.li_880. -7 Unllko Iuumheru ml lhu. Hy ('--uIu`|| Boochor boliavu In Im|Hn\|u!/ !M`||m-ll. He up they Ihnuhl he In uh; gums uf arl. Grout mind: clnfnr, 3-: in net: :1 n u . I ...... ..... ..,.. -A wmnnn, while and on the mu ht lo-duy, duclurml that "lhu buy; VI nllld houk hor aye: if .r..'.I I... m...""1m Ipplu were hung plll'|nIIIe .... . ... ... .. 1 -Wo bruthu eulur The two man Iuppnud tu Invu hum alr -mm] can Nnma Milo Paint. by tho rlplliting An! I unull book, have turnod up. A ........`.... ...|..I.. ........l .... 5|.` ......- - In Nnpnnulhura no but hvolnly dugn. Iu Kingston lhur-1 urn uhmnt I lhnunnd, nul una half 4-! hhlzlllro (and. .....\ _\ - I'* rol. Smith, un(`lIIlul, u! this city, Iill conduvt (lo unm`--al urrn-u in the M. E. Tnbormclu, lialluvnllu; In/ll|u[' -Tho park unto: will be upon`, and Ilrivlug will bonlluu-l_ QM: evening dur- ing lho` potlurnnum ol mo bnnal. ` . _ I`IL; 5...-I .... II... II In` ..-....--3.... nu ...,. --Bosch): and puny nlunin unr sum (In at tho Tlsounud `Inland H -mu. A In-g-.I-In ll.- -M'- X : -1150 Billuip ol (maria wil|_ Ilmly lay tho norm! Mama! I nuw church at Mill Pnilll. I` "V -'-Tho _ `~--__. -_ ...V.----. tfnpuno Lacrouo Club canton`:-" glue 5 -inch till: cu Athlotia M am. __Il4-gI.L. ....I ....a_ --..._;.. ....-- u..- [mm mm cmm;.| cg. -- '-Whoa can dlnlnu nu inlonm`-o Du; dun it uuldw -Th Utnnncnl will do "I>mi_nou nu, Numb;-5 quorum lacing ptgunt. ~K__ `I4-.. 4. I ,,_ mayor--u. wuvuu, I uuuu. uuvvuu, corn; 0. own, Uhiuqo, earn; Anuion. Iilnuho, Ibul; Hun. Oooi, Talodn, KIIIITI Io-ulm;-_ n~|(i7.auI :1 {ur dapuluru (run 9 Kiugnlnu viuilun [- ! om-nunlomd n u `no (`In Put. __... . -._.._._. lulu llovu. Imp um -..-. Hyuml nl llulnm l`ha lulu] Bnrlusr Luryu-y_ gmuml, ll gt.-pole-I In hnuld A` sun urn In day {mm the my I In ll-ochuulor THE BRITISH Wale. SATURDAY JULY 24.1980. ICIIOIK. TM louvre I00 IN!!!` to otiolmr I and FM quail laconic. lav. Ir. spam Inc the not and the `flouund nludouo Ho optic lorcbonl can I and till 000 HIII clues. Mo cloqnuul chatting nu llqlrhg. wm In-upon Souls-Iur lot. with 0 Full sun M Tu:-Ion us all tho, Depart I" m nu--u. nut in UI-V III III! Hs bsllsvsd thst dsmoorstic simplicity is this rsspset was sbs-ml. lls Ind hstsd the school _houss Ihsrs hs Itsd sttsmlsd, ssd hsd nsvsr lssrnsd snythins. snd Its Ml sbhornd It to this hour. Wsshould not psI _IiI Ibo injustles ol instructing childrsn In tltsologlss. It hul ossn sold that would bs jodlsss, but it Ins tint on. Wu s csrpsntsfs shn godlsssl Tbs ctuuznltss sud tlls Iousshu Js sh.-uld tssoi theology. It was nus st sll the curl nl ths public uhools. It dll not lollow thst is should lst tbs hlld go without sny rsllglout sdusstiou. [at us tssoh Nu ltonssty. lnngslity, upttphtnsss sud obsdtsssostnotl and His Isis Um `OCH Ih0IIld CV. "IO `CV00 0' pfsr lasstonst lustrsotuos. Tbq oosla not do thslr watt wills they was an Emu phat! for not 'muI jun s Iomsn. In ls! `Has Is to- qtlrol I! II` Ifdmtoasl tslsm, ssdjt ought In Its the sins ll unit: . Th on 1:! tssdlsa shosld use a dtnuy. lls usnhsrs stosld Ins Isrgsr Olsll psnluosy noes was won P0!- monlslpttbls than tbst shlslo sslusd Iltu `I'M Inuthsr , usmt.lns eltss tsso~h:r. jn IloID5. t Issobst " II sohnolssnt their tnusnos sll tacos`; Ms. Th dsy was coming vhsn not s on ls tnwnsxrtn slI tls land can 5. Ivfirtmsztsll llylljhlh at conga. I IIIIIOIII u-Mob. `FL; I. .......... ....,..... ... ..--. ...... , he o||-mod lu ooy ho t'-lnnut nth-rd to glllll Mo (-hildron lo tho pnhlic ovhnnl. They ohuuld not ho alroid ul lnrougnoro. Ho hold thot tho school was tho on-mach of tho Ropuhlu-.. The Ichnnll ol AIn_orioo ioro tho ol--much hy which all uotinno oero dlgooloxl and uoinnilatod iutu Amoricono. Ellucotinn lhmllll bogompuloury. Tho frao common lfhl-all ohonld ho tho boot in only runr mnnily. It loo I burning ohamo whon public oehonlo woro nut an pulled an pr: voto onoo. It woo-lho tho luundoliun ul tho Alnorioon ldoa of tho dovglcvpunotnl nl nonlumd that tho public ochunl and all it: oppondoaoo ohunld bo hottor than can ho lound ouywhoto oloo. Ilo arohlv tooturo ought to bo holtor tllon that of tho church; lto roomo ought tn bo honor than tho boot in our honooo. It on tho duty of nor; eummouwoalth to unto .n. .....u.... ...u.--.. ..-.... .... . ..._ nml unite all clung -lu onlnrue lym- pathy all through moiety. It wu --ma 4.! [ha mun puwurlul democratic mflur once: in tho v--mmuuity Ilnr puhllv I<`l|m-ll nhoulul In front. Nu man Ihuul-l . n . . n ..- . . . nu---uuuv wnu Iv: u-nu--unu um Iivu-I mun In-I vs. The new pruluuinu vu Hm 4-Id uno an Inrged uul emu-Maul. \\'n ohnuld hnve the mmmun orhaml. In mnny rupccu. it man nmrunupurlun lhnn uuythmg the III lhu country` ll` hr-ought all rhouu nf I--cluly logo-than-. ltnmmuul inuence III In hnrmunms on-rywhoro I nnuuxnu. l lu1rI,`l.'IlIuv, If our people: wore unt odumlml in intelligence Iva might hope lur the per- polully n! the I{apnb|in. There lhoulcl me up I pr-nfoumu :9 Vundurlllno tho wurk I rlul uf unllumnl udu-`ulurI!.' '3 ,..... .......-. .......,, ..... charge :1 ilio lillluii I The puilllltfiilll win the lent likely nl all in c-mcerii liillillf Inuit the inloranil in! the whole r-nnniry` Thorn was no nublor pifuaiuii than the law, link it wu not adapted in dell with the nnirl c-l_l.lia whulu cminiry. The iiavupnpor III I lliing fur lg, vnnnuor. 4 pill gomll. Almml. I ul lull! l-Illnillll imioml ul l8CdIIi|_( public npiniun; they lam all roilectnru vi the avenue public sentiment; they Alltl nni lulu intu cunni- dorniinu the Inuit ul the Ihnln pimple, 'l'ha minister: had their hand: lull of pin` inli moiipntiun; theology haul Iopnrnlad mun fmm nun; in ii: vbry nature it Ill nui adapted in Ilia pnrpuu nunglil. 1`llP'l'l! would have to be I now prolulion, Touching ivu not I new profouinn, lml lrum among thou duv in ii there wuulil lino in (mind up 1 IIVIU. nlwlu III -II |ll|IIlIlI LUIIIII IIVIS IIUIU In pun-.9 and hnrmnny, They mine hurr- hnugnng Imnll pruporly, indunlnuun huudu, tho clutouu that bolung tn thou), lhair ralngimu opiuinnn, their pulnticnl nlau. While Charo lure pull: nbuut these things lha hennt of thin Immigra- Ii-u was um-h thn. there Ihuuld be nu nmuoty of the ting! result. Wu had Um Imliunlluuo and pnbllv wnhnuant. W --lunged than Iunulgranla to um um: haul of pmngnle. Their children wars the nuns MIf1lu9i_l' lnlharu hml novur Iumwn any uther lnucl. Ltunk Al the pruhnhle "umlniun of Iho ('uuul.ry Lou, hvanly.-livu, lnfly yen: hence` Wh--, vhu-y, hm! A-hnrun I II`. n-h..n I `I'D... ....In........ ..-- um-mg um p-suplo. The omignmlu In-I been Uggl In Europa. Thoy were hrhe-I hora. Mon uf all nntmm cuuhl luvs hero . ..........| |..._...,._ r|u,,. , n ..... .....,,.........., ...- ........;.... qmrmg wullh, nud, unntaul M I dovolupmnnt uni Innlnhuml in tho (1 The grant lurcu unw wurlnug I1 c--uutry were those which tam. elevate man uul nuke him both uublar. We were Jovalnping 1-nu .....-...... I... ...--......... I-`cur r okndnr and ulotuauou app!) to tho Pmmlpal `ha IIV I. '_ Ill . LLI). Ynuordny hotwon IIO oodthuo hm dud pounce Me to: Alouudu Bay to hunt Rev. ILW. Butcher ladun on "Thu _Jlcw PI'olodahun." Tho ail down the rirgr Inf \|nIdo in good timu and undo: happy nunpiou. And I lnndiug Ill olfact- od bglan tho Iuumu laoluru outond upon the _diocuuion ul hin_thomo. The- nnuhonue. In-Iovor,_ III much unullor than than Konuuoniiuu npochnd. It uufhhorod luau thug: I thuuund pouplo. I cumriu to an uporinnoo at Miuifmuui `.'l n-' V`. Pals. \'oI'tuunl, uh duyu prey uunly, when he In rocoivod by shout Ii thud- uud pouuno. Mr. Booclhor 'Bpgnn by roforunu to tho onluliliuu_ oi the pmvplo oulnida ih bound: u! Chrilhudmn, and Ihn cunt to npuk of the European Hu- nmruunu. 'l'ho Unornmouu were ' lifgoly qngngud In prutoctiuu lhomlolvu. Tho cimon _wu rupoolml sud hound sh:-mu. Tho public Inux III that Iu'on warn chiuy nluublo u the uulf pith which to build th sun... In Alnurlcn thu llmury wu rourutr. More the in dividml mun nu tho coulul liguro-, tho muun hi: serum. In Enrol. um. um- phllil nu put uppu Ibo (lvJrnn`II|9|nl of tho Imliuu; in this cuuu_!ry on the man. Alnr--ml man warn olthar mlglerlml ur m-thud up In ommuhInu_ which dell.|'uyad the Iudmdunl H: than pr:-caedood on ulpc-oc nuuug_ul the union which ha cun- lemlod muo cunnuuuimg the vunlny nf European lllllulll, inch :0 UiOVIil[JOlldI' tum far you urlmlutfma. Thorn Hm dyuuuec hA.l'cuuuo lo -lupin-I nu`. nu the vuil of than puuple but nu phyllcul lnl'fa,,nnd lhu poopla luuke-I Ihrulll fur I new human. In Amorioa they sun an au- hla Hnvprmuonl, Lina oleumnu I--r aw IIV. ll.'. IIEIII If ALIXARDIH I A IIALL IUD.III(.`I-IlP0>II Ann. nu -4-unaun --run tum rxonsuou." I I talnlml lvl hotter and I all, the I Jinan IcQnon. o! Odom. no no ohuud with no mu ol 0 an In: J. ' W. Cglllna and wounds ulng N In It. W-. FIG. cl tho city. In Iriotl tin muily Won July: Wllhiuoa, ol Na- puu, all Thank} Inc. luv not won podlivoly lint ho III the III who add the (`III to r 'IO. M Kalptou, Illlo dun pron-A um Ibo sound no In` Dduu otlhohouo ol Widow and u an an be no allopl to Ian and. no Ink at no lulu on. `I'M pt-bold ng uqnmod ad dhnhqul. nu...-.u-u --.... .... uvu Thorn an ..----uu an us a nu! Iv he m-my nul- vnnlngu In early ulu. I! I-0 lho {nu mu`: Ihunld hupv-an ul than mop: anh- ou| duluy. j" Lu! weak I curgn of whoa! hum Toledo wulnmhwpod harm loourdny (ha liul Ulcngu no] what, No. 2.5:- nual by prnpollor 'N|I[M t.' It III 0! excellent quality. A lu-go mount of llm you . grlin In -oxpoobd to be Ihippo-I before Ivlnur uh in. , ._ ._....., ___ I`IlH`O. I | pl !-`en \ lured ,,.....- In! your. .- -.., American uJo do m. Jung `:1. IS. -uu u-.5"-. n uuuuvu "I luv KIIIII nv-I-I ed Io`) Wmrhontor and GI lluperlnl pound: Iltnld lor II II per bnohol. Auowr ulupla uf Hm unto clno ul when ruled Nu. I. It. an gr-mu an tho [Arm ul Mr: Lynuu hymn, Starring tau, and IUI-I II 8| L3 pu lmnhel Them in pr-peel: nl on gum] ur.-p ul I Llmln nl gum Hunplen nl huloy In-nu van`-us umulclpnhllu luvs huou prucurod by Mauls l{u-lunlnun .1 S--u Iml nut to Uunc.gn,IImpnm-Ipnl Iuarkol fur than gum ylalnl nf lhll <|Inlru-I 'I'lun nmplrn wore nlnghlly (llsrulunnul nu ac-.-muulul tho L... M_..._ L... ...A. - .1. .... Ir-y -hll In Illa I nuuuod llna un--nun`. wheat, couuuu|m unity Hlmrlua I3.mlh, Lulgl Nu. `J qcululy. I'll: 1 an-I blight. A bushel u ...I :1 Il/ ... ru-w-lyluu an n mulur of lunch gratttr rlllull tn Iho Culuulilloa, whu, howovur, rcsplldllllunl than nuvupnpar reap--mxlnlily lhrown upnll mom [or the drmlung A-I 1|-`nor ull lhu gpauud. They luv ar dauvnn-J In lunder It In ovary way, but rnnnul prevent lha bringing ul il. M-run In bulll, ur the ucrul nlo uf H at Ihu _huulhI. v -10. - The return of llckuu taken [or III: pic- mc nhuw that than were m-in pl`Uum'. llnu at my previuua plt` uic ul this very nucuoulul 'm(`|Uly. Thu uhlalu-u 4:` ...l. . ._... .. ...-.n.._ 1 , L , . A` ......... ... .... .v....... Mr H. Tin-rutnu no In uluphullv denial lo the repurl. Hut ho Ind and ul- Iunuve wards U-ward: um ol hll [allow J-nlgen, Mr. Nuhm, ut. the pic mu. Ila mum-I uturu, alum he npuke tu hm: that he was an Judge, but he uid nulluug Hm! -uuld` .-Hand III (has lust. The wanln vu|n`p|uIn-J --I new lpnlsll lsy n-mm mm In Ihn-row-I, and Mr` N--Ian utrr muted them In an umuko Lu Mr. 'I'bornum. iiuneral member: of mu Umnmlltua. Mm where pruunl nu ma uruuud, uni:-run the uiulelnaul. -v1. . ..,. . 1* The pr:-loll of June: Nnlml Igulnlt llu. Frumdulnlp, In A 11:! Hrs, mu II fa:-rad tn the rolouau. :1. u an. _ ,. . ._. ,, x .. Tho llllIlI|(Ol'I oi Iho ullinlu rd pnrlml Ihut (hog lad mu Inlh Mann. Infurd null Paint , the aunlulnuln la; `the rs! pl-In, MM it nu ummnlly ngraod (-1 Ian. Lug p-mu in _dnpmo In Mr. llnv. Ul-ltlusvu u uluru, Ho am-If um am~ Joni-0, In `Illa cue, gm] dpcldod mu Mi . Ulfunl Ind vluvly umundarntoml the in nu-notion: lu tuuml I bun, thnugh Mr. rimylho gnu them plainly om-ugh. llu ulna cumulnrod than Mr. Ulllml could have r`uundud tho but lint hand he llluukht ll Hglll Ip do bu. 'l`homl--us _|m cluuidad lhu the lull bunln ulmnlal run Tlulg. III Mr. purl, nud` nu l(`-voplul. purl, wh ch Ilvglvon c'I`tlunC0lII by nu! mnlenq,1aruy,`|lm the rap will bu ulvan uluulnlnly lu llu vummr ul llnlo Inc, In 'l'l1u cup Imlnug I lauul lrum except uaylluil ru- 'l`hu cmnml Io Axum. lln`ull u(`l. uubnrrihou cunuut be alunutml under tho laruu nl lhnl gill. It must but wnn twlrc In nuccouinn by the Illlll u...-l.| Iluurn. ltiulur-In-n 1: Sun hnvo rucuir mus ; iiz'iA1Ta| but oing sc.(T'....-..'. Pinto ca-'- " uniuu not to wind my the btuiuuqul the Inn annual qnllnting. The upouia rouhod nut Call}; yet then in an,nppnr- out ptnt `ul .2143. dcpomloul, howuu, ` up-nu Ihoulo, at and price, 0! th four uupnrud donhyn. _ It Ill ruolvod to other them In: ulo by louder, `and bid: ' uill bo roooivod until Too-151' nut. Quito I nulnbor ul pnxu -rennin our, ` mung to lho_lnck of V omnpomion i_u uuo clunol contacts, md Chou Ivlbo -Iinypn-o~ ml u( u fhn non IQIOUIIQ ol the S -Hal)`, Tnondny, August Sm]. The Pu-nic t`--an | mmu null Iuul nuniu uiu l`uud ay cum ` ' I ' . '1-1.- ...-.._...._- .1 ..,_ , ..:, ., nun-....u-u nu u-nu-uu nu ulv but tlunr Jupruoutlun III mu m an m-mo lh-u ruunlurbnllucod hy upmvauuml In that \he|!hL Unr- ull nvunwo fr-nu -IH lbw. In .'nI Hn Iounbly Aoqumod. The Bath fnu-cu. I1`. aims:-s I-Ic-m3. ' run, nun-s--I `whu-In no tx- Im Urns I-nl --I Ihlla IunIu|m( unity lnlilmlu, nuhl by hulh, Lmghhuru, wan rttad I rap Proupn-In. mu nmplu I. It In nut upeclod lhnl . nuy bollor than lhuus nf ` ... 1: . .. .. ..a.. , ..-. ...\,.. n lumy wu plump ul ul the grnlu wolglr I` III .-.. I . ..- u; ....A.. . tho lotion: muvouluon M llu nil Hull Wnhnllolh loom, an. In! OM01: on nun. Pnuuuluo lot In. Apply on Ibo pro-Inn or union. Hm: I: 0a., mmno no. Au-Il9.`0'-Ah. mo. ., ' of tho vIlm| lhrmn uul_ mu.q-in 1 I nag? _ ahumulmu and g. um, , 'A||u`.u on.) I tortured and J-uuu, Dunn nu '. 4... by ' | and M Inn Ipplouunmnl Hutu L.uu-out ' I--did: Amnwnin. um um II..uro-ncolu uni pornncm mind min` hm ml`! numm. Sal! hp gdmguiug. 3; lot ya-up!-lot '00 Galen. Iw \\ w II and- '[cny, Nu-w \'<-IL Tun .. ., '_-,. ...nu` '_ IN I I0 by J U king, llmqgllt, King` I 00:-n. . [no men __l1 nA.ws'.' I xx and xxx Ala and l'orlc|'.l : Obllil. l.D. .15., L.D.I. ml to tho Kuvpou. uwglm of Dawn H W-...... '.".'1..':.:'.:.'.m .5 uncut. LAGER BEER. asst, TIC I'0UIhl(I.'l ('llI.Ll'h`l'95'I' FUN PURJT Y. nun uulcau ul n.u-di. nun Io-man, Mm, Mlunllm In [H IMI III` in; win nwudom |Jl|llIh(. he no clcl-um] -uh In-alum um, 'lh| 111'! but Ina-no hug: lmolmr Thu uggf` mr nu Inn-k In -must In um sun ul ltdll ?_1un14-Aooooo-no.4:-aj '-'Q Q I2-It--u-_ no .__._, -.. .go--..__ Nuihtng cm uxcd "In In! pl-my --I limos clue tl`INt I I an! the lhtuu up .-. I llp 0! llln. Mr TI|don'o ucreluy up hu mu In rm-nu a long! Immbu ul pr--onull ol unrrlnqolrom luahu In H purl: oi tho --uumry The nld uinuu n u ! an c-I-I any No II n nrh l-.- I.|. :, cl-mu 70 ynu ul 1.10, A urnmr m Anplmrn. (Yul . I-nl n nun What In lunar In: I laud I`:-on-I Nod: Ilncnll 7 IIIOIIIQI II) I WO|IlIUl'W"|MII| I I-2` EIIIII` Irlml Thu Inlunu I-mud In lhu yahoo! -4! the tmuun CLAIM nu hullu, and prn.np- Iy rdunml mo an-wv In lho IIIIOP Whu dud tho gr.-car L: I H: us: nor a but nl Imp In-I tlnukud in - A lmlm Nun X.-rl-, nM|..I.n.!.|nu on nl Imp In-I unuuu In A Ind In Now \--rt, II!-Ila "un.!.III[ 3| 3 hydruu, nu unlorod uvuy 0-y in mm uni. mu-in,` In `usual I inn mun hnnudum lannumm ha Ill Ilhn l-I Allma UM (`ulnhuu-I In-OIIIOI DI the I-of-'!II'l1 lmhn. -~A prony nrlreu um-I lm | my ball with n l.m|o~ Rock Hunoylpvr lul cut by lnumg the udnur Arhnnu Odllnrl dun : not vary rich, but the] fun hilp 0' fun. Mr Tnldnnfn -ucruluv nun hu mu I yuynu ul ups, yrnr Alutrn, , I-I ulullu-I In muhum-mun 1 L. y AL. A.......... Q`! nun ... t..II.. .....l . wool A Denver glfl I--at hot I-ml, um her xlllnul |uvOl' ml I poclml-bamk Inn! at n piums ui uuuod skin from tho Illllnulll ml member 'I'..... l.nl.. km. .0 l\'|\n-.....:..; \\ .. I IWII IIIIIC Dc-yi ll IV" were Inrnhnl In light In!` .-I uncut urmvd. Thu nus lpanlllo until mm n (all dead Ira-us hurt din-an TL-.- .. - ........n nh. Iuwu auucunn - nhuul ll!) pun wank I roll den-I l|'IIll\ nun uln- There II n ropun 0 \\'..lu|oy will not um-nu Uulrdn hoyuml um um I unar ulmn nu. uuIu.v.4m.- Thu-lml maul I thus ulnyu II In rlphllil pomnl nhur mm! uf the 5 Lean dr--Ivna-I. pomm nmar mun: I-can A-Thu I"r0u<'P| . I.. _, LDI 0-ht vohlulod huh AILII u utlnnlv My njnlnjnnnnn .- g I H I IITIIUII ll-IFIII lhul certain parts at Berlin gr nut Iullillul. 'l`k- . n..l n..... . Illll Ill uuuuy nu-uuvuu nu um up, [and uhullgml in HM Ilnflrf Dion. He in. uunhlu Id out, And} only after rummeruble uuuhlo cuuld ha} be Induced In lulu utiimilunln. Al lino: ho nu Jo~ ' |m..uu. Huium I)Ili|nluuII appeared _y.-nlenluy, when spun nl I--u-purl lnumum vmuhlu Thu-to up--In um Lullor known u blmnl up:-la. fury gnu him tho Ap- punuco oi hpvmg boon baton. Ihumg yulordny ha lay in | Ilup--'. and l-mm.l~q awning uxuno pun-|lu..I. lot `_Iu, And has dim! in day. M,t'hunu-n II nnl km-wu lw hue may luuuu. Lu Ihiu vmmlly. Thu hmpllol Iurgo--u hu llluughl It ilupurlllnl lu uululrd h.I.- lhO_ manner In who--h than nun In Iruuod In-iuro lmug lunugln l-- this my. - - coo -~- fnr I uh:-rt Inns and lhen mm nut. uu ...`. .--.-... ... . . `..~ U uuua-I he puclu u uf In --Jw '1-eplf fur Hm Mm Ilppl Mmnmg IT. u.,.a _\ Ho mm very lubulgunl, hung u ..,II.og0 adur-uliun. He no any: nmco In I'-II|Ip|IIl|- ml --I nivlmeu cl mmulla-I ad--uh-r,who gnu; lum Ima-hvlu Ho hocuue `wuru, an-I mu liuully rammed In llm caly {ml ll-vtIrF'Ihon. u.. ..I-- ......|.|.. ...` -... ... ....I.. an.- In lhln I'v>lII| uf IIII Iwulll. In Use flu! I ly upunk` Th y--uh` (Lu Tlmrulny an! In` Wurln n`=.\y-uny mun uppllenl tn the H--Iul Unm I--I-rwlmiuicxn. Ha an Iulfurung in In I nun: nd .lnun. J the uwuih and Han at "In lungnu `Wu nu murh am-llun that In: ruuld hurd- Eunglnluli Mvdil-ruuonu f. I-cl I or-larml In gel in I1-mlmuu. ~'l`Im 'l`ur|:|-hclolwura ll [Ar-u`!n'4IH Ilunl mu:-Inn norlc nl Ihn 'I`r.mlu nu u---.-...-. .. .... .. - H ... V-.."-- llm nly lay .`ihar1l.`l .`s'ul.:u. Ii.-J`-an nlupqrnug Muhur wu gon I pfnnllns Hun nu Iuudculfn wuuld bu pluc- qd up....m... It in uurmu.-.l Hm his was 1 runs by which ho hnp-J In e---ape Ihc uh] line but lunch at Wuliu ls'IuJ An Aumm-an" nicnr could not nun! mm In Iuug n he Wuhan` Canadian null Hap- ,pI|y the I. at wmt uruuind by um laud nf than Iuluml D bfnkinu. rotnruo-1 6 Wanda-In thin I Alurnoou I,h`8`Oli` 3&4-u and Mann Ihmor, maul`: npo u;d pol uhuunohonlolokollholuto on-m-49.? Hin Joddon to ruru quicotly has not arrived at witbut u good deal ul Hiba- uiou. ind Alla anal chum ol mind. When urnutul he oiguutiql` hi: inlyonli-m tn go but to tho-plum] Ilunoo ho can u once, but while uhing Ibo uriul bl than Wnlauuwn uioipll In oluwod to bo loch`! up with Mommy and oyuur, by uh-cm I-o wu ulviud Cu rqlnt any ell --u Hlnl uni.(M. be made In iIItllIiii-HlFTiI!O (`nnulun oc-il. Y--oh nlny nirlnoon he an 1/---nod uul` pmlod ou|||HQ|'|I)Iy_ pm! pm in u\n:lI pm-I humour lint ho muunfad I-I Lulu puugo term: the lino um wutlnu-g. but theft the limo urinal for Alup|NuI'O ho mllod n-I I don av--~-I lo 4.. Whiln the Slwrilf and MI In-~ ml; were ll hrullut, hmvovn, ho mm: for them, nnd lllfuunti-lylhiln -n L |u a mold lone Ihiu nernuun, and he did so. Altoflnulting gun . he undo lur Handspr- lull, uh:-m,,,._lu,.v-In-u-.|.J hilnlull fur n H: lnf struck lur the dilnpidnud punt ho _:.L , 13-n.I|nlcs of Aluyl. shuns, mud nding 5 _p .u 1 ,_.I:I:__, ut out III it fur (funds, pnddliug with I pltnu-f_ bulrd In Hfamodiof kind, 3 Ju- um-n ul eiyjntem uzllm-, Thumzo In pru- -nydunl in Walla I-ulunl mu! Kiugnluu. Ha tun tr:--es-I in call In cu lulllll tn- . .1 u.- I III Neal Brlu-I (`uua`0.C.'~7 Prlmlo nprllln Ir. John Dnl`-.5! pnuuloo nnphd y Ir. 9. It Futon. Ion: Idol Mo. Pououlou In lay. Apply II Ibol am. Aptil -.m., um. __ ..._._..._ ..__..__A.._- III: noun: Ipnunoaonphl b In. ' "7 .'."*....:" . H _ I I (I O0 u`s?=.od::u. oi-suvouluon M I001 ='4.&u Wnhnllnll loan. NW1!!!` _ ,, .'4l'|'lI|HMI '.'4 HIEANINHH. `no loan :3 III lulu III P IAJDI. lupus Inna: on. ADM 0 . IDOl' .hlI|o buy: I!` min] In liuhl. In . A3"! .u....5 mu. . ....... .. ... mill Uh lh. iiuilnnn nu Iununmml .; mun, Angus l\l.-|\'nmun_ In I .`~`.c--tlund. who Ind aungrntod ..-ury rcom.ly La Uw ' r` em ll. He had Iron! In 1` ` ulu uric n's:ItzruT `.1. ..-o. hullm l,uc|unn at Wok! in urn pulling up Iur upml mums ul huh huuur put Kn-out lleul In. I Whlluvulu \\u., In!` tho Inmuumnt Nu Ihui Juli-_-1-lad t.|.-... uII.lI 05,0: um anultolri Iw_,4_g_~[J. molm .` In cnpulu In u how It nll lup- puuenqurl hut llllg lllf UIIIUII mu. rd pr-win-ally the Tronly of '"I|' |'()Y nl lhig-.1 mnn an we II-nu nl thug tiluuuinl M val ha mull .... I ... ..Ll-l ..l ll. |II.II` In-I III`C'hl.` U` VII") .nb Iowan Malt I up [OIUIIIL ! [You Wlvsmn Keeptnol Vlsitthe } A Dunn. Int, Illodoud Ioold low : Marla Jnllouoltn i 1u)-::mm- um 'pnnVhto in. Inna]:- Bn||d|nu.|4toI noouid I) Juno Doom uhm. Apply In wdunul Hulk. 80- E Iludwood. Walnut. Auk. Ink. Inn]; A; VV In thrblra than have on bad. In ADDITIO `N OUI lnllll noel. ALI. IIIIDI 0! 1 A Well Assorted Stock of Laceourtainu, Vy Ohup, the val Goods for loan Olunln hand at 180 u 182 Prlncou Strut. oppos cl := `KAI 0! HAND TH] LAIOIIT AIIOITIIIT Of OAIPITI I AID H.003 01!. 01.01`!!! HI IA! VII` IXIHIIIIDJ wl,tIund ud,whIuInhhuvu the 5 In ADDHIO TU 00! IHIIII ttucl. u n null twrnro purelulug olouvhou `Z. Tl;'E.7ll"i`. New York clothing Store. Brook Street "BAZ_AAR." In-aw .11.; ad hulls I I OIIAI. llzinen. Lustte.Land% HUM Bmd Boats. THE PEOPLE'S CLOTHING HOUSE ---- --CHAS. IJVIHBSTOH. 69 Brock Slreel-~ lblcl No. 2|. F 12,000` mg T` I4` LOUR July I. I3. Jllylj, A Fine Assortment of All-Wool Borges, -`Ra.-3.:-5.5 SIWILMERSLIITS JUST TO I-IA.I.\TID_ No Reasonable (`mi-r vivlll be llfmnod.fr any Hart 0! Good!!! (`owe early and 31!. I ulovljun. THE WHOLE b'F%%HI% STOCK! AT SUCH PRICEH A23 WILL ENABLE HIM TO CLEAR OUI` AS HUGH - an pouiblo before mu hmo 3 E10328? & II.2El'I.".'I1"l We have the Largest. Boat. Hnlectml, and lino: It Stock 0! Iiry liomlo ever one-re-d to the I?It.lu-as or lngntol. j D.....-...L.-.. n.. .1... _.. I L, , _ I `III. Dvollln lfonu an I ' Mud Wool. out-npwl C,`-'("I"lIa LICK Im- nodlhu nonunion. Apply Ioltdoor. Ki? ---_, ...<-v..- `av. sun: -1 In mu m C` Ramunbor the plnco and be convinood. IIIIVII Ill! New Lace Mitts-All Colon. ` now BIICI lltlll New Bhotlhna Wool Bhnwln in Light. Blue. Cardinal and White. II. \|'AI.IIl{0N. Wilma : Ilulldlll. July 121.1560. ` R}-1MlCUlHER~ Wu gunrnntoo n potfoel t. vvu n --U u u---u Inviul v "III 1'00 l.'u;ou it-Jonu. luaglo and Double Bruntod. 60 Llncn Ulsun, can lo 1. 200Iluk Lustre Oosu. nus. IlV|IinpIA and nnnkln Bun.-ogpl D_---|I 11--.: I IIIIIIII UOI5I- III III. Iinglouul Double Inuud Ilinuoll cord, but Inna. In [In nbuvl Good: In Anlu nun hnnn 5.. oh. nu- I... .....|... ...._L_,_ _. ._ Drunk. } uil IOU. ` Nrci lat. lodnwua with fun Inn Iyrnp l lalhnumgc boon M I. nhu }.1UsT ()PEN El) OUT LIV ZTZGTIICIIIII 3III'7I V I uloctun. L oornpwtl by I.'Ul.0lIla IAIUK, punoobu. Apply Ilnptou. Awll id. JUST IDEOIIIVEIJ : u 'lI1TE Ll.\'EA' n/uL1., ' Ch I(;'I{ET FLA .\2vh'I., `_ NEH BI.A*s1LA' r1e1.\'(:I4.'s, Ifl.A('I{ SA 7'I.\', - . Iv.'l.\'l.' _:.n'01m SIIIR 7'I.w:s s mm ('01. R71; 11.4 1. /:1m.'a.'.4 .s' 110.95, .'f;r., J_;r.. Q Pluto [in II all boforo pnreholug oloovbou. Imllnnlll ll-.. Il-_I- m-n..-_ _ u Kingston, July 19. I880. --- --u`-cu--- -v--u- -uvj-cu -on-UUII Vlllily I In tho abuvo Good: in duty my homo In the our for qumv. II. Sash. Dams. Blinds. and Sash factory Ennd u'u:A'PI:u THAN E\'l}R. AT RI (EH M ON I.) & BUY DEN. May 7, I880. CVAMPING SHOES F0R:M1;N AND BOYS. r::'..:;'.`.':::1'.:'.::".:::.:'.":-..`a':J' "-- -M -- - l\l\Il_-_ -_A_ - -_.| I`_,,L| In . . LUIBERI ` May I7. III 810!!! on PI-locus Hunts! pr:-out ooupiul by Mr (I. lung. Dry (Ina-h_ ` Ion-hank Apply In H INIHAU U11). _ "II[ICIV|.-III! W. i 7 `W0 Hume: on Young Niit. It-M mod . Cub Iul Iltluliou pluunl. Apply to Frank Lmlo. July 13.1 2:, _.oo.__..__ THE SUBSCRIBER INTINDS LEAVING KINUSTUN ABOUT THE middlo ol Augout, In will nar mnuauu 5. sons Yum, Juljl. hm . suits to Order for $12. . Wlllll C. III UUUIY NOON I TYNI Dourfo`BInd ` SUMMER B0008 REDUGED T0 COST Paton: Boss % hllol 11.! DA LL` IOI-D OI I111 L. S-1` 1] 080 P ISCIQIX July Ii. Wllltfll WK WILL IAIIlIN`lu { `rim. and to In to On; out nnnnn u. "EL; Black snk Pringcs. I at cull vluuuu. IIICKIW & II.l.`1`I`. Princess Street. .IDZROZN'S. VH4-um=. s% 4'. Lock ETT. an rnrumuurl nu III`!- umt on.uuu' sultan man and Values 0 lpnulultf urn! C IAIIJJI. lupin. urn mun. lowmofxrdlmd Ituuq, ' mm Auoiuuilo T0 II III II laurun a un.m's A1` vlnv lnw nnu-an. w. 9. Menu & co, ' Tea & Wine Merchants. WADE ; ' PARIS G-llllm (anunau.1.7 run) roll Ml-I AT foot at Queen Street. aim... I has IQ 3-0-I.uu-u mug. DRUG srcaet. A1` VII! LOW- PRICES: , won-lunch!) OI` 050'` I`IIy Moro. wow Black lulu. 4..-: _...| 1:11...- TEAS FROM I18 IETAII. At Wholegale Prices. I HI: Ell" mums. Golden Li0lI"GI`(`)('H`y' .1. B til JAUQI tliotd JIDCDMIV but. '1 7: iwauunhi man. 33` rlton. '3 . Ni. 11:. `Eh. IEKI. A FULL RANGE of IOIIE VI -I] `.`.'nd. I880 win. Aprllmich, Another Cu 0! that hollo Hour jut In. Conservatory of Husic July "I. Iv, -rem Fumi/`u mu buy rlwir WHICH WE UI0`l"ER I-`UR BALI A1 Ml?,`ll |.U\\'IIR l'|H(`liIS THAN l`Hl'L\ CAN BE li()l.UI:l'I` IN THIS CITY. PAOKAOE8. Pure and 9- We be; to all the ntuntlon of Famllm to onrnow `fan: now nt- rivinjpconnsisliugof JApun.Yonng llynob. Gunpowder ind llk `foal. put up in 5. 10, 20 and 60 paund Arririug at the `Toronto Fluur Store," In Mun ou'u-no. Poll Iho. hbu. I000. Unun Ivan at can In Isms; cl .-. Ihal na mp. July .'I. Bust Value in the [my I Thu Finest in the Iarkot! !!ll.lI unnmu 3.. ;"lu IOIQIOII C IV ".'. B :uo o-`:7: ;7LxF.. I400 Pnuo ` -1-o T1;.n-1-. TT- NEW CROP! . VIEW CROP! H. & W. J. OIOTBIII. \\ oll5n|n| Slu- TOLOIID DATING Iusllu than Ilnio Ioruluu A `I'll IK PIIUNII mu. to ion oiled 050 yd In an" HIV and V * u gnu mu III W-'-' -'~.-.'.~.-. ...... Unadulterated, IIV A IIIP. I union all II-LP` I has urns: Ah JBUI llll-. olliu:Io| Strut. It. Tipu. onto lama Tolqnph Ola. In ad! luonouon Io po- and In roman. cum nu to cup,- ol Bo lo Io-by Io no 5 lm dun opomor. ad to mhouohto Nu upon Ni wououn. - $IIZ ZVVIUU Ill nun I:.'IVI`-I IICII . `I'M comes: an an M. I. Ghana In- uomu it In coiulu-Isl by Ron. Jrb. Hull ml 1`. UhbLu;ln-tIo Ions: in the noun`, and CM mm in Ibo cum I HUI IIRIXII Int I IIW III!!- II lint Abrouofgl Nnpquo, bu ouptud MI uvouplm ya : lI"|I0 ' lauded mum at tho (.`tfCO|`|[II halt). I`. ....n... .- AL- II I ML--`L A. IIr-In now UVCIIC" Judge William and Indy, 0! Napa- no. have lot: lor0o| Unbanl, than am It]! uouulo Inc a low note. .... .,.... . ....... ,......... ...... ...., .... nor. on tho l3eh, and took pussy: by no Manor `Ruby at Iiontrool lo! Lalo Ohoupluu, which wu ruched on the llish. Rmuu Pu-mt, Vlnuobuvg. N.Y.. Burlington, VL, Whilolull, N.Y,, Scru- lop. Fm! Tiouudorngn, Into Uonrgo, and Fun Willitu Hoary. Inn vloitod II Inn. Ibo juuu ghoul and 'v'm'u to the plum uonuonod bun; I oourco ul -nob plouun. On Tiumduy Ilootnal yu undo, homuunl bound. On (I. am 4 the pony lull luv \\'oMuloy Ida! and Aluudnu Bay. The; II Inch bouo Imulglu ur In-no-not uaonhg. out they mm be ululiod with lid! oumlp. :_ ,, . -. ..,-_..... an o. J u.aLuL.nn, u u. u 1'... nun. utllpuuh In St. Audion`: thumb Io-homo ovonhg. I..A._ IIRILIA... -..A LA. `I I-... Black Gros Grain Silks Ex (`..nm1 .-4 t'u.~a|-In r ~- H--mo day: gun I cuuvwl nu roluud In-In tho Klmplon Pomlouliuy on the expiry ul hit [arm 0! Impriuumnenl. Hu had mun Imlo money, and wall: this ho purolnud In-pm: In lnbornl qnumnu nod drunk to nounn Pnnuumnth Ho boculo ury tudo and nlmuvo,oo much so lhu nun- my ho had tn be nrrulod. He would not submit tn the Authority nf anyone, and undo n mg luu lhlll being non- nyod to the lock up. He thrulonod sll also Inoddlul -uh hum. Tho nugutntc intended tumnnuu mm It ho had tho nulhc-my. 'l`lm ouuninnlion :10 to also plug this durum-u. . . .. . - . , ..... Itnuuunu Pnrrv. The Bollovillo puny which panned out about I wool qo--in an attempt to join uhiuh Min Penn no drownod-utuI-nod Io-My ad proooodd to Bollonllo. Tho mp hu bun I mm! pluum. ono. Thy loll L-.. .... nL_ Huh ....I n....|. -n`n--- I... - .405. Plnuuumw. -Rev, John Davies, Ippointod tn the U. M. (`hutch in Palla- Imrg, Inn nmla the re(`i|I||Il. ul many [noun (mm In: Inn-ml: nt \ \r'a-olunuth. \lIu Ulvlvl wn pruuulod Iuth nn solv- duu, upumivo --I Hm nppracinlion by har Idlllliri u! that nwlmun with which the plural hut tnlouln at the diupnul ul lhu pguplo. Her .`\'uun|ny ochuul vlun sloo pnuulod hut with an nllmm u I unnll In-nunln --I Wulmunth. The Polbmko .\'I-hula:-I uyn It l||I In nu-nun uluo bolnru Mr. Dunn um-con--r will Inch hnunll Io pupulnr Vlih than Imulng whom ho hbon. B1. Vmrnur nu |'u`I.:~~'l`hiu morning ||nuI,Ipo-cully tn the intorul. ul SI. Vinoont dc Paul Sactoly, an and in the Cathedral by Ran`. Father Higgins. Ihoru hing I gm-J lllelulllwa nl lhu mombon ol the oljuniznln-u. 'l`u-marrow evening g chuily urmm. will he pruchud pnr Inhly by How. Fntllnr 'l'au|u-y, and I collection will he uh-u up In ml of tho llooin-Ky : funds. An nlvuniuu II Iulhd ol. Vognu-un mruru wall be undo lu mlotwhodomnan-In up.-n thu Iucloly, not only now but alurmx the euuumg wmlor. of. o - 1-9 - Pum llnunu-w.-- Bauer lnlolluu hour. The: nmn.mg Mr. (I. W. Rubin mu ruuivud I Iliplnlnl, lhd nun] ol lho Ilmsrunlmlunl July for Iupcriur wurlsuunulnip III arrange uulmg, n than: by n sully nnd cutter lent to tho Putin lxhnhiuun. The Jiplumn in l Ipociuuu uflhe nrlutiu Inlu u! the Pu. mam. -1! In much u my buunul mun Iuighl In pmud lug Ina pmlouod of. It in wurlhy J I gum! lrnlno. `T 0 -~ TI: Tllol nun INIJNIH --'l`ho limeli- villa Rcrunln hon mlurmnuon to tho Ilia:-C that tho (in-vumrueul hu docidod tn louo or ulllhu 'I`h:-uuuxl Islands, by public uuzllnu. st Hun-.kv|ll III Augupt ur Beplounber The In'u`uI1Ier call: upun the nut nuunuu nml town: (I um! I dpuuuun In llllnwn In or-uduun the action ulio llupurlmout, nml uni} a mud etfutl. to may pr:-uegdmgl. , ....- _- Clvlc HoLun.-'I`wo leading and im- p--nnnt noun no uinmly nnnuum-od to can plum nu the Clvh` Holiday, which will Inyloly nu-ur nll Hm IMII nl Augual. Tho liruuuu pmpmo lu lava nu elcumuu to UL-_damburg, and Ilm H. Vumaul do Pull Sncioty intend tn hue I vhlrity pic-hit` IO Chllnlml Hr:-we, lul` which Oh unuu propunn.-nu no man bung mode. u ' *** ' 'l unn<: Hun.-vn tho |`.'h Au- gust an uunvornry null he uburvml by III olcuruun nlnwu Ilun nvor. Tho young am: will Ian`: nu duplny in the city, but nnh -Im uulunoo ul lnondu Ibo ohm: nu Ilm In-nl will be an uuud` om. ...._ nppuring an I anmnmni, I iuuod for his urul. ..... -. v-.-..j- I Puua-I Count. -- B Ulnmbon. fut drm/-konncut in final 8'. H. Slicer, I unuwu, an ulluuod 1.. go. M. Sond- lunl unnllml W. McL`uIchuun. Nut ATTRAOTIVE IIIVILTIIS. Puma - Light in uwdonlo winds and vary tine wullur. _. -._..-, _ an: M. ritish an hag. at or. J. I. IK`lD _Ifl:6o {per bum. Ihlna Anal. CI Put luv 1 Inc: I I10 [39, Int lull. in nuIl_orI|_ad_I_o_eo_c_u 0 (`Ilia Iulldv Inn authorised Io ulna n In the "lvllul Whig" III} HI] -'*Il. I11 Y . this run i'xx.x.:iii.ai'1- tented. try Pnne Grove Dairy. 1'. I t W. 3. WARD. AI payout undo all Huh cl Bout hhuu, Gluing. |`npu"Ilnng|l(.II|- no-mu. outing and Aw: hinting. hrlou uunfuuinn [undead -I Iolr iorhlluluj and Who. I ll? luuol. toot `us-an than luau-ul IF. (1. MILO. snunmv E\ ENlNu,JULY 24} inst. I|upuu.l._v 2-ommo __ _I_., ______ __. In n-Mmou lo 0 In Not! mat Quad oumvolononodtlopuu vac Ila nnnv III uni --- -~~---Lu: huoul lions. C_A_BD. TIC ND`!!! I03 Mlullvrn M dupolunod duiu urn ull luo huh- ` owing to the anomaly nl labor and the lnovuud ups, and nuno nu Irooplod. Tlonatlug ol mu lulu in no! bung olll by load. In Ibo lull the clam ` Julio Otyh nplroonlalorod. Tho urhqodun in has soul; subbed OIU1 Ibo uulolu and conlru-mt luv .IlCIlI`lI[ll` the loan: lo-day begun We-akin; ol I uurlod outrun ny ' lmn the drive to King and um poo. A broad path. DI the Sign um! pic In tho Wolllnlan olrgol pm as tho In In node u out. Tho part no ulrpody null] luprvud by III. (lildonlboui phmud when to and one mums: null] uh II Illa (Mu Mano lu culmu the hang menu, the burdock and `noun ollhonulldooal bnnchI.llu}.IIll ` N In 0 ptdllol to co-laud the club pl onqdnbn ol mtg IlIlIIIo IIIUII. Ptld lhmuqh lho Wulllml Uaunl [ddly Hchll Archr. Tulodu, Kmu dun, what; llulunir, Tnvon lhy, Unl- lloohy.~;iubor; Bollo Mitchell, Uhiclqn, Kuupton, what; J. R. Iluriu, Mul- nnloo. Kinguon, what; Mu] Ilonin. Tobin. Klnqltnu. Iloul; Plflil, Tulgdo, I(I-..n.... 4...... n A2-I n|........ Kinpton, corn; Klnptoo, Klophu, when Ihphu, eon; u-nun; nu; nu.-nu; -`III -IIVIII yum- Arrinlo st Swill`: --Huuuon sputu- {roan Montreal, Ind Uni-nnthinn lrom lhnilton; hm Jlnnnr uni thtoo Inw- oh, lmnufdu, G16 lune Irun urn. . 1 ,1 n .1 II In n, n__,, -, IIIIIIIIIIQ, III: Iunu In-In unr. Arnlol Int the M. T. Co.-Hugo IAIOIINI, 76 hog: mill; Ichr. Wander-Ir. Toronto, 6.200 bush. what; uhr. U M. Nulho, Toledo, 22,000 huoh whnt; prop. Ni|nu,Ch|-nu, Inghmml 4,200 bush. when. n____: .L_ , I. .1 uv n , I .. n --.- .. -`....,_ ..........- ..... .-- .._, umouucud hum lhumly Una:-I the lhln Incl Ilumhal` --I yuung man (hero uhn Ju-_| loll. h-are within 1 you ur so. II II uh `u say that jnolu than no Iuuro -`lculch and Irish In Lunduu than III Ed: Maury, and Dnbiin. In more an mun Klngntouuno out 0! Kingston than nnuin in II. A u! of vault in on the Iuy luv nnd will ruoh hare nhnrtly. Tho Iohr. Clun Yonoll ll Inc-ing - Ia-no nliron on I--r Aohuhuln. mg, __L_ If]. .1 u|.| , ._ _,, _ .--... n. mu. m. .--. -....,......... Tho ovhr. Eolwnrd Rlnlm ll rupurlml ashore at Dye) : Buy, Luke Mic-hignn. I--dug her rudder uni nloru pulll. A--K..-I- -5 \l_:h`- I.l.--...-... L`..-..o... uullvr m u. u... .... .. ,u.. . . um ..,. (ion to the limb: News in ulfurml 3! Bl. Uo0ruo'o picniv u run--n.l prIl.0 lu a coral of Ir-u-I. Thnl In Inlhar n Iuw oatimltr la plus upon our uhla c -nlruru. Thu unmet ulurwnnln m-Id It fur 1': MI. a --Two huuulmlnl um-nun ulu In nnnouucul to-dly, in can u-quonce c-I lha Ipprcnchlng nsumvnl of Dr. Eu:-I and u- w I w..u. rm... :,......-_ u -pyuuu mung us In In uu. nvnru Illll Mr. W. J. Wululiugluul. Tho l--rmer ` `no: to Ennlund. uni the lultor tn |`ouu, tn clung with Mr WII-cm \\'AuItlIugluuu in tho rnlllo trade. -()urlung ontnlplinlwl unl deeply ro- opootod oumcmpurury in nu! gathering honor in nu ulll Ago. A year's I'|bI`II|u AL... 1.. Al... h...I.. \!...... ..-. ..II'...-...I -5 --Tho Ontario ask: if tho nhnnga of tho nilvuy ruturnm fmul Knmgnuu In Holluvillo would nu! be in the micron and tho ltltollivnu public I (`eruiuly nut. Uut lriuml Ihuuhl not uls nuvh a hungry question. -Nap|uu hu A qulutolla nf m*.luy.onn- right. whale Imitonl nae: liguro up 43. : jun. They are Mr. .|u-lm \\'. lh-nalul, M)`; Mr. Uoorau Schryver, H7; Ml'.HonnI_B ll. lL_n|,.. an . IA- I..I l.l__.I-.. up .. I nu , Ilv\II`w -u.---lvun, . . , .-.- Dhr. 80 ; Mr. John lhwloy, nu`. mu] Mr. Dulm W. Perry, 80. The lira! [our no nntivu at lanno: munly. ` ....--V.-urn. lnypv-cu nu -n .-- ~-NIp|nou people IN! dlnnntmlie-I with ch. (luvarn'.uum nbunt the anfurm-- man! u! tho In: in rognd In mm.-his uni Iuuuru. The Nupauu puupln should not nd hull. Sir Juhn nnw ruignu nl umim ' -'I`ho Tnnnwm-lh !'.':hu I-Mly uprunoc the npini--In that r H-u-par, M. P`, lhould rcllga, uml the mum-r lha bellgr. Supporters nf the Hnvorumrnt urn llul unppoud lulu lu millpnluul. _N-u-ngu lnlnuln urn zllnnnluliml mnlu `Mill M` A |'4u'Lur, dlldl In (hi I known In lho I upon which ll pr--pa church. HIIIL uunuu uuu-u , )- u nun ~-MnDuwe|| (ncll-I) Inn: big ulnp M lnnsl lu MnmIt..| lntjvi purpouu. III: Iuum. Arnold, bomnnu IIIIIMI-:1-:I' I N ew Imports.