`HI ho lmlnd at In. ll? Wcllhmu Iltl. 0 wood door hon mums outlaw. wins his npulunl ht nag j-_._: 3_g;4- -YOolorduy nflarn -mu Ilno rumina- .ion in the Muliul >1-1..-.1 no n.-I I It- l|o dmurbe-I hy nnuy I-an nu the yard to tho norlh -J nu -nch-ml The well trainocl youth nnuld n--I hm -- -1 ted to ba- hlvo thomae vcu. Pull: :5. .1` Hm: gun- dinnl know lho 'panulu.-q nu lawn fur disturbing n uh ul llm jdvelillel would uulu IIIU IIEII-. The Iohr. Honing` finished her rapuu to-day and loft. 'm.- ...s.. n w n~..u.... ;. n........ ....... lndgu of True Um... Britonn. Ind .l..e-1 I. I puocuion, VC.lr1.9:d;x. lo lull drum u-r_v|n.u cli--I bntiou In the In .1 mm '-Tha rninlull of yeolerdny nu uenurkl lhrnughoul the country. The lgnmng community in quite .huIunl.. Vugelable growth will bl ggeally n larnhul` -Tho colobrutinn - t -I. 1'.` h 1: Tram _..- _......-.-_., ..... _. -0nr cnntompnury uyn Hon. Mr. owull in qcrupulmuly cumciontiuun Thu in to far no Hon. Mr. BMI'l| per mm! iutaruu are cuumllled. XIX. S III III III . Iojor Illllpn, Sal Pouhu (blur, -an in IL; nn hula: nn-Inn Ihzv--I-3, -A number of yuung mun oxtandml their colebnlmn of the l`-".h nvar tn-d_ay, undo mnro glorious nnd memurabla than ' the Inninrury iuell. n, , , ., ,, ll _ nu; --'I'hiI Imirning Mn. Christian. 0! Or hrio strut. Ind ono of host tiayrrs unpu: utod. She had` boon numng Iron I painful ulcer. --Kmplnn nupplwl neural bug bull pluyoru Ihh J-an the Murmkvillo tum incontooting a match nth tn. Broclmllo olinb on Saturday -rA lnovomout II an {nut in run: I ell] band in Quebec, wnzh Mr. Vanna, Into bnndmutor of B Bmuty bud, to con- ductor. --Vacant : Iuuior prediction: nun bps: puny wall NI!-zed. Hp |'Ipu'A- tion u 3 rather us: |uu/ boon ungain- 4.: II III Toronto flour Store. nnno nffuc no 1901:; M. MORRISON. --Tho Iulonnl Qcxllnud by Fnhor Bhuuwn u Wutpnn luv the Irilll "Er Ihl Fund Ivu II36.36. . . auombor St. James church up cunlop lino ovanldg. The Bouufy bud Ii" be on bond` V -PIoopoo\`nl n `Iuthu (or this union : Ixuniou. ` ,aQ_9pluio catalog for H190 has he: Ifiaod to than who no ontitslod -4 put} 0! iuumigrovfu Ifl iVOl I naming Iron The; won I4 I..-`O..I IIDI uuooi noirulu up on VLIIOOI ` TIIIII. llnrlue News. wuin iuhn.` -.._\ lupl. P"'P5N 1.. , _.\-_ 7000"- HR SHOP And pnmiuu in the Mnnnlr liulliIuz,hl.cly I.-mpind by June: Donn. hue. Am-Iv to Mnmnunull O Iludh, Sn- ivilnru. "lnrnrc Bu-at THE BRITISH wme. TUESDAY, JULY '13. 1030;` 0III 'XOZ $lIUVCWIlOIIl his hot nacho mu sunning and uh- uag hum A uddovonul In loun- cumd moon: Mao: and uh plan 0! an puny`: my and in gaudy solved by II. `no donut. clue and non ououobh, In tho puuol uypon ol 0 oidnnd umlm, choc! horunoou nnubo intend u Ibolaunl Hovlng dnghho nit out lovou down- `Li. noun. Innl ouannouiuaolIt.Poor om. nn..nu.urou.u..o.. uhoodnhlmlolltvlllo. Wink at the hotel ah nnnryllnlynnl . Jauhdcnupohosououo bootaooupuiouvbhlhukunynu, In cl-not oh node the hjobdov: "Y..n'A bun rid -chino: Luna. ma Ponce. :04 than chgu-any dc-aid upon him. Sh Ind (inn I0 cry ol dun. When and In undo in II- brolln and In nu bud lunch; on tho nut, and than Hones ol the druuuu ucoidqt r. J. 0'3Iu, who an pnunl. haunt! In Illa Ilrohonu and ptoound 0 grappling iron, iilh which he Iueoodod in btlughq tho la- ammd youn lady to no turbos. Du Hondcnou. Mon llll J. K. On: can quickly nnnoud. and In con- bmod shill ol that won oiplayd in or- clor tn nnuilou Ibo .500 vuhont null, and than than Mind to join winch not Iuluovtovd and mm in n-u oonovln Lhn return Woloaloy laland on which tho Thnuoond lalond Park in attuotod. Having aono dilliculty in tho ahipmaut nl hor Inn. nno nl tho party, Mina Mary Potur. o taoohor in tho Boliovillo High School, on loft bohind. Sho t-ml: tho anal-noon train. bound aoatiurd. roaching lhia city abrmt. 2 n n.. and, awaiting the arrival i-I tho alaamer. ntnp_pod at. tho Angln-Amorican Botol. Tho atoarnor arrived horo ah-wtly shot it n'c|uch. and Mioa Potter otartod In the boat, aomnponiod by tho hotol pnrtor who narrtod har trunk, Tho `Alann- dra' lay at 0imn'o Ihar9. upon which than vao no light. Alto: turning math- Iard noor tho out! o! thonck o ooh. non woo not. and tho no podoaariana turnod out at tho way, tho lorvnor to tho right ond Mina Portor to tho lolt Tho Iatlor paaood around tho out! at a wood- ptlo. ood In tho darhooaaotoppod ul tho whorl into Ibo Iator. Tho prior hod --II.-4| In IL; hum glam: Ln -`I-nml anon IIO "Yam" w. mlouolro` Ibbdul style." hot! tlvorlu. ...... .,.-.... ... ., ...... ...y........ Sol-gun! Infantry Instructor Human mo Sergum 60th Ries. bu bud nhrgo uporioncb in military cactioo. Corporal Enter, 22 yarn in the Rays` Amllary. and (our yarn in the Schnol of Gunnery, noun your: on tho Su Royal Artillery, hu charge of tho canteen, An office at trust. -L~-:-.-- wuun unvv u-u -u-v-. -av ya-on -u ma in us. no. mm In iiugdl n_..,- __J A-_._ .L.-;_,..L J. --_; Yuconlny morning, pot Ilnmor `Alu- undn,` A party 0! about thirty Indies and go-uIlomo_n loft Bollovillo upon a un- woo|u' tour to Mmtrul, Soul. Lnkn (fhnmplnin and Goorgo. Quolwc. mud on ah- _.A..... lV-ll..I..- l-l...4l an _|.;..|. Tho vononble Pny-Sotgunt Suwut, Into Pay-Sergeant n! {In Royal Soot: Uuu-do, now rccogniud by the unjoricy of our` citiuno, nppun to be every inch I liritinh nnldior. The noun modnlowhioh Adam has hrouk npuk better than words of an hounnhle cnroer. .\ `. In . . run . In G `- DH M Haul In 0In.fI Ihl. I. Wait. I I` Po-haul` Uopollllbruqht loin nuns: HIQIJIIII IVA A rLlAuL`lI 1'IlP nunln nv AN :4 mnun nu lvurnn-VIVIIAII urn--r-3 nu va- Snrgv. lnuructur Jouph Howard hl bun cqnnoclod with tho Bnmury our ueven years. A... .L-- ..--_ ..m.;-_; _.....,......_.-.4.... -v - on Jvul -. Ann-Ihor very oiaiont non-comumnm 'or| olcar in Sorgunt McGnin,|nta 0!`!-ho lihh Huunn. nu _ an n n _. 1- . , _ _ _. w----u ul nu uuunuun: unsuc- Qnlarlor-Master A. Roberts, And Sor- goanu A. Walling and Ju.- Mellon no well npokon of by their nuporion. Q--.......o l..l..o.- 1...:-...4.... |.l.-..... Sol-gunt Bnrringloi: bu proud him- ulf an oiciont nun-commiuionod oiocr. un5i_i|_cun|idorod an upon n In Arm- an-on); umoror. H...-..p l...s.....o..- l..--.\Iy. .._...l L- .... ...., ..... ,...... S.-rqonm. Lu-io in I mm in every Iny nuitablo for Iho impornnt polilinn ha hnld. Hi: father In I Mnj-'ir Genonl in the Indian army, and the non In: an ambition to follow in hit hthori foot- nun-uu. In lunkmg over the list: of non.com- miuwnod oicerl II nd the name M Su Surgunl Lyndon, tn old: and tried uldior. In Cnundn he auiltad M the lnndmg our of the whnlo of the Enulilh Uwornment property to the Domininn, n: whu-h IIIIIO ho Ill douulgd u inurnc~ tor In "B" Ballot! nndu Cal. Slnnp, which nppninlmout ho hhtfnlllod dur- um the hut nme yann. Q4--4.-.5 I .-I- J. - us-.. in -.....- --- vuuv, uuu u_u\.unuv y--yum-. Luout. and Hutu (lunnor Donaldoou in an nliioer who bu nuinlod by hi: win- dum vary materially in the proper minu- tnun of the null Ind tilt. H0 in porhnpn one of tho mun useful oicon in the Do- ..., ......c.. Mnjnr Tucharuu, and Captain: Baby and Fruer hue IIIO tendered much nor- vice, and bpcomo popular. I .-.u --ul I.I..|_- (.l..-.nn- I).u.-I/l..... Il:V_li. Ibwollm llnu on Kn Wool. ewnlghod VITVLDNIL `HUI. III- . podium pnuouu-In. Apyly unnuloor. Kinjllun. April Jrd .. . ,. Cnpuin Short in tho, nllicar who bu nlvuyl aecundad Cal. lluutiumberl mince mennmnzuiunni tho Battery, and in cunlequonlly highly ciciom. in his mili" luy duliel. Irl.;..- Y`..n|u.-..... ....l l`-nn.i-.. D-L... Whnlo Colnnel ldltnngo command: the ` Sclwol of Gnnnory LI.-Col. Muotium` bar! hag nlcuynoounnundod the Hungry, anal hu ben highly rupoctad Inr his Jcbonlity and uonlloqou, combined Iirh the moat nncmnpromining dincuplino. Ha ha IIIO undo himself noun as tho ro. coivor 0! (ho Guurnor-Gnnu-5|`: gold modnl, lor tho but written any on Artillery. v`_...-;... uh..-` :- AL. .A;.... ._L.,L.- Tho Commandant, Col. '1`. Bland Strange, R.'A., ia known perhapa in better in Inrovpe-than in Canada. In the old world hie pnblioetiona concern- ing Inililary nianere have brought him * into renown in military oirclee. um... himeoll paued with brilliant lionora at" one ot the Englieh_h_lilil.ary Collogee he waa doatincd in turn to become a hard , working Proleaaor. Soon alter be war called to leave literature and lace Ionanln the Orient, where he did aervioe in de lenaeul English honor. It Ill during that awful mutiny that he won hi; modula- He he been evidently aiioceanlul in elevating the character of the men who have from line to tiine been nndor hie command. K . wuuuu nun . -uuq.` I-u_ .331-auvu tho Battery An quickly Incoming I quu}-tad, an introduction to non: than will In and with interest. `IL. :\____..L_. (1,: ID n|__ "H" Buurn man in canal, humus - uudod an lot-`In; nu attain acquit- via Iici Ir dtiuu. 0ICn,Inu- 0 IlIliM`5%OJ olcon nod in no eon- nidond 5 volcano addition to the popu- `lnmn o( an old and |nuocrptic\ -In mono` city. Though. 45`; numbers `cl lIn.. Inn... A-A .un -I:l- |u.mu..in.. n. &-uu.-____ :uI{|m0mIl.w uw. Z-I" .;;+.... Mr. snuuorbfuluu no pul Nuongb 1 most rigid "uuuno nl wfouu." The boys in null and hug boon rapidly sd unood ll-on the junta: `rules, you they Inc [rippled with uudou that MI In nln lot ol lute both uldor and play-I.-ally non shlo. Tho program-a ul youordoy o-bncul Iuonunlkm. (country, un- tunl philosophy, bookkeeping, h.-udu an 0-uuuut bunch: ax! gnnunnr, Uhlaohc and uodwg. Uplunun-Mal; about In audacious can conduct null as Hui thuubioohnto nos ootnnd upon. Idllihonnd Iryhgli Ion undo. Ir. Hobo] put in I pull- Ilor ouuulnodo. udnonnpuulio 5.. ..-.. AI.-- AL- L... In. IIJA no. DUI II iiitvfg XI II wt I y----vv Iunonthp Ihboyo. It. It ro- viowol lion in IQIAI Inllloe. II which they acqnmd tlonulvo upho- didly. Ir. Irvin not thocalbnu pru- Monch -ouunlhoud on wound Ihuplynldooll. Iii Woo,IIohn hauling ounllc. DO I thumgh upo- duoudtoopopnddouollululhir hub, and the poo than I and MI Otll mucus in gnnnu. that bad Ino- . ooutoillou In an. .m-. sin! that u thdnnnhuoo. Iodhuuoqvclujvoo out good olonloun clan and un- tanc sunny 5') Iowa llubohoo and -n. tuuil The enmmanon of the urn lower ' rooms oooupuod over four homo and. ' hnlfol the altarnouu, and van pened I by a laav. of tha Samor Fourth m dicta Man. In aaroral cuaa (ha alatan worn I porlool ; in nearly all In! tho olhorg tho I n--nu. n - unna. -Hort Ina credllabla. A from examina- nnn by the lnapoclnr lullovod in arith- malic, geography, reading an-l hiamry In the lira! and halo! theta anbjeclaa praiaowornny ollioianoy waa aha-In ; u. geography tho claaa dooa nut 50 in anyway, undur lha r lcial pr--gr-ulna 0| aludioa, whnla in ruding tllay were an- gulatly a limo weak. The claaa In gen- ` eral Ihoifd lhnl. It In lu-I-lung ila urn and Mr. Caunpbull, who has hnd chargo lur aux munl.ha.haa darn well, cunaldaring that lh . .4 lm nt conrae In aoadvanood a olaaa. At the aura ulna '0 bar that a wrong Iraa dam to tho nhoola and tho uaaura aa wall by tho altacauon ol `ha plan ol tho Commuao upon Tonohara of Dooolnbot lnal. Mr. Campbell la a painataking, ouorgulc teacher, and made a wry aumualul priu-zip-I an changed to thnayoat. Threa oarullpnua ol pm motion Ian awardod The taachau prizaa won priaanted In Juhn Huunu andVHllnaIu Ihnhnll, with hulmrl in arilhmcuc and uongrnphy rolpucnaly Allrad Shannun nu nwardaul Mr. All:-n3 prua lur punctuality and aucudnnca, lllilll bun al.-um ma day only durum tho ynlud bung Ialp but men Tm priua pending npna Ilsa uanlt nl uh-~ umnnoo uannnaliun Ian Clmaunaa can not [inn with cqual huuun to 000110 Cralglunn and Prod McCau In m. Tun priua null ba awudad aim to Ihio claaa upon tha mull M the autumn nauinau-an ol aha puaaut an-omh. nun -no-an nu .-u Vic 60 Ivuvvu Wat: mu 1;. man N... In wuumu `lane. Dry In oonuqunoo of the Ibunooof this tnchr, which nu aincarely re-gran-~ri Ind not In--nnb'Iy comn-mm-d upun. then III Iittlu more than half in pneu- dnnoo, and the enuninuinu In 1 Inclu- ouo. Still who ch as A hndv Ihc.-nod, uin tho put, I catcfnl tninlng. I`u' of 32 examined 18 had puud. `The Board`: pl-nun for xenon] promncy were carried by Frederick Connors, Ih 150 quit out nf'l76; Charla Suundon second with M3 mnrh. Tho Chniu-unn'c prizo for punclunlny loll to Shut! Rou. Chrulmu -uminntmn pairs: warn pre- oonwd to June: Kr! and Ruben Thompunn, cqml. nu a~AIlI-IalII'u n. .m. -IBl III` `VIII. 5 Lhlfo Hora Ilia visitors and anminsrs ware greatly struck by tho `noalm-as of the scholars and tho simple yot effective (la- cnrations. Worn all public school claanos liko it tho standing of this hraunli of edu- cation would ba irninoaa-irably sdranuo.'~ Tlio porlnrinancoa ol tlia pupils were nn lass ploasing. In dictation, reading, arithlmatic and gaogrsphy they Ioro avi- dcritly wall lutnrad. 'Six of the girls and boys said prottily a recitation, and the class of our lift] road simultaneously `Tvenly yaara sgo'-by no means any piece. andldid ll Iroll. Tlis aiming of a hymn was nicely dons. Tha_Chavrinan, in concluding, spoke of tho bsnsl bare shown of mind achoola. Tho uounou of the girls had ntanded tn the boys, who IIIO gainod some of their gunllonaaa of character. Tlioir neat appurance u-no not A holiday show, but an every daf oc- currauco. The constant rivalry in a mixed class had also improved tlirir standing. The Board's prizes `fur general prociency um awarded to Uharloi 0:-mar. 152; Bella Trandall, H41, and Lilian Kirk l4fg_marks:-in n! a poa- sibla 160. Tsm prizes, ariaing from the Christmas examinations, were also given to George Young and Edward Clarlt; and the school Chairn-an`s prize for punctuality tn H.-rbcrt ltuberta. ( 01)`. U of 28 candidates lor promotion `JG paused, P furlliar which fact svill improaa MIII s lII|Ina'I(\|l'u AV. na- ")0 M Board with Miss Hayward`; gnnil aurlr. W Min Allan : clan III found to hue pmupr-ad well undor hor charge. Nut only In their rgudinu. uilhmotic nnd dictation toll dong, but the lonpoclnr ro- portod that out of 36 enurod for pro~ motion. 27 had puood. The prim win- noru hid high Inn-|n-Roboce: Saun- dorl, Ill: Willis Lintnn. 109; Bernard Mcdonvillo, l04-|Il out of npouihlu I25. Mr. Poms : prise lor punctuality fell tn Willie Perry. In these IIO oluu-I Oh; boy: had nutntrippod tho girla, with on ` exception. in the honors. Lu! your the rororu In the cue. Iluuuuu mun. uuu . I III'U| I the School, donnod thou. nun IUIIIUI Lunuzua. Min Clifhpd I ioll Blind and nut` Furl! Clue. Tho] aloud at-icing inlollipuco in llldilll Ind uithuotia noon! ui" o! autumn porndod tho-ohm. ud Iliu "451 uouod tobou lllcig but inlorut. The priu taken (or gonoul pmeiam-y won Mums Willlo cum we wanna. Hondonon. `Hr. l onu_. Oluirlmn n! .L'. n-n.-..| .I....-.-.| u.-_ Una` In. Bonuocby nu Wailingooiu Shoot school bu nduncol grully in ociuay, and in ngudpd by the vllblic -iclubpp but-ant. Tlnhloro notor- day'o onninnlionn won cltondod by a lap ounhot ol potions, uul Ivor: stun- uvoly roglndod. `Tiny ton under the ditfootioo `cl lam Pout. Ann nun Honey. Iitb Kt. Kidd II "chic! noon- mo ooa." ` - V fllrfliitg Ion. ju-O CI Pnuvu Iliad. lhaun-IN-tu-hol Elm! lloln nl Wu! III`! of (Jordan 811900; Moon I. Duh: And In- u. mama, Putty. it , all; B9311. ` C I L`. Illlalo. `ulldnu gun. `butt and oppom m was lo. ' Jun VIII. IX) I and Unis-Innnnthnloltt all nltvndu. dnorydnmput Iaulu-on lea-south Quanta emu ? n any .4 O O """ " "" " uv.u'n`u:. mu-. CL!!!` ..., . !_ Tu Iyllum-on on ioung strut. Int nod an-Ila nun muuon plauut. Apply to fnnmu l.m|o. Q"Ia|dhlQO...."'. ` K;Oa 0 China; and Ouketgl I_`.al|u, wuodobod. No-v Vmuo CMIIIO. 4 rnour Wall, Woul- uh-od (lnnlon; Inn! 37! I IM; Wu! aide Al- and Mr-at. vmol Jnlmmn and Klrl HIIVOM lho buuaoul Burn Han:-I hwy oocupaod Is` In Dortmund III qldolgotlc npoln; ll to--In-; loud Dy IloCWnot Inna. fun M-uruul BM-`I lumn; I Mona. lluh lll IOMG U! IIOCWIX UQIIOO4 lumn; mono, Inam. It-.; WOIIIODOC. NIONQ, Gillan; on In! use ul Alba-I Burnt. DOM Union. Lot. Ian on has an Cl IIIIII Inna. Ion Inn-I Iltonl. Tun uumod "nus 0` I-mun. haunt (Minn, Pollar, Ind and am Wu. and sum, luv! one-qnnm-r Mn, 0udnn..Io-II nun-In-4. ma oulh ads 0! ur- . nud Balm; Int 0udo\n,..m-II not-Ind. Houlh I` IMMIII n-n...|mu~hod nupaga |e:`ai.i...;riu.....=: ullt A1 Illutuu-loll nun rm.-us t Ill n1unn.m l ~r'o.n;ou muons" Occupio-I hy Mr (I. Lung. Dry Ion-hunt Apply In B DIVILK U. 00. Kllll-II Jul: I A new [moi llama an Gordon llroo-I vol! Ilmnhod lid containing 7 mono. Bathroom. Pauurlu, he , llud all Soil Wnlor, good 1,`:-liar. VVAIUGIBOI`. an g [:11 Ila Lot: on Kan dd. (Alton Strut. fol-ML at I |m-urn h-Inna Imouultovuuddoot A ul'II:uI. UNDIRTAKIRJ um PnnPs"r_1Bstor SALE. NIW l|l"l'II{S. Boots, Shoes, mums Ann` muses |RVT?4}i..&..P`E'5| A Particumrly Fine Anon- mect of Lumen` Boa ts and Shoes I Trunks nna Value: a specialty RBTTAR & BAILLII. Also Donn. liuh, Blinds And lonldln o. Novuh. slur Bnnmnrn. sud Bonn Fmu - mg: genaruln}-. 00 PAIRS HASH. SLIGHTLY DAIAGBD BY BIUKI`. WILL BE HOLD CHEAP n~1n;nQV ; ~-I1n llnl \u|II-I I usmim-d. -_-- Cheap Ennuglot Evelybndy. W 15, Ihouudeulpod , Illh to II Aka known In the nhho that my have an hnd. IN ADDITIO `IU DUI I-`OIIIH 8`l"DCI, ALL KIND! 0!` llnrdwoml. Walnut, Ash, (Dali, Maple, arc. ... . 3......-.~...u... ........ .. During the morning the Rev. Dr. Jack. Ion mlulreuod thn pupil! Illd the friend: prauull. He had (pruned I high, upinion M the pllhllf. ucbor-|o.`und nvq than the pttfurellce our nll print: uchooll. The cmmo of imtruclion wu thorough, and they were not godldu :1 ions would Inn ,t. `H cw Ipse um! unly nun}. Hwy were C4.r|4lg.u: Uu d.mnd no use than nel] ..., _, ,. .,,...- .. . I hnllel odu `Minn Hwra Ihon in any 0I(`l IllI!iIuli0n. We cnmum-a.t..-d up-III the fie! that nut nun I1 `Io Aldvrmen, or of thus. prnminent uvnilumen who won nmv um-ting than-ulna on cripple and injure the Ichnnla. hid attended I Imulu nnminatinu nf the put m_~ht days. (ind Save the lguean" were sung, Ind luuy cheer! given for Mr. Summorby. and Mann. Wilnun and Penn-, the Chairmen. vu-_y ru--..u-v -uuunu--, .. dehsllca, or r..thar'onln;_vy. who `Is. A: an I-lpl-ll on- cmld any that y-rung p-Iplll _ L _...,- ...l.. Prmcoll btroot. Klnu-Ion. Avril l4t.h.l?D -50%. It jxwu p----- on lollowl, II ordotolnotit; .710. ch ' Burl lo: gonad no-1.: `Donn Buton, Hoary Wilton. 53".! Gina, and (am. .m.u' at and am`: had from Mr, AllIlI"Il' piutonllty and rillu utunalnnoo to Wnlliuu Ddwing. Wu. Downmgbod Stanley Chovl Iaonty aloe: upon tho inlet in gootnl pi-olicioocy,ud wonio ` ootdod opocinl Italian. Tutu dolnyod pnouhuooo ol, Ohriotnu pdno Ion mule ` To David Cunningham Ind Frod Jolublon, `upon noulu of tho entuuoo uiminuion. and ,to Walk: Jones, for landing plsco in tho promotion from tho Fuunh oluu. The graduating clan olr niimeon, {win the Filth Gino, won pro- ng-nied iu Ihn Board and vioilaofl, und- Ilr Pnnn ouuul thu It won the iono- uuu upon the ruuinpt-on ol '|udl,IlI`I Soplomlwl lo lot-in than into 3 Sixth clan. the (int `time it hu boon ntibmptod with boyI..: In tho to-ml.-ncy among them wu to rush into Illclll And uihor pursuit: no 'oo_on no (hay hrl rec-can-dr I good unuiormg of Eugluh. Tho lughor cl-nu were constantly dopluod in tho way. no la: lllln ninotoon boy: huiog Iels Mr. Snmmorhyi rm-in lor plobu out- side during the put tum. But hum; now uuinod In iho nucleus of a Sixth Uluu he h- p d they would bo Iblo lo per mnnanlly mimmn it. It round with the ymIng_ urndiuu-I. thomoolvel to lay whether it would be _I success or not, and he cnumell.-d I nlnly Kpplicn lion in their nimliu, and in tho and they would lind the beuut. He had, while Clmirmnn of tho Boar-i, heon solo to iuiu in lho lurmnliou nl Ilia Fifth Clan. He now, with even urn-Iler plunuro. u Chuirmnn nl tho Slthl, wu pormiltnd to Joe the b-giinniiip of the Sixth. Mr Will in. ( hnir~ mun of tho lionrd, alter presen!~ _inu the primal, cnnlipliment-ul Mr. .\'ummurby highly upon the exhib t made, Mr. Corny lnllnwod in sqiiclly cnmplir mentnry arms. Mr. Edwin Clnwn cam- Inondod the schm-I, nnd full. that the boy he had in [hit clus would ouulrlp thou- in the private ochuulu in which to much lull} seemed in rut. Mr. Wanda. in I Very ell.-:ii\re Iidnlreu. nrvdu I llrnng .a_:....... M .4}...-'...I...u~ 4.! nu. nuhhr Al VERY LOW PRICES. Liiiliflif % rhino: alylathnnu lo.O.IlIp0II.Om. ,0! roam: Tu. Tkv 'l`IIl :00 LB. mum or rlinlnn nu . a'u|cINl:') AND BILILTID. ` ' i3'aZ i}.i;'i.3.' nun.-in So.-an ..- .-7,. an c-xpar on w! y..IIl`I\{ (`ml inn Hwrn Ihu nu` 5 I I mule. Ontario Strut. vuu - -u K I the public I muster lu- ml I r.-celw RAJ ON HAND THE LARGEST AIIOBTKINT 0| OLIIIYI AND H.003 OIL OLOTIIB KI ELI YIT IXHIIITID. A Well Luorted 81: cc]: of Lace Curtains, Very Ohup. the V0 Good: for Home Oluning `limo. sad to be found at. 130 on 132 Prlnoou mm. oppomo qny Emu `H an mu. 0! omuaua up uuiu. mu Tuber. but. 5...... has has my... AbSO-IhII Wood, laud Phat, Hutu oi Pun. Wont (Ana and Ponbod OOICI on In- w. n. Mme & co., ' Tea & Wine Merchants. Ihn lnmhrn --vnn-nlonun nl HM um (`am wm:.n.m Roma, in Int 0060 p0! on~ Pnuaul-m In In. Apply on Iln M mJu lluny t (`n.. Onhno M. 'Il|I_ I8`) I` ESANIEL aeum, I IILI I I'I'_ nnm. prominq - Al YII- lilloathbun I-umber `Yard. l"*n*'*Bz`_*=r'P'~l A Good Mai} Machine. i Four ucoud hand non-born: Lumber Wayeyovu and Bay- So:rlLIn6ar Wqym,w AIDIL, lholoultock allow Ink In an my. . I I 1 $nnZ A D`, " " ` I P.I.~A In-y until In Inn the an at Iodvau. ` George Thompson. I @- REMEMBER--Wo gusnnuo I perfect Gt. ms PEOPLE'S cummu: nous:------cans. uvmcsron. 69 Brock stroot--uId No. 2|: ' I anon purooutn o |Z.7 i7U'T.mN3w York Bltmanstnre. Brook Street. Itinen. Lustre. and Russell Curd Boats. Bellur and Iflu-up:-r than (Illa. A Fine Assortment of All-Wool 801-gap, ISUMMERSUITS AT SUCH PRICES AS WILL ENABLE HIM TO CLEAR OUI? AS MUCH at possible bolero thu tuna. THE vyH.oLE.`o'F ms STOCK! RICHMOND BOY DEN. JUST RECEIVED = WHITE LINEN DRILL, CRICKET FLAAVNEL, NEW BLK SILK F1I'I;\'GES, BLA CK SA TI.V, F I 3'1} OXFORD SHIRT LVGS. SELF-COL/{ l) BA.LBRI(}fiA.\' IIOSE, .gr., 55. wuuug -v Ivuv navv--u uanu` I luul. ViO0'l.inon Outs luazlo And Double Broutod. so Linen mm:-sf um 10 11:. 20031101: Lustre Oosu. I dun. 100 Single lid Doubld Bronzed Iuull Oord, but link In (ha nhnva nanln -n Anfinui In... A. on. us. I... ....-I.o- -__L._ __g._ H; SARATOG TRUNKS -Vory Show , Vary Com |ol.K_ Vary Suong. EMPRESS TRUNKS -Hundnome Ouuzdo, Nut undo, Well honed, Vary Sub- unurinl. hnMl\HnN 'l'DIVN'l(H_\1.`..-I- A ..... .....a k'._.I_. Il'__._L-) n.._-u, -_`,x rm; _,, nunuu. ` DOMINION, TRUNK8-Nicoly Arranged, Nucaly Fmnhod. Dunblo sud Chap. MANSARD TRUXVKS-lnuhn;-__ or Zmc Cuvucd, But Solhug Trunk Io hon, Cheap, but very Strong. \ Thu Large Bnlo no no living for Trunk: mud Vnlu-so Prone our Price: to be Sntinfucwry to the People. HAINE S 6:. LOOK ETT. . Clly Boot store. Julv 5. 1830. -..a ..-v-- vvvu wu-v-wu vu u 3 Ranmnbor the plum and be convinced. II.I"Ill\II We 1. No Reasonable oler v;lll be Refused for my sort 0! Goodnr Como only and get I uloction. G-EC). I.-A.IK'G-. `ALI. SUMMER! GOUDSLREDUGED T0 COST PRICE ! nxoznv & 1:I:.1a-1-.i."s Nov Shetland Wool Ihsvlo In Light Blue. Ou-din! all What. I. WAI.InwN. Wuhan`: lilldluu. July 13.16511 . We am the urgent. am seuema, and on a suck 0! Dry Goods ever oored tn the Citizens of Input. 1 D-....mL.- oh- ..I-... ....I L. ..._-;_-...n I 0'lCl-loot cl Quultnu. lxunwu. - l_ow,,Iaoo Him--All _0olou. --- .....--___ 2-..-.- _.._..... -uvvvvcl vvnu. uvuv uninvi- lnbocioododf b4|nho`!uA!t. .1: on we we oyuy on. t cm orq Iy won-.uup...5..,. 3' Pl-sue give u I all bvforo purobuuu oloeyhon. nnmrnnln ii... v....s. m..n..--._ cu--- h___L n. . 'W A1.` DBO:N"S. Golden Lion Grocery, ]JUST OPENED OUT my 7. won. I::.:.:`.`:3:1::::1':::.':::.::f W" W --- -M ~-- mn ll--- --5- I._..I- -._.I I-u-._|.I- n____....n ?onALE. o..._._.... THE SUBSCRIBER INTENDS LEAVING KINGSTON ABOUT THE middle of August, In WI otfor T July 5. Suits to Order for $12, nan . noon. nuns, uounuxnac, u., g. J.W. III`! I 1'0. TEAS FROM U8 RETAIL At Wholesale Prices. JUST TO HAND- A..- BOSS '1`RUN KS WHICH WC WILL KAI! INTO nun. nanny! dill T04 pouibla tuna. low luck Silk fringes. ` I ulivlulifieui J`. ll.I-."lv`I`. mums Street. CL :- fnnrn & aunt : : puwl non nu acne rounuu l~,'rer_:/ lv'4nni/_I/ can (/11;/,!Ize1'r' I `Mrup.,'\\ I .. . Sultan mu (Soda Water DJOOI I. AVID, IILI A. IIIIIIK. , {BQQKS I"ZARX.ATo `I'll DIUOIOUI "now _lluk nuns; l_-I -..J fluid- vaul L Fnnmu lm Mu 07 wllmn aw: nrncn I-`OR saw` AT ` Mum mwn-:u rmons THAN rum on me uovmn` IN `nus cmr. Irivinmconnmlncof Jnpunlonng Hymn, Gunpowder and Blk Tons, put upm 5, 10, 20 and 50 paund Pure and n- We be; to all us` sttdntton of` hmllm to our mi `run now Al'- YI'I'+...I.:INI9} Bast Value in this city I Thafmast in the larknt! mv mmmma rein. Elonma. Ia: lino. Iydoolu. i nppuu, ltuwu-In mu. * new chap 3 new clean: 12;, 870-! PBICI OI FIR I0`l'|'I.I wuwr wvv Iv"--I'Iw- .-. -. Donny Goods _-| .... ..n. --n -`nan: nnngnl Au;-Iv Mama: `. lmh. I880 'oN;oI.. In-I llcobcbo. WOOD. II I` rowan!` u\,|IIIIIur|-- TIC Ill IIDICINI C... mnmrm mum Down). 50; Dnp opou `maa. VIOLIN I81`. .1 _ u .|.....I 1... AL- -- Unadulterated, 121$ -U, Munfmlnrhg Oonhauonon , I5-us .gAcKAaza Ti (`URI8 D" "' ""1" ans nos, nfnulnrlnn Oonnlbnu Liii`; A Tiny uuun.-This comb; the Clerk nl tho Pnhol Cour! iuoud I cum. cl the iuuqntion ol on Good- lvioml. n nulnr on n uhoon lying at the Pcnntontluy whorl. lot I touch al Ibo olonu ol hum Htonoholllo. I eoI~ rule on the con; vaul. Oocpluunl uuod Btolohono ol unsung u pans and echo: mick: hon kin. Thololnh in node. but no puma could be loud. A loohhu glul holouutng to Ooodlvbll cu tooonni. and a usual! ol nub. cm, which Stonohouoo had again Iron tho comic-to -ml. In balling. II no pluotl under arrest C-- O` 92 cm nomm. F noon WI|_E_I_IT GROP. Ct-iEAP`_ ___FLOUR M u nqulu mom; ol Kuguon lu- unpnou. bold Inc outing. Ila` bin tug olnun nu Installed to`: ole past can by 0. C. linnp. D.D.0.l . .- Pd 0. Bull. t. .. C I . " O. Kahuna. .ll.l . " J. `I : .. 14"] -- J. 33.7.; . Jinan. Pour: Oot'it.-\\'nl|:nm Wulunn, Im- dioonlotly conduct on tho strut, nu llnod II Ind onus. The Acting Puluoo llqtumo listed that Jml in Man sim- ply drunk ho would huo lol hum cl , but on long II In on III lhc choir he inund- od to hop tho city u {no no possible nl disorderly iconu. Junu O'Riol|y, lo! tho lth lino, pleaded guilty to tho churn o! dmnkonnou and dinrdorly condo :1 Re no fund as or 00 day. " 5 uncanny... rnnollut. II. Wade. . ... JV. " Bn.T.I'Jol|lqfl. 0. IoInhI,u..0 1'. " I P.LIIIo.,.... .1` " \\ I- ll ..I'In| W. l .C.l`. U. I. olhiuu-Snood W. Pol II. Ouuuty-hid W. P.C.P. Uignd-A c-|`oII'lt W. " D. can -- o. I`. Iusiuu. !`~ '- P.0.P. Wu. Dun . Nxltvo b cbovul Inunpout. "\f` V 0 Loolntu "II Ur.- Tho polnco no on the look out (M Mr (laugh. lnhor ol the nnlud Thnmu Huuuh Some than uncu ho III final int nullmg liquor Iv ithnut I licence. Four clnyu wore given him In nppnl lloulnd not dam, nor did ho pay the lino A urnnl tn uin his .001]! In iunod but than III nothing in nine. TIM pnhoo cuuld not nd III . Gongh. He had departed. Thirty day: In guol nun him. Not A Mnnm. ~Tho Ully Council did not hit! 0 muung Int tuning. At 8 o'clock then won: H100 In Attends!-co Mayor (`|rmn_ Aldu. Dnpuiu, Hnrty, Mnlnmny, Mclmyn. Po-me. Snook and \\ nIa-an. An Hm Fiunnco Con-miuoo do sin to (lupnu nf sumo mutton bolero they prepare the budget n meeting will lihly behold nn Thursday onning. ._ _ .4>.:__. ' Annular A1-rni.u.-T!u Cy Clqrk ` llu posted up tholnu oi uppnln Against the Iuollmmt which will ooino bolaro Judgoon the 27th of July Over and illegal uoulmont, 0 ; illegal Ind impro- por Iuouumu 1; our and improper uuumonu. 6; unfair and unjust u- uunont. I ; illoul `uuumont, l ; un- der uuounonl, I9. llnuolnnanv Rm: Fun. 7 `Me eboeer the! peeoed over Kmgeton on Seumley evening lent we: the heevien rein tell that he nccurred in the city during twelve yeere. The meteorologi- cel 1-lice report: e Full 0! nlnely-fuur one hundredth: u! an inch in eevenleen Ininutee hr et A rule ul needy three end one-hell inehee per hour. > `TV \'nwn.|u.\I - Lu! eveumg thouvor g|Pdou n! I uonllcuup in Wnlllunr ville, wu outerud by name person: and [lowers of cu-Imdonhlo uluo Mien thorofrom. (iercnmmn. fuchiu, wall.- Iowon and pine upplo plant: were up Iontod. Tho thiovu not duing tho Iut mmod throw them un the sidewalk. ~ _ _ Lust A'Hon~u:. A very vnlunhlo white Ilnllxon. mad as 3 run; hone In tha Furo- pnugh Aggregnlinu, duel on the tnin but-can B.-llenlle and Napnnoo on Sntmdny nighl. The unmnl nu injur ed in I culhnum which tank place in shunting on tho drund Trunk on chn morning. Tllim Cu l.xmm.n|o.-In - Tho snmlnuuonu I--r Thu-.1 (Jlnu ccrtioalu nponoi Ihno mummy tn lo (2 mrl House. The Illondlhca an very hI'.(O. Should I the Ipplacuntl pun tho cnunly ll be to oupplnml,-nth lonchan. Mr. Impac- t `r Agndfh u rhnrxe of the examination. -co... r Hlc Nut lh-`mt (`onus 0. -7 Prlnuulh up nno Ir John I110; at pnunqoo 4-pbd ny Mr. (I. H Pulnnn ROD! nodor gun. Pnuouuun In May Apply 1! (Mao! ve. uu. ...u....u -u--nu .~. ...., ....,, UVIII .-_.- A` 7 30 u cl-uck alum. Every pouiblo unngemonl hu been made for N10 plu- Iuro and onjnynmnt ul Ilmn ntlend@. -7 9... r---- 'B|oc|v1Lu: Ex-~1'Imuu.-To~marrov ,noming the ucum:-n,hy which Rev. W. ulbrulh will gu In Umckvillu, and Rev. Dr. Ellmn return an lho city, will Inn 7 u'ul-Ink ._...-. L..- 1. . . 1.. 3..- 43.. ..l.., Tu: Prirnmvo Molhudintl if this oily In. the "Maud" (or Friday. She luvu lurv the camp urn-um]: st l`I:4."J u`cIoc|t. Tao tickets are very ruuonnblo, nud ovorything will he: done to lnuko itl plouniul nur. , Stun Gun, to carry puunn out qnd nut, willuuimu Brock duct tho return of St. Jamatwzhuroh ucnnioh `hm evening-at ll rflock. - 010 --. Plus.-1 Moderate winds, lair Iouhor, with local ohowon` or thunder ` statue, nurly oluionuy tompontnn. -}.___. mu Qritish -1thIg_. 2 Ir. J. I. IAII4. Inn ape: Adv- llung Ann. ll Put Int 1 Ian Intu- lnu luv ion. In ulhouud In counsel 0 Iduwllunun In (Ia `-smut Will" II our Du! run. , v- '*-5- roiipim am. .55., tonud. try Puu Grove Dslryt P] a W.l,WAlD. ' I ---v d AI pnplnl Colo III Huh Rot ..'.-:-~.:-- "----.-. "- n . up 0 on . `rah: umhuu gnu-uIul:n.Io In lorhl, Watt-anllp and him. ' Il1Qunu.lIuo. toy noon Icnlul. lhpun. myzm mo c Ill! llllllsr. at amen! omnplod b In. In. (I'Ro|H_\.m\rnM norm and out a lumen. In-lug tho (`vie-ht mould. huh n I III; lnothrn Mnnnlonoon 0! [Inc And old W|tu.l|tla lumen. 0060 per F. (1. MILO. J,..._.... _..,-- .__._.L.j.__. Z In Inllnnd and lion-loot `I1-cl `I -hing nun Innnh Inca. ;: Tm...--; Jn. Jomuom. ll`. Onnonhyu Wad: 01??` um vtaurlh. , - --- CARD. n... O` ,._- l.0.0.P. ."TtOIlIlIt. J n Ti I-uuljlvwiv. M, will punch huh label Ouuuplluul about mo mu -.--:ow-u. V Iwiliuuu I H npnlwi I School for tbcgnpcr odnrr mm M pmpnla nu lb: Hnlll. Inn! Man um mrluda nun from the [nu union. r.,.uum,uu nun, lust, Courgulh. ud ptvhr. ganl otonohul IO! plllf uh Hun nl --use X Iollly h loos Quulnllo on-he-In upon Inc ouppmcugu upon rnoouhlo OIPII. A Dy at Romy: numnum. Pt-Inna Minot. ulna. rw'I$I-IjIj R00. CD00 Oil, ul 'II'0I|INIQd. Ihbubtol packing mtbo 30!` non 0uupQlIuIn|eMvI.1'uuIo,n_Ah ` Iitlonnuoocollhv ll- ;_.Il_.J _nA __._L 5- .L- _.L.I Iljol Iuupn, mu ruuou_uuuu_ II In tho; to-day paying tlu"uIor- all Weir qunnolly dun. D.. In nlglhuin. -.Ann...l nnnt--. Inc tutu `wvvuvii u--. In. It. Galbraith morood day has the any gmund. to Our his dopuum lot Iroohullo I IIIUI Ir. `noun Huklon, the lowly |p- pdltol poluoo ungmnu lot Bouovlo. Op Icon in and entered upon Mg doliu ...A._A.- yvu---' . II. W. IoKAy Wnghc. lornotly I. P. hrucuouly of mun. in In to opphul Upqodinry Iqlmuo u Ku- -un. N W 9 Ir. 'l`|oIu'InCauuon, npofllnf in the Doohbn Tdqnpl oloo. _Iu Id: In uuno a prudent puma: nu the Lon- don olu. lc.`Io0o-on )0 no on Inn has-n-All ..l I;.l.......Il._.I wuu II vvlluluwnuvulo The to; Active Ifl'iVOd yuhrdny M Onogo with tho Int uhu from Cun- dn, having lowod our tho canal boon Frank PonIo|d,ClIulu Smith and Jain Snoop. The uh bunnuu Inll be u! some importance thin uguon. nI-Il..I .. .a-.'u-.' 51...--. 1-...;..n..... I-VUIIIIIIIT IIIII Uyvulin Cullod ml Hwih'n-Slumor Corinthian, ` iron linnlton ; Magnet. tron Roohu- I tor. `PM my Ilium Euton with bnrgu ` lronoidcmiih 346 tom mm are. hue at-' ` rind. The on is hung loaded Into the 4 uhr. Q-noon ol tholnhl. ` -. 1 ., n u. n,.L__:__. -u- V---v-q V. --.v_.---- The Itounor, City of 8:. Catharine: no on-not by CM American born, Uoorgo A Inna, In Lulu Huron yumdny Coming, and wont to the both-m m In: that Mhon nluuuo. The puunpri Ind crow: numbering about May. Inn nll and had brought to Roman Int mum by In; Rush, which, lorumuuly. Inc now by at the no at tho dnouur. _.d. .._-Q.--_.___. py. Bponour. oc-K-s-.'.coII..., mm .0050. `I In 650 dty. K-a.- Hull-mu an. D--Inn (Cg.- n vnwunhlu I I] II llollly I but up Apnl . . I'M . Ramuvad m_V_IaHiiton 8}: MAI-lO9D____ Tho pnopcllor Lake Ontario want uhoro in a fun ya-uunlny morning It the north and of the pun at liurlingtnu canal. She In Itudod with rulrmd Iron_ and in go! o umnj-nod ulcer being lmhlonod. 'l`h_ uh. N.|l.. [In-mgr gnu! n-an nu. nu -nu u uvu--uu num- Puaod through tho cnnnl youordny Schn. Singapore, Tulecln, Knnnolmv, corn; E. H. Rutherford, To|rdu_ King- uon, corn; Mute, Tuludw, Kungunn. IIIIII; Elgm, Tuludu. Kinnunn, cum. TL- --Ln...._- ll--..nL.-u .-.- ...LI .5 ......., ...,..., ........,. .....,......._ Tho ochoomr Grantham Ill unld 3! St. Cothnrinu, on Fndny, Imdrr n nnnpgo hreclc-euro for 013 500. The purchnor nu Mr Ranme, of lurumo, who hold I Iocnnd Int-ttguzc nf I-{Alli on tho vouol. an _n,v|, 4.., _, lIIIIvuvu. The com. Nollno llunur and prnp. California colludml than murmng in the canal bottom Allanbunz and Pan Cul- b0l'IIO, inking Ihl jlbboom (ml. (If the Humor and damning tho prupelh-r`: buI< nth oomidoubly. `FL- n..- A.a:-- -.--.A ngnognzlnu at ya..." u. ......... ......,` .... ...... The ylchl Eacnpo, from Tornnm, will! I party ol four, Ind tho U:-ills, of Co- bonrg. with In on hoard, urivod hon Int onmng. Tnoy lot! this morn- ing lnr tho Thonund lulu 1--`J AL-......|. AL. .......I _ ,-n-..l.... nvruill. .Tho R4-'urd lolun-.l Park 'Auocmiun Hdbought the mum yloht I-`nrrmgmn. which will Inch hourly 'I'IpI to vnrmua point: of interest Along thu nvcr. 1-5.. .....|.. r....... c...... 1`:\D:sl\.t\ -;.; -nvw . Tho ntumer Bohonninn nunk In (ha olnnnol It Munlrul, -u riioed on Sun~ day and towed lo the dry dnrk ynrd for ropain. TL. D..in:l l.|.n.I Dnula '.|..n.-..oi.... ...,. . Dr. Curtis in plucing I rm Iput in the Oldriovo. It Ir_il| now uuml I good LL.- |V`lI-J CIIU l.IIvu Tho uuhr. B.W. Fnlgcr in having Inmu ropaiu undo to hot it the Mann: Rul- vny. n. (`n-oi. E. -.I-..in.. - Rpm aunt in There were no nnnln tlm Inurmng lrom lht lent. 'L_ _,L_ . -_ In [Mal qnumv nu unuv mull: at chunk prime, will be III" IIIIQIQQJ ' I | auoellnl at uni pow dual. balls (`I dun`. cpnugn. \'md! undo. J all and l|I[If0I,.J'IIO.'I`|U, l.