - A! III, . III) IL "IN! At Luv frot. nonld procure I Isl!` II A II MFORWTHE ..A_. BOSS JUST 'I'O/ HAND; Plain [soda Water. Giant Ale, pxit up In two don. can for I11.`-I.H`C 69 [frock Sl[eel---Illal Nu. 2|. ! DIIMV, Uhrcunu Illu Iv uuu vcauynug Illouwl-. vi`. ll. WAI.lm0.\', WI son : Buildup. Hams-.3 & LOOKETT. I D I A (land Pmmm in] chin (or ad: hoop. Jun Ion. ls-0. B"): Ilhl, TWO L onto one In In In: `In: 1",, no Inn has lhgu-4|. -Irma Nil, I ran sun A sum sjgm Ellclli. . -..___..--_.__.... . . moved to wemnaton 3:. W` lil'Jl.l k..'."'..`.`.','.'.f_ #`_ _'?.T % Wm H. 1.. . w'.::'...".:...'::.'1.?"` "".'~ --H: - ' Applv la II louqony.IIu Dyer. Ayn! N. we. ,, ,,,,.....,..-.--- unuav nml npllf all than of lemon and Kuughu on ma nlmruut M01000` Ilrulu no-1 Wanna Iur ado about. Cool uuu-1 Tmurolnr cab shop It; " Iinn`-u - . ...._ Olnrets (1 tin an In Ilsa Illn H-nlu mu m 37:5 Ioalo Art;-u-Mr. Caner I June loll! X!'0. utunru I;.vmn, T 1 Juullwy Q.` Ilaptua, I-u-0 I0, IQ. -rnlu : Hula; 1 Fnnnun :1 30: um, T1704 and nan. nun nu sure} _r3 int; um; 17"." lV|'l1l`ul;'a Uoolal -mm hm I-wnuma ran to; fancy O-o9dC .. ......v.u. ..`.I ------ - N O'I_E_'_ICE. 1 V: v scA_g.1+::s. Phrmao nun; Salon and Womble in! n Ivll to ban them an! and at 0000 [now rum no on the clan In 5 ml |vIlpPeln`[. Limo Juice , J1 ` Plmnru by-nu ` I01!` fh_0lp- n-- v`lI'NRl'I in IUD life III 0' C915 n_ usual In stand on -010 CD00 IO mlpellrl. V ` "mum Ibo man on the corner of mu! King Annual 5- pnuni In I n v_I3~__-h-vguutyuotooa. .. ---C nail`! y Lions nan. , Prlnnnnn -J `I-- nulls you 'olor~T 3...... Van hilt!` rliIv`y;_Q`lII__IOhl u and vu-my unt? at _-:4 5-. Mn Iuulw , A ` xx color-A hub. .'.:.`., can. TTIIIC: luv; 0! f'I_I couybhslhu Int. MI moth uvrlcl II! who . `~-rt main. Anlv -6 IA` Ill-U-n r Prison and (log In Tlnhalurooozl anchor and halt! real nun nob , I-`onto Paula. Plohld -I I??? 2- wounngnu luau ...-. uuauqoj um can JUIIH IIAIII. an Wanton In and 1 Porvud Canon: JUNK IIAIII Wqgolll ard. puma: ` Ann. - - ' - - - " 'r""-'- IE1 WEKN I0lTIILIa|lIUH`AWA. u.....um on-I Quntbp hum. ---.. A II n I A-AA E\`cY'\lh|yg In keep you Cool and men, alu-that In ynur Dwellings. in the `Fulani, I-r hr tho Bunk! Hf Ill! lhnr. lee April KEEP coon} . "-'* . 1339;- -I-o 5.35-`: vl'ArnIr.|n-`:.cTr;(_I-I. hood 01 Karl strap! :1 ma-am oeennhd D! If. )\I'T|l.\` nqumu `tho union M II ( .n Such`! III Mmll mil IhO|r ul- ... n. W l"uI.|.lH'. WI llnnullr, or In . l'..||.-o\ sunm In cm In no-nllv n. [\T\'i11ERE HHl'-F` Int pruanl net`-Ilplo II In. J: 1I*un||_v,9orInI' Ilonhnd (- u u M. my who (`train Ground. huh` nll u... n ...mc-nnnuunn nl um and Lnld CHI nu llra Lpply In The Bus`: Oumnl, Hu But And Ciluput Snglr, I56 R _: Ah`l.-a". In (I -unII_v,mn-nor Bomoand column a Ground. Imlo--n ---vnrrnlumo 0! HM and told > Huh Mm-m, an Inn OI60 por un- I'-no--wu In In. Apply at the an nr I-ulna Hurt: E (`u . Ulhno Ill. . mu. Lian \I, 5 5. Jon` ....._ __. _____.. .._--._ .._- 2 Anal Inn-I (`uuao.0-S7 Princes- qr-031'!` Mr J. hw l|'II'n.It pnltllt on _r Mr (L PI Pmnnm Ions undo: `m-oeulou In In Apply 0! IN! ol 1-`on` _8;lLE. a W l`uI.l.lH', WI'mnuv|I|o, my v.~;ml,m I3 ILIIJ )0 nu-poly M-. In Thu But Fresh Butler, nu But Pnro Cooo, GU `D IILUAID TAIILI, node N Ilulry K In. Uni Ihpl ooupble, in not I. "odor bud surly nor, notable Inc 5 lial-'11-`! Hutu nu ID! for II could all chop law on an no In on-Mnegohr 3 In you; IOIIO. Am-lv pl lb will `N. lmnlmn. in N. lk I M Mn-em on-on Ind by Ir. roullllml Pltlllf. `llll II) 0 Back Kitchen and Wunhbod. H--l Air-Fnrluo. Well and Ch!- 4- an nnlar Pouullon III lay. Tho But 8upt0uu1l Han, I'M But And Fmut Alu. I SALE AT THE lvrlw-1 I` -"N" ' WQW& ll Mg--0`. II. RINDIY Johnna luau Tho But Chant. &c.. v-- -Oj" "* Wuoru. Excvnslml.-Tu-qorI'oI the slollllor "||iInd" cull In onppd on an ouuniuu down the that under the hu- plou I the that any Mannie I--dgu, thou srrunpucnu puoully no at the soot umhotory chnmur. The all along the blond: III the cool ol sh onu- mg will coctunly pr-In nlnohinn, and `Ioouuninnloes Mu the privilege og ouudlugn Inonnie c--acute :0 Gun- oqu In the uranium. Joe. the ODIN. mil Quin all oontorublo on board so In II he in command. The public in invihd. sad Ind l not-new-,ne0I I - not lo-I3; n.nl|0I1I|` `or. non`! D -nnnllhnlh Inn-out llnll. lured C ling c-harry on Ito biii out g n was unogth IUVXIIJ Iu:Inh|un than his not 7 run. luv. Ar . and D! --~-uoo--% I A CIAIUI or `Bou~a.- Pooplo man I and miouh Ill Ohglging tho unmet `Mum lur uomng Il(`llI oi0nl._ Thorn in no plounrrln Non nil by moonlight i Ibo dock be not oocupiod. and lhlll I pony numbpring unr Ihtoo lmndrod uh tho dock ol tho `Mud tho muuiou It not no pluum "u runny anndutrq `I'M uulur `Wntor!uwu` in the but but in tho hubor lot mounhght oxcuulou. and mu pinion in nhorod by uporicucod when oh umum Nunnn uoohod Oborlouo Sunday mghl II nu, as loud, handed by tho Canton Homo ollun nndohhugpnt uoh pouugunn Iutdod. AI Anal Kinld. on 0! I50 clean, is examining tho that ol , _-._-... K- _-_n I..-ni.-- ml.-- _I..;.J . I; TWI, It IIIIIIIIII` but Ivvuu ll 5 nouns: in Iron: lnrlhu than plan! I IIII Mend, om cl the deal hall. The uu|O.pdImly.vu the dueling cl chin by aid duh band npn the nu ol Kla- nol`o bud, sud. sooonduily. child but had`: urncyiunoung and looking up in nu, nllqg tivnlor. Min man in all to be Ilrnvn. II in annual] pmhblo that It will to undo jury torn by the Unhcl tum uubohl lot mo pukin- ga. .A..L L...l __.-,-.... B liA1*rn\*.~`I`ho rem:-ul of "B" Buttery to Kmgntnn caused in upoel (mm the oocu ul nhioh lho men Inn not yo! roounrod Honoully Ipuking tho qu|l'COfI an honor (uc-pun; tho oi - ooh" apartments) and the -510! have in more nltncuvn than Nut at Quebec A doturluucnl --I fa-urtoon has taken clnrgo -`I I".uI Henry. The Buuory parndu ll 6 n.lu-, 6 30 mm and 2 pm. ,.4-5.. Pu.\'n AT BA`l`I.-Th| Ru. Fnthor Mcwillnuuo no t-- hold hio umunl pic-mc thu you at Church Point, Bath, on Tauduy nut, Juno '..hh` SH` John A. Iudonuld And `iur Lennard Tnlloy no to ho prevent md duluor addrouou. A good duy'I puumo ll promised. We can vauoh that Fnlhcr MoWn||I|uu will do I" III M: pawn In plane ovuyono. Twkou to the ground: 25 emu. Boo punters und mull blllo lur luuhor inlet- ._.. ...-. _. Manon Inn-.ovnmn'.--Tho |p~ proptiuiono made by Cungrou lorlho Lake Ontario dllllil Ire Promoting the light 0! Thmy Mile P.-mt llghlhollli, 06,000; Ohsrlutlo hlrbnur, 86,000: Grout Sndul bay, 83.000; Liulo Sudul bay, $90,000; Oak UrchArd.U600; Onwogn, `Q0900; P-Iunayvulla. $8.000; Wilson hnbour. 010,000 \\';d.lmgI->n hnrbuur in nun ---- ~~ WT Unulc nun COM.lo0N. -Thc Timu loll! ol the uoutomaut cuuud `l.1 Wau- 'town by puma in watch 1;! I girl who III bollovod to hue mnuuy from ` bun. Tho uummminn wn quuted luv. owning by tho nppunucu 0! lb wining on whu uncut lot um cuty, slur Im- in; viuitod some Inundn, nu unconscious 0! tin loan but ubuncn Ind orutod. II-II? ZCT I llhduhlud. nun vuul I 83,000. -- -ao>.....,_- Du. E|.uon`.~s AI I'0lN'l'MlNI.-ThIs Stuioning (`- nlmmeo nut huing cun- Ioutod to bond Ru Mr. Suord to KIIIIIIOO iuuud of Muntrul, the choice ul R" Dr. Elllu tor Svlouhun Strut Church has hum cnnlinnod. 0! Lhtu nouns Iubmmod In bx-H010 that 0! Dr. Elliott wu hold in man {nor by that who were comullod in the mutor. uuI~ouriacoTuTn IOIVII, on ru|-Ont. Mn 0, battle: I at human. I. nuunnou I. Ilnu [gun and I out Mao-A - n.~u-lnv9ul mama and Pr-puck: In M Cm; Vugn -M law-I I'M;---Iy. - - .41- ....., 1 Tu: Blounar Fonms Jun Baptiste Funlin, tho much mnrnud nun 0! 0m. In, his been lodged in the Penitentiary Provimu tn leaving (Maw: he gnu ordou In wife No. 1.1 for mun} money dun- hun by I cuuplu uf panic: in Ottawa Ho Ilpr.ellt9I u Inking [or No. 3, und will live Imh her Again when he put: in hil two yurfuud I hnlf. -40. --~_. r .o>.. RAIN `I-'u.l`~ ~ Ye-turdny (Tuesday) "nun than Ill ruin up tho Buy o! Quinn, u hr down In Adulphuntowu. and none hare. Tho penplo ul tho lower uotiun ollho bay say that the ruin It-um of Sunday, which also puud nu, cum. in wnvu `t-t cloud: lulu i tolljng mnu, und Ind a Very ningnlnr nppur -...\. ._..._.,......._. Plxutn-run :5: H l.Ir;\ -'I`ho tpndon '0; poniuntwry nup'pl1u nl tho lollou ii (potion! have been It-copto-I Mr. J. 8. llon0or|ovv_ grncorioo, Mr Moons, our; Menu Wntldingtnu uml Wnlnh, . _-- ..4oo- ..-___ WI are l.-`Id ghn uldon Linn Grocery mld Ill immonu mlvnlsar of urnuhorric-I to-Jay nt 5: par lmx md expect: morn 0.. _..--.... -- _-ll .. kI.nl: nhnruinn _ _...-oIs.~_,_. Qnn.~'s W|unr.-Thiu tuning the bond n! "B" Hutury rill porfunn on tho Q-nun : whurf, cummoncing gt 7 30 o'clock. .. _. - Pum _ma.... so mun windu.uooO- ly Ioulhorly -nd nqutli uuutly windl, hot author with chundot norm: in some Ioomitiu. .-. ..., .. Vv V... to-Inorruv, u wall, ll ` lhich Iill by wlrl chup. .___......_... mug Anni. II Put In! (11-01 I lay low Iovl. In nnlbulul to 00 no hum-n-unun nu lrllluh 1 II our bu! nun. 1 in lulu-uni urn}.-Mu-750-0 tune ? Eh: gguilg 3;um: mug, EM`-!`ski:4>' "V{i=I'*i;~{;<>;_%?!_773;'L?=.Ei3_% fl `HF. b`(|lUP uni in the Masonic Buudnnmlaulv oot~uIn'od by ll` '7. J. I' Ilifc II I` !-u. low _!-"I- I! -.'-'.!"': T tho C|3'Hotol, l'0UI IIAIT. AC- TIVI IIIA Int ho vol! nann- -ondn ' ` ` F. C. IOQ;naltuu. Ion um upon lain! aunt. lupus. lay 59th. In. - _ ' nudot Jun IBHI, I590. -._.. __ __._. vIiA1g_-ran. our 1517 m:um'r. ~. nTinTu .TB'... 1.4. uvic. nil. Al-an IQH5 .---- -oL__.--- A Intel Down. Htnuu In- H!` Iumlml Wurar` Hui _6_@_b. -.,,..,.. ....,.- black choniu, IJU-I'VE VI 3&3! It. Wu. Ioluon. ol Idiuhumh. nd In Nelson, on 06 Bow (uh Ilr. Nul- oou lo ldonndu in ennnouion with tho Ololadtbl Into own Georg: Brown. his btothot-In-In. _ ,A .L, __A-..--,| _-_, . _L_ [I , llllwn WIHI WIIVII III-In uuu-n. TM ownop M Kim Ichoouor Hydornnd won in Durant Indy trying to mph n Iullomolh with Mr. Buwiok, owner of _thq otnnbargi Alponn, which I4-wad th, ydotibod to Kirlnnhcf ' Tho owner 0! the oahnnnor onrod 02,000 which In. not oohpted. Ir. Holmk uiing $5,000. his probable tho court will uulo tho numr. The Hydonhvl And her cargo have been libolod lor 090,000. II III III cu . - 1' Bishop 0! Ontario paced through Iollovillo yesterday on room to Modoo on Dwain bminou. ax- 15-...` I,.|_-I_- -- ..Il .. I ..-4| OI Ulji uuunuu. III GIIIII Wulnloy. u coll a Lord 0|Io|noloI'I.|u not gained the omin up- pnnl by the authorities 0! I" M: doinp it the Capo. I- I`--ad. rlnnunn u! Hunt. `n `Ann IQ VII unyi- In (`mods damn tho! than in my Inns In thonpo In oluuluimn to the Cantu the Han. Mr Baby conun- pluu lowing the Ministry. I-152 hlnhnu Inn nlmnd A.annIAlA FIG IIIV|I' Ill! Iuvvlnuy, hole Ollaqny has almost wnplotod urugoucuh lot the piultlllu ul u new book. 0| ilk! M ill boon oogld hr the put it pun. "_l`ol|y your an the OIIME of Bone. :1- nr_ B_n_,_ ,1 .A:_|...-_|. -_J .-III III IIIU I-Irllll "VII I III! \rI(\4l|. A not propel!--r ha been Imllwlwd no Hamilton, to ply bllwum Port Dulhounio Ind 0`donuburg. touching nl King-tun. Th- n-nAlln ..l n.. nnhr A-ma I-`nnlnl TLdWi1dm-itay Concern I