DUIWUIS I-tut -no--u-- nun. vldltl Alibi! olngbl his qpltnlwcl n tho honyulnpptlauuuuldbthnno dtb Occult, Ihtnuhn poopin- lintqgrmunlgyuovpuuuhthulud tbhdblau uo`tInHbIri\inIn- gun will Null wuthyoubop-r _....A-ml.-A45-II-cg operations. St. Pete:-eburg, Mey 3l.-Otciel de- epewhee Iron: the sway of Ceuoeene. May 29th. eeye thet on Monday Gen. Oklah- Ihio, commending egnineb .`Betonm. ordered hie` Advance guard to the left bulk of the River Kintriech to carry Samba heighte, on the left of the Turkieh line. Thin wu eeeompliehe-I. Meantime e detachment deeoen the Kintriech, end after greet dimcult eetebliehed a po- eitiun about four miles I-om Khetzubeni, thue cutting the oommnnicetinne between [mom end the population of Kabeleti dietriet. The Rueeien [on In both enter- prieel In four killed and thirty wonndu_d, BIsMKIick'S"wonK| over 100,000 sewn. A Paris deapntch any; the '|`uz-kiah irnn olndn no expoctodnt Alonndrinuu June 4th. to escort the Egyptian trlnapona. Erin!-nnm, llnv 3l.-AU auiet t Gth. escort the bgypunn lnnaporu. Ennroum. Mny 3l.-All quiet at Knn; heavy ninl continue preventing operations. ' Sr. Pntanbum. Mn in waiting for them In the memuerrnnenn. V London. May 3l.-'I`he chucks uf three more operators on the Stock Hxchlngu have gone to protect. Their speciality In European stocks only. Lillvillliea, 100,000 each. A Pnril duumuch sun Ind cut on the cute: or men" Iegl. Lgnduh, May 3l.-Ar'x Andria deaputch uyl E vptisn ntomnnu have not started with In ptian couiingent of troops for` Turkey. Tho ntriko of Ennliah onnincors has Turkey. The English engineers been nomad. but the R-nuiau mnn-of~w:n' Potropolouki, carrying twenty 9; gum, in waiting for them in the Mediterranean. ` 1.....a...., Mn :II.-'I`ha chucks } [ran mmun oonrmamri srocxs AND FAILURE-.S. London, Ms 31.--The luau new: in so Ard All in (hut the Turks have ken it, though thin report in denied ip Be. Potoriburg. The last non` `re- ooivod thin morning given An awoounvof tho ripulu of 3 uuian stuck nude on the Turkish pouitian nt Batouln. um: ten hours uhtiu . .~ London. I! 131.-- A dunnlch from 8irJohn end the Doetor completely llthe vision e! the looel Tory orgen. In euoben euguet pretence how oen e. loyel reeetieuiet be expected to think of eughflieeideel Everything elee et euoh `A moment in eelipeed from -night. In the ehedoiv ol thin duel nroeiueee, all other themee ehrink into obeeurlty end venieh from view, and the entire editorial offer in at yeeierdefe ieeue in pleoed upon the party alter, not so much (or in in- trineio wurth, unqneetioned u thet mey be, but ee 1 eiueere end fuleome tribute ol edmiretion to the preeent end future leaders of Her Mejeety'e_oppoeition. r noun` nunuu London, `nf.,::n.-A dupntch lroml Connunlinopld wnnouuooc oicinlly tin). Ardnlun bu bun roukon by the Uttu-' nun ,`nI-nun, Car at nuonnron. . Lotion, Mny 31.--'A Cairn telegram uyni% in agreed that the Abyssinian uontiun shall" be settled According to ordon Pubs ; propositions. 4 Vinnlil. Mu 3|.--Tnublatt mom that .uid to have been ducoverou. London, Mny 3|.-`-.-Vlmohnrest dc.-s~ patch an it is understood thnrn amall detached column under selected nicernf and having widely outlying objectives, will form put of the Run` scheme of npergtinua aftar crowing t e Dumbo. Some Buhi Buourlu crossed the Danube between Knlu-wk and Jnlomitea, cap turad fourlbon" Roumuninn militin `man and cut of the ethos of their legs. l1m.I.u'-. Ifgv Ill _Ar'1 Andrin dmumtrh G:-coo; l'o.l'.Xar11l:o um um nu open proiecxoa. London , May :ll.--A Pnrii doapatch ' u_y| tha _dologntu from the Crook pI'o~ nncoa 0! Turkey held A mae'iin-2 hut night in (nor of Ivur. The Committee on National Defence In: been called ml to distribute lflll In thou provinces. Ihuslnu-nut `Maw .'{I,_-.Sinv Rnuinn to dmnouw ulln In Inolo pmvlncos. Buohlron, `May 3l.-Siny Ruuiln gins uuni are expected at Knlnfnt. ' 'I`hn Rnnmnninn Minintrv in in trouble don uunl expected at mmunt. . Tho Houmnninn Miuiniry in in trouble our the paper oulfroncy projoct. They bun been unable to get I q.u>.Ium"furthe put. two. dayn, and have therefnre cun- sautod to adjourn the dohnte. The For- eign Mininor will nk fur a crodi: uf $100,000 In giro n tting rocuption to th Cur gt Buchsrout. I...-ninn Mgr Sll ..'A (Fnirn zulmvrnm (Jordon rum propoamonl. Vienna. May 3|.-Tngblntt M'u|:htar`l uha hu been `diamiued and will booourt mnrtiallad for repreuentirig he bud" equipped 06,000 men, whereas he hit] only 30,000. Mnlvarution on an enormous scale in luq only :sU.uIIU. Mnlverntmn enormous .uid have been dincoverod. ' l.m..lnn Mnv 3| .1,-1 'Iinnh:u-ant (lus~ Muck"'nId llepuke I`! lluogunl . ....:`i V W0 IIIITI. Inll II t H Ayghlul, K. in: IJU77` _L__' Rouoanids; Mlnintru in Iouwc. nun zoruu. A Ipoqinl dgnpnwlu denies that I meet- ing bottom the li`mpo4~or of Auntriu and the Cut hu bun projected. hmdnn; Mnv 31..--A Pu-ii duontch Tue mu: mews. / Prlnlllva Iotldlll. s Arrlbd ialky: Twenty-Saran can diroclfronu New York, the urylauuuylcnluldtaudstraw Hula. A very also use of ,4..llE- BICAN CAPS, tonight for. cash, go be Add at hard mun prlrea, at 11 nu 1\['su.41' at ran .2 %:..":.'4;:.`:.'.'-&"'s`'.. ." """' (la-nu] """""._..`.ff... ..m :-4. m ( lhIk-I!.l5~ lQ Ounpy -111 14. I -J!L.l'. 2.... .. L. . Report o( oburv-11% bin at King- Iton !or 24 Nun. cpding Hay Slat, II 7: tn. 1-- m.__ 191.; V4 111.. 11-. Dc-partnul of lulu and fisheries,` nahnulnu nr rAlAhA_ . ....., ............. -.. ...-- -..,..., - ..._ PPP" - ~ - ' ' UTR. St. Armand -15 bdln codnh. Sir Unwego Belle, l)uvogo-25 otll starch. _ ' (.3151. . my I largo une ll nnnunem to-mgm. New York, Mn 3l.-M St. Angul- tine'e Romgn CM. olio Church this morn- ing, A lnrge congregation gathered to witueu the ndminimfugion of cnmmunion to anr.m.ber of ohildrexr who wore the Gosnmer veil, one of which took lire (mm the candelabn. A cry of re wu `tuned and the grenter portion of the con- gregmiou rushed for the doom. The wrioau sud ushers ruuhed tn the door `and prevented`: terrible oelemnly. The services proceeded without further inter- ruptmn. Some pprtiee were severely bruised. `Thu Ill About no odnnl. udnaixturq ol upptnpduimu and doliouy in `tho'orKtlciIuu_oHhp Hail yuntorday an tho nancial onhornnnantn of `Mr. Uoudgo, thu I_.ihonl number for Hunts, Non South. While, that Itriotnrol on 0 political opponent: buuinou misfor- lnllu Ion boing not up by tho ,oomponi- tor: of our organ, the Ihuoholdu-I ten oonlidoring it: turn insolvent condition. We have often hard 0! miinilou bolug -throvnby the tonnntI`o! glut houug. _ and thin would noon: to be u ah-iking one in point. ...'....r .. BLUES, ll HUI DOITII OI lllloufla Lnlulon, May 31.-Sovorll lull II-ock exchange fniluru. It in announced that large in imminent to-night. Ne! "ark. .MlI 3L-At St, Luann. moum were rare mu comy. ` Chicago, May 3l.--A dupnbch from Liout.Ciur|i;dM.od Red Cloud Agency, May 21!, state: that Liter-careful inventi- gncion he comiden put of the Choyonnon` atury relating; to Sitting Bull absolutely false, that chief being north of Yellow- uune, if not north of Miuoun. l...n.l..n KI-u `ll _!\'-nnunl .....l| -L.-l. [.0 mm uygoum menus and ntnnggn. New York. May 3I.-Tho funorulpf the lam Fleu-.l1ur Ihnpar, took place thin morning in St. Paul`: M. E. Church. The a.-dnrice was killed with the members ufthc boo; trade, the employees Qf the rm. friend: and ralntifmii. :Fldrnl UK (H6 000` ITHUO, IUD employee rm, friend: and nlatieif. tribute: rare and eontly. ' Chicano. M51 3|.--A dannnl: V I ` llun. . . . Tnllow end. Pon|.n1-'l`urloyn.euh. amppcn yuowruuy. Hartford, Crnn., May 3l.g-l`rof. Al- vergtmt, reported Iulfuring from hydro- phubia yesterday, in dying. The doctor: declnra thgt he has been frightened to death. After he was` bitzan numerous |etle_Goncerning hydropnubin were um to him byjouth friends and utranggn. York. Mav funeral of mung uouuu ou mcnoa. ' The uh-anxer Cunt: Rica will not be Ible tngnnwuy lrum here till dngm to-mob row, taking in conlanal water. She hp: 3 very valuable cargo, including 236,834 manure and 9,500 sacks of oooo. \'...r..n, v. u... -u ,rn.;. :- n... umuure mm :v,uuu men on Nurfulk. \'n.. May 3l.-ThiI in the must pruliliu strawberry season over knuum hero. Two million quart: were shipped yeotorduy. Hartford. Crnn.. Mnv ll_-l`mf_ Al- 31.f1'77. T San Fruucticu. CAL, May 3|.--A Sup- digo correspondent by. the {allowing ed- ditionnl incidents of the dinner, gleaned frnn xjha pneongore and otlioen 0! the wrecked etumur"0ity of San Francisco": All the penenghn Ion more or lees mouay; most of them every penny. ,|lu. Smith, Irifo of the mvenu officer. Sen l"rsni:iaoo. lost about 03,000. A Eran Stun And hit enter, from Ynlpnnixo, Inn between 35,000 And 86,000. Nune uf the onbm msngngen luel lace then 8300, and some up to 810,000. Mr. Hahn and wife, of Anaheim, CAL. return- irm from I I`.umnn.m In-in In-t ninn i;;.Lg.;i;g[?g;.;.;s*ae;ia. nnuu mu Inn, on AIIIIIOIIII, uu. return- I mg from 1 Eurupun trip, lost 010: $3,000 wutth of prenanta. &c., `for fl-iondu. The oioen and crbw of the Unibd sum rlagmhip Ponucoln" subscribed 0488,50 fur dintribution Among the wdmon and oluldn-n of the wruckod unmet. I A low minute: before the qhip an-uclr tho up- uun muda_n lag entry, no chit there could mu huholnihhi nuiut-Iusnhnut. kin mnitinn mu rnplu rise or mcvwuer in me nu-nor uccurrad. "l`he beach wuA entirely nub- merged. the wetorvndnpciiig for some distance into the mean, followed by four nirnilnr tidal wave: st intern]: of about fteen minute: the wntu rieiug end falling three ieet, excepting the nal one, which won thirty inches. From iuoniilian to 4 p.m. there were alight tidnl wave: zit illlurvail of about twenty minutes. Ffldn}, from 8 o'clock to nieridinn.~-A rapid rise Ind fulldf the ride (recurred between 11:15 And 11:40, and I eecund rise about H150. From. iuuridim In 4-|i.ni. there were live tidul waves at irregular iuteritnll, varying from `.`.'i to 35 minutes, the rile and full Iminu nlnnir. R0 in.-ha-n " - being about 30 inchoa." tlrlllll :1) [0 uh) Illlllle. Thu uhmnmr Punt: Rh ncapmcn me wuowu nu-not u gum : Thursday, May wt . from -8 mm. to merndmn.--Ahbm 10 o'clock In unusual sml ;npId' rise of the-water in the hub uccurmd. "The bench Ill nntimlv unh- uuu |llIU|I_l log entry, mu more could on hupouiblu miutnkeubout hit pooition. The cnptnin anl ollicen of the gunbont. MeX`5C0" `Hill ollmn nu-afnllv. Inc ulpum auu mucerl 0! mo gunoou. md olhon ouolullyv urulinitod hii oburvalionl, and my unanimous in the judgment that human intelligence could not hue averted the dinner. l(n`Arl-inu' on H... .....n......|._. ,.|.-...a--, nveneu mo umuwr. Referring to tho eu'thqun|.'o`ob|o)`VI- lion: by oieern of the LaclnwAnno" at Acapulcn the foowin nu-not in given Thurudnv. hill? H)! L from R A m In [unsung Bunnq, * I n i [GENERAL nssmnanu THURSDAY IVENG, KAY 3!, 1877. Wrgck or the sun I"I'lllIc0. lmport by U. Robertson and Son. Str Maud, cvinz:-25 bu. Iui. GTR, 'Monunl-25 oak: ulnar, 2 by ' >1:-nnor. Tnrmpnpar hug Oulonnpolbnth. luau par blah. V Hum-non...... It-nu " . " . i`?..."`';.';;."' awr .. Fuvh |.-or vain. D` In rs-dr.......... AL:-'l'0ll:N)I~l, rbq. Cabbage: I: own B Her I rlb...... I10 'p|).l"l'II`....:..... M a New York` Church. L! I 1 . Iain Ml) hobs. I M. 7 sun. _ _ - Ilunio or put coon:-nub: cudidnoo st 8:. Pour: Church!` trpn. _ .~ Wild. VII. H. 5 Ill: `, WWW- Q! U10 .: 0rooa'leu.PnvlIlon.l.uu _ca-cam-y.ooaIou.u." ":."..-.'-.'-.=.,`;-'.`.=;,-,",;,_.?.:.`.:.'*-;.-*.:.-ml I. 0003 G ION, GROCERB. llurlvernhlu put low: to I nuinu. `l`II| IIAID II IIOIQQTI Wharf . 7 n.I. |'x.uI'wI Uvunmoo at Public lehool Board u7un. _ 'l'IoIr|Id looolmuhh oolohlutlcnndhn nuns! and and uufsmug nullormu an all rhnnnm and home m-ploluumpn rm. III! In to Oolohr lanes in but Ind ntl mu Ilnctadnd Oust; oduuo ht-nu. fnnllv rue`. Inn! in olmnlnr. Tho nu-n ohlppotl. Anna tuned. Aldus tho nd Hotel on y.mun.urCuIodnIn l'|I[l. I. RWII1 LAID I) I. AIRHOLDI. i !H'IlII Ibo Tran. III! In IIHLLIIUIVIH UFIIIIIUUI 1'bIOrIn4| IIONLM Ilnll ookbdtarl Cumllnu nnlmr anon uul nufnllhu nnnllnrlum us nll Conn llouo. lllulou. I319. I577 um. menom mum] TL: og-4| IInm.I an Ihln nnhlundtnd (`AnA1IIAn ]Satt'u'day, J une 9th.] `I AGAINST THE (TOUNTY COUNCIL 0!` ihoconntyot Fnuuleun. In be pn-ad at |la non 8mI|on.lnIut but son: to um nmlamnnoul at the hO..|I7.V ilcltlllbgolunnunmun. -- u u -van`, I Montreal Street. I Ilnsv ,'II ML`? F012 ]s%4IEA, Parfootl gift and ouily ll'I ; can be mad ll (IQ at the aunt of 0 LY I-`OUR CENTS F0 I-`UEL. l'. willbnlm,boil.roau now or frv to nnrleullnn. Linln. mu-ulna uni UIN'l'S TUB FUEL. I . Will bike, trail. rout fry to perfection. Light. portable lllfi chug`). an only to be soon to be I -pm-laud. Us I. onmiuo. Ind leave your on on `nth In I. 1'17. Coal Oil Cook Stove. AT mcumsnv um. |RIDEOUT S| Hhusakaapers. Pic-Nic Parties And General Oampn.2 but Parties, Q` Canned Goods, Picklu and Sauces |hulu|_nu('O. Mn 3|, I377. mxguoal.) JAE. A` HENDERSON. . Hulor. SMYTHE & l)l(}KH().\ , \'mulnr'.n Hnlinilnrn PARCEL ll.-'l'lut cortuin Parcel of Lund on the northerly allln ut Jolmlon mum. In the ukl cltv. hing pan 0! mid but number 20. now whhin lho onyiauma, containing 4752 Wllll CUIHIIIQHIIUIIII The purohuo u Ton per uent. ll 1 dot`: buliciloru. u *rno|uuuu-puuuq- unuuuu mu .- Ocnunl will boycott! IN: I non do~ Iouullinnd bonny nloono whor- ovulunuygoin Gnu Rpou. tnoou npcl in Ihlnour ptoniu toluihhplvglll thmngln IhoooI.n- tq. May In olporhopouonthu ghoul-Piuilol slimy `Ian vinilod lqhnuun muuomutuumm lho(Iounl`n'uIu-dnoordnulgolu hcunnuliu oionpthulnnoguldol lnnthilglcclnnuud bmkoth cnihduuoltlo nnnuoltbolduq _.__u_-- n :. um... Jnndnnnnlhn rklzsu SEA s.u.noru'. do 0_\'.~m-rs ;~t0(-Vpt*rq|"l, do llalilout, M do Rlnu-I.-rvl, Ilmuo on in And gudou. n. nun-I within lho'w'tv|i Iuro font. Iunre or `um lu-lg duoribnal in`-Hm. 1 John Allen to John H uuuwu\"I' to nus l)m-reonuh In tlm. onuuid baring date um 9th d: of lay. A.D..|U7. then will Inc sold with 2 0 lynx) hues` of Juan Menndor Hondenan. .:q., Hula of this Court, at Kingston. b WIL- LIAI KURRAY. Am-thnnorr. at. his nation Bantu. In the City of Kingston. 3: the hour at 12 o'clock. noun; I 101; Thursday. the 21It day `of V ` June, A.D., 1877, J The following Land: and Pmmium, In TWO ' PARC!-21.8: Inrly duorlbml in`-nu: Dm-I therefor from on Knllv. Thin puma! lint between Division" and Gordon Mn-cu. Thorn In ndonblo I-`rnuw Home on tliin parcel with comumullqnu yanl uud gurdnu in rear. n!ona_v to ho slid an fnllownz than limo ul `Ale to the You `Jacobs ya Frg_uson nnd llunru. Wnllu-.m 6. \\'nlk|n_. Du-ml at Lhu Mnum-r n (mire, Kingston. this `.`9thdn_v of lay. AJL. l_.`T. (Sianml.) mmgnv sin or [am] (At Julv. v- can ate. at` '01"; . I It Pane: I3 July. ':_.". ;` LL` `TTT AI llonuul. an In 2 I D. Gnu. of I daughh-.-. OUR METHOD : do do do AI annual. on In mm, nm n :1 D. of I dnnnhhr. - -vu-..-- - --n- Uw "C7".. GlAIT _:|'i|lI-- got )UIUA;T tho m. . Clint! houriludnu-I All Extn Nlce. Fresh anal Gimp.` In any or I (Signed) ALL ACCOUNTS _nunv BAVIDEII, LI`-Inuuuo Ilnll II--5-..! Ila. A'l"l`l-:N'T l0N 2 Ifocl and llaalalogk. White I-`Isl: anal Sal- mon Trout. Lollitt-rs. IIIIUDIII. ' runwu U.Kl1l0'l'0l. Conly Clu-I. nu. ntifu. . |l.'._ amt. vl-uuta, containing 475; `said. and mum particular A lmnl therefor u -1 ,____ __ _ Ih.BIlno- ollyghu moth I|g:'|I'l-Ill In I, I O. 3. [null & Oo. PEIIOBI ITRIIT. loll-I-inhn-had nu knduha lb-I-La Spectacles _l n..uuuuu-nse:oc_v|_I-uuuahiu-u Choose l'acu; leueru'uud Imlnn, G t and Saw 1- _I.l.. -_.. Ivxllrp ii IHI it , TW ` luchlnerr uuunc up on In`. mm n tho ulobl noel ol tho Inuionigna. .W ta dlulo use dawn `snapsh- \l\I IU IIII Ooldon Lion Grocery. run rm: um AND vnucnncsr C()(.`(M- ` Nun. 00 in ma ` ` Golden Lion Orooory. PO31 THE BEST Al80l!'l'IIN'I' OI` HEATS AID DRINK] for PM: Him and Plrtloo '7" ` 00 TO THE -I.l-- I I-.. 1-- A--,, FOR THE DIET AND CHEAPEST SUGAR 9 GO TO '1!!! Golden lion Grog-ery. I-Cm Tllll am romm or `run ton THI LEAST umunr (w1`0 Golden Llon Grocery. if YOU WANT TO A\'lI HONEY IN ALL KINDS OF HEATH anal (lROCERH'Z!| GO TO THE E-I_I-._ I I-_ Q__.__., Fun A aoon um Cantu? nu-co - To run Golden Lion Grocery. > in proulud um no um pm: mu "mu Into an! pnbo slain," Ilubut tint any man. Wlibhhldlgllopoo I-nu On Vi-I-vi-if i 7--4'91 TO MEET THE TIMES! I |Il'lllIlIllII. Our wholo llmck I entire] new and will ban o.'e|-ed M. n alight uivgumo 1' GUST. Don I fail moumino bur Good: uni nrioon beforo Ladies Black and Oolored Kid Glovu, best quality. V60 Pieces Black Alpaccu from 12 1-20. the best value in the city. White and Grey cottons; Bhut- ingl. Pillow cottons a.nd`Ln5_o. urtninl Table Linens? Towelh J: Towellings olierod Illglyl Advance AT our Ind prices before pnruhumg elsewhere. -` An impaction invited. -IIIIIIIII A. II ll!-Il- V lay I. IUD . -._...; `.- Oxford `um kent Shirtingmr Also. a. com late Stock of Gent's?" `nu-nigh nun A Full Assortment of Ladies and 0hildren I Plain and Striped Hosiery. ' ' 500 Pieces New Print: from 6 ct: per yard. 75 do: Ladies` 811]: and Zanla Umbrellas. All the `Newest Shades in Plain and Figured Drou Ooodn. " Sir John onld h \o with him con- udtno out ooh. He goes than no ulont NC on In oolfouund muon- nbly that honouring is oot. Ho hon: as! tho Iadtvidulu who cog: wimn the font oonm-I at the nin 0! tbs Ounuil no hint: reported It. A l'n mu;-nu; hoiuboda to nd|d1nlp: toll: ooumunu. Ann vomit pconhodthuh ill Iplall Inn -an ul uhlic :l:in.2' Ihbvcthu mom %ll.ETTL S,v in hmpouion mpdmlly mvlml. %ATTE&711()N{. DRY Goons, R.&J.GrARDINER~ His. I. I. ounnvf -.u---- n- -.....--.-___ ..___ ll April 24.1877. A largo uilortuonoof NEW KID (.ILO\'l8 In clonal nhnjlu. "no. um: um wanna I-`r'm 8! la. 1!: uh I ..x wn.:`2`n`iu. zu'ooo.'..":`.I Span. Flgufcn and Bu-inn fbflililll I Suck III: Illllll ' U WIIII IllXllI- IIIII VUJVVU -luv, -nu ~ bi! man: wotuunx'1tu4av-wiud- .u, ' ho anapped his lingo:-I at it bolon|od' - oonuitnanu And hind away to Ottnpa or - Toronto. Why his wholo put pathway - iapand with violated pledges. (me! ~ atlail dintanoo or ahunoo in neithn loop not widuplud horn. on the con- trary, inatsad of anal: a tooling than in ~ the growing conviction that the ohioftain of corruption in no longer the non for Kingaton. Hi: ahadily doonuing mn- joritiu attut at our] moooodtng clac- tiun to hi: Inning popularity. Tho nut no doubt not um olootnnlly Iilouco the blnotdr of his nah Inppol-tun, and plow um this oonctituouoy In at length dotuntood to unload in public honour lab tho hoping ol the visitor who he muquuougauuaquuu as, 5.: 1 `wlowillnolongot booItit|ol,ouI'by thoptttnlllolnjwltyol lhtohoaddru-1 and bytho uinbuor.t|o umber M Khpton. " -p_--.ooo-- -:- ` _ `e.'3`.?1'.:a..`?`?`.'}`;fF Tlnnc. '3`.`.'..:ai:.... V` , ,,- -._- A1 I Llrulooh of Button: Il|`CVT-I'l(I)- ,< In ugh o ovorydedoriprlnnnd to: only P``P- . , ' _'au 11.. new sum in nun... Lmtzs` census In {new dud Smprnd sign... '- , L LMNM BUR Thl. Collars. On. I A ndrg Btoqk of Hand won xmbmmmu. II`! III IIIB 0;>ldon Llon Clrooory. H. & .iJ.%G ' mrontxna or ` dull!` I0; lllu Iv, wanna llnvlunsluu upwa- ed, he penned the old city by and ' eteered hie bark still further toward: ` the setting aun. He mearit it." Yes, juet on he meant the hosts of other pledge, by which his previoue election: had been won under falee preteuoee. He meant it as much uin earlier and palmier days he meant thie city to become the neat of Government; as much an-he meant whetvltr'1ai(lAvhen- -et-Peterboro' - he . wished to God h'e could catch the fugi- tive he wee` bribing with the people's money to keep beyond the reach of _Bri- tinh law. He meant it an much an he ` did hie solemn declaration that Mr. Hun. 2 tidgton was himself deceived or `de- ceiving. the Home when the Pacic Ra'ilwey charges were rat submitted, and itaked his public honor that there was not one tiltle of truth in those charge: which were eubnequently enteblieheii, not only by hie own edmieeions, but by overwhelming evidence from other aouroea. lle meant it an much an he meant what he eeid when he declared in this city that it wae Mr. Mackenzie`: intention to ood the country with Chiueee labour for the con- etruction ol the Paoillo Road; meent it at much an heid the deolaretion to the men at Kiugeten that the hande were_ clean which at that very moment were reeling with the double-dyed corruption ol having cold a not public contract for money. and of heving spent it to debeuch the public more] come and to buy hirneelf and party beck to Parliament and power. No one here can longer, be hie: oeived by the pie crust proiniue of Sir" John Macdunald. What he meant no to secure hie return he cares! not by what mane.` _'l'hia object gained, and . Ll. ._-a-IQ. --hneenu -Owe t-h-.n5n.l- an EIIGIIES, Vnousns," Hm)`/E NOW; is mum` Aj|.Auu'|:."sT'ocu or" PRINCESS STREET. V Jl_J'S'l` lCIiCllVls`.lD PRINSE88 STREET. ` `|lI'I nIcI('"l3i}"';c n.nr'r. I877. w. E :53: a oo. 71.- I. ulnar with I In ouunrtmgun Imp Ignliu Gouda. 1 kn. Luna-` I. Slrinn; the whole 11: stool: the nmnl. anrnmwo \'l-Zl[.ll(M|. IIBIITK yiluhgthnkll llnperunenon Inu uuwurnusnusu uswuur enoo." This humiliating sdqissiou dis. srme our criticism. The moot etfeotive punishment is sometimes thst which is Iell-inflicted, sad we hsve no desire to `. odd to the outigetions which Tory s: h gellsntssre thus lionutlhedmihhtering to themselves. But we given to un- derstsnd that Sir John's promise to `re- turn here wes elpremnture one` The Chieltsin wbsso stunned snd d umbioun- dered` by his ndden fell and deep descent from power, thst he wist not whst he ` said nor lmew for the moment whst course to tske. Prior to the schieve- ment of his lsst complete victory" by the` overwhelming decisive and crush- ing msjoiity of'l7, Sir John impstiently ` lunged lor .tlie opening of navigation which should restore himself and family to the bosom of his fslthlul borough, where he might enjoy the lei- Iure of I dignied retirement. When he esid so he meentit." i.e., he meant it to be believed. He was resdy to say or mesn snylhiug which the desperation of despair could prompt him to promise in order to avoid the defest vvhich.threnten-' ed him. For the moment, perhaps, he mesnt to come here. bin that doubtful victory of 17' "transpired to prevent his diving oo;" end so, when nsvigstion open- _.I L- n.-mu! u: nlrl nit: her And I, InIll_l|~ 8otrililglatha"rcaliuIaI\Il Sirloin Lludould ha inhinaaalihulac thoy`lnhln,tha_tltk|pthul>ptaaq1I natu`rhanho`u:qudda Valid` !ull,yoooo`athatia`hlahIIluauapdI- 1'0 !-l_ Coaplala lnliluuua n Chi. raoiattI.IruatIri war. lhapmdl-~.` lug (calla; among Iha aleclogu ol Kin; , atpn. It haa nan: uada tho lag: di_'ar- ouga in (not of thia_olty,_ that ha ha: lot om thirty yaan haul in novallad upra- aanlativa.'Pnaaal or about ha ha nasarvdbno anything to advaiaeo local pcoapor`uy.andallIa have to boat ol `not Inn: out alaviah hdaly to hinia tha uuanviahla gllqtinction 01 having con- ` tlnnoualy nun-nad to Puliuuant tho ackhoqladgad matter ol tho, arts at coi- ruption, the man whoaa cauil culminat- ad in that bad ptataninonoa ol politics iniquity lorvvhich ho In danounea`d,not by Canadian. ROlol`IIIOI_'I Jnaraly, lmt by all who were not daad to a homo of ahama _ throughout the English apuking world. We anuntho? local dcvmaaa that we not only don`t care whata thair divlnity ra- aidaa, but that to have not the laaat do- aircto_ pry into our dintinguinhud vial- Im`a~pl'ivatao aain. Wa shall not mad- dla with Inch matter: except na they are lndaioatoly obtrudod upon puhliu Attuntin It iaalmnat. too cuulid, however, for our viIitor a admirer: to condentially diacloao private roaaom for the viulation of public promiaoa, and tho_n_to deal themaalvaa a moat nnmerciful cut by cunfeuiug that an... ...\..-l-..n .....Aim. ..l'.|ui. nu-i-mt: nf. WNKU ~11?! polka. lciunuyudqunaonlivo PlIddon0,(n|d Gcuuthlhaonnnlop puuhloouthlnn hoponmodto gnnlnhod)'huvBdlMt nub: hnlhwhhhlhovulhdluuow-.u A--. _u_.x...._ .5. _- -uh unis. lllllll uluuupuuun vww u u-ru-v-u... -.._. "tho comunt pnrsding of/hi! private 3!- hin baton the publjc in n pioco of uheer inponiiionoo mud uuwu1-snkblointerfuu -.... " Thin hmnilintinu ulminiou din. SIIJOIINVIMI. WI VISITOR- ! ._-.. Oothohaoudui (In-any ` I mt|h.o`uonIIo_cn|Iphll.uo, spins! --Canon ddnhhnnlnnhlnhnd I uouuunlov. J. I E Dishes : uni h Iotuto.` ..i:.'.".:.":'`.': 'u. .""c`:..`:.`..'.':`;."1 *3` ITIID K W |n:`:I'.tIoruulcoluovuouuoha ..nmnon.n'u--...1.n.A.... muuuon or use an an ll uluq. uni. -1130 country not in tho hula ul B:t1::nu`in Arnolh in 3.01) nun n ._n &....muh.n...laL.ou|n......n- -_ mun um you. - --(I. F. Tniu will lecture inochulor llld Sync.-nu nut took. --Rev. Cum 'R.ouIuloi is expected short] to mum to Cumin. - in Oil ol lltuuoin" nu thirty- uix d crown In; tho bi pond. - 1% Monlhur up It, in my cunt lhollnhon will notruigl. -`l'lmo thousand` Oandinn vinihd Bu-nu : nhoa at Ogdcuhrg. -8i|ting Bull in mqnpd in I hadilitiu with Unlhl -The Odd loll!!! of IMO will Ilxonly `atom to 00 `Finland hlulh. -Inland`: contribution to the jubilu had insult to not Ill. -8pAin will haven iutuuukul 01- . hibilion of the In nil! in JIIIII7. I. -Tln nnnln In! in tho hind: nl -Unlilornh I. ?;nua with `drought. ---Vory linihd duund (0: Int: '5! (Main this you . - - -0. I`. Tnin rill Innlnn irnohnnlu OPITIIC III Ulll PIIOO. -A|do|:Innn'Pip=',k;I'oronto, in nulding arrangement: or , jna. I grand m chow oh Boniqion 0 . ch: pt-mud; at which will In upon ad in pnrchuiug nix IIIIII lot lhtnrnnanhl Ina-I III wmcn Inn at uponaou ll'| pnronuuag nun lot tho ornncuul IMO?! nu tho park, 0341 pining I lundsomo flilill tend the: nuts. H0. -Six of the guns: of ickpookou who Arrived in Montreal at I 9 nine time u M Ki-mini`: Ihfii his boon 'u'I-miriaa relnnndodlor triul. It it believed thu the remainder hue left for Btockvillo to opcnh in thatglooo. -Aldonnu: irm. Toronto. in nnkinu . ever euch another paragon patriot ae Sir thinh it ha a atent right to dreiieh l rilitiee, and then reply to the legitimate It new/am the cruel attempts Inatie Dy ui jourualiatlc aooundrela to-'dnvehim from public-life. and then to allay its grief turne about and aocnaee Mr. Mac- kenzie and his culleaguee of being utterly devoid of II particle of political or private honeaty. The latter, of worn. in all light; the Gi-it.e" are a pack of raacale; the Torieeere all -honourable men, and cunt be he (and the Ncwa has a pretty bad tongue) who queetiona their purity. Sir John can keep aeveral thousand dollara of . Secret Service money which Parliament haa ordered him to diagorge, and the New: fall: on ita lmeee and einga hymn: to hie 'praiae and glory an the cleaneat-handed of men. Mr. Mackenaie bought eoine raila inafall- iug market, on hie Chief Engineer`e re- commendation, and became he did not know that prioee had net touched bottom, the New and ita party elig- matize h" aa a public thief. Sir John acrewa Iavygcoetrout of needy Ordnance TJ'ai3H1lih1bFi,"66iEary Wtlii pineet rulee of decency, and the New rolla up its eyea to heaven and uh wae there John) - And an the cont:-ant contimiee to the end of the chapter. The News in oppouenta wit a ehoeer of its tour- critiuieuie ol ite opponente `with a eaucy pertneee that met: mattere are none of their bueineae. That would he a` ver nice arrangement for the News, thougi it ie eearcely likely to perfect it, but will have to content itedlf with luxurint- ing in the pleaeure of rolling iutho mud for Sir John to walk over grinding out inated teaddle about hie distinguish- ed atateemanahip." Bueh ahjectlnyalty may eecure it eome oheap reputation for delit-y--tliat ls, if it in really diein- tereeted, and not the eeuie ea the loyalty of the Mail tothe Northern ltailway waa recently ahmen to be. . 4g_____ -'l'o-dny being :I;;Iutary holidny the Public Doputmonu. om, no cloud. -A mun nnnod Eddv In ruhhnd it IIIIIIIZIIIIIIIVUI uvs-In-.5.-, V?! .....,I am. Ouch relation will mm In: thtplounn ho will lulu has Ii: tour oflhoiorld. Wlunnr he (OCH! will at all Ila Mastic: ho nqniroo hum Anodnnor Ionian tonnes. Hint-sul luobonnlunq. nnordothvlnq hon iuld by Globular} cl thouto Oh Lindon oldnln v viboguu, Iuhovtinalvudundlo tlinviil out-y manna tub in that vi- 'l'Ix-I-Agnl M Inllhnln (Int tin l"llDl|0 LJOPIITIIIOIIII, UIDIWI, ITO CIOIOG. -A mun nund Eddy wu rubbed nc .\luuiro'n Hotel, Onuu, last. night` of I46. 5'; -`ho PduualWaln|u no-`mg. IL. -__.h.l-..._-.-..I tuae tor trickery might be I man: or distinguished etateeinenahip in the ` eyee of our Tory lriendi. Poelibl it in ` became the New think: the New irone- wiek taeblmck II the Kingation kettle ` that e" resent: tlieurep, thulujh at all time: it thiuke it ita duty to airing a con- eor umder Sir John : none. There can be no very great objection to ite indulging in ite diurnal devotion: et it: hero'e ahriue. but it in a trie hard that nobody but itself and it: Tory contreree are to be al- lowed to venture a criticism of Him Barty, on the ground that it in no is`: ueineae but their`: hot it conduct: itself or who lead: it.` Puuibly the News might follow it: own advice. and abetaiu from criticising the Reform party and it: letd- ore. on the ground thet their atleire are not matters of concern to their op nente. 0! course it will do nothing of t o kind, but will go on pitchin Around its ebulive opithote in that furcib e Iuy for which it is rapidly gaining I place of honora- ble lintinotion in 'l`:.ry journaliem. The truth in that the .\`o-ms han auch a llunk~ eyieh admiration for the great man who ennobloei it with line patronage an hie per- eonal orgou that it iee into a pension Irlienovor the ewtleleuou of hi: choreo- ter is called` into queetion. It fairly worahipe him, and would neibly deem ` it anahononr to be `kick by him. it` grows frantic at the thought of his diepo- eition. and like the jealous Turk, cannot boareven brother Tilley near hie throne. It bewpila the cruel Attempts made by the "imirnnlinllc muundreln" to-'dnvohim ' FUVIUZII QCICIQUV-, .0: .m Dnunn.-`ne Kiepwn'Naiea hull!` MEI ICE K Tdulho Telrgnnl `-brenulg (let Itflley would nuke e nogeyeepectehle leeder lot the Tory petty then. Sir Jtuiln Mecdoneldy end very bruquely telle the Televren to mind in own huelneu, the Tory he- iegehle -to teenage iu-elelte wl at eouielde euletenoe. Our venerehle King tione eton contemporary hue habit of rullin; up its hethen end looking v wirkedly et one who due: to criticise I et WW0? oent chick, Sir John, though ehe line, it tlieeemeiinme decided weekneee for uickinig her own bill on other people'e ooncerne. eeuppoee on the principle that he could not poeeihly he I woiee. Kr, Tilley of it beehetter leedet then sir John, ldr temperance gtrineiplee, if nothing el , would preeerve in from melting e Co rne exhibition of himself end lr?u| indulging in Inch demuuntre-. o Dutch mange an that hunch ceunihelietio threat to gobble up the bent; et Epheeue. I-`nrther then thin," little good could be predicted of hie lender- n'nip,fure.men who will eit and vote in the Home of Commune wlth hie coinmiuion ee Lieuteneut Governor, deted ten day: before, in hie broecliee pocket, in not e very immaculate rpecio men of e politician, though Auch en e;ti- tudo for trickery might be I merli of `ulintiuuniehed etntaeineneliin" , sown" n-:nouorsb-- 0!` "I'll WAI PATH. onunrm aunuumr. j; `rnhman. c~1oga..`._A:-nun. ; . II. __... 1- w:___. CUIIIICI. Vrng nmrxsn wane; Tnuxsiny, nu _A _.;A .L_4__ ... 4 ; 4__' The erriul 0!. Gen. Great on B:-itieh ehoree le an event worthy ol penning mention. No doubt he will receive I welcome the to hle rank eul record. So {er en public oonplilnente ere ooueerned it eeeue to be Com-t etiquette to Greet 3 out Preeident wlth ell the honour: ueuelly eoeornled to ex-Sovereign. Gen. Greet will` duet-elore he received on e per 3vil_li oh Wdlhloned bfltultlll until-' eentel nouuehe. ,'l'hle will be tether dubious `dietlnotioo lore retired poten- ~ teteile lotelglt yeen bee ruled over ` lnrtynlllieeeel people. Wlll Him llntlnetleenevlrtullydetlrouetllninr 1 eel! bytleleleul etthnee pesple col lleteetotluldtetn oveutnee orto en-I eecetlte eeeg tor vllhwhqaeoenl le 4 -_1.| A- In-_..-n-ung: Nluneulnlhnl 1 luau. y. 0! Kllptou, akin; [onus um manna with ndilnahontino nhorn. com polieouuuon. TM pdnlu-u udnumuunouaquuuouuu luv u cookout` had jute:-o ho- Ucna no. But Hula - "uyn undukuduiuhomm nin," but inn`: path appear to ha. ha null. though his oxpnri-ah In "nauduu" you mind In Anod- undl. lsnul will doubting upon! as nanny IIIII Illll OI "ADI? I IV! DOIII. --A man lulled Murphy, v ilut naming in nloodi a cargo ol `end from 1 nohoonor it com`: dock lethal, no hit on tho load by nohun of that bitu- zinou nbunnou Ami! badly on onuloolor port, ' Soodywllh coal. ` -Iuunuunu-UNI: 11110 crop: in this loulici an looking nploudid, and tho nu-IT luna- "milu" and in hnppy.-Buiding prou- show ahfnn ol nctimy, ad 3 mm- ol buildnn no not in count of oouotruo(iqn.-YnoM anon in bus pumnc their unit in order. III 00' u! then no IIIOUII` Altontlul in tin rigxing and tails of their no N bull. - -an nnnod Innhv. I ilnt A-lninn uonoo wui nun An amount omoor. olieounn Cook in ill withjcyphoid {our sud will not be around for some day: I yet; pulicomln Lowlor in in tho hoapiul in your city; therefore ourforoo in not so strong numerically n it should be. RIN- ` mur [in it Clint. an nddition will be undo ` 1.aJLnnJnnHA woman Andhu hula girl, who hnvo nude tlioir home in the coll: during the lut four niglm, won broughrbwlon the Cali this morning. Complnint wu laid quinnl than on Io- count of the mo or-having Kuhn whin- `kq into the cal oluwo or turn oeu- aiog `Bl'hoy"woi:ll::inrgo'l`. {A Inn nun nuo.c I wil onhlh|g' wu uid ouu. Thin violnitudo ol forum will pl-cunt him npntlu ` tho olonoo-for a time at lent. Ann xv.-menuuew. Doubtleee mAny`of your nedere Are Aware thnt Amonget leet yeAr`e Aeeete of thin town A decit of 823,023 gured. A little over A year Ago A public meeting we hold in the Town Hell, end eevernl reeolutione were which culmineted in the creetion o A oominieeion to on- quire into the nAncinl .v condition of the town And other inettere connected therewith." At the Anne time A resolu- tion wee pneeed directing Mr. A.R. Dou- gell to look After the intereet of the town during the inveetigetion. Ihe Commie- - Iionere Aunmed the teak impoeed open; - I0 Aleo did Mr. Dougell; their report he: been sent to the Government; eo Aleohee their hills. which Amount to $9,445.21 for the Commieeioner-I (exclueive of their ho- tel bille And trevelling expeneee) And I273 lor the letter. Thoee Aeoounte were At the Council meeting on Mon- ` dA night, but thet body decided to with- h d Action until A report of the inventi- ` nation we: forwerded to the Authoritiee. lt wee preeumed At nne time thet mine of our ex-councillor: hed been engegell in mine crooked work." Thet the! hed even hexl their llugotun the pie. but whether the report willheer out theee ee- Aertione or not. will not be generelly known till the document in queetion `A - A. AA Artemue Werd pute it, " lye Ave been verned too much," And I would Add. e hue been inveetigeted too much." He is A fnrtunete men who an obtein A birth on Acommieeion to iuvoetigete the nenciel Aeire of Any town And expect: to get A bill of over 01,- lot) eeehed without comment. I will have more to Aey on thin eubjeot hereefter. lt ie Aeubject of generel telk on the etreeteend mey tend to luture unplu- eentneee. mu Inn l1)|.I| I The now appoinloo, 'Mr.M. Malian, bo- gnn his lnbon lut ivoniag. E0 in not yotpoltod in the buuinou. but with 01- gononoo will unh An efficient oiour. ..u........ :1... a. m -:o|.n-..h..:.I 4..-. jllu W I0! wlllvu uuqu-u--u - pdd to into I Indus. "ls guy four yarn and it I*h-bnvul` O0 ` y Mlcituion Iunotspnqdyvol nury _, n..-L __A..M.... -ill nanny. .3 , Dollovillo, In . .......,...\......~..... ) In preeenting thin, niy introductory letter, to thexeedere of the Wmu, I re- gret that the bill of lure" which I here~ with Iubmit for their perueel in not 0! that veried end enterteining order which it ie the wish of the writer to beet all ` timee able topreeent. The reeding pub- lic uowndnyl relieh and eppreaieto inter- eeting news, no metter where it emnnetee from. Anything of the eenntionnl order --nud that enibrncea nAgrent_deel-i| at All timee particularly planing; etlrring event: of my kind are elwnyu readable. and no are ordiunry or unimportant events when the new: of theiret nemed cleuercennot be obtained. It ehell be my eim during my tenure of otlioe to nuke the Belleville eormpoudenoe u in- ` (meeting A future en pouible, and if I euooeed I shall be pleeeed: if 1 don't it will be for rent of materiel. With thin elxordium I herewith eubmit my ret epie~ t I. I rqruunon I inn, and Hum I lhlocfltio doctrines. ' Putin. Mu 31.-Hula Biuol hou- lnumbd the an ncntolth Schnau- . spot. Ho up 0 inhubo ddcnd tho I opubhc ngniut ndlllon; Pu-liuunury, ngnmo ngdnut Bonapart- liun. And reuuu And rnlininn uninlt `(By Teleqmph. ) M B mooung of the A_m and At`icnl- tnn Auodinuoa Jul evening in Toronto, 1 oolnunniouion Ill read from the cor- pontion inviting the Auocintiou to hold tho l'r('>vincin| Exhibition Int 1878 in n:..|. Ii.-I. no.3 m.....m n.- -........r lhol'rouncmI lcunbmon for 1378 in High Park 0.11%. Should tho new be eulnpliod with the Exhibitiuu Ii 50 on in unusually grind scale. The Council of Art: nnd Am-iaultnnl S U\:l10. Unison ; P0110! nnmuuiy grnna noun. The Council of Art: and Agricultunl I Auooinliou thin morning laid the lone: {rum London relative to uni Provincial `Exhibition our for lnrthor considera- oa.... ` e - ` W, .,.,..a_,..,-..., - The meeting of the Motml Diutrlqt of the Metlmdilt Church of 'Clnd'I o ned yuterdny. After my Innuction u the mud buuitieu tho case of the Rev. Mr. Roy wu taken up. The whole oi the afternoon III token up in baring the reading of the enure report of the Committee befurn which the charges against Rev. Mr. Roy on doctrinal point: had been tried. Au udjournhwm took placo before the cue III concluded. A '*`- -O~-O :; - (hem our quit-o-(_!>mqaondan.) ' an-ui an nu-on-nun - Who, beoenee he wee not entrusted Triiiihoiigi i$TUii"EITeii'oi'e' iif iIIi'IN$- Ininion by Sir John Ileodoneld, In de- euibed by the Globe eee `mixer end Inad- `dler ol gnm. " Chet 'the'0lob at the tint! Iefrnd to peniculerly ltllhd Sir John`: rpfueel to recognize the pl-ween! Finenoe Main- inter`: ebility. But. if it did, would he likely to do eo by condemning Hon. Mr. Oertwrighti We fency it would In very unlikely for the Globe to blame the letter gentlemen for Sir J ohn u olenoe. Inch 3 oonree would be very illogloel and unfair. `Whether the We were not ewere ` Globedidotdidnotdaeoeiyelhingu. In ehoye elleged. no ene will deny that the ebove brie! extreot oonleiue e "mixing end middling" ol word: quite worthy of e lite:-my euthority which dene: "ti-e~ mendoiie" in one broeth to mom puny the next. rn0\'m:uI. s'uowv._ --gnu. BELLEVILLIE NEWS. my 37%-ML)" .s:...a ..l'u.- u...1.`t... -4.- ..s. . n0\'_(_.`51. nu-JAI up--nun: -n mu ngunn noupu-w nnd religion llilllt Jnuu. -`I878. Iuutohouu-:3! Ppotdollu dou. Thuu IO IIIU` auguuuu. -Awuappr gggnhnboucbo Ibxnr | Among oil the cheruee ever prolertod by hie indignant constituent: egeinrt Sir John we have never seen it rteted thct he ever Attempted to oonciliete their anger or purchase their support by the noteb- llehment of public worlu here or by the initiation oi eaytliing which` would ed- wenoc the local public intareetn. That the present Government ever utihrod the ' pnhlic worhtoeuheervo party intereete in thie locelity le utterly And entirely m.- true.end'edmite of the moat complete ` end trinmphnct dieprool; but the very ` trulnpiug up of ench ycherge in Au ed- mluiop tht the Government in the in- euguntion ohhoeo public work; here he recognieodthe just claim: which our ' vieitor member penietontly ignored and neglected for thirty yeue. 'l`hAlhnnIli N an ICU ' `w on. 0! mm was prnulh. and the In! tho ooqluhulu realm 1 -an I an: IIIII to in: th 9 n W! -hl`::lIhuycuu blnlotolouuon 1" torch hug day: will hunch the III! nddiuoul 0: Eu ying W"... 41.1- :-.._... I...` TIO`lICbIIi`I;-l-blhllpodloo no thcadduntiou oltlu l|'llI Dnul at numa nnu am-om. London, May 3l;-Du5amhu from Botlin am. that Prinoo Bismuth in en- duvorlag to Indian bctwun Rani: And Ttthy. It in aid the Porto `u inclined bump! proposal: [or I aounlon ol hoo- dlhhn. A Ialxw-In I ohnllnopl 0 It I\ I dds. Inn o I...l.. '4 -Mal an ulvnulvm mu In `turn own In an unuoa mo lush: Ids, which can ndvuclng on Inuouu. _ . uen, Inl retreu or me Iurlil to :.rlo~ ruum, together ' with the impru- eion made on the l`urto by the` manning ettiuulo of y the Chamber end population of the capital have elreudy {urninhoul the opp:-rtllliity his Germen mediation. It in also to ban- marked tluet the Grand Vizier sue for mine time Ambuudor et Berlin, and hue kupirrrup'r|ther' ' with the Uermep Cabinet. An regards Turkey. it is thought the Government no the peleoe cliques would only be too led to eeoepe from their critioel poe`t:on y dinmiuiugytlxe Uhember end then eoufn to all wrrengemuis - The Turk _Perliuneut. might be eont home in June without any extra- ordinuy mueure. The imp ion equally exiete that Ruuie in little Inclined to carry Inetten to u- uenen. The huooeee elreedy [lined in Ania end in telxlng Ilp poeitione on the Dmnlte night beconlidered en euicient eetleteetlon to uilntery honour, providbd Turkey were inclined to ield. eepeehlly eethetukol emeelng e Denube end airing the complete nuterv ol Bul- la-not underrated, nor the`den I red of eonplioetioen which mi ht u-he both et honeendebmed. I4-Ag Hun SI _.n....n..I... In-hm The Thu` corrolpondent M. Vienna tel nphu as follows: Rumouu of n poa- uib' ity of peace no oating about hero. Thu ouunuto in Berlin, And due from the time of Pnneo Biamu':k n stay there. At tint they wore uguo. Now, how- ovor, they have uaumod more paontivo form, to the effect u! tho full 0! Al'<]I~ h|n,tl1o uh-out of the Turks to Eno- rnnm tnmnlmr with the imnrna. I 1'0-uibiltty of Peace Tlll I 0Il'I`Is`. INCLINIZD T0 CILSII WAR. nay. Tholutlqoiu lndiuk am the u.__..| .411 |......A..I um. . mnnl ah-