Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Jul 1880, p. 3

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DIIOVI II III In Wluuu. Qoduliler hnulu. u-um... ........ ,.... --Tunwnnh, N ~pun-u an ptpoti givo Iiunlhn nap-nun crop prolpocto Hay Is -In aunt oonnidznbly ruolgd and barley show um,-I TL- \\.`.n. .o ... .. M .n .1 -A party of about u: hundrqd Am- orinllu, ham Detroit, Clcvolnnd Ind vicinity, puud out yesterday on route to tho us lidn. nu ,` n - _n_..| .,, I -n `V `II. KC III]??- -Tho bnly primnor conned In gnu! nl. Noplnpo an dinch..u.:I your-erdny, an inltlnco which has n -x `dcurrud before during Iihoon yawn "l"-.--..--I. N ......... .....l li...nnnnn IIVU "I. IIIIU-IFIIUU IUVII -13 edit: 81,600 daily to run Fore` paugh'I Ciroua, but tho concern an stand it the nodal: being about 06,000. __'n\- .I....a.ao. -hi:-h m-n.I..... uh. II nut Ivvulyw UUI|I' uvuuu yv,vvv. --'l'lu oloclridly which prodnicu the light in Foroptuglfo circus would knnok I thousand mun unbiku in a second. IL- L,-,, ,1 n.. ll- l.`II_,___ 1,.-- I Iuuuuuuu IIIIII Iuuvvvwuu up - uvuouu. --Tho horn of Rev. Mr. Ellory, funn- orly of Latin, run sway on Sunday lul, throwinjhim out and wrecking tho bunny- A mu. "6 nbmnn nu hnndp-ml Am. IIl`IlU] IIHIIIII Ilu IIIU- --Hu[h Ramon. from Nnpuuu, in not to pol in Hohlnnl until he nconn hon hi: inumponto lent. _, I! point. II RN! Jail: in run FARGO ll IIIU uuuu. --The Wuhan honutud on King tired, I buutilul place of rooidnnon, in to-doy oond lot ulo. __n...L n.|....- 1...... N........ in -Th Fobrnuy chou'u of tho Mopov shun loolory III sold a Jew days Ago nu I -5 vvuu. x --The iron on tnlu u iucnuing. A large hot at huge: no not ganged in Ihctudn. ' . ' nu- m_.n.:,,_ L_....__A__.I __ uz-.. D, D|ll|lIG'I l|`||. ;l..NJ 1IUNl5-Ono no?0 hon. I load- ggg, ullghllv oh:-had, with nll on In pronnouu. lugml cola IAOIIIOE Cau Ind n`nruui|Iu. nurly now; no I0 bun Tflp uu ` by llurd. GEOIGI A. HPOTHWOOD. Prinoul Icrul. I1. Jug` Evluaf-:7-M had at |_A.-_ II) I... L4.` ____:J l._ AL- BllI- urluuuvlry Cumin In nunouluu. ~`l'lI'mun undidnun won noouuhl no Nouburg hug onu-moo Io_ the Hugh School. , ` *~ lI'I._ u-,._,.___ _L..-- A` n.- u,.-..._ . --Auy amount I has on hing uto- uuuudht Inland. \, D ` -0530 drill In ad Ioljotonudou. They should be onppnnod. ` ' _'l'|.- .|....a.`|..m a. u. |....a..n In . -.... .......- _...-- - - -~ ...... dghuen this in WOfMlu.' _ ' '. ' 8. S. `Peruvian puud Mutual `not thin .1.-awning. ' --Nnptnoo dobonlura iold I ha dud coclIdbqonntol'o'p0foniL ` _A muakn. nil :5. Diana... ..I ma Igviluuuwgunuvll 0 pi! u-us. -A muting 0! my Dineton ol the Bonn ollnduutry annol ho obuinod. ,`I'I|ip0..n A.-uliplgnnn -Al Annnnnlhll Dual uunuu Iwlc Allfoil nuooll 9IIIX_ | guy uuu-nu uv uuyyuuu-cu. -11.. .|..m.`_|.m in to ho mod lor .A-LA`4- A-'.. in |N.n.un-1. co. 4-.._. -ll lions. _.a..._ --- ---ouo -- Iulu Nun. WIIII GIOIGI HPOTBWOUD. N]! --All punu mdobto-1 Inh plant 00(- uo tlmr -rrouuo Ammulluoly. _m|y ll L-nun LI-apdi lml nguin Thu stuck (`I-mpnny hu wlce M Ualn-u'l`. Kelly, the (`nu S-ml-Iy Hm : ..._'_.A _:II .... .0 .... \\'.A_ and lhmmoquo I rcurdnng the u avert 40 yiold, Tue ulti, rye. THE snunsn wane. SATURDAY. JULY 10.1930. No-Yorkluoiouluuhn non hhind 000060 In thouuouolbcw iug. Alongdbuuicu hauls plus uaynnunqulhgtlovunhgohbo uovoouuybdl%udnu any upon- the Most cm and ibtoo nuke ol gnlhnoh I: In. In. `atly. In [us hot '35: luau: Ibo pnhuoa ol our uuupipu. non: and upon `Idol. Not 0 word ll Cid ab--II 5.. ma t..u..,.meu a name on Illnovn nu in the lulu, though la "n Inpplnuu only and upon: Ion. u~ pahlly lot pchlh bulldlall Th unst- uu Ian in main: and the Inlay ol nguluilq ll-on It ooupluud III by 0!. MOsr|y. lethal nah Maui! : uqutuod am In Canadian ululu qua olhdvuu. Iiitllotoolydno a quilt bod all out Oh boiling but on to nguhnl an tail: to o and um. Mr. Furapaugh atatta-l In lilo a bntuhar boy, working II four dolhn 1 month by tho yaar. Ha in 49 yuan nl ago at tho prauut Iilna. Alter honing to tho butchering buainaaa ha olgqod in bone daalmg, and during tho war handled ton Ihuuaaud bonus in a single yaar. Ha dmypod into tho cinna businoaa in thi- Iaunu-. Having aold a bill of boron to a citrus ooupaay and not [acting pay lur than ha took hold oltba eon- cam and nanopd it nndar In old ana~ ploaa. btinglng hinnall out all right Fot aavaralaauona he ran a oinua it: Dan Rico : nine, but oauaa out umlar ma own ulna IOII ainaan yaara ago. At thin um tho I|l0' properly waa worth M0,W0; not his iron and Inna- garla in qllnaml at a nlllion dollln. Na-Imlhuoodllg that Ir. Iovapuglu Ina upaadad a gran dual :1 -onay by Mo allow propouy ha baa accumulated waalth, halng the once 0! one hundnd bonaaa la Phladolphla. So also owns conaidarabla pmpany in Brooklyn. KY. Tho promo -1! lm bnainau Iava raullad Il2ll.000 lot a aaaoon. The uanagonaat at hand auragatiun M800 la I60 can and woman. Tbontu Ill Iona, ll ,a__a,,.- n..._.n- .A- AL- _.........L- XIIVDCIII. IIUIVIIU Ivv UVIUUI. no 0|0p||u|n,5Cldl, Q0-,|Io nooqoo being compound ollouy nu. Four uuutlnnlbubclnduuudloo poundaolunmon snug thunde- oonundldiy. Erliirl, VII luv Inns uuuuuu v. -nu -v-u ~ iug. The umnulio und torobuic (nu won very ;ood,Ihc clack rope poi-ion-munc- nu clone and plouing; but tho aunt lot which tho uumhlod undiuico Iookod anxiously torurd was tho wire walking of Mdllo. Zuiln, when durnoon oxploiu won much mnto Iucocnful than `Jion in ch: evening. She trippodfron aide to tide of the tent with [not an. returned with her foot. wound in butch, Irundlod . whoolblrmw our and did cons olhor during And okillul loan. but tholsit drlioto in not inclined to nhuut hone", md onmoiimu aha does not undertake all Kim her muugon ndvutiu in her man. Mono. Loyd, who In to Iluo been fired from I mnrur r~- - ~- on nud caught by 3 Indy gym .I in mid air-, did not inch mu oppunnoo. It III aid that :1 Three ' Rivgn ho III that through tho olnvul can win hurt so nut ho had not ban nblo to npoot the not since. Tho hornmnnship nu not no good an II but nun bOh'lI O, bin Iho hone: IIIO GODD- whn to bluno for thin. Gonoully sput- ing the exhibition us: very good, how out. und gave utiuhctlon. 1`..- --...m..-nun. hm Lr-val lnr hnnrd. OVUT, IIIII 'IVI -uuIuuvu- Tho urnnplmntn lot truol, for bond- unu the cmployou. nublluq the horses, 0!`... in mm! complete. WTIIIIIIIU. |u"u'lI INC IIIA Iliill Ill-UV VII far aqrooahlo.- an to calmly occupy tho oamo cogo with a poi: oi poworlul tigora. Tho girao was alluwod to loavo tta priaon houao and recuiro many lavnro front tho viaitora, lrmn whom it aoooptod vwoonnoato angl alo thou with ovidant roliah. Tho canola. hippopotamua, rhinocaruo, olo.. had thoir admirau. nnm rnrolllanca Au tho hand ul tlll otrooa couunonood in ovonmg porformaqva thoro wao a with 1 out at tho Inonagorio into tho tout propor, ` illuminatod by tho oloctrio light, which but-nod with dauling bnlliancy. Thoro ` wore thrao lighta, aituatod botwoon tho two ringa, and tho otfulgonco of thooo waa a noar approach to daylight. The old atylo ol lighting had up; boon ontiroly diocardod, lot tho re-aaon `(D that it waa doairablo that tho outraat ahuuld bo proaontod, and (2) tho olootri- cal inachiuory had not yot boon - no porloct at to ho thoroughly roliahlo. Tho ongino oupplying tho Inottvo power on placad outlido tho tont, and tho electricity condurtod to tho carbon point: by wu-oa which paoood on! tho cannon and ontorod tho tont near tho contra polo. Tho porlornanco was of tho unual clllrlclol`. Ita hoot loaturo wu tho oxhi- huion ol tho liltoon olophanta whioh. o`uuioy ao they ordiaarily appoar to bo_ wont through a numbor ol aglla mova- Inonta and diaplayocl tho rooulta of an odncanon which muot havo invnlvad much pationoo and poraovoranco. Tho waltz- inp. "loo-aawing" on it plank, tolling 0' a barrel. and tinally tho pyramid, on top of which tho trainor took pooition amid choora, waa tho but foaturo of tho oun- mg, .......... -...I an-4-ahnbhn 4.1- Inuuuruw nu: nu.` --- -'r`.. not nu Q nut iuproyomont 'upon tho format instruments of n simi- lar kind` exhibited hon. Among the mind: then um I for tint won tr pruonud Iuulon othr ooouionm Tho lion: Ion nun enough but Iillmul any training, llluugh thy had bun made so 3-. ....p...InI- .- In n-Imln nnlluni (ha imlltoh idrk; Noujgon. IIII WW Iul IIIU IIIII -v traction. in it In unload Inc. and con- uinod 1 vu-iowty ol nnuhblg uiunlo. upon tho inntin-no, cllunohrintiu and capture ol which n olainl dammed in` cloquont Iofll. ' Tho cvovd booono quickly unlined, bombuding Aha ticket olioo and than taking pocuuiou of tho in-nun mm, in which it uurgod Ilka tllonrhoo oi troubled nm. The caliopo oupplind nluic which could so turd above the din and chatter ol the multitude. In tom and Appar- -_-- __- - ...o .'--.-.-.-.-.s jjil U nj CU-vruu-u. --- u-u xrdu Mlnonn yldlfdly. ill the uuAI- ` was 08 lbs ulhnooo and china; pot- lnnnuneu -sun` mun Iulnhond tally l l0,(ll maple, Ibo Inn uriou opu- ionl u to I50 ncriu ol (M Iago onu- ootn. Thou Ion who duoppolntod . punt-n.hIn tho tutu! Ipllpluilto lnllll thcoaoipuion ol than who ox- ..J"` ' ..._ `III urnnncs |.ui1ivnun-non uunonn-urn-AI urn-av`: I IWIIHC Inc w-vvvu n. as-gas. titan, cum vm n-and Dyna: lunpqh, am an \ ....'.n nngnn... ...a..a.. na uh. unla- vuunhu in slow. -sJ"" hlhl.lr 5 - I mun lllI`lI uy nu uuygu--cu. I ' cumulus ad aloud: grant 0! count the onooghnr-o largely In- muod whore the mtuun in tho enmi- nntion culminated, on ranching Min Mc- Intyre . diviuon nl Sixth oluo girls. it mainly nu not hit tn Ibo ymm; ladnu ol this room. not to their teacher, that in inponut nu uuulmlion to than} ohonid nonncmo um Ion o'ch-eh in tho oltotnonu, but thou I00 no holy lot it, sad all ooooomod um into the work with n will. All the spoon In NH man My oooupnod by pupil! In -all Illod with viliinn. Thu ladln pro-I-Ilnh mind, ol onuno. an nunbovl Io now, u in utunl nough in I huh dopam- mm. but the donor on no Ioll upro- uatod tho. Ballot Ibo Chitin (Ir. 3. Woods) than can mount Mom-n Hang , Wnldvol, Xrvmg, Alba and `Indy, knob". and Ir. J. Wnlm, Ohoirou ol 05-IOd0n| I uni. I09. Hy. Wibnu Md Ian. In-nub], Wu-.1!- and Bunion. louhon hon mbot ock. Pitipally hy.Ir. Wuolu, who , I through o-autumn no In In donut undue mild by NI lulu: lunch duo ohhodv. bib DQ000003; oI|Iupontbdl|ouh,IhI atyu. ay mood to cuudIl|_uhoon Lloooqlladlliultynllulllholnpw uuoubjuuupouollohllorvuvhood ondltuoollnouuiluuylhulhdc work you usmuluuutbsto (VIIIATVIIIIUII -7`: run: nu . luv. llury Wlbu. but-AI lou- yndulbyuonuuulluuhgbg. uncut! II-MIIII. and on not duo anal o'clock, u.,thouuudq ax` unnwoncl Idulouhnghug Ann; Icy, Irllawwu, -uu ml. ea. an--. Ar the exaiulllatioae advanced to the higher claaaee the liitereet increased, and quite a number at vieitore were [meant at the examination 0! the third book de- partment, taught by Mtae Tandy. Mr. S. Woode, chairman of the aohool, arrived during the elalnlnetion of the depart ment having made a epeeial trip from Nepenee to he preeent at the examina- tion of the echrol under hie immediate aoperviaion. The examination in thin department war a thorough one, and proved highly aetialectary to all preeeut The pupile were examined in the usual hrenuhea, and croee-examined by the true. tea and othere, Mr. Waldron, truatee. taking a epecial hand in putting the girle through Cenealian geography. and I- preeeing himeell highly eatiahed at the knowledge and ready anewere of the pnpile. The reading in thi_e_divi.aion wae eepeoially admired by the vieitora. lpaoiel nlerence bein4 made tn thie leaiure by` Mr. M. Gage, I0 lavoriibly Lumen aa a ' good aiiliiurity in the that-rf and prac- tioe ol elocntion. The felrllel if thie department wee ilrolarad to delerve ape- cial credit for the way in which the rar- putation of the claauea hae been auetain- ed. Twenty-nine pupila were pmmiitld and received nude of merit. The other eaeroieee were interapereed with wine capital einginu. and altogether the el` aminatioo have wee pronounced a Inc- oeee. With thie r-om the prooeulinga oi the morning terminated. n 't!tnoN rimoiinnur At 2 pi. the euiuineiione were re- atimed in Mm McDnwal|'a department nl lth cleea girla. The exerciaea were aieeln conducted by Mr Womle, ('haivnian ml the School Committee, who preaided. Meaera. Waldron and Bone}. trust-ca, were aleo preeent throughout, and a large number of iiaitora, ii.uliidi lg Rm- Henry Wilton; of St. tknr;e'e Outlie- dral, an-l Mseere. Sum-norhy av d \\ nude, priucipala respectively at the Mcdel and Cetereqoi Schm-la. The pupil: -it-re Ia thoroughly examined aa time would per- mit in reading. grammar, ariihusu.-, algebra. neography and hietory. and in all lheloltlluecta the airle ar-q uittetl iliuin aelvee well Thaao ex-riiaee were plea- aently alternated by aeveral well render ed dialoguea and reoitatioiia. Twelve piipila-a large number when the eeveri- ty ot the promotion examination in con- aidei-ed-receivod certilcatee of promo- tion to the Sixth oleea. Two ot the young Iadiee. Inll Ricard eml Conn inghani, having only been in the ilivieion but a aingle term, were auntie the min her pron , each receiving do-il-lo prizea [or their iinntual proficiency and progreea. Min McDowell wee deeevved ly complimented lor the excellent ex hlbit made by her dlp|ftI'IOl|l,, nr ......... ah. .n....t....-. l.n..Iu m. W5 0'71. ` Taking tho oluqu m ucondiog order tho nut dopattmdnt examined in th or mu Ivvy uu1.m.Ia,"i:Io hu boon tnmhrrod from Quest: to Jnhnmn strut since her return tron the Normal School, Ottawa, than '0 undontand thin tau-her wu pdniculnrly uucooulul In muting all the reqninmonu of the school law. The ` correct and randy nmnn I! the clgildron ` in this mom in Ibo quontionn put to thpm by tho ouminon Ihowod tho guud work l ||Ich hurl bun dons during tn- term. Ninohon of than: were promutcd tn the junior third clue And rocoind v cards of Inuit. The norms of tho prim vinnorl 0! thin cllu will In lound in the uppcndod lint. At the clan of the ox: Oregon the pupils warn encouraging], . nddrouod by Hours. Waldron and Her? \ Icy, truutuo, Ind Mr. A. Shut. I A. Mu nrnminminnn ulvnncud in NI: FOR _`A"Le. Billiard Hall. Dinar storms. muuhunou-In nun nu. u nut yuyuu Iurvll III Inuu-. The clan: of tho pmmry dnpnmnom Irrlhi if to ho cnlniund, tho Chir- nnn ol the Board, Mr. Ju. Wilnou, with Mann Honey and Wnldron lain; on hnnd to nnpnrinhnd tho nnfcinnn Ttpu IIIO nnnnnnnrily o! n tudunnnlnty ehnr -am. but can run much In the credit ol the anchor, Ilia Onnninghnm, -an bu, , had nhugo of tho dnpnrtmnt during the put urn. 'l'..hinn Ila: nlnnng m Aunndinn urdnr The public nnlool uuniuluiu m` to- \ that unloctqnouthioyu-tin coming in oouIutuiII sonny ouuudo autumn .oJuhM' ` - lhitouuho ouooduooo ol pupil: A3. yuhha. Yuuptlhyl thy ox- :-uuuon ll Ilonbou school had to con. and -gum the uzruuou .1 the mm}. my not undo ol to coming bah; pgadally alluring to young nnd old. can: thieving thin nnbnnl drir-but an tcuohnnn to ho ooogntnlnlad an an ouoeoulal .-tuna Co which they. Mid mar pupil: Iogolhor for Illllliuumn. Whilp in u` at-hot Iehooln when no u- uninntion III in ptogrnu `ho dcputuu u can nearly donned, than ol~Loum , Soliuol Ion volt seconded. nhouurg I , good can of diooiplinp on tho um I and and I col!-denying loyalty to their Ichnnl , by the pupil! upon the othot. ` I I'|.. slung: nl oh. nu-iinnri dong:-Innnnl a__. Vu nmanouoruomu ncuinol.--4 vinu In 1`: `you-unuwlonv anus.-n. PIIIIJC ICIHOOIJL ' no um __g_|_ mus . IX and Ill Ala and Porter. AITID nquH:|*\ho on-Vina O0 to ||`.IOp in nail and IIOI od- mh .Iul.l-I;`I,W0,IoIuv|||v not It: Polka Jun: u can In pt-ugh do Inldh. n Inna met 5 uum; \ouu.uu VHIU wu mu- trooted by gr puontn, and. in order 0 an hor {mm lumber porneuti-on, pr- poood -uni. shot hum; inlorlnod hu o! her own on. 'I ho wedding ceremony was duly pulurmod In I ohmoE' of 8:. Potonbnry. and tho puir Find happily until tholnch won vlinoonnd and u- pvled Th: p-H -Ira arrested sud oom- mmul I: trial abuuho jldnu won pulllnd by u out which had nut boon tmueou by Ruuun Inc, and is In nut C ~ the lunch Inc ducn-on-I. - _ __ .09 ~ ~...._. Toronto `Hour Store. nuun nTiu you 10010:. ' M- MORRISON. wnlld Elllnwl Iolp mom muons may gu :50! d--on ur not H--p Rama, nude 0! un putuo. and hot! nmodiu. and capaci- nlly I--I out can. llnvluu nbnoduaul hulvh. ounuhnno and my dash in than. None mod un!|'ur 1! may will can then truly. Tiny out but 0 MM. 300 moth-I MI-mm. : faWi.3a.ag53ycan2;Eng Cluu ounnoimm, Iuufvl Ittcntion to all hemp, unrk, thin the nponuvu nollul hon, pnur uppclito. Inn;-Ii-`. muoonbloluunul. vuur M--od, inutln mar. Ilduuya and urmary trunblu, and all the phyuiehm no] medicine nun m.,|l lm-IO Iolp chem nnlo they got _ ..... .|...... ..p an Hun Nnun. undo LAGER BEER. 3:37. I I'll HOKMION PIALLIFOID 1'01 Iggy Au-uxuln-: In; L! no --I he: mvxgr Od hulbund Ike chlugod her tlruc Inf shit I 0 mm. prucurm omulounont In I rumor). u.| u Mud 1'-vlu I -r yurl, Im- muw-nu I ..u I -2- uvuunl I1; and bye . n-. .. `nu -nu |n.l- -..... ...... Iou, than! not HUI-Ull I but lulod Sho {hen tgnu A......n|n.- [ha I. Tull hour an-nu um brought too the B only by u umrhrr w-u rulurnud from | tho toumhipn u-{Olden ind Ow. Bun I out than are numerous. but not so Ilciuuu u genonlly Iuppuud. Tho ' school teacher up that In On the burn no csrrynug o` ynung pugs, h then I mul ol tho moat uvury chnnctor. Tho I pooplo huvo to:-mod into oompuniou to hum. them down. A law day: ago, nldod the pedngngua, nun Ivu cu.-tnnd It Shir. bot Lulu} that Iur-..u Hm oculcl st 700 lbs. The lnchor Ill uhd if ho hsd not been clrud out there, whnn ho umrorod that the hurt "me not at will wirlmd. Tim) vi. um lI4( -Um |\ I Illln IIHIAI3 hi! bra! Ihnwed (MM, ll` unlou their cub! wuo umleotod. Au nu |uIu..-.9 I man I fut no-nnpn ngn WI! mating thrnngh the vmulu thou nu Inunuuul bur stepped out into lhc well wmn path I luv foul bo~ lore hill and loslumly pluddml Iloll, 00! won duiring I lvok nt him. Alter I Ihllo the hour turned ulf nd wood unlry whl]-9 In pund. Whilu on tllia Jul) ..c III] uy Ihul B" Bauofy brought um Nu`: Iron Qrloboo, but on: bouuu no obouupcrom Hut ho had in ha _|,.. www--. shot. Tn: Pu--um Dmuv:.~- I`ho.Innhyn. puruhuud thr--u,`h Mu. John lilimtl [or tho Ht 1IanI nt:' Sn.--sly, hue Irnnd. Tho Ion-r c-.1 $100, quilt! an new lot pic~nnc nmnoomamt It in prnpogod to hlVI u {avg nuoh It will dun an inmcnu crowd --_.... __,, 1 __..._~. .-_w ._.--- I 1.000 BaskoxiJ0i17aibarrias To Arrlvo Tiesdny lorllll Al` THE BAZAAR. TI-ore Wu lnuly 3 uni annual:--u I l`.~tommrg .\ yv-nu: wi-1.uv,|eh pl than! her um-ull lu undo u H um-nod c u A_,_, . oh. I`IlllI mun Ill IIIIII cuuliu pruv-uIvu-. ll '3 prop -ud . tn ban the Provindtl" grunt co |omI"IlKonl. upou the watt (-9 tho Institute in am roopoot. I plan clan man be luund moot uliu-cmyil the uriaun cluu-I no oouduccu with the tonic unnruy. Vignul` `cud wo- cou which c-uuctcnud them last winter. The mom work the [neu- tuu nccumpliuhu the more hborul um tho Gonrnuu-nt npumnnco by-_ and In In on we on ublo .Iu judge --I the luuling of thu Dirocton this id just whut II nnlod, u by nuch nn Irrougernem merit and labor will bu rourdod u my deli-"V0. The nlhnr futures o( the nuhcmufa-I ro- argnnlnlinu pruunnol by Dr. May me! `ill?! approval, And thin onduruomem. we ' behave not who 1-xc-plimml but gauenl. When the Government in reunndnlling the Mechanics` Iuumwla yuan: it. should abolllh the Inn by which nnch lucll In-I'.|~ sun is obliged In conunmuo I20 |unu|Hy tun Auccum-n wln.-h m~uI| yearly in cunnecliuu with Illa A;-nu .Izuul nnd Arte Au:-cinh-m cu d.y-u<>lhmy. '1 ho Kldguun In-mum ncuxvu -.u benet from ltm Cumml Au--cumm, nu! duiru to be rulnutnd ol the hu fur Iu uuuutclh Ills-M. Apnl u. IOII I0 OIICIII D4 | l-IAIAIT -- : , The unnn-mun` no to be commended I-9|` an gnuoly tn yuc more Mo Old Vii or lu`o the Moohunlcf Institute! 01 `III Pruvm-:-'. and II Jail ulinod thntjhc ViIi_'n! Dr. I! will hIV1 oho -(Tact ol :____.... , .L- ..-_.I:n:.... __ .1 VIUIU I" L T- III.` III Iluw VIIV - --"7 v- iupxijii the condilixxnamnl institution. The illporlluuo o! a read- ing tuoucanxuot bu gnumnid. hat no origim] dump: ul tho lnumuto in of grant signicance, III of giving in- nnictiun, to yimng mm In upooul nub- jocu, n knowledge :l"Ihioh Inurhlly uvoiau thorn in thnir choun prnfcuiolu; I. L. ....... ....l on D...` ah. DonuindAI' lloutnoo lulll. III - Ilonvou Iuu Lnllio Butsn, ul. Olnuluu nun- lnuiouo-Ldl|a twin`. Filth G|ouo- Auto Rwanl, lag 069- Iunlun. Christan ounimtion--I lbolll Bx-con, [nun Run. Qinl. lllnnn A-ninr nnntinn.-AlI\Q llklll nnrrl, Iain : now. Sim. Glut, anoint uodo|-A|Mo mums, Mum: 0nulutd,'nnd Fnniio Auolmno. ` .l....;... ununn __.I.-E`. Llunuonorv. Bud. Uulnuu out-IIIUOO--I-III (`onnor'u, Edith Wnuhlll. " Bonn-u-.'l`lurd Clan-Edith Iullh. Bounce Burma, In ornoll Ind LIIHA At! all` XIAL ISAEJI EL `ii fLEY,| l'lnl_lIInl'I' 1 DO. Juniot uouon --.lpi'o llongonory. Mar] Donnld. . .._-_'_...... Q jppohll I III! OI IIIO UIIIIIIII In print: us the noun! doeunucqtu . Font 0|nh-[attain Lanna,` Viviana wsuu. Chnunu ouumguou-Ila bql ugh, Ahnhnu Rho ` , n........| mun- I-`A In-nan. Llxolw BAJ"U8' Iunuu u-w-_ -1 nu':m. ho The U0! ll III lulu. Illluf IMJUI. Io-n Ivnuy nu. And _. ..s 'l`h e-Judg(-s I'u:;Iocl. funny. _.-_._..... to-uh-um. Aellon. ~~~..._ Viulory mu. . -os-. > Hear .\l0I'II'I. EDITIIVII B0]! of tho nbovo. .2. man. .I U; and by! -no was nul- ....-.o. uul in nhr`-I n union 0! no vinunnl ......-l Juunnonngnog - Ll. on ht nanny. mu an only IBTA Al? I: Ibo any that L0 dwuubo uunuounl. huh; any- Ilug Inn and 7...!` hnmubbug Inca ml at luau. Tlanlu noun jun vthlu-, Hve Splendid Ice Bmm Parloml no A um: LUICI I001. India not Continual vsonh`IhoIu ` vuulolilu do ugly llalun outrun!` In the nu. mun and land so all bun` IUINING& COFFEE} A Well Assorted St ock of Lace Curtains, Very Ohup, the V0 for Home Olosnin `mu. Ind to Do found at 180 an 188 Prtnoon ltroot one: In 0131 Hotel. u---you--- Au Inn at Ducal sud laugh lnnbu. Id! 1':-bu. Lou, shin; loo. hue hug, tug. ;uo.|uu mood, Load Plum, Plant a! ram. Wu um and Pu-val coon -n no- Iloathbun Lumber Yul. Cheap Enuugol Emybndy. 133 X OELSIOR `I'll PIIANCI RAJ (IN HAND `I'll LARGEST ASBOITIIIT Of OLIEITI AND [L003 011. 0L0`hl8 KI: HAD YIT IXIIBITID. THE PEOPLE'S OLOTIIIIO HOUSE "" "CHAS. LIVINGSTON. 69 Brock HI-rent---IIld N0. 2|. III I can liPllII'B puma )z.`?1fi5i7u'i. New York'H1i.'l'1'l'I;1';".Stnru, Brook Street llinen. Lustti. and Russell Emd Coats. L `lJ`J.W_W __B:=% ""'R"' A Fine Assortment of All-Wool Barges, ISUMMERSUITS .--2-go.---1 New Black Buntinzl. New Choviol. All Wool Suilingn, Now Navy Blue Smziugu, Now All Wool Doha: Snitingn, Blank All Wool Dnlnnu, ' Now Light Bins, Csrdinnl And White Cuupinq Slnwlp, Cheap. II IWALIIIIIIH III: Ian-:9: .nIIJh-an IAN lnulnron h muvufnotunngu L In Go: I to ch ' oollnuu thoiuwoot Living Prol'i:.r `I " . r . `um .n' `ma '.". Inn I1--- n--A- .__|- __.I n.-..LI- ____;-; %w. n. Mm: & on, T ' Tem&~W4'ne Merchants. -u-.-.--.. -7. .. ,.. ,_._._____ ._..`___..__.._j._ _ -..__.. T33 BNO? sud pmnhcu In the Iunllc Bu!|~ng.lau|y occupdod Joan Donn- lhlu. Any In Moaiolnull Indh. So mun nun llonuou outrun. Arch A. IMII up: An an other uoouq napalm! all {main luvs-ynvlu. Inuln mun. K; II. CAMPING SL7 ITS, CHEAP, b the mson Old n.|m-no In moon. ht [THE WHOLE OF HIS STOCK! AT SUCH PRICES AS WILL ENABLE HIM TO CLEAR OUT AS MUCH nu runnnihln lulnpn H... on... No ueuonao om: wm be Imam: rr any son ol Goods: SARATQGA TRUNKS -You-y Sinai}, Vary Com loh._ Vuy Strong. lI|I'rRIB"{`RUN KH~Hu-doom: Ouundo, Nut mido. Wall lronoll. Vgry I33. ntnnll . - ` Ilfluau `hnunnn -nnuuwmu uuwuo, nu; mung, u cu um-cu, vqq nu-v ntnnll DOMINION TRUN KS-Nionly Arnngid, Nicely Finished. mublord Chap. KANBARDI TR.UNKS-[4uhu or Zmc Cuvoud. Bout Sdling`I`t at IO 5070.1 Chap, `but Vory throng. The Lu-gs Sula In no lining foy Trunks and Vsllul Provo: our Prion to ho Hninlnolon to t|o'PoonIc. ` 'I1Io harp Emu Suinlowory ho'PoopIc. 1-av run mo LB. nus or `nu. 0 an . :.I(`u|r.nII:'J um BILIOTIHS.` JU8 '.'l'.' IEBOETIVEJJ : WHITE LINEN DRILL. ` CRICKET FLA NNEL, _ NEW BLK szuz mzmzs. BLA air 5,: ms . I 3....-. AUDI`!/\Q\I\ usurp-.1-crawling L- We have-the lanout. lieu Solertoll and can pry Goods everolored to he Citizens of I ,2 lkumnbor the plus ind ho oouvincod. ---nhym.` A -3 match. -3.1- llEMI|lBE,R--W9 gunnnuo _o perfect t. [RICHMOND & BOY DEN. Hxoxnxr an V1;1:.:a-1.--1-53% have-um sawed um suck on .l'yAG0f(Il-OV0l"Ol0l'cd union. cu-nu. -- uuv -.~.v~<-. nalvuu. - -uu `i00'1Jnon Oosu Bungle uni Double Breasted. so Linen ummf um Ienmu. 200 Black Laura 00:. nu mm. 100 single and Double Breutod Rnmll Oord. but nuke; I- ck- -|...-- l)..4.J- -. 1-1- -.... 3...... 1.. on- -.g- I... .... .1... _..g_.,. _L.. _-. VALE supguen no as acbuoenfov ` 0981' PRICE! Como early sud cut I uleotlon. on Q 0I`CI-l`on of Quuuuoc. Input ._.o I have this day up land I. lorrlnon solo Agent or the me at tho lhnvn AVIIO 3 Plano gin In 3 all hofnn purobuing oloowlmn. nnnnnlll |t-_ v--|. nl..u.;.._ I /Juno 23rd. 1880. nwv --_.-v .._.. ___-.- _.v...-V- .._--v.. v...-. uv-v an-awn. In the show Goodo in duty my hour In the my for qumey, worlnouhop and chap- nu. May 7. I880 AVIIO lad INCIIIIO, I Indian. lth nah nan:--gland. having .i Jily s, 1880. ' .-:-.:.,.,_..-:-- THE SUBSCRIBER INTENDS LEAVI.\'G KINGSTON ABOUT THE nndil- nl Annual 5... null ..'.r mlll I IOOIIXDCI Suits to Order for $12.. Golden Lion Grocery, L ____ 74 . 3. } 1I\7E' 5iFonn.sH1nr1Nas. "SELF-COLR 1I BALBRIGGAN HOSE, a5c., so. ILIH. DOOII. ILIIDI. IOULDIIGI, do, It TRUN Kb`. JUST TO HAND. WHICH WI WILL IAKI [N10 in uV'|'l.LYUa l..l:.AH.\u nu`! middle 0! August, he wall .-For EH 0. LAING. 33:53.: ~ vuuu nmnuun nun cu` AI poulbla before thu tune. In A y Iualonnoll 8 Inch. no dun. ' uueou-van. Jan. mu. mo. Tit N-3 lrhk C4mIo..'s1 remnan- mmm Ir Jnhl Daft. at pun-Iroo I ulna, vnuuuuu uuu Iv nu. Villlylll. Uuuww, VIII` It. \VAl.IIIION, Wilson`: Bulldlul. may vvu vuuvvu IIICKI` s Ii.I2`I"l'. Pnenl 5370030 j .JQ_]_.?.O]_\T S. HAINES a LOOK ETT. Ailar -A-O ig- `AT: U_u-ft Received, Vrhoae cuoscoraotnu, I-I-1\y.ao Insult. OIOTHII not you well in no ot. `$CI`vvvw-. vv1u-O' 3` . luple. JG. ' an. Doors. nu, Bllolna ` Ina. nuuuuuu. no |.... I-cit--t-Ur I I III Illll. I0 "1: Sum. wu. u"uJ.p 3 . llngnn A ag-n uvv III huov Can a lad Iluumlnullgnu. nu mt. Ill! .Y"..'.':.`.`I-.-'.-.'27.~'..`I."':.':":`i':."-3 Alla KIND! 0|` TEAS FROM US RETAIL At Wholesale Prices. III) I NU.` 'i.'unIanT F."._. A'!.I_7F' i In LAQ nmuu an at ' :'53'a"r'?"I:." Ouuh Inna! -33'} I I! (my loot pinto. n..ia:A}.i`ci;p;ii;. om. Eoery 1"am'/y can buy their WHICH WE OFFER FOR SALE AT MUCH LOWER PRICES THAN , ,THEY CAN BE BOUGHT IN THIS CITY. am Jlly MI. V". ' Till! Non y c,.`,.'.5., ' _ an oval: my-.,.. ,,,..,,, ::'$..3::- ".~ "~..':-'--- ----~- ._; _ __ N If 3 applyu moot 3` We bu to_csll_ the attention 0} hmllm t_o our now `run now u- riving.conni:tino!Jsp;n.Youn Hymn, Gunpowder sud Rik Ton. put up In I5. 10, 20 and 60 pound Pure and bcnmo-0 ' no ?0 nn-. ulllhllv aha-iod. ` In July 9nd, III). Bust. Value thaitjl mrmomn tnalarkm July :1 4;P`1+`iA::j %wv*-- new (map ! new 6309! "}`,i1n'B., mo. I Ilulm: unouooon D II`- ' `Jan o'auu|;`, nvanof lam ?! 3000 .....u. mm .5. mamonuc. In-nu ! 1nv{uuuuAr1x>`.%r::n. N Iixcollont unite for a hull: I0 I In 90. I8 gumvrhnnll vln;-:5 IITV -I- ;";" 1| , to! own and "` `:4 3 Myoalolnull 0. Unadulterated, 'Ii& I I&Il VIOLINIST. .4 - n-L..| 1... AL- _- .l|UUg|| IUI LWIJIJIWJI Ills BIOS, Mu-Ifuturilgcolhulolct . I890 PAO KAGE8. vi. ll. sum-lo. II nuns: M puoou oeonpna D an. e ".'-.":.'::.' .::'..":."`.....,'.'`. Oman. an I; ` C . the notion mnvuluul of In and -OM \VouI'.I0oIh Room, in. IQ! I0 I01 5" III. Pouuolnu In In. Lpy on the pnn|IO no who may by Co.. onmo It. ".1; mb. mu and Wash!!! J wiuou. Saunot LAII.-ThO Capo Vnouu lagln odilor has paid a vim to Shubot lake nd up the lulu in u buutilul 0 shut ol want to out In our. The Idling more no dnoqnullod. and the bill total iron Ibo Into largo and In. Tho usury in planing. and one would nova tin pain at the you woody ohonl III tho Inlay bnumul inland: ooutonll 501'! d thou in tho Inn. The largest 0! than ulnoda contains about my u.-go. Ill In allot cultivation. Ihcbot Lab in Meaning 5 luonk plneo ht plouun onion in II: tumor month. lxcvuumu to Bnoc-|vu.u.-\Yo qua all uhltiol to the uduiltll II OI- otbor colon: of nu Mothodiu ouudon on Wolncldny out to tho Thousand lo IIII folk and Iknchillo, pol manor `Ind. To the congrquuon ol lyin- Ion um! cinch |ho ant to laugh pub hunt! as king I planing M5000 to than layouts; um Iuouiq puhll. night]: nay ntlruliono ol tho Mp uid pun 0 column induction to othn to polrouiu lilo uuunlu. M Ioulllo uunpuon! all thohnduol the you; pooplo ol Ila cinch. o I uhki epoch lot llull , ' _..._...jo` ,-__ uoluc Unnu Lono|.--Thin body Inch. Guolph on Wgdngdgy ndil. Tho Grand Iluur, M. W. Bm. Eudor- ooa, and RJW. Bron. Handry ud Iobou have Icon only to mend tho parading nootinqol tho Bond of Uonoul Porpoou W. Ito. Dnrnlord will roprtunt Anolont 3!. John : Lodge, and Bro. JOIIII C- I-on Mnndou: Lodge, at tho Urund Lodao .1. , ..._ Lu'nnNll CHAI.l:ll\`uI.-ThO Athletic laorouo Club hu challenged the Km`- .cou Lncrouo Club fur the chunpiouohip cap, which it hu hold uguinnt Ibo clubs of Euurn (mum lot Iwo "an. TIIO Kingston Club hu not pructiood lhil Iot- oou, but will now begun in good gamut, being duurmuwd to carry their hard won honors nut wnh thum in [880 Tho much will take place wuhm throo wuh . ., ...._._.._ Rnuunn Fnox Mutton -Mr. Ed curd 0'Riol|y. Deputy Rnvo ol Wolfe Inland, returned lul onnmg Iron Mini` tuba. While run than he bought 640 Inn: at land munod nbnnl chroo nilu hem ch. villus ol Porn`. 1.: Pnlrio. Ea pad 09 pct Icro luv the papacy, which in divided into quarter uctiou sud can in mail; rontod. Soho land In in vicinuy mm :1 08 per mm pot nuns. Mr. U`Rio|ly will, in I probability, to ..__, ._ Il-..n..L. .l....ol- HI . Ulvliuy In", In -u y turn to Illnitnba ohonly .-._. .1.-o__. -..._...:o Gun : Canon --'l`Iu has al Ibo south; nhhhcn in this not`: mob cl on, In mu um!-I --no mason on lab," as nypuol lu the moat puma! punk dot the monument ol lulu Io! mono In Jail and lit [and .1. ghoul An Oh udolbuhiq,ur~ would by 0 anchor 0! Into blolud "T5. Inlet," Good long," "Tuna," "0Ivi| Bonito Md O--rnpuoo. cu. Ion. Hr. IMO dllou the ham and 0000 note and by the oorforuouo. with Iwlcdvd mun in ct soup. and -uh "Bellow. than 3 lion : nono- .n:,, _._ _...| Lgnlln " -CI! lug guy and idly." fl`W(I Houuu o Y;; troot. loll nod . onto and music: pin-mt. Apply to Fnnou Lmlo Mn 07 I `III. llvolllng Home on KII lino! Well. oconpnod In o'nl.l)KIL AIICI Im- -odluc pououmu. Apvh mu door` Ihguon. Apnl Jrd. ,_. AH V_ Pwcn `Dnvu.--By ooolncu and pluck Hm Puuuon, of Pitubhrgh, uni-honoll lrom in-jar}. and Ila vo- hlolo in which aha rods from urinal do- uugu, by a lncliuuo horn. Ho Ion around the any in 5 dacidodly lively way, but nu annually brought to 3 oqani still on tho Market Square. Mm Pat. canon acted nobly undu tho circumstan- ..__......,-.... _. Eiuulnlon to I'll Cnu>.-Pnpan- Noun no pronrouing And about complete [or the ncuruon to the cunp ground on the will, under the nuspicu ol thc KM. church. Tho camp muting, whioh oununoncoo ln-|norroI, will boin pro- grou, and tho utnotlonu of the day no of I uonblo character. Sue.-nu in ex- pcclod, Ind oueceu II" attend tho un- ion to In u nctondnuco in conou-nod. ' I311! 'Juu.-The unuivorury of tho Bull! of the B ~yne nccurl on Monday, And it will be _obuerved by I prooouion sud pic-nic, Iho I-rrmer taking plan in thi iaorning, and Iha lulu in tho ulter- noon at McCanulurty 1 Point. _ The urn: parade will not be u lap to unuul, many an! thn ljurll Ldgu having locnl culobrnuunu ` -s.._...ooso...__. > To Escnw Lnunr Canaan).-Ahonit IIO took; no u 2nu.1l.:u named Garrison ` uclpoa lrom tho Anylum. Ho mud. Ilnmodiuuly fur lhu back country. A wnrrlnl wu plCU|` nu ma hind: of Juan Smith. c--mt-blu :0. Tamworth, and on Saturday luv. Garrison wu cap- tured It Atdun. _.._....4op..,.___ Poucl Covm`.-Yuurduy, notwith- standing that I circuo In in main, (ho puhlio puco nu unbmkon. Only we drank: Info clplurod. On becoming Iobor Ihoy worn diomiuud. -----.oc>..__._ -- - o -.7 Evutonumy -Tho ununl mutiny A sum ho luld in nu Y. M. C. A. mom to- morrow uuumg an 856 u clock. Ad- -dulut will ho givonby neural ohripuin Iriondo. ---o-o>-L_._.. P:ou.-Slodon-;-to lruh winds. Illa uulod nutter, withloul shown and .L ,,_.|_.. -.'..-....- thundor niol-mo. .:_..4.p ,Cn'1 PnI.-`l`|n band of `'3' Danny will play in tho park thin onniq. coni- uoncing cl 8 o'clock. I at In Inuuu ofni man you In-A `hues In touch l'ut._ A _ ` I IWHICV ICU O u oulud Ilobool be In educa- uggol popuo ml the noun. loan boon ml! helndo nun hon Ito nod p..nI.0b lull, Ind, On: In. Iyoll. `hip. the tent and ponlhuo ......`' '`'.:'......`.t.'.`` "u. .....m." ` `"2 nloublo IuI.:A M Idllfl he IND. Pnuran mat. on `.9-|lI|b. III), Q `P 9" %T`?"%%?T`.`!`- .. __, __.. __....,- _ 3- ton on IlI.I.IuduI- ' touted-. try Pm: Grove Dairy. 1 . I I W. I. WARD. . I IA`l'l'. Iowa ape: Alvuo tlnhjlqr 0.IlPnrI Iowa Incl lull- up. law You. In aulnlua in canine! luv Alva-Iucuvnu In the '-umum Why" II OII tau nun. ` 1' W-v-out 'D`IUll;, ("I IDIIIIII. Undoing Oahu undue II? mun. Ion! mm above lung: sup:-i. lay um. um ' -'--v - V ..._......-.- .__._ j .__.. __.__ -_--_ .__. ':i;EHD:Y>Vl::N |u}j'LY 13. 011'? AND VIOINITY. *c5_r_a_o. C dill ..... IIIUIIII udu ` aw '0 VIII! auu uuuu In uvu u--. Odlod at Built :-Busnen Conmhun (tom Iontnnl, ud Algerian tron Hum ' Win Judge Print at the lab County Oout, Luau, In dhnhdlg the `mad joq. unlled III loolbl phllumophy and tho may to ooudouud prinlofl II Build ll than too Icahn treatment, Iolutoalyhit the coil oulbohod but am have how whupplug [Lipton nut OI!` decision. A goulloun inlnnnu the lzpnn that "chm on uncut whit to lupus In on eoodonud erhiulo votug M 050 ml, bushing atoms and Ugh In! his pron:-00 with Mud- O! X.` phi III INIO muliu in utloull cub. Into this phone ro- ghu. dhcipliuo all dnoumnn uguluo ad on the use Mhonl prindplo, King og foil would be 3 sin plus for hul- ntid Input Md Iunhnlato pan nu: lthy: an. " ---2--4oo~- --__-_ ~ '3 : WITXU dfuubgovuaq. Tho Indiana! {in no povmng afoul-. J 0 Ilgnuloc. Than. -all sunken. udumlnhit at; no pvllhnnst Ir. Llubio koopo gun Amount: 0, Furopoughi cnrcno, u: all tho uchu. (6,000 On hout) pays the 260 nun, nnd Iuporvilu tho liusncisl ulfnlrn ul tho aide shown and candy uundn vulhout an AI` Iiunnl. Ho II said In bu "shun light- ning" at the work. -~~ --~~ Tho oclu. Eric glopvurt salad In: Hair- port with 36;! tom ol iron orc- n.n..| an n.an'._m....un Cm-nmhlnn Tluprop. Audi: urivod thin morn- ing. 0: but Mr. P. my in making Ii: iupootion ol the lugmhouuo. and do- hvocing tho annual Inppliu. P. H. can it to hot work." n,__-.| .n.____L .L- l\'.Iln..I 0--.] II M "IIUI Ivull. Pguod through the Wollcml Canal yutcdly lot Kinpton Sohn Uriontcl, Fnilpo. timber; lhnlurd, lhlwnulor, that; W. R. Ttylor. Morpoth, Collins- by, Iuubot, Annie Crow, Tolodu, Q0 nnbor. Tiouhr. ydonbcd loll lhluuhv this coming [or Kinptun in tow ol the poop. AI-ulo. She hu 3 `cargo to! what. Mr. Pour In: nmrnodlmm Malnu- kee, `I'M ulna qunuuu Im not yet bu utllod. `" --._ -_l--I- I.L.. A.._ II..... 1'..- 5:. cans: --~.--u.-.-.-- uuun. .. htw1"I"hI Iuuoopplhrtbo .4- .l M An-A-g `PL. I-lb. cl nprlulnlcn. Garden do some: do II $fInJA-- III Duluw wuuu-u Iv'Iuv--\--v- Mr. J. B. Msclnron, MA , wnll open on oico in S-nub`: Fnllo. B0 In: boon nppointod bolicitbr to Moloolfn Bonk nkgnn unn- JP. -7. I. Elliott, who dud from puulyoic on Tuoodly, an n Dinctur nl the UH, Clinton and Bmghcmpton ll. Janina g.Q-Al" lgln mun-unr of um-- . Mr. Juno: Storart, lab munggu of Henderson`: bouhtorq born. In: purchu ad the Vnpnnoo bunch uf tho Inc M Ho ' n`: buoinuo. I. Fltndorl and Row. K`. C. ... .,.u uhltou, I|I| pruch in the Sydonhnln 8:. church to~morI'uw. Ru. Hr. Hagar oommoncoo his minmuul labor: in Quoou St. church In-ln0r| 0I ll. l.n.|.i- Lggn. (Aha mnnnnln n. DUI Illluu. I400 onln|a-lahru. Apes llnpg, 1'9. NICO. H.763 boob cum. Muyuburg. Tuo, .51 . Pride 0! Amanda, To- ledo, 29.200 bunk ran`; Hun Quoon, Ohidgo, 90.199 Innh what. The prop. IWIIII IMIIOIOI law but. what. __._.-... ..._.1 UIIU wvuuu uuuuu. ---The due! lilh nununce u ebning, but it never troubled the citizen: Iu much ea ding-out pepen make it eppeu. Smu eilly thing: hue been printed ebouet Kmguon hubor. _,'l`h- Wan`; did not nlnnrl tn llua un- QIIl`I|\.lIl nun vuu ` --Tho WIN did not object to the up- pointnunt ul Hun. Mr. Bnwoll In IIIO oco ol Collector of Cuptumo at Toronto. 30 would do tho country lcu injury in that poliliun than n Minister ol Cm- Liuut. Stnho. R. 1:, Cotk. Inland, in vidting it Mr. lune S|mpoon'|. Ha I! on I two month.` tour. n_ .L, -L_-__- -1 `L- .`..-.....L-..u Ia... (III I III: Iuunuu uuu. In tho ohnneo at tho incumbnnt Row. A. Spnnoor will conduct tho Iorvicu In All Bointt Church Io-marrow. um, I n |A-_I____ II A -.II _._.n Illll vuuvy ---v - I --The Wntutt.-v Vclnngod hlndu. ' diopoood n! the u ox~pub|lIb`or of II _'n.. (!in~ (1.... Iuoyuuvu ":uII1 I'|n\.v v ; .-V-.-... .. I5.-1 . obpubllnhor IV`m-.1 -TIIO Cil)`Cuu1'IcI| will unel on Wodo nudny cumng nut Mu.u.y Ming an nnnivonuy on LIIOOUD an u`-I duinble. nor can it hkuly than .: q mrum -If mom- bon would Ilium. nu- A_-l .;-L .....--....- .. -|.-s:..- o3o*ifinosricri.'"" G000 Wl_l_E5'l CROP. CHEN? ___FLOUR

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