" an. gimg m:,1;am;,. __.._...._.___________...._..._.._ Oplfcr mr Orbau Dtoor. .- -'17_x?r1SAv'r:i3`iw'd}' Liiiicn :1,`177? n" nuzuuvnann. ._-- . lontrul. IlIH`II l IO!` 0' Hull! \|-lT0 L0,} 70 AH10l:.l0 um I Hal-;|`ulaI; Ihnlr-78l-2. :3, : ITMIIII HUIV"7l I-'1. I I I3. Btu M (`omnn~o-'-Hl, Ontu-In IIAnk-l0I. WI). Bull of'l`um City Bank Iouttul T: ulnunuu .- .. .-nu wcoxu. um EOUIIMIOI un- ClAlT.Kuuu .mu -orrIc_n an-an nreuod. Lrighun Young telegraph: to the Herald. saying `'1! Leo hp mule a state- mont in hit contention implicating vim. it is utterly fnlne. My oourn uf late in can: well known by thousands ol honorublal non for them to bulieva fur; minute! Inch In |c_cI Q A_tinu." __nm..irlm-.hl.1 mumhvnndnn In em won mun. ' --Oomidsnblo cnualrnuion Int O.`l`a- E nod in the 1-! may at Utuwa, by the (ire ` at Knvannglnl }:[ot-:1, on ma old Club Hanna. u It nu cnod. Main: General: son am: A .:-I. h'Il||l Ian, M um numuv u. --New Ybrk Hntl Wuhinglon Ipe- I cit! ropurtl that A pQ}`I0lI whu ha: noon. to but mean: of inlurmuinn said If thn .oounlry will only have patience` lnr fun: g or in day: all will I): riuht. Ila vrhui I In this belivvea that Hnmpmn Ind` . ioh-1": ought to rule. --A ten you old um of Mr. F. X. Au- bry had I ght. with awn of Wall-ml lio- lungor, Molitroal. The non of tho lunar huing gut wurlhd the tumor rushed upon young Aubry sud kicked him_in the Itomu:h.. A doctor was called in to At- glul tho ha, and it In found that the 3': uonnch Ind nollan to nn`nor-- mmn snout. .1 Uuhlllll. ] ~-Montuncax-in dalyntea in nu inter-I View .with the Grnnd Vizior and Furvim f Minister, yeaturdny, uid they co'ul | make no nbntomoul. from the Ian! cnn_dj- tiom, from which they oomidehd the .....hm ..l Kin. us than mnnl. imlmrtnnt. Ilonl, from wmcn may oonlxueni ion of Nice n the must. impa- 7lh0l`i"W*IV' Pox-to nhjecled to thin. --Rov. Mr. Mccannsy. Putor A Church of Uur Sm-iuur, New Yur chnrged by a mu-riod_ Indy, memh um nhurch. with kinsinu her and wi av. xuvunagn 1 Kane, u it 1 Smytho, Gupta M.P.. Mr. 1 ullnilhlll Thur and }\.-J. 1 _\Y.- Yo.-L` lion ll 71:!) p tn. lhI.vAul Um-pa meeting 51.7.30 p.|II~. `nu, uouu-u Chunbcr. . ' IAEDIDAY. clurgeu By a mu-r the church, with I: pm roumluct. '.~ I ntfrav-Ind I d r ounqucu . Maxim-oy-Ind d arrested. ;.1I..:..k.m \ .m 'fm.i:ana:%u:\o sguum "Y. 0. .A'...'~NEW~ HOVELTIEB7` . WIMOC LVIIITCLI. .aL|UK`- Apply In): 1 . u.:1'3.T{.-7. 1- mun-r IOKTIIAI. INTI IIII II`. liinkv mwnm. nun.--n . _- hllillnh VI`: W 1-2. Go-N. (ll. I... 3 Tho obourdity of Bonotor Compbe_lf o toooluIinno,' oondolnning Ibo l reruier'o oppliuotion for olew more momboro In tho Bonolo, booomoo more apparent ovhon It in rumombond (hot Among tho dcolh-K bod. oppointmonlool the lnot Tory Gov- ernment Nero oix now Sennimo. Thin woo tho" muimun nunnhor that would hon boon oddod oven hod tho applica- tion to tho Homo Onvotnmont boon onc- oooolnl. With thaluaonlodgo that they word doomed to ejection, ond t.hot`~thoir Rolorm onccoooon woro un tho yory throohold of 'p-wot, it no in Sir John'o donrnlnoul lot noro o brooch ol the opil-it ol Ibo_ConotiluIion thno to il'I_0l'0llO ~ tho hostile _hojnftt[`IgIinIt Iho incom- ing Adniniuntion thou (or Hon. Mr. lnakonxio to roqnoot that, portioo ohould ho oonouhot moro cquoliood in tho Se- aolo. In on, use we foil to ooo why tho non ol tho now Guvormnont con be rouordod oo nnoomtituglouol. when the Ooulodc-ration Aot Stool! providoo that jut om.-hon iooroooo could be not only ukod (or, but gnnlqd, loo, nndor cor- ooin oircnuutonooo. Tho Conodion Pu~ mior ond tho Cuniol Soototory diurod =4 L. o.. -K.o|..r um nircnm. Wanted rl All IIILLIII: Lost; :2 Arch lm _ X_.4L I nmoq may, mumner on | 1 kissing with im-! The lady`! hunt-uml Mid I dinputo and both were L . vf the I ..n. 4. ~ CHEAP DRY GOODS i 1. news 93: uoznx fiRi%chmund & Bnvden's( ";s|muu be on land no no sharp, that want tin can mount an: . oonuuaou M. mo nun. - W11! deliver A l.Kf'T!'l Iltllhlan .. w`u|uwn to Non-o Dame Cor nut received cm 3009. `ALI of `llonngbun Fun (Bum-lunon) I! ' anon by Murray. ncm. unsung of Iunlopnc Agrioulmnl I....An- gt. _. njl. Aim Momv evemuc um. {KID GLOVES M13. -1-hos. Hqnd; nm G-Lovnsx ':onuIIn's 1:.-Iem-ma i "First (`lmlm-. I . ' ; On Saturday. 14th of April Next. .1 In L`! rm . n'r|.mva mu. untwcoutos. rmsrauwue FIELD I i Whlrh ho Inn-nth c-on;-lug on II I Int-oluo ozvh mm on n largo nub, in` In! ` Ms nuuamu muuouon I Ivan M I (ow day! hhnpur . eh: -in; eluylelo. nun mono: mu. 3: .arvu' A or, can anum ommca. naon II] -urrny. Bncm. a looxoty no -- p.u. ____....._._._...--- {very Month for Aptil. ismm` Tl] IHE ums.| ELVTINDI OPENING I! A IPIW DAYS. J n hegnllfuxl and rhoioo ouch If ;M|LLlNEHY nunnsn V ' ' I I lorma.unu_'n Block, Pt-moan Sh-cog` `- lwrh :3. If ? EVE|IY_B0lW 1 must to lab out `E was. '19: 5-up-0-. l__ $ II`?! glondun Journal fm Match} Inge): 23. Ilh: ' J1'TS21` R.E(` 1EIV'E [)3 -taalunallahol Iuaotuaatad any The `charge ha been lroquenliy maiv that local guvernmont wnrlu hale been mrrnptly employod against Sir John in ~ the aqeral hot contuata he has of lat: yaara had to light in order to retain hi hold on tnia oonati.`-umoy. Such a charge in nothing Iaora than an amply and pointless alaudar incapabia of proui. Data not the ban reforauoo to the mat tar, howarar, prove that tho prauut gov- arnlnontaara actuated by an intominn to do jnatioa to Kingston I Thia, too, with- out tha expectation oi any political ad vantaga in return. The Dolninion Gov- amnant, in tla laoa of tha fact that we aant their piincipal oppunont back t4 Parliament, utabliahod ban the Military Gallon. panting by Q-Iabaa, no of whoa: combat! in alao a uainbac oi lha Gu- IIIIIOIIL For (Ma not of jnatiaa to King atoa-though dunno, an it ought to ha, in in public lam-a'at-t!:a motive: ol the (loaata-ant liava baal iupanad and tin ailaduat of tho not in qnaaiion unlairly aimiunua a hat mo with uianam aga-aat and corruption. on tha othai laaanaaaniaaapportarta tho .l'rovin~ mai Paolianaat, and yat II Jaoaivaci {tun tha Ontario (leinrnuaat tho aanr ` paawaa aoaaantioa ia ||IOv_l'IpaatauJ gvaalala all at our local railway. `ho Oouau-vativa apanaiaoa oi thin fair tfaaloaat ha baal axpuaaad aithac in oaaaklau ailaaaa or in ahaepa of bad faith aphat Boa. Ir. lint that jut aha tblftloqtt it cam In ha has Waaa Ia and a (`on- aatntlva to aapuaa aaa Oovorouaat aadalldarnartoaaaput 8110 other, aalyataataqaaljactlcahva iota, iv I-aqlraaatvaaualf apaataaiaa than am luawollanoaldluavihotodouai nu Iauataaaadaau-aptinaiathatuat naataalavaiautvaltlon aiihar. la althlqllaal allhladahcpa at _ fI,l"i|Ur.%I 1 T a_ -s- daldni-iuw "Th? aiiiiaup at`: aanlaallthpaaha damn at up, .srrmI.'<'r.."1r.. rzrzisd Nation ac lmlrjtird wirh nu Tau Lqd rrihu or '......I -- Murrh 23. llif.` THIS EVENING. In I. II?! Knrrh 1'3. I877` C: -o $nv--up _IIm-B13. |I71. I bula lino!` .-\lT(`.Tl0N SALE. no 1'r.-pa-v\`,\ Ixunwn an the 3(`H00lo_L()'I` N I) Plil-`.\ll.`Il'2.~`. nitnuled on art of hot `N. M (`nun--sllnll. Pittsburgh. 'l` to Lot in `all now! nnd ml I: In orecloul I good Log School on Tm-uu mad! Immrn at lhb time 09 Hull. ms. E. VIRENSIIALL FAVORITE Ilj'IaIu' 3;. cnuldalvuuuhoguctl` pnupcrltyoc ibuuuhoubttuqyhuisl Ilkhll-nth lhhubnndug" :v |lwI-ul -nu um um. .-- ......._. I lloetion Eur bound! of III! Albelqlim at rut` ho-mm-.' Umunumao u_ I o'clock ' .. .. nun-Auunbn |E\;. Ifl X0033. hncnu. Lnorunn! i'JOD fiI.0\'E IS _ l`|7H-I I'IIEAPF.ST.'.` P. HART? R 1-: 0 1:21 V E 1; P. HARTY, I35" lN|ZII.\f. THAT ARE . 1;. .1. IIALL, mm gnu tug uowum u-w...., .. .... .. in opinion II to Ihlhor the circum- nnncu In-nntod oomplisnce with the rcqunt, but, ourlookiug the lu:l_ thu Ir. llnohnsio Ill nbeouuly the bus: jndpon thin point, to Mk about the up- ` pliution melt. bait.-3 nnconuitutiunsl ` that tho constitution ponniu it in moat childilh and uiunonning noun-mu. J. I. IACIII. QB-I-.-nlo-nu LIVE .....uuu - u v V... H. u. illapow. W 3}. MIYRRAY, - Auctioneer. '.Iost:PuI,\'n.`] "....*"",...'.;'.'I _ and r , :1; proviomv II- in-irnrlml Io om! | Raoul. Marin`? :etm|. C` An lupucdon roupootfully {amt I , uusuuna run when `in c..;.... Iorho m A Lambs Wool. lalll Samoa 1 hi I) In. In all Man. U ' E , A 1.3: scam M 14.15..` 1: not-. -ploudl .u lmuwn am-k M" lulin I-bmtlcriu kw prmn. , _ * Piruoln and sun lands: to hue a mark! Iona]. - E A run Auorhlui of we rouow : in; Goods. loooivod `by rocohtj I E " Stoun_on: Q Bevel. Mao. Navy lllno. Isl. limwu unnl Hymn anon Bummer \'r|luu. , ' Vdhv. A130 Black Spuh Va-lling can in now style! A Nil And omoplale unornuont 9! the noun styles of Dunn lou~r'uls.I'Ilh cunning l.o umtnl. . - _ G. s. :I-:-Io13AR':I_:'| ( N ALIA STREET. nur Ibo old In:-lhh . Burying (In-uml. on which la n Franc llnn-u-. I (laden with fruit tract. and I well. llnd frontage M191 HM. with I depth of 13`! fret, will be oorod rlu-up. Ind If not gold bv |u'i\'|NI uh `III hm linponod M Ilmrtly I; ' nuwirm. Apply on Hm prvvnllel Io.Iho owner. WM. PVllTlI.l.. |(:.....:n.. Ilunuh 1'1 HT? i R..& J.GAl_tI)INERV . Lqou, nmzoronv. mesh Sardinesi Fresh Banned Lobstars. {RI13EoUT's| I mmw on VI oooo . ' IN 81`. ANDIIWI HALL. when they will In I 5 N, unrullvo pnvgnnno. 1IIOIu Club It lnpnoont. Anlunlnnlnn I.'n-.onH. A at hdiiiu unnnsuu abs: 1 (`I"N| ll than Inn! '0 Glen. In mrnonon n1 am but. g n. mwnul. I In-1-|n'3El,l!1?. `C011. 65DE[ QC--.,.-.-._.a-.- GRAND TRUNK R4\l[4_\VAY.` 9--- uivl llav J Arlen. Futon (Ingma- onarnoo. mo |).|u. i mrsor nuns: ltngvu-myoummrucm KM -GIOVGI lid Oltti I cI1IOI'I (`leaned uncfllyed on the premium on the shortest` notice. ladh-In` and Gentlemen`: Wu:-In Appuol Clnmod and Dyed in a superior Inner. It!" Iodonlo 1-mu. All onion promptly Cluned Dyed noun. Q` lodu-no prim-o. adorn promptly nu-nvlul 10. Inch 2|. I877. 3 A III-rx-:%nin1r" I [Musca| Entertainment. 3' lab! M Casi. smut; on prlao. A nu. antral! or cont rnnn. IIIIII Iillllli IIlI`.',IAI('I III`. March 9-3. 137;. H. M. BA`Bi}INEH} Mural: 9.11571. INAIIAN. JL Station Mum. In-oh 22. 1&7: Intel `N. I87. Inch 39, IIII. Haul I8. III1. _` Kiugutoa. `Inch If . U7 do A Large Lot Just Arrived at an FIRST RATE ""' "' . noun nnulto. llltlnuuruml . cm1LoT;_r_gn* sate. mu -nu. .-. - ....,` as . ' r{YL`hrrk--!-l bun !mm--lIrI- s'entngv&' . Quasi: reat-lm-n- Auvnnlng :N. luv anon Elliott nu. MIIYVI MEETING oflho Dlnohn Ohio (foul L Frumelno loamy. l HHI u u-nary`: lama! `HE I-.l.nI`l'l'lU.\' A88()(`|ATl0)l 0|` ` Queen 0 Uollouo will give that! GM: Eu- ulnuou OI WOOL CARPETS ! DI II|l(7A I. IIALL. Donn about l`u'Ih|l|'I. PIIXCIIS UTRIIT. KINGSTON. Ont. (Fun London. lulnntl P3115 3388 BTRIIT. nu auowmu V `Civil: vs upwards. ;t Notice. In nf ILA llhu-him 4 micro cmarxuor (10 B-O38 Salmon. W.` 1V` DALY. lmnnn 3 lot 215 cu. '01! Pictures. Water 0olouz7'ns Tn- xnvinzu, ac. &c., ' IRNDVATED AND l.`l~N'l'Ul2l-'.') Ihunl. Em. mm may cm:ru1i% V X ` V 7 7 '-_"_?: 1. I018! T0 vl.-QASS, 9 I muuanzmn amu-rrr. .. ` tho b`n-urns [In-nary. mu. v . Dhldnh, 4.1.1. _...a| m.n..a --..u I K 0;. TICd`l_IVIM(. Iturc 2'It'h. Btiuon Kunuwul I GOING WRIT. Arrive. `..........4:7u.m. ._ l:0. 1n.m_ 5 5 - v IRlI'0\ A'l'I!D ` ."`.a5?aT7' Ilrvh 29, I877 ._..._ Wlliti-alid Red Br1'ck'FTnr4 Sal}: .1. builder: with any qua wine Irv-k nqunnoi M I w an lo`. cal Junr, 1`h~_v us gupu-hr quuucy. ' TIE nuhu-ber I ill n builder: with IIHG -HA-I lvullllinl Ill! ' ...._?..__-1 aasas Sweat Uiiiem ' 2[}ases'F1-esl1Lnmnn`s.; dlhlov nu-uuom' nun $5.5 couch: In luun 'n2\'3'.' "'{"$"e`.2'..`5a.'."K`L$.`..`.'.I1 ggggud I uuouhugod hymn: m$.Il. . If u|'n`WtuIucaI:l'IovP|oql Inn .OUIbI.bdrIoI g 375% " " .305` Run. Vlolowrlifoundrinnromu no.1 uoot I1`. --na-: A ACI-Ilvnnn Eoonnononnnr -nu--.u.1zU-I |!.'u|. aumo Em. t-I-Ive. ,-.-.... 32:00 IJII - U opposing Tandy III-o'_ Marble Workstg Princess Street. F:-ouch Iullu. Dinnrr Rullu Luna. curua. Rnujl Twin (`ukun hl-nus nus] lfaslry 6!` livery Kun tklim nu ` I ` Alnofl lur uurtihnnt K?'.i.\'Fl-2(,`Tl0N III - 3l`II"l'lIhu|NI`l Rooms nlyrg,o;.>on. (`hobs Novel;--|ho luuunul hen. wu.z.zni. OF DIRECTORS .lIoq..uovoruor .. I orlif .. on Wm ('11 ro`IuIL'n`ui> in cm` mumrggrunzs I.--Honing llervioo 2:00 I]. . dponmro Inventions! Ommosry. Dlokuu` CoIIp1ete- I 9 \- mo mono: Dulognoc and Ioelnuou Dino Dhlogno loch. sum lo. S, In Cloth. Board sud l'ap_oi'-. Iuuiu Boot: on-M nnuonnlly for 'o. how of. mud NI this had than up) u I000 pawn PoIh|6 Mann`. Bill ltunpo Ron Paper Md `lrifbloilt. .Io -- (`mom -- nu-~: ::.o- - I0 llelmtoe" o..'n 'f ' {I '- Allol lo! !Uoloo[u,l.`m- rm. and Somhongl vile) will be BOLD Al` I: 131`. \ x UIUWI I Ilulllllunn-. hr bu-no nacho and hen ulna -_..- ...._ -_........-_...,-. on`. Pu-:.\sAN1"n.\"s nuznr. 1 ' of the Elnclmon Associa- Iaurlecloy '3 Pnl|m`oixy of 1h;`)lj: Tin IIdl0QQ;I lNlI|'I In lnhunmlo our sun. Hahn`: Balm: only $0.. Ilhow layout, by In Ad:-In-. Ill) '2 luualnl It [I317] I00 Pork lhrrwls at I`-Ur. w"|'lm will M I run: pnnkrnorn of Jolt L0! in I IIl\\Tl'\; "iivoanvm, Insurancg _Gompa.ny IIAD Olcl - - - - - mnmrro muuhltnohconotolccnn IL 2 9 II in as any I LOWER THAN ANY |!()L'5l'2 III the CITY - - : IN Jnpu Tn: Ior nmn- . It St. James Church :1, J. n.:'i3'1:D's. OIGWI M131 3 All. IIFV T umhu.|air. Mums. larch 1). 1:377; &.?';.W! *_*`?*_W3` onlarlo Street. Mk. IV`. . ' FIRE. a_r_snARmE III: I IAIDIII ll . OIOWI O OUIIIIGHAI. L. In-ha OHM (Inland Ouuuilan (bnpany. - mi lleqwat . - V Alan, 500 nu. SALT 5: I00. in: do II mn N0 I-oxn Eu in-h Sm ul mo '- Iuhnlut M; `... l`$IoIlE-4." 3__- ...1:- .m'.-. V pm. `...l:l0ln .m. ......6 nm. JOSEPH IIICKGON. or. 9 Ga ! Hanger Wholenlo on loan. ` 7- 3- 59;T _ RECEIVED TO-DAY. Iedluu up`: u 4. Claire II: In sucnns. VII l`|lA\f ANV IlHl'i|w' In that BRITISH LHBRIOA s. woons. inns: mu 1'... hur l n.-ml. J. I Loqudn: my `FtTii('Ti!REL n. o ::: mg! Ravi iv . JAI. `.171 Ag` 1-; 3. root. nu u who. rrsrunan. spen- lr_ Iwn _u! GURU lo? Cal. and IN-scrlptlou IIi\ DAY 1'PffIuury for 't|:I:`1":1nI ' ..l-#2 o.In. ..4:|0 p.m. ll! llur In IIII uvvvuuuvu-. ... .... tho uthor hand, the Illandin .ll O not includod in Sir. John`: ammu- nlion 0! the oluusv Q! and pro- kctinyit nood mi In wndnod at Hut they object to being doptivod oi the nu Iurnl uni logilinqto pmpoty they on- joy. by boinginordidshly fund in what they buy, in ordor to fich the alum that sub fa II: `an . prbitnry prion on whai they have to` cell. J2 h I oom_ido- ntion worthy of uttantlod tlm than is A! loan on whole `provinoo-l`kL; in A null one--tint" rene: protection gm the ground thnt proupority in more ouily u- curod nnd reuinod without it. -....__. -..- -.-.-n- QPIIIIDII come I0 III lllfllvu ID! a Illlvvuv VI u.-- 4 union. Just an Inn} otlm member: ` huo their own pet opociolly, u, for ex- nuplo, Dr. Orton his Apicnlturnl PIo~ motion, Mr. Thornton I National Cor-_ ' mac} and Mr.) Cuoy the Civil service, no Mr. Dymond, of North Yarlr, has bo- _ coma in the Homo tho apoocloof tho nlolition of the death penalty. Wu Imagine llinhdupita I the plnuaiblo ur- gmuenu by which Mr. Dymond and I000 who think with him ,u-pport choir theories, it will In mun) I long dny be. fore this dobatooblo ralorm will `be ol- fcoud. Apyt from the quutiou 0! in- ndoqdncy oi the penalty of men impri- nnment. for tho Awful crime of nmrler, society would scarcely fool uh in nu- nouucing in advance such on omnenty to _ thin-vile class no men oonoomont, oo- ,,,su_ I... In. L..o ..m. an umhni.nnd- At cvofirecurrit-;-I-cnion of We Do- minion Puliunonl this question in turn to come to the Iurfnoo for I breeze of din- rnsu 1..-: -. ._-nun nlhnl Innmhgn lllll-Vil Ollll lllfrl oonussusuuu-, u-~ tansibly for lilo, but with M: undsrstand- ing that tlxgre is a possibility 0! opening the cell door with the My 0! that ms]: sftar sll, be but s sham rnl9}'mIti0I|- Sums philsnthropists luvs} s wesknul fur showing mercy to the oriminsl classes, but sometimes forgot that it is oquslly ( incumbent on H1000` to dosl justly with society as wyell. If the Imnsn butohsrs would only show to their hsplus victims the many they so much likoto luvs utsndod to tlmnsolns sftsr their deeds of blood srs dono, more would thus be soomplishod towards sbolition than osn I done by sll the psrlismonts on oarth. Pteosution is bguor tliqn euro in this as in msny other things; sud, ss somebody lass suuestvd, ll ths culprit class wsnt um-cy lot than Int sot tho onmpls by showing some of it to their victims. We on that tho gospel of poson sud msrcy is not I-Igstdod as st all incompatible with s wholuomo terror to mil doors. M `Ottawa, s short tims AK- I)-.. II? I Iiunl-o -nu-nhul uni noere. III ueuwu, n -nun um. ee en inenlt to the High Authority which eneoted the ln.w,_whoeo eheddeth men`: blood, by men shell hie blood be shed." Another indicntion that public upinion in not ripe" (or oltre Ineeeuree oi leniency to crime wee lurniehed in the amendment .by Hon. Senetor Brown to inereeee the minimum term of imprisonment (or intended and attempted reorder, [tron two yeere, upropoeed in the Bill, to ve. The In. ee emended, will therefore leere it to the diecretion of the cuurte to punteh with imprieonment from See yeere to I lile term, according to the enormity of ' the offence. The death pennlty will, ` however, continue in force for nil the luel pcrpetutione of murder, end thie wethink, alter all the. bee been urged egeimt it, is the meet etzuotive deterrent egeinet, ee well Is the only edeqnete puuiehmeutfoneo rile` e crime, The Abolition oithe deeth eeutenee in euee where it in` well umieretood by judge end which doee not neon whet it up. will tune wholesale eeet by adding the treniendooe terror of running end oer- teinty to the death untenee in the nrer ` tune in which heruiter it will hep'ro- neeneed. . ---..._.. _ einee, the Rev. llunter preached ` eaeinet the abolition of the deeth penelty ` oulprit that it in onlj I fproieel eolemnity I , II it [air to 01900! lho lomponnco man at tlwcwmy to but the npunu of do feuding nuoh bylaw, tho huulu --l which an ulurodin-linoriminnhly by all oluuc at the onlnmmky I Wu Ionlcl wgguu tut it toupsnun I00 du cpond money. _ io no 3 III pmlrcntluj anal: nnfsMIf\I| We wunld also at that clung: nu coon our the drawn 0! the am: the- npont the com ol Ihonondu to montly In mu by-hr to no purpose. Cu lhq IOIIIOMIMI low llobufuv {Ha hilhnlii Ihllio quash ill It .---coly mm by nmihud in cup: MIC! than oaovnql uoolvu that sum! ucinnlu-undo! man In Iemuo an uuunua_& Mat 1 unit: ymm. G. a|.|In_.L4 Egul Z Iun........3.- 4 1 E rot and M cur UltlIlIl _\4UlIlllNllUI'I. wuu mud Inc said by-luv. to uiun n cmicnto plnduiug himmll nu O. to def:-nd such by- kw In Court, nimpl beam: tho Council has not inotrucml Ian lulluoom thoo m- oinm tn do I0. ho no! llliing A higher po- luun llllll when (liq luv Ill roused I la n jun fut I county ollchl in me the one :1 the n 'tinI to much E III. punod by. the unncil noting an or bi: lnunmionp, wlwu duty is III not only to (run it normally but 9-: not it proper- ly anrriod cm I In it would I economy to employ n Solicitor who on taking I one main! web C.-uuci , will nim to Its an hand: of the Council by pryouring the ooniliuu nboro nh-no-I In and mun an um um brtnon the Council soul!-In when who but in uluolslod bud shoals` I I. M hi on annual. Ilm lmnnnnnnn man Ocllluh`: n'u'5Z'"ai'""" 'E'o-mm. ax-oo.o..<---- fnonnl Ounpnl Incl. In Yogi. will i no pt-polomy by on } -1 fdou ll rah! INIII .4130 to vuuuuuudn ol 0201' I -4 I0-Hwv 3. mr'" ,,_,...,:: Dun Wtuo,-In it fair that the poo- plo at Fwntoaoo nhunld put the Dunkln uy-In by on lame u majority and Inn it quuhod by I mot, and upm: in cutwofl by some of mil IuuN~5O liquor gallon and municipal ulllcoru I In it honounblo me am 0! our 0mny_UunIoullun. who ...;..| In: mid In-Inn- to niun I ;---._... 06103 on ~ - To All Win It In Concern. 'i.I!$.'Fl:_!lI$P2lItV.- OK liD\1 I I wiadom k arid: ohnl union 0! It .1" But. on to "Crodn'|" lrmr. It wu pound, I lyuo noduubt, with gm-J in- tentions. A olenqmnn, in tho puoh, up tho "condone of science in :5 not punt." and "O "16 ouca II: amn- tlnn to the qlultiumblo wimlom, Ilndor than clmnmuuou. of tuning In many as all uiomia lucturu under the ana- piou of chi Y.M.G.A. Ordo" did not Ami! tho Y.l.C.A.; ho but ruined 0 qt: which would suggest Null to my nal gun person ndoonunnnud lhu-nun. It in A Mr Inc, and uh-mid be fairly not. The '.I.(.`~.A. should uithor hp!)- aim the docuino or {I am! he mum` cl \hn tho: on lmlilunnt u to the con- uqauuududnluont u to whothur of lot um Ioioutilc locluru any nut do- lntouol yhopdul object (.1 than Ano- duion, ubolylu ulglvuion at yet II II: this! ma non of C mu- uiiy. W0 Ulilu 0055000: "0 uhnm 8 5!! U thou OI`! Oohlintiug clo- Io nut who I hula. uni winch shall It ho! fun. Lnur Rn uh I. ['0 "I6 nuui-I u_; we: rv rug]. Dne Sin, --'I`he culiinine of your paper ere pretty well occupied at the pi-ueent time with e pnlamicel dieouesion of It rather intereeting neture. From emitll heginnin e the oorrcepoiidence her daily inc , eecli letter developing new thought and bringing into me new plieeen at argument and new tlieoriee. 1 ehiell Iey but e lew worde respecting the opin- ione of Quiii." Ilie erticlee bear the` lmpreee ole cultured mind, but juet wlul: he meeue cl.-ee not eeem quite clear tu me. He ii-lveucee whet appeure to be e uiixture uf beliefe. end to urdiiie:y,.su- quii-ere efter religions iiietrnctinu I feet hie teechiiue ere nut celruleteil tn I-ml t- the heppieet resulte. Whet "Quin" evi- dently hold: is thin : that the (.`t)lltllltJl, the life and labor: of the men are me re- ligion, uirl that that reliuiuu llllli. lie ueaeiireil by tho emnnnt ul g-uiil which be any elfect while lillinii the `. mitiiin iii thie world l-J which e kind l rnviileni-u line no nail liini. Am I right 5 `Fiat noble to good; but to all uiitwunl np-, renceee iimn may be It ear! of minister- inn engel, yet to eapire ti. lleevenly l.lIll I;.;I, ` porel bleseinge-he must hiliri-e in e epiritnel end higher iuitlinrity, enil l.e muet here within him the ameciuneeeee of perevinel weelmeee end dependence upon mother who has the power to II- eiet when eeeietenoe is required. Raliginii ie not en evu ty name. Then whet ie_ it I The pen or t e tongue eennot tleucrlbe it. It `iee leeling which once enhyed in eweet end eeored ooneoletioii. ll: hinite laleenee upon the eoul, end while `lte neture ie in e nunni-r lll()(Il.ll' preheuelhle, it mint be eoiieidercvl the imnieterlel link which `bin-le the war- llli r to his God, which apcne the eye! to olier things. line the druuping epii-ii And bring: to weery,welting, petient mor- tele the neeee which the world cannot Ilfurd. leced Ilmlel` he ltttpulsonil the Holy Ohoet, leoli ti; eendilly Al eorlptureloryknoeled e rltlwr then ll` qptloue cntictlm, I e believer in,-t e ' deebrhee 0! the day will dot doubt `hi I|N'|IlIQII II` the q geyeveyoe luiipiul Ohriet l"--e re- ' geek which X tele to men "Have you fit thereon III I -elnuerl thet on here lb 0 land cl " " '1. .i:`:.:.*.m:1:.af 1 end to full the uiieeinii of the elect, ii men ntnet not only be the euliject at ..m reetegeel it 1'? , . in en "OI-edo'e" It wee ---v3oO- - 5 ? Inn You!-Linn `ynu pt pm.-In on; `pit IIQV In El lamina `c-med. Isiah; I (EH yollot It has tutu, or dc-u_ youliuuhpo bud, when you molni III or bug you near!) slug: , I Ital-uh It in you an 5| IN I30 Iimul lolly, 1% Gun ennui Ruouml. an . To the Editor of u..'i?E $9. ' n-.- u... -m.- ...l..'m.u I uni. ! ..-._.__....._ Thu Bellgloun Dlmmslon. '9? toned. I van uuw-u nu um.-a - What "Quin" on- I : that conduct, E his M~ mt religion must. be mum gum! lillhm -mitinn in 1 kind, Am right! `Tin M. In all outrun] rm- thu ri (Bengal flro ti -1`! It Go: dark in repnint Mu-ed. --Jo turo. . Mr. Macliny Iupportod the Bill. Mr. Deouncu` argued in` favour of Federal nuthority. . " 'l` 9 Ball In withdrawn. r. Metcullo them moud tho uoond reading )1 the Bill relating to the ropro- sonminn of tire villugc of Stonlfvulo, which` was carried. Mr. Guthrie then moved thduooul trading n! his Bill ralsiin toluoeny, nnd appcohlo to the one: o ublimvol-,j, can of Court: vyha ' withb :1 money: which are held by them in" trust for thy Imhlir ` can or I public. The public. ` . Bill mu road a uoond time and referred to A `Sfeloct Committee of ll members. , 'n.. ..,a: .........i-hints nn Mr. taut`: mombun. ' The ndj.mrn.ed:d-ln?.e on Mr. Una)`: Civil Service rouulutiqn us than renum- nd by Mr. Mitchell, who, while turning . to tho Cmnmittue being nppoin!bd,"_ch|l- long-sd nine nf the allegation: of tho vnnunr TIIOVOT. ' Mr. Mncdougnll (Ronfrow) in a careful 1 speech, defended the pruponitiou and tho , need (or I char: *9 in the prneut Iyllillll-` Mr. icarlwrig I referred to tho'-ouusid- , ornblu improvement: that had talwu-pine 1 in the Civil Service mlariaa of Into yams`; and in nnqwer to Mr. Mitchell, pointed out that after rofo.-using to cblrgd the Hm'arnmon|'. wit increasing the expendi- tnre, Appeal: for further I|_ddi(il)llI me with :1 bad gmcu from the Oppooition. 'l`hu dincuasiou was continued by Mu- uioun A_yhuer,Jonon (Laadn), Camorau. Uun-iar, Workuun, Smith (Selkirk), and oihon. . Alter n reply from Mr. Caaay, the mo- tlun WM agreed to. and tho Cnmmitton yiriiri; ncmnrdiniriv. `. [Inn ngroeu lU,,uIm uw xzunuuyu-v-z utrnck nomn`-din ly. ` Mr. Cook then moved his Election [Av Amendment Bill, the object of which wan to 1-mwnt. frauds, to whxch he allngod the b-Allut u now wnfkad wan open, M. nmm had nlvuvu been M the wnikad ` Mr. Blake had nlwuyu booin opinion that than did exist. I dionlty and dnugnr tn be mmled ngninnt of the kind indicated, but did not use hi: vsy to pieoou)-2:11 amendments nf lho Elsction Law. Ho hnpod the Bill would be with- drawn, In view of the assurance that the matter had received and would still r~ ceiva munidentian. l.|'.- I`-u-nnl-.n\ nuarmutml H10 ndonlicm of naive muuidentio n. V Mr. Cameron suggested the ndu linn n nimplo means for re-counting he bul- `IN. I :44-nnorn KMIIIHL nlgnllsl. --The new pa ca 11 now being tarnished lor Prinoo Bin- muok, an Chnnoollot of the Gorilla! llm rs, roquinl I but ummnt lot tu inhingit. About 01 .000 In I- randy but: upon! (at tho ghrpnop And I dunno! in undo for $175,000 non. ' __A (`nan-lull (mm Raina I-nnlllln tho of lhdzilnll, which. quanta no man `I0? vllouu non. M - dupntc mm no report: I roooipt at the Pspd Court at oonalintory overturn {mu Onrmany, a full apart 0! In pn-ooo-ling: II the llolohuq on tho 28th nlluuingbun forwarded tot|ol opo that ho might not the spirit ol col- ciliatfou euloruiuod Iuvudl Ill lid: Soc. - __ An AnrO.|..l| .In nrvirrd ll. mnlll 'VIUUHX'IUI' III Ilililuiiu -Hslf Jim look in the Douinlnn, think (buy out bps! the dado: at curing lbuiohztuo-Ilidoollhun nnumlhy can but an niuiouu pmuhng tho anal; ondnll ol uunhsow they on the oduon running the pagan. A .n.._|..xu H__ '..|. _.....- an...-u 101. The Bill win then liIlldl'lI'l,`I!|d Nae Homo adjquruel. ---.--OOO-----.- fur Rom. -vTho Mm! call: Mr. Gunlio, the member for South \Vul|inalol, "I hair- nplming o-matinee-mu." "Bir-lHt- in" mild in bctunueing the II` in which 0 bu boon ucnlplny the Not! an Northern Rnilu magnum. - . ._'n.. ..... .. .4 Rulxiwoll. uhioll U00. ...An 9.;-p,h.,n .h ouch-rod at Kinpton Jungian, on Monday but no things no done. Knoll ucunoul am: in the blind on soul! 0! the proonodinp Iplmt tho lingual! you for sedition, and aounumou nu camps! in oollooung uhlcuoo-(or the ddoou: ` :1 u .u, A__I- 1., AL- I'|__.l..l-- DOII llll IOIWTI tlllllnq IIII lupus. ' --A`0ohlil| Not York noun neatly huh! but min tobbon, ooonllu the $59!. HQ! hlobtnd ruched & `lronth cube ddmud lollou ; Hold d HMO In oouIdn'I'oool ol ; mull In fitted bin sigh!-you-old not qt yalhol and yhldhhl IoIIdnl`lnr we 3|-ttlugopulbdplug It lot or. g 9 re; 1.-ma -um. muapnu. .. can easy. but Hie qunun. mnuod III ouullnt atria. nuuplioul mum. and mutants was an be hand than no tho Cohnuln Hood on on-an Imn ed. -E. Lawless. Bi-aokvilla, insolvent; ' diracl. liabilities 330,000. ---Now thsl. tho Senste is nailing lively it might investigate the 06,600 business. --Aorszy mm lass suodlonsnl Grunt fol-`3l0,000 for false imprisonment. -- General Nuxoasiohilsky is on ol 1! 0 leading strstqists in the Russian army . Tim n.n..:II. PM-ir And Snnitu-v ""`-'-COO------.. 4! W. S. (l0RI)().\"s Grocery 8 ton in MM, Hlralfordi old Hand Princess Street, will be found all -klncuoflirocerles and Prm-luom outluclou cu mug .-.. ,. .... .,. Cuahprlnciple. NIQIIIZV ISl'IiIl]|rl III Inc lmuunuun u --_ ~'l'ho Belloville Poor and Saniury Committed has expoh dod`$805 during tha pun. tpm montht. . -11: coal: three time: In much Invmoy our an it d9u an ordinary car. ---A man nnmfl Laugluin in in cuemdy at Montreal, clmrgod with the then of chin!` Imnen. Xi'an-vl`nrO.hintn in: mean!!! If- ngaixm. tho muuou om. `--Tho Gnnd Trunk Railwsy [rum privilugo of tnvel to mininen of the Gospel And to oiueru uf charity on half tiokota. V -Tho Lumlou Timon` correspondent Covulnntinmlo continue: to furnish him: of Inuulmun viulonoo and repsino in Bulgaria. Albania and Macedonia. __Ia-Jun D [An fhl` Mm-mun Illn il t : m-ma bung pang: -'I`hcre in quite I faverinh feeling our the Chlrlavuix election proopaota; neither pnrly fola certain of the result. and both my hoping {or the but, and at thrnmo hmofonnug lur tho worn relulu. --The prisoner: rolouml in India on the ocoaniou vi the Quoom uauming hot imporinl title Ira vary jruhful. To prove this, the hm thing I nnmbor 0! then! did In tu potitiun the Vicoroy tut penuoggl ` -- A London moor an that nun penunggl A Landon paper nyl thy! "Km-n, I lugimo C1-um justice to now hiding in Cniro or Alunndrn." Tho authorities Ihould follow tho onnplo of J mob of dd. sud un_d down into Egypt: for Korn. . _-n.. u..;: an": M.-_ mmLi._ ch. t_Im montnl. to drug 5 Iloeping couch or drawing room it dqu ordinary ....A mun mme`c`l Lnmzluin cuatady thirt hcvxgelk h_ u .- r. on I my: nu recon st- mtod in Chicagn for uuult. He lion be com to the pmnnytentiuy. _ -Mr. Lnfnnlnine. who wn oonductma bo com the ponuyzenmry. -Mr. Lnfonunino. who conducting the c|1|rgal'3g|iuItJudgo Lou-nnpr. with- drew ten day ago. .a..\ laid diunnointmont of hoon drew tan day -4A Ion diuppointlnont can unuding ha been toothed V b n ellavma jury bynju-lgguant for 500 ngsimt the huthlou ' --'I`ho Gnml Railny urinal Mm-edema. ~John D. Lee. thc Murnwn whn in nnw uwnitipg in the `mash penitentiary ' lhO oxocuuun of his death untonce. Lu eighteen when, and yet hqiu trying t nvnid being hangodi ..Thnrn in units I {nu-inh foolinn uu-mu h p ltu-I:|1u .-M. Lefemn-r-.-iierthier, unsigned. -lionry Tnin, Montrenl, hu nuiglr ` 2:1. 1 V-*3 ?`1'1`*` 3 *f~` `_ `F3. ?`.`.Y+. *`."`W%11. _59._.A%4?77" I{crl - rer. or aim Io.~s._~. ,.__ ` \ wixlinxvas. V mm at Iuuonuo yesterday evening, --Liuio Frnur, an hoirou worth 040,- 000, hon Philndelphiy. arrested fur luau!- iug a disreputable life in'l\'uv Yurk and , aunt. home. __An unlnunun nun nanny} inn. [ha Iondnnra oounul. . --A boy mused John D'Arcy. bemoan thirtuon and fmu-loan yetm uld, Ill um our and instantly killed at tho (LT. Ita- uou at Bolloriilo yeliamlny evening, Link I-`rnur. An heiran M0.- neat name. _ . . -An unknown nun wocel mm L home of an old rem-lent nnuned Dumn tn Montgesl yenterdny, dep-mitod a ti bsby boy, and quickly vunuhed. `--NIl York 7'n"im|e mm at Van: and Inorwunn rouneu. I ~-Tho New Yurk World publishes Hm Imemont. that Onkny Hall, the night uf his diuppnrmce, lmd bqen muled to look up witnaun in Bwuklyn. --To dny letters which received at Wuhinutun the approval uf Unbillet ware (en: tu Hump!-m Ind (,`h:nuherlqin, ...- H... .I....;.-.. ..F H... P-mi.l.u-9 cu may (my, and qun.-any mm `-,-No\1 a day`: Cabinet meeting it ` willulnuv the troop: from ( mint. and in summon Ch: ' I ' . than of Arrival: lioponuru from King - lou ontmallun; nnnxmon W Wllnmgwu xur n U-uuurmxcv. -A low houiu, known on. N4-ah`u' Ark," In brolgon up yontordhy at Mont- real. Within in cuulinu __y~ung _nmn were inveighed, whom they were drugged and Afterward: robbed. ,,, !`|\n N..- V:-I: "Fur,/l nnhliahnu Um In Itagutnn. on lurk 23:4. In. ll Iuloll. mother of Ir. LC. MOIIUCI. II yuan. Th Incnlvnl nip plan fun Fm Icu. mklnu. eons: of Jenna and Ouluh leans. on Indus: ammo. no 3 what. lthnla and uqul-yuan an rupmmllv Inns! to sound. . `Act tor lna'wno|\~ Imuullwn. --lI.iau|nt.ml that tho Pups. who 1 may be momionml. in I -nnewinu. inli mused. comonnpman rt-.LL.~I:~:InHin.z u Vuiuan (.`uum.-il, and has cunn-nlu-I th. Collevze of Cardinal: ~un Nu lubject Slmulrl their rgply prove hvuumhlo the Council would then rs-upon m No vonibnr. _ -__\l'h.n . Innn fall: dawn unnnlth` nbnul. necmonts. 1 .--Sir Smord h'orthcM.a slated in the. Impctinl Hnuua of Oumumun yesterday tlm. urrmgumuntn hue been nuado by the United Shtaa and (heat Britmn for I Cbnvontou tn settle the vexed queatimu y rolnliugplo the dutiu um! privileges of donuuln. ' __llm.Q.m-n-In dnhhnhn in nn inter- Iolllllll I'M! @ M I07 no-union Tell Union Bank- Nnlnnnl llnnl T t . " . ?`."":``......"` '...'3i.'. ."a.` #3; 21.3. my u.--|:. was :72. . ...... 'z"." ,. 0?` NM nnh`."A 0 LD mu! 'uun.'"%."" IDI MM I I `\....':;'.:... " "W " -W u&I.lI77. ' I IIIHIII`, `HQ 7:` I|In"IIQl| UHEIHDBTIDNI Hum:-ton to Wuhingtnn (or A cvmforol -A la: hum. on Nu: vombc-r. - _--when a mum fall! dmrn upun Itho` ioopuomont infrnnt of `hi: neighbnril house he culls: loudly of mprohemibla nogligonce;but. whon he clip: uon in from of his own homo he whisper: softly About Accidents. __Rh Su.-(I \Tnr1hr~.\b.a nfntml in the. " luououl oriuln. In omupondonuddn noun extent. --A -Berlin special nbont tho celebri- tion of Emporor Willismi 80th birthdny 3 yodtoldny up some n! the more nduucod ' Imnpcpon oouple the loyal (noun 0 (hut the Empomr may witnou Hus Ipo y . moon` of the nation from tho |uolun- ` oholy g och of tuna! cmnnwroinl And ' that ig in unfortunnlolyho u-no um thy _ doprnlion of trade hu uaumoal uorinub proportions. ! `HI! |) In. Rut-tnutmun-r 1 7:30 IIALVAGI Corp: :1