ifroaM% fMQ[SIHAIj0l.[ -! Tavonto dad but unuhd for buuutholsyoc outolu pnnulla Iwiudling otlluo. ` cl,-I |Dud 'a-=" :-%:--: OAIQAMITY; E 1-; WAR MEWS. | AUITIIA nooumqnrnav. I lib;-bu Rofreciltag in am llnior` Roir York. June 2l.-A conupondont 'u Viaonn lnlgnplu um the quoqtiou 0! "cu Auntrinn occupation of Bocnis, Sonia Ind HCl IOqo1iniA|lfll'_ u the Mo- nvia dyer in curiously ontcrdinod in Miniqtorinl cirolol in that city. The In- {oot sought to be Attained in aid to be the qodiuuon olvtho ur. '. A nnnunnnndnnt M. llnnlahnk N10- localization 01- the ' V A. oon-ppundenc it Rnutchnk gnphu thnt only on Tuesday 3 lhiuinh bounty opuaod in It I plnoo ocllod Par: pm. eight mil:-I from Runtchuk. l`h`o uu_u ol the sudden csmwnading in un- known, and 3 Turkinlfmoniwr started to rooonuoitro. A nan-nnnnmlnnt At Vnrun CIIORYIDHI roeonuoim. ' A orm-upondont st Vsrus telegraph: that vague rumor: hue rnchod that" city tint tho Ruuiuu have begun the forward movement, Lad um tho nduncod gum! of thoi Il'l.II] beam to area the Danube at 8: ovd. oppouiwta lukuhs. Landon. J um Il.-A mocial from Do- Bctnhovd. opposite` to lukuhs. London. Juno !l.-A upocinl libnbn conrm` the report nu! ma Turks nubrod 3 data: in Saturday`: bums. I The ngsgomont cmnmqnced 3: six am. And lasted till noon. The Tuvh were _ nnlsnkod by the Ruuiun Artillery, mud their diloomtnre colnyleted hy n nuolry chnrgo. The Turk: fought. with heroism. ` but their Ammunition` fniled run`! they . .---n nun:-n.h'u`mud luv the I'liCl'V l luau and Iuuvn to ma. ........... _- ,- All will huo I A 0 tion of bringlm totrnlumanu or obtain 1 mm on tho 3 at modern: charges. God save the Queen. - 7-- IR I177 but their smmunmun` mum nnu may worn overnhhlmod/by the u-Lillery lire from -I Iition which nkcd their whole ` front. ho Turlu luelt 350 risoner: Ind l.000 killed and wb_unde(. mukhtar Pubs in ntill in I critical pooitiun at lfhnnm gran 'I'in Hrilllh Ittlchl nil! in critical pouuun u Khoum Duoe. Two British who were watching operation: were in comidernlo dangyr. sir Arnold Kem- ble wu chased by Coouoku. who imngined ho Wu in command of the Turks, and Capt. Nnrnnn wu slightly hurt by n Iplintor of n Iholl. , - London. June 2l.-The English Gov: Iplintor of Iholl. Gov- ernment,i1 in now sated, will duumud from Ruuin ulditiiial guarantee: :1 `to her future operation: u noon at Iho`Du~ nubo is crossed. Aumin in alpu Nportcd 4.. In mm-hm unnn-vi nnmmuauce of IICI, Ina DOW \lOl||'I nnce with Englmd. London. Juno `:1.- is crouud. Arum: in sun ropocu to be growing uneuy in cum.-quauce RuuiI'u failure to carry out.\her prom- inei, and now do-Ire: to oonn-Act um alli- ...... ..;u. ll`-...I.-ul with Ensqmd. _ London, '.'1.---The Ruuun Gov- ornment. has purchued th-v. mtmlt-_'I Krupp gun made for the PhI||4lelplu| Exhibition. ~ H. l>.u.-din:-a, Jnnn 2l.-A Cunltn"- Exhibition. . St. Peta-||5urg. Juno 21.-A tinuplo doapatoh snort: that lmynrd, tha Britilh Alnbliladnr to the P-prtc. hu counselled the Sultan to make peace in.- mediately. All the Mimntorl except Riditf Puh'|, Minister of War, fnvor IQII1 P'- . Violins. Juno 21.-Tho Ministerial orgsn declsras chst the concentration of Austrisn ourpl on the Dumbo and on the frontiers of Bosnia snd Horzgovinis is indispensable for the protection of Austrian interests. The Russians are reported pursuing the eeing Turks, who retrutgd from Delibaba to Emu- ouunn kon by tho '|`nrlu. London, June 20.-A Belgrade tele- grun any: the Sorvinn Milll luva been called om. A Vim-nu dnnunh Inc: A Runinn Ill rourn. Innion, Juno 2l.-Tho lnlont 'I`m-kiah sdvneu, dated Juno l7th, uyn: thu Turk- iuh left wing no rotrdating at Ermroum. followed by Rnuiuua. A Pan danunch nu Bavuid nu ta ::|:|`::-`liollllswu, ...... -_,,, REIT CARS will oonvoy pnrtiea from the` ` I 1!. 50 each uni Ihllvn tn the gronnd . bringing l.h.e you 7- - -...I...u nhnnu. (allowed by lcnuuua. ` A Pen deoputch nu Bayuid 3 Icon by tho Turkl. I Lnndnn. June Belgrade teleu coma A Vienm donpntch any: I Ruuinn Iur council ha been held, And In: recom- mended the Car to commnnoo an imma- dilto stuck on Turkey by mnrching-chm` `Sonia In S. Iunnnlut` that Hm Runinnl boun Bonn. ' It in ruorod ,t.h|t tho Ruuinm begun cloning the Danube only on Wodnondny morning oppodtc Iukpsti. anumlfluimmunxs. Another New Brunswick Fire.` Meuch Chunk, Pu, June 21, I e.m.-` The tour condemned men were eweko end drieeed ec ve o'clock. The ,retired et twelve o'clock lent. night. '1` eir prieete urived eerly end preyed withrlham. No r_eeoIe wee attempted. The execution ulm pleoe et ten o'clock eber . ,( Heeelhon. Pe.,June 2l.- art of the urleigh Vnlloy mine (sued in yesterday teruoen, imprieoning two miner: and fteen mulee. The imprisoned men ere in greet denger ohulucetion end drown- mg. Cincinnati, 0., June 21.-lnformetion from `Veneeburg, Ky., eteme them In light took pleoe between the Vigilence Cum- mittoq end horee thievee. Between filly end eeventy men were eugeged, end f-our ere reported killed. an lfnncieoo. June 2l.~Neee from, The Latest Flasher: Over the lfiresi din Pnio llcilny nun can me man in oh that Inn murdered by Blu:k~ foot lu inns. One man escaped to Fu- ut River. Then III 1 lug: amount of` nilwsy suppliu It tho amp. Munch Chunk. PL. Juno `2l.-A 1032 10%. Vanilla. Juno 2|.-`l'bo Bantu in lllluliliu (IO 0uIlIInMoo'I upon an the question ol dissolution. Victor Hugo in asking I I npoooh Again: diuoluuou. Faun . PL. Juno 2l.-'l`ho Clout!- llnking I npoocn ngnnu uluomuon. Pothv 0` l`a.. on 0! Bay 0 and Meoolnn took plus :1 11:10 mm. lloIrity.a'ud Cnnoll nu III; II 1913). _ can. I... Jun 2l.-Tho Conan- Great ucaucuuu m ..... - . _ Straw and Fan Hat: on Human ; Hat Stores. roportvod lulled. I Sun Frsncinou, from the Rocky Mounuin cnnp of tho`Cnn|- Puio Railway Itntn thn the men a. 4...... ch-on nn mnrdad by nilwsy ouppliu It tho mp. Munch Chunk. Pu, 2l.-At the tour Molly Inquires um uooutod. Naming uuumul ocournd. Wilhnlnnn. PL. Juno 2l.-IAn|lI|n, _ mumnl occurnd. Wilkuburo. Pu, | the Holly Inquire, Ill noouud hon at I015. v.....m.. Jnnn m,-`l'hn Bomb 121$). Oslnb. Io.. Gonna- gntionl Church in 8:. Btpphon, N 15., sud four dwollinp, won but-nod Int nlall I It mhvlllc, Jun 9|.--An umnpt to In 0?: Mn no nude M 2 o'clock this numin`. , Lon I, Inn, Juno 21.-The body at Ill ; Illa Hufiujlun. abductor! Iron In Baotou 0 your ago, was dsooomod In nkihlluiu `mun Itlvonbound Input I-nlluc coupon and in 3 ant and nlghhd down. A! but Brampton quail: Dr. Tuppnrl aid that I publionu who would do- hhonuly -aha mu-on lhll in not to In uulruo in I Inn that it in an insult to pnuun to my palms calico." um had thus : Mint twenty-two y-on ol oonuluuoun public urviu. If any um: would some knud and nah good 5 clung: tboldung am In be had not uodoluuhnontvlldhohudlotnuwn Iobolhntobolrlmlo would nuroiuco I! \o bolt. uyumg has It '1." Well llouflobo M |. duo. in 1:1 Bump ;- headcount: Mu IWNI Dl0LIJES HUNG. Ason man rm. I hlullu. Ltatons-ad by` Lnmlon. Juno 21.--A delnpticn cl Irinluuou pnoonud an nddnu In GUI. Gum paw-dn , thpuk him-lot lb nooyumion of` 0 china Mn. Ouwll, Ilwu hunbaud wu killcd in I unlu- guameut during the war. Grunt din- clnimod doiqg shy mun than him duty on Exocutivo, and and without I inhtiu roux`: tho chiugoould not inc A!- O' . Th. ..n. M` nirminahnm Inn invited lowed Grant to be tho quest 0! that city. Th. Noorn nnndnnundn thll 600. 1'5; city of Birmingham hu invited Grant be the sweet 0! that any. The New underetaude that Grant ha: ooueented to receive a deputa- tion, repreeentetive ol the wurhingrnee of thunetropulie on July 3rd. The die I- tatmu coneiete at a eeleot number ol de 0- gm`. of the tradee' eocietiee and politiuei` aeeociatione of London, who; havic deeply aympathined with the-Fed ceuaoduringthe American war, deeire to elpreu tn the` ex-reeident a grateful name of the value 0! the eer-vice he then rendered to the oauee 0! ha in freedom. Henry Broadlmret, Secretary I the Labor League. hae charge of the arrange- mente. $1..-ual .l.o:nm.i.hu| nnnnln can nn. Iblerquie of R. n'e. .. menu. Sevenl dietinguiehod people were pre- eentet the dinner end reception 0! ex: Preeident 0 M lut evening es the 1)` (KJHWIIIHJII 4 am. } The _Tniry Aaaociation of Lincoln haa gone through the faroa 0! ofaring I N- `ward of $1.000 for the i-aoovar of tho` papora cunn'oc-tad with tho Linco n Eton- tiun trial lhathavo been atolou, andI500 more fur the conviction of tho thiol. The action in voty much liko that of a robber who on his theft being diaoovorod joins - vigorously in the cry of atop thief to aa to divert auapiciou from himself. Thou ` are in addition two glaring! absurdities in the nthor`ut thia reward. Ona in that an lmincuI'|)nrItB1l-Ind prt-niiaououa body of the nature of a political aaaociation can- not igliiyubind it-gslf to pay any anal: to- ward in that protondingly olfared. Tho Iecund in that it in only a in month: since the name Aunciation found it una- bin to pay the law bill of ita- own cuunaol, so that there in" the very best much (or ` augipnauig that it In: noOl,500,noral Innuy ceuta, to pay out now. The wholo thing ina pretentiuua farce, more upwi- nlly an it in beyond doubt that mamborl '" If the Anaociation beat know what haa bo- .......... I\` ah... qrulnn nnnnl-I and nnnnn. ut tho Association oogl. Know wnu nu oe- cume of the stolen plpen and conu- quamly know that except by their own mufoumn the fate of the mining docu- ment: can never be known. ---"*-`Q0 T 0;gIu.t;u(7foanDoor.' TBURSDQY EVEWG. JUNE 21, ll ......___._. REMINDER]. .-.. Bank of MontnaI- 164 3-4. 164. 25 st 160 \lor'|nnS;A Bnnlr-69 I-4. 85. I at 68 At . Unllrlu HaDk-9`J I-4. _ Bunk of Tor0nto-lM, 151. UunIOHt|iAtIl Bl!!k-56, 35. HI: -I. Iontrul. Juno 2]. Flnul U0 bu-I-Ila; movlm dull and do . bnycnholdin oi. To eect ulna o In Amount ooaouufono on cm-nut rntu we d be nu-usury. 8:10: Id) strong b-ken 1.05; IN harnll Indium baker: mid :1 8.70! Ill) do 815: "II uent ll). '\lorv'hnI\u b|nIr-ou I-I, or, | IV on At 69. Bunk nf (`ommorce-ll'v 1'4, 115 I 2. I-4. n....|. ..l 'l'nmnm-1M_l5l. S5 I-I. Mnutmhl Talogmph Compy - I85 At '15 3.4. Drvmiqinn Telegnph Cow `J2, 4 Union Bank - -. 7| 1-2 \ National Bank 000. Dumb:-0-000. (XXI. mbn-0-000, (ll). }\ich6e%ioiu &6:)nu|-lo Nlvlgntlon Company- -4. '. 7 I-I, 55. Pit) Puoonger R. Cum y-00 00. New cm Us-0()l).`00t " Chicago, J-um 2l.--l2=60 p.lI. When ouier at 1342 1-4 for Ju|y; L24 3-4 for August. Com study 45 3-4 for J nly; 48 for August. Park active And rm At 13,391 2 for Augunt; 13 44 (or July.` ----:-0OO 7.05; Ill) lurnll nodhln baker: uold at 6.703 NI) do 613; IN host 8,). I-min and provtlionn nominally nnohdnpd. Aaheu unchnngut - _.._{oo4-___.-. ` Tn On 'l`v.ovn|.I:a. - To-d|y'I tole- ! grams any thut. Indium no returning to Oh under promino of immunity from An-at; an etfort in boing made to din- cuver titer of mm At Raw. Pu-Int. Ilexandel Mackenzie. "`"""- I-U -run 'nn|lINl0N GOVBRN uonognuo. Ixou :1 yionnnu 1 -IIIl- The mnonl will an plant Ml tho nu. dc-nwe otlra. Janna Dnvlgwnorof Bydoulmn sud Earl liuulmon hutudny. 5Ha.n..uhu-p. I-`rirmlu and uqunintuooa no roapoettully luvitod to Attend. in Kin on. this morning. 90 instant, It Julm Mo inlay, aged 87 yum. Th funeral will leave hln Into ruldnnoo` Montreal Street. on Friday noxl. It 9 un. II`ri:\n-In und uoquintnnou no ncpeolfully a...n.:I 9. nltnvul On St. Andrew : Chart-h.Cunhn;c. N.Y., on Juur,-:'Ilth, by llm Rev` Dr. Wnugn. Ir Goo. Fnrdor 0| Ilornamnf l(`uquIon.OnI.. tolilrriol lychu 'l'u!Uc-, u-l'('M't`h40. NJ`. In Kingnuiu on Jun am. Ir. Corullu Dunnghue. And 91 yunlnd 7 month. "Hm mav-nl will an nlnm from HID rant . Hurse,Waggun_8:hup Fumltme in June Zlrd. M. II 3.3.. n Inlay : Auction non-I. Inriot Iqnn. bulnlul of 8!ock.&-.. of John Clmplsdl &.Co..0I'UIIl'I, eompfullnx I H law 3 .Cu . two IOIVN Demv-on qgol VII] . HI:-uh. ll-tm-no. Iobco. (Soul lune. n Bund. lump Balm. Weigh Inunrn. kc-tn. Cantu, log: and pun hop luuuu. wn unluuv, ! WILL IIE BOLD ol IATUIDAY I03!- Tn r. `.5 n 17 an Inn an I Ix. .un IA- armunt . Juno a 3 h- ` nnrrn. 7'" .--y:w~ n n ni .oH_5I7FnTnsIou| ETIIOS.` l[cA|ULEY, . .- -.1-cum Ion LY curs] Young Indian Journal, Family lloraldo --p, .-.31.. _ Q-ll- -IIIIl&III Andrew`: C|umh.Cu-tinge. N.Y.. on June `smh. M Wants. Jnno 2l.\D1._ Jinn I`. I07. III` II JIQQIIJI1. gamma 'r1uvm.s. louzubutiilllv 'J55`5oJRL' .TtILY :" BALI In -a-......,, .. Awuunsn I lie Comnmu on ------oQo------%_. IIETIIAI. a'l`0I`l IAII It. (utl aural. IIIG I`l`lIl`l'. IIIOITOI. _ SAY ! PIGTIIIEO, T0 OAPI .._...3.__._. 11:0 Llncoln Fara. IrvIvv' u-nu - lrodcuug Bella, ` Envelopes, . Note Paper, and Loner Popu- A (Hamilton Tina.) __ A--_..:.'n:..... .J I :- tier 1:42 July: 3- IABRIED. _-- n|.___|. Ix-.. DIED. a-3""-n-r-o-' Son of Hono.Wnuo`u. #0.. st Runny : Amman Rooms. on Inn:-dqy, :1: II on ....__. ... ..._.._____ `IHUUUI I%' CTUIT WM. MURRAY, Auotiouqr. -115 3-4.11514. Iva n 35.3.: having land `he pruulna of It-`urn t`. I. lhlx-on-kl: ('0 . MT-`l`lronlra|lq\. and inbuilt; to nuns their human :4 that Iowa. am now olfu the city and -urmuuiing County auto- Ilonn rub chance {at CIIPJAP t'l.U`l`H1N0. Thaw luvo uuw nmriid down our Stock 8 pet can. but than an. All Good: mu-loch: plan [gurus `Ono price and am.` no la: IAIOI._ slth dbhf `$000.. 4 " "w , no1\1 A.UG-$'1`O1\'l as com. }CHEAP 5i;()f1?H1`jNG `fie oldest Renovating and Dyeing Establishment In; ltlnglon. . IISTABLIBIIICI) 186;`. Whore ull kinda of Good: on he llulb to look oqul wnew, nnd on th nmol. renoonuble toga; ` u my work by Slum onlv. Gout`! Clothing Boourgad ovnryduv and `Dyod if roquirod Q` Kld Glnvu done in two hours and without unolI.a \`u|tnn\. Outrida Ild Fun-y fathers olunocl uni 1| ya-d dnily. Crapa nluuod or dyod and mule ni liko now. . .. _ I Inna the B581` DYE IIUUSE hatwedl 'loromo And Iunuou In III!` 0! my pnmhoo. Joe The ntu-cling inumgonu at my nu.- gu oi the nnun in St. Johns, N.B., canted n probund nonunion oi uyinpo thy in thin city to-dny. Alter thnir own him: nporicnoon of n Iiniilnr colnnity (though on n much Ilnnllor |onlo)ol 1 you ngo, Innny of our citizen: were in A position to npproointd the drondinl lou Ind onnninl nu'oriI.g which must mono from nonwooping n dovntntion. The de- Itrnotion to pmpony in tronondonl, tlio onljmitu ranging from ten to moon nillion dollnrn, only half of which unount in said Gobooonrod byinnnb _ The hunt. diniriot yo! hundred um in in ' vary henrtof the buninau portion of the doy,nnd ngront runny of `tho public buildings, nivio. oduontionsl and nor- 'lo, have boon Iuddonly oonnrud ruins. The nnddont Ind moot irrepa- In. table (Inn of nll-in of own. the loan 01 life, in grown men nnd two infnnu lining to In porinhod in the nniu. Nut :9 doplon, net tin notnnl Inn of lilo. will be tho wide Ipnnd dumvnion which in onddonly onrinhon thounnda oi tho poopln thou: unid to ho undel- 1-- cl.` .n...u in mf- Slum lIyI;|(. Bleaching &Icour- Inx Bstabllshhenlg 80 Prin- ` can direct. . ,YnnA 0! ll? Estate of Joseph Ilnnnally. ntnnt WINE` TIIIC ulucrlber bu bun innrrnnud to sell BY AUCTION. II the Stan of the shown In- solvent. Prlnuou mmc. thus bdumo of Good: in the (Iron-ry line. Rhn I-`nrnltura. 61.0, ON FRIDAY AlI`l`ll(N00 ,3! `.'o'alook. 'I" . - - . . -.L I-II'II HI` ll Termlouh. ` C. V. PRICE. Auirm-n. mulvnnsm or ~s'r;"JuH1i Inland J Tudor Ito Auplu of I IAIIQ. |E'XG'URSION'| Tho stunner HA I'D will leave the Harry Whnul u`o|oe| .m.. taking glue moat popu- lar route up the lpy or among the hlundl. nnd`rclm-uing not Inter than I0 o'clock.` in. I.x...I nnv-Inlnnhnl -0` [.0 Cal, lnvln Alli` oli- nnd`ntnrum[ no: Iuor Inn III o own. By lhul permiulon of Lt Col. Irwin and oli- oon. tho B:-nu Illd Sud:-illo Bum! of A But- to will Inc on Iron unborn of the Order and the public no cordially invited to attend. TlCIl:'l`8-Gonlolmurn (I00; Ladies 25:. JAB. KEAIINII, Juno l4,l877. 800. to Can. gntolul ntuucnon wmuu jrvwwu .... Incl amount ol the long pounding doo~ hrlul dihulty in the Prubytorinn A9, uuhly uonnhly indintod tho tooling- ol urlouo nppnhonion with which tho can win nu'dod,.np some point It which tho Iolwuon` wu happily nnohod. TM. hhwunnlhty Ill Innoly thud by n wilt oointilnony ol oisloohon, not only in tho Ohwnh putioulu-Iy intended. but la the [loud Ohrbciu annuity throughout the nutty. ind beyond in bonds. In looking `upuuoly at the u! sttonpu ht Iwtthuont. we will con- ou he 5 dqrwo at pwrplmcy ol our own In saying to am: what ma partin- In thing was which in tho rwnrowd denim : lat. uhuoowt pro nah III- bwwldndgnilutiow, and why, in con- wlll It. all the pnvhu deiti- uono cl In pillow: won on dqwhrly wuuuahdtq. We hwq It nqwhwo Ibo nnhl dhtlnhulow to lbs 0! hotwuw\ho|uur,aIob- litmu- nnhaohuuudhthaluoublqhysho In. It. Iutlnwwoll. In handout ulldwqwohnllhluntdwllyu 4-..-u. ..s.|....an an;-I-nun coma TO 3t.J ol1n's[}hurcl1, Po1-tsmbuth } Saturday Afternoon, JUNE 23rd. no -1.. an... In I... nnnund at am. n'cloI'|t JUNE 3370. 1 Th Gnu to be oponod at three o`clo1'k Juno I0, 1877. :T_: nwemple House.` It I.nln'IVnl `l'llIcIt'I`...mn nu: lnl0- J. `a aux:-s.um v'.Tr...pI..; rmmmu. I lot sbolrjnnnoronu support In the put hogan w IIIIIIIIIOO that In bu enllnly mlttad the Ilunvo homo Ilnoo bum; ll from Ir. V. Wemplo. loom: or print patio: in the moths: notim . ' lotion. ()YI'l`EI and Ll'NCHI1.0Nl in every style always ready Dunner, apper. to. an roqulr or! mud on man nwuvunhle torus. 3 Paula hum tho Uta!-nu nuul rluvhero will do well no gin no 3 II. on Ilu-y will nal our comm modnuon to be had us 3 nmlly In: Jun Ha haunt on on will douvhu the mat -as-nun], Juno 2!. 1877. The pnpt-heor whilst run:-nun {huh to his ungtou friend: And the pub to pun-ully their (moron: pal hop I-_uIna9_ the lg. Illlnhjhlhriltlwin but dldnu h hula: um. lbI.ourhlhnvlllunhunrpIu. Wound hglovwu, inn anion and gnu! hhhll. (Ik- .II|d0huv.gntInucnundh Ilbnnlu.) dnnhlnlb bihodb plphi dulqllo youglvuuug In nodkittou, could In pubs! in Ono cull will oouuloo uu nu-v. nupuonl. lmnonhot the ul:lmao-WElPLl HOUSE, Wellington 3%.. Klnpnu.0nI. J. 1:. Joxxo. I |STRAwBERRIES| 0 Han undo urupnonu with Brown: at Unvlllo, Inrlu Iorioolor. 01:3`:-1 Ooh I| In-DA IUPPLY 0! W. IIIIII that! the noun. land |u you udcnto in II; All menu at ntouppllv ed at poadblo ii. |R.mms 132.05-] _.._..__.__:..__.._._.___._ ..._.__.__ Biximnnom Lmariea| _..; 1.. Q....l Planar 8.1`iiAVliEIiiY r'smA'L ol the people Imo nu -nu II: In: -....... In; the moon in homdou despair. Prompt munm an in unnl plan bdng lnkon hr lid! nliol. Tho vary hhllipuoo of tho oulumty will In I nul- Idout upped lot ucoour-n dull which wilI,nqdoub\,ovoko|pun|udguo- ` J `F`ii i%"_frA.L Ann on. June I9. 877. HA I'D will luvs the Ferry wharf. nu n.m.. him: the Dolm- Jun N, I177. ;;uIuMu cu-roou-non. , A- _.L_... Juo 9.1m. CCTIU-r-1 __-.. ILIJNGTON 81'lll'.'E1`.-on run run run. gnhlnl `Tho donounhollu! .0` "```"``' J addiction ihioh gutted I50 n-.| nmn.-In! the loll noadinl G:a;A_Ni>` cia:.ANoII 7 DOWN Tllli RIVER! at %rgIou1counv's A1` ll0RTONW00lD, POI PBISIIVING. ""P"N 5! `iii! 4-`A-rur. J;--`;T_.~--` -2--T . "fu6f.'v'm.-T I0_A__Il|. A ulu.-Vfn nun: McN'AUGH'.l.'Ol\l Q co. 233.03} In I. W. IIADIOID. llama`! III. I I -_Pnprowt. I E.lun(- 25' ncoxguciuwow (Anna L .'..n --11 II-.'-.u-. 1 In Black J1 olorn, at very low prion. , Black nu-mm. 1'1-ruvhn .i{a uouucuu; . Jun 16,1877. I mptyvod-nylon Blwk l.\u,troI'uul Alpaooll. New French Cashmeres union Iron Ground Gnnulinrc. "Am amps and I-`iguna . - (fourtl-uad`-u and Gr-mu`: Colobrntul uihl ` dluol (`npom Nu Blue-. 80:! llmwn, Raga Gran Ind nluonoblo Slundoo (if Qron m-nln Silh. Rich Bluk G:-on Gnln silk: in Nut nlud Cord. Also. 3 wit [Argo Stock of Colond Silk Wary Alpwcu. Clndbt an" an. un- 0on1niuu_n`|`):o'rm.ll:|. `pwcu n `I. ' Trlmmlngn to_ In-tch In our Dru: Stool. A lump Stock of RILK UIBBELLAS at D! In-mu. 2 AI`! lunpoctlon roaportfully invlhd. Salon for cnsh._ 51 rietl_v_ono prloo. Ilmlwllliliu In) 0 A him! lot of Dnb Shells. with hum Vnlllt tor ; just the thin for lnmmor war. A por- fut 8 (urn lead. 1Qan:--- gunj `IO TO: nun s In 'un- -nu-mu. In-nvv and Ian 3586 II lllf VAIIITI R.&J;GARDINER Dolnlnlo; Patent Feather Ienovator. The Subocrlhofhu Bed: and Pmownlllp V tofu-loan md hulthv by thin useful Iuhuo. tr Bod: called for Ind ronptl dollvuill ` I o citv. Chnrzu I|.I0l once. all Ne): gnd Old Fe_ather la the city. Churn: modern snd no tho Iuhme at wurk. Ba own`: Corner. No 225.Pr|noou It I-_._-_ x...|..a... ;. II..I. -..J IMlI.-. (. olm Ivory loath at July. low Iollahllly. II-. AT HINDIRIOWIV --_.. llnnnn lentil ilk awning n am. an of Groom 1 Stock on Frtdny 5| 2 p.u|. . ........-n Mann ol 8:. Geo:-_n'_I _PI3- IIIUFIIIIK. VIII ITIVU BIIUUI IIIU C C. rudv for ma. . With Eornnlulnn .I respectfully menthol III: In In`, must. u a reference. Ir. nun . Brock am-MI. Ind union on I pufootly ulbod And p`uu-d. I. EGAN. Pnmkbr. usns or BBUEIIFL Henderson's Bookstore. UIVWH IUUI IIUI | IVU C-U.` IIIIT CU Fumen lmlgiu in Bed: and Pillow! In lit morning. will noun them the not day ` `A New Int Cheap croquet ' AIIIVID, Till! BY 1!. RIIDEIION. nu: vmn aid Grhup; t And Ion st tho `rate du Pont I nets and luxury Collin LL30. IIW PIOTOOIAPII. olthooolnlououdhnolu Prlooloocuh. IOIIALI l`o0IFl.A__B!A'|'|lll! intelligence of the : "~"<-- In EL Juhnl. I MIDI COLLICTIOI 0! Ivan: 0! every Hal mo in to . AT um DER80N'8 i HENDERSON 3 Lam1Pl{ot_ua1upl_1a uI_Tata In AT HENDERSONS ooh. Mon md luulthv bv this Iuaful Insult. rmnptl n Churn: no dnnr runsrs. Fily III-Illa Ill [run-1. EGAN, Pup:-lug;-, Kinutolnluna 16. 1877. Baoonrmhpatnrlul Hon . Wednesday. 27th Jinn. n 2 9-.u.oo.x. I-.1. -Jg-I; Arrived WI vvvw -v--- v-- - v-.v:-_ cnuusan AND na'zovA'rl:n. Punt Barracks. &c.. PIINCIII nun-. PRIN 3388 STREET. .'.`5L_'-'3 cusnunnns: . _: 71-..; uL,n. an. 11.... 1'8"`-ULV T NJ`?-0 coma King and H-incur St. nu; " auowmo REMOVE '! ;'L'I-Go in Irlddv cumin; no u oluum r lxonnlon to cup: Vincent animu- -'.l"Il0S. im.I.s. l3rnnAnA Round IIUMJIIIWI IIuuvmu,-.-, nr -rm: holumox man. nu: -xtuz Ian-on .. .. ,,, non no requutod In uniolpntc rotation. and `a north: Invitation P|o~Mo `I: landed to vha em- -mu. sud to the ygomugry ol ti: A. S. Hardy, Hon. as. C. DlNW-In f?.1:.':._.j __n.. 5.: - '-|';;:lnV(l'ed om- . tho Lion, with tholr wives and ,. rI_.....-In DI on l'nuu,y an - y--- acorn`: Plo- y ovonlng all o'clock. . -.... Vinnnnt an Batu. . Wood. . 1877. ( .A PUBLIEEECEPTION will op: mu occasion he indent! to ||0..||Nl .novloust`II'lnuo.vhh II piodtrinoia qIuuioa,~ vahvo my ll inviniblotntlu naked on of tho avenge llllfdllj bclwenn helm] ad nah! to juncliou v the (hmxdvlhl doubt. nm_mn.........:.n......u W. NCVIQ their tiodatuolapthhol wu.'.,.,"u,g f,,,`g,.,.P..,.; Iholulo lndilounoyud IO Inbvtb poa:Aomvor,ilb`du`:nddh.uL:o`valy nu, dank Itnl fluid` "WW 10!, UIMII. `Cd- mutr. In 5:; nun:-t Ir. '`'`5`'` """""""m"V ""- l"d""P" i"`9"` `*u7" ndugtho than thoylound that `vitae: ohodahd - dl land 8:): bur|::l, any lot ` which lnurod to the parent country. not to thorunolvu. They were tun luyll~,u haunt, to do morg thnn grumble. 5! undnnugd dmahla doubt: upon it you not Iuamady pmnounood to_ duarcdu. \ oiulondn uuunnaco an doeu-mot" '"'.""'."' . "' `" " "'.'"."' the sinful!) of (mu pnniahmonl, with I d_ ""P'""_`{ """'"` .' `h l"""'_"" vufhl ".- 0` an `Wu, J olbu-_John hluadonnld. "?houublun|n'ng dm`|.'uah'h..""' mu pom! nudncnty of hu pmoeatnlnom of ulovotxnhl lib mind. on plain people will think u u'"7 `P_l""" "3 `H ` '`Pm' mm: `in In-tidal Pifpoltu than two `"`, " ."-`.'~ "' "" W" ' "~` " .n.nu ". bu` nah` dncpuom outside opuntorl. In ngud totho omn- ofm mum` nd uchwnd mm` .1 plate pupnnuon ol the Canadian can condition, am the mud dminauon 1. `V "' P'f"" D!""" ""'F'"}' "" irllhout I prioclosl ditforoneo; at my ?""m_'m" b`_". t-'"_Cf""m""," mm "hi I mm i."dm.nnc H il "_ In neuron, he Iuthnnty shove qimted . ~' ulds , . I `'`` `" "' ' "W" " ` " """" "We mu be ngroubly |ur`pI-ind it it bonot found Ihn the Cuudim one in. -. .....-5|. thnPnINlhI'lIl_ mm-g perfect hymn. . l x I _ Itle liI3g_ e_\_u-lone to note, in n perueel of the o? the rev. gentlemen in Ileeoulleelllledleeueeion 01 theeeee,l:ow ` eelelully every betel: term wee guerded from the danger o! my olfepeive oonetnw lion. There eeened to be not enctly e Pickiickien but In equally charitable interpretation pleoed upog` Lerlne which might give poeeible umln-age in my eecu; let debele. ' For enmple, one revl epeeker did not think Mr. Mecdbmiell e etetement leirly (he uee_d the word in no V ill eenee) repteeented his reletion to the doctrine in queetion, end reputedly re- ferred to Mr. Meodonnell &)nU'urnn~ ey." Wefency thet, for thin word, out- eide opinion would eubetitute`coneiet- --um" Hui the nv. gentlemen been vuuuu-e IMO oplnlou wuluu luleisvsusuv eeoy." Bed the rev. gentlemen been lee, sincere in his convictions end s little more elestle in his conscience, there is little mom to doubt thet the whole dith- onlty would heve`i'eeched e hushed solu- tloll long ego. - We submit there wes no more contunecy in his cue then the mentel dilculty he experienced demand- ed, end the elmoet relentless (we use the word in no Ill _eensc) persistency with which he wee pursued in the determina- ` tien toenct from him a humiliating sur- render, wee et leesl. es marked ss wee his ewn refusel to stow, es decided, convic- tions which were st leest disturbed. Ssid one spsskcr: He( Mr. Mscdounell) bed resisted the (heriners who hed been chsrming with ell petience to induce him to sey thst,he lied sccepted the doctrine." And why not? Whet is seid of women is equslly true of men-tn convince him egelnst his will is to leeve him of the ssme opinion still. The situntion selit regards Mr. Mecdonell's pereonel relstions to the eteudsrals of the church ' ls prectieelly unchsngad. If` he can be ' esid to bsve surrendered et ell it hes been on the most honoursble terms of cepitulstion. He hes perfnroo been per. mitred. to retein his opinions and oven toglre renewed expression to his doubts - end dilcultiee.'_" Hed he pretended to . heve surrendered these he would heve ' retsined them sll the ssme._ It would still hevs been lnpossible for him to dwell open the greet nestions of faith ` fonnsleted in the con sssion of it, with- out ssreonndlng hiniesll with e hsze of mystery end dieulty. So fer ere some of the poet weritise of religion. `perhsps porpossly_, plecsd beyond the reech cf hnmsn comprehension thet the rev. doubters dilculties" do not necessarily linpeech the genersl soundness of his Chrietein belief, end en eclrnowledgment thet this is so is preotlcelly the oonclueiwu of the whole metter which hes just been rseched by the eesembly et Helifsx. usm- `_-Il el-..o `mule -ell" easime to ruouou Dy bu! In-mum av u-nu.-. All'I ` wall tint `and: well" seem how npooid point and (urea III the pro- unt instance. The Rev. Mr. Mucdonoll mql tho church of which hoiu nn honour- ed And useful member And miuiotar, no oqunlly to ho oonm-tulnted on the hnppy solution 0! 1 an-ions diioulty. ---.. Much end frequently do Tory writer: Jwell upon the eervicee end eecrioee of Sir John A. Meconehl for thie country . when ite deetiniee were ontrueted to hie keeeping. He hee et unoeproved himeolf to be the tether end eeviour hi hi: country. Hie on repeated motto : "By ` the perty,with the perty for the mmtry. briey end modoetly epitornizee hie pe- triotie eereer. After the nhioltein the doctor, but while hie heelth end etrength remein, Sir John ie pre-eminently the men to guide the ehip ol etete into the the heven of netionel proeperlty. Admit- ting e lew triviel errore at judgment, Sir John with petdonehle pride chellengee en tnepeetina ot hie peet eereer for the ` lretor felnteet prool either nlinoepe- dty or treeehery in hie heedliug of the vitel interuh of thie eountry. "The eouItI'y"e|d Ihlt he he done for it, end the greet ohligetlone under which he he hid it for hie dietihgntehed elfone iette hehelt. ere the etrong point: on which he heeee hie oteinn for [mother in to power. Here in Kinqetc-n we we heez. Iepeetedly nevueetecl to oeteh ineptrettoe el hie devotion to hie .....e- .-I enmeelmnellw nut in) with CRO |I|l'IlI0|I OI llll uuvuuuu M: Hu- oollatry. And to plttiotully put up with local neglect in concidoruibn ol the rut hunch: our Inclnbcr bu aluyu boon collcrring, and the dnnlmg glory ho has constantly Iploctod upon tho country." Well, than can on occuiou when, bo- ycul ovary ulnar, the pt-war vu thrust upon his to ,do the country I hull` (action. We Mar to his appam-an on the ""lgh Joint Oounidn. How (M in iuprou um` pldpu oppu-tIn|l'y I By courtcouly but rulyluhthg at junction for Gouda Io: at all. Wu and not nnind our lllqtrlol the diqrccoful iodilcrcncq-- to chcovn IN lcrn-Ihich mrrndnud Ibo lulluoilo light: and chin ol 0:- Iuh let nut to nothing. But, but than bccpcntolhlnpow Tu: cmmuua `lI|G|NOINT." ' ,.._.._ by which n muy_ nhu upon .I:-._..lio Tludbouuuy Union aahrnd and importid -utimsto o! the patriotism ol SI! John'MAcdomld. `Tho nubluahinu nndncity protestations devotion to thouoountry Appear: in All in importi- -nont eronury in of no opinion. to the pupnntion of Canadian can the prount. Government pronntntiun baton the Cornmiuien IUVIVUI, an uv nun-_ r _ in union, the `uithoritj |bou"q`noted and lvorytung Gone. - V .1BoOO0.000 LOCO. St. John. N.B., noon at hall-put two I On brain out in McLaughlin`: boiler Ihnpl. Ponlnnd. A ntrqng north-vutnrly win-`I an blowing nlhe time, pad in In incredibly Ihort Ipncu u! that tho lumen burnt out, arr]- mq with than hundred: of houses, now: sud lumbar yards. The re Iprud rnpidly now'nr_do the buuinau portion _o! Juno 20.-Thin I'M!-I Iddl : ` |f can u rogmll thomnghnul, more Hoot. ` Ihnn 0|ll'I. The Csnndimn huo ookod upon the subject an of vitnl importance. while we tun bun dilpoud to that it triviplly, ueomcthing wbiolrnood not . give nu urioul oonoerh." . ll`.-nm (Ian nhnva nxtnctl I35] `)0 give I urloul concern. ~ v From the nbov,e_ oxnctI_ may be gnthufgd tho testimony of I diaintorumi witneu on the reluivu patriotism u( the pail u oompared with the prenont. (lov- _____ ....n ..I (hand: put. an wmy-nuu -u. ernmont of Cllldl. V ----~- 9: menu in 810,000. . v An overture from tho_ Presbytery of < Pll'il,CflllIllJil30I` through the Syuucl at I London and Hunilton, wan rend. Tho ` onnnre- ~ recommended: - First --- Thu. Immodiato stop: be taken [.0 mntcrinlly reduce the .expenditure' of Manitoba College. 'lud-'l Mt Qucpn'n Uuiverlity he brought into `closer rolstiom sith the Church. 3rd.--'l`lmt the Thuologicnl Hull: of the Church be clmiltod wit} Queen : University. 4th-That tho ter- rimrinl nyuam fur the Inpport of tho oulloqu be diucominuud. 0I.h--That no .churah luctnroahip be imtitutod without the consent of Pronbytoriu. Zth-That no |ppuinunent_ ho undo to any Iuoh without 9 referanbo to Pruhyteriou. The lolluwing rucommanduion Ilnu uppurod in the orlgiunl overture, but In: with- drawn by the Pronb wry with the obn- Iont of the Synod:-' ms the member: of tho The-vlngionl {adult of Quoun I Collego be transferred to not and Non- treal Colleges, II the Auonably may ` direct. 1-9.. nnnarn Inn kid on the table. I tloulliglsounlul -,hnd|IohuInohc|iu4. Blun- ts gin luonnudoou 0 mm by not-nonouophttbor ml Iunlingth -4-, acid fun Mu. .m...nh 1: VIII ION PIC II` D Icvtruuul `and Inuit pun. want. only nun IN` I mils and but dnblnncnll -aha which Ibuouhounl In ooodouuu ::dd to Ian gum ovc|aoI0l.- of the Gonrnmont of 0nur|n.vho,' 1 will In with that other Iofonu laadel-I pruou owonod to the Otoudn by the Baton: Allo- olnlonn of tho City And County. '10 mo nmwr 0] mt unw-n u my. 1 ohuru I lolhr in youn 0! yesterday Iron Ilr. Allan. [hue Iain pains ta Harbin when ninilu Iorlu nu Iitunud z.. I!....|....I and llntl glut. long an uoonun when umuu worn nu munwu in England, and nd that come no mnounded by naidonon. I the salad Dr. Sounders, Inc I thin city. to Ilimlly gin no inf-u-nation, sad to vinit vmrh in Brinlul. Englnnd, which he did, and by tho Inc -mail I rooeiud I lull dncri lion of ch: manulucturo of hit] ucu. The Ilnel.-or u||A In hon spin in I {on days, when I feel nun lm opinion oon autumn tho uloty no! such work: bi: oolnhlioho-I In thidcity will he could pqd gmhnmy. Anal 1 tn no unno- oauary vu-Illluul op woman will In oynd in mi! now an lmpnrnnt untu- ' print. to count daloy in the creation ol the works. . \'mu nhmI'l In-Inn . tbo straight ford g Ihn n nan In of C In pmmiu na.hulhohunuoIu|iu4. .:-3:. ha `malt Inc: now on nail to folio cauububu noun Itolblo, hum had nu! tho ol onhodaxy vithnut n and position: olorg- I 'lak|-u the III] in. Ir. Indon- Inclonnluluulul Hlovuoio oooohna cuonnlptootdtho 3.59- `Quuzxvs coLLI:u.-_IfIxusro.\. -.. Is .5. nllniuhl an M orthodoxy cutout. 1 To an sum of u.-.-Bruw. Whia. I 4.-...- - Inn... in mum: nl van . '" Tu MM'D0lII|.l. can --Iv addi- tinml nap ulna by the Pun II- thodtiu. when duly it innlotl with Ibo Iudnnuoll 0100, un-on to dononntnh non plainly tho gun with undo tho Olmroh in touching the tumor at 5| Mug Ir. loo-Iouooll lml pruolnd the urban Ihloh bu and In tho trouble- nnd it ill pubihhod nah-quony with- out Ohio: In: howlodgo or ounoont-tho .-mm thing could LAIA hnnn In! tho own: in nmmago o--noonu-mu top: line; would have boon for Chi Shula so Mvouooptod bin for having preached in with M0 3| no i 0 Ink 0! doubt. and lab no-In not to nond again. It would ban tun Inl- Ii:-cot. Tho popon won bid Che an. Blake, rmident of l.!_ao Uopull. Hon`. L. s. lluiluugiion. Hon. 3. J. cm-`om-gin, V mm. 11. Laammo, B. Devun, Eaq., ll. 0! 'l'lI`I DOIIIIOI PAL!-lA.II`l l`._ Your obod'I m-um , , \ uuumu Iloutol. Kiuultoll. Jnno fl. . ** Your obol't m-um llunnl The Land Works. .1 made A..I`I.u- m `1m_1fmnV wn1G._ rHtvaspAg;j .2m-.` 31. `1.o"n.% 200 Acres Burned. s'r. .I0H;\' A BLANK; `me any sieifzny by me I ` " *--tn. _ `Public Buildings. Shops, Bonus, and lvorythlu Gone. ` N . 13., Altar-' rnpidly noinrdo of st. John. cloning in us nor entire ' street: 0! building`, Duck strut, Market- ` Dukc, nqunro, the whole of Prinoo WnlIiun- ureet, Water-Itreot, south side, and pot! of tho north side, King-atreot, Kin'i ` Square, Gonqnin, Canterbury, Priuoou, ` Ininnter, Uhulotto. Emu! `it:-at, the Iholo of the Lawn Con Dis- trict, Sydney sud Cu-mu-than strata. portion: of Wentworth und Pitt otrootl, in fact `the portion of the city tomb of King-nroot, inohding whuva and Ihip- nimr ;llO l\IIl`IIIvvI, u-u._-.- VV _,... . __ mg. . .` 1 P Amm'ig'ho pnbliu building! destroyed 4 the new Post Office, valued at I 0200.000; the Custom Home, Victoria ` Hotel, Academy of Music, Dramatic 1 Lyceum, Ru 1|` Hotel. Bank of New 1 Brumswick, nritimo Bank, ngoncien of Bank: of Montreal and Non Bcolin, Saving: Bunk, Victoria School Home, Gnmmar School,-~Can9.onnry Church, 3 Germain Street Methodirt Church, City Hall, Wntor Commiuionorir oioo, (ho hnnking house: of Simeon, Juno: & 00.. ` U. Philpo, And Mcbonnuu & 00., Want`- i am Union Tolegnph oioe, Daily Telu- graph uenpnpar, ofcu of the Daily News, Globe, Fr-man ind .WalcI|man, new: room, nll inlurunoo oiou, Ritchie`: building, In: oiou, and tho polioo oce. Among the leading bnrinou hbuno da- ' Itruyed no than of Dnniol 6 Boyd, Richard Thompnon, John W. Niohollon. Jiunel Domville at C-3., W. H. Thurne bib. 'n...mu R. lnnan&Ou.. Geome CIYBTM MUG! IIOIIIIII Domnlle a 30., W. 11. `rnurne 1 Ac L`u., Thnmu R. Jone|&0u.. George 1 Smith, Everett & Butler, .1. & W. F. liurrieon, Hslllz Fain-weather, Turnbull 1 81. Co., Megee Broe., Sr.ewurt&>White, , Jamel Menu-m, J. 81. J. rHegan&Cn., Wntu, & Turner, Eeeteru Ex reu uice, H. Ohubb I 00., Theme: `ur- lnug, tleninqtnn Bron, George S. De- foreet, George Stowert, Jr., Logan It Lindn , Thoma H. Hell. Lenury & Co., in. Thomu t Co., R. E. Omhm & 00., Gig, Stewe, & 00., Soemmel Bi-oe., E. . Jewett 0 Co. In {not every wlioleqle end nearly all the retail house: 'were deetroyed. The only bank saved we: the Bank of Britinh North America. The Weetern Union Telegraph uioe only and the imtrmnenu end boukl. Severe] eehoonere end other lnrger veueln were burnt to the water. Rnfu laden with good: end hounelmld weree reedily ceught the lumen end were conlumed. The iieroe wind drove- the Hamel to the eouth end out end deetroy- eil everything they met till they ruched the inter`: edge. Five men and two infente are now known to have loot their liven, end many ere missing. 'I`hn long in utimnted et from ten to llven, and mlsemg. I The loee ie eetitnetaed ten "fifteen million dollerl, end the iueurenoe still not, it le though exceed elx million dollm. Thounnde of people under the etreete holneleee end in deepeir. The deetrnotiou of provision: of all kinde . eeeme to point to lemlne, end relief mnet oomein epeedll or Inenyvmnet perien from event. ew eeved even their clothes. The the in still reging end no hope in entertained of eninuniehlng it until il: hen elheunted iteelf {or went of mete:-lel to keep it alive. The wind hee died down, but the re etill burne erce- ly. The gee vmrke eredeetroyed, end the remainder of the city in in derkneee. The Area burned in nest 200 ecree. (My Telegraph To-d :y.) ' St. John. N.B., Jnne 2].--Fu|ly half the city end nearly every pleoe of busi- neu and All prnvieione bur-led. Fifteen thousand people homeleu end deetltute, nrwinu fur brand. The eoene the citv ore- uwuuma people nomelcu um uuuuuw, crying for brand. The city Flan- nut: to-dny bogiznrl dI0l'ipt3n- 004 in roquirod to an liven. ` Tnmnm. Juno 2l.--Au mating of tho in rcqulrod to uvel. Toronto, Juno 21.--Au muting Corn Exchange to-day in van propnud and cu-riot! thnt tho moubon oxpuu their honrtfolt sympathy with the pop): of St. John, 14.3., and duh-0 to dd and mist the rumod and hounelou Intfonn; md Authorizing the Preuident of tho St. John Board of Twin to draw 5% light (or six hundred dollnn. D.`-alnnrl Mn Jnnn QI_-L `Aral nx hunnrua aomn. Portland, Ma. Juno 2l.-A lnrr meeting of the citizen: Ill hold to to 0 mouuru for the relief of the people. A oounldonblo sum Ill contribuud, and I stunner luvs:-to-ulght with I bony lroiuht of food far the Iufforon. N..- Vm-I: Junta `II .-0onnnl Wnrnnr freight of load {or me llIllO|'O|'I. New York, J uno 2l.--Oouuul Wnmor M St. John. zoleguplu to the Mayor of New York no follow: : "St. John in nlmou totnlly doitroyod; I" nblic build- ihul bnmqi: low buainou onus loft; fully one hslf the nlidonou in aha. Sud All the aid you oamuunl thousand pooplo boing honalul. no Callahan. ldlty. Ahvdiqhl FIIHC l ||l'Il no-ulu Io-dug. I 1'0-DAY ! NEWS. losnadiun Telegram Oondonud. 0! Iho0nurln Cabinet Illd other dht.|ngniuh- rs of the Rmforln party IN ex- pected so ho preunt. - ~-A-a a... nu!-'.`n`I'.Q -Jndgo Loudox, 0! Lincoln ha III! in his I-uignnion, and will ho ontitlnd N A pension. -- l'In dhturbnnou ct Oh no holin- il . ' - on. Adm Cvooh loft Toronto lou- lnropo to-dd . Hon. Mr. llndy in to ho Acting iniolor ul Idnuton. HI . Orooh goes for his hodth. _.Gunn-nnr (hnonl and family arrived Uroon for mu Mum. --Governor (hnonl And In ily at Quohoo to-dqy, and won nd by Bllhiy R. e I`.....|..u. .... n naming -nu. -IICIIIBI III` II Iwvuw Opon Homo Inlay. --1`oroaIo nuul nvnon Ion culled to pupae he Bulalo Convention; to qmml. . -IoIIns| Imam Club plus to H mound: to Ibum-oh ~to play with Bun-to splat Toronto Milan; new Ildhdil. __n......I- nl dlnllnrv H In In- "'d..a."' " cl mum but for m Cl in ,-..n.n.'.. |l.-nun! Ami Inhmun hi i inilonmd. -Striking Montnnl (look lnhonn M` ;.__'a...."""......""' 1::-.:.:"':.* A 1.. .u.n .._.lu ha... ponnion. --'I`Iu dhturbonou Oh ugh- aiu: to die out, and the helium, relying u n uuunnou, no returning to the 21:... Adm Clooh Toronto mm H. A ...Jl`rrr'uvtto Wu. It Quinn, DIE rind lo-lay to Mun Annie Honlln, I roll known Anal-loan nutbonu, and dmglntu ol the American Oauul. _.|.a.. Um-r-cl I to u-I It Olnboo not at no Anomu unuul. -JIlp Om-I--0| I to art Quboo .namu-molt.-rs--nInu.mp hum-A Donut. . -'l`ounIo Luann I to day db onq:|;`I_"-`Onion hi 1'0 Ono: on All Reformer: rcquu In tho Dunn-huuuiun. lo attend ; Pwio on II!!! of RIM-ton. the sucking Counties, d.n`h`*.`r--'- - A --2 ..n| .. .