`I'M luau henna nuluou no hon `a vhldh. duh vaulting. dlu-vino 1 ' -` '- - ':.".....""'.. "::.'.".-3 on _ unt; 0-unmet outlniu. hcnuhdvnw ....:a......."u;a"a'3. plumvr. The (`Nu oh Friday afternoon at Ohi- ugo botuon thy Sun, of Synoulo, Ind White Stockings, of Chicago, was I bril- llnntono, and mulled in fnvonr 0! mo mm by 1 to 0. `FL. `I!-in muulnmnlnon u bin u-mlah ICWKT I , 1 UV Va. The Erin uontomplnto I trip. through Cumin this month. ` __._.. _.n...._-.- Dllly, uni, uuilpu, uuuuuu nuu lululnv. Secretary Young. of the Nntionul Luguo, hu ant out blnnka to oicinl noun with innlruotionn. Among the` note: in thin: "hue: on culled balls should be chu-pd u no 0|'I 0l' against the pitcher." Th. ban. Kn I'rldn- AMA!-nnnn Al Chi- I! ll!!! Inllluplvu puuuu unuu In nun Junc- Tllo Alloghunioa, of .PiLtaburg,,l |., Ire looming up. The Alleghnniu mm on 1 tour, plsying at Syncnu, Binghunpton. Elwin. Roohootor. lthnoa, Auburn, Al- bsuy, Eric, Guelph, London md Toronto. 9-4.5.-.. `Wnnnm nf ILA Nnfinnnl --.... On Saturday Afternoon I much of bus bull will be played on the cricliol ground botwoon the Cqlloninto lnuitute base ball `club and the Young Earls." The mm are the chnmpion junior club of last you. Th. Allgulu--sin: [J Din-Inn-.v P: urn vuvuuuu Inc was. - uuuuu u. --Bollevillo mupapen now oxptel" thelrunu of Inpotiority by Qtpting that Bolloullo pruonu 5 more bunineu-like nppgmapo on Snndnyl than Pioton does on wool: da_1I ; bu Jhq l}ell_otillo paper: did not ` 115$ tlIl`Mnd`of buainou `don: ct orron Sundnyvin onough to. ruin any plno and any clan of pimple. Fast life cannot luv. whetbar xpurnucd by one person or I body of men. luuvu . -Tho Wfstoowxu Timu up "Tune ' bu been Iuooeodod in the rod ribbon to- (orgn buuineu in Kiugnton bx \\_i_udon. Widdou in I mm." No` Eng here thought In sin n womnn. #n-n-.m. ..............-. uni nnmn" `W0 EDIIHII. . ; - --'l`ho pootolf typo will `bmcallod into ` roquiuition this droning to` `jzroperlj 0.1.- pnu pug coillolnpornrfn uenmenu on the Ottawa election. `Hurrah for {he na- Vuxtion ! _. ... . "1 up M ___ IDQIII mo uuuuu ul y. v ` ---You need not bunt gs:-don: thin spring. `A French rophot Inn predicted that thy whole Mrth will be shaken to piocu by nu unhqunko durigg the next: two Inomha. `I w" an ,,.,_ .___ _.:n .|.-- ."_|l../I :..n.. . um. 'I luI]III` UIIIUJZ lvulvluuvv . --And no it Ippoltl there`: nnnhing no droulfulu 3 south 0! Ireland mm." This Itatopnent in nude by the lrinh " ofoinl organ. . "PL- ..-.. I.':.....n.... nun nilinv ` `Id |ll lha Kavoluon In FLOWERS, FIA- TUI IIIIIONB. hm. oi um lam: Pull. at York nnd lamina lulu OIIIOIII organ. -Tho n_ow Kingnon Aunt" nilny lino through Prinoui, King, Bu-rio, Un- ,i`on mud Bydonhun III. will be linighod sbquc the middle of y. 1!... .....LI ....n . .-.6 nnI1'AI|l H13: uwu. , --'l`ho Bollovillo Vpnpon think making- uon pain pain: wil} be all cu-'tiod,o,B` on the 24th. Don : ao`u, gontlomon. It in I not gntifying buninou Iomolimu. , ,A..nI .. in .......p. lIuIvn'n making no `I `-Slnuanl-h;gm1nhrly ' ' -W|ouh|muo,up nndnohutho uouutuuuu. . I_.u__ ._, -,-_1...n_1 .1,-. 'I.___ UIXII DI]. . -A linlo `kl, suturing {tom 0 paunpouluu that u fool: n th ugh K hutluho ha Ilippod downinto her II nook. um- n-n__:n- '_-_-.. n.:_I. .I.-, In-.. way. M -"I'M KTU am' 7,000 tons inn nilairong Ouoao to Guilt Buy. A Hula -Sol nufnoina from A "VI PIUIZUTIICI KITIWKT, ll larinivulo , Tho Putin: pundhmyuhrdny for Run uiortho Grand Trunk Rail- ___ - g $U- -Kw polgtoa un`boing`brouh.tto- Ike dty to out then ybt. ,,,. . ' _u. t.;.-:. .:n..:.A-'. -...I n|..n..l4I yum N ,. -11. mm, oi C.-{uh sad Bludd. Kinptou `Ptubyury, doclinou the call fl0I"Xblbo1Irno, Pnobytcry cl Iaondolh Jrlu- Dnuhigu nnnnntl Inn. umntnrdnv .--Lullu um "um. , -an-nine! nu "jun :5: thing" on India duos. * -, -1___4__I_A A- lino llnll. A llntlrnl and Cholco Lot of . TPIIIIICIUUI: now on I .. I 1 any new Iuoruul In-nut, no on 0! doing it roll. in nun who will pupa-0 tho vbun Ill ha in tho llold on cool: an thunuoo opooa. Tho pnlnlhht Mr. Ihddook no for may s ro- Iidontol Norlhiu Hot and dot: roll and thoroughly whatnot to solar Mia. Prohobly no out our band in Auction will no this no In article uallonu on non puonnh hhhrhn Jr on .n.'. ."....... ma... .4 nonunuumtua Iuuoq. Ir. WI. 0. Plush. who In to pupae and lit tho much, us he unnl you oonuotod with tho ol Wuortovn. B0 In coon:-not nth tho nylon. In I randy and Into Iritu, and ctpohlo oldolu 0 uthtvlno rill llhln n.-n _Ll.L Lag. _..I.Il.L. Si ".'a.'.'J7i'|n'51'vsd".'.3."'i" oh so llluunhd . Ir. W-. O. Plumb. Ihol ` in I Mr way tobocomlnplinhod. We 1 lo! the "PioturcI_quu and Historian! -_- An important And long-Modod work in bl" rocoindnoopy of tho prospectus Balm lnwnuoi Blur." The proopoomu, of iholl, in I vqry hnndumo punphlol ol twolvo `pages. I rota 0 put: of Jim. A. Haddock of Pllilulolplsin, and In tho lonnnnu o! I ulublo and la- potlul work. For throw or (on: yuan it in but I the hind: of neural publish ` m0ohl:uoauehnI.ork,aMul:;.E1o`l4'l.- book wlll be dovohd call!!! to IIILSI. lnwnnoo llinr and townunl allied on ll: Utah 11 In down on It will .`Ii':. `......,""'..`..." ..;'.`...}`. .c"l`.{..."i`.` II um. ti an mun-' olmluoullndlvld` [twill In an In lllnnomln Mu...- I `I'M umory no 33.}; to be Ioemu. hllhnntbl llord` . Ila ` loor.'`A'=u:lnlhd.. 0' -2." ` it were leu difcult of access. The Nipsuee` Standard intlmetee that the Department ollducetion has decided to create a new School Inspectorate, con- posod of parts ol the Counties of Lennon `and Addingtcn, Frontenac and Reufrew. The exact division has not been disclosed, but it is underotood that th?tcwnshipo of Kalodur, Anglesee, Ellinghaln, Albin- ger, Ashby end .Doul:i(h, of the county of Leno: ,and Addington; Kenohec. Olden, Oso. Barrio, Clarendon and Hal- mereton, of the county of Frontenac; and Miller. South Canonto, North Usnoote, and Mateviatehan, of the county! Bec- frew, will constitute the new territory. The Government will eppoint the Inspec- tor, snd drew upon the school: interest- ed, at the rate of lb per school, them selves elso paying 86 per school, in order to make up his salary. The change will not be mode too soon, for in each of the three countioe intereeted the present In- spectors have too lerge o tcrritorz even if s an in- stance of the present troublesome condi- tion ol things, it may be noted thet Dr. Agnew, inspector of Frontenac, haa to enter this county and make his way to Barrie and other townships by way of Tamworth. In addition to the territo- rial objection to tho resent arrange- ments, there is the non of schools in out: county which considerebly exceed one hundred, making an amount 0! labor in epcess of what should be expected of any one man. The Depamnent hes de- termined upon the proper oohree, and we look for 5 gratilying inpetue to education es the result. lrun` WIIIUUIVIa Dzn'n.-3'0 '.`a.uI.--The `local talent of Bittereen and vicinity have orgenilod e dobeting club, which meet: regularly onceewoek iu the Temper-enoo Hell. The subject ` the lee! ooeuion Ivu, Which is the moat edminble, on or ne- tnta I" The queelion In; very well hmdled by both sides, And quite an im- provement wu oepecidly noticeable in the young debnten. The Chairmen, Mr. Chu. Knapp, gave his decision in fevpr of uh. The quoegion for the next Mon- day night in, which be: exerted the gluten inuence on mnnkindlpe feet of punishment or the hope of round I" 0?-G3o----- ' Dununy ulurluug, IIII wuun yuu. vu un- J. Johnston`: note we: entered by Iome penon or persons, end In robbed of our md provision: to the nlu of 040. There III 845 in cuh in one on the tilln, which`, however, I'll not dinturbeii."l'ho N entrance who elfected through one of the from windows. ` n__,_...-.. 11...- FIVL- l--_I A-l....A ..l l`Iurn4m.-nu.--The U. T. Auoointlon, `at 3 regular lodge meeting held on 8:- - turdsy evening lut, elected the following oloors for the ensuing tom :_ Prgaidont.-S. W. Vunluun. ' Vioo-Pruldenl-MorthA E. Thoma. ' 8ecy.-l. Holder. 'I`reuuror-'AgneI Oh: mun. Senior Councillor-0.. . Knapp. Junior do-.lu. Scots. Chnp.--Rev. J.E. Worden. ` I-`iuoncior-B.W. Wnkoford. Reoorder+l".W. Vnnluvon. ` . r Mu-nholl-L. Vnnluven. Deputy MAnhnll~S. Luke. GuArd-S. Hnghol. Soninel-S. J. Hughes. ` Lucia 7. ~ Between 2 and 3 o'clock on Snndoy morning, tho went wing or Mr. I l..I....5.\..'. ntnbn -mu Ania:-all luv lnmn ' IHVOU. _ ` \ Nrho following yuuli lino pnud down through tho Welland Canal: Wuhido. ` Chicago, Kingston, what; Manual. To- lodo, Clayton. timber. J R Benson, do, Kingston, du; Augusto, do, do, do; Ayr, . KingIvillo`,'do, do; 1} R. umm, Toledo, do, do;~C~uba. do, Montreal,-corn; C.u~ , lumbia, do, do. do. _`_.----q.Q------". I IWU Ilvurl ur ICU. ; ` Gudon lulnnd, any 9.-Arijvod: Bolm. Robot! Gukin, {Iron-Tolodo, with timbdr; omnul, from Toledo, timber. Calvin` J: Brock : second run this uuon. in tor of tho nun`-r Cdtsin. loft for Quoboc thin alto:-noon. It In composed -: .'L.._.n -:..|.n.... An... ll, Hmknu and 7 \|lIl. - . - -'l'ho nouns: I-lnnd Hello no mo- ooulully hunched at (_I1n,ytou lut `Flinn- -` 1lIy,'*Btr'il to run in th Jlahlint of the R.W. & 0. RR. And 00 ply botuou ape Vipoont, Clayton and Aloundrip ` at sun` -6 unnlrn !|:A Orin Qn 15: AI . apt vygvuui, vuywu uuu an-g-uuup _ y,u:d willxnnko tho trip todtho Buy `I i two hour: orlou. n,,1,_ I,|-_j II__ n A-.>'_;.I . ROI pl!` V gig-Q 3 -'l'_lu prop. Drouodgry, gnjn Mn. `tempo: nu the. tint venue! to arrive at. Montreal (the T11 on Tnuduy,"'om lab OnoriA,'v_`in iho ak?` NW-' - chops}: EL- _A-___-_ I_I-_j l.I_II_ _-- -..- thq foundry that to but in Ihsft in. _,-n.- ....... n.v._..I... ...a-.I.A.-. . Faiifii'AiT"KiFuTIciFE T`II()'I`OGRAPHY- vuuwvg yum -gun ups. wulII,ItU< 1 -1110 name: City at Kinphu in "hush! otn'ot'Poraqouth for (non! yo- _-l_ 1 V -15. mp o.-2:331 called` to-`sin; 1 (vol Olvugo, the `lint mung! Clip Bin tundra` onuvql pen -ma lying oolojun. -MI. __-I-1.- ..a.._... nn. .1 I(a....a.-. a.1l`"- 7*TK!-3m??9 Wm :rHvw>+x. W 40: `~87z*? ____A - .__.. _..4._.....__.__;_._. A4 A ._._.o3.-_._. Till S1`. LAWIINCB. HIDE lull Iuuruvuu. It was vnuuym dbout oighlnen dnunof timber u .---o-jo__.. tiew lupootontg. V '------ 000- ----- BATTEBSEA. j IAIHI !0TISa nlulrcnlh , Antoni h%V`=: .3 ".'?.` ??.. .'...'!'."$9`.`. 3 -Ian. rant anal lll UOLH. Zonnotn. A Ouulu.--'l'|u lu||oI is going thcroundo: "Pitt: has ohm! the ropdotocoltbo Noulm-gt popornillan Ill o( mono, n Inc db. and u wanna: elm wood till not amour Il.50ucoa| Uh will snow It: nilh mum." in I: run to Potcbonngh, and nine to noldhophuol Io volcano all uh onhtprbu. to have rouolou-I that lulu or in boot: opoitl oC.-PdU- km-p\ Rndm. 'A;l.ID Im Inna-`-has luau us. in :"vo-u::'*ou band. who u. Wanna`: Pvmnontmngllq `an lnnodmuly. .,- ..-- .... l'M1.II Toxin Rlrunc m CA.'uu.-- I The Daily New has the lollowin;.-8ir, -On Friday nut Vnolo Tom" into luvs Liverpool _in I|go_Wnloom_hip China _ or Cau . Your radon w|'lI_bo plant! to lean that slur paying the no ` and intent! nhil hm uufwthor o 3 ' In connect! with the Dawn lnllitution, ' - Ir. ouon will but u uurplna ol about two thouuud pounds. On hold! 0! III. Hanson and thou friondl who so kindly \ co-oponhd with ounnlvu. union to on vwurmou lhnh. By thin upla- uouoruify the dilawltiu which up puma Ind Inuuml Ir. than in hiq work in Ooudn Inn has nnond, ml use vision undo !c-r the oouion ol Mn [and wxlo II their Iqdbhg hp. -Jon Lou. lcltoc of "Uncle Ton`: Imp. nl Mn In-,"..I1...'.u... 1.. nu- to turn Apnl 2|. `-and III men In I oolng Io: uoooluuly nuugu an ho; his hand: no can ntu-tlingx human; and in Inlay 0! Iain child up sud solemn amnesia In in gluon non than u:hropanorphio.' " 'lho Borlin oorroo voudont of tho Bri- tiali Medical Jounfna writes :---``I undu- otond that the London ooooon will ho on. livonod by o diotiugniahod viaitor iron: thio city, whom tho good people of Ber- lin will ooroly miao, for ho io, porhapo, tho moot popular, on he to oortoinly tho moot unique, inhabitont of tho city. ond tho ono who hoo roeoiiod now {or niony month: the moot numornuo and of-us tionotoly odmiring violtoro. l haro boon oponding tho morning with him. ond hovo boon innitaly divortod by his omnoing ond lively wayo. hia fmliooomo ond friendly gonna, hiolrovo oonrt_ooy no occooiono. and bio chi likogooclnotnno I and docihty. If I add that he hoa boon olternntel drinking clorot and voter ` out of a g on with excellent (taco ond propriety; than turning ovor hood ond heolo. choking hondo at fnoquont in- - tonal; then druming on hio brooot and , on tho oor; chaoing a limo boy ond o do); (his two favourite ooinponions) round .1 the mun: handing wine to his coming and swinging on a trapeoo, oootod by tho 1 oids ul hit huy lriond, it booumoo nooeo oory tnnlplolu that l hovo hoon roooivod 1 in yrivoto nudionoo by tho gorilla tho much prisod poaoonoion of tho horlin Aquori mi. Be in the only living gorillo our men inrllnmpo, and much can-trd D the Zoological Socloty of London. who 0 oroxl. I bohovo, oo lunch ao 9,000 (or him. No iooo livo a littlo negro boy in tho loco an o boing oot ohaolutoly hnuoo an ho: Illa hondo on non llnrllin-It I08] 7150131.! THAN COLD. ILnJgInnmLo jihgl-A--`AL... uuaamna. me -new lurk `Hutu eaye_,' "`Twenty-two years ago thin auntinr the Turin made their famous defence of Kara against the Ruasian army. The place is not repreaented an nliarly strong by nature, but it wee de ended by ekilllully formed earth worlie, and by the indomitable valor of its Ottoman citizeue ` and Ioldiare, led by nu Enulilll otcer of I diatiuguiahed courage an Cnacity. In (act. the city ought not to are been taken " at all, and would not hare been but for a combination of unfavourable circum- atancee. There was` an undoubted jee- i _ louay between the higher Turltish oioere and the Erialish, an that Omar l`aaha'a ' relief expedition, which landed on the coast near Ilatnuin, was incenantly do 1 layed. Then the alliee were `not in her mouy as to the importance of aaeieting Turkey with promptitude in defending her Asiatic poaaeeeiuue, the French (eel- inayery naturally that this wae a portion of the campaign eepecially atfeeting Eng- . lieh interact: in 1-ecvring the acoeas to India. The llritiah loreign_ Uloe or the military authorities betrayed also a ain- ' gulnr intlitference or stupidity in eup- porting Colonel Williarna and the ()tto- ., - mena in tlefendiml thia mnlyiiig poet. 4 Km urea taken nally by hunger, not by euault. The garrieon was fairly starved out. its Ines waa naturally. made the ' aubject. of endleaa recrimination and in- veatigation by the Britieh euthoritiee, and iu glorious defense justly mare Col. Williiune a new historic title and a place ol honor at home. It wae, in fact, a gieat dieaeter to the alliee. The capture made a far deeper in reuion on Peraie, the Circaaeieca. and lthe wild tribee of Aaia than-did the aucceae of the alliee at Sebeatopol or the nal cm: of ram. 3 Gen. Mourariel was highly onored by hie government for hie succe-e. and the Ruaaieulname acquired a brilliant eclat through _Aaia." New Millinery Goods, muuzy no In nuppenuou H-om hll not in the British navy. Thoroupon he ' entered the Turkhh nerv/`ice, Ind`, buidu . bging invested with tho rnnk of uhninl. Ill nude 5' pooh: b imporigl x-nun. fxiut bgoune ouunp uoun in checking t o rebellion in Crete, when bio know- lodgdof the blochdo running buninou am of great service to him in prountin the Greek: from furniuhlng Iuppliu 0 arm: and nmmunition lu tho'inIungonu.- 1 By: uubuquonv. doc:-so in council 0! the Lurdu of the Admiralty ha ha been 10- 7 noted to him rank and numbst in the Bri~ ( ml: navy. Of I nravioun cnntum nl Kan hr tln - mu `Of 5 previous capture of Kan byu lluuinnu. the New York Times iayl, "`TwnnI.v-two man no thin lunlmr uul union 0] H10 rooonu pounupl lln of Collie It 00. When a e manor came to the knowledge ofthe Lord: 0! the Ag`!- 'miuhy he wu suspended from hi! nnl British nnvv. 'I`hal-ammn ha ux mu. umot or "cook Ton`: `o! M: IJ!o."-Qrialinn Ago Oloo. l;r`rlwlo|-cunt, London. I. 0., . lllll lllillll. " . Admiral Hobart Puha, thou uploit in running by the Runiu: bnttoriu at ' (hdnu nu roodutly rocounud in our do- updtchu, in An Eugliahnun of noblu ls- mily. He was I oapuin in the Britinh navy, sud, during I leave of uboono, nuuuod hiuuelf by running the bloohdo pf some of the outhoru part: during the Amorioaix um-, having been employed for this service by th rocentl bankrupt than When 1 a matter mmn IIIXII UIVIIIKIHUIII IIXI-ll, llIC |II'I IIICII no progress in litouzurqculmro. the ` am yr the indutrion, but as today the name u when Navy embed the Boupho- rua_400yo|ru ago; ionntlx. they-Inn` "non: nude I nlm-m.in their um- mout sud never can; oi bib, air so- cdlod government ha 2: 1 roign nl brute force; ninth, they are, _oI-uol, brutal and fnithlou. ' A.h..:...I u..s.-.. n..|._ ..n.--- -..-I..u ' I . tans . V` Dumbo Riur A lbnil u (on! I Inadndyudlvilo. A|d'MRmI'u armed with huvy Km riled (till. Aonmnnd nu rivu. Th is on point: The Rlnliua lama II [but] guudl lhl pp roachomfmm Shown! to Ihg bridge lint ncbi. Thu in uwthu poum. - Hora An ninn uumn ....`.m.I in All [I nor: Ara Inna moon: by an ' unisblo Ohicqgu Eounul for 0 on 1 given tIuTur|u on : of in loot con- tomporuieo: "In tho lint phoothoy Turks) an ineorrigibln lim; nooud. they nvot undo n prunmn they, did not break; third, they no butchen; fourth,- cho [no Aniutw bu-barium. ruling our and christian, Hid An Alien: in Eu:-oplmhh, thq uoonomiu at no- dal: civihuliou; uxlh, thoyjnro Ind: ' Drmrreu liltnturmculturc. the . om n um: cmum. `Karim: llbln. IIAI NOW ON HAND A (`0|H'LBTI ITOCILOI` cnmm cnovsi i uocn. onion PICILII. hr. an thucvdoon A. d... mu will 5. cold null prion Dlvn nnnlohl an] Al n-Halal plug -4 I. IIIWI. I jfjifj Qotvouu and if-Ahldghc-0 youplhnp. lnmu Can. ll`:-ooh Iaohuoy-coral I Inc an I ?IA GOOD ITOCI 0! Chill!) III: and VIOITAILII. J. Y. PARKHILL. I AI IOW Il'l I"ll PIIPAIID POI on Fri and be blunt: than any othorunlor lb,-.Itu.ud on ma lhluluo I: dun do- pcndol buns: lit: in II M g:I- .- `-_.._ PIWI8 T0 WIT TIII `NIH. | S. WOODS. Q "rm: Iqrplyo! ay`: Auodahn. amt do in Ink: `u labia. Onlnro Onondaga. Th Doolu. tho but lnlgnu. Timothy Thanh : [Man to You; foopk. Tulnnph Iurnou. I Tim Work of Olivvrdoldanilla. `nun Work: 0! Joaopln. lick `fray. the high lorlpluro Ronda. __..._,.._..._..._...:__.._._.,..._ - 7 ... MILLINERY.} Tnlta ud Stories of the hint Pouunrr by Culamn. . .{uuius.(Woodfnll'o Idmun.) I In I. IIV. 1 The Spot-cunt. by Hon; In-by. church In-ea In all IUD 730 I0 01,30. Thrill, by lulu! Dunn. Cbmmr do do Self Help do Cnrimluu of Mama, by Duran. lllltuo. In 1. my, cums Danica all styles and prku has 0730. JTHE NEWJBDUKETDHEI m" long. -'-r. `ZS CCU: Iva an-nu-y hvboouluol and uo6M|n0Iou':': .""" ant-Animus; [gamma :BRos_| JBAZAARI Fire Crackers ` and Torpedoes, yr ms ngzwz. `Pine Apples. , ~ Pine Apples, I Hen;derson s Bo5kstore.' some other Bhblon, var; liko Holt: A. it, Row to Cook Mid (`Tu-vs. My Opinion um um, nohsm. ` Butcher`: Iocluuong. Ochnul (.'onunul.0nham n.'.... and sun when [in ca . ' - _Vl(."l`0RlA WAREHOUSE. Manufacturing {.'onfccHo-non, ` Inn : bninlonu. Dick`: Hulntlom and landings. [And of load: And ank]: he 1>_mnb1uon lloollor. Cundin Humorous honor. 'l'lwn]non`n lhldlnjm Faust`: D31-lnlou of Character. AT HENI)ERSON'S I `E13117 nrsrnna I 2 Hndersnn'sABoukstme.]V In 4. an. IIUCOI [ILA ND. AT HENDERBON "can! ondduzr urn. . " OBILP its: aims. OEBLP RUBBER BALLS. IICIIVIID 'l`0-D.| Y. FOB WORKING-5o co_ch and upvu-uh, PHROI BTiIlT. 3.18%?` ' j;.. w. asaaa. so cents mu: M M ' """v'I?:'3n5`o';:'1'"'vv`:l`l'n': 333: TO - DAY: lltl. Quad I ma. I95 Inldhnn. Mormons PRINOMS STBIIT. R.OOIh_! .1 ~ PAPER PIOPIIITOI ' Orounlop I A C-&.Inl@a "V! 9 ==a===-=~' VVIIIUUC` Vial 'l'IIIOCI- -Vldtjl no-uI\n~dI)ohuny cl '5: Dqqnouvpu Pun. pt" nu ling. 11-..; In_I--_:- III...n..... nil n-purltnnelllchllna rlncl. II In no aorta Wayne : Inuit`: Preserva- IIVQ--*|'\a uh: und ha nuuoly Imam: Inching. lrnunnnnlnmulmnu r Mun-L In 'l I`II Bluum us old prion: o, to VICTORIA WAREHOUSE. in cabal hyukh-oi: Hupul nl Pnvun wu- ||eI.hnlpuIi|bc-H. _ 5 Blood ru-nu.-. :3 WI San-Nb. kl lhonl. Sin Duluth. nll n-nu-Inn mu Ines. In - nu Darn; j stan}13Fu' .;uisi. -R;-mevdies. nth-hnnLn|ouuul-mnnA-nlulu-nn an fj-I-w v-uI me man: amen /an ca. hjf Kingston and Pembroke Tm Depot- Anrll I6 II77, Tho ouiylia waiving the Gold lnlnl :1 Contonnili Exhibition for umiienua m qulily oqni many imported Alan M` Pm-tor. 500 don Ina Laban : XXX A10. 500 do do XXX Porter. ` "mo BONO rU13LIco._I 'Xl&OIa0nIoula Hlcllllo _g"Aa. Tho shove 00060 an all new and ham M n <-lope 1n-toe-5. We an new to nod Io uh min: at 0:0 Iowan Mum. OUR READ MAUI`. ]'_lCl'ARTXINT IN N5 (,`UIl'LI.'TII. nd to In selling It u very mull ulvnm- uu the ongmnl root. WI law only; In. to uld tn our puma Smelt. Iu*lm5N*~|I|nortIIu-nt u ugh. ,Aum-kin and Ca... dhn Inunnlurtuto. ' - Tweedu, nngnsh. Scotch and Canadian "Bi-and Cloth. lllngonlln. r Won:-ml foauugu, Il_Its, Caps, etc. ` lb! Iollnbld combining with Chooprful I go to the . VICTORIA wnnnovsm. n:cNA."Ua:i5::-pm & co. Wo;|ld mom! ! In (I FRANK RIGNEY, April IQ, IU7. April 13, um. wwc.AtE s. ctotuluh. BOLI AGENT POI KINGSTON. new Tapomy cu-pot: 60g._ 760. 80c. 90c. I . - v New Brnuals On:-pots $1.25. n New All Wool Carpets 75c,- 80c. 90c, $1.00. - ow Union Carpets-.-Beautiful Pattern. a Cheap Hearth 3081. Once Mans, Lapland Matti. New Dough; Nottingham Lace Curtains. Lace Curtains 3 1-25: wide. 8 yd: long 33.50. - Beautiful nulln On:-mu: 15c. 20c, 25c. 30 per yu-d. Vi I400 Curtain. Enndsomo Patterns. 250. 30c. 36c. Goo. _ Joh Lot White Qnilt&,$1.00, 1.25. 1.50. 1.75, 2.00. I grout in-gun; -y " ' ` _ '\`VA 11. I | gnu. [100 Pieces Fancy prints at` 4 Cents per ..Yard.Q ! Also, 200 pieces Fast C01. Americadn Prints 5c. v 'olIcI|lnuu and on om: nao. nnlnhulnr. cm-:A CAR P1ETxS%--.(%IHEA13 LACE Vculmnus ATVWALDRONG. April 251 im. `lion Received all 'lhalr Aucllon ` ' '- `I30 SIORRIIW nothor Assortmonwiagonala and Fancy Clizatlnzu usurrived I I rmun"`6i:r n `Z. PIlE\'QS'f. Brock street. four POOH l_rom the Market THE CHEAPEST STORE IN TIIE IBITY I Oxford unl Regatta .S'hirt~. l'ioa.(.`q_)|lnri um! U`iJfTo"iHuE. ,0CR GENT 8 l"l:'R.\'lSlllNG D.'I AR l`M'E.\"!` I8 (`0I`PLI`l` In Whlu. I , - . - . ' I !,We Have Just RHe:A Bprmg styloc o{ ,; m READY fumes , We Into a lplemlitt Stock ofuur ovru mnnufm'Iurr.whk-I: for My]; wd'QuMlty ; cannot be nurpnaml. _. , . 10E L E B R A T1`: 1) 3 I 5` SU-ITS Which llnw Jun Arrirnl `nud AN! :1] l'hninn'Nnu D-smug. Aloud hm: up pod condition. ' vurronu w.uucnut:sx. t ' artfully Inform um: Cnntomara and the uiligi , [g nun g` lg UW (.`OIl |.l9."I`l~2 IN ALI. THE Dll'U`g(F,KN'l9 `I31?! 0.? y NEW Y%UHK MELTHlNG mg F; x. -COUSl%NEAU 8; 00.: 4 44:`; u 1.\. :1 1 13.11 0 L0 aSlJ'L Arrjvrd `um! um all (`hoioo'Now Pnltono. ll *1; JOHN I.AB_A'1".I', LONDON`, ONT. L I. |ntemalinna|& Canadian Medals .u.t.-ornzn m)nn,VAsjcu1c.\.t-. IN `Pl0):lkT!0K.' ALL coons w/mnnmn As nsrnsgsutsm "At the Centennial Exhibition` BROCK`STREET. V In can But nun. of Wlnu and Liquonla. cl-up. c , - ' vlcronu WARIHOUHE. \\'l~ZlH'I AWARD!-ll) T0 iIo1\1 A.UG-E'1`O1\T an com. (lint! Khan nan! Manna` _. _ .. .....-.....- -mu-- ' up s'J:oU';' IDLD II) l.\\`.|l.|lII MI` XIII .IlCl!l(`AL PALTLTT. "y THE HIGHEST Fancy and Slaple llq Goods. Mllllnoz.-gr, ~ 0111301: and on mom-, H I hold Grand 07: cv.or;duy u`=`w:ll eonthu ~ any It throuhott the when lll. 1 I ll bvlg S'l"()N<! RESIDENCE on Barrio Ia-Oat. on-urind by In. Uulhorluul. Inn In -I:-rnl `m-nmu|nn on April `Jfilh. Apply h I Hl'.'()R(H3 NEWl4LNDB. Contractor. Anrtl H, I377 Invuuu-o|m.IrI'ln ma sumo rul- CIAIIIH, KAI OI IXIIIIITIOI A . KYIJXIIID INK?` UV main to the ndonlnd. - DAN tilt in on who and 3 lront Ilsop nu. Pal uuoklu when roqllll. Appll |O II. Clllll > You Good Japan II `I60 not lb. go to . VILTOBIA WAREHOUSE. .. .. .._..___.._ .--c}.__._...... BAKIIIY 0! USE! IIIII1`. M prooenl ouonpn-I .0-y :3. lino. Houston on II] In. Applylo - __ A. GUN! & co. done: of tho hm Ir. Charla uid`. It tho luu unn,IVm Onvcn. Apnl Ii. 7 ms nuts: in in... rain. n `THE H0l'l|E gt I-urn! oocnplod by IT. Wnlkom. laq.,on 8 can luau Function 1 In lay. - mu lun\M,uoI nmupl lioohellor. Applyto V 0 AWN"- ' Aplll 1. m7. Ilnuuu. MM] I9. IH7. TIIE HTWRE AND DWELLING on PHI mu umuplnd by 0. W. luvoll. A901! to A. B0; T0 00NV_A_l3_I8ClNT& Pot I: azanond on loot ud shoe Blushing VICTORIA WAREHOUSE. --a IJUD lllhl F '1"n'..uy""-:'v5uu1:-cum. ""` On 1&0 ICC]: 0! `Cay. 43.- -4 I.-A._.-AL anal gs In` -a--_ F. x. cousrN.=.Au, The Gun Ion-tutor or Inn VII ' VIVAJQ U HON` ' 1 Luau`: Run nu-. s'L'cJL\l 3 C113 . Grrmr King and hinau :93. TB Let; IIIERHII-`Vl'lu' m. II; uoodsrnd will Olen? CLOTHING. ,1." omuuzco. ' {L cmnnu IL Lu IJ I`.T.lJLV ' Wn.nou`n Buumuuu l In l'ln-Olul Qunlliy Onnod Fruit go to VICTORIA WAIIHOIISE. Jh DUFF. For Ouod libel: Tu go on mm-nun For Good JIpAn_1'lA go In the * - vwronu wuznuxzszc. `Vot0oo l'!yuon'l'osgo to VICTOR! WAIIKHO USE. \. hr rm}. Gtonud coajoo go to tho vwrouu wuumoustz. , In Inch Bun. Cheap. go to the V_K7I`0HlA WABICIIOFSE. to: freak Gudna ood: go to the - _ \'l(."l 0luA `WAREHOUSE. to: ma. wry humncmp. go to , vlcrqma `WABlIll0l!:4E'.` -`I'D onnnm ano;:'.' UIIOIJEI ODE. HOV VI C` lnqoomu hvlua. II lupus!` and Atnqrlcun in. wool :34 III POW Cooclnuunuly on land. ilp BIO con. . dduuu` will ho doilntod by Ir. 1'. I. .0! low York. N. P. Cronblo, of Tomato, and othon. An .-n._...I 1... an unlhrn nl roan non on non All umn-td in the sultan ol may :1 In ootdhlly umud ll mud. ' n n uzxnnwn llllo for sud Cukotcuoo rm b:.Ioldn .I.IA. H. on an sturgeon of ` um yo. . '.;.s.._...- ._m 1.. .I-u....A L. up 1' K. vlctomn HALL," i vnrres1_ra1ev&Friw.m2's! n`na|.' I..- __ - Public: M_oofin8I!.; I napoamlny ..u.... mm. ` I`II PUBLIC I l'l'll()u mum thorny Ihlueuun-L You; In`: Chrlubi Anon-in _hrb III! Qilhu. wul ho hpld In A wcmma i WAREHOUSE. an olluluuu and all dbu Photo- -nlohudor. pa blh 5'15` uw'n:::"1'o"' "M I . . opt on ...!G IIOOIIII. ow Vlowo will ho added P. HARTY N I. IInL I. lIN,D.!_llS0.N IIIIIONB. hem. of III! luau! `low York and London lulu P. HARTY, ANNOUNCEMENT. HTIIE LATEST STYLES u_n. ..g n._._ -__ -.... Q..-I [MI lnlt"alItI. vwrouu .u"'1Esuuu'n3f."::`n3JI'1'.f l".`..!" la abet. dual]. on To: no as \ IC l'0RlA WAREHOUSE. :1. Hats. `VB-T-.l!lNDlB80H. "II" I OIII. -T1108. MILLS. 0. n. ulxoown} - locrolnrv l'nu|.vnt1ox.-Ycuordn,y ultulcn Hr. NJ`. Cuts] In the udpintoll bouful payout, on nonunion at Mo ouulnq his nonunion vllhlhohrh-M nou|Iohlv!|N.t0fnn|nuhglcOal|- luuhwbuohumuubdludu lnpunnl nun. `I'M prnnt II ndobyoolthihuduuhdd okcntulplolol In atria. Ir. I . ` um ldlug` A nnplhawy atlas.- ...In.I*n..u....u....:..... Inn. :0. width j!` C 11!!` inpoulinoauuntnclunutlr. ELAQ... AAA L--- .___-l___AI_ I.I-_AJA_j .. --yup..- ' Tu Nonuun 'l`unm.-`l`|o'l(. 1'. Ooupnny who no la bullion lot tho uuon at 1877. luuinoon munch upper cabin acumen wlll Ion: a daily llu bo- uruu Ogdonlnng, Kingston, Ouija. Olonlnnd, Tolodo, Dutch. Pal Hunt, Illnuho, Ohlup. and all pdlh nut. Ouolllmo IOOOICI will Iilii-` unl dolly. All Int duo Ibhh Include Ilulnudohto rum. Noobupel` but Nina Ogloubonndolhnp. Bahlkrpump or [night anlllvqyo. low. ltullltobtllnlnunuol pu- unpnnndhullhngdug Wat to our` call ll-o you cl till Ibo. emu sxcunslouf ---H--OjO<& Cnclml SnucI.-T|un In I union 1:: St. Gaol-go`: Cnthodul, And in.. St. Paul`: Ohm-ch, this naming; In the Co ` thodnl this nllornooa; nu! till owning than will be unlooln It Juno`, 8:.` Paul`: and All Saint ; This morning the oongnpuonj van null. `nip, Oolbolio and lpiuopcl churches. top! In oomqonoulion ol the Honda o! Jun . ucoulod by Ibo ovnpllu Io & Ti Wilqnhir Mr I-fvrueuon. Asuncion Day, in I lutinl In the Bonn ` Rlwrrnxo Lxcnuu. - Tho oobuon bus I Iohomo on foot at tho prooont the which they on going to vigomunly pano- otm, with hope at uuooou. Thoy no going to potitiog tho Couloil for I unil- oion ol lieonooo, on tho ground that tiny charge an Strut Roilny no lioouo, and ' Iluh it pay no tuoo. Ihilotlloy All In- Iuood {or both, and ot tho Iono tho nun Iufor tho injury to Choir budnon ` from tho (mo opontion ol tho nllooy. ` Tn I-`oclrru Erun.-Mr. John A. Milli, of tho Bcllnvillo Ontavio ntnl, lid in today to ouhnp gratinp. John hu boon to Ouqqo and Rodauur lutnbricf plouinro trip,nndI|o Inn on- juyod himul! immomoly. We not kindly, and we parted rogntfnlly, hop- ing to meat spin on that bountiful .horo." j-rXO I I Sun (Inn.--'I`ho that can an now` running rogululy on the lino no In u it inbuilt. Tho thing _wu looked upon us I put novelty at tint, but latterly It In bung iiowod morn from n bnuinou tund- point: The Company will open an ooo on King 8t.root--n oentnl point, and on omvoniont for all persona. V An-nu.-'l`ho Court o! lluvlaion will lit on the 18th of thin month and follow- ing dnyn, for the hnrilig ol Ipponll against the uuumont of this your. Thga no likolyo be 3 good uuny,`st lust than has been smut dad of grumbling; but whether tho objoooln nude will be urriod to I but tannin: to be soon. . ~- -----000------ ----v-no Poucn.- l`homu Bonny, drun_h Quad 0?. or 15 mp. John Gngory,` lune olfenoo. nod 82 or 15 days. Mn. Fanny Donnilou, foruulling, ned C2 or 15 days. The bunineu oho Court 1! pniept in not no brink u to would lilo. Tho place lu notunll,y an aunt u if the Dunkin Hull were in operation. D06 B1-L.nw.-The City Communion- or: having enacted `I reasonable time for I the citizens to tnko out their dog medal: and `pay their dog tun, ind I grant nriiny having still nuglootod to, do IO, nummonu an V beinq iuuod to oonpol n oamplidnco with tho` pruvinignn of tho by-Iran. V -----o-._.`.... UTDVQTIIHIGIII I'll HIU IFUIIIIJIIKBIIII \lV}IIUU' niun,nnd thou ombnood in thin clan Ioem M. `Jud present. time to be the spe- cinl dupe! u! the Cnnnerutivo Pnrty. ._._. ...-~..ns Aoclnlsr.-The uooidont of`Hsrd Timon" helped Mr. Gurrior'u oTo o}ion for Ottawa yesterday. Tholto in I oar- `tnin clan of pononn-who will. blunt thp Gnverunmnt for tho`commoroinldopru- _ ,2 .g,__ ___|.---_.I :.. al.:- J... -T`ux DAlRV.--Thll hu_ boon quit` 1 ~ locIino`in the priqo of butter. `tho um-`-. ht Ill notlurgoly Attended to-day, but buL_t.m- fell 1.0186 1: r 1b., and uomod I drug at that. Egg: din, sold in plenti- fulqluntiliel fur llo per don. j-: Wo;u.\"n lucnu.- Mr. Charles A. 0-mam: will dolivor I lootun on the Above nubjoct on Thnu-Idny owning. Mn ; mm. Doors open A: 7 'p.In. Adair simrlocantu. The ntrootcu-I no run- ping Tn: -Lu: Duu'rn.-Tlu Ounadian Illwtmtcd-New hlfulxotohu of tho Into n, the killing of the human. mud u I funerals {hut followed. The wholc num- ber in intcruting nnd_ oaloulntod to win pnpululty. ' ' (h1. I..--'l`ho-roiqoom Cu Inn been 3 great pl: At Quuhoo yuknlny. , A (rut numb:-r of nasal: no npoitod dnmqod by oo1_linion,',dI-lmng, hub of nnnlu.-- Ln uuuuu.vu -I Anohon, M. ` . . Pnmuuunu (at tho but like go- giou--MddorMa Iindrnd hiruniul wanthor. For the 8:. Lownnoo-B|-Ink to higher unnh outorlr to northrly -:'...l.. ..I.mAn -nth-r uni nnnnlhlv lilhl OOO--1"-"-- . Box: or Turnuon. -`ue ._IO!I uml-nuns! union oi tlIo_ Grand Divi- qion .Soisi 6rTiT:pornnoo""'iilI Si iil in Wnlkcnqu on Us} fill: til Ihy. ---__ an-7 urn nqunrv i 1-`-Iota on un'rt' on `Rana son 3 Q'"'l'Io (mhapau Placoi the (my lo buy"(,'LOTHI.VG In at A. 1.. LBI'l:l"H lotMpg_ Emporium, W4.-mugfon 'mre`u,' '. f Tm Mudrgnto Ike-Cnpolhil` Ahernoon. She rill not have lot Piotoa until thin, tuning at 7 p _m. I `$351!; Io mgnor IVVIUI OIIuny- I0 twnuyrq Kinda. cloudy weather and pgnnaly light E.-'-'."'..'i'JJ.'u"".;'u`..".'.ZI.'..'. '.'LH'.l'. d. Iv.Woub|Ina-iutllkla. Tloplyuovlllhuuuto Ilulnnul IutCh+ool than-lube, when hvmntcnhlhouulu` have u|ll?nIHnu(lnnhbuvynuI) up In 11 kt IHn- hnlnnnlnllu uuuo guru-uwwyuvujul um ,1-ogqqa when hloogbllo r-,--9-.-M , Onn 0u.--The London Aduruur 053000 to chuck; building null for Ivoyuntouugu um high:-Mo ol tpur nun Io! out lump. Tho kidney at the up In to ohnpon pro- duction by lnuodudug Idouulo and and Ioehnlonl Invention: and iupcovr unkind lhonhnoatnowlngbnlond ; gunnyboulnlnllultho ups! yunbonuu oudloounnon. huh` on. No have ovidunnolllolnotlu Khphn. Uulnuouuotbonulou ap! Optima Ibo pnolloosloil` -a---1--- Touono I:umunon.-lv. Inn ! `Want nhnd Illa honing In: To- tnb.vhnioluhuunppdIuon- oodollhlthoaanluuaunolfuroub '7_.I_..:A. _Ll_L _.._.A_-_--A -_ -_JA _ UHVIIM Ni W E-w Ind. In` Il an-Mn-n ' IIOI boing puhliahod and iunod by _ boprintod nnonymnmly. The novel: r _ lash out the work in to n-main , on Inviolcblo act. and .-.__....o-on _._:n A Moons .\h.ru..u--run.x.u. --An- other at the no nznno nn'u"of novels- III-rs. BM 8 |2|_>._|9mug1_1',_~r_o o In: boon land. It in umonnood shut in muting "no name," the publluhou Inn ahead the vary but title pouiblo for nurlou ol origins! Alnorionn calm. to an Inimn by eminent unthan, And in II ) IIIDO will boil; the novel to Inooeu. We cannot say that nu contact: ol ch book boforonl are like, beyond a in pop: which we Mn ounlnod ind found sq Inn on oourulnlng nndolmtlng Jon. I! like In pn1|ounon(ud IO JMII pnnoneo fulior judgnonl `Inu- nh-n\ aha unplug -HI ulnnnnnlnnnl "WI pI"IUU% IIIITIIUT JlI.`I'III DUI" shot) the ads: will Iludnpronlnoal plan In the library ol ovary one In tho Pnvluco. Ir. Wouda, Kingston, 235 book and In oonphnlom In PTVIIVW UVUlIlIl' -IIIIUIII VI _I l-l W. VIII: I! attended in .3, proportion :0 in oleinn. We no not eo eoonetoned to ' having it man; an that we hardly reelile whet I've ehould do without it. When it in ooneldered, however, how eo_ nanny honeleee children have been not only and end eheltend, but also treiood end eduoeled by it, and placed in per- nenent hence, `it will be eeen that the good done by it cannot eelily be colou- lued. end thnlno inetitution could have Itronger oleinu on on uoitiune. The ledice to when energy an-I bonuvolonce the exielenco o! lhie home and in con- tinued eioioncy are mainly due, and Qhoee who have qided them by hberel ozntribuuom. douvrvee nll tho rocngnitiou that the public can give them by 1 [ergo ettendence M. the ...-.+m.r,,, to hear the report: la! Ch-\ your and In the lab- mum! report prom-Ill-.-I by the children theuuelvee. . .___.. -ooo..;_-_ Amwu. `IIITIJVO or run Ouhuxs'J IouI.-ThI manual public muting of ` the Orphan Homo, which in M: be hold to-marrow evening, should be p hr" one u .u...l..I :. ...- `.....-m...4:.... In in lbrpuuu ock, Prim.-cu strut