um;-uuu1.nann1mnVPm mulnel all nmln. II.n.n. Iv--I than might hnvo been xpectdcl n circlnnuam-en. lhuugln Ihe illjul coivo-I lntoly Inn, 4-! n-urn, Inn wenkeninu H1-6. \-lull him. pvuol of the Il.|.'h`Rl [alum Ill H of Qlushvc hy tlun H:-\'nrlI0l' mm] H. R. H. l'nucma nan: nnrtlnal vnnh-nlni Willi Suyrn. July .Il.~ `Mu nulnquh have yaluluy duuohd In Menu V and dun anus shun. Two pu- ma um i ail and nix injured. An ll...-.Lu| Janna hunnn. nnnnl llll Ina Ill Illpulvtl. M. Bulnhd than In-nu, noun! 06100 II! um unmh nu 4..-emu. rm hula` MILD: tngwd. `fro sun matting: conuno. __._____.._ than of the Failure of ( outdo OPINCUQ ` W-I -lI"I|ll'"l uIIn nu:-u V..." ...r. euro in the iwupmal cliun-,;m nur Dutferili 'l'erncu. Ilmimg hour-I of the prnpuaitinn In build a nu-nutnr Ii-Ital III Ibo vicinity ui tho prunwnldu Ilia Ex- cellency Ian). yn-nlar-lav inurmng in mm M the gonlleiuun iiilurnmal in His nchnmiunnd ieqliesle-| that then 1-Inna Q! the prupuuril huilulinu inight he u-xlnhilad to him. By ri--[neat of this gmullrinnn Mr. I . (lnuvrmiu, Ari-Inn-rt, of this I'uh Iic Workn l)apurlni-ml, um-u proceeded la the Ciudel fur (ha pl] puns nf uxhibil- inn Incl uplninilig than i.|imn In the Mn quit and Priincuual Ila wn Inuully kindly reneiveil [hero n_nnl mhnilie-I to u long interview with llmn. tho Princau upo- oinlly taking tho! gr:-slant interest in the miller. In-doc-(I, M r. linuvrenn uyl Alec Ipuh like In Arcluiu-rl. and ho-r nih- ciuu uf ihe plan wniild gun in lhl thu in puinl ui lliinwlmlge uh in nu! imm.ri.|iy of the nun. 'l`|... .I.oI`.--..I ulnnunnf r..nnrl. un the the Thu dntfaront plucuof r.-nun. nu St. l.uwn-um urn all mmdud with viu~ lull. Al llurrny Ihy H II with much duh:-nlty Ihnot nn~--uum>-|a`.uuu nl my kind mm he prm-un-cl Al River ulu Loup the noi hhrvrhnud ll lull of unu- gonmhilu. lh msnnger ul tho Tldmlllc Unto-l.-Mc.-.|!`4-nuall, any: that businou In 60por cent. bolt:-r mic you I: cum- paml with that ol It-4710. , II in nu'od(h1I H1 Manlnr mu '|`uucln_v, prominent |-uni-gu_ nu--I on Wnluudnv Ma 'l|l'k' than unul at--r ch 3 Muhnnco nu Thuudn} In an as head. , The In! part! cull will In Dhonn beyond which, it an the npiniun 0! oh` ulnlin eupujno mo '1loInuo' will ho unit and umblo In pun. The Dlunlruu Kamila no (mo Plan-on-1'reaubuuga I'M. Nnw \. nr|\, July Jil Hnnmck'u letter hu I Thorn :1 one 3-md pm in tho miunvu, ulnrh Hun (hut Iur ll nrvr .3!` :i,3?:!!L_2!;!i*?!5%`**9 .......___...,._` _... ._:.....c: which tun-lnul Hm Anna-rlnnn l<`lI -nmlr `Hour 9 WuhmgI..n_` nil` Illa (`ulmn mat, in bolluod to be `Bloom do Guy.` ` lrlvllr` Ur `nunr 1 Una hundretl and any uh-u'LI huu bun ucught in Lung lnlnml vnrendurinu the put ummh. u-nu--A nr llulrru nnl 0| lllllo In IGVIIII rt Int which lulu] rm ha Yuk and Hm-me Pan def! of tho farmer. Ht. Juhol. Nil" , July :|l.-'l`ho Ha!- goto upumgnn stunner `ulnon Mt yooucdny tur Lindy Franklin Ray mu 0 Ont: Mg. Th onginol varied Idhha tori}. `PM van mm at bncinun. Int ,hy nlbumodod oonloknco In all ul baud. 1%.- ll-.5 .....o ..l on -ill In Dhnnn. Thauuno oi the hpunuln u`u.u which um-Iml Ihn Aim-rinnn huh I -n....... ll'..|...... ' nil` Ihn (`Man :31 Apolhqr Par! :1: an rplora. ' I ? wry Cruiur. ' New \' . nnmnlnnl in 3 sum iituounus. IRLIIC EIPEDIIIOI. IAuIn_'s'"__c`A'. un. flu, too, the nu: that won Iuullynulo jnuumu blue line in.- Onulhnlonuoryuvuunllnluuto dodlydonpndl udnulor luau hnhal. Onlhhouuotuoouho thing `III IIIIIIMI hputgulvnidog Iun % nliivlly again. We in`! II)- pthoaulbotbuy nod pruning lulled! Ind uhonthokgnucubm Ilodunh In tiny: nypmul in. II Ilnohhhohudclolutl ohlnh non blulqlnndlt-uubochrbhld olovlouolld onus on In I My g&,IIt||UNIIooh|uintM history dlulldlneonulon umuu-. ho ovlyllg to louubodmr In-ulpld A.n.......AAL..... .4 Ilm-In of 8'IQnqa- .` (`ou-leutA-Ibo Lug nmlrun`. Ynitigun. nmtiiicnn. `_`__`_"_3- I-Ir In `[5: I Thurodny. y\!I`l1'l lII`llli'\ ~l|glI Illa IIIJHI) I In-I n Aw nl the n |... t:............. H. l lnkmr I.II-4 nuuurl u (Lneral l rIncaIa Imuino lvnlny wilh re~r~ [maul I hutellu y rnlav `""'"` x M'- .I......l thaw rnl lnfiu II yun-rm lnmily Nu. ora|'n I mg-nu. I'M I 1 |.IlI1n. - 1.00 I'M-r/J llyl I lhs uwnl nf I-rovuy. mm! very Inn-pnly pul rh in n --Ion rurunur r r. nmvm no-I ny I--I Irucl\wI York In` No` II I`IlIl|iI - gum! lhpublino u! mu In-M will luau r, ion! by `..l nu-lu nu Vnri rumor, Am:-ri An Inner `V 1... Inlarntetl .I Hm uf .-I......-: ..f nlm Puh. IKIIIUII n L up no. train at 7 31! Int - Inc. [W A rt c h lay at I.|...-\llu1 do, wln--us |I.- ra- LH. In--kl IMHO!` Lpectcicl under the injury he re- ha I n In": in: [ht Ian! I must. I Dunn 9 II-` IE I ml:-r _\ l very Auulhnr -a "thin (L nerul Th: .*iuI uu u lliullfartutov C`:-lull: at llauu 3 Dlplouuiy ct - _ allure. ._._. - ..a L-~11-Inn, July 3| .--Al Toad: '3 l. via: b_olIoo'u the Rnltul and r. 0&- mmt Iona Ibo ultlvinom ul tho uriok frontier quuuiou u: an Path. Thu in rogudod no I snub of Bnglnml and by unploeahun ul tho nprcoouluun ol tho char I :-nun vim I100 ponnully douourul tn toting the Sultan I0 I nun ul his tune puouion. The propo- citinn :1 the Bridal: Amhuudot to tho Pork, lint II, no uobunou in uudolo Ibo dolivory In (lruoo of tho totritofy specic-I in we eullocuu note. the Powers will guuruutu that ' tho landed` "and nmnnblo properly ol Ibo Boy: Ihlll ho protected, ll said to have bun ro- oonod `nth lxI\Ill OD0O. Briey the Sultan. m I" Im Intorvio-I wn tho [94 "p:uonl|livua of Aha puwul, alndlly u- uurnorto miuundqnund tho mnutiun, and ignnru all tho Argument: tonding to that {hair nipoority inmiqting upon the our tying out nf gho nty of Berlin to the In! annuity. A I-lnrlm dumlah Illl it in nnorlod than thn Sultan told Mr. . Ga-who Ila! ` uuu|oo*u.' . Ibo it v ||a'l>*IIJI|O Int ouroumy. A Balm dupnloh II]! itin reported (hut the German Govorlimom had (In- cluud u pouiunly impouiblo to outer inlu hmhor nnogotimionn in rogudjto the Greek quaotmn. ` ` Mr. Goochou bu inlounod Aboddiu Greek quootlon. ` Mr. Puhu (Int military pnpnrnionn on the put of Turkey would procipiuuu naval delnomlnlinn. \'.pi..u. nl\Al\i|' A'III'll`lIII slut: thnl ICIHI Him. 5- Z1-II Ijfo qlrhud hhoun wbu -on nimllgl out d than lord caning: Ir. lnrlhb Ii: nhvn J u: M the Ionian Iona, which UGO to Ilbgun Inland by plating Oannlc. have hog thotooably an-nod to tho haul Md cnuld nut In vicnhd .44 1... 1-- .L- -41- aL-. ..... demomlnlunn. Vntiuul special nlupnlchoy Illlo thql Senna hu urdurod tho nnobiliuliou ol her army. - -- -ooo----. ll ulnhnn.ppu-J~'ho an-dds: neuntnu 0000!: ms. Innln `II Lindon. July, '1;0---A ourrolpamlonl iul-um: the Tinm that Mr. Purnollhu rocoiwd Irnm lullon, who took his um: in the H--ma of Con om yutordny on hineturn from A riot, I report in re- gnrd In the miozumi the Inner undertook to the Fmtud Stun. D|||nn mm that Any nmuunt of Invmcy, ll0d|.'l.'l to Iultnin Pnrnell in his Agiuliun on tho Irilh lnnd |nu,vn|l be readily Iublcribod in Aman- cn, ghrre he found in extraordinary amount uf feeling anuing on the quan- lmn. The ngnuunu of Int autumn II he renewed lhil yur. I nrn9lI Ii druv out the plan nl miuiom recently pronmmcnd as I fraud. He declare: that the prnonl Govurnmem will be judged entirely by its cnndum, and that In hr n he Ieu no roucm why he uhunld I-how any more `cunnuiernlmn tn it than no the lite Gm- ernm-nt. Pnrm-ll dues nut cnnoidor the pacing of the Cmnpuuutmn B11] 0! the importance that III at n! attached in n, la. in stated that. Punoll. in dnrecl. IIIIPOHJIIICO that u nru uucnou m It. It. in _|tM.od Pnnoll, [ha AgII.lli0n,, will ba Iuiolonl by ul. down lrinh members of Pulm- nnnn I.) n _ ._ Chwqumluuly Ell.-- What 9| Angina ;` um u.,al 0.... an cub; rv zen. Punk 15.70 8091. IAN 7.3 . Isao. Amer"-u'.u Nuppml In Mr. Pur- neIl`u ('umpm'gu, Hunwa, July .'Sl.--The Imnnp 0| Im- was nuddenly culled Io Lnchine yuiordny nllermmn, I member nl hm hung dnngermnly ill there. I (fmnpnny of hi Governor (len- Fm-I. (hurdl. he iug challenged the nu-Imvl Lu prmluce I tum of six to nu the Ridenn range Ihll Afternoon, ll un.-atria is now in progress. Deguinui continue: lhippillg ice M rule 1-! 40 mm per week to New Yurk. It In umlemuud he hn cloud 3 cnntrurl fur IHJIIU mm with A New York lirm, In he nhnppml between `December um! I` nbrunry. . l`Im Imnmarnm-u mauulu have tinnllv de- Mnntrul, July 3!. l"l-rnlrwrocoiptl `.2600 bblu. ulna nuno. Sup:-rmr uxtn 5.70 tu 5,80; In an- perne . n,4i.' lo 5,70; fancy, 5,60 to 0.13. ); sprung eltn new a(mumI., 5,65 In (3.70; mp:-rlino, 6.20 to 540; Itmnn lulu-rs 13,00 tn 6,50; ne 4 70 to 4,80; Imdcllmga 4 (It! In 4,10; pnllnniu 15,75 to 4,00; 0nlo\rI-- but `.!.7x'r to 2,90. city lug: `C In |.. `I I`. 4|.-Iivnrml FIRE WO_R_K. do -ukrl. What-~ npting Iirn. with mud}; rod lb-do house; Ind: nadnub; Iuupu '!.'u(I)0-.uIu Ifzllll) bub No. 2 nd culut MB; No. 2 rd LU). Ryo quick But. 83 tn 8! Curndull; nodph 9371" . uln I 70,4"); without MIp;M to (I! note In using`! hind. - liuvlcy gum; In rowod mu 6. ! tn Tu. Canqdn B0. 0-In wrnogm no-ipu;uu.. mom; -ma nuon man. :11. :58 ; so an-ca chin du. 'ui-l4 Sn. Lord usury; 7.06. _ Dunn I0 tofl. I`.-..47h.|llL Uullun -Illllllllll Ilq. I'Inur-qum-t, nu-My. nooi "Hill, lulu Il,(lll Ilyo llunr M 4, M0 {M0, II H0 in 4.50 cup unto and Icorn; I 20 to 4.00 uugmon tn chum; 1,20 to 4,00 \IM.-.n ,.,`nnli-an lhn nhdln nlnndr rad Ilunomlnr Allron Shipnreul nf Irr l`ro[vml;l- Trmlr. 17,00; middlnnp no.1! par It-II (`Mal l"romhrn~-Who|| Ind I ou.. -I]; (lam and Rye Q; Hurley 3` in No! Yuri. Lumbar L75 In LU) NI AIUIIII. '.'.{I In V` nl 'N'I' IN! IlII- \_'PF[ kl, `PI L20 [0 l_'..`l|, Imuninll _ Corn per ml lhI- {Mo to {Bic in bu Pan per N1 Ila-9'20. to 92;. Data per 515 |bo--3.'Ho to 34. Hurl-y par 48 lho-55a In 60 Rye par 51; lhn---90 in 90. l|.1tmn-ml per `. 1llIhI--4_4lHn 4.50. (`nu-nnun-I nnr `ZIII Ihau 50 In " (mm mm uyu 4;; Honey ag In ROI Iuru; Lumbot L70 LN MUM]. '-'1'" No! Ynlk. I.l. p.n.mI._Iunhnp llmli t'ul'lI [lye u.nwl_ (II In II) in hand. M.u (...| mom l6,u0; shun nlub middling! HUI) lull (`nu-I I-`nnu|nn~-Whnl Pen. 41: utuli Isiah! cl Ibcvoru u out. llqllllgu. Ill. to clot our huh: main thing .I||l nub tuna: uncall- ml 1 at Ilnvorh our onllmoll 0| IVIW inch: strung. Uuuun -up|uIdI 1. -1... II um Rn Ilnm 4 `|u In .) I.I| ` Whcml pill` I `)0 In I `.90 l.ALo II III] P|:.I:I.osIIh|u oadlidm I add on vitamin II In the Win I m ui:jg'16Tiiit. ias1;;`_;.7:i - -0.0- nI[Lou's_mssIon. rliuoo IIAII lllln. ml. nouipu-lunhu l0Z|.m0_ mrn Ihnl IOJIKI. LI hlpt `Odo `lo ?-l Il'|Vl Iguana. This an in II to England, .g_ l_._;.___ .1 Il-...L`..A.. A-I.x-_ IL- 'l 1". >7 No IOQ. - ~- C ` July .'H.-The liiuhup nl Hu- uudxlonlv `II In 'I,IU; |lllII'|II 0,4`! Ill . 2,90, cl.-liverml. - I30 lhg- Uppor Cnn. upring l, .6 in bond N`. ||.n-Sl`. n. to 92.3, .'-.!!'_:. d_'ijIA.` E; Vail, uly 3|. pen-ple hnvu tinnlly a Onnadn Tolupgnnre y 0! Carleton. The . -A _.._- *f 7 ' HIIITIRL `M Tanvorthml Ihollalbu , the Inc at I. Lola son; A! Iinnh. In the 9.`!-cl In-Iv.lh Iitool G. Inlnr, at swing it Tlluuonl, an the `I-`lnl hut. llw uh oi` .. XIII, fl dllfibl. : _..*_*..-'_.;.z.'._ .. -4.:. V (H 1*! I ` - 1. D.".! halt`. A. four. to Mun ICQII. ' "Tho funonl will hive Inn Into Vllibu; mo lllroet, Io morr-gw (Hunting) Mbrnnou ll two o'ulooh. I-`mud: and uqnnlutaqou no united to unload. A A: II ...... ...n. .. La. 11.: Is .h.Im Dun. '-|u ollhhnouolluelmiu hung the I--4 1- .L_ _..u--...:.4 In In. an ung]; l`IlI.I|I alum. _ , `Hg luucnl will Into plugs to--urn! (XIII- dgnnu-noun AI one ofolocl. `I'0IIl MI IIIO rodplmo n Poruamulh. Vrloidn undu qnuintnnrmu are mntad lo nmnd In Kin:-Inn nu I`!-Ida! Julv mlh. Willa. nun-u Io nunuu. ` M I`orIu|noul|I.0lI`J1|Iy am. It. John (M- rnnmgod 4.`: ypan. 1 1|... 1...... um um. mun nu--narrow (Su- ITMEWRETIEIEJ T/H` U/I!/`rt ! 1'/`flit [W8-\`( II ~ l`ump/I/rt is In p/am` ))I'0IIIiI:- our/_u bag/urn I//r I/u'nkiu_:/ purlitm A 0/`I/Ii (`II/Iritlitlll /III/I/I`I' "I'If)I V ,/?IrIslu'urin1/ /mm /'i41l/'1/, nut ml/u ulmn //lo` /ulure [Jl'u.\'Ia(, I`I.\` 431'!/1: :-uzlrllry ul l:u'_4;r_ [ml I 41/sn, :/In/l:_1/rm rm'un.v in u .~`nmI/ (I;-gm , upuu BrjIi.~'I: Imperial i)II';'e.~'l.-. " QIIIIIIIIIIPOII IIIV-l W IIIIIIII In Klnplon. on I-Vida}, July llnh. Willa, was I -( am Joseph liounmly, ugul I your an-I I dun. ' ' In Nnnnmus. o`n'.|II|v' `~'|3||J. lulu Ann Inn Map: Ba'hI'J'Vnr. T \A PAMPHLET.%| , . `In Ihlu-n,v.on D`ndu,v. limb Julnut can Ila]-Ilola. Mu. Mcuulnt Adult, and 11 non. I . [sum &wALPnu.| Lunch mu-I hhu. Whoulgu, I mu. 4 Iuhuonto can nub`. Il`lI`~Nll0~V6II hunk Pan dio- eluomv-u Illlll uh,u'o-.Iu. If` one whole thy In 180 City It _ Ilnhnla. ' `WCIXIXICIC unsung 5-u huhlbomatpciu. Solunouudn hoottlld than in nothing to tau. Iuhlbuinudud an door In! in Ahab. Icuholutpluco thounut _A_|. --J I-L--_-- -L.. ---. n-Kahllgai AQI SECOND EXCURSION ! `Cooked Corn Beef,` lnnbntnnpnecul udonvnl. `ho lholblo "rag has alum] at luau-I Hui Cpl, and In ho dunvoml wbonnr nqm-ad u n pnnornu, | nu: Hnltl "IuurIlhu'* ml-n ITUBKIMV. SM II AIMIIMT. IIl|pQl'lt_-rn 0| Nu ulnn anal 1-' Brock null \\'nl|iu |JAS.CHAWFUHB'SI 11.. Wmul mm he nf_ the but am cl loud Hui II-pk-. Irinrv and H. '0 be old nu Iba ynnh M lbw aovuslodcoh an uzut m I: Pluubu! hit lnlki III M In Imp!-wvl u dollvwrrd. 1'50 Hm! `I H an-I I50 but uunly nf Innolul Ht!` lMURTUN'S LAGEHI GEORGE MORTON & S038, Tim Slmhnmt Lake Hausa, `lupin. 'A ` , July 29, me. 1-ninunu --niuouuuum nu..- . ~ &|tb:Ilp.u.ou nu-v ~-. TAK'I"I3o AI"]'|0l FINSHIHIHR on (73-tlght Punt. or I Iqnu-n Hnuhor In Inn-_ slam lotion and Tum HI-glllnlnr Ac!-Iran, l.I-3| (`ENTEI PIANII ('1), I0 ', Wooulvu-l Ava, Dc-lm. Itch .InIl '3 II) I `INl`DI:Rl|.no1drnu Ibo fhlruu all that lucid, Int-umulvm Wood Mill (Yul M Ihu Palms llohmlo and Ulla-no. In Ibo ill mm ll wall loonntnui nl mo Pnhltr M 000 lard ll-nu..o. I'h`q'i:"'lwI a.uii%lVu|.[12ily` ichsietl I. Nn.|l lingual, HHILILP. ' nrnnnrl V . I proparly. I .|..I- fll llll It-IIn.u, Until Noon on `lhuudny. Aug. 5th 1-1.. Ir.....| .-nu ha nu` n.. I-Al -ulin cl IIAVINII ( UANHIID (Wk Il|ll!'.\\'HI. WI um now praplrul Hr lurm-In Lifts! In any :|IIIIIlil.h~l, wlnrh qn uuou-o led uu Fnumlu. J I l'4nI\| `_KiugnIuu. Jul .7:-4.: Inznmaas ma rum. ma- ..__o .> uwlnn. `Inlay In an Oltyhrk as moot. Tnhhu lain`: dry goods mm oun- U .` |`h-do Turn`:-, Intel, nvv Mr Wnclullughum |`nIn>onm lnuu Ap `|)' In INN I-A \ l.`, --mu nml 314- In mun Hlrru. um] I Inn. Nnpunu, n'n'.|nIy' ning, laugh. Bvhrlvor. ` ` `~ III: we --g ---_..v--, . .._-._..... nu casual on-do-In Pun-In My IJU. up in. i-no--o.A-c V v ._ Q..- .....--..-..._._.,-._. ...._...-......._ D1 1. ll. mcxnou. I.I.U.B.I.. . -.._ L4.-- ('4m|u-cl sugar (`um-cl Ilam. l.Iuu-II 0x `I amgm-u. Rom-nl `I urlu-_\', (`lure-l.~a. 1-`inn:-r Mr. and Im- InmM`u Immlon All`. Kingston la Pembroke Tea Depot. .InI\' Ill . '-4%--2'--..' "" * : SATURDAY IVIIIIIO. JULY 31. - - ____._._._. ._....___ NT "Ill plllll Nu, `C. II Ml JIVST l"l7}{l.lSH ED : RV ('. Hureteiy, (Ntuu~P|il4 Eillc UT`. 1wnn-I..:..c... nun--tout A , L'.l.l|A1I?l. Mm __4_, ` `Q11/I/Iv" I-()l lCNlL`l). 7St1-Eyed. M Ili N`.-\l.I*I IH .139 afimfa 5...: l..L..- A In uuutnuuuaf uunuuuny. 0 at hut nla Illi-hnv ml . '-.9.`- I'o'll"I`_I/ cunt nqunu 10 P. PlIl?PI'. `. noouury P.IH'. I mwo. TVHI lWl' mlnnveal to pron rl Inolbun Anny. Jlllll It Al". um umclurmglmd. Ln! iuuu1'l`nIluInp M um-1, THU Kw`. non-y Leap. No 1. `Pumice Bong {anon kvu.u-:. Will In luau THURSDAY. .wu%._ 1-..-ua. The Invorlto manor WAIVD Ind Park. can; u will huolvbc H Ihovoth Hu htonngugod [at tho annulus, and will lcuo Oh Furry Win! nt (`:10 can mulling at tho (`saw Ground bun: van. Thu Inn huh plouuuou mu 0! In no- tho (`sup Drona hath Inn ho who plouuuou mp. au- non. tho ueunlouuu Into; uuloicu mu tu so all an skin. uturahg 3' I - only Ion: . luau. lulu and loo`: Qndrlllc Bud will limit! push lor damn. . `l`lCh I18.` .'0 auto. For an by Icahn will lirnhh pads hr min. 'l`lC|LI`l`B ' louum. by and at the db:-(Hog the morning of the in union.` ` . , W. J. ARNIIL, JAII8 PIIII. ` WM. . lineman. Ifxcutsiun and llonce. Tho Annusl Iitruninu undo: tho uupico-. 0. III: laADl$H' All) t|l|L`lls`.'l`\' uf tho lJnhnHendetsun&[Iu s. jlyuonnusou. [Queen Street Church, fl lllhoov-dun It: Join Kaajlnunm to . nah llihnutthat 50$ [at noon- pon, In build the Camila Pnilc` Inilo nay u:q__nm__.|I IBQW vboul I eagqiiarcu country 1 dnlhr. It u gang 1 pl-nuonllthu, -u.noguIq('aq_, in going to do 0 nbtial Qvleo to this country IilhvQ' the earning, .4 man. lolly I'0o6np_od lot as : lulu. . In IIIIIDAY. AITIIITHT 6`lII, I880 `lb uhovolm amount I low M no any than 0! Inuit II the lunuuouy Dopmun o_I I iPressed Hay Thy I`-`ugrnInuu~ul with-In wl|l he rrudorod h ` Minn (`ole-utr Krltie. Suprum, ul HuIl_n. Mill Mnggicv BI". uln uf Hunill--n. M in Ann: Hunk-r, llrillinut l'inuint nml \`u I-AIM. Kinrnnlim-, l'I|I. hut . 8:-hull.-e. I--nun-rly n! \'iu|inint In the Mo-ndo-I-nuhn Quima-In Huh, and huw Mlunivnl IDi;'m t--I in H) nruno-I ' ni\ u-nily. ~r-...|. n...n....... ..t 1).... M....l...I l`.... GRAN666&cERT nuuo gun mm: more men N Dumping Ilnnluu, Dunplq lung, mrvnm rituals, 4'I.IIn, | Paper Ihouucn ula, llunnnd `hint: Tn..- Ship in; um, `um o! lxchuge. [Au Ilmnku, IHENDEHSIJN & en's. M Ill Prk-tn, rm-`lay lmnu Tn`. per than um Ipvnrnh BIIII DI! yrilufuvuvu Inq-|puu, -u-on u-| nunaonwl by we Inch 5;! land can Iinou to {ho road. Hilly lnlilionu of can ol the but land pill that lit` loclsod __ 1.. .1..- L-...l_ .1 - ............;.... -|.;.|. llulul. l'uIl-um-cl In-llrr Paper r|.u1TINu PAPER. `I|I.UT'l`lN(| vuno_ I 4 , _ _ _ _ ISTATIUNERY ll 'riIiuy Inks, Illllll BATH! FIOI. Jul} 31.. l+`()()LS(?A I . {|O Q;` V. A. :~xPAm(.~4, Sdlfnlhry Qumn S`. 4 lmn-In I .` Jnlylml-,l1-1'0. nlvnyu Iv ll til laid: at n oorvontiuya which om t-In pause the ubita-Vol the noun- ty`: htuu. pulley ol the pi-cunt Gout-uncut in tho North-Wat hu thrown the but Ann into ttlo ,pouuuion' Cl the lad uhuhntod largo nuubon ol Iona Mo uttlofl but both olbovod out I of tllptr iihII|otl~ IIODII pnd driven to not than in the North Woitim Batu. This in bud cuohgh. to toolbul, in indeed on oltnpounly uilcldnl and unpotriotic policy. But nah spolioy, Md u it In, will ho tho very Unhodimont of lilduln mod I counted with tho ntnpondou. hluodu ol landing ovgr the wit bulk ol the oublo and immediately nuihblo torritoty Il0II[ the (land: Plcic tn tlto Company, which, tut such I consider- ntion, would engage tdoonstruot the mud. Both: by In build tho rond with Incl) iooonrou utho country bu, or an it: legitimate ondlt can oommnml. and do it u hit u, but nolntor, than our limintad menu will pol-nit, thus tlumfar lund pnough to Inch 3 ngnull nntnun to the clutahu of I company which would for " ovoi Blur hue and hold 1 onntrollmg inuonoo our I" that part of the country _- _L:-L n.-:. --.n nnnnng-inn: Innld ha, 'l'he -`| l`l~`.A M RR MAl'l)" will Irno tho I":-ny What! :1 I'.' 1r.,n..| will In. u-ed lolhr `I Inuua-null:-Ian-1 Purl. llu-m-e tn A|r\|u-Irln Buy. to- lumimrInlhc-(`nunplh--mu! ll Rim lur Hu- no l'.ll`IIrIlI)l.!. Bo IlIl'0 and attend than ullurnw Hum Iiuu. um! lubrnr Iho H and-nl ('wlN`0-l`l n! line All] .. ".3 ll'('ll.A(ll by H. but LIA IL PIN! 'I LN, A mun . . .. fbo hut! Iuinhu. under no an aunt: ol ' IIIYSIN USS IL.\ |'EI.0I'liH. Whm and Illuo In|ot|_ sud Plum, vary nlmnp and no my t|lIIIIII'V EIOIOI LIIIO. own; to union: n-an Inn Ihnun. nu Io! CAMP aaounp BOOK H'l`()H l~:. I-Iuuclzss umlu-:1`. 'T0!"0Iln' ("Liar Store, IIIIIDOIIQ 0VII' III III plu m on: vuueewl in which their net pueeeeeione would be. , Whet chance would there be for the lling up this territory with thnlty Iot- tlere in competition with thet lreo grunt getem which, with All ite. (cult: and do- lecte. the American Government taken precioue good cereehellcontuune III In their Weetern Stctee And torriiorioe. Iueteed of ohonetlnng to arm: about the propoeel to pey for our rnilwny by eurrendeting our eoil would prove one at woret epeculetioue thnt ever even a Tory Government eoeghfto uddle upon tho luture ol the country. To tell tho peo- ol Csnede tltet to get e reilny built nt euch A price ie getting it for nothing in only prellxing en ineult to, en intended injury. Such e policy would he eiue to prove efeteuering, it not I lull], blow to the future settlement uud prneperily oi the country. upor r IIIGDIII uuunoul `I biota, Hinton` Undo. IHII Ilcodn, Al fmlu I'-0r_~pnl' Noun upvnnlo llulll. IUI land. flu and Punllu BIIOI` H()( )K .\'|`( )R I`) CIE1EAP WTo 53 Lot. Al lrum IL. -(I per I(o|.u II DI DIUIIIIIICH Lsw llnh. Wrspplng P: r. Pnpor nu. ` I.""." """ rll Hahn, l IL".'V& V, I"7l.'1VIOLDv ' '0[I_UiI6_I/ In luv, .4 MJ .... noun A moubor ol tho Quoboc Aoumbly om! o nuppofbr of tho Gmarnmonl. in toting: oamowhot novel ploo of latching hi: Pmnior to lino, Mr. Duclionu, the nonbor in qnootion, objooiod to mow lotion o! the Govoumeni which -alfootod his oonutiioonoy, ond thrnioned to re- uign it it won pouinlod in. The uv- uuuonl poniuod and the member re- Iiuood uootdingly. Tho Incl ihn Mr. Doohonco no origioolly olectod on u Lil- onl lot Tolniooonlo. tho county in quen- tion, in who! tho ohoo in oxpootad to pinch tho Oovoronom. into ocquinunco with Ill. Ionian : wiohoo; and Mr- Ohoploon, nth: than risk the Ian M Ibo loot, will, it in upoctod, find some ioloruolity in tho member`: rlllignlllon, roluo to give it, And comply with ma olipulnion rltllot than open I`!!! commu- cnoy. Thin in quite on eifoetiva wny uf `latching Ibo Guvornmont, Ind will, we II|ou|dr.'I. condor, commend ital! Io Inlay ol Sir John Mnodumldi Iupporta on, who, by noun oi the NJ . uke in 1878, :8 photo! ropruonl. Luhurnl cun- uuuonoioo in tho Home of Unmlunnl. ll any ouch ilnoiro on ulooor ony {nor M. the hood: ul tho Dominion (ion-rnmout_ in than onloroo th-ir demand by I threat 0! ruiunotiou, accompanied by u gonna intimation Ilnl th oonutiiumoy II" be an to go `Liboro|'_ in the Sum of a new -u_-:..... ll. Ihin um-no tho nrunnnt. I)`)~ 333.?" .'.',, Twin. DZ. Tun. \'hmng (tut-In. Drum. Ionolpu, ..n.: n..n.. .0 onion bl >. '0 C an Ii 1 Ann. I0 .0 'IA|Kl'II.lIl uuu uuuu. u| - uuw election` By this mum the present. [)0- Ininion Cabinet could be utfnctivcly bl-ought to book by their pu-Iumennry supporters, upooially than who on for Return oonuituouriu. lolloioctluuo W WIIIII 0% Q . Ill the nut X. _ 7 Ihiiorhovor II". 11 _ uuluot. 3"}: Iud.ol0uuoguo,IIll no- Iltctulvnitumntn good Qudrillu I lbnbb unduly Inaug- `: =I`I`lIcuu:lulo. Von-nIoby uloy. Ipoeu urn can can uolnby union rum; to fault at tho Putyvuliudcy lo nun on lndny non- .` V. ` -9. "ml IICO |0.|,|'O wk!!! In?` 0 090*` . '9: uulhlwdcdiu oiqoouoho yuqq yiluhb. Yaunnpuuu Inaun uumu. n...... ngsq mm, my am. | Iv --n u...... ., .V., - , u,--in your police rlpnrl c1tyeetor- dey my . none gured cmuepw-muely eoupled nth thetpl Mr. R. MuckruIge,u[ the Ilooleior lotto; tluuee, ee ellmnng lth, nill end nuinnee tn eccumulete in the pen which to undivided and in cum- non Iltll out reepeotive tanmnante. In jnltioeto Ile I hope `you Ivtll allow me the pcivilege ol eel!-vmdioetmn l.|Irm|g_h I i'u'. l'.'.;'.`."i'.'1'.'3f.'. J.I'I.5.".if: .'."'u' .'.".`.fZZI..'.? my neighbor. lot our unutnel emolurt and eenltery prottlof, tdoeu.;`e.tI'n|e proutlien-I tobethou-on; oee . ll epuei in- ], declined to o even on my bemng out at the en nee hie excuse being the! It wee not hedm, but that nl lnrmer teeeote. Floelly I no [mood tn enter e eonpmnl. which use done About mm Jul` leetaaug Even! limuee eiueol bot to on runt- for 0 Police. Four dlhrent oioere vieiteii the pventeet. reported the nnieence end ur- (acted in} neighbor 'tn geuoove the Esme. etoo no notice u t e Ierniu ahe- tlm' hevleled the euthoriliee or onulecl 600! the oeeleelth eome of his deli- oiooe"(I) be eelem I em not propemi to up) and `on notice or nation In him by the eetbodttee ol MI neglect. {vane at leeteeuyelled to onnplein to hie or-- on the leyee that I ennld get no eatin- ml. lnoutrurltee I thomght . on no en get with uuter.Eot P. c. tueetteg Iedlput at my Oouplehr he to the eilel Iegletnte about the neg- leetelde . undertook in ny preeenou tn Iletete to te Wonhtp end the Chiel by nylq "the out no only the em ol_the '.?.a"'.'.`u'..Ia'o'13'u'I u'.."1 """ .'-'-""Ea" none: . e (Neehttt the oeeeed Ieyee on well u 3; her, 0! when! ed been oun- nlohhl. to he eemeooet. av elm- ruuoo . Inna. II aonnoqounoo dhublrcnu. My uuhhnro plan on In that the nhua In also In much In ID. IMOI it simply rklk-alum, u :1 holly only -out Mn the pawn... OI Ii. O 90!] lay ull Ilia! Ibo nun-mo nu bound. Now It. lliht, I Mo Oahu at more with -n ....|.a.A .-n-hlh -n -.a-L|....._ ulqlbof. cl I30: I Inc Dun oun- ulug. uuuon. my than mud to I.achhlp`o vmton)ol tho nlinuo u bun 'I-onoud on: ten don mu Lo lIIlmou|,I|IIlI an mm In] am my npuud on-pldnh, wild lhul ritual; o- uuucanb 0. Nu: can car at III Mar, lain; our um- hu In pI- tho noun p9ON|o|npoII1liI houhudnn chock:-thy uh. Acung Polk! '50. ll Gonluqmnoo dbuhul onto. plan -.- In lhgl IKA Quinn-An in nabs- _- ._.._L 1 an Editor of l:u_17m..h u'ha,,. in runs nuuv unit. DEIAIDIIIS 00IGE$8|0I8- Juco vs. Ilnmn. 'noAIu.y uIg_uuu|mu.- uaniuoh voqulunhpity which nohuono'o|u|oodhoil.ulhieInicinw `It " h in ornuiugnnaa nunod John Joan. Mm In an gun as upumiou an pm- unu no null nlnotoq and Ibluud lo burn at *| cmgbn ol um, any land aaboiiblo `dun evening the other," lm-upon tho Imp: Mlod tho dnnnhn our to no--no nooc with hi: In. tho and u! tho hllon lllll striking the loot with uni`: dont {own to ho laud npluiu in tho room than. The! II!!! III nu uncon- Icium Into, the oohno at that time bayond tho pout ol ruiuwoo, bu tnmlod like '5 dud dog into his call, and MI lying upon tholoor. There the uiour Mt. tho dying an an hi: I u r and wont Inn way." '|..uh.u- Vnnnn rnnllv triad to Crib 'nuwho Iuol~ nonu in In Will: big; 1 taken to his `call. Juuon Mod In "kip ' .uyu`I.ho 1` I A niuootn` ou|-Iuun A nuou n- fll I30 ll. .5; | -oils:-day. qlqt 31:17. Not the `Donald lnhu mu; at their dado. :01! w`onI nu way. hot n_ A null) tried tot ' tho oior fill `Q91: ho` unknown, 3 dud nth all In Q. But out: if In dad Ihfogvuu noboaqiou (at his brutal uuuninl.` Hhf Mar nlurvminbo rouodonu: vuiu I 0 prinonot in his call nnd nd: his bl-nothing I0 Itringoly that it mum his montinn. Ho dun noth- ing. Two hours lull: no other ollloon hull tho nine ouncoroun branching And n choking nnd inning Iron: Inc all ol the pmonu-.<\* They do nothing. Still Inter the roondunnn mm, the coll, and men to union tho prinonor ltom his stupor, And niun him up m I" niuinu pnntuto on tho oor and gun Iouon huu. Ho does nothing non. Wlun the uni- o r who hnd nu-rated Ynuon pan to the sail nt six o'clock un Sunday morning to ` got lm pliounur he nd: that ha in (no, nnd nu gone to 5 but when oven pulmo- ninn will he mllud open to nnuur for --3:-. [0 III! -0507 VI 'IlII ZIII. SIu,- l'io Tlnounnd luluhdc hnio been hr the last. two hundred yuan th- pmpony of Canada, [I In: been ro- urvedv III! I161, than rho in Iuppolod to mu Manon nationality, or something like i , to all: ul uina or Inning them! Shuulu thin be and shay will no longer- be u public pouunion and prido u may nu. Inn in: uuturian out. If they a public poueealon end priue aa may hen been liar ceuuirine peat. are eold or leeeed there can be no cur- ity that their beenty will remain un- epciled, in lacl. there ia every pi-obebiluy mat. in many caeee it will be aeilooaly impeired. The `fhouaeud leleuda new to have been intended by nature to re- Illlln a public park end pleeeiire Pllllld. , free to the weary Ioilera from the city who may each e little reel end recru- Iiuii in exploring their windinge and camping on their ehoree. Sold or leeeed they will econ can to be thin available, and will became, (or practice! use, the exclneive privilegecl the few rich eiiough to buy or leaec them. Surely Cauede ll not. yet reduced eo low that ahe la obliged lo eell ur pewn liar jewel: fur a liveli- liood-je male, :00, that once perled lllll. can never be replaced! We cuuld boner Alford to pan with e Governor or two then wiili uur Thoiieand lalanda. The growing velue ol theee I1` linde as; public brellhing plnce will be more and more appreciated by the nati--ii generally aa the yeere paeeanil the cuiiiiu-y in more end inure deneely pen- pled, malunu euch brielhllq I cee razor and iii ineetimable value. "l)`lie people wli rceidciu the vicinily.aiid, lherclure, IIIUI appreciate the importance of pro I0|'V|!|[ them ea they ere, uneiiliiiuualy prutuu ageinat en elienatiun ul lheiii which wuuld be nothing elee than a pub-_ lic iiiiafurtune and en injury to the MI- . Ira - and an: Government.` whichlwiild that on III] opponluuu rm pullo- Juou nit. 150 unit! at on (nia- donl enamel was too such on: for . an-..nnn.L.-I-pl (In-nnnonn-g -n4-..L I nmlurtuno and Injury to ma coun- try und my Government` sanctum it vmuld be, in thoir opinion, no true friend to Unnulian intoruu. A nntional policy oortninly domnndn that tho union : but poouuiuu be pnurvod fur hor pooplo, not ducted tn privnto nun alum. J'ho9o Ihu wish to hmld pnvnta ruidonou, pormsnout villu, cnn tind min in ubundnnoo on tho mun shore. Lot 5 Gunrnnunt impoctor be Appointed to prourvo the beauty of tho inlnnda Iron: In and doptodctiunl. n praosutmn which in certainly callod fot ; but let them rennin intnct, tree to the cunpor nu-I the tuumt, the nublo hontnp A (no Unnndun pnplo, n they hnvo been for anal put, and were mum to be for Age: to come. Yuurl, &c., Juet elt dnwn e minute end let me tell you ehnut thuee etere. Vary neer ue eel tun young people. He wuro the Inca nl e men who ehevee three Iimee e dey, end thet whiur necktie hed never eeen the eterlnght helnre There wee purl powder on the ehunlder ol hie ooet. end e tender dreemy lack in her lnvely oyee. They eet. end looked up et tho etere end they did`:-t cue hr eny mlntery thing eny nuror to title teeth. `Mortimer, ehe murmured eoftly; `Mortimer. Hue neme eppeerod to be Mortimer, though I oouldu't Ieeru whether it wee hue hunt neme or hie eer neme. `Mnrtinher, deer, ehe enld, `I! we onuld only live epert lrom thie bney end eurdid, unqu- plthotlc world, in one of you glittering urhe of golden redience, living epert hum ell olee, nnly lnr eecl: uther, forgetting the hue thinge nl eerthly lite, the oneree greed ol the world end he enimel inetancte the! would be our heeven, would it not, dner l` Ln:-I llnu-tinge he add that it wnuld. lllhl at un Iunpurul Inn nu ma opongh. Th tutu NI laid om. Tnppar. like No Mud ashy. bad to go. Thu pony dodnd it. W.-MI M his round has I Dopuunou In vhdn only oppouniun Int panh- mu nut lh nulls! In (an... "T0 the 0 `h` "5"- snu- nu .... __.I Iun---' And jtut than the Inn with the gang cnmo nut. Mortinor, Ito undo I grab It IBthn|'n hand and I plunge hr the bin duur. Ithol jut gulnrd jut ultiru with how uthor hand. jnnpod cluu our the but at hot chi: and Alter lain. nod any may want cluttering loan that bin, I I 3 chair, nu Into l good, moot ol Quin Indy and blond a Md Infd out 0! hot holuu Ila Ind NIO In stop it; dovn tho thin they talked. col- tand nmpln olohtn M the norm Mhlo,` load I utter, and npoud tho notion without nltrutotoing. 1 an a an at o-um mould god nuorti-born uppotlto nyult. Ind I couldn't lion in 3 our In long an I could Ind I good hotel in Ano- `.httnhI out Id: 3?: 1': lhb uh: lorhljy Iun|:m Ing- mor and Ethel had eaten two Nlllh, n titllo rm boomed, none can Mud. n plate at but echo, no boiled 033:, 1nd I; bunch ol onion. and tho nth! Id goon ' out to toast than none oluu.-!t-ab Furddla. - Dope. Sean, --no of the undndnu up bolou tbq Couurnlivo convention lul- nollntdon lot Bolkirk, hu unlookod tho deaf-I661 by boning from tlwormnntiou and Announcing his oandidutuu. Liko__ tho Oomorutin oonvontiun in `thin city at tho Int Land oloctiou it in Iihly Hall. 150 Selkirk Torin will hug to nuke I mm 9! annuity and scoop! tho _n.-_u_- 1- :1- ___ .|.-... n--.0 hin vuicttrumbloa nun urncunou, `my own darling Ethel, through _III the null- anqd rpdupnoo oi the Us um! All tho ohimmorlng Iondorptu o the no ht, our lino would pun two in on on tad my moophou thou the horn tum at nnhll murnll and In bcyond tho chut- that lit Italian M 86: John`: Cabi- ns! C VIN`! HUI` W `.IH-in `Of M dmu` I` And Mortimer. he Ilid that it lmlld. `Thorn, hurt nl my om,` ho nid. -ud voicrmmblod with urnutnou, `my ..-.. .a..Ia.... l!:h.I_ nhmnnh :1] m. min- mooplun CD010 Inc nut norn III"! or nnhly bcyond uring crowd lhnl lino but for to-dug, our Inn, nnnd boynnd tho nonmnn "1..- Ana and um. um man Iilh than noun July 20. TIO (`IIIOVI INICIIUII. mm an 199: L-9.4.3. ------Oo ;- `V A A Brena of mllerlul` Illlss. &c. , Ii I VIIIII If! Ilvvu-any -uu -mu." viuv Iituutinn In in new shape. Oupt. Boon Md a bun Inqjority 0! ch: nonun- don in his hvonr, bu} Inolud I tun- tllrdc Injodly which tho oonuntion hvl doolnodtobo nooolury to n choioo. In tin an o! the Kingston Conurutivu, haunt, may had pcrluroo to dept": oudidou whom they mu: would Mu drum! ol ooninning, but who Ion them no chain but to Ldnpv. him Ind gin Inn Ihlit nluocnnt nuppbrt up unit claim of an nupolntahlo nlurpatin. my BRITISH` W'H.]G,' sA1'IjiznAv. mu 12., FIDll.lH. 0uaook.Mon PurnurOlt-loar- . lug Ayooo urum roduubl ` -- M,l'opl. Inntlpu, July :I0.-|u lb lion: :1 Lord umugug. 3.: 5 lo-_ tpullrnlnt Lho \'acamy J` Iii: M and um (`u-n. ,zsnn4lo(nn"'hnd nut sin! to obtain inlurluoh-on ouncerning the con- ditinu of nlfsitl hul~1I-uI\Kho...j.AI. n...A.I... -n dinmhul. `lfhn unann- diuuu ol nlluu nulr-u-up ana..;u_ Cuulslnr nu dipcurhul. `Eh: IlUOlI- ` funny I budnyu lnlou nluiuln. ` he loves: hon Rnhu-nu -and Dubuu 5:1: I!!!` nliring gourd. Uhqnu ` sh . Allslung ulna lnuo lln have how uqnhd by man ltibun. t no llolclmg llmt 'o-n. Auiulnnoo in (own lotloou lrolu` Choki. Nathan` nporu uy the Burrow light III noun. both -sides ~|v.Iing homily`. Sonnl mluu an upondd lo ho callocling un the Bolts: route, but `tho loron m Quentin and Pinhon an nu-uni onnugh lu ch-6': lhom._ N Gonojfnl Plnyu bu not you bong nblo to udunoo.uId will mm aullloiont rain- ' loroomonlg to prevent the pouibllity ol ' lunher rovom. . A .I..n.u~.lx (mm Bumhnv an Ibo lunnor A dupntcly tron: Bombay yo tho tiilnl gathering! in Afglunioun anvil ) Ol'Ol'lIiVo. The Indus pnpon urn aloo- oml sdnnco on Cm:l_-bur from Cabul through Thuznoo. A Bombll dun-uch sun: It in now mg SI 5" mr Ina uervlcol. `rne unnum- tin of Jncluunville were notied. Ind on their arrival Ilm boy idontitiod Bunuom at I"mnt`.h'| hmel. The detective: fnmul 9 In his room 92 8500 hand: and II 3100 n 9 bonds, A" purporting to ho nignod by the pr:-per untlmntlen and utentod by the Ill of the city of Jnoluu`-nvillo nnd Cnmv Innn Unnncil. The that Iignnturrl to the hnmln were written by diannl por- nonu. Ilrnnaum and about C2a'),tl)0 wnrlh uf bands were in the Iundanf mnrclnnta rho were innocently betny`od' into Aid- 'ux hi: rchelnn-. Tho buudl were litho- urnphed liy C. (E. Uranlurd. nl PM-k Plums. nu wlmt purpnrted In his I genuine nrdar from tho Mnynr of Jnchnnvillo. Th: rm had provinnnlggxocutod Iimnlnr orders, and thaw ware "Struck of uh; original plnlo. Inrougn 'I'I'I|IllIOO. A Bombnydunuch an: ulcnluod . thn open] Phnyrfn (once .411 um}. nuunhu on uh. 25th ol Aun- BllI |`0Il' Iurco 2.000. The nm uyo : The first hutch of Ir inloroclnonu II" ull from Euglnnd on Tuudny, Illd boforo the and of Sophia- bortho 4,500 men to In uuding out will have lnndod at Balcony. ~ umnr... Jul. an -Nnl mu (ha tint will have ljndl ll. [Luann]. Bombay, July 30.-NoI Ihu. the (int nhnck ml the Cnndnhnr I| nvar tho mu- uion in rognnlod u inure fnvnrnblo. It in now udmiuod that the garrison at Unn- dnlnr ought to be |b!o to hula ill ground with con. - A ..piu.n I-Mn ln.l'n (hnllnhnr. 18th `III Ian (my run an o'oIuI. Tllhbu lung`: dry pqdu Iblul. H . , Iuouon utloundrh lay 5| 5:15 I,-.-. bnulou. noun. In:-no at Icon; naoomhu as 8.0- 0000-lp n. _ . ` ulcnuud um uoqaru rnnyrtn tom will reach Cnnduhu on _th0 26th Ang- uu. Tho latent autdmcuu ugh Gououl Banana` farce 2.600. ' `Pu. "nun nun ~ Thu first hatch of rr Iith A print: lottar {rulh Cnmlnhlr, 18th inu.. dutribu (ho 1-(Incl. of the non nl Ayoob Klnniadvuzoo coma liulnund n all-only vary cunni-lonblo. Mar- ohnuu qud well-to--In ponplo were bary- ing their pmpony ud pupa-hug to have the city. .__.... .- _.__ -1\o menu! giving I Inch ul buy: vs no nu-rid on-oplo uh an willing to non Wan 0 jury 0! saunas and huhlal not thy Mn llvod IQIIIO to nbrolcl Idolily and unity lot own minds; in nanny ohond`nDn- nan. Eu. ` D , Dunn; hi: Ape-och you:-rdly in Quohuo, ` lllld born: In nlludmg In ml min, nu!" K `Ya on I gun that the 01 mm to Ian lur Enmpo. uul that than Inll H the lat cannon; In ho mu-luulxon by not an _ Uundunlw out year. I holnou envy (`mnulinn will nmmbor um tho so or- Ihueh In nouud. I In] nu, In tho oorlntnum of I public duty-that in In young to sum: u-caption. Thudon. hllovo wan: Iillnodulu Ihl thus has In] just a lush hp you new I hit: oh has an Ian 00 Ooudo Manny lady Irmhntooa union n ` nlond to Bumps an oncmqnuveo ol 3 mm . II hlmnutn action In! vb ` bu ho-n . a R. can ol up- uoc-Ononl. lot during In In! in cash. with the napkin: ol Wlulpq, which I holbvo had not lost you I0,(lII pooplo. do mu ova-yuoh ol nu ma than l0,I)poo luuooo _- .4 New York.` July 30.--U. M. Bnnwm, ul (LM. IlrAnAmu ll Cn., communion morohnnu, Jnolunnvillo, FIA. uu Ar- rutod yulerdmy, "hnruell Irnh {urging 8l37,ll)0 uniluuy |1pl'oVPlI|-`IN. bond: of Jubonville 'l`ma mt--nnA: pnn lending to the Arron. wqu furnished hy A buy nuued Arthur Ryornvm, oi Bmoklyn, Ifho, while nut uf work, III Aiuing In the City Hall park, what: A gontlemm Aaknrl hum .nhun|t hm hnndwruting. And invited him In l"rench'A hnlel. Thom be copied A Ivlhsr and hi: ponmnnnhip l|)p0A|'t-Yd In give Anliliuctlun. In A law dayn Im Inn dnrncled to call at the hutnl, when he Aignod the name: uf 'A.l. Baldwin, ChAir- mAn.' la A Inge number vf bnndl, receiv- ing $l 50 fur Ina Ac-rvicou. The Authori- tin of I .__ ' How a Brooklyn Lml Brought Io Light a $137,000 l"'org`cr)/~ .su'a'muiu0. ._A Dr` Mlle. a Libornl, I'll imilod In lunch with Mr. Langovin :1 St. Cnth Irina. Thu doctor` in hi. cgpgcny .5 Chairman of tho: Bnnnl of Trido, Ind oc- cuiun to reply In n t--u'.. In the course nl hil ramarku ho thus pulllely burdcd the lion in his dun : M. |.. ~in |...| .......n.......| H... `huIn' `III III! .1" Ilnyl, I l'D(`Inn, illu IIII us I` Innor. bullquly. `Nu. nut that. \VhIl ntfonon ulhl ynu commit l` 'Dndn't nommil anything. The judge omumilleel me.` `Well you mun! hue [mm lcaulod of mm. nnmu I` lllo cnmo I `Oh. you. I In nnzulod an on (hp pr-Jive.` 'NnI|hII|M. Trvimz In my pn|lI'u.' `Non-onu. Trying In [atom "14! pn- lioolu nu mum-. I hum Inyull rumm- vnondocl uumy wurlhy umn luf pnnlmm on the palace lntwl. and hue lwlpo-I In pt than nn.' `II In I Out. Tim In n|- I sun Don! Imus The next ttlel ol the Oh lndiene, 'on which it eeetne the Quebec Government hue determined, will unto the unit It- teunt to eouvict theee poor people 0! e wine which oennot be brought heme to them. On eeeh ol theee triele the wit- neeeee lot the proeecutiou not mileage end e dollet end e hell per dey, while the lnltenl, both prieoneu" end wimeeeee, get nothing whetever, end have either to peg their own wey or heve it done for then by thoee who eonnnieerlto their cue. AI Oenedlnue we often bout of theenpetiority ol oer treetment ol the Red men, but the pereeeution ol theee Ohee will eoon render our oleim In thte llnpect e hollow end Phuieeioel one. I f we went to keep intect our good nelne lot hnnenity to the Aboriginee we eheulil tteet them with the eeme ;uetioe wewoeld extend to whnte men under deiller elnutnetencu. and thin certeinly 'I not heing done in the one 0! the Oh I_)}-__ pl. mom nu. `It ha. soul lat. Youno Hill -9 In-ru twu nl us, and In both tried to got on tho none polio.- un. We had Imn dawn,` but oumoul the nth: pulcu thmnum In nu crowding tho nun loo hard, And ----' '1`|u wi|| dn, air.` unit! the plilulhlwr ` t. I undonlancl your one |)0f`O|C|]- on an I he met: M the impou- Iont ol may mind, which `am now up- pan to I lmlo Iupod. the lion III In: nun Mr. Lnnuavin haul Inf-nti--nod this `hIIln' nmmm uuo-n muiufmturinq industrial, but then run one at tirot-rota imporunoo (mm which nu ouch sound 7:: hard. Hamllinlucl tn nurnhip-buitdmg industry. The nhipynrdu of Ontario were silent. -inns I878. How it no in tho province: by tho nunha had nothing to my. Tho Qhipwrluhll of Ontario. tinilrw no work at Imnu-), warn .---mpolloil In ulpntruutu Llwumslvrn hy humtrcdn lu kind the Mn- pluyment in n luroiqn mm-try they hiled to not In thir nnlivu land. The Minister of tho Crown hm] pun-d by tho Ih|p-- yum! ul Mr. .\'hn~|ilun| thin morning Ind noon I2:-Iv it mu thuro. Hnndredo 0! mon ua.ut to ho sinplnyod there, I lnrua pro portion of whom, and the heat nf them it ttnt, WPNI l-`hunts Cnnodtsnn from Mr. Lnngovllfn own pruvinm. Tin mechnnicl Insro nnv nt unrk, like thou lruu other (tnunu nhnpynrdn, in the adjoining State: at New Yuri, Uhlu, und Michinnn. `Well, my mnn, :n;:l u phi|Il'IlhI'v.pi|l tn: hlfdllll-Illcvilll chap or-nnod III the county pmnn, `amt no you III I... l` DI I" `In (or 30 days, I I ock0n,' nid tho uri-u u... A..I|..nlu ----ooo lleculolce of ahlpbululug. 1 lo Pu-luau`: Iwpu-un. IIIE IFQIEI Ill. N In! hr ea(:o_;g i 36?. was In Fog-. .__.__. _. _.o 909 -. ._.. | A0 int Ihe Bdtieh Parliament voted virtually to exclude Bredleugh Iron the Home by relueimr to let him either eeeer or gun. The seeming attempt at herd- ellp end peuecutiuu cueted Ill immenee odteide mention in hie (nor. The circu- Iellua ol hie journal, which hed previou- Iy been Inieerebly emell. mu et once Corlnouely ineted and became e eooroe ol greet etrength. The French Rndioq Roehelort, on returning to Perie, etu-tad I political hllleheluo eaeinet Genbette and the Government which heal juet per- doeed bin. He eluted A new jnurtlel, L lnheuiqneulc, fur thie pnrpoee. The Government did not, :1 he expected Ilnpend hie paper, or In my way inter. lere Iilhhiln, end the reeult in now do- dued to be thet nae hell the ilnpreeeiun rolleine on head nneulul. Putting theee two oeeee together end the mlerenee ie plain that K It ie deeirehla not to inveet an egilewr with undue impmtenee, or to den hill on the. high road oi notunety hwenle eueceee. the beet plln ne tn let MI eeverely elune. __1__ ..-.;-. of trying In gal A luld in the Illa IA I.-mam Ibo hd hp-Ilhd II I |IIubIb'-"cuncnn-0 an nocinu. but use auuuhiu-It china Iunhuinnouocuuou In |hru.I0 uthulunnu luv. llu nwuaa .mcLa at ucklnuunnv `mu, In-'nKtln.1l man, but In in ooulidoul,:.oLcum|dptIug the (III. `u doctor omen upon thnhmy-third day 0! his (sat at can In, I have Another In L but--ru lmn. Ho poiglud NIH than he oonuuood sud bu duos lost I hung out tmny pounds. 15...! l`Aunu'I nlundml nhvliolnnl I mvpoa `.04 4 IIII uuoo lull umo uVOlf Inlay puuuuu. Unool Tuner`: standing physician: ||y|:_ `"1 Appfelmml u noriauo NIIIIII Illd Mu Iiill ounvIiJu~.ut K219: will oun- puc.m..sua; 1 uuw u in -mu `.4 the nnhvunlclu nympu-u:n,`$n ' lhoto -.n .imlu-nuIf.I-nun m Iub mrnii? Iul. the nnluunblo nympcuuu. noouuu lIIO|'I urn uimlluaulltnugn nu-nii? [in bognn to fut July Mm, 1877, to onruiulnmmnunn ul um ulnmwh, _lmm ` which In Iraq unfunny. Ahct an day: the inlhuunntiuu dltlppootidjnd Tuner ordered hood, but below It cum he changed hm unmd nud cuncludu If; no hoilong he could go mthuut outing. Ho Inlhrod from name: and vuumin` Ionugi the Int 0! the nut. On an 38th day be united mno rnulu. Un tho tony- linl day,(! fut laud forty-two dun), bgyn oltrolnsly uc|r,but hm ho|d um a nu luekl`INmt mo oonciunion duyb), oltrolnnsly ncu,uu: ml nuu oL&Iu in! was m fm muul health, nt- londing to human." Tunnel": phyli diam nro and In be prepared for my emergency in llnivpruuunt Inc. I)r,TAunur Lu-thv n in I duublful the 'pI e|nlll. Dr. Tanner In-thy up con-lllion end the ul-toiulnng phyuciuve lhlfer regarding Inn ulnllly lu hold put to the and ul the luny days. [in inund- rely upun hi: mum-lunlu recupeuuve povun-: Thu mu-phynicune are Alina- ed at me criucul numluilm u evult-need by use leul. that they have a nu-ung gnlvuilc battery in rendmeu lor nummlnu ule sud Iuunulnnu and a hut Imlh un hmd. During the mghl l'unm:r mummy reel- leee uuul '. o'clock, lrunu whicll tune he slept lull Ibuul. { o clock, and nwelteneal in is much better C-mdlllou lhun on the Pl`0Y.iUlll eveulnu. I 0Qo1'un. .luly.3_l----Pulhucld hon pound. Oanrn I on! bb , uutbuu tho ml:'n'ol uh: an on an unuuolnomy amt nonl nl Milo ul. Mod the male: 9! ohhuuvul. Qu-Vbec, July H-I-.:cI' Rnynl Hugh- non the I>`rin(`-an L`-uina mnhnrkod -m bond the A Ian uloun -r 'Pulynui|u' II nine u'cIm-L llun In--rum: fur England. . Plrkenl mun [rum ,-\"' nu I WI!" tramps, Cnuuluu lluanzuu, lurnhhul an ucort. The gmml nf Imnur I the whuf Inn {mm ``A" Ihllery. II. H. II. Prinv Leupold arrived up lrmu (`up St. Ignneh by up-c-ml I--h n ght. Inn prm-mum at I new 3..-Illa `|`ulynu-an,` which whirl on the Qllcilnw Iide, muinel all nmm. ||.R,H. mm miuho hull: In-ml xnactml De arluro nf Prinrrxn l.nm'u A `are! l'.`mmI'm II l'h0 H u- I: my l'Iure.u_ , , Unnblo to soy much Mllillll oithu ul than pononnlly tho opponauu 0! Hon- oool nnd Inglioh lnvo Imorly boon cir- onlndq o rumor at I m-iono dulloronoo ol opinion bunon the Dunoonuo con- iluol on tho quootionn of lnri and nu I000}. The only rannn II on in why IIIIIO Ian Ihochl be bound to hold pain!) (50 uno viowo on ovary qunuion hilt! In tho ovum ul Hancock : loath lb ucoooooc Iuy (allow no the tune lino dpolicy. Inn III Androw Johnoon E not do, Inn. on the nuuoumion ul Hoods, ho mapped into (in Wlmo Houoo by virtue ol tho Vsoo-Prouidonoy. But this ollogvd dhnuoonont in In all pl-obs` Hill) I lhpnblion nonud. uonod lor tho pupa ol wooloning choir oppanonlo by Chunks. Jllglu om: it cum tho on- ` Duncan: um Oononl Honoouh louoc cl uuphnco will no out ononly, and uh: Koppoon it till grovo o qmotno In all nun and no homo houoon tho um qrdplnhl. loo tho nptuuo nlonbip of ac In!) Imlouol ponplo will boqin in actual Ill slug tho lino. oogoo , _ ..-.