V'1i93tx;n`:_sIn;u'ra11`oe(5o y., .. . -.-r-nun nnil moor STREET.` -_; --A_-..- I 1-`on s4Lr:' AT ,or cuum. ' Has the In on ' A-lmupenhlz at se!:~oli'n.ofRoom ' Pup:-r in cnmnl '1 Canadn.xHlnmp' 55` Gold,Sl,vor,8I- ` `l.iu Oak Mable anti nnlnPI Fe , Ban 1-ring. in L000 vs:-mu t 9% tom:--whnloa':e um! rnfnIl-vnn . ' dow8lnulo,ovor- an an noon no-roar] mm unluuiailwa. hum STEAM --:-- Ir vmvuWool orcuolllwn Uuthp. CI! vans. full as an Japan! `u an. J Vlocorlanundrvwnroroonou no. a nun n.. I Assurance Company! -4 0' 140330,.` KNGLLH ~ ` ` ' - llnuu-nn'eu ngalnae lnu , , by Fin nocoptul M china nomad with` otitrbhri-Inm to_-t|u.B0ou'd En? ulag.` co - axons: Dnmoul. " ` (ku.A uhrcuuln n w. VAN 1) WATER. 1 `ma Cnnzoho new ultblhlod mull` Iollod-HlIl.I hludilpooluohlh :0. J. P'fll.unlIunn mmmnu. geaom nubc umurngrunzsl UIUWI C uullu L. luullo uuulu ml In Total luau l'|n Pnnlnu and lnhlt........................., ltll$ LIOII.._............: AIII: Oahu-cti hid Up CI uovnn III II III!) oud Clsltll bid . ....l".`s'.'.;a'.'a Tvul Hanan luhnn. . . Total luau... | ANGLO-AMERICAN uo1tLl ll}. ;IIupdco'.--- , Roe:-tl nxrnhhod 1! run ed. \"`sr_y :ltru] Iblsl` ha 3 us bu-bop sud nail the I lulllnx. TI lpnvpetorllmolmblod th hingnubnghnd uauboabrdovory t|nIuntlconv- our-e.whlIe conrtu End nllnntlon no pun prhlul oluu-nocorl of lhoAng1o-American vhluv I874 lnlleonltofll I Ila` Iulull to u" am Dooonhz. N75: `P . . . n,,,n.-u `Amman: If CU!" l"l.`(." nn ulnu gun luau:-u-vu .. up C II M! IIVWI`. UODIILTI OIIAIOKI. A New andbplondld House an-ly urguoolml ml thomuu tonal stun- A- A-Igm lO|lll\`6.|Il'll1-(`IIOl In Ilylo uuu I|n|uIy.|nu n val modonto GE 1" F0! IBHIRG GOODS of slides- nrImmm.nnd In nn-on Inn-inn. constantly on JJOHW" 's'F"ELs,| STAISICONA I The I: ma Inna-um Company. TO BUILD III A CITY ` Keeps oonatantly on land lingo And nrlod assortment of Furnmlro. Undertnkinl nttondad to in all Hi hnmvhu ofcvery daucrl tron: bathe bent Hurvmn the Dumiruon Fun pals attended to in em and euun try on the mar reasonable lennn. HY. BRAKE` lFufnE,e11i.s:.,s..n%,2d8 '| PRINCESS smnm-, ` (Hourly Oypoom u Olly Bum, Kduyuoa.) THE ORDER DEPAHTIENT oonulnl Ill mmlmna nun-tmant of Good: of the GENT ! FUINIBHIIG GOODS of slldon urIpuunn.unl In great variety, eouotuntly hand. THOS. BELLE. Prtnooq Shot. afirymen-afarmers. DA `1'1%'Y dANs. I KARI TH! BRIT c`{fiuv:{neLt T. .RlONlY 8, In the Dominion ud all then at the Lowest Prices. -....-. gnmjnp {UNPFAK%EB-VJ wuortinout Undertnkin toln keeps on Inn 1 In-go uaorunen ;o! THOS.-S_EAI.E, Merchant Tailor, Clothier AND DI II II GrEN'_1`LE1VIE S Dav; Iva, suitable for the present anon: IN BEAl)Y-MADE! the Stock inmost ex- tennivmrnt-olnu ln Ityla and qulltymnd vorv Irloeo. THE ORDER DEPAITIENT (Ion mu-once uaomnont of Good: of I ulna! nnll Kant llilllll Latest and bloat fashionable styles, nloghl; fmn Hun nmnnt unnnm |fY. BRAME,| The Largest. Hod gt` Best stock for al Pur- chasers In the City. labia-IhodC mI...............anno.muu Foullnrutiiulnupwulo . knnuAlInoouc....... .... ..... - 9! .-`und'o'h`uon1aadln(.`Inodn...... [Milka `\ I...m..m~u unln by non-ptntlgz [ 0000 I soon rbn'1'n mwom MAR.RIAGE|:$T'.f.I``.".."':`{.'.".'. (2`.TT`I'I'I .- .'-".;".I. .'..!"' . .'.'." x2`. . . fIlI,IlIl'IlTUI' USU J %Io`xo IAII'CIIo IIIII. An`. I .190. av. - --u-.- ...., OIOWI 8 0 L. luullo and gun. WU Kay I8. I876 Kay 19. I574 Coner Priieou A lydonhnn Mnelo. _ lo. Cl, Illusion, Oll- `ha "3 l 3705!.-w thh-r noun I` I KJLEEL2 GUIDE. """'"""' :1`-url-I nnxulol P'""."'." ,"!`_""L'.",'!`?""" M-cnu u-rm - I .--.-w w`----7---vv`-v -- _ (Corner ochuuhnnl 4 Q) __._ ' , _,-,4..- - - - u a u . . a . - n . . - o - .. . - . - u o u - u u u . - . a . - - - ,- . . . . . - o - u . . - . - u o . . . . . . inwus on mm: A: Good and Cheap In any In the an-Im U: Planing Mills 85 King St... liupton. -u Ill I875 Cabinet Maker nu uuyu vv... .. 0 NOLAN. _..gn `(Inuit-nu mu (ku.AYuuhrCuuI I W. VAN D WATER. Ageuluforln , Onu lluo unlmlnud Ilurplll ~ - 06.540306 loan you II II It-`to dvn - ODJH 1 I... --n of him Ionnble IT!` thlncvoi mamuu; tho unto! dloennobrouiuu .:ho..;ou 0: th Onclrud Punpfmvl mmmyu xillow 4:sl.n.ornotMutot|uoNonho A . On the Honors:-I! l'unp.-nuauinglhc Iclidlu. o THE DAILY i4$R1'rls1'1 `JvVl=ilG `FEBRUARY 6 -MWLW HQ. nuptad M Llod with IIOJII 09.!` VD. - 'C..I"II`I.,` II., rulcuonwunacoinuooaul Undenaker: Brock `Street, ' Eu-kot Square. `flzhye British nd Nqrth 1{mei'ican:Royal Maiq Goo. Thompson & 00,: I "irxmunnwrotcx. . u I no .u.amer.4...'.' ...Wodnuday,Fab. 7." ALGERIA . P4Erm-w: odnead|y.l"ob. 14 mnmu. cu1.v.4 ....... ..\vean..a.'y, mp. 21. ('IlI.N A BATAVIA .... Wednooduy, Feb. 28 uuuv.4....~ ._u;Yssuvu .. ..\\'edunod.|y, Mach 7 _ Pviziiaa Wines and Liquors, '3`! -av.-v .v r- Betv`v'een~vNeVv'1-`York &';nd Llvefpool, . - ognnrxq Arog gunnon. % " IISI8. WIDIII la. C0. In announcing their Incoeu II the World`: Fnlr vonldonll tho nmnlu at tho 0: n `nblle no the that that am: no not: can on-lush- v- Gntlouon minor: it notes! talc tr. Ibotr Pinon lnvo noon at the when Ilium Thou lnurunenu won not nude for the Exhibition. but lain hot: H sol. hall; 5 Hr rqlnunuhon onlhlt Pianos. This should In a proof to Canadian: that Onndo on par vines no good Pluouo the been imported lnnnum-nu. l And overylollov-ring` Wednesday f-on New Yark IQ` Bytnuu-0 united '.do IOI any ' auerqo puungoml I V ` ` --u-4-- |Hnya| Eanadiap T H! COMPANY dam-van the gnmudo and patronaggs of the Clllldllll public II` In M nlinhlnont I-U). a low (arty of rain. mm the cause of the ranking up of the high ram vani- btucudq whlchlmd previously oxkated betwonn British and Amartavr-`vm`nnoI. I N.B,--I-Inquire for rate: before lnnunng or rouowmg your Innnranca o uavhoro {! It` llH.Dli!RRI .'l1!lEVlE,` coxcbz; up-a-.--w.-.--.w-.. gov-a\aa.vgLV\/.-.. -_n\naagV.-. T Fire. lnrlne, life. Accident, (guarantee. " shunt I-penal Iuu-nee coup : (the) Anchor In-In Inn-nee Cu-pay. lTII|lOII' IIIIIIICO (`onpuny (Flu! In-dud nu IIIIIIIOQ (`o-puny. n I In Inn 1 lnunnce Conpnnyn VA:-client lnnnnloe coupon: ofcalh Tannin G-amnion ran:--1. W and `loan:-W-u-.'I" '4 u Joni@I.rn-pun. sbuulu-no nun-A. mum-` \ Parties desirous of Insuring om depend upon low nten and fair denim b trutin` vlth the undarxMvd- STRING UTIA CE Ou, Claronca Sinai. - . HI ._..____ _____.______..__..~__...-_. _%_._._s_. Lumber .Manlufaclmeis, 0f Mlil Point, 0nt., Otfor For Sale. foot of Queen street. 1:. ALL 1 rn-mm: nu 'I .nM'll`li!`R um wrnrm-An-r nun IlA'l'I AGENTS : Ilcwe Been Awarded by the Int:-rnalloualelury at the Worllaa Imlladelpma, on their Plano: .- FIRST PRIZE. AND SILVER MEDAL, THE MEDAT. or HONOR, AND DIPLOMA or MERIT .-____._ __... H"I%B.? &VSON, _..__... _.?. ___.__ .... _ .._. __._. (iEN_'ul:RIg3_ 1_1{4s'(A.i$I_oI1-{`;e`;G1:N%0Y.% P. MoDERMOTT, Assets - - - - - $25,000.000. I`IfLlI and LIFE. ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF` ENGLAND. 1 Raga} Oanadian lnTu_r_ance Company `'11-; -.1111 n-ring- - c bin Loo o1obl:o'nao%fu:1:'.. ` ....... " I . . .00 Ill ' . , .3000 to AIQ Thxkeu to Paris, $15.00. Gold, uldltionnl. ` . ` ----r- Rotun;Ti1-keta on favorable to:-Inn. Btocugo Tlokalu to uni from all put; nl mlropo at very low rum. Through Bill of hullqg glven for Belhahlugow; llnvrmtntworp Ind 6356! 1 Continent; and for Medllerruiuuu poru. ' _ . - ---'-.-- -.-- . ~Of|N5'.O'V!l |lI7OCIOd`IIIH Harlot. - hpuhdblnelhmffamolnlth diluent land: 0 llnan. nndln. Am. .1: GomVme%rcia.l Union Assurance Company In.` IENIILANH Thronih Bill of launng for Belfast, ulugow; r Eontinnnt; for Iladimrrinonn " For Freight um! Cuhln Pun enpplly nttho Compan For Fmighc and Pxn9ugo.app y as company : Olce, July 18, 1&6. #9"? ant....._...... `I J ll. uumm , nag. : ur...~uvme, urn . 9. um.- Cuurrh int 3 number of '1 mm! nuul; I" the mnodh |Irmuiu:-(`I roltofor can. with null. I came to llm |`0II3`I ` nu-I1--nun 'J?'iIlllg to cum tho :1 u `vumllmt In zlvo the e`.mu-n-. RuumLy" ntrhl, I `\I`I'_v time much an m that happy now to IIV. tint gm elm, I ma cum-ol um! um I war had Outur . ' I ulna: mom! I: to all thou nu. elm-uu~. and am uuhnd lhn ..... .....\ hnllln, in will maul 3-I.-,. fa"P'\','3' WEBER as 00., capital . -Apru ~29, um ! STEAM E xix? YOUR .1NsnA1foi_.- PREMIUMB IN anum. or Kmgion. DESCRIP- TIONS 0" LUMBER and MANUFAOT RID MATERIAL FOR HOUSE BUILDING AT LOWEST RATES. ENTS 2 A V Iuzmrrrozt mun. noun: James Iaouoo.Uhulrm'nn, John Cnrruthel-I, l.Donn.J|mu Rlolnnhon. __._._g...:...._ aoumm Tfria Bunknca Tcommv. _.`,?:-.{ .'_.,.`5.'_`_'.A _5';'? L'.'ff3L'M." 553??` Plano - Forte Manufacturers, ]{IN(i STON. `ONTAR10, c"E N T E N WI AwI.7"A'W_A R D 8. II I`:-`to not 3,... l|.|0o.o-on or wlwt ' .5 0180 II` Iouol _ ac`: 1 12;:': } L %;osnanomz D T wuoleue no u_uu. | T. ..... -.... `ruo'o::hx`na nx.~ , [nut Inn rolourho. a van mm r u-aoloa II:ts%URANC{ hAG:'6Y, JOHN OSTELL. Preai '~( ulunox. aunt ruin: to-pulp u-omen uunnoe company or unuv. (`nundn Gurnltu Ihnpaly. J. I . GILIDRSLEBVB. Agent. lllnnton. R. C. CARTER & CO. 'fif'fI%"-A-1W:E'7 rrnsulnn nunmn. . '.'.:"%f:'.t;':f."" ' ' (`anyone they _ :_._.|__-.I '_ `Ln- Fm:-:n.u.s c mm.mI:u rxznmsnm and ullmulnd to on, the shown notion. Cul-` PIN. nn band and furulnhod to order ` `III II ` -- - * .1 'h._I--nlInI H..- 1'11-o and nlnrino. 'I I II `vi OF ENGLAND. I I V - 0 uunloo|lninn.\|mItcunnoflUIliu ghupo >.:w'llw York OI` Boston. ennhglcrllhn of 805: -mu roumnu onoacx nuns owl 6- A~_srT.sWv-I '1, Ian. T l'&""'-5'-'5"""""*'x:.'-. Ifllinm Mom tho, W Ion Iulldor V Mam Rad. Km-cu. Ouch, HA8 0! KAI )!-II] Ilblol bl lab I Do-QM mud Q..w;l $H 2:-:..'z.."..'-.3:-` :.T..`;--*'*......:w...'- ` Cu`?-`mu. IUD Ttlrance J llundmg, : lI`nln. I871-Sir: ning Ind Cum-rh lur 5 `years, Ind hnvl muurly I-emodlen mdvonluod t Nln.V1thMIMhO desired to- oonoluslon that it who un-Io-A Ill '.r 'illgt0N|I'1'I dunno. I wuul~ nswdlnal all the Comm uni lid no, VIII: u`-ry the remit. But I All lm|up_\' now mm mm; thoohn And who: loci on I! war Lino oloormny pooIn~ all aunt iron that that it may I tub try out ham. it will heal no nwml, and will convince the mad Yuan Its tfulk .10 so. 1101., schrmu mam !Insurance Company l Ospiuh - . leg. -In. nnnn -IIII-Dun I ? Inuit. 1`~c:.'::.'::.,...-' A. Mc00RKlI-L. Llifw l2l4L.;orutUI5IothlonIalI.J ' low nm. A r,` linno,4ntvyorp other ports on the JUST AIIIVEII: [Gnu axons` - For Eh I bottk. nmc-e.4 Bowling GMLI, New York. BOWIIIIK Green, N.Y. CHAS. G. FRANCKLYN. An 'nwu N:I_v_x,onx In-ooh IIII DIPAITIIXT. IllH|ll'Illl`0 ullewnn 0. 1-`. u1LDERsLEh:vE,~ Aunt Kinutnn Bran - six M|lIlonI. ALFRED PERRY, (Ian. Hunter. Hung Green, N.Y. ' CHAS. FRANCKLYN. Agni! Ila. ' J. P. OILDIIILIIVVE. Inn at M Patients of Invonon "I;-"..'.'a..'.`I . Wdn;d|y, Much ll - .WodnoidAy, lhmh 2|. uwddnudny, March 23.` . .. Wcdnoodny, Mn rch 28. uluumwuum V Is,` Aolxrr. Kingston Branch. P PERRY, (ieuhlnnngor. CnmpY' ~'.:s7'"-"'""`% AT M'llILLA.N 8 -..;...... Ian... 3...: Plumber: 8 B30! 1 clolvay & Birch, IIIIIXTII, V0 19 xuuvvnn % V0. Pllluu Ifllff. byt tbhll. ~,&'h.`b.t JIIIC. I71 W .. .s..'.'.3ai'.'2.'.L`5`.'.. ."....,"`.:"`.....u.."" In. nntu on man on. ' urban : halal Juliet! Ir! Int nnuhlnultl . u.u."`T-.'}m' 17;..i;.I..;.;.`. IOI WOOD OI $15. Wnl l4INI'l D Canny : rllillt hi 'I Inllbi Prrhno. Ab boat, ILK LAITIC ITOC Ina . In-valid IIIIIII. Duds; 00-ho, to. 0. IL` Lmn & ca Ill-I I'D-j mo. rmuzriuun Lmm: Oolono Wucn. (haw rniuunu WI- COIl|I'l'l' E (X) Doc`: 19. IDI. I7 Kb; In! Iuluul Wolgltl Ullllkd Md npnlr. Spectacles I HALL AND PAIIAJI I'l'U\'E8. lhl CIIIIII Jewel Parlor Cook for Can], the but In the nu-ht at Chop lulu Ind Nu. Chap canon lapel-Isl nun. A Inn Moot I-penal luau: All kind: ofCOI|'l'IN8.CA8KST!. BHIOUDI he. kept oouutaml on Isucl. ' A xutw IIIAIISEJ e um m mom Ill any mniah Funonlo at the moat nun: Ihlo to:-In. Inv as IE4 jinn: .'m: 1-unuc mm; ALWAYS run) A uwd oholoo in all kind: 0!, Avll our. First Class stock 0} (Oil and Wood ranking maven. HALL AND PAKUII STOVKS. the Crown Jnwnl Pnrlnr (`uni fur (`ml lhn Inst In Klu- CH C I0 l|QI'hI. . IAIZP a'uo7 I:paIlu':.'u'u'5 faul- `. p_ _.?_.____.... .. ..___.;._j-. |s1-ovns, 3'1-ovns We. the I|IdBl`II[IOd. am all lot onoll. The Tnvolon fnrnhhu everything dad:-able In either Life or Accidental huurulco. ll hnl iuued uvar $2.000 non! Avoid!-m policiei and uh] Nineteen ` unaml Claims for death or! ur ` by moment; the amount lhlll Nauru- o mpo Icy hujdon awnginunlnnut .836; day to: awry worming city during the put nun yel.Ir:u Ufa Dc nrtmenhll Mu written ll,l."-4 policies, Ind its ow nu L`uh'l'!nn In uoodlly growing in Ann: with Ilnoinnuriug public. DEPOSIT W I'M! llnlrllnlltruwn Thou. D. Harris, ` . ' Tlfs KB: The Hon. (loo. W. Allam.'l'hoo. Street; Blr Jar Ltkiu Robinson, Burt.,nmd (Mo. Boyd. Eoqo. Mun an-`Marine Du rtlpon.WII. Btowud KWT. . Biruhull. nnnsging Ditoctor. o Brim]: America; Auunnce Company Insure nil um! noun \'cun-la, their knight or cu-es; by the trip. monjh. Ieqaou or r, u at loan or dnunfe, by I-`up or the [era 0 N uiomnnho 0 utygnlunontivonwn Thin ompuuy uontin II: to Inuuv building of NA uuou, It the In at yiilnunonlivo I'I_lAl ompuny 16 building and III othor doecri dog: or Proper: ngulno Lou Dunngo h freon the t bl tnrmnornnd at the oven nun 0l:ll'.[0d vlyynany goot Compgny. In. 1375. l-Iii-it Iijuj Cabinet nmm. uphonmm Km `Undertaker, l Prinoonn troot. an mm of Gentihmonhsnd Ls-'| din Out M! alnumm -Annunl va.`lV,VVV- ' Foster We In Innloy Gononl nub. HI I St. lumen 8tn\o.louws , I I`l\llIIIR.IlA|.lI|-or . ,_.. (Eh. {uldoliw la nlljnruof lboulqyancl union :1 z|~kl,.' . \ uncle Iupplhd at tho . moat nun-nnhlo nml. It Shop opposite Ialnlny C Ilnhhlhvl D:-null. nnuug In nvuurwua momlurlug public. " Bxrosxr wrrn oovnnunm $140,000. I-`nnmr WA Ia. lnnlnw n......| A _.-.- Inn r'-`IRE M&_._1lAl`-'3lNE` ` nnmsn AMERICA Insurance company uun on-`Ici: - - - - . mnoxrro _ Church 8mo.Conor of Court 36. BOARD 01` DIRECTORS Goo. Percival Rldout. Inq., Governor Peter Patouou, Esq, De uty Governor. E. Ion :11: Cuyloy And Traits mu. |' titan to Word`: shoe factory. - ' I ' Q - -5 J .1 '74. "'"na.o94.aoo'.34._ _ 8w"pIu:uarc9rd:polic3rholda`a.O.`?6l 824. 00 G1-nut`: ovornztuq duh-able Ln Illa dual Lnnlalnnm l_.-.----- - A mnxciu In All Hi: nuncxru. omu mvvns um vuuou unoueu- 0171 cnulu. ur-nu overysnuu aaunblc in Idle and Accident Insurance, Or. the moat I-`uvoruble Teruu. " nu: 'rnAvniLis* "Insurance Com any, OF HARTFORD, 00. N. ' uwl Odll Ul0 ?w0C yr 34 IROOK s`r'na'r.` Jlllul Uvvuu T.l.AW ussurwuannrlxollol wvuauaolo and luau Dulce h - u'-__-_A_A-.--- Al nnl J. Ri5i?[D S-. " 2 ALL rxum km; lnrlburuuou 1875. Lu luuuu U1 ucuullllollillldbl dl `Out I 01 . O. Hnnod lurnu:n,'.nd ` OHM Chartered-(_Ja-r-1adau`(bmpny. ml. connufr a con. ?_1_:_octo.clea! c. a. gym 1." co. JAMES REIIS: Guinea. .53: nnkalnaugu AI SIIJJNG OPP CHILI . .`l`ho run,-ntltutloinil Remedy.` casu` PAID L anoxon amm uuu Accuwnl lllllrl ..-__ IyI'\UI.ZK`7'.Ia town a zummr. Anna. ' omno sum 11:100- KIN USTON. WI coll"? H (XL Itre. tnndlnd and mnnlu. on` An ll ouumn .1. hum . :.fIlIN OI_ p\`\-bvrn I~lpI!l'{Gl1|!0, the fnorshlo Account H utlunh-d um ruhuh-m Cmlgrrh |' vatuh-A 1rauut.y.- 1`. J. B. lhnmno. EUQ-a ' -` Ilmokvlllu. M y Dear Mr -I can mm mllyoudono. we (,`nn.s|.'uIIl|u.|m| (Eaurrh lknnod . II. has d Id ovory timn I uuod u, and than when I could not his ruunr mrn on my uolf In bu` vutlur; Vunn nnnmmlnv. C. W. VOLIIY. T1108. KIA TING Lulu nrorr canon u ninaum. i! Xvhl U '.L"~..'..':'-":!!.'7:'.:'-.21.-.e.-. }'r'1'1"33s"i"z.4r11va La-4.. I ' ninmm. ' nun nrr nllllll` h Tl IIIICI TIITIIIII luruuu cum uu covou; 411111. ACVUIULAT OJ 0! PILIGU. man In. `I . luau. Insular. Dal-Iv.-Iuhgrldyut I Icndounllu I . on 1:`-. _ I yen-an nnpethlly. Int Vnooa. In. 1'. Kutna. bib: lethal In-via. but Obs--lluvh and not 1. .'-..*..'~.'..-.-.'.-..-::.:.*-:--:.-..-:.. -: -rr: T mTNHmcn: poudonhopun-unu-lu`. `unusa- % muhln opium not unyulolouthnn who no dollnco an the nu. tbuvhhpo aunlduuo. Tholtboulchl bqundyel oirhlu. Thhollhhllg mud; in nnunoudod by Ike nun-hunch Hewitt and mononu- xutnuu couliitiu; lhunnunnl nl [ho DIINIII lll. 11!! [A2]:- II"" . UUUUU IUIIV-C` Coupons! ol lluo put-at Th Inlan- lwna up norruny deleteriou- (Q39. CLIFF.] ll` you woum ruv: A nova" vhki nuolh for |IA|I.I u-lorulilahun tlrtr oodocCu|--o!l.o`fnml.A1'IN'l' my *3. '1 I I I: vu-ht! Inc u the I u l am In AND srovn sun-,| DLAIIIPI an-urrr .... 1.... In BIJGIITLY DAIAOID BY I'll! AND. - WATII, c"-unnkIT7`?ATsr_AErTtni STOVES. Wlll Be Sold at llalf the Usual I It I C I . HnBART%| 7 .Il.l.l . ' -wt mum ..'.`.`.E` .u.. ...-.`c:.` 100 ban. in nun. pa: do 1; :gP"r. in urn` lwper ox o Barn I n . Q` 11: in he t f puuelnuu-:.oI"'Joh ho'u.n" umwrmm I or II! I l\l\lTl\l`1 TIITIZV Yuan rupoutmll . II Mm .: llrm-|tvu1e. hvll urchuen *1`. J."`ii6N0GHUE, fiiii shTfiIhP sj Fall and Wlhtr Overcoatlngs, t Dr can and Ilnslness L. . ` And far gentleman who eudoy I cod Smoke wo km-n nu hand the fnnmun " EAVEII I0 ` Ixehoi I5.-'10 " - Also I In! of tlololifcongrn. shd Rom-hang which will be SOL A1` 0081`. ` ` I LOWER THAN ANY HOUSE In the CITY I ' ALKI 18 NOW COIPLITI. and an In: ulna` or ' the we w MIMI onF|Ti.'f1'6 bklttjlalgu. oeklm to ho. uhlu to any n um nu-y um tuna. Inc! are doulrhmuad lo anrw ourlrieuda " (the pubhr) In like manor. 9 Oranges, ' A _ ' Lo:nons,. ` Grapes Apples, Oysters. I . W0 lunvn on hand I hrgo Stock of CHOICE WINTER APPLES, Cnnullnu and Auuarirall. nun -a nminllinl nrv (Than. A few Bur |Putryand Cakes in Large Varieties VIICIII RY KC 1' Al-`TII!00H . AT OUR NEW STORE, MARKET solului, Futory of: Wellington Street. J. Crotlnrsl connrri. ..'a 'nrioo,we will onfnili-uTI[I'v I ld.'DUNB'AR&CO| Our and Stock ac nrima mom Doukinu and Ouhmoru no extra ulna this V I Iil nun canon : mnutuulgm. wgouaar Iruu An Assortment of Ready-Made. Clothing For Sale. Ohesp, mun ummil . uni-m. um: nnlu up man dhsppolnt . . ' We Mu [MOI lot 0?. FINE 0VlRCOA'l`B. (this union`: mnuufnolgra. together with l_ A---_A_.....4 -0 Ilggaln gal; kpulmoulyud Preys:-lyluundu ANADA. UNITED ITATIII AID IUIOPI . hwonndoonrnlnoil to olaor out `our Iauly Mndo Brlith this union. 8 lb: Jnpu Tu tor Kl. worth 20 pot lb. |6 1. u fa 4- I u 250 In -II| Nov N.lI7l. Z%CI CV -union [0831 `I0 LCD 0! IBM. ll`l'A`l'l In-nauahunnu-n. HAIR BRUSHES, -llo vs Nov? I87! MERCHANT Tnnons. Oct. 7. 1876. , I ind Smoke we kw BR ND" and I Choice Muhilln CHERQOT. 2" In` -31 .f'13j:- culnc: ITIEIT. Mu logo! to. Il-IJ. . 500 but SALT at l.00. thing: do at sonata. 100 hole: In llah Soap M. 40 ND '- In M at I150 net .__.._" _ ' nv KI LQHII III IIAL ll {Tl-JR APPLES, Cnnullnu and Auuar wc nrrbnlltng vor (7 . f 1! roll or nryno 8{I_()Vw.Pl`LE.:l. ooodvnymn ` Iedlum " (tlmlm " I: `u `. P 135 -~ Iallun: J: Choice suagns. El! VFIIAU ANV Ilf|l'I?` in Ikn auolcn. nu. ll.lI7l. K|N9n8TRElT, Ontario Street. I`.'& {!A; I New unu unyuoura-.:l. I than xlw `u AOD""" o:="':, I A LOT 0| SI1luPI3r` Qlul ll w2.:.'s;.. wuuFlI.ww.-_` oiculnunuupuqc-u-gy- 1'0 IAIIIID LAD pull-lynuhn. In vm,.mul I3 I80 I nr 5 ru{'nr nnymllf I run rupout II-mtmg, Tn sin} iiiAxI1iEiBi JIID Xl far an: Inn! n Woulnuup W Duh: '1`|Hq."I-W'54- u: akin; ulldluuu that Mlnwn n Icqlnm of Half but. as Local Insor_v.nlnv-nl uunmln I In the loci. Dunn: of Vwou. pruni- tlnongmud-uayothrdtnn-uvu thtlnod tolnunyor I-ouunptlou And a pnnntuo run, I of wind up rule on In! c-and by 1 out had Mu-ale Ihdloau In tho Io- nuo slit stud and an pm cf upw- by ihuh & Gun. Ne dnuhu ovuyvhn. 5 co. |`-aiur.0u c n. Ihgltal "5o":`I.1 _._._._.-. _. - iii In. our: mcm.c"uen|cuuu VV Iodeoia cf :50 but Cuullnn muh,nd have now In cloak oleolltnt INULIBH UP- IIGIIT Pulultnndohy ltoodvood.Ch:ll be") to which n lulu ounuon. Also I I Mann: In roll. Phuiou tn mt. Wofoalunonlu adorn lnurlncnlo will continua uoulhil their vol!-urud ru- ng Wgju-uulmorner of hi: I . ...`;'...:`<'> ."."."s"J'"" 000 N. IUD. T---~--4 -. vcu -- E UW!jwl.Londondorj- I A -- . canmonncuin `um: '-In ._ _..._ 1-'n.:..n mm` In snson mmcv tnAn_HInnn m muum H. L'nl|m|lrIl llubllitv of I" the lunch- holdun. and large Icurra I-`undu. u..a-...o. _o.. A In-nnnlnln C----. WI any: ham hand unl Io- lodmu Ound n mnlmnd Lava uni In Ilk IIQIKIII GIX I9`lR8'l' PRIZES AWARDED T0 E. O C. GURNI-IV. ()l.HAIll.1`0N,on the ' ' fullnilnn Bantu. hm: IDIIUWIIJI ISIOVFI. 30.2 Argus Base Burner, Gurney Wood Cook. 4 Antslops Psrlour Btovo. '- Lntslopo Parlour Oook Stove. Assortment of Hot Air Registers, Sets ofoopper Stove furniture. Hursm Hardware Hausa. Wisi W iiiI"z " onciis. PIANOS. ORGANS & MELO_u_E()NS. Phhwiix` Firei lnsI'1iri_ci Compny,_E Lqidon. it I - n.:.`.'."v.....n. lune very superior pneumo- dubn (or Cabin llld Ilteengo puoougen "IA-II: nl Iunuuan I irovinz (_:_i_1_Il _I_l1ibi_ti; lie BROOK ETRBIC1` BUTCHER`! SHOP VI. 6. & J. ELLIOTT. I Mu-in. Ieinphlm... 3'i.'.3"i " i" Q|It'h:p-1:? nu ITIAIIIJ or fill uvsnroot MAIL .l.lJl A: film I.a.-........u .._.`-mrvnnn--- 5 than from Llnrpool on`-iv 'l`llUB8DAY sud II-um Pnrtlund ovary IM1 l'lllMY. vallu:a at Lou; Fnylo I'M Ilnhlhx Ounvoinon hon And Inn Man: uni Pumugan to and from lroluzd and HcotlAnl.`:;o iiumndoxl to he do In N Thin Lino In com or the following In! olnu full-powend .|yule-built. luuulupo, sud will pu-urn legals; Iorvloo botwun` ' _...--w- \7`7- -1 a\rI\4I.\lV I IN wiurn, in run: Liverpool `ovary Wodnondqy, culling st llalfut huughto take in cargoes um puungorn . Vessel mu. Co!nmnnera.: Inctmal . . .3250 (Building) I bmlnion .3200 Capt. llobaru I mu-in. _ -nu-pun: ruluujc IITIIIXTT "" hnonu winlnn Io oer! for their monduu obtuln Pnuqze '~rtI'qn,u~n for 095. _ The ticket: on good for one you and the amount ll nfundhd I-nun mull Ilrdlwlmn. If not tuned. Full tnformntiun will Ins uh-on by the A tall u to nu-Mur - oortlmlou to ho obtained or- der to ha an!!! ad in thin -bonun. A rule of-thin (.`omnnnv.mnh-In nlu-v-vnol dor to be entitled - Com uny.nn:llv oburvod by the (`a_pto_:lnn, rt-qn red (but. in ma run of fax. the spud mum In rt-duo:-d In dud Iiuw, utuly being the om`:-I oonpmerntlou. l-`or TWKMI and mu hnrllmr Ilfm-mnllnn an-' urely In-Ina the ' uni Ourtlnor llformntlnn ply to H. BOUBLI R. (Innenl Agent, mun. Ont. FOLDER & ANLF.'Y,AEcnu,~ (mice. toot. of Brno nal Doc '26. I876. 7. "D. `lbnucu & co.. CZIIVK Ill lII'II'l Dllla IDGIT Il'II9IM'II &~`::nlAEouu Ion`:-cal c. r GILDERBL xm. um I lb leroehbolow Brltiah American 0- o. . Mu, G6. unnm....`... ......'......... annealing to my-cunmlntlon. Inmrmodmo. . . . . . . . atbanou-.... . . . . . . . . . Thu teomumof the Glunguw Linn on Inten- dud up all bouu-an um ( lvde and Pnnluad 181 ' hm-rvnln during she Haunu m` Wlulor Nu- wipmozi. ' - _-_-. v _. 5z%:Mno1w` um '1 A34. wwropnld uokou Iuuod u. mum mu ciulronn of brln ' 3 out Lholr Manda. 'l`o3uuIe:&Co.. nonuenun Montreal on GILDEHSL :mi.A-..... In Ivnnun, nan LIVERPOOL 4 1203 TON m wirrnn. IIOIIICII. IIIII ICTIU KKWVIV I'll Moderate nun of remium. GIN . L. Kl!!! * Armrviiug to A(0|l0dll0I. 3071.0 - - - - - - ' ' - IN. Prepaid okou nuuod lowest _, bringing out I'll Nov ll. IND. ..... .,_. ._._ -.._.... -V. VIII uuuw-u LIVERPOOL QIIIIEG MID IDETIEAL IN IUKXII, AID flillnnnlxll 9 llI\(\II'II\II ALLAr_ LINE!` Jon loan Porlodlcul Pllln. - - Trrpald l'u-hue I`:-rlllcano." .....- ..:_|....- ... _, . I -H n -- ||n....-... . 5| Arnlrvhng A1.-omnm I-.nll""-'---I BNEY, U!` HA`Ill4'l'UX folluvlng Stoves. 19.: Id :-uuuu nt I732. ruvvulru 90 "T0! POITLANI): . V.'...,_ in... "OI" I870. Mao! ' GI( KIRKPATRICK. Agent. Kiupul vm. AILEN'8,_ uxa. no in patch-d .1 lltntuann wiana-on. C , " Bonn-both PIIVLAIII. ..0Hud 010 Mon. L Iallon. Lnureuon Jonas Human .')c 30:5. J... not .'MG 5030. Jan. 6%. n ma .'~" 100%` Jame;--8w|ft. I \N ulnfilfl WML"_nN`lm wmumou mm. ......r. :3. am UIIII Llnlu-5 cu.-vv V - ov llAB'l_'IORD,,001IN. cnmngzn. _" ' V lnotvmo, Out. A out to: IIo_ Dominion of ' `""' II'8`h"u"'T`iI'AN1~' 5:. Lawrence lion. I by all Drunk: Prune 0.00 pet `I. J. B. HARDING. ` luotvlllo, A no rm an Donlnlon ofcuudh Md BFIOIICIIII rluxrvw m-..I. nml the man u (hen to union. us we IIMII Imlyuuuu. t. ' 'c. kins 8:. 51 N vuunr; W. "`I`Hi`:' CRE"A`T' ' comm TlI0lIOUcIIFARE.g Whnlunolocllulouluuuuuu I All ' ouotlpuono of Con F! Mom FUIAIQ. .151 m that us: TM lulu do Mllpl ll Irgvl 91% hand an: . maul dun am In .n.l.-r u on hvutnuiu an n J I`.-n-are utdull IIII j Il`1H I.` to banal: u-mm. no omen mfg; an! Inn buuluou In ya at an income from Preualunu. qnuuuu than tho Wain-I Y) In thoouldouul W IA It-Ute-I-I-nynonunauul lama. Ielutnu. Prudent: Charla lo Ioq. Vino-Pnaldum Berna-d hldu. u-q..im'Iu Damn. ma. bovlooe, 13..., DIIIO'l'0lIlx 'uL`2."..'*.'.'..,"".`i-'5'!" " IAmI bnnrruxn-. Dun and Mm Blah in Hull: and hall at town! uununuvlptllo. &.J. . .INE lupoonr; who : IlPIu`|I`.L'o Iiqa`-.' g I|g"III'C.h01lIlul.0|. B. 0. OLRTIR &00 EQQz?x::;1E lcoAL) uvtn`oooL.LoInoucuIe plus AND `U!!! st CANANDAIGUA, N.Y.. tho Northern ter- minus nhhe Nnnhu-m Cenu I Bdlwny Pull nun Pulono buy our Iglaeplngifuru on ll inn. Tho Oflftloh of rouutry trauma in VIHN! new VIli;lflTIA.l nAunoAo| Inn: luanuful. I I [1 tureoqm So-uun the c and plan no Ian-, louluwn nun mu-r Benet; I ooun . who -tuned With uaflnn. the `1_-o:.ahu1ac!'l in us umn 3 rump o sunny - mhfthhwhlym Coal Mine with Inclined may rnnnln in top of the nmuntam. ai- lu houoou It Mon, Pm; the Ruuqnnbanuu liver with no Tbmunn-l dimimmvu lnhmdn, And the Nctlojnl Calm-.u~ry and lhmo I-`Mal n1 Gtmynbmg, urn din`:-,tly on the route and cm only In rc-uvlmd by it. - mono llnllnnl and no Du-L ` Line newly laid LARGE ABSORTMENT 0!` B'l`()VE8 ol nll down tlunminrlndln the Argnml Bun BIIl ll0l'.I'lI vhluu pron-cl uolflo be the but move in the nlu-h-1; Also the Calcium P`-so Burn:-r whirl: hu taken x-at prin At the Cautrnl I-`air. Hamilton. A number ol` that when Cook Btovou for Wood or Coal ull to be sold cheap for out at ` ' ' W. DU`NN'8, A Dupfaia, Princeu Slml. ....-~.\._.._-*,._.._ . - .._. _ WESTERN Assume: Bournnv, _ _....-_. be numbed bylt. mono Bnllut nnd no Dun. nowl bid with steel lpllu. Wmmnghouoo Air Bra 9 on all tnlha. ` - - ' - cozuumnlo vrrku an ~'.n Gntnh . ape: hngln wil be done at the upon rug in but Mylo by on tlm lino |m'nm unod. Meals w ill lu- furulnhod at rumble mm. And ample time allowed fnr nuoylnu them. nvntvn mtnru II" llVL li`FlQ JfJAL\J\J.|.UAJ;\rA.v .5 ..v.......-. -at reduced noon will In sold at cl` principal Railroad Ticket Uluol. Io live that Your Tlelrll land by Ila luv \O_l I Central, Northern. (`rill-nl III Pennyulunln Iullroun. _ Von any other Infurxuntmn apply to Western Puoelqor Agunt. 8AI'L L. SE! IULLB. D. _M. BOVD.`|r., Insurance company mama u;u._ u1.ooo.ooo. Pnuenqor Abllt. Bllug, H. B()VD.Jr.. Wen : Fun. 2!. Gen | uas.Axt.. IMPERIAL MEASURES unuuz W I On CIICI III Pl` IOOII MN!- McKELVEY & B|RCH% S STbvE,S. srdvluisj 66IW:_|3AP era. WM. ROBINSON] Tlll CIIAPIST IIII BEST ulowo mr I-Iunylnu mam. EXCURSION TICKETS .,._u -_.-- ._nn 1.. ...I.l ..o nl` nrhunlunl I at UIIICI-Uuh all Iyk cl camp as aha H14 III 1 Nov 6. I876. Nov 30, 1876. rmnsiixfw iimnoj us A`! i gnuumuuo. 1'31 EATING. STATIONS ORTHERN-E CENTRALg K _ ' ' KLAIOI ABSORTIENT 0! MOVE! nl all tlanonntlonn. Inoludlnl Arnnd VIII. an no . II. BOYD._]r.. _Went`n gt Pun-a.Agt., sumo. $1. Philudolphnt. II 6. ' ' -. ~ WM. fI3'I`INN's. WM. ROBl.N8ON/ mm` a.-.; ~ > -;.. llmuthe nu rnuriulr -uuu Inn; liollodloln will the (Iv-eupo::I 1851.) coiAL;Ep`m.