w. a. Menu: & uo., ' Tea.&Wine,Merchants. tnlnlonln prln. VIII! ` .-....I?..... Z . (.v|I|U|[(I, IIII`: P. H. :n. cnxn. Emerald, Chi- Lu.'l\ hard lrom` I I'u|.I'-I he the the I-.| l) lento lhli all .1 Quebec an y ' h" in solid elllbndlla l0l'.IOrvIuu Ill nnnueevven. Surgeon Mejnr Neileon commenced hie uiililery cereer ee Aeeiellent-Surgeon in the Ruyel Artillery, wee ehortly efter pleoed In oherge 0! the 2nd Quebec Riee, one of the oorpe which Um-med pert of the Red River expedition under Sit Gernet Woleeley. Alter eerving in thet country for overeyeer, during which `time he rendered relueble eervicee in el- tending the lndiene who were entfering (rem e eounrge ol euiell put, he wee of- fered eml eooepted the enrgeonoy 0! B. Bettery. which wee then ebout being reieed. With the exception of e yeer or en epenl et Alderehot eml et the Army Medicel School et Nelle, ' Dr. Neileon hne been eince in medicel oherge u! the Bettery. Hie emieble quelitiee heve endeered him to ell in end out 0! the cnrpe, end hie generous diepoeition end emple meene here permitted him to re- line more then one in need. The eupernuniereliee ere . Lieut. lmleh, Aating Quettetmeeler, en --icer vi the Helifex Field Bettury. Liein. Rutherford, 66th Hetteliun, Helilex. Lieut. Cole, 8!. John. N. B., Gerrieon Artillery. Lieu! Lieeerd. Quebec Gerrienn Artil- none rug vo now uypq. Thorb in no Lhnunul Baby in tho Battery. Thwbloulutlll rank sounding In pouinmy. ` . 1 ' lint Liouuum. and Cuuuin C. J, Short joined the Battery II in nu hr `inning. The vloioncy ol the mounted division bin 0 [tool Iouuro due to hit oorh. B0 In oooddond one ol tho but outlaoritiu In Oundu on Field lrtilloty and Cdulry onbjoolu. H0 in I gonna! lnvorito. ' ' n _; v1...A-___n --A m.-..o Hui:-I ulnr upouluou or luau. nu. P... aqo in sample! I ooiuniuion u Lion; Mount in tho Bounty, altar having oun- V plotod hit count: In tho School 0! Gun- nury. _ ' , Third Lioulonunl, BI-not Mnj'>r'P.(X. 0. Hobdrt, I Punch Cundlln oioot, .4 .L_ n_..--.. 1.. man ll. U. K1000, I ltunuu uuu-uuu vuwu, wu gunned to tho Bunny in 1878. Ho Md ntnd for A few /you-I pruviuuu no Mun: in the 06th Bnltnlion, Montreal. lrm.-cl. Linnlnnnnl nnd Mniur Tucke- For the Hunt V5!!!` 38 Mun: In mu UDUI Dluuuuu, auuuu--.. Fourth Licnhnun! und Mujur ruu also rccoind his oommiui--n in '78. Lieutumnl `fut-huruu ouuumndod for tin or six yuu the Bunny pormsngmly ambndied lorurvica in Manitoba. n ,,,-,.. u-:-_ u-:|-.... ......un.nnd his ' Thmugll loot olpqpc illornnlho, no doubt, on! conuponduc at yanking. In hialntroduollon cl coco ol_tba clam sud non-oonnhloood clout. II `I Battery to on union. undo I low oIIiI- nlono thigh no not apply. ` 1-L--- ;- _. n...o.....A mm. in tin nvomo. Second Lcmauum and um lnjnr Fnur, Acting Adjutant, In 1 roliud a- oor ol tho Quebec Garrison Artillery. Bo served at Oapuin during the Rod River npodltion 0! `I870. Thu yuan .-.. L. .......a.a . annnnillinn n Lion- Artillery. _ _ Linn. Linurd, Quobcc lory. n..- .6 an mnnl dnnnrlina and hull! my. Om of the moat donning and juutly popular non-comgniuionccl ooum in Hnnpitdl MC-nrpoulv Labbft. Ho undul- ed in medicine in n uodioaluohoul in Paris, France ; come to America in 1870 ' such the Frunch Commission to the Phxhdphin uhibition, and Iubuqnnunh ly cnliotud in [he Bntlory. Ho in intona- ly ducted in his hoopitul duties. In hi: Ieimru moments In odiu tho Fro-.mh purllon of tho Canada Military Gaum. n......m Rnllnntvnl in n ntonu oi PUTIIUU UI IIVU UVIVIIIUI Zinnia vaun--g. Sergeant Bnlhntyno in I veteran old. Hoiuho pout oco ordctly. Hi: well known tigurn, miqlud with ma- |'|goI in much Ininod In tho otruu 0! `tbs nld Ruck city. Soa ho will [)0 no morn al a urnngur In Kmgnonism. u--......n r-:l...... in Mn hnnn {Jul 0! We have alraauly Niel; announoad tho- drowning n! a child and one Nail naan Sula`: Bay. A outrupondant nup- phu lha lull particular: thna: On Saturday afternoon a child 1;! Wm. Riohatdaon, M.P.P., about 3 yuan ol ago, strayed from tho home into tho village and wandarad to tha bay naar Mr. D Collinunui uw mill. Hare It had played around lot aoma tuna About 4 o'clock agivl III ant to nd it, and bung (old that it had bun aaon near [ho mill pmucutad tha aaarch in that dlrac~ Mun. Un nearing the want tho girl noticed a hat oating and a law yard: lartlur on lonnd lha child in 12 or )8 inchea 0! want. A: it had probably been a half an hour or man in tho water lnla waa, ol eunrao, Instinct. .. ll- Dinlmuhnn DAI Ian! at Dunn OI I urlmgur In nun`-wru--r-. Sergeant Sloane in tho bun ldul tho young loldiel`. I . . . __ , wntnn Iuouunov none-mm nu umnu unit 5! In oicun ' up non-con. onions. IIII III, III IJUIIIIU, I-nun-nu Au MI. Richurdnnn wu not at In no tvm punom, John Neil And Loni- Duugnl, worn dupntchod in I nkito ncqunint him ul his It 1. On an-iving It tho oppuoiu nude 0! Wlmo Fish Lnh lhuy Iurnud Hail Mr. Riohnrdoun had nlrndy nu-ml [or home by nnolhor I--mu. Whilc on their way but tho num hugo 'RoIo' ouno along, and tho two non oun- oludod to but I kw. Thy accordingly pullud uluu M0 the haggard both an caught hold I tho ull. Nail, Iouont. boingln tho non of Mo boot, pnllod ` tlnlonltoocluoo to tho burp, chm cunning Ilia bow toning out no he that young Doupl ban to let go his hold. Wham Neil loll tho boot twinning any lrom tho huge In ullclnphd Io regain his uptight position In tho okil, lib body being quudod out out the Mo. In so doing In Ml overhead. and II ho oonlll not win In land Inlon any giullol could it (Didi. II ju- tiuh In Potts itotbld. at the `Inn. in -nliuud that Ihqlldnllln their pout noouohl-. `I'M ought nu nunonl so ouqbuu OM burp IQ. ` row" :0 lull oped they id be chug. A--..4LLlIn IIQA A-Jun M -1 hum. mu. rum. Leah, Ina. spun, at o|a.lf u,BoI:u.l! . Ian: .3... Puzpc. man. 30:. W? Mon, lawn I-man. Win` > D. CI thus I s an.(.`o`. "ad I|:|l`|II 0: "IN:-nuhl\;`.|l rm llouo. Fum or Factory eul . Iwrv, two nlnun IIIOVI IISII man. Pun:-can Strut. An-.t fur omarvIl|_n`n_['nro Q_h1to had. snrrisn wme._ weonnsmy, JUI;Y14.1o8. rung. II l|Ill vy-via U-I -u- -v u tomoyblnlnuuqudu than out]! lootot wuutthqoould not I`!- oonr the body. OI Inlay housing at min. t Inc 9"`! cannot In. an bny.'nd that he Mun aunt tund- od in Inlllgtb body. An decayed- ioouulnnpldlyh Idloboholurd on Sunday owning. Mr. Roll In: a quid lodulrhu nu, and Inns 3 -Ho und mu child. It. llbhoou dill ouburloloo Ionic] lush; ulo -I.I..L I'll nun: nu uu.-vu-u-u unpo- DOUILI CALAIIH-Ill D0111! Dnru. g_. 1 III'FIIVj1 . w---u -u -...._.. pup:-col Hlhgiloo Ibo hhl lial conned. loll as and lnpuunl by up onouhuboyhlllbo bad no lant- vllloud aloud hot. .'.W|n:0bndlocoln nwluln-I pnd.uo-ubhhlouluulul. 03%. 3.... .3. llolm.l' loss and Jolnonnt not-pnddonudood Mia Penn Iolullovllb. land at the yhnnn puny, which the doauudl ..-......A high: ulna II: Inhl A-dd:-I `HIE I.A I`l'Z ACCIDENTS. `U IITIIII. OIIVJ Illluuuu-uuuy _u-uug u... ........ in`, the eullillere pairing also an in ex. pedite the wotkjn build. The exereiede hi-an shortly after-uineolnoh by Mi-, Honey taking enoenieion oi the enmi- neiiun In. Mice Stowe tuoni. containing the primety dopunnenl. Hr. Peeler, teacher, lee elm preeent, not only in thin room but Gluoogllout the ch; in ell the deperlmente. A leer pennie end friend: menileeied their intereei. in the Iiitle out by being preeent, end they were re- paid by the we] in which the children went erediubly through their elementery euroieee. The prime eeetded in thin clue were to Harry Mceicn end Freddie GudI'viu,viih I epeuiel pma added by the Chuirmen ol the echuol, ind won by An- nie Liitdu Mr. llureey eddreued e few in-rde of cheery euotviiregemenl to the |iIt|e folks. and iliemiued them [or their |...lhI.u- -. .... __,-. iiou anvanclp won Iii Miaa Haniig'a rm-, which ivaa tha nut auininod, than -no piuent Meul'l- lionoy and Tandy, trnalaaa; Mr- Kidd, tho Inspwlor; nnd a number 0| viiiiora. Tho olanea lino wara nxnmed minutely by tho Inupactor, aniatad by the gantlainvali abono named. Tho nn-ina- iion Ia'a naoanurily Iimpla, including randing, Inilinf, tcblu, anuinatatinn, &o,. but the anion wara prompt sad corroot, and Ilia paifurinanoo oi` iha pu- pill Ipnlio wall for tha good work that must ha ve been done by tlioir teacher Tho writing upon alatea from dictation was eapocially good for children of their pndu yarn, and altogolhnr tho -xauii- nation In aatialantary. A rlciutimi In Hell given by onnoi thou, Mailer Pai-khill, on tho Iohool bny'a day: of `twenty yrara ago/Iha thaino and point of which tha liitlo fallow will much but- ter Ipprooiato |l| twenty yoara lrum iiuw-. The piipila ware bricily and encouraging- Iy addressed by Mann. Tandy and Hoi- My, nnd prizu worn atnrdad to Juhn Swing: and Janna Agar, Emu: Haraay and Thoma uly aqnul, in annual pro- lioiancy. lhlil one of thou Master Her uy neaivad an rldiiiunal prize, pri-ueiib 1 od by Mr. Tandy, fur raguhir and pun- I ma! attendance, and iiuoihor by I'm` taanhar tu John Wilmot. Twaniy-uvan I Iura exuiiinnd lor promotion lrnui Ihia room and all puaod, a very guod pru i portion idoei`. ; DOUILI IXAKINATIUII. 5 LAGER BEER. B E 8 T. [Inn -v-_. I holiduys. At. this Inge -ul tho pr-modingo Mr. I Fundy ropnirod tn Mipu Ho! toy`: dopnrln mongnnd Mr. lrluruy to Min Phippol-'I, ` nnd tho ourchu pn oodod undo: their hnl lnponidoo in than alum until hull-put twulvo o o|ock, when the two dimnunn win oombiuod Int tho clo-mg cumin: and the dutribncion -1 print. | In His: Phipp0n'I room than was a gun! tum-nut, and the pupil: worn tum] in` rocding, Ipuing, uilhmuic. am, Mr Pscht staining in tho uuuinunnn In A" than onrciuo tho chnldn dud wall, and the Inuit nu pronmulood utiu: tnry. Mr. Hnury compluucmud Mm Phippun on the on-litnblo om-diticm o-I Int ` ollu. Print lur gum! conduct uni uomnul I prucioncy won nxurdml h R m'nux|: Tnylnr, Bu-io P--um! and Mny Nu|uu,' tho Int tun equal. nlou Hr. Trudy`: urns` prize to Addm DnmlnI_Hy. In udduiun tn thou print, duo unc-1-II D-vcombcr,` -.o- mu-.. 1.. ,Iln1|iuRI|IhDl`:xr'.| lllll 11 ouuhuhn unto unis! upm- -onuoHhQuoIu mot public Iollool yuutdsy pt:-vol to hot: Ilinj and nueaulll lilliol 0! |b= uric: ol puhloc onnlldlonc that Lu ooaupiod Ibo nlhntiou cl out Iooul oduuntionuliul during the put low dnyu. The use dileulty wu upociouod born as in all tho other lugs school: ol tbs city, rib, Hm the nine nllouad to sub department was ontiuly iuddnquu to ovounkrlho clan: and give than lair plny. To partially nokolup {or thin dn-but tho pull in ndopbd -I ruuuum tho nann- nations in two at the junior deput- Inonb uimultanoonnly during the mom- ` ; , .|._ _--_....-.. ....-i.... cut an -n In :1 . iunuuou on gun Illf saloon. - vunnynx-an un oi nu gnu: --rblelun wccun. ,. V nunu-:I. uumvy. lu Miaa Mcllr.nv'a julllhl Ihiv-I drpall `I mom a capital uhihn Ill made by Has: pup-Ia; Mr. Tandy, wlrl pounded, and, the teacher. bring the rumincrv lhu pupils amwrre-I nal-Ii owl nun .-a.'ar- ` ly ovary q-um;-n put in utugphy, grammar, apollmg, ar-thmatic, em, while lhair taadiug was aduiirabla. Than 5 was not time In go at any length mm} the aulnjcotntaught hero, but aha! in` (lane alicitad many Ilploaoiuna nl nun ` faction. Boaidoa thirly-nina cctllcltoal of proaotlon plllal lulu aur-I-d L." Oharlca Hahn and Stanley Wallur tor` coming out but in the pr-uanu.m u-` amlnalnona, while mm Marshall no 3 cnrod lha pviaagivan by tl|aChainnan 1.!` no nobmlv lur ram-lar allondanoo and! punctuality. This cl:-and Illa with of the 1 morning. and tho examination 0! am` junior dopamuum, tho Pupil. being diaaalaaad Int mm hulidaya with a In coda ol anooaragahant from Maura Tandy and lloraay IIIIII yluaur, uuv -u...-.-.m worn given In Jonuio Ru Hurriet. Bunny. I.. All-- `.I..II- .--'4 .nnn.r In tho altmmon Iha can can ruumad at 1:30 In tho rrmm ul tha prinoopal of thaaohm-I, Mr. W. H. Godwin. ora (ha turn out ol mum uaa appreciably inoraaaod, m loud ul `Prnatou bun. upuaontd by llaaau. Honay, Irving, and Tandy; Ibo taaohara by Ivan. Ban. narby, Woodlnl faobt. with a good contingent on para-nu and Honda at the pnpila ll. W. B. Oaroy,ol II. PaI|'a, and Rat. H. Wilson, at tho "alhdnl, anivad law on. ' `I'M unumaa pm- gralua In this room aoaaiatd at nullng. . qallju, gang:-aptly, and amlsnauo um ' Iaa aad -anal Tho want at mac` aarloaaly tatadand with Illa anoin- tina. the adjohhog kpala daparlcnal ` hula. Idle and In nadiaoaa In peo- aaad aouadIobahu0bobqa-aad|a- at In qua at tab dnvlal Ibo ax boa Ian oath lataraallag. the guyay balq pad and tho Hahald auuhua aoacaual 07 It. Dutch Hu- Laa|{.aa!paIIIlII'byIIaIop,baiu both: Iaaa paatnl. llbavlag loan bank III! III Ft-VIIUUVV` B j M] .0 Igrhloh nut-Jon danll. Iohnlqlhl. lulu l`ou-Ino|tn Illa, J W. loud. M uni. no usury lo M pu-Ihu1|- I... -nanna and I'It'IIEl'. TE! DONI1VlON.('UALLl IClD I01 ..- ..., ..- .. hit Dofcombor, iutherfu-r'J and Jumur Uixiutv --(Min fhl|`a)-LII!| Irvine, Minnioi M-all-n. Extra I-flu by. n, the uchm-I Cho.iruu.m( r pmolunl aven- d|lu:n-F|u`-rnnce Sumumu. Pfihl won V It Uhrinvuuu anu-n..nu--n, Lm. rvin . kl Marlon Clark:-, Minnio Mullen. s D Sgpinr Fmnnh-(Min Cnwlnrd-)- 3 CI-nu Ruzard, Jennie llulmr. Hen Hun- .` dOl'll|l'I. Extra gnu d~-un{o- by Min .'Cr|wfnrd--ULliu Armin I'll: II by `Mr. Tnudy-- Gnrtruvlo Purdy, Mun-in Riolnrdmn A opu-in! pu Ill nlw given to Liui-9 Mal-Ihull [or pmcohullty n und good mndul. \_ Rhci pnuo fur Chriolmn work worn ; dun preuntcd In May Clark llld Ellen . Lcndoryou. , This piplutod this enmi- r mtinnc in Q-mu mt school,-ad. ht ,|i that mutter, throughout tho city, mm! the ,1: procomlingu -on appropriately In-ought ._ to I chm) nu. (Sud Sun than Quinn" ,, 9 from the onlira company. :8.` Soarkling Lager Beer! nu -wu --V. .vr--._.,_. `-V_T- nu uloo I`-. -uo. B. J. Igaoouoil ind J, W. Lytlo for piincmolily, noithoc ol lluqo loving boon Inc or shunt lot of: month. Illhoogh the no But nnhotl [in st Willioluillo. Spoochoo had to be onilbd hon u the onminouiobd Vililon can obliged to hulon at Ihn-o `r-`cl--oh to tho ` Ilxuol IIIAI-I nulls. ` Tho inunuing hunk dooonuum in this room no prqidod out by Ilia Crawford on` Gill. Tho nulnbot of viaitnn in but lugrly augmented. . thou boing pnoont Iho Until-mm c-I Eh nchool, Mr. `body; and Mann. Hutu}, lning sud Wohlrou, muhu; Ru. Mann. _Wiluo}n Ind Con]. olglo lorgo number olludioo oml uoltlolnou. Thu room nu vuy cu,-,ulu||y decanted Iilh huntlumo noodle Ivollr. monm|,____hgu and nnru, and null luniohod hooiaon with a lull qnoto uf the iumlligom young 4. .-un ........>.... nnnm IIIIII to Mr, wmon. IOU IIuu' am. a thorough familiarity with um mbjoct. ` umiuing radii) and currently an the quutinno put to mun. The much pu- tormed in llilhmotio mu uaullont, the noluliuun in mental Arithmetic ham! 0:- oudina!y into:-uling. Gqqgnphy tn cqlinlly gund, and tho Iudiug was vuy much enjnyo-I ind Idniud. In this dO'> pnrtmem the molmi HI! Illlin lhn upreuocl wjnh at the Sohunl Bond, not In nconpy "the time with dinlogun, otc.. but cxcellcnt rudmgu -nil. given bo- twun tho ullnr uarciuu by Minn Lilla Irving, Jennie Cnrniurd. Snnh Dand- Ion and Maggie Slngllar A: the time vvn waiving on 1-wards 6' o'clock, tho bulmco of nuhj-M. tnught in thin room had to be relucvnntly uvnntui Pnnr to the n`i-trihutn-n -vf certificates and print; irting ouldral-9| we-r-c d.-livu-red III the lnlhmnn: order - Hr Wm. Tmdy R-v. Musra. Wululn and 'C_ufI!), nnu Maura. Irving. \\'nHrnn. Hnvluy, Sum` mar`-y Ind Kidd. 0:. and all upnniod utinfnctiun nt Ihr oxumiwuluu and Illh - I -_-- ._ ..s..'..L. ....nl. mmnhmn oneh `Ir. Tandy : onu pnau van unnu- "qd in nib It.-`o|_|l. to gain that school um um -rials. - -,4 -- ____..- .....;_- n.n.-and rue \ NIOOI `VII if ZIIIUII U-v --.--_- .._,, borolnuhdnl-in _ rm won by lluohnvi V`. ~ IIU John I. Wound, tholut taking nbooocnltlu touhor'Ipdn|locpwI- band and ...z Ir. Godwin uloo nuuldod prim: lo Ooorgo A. Boo; sud 110581 -3051 1-- _-u n....o uunui Tait Kilo! lr'uI'- n. ugvu. --.. . llor roll top! hpout.` _-.. .1... as-nu. g um Hill quulu ul um uuvuu.--..,....... ginlu qho wunnhuw uom than and their way to thin uniformly ink- reuing dupartmcnt. The ouruiuu be- ..u. -uh .n an-art-nu in Emlilh History. `I"l;'v'u'. } ihtu Ann: uumnv.-. Pun Wilts land. . Dopot tor vupnlh In`! |IO Iuvv llurvonon lumen and Inknlmnd Cocky`: Plough. l`I Il|n' lfidfllllilll. IIII Iusnnuwu uw gun with un exercise Emliuh iatory, conduoud by Mr. Kiid, and supplement- 9*! by n for apt qnutiunn from the Ru Mr. Wiluon. The young Indian` ninood ,,_,._L n_..:n:-.n- -iaI. Hui: nnhincl. uuu - .-.. utmllcuon n ma Iluuuv-nu I who--I uyu-m which cnlll-`I produce Inch qu-4. n gratifying result, wlala Ihuv; In ulm `I signicant umanwy` of omoduulotlon :.... .1... nnrv ..l chuwctlnn In-i pou- I lllllllcllll uni-v-'uv~._y uu -.-my-.----..-.. furlhu policy ul rshlrnctlnn pou- ponomont ol the Sch-u-I Boa-rd : Iilh to extend tho noouury oclwol uoommodm .: _ :_ --..n......io. -ink aha nxnhcil. N- extond the noouury luuvul -wu--..........r lion in oonlormity with than oxphcit qniuuumln n! the Inn. Mr. Tandy also inn! 3 later fr-m Mr Wilson, Chur- ` null vi the B NJ, .1;-running want at I nmwmdnblo nbnnn, and hi: nut inta- . _-k-_` -..__....-_ lulu -u um V ....., ._, T7 nudylylil nu} I not In the Queen otrut school 01-minu- .--._ DRINK MORT-vR'.1 HAVAIIAF l.MH\1|l. IHEEEIVEU Tl]-HAY I: icnnu *2. noun. ' J. REDDEN. I HYIBRAME. Ga|I|n_o_t Maker UN D I RTAKI R. Bi':'ts.'} hoil mums Ann VMJSE8 Y0 II HAD A? nu1j;.g.`;g`_:;.` BAILLIE S \ll` DDl{`I'\l oA}d_0ukota`, I I d$y b0IQuIm thunk ouudnfu h on: and uouIl7n&l$nIhIoDm..` manna; ' . ` Ion . The faliolilm | nus Ion than I .......,..> `It; `l'udp'o`c:uo pin: unad- ,J .-_ .u;:_ J._..a_..n In u-nil. qj Vol. Q. ICQ .........*-"-.-.'r.'ez.'.'-..".."7;."'t_""_"" llulllutnwu soup. ox Tall " at. Julienne " lock Turtle " Green runs In 1 lb. Thu. 1. lush:-cons UN. 1.). . gmuq 013130 7- WI.-'I .r.......:| "nail .l. W. Lvllo for --( Min n....a.. M..:x..n, Extra by. n murd- !;a:o:5xn1r an 2lI2l.'.-iEl'.I.".I'."8 jug wurvwu vvvu --.-w..-_ ..r v Q Roniunbor the plus and In oonvinood. HIIYKIV All. SUMMER 00008 REDUGEII T0 SARATOGA TRUNKS -Vory Show], Vury Cumplota, Very Btwng. EIIFRISS TRUNKS -Hnndnono Ouuldo. Nut Inpado, Well hound, Vol-y Elli- nnnlinl, EIIPKI-:55 Inunnn -rllnuluulu vuunuu. nu. luvlauun ----. -......_, ..., ..-- numi I. , DOMINION. 'l`RUNKS-Niouly Arnngod, Nicely Fimohod. Durable sud Obup. MANSARD TRUNK8-[author or Znno Cohud, Bo Sailing Trunk nun, J Chup, but Vary Sunny. _ V Tho Luge Solo II on Huin f_or Trunk: and Vnhnn Provo: our Prion to it ninlnnunrv to tho People. 7 _ _ * __, THE WHOLE `OF HIS STOCKIA __ r-...-.- V m. nmonuxuo uler will be aeni.-ma for my son 0| om: Come early And gctooeloaion. GE 0. I-.A.IK'(3'. Ti NEW` "CROP ! `W n`:wcR A Fine Assortment of All-Wool Bergen, 33- REMEMBER--We gunnnho I porlool t. THE PEOPLE'S OLOTIIIHG HOUSE"----CHAS. LIVIIBSTOI. 69 Buck Stroet---(Md 1!. 2|. '\V.A.:I:.j:5:Ee,oN s.;_.: low llmhnd woo: Ilhwll in mm mm. own: um um B.A\VAl.lnl0!|'. Wuhan : Bllldllu. 1.5.` 1: man Tho largo Bole on Sulinluowry to People. .F JUST RECEIVED = WHITE LINEN DRILL, _ CRICKET FLA NNEL, NEW BLK SILK FRLVGES, BLA CK SA TIN, - 3 ISUMME RSUITS low {nu mm-.A`n Oahu .1: on Mr: lest s looted, and 0 Shekel '0 Gozdu ovo:t;lorcd $3 the clmcu of lunch. .g n__._L-- u.- ..I-.. ...4I I. nan-innnll 00 AS THE SUBSCRIBER INTENDS EAVINU KINGSTON ,ABUUT Tn` rnidjln nf Alllllll. hi II haul` AT VERY LOW PRICES. A Pu-ticnlu-I u Anon- mont. of Lulu ta and Ihou. Trunk: and Value: I lpoolulty nlv.-0-A A DAIIII. A1; SUCH PRICES A3 WILL ENABLE HIM TO CLEAR 001` AS MUCH on possible hnlnu um tum. _, ___ - _- - _ - _ . . -. g, n `Linen. Lustte. and Hussell Curd oats. [JUST OPEN1;`1> % OUT R1cH1vf0N1)_& BOY DEN. `HA6 ON HAND THE LAIOI81` LIIOBTIIIT OP OLIIITI i AID H.003 OIL 0140!!!! HI ELI YET IXIIIITID. !A Wall Assorted Stock of Lace curtains, Vary Ohup, an n `Goods for Bout cloning `ue, at b 5; 1 round 5: 180 III 132 Prlnocu Itrut. `bppomo On] lam. 1 Plant gin II a an boron pun-numg uuunara. Z. PREVUST. New York Blaming Stare. Brock Stmt W::1.3::`::r;:1r.::.:1`::.`::'::.'::r W" M W M ---- -M "- ---go; .. A I All Illlo no oaund and lens now, Im tuba. larl. mun-. run run. nap nu: gown. nun: nu.,.:..,. -._..... _._.. _.____.___.__. uTsrALLnArrE sum. Bookbindor ...AIl|o- Q` We bu to osluho attention 0! , limum to on: now `tool not Ll`- ` riving,obnIminofJnpnu.Y'ouu Hymn, Gunpowdor sud Vllk Tau. put up In 5. 10, 20 and 60 pqnnd HAO-ml! Wood, bad Plume, runs: of run. Wow um and Pound OQQ -11 `III- llloathbun I-umber Yul. Wochhhfhb cmr s'.r_1_c_u HILL.` Non incl Inll: IITIINIIKAUII III`? IIIDIOI ILIIIO POIIII 0' Hal: Ilu `us. .cnA1vFonn, Earn & Inhuhfnbqu. V V on-lung at no uowui mung rruuv. 100 Linen Oosu, lunglo and Double Bronzed. 60 Linen Ulna-I. um longthl. 200 Blank lautro costs. an anal. 100 Iuaglo and Double Bronzed Buuoll Oord, but nukes. n._ .5- .5... n....I. -. Ann Ant hang in no (sin for unolnr. vorlnnulln ml my` 18.1880. * v- u---v._ 7..-- -_ IAIIII` IQUJIR 01 Old- LUU Illl`IU -llu nrvuwnv uuw-uvvu uc-c--u vv- -, ---- -__._. In no above Gala is duly any hour In no cm quslny, worinoullp ad [0 u. `In all hvfon [mu-cllulng eluevhora. nntnnmm ll... vault lllnkinu I July a, mo. M417. IBM. G` 0IOlcl-lbu cl Qua Dun. llupun. HANSFOBD. Allalavan -Vang...-, FINE OXFORD SIIIRTINGS. SELI"-C'0L/('1) BALBRIGGAN HOSE, Qc., Q0. H IXIII Hills II . IIWTOI C IUOIII. Ihn i WA: Suits to Order for $12. IAII. DOOII. ILIIDI. IOULDXIOI. 50., g. cos-r I-n.1:o:Ia 1 J"Us'I' TO HAND. .A_. BOSS "one" 'iii'oou -_A QQQI CT. I IhIllIV'* WIIOI WI WILL IAKE I810 IR INTENUS LISAVILVU l\lLVI middln of August, In lull nlfur `I: lack Silk frilly".- uI0-0cIIl`$I`lIIT0lIIl. DO @|lVIDOI nlclnuir 4: mm`. Prlneelil street. ll bliss HAINES &. LOCK ETT . V All 1 Ir --gt ig- g-L'I`- ' B135 5 iii! Auotbu Cue! that Child ffj u W Cl Icnoril Cool | "rs-3.: soda DECO .9 } nEE|'Veu_ To-iiv. 'nomnou"|m' IE! ] cuocxgg__s1'u. 9m-nu-Ionmumuunauu. Tlovfdlot Wan, ' lav Oluurumud `III UOIM III] III "III!!!- ` ""u'v".'L'.'L 4'.-Oat. 7-'-1. :-A JG _;dtlonur. Anchor mldlnzls [3 Mock street, -__- n-._ I. 5 7.1. 03.0% n_vl%.I.C~ _ ,4 lolnlou Itch. W AIIIIAZWIIIHC 'A"1`*'u"h':"w'5n'1 -v.v-xn. I :- Chy loo]. sh:-o._ _ial_y S U. C. I J. IILITT. ......--2' .1;-. -:......---'...,....~ -241: ad , Rh. 1- Inc an-olulalalvnh hurollno ITOII 0I"'T|.6-1.=lI no.0 pant `U050! App.` lo ' " I. WWII O 00. lhinulnhl . _'i'.'.'.`.'.'... - O `'1 Hanan cachet loaned 0:-ouuddluuiouplocucl. Applylo Bust Valua in thaityl I Thohnantin thmrknt! Kllpflhx RIOS! 1 Ila. vanilla:-II -Q nut Cllopnupp-oIbInIaIl'WI&II'oIIIvo WQ CID? II KI UIIIU CI flllil Ill`! 1! IILIOI ""BAJt:'* ESTA hLl8HID IQ. The Inc In Illa I , intnxraim , llnan lnvny. nn. Ann] 05 _ Bl! lull V hunt: a uufvvnuu I IBTTAN I IAIIJJI WILIC WILL ADWAII I mod about II |Hi1I`l cl nun nnuno In I-III PACKAGES. Pure and Unadulterated, T PURITY. * . Princuu Saul. > Avril l0h,lIU. .._._. ._._..___._. R I. i0BIY. ;cnoP2 - .._...____..____.._.4.._. C In Inllnu nu manhunt lino ' tabla no lurch rum, _ 81'. PA_O'L'I PIC :uc.-'l`ho ntquncn IIII loan the terry Ihurf tolorroi olurnoon as on: --`clock, nd 1 Quinn: to hm-odook-. `nu Iiimry band -Ill In pnunt. 7 ----_o<>o---.- E 7 7 ,,,,., -o-&.._._ _ Pououm A` Dun'ru.~Bonbu-dict Kc-Icy, ol- B" Battery. and Uounty Oouubln Irwin no in pnnnil of I dr nxur II-on A' Run-ry nomad Grin, Kppoud to M on Howe` Island. ,4`... ._ -----o3. - .... Ion 1-at Cumna lauxln.-1'ho II. I. church ponplo smend having an uncut- linn to Well: `Inland nn Tuesday, July 27th. on HM Ilonmnr `ulinun. The boat will leave Kinptnn It 1216 o'clock and nturn at 8230. Tickets. Indian. 3150; john, 50:. Cums one, com: All. .__......oj..- ~--- nr I03 56:: uu.I.1Tudu|- ` touted, try Pun Grove Dairy. 1' I t W}. WARD. """"`T"1 A TEAS mom us IIETAII. At Wholesale Prices. .._... ....- ,.L,-..__....-._ ._- ._ _._., A._T C I'D. J. I. I fit. low 0.0! Advoh tllglunl. CI at luv 1 lull!- nm. low !-I- I_- 9-*2-!'..."'..""'.... Put luv Inn low Incl. I-I union: low `IICIDO-Ill In no " at our but nun. SIILOIH Union-Sailors u-rivlng_,u0. Tornntr Iron: Kings!-n compllin ol Ihc nttorhci of unity m the Union hon, that wages are qunued, but Ihu the non noupc whntucr in nured. Klncmon men can porhlpl mule oxpIanuuum.- - THAT DBIBABl.E' PROPIBTY. iii undo: the mural Klugud lahhld Wumm In Part. ad to; may `:1 to-Mun at the Inc Job: \\ akin. Uh: gailg gritjsh itig. ._.._.., .. .____.....,.,. Fvxiiussnav nvzhiuia, Joni u. .__......v-...__ Ponsuotru C0.1vl(.'I'lu.' --Jno. hand- er, of Buin-nl-I, was on Monday triad bolon Mr` Schrodor. J.P., Po:-unonlh, with uunlting Berth: Andonon. qod 7. by lorcibly hiring a huh! of chips Iron her. Tho chip: ho unptiod on Chg road and the balm ho tlmi into Nu Oshrnqni. Ho Ill End 81 and costs, -_~ ~.{p.._._ Wlltlln Snnvuuu. ---`U'oupl|iuh en nnneroue reepecxing the condition of the eldenlh. Bnerde ere Iooee. In name please the plenh ere gene eltogellner, end the Ielh hue thus become decidedly deuqeron Why in Ohio condition at eelte elloved Io exiot t Wboiet blunel By the neglect oi some uunloipel upte- eeeledven or oelele the city is being A:_......l 4s....__ Tuovunn lnunn Pn_x.`-'l\o hunk 0! nay atrial: and ol the npouin. cg _..ugna- Iuulnnm n; `pd UNI]-. oumuuu "Elvin --u y--u. phat, Indicate: tho beginning 1! ch; H00 Mr to In one of the can plan! and prooporonn uuouu ya: soon at tho purl. Anon; tho inpvromnonu noueod antic lnunduction at I new mud lnllor wutor apply. and the cloning any ol Indujrnvth. _.___..3...._.. Golden Lion Grocery, Onncmuo A Bnuou.-On Sunday '0!!! Mowllllnmn pug` in tho ll. C. ohlllrh nt duu. and lie nude sumo rolcruwu to the young men and their urnn In rolugimn rn-Mon u the ro- mll nl igus-rInco,lhiuh nlluoionl Inn nnt plouud nun Inner, who in: ant on I criticism (on Ihlrp and pommul lol- publication. -~--- ~coo~ -__. A Rul n|l\'lll ---Early lut owning I young nun, uvidontly 1 rnnlin, und intoxicntod, drove updiy thu-ough_lho city. On Bu-ria Itrool hl loll Ibo contu of tho men sud cum |l`I nnlml coilin- iun with a tron, which land the animal. broke the nluelo, And cut the ohm-opor~ L-___ . _ ..... ..| ;.. n.- |....l .....nu| DIOIO ll vonu-4:, Illll Clll nu uuuu-`~- mu tltivor. A wound in the bud named to utnn hum, 13 hi lay quite prootnlo on- tho ground for a tune. --7 9-js~:- - - Pnwmn Accmnt. -- On 'l`|nndq hit the little non ul Mr. E. B. Bnylho (George) loll d-nu unmo ops M B. 0. Hnlohoocbo. Wollo Inland, and Iulunil | dislocation rvl the shoulder god I hu- tnn ol the IIIIII. II. III ln!|y lvolny (our Bonn that tlu uoddont bdoro Mt. Euylllo roahud IIIB nuun of tho inju- nu me 5.4 mm mlododjo by . mn- od physician. The brave little lollow chovod Iumul urn during the Non ol to-mu`... _.. Unto: Sui-nun.-Ilr. Tbouu Flulgn, bum, duh-u no In um { tho! L0 in not on Gun`: vhrl on ` Hondoy evening Ihl int Polio! III drowned. and that ifwu not his ob which and tho unbrtuuu nil; lady ` huopuodou union ol then U to la" lulu no user. Bone paplo Mu boa ulg bad thing ol III and I" tin with ho is innooool ol hing pn- nui lot don bearing on None In tho __n.. < -Z I Eon: lino ogn Mvgluu onlogol Oh ` Insulin; hon-o o! In Mind Wilnol, 4 raiding II Inc but! 0! Wlhn 001$. uulumn mat, and stole 5 quality 4 olplotod Inn. The can on lunch! to the pollen ales and Duudnlu \ halo) spot IIVOIII days In ll; anal In! tho slain polo. in u& cl tho Nova OI the cake 3|-spun: cull Iothohilod blot on- that! buy ' oonwononupdlnknliuguuupoou Onol `hush bun an N. Invuldq all on 0! than not upon the cilia national lo! hastily IIOHIQ III Mulch. on sun, ool llatlnll. um-g an Impact Islb. but than lino ` Huh Mn. huh oulooooIIbm- _A-I .L_ l__A n-A..Al-. X..._L_ W In '11- YUTHVV W. hush. olohruovuycllhop, ropuvodcloohcvuohouuhlnilh nognuuoocuuoupuul tloolclt ughondlonuol Iuldhvdl. 1'50 phod Davin Build. Ioohnll be-I no Induction in (Mu II op. Inland < hvuuuoculonun Ibpupu-Q1 Aglg Ann.-D ;.... ,1 pdrucnhn ;|qIly`.Ioc: `.1 ..w- -. NONE 60 GENUINE Ind PLIAIAET. no man _tgu=. mus`. XX and XXX Alcsud Porter. CITY 1 ND VIOINITY. Ian! IIl'|Il|`lc 6550. '7s.'c. ucau.L, Clnuuolhut. III! uuy II vuuwpu. _ _'A .953 Quay wall on tbrilillh `do. to Igmcnnnlo -,va-- mmit-3 TM outlet inn:-Dial! Ii-'-0| V-'""|N0~ -nu. L_._J , n_4. ._ - In" .all n|ni IIII Iuuuunuu nu ,-uum. nu" ;-- ....-...... --1'II polioo bun tad I6! fumilun uppliod them Thzy nut uni quntlrl, 3|. yuan ghuuu lulu; ruxiadnl to 's...IoL `u' III` IIIII. -fI'ho inopcctinn ol the C--hourg gur- rionn utilkry took place ymudny. by Liout. Col. lstnngo, of Kingston, uh complimented his men upon their nu` and miliuq appearance. M. I I1 Lino Al` uh. \\ nIn:lnln Chicago. corn; ` con; Shnudun. 4 Bonn, Chiclgw ..-.. an-u avlgillllh --RINQYI "A" Lit! Lu Another ducmm ` In nu oi Kingston that mule xh. curpo. oinzo may (Hunt '0": BIIMN But-vy onouah hole. nu.-. {Lu P. . `\ aw muan H055. --'l'bo"uuI_o| picnic at no.3:-oak Stunt Prubyluhu dmnl III hold to- days! Glcnlogio. ` _'A nlnnl hunt Innl III ILIIXEIII`. Ocular not-uuy nu--u u-m-nu... v -Tho hand I-I Hntuxy B" will play onto" ooon" q-mun nu uwhing `for tho bull ol uh: pmrljr. whu yn buing. Ins- _.I;.., L--.. n.-.| .... hunilunn -`l'|n Jnlforcm Cr-uuiy gu_,'li0ll|||lfI| hit Dill bu Incl-I Inn was r! .Ivu on Sop! 21. 22 and 2;! It In nn evpnt uorthy of ulondulao rf Kingnx-Mu u , `PL- ..... .....i- H... nu.~..- narfurm. IIIICIIIVR l`I nungnx-mu u ' --T|u nun nude (in. Cancun pcrunn- Alien 0: Boll-wlln on M In-M` - luilnn. The Iulclligunur nduoel tn: management to do all in pdgxtioi, t!.eb{uI plln in the long run. 1-L- :...........'.... nl uh. Cuhnurn ur- I ll IIIIIIIIIJ Iypiallluzr. -Mr. ED. Adoit, of lho Wululnwn Tuna, Ian been paying lot others` Innue- uont. Ho ht-nun rupumihlc [or certain Fourth 0! July expo:-nu. So fur ha ha: [DIM "5. Ind If ! Iv-I M iv! yet. -Pnu$d through ol.. r`..4...l vc-studs; . Bchu. `III . Ttlld-~, Cwrl. Jll. wIdO. J N, `full:-rl Tnledu. nun enough Mm. -ONO`! F1! PI:-`: \| .U~'. Ml`. Mc- Willium Inn I ldm-r I-A luv Wulo in which hp uphu-.n uh.--, run-u why his Bulb pic-nic In u lulnro. Nubudy ax- poctod Sir J-uhnxo uppur becuuu he actor, or hardly over, wu known Cu keep a promise. .:_...__......__.._. . I -0' 4 -Olty tbnuil noun; to-loner ' u-he . , . _ +-Dr. _hvo|I In waning n satin; at $58 Ii-fl at Tacoma. _P:inun should not oouphln about thuiluhulongnuunuuuov n --II. C. W. Noni. for-If I cite: uncut, h In! olholod to Ionpu-3h - ` `\ .La.- snow. - . --'W|Iy'd[u I you; Indy nnubio n out-pun! Fountain : u Inn 1503) con- -l-nlnn . I lino Grond Hutol being llod by I plou- oont oolupony lrnm ovory cormr of tho, loud. Tho oociobility of tho visitors of tho Spfingo hol I-mg boon yruvorbinl. Thoopnoiono pinto hu all day lung in norry grnnpr, whilo the many ltmrcu of onnoomunt provided oro Iu cnnotom. oporotion` Tho laying out of new drivoc, wolho nod Iowa: in: croquet ond lennio. tho any hundndo 0! tree: plmtod oud tho ohrnhborioo nnw unto the surround- lngo of tho Spring: 5 loiry loud. `Tho [root odvontogo tho Calotlonio Spring: poooooo 0'0! thor valuing plocoo worn optly nprooud by on American |uIMlo- ' Iolr Wotoro with Jo ouporlnr in the world, otmoophoro u pnro and basing on ot tho orhoido. the nmiro ohoenco of all annoying iuoocu, tho nnrd Iocioly, the onjoymont pounding ovorywherr, the ouporior nconnnnodntion and modc-rue ohoruoo of tho Grand Hntol, ond not tho looot lnponibillty of lrittoriog owoy ono'n mono] in liulo nolhingu, no it in neon- oory to do ot tho nrdinnry watering ploooo. la tho way nl oveninn ontorlun~ uonto tho hopo" huo [3800 on ruccooolul no our mad with tho conoum have (onu- od hoppy eoncluolono t) the days n...;.... uh. nun -nah rhn vinimu lure Thin popnlor f0l:I'_l- in enjoying the lulloot nouuro nl pnblio polranogo, the wmou wu olrnm Fol: sum AT mvcn LOWER PRICES -rum -run can an novmn. -IN nus omr. IIC -' Vijl II I I-unnu--. -PrlauIi atouhl complain thihuhubnguthcuialohol Pi II. A U I... a.......I S..,am.. CI lllppy uoluiuluuuu - ; -un 11- :- During tho put rook tho viounro hue tokou much p|ounro from rondlngu of pupulu Author: by tho colobrotod Mn. Idno Chooo Nnblo, who by hot poroonol ollotlnl and privolo vmnoo hon not only ondoorod hotoolt to the patron: r-I lhp ` Grout! Flntol dunrhnu her moteuric vimo, but by` hot (alum on a rude: hu chum- od thou uroolly. S o plouod hovo boon v tho ltoororo that tlnoy hovo ngun modo hot vioit to tho Sptingo momonhlo hy the proooalotoa of on oddrooo oxpr-ooivo oi lhoir odnltulou, ocoomponiod it by 3 I0" ooh Hooolot and our dr--po inocribod "Colodonio." Tho voothor luo boon do- Iiglnl, III lid loo much on Int tho lllholy ooumry. Hardly I obowu hon follon he ovor ro oooh. Tho Muhool Ionponlnto ngiotoud ul tho Sprinnol-no boon, 85` with tho morning: nnd oven- ingl cool. Thio out o Iorgo Inux ol vioitoto io oxpoocod. ?_4_. Loni: Iconohonoo vu an-and [or In- cuy. Bis alum Ion ourchod lot 1 non ol Iona] uolon lrom John Gond- lriold. I uilor companion, and nuppoucl lohno boon In pououon oi thc pri. mm. A little hand louking glue um] In cannon huh nu lound anon. NI Onpplnp, but In aid In piehd than up, the locum on the nasal and tho ill on the Potitoaliuy whorl. umb- out lllollioo at uonulllinq lnroony. he an In dInIiuII.~ ' Input Ian. an annoying chauoht. glkn to uncut ' lilo Cd Incantation, .nounuh|odlor II: III! to the county pol. ImL._ Ihlgul, drunk. Iliad I1 and duh: loodonou, tor muting m nu pnvolod maul upon a luau input with Ibo: be had on-0 dioulty, In Ind 08 cm. A... _l'....l-. I .... .6-L-n nn KL; IIOI II on. A oludu luuquiohu an the abuse. Buiouuud at not ouppub lq lb wilt. V Ioonnu henna. - but non- hflpdtbo people am. 1.... and on Oh "Ind" no bold IIJOI plan union cl wind pd unit About In kindred puns won on hutoliulvnuoc nu-Id ulna ado olluly arty. `I'M loucqhud |_I-_.J J.llAKnI.II- .41 -..- AL- -LL.l Tit W In-Ivilliiiilii Ioyooqhlhulot ocuulutullhr Odllluhn, fbiuuivullououa junihlocvcuoploud slodullgbh duuquluintlp C` I -VT' TV I - II. XVI j" pkycldcliglllllly. Id III 050 dud I unovn iii AID OI VAI!0UI ` -kl`- _.--L-. , Et3r3/ Family can buy their