wan urns; THE n'nrnsH wme. IIC O0|lIlO1!.:I HI T003 IIQI `I in ~ Mold. IBIIIII ngnuul u. d - nl tho, .A.0. Inc an oity.u.d . "For In`: I jolly n pol lollnw." Cal. Ntuhoudo nplhl. Bo Add 1- lonmo M4 hon -ado huh: m-iocnua - iupoouu clone. 4 had cadu- voumd to do In deny. And only punt can only when It In nomad. Hg was Mvvitouythl 6: manual nu Mil Ban. than had but ugndnl I.- nmnnnl dnllnn lhn lino in mud n |J.A.l.I.. III X VVCOI IN IXIIIIK m I the opium: me In sum In Gaul: could ho obolqt ad bout than It hglonolluuy. (A ) Hon: nary an obopopb at Ilnptol an nnldrvllhlnanllln -nan....L... .1 uguooounuuy. unusual.) uouu -nyrthu llnptm 000 `vol-Noupllhuuooongodootol II ouduuvin, lu bola; on no laid to Inca Ibo lnnuuhu. Th. IIII III. mun unnuulujrillll II- 1 nuns: during tho tiI}9.!Lun1 . .A.(l. And to would be sound nu; nn|n.h:n nun lg. n-luau. n. n...A- Q` 1-,. on ` .,.....--11.. . uni-Oon=n|," us odsl IIOI the vo- Iunluu hound lb-ulvioo udoounu on ollcvadouvbou it -nodal Th main nnvnuml n.- .|-. a any man. LOCI`. Major Radon! raapondad. Ho ad~ ultlad that the army. though wall lad. was at --no than wank, not our 30,0) nan, aoua ol whom may had in not abroad, now. still wall lad. Ih_a. Enplra ouuld put 8),!!! or 100,000 man in ma Bald. bank at with auuthar 100,000 men, and ban Illppn Iron Canada and Ana- ualla. Canada muld Many um ram an army which wold not be aclipaad, at loan in phyaaqaa and latalllganoa (Applanat) Ila stand that In England no volualaar anlllaty had to ba dia- baadad, haoaaaa they could an! get nan capabla oldrlvlu and taking can ol home, In!` luotaaa that could aland [an pranuu, but II|OI.Il the lam rattan. aha Kingalna hold Bauaryhad dona ao wall Iha Cadau could not ralrain lruaa gum; is a paaua; chant. Tluaa raaulta -an poodaaad altar alt dqa drill; had Illa aunt] noalnd till Iinaa an um would lava doaa lalltldy honor. (an. boat.) III DLI. nu proonmng mu oauvnn the loan. Thu Oluiunn gun the noun] lo :1 man, wluon Ion Ioll rocoivod-- ho Qucon," Md "Tho Contact-Ginonl, "Thu Ann and Harp" nu gl... ...... Cheap Enough-for Evetyhndy. uucou," um "rm uontuot-inonl. "Tho Army and Navy" wu Ibo pf. pond by Ool. Km. Mnior nunondod. Ho ul. u u-nznnv. fll lvullllo IAIIQUII. The dunner (Ivan by the oourl took place in that Wiudnot Bob] in the non. Sag. Ibo apnul lining the Inn! yet gun-I uudor uinlu napkin. that an Inn.- ing the wad upouwyiug, look Inc. Cul Kort ooonpbd the Ohm. and Ijor duytho tho Vino-Choir. The band of ".0 bnuhon played INII the dining pnnovding and balwua the sum. The Chairman nu lhn nnunl Inn: u n . Nu. 2C0.-Liam. Hubbell. No.3 Co.-Cn I. J. W. Power. No. 6 U0. apt. Mutton; Llout. 0 Ion. No 6 Oo.-Uapt. J. Oollovny; Licul, '1 Convuight. No. 6 0o. -Curtain Honda. Sorgl.-Major 0. Field. Band ul `2 pieoon, in ohugo ol Sn-gt. L- -ok Is. our Ivnnlun IA-nho vans: uwu uuv-u-u. Tm corp: in null oteorod, and in com pound oi A: good I body of man u could` be dnind by any lllillllfy authorities. Thou III I uniform nootnun which call- od tor hvuunblo cuninunt. Altogether the Ibtulion in 1 glut credit to the city, though it in not aouidma um tho city in my hclp to it. Thou holding cumuiuioll in concoction with it no u fallout- ` Lnont.-Colonel Kort. Mnjon Scythe sud Bajnl. Cspt. cud Ant. Gordon. Surgeon J. . Olivot. Ant.-Surgoun Bighun. Pnytnutor King. Cnptun and Quarlortnutor Spriun. No. I Cu.-Cnpuin C. Chow"; Lnut. Bullurd. v.`.. on. __I.e-... n..i.i...n III III IJIIUU -`l W.` IIII|IllZ<\l- We may um um _dm-inn the i tion Liouta. ubbull sud Kerr ; examination entitling than to I clan ceruloatu. tn. ,_, _nm,_,n 1: -u--u ov our-uvv-uuuu-nu uvuywvolus u. Culonol Kan oloo undo o lmlo opooch, uprouivo ul hi: ouiolnction with tho manner in which !ho nnnunl drill had \ been porfnrmod. Boloro dumiuinu ' thou, honour, ho bode them romombor that dugjng the your they were nlill mm- I hon nf tho Nth P.W.(). Riu. ond lheir 1 cunduct ohonld ho Inch on to rellocl crod- ` iubly upon the hatulion. Ho culled fog : _ohoon for the D.A.G., tho Brigodo Mr I jor. (ha Prinoooo ol Woloo and the Quoon, 1 other which tho battalion morchod to lho I Dull shed and VII diomioud. : ll: 7, ,. _. ., .L.. ;___:___.L_ :,,_,, uquuu .1-n uuuu nu . The D.A.G. undo the ulunl nddrou, complimonung tho buuliou on in clou- qppunnoc and upon it: prociency in Ilnll. The volley ring ho pal-ic.Il|r|y praised. the bnhlion volleys bciug even bum lhun than of the Uutnpcuiou. Ho inliunud that ho hm! m-obobly innpootod the cm';)- ' . m ms um. but that he hoped it s-.-um continua to merit the favorable upon which he propoud tu make to thwournnons `rupocsing n. l`..ln..-I Ifgnn ulna maul- g hnl. nun-Anli pan in ' qnattav column. opangad ranh again aal uauhad pug in donbla tima. Tho mairua] and ring aaaniaaa followed. .Tuo bat-_ ' talion having lutuuatl on tho olulnal gm-md advanced In aacltdon,!ormad oom- pauy aquana, puparad to nut cavalry. and Mad Ihraa or tour rotunda of blank ammunition iadapandantly. The lina lomad on than that company and volliaa wan Ind by companion It-on tha ght remarkably wall. After throa rounda, nudupandauit tiring. tha battalion waa a aeound tina lorna-I into quarter column and advapoad to tha attack, and the aku. minhing was uc-naldorod to be exceeding- ly wall done. The oolnpamaa wan now muatared by the D.A.U. and D.P.. and than Ionnacl intu aquaro. While in thia polltion Col. Straubanrio aumumnod Sotgt. W. Hanna, Nu. 6 Company, and pinned up m `Ina breast. the Company medal wntch ha had won thraa llama, and which, undar the tonna of tho'com- patitiun, not hacalna hia property. He avaa alao awarded the battalion modal, tho gilt ul Capt. and ldjt. Gorduu, but it mun! be won three time: by a mem- ber ul the corpa bolora paaaiug intu hia nanda permanently. rm- n A n .....u- nu u....I ..lA-4-. " X") W IIC II: W UUUI CHIP , non: during 'gh_o duy'ud cm in. The. nounutu Ion may and out ulo thumnghl; who the chic ol no drill to Illioltho Battalion Ind boon dovqlod lot none limp puviouuly. 'l'holup6ci.. in ones: uidlul Ion Qouind with I (then! ulna. uul, inuodiuoly Col. Slnuboqlio haul: hi: tori by puaiog `dawn and onmimn; tho nuts. The battalion Ill dun moved inlo qurtor column by tho right on No. I Oullpnny, and noud into lot Iutchlug , Ian. Tho uonnrinnnhd push I Iit In V10 V. littv-U-U naviu Viva- cannon. unmade; u 8 o'clock. `l'huo'nn In dvlllui no quguuori, .-A ski. l-.n _.. aI..-.4I .. 4li.uuu.-in- I hnvo this `Ky op mod I. lomnon Bole Aunt the 3:10 of the above. I. II. IMIIOID. lulu bu! IIH1 IHUIW iv!` vvw uuvuvqu 1 Hunt:-' and this not was hand no dhoonnglng u to Iuoono` the (limo 0! inch c-m~ L, n,_`l,_.;,4_,.x_- nu._ I133" `CIT VG. l!'IIXIi- 0.4.0.. mu.` by Oul. -w`;-by. Bri- ' xi-lo Ida. and Iajnc King. District Pnynuur. undo on iupouion at ,tho MII P. W. 0. Bildol the mm 350! -. C _I_n,-L ' `I'- '1 W. II: -lUI|1 IIDI-ll IllI*II or I'll uuum. nun-run u. A, 4 uvocuuv nvnuun7nu ' IA-JV. nnu.|oI'nsrwnou." I inspec- ' puud -........u IIVC ICU}. lulu I. 80% (47%) nnonnnly ugdllullo Q71}: Iain loud ol In luhnlth dual. Halal:-than and cluluulogtmo llonpnnr ud Muuuunnuuuuho can-plated nuns! at tho D.A.0. Iron Modhlnot. ` 3...; by Owl. lpdQ-`l`bo Iqlhb nu-nu III was um. Ool. Kivipoltioh upload, null; solo nnmbuuu I his only winner- 1 . Tlonnuduo at no 47 Buuull bun land In m :05. 110 67:5 1-gasped lqhnol and tau]; lun- n such. Iv"-Cu. Ilsjor Km; gnu `l`Iu07tI Buullao." wlmh. hum tho outta-0 nhunu ol tho` Nth an not only Mood but - van octglhuly. Tboptuon la! the (`hi nun nu Nun Adjutant ol the Mil. and than urn when on Ool. Kiti- putmfo ml who begun moo nlmuy aunt In the ma. nl Kipluugngal. _n.l..J nnnnlhnn nou II aunt and nnonuuy. . Walnut upland u Uumuudoot ol the Kinnhll Fol! Bunny. (lo hul hon nu. Jlorylnn anti? yoga. and ptiot In cm: 3 aulrynnu. During our &) n` mrvko ho had only mud on lnu. Inn.) II: had annulu- n--a nuvuu, luuluturlng Obuhoouu. Jun 21th, IN) TheMMei:haLn'ics' liiiituf Ha secured no carnal ol the REV. Il'Y WARD IEEGIIEI Ml fl MWVIX IIO [III "III, -| 0.0 V (Hut. tar.) Ho had cnuidor |obhnl:nh in the Bunny to which to bo- ull mum: [III] nor on; sgoumn. Ilnjan Hobart Ind Tuhunnu alou- Ipulo briolly. The Inner and uh. Iln hr , :0 Frenchman. had cum: horn in be Iuluh nuldmo, and sl they rnuolnu long ommgl: they would Insane luuhoh in and nationality. Gun. Wnlnnt nnhod u Gun-nndnnl. |onnf- _ WIIIICII "I III. 0",. Cal. Munliuuul-rt ulumulodgod Ihc uouptlon "B" Buttery lwl flevivod. Wm Major Rldnlll Id and 0! the at Iillory he ouurud. Wluuuor nm In ol the union nu wanted it would bo- luuud nod] (or ugononl. Ilninn Hahn: and Tnchnnnn Al.-. Oul. Kn" pr-ppmo-I Ihu "Dumimou At- Iilloty" the ooon at which had but u- Ootly oumo llllulIg_l.hOln, but may wuuln be the halter lnhd um In-ngur may to upload an the oily. Munliuml-on nclmunladnd [ho . I50 IIDIII OI UIVdll',.' opt. mum maven-I in I an! upoocn. Ho upnuo-1 -yupnthy Iilh tho Itch, hula; ounmonood hu Ilditny ` u n rilouun. Ho had" just. come homo [mm the annual ill` (coup) And {on nouuvl-mt Into Kujor 8nytho-inclInoJ to do a mu. lhoutmg. Mpplnu.) Ho nukod that the umlluy and boon com` plinonud upon in uppoonnon, but the Uonrunnnl Ind don: a [rut dul for at will: the whim und caulry hnd In maul along I: but they ouuld. A- (or C5 . Wlln-ac`: battery of and mu- lory It had shown eurwrdinuy I- oioncy. Cu]. Kan nmnun-I ch: "I)..mmmn Ar. V`|IUl. cavull no n1'u.unI'. Capt. PoWrl'I umud "Tn: Fourth , Bushman: olonnlry." nu. IDIICIIJ I an: nouuy or we uomgo uuuuououu nun. AI. thin Iuji IToEfoT'i7Fu road from 81: John lndomld. Uir A. Onnphcll, u RJ. Cnnwrighl, Col. Twchull, Col. Powell (Adjuunt-Guuonl), Col. Hcwill, Illd Col. Su-wan, RA., I of wnuu. {uund n inouuvoniun so stand the ban- quot. CAVALIY nan AITILLIIY 3. THURSDAY, JULY 3,1030; upp|.nuu.`(J Mljuf nlnul regretted that Col. Howul. In not preuut, being absent. an Hnlilu, wnnlur the grnduaung clan of the Military College hul guns ui receive the nishing wuohu 0! un, uducumn more pvrleot thin that imported A: III: Wuojwlch Aoodumy. H0 entered :1 length into the uriod qunllclllunl ul the Code. Bu upuko highly ol the ability oi the Uollogo iuuruouousl null. Iuii |ToEfi'TIFu from TIV Till I00 LB. IALII 0|` PIIIIID BAY. BCIIRNED AND IILICTID. Tlll .\uI.n'uu :oI.I.n-u. The Vlo-UtmlI'mIa--Thu Miliury Cdlloga." Reference in nude: tn Hu- rooont Attach wmch bud b-en mule upun the institution. Although more Inight bo sumo llttlo dnlooto nfdetuil ull would cg:-so nub mm that it In of the. highest importance that the College should be maintained. (Bur. hut.) l~ WOI dcllrnblo, If the country III to do- loud itull Inmlt all comon, thut than should be wittun hor border: zealous, on- thuaiutio, competent, ukillful milutury nun, Iuch on tho gnduntoo lrom tho Unl- logo won. From what they hum of tho Ondou they could hurl back tho auto` mont thnt thn Military Oollogn In n place for tho oultintion of nunbbery. (Applnuno. Mniur 2i.|.... nnrottad thnt Col. Jull IHUII. Mljur Snlythn corrected whnt Appear-ad tu be u min;-prehunuun or hu rummks. The Huh were nut. m-pined by a nuroen~ nry lplrit, but n.m.u1an..e be forgotten that the: uicern were nulhka the wealthy mililinmun nf the nld country, And 3:-.1 they were not unly willing to give than` time but were called upon to pny about 50 pet cont uf the cost. at nuntsiuing the regiment. It was reuliy unreummble Mm the (lmurnmeuuhuuld upuat Mums ucnticu you chat you-. TIII MILITARY (.`nI.l.R.'|t ury IIIIIIIIICU II I UIIIB Inll III' Will] I foreign (ms was thruntauod. (Heur, hour.) Ho muted that the Holtllnl Cunuuuuu hm! but I limited nmuuut ul umuey tn expand snnunlly, that the ex- pemu of the country "were to grant lhu cure was nocuury In uuuundmg them He would Inn to one 1 ourtnillmnt III Luna lit"-uvwhul of tho urvibo other than the nlim Department, but his opinion: . w I not pr-svml. Ii they worn to luvs upeochn like that which no Ind jun hard, and urrnom such u were wuotimuu preached in the churches, Ilu doubt At the nut uloctiou l.IIu_poupla would lend man to Pnrliunont who wguldua thnt the vote to the miliury wu` inornud. (Applullm) No vote wu rud with grater Interut in the uuuutry, u it perwnnlfy nlfectad nlmut 3U,(X)0 men. Mniur Snnvthn corrected whnt Anmanr-ad was, u :5 van, uwnuuu applauu.) Uul. Kirkpatrick, .I .. Iuppoaocl Ma- jor Smylho waa dariroua ul making a wulnko apooon ; at any rate In (r. K.) _ was certainly put on tho dafaualn. Aa tor tho Oorponuun in" all that the Major had laid -era mu ha 110 glad he waa not I member 0! that body. No doubt tho Mayur would be able to anawer for hi: Illll uf amnion sud oummianiun. Major Smytho-l exonerated him. (Jul. Ku|Ipam'cl(-Yuu Ipuko ol him in n curporatc capacity then. They should mu-eunbor, the Ipukar I3 mtunuul, that tho Home of Cumumnl war but A reprorumauvonuauuuiun. elected hy the puuple. Cu whom they almuld render ac count and though to the lluuao wan con llded great. puwcl` by the peopla'a vme. it ltood ur lull. He thought the paople cools cunnderablo Internal. in tho: volun- usars, or whwh fact they had evidence In the manner In which the luropa has being maiutalnml, being a pride not only lo Canau but to the mumar ouumry, the lunar appointing the ntiicur of Illlll- nary aaanatanco at. lime when war with a fol-einn fun (Hear. IX TCIIQII I 3 `IO IIIIIIII run: by which Canada an gooamad. Ipcopoaln; Ibo Houaa Iba Iajof said to no nuladad by it of the iuaaripuun upon a chant r bu, "Small contri- . banana thank! Iy rooaivad " (Appladaa aaglauahtor.) Wuatavac may can than may apoka ol tho `Hanna 0!` Ougmona, Ihalavar aandllant Ill` onatad in ma muxdm of an volunlaan, Ihuavor the , tooling : ul diatriot, dismay an-I diuauau lacsiciu unamtoauad an a ran]: u! an traatvnunl ol the militia by th'i'D6'uiiIIr`mn \ Governmant. than laolinga inonau'd\Iaa ' (old by a o-nuldaratiou of ma ny.In which they had boon traatad by the Itayor and Corporation. tar.) Mayor poraonally, ha being Ilia ru one lot a long tuna mahaw than: any onwar- apumu Ivlutanr. Sinhug all /iudivi- dual latauala, and rauombcrmu only tho intanua of tha cuppa. be In oompollad to aay that navar had than harm a bat- Iahon no ultorly ignored III a luonl usnan. H I0 NIB Uuulo of Cunlmlnl they were thankful for amall Oulllribllllunl an own- puod with Lhu `Counoal language mud to gun Ina Impruaaluna (naar, hour) ; his aoutumpt. anponud at his ngur (L-ud Iaugh- 1 Ha moan: nu tqlaotnon updu Ina ` I A I I l 4 i V I 1 I uhda, n (ttanawad applauoa.) I Kirknamci. .P.. aunnoaod uuot Iuyuo. Iron we nu-unur pvt the House cl Uonuau." on o! 'Iho aoutilltiunl pll `ol the Itiuu nuior bv Ihioh Unnndj III nonmnd. wound `animal, and tho; Ion untitled The Ohnimn pu Tho Hanna." to cull lot vhuphoy had uooupliahd. Dr. Hcgnlonnll npliod, mug oqhu. Be an nluoum mu Ian than `from tngu uyiuigubu the rqincnsthicl be when halal nuiind nothing but kiud- `ropnunl-`d Isl `not 'gIIgI|Sld' About In: In thin dis; In Ind done his lint the Inutuont it had roodvod hum tho volntut duly; But when an Ibool Homo of Common: or Ih layer sad. undo another ruvolution he hopod In Oorpuratnon. I dmnld I munod to nu [clue but not lihori I-`argvmm and ' the ltuuuo I134, uaykudo and uqnununou, urn not called up: In about thir ` in which lrlolt Iuhout hum; n singly poIn'r, but any could do no If roqulrod I " Ion command 1 sun]. (Uluon) u in 4. . Injot iuylbo, hen the Vicokchnir About 3,000 lnalI.-I than ulna; UK!) an Hound U-1n-ans." on ol Inn howun tho Annual and I}. III- # 4 .9." C5". uqult. .13` nrnaao of so u hop I ` and tho . oi n`:laltr.wIuunuu won: .3 `din Ia mun: prong"! u. "$.a'.`n.\a-u ITI UIIIPID W I. The Inn tough: w|I`0.l`bo mu MEIR: 30,170. .--._, I Honda ova; .|--w~-v-n '3 donhu HI Jnhnuu lunch, 0 Pl K AID b I fwhbm itjjay Coifefn ! Golden Lion Grocery, W. ll. HUME & 60., -,.._... ` ._._. Bvcn.I;n n AIIICA tun:-The but Snho In um vorld toe Gnu. Bunion Sure: (`I n, bait Rheum, Tutor, Chap pod km: s. Cmlhlnu. Unrm, um I kind: at Nun Erupuouo. Thin Sulnil guuunud to IV! perfect ufulnctiou in nor] can 4.: -unoy tcelundod. Pvku 2?- mull pot I-0|. For sale by J. 0. Kill! Q-mcumr to E. H Purl-nr. Inc Jaurnnluu prount. Capt run: -- Our Guutn." Ron opmuo nv Mv 's'tnnnun and Dr. Duvm. bout. of hu umriot. Enginoon. CIPI. P-war-"Thu Iadlu." Unna- pioned by Ml] -r H. Smith. The compuny upnnlod 5! I230 u'\J|0Ch. nun, roccuvea wnn nonunn nnng. Rev. Mr. Sony run-sounded of tune nlluniom thnl. had bull Iain tn hm: lur aoundmg In I Iorllon the My auto ul ltllomuull nun reputed. Ho bod bow congratulated by the oiccn u! the Mn. (or wtut ho said in the: mural ul tho V.-luntaoro. And if nothing olu were uid he felt nmply ropud fur raking tlu mnnl:II'o that haul buu pu-ed Upon mm. H thought mu 1! than w-re nun um. uh Mr Kilkpurick In Pnrlmmonx Lb. volunuonmould not have much canoe lul complaint. Cmt. 6nndn-"'l"hn PI-nu." Imdin hu unpu. ounui-"uu I the juurnnluu puunt. Cam tumor Om muuu nu auuyo . Qnurtetnulot cl-"Tho * Inn," roccnved with Kanu-h ring. Haw. Mr. Dunc Inn-nund.-A nl nng. > Map: Km; In good nduted n: his romnru. Ho Illdo on. `nod pom:-- zhnl uh .u;zh Pulh-an hm! out dull: um lnililu npprnpriadonl tho um-aunt. pm- muud alwayo ` Ounru-rmnllnr nn-TLn Chm.- umcen: (`ul. (`nllnglnn dwelt. Ilpm 'the con- dmon of the ourpu, the uncut of Ihlcll In lngnly uinu to tho rxaollonv.-rogb moutnl nu. Tho Nth had the but Adjutant in the D.-miniu . (L phune) ` ' ho Vice-` ;'-3*'i""3rig|do Major and Dnf` foster." Col. Wnnlev ranlnsd hnl. uhlinu lhnl. JIII vnvu-` lt` 53 lJlI`I|-II rnumi$= odor." Col. Wnnley replied any, stating that the Nth In: the must ooouomnoal Bu- miou mm which ho had to do l thiu nmtru-O In lhlnn ImA- nun A nruuln Ar. uuou nun Inlcn In no to an In mu Dmnct. [u than you: not I mingle ur- uclo of Govoxuuom Ituroo had been um- aing. I ' Mn): Km: In mod nnlund m hul was I0 came, nnu me volunteer: -nuunu be paid more libornlly. Ho boliuvad there would be In equivalent for the ex- pondilun-, I clan of men being prepnrmi n . that they could ulna up llm wupum It any time and defend themlelvoa like man. (Lulld lpplaulae.) It was the duty ol the muzoua Ln give the volunteer: nym- pllhy. Mnjnr l.-`myths WI! not far wwng in his remarks nbout tho Home of Common and the Council. Us know Inmelhing almut llm Cuunclhu I mum- bu of the lunar body he hnd mm lume ol in pecullnr economy (lulghtor) and come 0" In poculmr oxlrnvngnnce. (Applmne) Mr. Dunufur-l ucknowludgod um cum- pliment to than lmnlt. Ho Wu bnrnlul ul lvntaremng voluutuer incidenu. The Vica-llllairmau. gave The 0-!- uicara." r~..| n-n...|.... .a-.|. .n... ......, Tea & Wine Merchants. prolrlnloml, mu: UAX|i\|il Judge ' . nu H sun It Alli-`ill speech, the best 2 mm ,w:nn~_- llu declared ulhll. he an nurgrruu-d lhnl Inc pouplqol this loculny. hunuric I: r in uluur. situ- uld in I dlllflcl uuue tlnohulnu of men who mndo the nohlonl mihury ncric.-n for their oonntry (the U. E. Lnynlinu) should bmiudiarem to Ina Iullure oi the wollpntlnu. and than it wu nut to be wonierod at xhnt the daf u.l.ra ul Can: lln felt I`|l'lI mm M ey nmnn-I an little 0| NM public Iympuhy. Cmlmla would depend upnn . her millury fur I long time tncume, and the Volunleerl uhuuld 5.. ...;.a ........ m....n.. n.. n..x;.....4 Dllljuf am prof-anions, Judas UUIUIHIIIIUIIL. I III thnso belunulmg nuke it u uh-u~n Mnjur Tam-`mu 5 French huh.-m M-;.... Q... . `GI: . N` I _)__QI Jogn:::.hI:I$'.';"I IK AID rrlnoen nl Wllel Uwn mun curing Your impecuuln. \\'n|leve|' credit the reg: ueul had mm In: attributed to the uxerxiuna uf hi: u.n'. meu|.luuiD|( Maj vr Smylho, Arljuumt `(.`u-dun and Quarter. mutor Sprnggou rm.-.|.uHy worthy of umupluneut. Thu lu;_-:-;-..x :unbIiun.uf lhnaa luclunullnz 0- In. turn: VIM hi In on]uy llm nalldly. Col. dlrallhuulio propmnd"`Cul. Kurt and c-icun uf the 14th." In tho coura- oi hm remark: he uld he WM curry than $11 Nth did not. gu to the Quebec review, to wmuh and Col. Kirkpatrick hld used his Inuonco nnwcceufully. If I.ha lllilltlrv men Ind ciuznnn stirred thema- Inlvol he thought Hm uexv. l'OVIe.W, would be l-cuncd I: King-tun. lfnl Kn:-r had hnnn In r-nlnlnnnrl nf Ihn m n . Cnpl. 6ando-"Tho Prom. Replica by he iaurnnluu nrount. : mun or major nmyuu uuoauoa Ior, u I Col. K-an replied this the Nth III ~ not` a hanging rogunent. (Hear, Incl`, ` Ind npplnme.) Tho uiecn Ind bout u lulf rvupuot. and would Ililtaill. it nguiuu Ill cuumrn. He explained thc gnpunceu which were" caused by the aouun uf the Umz.-nu Cmnmittn in 1878 in tho cc:lubI'.I'.lun J Dominion Day, when, Aft.-r nu: hour. dul, I cheque mu pI`msuhu`d for llnu Inilerlbhb Ill!!! 0' 15 mm which no Hlpply roirullumm 9.. lboul. 230 men And 22 oioou. Thu gnu-'. nu refuloa, nndwho men won ro- fmtud at me ulpeIIIO of the oocn. Tno rugnn.-nut had not naked and roooind any luv. rn lrmu lhO Gounod while be In "in column! ._ aha Nth. A: lot lul Dumimon Day ho buthlum did not guru out because the oioon and um wanted tn onjny Hm hulidly. Cu]. mraullpuuzin nronnnod"`Cul. Kun- D3 I4-can-a I2. nmg-mu. Col. Kerr had been In cnmmnud ol the Princes: nf Wain` Own l(itln during lnur i:nnm_-Lmm, \\'nnlavnr cndit. than ; one uouponuon. Ihyof Canon node n vigotoun upuch. nhuqn lajoc lnnho hi npohn diupuqiigly ol gho` Oouodlvlthuu nu- I-an, an bctlor unuloipd gontnucm c-puld not bo hnmd in the country. The Alderman" won onoruotio cnduoohuluicol; (laughun) Ho an pronoun at the in- Iplcon, Ind oongnlulnlod tho bulllllull on in ucallent. nppunnoo. B9 In oorry that tho oitizonu were not more in- ert-ucd in the nu than they wen. He could any that the Council had never Mon ukod tut nnucinl tonnes and bland it, honoo ho oumlderod the rev mun nf Major Hmytho uncalled for, Col. Kurt nnliad Ihn um In '| lI\' IAIIIATTMG FEED. Better and Cheaper Inn Inta- much. A snail and "tho lluotuo not power, do i u, long; nrolmuun Ilonpnol ligand 8). In - untried. ' I H.-.: nllnnnu lnnnnn "Th: lnhai llfrltd. Caps. Gnllony honorod Tho Ian! and Oovpontlon." lhvor and: vinoroul unoooh. r II.` rurpa tr N.-I |manILlr-. . In Hun n 11-` `The Chap- nuh rinu. Vlnun eons Paulo load my It-nth Onnmlll. I Walo. In. L. rot-an 5: uo.,nldl has 0` not hum: . CO-. -nb--.. IQI I. flveyleud|d Ice Cmm Patlon 1` luululnlilcl I061. , ALM)-lhll Wood. Lad Plum, Plum: ol Pam. Wgur UII Id Puflod 0&0 on In- Iloathbun flat`:-.;nber Yard. --:.,..... All Kala ol Unuud and Bough bunlnr, IMI tnnou. Lnb. Ihingk-O, Iona P, [g A Well Assorted Stock of Lace curtain, .:-..._._--A---.......,._ ._....___j_- 1.000 Baskets stmharrias `lo Arrive `Inuit: -OIIIII AT ml: nazaut. Very Chap. the V0? Good: for noun cloning Tina. and to ho mad at 180 us 182 P1-noon strut. oppomo any out II-%U'%%_`n_q.BT"1E=R HA5 ON HAND Till LABOIST ASBORIIINT OI Ollll AND H.003 OIL 0L0.l`u3 El ELI Yif IIKIIIIID. 33- Iucunim-w. .u.m.u. . pufocl as. THE PEOPLE'S GLOTHIHG HOUSE ---- --CHAS. LIVIIIBSTGII. CO luck Stnet--old No. 2|. ]Linen. Lustre. and Husseli Curd Boats. qu A Fine Assoftmeht of All-Wool Borges, ISUM, ERSUITS juojn New Blnck Buntingu. New Cheviot. All Wool Suitinp, New Navy Blue Suinga, Now All '00! Debut Suitinp, Hlno All Wool Dc-|nino;` Na-. Y.i..|.n Ill.... (`,...Ii... E2f11P1Ne- SUf'1`S,OHEAP, TEA8 mu us IIETAII. At Wholesale Prices. E1033"? & III'.'.nE'I"I." _-._, v.-...... -...- v___.... .v - t` Remember the plwo and be convinced. ..-...-rm... We have the Largest. Bent sglc-rtml, nud Cm-a t Stock ol Ilry Goods ever ollerc-(I to we (fluu-.ns of Iugulon. _.._ n _ .L, _n_., -..J L- ,_..,._._-, 1 ALI. SUMMER nouns HEDUGED T0 cos-r PRICE! No In-,asouabl'o 0Il H"t..!zul |`3]R6iT|iscd for any Sort oi Goods! AS` THE SUBSOB-I3 IHTENDS LEAVING KXNG5TON ABOUT THE '4 -6141. n! Luau-I hn -all nnr -wv -- -v--- -v---. --v---v- -...--v-. -..- -. -rwuu `U In the ubonoodo '0 dd] my house In an em {or guilty. worluuolip and 08039- `GO. Q Plan: [In u a can bolon punhlvhgoloovhora. Z. PREVIJST. New lurk Ulnthmg Store. Brook Stmt. THE WHOLE `OF HISVSTOCKI AT SUC PRICES ASWILL UNABLE HXM TO CLEAR OUT AS MUCH An Inn-nihla lufnnn Hun him: v-nu. -u cu. u 'ioo'um oo.l,"hI;12}I{J mm. Bx-outed. 50 Linen Ulsuu, um. lengths. Zoumaok Lam Dona nu mu. - 100 Bmgluud Double Breasted Buuell Gard, but msku. I. on- .b.n-lI..o.A. -. Ada ...- hm... m uh- ...n. I... .....1.-. _...n__. _m. __A .'.L'_..'... . .4... `.-..,L.. I II n-um: lluuo .. mun we-`C . coup-at :,c:oI.rmI 1410!. I- -alluornuuunol. Apply undue. nu-nu --w-nun--- no---- nu -4-nu vu-u---. ---. -4- ..- -. . -bin Vorf Hmong. """"+"'""7"` HAINES 4`. LOOK ETT. cm loot sun. .'nII I III mum Isle to Mullah; |`ctTn`uk-sud VI|IIU.FI;:oIl'H" |ob_o' J'tJ,'.8'.I' _IbBOEIV.I) 3 WHITE L'INIy.'N DRILL, ` ' % A ,_ CRICKET FLAMVEL, NEW BLK SILK FRINGES. BLA CK SA mv, FINE OXFORD SHIRTINGS. SELF-COLR'D 12.4 1.3111004 N 11035. ta. ta RICHMOND & BOY DEN. ' auumm 'l'BUNlil-I-\'ory Shot , v..,- Uonploh. V, am...` lIl`31:'LIUH,KH--Hndlcuo Ouwdo, Non luuidb. Wall lroul. Voq Bab- Xl . DOMINION 'l'RUKK8-Nionly Arranged, Niooly Fnnmhod. Durable ll Chip. IANBAKD 'l`RUNK8-lnnhu or Zxao Coronal. Boot Soyjug Tuck Io Ion, : Ohup. bin Very H I-~`= _ _ May 7. I080. Come` ally and not A Iolooon. E -~,--.__. _.-__..--- `--`-"' 1...`... 7 "' " . "'['.,..; ...-5" * '-we-~ J;-- ~-u-..,::,:.':.!'--.<. -6~ Juno `. .'lrd. 1880. our In-ulna h run hoisting our Light Good: to: [bu rum nuon. vhloh IIAN ullmgu the Hunt. mug Pmiv. IIIII 'l_A- lI--A- n-_I- --J I|--LI- B_--..a-.l July 3, woo. Suits to Order tor $12. Inn. nbou. nmuns. uouwnm. A... g.. Jvr TO HAND- .A.. BOSS '1?RUN%K5. IOK All Wool Uolunv.` Nan LighI.,l5lne, Cnrdmnl and White Camping Shnwlu, Chap. ' If \I7lI.IIIllII' Ilfnlnnlu Ilnllnlhnnn WHICH WE WILL MAKE INTO 5` lH'l'Bil\UB bl-AVINU Ill`! muddy of Auguu, ha will afar EH0. LAING. `WIDU "IVIDLK'4 HIM TV A! pohlo bcfono mu time. V1'4'1`el'_l/I Fami/_tI can buy their liIlNl?I(l;I' st Il.I-:'l`|`. Princess Street. -_-uuv, umumm ullu vv may vlulylu` uuu-nu, vuvui II. \VALIDI0N. Wl|I0n s Blllldlllu .J_33oN s. lovob. lbw I but l|||'|`U- v'~'::T::_*'-E --u----....-_ ` M00 D I, I_lb .. I U I 008 ALL III I O? " .""""'.a.'.'.':."':`;_""-""'- Wnlo, I. L. G. full: nu A Q I! WHICH WE OFFER FOR SALE AT MUCH LOWER. PRICES THAN THEY CAN BE BOUGHT IN THIS CITY. nu Iumil. In In "pg" 34:. win. In to ca . MICK I l`YhIIo 43:30 on `T I, l|on.\.IIIdIl;`l[n'I9.-'1'. V:.I::.OIll=Ul I R I IQ I gg|`;.|,1nu' _1u om: vouu'3mo'3I LUMBER! puyt np1n6.'10, 20 undbo pound PAOKAOIB. Pure and V HO . "X'.u.m'{.'7a`!3.` S` We be; to cull the sttcntion of limilnea to our naw `ha now ll - rivinmconsintingof Jopuuonng Hymn, Gunpowder and lit. `bu. -I my '-""- "'` 11! DIUVII A Lffllll. Duo ud mvunt Inn honununl nu Uni. no` .-onorluno Jatuuo minimal. 3 on at In Just no-Q an I huuocnrht In`. A) I O0. U mean. my am. nu Bast Value in the city I 'l`l1eFmest in the Market! July 5. NEVV6R6PT- new cnom -1-o `Ln-1-. % Unadulterated, VIOLIIIST. ..I _ l..L._.l IA. nk- -- Ugll WI UEIIIWI Ills BIOS, mnlnmurln Oonhollonl OHIO. D. CIIOWX. Oct. lunacy. "..:.."".`..'x'2'."a.`i.'."" ...a.l."""......'.'.` sub! 1 Ir. 0. lruun. Inc a Pcnnubu In 8; . Apply at Kym ma. Im. I! luv I J` U an uncut cuql-3.0` mono! Inna. (an: an cu-Ielocnul. Zilllulncwr. llolnuduundodru to envoy thRu..l..0hnm unwash- nliuhatu-uimnnlu-ooutobbloboon uulhocnnio during opndod 0! I ,uduuI omuh-qbouuum on vinlagwouh shunt his lot nqhooltllbomun. Cvvvu nun: -uuuuuu-vr-5-I -av -w-. Tluthh Quarterly Bohtd chin: to gin an passion at m u 04 tboutvhu random! to} an In. It. dollnmn to no Ki-uuoo has cums-- duh: 3 thus pun pulotolo-INUI t`.'.:.'.`:'....":`:.'.`I..'?'.`.'."`......"' `..`."'..`.` Inuulhunorml Az'dnpmnnI anodi- ttuooll Oman. otlnhbulllnn ollhnlaln ol the Cunt! has but chum-hand by high odniuhtlidn, 056-, my, hiourlpil ninbtntbu by clo- qoouo .nIIh nin- uonunpnwrluvo hon ul shunt oaulhlahruur. 15-I.-nnlnhndouirnn In no-nah Ihu Wmomw.-'l'ho nilhnon who do bmlnun In tho my hon luoly bun vio- sug can with olhur in hunt! to tho In (nations 0! than connyanoor Mama. I . I. & W. I. Ward, of the Pin: Umu Ida. Ind choir wagon ncud ad to- pduod. and it now paint: I hnduuuo Ipoul-um. Un tho but of the nu in g piano at up Pun ("Iron dairy. Nico wagon no ull very well, but good wlolooocu nil! in cuoind, ml non ` puma: ho procure-l than that dolI,nI'~ ` ad by the shown rm. ~ .........-g-g . - 1 M Ito gum. ;4u;nuly outing cl (In Oldnl lions] nl Byduhn I6. .L....L nk- l.Il..-.'..- ngnndnllnn -- I1 \r-v-I I!!!-In nu -v uvwI-- I10 church the Iolloliug unolluon nu. Iond and uunlnouoly Idophd. 15.: ALL. (`Inn-ngplu ll.-A-1| And... 5.. Vnrr Fnuu Du. Mn.--A postal and arriving ban yuterdny notiod tho Mo- oho'|u' lnmum that Dr. Mn], who but been nppointod by the lniour ol ldnennon lnr that purpos}, would vim tlu room ol tho In-titans (hm (than dug) tuning, to impact than and mat the Durccwn sud nthorn. Dr. lay in I-lupotiuludnnt ol the ldnouloul Iuoum Ind Library. Bo Hod upon Ill Io-day. L-o-L. _ Mnuu. -Tho u-nulo today were not nty nnmon-us. 'l`ho`Europo' lighuaod 6.000 buolulu at what, and tho propollnr `Booth. 1,000 uuahols. Tiny won both ll-on Chicago. The u-hr. `Oman Wno.` Torontu, 6.300 bush. whon, Ind the uhr. '0-wld Rumor,` Tnlodo, l3,(l)0 bush. corn. Illo tune into poll. Several vu- nlu in loading lulnbot. ltlh. sud iron on lion` tho nilvmy doci ._.. Pusoun.-Yutordny, Mr. R. Wal- dron Inn for E\Irnp.- in make his Fall pumbuoo.---lhjor H. Smith (Deputy 8:-pun It Arum, Home of Commons). is visiting Moods hon.-It. Will Onlton, 0! Chicago. III., In: boon vioidugonr db]. Hail tho nuthnr 4-! I Ioljo col- hdionol bnllndu, tom! of which but oono ury popnllf. tho nu poitionn ol Addinqton and Frontonne should he gntclul to tho On. urin Gonrnmnnt fur the grim: Ihlt lino bun undo for the building and in pnuuiont ul colonization mmlu. Mr. R. Flynn bu put oxpondod 3900 upon the mud lrom Purhnm to Iounhin Grove. making it splendid for usual by tho rubblo service no hu givon it. ------ #39-r--- Cnur E|.`UlAl0N,--\Vo have only to remind the pnh|ic that on Saturday fut noon nnothor of thuu dolightlul enun- uiuna to Cnpo Vincent occur. Thou who npcnd thoit tiun in the hound city can npptociuo tho for o! tho St. Lawrence Nuigntinn Company in giving our- llonl II Inch chup tutu. --.- 4-`.54 .__.. S. S. Puma Pu--ma-.--'I`ho tuohuu 0! HI. Paul`: Sunday nohuol no muting arrangement: to hold `chair nnnunl pio- nio It Channel Grows on Thursday, the lbth imt. Bust: will have lorry what! at1nul3:4.'> p.m.,` And loan the grove to OOIIO hum: At 7 :30 p.131. - -.409 . Rm Amunklz - The now utnmor `Kiup{o| d.' [unit by Hun. Mr. Motloon. to run hotwoen (funny. and Thbuund Island Purl, rm nhurolut nigh! on Feathorbod nhonl, and in still hard on. The noun Watartoum will pi-obnbly go to hot unilunce. PIOPIIIH Sum.-..~- l`u-dny Mr. J. E. -Hulchuun ml-1,`!-y public nuo't.ion, tho Uvorond property, nu l'rin(eIl strut, to Dr. Dupuin lur 8I,`JTI. The Fallen pro- perly, in Wnlliumunlle, cu: mld to Mr_ R. Cu-nouky Iur Mfr!)- >44. 7 .,.-g... ._. Svlomuu Sow. - 'l` -.|;I_y the uohoonor `PIlI{UlI,' of T--ru-I.lv~, vun uond for ulo by public an -xi--n IV. .|. E. Huichr Ion'u rooms. Mr. Avl.-uurth purohuud "tho lohonm-r dnr Musrl. lmhbun & SUI (or 04,250. _ 1 .3. -. Poucu Conn. -l"r|nciI Kelly, John Sbnorou and Robert Slum, drunk. Ion dllmiuod. They may be Able to hop study long enough to no the grand on- try 1-lForopaugh'o cmnu Io-marrow. - 1 2-1;` >- - I. U. B U.-- l`ho Illllllll picnic of this Alpocinlioun will can place an Aug. Mb, It Clllnncl Gran. It is proposed to Inn a towing no. for tho 4-lmnpiouhip of tho bu-bout. b H...-...:.__ hurt or A Con.--Hugh" llnluon. Amcrucnn Coupnl nl Nnpnnqo, Ont, bu bun nrrnlod in Manual for ntullng 5 con lrnm thn Albion H--tul. Pnou-Ilodu-pk to (mi month 1000- any to mouth untuly claim, Inc M} nnmr vnthor to-dny, followed by - local chorus ta-Ipuvrow. ` -_ I .I. coup-on byI10l`.0Nl:l4 I`A`l.gI. In- uopuuunn. pp an . haunt. Apl Id. , mu r ' n-.'auu.u'3' uu:'."5"'n...- aha. Anulv to lyuhnull `u In- - -~-.A.-. . _ __.._-._.. . . . . ..__ ..... ` lo! Inllnad and Ibo Tabla no lo-uh Pun. ' 2 ` -&`;r; J. I. IAFI}. low` l OfVI.V$.I Icing Aural. OI Put luv 1%-C Inn, cw tall. I: llIgor_|_a_gI t_o coo! Q (`II-C lull!- Inu lcw nutlonud to ooolnct hr Adv nu-mu nu lie "smut mu." 5! our t ruin. _._:.. ___......' . .- ...T.'_...""' __..--' '=""'-'=="=-------e- Ul_I;_ gum; Qrilish itygg. ruqns'D'[f'i'V`Ic'u1im]`ihnifi. . ---+-~, . _.~.. ._ 3' 3 Hill IILI. Inll- In-sud. try Pun Grove Dairy. gt: jy.:.w1nn. ..._ ._.-`-_.. -- - >v-`-- I F. C. MIL0.[ lxpnnlou ot'Apn;u|. _.._..._.a z..--. ll ? AID VIQINITI. "in u;.. n;n .uM<>'.u...` ` o-Lyman" ' ' `T ' III . I T I and In I. hung. Inn nut Q59." kou ~-Tho ooltlorc ol um I nt I ..- 11.- l.n;lAinn --ul inn II Iwu, tuna Io IIO Iollill nuuvo pqagllu at and um-an IUIIIO Lincoln in iulo-anon thon- -nI-.-nhun Ibo mum mI..A.; I... u HIIIIIII nut. and lot you- ptl. Gtldllnuul ` ht` pnlohyl. King, Dmuiu, uuu o I'I|\ no Q-nun. `hunt: In)-In death at I Inc Mu. lot uh ll loam ending Inll ycdoldoy In In You. --<-~----OOO--~--.-- - .._...... ..-. . 30. Jenni`; Chub. MI rhuh nun. In Yul, In I lane and wealth om `PQIIIIQ Ila , Ibo Rev. other null u II aunt, bun by his Ih'vh. India to the wndocll ....u.. nznb J lhl-n` l1.4.....n AIIUI Autumn nu union-Dory I'IlI- noI&, on go-um cu-I-bu. Out Nam I HIM. load lot .n m|..' Dill. ...- l...a._n.. I-.. angst and ll paling nuuu. -Aubulughu, noon uyocoriouo Iivpulllc Inland oouidonblo null-Iy ll ulnul. had turned up. 8320 Ind uh: hip to Q-robot. Thunnn Inn-In dual. nl inlnh rm 4. nude in tin Lnhiu Canal iu oooruou, the look non Min; Omplnyo-I. night at d` in putting undo. -A|nIn union- than nnlniumn ._._.,-i7-...-- -150` vori In begun yulordny on Oulhal IIOIoIhy'a new 5,0U0 nu- dcuo II In Yuri. ._- lYnAD'n n-- :-ApLALI- -.`nI V lvuniuuwil Md Soho! In It prIpoI'od0ao- i g:.:('::pu. ..n that Violin, `In-nu I I mu halal! Inn FM! lion.- uu. .I=.'~Ua` pnhfuu .5 3u`.'.3 ma nr A can lulu us an xuu-I. ` -110 Club can nuuhblo ync! '10:" `In lnlnobod yeohrday in 1 number ol ptouinont I . O7 Inn May, 1560 - "I new by Ian mail lrom Mountain City. 21 Iniluo Iron hero, when I Inn! for a put of our bnunms; sud Ind n ut- riblo lino getting home. I III \-no whole dry going n miles, and had to unload my nqonu an cinu in ht dio- tmoot than an some lurlul nu! hole- In tho road now. und my uuno Ind to In lull in nilu from Mountain tfuy, ` III In` III I Could in to got through with unruly my Jnnd. I! an Govern- lut IINIM npoml 5 luv thuunod dollar: on than lulu rand: when nlltho ocul- uu Run to put they would da mm M help to unto the zounny than all thou- blowinq qonu, u many tried to not but all go but diuourngd, 01* Sun Dakota. Tho bin: to Imonon (70 miles) in til .11: Ihouoo nuubouc lqnllu, hut whom they cum It to un- pnulblo. to get through. A puny bu pond anon in out nllqo, but an road: no In wot: u onnditiou that ho oun- not 30! his clock from lacuna. " __.-`>___;__ ----ooo--_.: 81. J4-In` EICUIIION.-Tho noon. light nail on tho alum `Mind, undor the auspices at St. Juan` church, uhoull Into Itrong support. The tuturn cu tho city will to undo u n cumparnuuly only hour, but the oxcuhinu ind Mund- nnt onhnninanont II be Iucioutly long. with in prospective on-juyuont uono can quoulon COO- lune! Iron I-|:t_t;nnn Mr. Joseph Tooo. Pumhin Oruuiun. .3lumuhu, du- od llth May, 1880 "I not. by Inn nnil actuation, no I nun wu noon to riu an a nil boat and uh oi his coat. Criu of Tluro he in "' urn hurd.hut tho crowd uubuidod, buod and dluppoiulod than the nu: quietly tu3FtT:o um um! cou- Iinuod to propel tho bout nmid dorllive ohoorl. Again 5 report guinud curronoy Glut Duboia III on the 'Muud,' sud patiently the llillllbllga Iuilod that host : I|'l'iV||. but no Duboil Appeared. The uudionco uniohod nth I (hug ul profound dirglnt The than nu un- doutly intruded u I hon, and n such I; onoouodod. but the origiuuur cmlld not have slop; Int night if the mllldicllonl ol the dioippoiniod nnoo In-.1 my clfocl A my day: ngo the city wu tluodod Iitll dodgon nnnounoing a grand nquuic uhibilion lat owning by Prof. Dubuin. Tho exhibition can to have lmm`uf such aoniqno olunctor thn tho lhll'IOI,lIlmn bur pilot, and Mnket Battery cull were crowded with man. woman and clnildun, who dolind to no the nun walk on the Inter." From IBVOII o'clock until tha- Ihndu 0! night {all the nuzht. noon and pntiontly upon the mm-r Buy: in the rigging of tho veuoln 1-mubod up nnd down chafing Ind min-omluoting them- ulvol. The bu-hour, before 8 o'n|uck, In dotud with null bultl. But the "Prof." cuno not. Ouco than nu n ,u-- -.-nu uuu mu. nu nu: xupnun vl e trueten-. He wee eleo en active pulm- men, both in the old country end in Unn- ede, hie opimune being`. guided by I eeeee of right end jueuco. In domellic lift he wee llighly eeteeuxed, hie temper- men' ug awe! gentle and friendly, th knew him lnngent loved lulu :.. H.` ."m~ee was very briel, end the cluemg eoeue wee eomewher. unexpected. A lergo circle of fnende end relnivee will Ienent hie demiu eml honnr hie I-vu nu -vvluu nun -nun. v-nu - v-u--J of nlelul iulurmuion. The ndvnutngo of thin knonbdgo an apparent by his eon - vorutiun. B0 In much inlon-Ited in uducniounl mutton, And for oovornl you ! urved tha city in the upnclty ul . nun... I-`I. -.. .I... .n ...M.. ....|.., An old` and Inlluh rupootod 1|-mm`! nnd citizen Inn been ninuvod by duth. \Vo reler la the Inc Mr. A. Slu|Hl,' who Is- Iidod fur About 44 year: an Brook rrcelj And pounced a rage ca-mbinnuuu of per- ` lollll virtnu. In 1836 he rm-curd hue from Scotland and began bmuneu ahunly Ihorwnrdl in tho plnogmharu ho lured until his romuval [mm thii In umther world. Thu drcouod was 1 ganllcunn ul marked innlligonco. Being an extensive rndur Ind humg u very rolomiva me- nnory ho stored his mind with a variety nf nnnlnl inf:-nu-Oinn Th- nth-...o-..n ni -Bollovillo iuvngluting for the tab- liahmunt of smelting works. Tho Intelli- gmccr pathetically exclnimn Thin goldcu opportunity in our: Shall it In gnppod And held Int 1'` Curuinly. Tab hold Ilth both handn. We Will! you better Incl` with the oulorpriu than Kioplon hu llad such is: loud wmln. --....._:.__.. I `W0 llama on Young Ilnot. Int nod tub and nnuuu planu. Apply in luau hunk. ~. In I7, _ -1. mm 'ooqu.u.' as oomiuiq am | In] on nocuiu, and iuma Q lmnh Iilh I Iulln on. Oou3dn't the owuor oi the `lung be a link gooovuuodntiggg 7 -Buul| ol pgutniu chain uluy-'c-- - ntnioougo mun mu 0! tnmy--iuui~ . by ho`girl'a moihet, who had rubel- `um 32,000 in call me. . good hotly ` upuuclon. I ` I _.t_._..V_. - -II in rmnand libs! the Hon. If.` I Boull may appoint Ininullucollootor 0! Custom: ut_`!omnt.o, and tuna: ovuut ilhuid Inn will bonnouodod in the Gun- ml by My. Thou. While. -'lIIi Iii! III II Diily pwywl In-' - Ikhtlnlly in not ol the Inca qnuiiii. ' . Tue du -Pout Iundo. luv ouoiq. -Cnp. Outl_ban'n III none In _ huhod st Tnntplg. Btu in bunmully - _..A`.|.A .;..aa. .........a .. 5.. --... IIUIIIUII -I IIIIISQII. DIIC I ISIIIII nodded. nhdia ixpucod to ho -Ind 1" . -`l'b_o Inning hall cl Ibo Windnot lio- hl Int tuning uh niooly`do_eonIod lot OLA nnlxhnnn -lg-Gd--..n _a-`I'M unit in thy ml ol Capo Vin- up3.IP(. I110` 217 In an --`I`lIo|Iu'dol`B`BoMop|IyofVl_io:-` lahtluillo in up... 4.! 55.. an-.. .m..I.- ..-.:-.OO~-_.--. `I'M load: In lulloh. llul. Evnlnru Hon. ..j..,.....___.-4.- mm 0! Mr. A. mllln. DAN|EL REILLY,| I'IlII.IIIiT.