ASIY. IIIOII-,.0u I. muuuws, (leg. an-mury. .._-..- raw and III down upon II ueuhully, ultimo oIh!IInnoullMbpuhd|yohI'I- by. In all the Intlnunullnoi ulhdddcyaumwulhucap glunddubtu. lonanu.-It In To: Hood who nob cl ilk uoutt No on, no soul, IoIon,noua.nonrntI.uo indium, Iohdtllul amino... fnthblo! in any 30:50:, no side. lO$lIO,BOOOItOl'hI,lIobOC.I` `tub, ulovon. no luvs, no Uri-- ` lovnuu! nu... uoubocngl-V lyuddadunuoghdoutun; In I I this nuthhuboonIotd!cr|uguhl' ff H InlLn-thn In-ll-H... .1` --- uuuuuu -uuuuuuvwuuw IVIFIII t In You Mn.-Ilr. Deputy Bhoril fnylot u-rind hon yontordny nllornoon hon Bollovillo with |lcQuillun, tho mur- I but of Ilia rm, than: to Luoboou ' Inn in Duoubor, but who Inn 1...: In. ` . Oahu: commuted to inprioonnont in 1 cu Poulknlhry for No. no convict so 1 can of puuliu nppoom\ou--druny, ' and in I lug! noun: lndirnnc to pair I an ouurronou. TIM lab mind In fr ` mooted noun a question beyond doubt, ' lolwlng undo nun! uunptn at all ` Ian-noun: and soul in out an im- ' Cbul nun! duh. Mn iuonuuiou an E b undue: 3 could cud: hing . h_-0 upon MI-. I I angjj Dnn Du.u'mu.-Kingntnn bu tho Mano of being dot, and null] lho phoo Iluorvu tho appellation sometimes. Now in tho nomr of tn uomrtionl it is u pronounced on any monicipahty, but in action it: Connoil in tho hot in putting in Iutllnonto on noord. All tho towns old oilioo Inn undo out utotonouto . sharia; the uncut: ol thoir oxonptlooo, ] and lorwordod than to Totootn, but tho Clapton corporation count copy], that Win Klaptol is overlooked in onypgio novooaoot uho goon-ally ho knoll to Nun. J var So.--F.'lootion time in nu: At hnd,und undidnfu who take lhoit nuts 3'. the Council Bond of tho city, with,ho Inna! tho ntopuyou, In both conun- ~iant and eonnruut_ The hnppinou of tllroommunity in uncured, boccuu in KL -iition to tho pnunt improvidont alder- man, oonnl IIOI hand: no giving the people to undo!-land tint lhoy nhnll `Inc all they want (tom the Co:-pontion I AMI in that -2nnc.100,`000 don`: oil the I -nohino. ' I Tu: Dunn. -'Io-marrow evening the Alan Mntor Society of Queen`: Gallop will ditcuu the subject, Should Uni- versity privilege; be nundod to wo- man 1' Th tlmno in one lhnt will tn 3 the talent ol the young men to the full- olt extent. It in 1 dolicnto thing to do- aido--thn`I'I if much woight in plnco-I up- n the nrgumonu of those in favour of I Wanna : llighu. 800 Don: New Vdenqxa Mains. Hm: luau-t'ron.- Whon men an act- ing under the direction of tho luv and by lop! appointment their author-'ity must be respected. I-`or innhnco, the law up all hide: and Ibinl must be ntnmpod u to qiulily before being mid, And an In- Ipector hu boon uppoilxtnd to give that: law oloct. But a fu-mar undertook to not dnurontly, um] I perusal of the Pn- lioo Court will Ihow how he then mooted- _l`' I Lnl:uuv.-()u Mon-lay oveniug Mr. Mr. J. B. Mchnren will read a paper on the Y.M.C.A. Room: unv'Eloctricity cud iu npplioui-an to lo ogmphy. Tho lub- joot Ihould be iutoruting. All who with can Attend the mooting. We mnu give the Young Men credit (or their nbrtnto cnhr to the litonrr mite: of the pea- nln :_-.j.._._ , Sn Tu1m.-Tbo npocimem of job work now on exhibition u this ullico should be enxuimd by thou who an do- uirnun of Iomething new in the printing line. Our curds, bminuu and visiting. ` letter Lndn, and nut novelties which have been verrnguch ndmired. ' " J 1 ------u-J Fluxu To-Du.-Moro of those fa-` mom N.B. oysters, Standard lhltimora.` al30cu2t4 per mm and 35 cent: per qnut, Iohd mu, (not. aewngo fed) at J. C. Hudy`I, in the Uohlen Linn Black. Only rlt`-chm good: kopt.-A.(v!. .___...g-, Tn report of the Superintendent of lnennnca fr-Vr the year ending 3156 De- cember, 1876. in printed and iuue.l. It in an into:-citing document for insurance men, but no hi] to glean any fucimting informetiun from it. _.___....-_.j. `e ` Lzmvnu - l`o-marrow evening Mr. Duonport, Eungelinf, will deliver the third of his norms of lecture: on`ho _Gupol of aharmmn" in the`.' lic Apouolio Church, Queen street. Tu: PU1._ru.-Tho pulpit gvegltlonnl Church will be 0 mbnow by Roi. Mr. McCall. Goon Oxfbfd nhim nt MaEhy:: 1 Bgnktupt Sale of Dry Goodl. I833}.-`*g3_aiE$riir: win: Hi `:40; 'i'uckott lI|( l.BI"iIlgl`, -tubule-` oomnnufnctarora, Jun shipped an im- ; h' _menin"q'unnt{t! of the Myltld Navy to- rnh `go bum to Germany. ' ._j.------- ~- l`lh front lam. night added to -the 7'."" y` Ioli matter in the uroetu amnzingly, ;gl3o'c|okl09l and gun nu hope: 0! winur. The` change was a very welcum :2 one {or the , morchnnll. .` ` ` V . .t Machy;a Grant mmnmr LION anuum :] t. 0! the Con? ` u ooc_npied to- I _ c--.--4-jO-~--- Lunulhdtbcu nloiulodtlm uhhnul Iplld ovuouunjndvr ulvuulurrbau most. can and} -9- .. * mung won Inn Inn IIIO null , '""""""""' ""' " "' ` gnI|0UI0f|IO!|oOHoIIu(,OI]l within as In consonant. the all OQIUCINIIIOII . Tnivfhllllo by tho ulggg hp auhhunnnd youtbynuyllo--`min; nuhu.-1510-! Wynn` """"` usual: on as am. no yubfo uI.nohunuaIod.uuIh uhuudpu vil.lhuIhIoJ.l-ul|ah.'|lihuIuop- dnluftbaauatom. nod pucholuoouul lutvlqladcm 11, 7 inc. Innis. -`I'M Blnotrguia (nus. |)IdoudiIuonlutripnpIhoRl- dunthul ht night. Tiohnonpu nlnJ-nlIli-A,nLnulLgJ. A.-.. Ion III no law up "you Illwutvo." It `call no nllulo lunht. III. the can III; can todo duly lonhir amm- try chain: in nuunhly expound udpr the dmumuu. no the they an paid Outt. jl-0-20 ----- ...._o Oouontn Jvum.-7|! than in on thin; morn than mocha HI}! In] In do- and Idoljpionoy in tho Adnlnbtrnupn olJoo1iooIl|n Ihonhonoool 1 In that will provide [or the payloll ul Cotonou joriu. Ml manor of person no pm- tootod by lqinluivo enactment but than ` juries, when urviooh ol jun: much important: I eomtsbla ud corona, ` but who Imybpat uullwmol incur 1 since and Ian AMI nuuoyuno, without 1 nothing on: than low (how 34'; : 0 play he an public iinoif. . m|:t.h.o`|n:`.:d" innate." :.L..u .. . ...... 7.... .";._ ..A- .5. to inane jury . I _tlIe,!ar:ner, but Uncle Run thinh dilu- ------e:u?--- It in quite probable tint Another boun- dnty diepute mey require I uttieuwnt soon. An Oregon paper tells how I Mr. Chnqnette bu been oerryin; on I trailing etntion on the Stikine River, about ten niilee from the count. (or -uny yours, and ge he nuppoeed, within Britieli tetri. tor], The indenite tense of the treaty ere ouch ee to unite it quite iinpneeible forwtlue authorities to decide Ihetlet Mr. Clioqnetle in subject to British or ` Amoiioui revenue late. He Inninteine ently, and line notied Min that he nut remove his none ' Englieli soil within eeiendeyeli-on neltingoltlteieeon the time or nut: to the oeetoue regu- lutloee thntpteveil in hie doueinu Cho- quette in union to know when hie and whet he in. , ' nun, In our alvtnlllila -The Brockvillo Recorder up: "`A ` portion 0! Dr. Brouu, M.P.,' painted by Furbu, tho well-lnluwu Canudiqn mm, hu nrrivod at Dmiol|' Hotel. It in pro- nounced nu excellent likonun." Tho pninton of Hrockvillo take I put deal of liborty with l rupoonblo citiun, and no no Iurpriud that Dr. Bronco should ' have nllovod any 01:0 to paint I portion ` of him; and we no more ourpriud to lurn that that portion hu urinal at Daniela` Hnlol. Nice doingn. ' _.._4.:.o_ _... .--uvuu, -uvIq'u. ' -:A chap out in Clark's Hill: in in- dignant bacauaa, us he says. in a comma- nioatiun to the Napanoo Beam`. "in tho _ first opiule of Timqthy, in thin rook`: Re. ` tho 0. M. Church." porter, aome Itricturu are laid upon till! I aaid in regard to the Sabbath` School of This in tho that time to our knowledge that In our board of atrictvru being mada in the apiatla ` of Timothy, and the tint intimation In have raceiud of the publication 0! Tim- othy in tho lfcpoalcr. _.'I"|\n ll-.\.I.-.'Il- D.-.._.)_.. -A__ `MA 1 1 i ARRaIVING , vvu -. --K. In P. RR. E:cunion:-"Tho ac- tion of tho Director: in tl||I_ matter` in quite independont of the action of the ` corporation: of the city and county"- Daily News. Our coutomponry in very fond of nipping m contomporariu up, ` mn itit rm to argue .t..m-dmuf nu . oxplnmtjon in thin manor It A little ton . diuphnnozu, though. ` ` 1 ._A .l.... ....A 1.. n|..-|.:- u:n_ :, :,, -'l'ho wish to inform our oouumpurr tie: thst the blind mun and his wife who trnvel the country and tall pilinble ysu-nu in order to obtain chnritablo unringn, do not belong to Kingnton and are really ` `mdourving of any kind oomidcrnlion. 4 They no a couple ul unrhiligutbcl dud . `bu I. * Lllfurd, Prince Edward, ll Agitgling for steamboat cuuimimicnliou, Ind nJ0int. Stock Cumpuny is talked of. Hillard. of courts, would be tho starting point of I bout |nd_Kinr,vuou the other terminus. Tho Itumorlnill nln call at Cape Yin- cant. vn unv KIIIIJ llllllllo ' -Judga Dunkin hu bein granted .1!) _pddiu'nml leave of nbunco. He will probably trip it around the country look- ing after his mu. 7 act, and ntirring up. indilleront temperance men. He will `M g `.'ncnnt'y for him in Unidi- m uni. uum _uuu um I|lIlIUUlUu --Jenlxini up that the True Reform which the new Club in working is in the direction ol new hours for roorution-- turning night into day. Qlidnlght oil thrown iuhght. from all of the window: of the club hnuu. ` I.._I,, n u -1 -uuyu untvu. -Whonevor thin ii trouble A woman iruaunlly M. the bottom of it. The l`ro- ` uidantinl row ha been cnnlinod to Cur.- linn, to Lucy-Anna, and to IINIO Flora Dny. And now they hsv dragged Ann ` Archy _inbo the Iqunbblo. _..'nnlain`n llv DI\_AAI.._ Il`_.._ D717- ...v-u---nu-. -A mun named Henry A. Cu-tor. of Milford, met with In nccidont in jump- ing from I buggy. Ho hnd . hi: ankle fractured. The injuries became wane, and on Thursday evening lut the {git I I III Imputntod. . ___rk ____ .... AL_'_- :_ A__.,u I, uuuumu. noon: one lor the alnhltiutgl Burgh. A: True Rolorinlnb ii_now dantsd there. '~ ` `.A__ M . __ '.'.. --n HIIIIIIILIHD nu Bellovillc. Soon oho I R......I. A- m_.._ n p ' ` """ I'm-nor Princess I-Tllonlrenl ts.` NM `A1. M76. " ` -u.` lIIIIv_\l"llIDIllI. ' ---on rmfnd 30,1! us. :n'.q. cm. d_ian"--uy| our local contemporary. The community nil] tool like congratulating-it upon the compan; it "koopu. * ' A 91;}: |,_L. . ..-A ..,...... ...u.. ~-\\'olc<'n'io nun, lhl only cu_ra for tho blunt, the only ntuinh that um India, the only_ laleuingtllqt nbvor wuriu. , --Tho gain math! in cleaning up. Vary um. grain !:ov'rn_1:i_ru in the eo_.uItry, and forwlut there ig than in nrylit.t.le_damnnd. - ` -Bolluio: um. 01 "Aw-qIsrgo"u:-inn CHOOIO In Hoilmd IDtC- IOOH. `B. .d`, "' ""k"` .3! o -'-,'n- . nm...,` 01 gig Mu: gm-I bu .l`"`,,.,,j:,'j, ,.9"'_:"r{ ` ' doliihd t`wu1ou.-`tics It llcnzktogd Asp untiua. A Iuoetinl: I ! n ha. I 7 I ,, . Inn; :1 which I nnmbot ol r .7. I ` " - - ow-v-v-_ nu 0-ur |Il;II I Vllltl. -Dr.| Cuiioax in looturiug -in Prriuu ` Edwudoumy uh `uscriptuu indclcu n spinal him. .--a ` .q, --()no of [tho Alderman ppreunlini III hppdr ws'n_l__hu nnjupo -'liuin'x {ho Inbioq for chair pips`: vain. ' .--'A Sititing l;u been foriuud in Vlnllnuillg R4... ..L.- I..- .|__ ., t `IIIQVD 'urr.~. u-- ucuu IVIIIIILI all u {or the aml:itiuq_n .t.__`... n|..L :, , -U-1' wj Zij Z` TOXIC. VI - 0|!` prhumu acting up Ibo nlntu u an component}. can tho upon! of Input: layout had min In`. krhy dull have #0 pt nun, III abound why Q. A -la use fut oh pols`: auiuau. -Q-j.._, , \ ` .....__.....__.._- ; TVIIIII QVl?Ion.-Poop|o have been ndiagunnduioulhthy an o.-` ndlullyllqnulhlulofuthiogoln. Our nrhhmln -uh. n. AL. -1--.. F: 5. I. 01080 hum Benin and Ialnga. u-(U-g I-U -IQIIIZI will II 1|} ` villi, has lulglod NI politics. The` Iollovillo pouplo um ngm thin, Capt. ' Hnyn being popular with dl dunno, [will and my owning dc May an] cnuuuon. Io all Inn to nab dual than I plus to ht!` III: to P`'|llW!- ] "NOTICE to than it my concern. "Tho than and dnph Anal: 0! the . I roll. uflof I add: duo, 1|- hh the unuuln the (Hun ol Ibo Emu twin` so, who slut Inyun ox- ndod crvht. ya (and tops] on com. Jun Stunt, Iotuoy cl luau. ullo. Rumor, IN Nov. '70." I nu. innit! . I -----o-oo_..__... Buxonu.-Wo dental um cape. Hunt. the Auction (haul at 3.1).. -3: Lu: n-nI:`J Ll- __-1u _ -. Tn Lunar Don.-The Path Courhr contain an odnttlunnl in the [alloy - illj loibl : unnvnnu A- ..L._ A; ,.._", Tho c Iult. ----oj>-'-- Pour:.-Juno hlclntyro, drunk. nu ` diunhud. John 0`8huu;hnnny,drunlx, Inc had 020 or lil months. He will In utnrnod to the Conml Pmon. Tomato, when the nuthovltiu will hue Anuthor chum of hanging him up by the (Mambo. u be Illogod ho III when punished for < miudmunnu dating the lac um. Johli Clumsy In ehugdd with noting il- loplly by claim; for nlo skin which had not hoot shaped according to In. lnopooht Icn was the ounpldunut. TIM mm in ullnn-and mun |B....J-._ All'IIlIlY.:.N':l.I-.;O`Uir In .! ohlb ah-g-n-I in AL. IL.) L. - -----030"--- A Nusnwl.-V\'e have bed ooceaiosi in the peel to pronounce the dopoeit .,`.. ton: in connection with the renting of the City Hull la nuiunee, me! we now repeat. it. Once since in inn-Jxuntion dial it an the city from the loo: of 05, but it in not known, nor an it be oelculnted, the unount the place he eulfurod from It. Only this morning the egevt 0! Cal Wgg. ner'e Minelrele objected lo the iqnpoei-, lion, end In leaving the Trouul-or`: ol- lioo with the intention ol dipping King- etcln `when Mr. Iertin O'Brien. who was with him, paid the depoeil and urged the Agent to prooeed with Me bueiueu. Cal Wagner`: Cotnpnny is one of the heel end moot reliable. Thin le tho only place when the agent in euoyed wlth the ob turd eyutem ol hell depoeil. -----wow: ,,._ ._. ...-....----us -vywuv us lull yl` ' ooodinp of the onnvoulion, winch we no- tin lnu bun puhljnhod in I recon: i.-one of tho Brlliall 4mm`:-an I5 cnl>y(criau. We nhould have willingly girou pulse: to it in our column: but the pressure of other exciting` non ha oonpollod us to hnld it our. Circumuncu In cannot al- wnyl control. .....*g-;___, -------000 ~--------- >`\ M`lHSl`ol\'H.--A0. tho 0:-lobar nuqtin}z of the Kinptqn bunch of the Woman`: hytu-inn Church In Cauudq, the Curm- ponding Secretary, Hill Mwhr, WM appointed 3 dolognto to the oonvontion of the Woman : Miuionnry- Auoeiuliaxn ' of tho Uuitod Stun, to ho hold at - Brooklyn. on the 17th, 18th, and 19th ` uf0ctobor,in xuponulu their invin- | tion to tho uiotar oociuisa to and I re- ' plucutuivo. At the November meet- ing of the Kingston W. M. Auociav uon, Min Muhnr prountod 5 lengthy And very intcreuting report of the pro- recon: n! th. N.-u.'.L A.....:-.... It. -7- 2 I-`ranch Miuionary Sucinty, of the ['1-er . Tn undanlmml hue on Hand Iur lmnmlinla clolinry I largo Stuck of Government once an arms. `mm sumo Holmnn, in her mug of Oh, my tooth it .u:hcs," crested an awful timountof unniuuent; The uthor xuamboro of the Cum]-any plnyod moot merituriuunly." _ . -ooo--------- \ -mood by Mr. mjookhouuo Buwler, nf "When fortune frown: And lricmln I-r~ nuke," Iv.-u mug in Q manner to ruin lh'o heulieat' onlllulhnm. Mr. Bowler`- manner on the any in of Inch 3 uonial nature 10 to win the hurl: of hi: nudi- enco at unco. `Mm Snlliq Holxuln, in [am] Oh. mu lmnh .'o ...x.... " pnr. null Mylo hung the Ilmwmnn). and u gemnl breakdown: nu greeted with immenu npplnuu. Thu `sung, intru- -lnood by Mr.` Ihjookhouuo "When furlunn fm-nu uni I.-:. .I. r... ,..-v.. -u-g-u was III. vuilyllltlllu r can In ndjunrnod until Tunday I. ' . .v-an-ugun . "Gonenl utinfuction `In the ordlar of ' `ill rendition and much` in `given in `it: fullut anti.-sly. Miu Sallie Hul`n:n,.u Prinoqlaplmpl, In, M Illa alwnyn II, I the (run roprosonmivo of her rule-. Hur sitter, Minudulia. in non: far in the background, And, an the SlUMlllx||I'l Daughter, played with great I-rillimu-yr. and true rognrd to tho duties ippund by the uutlmr on the p0|llI'IVOl` of tho olunoler. The fun 0! this opera in Inn- tnined by the Company with grout uxfuct. Tholmlicmun portion culimunlen in the third set, where, u Allamu Ward would line nid, tho urn gcorn" coma intn use. Sc.-ruin: OIIVICTBHDI nl lnngliler Iullowo-l the |huwman'| entorlnimnuut, (Mr. Elli: Rylo being the Ilmwmnn). nu in-mm! -in. ...q uuw I'll!` -an .'i." 3?.:`."..u don, was an Yollol TlomW,.. . "- g:1'1'3i'xi." I may The H` St Mu-y : 8iumoo.._... Whitby..{. . The Anti-ox` "15 mg utrenth or many on porn Turunto `urrvq * :Ue. . E:mLmI Or weloumo .10` K [hope [I0p|)llIiI and I-visit to so much lpluu Upon (`uIInppn} they open for 1 ` Hull, pruenlizq traction: and ` grutar-than hr: 8 We shnll let the -5-w nu wulcn II auonuou D] `planar; --tho Holnuh English (`unnppny. (I`n Monday evening upon for short anon in the City proumiug A atrongth of math. ag- combination of . tnlcnl bror nttaincd by it bef--re. Quebec (`hru:u'rIe Ipmlt of the piooo which will be produced on the oponing Trobizzmdl :" 4.n___, u .- - x night--;U'enb|.-h'u . V ---`-~o o~--- ' ,_. .E:muun Oruu.-Wo u-a- ylul tn Kiugoton arr orgnuiutiun popularity nn lull oatnblinlnod. which in attnndecl by lnlenura -zh. Hnlmxn Ic...I;.:. I 'r..moo,.... . . ..m,qoo mo Barrio ............. A 149.500 Bollcvillm... . . 39l.GXJ Bnntlud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68!-.000 ` 0.1; . . . . . . . . .. 188.0% Londonlu... . . 2 415.0% New Edinburgln . .`5W.800 l'otorboI`u . . . .. .. . . . 45l.`.`. l ortlmm'xth. . . . 374.0(1) Z .. 187.00) Simeon. . _. _, :2.',ouo \Vhi:by..{.. .. 2'. 5,000 mu-onmgtion qitaciuu in guin- rapidly, sud hn ilrudy porters in the Legislature.- Wrnpondnm uf Monheu!-Gm _ -` . ` Hemp! church pmporty tron uuuidpd. ' tlllllsw-not moetinatvnndhvld the other Iy I nnmu of glqnlu Irma ' I we surrounding municipalities wore pro- unt. ` A return Iurniohod to tho_ man-ting ' by Aldunu Hulhu, an >lnd'!I!.i`ga'bla" o poupt of Church uonpciuu, ghoul, r t _ the ulna ul oumptod propey iu= ` tho` Proviuou uf Uuturid in equal {gel--no ' 1 npoq one sixth qf the whale uuuublof propotty, Th : `uluool the exemption: J In mum of the principal muuicipnluieq " A: fullou : ` Tm-.mon an nzux .u... I 'Wh|ch till he sold 3: tho \- - togullnf with I In (I and 8301- `of j Ilxcnpliou from Tintlon. III gnu uluunnlul hodrm whoa` Inn! tn iukluon `the u do nun nut um ...... .., mama`. hodrin Hill inklunu `tin >7 _IIIE w'/FA"i2" 575072241 00. L'\'~-Q!`;; !4. -- l'l|(I. [IQ fl-I UOVTLL nu uumuou onnouo--`I nou, |. up r|| 5" 5 Insole : lnhnv: Punctu- ` n IIVO.-'n. nnhnl mad I... ......a.. a... lI..IJ.._ liuu I Crvvu xv-III :::-..*:.'-.n~- *:."'......m- Purl. Inc Donn. jlmnlnbtnll II:--I4... WIWIQ` Ilflffl TIDHI. -"!-Nd Dr-n-ml -ma... ..aou-why cl-M lug-can mum. Puma. pen on In -IQLIQ`h lD-I---I- Tngng I ' Iv II I` IIIOOI runner. ruv - `4$u`uh_ Jyngtha. Sal Rheum, Stun Duuu, and an uupunmc Iboblaml run, In Iovvu : Elna-nigh ln-ah Is......... `I'll! GOLDEN LION '3tan'd'ti' English -Remedies. `nth i than nun-ham n-I my-lnl usual. 3... ah" I (mil l'f|Mi` I I t . u...S"m....- y #21!` '1`... New nhIn- can-I tun an an norvounmqum run. 5: run I-nu Wlngnlei I) Tablets. Dyqtpu. !, an Ad DOUWY nun uguqwuuvpn. rInl.|l\ll Ink: WI 0': Pulnonla Thain. _ For L` > Col-I-._l`ruucbam, nu! lnuadun M an ---o;. ._. BOOK AGENT! \\'A.\'Tl-Ill. r.\'oIr in the chance but Intelligent. vi-lavawnh Monk {`:`$.'s'.3.:""2`.';"..`.';I"'{.`.:.:" " " WW` . I 9 r! 0,); In-cuilionnt now boukl. exzuf-at 7: `(law WNINIVWN. lndl Irnuble Inn Puwlhu '51.: IR "TV |"uI":l'c>untry.` ` l"0 H nun-hr ' 0 or ...-.]; w d_- ' no '-1'... .47 . 1-'ra`..e-": wif. I.'x".`3:f-- hulh -fnlolyilyltvtell. Alan, "Nev mun- Ir: Hlnlnrv l| ....l..L. . P, l'-_'-.l_ -. ' Ha` . In H. H. N,;nc_v A "cm. L ?! I Frau--in Xmivr Nruu.-I .\.I--ntrvu`. Iflkd Hill` New plan- . rte . H. I ooo-- ----- A CABl'.-Tb :1! who are nulamg non thoarron nd udm-ruium on youtl., JOIVOOI wnhuwn nrlyulouy. loan of nnboomie. I will Iemi I are Hut -will can yn::.|"Bll( OF UIIAIIG ii. in [mu nun-iv van din nomad in` 3 mlmonry in laud: Am:-rk-L land I no f-uldrauwd urolupo In the Rev. JOIIJIII T. lllu. Stalkra 0., PAN: Hana New Yoft Ully ..j.-.;- :.-.:'*......" ,......'" "":.:.".,..* *"'..T:.1-.*:%'.".:",.'.*.: lion, in nl pm al the wand. WI '0 Blood PIPIIQI--~ hr . . R . :!:--_.._-* as. .\1..~EEs :r::kB.nkr..p: 9.1. of Dry Goods, in the place when ch ey give you good: at your nun price. .__.-ooo-- .\'fmup'-tl ll`!-lghho mu! lllwunrtfu, , , ,, _,,_E_, " lulu the (running lluulu of 103 . -'\ An - v 000 `I'll: American Hung-, linatun, need: no rocommendution to tho gruarality of tnulio-I. but it umy not he umiu an in- (nun don who are contemplating their lint viait at the "l|n"n," thnt rn haul in u! city in hotter tlmn the AnIo.'ioun." It in comeniomly lot-Mod to I line: of run] II well as the lmnincu pmciou of the oily. and no Hart 11 upnrorl to Innin- iuin tho high rank the Home In: hall Iu ung. ._.. , ..._ ,__...- IIIYC 0.0". ' "No. 30. --Answer 2- llinturiml Enig- ma.-Solim: Hone; Al hymn; vluhunal; Theodore; F. Ten; "Tho lip on nmln when the heart in and." >0 a---?.-- Aruxn Na. 99. --.\uIvrur In .5'impl Gem; Hit; Vain; Bot; En. Inn boon. '-Na an -_A..-........ I . 112.. .11--rru; Iely F. non: ll, W.|.N.7_E'$. ` pa. au.---3lIHlRl|)el'l)lll kill- ro|lic.-l!mlram in. "A|l'n Emln \Ve."t|Ills : I. Banlu HA; 3. R uneo; 4. Tr. h mine; :10` I3 Azj.-hxlvs; 7. M.m'nr. R3. '. 6.--EIvigma.--l`n|icy imurnncc-, honesty the bout. Nu. 5h'.-.\uumm-'3 I. A .. an -- nu. u. n uucu; `I. II : n Illlllt`; a. under!- -.1u"w|i. .0. 6.--Envigxna.-l`n|icy of,5 policy. etc. Eh'.-.\uumm::s. Aunio Eut- horn; '2. I-`mum Clipshwxl; :3. George J. Ball:-1. W. H. l<`...-n.c,.r- 7. :.. norm 3. I-unnv L'.`i|-shsrn; Ball;-1. W. H. l">rrnLer; 5. Captain Harry; Ii. Sydney Herbert; T. Clnulaa J. M-rr'n:8 F; D'Arrnn Plxm--hm R \I.`.... `I Why should Epiocx;pul cluIrc_hal make good gnrrismm I - unl 0'-v~n..m.: ...,. . . ._ ..._...J - I _d.. FVDR EAL! AT THIS U"!-`l ,`E---Svornl [man of Wood and Metal Tnu: fur Pun Inna: also a raw flmln ul'Joh'[`_\'po--n|| in good 4-udllbun. Prnufn furnl-hml al nnv time Will he sold \.'hNIp. Auhlrrsn. Uulrml Wlm: Urnrn. ` W. I. Haul C CO. GOLDEN LION BLOCK. 8079.17`. 1 -.u Whit two poets wt; I be warmest in ` their. snantiuua when seeing A young Indy home from an evening party I .1 -1 Namonylnwn-in .:!riv:n which may be spelt with three letter-a. `I no. 26 -.\'e "The May Qua`! Wlut rim] of ten letters may he spelt. with four? ' - - u nu .. u `No.1 nnlin - ........ .u ..\u n r.r.n .~ I'; .\3l.l..\'.. 0. `. 5.--Shuknaperim Qli--_tMion Ac- c.-Hmtram Well that 3 B;nqun; `J. Emi- 5. .3. l{udcri- E Alkigllltmi 7. Rlurinar . unnuuon: IU. Solomon Rodrig- I. Edgar Sonrlqs. 28 --.\'ew Square. - Tinnyuon, May Quven." thus : ;u. ayaney Herbert; 7. Charles 1;?! I"; D'Arrna Pluucha; 8 War-. Rnlpinson: I0. Solomon Rodrig- `dgu Scarlet. Alon, "Nev "lua- aulnlcn nl (`Adah Wrlu 1"! min. `o.. 28 had 30. H. VTE}TiT `AND %LiAiAWii`E-S. % a n n Simple Enigma.- Ill Ell. "H. " lnluhl rasrllm-,' :25. \.1:8"76. :0! In India." lllul -.( (`mun General Anuclnul of lineal C! ID if? lllhhul I.`l;!l`i:Jn::. : tbIorhI. IT II A II. PAI|0UI'0Il.\II`|' Va hut; at but: at ouollnu HARDWARE. PAINTS, OILS. GLASS, &c. Martin & Straclmn, I`nII|A- lI..|....-..... A. ll _ _ . _ _ _ . . ._ RBI: R I [n:cN:Ia1::.-3 :...L;..'__._.._.......__.._._.__ ,: ,___ STOVIS. STOVES, svrovms. ' [Good Value II all Pal-clauses, X_.I4 M lL___ h m In I IODIIIATI PI!- :37 Ilv:y |:u4lc:voIl:Ig to had! a Alan cl r-Ni-' I-mun by thin Largo Assortment of Tina Goods. Inplo um hnoy. In, emu. bllo that the la - .;'a. !..a 5.. mi '33} u.. Imam {FIX `ifs OIIIIIIELID I. 3 hon Ibo rrotlmn an-I um can-no Ibo I lasers. Jalrary. Iloodia an 00.! autumn. a mi Inna lulu Ibo Above IIII. Adding to their No:-h A ' `ADRY G-o*o":I:>s% ':i:1:;Ei,:L:[f L~UK E J. ERLYS one of the Best and Ghaa1ie"s't_;"l?'all Star ks Hnrdwm. . Stoves and Tinwue. CIMLIBPI than nnv llnx-um in Hm (`ion at HAVING RETURNED 50: - ,, _---- uwvvu 53$ IT WAS E\'Ell HIS l lH\'lLEl'3 TU (JFFEIC. ncuuthulurpouod. Nov 8, I876. 3J\/`cw %YorIe;6`Il0";ln'ng Store: 3 WE HAVE AN I`.K`I'llA LII-0|} 'I:HI`H HP . _ 3 G_c_ts. Pants and Yam which we Sell at tho Lowett Price: I .,,, _\ one mum: m:v.u'r.m-: .\"|V In Full of lie flolrul _l.'oodn In I" llv Ialnl lulu. 2"\\'lu-n the share Go balance of thin Macon. 122 %PA|3KAGES mm x. sum nnv nouns lxllhnviunonlaldut AndI`eotI:-lovluolurlor "i'."7i'ei':'1"I.," IS STILL (}()l.\'(} 031 AND WIL ("()!\"_[`lb.\'_l,'l_-Z PNTIL TIII-2 EN!) ()|-` l)l('.l-2-.\l1Ill.', the bnlnnl-as will then he clip-pucml M V pndar. `I be public nlumlul mu-ull lhv-Ir ulvu l|All`lI'v-In nud punrc-inane while Hwy have (hit-tvmmrlunilv. - ' We Have a Fcw or our Best Brown Ba'n'-Hr 0\'IZI{l`0.\ Ins` . 1-old at M8. `w ||lel|m- are now om-ring at ll. ran SULTANA. NM 13, 1876. `New York Olothing Store. Brock St... {vv1Nfms;1: (}fAfR1\IE N'l`S ....._- nu -u In-~ |JIrIl Il)I1`I, A Fine` Stock of Gent`: Furnishing Goods. Il.|'l`-3 AM) C.|l'.~l IN ALI. lilli l..l1`|H`l' NIlAI l~)H. z. Pnnvosr, % `New Olothinnr Store. Brock L, 4 nm... 5...... u- ...-. [McNAU'|:|7l'-5lwl&GO S Also Brass W'lglIl.-1 and Fair- |uuIIn'u seal:-ac. tlu-up. Q` (`omc only an thorn in only An few KI` I Ihluv l- SCI IIIIII lue II-all Them. II II?` Nov 22, 1876. Great Sale of. GREAT TRADE AT S PIECHI (`ANTON I-`I.A`\'.\'~l-1lA-l0'. I2 1%, l."vr. 1.0 pro-c.-a llluk (fauhnu-n-n-.':D-. 60. 7.`u- nnd'|l.00. New Nap Jml Wrhnlar Cloaking. Na-Iv so-ulotlr nml Nam lieu-pr Clonhinu. -__ .. -,_, , __ __ _____ , _,A L ` _- E I_N_iPRI_QE T gun QUALITY ,ws nun op_n_Ij:'1'1'rIo1g. VV.l'l`H0 U1` j)O(u?1" T : Will Ryempve in a% Nov 2371870.` TVJI have N-y in u fa! clay: ONE HUI"- DIIED ls"I'I`!i OF l'lll'l'S|lAl. MIAMI!!!-38. lump:-I llld ready fur um. uf o_m- own make` OALL AT jjj '1-To "ARRIVE -nus wnnxz` -_r\I\ The Uheajidstiillyvarooats % W1: iolh `I'M e Hm Dry Goods ;1.t.Yol_u' Own A I l'i('os. NEW l:l00I|!.4 JIINI` Allltlllill. __ ED FRUM MONTIKEAL. 18 go thou Ivhu (not him with n vwl-star L'lo|liIIg.I. ' lane Na Clodsingn. rut .\'m~eIl_v in Wool l|`rin.g-n. MI pa Kvlrlrt Incl I.'rc-r Ilul I1iIn f Kvlrlrt tiny While Cu New Blue Want:-r l'r-ol`-Jllu. Wo- ('|.o-up Illu-I Rails Trimmiu \ (Yhrup Hlnrl Mk Mun` WM. BUHBETM EU. n hrnvc Linton 'Ih'a public may ugly I mglll Lunl `Va-k i ARE AT THE EOKAEG-'1'3K' IQ C33 (hrnrr Kim: um! I`:-in. ' IONTIKEAL, PREPARED Tu n all vlvul: IIIIIDIIUI 1!: `IQ ! DTIEIT tum.dr:h luau nclugnu uh I llaanhr. um, Vnr Fun. '.n.2l.).lll1 (uuunn Few `Days Golden Lion Blbck. Luko_J. E1-ly. t 01 \(lVl'l 1.3`-' ' II III! II `I IOTIEIT uvqulocuflcfg nlbpv lu- IAl.I.LIrlKI |nlQll-3-nj-J: 1... ... .. Luna 1. W.Vuu." Mud Wool Ic. loin luck uul 0030l 0d~ Illnlry for Trlmhg. ARI COIIIIS Navy lino Waterproof. Blank rmcn ounmdo. low lhbor Clothing. do In do do Iuvcr do I Just Received !nIcuMnuii&nuvuu. luv an. III. vnul l`rIl.gI-l. (fray Cnuala I-`lnnnelmx at}-r_lV"r-gl`-Jllv. ll. r. x. cousmAin&co. wk 'l`rimInin \'olvoIu.A u-I Mantle Volwla. 13 wow..- V PIIFII. -'1}-. m\"2VAL1ne().\', Wn.aon`a H1-In.m.\. 9 .4 Door: from Market TO LET. 1 `"33 1 30'- Grrnrr King] and Prim-4 .1! Nu wtnnns and MEASURES. W IOIIIT CAIIOI. Plhnrn It I on getting linrguinn fur the SALE} A I4 |Jl\'.l DA , H|'I|,|oI.\4 Winter varcnats. : Mlll pr: Nllu\V .-nuv-Iv. nyuvvuu uuu LIIIWII Cloonpor Ihuu any llumn in (luv City at II baby:-I dl no-doom . Vi-VI wan no on :.'n. Ih::lno _____ ....l 1; W` .m9 Nov '20, do do To be 0|u~m-gl In a Few Days I5 Bales Pnpcr Bus lle-iv`:-Vcl Si;"`Cases Chtfiatmas Goods ma Nzwggaoxsrow V0iLl7fT'"fi`! `I P. IlI\'|G- , `My Huh hwy. Ivy Muinn, Harlin. `fhdngn hive-lly T511-. Inn of Talk fur Young Fnllm. A Section ol suudud mm. \\ .-rlu.` ,. .-u. 1 . ..--awn \\'ed Davin. ' ll- tun. I A In nu pl 5 I must - l`':4`'| 3Iy .`I"I|tWI I ` Maui Carib in twenty I llnqdcdno Albums. Eldoloiuplu. with bird 191105 Inoply nl Nvlfu iy llutnuod by Hill by Birkou Fan!-v. Golda}; Lion Grocery ii; 5233: `N... u..I.l-.. ' zuuuoa. flntld Qua Illwlc. rmnai ..m. ,_iId'n Kymlnph and Hill. ` ` A Inga mpply M tqtuu-"hon god hateful - Hiotuna-In Ilulnhh M13 cum. To M_zg_urn`sT Lsym London nomxb "1-o:nAv: C()RBET'l` & C0'S Hrllnnlwans Hon:-~, IV King _mrn-0. , ,1`-. ` \ 1 `s._%5w0oI)s%. fuml-hml at any a very lowon prion algal we-ll ngaurtul I .. ' 5. PI bird eye maple Iglwn. eIc'I'I lhbiu, hdudful - lluauru-1. pol drawn Pf. nuvvlh A llflnl u .a.kn1n`u nu- %.':-.:'.':...""..,...':1."""'.......*`..'.':: u h` blpuntylquu-b'Iuun-tn. do do ..:,:..",%;'..'E.*:1::'.'.'.."**-..... 'n lib in lung llubtlot,` Io :'.'I:`.:J-.o.:::::'::.a:. .."E.:.' I_,,l I N I 7 ~ - 5 Wine: lure 00. -=:;.;_.. . M I ulna 00' " O.W-W ISL OT '7. N Ill I'll UNI? TIITIIONJAII IN I'll lllflf. [SPOOL coIToN,| 0|.M||('8 ELEPHANT s I x gonna AIINAD MASTKI fur the lulu III III In !o\0O|.|o hub vcrhln nun. 107. - plhullou to in nut In the gum mayor. (`hall-n of local. `lav I III. ` Inhtnqh. on loll Ipiood Icon. I'll! Onrodluu chalet Ootlnl. 0I' ]'I'oronto Flour Store` ." a'.`.'5."..I."`....`..'.."`.:.'.`.'t.* Family Flour, Buckwheat Flour. rm Wheat ml. F1-ash Urackod Wheat. Kiln Dried at laal. IILIAILI AND OI} IA?` IV` 0 loylti Rm-M I_Nah-IN. Prim-cu Mn-cl.` Nov 9.1.lVG- Good on Onto` , T.8.b.'I.. , 200 pa-"cur, It only REES BROS... IGHEAP ovs-mans, Him _H:UP[NED. ' LOOK OUT FOR ' All young men are codlin .ly Invited l attend. ' a. n. uuoows. N07 9'1. I370`. (Ion. hrnmtniv IN .s'r(x:K: can nnunnruu and 5011317-an . Oldoobldudlow Ohuu. [ M. MORRISON. luv 2!. IE5. Ion uoum mum nun] AT THE ROOMS. "Elev:t.rh-`II and H A pliraiian to 1' - 1_'o(4-amp ," /Literary Meeting. 30 Cents per Ouaft. ..v.- . uvvu uu n-uy I1 VVl'Il.....: --can In Gomln saliing 50 per cent below th I uh prima- J. _ M. MACKAY. All Wool Cmuuliam Twu-(I hon. . Good Tweed` for Boy] Wear. . . . . All n-...I- -_n-, 9. `B1-n\"nr J who! .. -w....w-u . . . . .. Ladies Jackets only. . mm '1-'91: slm._.... Ulurr Cults only. . . . Pilot Orarconu . . . . . .. Good Oxford` Shirl; only. . do White Shlmu... ,. , .1... .. _ 8.`! Princess 811-eel. _.\'m -u.1ar'o.. Ouu Smyrna up in 1 lb bu. can In do 2 lb do as muuyom Lunch 1 lsgmacx} cnfs. / GREAT BANKRIIPT SALE F677 I:l;.- IIZ I'N)(`I 0|? IAIOI I [mount BAni:7\i%ri! [R J. Ii. '.\hv[.ARl-ZN wll. READ A _ 'AI'ER us I Illl tr:-tvun Uvrrri. _ l'L'Rl.' APPLE cxnin Ii BOTTEES '03 BY l|ll PllllAl. MEASURIL v Nnnl It! - I300! DRY 1 GOODS. (`ans nned, uni no mnv mu 1 Water at IL. " 1'7 ""'."' I anti nurnnler 51 good` on pain lulu ball at '40 -to .60 coats.` I 9'99F5.,%:1%$09L.n9r_!'a%r!~I 200 do luoottollo do 100 {do Vary Pine Donuts do. 60 Inns [Alon rip. 60_Boxo: do do 100 Ion New Prunes. I Lrnu uxnmnwill` "chap 0 "mm" dingo Iu " `par Inn, at - Iall not gnngaulu ' --cum on1`ns." `rm: C|TI7.r..\ .s T!) nu `ma; um-ncusns w;.;;.,`] XIASTEH fnr Hm I I Qua Im-iu_:ou;rrne (`unit may- alou in Thrralrund by .. -uuv an un. $ilk Squat-gn.. 'l`:-_ r. ..._. NIW STOII, son.m_ .um'rs. AT THE RUOIS. HIIAIJ. ('nxxv: To sum. W. `RIDEOU'l`. 150