` Il-l} MEI-Z INU UP THE FRUNTENAL` /\liRICUl.TUl(Al. S(!(,'lE'l'l'. . Mr. Isaac Sung _._ lhe Ieudeul, Um.-I .. n I-nu-turn} ill If-{I D T 'uuuI. II lrqiondya-null: up-ll j n that Mr. Hrmm, wlm i: warmly Itllchod lo 7 l)r. (`onnon hu futninhrd lh: latter with 1 ll .1 -_,_-__.,. ... Tut: LA Junua iMU.\'UA\` l\'E.\'ING. JAN. - 7.7-.. ..-- .......-nu. nu. --cu. wuu - do-Llarnliun, that Ihoul: c be the choice of Ihte .\linivIr_\', he will not run for South 1\...- I l oumvely nolhmg thin week lo nonoa `Ire um] 1-.\'('I:pI a nu) few potiodicils ha! magm wry null be pluad by. wore it ml` In: the pra:r`Ia('c of noucmg arm-ylhing hal gr.-ls nu ` Um TnMr' during lha week. 1he Edil.;l"5 Tnhle.--.\'o. 280. Quebec I0 Tumnlu Mr I yearn, II the expnraluuu I sent lunute, which vrsll -:1 ..-1:. Um duriI;g |.Aw Jul..'|l.lA.I.lH Um-an CANADA luv nan`. lliii W I` l`Im.u..n 1: (`n l lnwyu V..... ..I I NOS. 17&4. _,,,.,,-,,,,r. V..._. .~.-,... um. um (`num-:1, together mt]: an image number at ulhn-,1 gentle-Inen. at Lunch, at much me. new Mayor`: hum: was drunk, u.grmm wuh Ihal of lhu wunhy ho-I. I The Inc Pnriahium-rn ofthc new Dun ul ' Kingilou, It Bmckvillc. lune preu-nzcd lhar. gt-ntlmn with I vcry uillcliunulr Ind u!- tuiug nddreu. on bin lnlsiug tun: of them to nmnnc bu dul-in here. In tho: nddn-u 1 ` in lb: following pungrnph :- u GI..." -. :. oi... .:..... |,., -, , 1`o-day. Il noon, Ibo MIy0l-elect.. (Jrmghlun, I-2uq.. Wu swam In by Recorder? A. J. Mm.-donell, Erq. at prinlu residence. Ailer which Mr. A nlnneil enlerlaineml lhg Muym and .1 ........|.. ... .1 , lltllrful refmad.and the polua loll In oomequcnea, besides 1-ruling 1 grelt deal of Iroublg lo the depnnmenl olherwn|e.-- Surnia Obcerfer. THE NEW J DR. LAUDEH. t` piuu THURSDAY E\'ENl.\'G. JAN. The lilubo `fimaurm--I ' H|I[I0.~ IUIU m1a%vmu1 smmsn we. G. M5. 1.. 1.--:.:.![ IIPHH I! I II I Hm n ue n llw an U our - uc e H,` 1 m f-uve rx . nu: Iu , ` (mvuv II III Ir mi .u on; f , b L"; n - l - .....1.....B .V.. I1` Quebec` `I pre- VOL. XXXII. KINGSTON, CAILVAISA. WVEDNliil)A;:;mi:1 (llN7IXZ(a}, JAi~i7UA1aY1;1s3 I "`-"" " point. In: '