Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Feb 1877, p. 2

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:--__. was suius Aunhuusns most 0! the eastern towns. +l\_'(Lword hu yot been received bynthe Ontario Rowing Club from'Schu'`. the Httablxrg oarunan, respecting his match with Hnnlon. ` I ` ~74 ._.--.. L......... H`. martin- Will] nnuwu. I Seven barber: were befuro the magis- itrate this a.m., chafgudyith profaning [the Sabb":`uh by carrying on their Linual Vocation. In defence they skid they thnughihey had as much right. to do In an dintillerl, be. One no diggbnrged, and the rest wane fined 83 or ten days. < IVLI ,: n ...v.A-l.l.. IX:-nnar In nut of town on sick. leave. I I. u,_. `l suck leave. Lon &, Son, Cnbingt Makers, and the I Tm-mto Car Wheel Co. have haul units A isauudlhgaillat them. I Doinlinlon R|l|t`, As-.-E`-I-ntlon--Blake's Aa- ' ullunl, kc. |. __ l Omawn, Fob. '23.-At. a meeting of the ; Dominion Artillery Auocintion, held yea- ; terdny_ nftornoon, Major-General Selby l Smith wu elected President, Colonel ! Wslkor Pnwell \_'i6o~Proaident and Lion- l tomnt Donaldson, Quebec. Secretary- 'I`reuurer. Members of 'Cuuncil='~'I`he Pranidont, \"ice-Prenidont, Liam."-Colr. De La '3. Irwin. Duel J Ago. Col. Paton. Ht. John. and Col. McGlbbon, Montreal. Several Iuggostioni from the Council were Mlopled, after which the meeting mljdnrned. Hm. I` la` nrnunll, of Brltlnll Colum- IQ] 0|] l'll9(l . Hon. RF. Cbrnwnll, of Britiah Colum- -1 bis, arrived in Ottawa on Thursday from ` England. ' .. , 9_____ _.__ ...L.. ........n.. {mung Deon cunvnngwu mm. buv yiuyv 5 authorities to dnl with hi: lndit clnim of 3 $2,000,000 are not to be found in Cnnnda, but in lglnglnud. _ There in 3 hope, how- !ever, of the citizen: of Ottawa hesrihg I from the diutinguiahed gonlhmnn Again, 3: he hu expreued his Intention of open- ing I correspondonco with the (lover- nor Gonenl 1: upon us e make: an im- preaiion on the Imperial nuthoritiu. vlvrox. ` 'l'lu_a Dunkln Blll Sustained by 248. nugluuun -W` I Murray, tho insaneman who recently u v\nsaultad'the Justice`. hu ltnken hie departure for Plum-en uow, :having been convinced that tho proper 1 _...L-..;;:... .. .a..1 ..m. M. lmlin nlnim of Pinon, Feb. 22.--'ro-any, tho third Illd last day at voting on the Repeul Ivy- lnw, only 15 votes were cut. ; 7 you 1nd 4-! --... `Pin mnl mnim-iiv nnninll. the .._...L__._;.,,.--._._.._._._._....._ FRIDAY EVEN 0, FIND 23, am, only 10 vuwu Ion: can . : pane Iuu 8 nnys. Th! nal majority uuinlt the repeal 248. With one exception thin in the largest unto that In: ever cut in the County.` ' -2.2%: molt. -lJnth Sir John And Dr. Tuppar om- cinlly Announced on Tueudny the almost immediate dounfnllof Mr. Mnqkonlieh Unvernment. The only knuwn came lot the prediction In Mr. Cartwright`: in- urfonn with Sir John`: coal oil twill`. __"m Pmminr Iln bun inhtviowod torfuronc with Sir John's ooal an arm. --Tlio Promise bu boon oononning Sunday lsbor on the Cnnoll, and we not demand hi: own rm tho Sunday milk Ibulinou. The nonlo ol tho country no dopnointing. _v..m-du. ouinn 00 Hr. Oliver : I-H. 0|lhll'y II` III! . -Yonh|-day, uo':i';: to` oboonco, the notion of motion lot tho po- pon in the _muttr oi the Northern Ru`!- uy Cupmlnqlop no Iroprnt Mr: J. B. Robmnnn, with I that o indignunon, ukodto unto tho motion, but no tor hidden under I rule of tho Homo. Ho thon gave two days notion ol inlontion to men {or tho pupon. -Couootont nulau ol bothrpolltod. -Mr. Roy, the new member. will reach Ottnu on Monday. and roooin I. public Tor dunonltrstion. -. It ni that the Opvooition will di- Tor dunnnntrnuon. It Opposition di- vide the lluuu on tho proposed incl-one of duty on ten. -Mr. Young an the election in South Wnorloo hu not the slightest Eoliticnl Iigniolnoo, M both eqndidneeo Id promised to uupport tho Govern- ment. The Riding ll uuhunchly o- lonn u our it In. . _'l`|.n Ilnmilhnn Rnechlfur d.IIIollll0OI form It --The llunilton Spectator d`onounou Mr. Cnrtvu-igh'n uritf policy as "A de- libaruto complncy to rob I poor man 0! his beer." Shh into:-nu umalnyu fon- -nn-D . movo u ' -Co:npotont. palace both political udu pronounce Ir. Curtyrlghfn kn Budget Speech on of the non unk- nblo and Iplondid ooru our made on I like ooouiun in Cami; Hirgrun:J) of dam]. his recollection ol gures, Mn goncnl oundoneo. olnitod tho preload- nt ndmimion, sud rm dllid by fnquont Ind ontllutiutk obolting. -A Momrulvnnlpspor coI-!Ispon- ont up um on the day the Bndpt II nu undo : "Tho sitting 0! Par- " iunout IIIJOI duo Gut duo. coded "with prayer. A: the Spain root. the "noqnbon without uoqoc did the "gap, sud mniuod stand in unr- H--n nnnlur until [hi Q ' on that in the sung, and runlnoc IIIIXII ll uvIr- un pooluro . The "puhr undo ttgo sign ol the cu in "nponlnu and aunt, and bond chun- onH.I|o nun of L o Saviour occurred. A in members muiud ouuido, but on tho nholo Ih Supt-union an-and ha been fnvonnbh." II II] huddle-I that leading Indiana at tho llou-o sbuud each can nth! non n.....n. Inn on an vnudindq ot Reform journglo In still being chugod vim iricrmuinmncy in the manor of Orange Inuorpxnrniun. We think that in the first place this charge in not Iull-founded, and, nut, that it ,oumu with I very poor . Lu". uh.` "`.\-I' pron; Thg nuggon mu the ran wens ulmu Qu u. uzu ....,... Chief_ Cunitable Drnpexyll out o! town l0l!. AL.- 7 -~---oOo-- o1`r.nu. 9 POLITICAL. nnu1z1uL*- DESPLTGHEQ glfcarly an Mme. spk-_nt in ma' . 1 um-znaou. ` --.._ London. Fab. `.. 3.~--'l`he uumu Fran- oom. which `run own` the 'Strsl.hc| do, -1! Dover, yuan lgo, causing our n u- utu-,ncnl uhore yutardny o6 l ('ipl. Btu Blu ad will probably boa tau! Inn: loll. ' New Yurk, Fob. 23.-The World`; Oin- cinnnti Ipooinl any: that all the prominent business men of the city hue um I po- Iition to Cougroslmeu representing that city uking them not to hinder the clue- mom coubt. . 1`... 1'.-.'].unn n nlumhun nndcinl IAVI mom count. Tm Tribune : Columbul updciul up that 3. conuunt stream of viniwl-"I `pour: ugiun (latex-nor'Huyes. ~Senwor Sherman nrrivud yesterday and vu olooibod with Hayes several hours. ~ ' The Tribune`: Wulninzton Ipacinl up ` Milne would inelro it eppeer. it ie not `coneiduietiou of thin queetion. in the next, u1u.r.iv.,wiuu nu. .. ...., r--. men from the Tvry Prou. The queetion em to /row Orange Lodgee ehell bolno4_3rpo- retail in not 0! ouch vitel ilnportenoe ee likely in rise tn the dignity of I greet Ounhetitiiiiunnl quoetion, or to reenlt, ee Mr. M. C. (luneron predinte, in eetrnnle for civil 'endwroligione liberty. The well unalnratuod objection to olees logieletion epplios. it in true, but if the generel ent could be ehown notto meet the exigen- cies of the oeee, we {may no very in- vetureto opposition would be olorod to the peaeege of e_ epecielono. Our rend- ers will ramornber thet before the recent Hume, euthoritetive etetementl were ` pnbluhod by i-enpdneilale oliloiele in the Onlar th'et the diiontty of lncurporetion wu et present ellnaetinenpereble, the expense ul it being pieced on the fer eido oid-4.000 tor the lodgoe of Outerio, ee e.pii.n-it it more trie of,,II]. 3100 under e ` Ipoclnl not. Oliieily upun thie informe- ti`-n the Globe-, `end the Reform ,Preee goncrelly, were oonvinea.-d of the diicnlty a an .Ine{1~eeJ tn relex their opp:-eitiuu tu C t - epociul ect. But the eteuriuhoet eup- pjl`-tors oi Orenge lnoorpnretion in the nusu did not Li-.in to enntein the ebovo gai-..e` In fact, e-nine of them neinod eo tiiviil e eum ee to leevo the reletive elxoagnou of the gauurel end epecieleeta quite en open quaetiunu .The quee- tmn ntiue juet here `whether the pirllllnxmtll , ohempione of tho epaciel eut were not efreid it wee about to be oonoodod, end eo. to kc-rp tho queetion e live one, out own the figure: thet bed been publiehed by the Onuge Grend Uloere. Whetover ti o muiive. the feet thet they did to un- doubtvdly inuenced the diecneeion end the vote by which the Home determined nut to racominit tho ipounre to the Pri- vat lhlle Committee for reooneideretion. Unlll the Preee end Perliement ere de- pendent fur infornmllon on the euthori- tiueof in Society whoee operetione en 0! e 0U0l.lOll'.lI| netnre-end if the drift of Itelurin opinion bee. ol lete, eppoered to lie vermhle on thie qndetion, it ie ettribu- tehlu tn the ountrediutory iniorlnetion which he: `been enpplied from Orlnge eunrcee. It in cherecterietlo of the Libe- rul petty not to be deel to oonviotion,' but to be ehlo to Inodily or ehenge lie npiniou end line cl eetion ehonld lreeh end cunvinoieg inloeuetion denend it. Onneervetlvee. oouree, glory in their pnlitieel infellihlllty. The motto upon their tnpeieet etleener lo 0oneietency." bntthe word leoltee node toodnty {or e teneoiou etebhareoeee ol the net mnluh deeoriptt, Notwtthetending thie phone of the Tory oleteeter. 50709: or, eetme hen treetedto e_ pod teeny --_ -1 A. Hayes several noun. The Wuhington Ipocinl u the Republiquu hue I report thnt Ti - den`: osmpliun fund at the. opening of canvas WM $800,000,` of which Ib00,(X)0 was paid by the candidate for the Prui- dency. The whnla amount expended by the Republican: in unorml to hsvoboon more than $150,000. ` .. 'I`I-an 'I`n'Imnp Invu tha Rnnuhlicnnl OK` inure than uou,uuu. '_ The Tribuna my the Ropublicnnn pected tl1u()rogm decision yesterday and fuel unauy It Akin and coming dolnyl. The Democratic objections will _be made on Hm v`..t.n in South Cnrulint: to one vote The Democratic otuecuonu mu _D9 unu- to the Vote in South Cnrulint; in Rhode Island, Vermont. Pennsylvan- uia and Wiwonain, After the Vormunl ne- purntion plan of revoluiouiI.I,,;,iu to pre- vent the joint cnnlvonli-on from `Quoting vunv -... Again. The ngaun. ` Timu` Wuhington special pay: from 36 to IT numbers` lodged to an Agreement to illibu|ler.T no only mathod of delay which the small number of Do- mocntn can undertake in by forcing ro- peatbd call: of the roll. I'l`ho Herald : Washington special 7re- 'of strength. peatbd call: of the roll. /The re- port: thnt I"ie1d.uyI the electoral I! can be clearly ended. Two days :30 than who fnvurod the dehiy of this kind did not number more than 40, but to-day they seemed to receive some accusaiom TI... Hnrulul his a nnrtv of ftv man, '0! strength. The Ilerulrl adys nvputy fty fkvurml by the Spu::kurs`,rulingu, might cnuae- aerioua delay, but such oouxso would split the party .;ud the majority might change thehw which makes the -uh of March the beginning of the l re- ' eiuluntinl It-run. It in pcrfectly competent hr Congress to nmeud tho law no u to make the term begin on the 4th of April or any other day. ` A H'm'H'l Wnshiuszton weuinl nyn ulhor day. A Washiuszton upeuinl Inys uoluu uf the Dunnocrstju members who intend to oppose the dcisionl ohho Com- ...;mm i! it continuum to be adverse Jo "rmuzkmo you 1 MW znnonon. . intend to me qecmmu or me bum- mmee it it continues them. have prepare} the Bill for 3 new Preaideutuul election in May. 1-.:I...... .....I 'l.`mn` Wuhinszton aneci-, lIn~l...........,......u 'l`l(l'2?v'A M AN. Jh I-nnuoi pluler. - ----4----.1j Preaideutuil elecnun in May. Tr.'(:m:c and Timea` Washington apoci-, - all my [ha startling rumor prevail: that Uoukling was clonotod in the Committee Room I lung time yesterday with Duniel W. Voorhrsa, and 11:0 aubneqnently with Randall. x... v,..L- mi. -23. ._Mr.. Delia C. 30th. burglar: with two trunks, containing seven thounml dollnn worth of nolou goadl. .___-.4os. The police this morning captured tuwo ` 0 MAHONY'8 -0-!-zsnquns ml mnuxm. m.1.nm THE KICK sm vmu ronpmnons. . Fort St. Nioholn. . London, Feb. 23.-0'M:hony'| bod will H0 in am. in the Domocntic Clu room until Sundn . whou it will be taken to Dublin. The animal on; if they had known of the CArdinnl I rolunl to Allow tho romninl toll: in nuts in tho Dublin Cuhoclnl. they vmnl hue and in- tormont in New York. llunburg, Fab. `)3. The ctr. `Famo- nis,' nportod wrocko tCIpe Inn Blu, go! of!` and it Info It A `until. Bollcvillo, N. .I.; F: . 28.-Blolltlfl laundry burned; In-I Olb,00Q. Nat York. Fob. 23.-Tho Graphic`, burned; Ion uo,uuu. New York, Graphic` Wutungton Ipocisl ruin: tho upon 0: Terry`: ruignuiou in {nor 0! I number huldm over Much uh, tent at Puni- dont t- (In Santa. Buonou Ayrou, Fob. 93.-'l\o Anal-ion Ihip Adninl, which lclt New Yuk lot sun Fnnoueo Deooubor Nth, In Inch odu Plllolllr Pan 0! the nrgovu ....a,. `nu an-to sud uuul um uluod London. Fob. 92. - Tho Dandonfo Pu-in con-to udout Iolognplu:-4"! an mlonnod tn pnliuiuuhn cl pawn b0!lIOI"|` Sonia and Turks] land bod .a. . I "`.n...a.. M. 2a._.mmp_oma thug "|';.'d'e".Lc M 25 1 n 9, . .- I diuzuuonool luv! brain 1 Iolnl dgnu an election- IGIIUI . I III: an-u them. Prooeedin been commenced. nnumnmun. Fa Even tho onus: of the grant Apootlo of tha Party hinooll bu not boon Inc from the frequunv. nononmluo! the pomioal mmmtahnuk. How many important mnuura did not Mr John oppolo, until to ruin the: long would Inn loin lo~I ilk.hil||0u on porn, squint which with him all prilclph Idglwd an but 1 (author! TIM tornado! 0! MI opposition to sho Oloruy Bantu uulouont in I ' lung up duo In point. III: III! Isoublo aha-go ullrout `III on tho olaodou low not long halos: kl: ojootlon Iron porn. Whoa intvoduood by It. Blah In fought it down with the lion nlunthu appal- amun human. It It uhuqiundy proud, it uould ha-0 ilmtlotul with In iniqui- , tam hmnuon than hunting at denab- ;_ _ .5- _Iu.I. naught IMI Ill HIIEQ been commenced. Quaemlown, Feb. '3.-'I`h_o Local Com mittee received the U`Mnhouy from tho Itr. Dukou. Man In aid 1!. the Cnthedrnl 59. Cork. London, Feb. 23.-Tho Russian Consul nt Connuntinoplo warns Ihippiu `-hI'r ` torpeduel no being pluod on the Black Sea onuzbotweon bookaoonn Kate and ` St. . '|';..d|`}.d., rot. 2.-~u inooomd um out in aural dlpl oloconl, owing to tho pressure of up Gannon: on use also- Putin, Feb. 23.--The Hpudro uyl : A dintinguiuhod prim: dunm elopod from St. Peterubnrg with Nicolnniftho tenor. The Mnrquiu of Can: follolod Proceeding: for Iqtntion hue lmnn Mrm mnnced . ' I`:-eunmmn of Peace Signed. "l)emorall- Filobuolrring. THFCATEST. \ `H `Will O'I.I ;' 1`0N!ori-dw ` 430 PAIRS 2-BUTT_ONKIDv GLOVES, I -Cu`-linxd Cullen bl!/|'lfl|l0d wallow the remains of Juhu (rnhuuey to lie in nut.` in the cgthodral at Dublin. i0n in the mull-pox, dis- trict of Kountin it reported as boing aunt]: imnrovod. ` 1 lune In Ina cgulourtu I -A-1ha_u1.zn` ` " tinnmt I greatly impmvod. -'l`1~.a Electoral Con imenuon Inn uuunu-I u. -........... in; an Ibolo oougtq with Hugh`: nilny gold. Ucuwly, louver, had he than buugl Nnlolf but to pout gain, when. Iu the goals! Inrprho, It Dunno the mm mm at the very uncann- um, and It bonus in under his un- iucu. What: an oponuou at to could no lonpr-|'m.n:b his for, u in lnnglnod, a lull P-dhnunuy lawn, to yuqul at ....1.e of pain; he noun um the [Hilly lmprovoa. ` Cunnmiinion In yum- d|y.nnd slur hearing Eu:-u.und Mu-rick uljuutnod until to-day, when 5 vgto will bu taken uu the (Hogan cue. ` _'l`|.. rainu in Hlmnvantura eountv mix.coU;;]aA?U4.&(;v<). bu taken me Unggnp cue. -The voting in Bonaventure count. plterdny will tn I" nppurnnc-In run I In n victury fur Mr, `ram-.. the pull stand-, ing:--Tum, 905;. llnuult.un.' 417; An 'I`r'omphg, 133, with two place: to hunt from. _m.. u...:o..|.. llndintrihntion. Bill ' - he Mnnitobn Ihdintributlona Bill in: up for in second rot.-ling eotordui in `tho Lggiinluturo of that `row-inco. The Bill rovidoo lofuiving vote: to nix- toon Eng iuh Ind eight." lronch.diI(ricu inntodcl ohheretofuro. fourteen oi tile {armor and ten of the Inner. 0! the English members, eight will reprecenl the old wit-Ion nnd oightthe new. ~ uuuu. ; Yesterday Efternoon Mr. Pnrdeo. on behnl! of tho (lonrnmeut. nllblliiited the Railway Aid pruponnlu of the Ieuion. The mm]: to be_ assisted under this Ichemo are : II \ 'm.. \'i.-nmin llnilumv lrom' Kin- ICHBIIIU l'l|'(5 (1.) The Victoria Railway fr mount to Hnlihurtun; 22 miles. I`) \ Tim Kinnnonn and Pnmhn nliburtun; '..". mules. (2.) The Kinmton and Pembroke Rail- way from the Missiuippi river to 0.119 MI- davunlu; 30 miles. 1,) /-x \ 'm... \\.`hinm nut` Pm-I Pan-v niI~' dawuh; 30 miles. ;/3 (3) The Whitby and Purl Perry nil< _In\( from Port Party to Liuduy; '37 mi milel. v ~ (4 ) The Cfedit V""alley roilwny, includ- ing tho main line {rum Torontu to lu- angel], and the bnmchea to Alton and E rn ; 152} miles. (5.) The Prince Arthur`: Landingilnd ,KLU!L|1iAl;iq|_l_i__I lliver railway; 6 milen. (6.) The Mohlfunl and City of (mum up.) '1 no monu-ca railway; 66 nules. `The (luvernmont (tuck! otpuuugun---n -um... vuypbuionbnlonlohaldclouuudnnd opp:-nod will .11 Mo night. And an 'lury pros: tau ban just an chugdul no the alumina: louder. Ohurgu cl henn- aimuay or-no with tho um poulblo gnu Iron hunch that [relation -51 be ounlopoy, but when gnotico In nlbuu Indhnoulq. V railway; 66 miles. `The (iuvernmonl. propose: to grunt the following uuheizliel to than roads;-(1) and ('2), 88,000 Ear mile such to the Kingston and lombruke end Victoria railwn I; (3) 82,000 per mile to 1.lm`Wl|it- by an Port Perry; (4) 81,000 per mile to the Credit Valley railway; (5) 813,000 pat mile tn the Prince Arthur`: Landing branch, and (6) 81,000 per mile to the "Montreal and Ottawa roads. 'I"|.`n.- .uk.i:li.n will he nninl liv hllf 'Mouy.renl and Utuuva I'0Mll. These exnbuidiusyill he paid by half yearly payments extending over twenty yams from the com xletion of the roads. Inthe one 07- the \"icI.nriA Railway the . mnent reuerventn itself I tract of country ten miles wide on each Iideof railway. in be eolxl for the purpole 0! re- couping the Prnviuce for the outley in ' ortnkiuu`. ---r---- oco Ax luriuon lmu-I1.un.--A lnwyor 'built himself lnoico in the lonn of I hexagon or nix square. The novelty of l.hc.|tructuro attracted the nttontion of coma lrjuhmon who were passing by; they made 3 full stop and viewed the building very critically. The lawyer, numowlm. diav.mIted,by'their curionity, lifted up the window, put out his head. and nddnsnod them: What do you stand hero for, like A` melt of blnclshrudn, ning n my olicel' - -Sure," Iuid one of thou, l wwthinking I0, till I In: the dlvil polio I hid lgond out of the window!" --- * I \` BITTII. 'I`nn:s.-Tho New York World iloonvinced tht the nntinn in About to enter upon better Iimu, oommorcislly and indiutrinlly. It I) not be the Hush md frantic excitement of tho in: period of can year: ago, but thrift. ontorpriu and iqhslliaout libur will eonwlnduo buninau nnd anuurc the prosperity of bunineu man.` -~ .19 ---- .3. --~ -Whon slumber hulf smothers `uh-' fnlnou. pad the rining sun unilonm upon tho dronmor, musing on plum for the day, how liko Angel: whisper: stonl over the drowsy mun, the tone: of and milk- nnn, molding it than hirqa girl bocauno she has not pnid for the lust dollar`: worth of tioiotl.-Rmm-. (N. Y.) Smfincl. --Tho Glul>'PI-inting Uompany in not in legislation to incrono ih cnpital stock. It in aid (Int the Globe will gra- duully grow independent, and will reach Ilnt ition in two or thrso yarn, or Al- ter t I next general election. 5'17 M W, I II . "(V 5'". In II. nu I4. of ('omtnorvo---Ex Div U9 1|, [.0 1 108 II 119 L2. 5 ll lll-4. 0lI!|l`lo Boob-IM. Hill 2` Bank of Tomlm>-l74l 2, I73 3 4. City Bank ~94 Q`) l-`J- Iontnal Tn-lcgnrh (You: 116 3 6. .116 1. MIC U9!-6. {.1 It 19.142 M. H8 3 IN nlll1':.15 M. H8 14, 825 at |l I05! I17 L2. 755% 117. NI) 5% H0 31. Donnkn Tel uh (`u N. 87. Uninn Bank . nnluae-00.. . chollou Bank~||! H. 6| I-4. UiIyP|aIonor nuL1m,IIo. sou mu. New City (In .-16. IM uorud. The mm: Natural Plum Llvlng. A! than pa-fornnnoan llllud Ton villu- Ilbu the annulus m whisk in mum-I hm world wide ulobrilgtll which in both It unied uddnllclbd Ibo [noun -noun a! nick. . Adphnlon I00: Gluing 330. Inornvl but I5: nllro. new 0: ab 50 lucky`: M. n. im. |dIIU-Inxnug MI Mind to :.'I.yudnrof |':o-`Itch Dlll lamxo` mum: RAILWAY.` Q -A Halifax merchant psid 820.000 dutieu, Iwfnre the Budget Spooch,and the goudn can't be coated to incruu in vnlnn. (III ulna. lmumu, I'll Bani oflontrv--|l- 171.'7||l 4. Ma-rohnnh I\am|t-R0 3-4. N). 34 II 527 u so, 2 it 79 .1-4. qr. u an H. . n...I. nl ('nnnnorvo---Ex 3-O. 1 rnlnv, the and MARCH,` .- nun-.-t nu ma Tong] `I'M Ilulnl l'ionoiouuofIh|go.ruovIod Ihu-gluon the would u main`. .. ' .-om In In!- M Quoon u (Tulksp, on ma TIMI Iuum. the the mm of Proluaor Wnwon. of 3 daughter. | {g_m|_Iy_g_l.1q1I>I}t luyer runway; U muen. (6.) The Montreal City `of (ntuvg -nilwnvz (`M3 miles. . '_ not-Arrivals and Departures fun kin; mm Buuum Ioo0ru|'Bno; . ' (1011-O W381". - lhoiuo. I05 3). I377. IUBI. III? l'o W77." rirdx -AT nisiii" CITY HALL I I Ilnc Appear-nnoo mo noun or AM `To `New lnllvnymf IOITIIAI. IIUTI ILIIIT. TAKE No"r:` oF 1'HIs?z I ' Item` Flnlihurhmz `.22 milas. A `A sPoIAu'rv.' if Itilcmplao you lmvoyou-ordmu _ jg LET; an n.._.- ...-at If `27. oouuplodhylfl` Imus Penguin BIRT -I--- .... .|... I Hillus. DIIIII IULIJVAI. lunar; turn: :1 I051! `L l?"!1"~Y5 Will plane call: --Innh-ul, Fob. 23. , I'M] A, A. million. On weanomy, the fa; um Next. Ar II n'm.n(*l. Inns. [First-Class Real Estate SITUATI-ll) .0! THE 8.')l7'l`lI SIDE 0| ' PRINCESS S1`IlBIi'1'. ` Togotlnor with the n `In of way thorounto. Tho ptuporty hu 1: menu nfjilo per nunun uni lanmund II situated m_ mm Q! the V: but bnsnumu poniunua of the city Title ind upm- nbla. lnleudimz purohngon In (private ula uldtjuu Ill-ZSSIIB. KIBKPATIYI UK E R0- (H\`.R3.,l.!nrr'Lnmrg, or " DANIEL R()l'RK: I-"vb `. ,l,1`RT7. Kinuum Ill. coAi:. 011:. OHS (`USTOIIEILH HAY Ill-ILIY UPON, GETTING A1" A-LL TIMES, (`mu (Ml . rk!l l rI-.4-1 2 H()BART S c N!l- AMERICAN 0lL-n small qinullly Mill on hand. l'..l.|)1 Ind`: :'m;m`; fresh (fod- RBMIHDERI. -- i'r->" - `: Tommy Ood. ` `Smelt; " Lobstors. Salt `Water-_ He:-rings. - `gyng in 3u1k_ nmrumauolem Oytseu m 09.11:; seal brand. rinnaln Haddies-- Mclvanl. Kippered Salmon. Smoked Halfbut. Ya: mouth Bloatorn. Kit Mackerel. Pickled Lobuen. Canned Fruit and Vegetables. All 0| tho Ibbvo Uomla nnguurntood froth nu~l nice. WM. W. BIDEOIIT. u u on new I`. x. corsian a E0. I \H|uu:|MUN&"BU YD*Ei lpoahrl Qi. N DIVPIIIHT `DIIIGNI ll rlalllrl IIITHDAY CAIDIINI lo. England-2 VOID. Il. lokuvonhi Inland-I vols. Q1 50.` Grant : non mum. on .75. ' Wlltconbfl Aarlnlluro. Q15. Young ladhl Jon!-ul-Iuoi. . llolhgn bonus on loan llbbty-8 nil. '-.-.. Duly Globe -'d Inn. Wullylobo Ind loll. Wat): Wltuu. so was In (`on noon , ICIC '00.. ` _ .1 I A CONSIDEBAIILI-I PORTION OI` THIII suuun Ioutrul 'E UUILO A -worn Which were bought M the lowest gum d_m--' the time of the tgltltll -loprouiou. --A 45 Inch India. Rubber heeungu. 1.`... I....n.I. an A m:w ion wnxu, lo. :7. low York Lodger, No. 4. UOIIlIenIIry-r aways,` ...,... tum:-goon on the Pnluo -I vol:-lo. Rue Dutch Cl, Ill . popor-75. Vnniam IN ru urrnnn uumm. ill wvv-- . Don`: Anchul Isrlnor-3|-1|` nppiy. POITAGK AID BILL ITAIPI ll any 4qun|||||uIIIlnIIm|hl.IQc. |Antl other Goods loo Numer- I out: to mention. new BOOK stout; lloocleyh sermons In the Chl- . euo Tabernacle. _ _ ' of by privno ado-L tho Property In In pi-dun! durnupd ` IIIOO IL!` IN. ...........a:ua van. GOING EMIT. Ania. an iv -nun uoqru III In prune-I I ruplc-I by In-.\.I. I. Inqlny u I ' Dry Goods lure. Ladies Gossamer India Rubber Circulars. new cnnmsis id commons. DIIEIIICAI4 IIALL. nsczmn T0-DAV: "I wintry. --v. -. gr Commentary-- liuilol. Du|o),&'o. . ~ _ I III ! III? IITIIV II . ..|:|l)'n.m } .. JUSEPH IIICKBOI. or. 01.3`! lung ~ ..6nm.. FEBT'2 3rd. 1377: mun In-Ivvunug-v I-`or Invalid: no. lo K and II prowl! on . I. lulu PIANO ! "am: An ....'..)5 mi l:|0n .u .' _3_In. Auoclntion - st u ww- _. Th4 -.,.._ .- .0. 18761.: and perbn .. .......1. 4. Further on the Mnjnr -C;nnr'nl the ruduction of the nulxlgs your permanent the wdrk which has ( Iiienblo `expanse-, hhuur and ' A ~--.. ..-.a ........ n-..nhl ha "l`lu`nportIol 1;? I__ can) I.-- L--- I-:,I IIIETIDII Ilpllnlr, Iuumn ...... .,__., for many put yearn, wn-ulld be in um `aunts lost. The milnury npirit wlu ll vary iong Ihroughmu 111: cmm would receive I check, and a fair urgn ulion adapted to tho cuuditiun of N Dominion would be cqnaixleruhly shod in its vitality. It would take thus to store the condona iuu i_-mpniled." take Him hold: tligt to maintain nr: army does mean a denim to light a.unebndy. dhubt it Ihoulul ba in I lit stats: in do if required, but it in much.inore_ u 'g` antes for peace inatoud of war, for nation thnt in ship to back in; opinion pretty certain tn priail uver {he I country Hint ha: no nuwcr beymid Bil Irgumont, be that ever no` sound sensible, but wanting the unnnawr ' logic of force to Iuppuat it. u -.4......- ....nn..I v..n{.[-[3 ' n In twu prevmuu n` Majoralteml rccmnn tion of three infantry - Ieut neither oiccra r. ____ .. .0 ..,.....i.i. IUIIII uuuuy. \4o-lw , `V any uieansufnc-{iiiriiig the details of their duty, and as upon them dovolvi-a thoiiacrssity of instructing their men, ll. is only reiuonnhle. that they almnlil haw: the opportunity of rendering l,l)(`ll)8L*lV('B capable of doing an. While the lfupl of the line were in Unnarla thorn was nrory facility atforded for attending tho mili- tnry schools attached to them, and oi-. ears and sergeants of militiii covli] fairly master all (lBE\llB.- Inulvucsting the in- stitution of infantry schools he does not bfrliiok thrimpiirtnncc of the Military College. This iiitaiitry schools are intended to. supply a mean of-- ele- mentary instruction in` sininly i-egiinontnl soqnlrpmonts. He s'nme_a:_ed the for- mation of three model'infantry schools, as follows: at zit. J nlin's Unrraclia, (River Rioha1iou,) 3 uicers and 80 men; at Tate dn Pout Barracks, Kingston, A _ like niimberroi men. and at the New Fort, Toronto, s similar cbiixplemuiit. A, Battery to now from Tate du Pont Har- trscks to Fort Henry, ss more ,Idapl.ed for an Artilleiry garrison, -containing moreover, 0 large depot of arms," ammu- uitiun and militiiry nton-s in. [irusant without an adiqiiaio guard. The eati- mato of each ul these training Ichoiila he hail iit 83'.',750,nr for the llllt`0 8| l3,250; Allucling still further to tho roiliiciiuii of tiio militia he Illhl ha numidored it im- pmdont to make any reclnciinii in either oavialry, artillery or oiigineors, Upon the rural biitialiona and the iiidopendeut oumpanios ol iulisiitry niinilintod to any bsttnlion should fall this reduction, if such . must be temporarily ronurleil to. The ltoin of826,000 tor the Military Collage, taken from tho $t5b0,(XK). leaves A com- parntively small suiu for tho iuniiitenziiico ol the active force of 43,000 men, with I lla, and the ubligmnry cunt nl pm- Vldlng clothing and wiirliko imituiiil of Ivory description. The force now enroll- -.i :- -uu on-iumn, lmtti-ring `and iiinpnnfes I78! uuuunyuuu. ..... W.-- _., , ,,_, ad in 304 troops, battering -nnpnylies | of In men, n-presenting n nnnumrl urenqth of lR,ll`2 men, in uduhtiun tu thich, to retain 20.000 in all,` `.33 campu- men might be Ielubtutl in them portions of the country where villngo pxist having I population 0! Ion Hritu L01 0. . m.I..nina in mg Mnhtarv Cullcgo. p0pllML|Oll Ul lull tnnu nun . Referring to the Mlllhbfy College, which opened on the In of June lut, ho said he made a thorough inspection in October, Ind lad every rbuI_: to feel ntiood with the urrangumonu fur the ' cadets and their cuuruo gf llud`on. The lurlul "bungling" ulmut the Cullegel `whichlnu displeased the .\'ru-an so much. Eula dot reported himself happy und uoinunbd. Lt.-CuL n.`m, 1:19., the Commnmlbnt, Iml Clptllinl Kc-nnington and Hawkins, R.E.,`tho imtructorl . L1-o highly procium. ulllaorl: b_li'l'ii'iin ;ui|lu cl pl-Dlulkpnnl and Icienlilic nuainnmla. Captain Rlzluout, 90th Light lulnulry, cor of OAMdlan_ family`, in Captain` - -- A l_A-. |.:- A ..a:... gun not-f.n-mad in mcor OI UIDIIHIIII IIIIIIIDJJ nu v-,v-... ol tho orlou; hi: d uT{e: we performed in . ghomngbly utinfuowry manner. Every pouiblo Attention `is pail by All then of- ugn to the intellectual. physical nnd nonl mining of the young man. The ujor-Gtmral II` itou ; ..n _--.n s...n.. ..... Ollnl n -mnlcl In BI .. v..'.2'.2.. lhu~.d.... -. u|"\.I uuvu on - . .. - . `'1 mod hardly any that it would be boyond nurm tn aspect I guarantee or pro-All of Ollpluymom to thn young man who till pun out of tho College at tho nu-inntiun M the course. Thuuuln I (in ;.';',,`:".?..:'7...r.;i;;':;;,.:.1`;:;'a......;;;. u'on'uno ),u|d_nut Iul-that induci- |;gn.|Q|op|l`O||'Q:I-"VHO Ihh lo M00!`-0 uni; goal i,u the Ihlinry Cnllogo, nppH- ` ...;..... ninhl ho made In Hot Mnjnufn l,u the Iilllllry unuogo, appu- auun night in undo Mnjnufg Oonruuonc toour 3 Ilnisod nlunbtrnl zounuiuhnln the may to eligible `on- Oil. ... .v1 .,__,, Ha upon: onrything Iuinlmtory in auction with the School: of Gunnery` ulhplon and Quebec. In discipline, A tun-loaf.-any and unoguag. at gun- nq, practically as well u ocioutically, lhooloollulcl Inn atiuhod to that hm:-in In pmiloiont. In lni gun` _ upon larlwl oulargbd upon ibdlmport not ql IO-lining the oitulol ol Qnalnc, the but at Point Lulu and than cu lingual: Ind Toronto with nod-ru ripd onlllny, Ioninlly tor pruuoo, in can dilly hniuiiai u to use lofl amin- lclt lonnl oi MI unuuiioau ha! hug air! it. `tho oolycrdnuu to And pruned upon uwnuu_-u uuwu -nu. arguments in {nor 0! CW Sonics ro- mm, upocillly iu regard mom! Scr- Dr llmuu uiodnovul lot 5 Connie- no on Vita Statistics. and append lid motion in on U . the lotion. Druppouu Ttlonotum ulnrrid. , -- ---4-ooo~-- , Tun Cinnd Ocntlul lhhl. Nov. York. noted (or ill I` HIUOIIUO `O c npatioul nnd omrhblo, now old! In pug. uroumoodatlonn I! lie ndilotlou in. nu to In and 8.011;: day` -Imp: 1: -. 4.! 1-AVID! Tdun I;ll:7_l;fli-' 5 """'"" ` "" '." _ legs. um WI--vnw . I9 bnok npimunl is inteing mm, weak mhmt ` simple . hut auund and` 1`| l0T||X_!|0| ruling iiilnnawrabifs 7.H`"_ E,dw,..m" mwolt "' . - Sir,~-ln your p luul anuua_l l`'p(-fl! the ,l nnliu-0.1 an nrticl recommended the funim- 1"|lK7|`*u `i'el"'3d evidently does nut `-y'~"hlE' At we` tiuu queltim. Ill 301"! W 9E8 h""" will any the fimxm c-{uiring Hie dotuiis mortgage and the` J tlienydovolvea Ei`| |ll`1':-U-" . ~ - -t pea null li guy 0. instructing thur mon,i ` direct mtmul I ' I l l ? H l ile mu 0. my a nun - inn pmm Raj he 'of tht-maeiven (,`,.,\-...-man; u ,4 : While tho MIL! What I bufure tlm Legiila (an. eniry mvmge" hm t mill Sum Book 0" Mhd N1 t-ion. He further us gr-gen were uxed I |a.' ul; i$ m:n`t:`li,- ""7 hl'_li`f" do l.n.a~hu'ver to that ll3I'AA_.. A nuu u an ...... ......-. . . envo|l-I prssouting nmmnni I2 to 30.000 lubtud ,, _:n_.... ..-:-o |...uin.. IIIIV Airllnwu nu nnnn u . H-`um, thq Cnptkinu ,_thqiugtructorI'. ulT5fETnf.in;ui|lu d |- `IUIIUIU -0 III` urn. Thunghl ivy, but only from I hue no doubt M r to employ really ztlonun who was andmbly. `or- gan for considera- : Iuhh to --n nann nun. II II I VIII; llC|` mnrtlu .3: more 1Id&.pf.ed glam `Alon, cuntutulng good` 3 t mm,` nmiuu- themlel stores f" `the guard 'tm'k' ~ ` men nr aiuing A pm he 8113.260: M then ) MN 3 nunaidered t"'d'7` . , Iy of In edn?u;an In mwhhc engineers, Mrcdnl [the W1 . "101 ~- - .' wnnhll . ..... ..__. . exertion ' - _ .-...... urn mu 7 .._ aly shake: ` 1:.-In On rn. `_ "guar- nr, tho `up "if :- 0.. Im mi Lhaps rightgu any at]: in unusual onuno `u all auddauly upon volunteer jorpn to I, : perform police dntiu..|nd to expect they ` t in sulvlieu ufulrtcred in bunch. Had 4 jtha Mn_y_:r telegraphed to Kingotop he i . could Ilmrlly have been mppiiod-rich 59, '3 '-so or 100 hawipzipoa man of A" am: my, whu w.'o'ul-I Invent my mob than I urdonncai or `ha hi evdn worn in Ip- ' can cunitnblus, -n inauiciunt, it might buy boon proforiablo M cnllmg out thy miliury'"-l.ho lugt re- I ` Iourco in support of lgw." The active (um in rullyrntvvod, and it in deiicientinvquipmonund noccuoriou. But. notwitlnnlandinjthjg, the bout`uI'o 4: made of chi` money not Alida lo} the _.....-.- _...a ..h n.:..... mnginim-ml the But nmwttlnuunalnglny, mu w3._u-u . thh'_nonoy Iotuido, for I myrvico, and All thing: oomidurod the sds'nnw anm: is in'guud heart Ind condltion'._ The mnli- .` tnry atorea In rgpruontod to be in (hair uuml good order, but lo I-morn` ol nmmunilirm in `mull, about 150 round: for unch'nt;nd bf riefin thq country, or almutpuo half the quantity tlrnt should be kepl.i'n|t_ore. `Hex-ecymoudu that A lar;,;n`dopOt. fur powder and muultibnn -v......I.: 1.- I...-mm] .0, ttnwn. it: Idditinn noun of-Arriv 9! largudapov. I-)r pnwuur um Ihould be lormedrt Oitewn, in 1 to she reevre depot at Toronto. - I The report. of the Minister of Militie I Iuuueu-vu- 'incIud'as.tho report: of the lovers! Mi|i- ` wry nu:'mu, of Lieut.-Cul. You Straw ` hanzie, end Lieuf.-Col. Woreley, D. A.Q. and Brigade Mnjorof No. 3; of Lieut.- "Col. Irwin, Jeyrding "the Field Buttery- md School of Gunnery; and of Limit.- Col. Hewitt; reepocting the MiiilaryUol. lege. The whole forml one of gin moat interesting military reports ever pub- ' -4-----00 l'UlU -v ..- nnnu on dunod. - Mr. Mnqhnnin explained that from Low do Mills ux In R Potugu the crouin; of the Pwio Eroilwoy II: g [on nrugu A row Iplil 9 no IPi`on. the nuluy bun` built hon 'l`h"u`:-P dur Buy (.0 Lu: doc Mule Lust, and Inn Ru I'm-uuo to Red River. _ He went in- tn nomo details to show the ulunupouu atfoct (moon! 0! lroiglm, Md duo on the ovuu-truociun at the mlny by the unint- nnca of this notk ii urrlod out. ' . The motion Ill quit! In. Mr. Ouev thou noun! hi; union for mums fol In tho Cull via, pr:-and upon I-Hello Iolo IGl'oI| arguments Civil ro- turm, vegan Bor- -viu uumuthu. Mr. Lorna Ktnooglll ucondosl memo, and and plot man could do nu-usdnlohh out IO! dhniupn by mm. Tho Iowa to unwind. nrouu thou` Iona! Cognit- Iupporud his n. 'l'nnn IONIJI. I` Iulnu-, up --w`.- I ' tiun. Tu Hui` Ifrlitur uftlir _')aily Btewx. paper of the -lllth inst. article on the caution of iiiairtgngou, A Looker On. Ho not understand the tXl~ lie l0) II Here 3 fnriuor pay : taro: on the the (lovernment gets all it is eutitleil`tu." Sam, the Government dues not get any of the money ruined by l.Ki|l.l()lI, it goal to the munici- Again he says, I ,think the right in refilling to pug Bill. Hill l There in no Bill l>i,-fure Legislimiro for the taxing of mviunges, there in I law on the Statute oxempting them from taxo- He further any: that if mort- angel were taxed separately, they would be twice taxed, and that both taxes would ultimately be paid by the former." I would my (hat the ermmal property of the mortgagor should he exempt to~the Amount of the mort- ullgu. In thin way therevll only one tn. Further on he states thnt the 7110:. raving of the money in I private tunne- tinn, and that the farmer does not wiiih it to be known." Well if, under I I V A law. such so we propose, the former ......i.i -mil. mm the tax on his peruonul ' such ma mrnwr wunlld |_-ntlmr pay the personal pmporty (hm lu lot. the uleuor know that he own my money on bi: ml .m..n. Inf. lnm on it..but that ilnot 1 men nxllnicipll bonds? ` he money on nu run cunts, let him pay it..but reason why the luv nhouli rennin u it is, exempting gho min who holdlvtho murtgmge from ying his hit share of caution. "Woul there not be the umu good ronom for uempting the farm: themselvel from tantion that there an fur `the exception of mortgages, bank stm-k, joint stock eomplnloo, Govern- A party. signing "Ulenbumie." wrote Wloig tome few diyn ago on the I u...... ....I.i.-ct. nfullon: I came to town If my low my: :30 an Inn mum subject, ufollownz In-dny on borrow money upon the neuri- my fprm, tn eneble .me to bu my neighbor : lot, and :1 chance went, nvr Mr.'\,`alviu'e speech of yelterdey on tax- ing mortgagee. [enquired naturally who would hue to pay thin em. tel, and the lemlere told me that the borrower: woul-1. 'Will Mr. Calvin explain hinnelf, if he in tho rmer : friend?" To which I replied, "Tlwre in no extra. tn proposed I only wish to remove the payment from the pernolml properly neoeinry to the prone- oution ul the further`: buuineu over to the Imm who owns the money secured by the Inurtgngv, which mortgegeie now exempt- ml by law. I would strongly recommend n nun owning A farm not to mortgego it fur more land end loee the whole of it in the end." D.D. CALVIN. Garden Island, 22nd Feb., 1877 .-.- __ ` \k'mNzsm\-.-`Tim Minister of the In- terior presented hi: report [or 1876 3-star- ln . ` {)1-.' Bmmo presented Dr. Stuart`: db `. {nu presented K petition, loundud on his nllogod Kingston eluctiun grievance. _ Mr. Beverley Robinson presented .1 pntltlon, -igned by 7,2`)! pen-umu, from various pen:-nu in Ontnrio, praying u! tho votin under the Tompqnnoo Act In a (ho Dunkiu Act, my be by bnl ol. . n.....-.iuu to n noout much ol Dr. ' R fcrtum lo "WM Sch1 I of uelgumnn from Lieu! u.-..... .I.miad nbunluhll Dr. Tapper Argued whet Mr. Morris, Schu I. r. . 5 telgurnnl Lieutenent Guvemur MUIHI, denied ebeolu I thel. III-. Murrle wen e npeculntnr in I nor lend claimn. wlule above ell imputetume Iipun hie per- mnal lmnnur, hed e perlect right, if he chou, to epocuhtein lentil. Hr. Hec- lrenzio diffurotl [rum Dr. Tuppqr entirely. In moving; {or oorreepoudenoe end other dool-menu; roletlng to the bonuruotion ol the Fmtfrencin lock end oennl. for which Mr. Ryan euumod no eetimetee Ind been med , he Alleged the! in the Public War a` report 0! 1875 the york an .....L ..n at in "under consideration." while Rzumlol `bf Elaonllon 7:30 p.lu.' ' __...__._,._...__.__. \\'nrkI' report ol um) we nor: am spoken of M under colulduntion," it nppurod it wan commenced six month: ptanuuuly. `Tho work": not, In II`- quad, u put 0! tho Pqcilo llpiluny, and u that line pulod Iqllfo (1) mile: to tho nnnh oi I-`on Fnnoin, It I upld be aban- .I....mI ' '`.v|`'.`` v`. `V- T" V` \' up: in than Gwnnnnynl yponttsiol. ' mending In nukes nlcto (0 tin lg an} 1:! my militioio Ingipuu tho . ad Ttunk doc I! Bolhlulo. Hi: menu we `pretty wclluprouod in runoujug I'.0|'_d|2 "It in also per- ri,.1||l;uuy itjl In onune o hnl Ipooch of R tuning to :..I..lo: f_ym.'u. -4-----O06 Tho 'l`ax_m Ion of alortgngovl. _i._,___, `T none of Commons. tl1`}A1E_Bl1TlSH waxy, ,`1;u1bA.x,` EBRUAl;_Y' 23. *1e'7'7.y. l lnnyiruy. I dniaiun. l of petro The tsri and the are the topix of converutiun. The ab.)- litiun at -|.llt5 excise duty on petroleum, encl.1.he very large rediiction of Cuutoml duty on the nine Article, gives iliiiversal Iliiufu.-tiou, nnil are especially gratifying to the ninritiuie niorubere, who have lung felt the vlrtiinl e character of the duty on the iinpurioil article tu be I great inljustiue. The eifact on the price eum should he hirgo and imme- diate, while `on the other hand the . ninnll ndditionnl duty on ten will be prnctlcsy bly imp ihle; The change of duty on cigar: in mid to be likely to meet the viuveof that interest. and -the inargin of debate thereupii prot on the melt liqiiure l_I_l0 larggg V tn render them V37} lit nnhjoote for in; creued tixatiun when additional reve- ' mic is noodeil. The debate was on the whole e very spirited min ; 3 political up- poneiit not given to blindly following pr. Tiipper, wuulil cuily detect both exagge- retiun and inaccuracies ll: his facts, and i fnllgciswrnliie tirgumeiit, but his fellow- ers are nut liypocriticiil, and as aetiiiiip Ipoocli to be circulated where no answer in M hand, and where [)f'0plu d.i.`l. imp- .- 1.- ....-.. ....~.'l ;..r.mn...l it wniihl E mil uyp()cru_.u:|u, uuu an ..u.,.....,. I to answer Een to be very W0 informed, it would i b ave I more or less telling etfuct. It is to ~ e Iuiticed that neither Dr. Tupper nor ' Mncdomlul accepted Mr. Cartwright`: challenge to repudiate the - Mtemptatu blnckull the ngcncy of the '-. nmninion in cnnnecti-Jn with Mr. Cart- `part. of the _lI_1Lin {cry Ipnmy settled. _......_._.._._..._.__. The U averumont brought` down in Rmlny Aid Bill yutordny. Thy n . maul dnlchuud n.i`tho Kingston as Pom- bruke Railway. from the Miuiuippin tho Muduwuh, I distance 0! nbdut thir- ty milel. Tho district inmud by um und thereto:-o it nu dooinod ttkinhle tn placu it. unJ.ho looting of I opluniintion Inn.` in In hr 1.: the Amount of tho grant LIil".`kL9ll the ngcncy 01 um Dominion Mr. wriglit'slonn.r Neither di-I Dr. Tnpperi comply with the invitation to show 3' single instance in which, timing the pan six years, gny country hna adopted 3; dilfuruntiuodu uf placing its loan than; that pursued by the UannJia.n Finance` Minister. Mr. Msclmnzizfa speech win one qthia happiest e'or_ta, and planned everybody. ha ha: been ailing nflate, and thin, with hi heavy nnmunt of work, no doubt unounfa for n curtain unmunt of lnnguor that has been nuticonble since ` the Honlq met. But yesterday he w'ou in his belt ghting trim, and spoke with I life and energy 11 at deilghtud llil| frieudl. nor did it much nlfelnd A good mnuybf hi: oppunoula. Sir John A.. Mmclonnld did not poem at all in tune. Ho itrovo to uppeu energetic, and now And then managed to work himself into; I 1 state of apparont earneutneu. but his 121$): In I whole Wu mioernbly (noble.- I I E \ I. '1 I I E A little breeniin the, Itock rnlrlietet Montreal her been made the occasion by the New York Herald of making e generll etteck upon the Cenedinn banked which in moat injurious and Iinjuetiliuhle. The Herald : danpntch lays: - ""he financial situation here has neunied en exceedingly serious aspect within the i put few dgye-in fact, there ha: been I regular panic on the Stnclg El0hBl)g8,lllld price: of leading securities have been sub 3 'octed to I very henvy depreomiun. The 5 ergelt inniirutiuue which are supposed 1 to be on it perfectly enhetentinl basin have even eulferud, and the air in full mi :11 sort: 0! ruwurl. Where there is `Imuke there mutt be re, and it would not be very eurprining if some very otartliny diecloeuren were nude during the present week. The bnnlu have recently eupttined heevyloeseeby tnilurel in ditferent pnrtl of the oouutry, and their profit! cennot have been large for some time beck, in trade in in 1 very depressed conditi0n,|IId greet dilculty in experiencod in obtaining legitimate employment for `funds at re- Inunerntive tune." The {wt in` thnt an endenvor to change the unnngement of the Mercbnntif Bunk has reeulted in I deprecintion of the stock from per minim to 80 per cent... and n few sale: at 775, I deprueinnof ulne which it merely of I temporary neture. The reliability of the bank in undoubted, and in feet under the banking eyetem in force in Canada, it in ectnelly lnipouible, excv it ,in clue of deliberate fraud, fur any limit to ncqiiire 1 poeitiou which does not nlfurd ample eecurity to do nnitun nnul stoclxhnldern. Advices. from Iuntreul tenure no (hi there in no Iuoh thing on the etook market there no "panic." in I'\!pUl`l.9ll by the Ilerahleml thntno other securities ex- cept Mot-clients` Bunk Stock hue under- gone: diminution of nlue.-("roe I'rm- __......_.___... |0obou . Ha gut out on mu I won. than be on ho undo thn muck on Wil- mm, gum-c. |A|I|lI|0A`l Hm. it nub on no- oouug at us article in ma Gmllz that the (lam-nmnt but his orltod. ____.g1_.._._-. or ups, 1-`ob. 20--A cowardly Ind lbvoligoful attnck wu mule thin morning on Mr. Wilton. publioher of tho Guido. Wilson was wnlking (dung the nu-not when ho Ill utlocked from behind by Mr. Sam ox-Poutmute:-, who muck him In seven blown with n hnvy ruler, cutting Wilma`: haul bndlv. In 0 ate nhmn . wnrnut for Smu-L`: arm . Mr. Wilwni head badlv. In 0 mar u: obtain a wurrnm fur Smart`: . Quinlan took Wilson in a carriage to tho oloo ol the mugiatrmo. Smut. Ill there Ind mpdo II wound stuck on the wounded mm with nrulcr, cutting hi: bud in seven] plncm. Quiulnn tried to I-mono Wilson nnd VII in turn stacked, and had the ruler broken over his mm. Snort In than um-glad And In in the look-of. `u nuon unsigned or Smut : conduct III In item which up rod in the Guide. The Pool. Utlioo nu ` I [mind 1.011% the Puntmuier wu 3 do- hnlur nnd Ill diomimul from the our- vioo. Ho III II-ranted on M-mduy slur noun Illd eommitlod to stand his ms! at Oubou HI mat bul short I ma. ha on the gun The I-oturnvof rccoi u nnd expendi- turu from tho In -In y, 1876, u the low 0! Fobrunry, 1871, no u Mlown : Suntan: ol rgooiph and payment: on Manual 0! Oocuolidnlcd Fund from up In ol July, 1870, to the 10th of Volun- M7, 1877. I.H!IlFlI_ V-I `IN UR oououauoa rm. m,a.au fr. . The an-:lOl.0I)7.iW 19 ha bun poldnonlhilyou Iluain the Got!`-r 'rgdlq Hut uoousof E ahnuln pn)li:_dnM,..::d W W as usual 0! dubs; 1nd. ' . mnmo '1 h-v-u rs. Cuulalll I`a'.M`3,2`I.'- 73. L .`3.0'Ia,7oa ('17. on... 007,302 07. l INh Woth, Il.19l).3M '97. Xiaulloloolu. EON, I2. Toni, IlI,4N.370 . AI Editor (`owardly Att*~|u-d. ' THE DRMUIE BILLS AND THE IIEFDIK - ` PRESS- The Merchants` Bunk Breeze. -.--oZo--~-.-c lheolpu and Expenditures. u-v- .____..._j_ The Tarllf. -mu_.$I,.uL`.nr" Slohhlug (`ase-'l'I-0`-Itacllne `Au-[Joint _ A Budget Spoorl. 'lIIIl ll UI Invvu uuuv-nu -.... ..... -_ mm bu three-deep tint: on urioul part; of his body. Ball In nrrugod Igmq I-imo no to} stabbing I mun but escaped `pun- ishment. " .. ... .... tut, A verdict _of accidentally killed" ha been ronilered in the inquest held yum- dny upon the bodyol nu unfortunate la-' bdrer killed by this "falling in of loose oarth on No. 6 Iootion`"of Lachino Cnnnl. l-`rom the tutimbny of tho witnnnol it _nppen.rI llfnt dncnud lufburrwrgnlod to keup clan of the spot where tho ncofdent {hi 0 occurred. 1, occvrrou. ~ . 'l`ha'|ute of trade during the put week but been briuker.- A gobd deal of specu- lntion wu indulged in, particularly in ten. previous to the delivery of the` B-xdgat nyooch. Dry got`-`dn bunineu hu been better than "fur some time back. Tmvollerl ggqrsending in urdens bxiakly. . -;. VZT TORONTO. - The Rowling Challenge--New Insolngnu. :,Toronto, Feb. 23.-`-.lng-mt & Palmer : Grant Daniel Druca C0nnl3_iI_ntion nppaar val the Royal Opera Hons} o;i'Frid|_y and Saturday nex}, after which they appear at | of the eastern townl. v_ - v _,...x I.-- ...L La... nu-nivnrl hv `the %Horsy{ {s Hardwate House.` I-'.h `J, 1*`:7

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