j. Wj Q 1 jun U Innu- noun! 1%: Ollhslhg larval at thmvlqndhotg uchlutpt u.hh.nq|ovllaIIn-Inhi-I ih,ItIIoScId|hC&lIIOII%ul squash: In on -anti Ida. Ibu.iilv|||ha"luIdhybluI$t .upuknu"Juu|&oIbJolI.' lnglantfs Note tn the Cuml The motion for I oommftteb, and stir ing all action in the mutter meenwhile, IA carried Almost unanimously. `Mr. BnlI'I pertinent question": upon the non- eenozioal notion: in the IIIIO` mutter, were alto referred to the Committee. Much diuatiufaatlon in said to oxiu among the Ruuim troop: owing to their pny boingin nrrosrgtnd the unfavourable wthar in breedmg Iicknou in their m at. `luintxn nuna -an--Hnnul Shun. 1.6 n.:. N Rumour of Turkfnp Indemnity TH WlT|a%ws. THE LATEST. A BOLD STEP! Juno 7.-Nn `on will bo {note I 0:- HAIDWARI ITORI. Inllhlllllllltllviljllly [cm Ar 1. a. mum] Tho rumour ol Loni Duot-in'o oorly rotiromont from Oonulo io oqoin rovivod. Wo loot tho ropolto to this olfoot no hot too woll lonndod, and that oil too ooon Conodiom will ho oollod upon to port` with porhopo tho Inoot popnlor Govornor Gononl that not ropnoootod Britioh Royolty in Oonodo. Eorl`Dnlorin hu boo`: no noro halo hood in Sooioty or (or thot motto: in `Oonodioh politiol. Ho ho: pond through oovorol oriooo, or rothortlio country inn during his rogimo, and hi: intinoto ooquointonoo with tho prinoiploo of tho unwritton Britioh Sonotitntion, on woll on hio I ohility to oloorly onaoioto and to apply > thooo ptinoiploo on tho ooouion roqumd, woroollpottoomootornoiol toot. Ho hoohoonplooodintholnootdoliooto ol- oitizotionn in which tho took woo iunpoood Ipon hln ol rooonoiling tho moot cou- Iioting lntolooto ond ho ho: ouoooodod in Iooonipliohiny tho aiaoun foot of pluiu both portion. During his gnhotnotoriol torn ho ho: boon olnoot nhiqllitou whon tho dutieo ol hi: high ooo ooull oporo hlnlrou tho upitol. Thoroio noto oornor of tho Dominion ho will not hovo oioitod whon ho loovoo no. Hotooltor ho will ho o voluohlo ond lnol onthorlty on all notton Condion whoa ho roonhoo 'hono, ond no nttotoloo in tho Britioh porliunont or to tho Btillah public will oonmond nioloittontion and curry noro woight or ho hood! of with livolior Oonodlon grotitudo than tho hind wot-do nod ttuo ho willhonuro to my in hot pnioo in tho lothor loud. Whoa" ho ` |-,_._._- AL- I-.. -l - ._.Ju--A-mg: ` lunuuiuuvltl Ircgii` "33" . ` ` llmnp, G and My ` lnell IAIUIALTUIID OI Al!!!) -0 the ouohlbnc-I 0! lb udonlgud. tactical-punnlfarllu|l.I"n|-lororllh-Io- Wood at 0ool-1ll of tho LA`l`DI'l' in nu an ad onuhn ny nrbd Mon as ch nw `mu an 81`oVl 8IOP.i ._ . __....._ ___..__ |nuAmn=. sAmrAcnou| 1! YOU wouI.nTI-AVE A smvln wink-I Inlndhuol-punndtarlln||.l'uu-larorlloohu Iujr c..uuc' ' "nu-um ".14.-...._.1 2;1_j_;_g*_5.cLii~1$jl E THIRD GRAND ANNUAL PH` RIC hue! lunch :: Eibuftio I. C. Ii. l'l.Y)Ill In Donln . u~L.hnQ` pa run. wI|oI.;roIhu to he nqnry lntllutlu -mar. when ull lens of alumlng and nttlvio upon: an any Ihomulvn Pl'_$ III luv uuuuuvn I-u. u-u- Ivv lacuna tho Iouolsgoofooutnor hon will bopunlyntonalloclbytho $2 of I dintlupbhod Advoouo in .-A A1` CHANNEL GROVE. On Dominion Day. when nu Iona onunmn; Ind nan-In Ipono o TIC Adults '1': : Clnlklnn undo: I`: No. he hnhr putlouhn nuuoll potion. ' Iqy!`l,lI71. A! Fun . an the 6th of June, Surnh Ann Solnorvil 0 wifo of Rev. J. B. Mullen. Pm- urhnilninhr, And daughter of Ir. A. Son ervillo. 0! this city. IlitandllsDEMUNSTHAIIUNI UZW IIUITII ll 0 `LII. . Oxrrnlo 8r'xou.-l myor sud Communion, 9 n.In.; Belgian st I0 un- II I p Ill Antonin`: 81'. Jonu1- Regular mouth; at 7: pm. ` nmn. YIIIIA I . ' COIYIT or Rnvluou.-Bemnuou ol Appul nu heard :1. 3 pm. (luv:-In vinn _PrnvAr nngl Pnnunnninu fab VIDUJIN In ptvlunuuu IIOUI. -A umgoction in nude um Mayor Tomato dull, in, noeordnnoo with ling- liah oumplo, Iomrt ono Sunday every year on which cq lion taken up in the chnwhu shall he ilovotod to hupxhl and olhor oluhblo institutions. - _'l`Im N-u \'nrI: nmrnimr tuner: mm. mono: or TIOOII zoo: Ijpou awuuo; I` aompu-0&0 u an nmmpl. to nuke Tnou mpg ?! for all ring outs. ` -- Tnmnm `Dinnnnnn Svnnd unonh . T-UllUI'- ' Tn BAID on tho Queen`: Wharf n 7,1!) I)-Ill Pmruc School. Bonn.-Beguluu- meeting It I p.m. `Il!lIlI' R1-, .lnni'|,.. Rnnnlnr vnanlinn nt `fhnublhauugnhcouuuolaphutho fulunporhuulbyrdlnrulohfdun: ` gill`: huapcpu'Do natory.'l\IIIlfIIl'llo `an u Inga dnululu dam Dlllyor Vlooklyuulbuluwyotblidltueonury tohuloofalnhoodnionhu. null! Ioupa aonocnu uuuu. .' an -A I a xenon! Hush; Nathan my shunuoldcu `At noon today It III unanimously denied to on- duu the 'tion ol tllo Director: to 1-4330.750. in nfuroutial dock. ' ...A nnnoction n Mum olllof omnunlo lnlumuons. -Tho Now York morning papers gon- inlly uy Sweeney`: oompromiu is n n the ylnont 0! $400,000. Th (K296! 0! wood look upon Swonuo} I mmnmn an no Alumni. lu mnkn Tvdau gun I tor nu rung cvua. hevTnront.b `Diocesan Synod unoeu gm Juno 19th. It is updated to be I Ilurny nation. a it in paid 1 ddqcl wt in to be made by the High Church Early, headed by the Rev. Mr. Back. 0! `nor- boro ngninu tho Church Auocintjoxx gnd their ropoud School of Theology. - mink Cu-lin. Ihrt.lurd.~ confound ~ oondiuien that h their ropoua L-scnooi or 'l'n90l0gy.' nnk Quliu, [Inrtl'ord.~ confused the existence of orgnniud band of in- .30 eauud roconl: re: in But Hnrtford. Tlwluder in Honry Childo, son of 1 prominent citizen. The pm: 3110 oontomplntod highwuy robbery nnd murdot. r .n.- A_',,I3___' L-__,.1 1\__.1._ , -PoIbInqr 0o;onl Kcy,in hi: south u-Inn` found donocnh unitod. .-A n modal nun! -undue! .II`I IIIIIIIIUOI -In the Anglican Synod, Quoboo, 5 motion in mode to forbid the nltontion in the fnbroc or intcrnsl nrnn amentlof nay church. or the introduction of Any ornuuont of the church or of the mininter without the consent in writing of the Bishop being fmt obtained. Munfung dincuuion the motion In rojoctpd. indel." A QvAnT|rr:.-FoIir babies at A birth fell to the lot of Mrs. Dun, of St. Louis. the other dry. The ovum. bu ouuud oomidonblo oxoilmnont in the city, and in lookod upon on I bu-bingar of the day when tho lorig-Iuluinod dispute botwnen chst city and Ohiopgo. u to rank in popu- lation, uhnll bodonitol uttlod in fnvl or 0! St. Louin. Tho Ither In very proud and drunk w'non he wu mot by I nonpnor reporter nnd nid: I'm drun ( io) nod, bogoruh, you can print that mo, for I mun who wouldn't cele- bnto font bobiu at one: in A buto and --- Q9--T. .;,....',py_ onvmnkuou Anuuoo} nzrAmnt: -- 'l'ho Liootonant losdor oi tho Tory Opposition woo candid onough to Inako tho adniooioo nu night um i.hor_o had boon spa:-tial withdrowol oi tho oonldonoo not only oi tho country but of `this gity from his Chioitoin. Local Tories havo boon vory slowto rooogolxo tllislgloringly . potout ioot. but now that tho Iiloglioino man /aooonpanyin; the Ohio! hos admit- tod it, Kingston Gonsorutivoo may aa woll open thoir oyos and soo it too. Ho (Dr. Tuppor) was sorry that tho cooli- donoo oi tho pooplo horo should havo boon i In tho sllghtoot oxtont withdrawn. Ho olso divulgod tho soinowhot lsto but rath- orshttling opon oootot that ssid with- drawal woo owing to `tho rovolstionso oi tho Psoiiio Scandal. Quito so. Tho invortod growth of Sir John : majoritios which hsvriottotly boon growing smaller by jumps and wondoriully lou, might hsvo boon trinuphontly citod by tho Dr. as oiroumztantiol prooi oi tho oorrootnes' oi his statolnont, in tho. oovon you-o olapoing botwoon 1867 out! 1874 said mojoritios having iallon ii-on our 600 to tho paltry oloctoral surplus of l7, `Ro- aotion' is not a now oxporionoo with our Insmbot. it hos boon sottlnn in strongly saoinst him hero in: yoars with tho sbovo roonlt. No ono knows this bottor than tho local Torloo who by only possible moans on trying tholr foobfo host to nily tho doparting strougth of I falling and hopolsss unso. Thoro In some on- `;:u `sun at tho dolnonotration oi last on but it was tho onthusiasm oi dos- 100 lbs. . . . Faxuily" I00 GMI1l-Bar|oy per lmslnel.. - Rye Po II It __. i`|.on--xxx per bM.. mo ll Out: " " . Wheat " . Inr- linepor I00 Ina. . Pork.1wrl00llm.. Mutton per lh. ... Haul " Iuutul 1 Rum" .. .. .. B`cu HlDI`.I-No.1--luspected... No.`2......... ;ucu_uE. Lsgum, STO__Y_ES. ' ..n.a'``s' ..1`.i.`."s':.'.`' ' U H W hard... .. coal i,a_umea.. glucose. . arm r . . Ouionirpic); bush`. ` Beau per bush... llay,po-r tuu St.-yr ` I 0.1....--.... . . . . . .., No. 3 ll idea (all kindn.` Gmbby Hides ...... . . Shoe palu .... . . .. Call` km: perlh. . . . .. . . Daacou Skim ........ . . P0|'Itlon. (hep: . NWII ........... . . Dnrks per pair ........ .. I-`uvrln par pair ...... .. . uu..-Pomu.u-u, pill` bug. Cabbage: `rtlnlon Buter.pu . per lb .... . . do print..." Eggmpe down Lard. . .r..... Tallow randerwh... IY- l`x1r|u-ynmmu-la. . .` Chickens. }I('I` 1-nir.. Goeumu-In ........ .. RSMINDSRS. ANOTHER DIED. l.`;`_""'-\0ltdIh1|k.u| plnclllu-'p?I'I. I no Wuut In-nu Wno quash the emulation onhuubtud hulwonllypo pcu.hu|gl'Il1yhpoout.hnlvuuo!In long uuuuoa ul.` A `I14 nnlunnnn anal: aunt!-ad an-in-Q n A1` TB BAZAAR. lnmme BROS- |i;n;tna`wo`imr;:] [BAZAAR] IA .\'l-e Lot of Puu-applet and! Sharla-Ha. luut be old without mu-n,oaunou go: TUESDAY EVKNll0.3IlJuu silo . anal Auction llohn on? TUFIDXY `NI Ull- mv and urvam xvnuuui ulllnll a. nnhl, - pm. In. duh. shuns: V SOMETHING NEW. Icicnmiinlcuits an rnaou rnmunio wt cum 1' III J. G. Stmttnn a 60's Stock| TM Dun Iutnn who In cmubud n-I nultduuluanouaophnnnlulvthu my pp: pal-Ed bins `hunts. and lauul. fhhqln uupnnto niyuulru who v|n\gIaIuIundniIuouIeu||noItH panohchcrpopn. Thu Hutu luau: Wan nasal; uh. and IATUIDAY EVIIIIIII IIIIIIII lnnold. u-rum. us during down gmcly rodueod print. OKLA IAIILLAI. Chino. Orookoff. and Glnuuvvoro. rrtunau Grocery. out lmulal I rIVW() SPRING WAGGONE Ind I III : ulna Wllllo Thu. At the Cheap Bro or`: WI DAVID U. Prlnmu SINGL Juan 7. I877. ` A\I'ISnI$ ll KUWIEH `I. I15 f0Iulm U in I Ion mtheutun Barge INDIAN. now Iylng at lnpwm (`unity 250,000 toot Lumber; hu 1 III `2 Ahohon And claim. In in good mndltfoll III math for freight will bo mm by Public Anathn at Dawn wimr. 50 Bin mm.on tho rwnkwv-snvnnu nu OI` `SURE it I! q`o|ot\l, noon. Duet! sci: Juno. um. ' For further porouhrl Ippl] .10 Hours. Wm. Power 01. Co.. Klnpuon or to the undu- aiguml. MACDONHELL IL IUDIB. TENDERS Will be [lea-Tlved `= until the III Int.` All turn:-mum: and penile to aw 0ln'_ Stocknu. by by ddxolllg Wlth Lubln'| at Comln_v'a l'Il'UIlB.um Atkiuoon'o En Iinh Prrfuuno. Also In tholum bont.,_SlI.K .l.AB l`lC 81`0CKl 03 AND Kuue (`up|.BemIlc:l Ilirroro. Punch lion D:-uuing Combo. ho. _ THE T(;CK IS ALL _N'EW. WILL Sl- LK,(.'l`ID AND HOUOHT CHILI . qlmvod Tb-Day : Twoulwsovcn Case: lured! from New York, the very talut nylon In Fall and Straw llatu. 4 mi Moo Law 6 AMI.`- BICAN (IA 8, bought or oath," Io be told at Mu-vl mu ed, at IIYDIAIWH 1141' I! BE. Ihvojnst rooelvod dlnot mun lfrueo. noon rlournuortluont of tho mun Convu sud llonouvo 0|: nu.-maultahl for 31] ago: antido- grou of night. - v flies? french Lavender and , Oologne Waters, With Lubiirn ac Comlniy 0 l ERli'UlE8.And -Atkinson : Emz|iAh Perfuuus. Also by IWKII1. IDVRY Goo:Ds.| SPECTACLEE Kuae Unpl. Bevollczl Ilirl-on. Fronoh u: Dreuin Iodlolnon obtain my thin dnl-In; tho night by dnging the bell. I Dissolution _t1':I artnarsh1'p.| m-: mu: or c. n. LAVELL & 00., ha: been djuolvosl thhdny `u mutual con- sent. All debt: due the Inc nu mun In run AT mm: in order to close up the lxooh. TL. '\rna Innnlnnnn nf elm nhnvn -HI hungr- of the late firm. I'll AT HUI Ill IlI'|lU|' WU ("ll P IUD l.IIl\l I. The Drug lmninou of the above will boon` rlod on by C. H- LAVELL. who bultllorilod to r6oI|i\'o 3!! accounts and pI_V_I|l lhbllitlu . , C. II. LAVILL & C0. . Kintnlnn .h`mn 9, I877` EXUIIRSIUN N1 MONTREE AND RETURN`! aa.;iig gratin -'a71{i}{{ lanufagurlng Oonhdluuorc. KKK` Jun 0. In. `I W. ABRAHS bu nIOVd - o tux-nl. Implement. Sloth`. ,Or- a nud ginuot Wuwoorn to um ll!:u;:?I u use near 0 na 1- '0 Gm;-2-yl. qlrdorn tlloubcu lug chap- anon . mph I an ' . Nom u-h|luo bola: an lllzl. PP Juno 7, I877. ,.- Town of Pioton. U NDER A POWER OF` SALE eonuinod o..the Chum low Iylng (`unity 2503001003 C. H. Kiuuwn. Juno 2, I872. AWUC T I (TNT A~$a,oop srocx c,_%Ir. I.ATTLi. co.` nntonu rnninl THURSDAY EVINO JUNE H7, nnmgvnn} % TIII BALANCE 0|` F59? wsiio/.. DIIINH WAIIIIIINR nnd 1.01 0! "RNA an-aha-rie IUDIB. Vendor : lolloiton. Ilnntou. BOX 22. D! l"`lY\H OI I- CKLI. lollbbnl. Luciana PILTON, on. {____ numvmon gztgeut. |:.t:.~ms?5.~, '--==- uunoonon t (.20 `I`CIlCwI I III!!! a ' Mada hr um ._ (.11: I (an nm' If YOU WAIT TO RAVI IOIIY I ALL IIIDI OI IIATIIIII 0 II 00 To `fill Ooldon uon Grocery. W- Ooldon Llon Oroooiy. Holland [N000 `I'D TH! -A.:__ I I... 01...`... In In onnarror um: "Em 0:111:25 Ira nizrggs 'rnmsx| POI A GOOD AID OIIIAP IIAI-(I0 TO THE , 4n_n_n,_. llA_ l'I_._-: TI! IAl2F__PINl8- ronnnnnu ncnur won uo"f'o mu '1' Iul 'I'lII IIII1` POUND 0? TIA I'0I `ll LIAIT IONIY 00 T0 I 3| I I`\&i ON the Southwest quu-taro! Lot N. tn the Int Coneeuimn of an Townnhip of Klu- nu uululnlnu 50 Ann of non! olltluud Bani. III two Dwell ng Houu.Joc caplet`; lonr Well: of vnmrmn-14 Aotono III Omhud. In eondltjonmlth fruit. Them In on new 11:. lnlolyhullt. one 4030. I80 0Ip|U`| loll! wall: In wnwnnuu 1 auvnu-u In Inn an otng Intel `angling. but v o Proport lo situated near the ortb Iouljvo min hoax ms nu. `I'M property on he punhuod M pg tag on third down. For further psl1|oII- cu no In harm: or other-who. Apply to lllll lll (`nun-9. If!!! It llatlnl or rluwrwuu` nppu, W was. onvuo. ovum. The (in I k ........._'....::...' .""-- mm ....__.,.....,-_... __,__ 7_ vv_ IIII Ivuv nu, -or vnvu fnncun ltrgel. Ilnnlon. Ru 3 good But Pnnn sad at new I-`nmo Dwelling ready to movo in for whirl: he oon 0 pay for work done thernon. or hnlftha prot umbh might be and l.hert9of.wilh the right. _ol' throo you: of the land he alga-ed Apply ' to thu owner. I ' 5n'!":`"lia"T'I `ium | wILLi;:'"j3AvIn, | DEZALICB IN New and Second Hand Goods Dplltr in Orin: `Dior. |J. Y. PAnK;1ILL,| A Good Chance for seniors?- son with a Small Family. Wm. Dam, Broker, Iurget. Ilunlon. |mm snmigf Tomamant.| l`n ha hair! :1 Hum CRYRTAI. I-'Al.A(`}C` U'I- TI. -JIJIIIIKWF U C. V. W-III. .TIo o|ahnhnl'lonrLnI Glut Ho'l1`n. and 500 Ballmuoou Inun , nml vullbo that 0 ' us In onto cub. Q THE STREET CARS` run divert to the Ground; COPIO!` of III; 1;! Clonce G"; Jun 6357?. --.- _.`..,_... --....-.V ... . ....._... On. I'I'iEluy. run. any ...as_- gun ...u.n-nu-on ..-n - ---n IT 13 l`BiSUKPANR2I) BY ANY (`TREK NATIVE WINE. }It in Roconnnomled by the Medical Faculty. `"i. 3. ! HIB Ul`0||IN-II Entruaoo to Grounds `J. -c. Indian froo. Rt kelhmonu on tho (muml. Uluu Hhooung. coupon:-In; At It) un. I-`|R8T-A much at ulnuualh. lolnlll cub, $2.00; can-not to Iaudividod Into three Priwn. E(?()ND M.-\1`CH--A Hwoomteak ll Pl- l7I l.A`I'IO!. Pr! . V - 8,fe(.)()ND MATCH--A Succession! goonn. 03,- onlrnnootoho livid Into 3 prison.` THIRD HA'I`CK-lr. C. I". Whqal bah `I00 that he kllIn.'u0 Plgniuln fl minutes. and Ioulu hh own gun. The bird: `tn [:0 on the wing ~ when shot at. `I'M: mnmhhqmnwnooa at ' three are ' Ilmrp. , Juno 6, . laornar Fruit Store.| Iviclnrial It Is Used by Ilomdreda of (`cm- [STRAWBEBRESI [HAS A RR [V152 Dsl GRAPE ` 'VV'IIN' ES I 8MITIl 8 CELEBRATE PURE I uAIn'idc|ALaLAss Inf .1-v- -----.-a --- To be hold at the CRYSTAL PALACE` GROU,DR, Kinpulu. Cnnuh. -u_. :|_A`_'n__ w_--_ an4u. Vnnvl mvm_ucm. `ALLEN as Rica, T11`) lln Golden Lion Oroobry. gregarious for ('ommum ou ' Pu rpouen. ur IVIII uiublurl nun. 'Fmx'(':":ia"T!n 'r',"|'('|' a1rr3.' 0-olden mo: `I-|';t;.oi'V)'. I\l I III Golden Idol (lrorory. ooue."i.iJ-'iir.eq. . 9 Pine Apples, Tomnloc. ruixes V and lmuoln ucluvzu mum nus: _ 1'0 - inn: PRINCESS s'nu:`I:r. an lull`? ' , }, um. KS, 1877. ANNOUNCEMENT. `FORV8ALE' 9 ha nnthiut murmur of Int I4 IIIIIOID NAIF`: "A FEW nAmu:I. - lgthvihl and I',"I iI'?`3tucI. Notice. II _- _..- bland: BOLD BY "'EXi$U6H~ '17-n'a'ooI" ` arehuusel in ulnhuu 9 K . - 2...... , any , lllnm. nu- -the I3-F-'9'-'-run.-.-.2.-.2 `:3 In an at the noun: ltngl-our`- `l`Il0IOLD' all hjorluoutb at Pun Iobhui. yhmk hon M the rod` bu hgluurn . LLAND Ccnlruhn nnnquoud to hot In-Ind J. awnnuunbla; :. AI:l'()l`.rDl. nu mum. ' mu` lulu lb! uh` kligvmlo ` Alumina: to! about Ivomlu of thouo|.lh- Junta dovnwud. top Ibo! with thcoubiouou ulna Ajuuiuot out Oct II Inc! 0 hot lacuna the canal admin nruWolLu.pI_onudnbumouu l U*U..O- .0. ' Aqua I 0! I50 (Poul frown Inc`: It Oolhouo. in-Iudlu Ibo CC I11! Iouhpvolx and onpplt no. is .I0. -uh--en In as h units: a. u-nu r In ad the loamy. uldlh I.hnINu.bnshorw|I|n own vi v-----wuv--u vi --u-vw-wv The ma loan. can oolobnna cumma, unmet nor: and Iunfulllng uulwrium an all rhounao nd chrome oomplllnlmopon man an: In to Oolohor. Bonn I: boot and mu from Ilunnol and omu. Kztlontn umnn. lpoohl In-Ilv nun. loud for clrculu. The run: at . Ayah rated. Adclnu tho Crud H CO: Lmtnvo. art `almost: II. IALID TINDIII. uldnun-I lo Iha un- do . ad ollbnul "Tuder [or an ` Welland I." will to nnolvdct elm me. until Ibounlnl of the lantern nd Wont:-nu poll: on `l'lIDIIDAY.tbo {uh an M JULY IIHJII IUIMIII gh: urlha on-maul hon I`I Panda! told. Iohllalburg smnusu Ihocngni-loch: ol . un |oo|.|'InrJ lat. fl column, 5:! plot! and shot- Nflhc. A Alnmtho alumnus or um um; Wullmd um nnmment. mm ro7Io"m'ucrons For which I would calm: the puronngo of my prawn cannon. and u mun now one: an _ may {nor-0 will u all. All kind: of want ooineoted with the hnylnou dotu on: ma Ibothu notice. WIIIH. ` IVIIY IUHDAY II\'l'.'NlN(l 1| o'clock. PIIIIII` all th Ba Idn. i.-mlmling Luhiuo. lotnrlllg luvu nmmol angry THUIIDAY II loan. Iotuni uokm pt ro- dncod min. A I to P , A. (JUNK In CU. For Hontroal nd Way Ports. .anEBc.'.9'..u".;'.n 1!."l.'.`$.`."A'.`-.'F-"3 % Wm:-f. IVIIY IIDNDAY E\'l1'.N IN nl TUIDILID BIIIIHI. IOIVGO HI NR] Wlnrf. IVIIY IUNDAY EVICNINO u u'u|oel. rumlnn all In Knnldn. hcludim !."T7.7%r%.`?.`A`.E`T!'.`. .'T" .`.3?!!".$: 'VV'INE. DUNN, THANIING IY NUIEBOUU ClY8'l`()l Hus for the liberal support bestowed on ml alum commencing hlfncu. nml I would with to Inform (Inn. I) intend Mrrylnc on Plumbing and Gas Fmlng as well as Ijlnsmllhlu. qlroznnnj or T DRY GOODS, ' A` |"I[-eolilon rccpoothllly iuvto:l. R. &J.GAR.D1N'1:R Iny 29.177. T Alblf X . --I".mn Inuit: the loud Pyulunln at Ihhanln afoul fan: Tonnhhh Herb: 0, on I 0 Inns. and lndoxnibly The vtllngu ollcnlt uni Iorlfq have but `u an mlh and uII|uuu.ua uvhnbu du- nd. Iahhnnnd-I, Juno 5, INT. lI\lL' Juno 6. 1371.` A lnrrstnol 1 Chan! Spot, 0 Tlulo. } \` Qrugdlng. V0 ) A 1017 ` luck of Button: and Trim`- nn up 0 cvory description |Id`f(\f every purpou ~ A large snort-on o NEW KID (ll.()\'Es ` In olqnl. ohdu. ' ..`_ _ ` .. _ _ Auihq uwshuzu in Ribbon. Alla. Inlk and Wanted l-`ringn in `now 3'J"0I- her with A In .2 ununuulnl of White In!!! (ioodn. lfoah. Lnvnl. l*'l- Filth: and ltrinu; Ilsa wlmlo V-m-1|": A stock we mw mmnvo our about by umwd at line moat mn- ooulvlo prloa. rnnssnas 9/r}Rx::y,__ May I. I377. 4 km but of Hand `wan Iulm-i-Iariu. 145.` am. Thu. cm... can. nun'um, H; & J. cnnulum * mus` volnii u uh and i-i""` J -up-I N01-ICE- A uiun storm or :1` PRl}.ICl8S STREET. K II'.'7 `RAVE NOW ul mxf` :\'EILlH(h$. I. ........,., ....... .~ "From thb much ol Sir John Mao- domld And Dr. Tuppu to-n` tnfoocj lnny Inrniun nu buln indn od nu lo thug: ual purpl1:'.t. `r.J`uppor in hit spoon upnuod gnu ulntion for us: John And hi: dovotion to the nu hoodod by Inn. Sir John in turn upon highly of the ability of Dr. Tnppor And of than he had nodud {won him. and an him an tho on roll nblo to ascend his lntholudonhipoHho0on- utntivo party. Not once but nnul than did he speak of Dr. lnppor u the coming lculor. and Connrnlinu mud Rolumonuo questioning if it is null; Sir John Hudonoldh intention to than- don the laulonhip And uh 3 Ian ardu- on position in the nah. `no ranch ol lob can roll but oh construc- tion It C any Itnining. To Me Editor of Mo lhitiak Whig. In.--\Vith nlouuoo to your rotor! nprdh. Ihouuidoul to DI. [Japan In Trad n Wnnu, and tho Decca`: luur in Int Iughfn. It would In nthlntory to the Doubt`: nncn-no punk and II-londotohov Iholhttluo Iuoiwu Iolsnnniu thbo Iluafpsiudlin the an ptoloulou on the . AI Inn! to the lat qucuion will name song. white: 150 again II` I00. AI Anton llorllll. ; asisisgo-anus-mucosa- ` loos. but wanna . gum . tcvemost'st'steomea." thstwearecow ' common representative puoperty. not of ` hispoeket borough, and hen he is in V etatetoremomber" the place that lint ` w of the retention of his hold on this con- ` not with a steadily diminishing effect g ' pathetic allusions toesrlier times will not - political disgrace and dishonour. and the term of his membership the longer the Ii-at-his . , -- avereaolilottmehohumth sOt. isrunsaau. was is is-uusu unto eateadedloasselIao_mbessUP.: an watL Local` ialamtehsveboeeby.him mestssolIedy,nsmsttm'lIy.aal eso- yll.mooIegeoraslvmAobaI's we exereiso II! Qvlsblo y`rivilqoel aoecrdingoor . mung-tons...-so, fromtbe tat blbisvsry greptaeasis necessarily the Kiapton merely. but the entire country. 1 While Sir John`is under the cloud,"- to which Topper leelingly al- luded lastnight, isoleonrae unableto ; do anything to advance-.the interests of ; power the ready excuse tsiienced our I lair expectation was that he was too much ongroeud oith the slain of gave him a pdlitical existonoef Well ` might Dr. Topper sayothot he _ had long - wished to visit the citizens of Kingston to personally thank them for giving the inestimable boon of Sir John s career tn Canadian public life. No wonder that Dr. Topper and his Tory collesjusa iu the House `and country thus candidly conleas that the party is insolvently in- dobted to this city {or its blind and als- vish devotion to the man of clean hands and broken pledges. But this length oi s pi-vice cry is about played out. It will have but the one elfect. oi oonllzming` tho ppblic conviction which , has boon growing and deepening for years, andqiring fresh evi. dence of its existence at each recurring election, that we have too long bgen dis- franohised, and that, as member for King- ston, the chieftsin is fully entitled to a superannuation ststua No cry in favour stituency was raised last night that hao been repeatedly-employed before. The avail the chieltain now. 'l'he.l`act that the ancestors of his prosent supporters sent him to parliament thirty years ago is certainly no discredit to the man of the olden time. John A. Macdonald of that tinge was not the corrupt Sir John" ol to:day. Since then he has repeatedly betrayed his constituents, violated the most solemn prolniaee. and trampled the public honour under loot. Had he not been checked and rebuked by an outraged public sentiment, stung to the quick with the shame of a great humiliation at the horrible revelations` of his cor rnption, he would have soon rendered the very name of Canada a synonym for byword for all that is bad among the nations of the earth. We venture the opinion 'that the very men who thirty- threo years ago sent him to Parliament ` fnllof confidence in his coming career I would recoil aghast from the least on- dorsement of political crimes of which be his in his later years been guilty. At any rate this length of service plea is buts forlorn consolation to the King- stonisns of 'to-day, who lsirly demand some practical account of this too long- extonded stewardship. The longer the blank of our political dia!rsnchiaoment- ablank-which has been dolsced by that public dishonour which he has reected upon uses the only return he has ever -thought it incumbent upon him to make for our thirty years cl slavish patience and misplaced condence; A duptoh to Warm, and Im owning. nod: :- (lI`..-. AKA -_--I.- -1 Bi- I-L_ Il-- I .. Juno 0. I077. n_o Liumuou. -mm} Kins." IIIZTT G IIIj&IuIU'II-f-I-5. wug In pontbdun Io gndouly gauche hhnl Innhillnllol NI ooulhyvbttvdpohdiau lhyould cntuthuuollpcoakinpau. `I'M pnuutovcn-uluhud thodntyto lpuuM..undl\IIIinnuiIlho puudkudolbibynnuuuloluo M.-nllnprnhlnnlln Inlnddnnllll CUIIIICY. I1 C IN- "LI Aulom luqrlun. Ir. ooIcO0`Z"CDll$vdl.hu Ihutulp-hlv. Iponvhd unan- shading It. llcqhoup unuollho hnIhhoy;whuBhvntohvo`.bo u-uuocunu.onoaa-uaupnu udouldnoi-and-I. llohltlhu an-ulnjui-nu Iulnfd-no lo the Clinton (in-hilt) lhqdlhnhlhlhn ..-h.nhn-nlAnuh- Lnnlnlnnn-` jjvtjivvn W nuaoubuuo uuhu,hubohdn- -....._A.J|I...-.M..l...h.A. Lu... WI-I U-vw uvw-u-qr -v y-Iv -vIv uh: nodlhbhlo be divided lubu-my puloplloluvuupnq In Int-an Mn pauhycu-eloqyucu ddqduly. on, _,, n__-..__ ___._1...; .g,. 1!. vv-UZ jid CCU IV`-Ivvv IoIO]IIIlIQ|fIl|,0hInlIO]50'0ll| huh viola township--no pd:-I nun nL._ ...AL.-_.-A MALI. In L. Jlnhlnl Dr. Houlouon mid the connmu nnlglqtho upon upon wild uoopon to can. Add up: than:-ptlon 0! Ir. Ihplnnofo dullgluqtlcoc duty M hailed. Tho Ru. JJ. logs! palatal out up than an no path! npuuiun undu onl. Thollnd boloupdto Funk- radehuIy.auau1.uu_puoa..aco Stirling burly. ` QIIIIIII I1 [I33 WI, II '1 v vv pa-mu that tho In-lath! x will pt-iuhnanlpulplnloboldoololby He had pubs. Wuulhloliln _._.. A-_.-.- Lgdnp-gland-anlnl TW"UIIn The Archdeacon mud` ch! in bud pnuu-od oohoqu "to pay the 01,000 out to Mr. oplnonuuh pnllauco. In unord- IIQ Iith Ila porn, IIII tho Bishop would nucin it, u chub) In would Ioll MIR. ll- n.|A__.I._.... ..-- 1.... A- l._,... Row. Ir. Fol-nut. ll than van that distinct win: 0! tin noun enunciated, now] that it In nforud to a committee oonpond ol the Ru. J. J. lopu. Ru. 0. B. Pam, luau. Walton, Kirkpa- rich and Manny; tho Oldlndon and 147 Bcmuty. tn- Anna-M. .1.|~l lllnl In Ln! TI VI '19: Hr. Guldonloou no (apt to Imuw that mat than In about it. nn,_.|,-,._ __|.I AL- ______.u-_ Iva . The Biehop diaapproved of a Com. mittee upon the enbjeot, He and `the late Archdeacon Patton. had at rnuoh,peraoualloae aecured thie Doroheater Globe, by theaale of which the 81,000 in diepnte waa realized. They ooneidered that the Townahip ol Sidney, the municipality |in which it laid, wae alene entitled.it,and an it had no church, bntagood proepeot at Franktord they , decided that whatever clergyman held aervioe at Franklord ehould receive the intereat. The Incumbent of Stirling eer- vad the place for a `while, but the people of Frankfort] objected. The Rev. hlr. Stepheneon wrote hlrneelf that the church doore were cloeod ageinnt him. [Mr. Stephonaon-l deny that, My Lord, diatinetly.j- Well my ward-againat youre 3 At any rate the people of Pranklord pe- tloned to be attached to Trenton. and he must any it wee eo attached with good ` reenlle, for he thia week held eoulirma- tion eervioee there. He would have been vplealod it Mr. Stephenaou waa well re- oeived in Franldord, but he had to take a wider view than he doee in the inter- eete of the Church. A__l_A__, L_,:_ -As. III nuuv. -u. uwyu---u -5-. -.u-- od `hut his Globe nuuuouu one 0! tho Ipooial inducement: ol ' _ pl-aunt in- omnhonoy. H: cu in; to npuk, but In Had to order by Ounqn Blun doll. The Archdeacon tlodnnd that the no- nu belonged to Ynnklocd and no other plan. (A voles -1106 Oh! honton.) II It. Stephenson hi hhn hi: ndvioo he would not ban Colon Stirling. n- nn-..L-..-..,l 0...]. cl. Di.I.....'. Wlllll IIUI IIIVI tutu wanna.- Ir. Stephenson-I look the Binhoph intend, and "gut in. -1-, .L,,,'_. Tho Synod. not It lhrOo.o c|ock and the uncut! item can IN: uotioo of Ihotion pp! no bin np._ ____._.._ _. ....._._. .- -. _.._..-p... mp. cum nnmuu -riparian hie Ilobp for the unending or the u- `. port 0! the Committee on Kenna-iele o? 1876, ineofer ee it Men to moneye in- veeted by the Synod, eridnq heath! eele oi lend ii Sidney, ee the action te- ken in eeid to be ultra tires. The Revd. Genoa epoh wit-Ii greet eeneetneu upon ghe subject, deolering `Chet the (nude could not `be diepoeed 01 u the report provided, and the the {nee-Inbenoy `o! Sgirlin hed no chin to it Ivhetever. The rev. gentlelneli eleo deolued in very plein llumllxo {Or chrietien dieenleion, Chet the Rev. R. L. Blepheneon, Incum- bent oi Stirling. bed teken e nun end underhend ooune in this matter let the eei Syngd` eeeeion, Ietetement `thinly Mr. 8. immedietely chellenged, with the full eympethy-of Synod. Mr. , Uleeedell eleo epoko of preeohere who were more epiritliel equetten or went to Frnuklprd on putferenoe. The Rev. B. L. Stephenson declared thet he we: the logel inounibent of Stir- ling end Frenhlord, eent by the Biehop, end upon no eulferenee Ivhetever. Ho wee egein end again eolloited by Hi: hordehip in eooept the inoulnbenny, end nelly had done so under theproniine 0; receiving the eniolumente of the whole perish, which distinctly included Freak- ford. L11: Lordehip hed promieed him hie lioenee to this eect within 24 houre, but he bed `been compelled 'to nerve- without it all thin tine; end now Frank- lord etetion wee taken from him end It- teched to Mr. Bleudell'e Rectory of Trenton. Of thie he would not be no pertioulnr, if Stirling end Frenkford were not together one of the poorelt end moat ntrnggling periehee in the Diocou, end yet he did not ask the reltitution ' on this ground elone, but ehieyu 3 right to himself. He red 3 certicate from the euietant Ooniniuiouer of Crown ~ Lends, proving tht the Globe wu no trues, but e grunt of Clergy Reeervee for general religion: pnrpoeee in Sidney. lie eleo preeented e hietory of the Globe since 1789, proving it to here been` 3 tanner ettenhment of the Belleville Roo- WI7. \: t rm.- n:_|.-_ .1: _____ --.I -0 . 0...... C II) DCTIH III 3!]: nut puuuuul nlcnlnn, 5 new national policy in to ho iangunhul. Protoodouol hone num- kotul-uh all of the plain, which, on than-and cl Ill-J"ohn, mun. iuorlod 1. do phuot-nu ol the Adnlniunuou which in to ruin: tho M hdndrioo ol thilcogntryonlohll |duIIII1._ Ullutily for all Islamic Ibo pvonhu 33 undo L- -1- lulu Il..J....LI [In-`.1 I.`, [smoo or Lgunmoj A lively OI Ilsslon} -Agata The Rev. Canon Preston, A former ,in- cumbent. leernod now, he said, [or the tint time that be we: on I with` un- licensed npbondn or went to Funk- lord to punch on eulonnoe. He hed,he believed, noted upon the Bishop : ljoohne. He eomplinenhd Oenon Bleudell upon hie ne exhibition of the eleganciee of the Trenton School` ol Oratory. .5 u n. u '. ._,. Ilavlhlhu I0! Oololn ____.. _.._ - t_...A L...--4 lL._ L.l.._- nu vn uuvv .... u. Tlu Roi. Mr. lbphunon ipin mm- ..| 41... |.:-n|.).- ...-..... -.. AIIA nl oh. run nnrrxsn wme. Tnvusuu, JUNE 7.1577. a"&.""""..=T.c' n. lfitwih oors z:':,..nu 7.-Im.- my 90 nutulhonnoun h I I N . Li. Jun duh Dil- Amug tho Olnndn prlooun pau- tb h the Ioihda, man in way, an dhunol-dud un- nuilnhot _ - A an-bu dunes In the laud nhlnal In tannin`, [All Isl jut: u; - uvvcuvvnuuw -- hluodlctnhlngtblalnuduoltlo ulntrytishhulnlobldoldu./With tlononuqohllhh pnthnubuh cnuuun his public jndgnut, IS an ! N _ .._;..1. AL.` AL. hi.-bl-I An-an rill uunul ll Iuponu. uwu sunny; in om to punk. union. loan but pnpanuou It Intuit W hizoanndyh ohidnopun an arluuhry pubic. DIn'nnAntindnjnE twin`- pnI-u.A Dun'oouo|uodo|nuo|I muo- ug an-undo; Burl Onyn v|I|IoI,t|opdkyolbu nun nu --vu-y-cu-- nu -|nvunuu'. !I'ho Autrhu oomuudor 5! Anna Inn lotbtddcn any Inn bulongi to tho ro-~ Inn! to loan Ii: diltriot. NI icon in- Illouiuu ol Iii ' A attic. All0ruo.o'huuni:Idi|:'n:,nn;l H II: uwulon ol I run policy by Alums Allrooouh united in Iuppond 0oV0l:lI|`O:.I fur the 6:: Gino in 0:` count paths II 000 wishouurb. `noon: al the u cl Idopnlual. El ll`. Tho an No nynlm Auurlohu holly on-sound in Quad Oh nomi- ntlon (Ibo uny Ilduuulpil at an navy, and in union ly puny to , vboucot lusty hdnon Gunny and `sauna. llnn nl......1._ ndnn-1 max. Will. Constantinople, an the Suez Canal cog: Ruuin. Annnn Jun. '7 _ I\IlIIlI- uu, Juno 7.-CnIuuln have infor- muion that the Turn ware ddootod in An onnngenont on thdnonthlrn (1-omior. Fi hung mlloontinuu uur Dug: PAH. lninh'. Jun: 7.--I rinm Chulnn ol at. London, My 7.-'l`lu Ruuim police, owing totho npuatipn ol Rouuum II n pthuing phat for Polo: sud turbulnnt olm-noun. have doomed it uoouury to an nun negation: for the Our`: nhty. Bad u sanding 3 ho ol noon: police. they ddlnndod unlimited right of unut. York June 7.-Tha Bmla ublouz: ;--fn..uua tluuboludol ms. nu -HI Ina. nu. Tn-Lhh .._. lG'$$lIl1II'j t fIV-i-u------ hylit John Iulould. llonva Mr cothovlu,|hultn.IlIoyuuiuolvd hllolbld cl cnunidnuruqidou. nQ1,_ I- ___..L.I... L. --gh-pl-n Ihl Ill ul will join tho TIIIUIII Ill] nutncotl." nuns! nnnptigl -3" low IL` lnngnnign IUII -3. Oonrlnnrthl willtry the Oinuuin ugiuolmtn the Russian urvloo which audited and Maud to ght against chair co-nligiouhu. A man onnplo willlnuodo. ' 14.. .....lo ._....- n.- m.....:... o........ IOIOOIII. The Roumnuinn Gnu:-nmont will pro- blbly oonunt to proolsim 9 mm of nogo which would permit of the uooptiounl mouuru dumd. Tho Russian: no complaining of tho ill will And diluted- nou of the Eoumsniuu, and the latter of the otfennivo snd ulmoot brntpl bolnviour of Ruuiau oioou. nnnhnninnnlg Inn. '7 _n ;. .o.o.4I OI IVIIIIIIII OIIIXTI. Cannununoplo, Juno 7. -It it stated tho Porto in About to and a noble Athonn relative to the Greek Armaments. Ynnalnn Jun. 7 __'l'hn mu-noun lhgl AHIODI TCIIIIVO I0 U10 U300` CFQIDCIU. London, Juno 7.--The rumours, thut Load Du-by Iotiod -the On: that as noon at the Russian own the Danube. Enalnnl will win Egypt and bold but u I beluga for the ufoty of the Sun Cu- nal have um Egyptian land: up 5 per cum. nnnonnlinnnlg lung '1 _N.-l..H..-. VIII 3 CU- Tlu fovolt union: the Oiuuuin Imp in Roulmnh in spending. NI. An-ntdnn auunnnnulgn :6 A--_ I... um in on, exuuuvo or vnunmu. Lon on, June 1.-The arrival of tho Cur gt Plujnti Ill xnndo the occasion of one of the nndut late: on record. The none` 1: t 0 roiluy agation wu`indo~ ncribablo. Popular and Ital unicorn and foreign military attaches united in the welcome. 'I`|u. Dnunmnlnn fl.`-4-n....-..A _:Il ..... I'l nun; IIIII MPIIIIIIUX IIUT uugl ru- l|jooh', Juno 7.--I rinco Chnlu of Roumnnin will arrive to-dny to this tho Cnr. nu: Gilli! lulu nuueel In new `nu-nvy. , Kr. Metheweon. of Peii, In oi opinion that Mr. Btepheneon entered upon all the emoluments olV_8ti_|-ling end Fnnkfond, end ehould eonlieue to `re, ceive them Io long me he In incumbent. When he reeigned my might be proper- ly dispueed of in favour of Trenton or Frenkiord elone. ` In cut on ,,,, 1 ,-..,_| _ ,,s -~, Itomo, J um 7.- Tho roooiptn from the Pope : jutllp won six And I lnlf million lire in old, exclusive of nlunblu. Lnn nn. Jnnn 1.--Thu Arrival nf tho Ilmljlll II IUIII 3 I Iwuun -unu for his Mlouu, AM no In thud Mn Tory udltonbydolnllgtbpoliqoln imaginary tanning Tory Oonnnut. Among Ibo any public bulb which an to honld the loyal lop polmnq _m_..1_.. - ..-_ ..nn-.I India: In In L: l`iluuann.l mound to Ruuiuul ltoumauia in a Stage of Simon Waruka Poucy of Austria, F Mr.\c. A. Kin`-kpurick auuoud am the land: um manly nunu, sud oould be tiudu outaidool tho tovnnlip, j ulaldtil `Emgovn won hold lot KIIIQIIII ROI- Iory. `Tho; worn notlllldlll. II. I. ........ -1 'I".-6.- an-4|- n.nAn. Inn . IIIU Ivar IIIIIU t!-I-|u Mr. Young, of Trenton, undo tut] vigoroui vpooch, oontlonnbg any ol the argument: 0! tho debut; a unnum- IMO, upplaudinu the ability whiohno Inwyooi Bybod dinplayod, and "unall- Iug. In-g'c'und unllinftod oouidonoo in The equity and Ability of tho` _BIAhop. I`: Ilgu;-nan ll vdilh -3: n' The Bilhop nmukgd tin} thin Iu nd Ipocinl trout, but tint the Synod uhould [go guided by common some in `dealing with it. Tho land Jvu .ginn for tho upitituul benet of Sidney,` sud Funk- cora .1&n., .o fur, Ind nright am. Now it hud began diupoud of st the imtuwo [of Fnnkfard people, and Ill It the dis- po|alof tho `minister-' doing duty for them. 'l`hnt clergymnn was the Rector of Trenton. ,, ! ,, , __.__,_.'_A,k --J ..A-_ Among other senutional item: of this. nature reported today it 1 delpntch from Belgrujo mention: 3 rumour thnt Turkey bu onrod to pay tivo lnilliuda war in- demnity, and to Illow the Ruuinnl to ' retain the phcu they nfrdy hold in Alia. Uouuidering Turkey`: nnncinl position the rumour doe: not uvour much of truth. I-`-.... E.--in mun.-. . nu-..n....J . an... A FETE fro THE czAR.' [IV-II.IVIII CIVIIUI Mr. W_nlhIn admitted nooivriiigp `mo- dialion of his vievn. ' ' ,} nu, u:,L,_ ___--|_,,| .1.-. .L:_ ___ _-` I And O`-llou-0 of Quurrol ox uum. From Servin oomu a rumour of 1 con- Ipincy; for the deponilion of Prince Mnhn, and his replacement b`y,_[.ho Prince Nichols` of Monhnogro. " xvuun-mamon_u'ms, sermons. nuuninghinotlul lopowonn alon- gou conclusion. 80 not the wry thoughlolil would to 5 Iwoocnonol In-hinlnIInIuI_AnI nah: llldkh