Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Mar 1877, p. 3

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luv: llollndn. :: ..:"........."" "':'..':`.:.......L ma I)-uni, `um and 1-.u-- napkin. A 1.14:. u. lot 2 Iuluna, Danni and Old! v "1' cannfhnn Uovnnjnuh. n. uuu. mu xuamz} cyilndet 4 In, mnuiu-at lml uilor. cold Inpnnuly. luau. 3. im. FOR `MARCH SMALL SUM ISIGL . lnuhm`, III '-A.l| " P.().llol l'."7. w; J. 'rAYl.0ll. s.3|.n,, ..`. - .3 l".n.|u-hAnhAmAlnh1nPolI Chum [403 `DE OLKCIAI, Cnnpos do Cuba El Po: nueulo blbu. Angelina. Puma. bond BOOKSTORE. .. now noon." SHEET IIISIO. Bleached IN:-Ila; Cotton. Heavy WHO du du Pill-m Ocular In all qnalmoa. 79. P0 and W in Plain and TI `.111 $1` Ki`l'l lyVi'IiV: `F63 suit. cum, u unnuvn ._ . OUBAN 010138. Princess street I'.'L n out no curs. nhaiug.`mti golitu. Londrol. ' Cnrnlmln do, .. Couunorolno Douala. Pill-II CMloI~ III III! qnalllloa. Twill Bboongl. 90 In Win: Shaman. I" "1 I H UVI. F7 T1103. B RIGOS. IKE. cyllndet 0 b7, upnnloly. A. (minor. . Hlll. City lluinutl ' I hot. Luau E:rv|.vuIo.-`-'l`hh oc- ! Iothr in hair ianuon In pay Iluptoi llothor chit. Hi! Ibuiut. gnu an :-DI'oohlllo, March 25th and fa} Bridal Aluun aulcl, Kunptoo, `.5 .3` lulu; Napnoo, 30t_h and 81-1, nlthunllouu. 80 will ion with! Iluolnqon-hunt ollultnrt cl; "gr, Jgq-lpdon, lulldhg MI huou ,._ pug, nub nll Ioonopouo |.....L ulna -A Bdhrlllo. nnhlmu cuhtho Oolud nu:-an ; I11..- pggaalhlrwotlot III or _ot K ..mnndn-h Iullulo. . .---41o.._-- II-run Gou.-Wu roodin chuffe- ronlo [upon of tho :|ooth 0! Mr. John Thou. no no of Soul.- tllh birth. omigruod to Uppor Cs. nodo in 1821. Ind Horkod lot gomo` Qimo on juinor iu|Kluuown. Then ho went to Ioolloud ond murod omi rotnrnod to Conodoin 1827. For 'pooplo will ro- uouhor Illa, an inch to he no Monti- Iod with tho only luotory 0! tho plooo. Ill III Ivan. -an w-------- an g---- ...g- 7, V__ i"lKi"I'"'- TM P wmm l"x.I7cn1-xon.-`l`liou who mind my upon an "uh" u . mu 0, 'd``` 1327' 9?!` oonruulion have been peculiarly lucky "'5" `Mb h " M" difrlnl the Pint winter. 'YuuIW Indian '5' "'7 ' sud young gontlunon of 3 poetic turn . have he! abundnnt scope to poetiu our .- 0 - In xn-non. TI" om", 00 the youth Inowhlio. Oruuy old bunt, our; paper Alan thin to any ul tho Crystal km M" bun `hm mphmunn w Plluod Iuti I : ,,...:n Nab, ud Knnmmoki lot luou. choir nu:-plan spleen, and an. ._p_p!..' .,,,,,,,p.,,i,d .5, d,p,,u-0,, clout mud-no sn noun log n unwor- uho Inn onnnonn-Iy I-roxivod, sud hue niptod low of too sad gulipindoon. rlllloduwellgttirlod um Ihoirhnucooal. Uulou manly. pooplo ondowo `with nor. "'7 ' "" "' " ` "" 7 than human philosophy hovunr. thou Halli. KIt||I|``o Cllbloln Howell all i in M. in nnud 'h nun, rm. Boa." run nun: . dlnot Illp u us. 3" `""""" ' "" "P"- H`- ttutnont ol no bu boon villdnoul Dnuiu. lot 0100 8lr.lohn'n nun lg Ildtlonl. A not with in now do :" `mg 'm`` ":':' "' M` ""7". `uni n m 0 pov~p'o inpmn nor - llllllgpiillhl uhnpool winm-. l`rmnn d i no?` than, not Ind slut, Ilmll In-I slnpj, I high Ii dad low, cold, Iuumuttug unplhbod lniluir in man hluu unnnhlno Mu not in alw- nap-.iuc_ uhly. All Ib luau! 3 have do , pull in lurch "4 vlnod 5 for nah qoguiz ucuzghllng` : mu, Auction _w_m " "" ' lob-u||9Ih:N-om-o --4 lirully uouodu it thoomoin hul II Itlunl Hum. an bun run; up lat " I!` 8boIvn,"und` Ibolqomui-oII.olhAlIIoc qi|l'l'.!bona:c||oI'I.". ""'7""""' """" mud and a mum- -5- nk -N-or-H bu is -u":.m':'I7:-:1 mu! haul one no ldlovlllo. Iuklnq Iahlh n nnoo,nd luul-alike; suuuuuu.-nu lncuuda, 3.3.. mum; Am--oomnboonlil-on--2% auhun Unload can A M1,: :`,:mf'",- i 5 Joel pnlolu rm doludod. llyhd goulndhuolimo, gadi` Ilbnthuluni t :Il"=l|OOh Iolulllo. "k. TUT C-I'll luuuu . "loan. Bhiblay doputuion, nor Ivod, returned well mtinlod with than uucoou. Ivory mention` uluwn than by llnn. " I *"` *` COO Cou.Imu'I Immwn: Hanan."- Tho uoond number of thin, the junior of Kinpton publiulinno, ha nppcurod with any improvomoaip in matter and two- grlphy. It in already an neat a paper an the country prdducu, Ind will do the pdnwrc to! the Bun-xsn Wnm no dimo- dlt. Ilul and Colour! at old prion. ....___..._..__ Pnons. for the non 24 hours: For thclowerlnkan Inning hnmmeter, wind- Ihllling to tho mrtlm-an or east, vnth cloudy weather And at.-o-. I-`ur the St. lawronoo westerly winds, with [air war tho! during the day, (allowed at night by notthjoutdrly Iiudu and incrnuiug clou-' iljqou'md poujblyanmv before morning. :--.oj-O--_- 0* ------ EnozloIlmm.--The Montreal oorpon- tion has arrived At that point. -1 economy of expense: which Kingston city mngnllel ! mboiug driven to by force of cironm- g anneal. The Montreal` dinbunamonu ! for 1870 on within tho revenue receipt: by 3,932.50, while In 1875 the oIpondi- kn ended the `Income by 8153.299,- uln at I auh balnuco of 040,378 on -AA - ....-.-n-A-an`-ETA lhn In-I Tn: ljuun-.-Tho nuonrlnnce on the wood market this morning wu the lumen 0! thin winter. `Thorn Inuit have been our two hundred sleigh: on Br--ck street. pnuutiug an unbroken line as In an the eye could see. The change {rum Clergy strut to Brock street seems to Inn beo tho that Itep that could be taken. [mm 8!. Pruner`: Conunr.-A pm- gtannno nppun oloowhore in our columns and contain: 1 rich municul Grant. The Society an very fortunnto in scouring the ntiuanoo of Min M. Twomey. whoa; ne nopnno voice was so much admired hora I for your? ago. . .- Coxvu.uc|xr.-0ol. Flour. eon- tnctot of the K. & P. RR., hu fully ra- qoverod from him month`: illmm, nqd will iglin be vigorously engaged on the line hoyondyarbnt Luh _ngxt weak. in loan In the train! amt he `will commence laying the nil: on his newly built Ioctiunl. - .- ,.._..__` .,-- To-Ilonuow.-At thomntineo on 8:- Iurdny Prof. Cecil will give some new And` origlusl magical illnliom, and oxpluin Ilmn,|o lho children to tint they can por- lonn them It jhoir homes. The admin- uion will be 25 onu; children mounts. Gnnn PROrlnrY.-To-morrolr len- don will be received furlhe purchsno of several lot: of the Gnrntt properly on King Btrpot Wosniucluding n wutir front o! 400 (fat in lcnxth. The property is to be sold perumptorily. .._...___._....__._ Pnlulula.-- An udjuuruod meeting 0! the St. Patrick : Society will take plqce thin evening gt 8 o'clock to omnp\ate ar- nngonmm {qr the ooiobrntinu t0~mot- Au. -1_rd`arn for oupiun of . bspero con- taining an account 01' tho` oelobrnliun at tho 11th con bu obf.miz.oAl at the Wing uioo lo-marrow evening. "'3?-.-'.Ie-""-`i7`~`-*.'*..-.`.-;.'-5-.-.; Tin A'mu..:x'1:' McFadden of Owen Sound, will conduct. the Crown bunineu It the Approaching Court of Q}1un'I Bench. Ad uAI:JI`.-`0UT.-~"A" -Buttery Ind band marched out this mnrning. Who would not he I bnmbudlor or I bnndnnnni -._._...,ooo- __. __ Poylci. - .1 mm Ga-roll, drunk, ,_ ged 82 or 15 dnyl. -.o--~--o-O~o-- United Bhtlal. ' _ - in remind under the regulnionn of tho I On Suing: Bunk between the bonnet 9 n.m.ud I p.Il. ll. DKACON, P I. Ilnnninn Inna! I376, |ait;3!rish &il:;`ig;' I Q GOLDVM Nmmfil 3 o'clock I04! ' ___..-~- ooo 7 - _... Pwhpor I-Zoklvibla. ' ' tend lauorulmuld be mailad half in nlubznr provionto lm lhua or u.-Inning. Ibo Ihllu. - lon?'()rInu (rusted on all llnnnrdur Oou I f`-ands, Ilia Uuiud Kiumimu. l'ru.u~ ldwll Inland and Hewfounalhmd mad the ` Dunanlu remind ruulnionn of l`Kl`CN|MIiAl1 1 Pa So pol` I-9 Bo tend um VPIIIQ IQWUC IOU: " 011 Mr) . . . . . . . . .. 73 Iowburg and 3:30; Kano I hlzl ' ~ x.usu.'am-. ud cnuanu up unovis |n [ton vainly. |,[mq_'ro! P0_T__0!lPI0l QUE: I . Kingston. In 00.1.. I876. OITY AND VIOINITY r on a nun um-um. -.. u.,..... V. :5` oommonoomoiil ol the you-. <: ` II": IIIE IIIC IQIIJ IICIIII Clluvuu UIIII -I wrnoon. The proouaion Wlll lurm nt 9 I 3.11:. in from of tho City Buildings, And 1 the general route will be lollowod in Innk- l in; 4 circuit of thy city. The Aenuou will be pronchod by the Ru. Inghar boo- , nartl, from whom an eloquent. dlloouno any be oxpoelod. In the analog I omn- oort will be glnn to wind IIp'l.lM ll1'l pvooudings. Of tho woman of this on- Ienslnuuut we ouunot loubs. The In- um w. llopo will be a ., In vlulvh cunt St. Patrick : Dry. 1 77, will In I day long In In nmnbond. L To-morroi the neural Xriah aouidtion of the city will eolebrah tho anniveraary of Erin`: I atal saint by the usual brooom nion and out door demonstration. The turn out will be as: large, it not larger. shah usual, being taken part in by the Young Mung: Cathulia Benevolent Ano- cianon, Y--ung Men`: Shamrock Banno- lenl Associations of the! city and Omani- que, l`urtunm|th St. Patrick Society, the Walla Inland Society, the pupil: of the Christian Bruthora' School and tho St_ I u-io|c`a Soc-ioty ol that city. ' Thu Clay. tan, Gal-don Inland, 11'1" Bau.er.y`~ arid Nth Battalion Band: will supply thy mu- aio. The Clayton Band arrivgd this af- ...-........ an... .........a.... ...u 1...... .o 0 nu` uuuuznvu uu Iva IIIVIIFU-lull , -v motion was carried. It is to ho hoped thnt. there will In many web plenum. on- teruinmentu given an thlt 0! lat oven- ing. "God -`lave the Queon" Ill than sung lid the meeting` closed. I rill. ' `Til the nmnmona of human {or conquest 0|` xi:--uh-" The prgan lulu by Mr. Oldham cglled : for an mcoro. `Hi: mutorly playing brought forth Al} the ue purl: ol tho or- gan, which showed that I good Iolection at in imtrumeni hr! been: made. Mu-urn. Shani-p, (Mllouy, Bangs undh-Meadow: ung vogy bouutifuily "See (ho Gentle Shepherd Bands." The duet by Megan. W. Muir and A Silln, untitled On the Fields ol Ulury," III go well nceived n to call for an encore. Tho ruding by Mr. (}.S. `Bubnrt, entitlod sulluwiug I Fly," III very well uppreciuod. A unto of cum-tufvru moved by Mr. A." Muesli-tor, Ipcuntlegfby-Mr. Dounldpon. that the thanhof tho mgeting bo tender- ed to than who unined in entertaining thq Audience so very lll9I~Ilf|l"], which .....n..... ....... ..._-:...I It in 0.. L- luumrl The Y.M.O.A. I-1:; lut evening was _ lled Irithelerge And well-pleeeed endi- Mr. Felix She! oeenpied the Ho madeefuav appropriite re- one-0. ohelr. n u-ke on the object. of the entertainment- "Monte. Sherp, Uellouy. Seveqe end Meadowe enng very etlhctively "Bliu of `the Puried," which wee received with ; well-merited-eppleuee. The next mu e reulinx; by Mr. Samuol'B.eutou, entitled "TH'64E(lll0l"l Gudeh," end by the way he rendered it one would feel that In editorieen ill-ueed parsonage, _end h.e trnublt-I poculuerly his own. Bllr. John Wutlnlso then gen um "Bettie Prayer" in lplmldltl .etyle,' ceiling forth the Ag - pleuee of the Audience. The reading by Mr. Chad: Tusuell, utyled "The death of Ahnloxu," wee very good. The lulu by Mia: Maggie Bemfurv], celled The Urphen l3nl|nd'Singure," Iru very _uu. end gave grant ntisfeotiun. It ie' to be hoped that thieienotthe lee! time ehe will take part in such enterteinmente. `The recmujuu by Mr. Jemee Ardill, "Cherlee Edwerd, wee eo well "rt-mlered that e Soolh friend felt like ehoutinq : . Lin. -- A. ..I... 1... u..... nee um... n`n`nu .ul-- unit 1 uvvlvn unuuu unu u-w -uuvu-n` . Av-aka on your hills, on` your pldus Awakr. Bnmzom of the muuntaln, the am and the 8: r SPOOL co'rroN,| -..`--:a--. llnilcul `ind Ll!-`erury Huh-.r1.slunient. ` Cu IXFIIIIUII IIUIIIIL -A Wgutorn New York clergyman has boughllono of the uwnt. `nnuhlul Inland: in tho 8!. Iawronco, nhont one mile ' Ibo"! Alunndrtn Buy. He in . going to invite conductur Spencer. B.`& 0..B.ril- way, to spend 1 muhth with him thew. H59 tuck I funny to Spencer's plowam any of doing things on the can. Tickets! I Inna wouur. _ . --The hens in lhilwhgion lmvo boen ; doin thoir duty In hr, md the Iiont-an `uunn null nd: uu um-comngly well ` uuppliod with poultry berries. '-Mr. Georgo Fumpn hu sold his in- mm in the Railtosd Ho_u_Io, Capo Vin- cent. to Mr. H.L: I-`lax, who Irilloonduot' it, together with the Sc. Lauyronoo Howl und lhthbuu Huuoo. ' ` A n',_`__.. u__ l. ._L _l_....____.. I.-- _ mild walker. `III II BTUI" HU- --`_`Mu'ch'cauuo in Iiko I lamb," up an exchange. Yes. it was nmuhbly nu ,, .q:_'I;-_:__|....- I...... m1jr1sgn wi;r_a. { faion, smart , 10.1971: gAa4;:A , Mg ;-.11.- , ______A _'_~__.a_ .4...` .__..__ -._. oating ion. ` ! dorubuvg now 3, .p... .- o ..1`ho bop an putting on hoj~ n-A` touches for to-money. ->-TlFh0n'ow in 8:. Parish . Day. Lit tho vogthor be ne: , -`f0m' girl" has furnillged the folio!- fn; hesutitul Inns: 2 ` -Tho I-int at 31-ockvillo bblqckod by Boating `Np clesr hmnel to 03- Btukfu! will be d0nQ\ Cull the huudun but: their nlnmbcn, Hub for orufy Inn." 1.11,, I `_,, , ._ - - I-_L IV --4 -v--. ...... W` A. "`I));;h.l.'..|g'.'.:h'fa`n'|`k.': Wm". Their Anortnom 0! [Id Glove: I: second to none In the city. -; bugle, but not for the chase is ilw St. Patrick`: Day. {hing ill-'t\tTlIf. u the auto Ihq but war ... I L\.__ .-- ms vans. ' uuvwp IIIUI Ul--Ila-I. vi: ulnar will boo! blue Iuvio >bo pun-ally admitted An..- ...-A ...-_.a ` ' ` mug When Imza,bu.ild additions And "toad ` . V lI_eir prqmli-I, we Lnuv that thby Ina M -dint -. dsoir bumacu in donndjng unto ` Montana gt-nut accomnoduiun.-lunh. P am" or, th:-rt a judicious Iganguonout ol that ' ' buninesn Imus ho uhndod nth mono: L lull incest and pnnpcmy. Kinpton ha! I number uf buloll. than nunugon ban hon progrouiug Ind dning gndun Aliy nitha you; his`: home And [one sud ,4 bus lefhm iIIlpl`DOI on their commercial , uandmg mud teluinnnhip. Our migh- _bou, Mun-I. Mololvay at .U_{_rfh, Iuppfy an uuzplc of that ' nkILl_ 8l`!UVO|`|l0(O , and iridfutry can accomplig ; and than " - chm. > ulun-guts "or qunmdu rally lonn the basis upon wI'.ch the `weum of um`. |_'lIzm ' :l'ep'5Ind. A` propcr cumin 0! Lht-ae,gnid'ed ul ounru. bl jqdgmtnl and tug, bring ubuut a nun rerun . Mm it tho architect of hi: ngn fortune; and n u~\- -,, _ .,_.1...A_ L:_ 11.0!!- "8. says ably `ooen at-an I --nu 'nvI -an---uuuu vu can-v -v wVI- an ` 1: MM. ith ouo ueaplion -sud in this can the mdk-'~r cum--t ho ounddontl n comp-hr of McKlvoy & Biroh-tho lunar-to the only Iunulmturon b-turn Mnntroal and Tacoma, and to an am certain that the um:-In in In In in minor ohluu plus 1. ,0!` thin upntuuont and Iain. on Bench Strut gr` I amt ul unll room; plan. on the scary tutor up than In uolhu can all Illod with goods and ! u5rolundun- (arming I very nlubh lunch. Thou room till 50 roliuod oh iportpou of their annual: by and top, I who the pruprhtonhovc nuhllbhod sh qcknturulmh they ncnoudhbId- 'Mu Outta. Tlopnuluu will holdu- lnuvuuoroupuohucr. uollhoyo -' an more Cally ooppnhoud $50 was Ind nuns of an In`: opomhu. Tlwnm wonky Ionduonployd, but on poupuhcuonuutdluyuou than : I\\l.I|(iIn cf Ill eye, . evur-in incl it duel a good don]. ind par- ` piaoan are put. together tho wholo in com- ` gooumticul prupomnua. Thin qornioo iork `donned unlit-sly to this exhibition algal! .... uvuolv nu.` v-u vvuuu--u vu-m.u..~.., nu of the Iln[)ulsiUlilly of making the im- umliubin nuswer the purpose 0! the Inn- leahiu nmi Iubjucl it In the nine upon- tiun. Uu this tiuor-701 2-|--thu oor- nice in cat and joimsd avid prupurod, In that whun tho hmldiug ll ready it can be put in in pine. Ind Mljuntcd in the demands. mun lhnn" m6t o"'moolla'*' iioui skill. There is 3 chance to show time. And hi: ingenuity will be omu and in urder in nunin I given obj:-cl. with tho but. reuuh. Mnchmery do much. how- ticuhu-ly dum it do whu tho lund and hunmur could not very. well prod,ueo`,ud yo: nu precnu and aunt that when the plate and withunt unit in uppunnoo and no one at the rm`: apociilziu. Putin; into: pnniun of III. thml nor] 0! tin old building we lind uurulvu in the no room forbnnd, tod. hoop uni `about in-:1 And other nud_umdry nu mutual. This mom is uiud 20 x 30. The second story in tho min bmldiu.-3--24 I 30-h kinda yl skim tminp and Mani Ital hon oupplmf H-an In no In-plot of tin plmnbngo packing, which our. Iloliolny U Ru-oh uauuluomn voq oi- unm-ly, nud whisk they and ii: Iago snppliu Io M--mud uqd uthupluu. It lulu bug shim: of use him! ado-A In IIp0riu|' truck to Oh! ol Auoriun no- Illluzttl---I.I'I}i Ind! I` In IX] ale. and gin: ntiolution to than to wit. it In in. A... .-.....ahu._..4I 4-454. WIIBIIICA |'l""UllIIl|lI.-MNUIUC VI . uusmifuclurmf shape. Thii room runs the entire length 0! the new `building-uvonty feet. Aicondiug to the Qucund nary we cnter the plumbing mnluenurhtuugdepartment, ued Ul. with all requlnitu mole and `implgunontl. Tho mu uf these quaint`: ill!) :25. Stfpnfltel-l from the plumbers` room by n purntiun. but on tlzrunno an, in tho 1iuImllhs' lllup 40 x_2-1. when I hunt ol buuy lingers are transforming the ruv,m|-_ :......l :.... .. .........s....i ......I|.l -..J ..-..-. LADIES` BILK `I'll?! from 90019 83, all in the luau uyln. "'l ----nv-- --v ------~-----5 ---= ""'o""'. term! mm 3 vnrioiyui -useful and omi- mcutnl thingn. The third thtio muslin- toreulnu to the viucnr, for here we got nn insight iugn the method of making thou lnundsntue Iuuulicl ccrnicu which embellish, an no stuns! Ivnrk can because r4|,, ,..|,. ,.-,,u. ,u --an-uu Iv uu.-V ulvu -uw mnin bmldmsg. We shall` pan, lightly war the c--Ihr - Io large and ad- uinbly mlupu-d for Qlorgr pur- pmu. Thu Mat .\t or grmnld bor is mad fur the dmplay of stove} and fur the temporary plucumunf. of `heavy gqodo, Whether iI1-~-m:IuI|'_3ct-ulod 6"! uu-_` , ,..',,n _ ll\'|,.`,- ,, , ,-,p . _- lulu nu--n-nun...-, -u mum--u-.-V-. u... -. .. mry Ill 1-uanmur and warm in wintewonl lughled and vanulmml, and ullbrding `:1! m-co.-nary c-nnlurt. Thu bean arrangement ha: been made of tho prelnisn too, with 3 View tu cuuveniencu and facility. in adding to tho old building care has been uskqn lo nmko it. um!--rm with tho. uuinbly ......l L... M... .l....l... ..l .l......- -...I J`..- `L- mvu uu uuuluuua uaucu nu unuw.-wu pv- cummul.ui-n. L:-an Noveunhor they cum- nuoncod slur-.40 udilitiuli to their prnmiuel un Br-nclc air.-at ; and not only did they add but they onlurgud thainunn building and utllerwilso ranuwcd in including the form-r I Irl`l1lll_UP5, the Wall! of which worn elevated and sudrene-l I lmildiny 24 by 70 has be: u 8100'-dd, three hturiol high. solid and snhnuuilial, In constructed an to [0 I. LA .J A...) __...J.. ,.I ... .I ..lI'....I__ W-II uuu Ill":-<|\;`u`v nu, --.uu -uuu ---5-u - t|_m|r pulillun `Lu-day amply Lucitieu. Fm lome uuu: punt tln-y have bean crunpoa in Lumwurkalnupu. Thmr ennpluyeeliaut Lad umre elbuw room, and than the expan- sion bf business called for iucraued I0- . I u . .- VII ECUIIIWEI - .IlIlIll|1llI |IIlUllJ rm pom!-ilny uf -uluuon. The machgp'- i.:< are tho mainstay: of any place, sun `the mechanics reg.-taunts the bone n_nd I new of Kiugntnnf With this clul, tha gumh.-luau c.-mpriainu the Iirm wlwu ~ mmn-I hand chm article, we uroniinomly Idcvlmlie-0!. It in now;-nno you-s line: they made A must respectful bow 5: Incl - olumu and nmnufactuyen, and their cnnrno hua bm-I: marked with the gronteul uni.-fnulxuu. From the beginning" their `peuwnal knowlu-~L,m of the business: bu l.I!'g:|Y ounlrmun-d to their success: and thin kn-mic`!-,4u Llu-y have mod |ri,5ht In pl... .....-n..n 'o.._;-luv nvnnlu 0.-nilhu II`n. pxrl. aeblnad the polnibilll` ... ..... AL... . _.., ..- . lubunr, in the mun that seem: to nurut. lulhln Iugsnkun in which All are lup- poood to engnga, if dam-nun ol luviug font;-rinu un the undo of time. All the glory of thin ljfqdoea not circio IPUIH d the` literary `.ma n--thn nu.-mbtm of ' tic talkative club or the do-nulhiux`-ouch.-Iy can lay claim to but hula credit of Aiding in the ndyaucomeul. or duvupiuenl. ol shut. which rgquire|' thel upplicltiun cf umh am-mul ur manual lnbuur--tho min- whn mm-u wnllme wurll, sud nnmu unu'nre1 ton. in the Inochnnic whuw : |vuu -uanu-run. In :1 the man ihooa ab lmuporl. and litlc ( 0 -Iitendilg the j ' . ` Igielv. DRESS GOODS n....-1.:...- -9 u.._ 0.. nu-us -nun uuw nun-4. uula uunuv ton. ty hn gut schpp for I z pin) and win. ov--Ivan idea from nsnmunnun md given them pruc~ am. and dmn'm.urnti;nu by th- ;uu'. of the plan that in the min} alnml I pr`-lzlm utterly boyonu :1 .'I.... ..c ...I......... 1'... ...}...|..._ .4.---- `A I`! an Buotuul cl. vuwsunuvv the {wit um no ; Luto his lruiu of urea 0! that Iwnnud uumuvql pun chanson. Wu using an the blgtnphbl In orirnav hit so low Ian no II: .I I lVonn|I`oou~ uuuluo loan. on the nut and valu- qhluoldhlu bvinuloloouutovor luau III huh---cm: Sonic: In-to Goons,-noun mm moo II n -cm ofunlolulnlhnooolnnupgnnf . neurons In torn: cl Inqulllod rum or learn no t on "Pnpnnl 0000:" `no q-A-In it than upwind no to III puny nd an-mom quit!!! in but any omlor-oi b the pawn, uohavuhlulooavuodnd `llynunu. In; ounnpuu. We lnlbvu that loan I '3 now! Ibo bgul of the had In no hugdauumuol tho and qnnqyol `Pupunl Coons" oouunul a sh puulltl-no Iulnrnlllbvnolpounclu an-all mm In no unorhing. TM . 1'! license ; of nun won: an wall known , t the mu pnlagtnby loan. : Mend add a , .3` run "o of 9-. um...J :33. -----coo A ions of Wourlnm in often felt by patient who cannot I to my putioulu diuuo. H Macy war it booomu labor: i! they Iulk, they soon rim mental olfnru income I burdou, and oven joy: no dunm-ci by tho almluw cl thu wulmrn which in out our thuir liven. Roe-mm in Ind sometime: to Itimulnnu ul ndonprmu ohuutor. Thi ndvioo ul plnynicinnn to retain (run mun [about product: no lupp luulu. Why I The Ivntun in uwu. and mode to be built up pmpttgt Prnchul Snmr will do thin nry `:13. like tho olootrio ounut. It p-rnutu the satin "mm. and hrmnui ` :3 with tho our real lucotionl. It I tho coho-bl , sud btlap tho cult! to that again. and hop to the dupondont In dun ml uott pnnptly`nd nll. sold by mill dnmnhta. I ' nor: druuhu. hyevurul Imitation: under Iumewnnt autum- .. n'uu.h Guvunilnnnt uum.;- um. . Conulum of Now Rep). New lu-no ail Coiou. Now any Wndn Mr M. New Luann ` and 3 (run no-wt of other nu Goods than 100 u_: we par yon. (birth. on of II: Clolnu nun of luau) nndpluplo In Good: I; no Io-luau`. ` bu 1'} Huh Guvqrilnant Uun'np.`- vii) the woaln, `Kr. Brifhfl Phmpjludyne en- graved thereon and Mac the um: you we ob. hlmvn in the ma. Ever can burn the Trude Mnrk and Iignnmna u! I a Fuentes. Exron Aoll1'II-Wunoy & ($0.. 107 loath vuk amt. London). IE. Ull. m\1IvI'I1' u rnuarnuux Lu-..-- Mulmudn of pie are ho elnuly uui-rhu (mm Dobllll . orvonn und Avnr oonnpluiuu. do mulch o nphluo. h_\'pm`homlrin` timiul'm'. - in: I mm, fnilllro bf Isourlng, nigh! uni II'Il'III' urv. uliludo. want of |unror.&r.. whmw rm-en ncfmit of pormnnont can by clue new rt-mnly Pu-urunnvln (Ownin Or ueul, which uum-o nlluvn I" irritation: and axrlt4~Inoul.hnMru- (Uwnlo Ur gent, which allay: all irrltltloun oxrltaunolmhnpnrta new energy Ind life to the onfuablul oonntitp tlnn and rapid! nu-en ovary uagu of thaw lmlnorto in:-unh e and dinlrmuung mnlndlen Ilnld by an Chemists Ind Druggiau thmugll on the (Imhe. "` .-. .. ~ ._. If (`.AUTl0N.-The lu`-in incnulnddi; ` mun! (0: Dr. Bright`! Phou udyno hu uvu-nl lmltutiouu under Iomwwlnt Ilmilnr nnmu-: uumhuun of thin medicine Ihm-Id 009 Tu !u.vs'ru'rIo Hm-our.-This m- tionul work u! H . B. Bngney & C-)., rf Montrul. in pmgrouing wall. Thu- lonrth put, to-dsy roooivod, contain: no beautiful opening nu! churning: o! It`: delut And Gonbnl J uhnoon'u victo- ry nro'rq-resented in wood cuu, engrav- od elprouly for thin Dominion history. A new plnto of pcmniu, presenting Sir John Mu.-domld, Sir 000. E Culier, Sir Hngh Allan, Sir A. T. Gulf. and Chief J union Dorian. in an oxcellcnt me, more hichtul than the many pntuniom mm soon hnuging on many Iulll. Mr. W.W, Fnald, who it Again. hero. in nuocoeding 11011 in bl: osnnu. - Qaehoo Provinon January. Gonural Brnd- ` ad sis at p. `U to e old Guinstiehh now. Fred has hevnrin the habit of eeeiltg Kary.Ahn Gmnstieh in her father's garden, and against that parent's wish for some time. There, se therising noon (unoheoured hy lloatinu clouds) out a mellow light around them, they plightedlheir yonthlnl-troth." It can a hadlplight for Fred, and eventual- ly brought that unfortunate Romeo into in Mill worse plight. - Of course Mary Ann elope, and lsat Tuesday night we! to have been the hliselui time when twoyloiiny `hearts would he -madeto beat alone, Fred had the preceding weelr's ealary in his pocket and about four lingers" ol Ill! eoueealed on his peraon, or rather in his person. On the event!-il'evening_in question,` arriving at the garden fence. Fred proceeded to search for cloves Hav- ing found one, put it in adecayed molar, he cautiously approached 'the paternal abode. Now it happened on this very night that Gumstich oonld not sleep. and although he wsa not in the vicinity nl any etore doing a poor buaineea and heavily insured, still he thought he sm`elt amoha. Throwing hie Illlle-I` `iruund himself, he demanded to the gar dun to have a look around. I-`red.vin the unranwhilohavl, by iudicious tacking, al- most reached the house, when e uttering robe told him his adored one was near. Fred gave the sigma, and raaedwith rapture at the beautiful form of his loved one approohimz. Are ynlt ready, darling." enquired Fred, in a low voice. I am!" elclnimed his darlinu. in remarkably haroh tunes. Then vision of the Ashtahula disestey xehed through his brain as he was borne to the tlround. His next thought was of the crush at the Brooklyn Theatre, which was natural un- der the circumatancee. as old Uumstick was dancing .a hornpipe on his prostrate body. it was eome time before Fred onuld gather that it was. the `'01 | man` that had reauhed for him" and no` Mary Ann. ` The mieory depicted on the young men`: lseeas the sternpsrent pto. pelled hiu touards the gate with hoot. resembling Saratogs trunka would have heen A sad warning to :11 the sons 0! men. Vain was his cry in! M-ry Ann or death." the Saratogae .wnrked behind him like,a trip hammer. Fred is Due snlferiug irom cerebro spinal iiieningitus -no rm -rump do_ee-not ma. around- sud Fred had made up their minds to ` Oi oxvaxu I8 Lxrx. " DR. BhIHHT'S PHOS|`HUDYNE.-- lulmimrln of noonle An hnnolnulr uui-rim: XVIICI--An I um Cannot. and Q31 [hi Iiian Dsmotnn. m uuoquud. hut. has in Imu I %T`-'-.:`*.'..'.'.-E*;:'I_*"..?.."`-A-'-`--""-"-'= PIKI. I] LIIYI VII I3\'JYYlJ- Saul`! Gnu: llounlnlu lo- XVIICP- An Lam CIIRCIIG. and pack hi IIVO--150 nlsl rd hut mu-y Int Fhildu-I Tenth`. In uunll-vu livqnlunovly In yuan hurl, 9| Cu-n ru Iov7u., ' -Injlnk I`-lLnnll... XIII. I'III'I, I LII?` VII HOYYLI. , Wlnguei (`nllurlla Pllh Mild. 1" `main in ..pnn'oo=: II-o an shun tho pmqvnonldinut. r fun. 95 `nan -II Iol. Wlngueh `Nov-vo~'l`onI-. l l:|u.- Food wit? runvhhluuconon Nmrnluo. iluyluvu.-9, Our Store for all Kinda Black and Mourning Goods. An the but that upuivncc And awful to-mchun 1 pnduufoc-havuiuu di-hug M which may uuqao 1 'run the rnipu . |Vivou I. at Iadri. In and 0 nnolayd no their wa- H anal menu by lb I ul unounuu ll! unna rIIr.|. 39 an ru IIor'rI.L `Hague : II.'hI| I Preserva- tlve.--'n. um nine-11 TI&l. [sum luv nvlu In nu; I :2:-u-:3 Stan'd-ar`d' English Remedies. Am (B h Ihnl Iunviencr Antl uvnlul tsmmhcnn For further panicnhl-nu to tltlmurua und plu. gpply to KIRKPATRICK &. llllll, ~- [BY AUCTION. % '0n"l`ueuiay. `the 3rd Aprll. A Lama and wall assnrtud Stock of the Law Stylus of Goods WEN": we Inn pnwchauul A! Cl"l` PRICES FOR CAVI, Ihlnhuwm u..m,. H. g,. Iomnrn mud the punllc in go-m-ml In [nu-I w thin the mm-no put u w-- mu-.- .1`... not nnuvin our kmnh--Mn-I Immrnm-M. luu slur Unlvr Work. pr W.. I. .x.. imnltc nlaun tho urmiut hhV\'a- .IT...;"-Vu cf... , I(nuh-~.lmlo- ,0!" Ufa ? 13" W. In an ml -m- h- ruu-ngnglng our 1-`orounu, ln.C.mlwul|.u-bu in well known to all our cnnmut n M n n- .1 \ Cutler. ' ` ` _ ' Immms um he m~m..| in n..}u}au~ nignod mm] 5-lA'| URDAY. the l7Ih `nut... for the purchuu or Ihc With 5 {I-nntnu of 413! '2 fan. um] I block` of land Abe-uv. I 10 Ac-rv-s. on tho `lurvh aid: 0! Jeery.%Mnodie 81.30.. laud Album. I 3 0 Anna. the `(arm sin Km; 8lro- I. Uriah Hue Buihllnun Umrlsllu. com um pun mold to Mrs. Wnllh.) NOT ruvmasuocnnzzn m anrriud A ranomnn fo any out than balance of our Stock. we are force; to continue in human for one your mare. We have now coming in u-nu-v uvny turn I `HR. CARDWELL I'll! he with at on lhw 1-ln'I' Hgrrh. lth we will uptwl u \ L-I fmmu mil CHEAP AND I".-\|HUNAlIL|'. SUN`. ` Fab 1!. I 7. - REAL ESTATE` FOR SALE. I LGa.rrett Homestead, ON KING STREET. WEST. runny out, 1:! (us wmaarac/yin/cal co. (Lilli!) McNaughton & Bu. "Il.aVlIh';..\o ~;.;i;; o/LT` ,-P\Aa, I atrh`k `Q Jruwvnnx BLUTHINEVSIUHE. NEW GOODS CI, II III Kill (I I'll Whlld. Win 9 : Blood Pnrllou-.- re mnluh.` Ii In. Sill Imam, Khan 01 cuts. And I `annulus Iloblnrld l'Iu:n. In -. vu Born; ' Great _'Salo of Cotton /Good cuuxlsvcss To-nouuow, _- AND WILL CONTINIYE DUNN!) Tlllt \V'l()l.K 05-` TI! HUNT. ALL KIND AND dam-npzmu of Cotton U-bod: 1| ho uhl at [hr um pro` Hitch nd. I877. fr. x. c[US%IN%EAU &%cn'+s. 41 A I\I'JV\Jk)I. ggw yum: Cl.0TlllN(I S'l`U`R|-.`.. Brook nu-005.4 door! frml we .\lur|u\l Squu. Fab. 2'3. I-T7. (LII! FUD) wI.N .AtE's. E"-"ft=*_?`."""_*'5:'I runny oxufnv mun`.--p QnnDnAnAA My In KIRKPATRICK G. X00338. oltolmon. ALEX pt-19 In Ur-uvr wurl Illfl I.\"Dl'V lI:'l" -l'IlIu'|IlIf`lll. In u~|-A1 IIIIIII ul rrn lm\_p'. gt A (-ImiI`v- p.n.Hn--nl Inf HI*..\ (`'5' l' UK.\|Slll.\0 lH)UlII!--nrw II .| N,.M_V_ 1' m~:('r:1n;n-.rm; Lamp smm of 511.1; u.u'.s- ;.,,. 5,,,,,, It ; Buy. '_ _ `V V ' ~ % Z; l l{l=.VOb`l`. mew max swan. sum. 4 n... u... .u....... n...... VAI.l'.|lll.B VIIII. - UHL1 tuuurio) nab oxrlmvu nU';I.Vu Till`-' .\vwu|.v.' mr Tins unN'rn_ M Culwu gm be uh! um pm-., II If 11...-_ 1 3 T1S3%ZE`OTJ:T na:o1v.AtJ'c'a~sri-'o.N .1 come. Lnnur Ann; 1.a..! l~....- . \` SIXTY -rnncuum DULLAII to unit 0CIlVOIl IHIkfnl.II largourm-a`.|ouug h long:-0 don-Iprhdu. I not nmludu an-on to an Iulinu. And; no nos. I|l`I0"0I, Iuollll Putnam Lou and luounnt 'r:n'3,In."II`-;::'.".m' """" [Moran 30 Low`: Splendid Ps.ttorxu for 450 and upwards. at ' Appllauh In can I unuotnmzuhu pr:-g~F:'r'u'-*-1. ` Qlhungu D1 .2.- I . ` . V !ocI.hynr|l1`.tu than an - Ilnrolunlat Ilsa L|u1.`l.IM luqaec.n.r"- u`I'a:. Cm llu-HI `<.KlIpIna.uu no harm l'ph-liuou and lamented Liquor: IPPLIDAYIMO NR LICENIEI tl I B'I:u.zvu: -runes. u.. Hon has `ltusu mm, E-- nlunul Ihu-v uvrunnnmt. ....I an FOB MLEV: was sworn: cannon. (double) ' III can-r .u-nu. % TAVERN - KEEPERS, suop 'KEEPERS, WHOLESALE HEB.(}HAN'l'3,A` mms, AND onrns. `I'll 3llTDLi OI HAROII. lhjuton. Inch 5. Inf Bouvun King um Al ! In ivmety oflhsdes {ox-_50c. ;'I:u.zvv: 1'nuc:.u.. n-at-Mu-o`ol H-0 Ihla I. I .-vi .nm-rlunl CITY 0| KINGSTON. r. .1. 1 III B] \l..Il . The Ural? "--lu.\'u`l-`r 1-` llw I`uMifo . NOTICE In hula: glfu than :1! For Sale. . VIII `PEIIAPII n.- .- . .r.. V..- (nonv- I`. X. (`l`.\| xll ; n B-uulu-t-.r ..i n... Pu} { McNaughton & Uri` s.rL\l 1 IJL"Z. 1-T Ihiig marl I`HMnu NI. -:II--..-.,. . . -. I - .._, '...'.. . .-..-u u. Twill CJILIY. L noun a l.........| Inn! ll. ICY. f 11. u.'li.R. I ti 23:9` `NAT HOUSE AND PREIISES on. Plan K|fI'ooI.,nt pruant oc-onplml by Wm. Reid. L00 cums. noun or hm; an-or Iuliug w HI, (mu! nnhla. A bargain in ulgrad. Ayply to tho uuuor. . ` HA _ _ '1:T3J71<"7TE3'ooJ5ss5[ A FULL LBSORTIIINT OP >00ATI' THREAD. U'0IrC|uh min I In In ` now you: can :ho 53$ C.u'n"n . L117"/` 3" An iupeuou mauuuy mm. R. & J.GrA'RDINEB Ila-oh is. run. cottons, Oottons; nu-I ml lhlpllnn (`an n Orson 'lIuo-net Vulhv. ` Alto B uh Upullv Voilng MO: in mm uylu A In ! and ouulphu vamrlluont of the noun! cult: of Dunn luarhla. with Grllnnlnxn f In |lla`ura.- ' I . A luu Block cf ladies Canal. lplondld shapes.` ` , . Al luuaoupo ltoci of Iulh.lubtaIr!oriuu', _ lav nrinu. amok. ' ' ~ Aldo. Navy Ilka. ind. Brown and 'I(_yI-`Ila lluuunor Vnlhng. 7 HOMER!`-I full block In Cotton. Kniiohd [ Lnmba Wuul. ` wr Cnnuu lunhvu, Danni nl Cloth Toll: Cnormfhno Uovo_u,InI|I. to . I "A full bf tho follow In; loocivod by_ rooeng ' Steamers: Ill I'll ITIICI` Xflllul-O [I I'll lllllf. '11! Uvbg Induce. .. " *.:"%u%m'.".:.':.'5::r; r 'b Vtuu Ian`! "E ;2.`. :'."o.- . -Iowan o.-y, mew Novmmzs; P8138288 STREET. ` _ll`nnh 9. um; muss Mm: T ` hunt uylu. `r mu far Cub. `trhllyou pm Linens, Linens. PERFECT KIDS! `H.& J. GAHDINEH WOOL CARPETS! lill enulplou of the uylu lnorhlnnvm: lrlnmingn to Illui. ` - I lnmonpo low pun sruoln ud Prints, Prints, Prints} Silks, silks. nnivnca mum. ' For Sale. I1 ulhllt A uh l'Il:F`. IA ml-`.s MOODIE ; vdhnn Icmnplou I Ant saowtzm BOSS 5, (20.1 H. WOUD '1. In Prlnll to inn talented I ohoiuou mtlcrnu at th [At Handamn Bookatoril W] -$'T I. 'IIn_ 3 um; um. lncua co.. lethal. a ..'-"-'-._......r.?'...".;'."."'...t_'.-..:.'.:'.'..': Auanuunu ovrgmgl - -on-f II- A IPl.l!lDllI AIIOITIIIT ll nocx. Phcu land Duty and day. I [John Henderson] Blood:-,y'a Anecdotes and Illus- trations. I58 Pun. [AT HENDER'S`ON'S[ [AT E- 100 Pieces llvo Cent little at Iludonolru. ' OIDIII DOLICITID POI English and Ametlcan anks, In Prlnll Inn lilktftod the nevus Ind putlnrnu the nomon: Inc Co|our Prhm [mm to per yu-d upwards. Few fut Uolunr Wldo Pmm. how Bnlumb-dun goods. Now Uuhmoro trims. Now Blqlhh caution lloglv-`I Not `M;-nu llulurd not Alia-n`: Prlnu. (mun hint. lwuoh'wmbo_pnovo-l`u shuhonrlhnu Sunday at Ilolne. C-assell's Prolestuntlnnl. ll:-lush Workman. ac. d'c. Max Adeles latest Funny Bop! PBlCl".-60 4-onu bonds. In 75 cell! in Cloth. Third Suppl!` JIM in [AT l'lENDEll80l'8 BOOKSTORE. lvenlpg Ilouru. V Bible llenld. Contemporary llevlow. '""` " 1 Bow Bells; London Journal. livery Month. Lelanrc llour. lumsu MAGAZIEESJ Crumb Pnu. lull: in Wokooldi Prllu All my chap { H:ND:RsoN's| BR. Hlll UN DYSPEPSIA. 11. Mnuh:-C. B -nlor, Ally "AJI." P1). Bl)! X217. Arch [3, N77. THE ANNUAL IEETINO of the Bhut- hoidern ur the lI`rontonno Loan and Invent men: Snoimv will bu held in the Society : gun. on WI-ztmlrsou. Ibo am. My or catch mu: , n the hour of three o'n'o-k. Tuna xmmml Frontenac. loan and Invest- ment society. - m: nmnu. IIEILTINO of the shmi mont 80-iulv Smitty nnogbannu. Inna lo. M. ' [ G. A.s1>oT_swooD,| inn ronnowmo cnolcrnnxm owl II. cl. lllllvug we.-a--I-, Oudua 0 st Cnuluhuhomnnbinrou Collage flu boon nbovq Instill`: Grocery lion rrlncno urea. llllllol. Much I3. W77. _ -.___., _.__.....-__-..-j- LOIPDB GAICIAB, Culnpos . .| m bl`! J EFFERY, Eu mun . s[ Dul. WlNDEK,onooftMIuot amportnut iruproninonu um ha been nits- ml to saving Iuhlnu In the proton: dg - thoynro [nun-Iudfor in yours. Dollvouvi '0 your Iaouu I'uolnouu `IVS! has of charge. If The Doctocwlll lopair ullhndo oi Noting` Ilohina Cilfgso nodnrdhjy. M whines cu: ho nut by lxpnu or Bmuud returned to own without delay. Chaun- (,`.('.D. All npoln Iztflllb or money ro- V um v 2) par Nut :5 for uni. CIII sud -on Mull Il may have I" the law In rgwalllollil 0' "10 NMvYor|1 Hln anwlth H0 TONI lIPBOV- nu 51 ul. wmuzmonoof 0 mmortnu! imnbrovrritantn that 04*)?-' from dlpggow. Scotland. `Wlllob I will sell {at the non Thirty Can. an huhlmnntn or 00 per out and`. for-hlfulltor mpg: auto! for and that have Ill tboiI!1~_l_I;,[g-gvopgntl dlumbau a suortmrs Improved sr.w|.w HLCIIINIS. ' ton. Pu'aubq'tun on D01 ollluw.-luouuhg. App`) In - I. _.__::.-._-.-- two HOUIDIS on tho corn! of sad Juhuuu lozruln Apply '0 ' . - JOE! c. Will. u....;. 1 Im, Cm Eninut :TiI8T 1iiR'IVET . ` 4 T xingmm Ihmh 111871. I? &:'u' "55 "W ".r;:':.'s.."..'.'`'``" ' % Wnlksm. 2.4.. on hand- Iollllp. ` _ _-_`,__,__. _-,. ._,___._.__._.... I-`H1 . mum and Dvoluuon PI-been lean! -OM-.u|oad by Iouulnlnud t A|II~ l'o-unlit`! [NOB OIJIC ll? by nlluv.-h.auIitn. An`) _ GLABK8 ELEPHANT an x {goon

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