j. F-In cu---u ---.. .,...,___. N 3% Pnuuucullno. J- o-ultqlnuugnluo udqph gnu... IMO! Qlohlh and mutual uuI.'|uvu to rellll. Conltantiuoplo. J uno 29./---Vukit nu- uouncos that liftoen hundred Ruuinu or v nlry who endeavored t1-eliove Bayazud have boenabentennbit" Kxfrdi with u , Iona of nixty lrillml, and um huudravl wounded. The Ruuinn gntrismx null I hold the citadel. "BLOODY FIGHT IN PROGRESS.` London, Juno?!-l.-'l`ho force of Run- siuu on the Bnlgnrinn side of tho Dmnbo yuwrdny morning Ill ouliuuiteri at 50,001, And their fume in continually being nugmqnhd. . . Thl Hindus: nnr ninntinnllu mmn-.-.l bung nugmnpua. Thu Rulillll now practiollly control `tho Danube from thin place to Tuluolu, M Illa dd of tho river. the only paint than they In still held in check being the ixnpottnnt stronghold of Siliunn midway botuon Niknpuli and lbmlin In the -vjcinity of the latter town unop- are null being pouudinto the Dobrud- ucln. ihorc it in Iutod that (ho iphnbl. tum are thin` to join the inuder: ' London. June 29.-A Vienna dmmmh uunnux, oeuuvmgme Unr wu jhora. Lfmdun. Juno 29.--A Guilt: dolputch nyn bloody lighting Inn bun going on `at Pyrgua, pn tho` Duudbo, the Ruuinns crossing at Unemou sud engaging the Turin. The Ilnughlor kn been tumble. The Turkish gunbonla ware Alno engaged. London. June 2`J.--A Cuultnnlmnule mo Iurkun gunbonu also engaged. London, Countantinupla `doopgtch dglod noon to-thy, uyn the Force doolai-ad itulf `willing to conclude peace with Montonoro nhuuld Montene- gru roquent puoe. A V071 dllnltnh saw: it in llutml Hm! gru roqueu dupnwh nay: it is noted that 'l`cbunuIo', on hehnlf of )he Cur, will ruin ob'ecion to the presence r>1S1r Arnold 'irnblo, English Military Attache with the Turkin army in Ania. _ A Vienna donputch. laced Thurulav.` IUBH OI lllly IIHQW, and | . 4:.` nun no nun` to join the under: London, J uno 29.-A Vionnn despnch up the owning of tho Dumbo Ill only Iuoooulul from Simnitu to Siuou. All other Illomptmup to Wodnndty failed. A Vienna Mennnoh ntnten um. me the cmor uumpuaup to Wodnndty failed. Meupnoh ntaten that use the _bombn`dmout_ ol Uinrgoro the Turin chiey aimed At the huuno of the German Cuulul, baliuvingllm Unr _thora'. Lndon. 29.--A Gnlnu dnnnntnh ._. It in a feel hut 06,000 of Mail nook III recently purohued on _lhe mas}: o! Ottun !or I nigaglc cent. I I this Immen- done depreciation Iney be permitted um indication of the him or the Man". pub- lic utteunoee; whet shall be aid` of the Kingston Daily Nam, which, in estima- lnj e `Reloruj crowd. get: 3,000 {utiher Any Nam the ` fact than its Totantn cmgfrerc P Our'lnceI.coutomponry'e etuck in Q" nnmd. but `in dietauoo from IE mt IIOI-1"! xmn. rm: WAR mews. I-ime "wmm ror rem.- EUROPEAN. ` of Ioookhuldon I will be hold to- ol uloterninin ._ .5 AL- ..-um... GRAND A PIC-N|C,. inonmox ' nu: -v - uv In! M lhrriaou Juuonl, Inhllo I am of Ir I-1.! lnllyud Illrdd of tho lolo `Jun-oIortao.| .oq_ofli Jpdiyn. Great` . .'Hrau~ u JIuI.|I!. II in ontamina It Wuhingtoli thit tho Conuiiul nuthoritiu ought to upturo Sitting [hill and Iumndor bin to tho` United Sum Oovornlnont In In ontlaiv sud uuuln. Ilonvor, United State! procodont in tho mu: 0! the 1-`oninn riicleru may be I triing obatdcio to thin friendly action, and than Sitting Bull himull may. have to be consulted on, tho mun}, to him In important point. ._.-.o-o... (`Ms-ago Juno llrltlog. Mm lower 1' or July; l.Il :- lur August. CurnIcHvICIl- I-Olwluly; 6514 fur Aumut. Purl scdnud Iran nus v..rJuv; 13.10 inc Anus. n-nun aunts pun-amid Haj. .*`?i --'I'hu only additional contribution: to the Sc. Jolm Relief Fund [P01 '58] through Um l`oront.o Board of Trude; Knights of Pythian, Snrnia and Toronto, lls; Windsor, 11.8., $650; Culedonin Club, Sum Fmncincn, 8500, Glasgow, $12,500; and'n Julucnption of $16,000 frum Loudon--uuking 1 total of clan on 230,000 to be Iddod to the cuh`oontribu- lluul previously reported. 000 E Westward Ho! :1 ne vim Lot Cheap at the Great sale on Mon- day and Tuesday. - . . , ..__ wu,wu worm worn uwlon. _ ` v . . _ Chapmnu & C0,, HunovugStrut,,huit lmpurton, have` failed; linbililiu about 8176.000. . \\'m, Hminn Jnmu I nnnlthu vmnm` uuo.uw. _ Wm. Ogden Jones, 9 wealthy young man, nu found locked in the bath loan of In: reuienoo at Noppoft apartment -house, yelterdly. `with the hot Iuer: faucet. openell. He wu hully unldod. Juno: run I victim of alooholiun. Wisp- Lhor suicide or pocident in unknown. rs... 1~;m.... 3... .I..r.....I .;. ...:.. 1.. lLHl't|p0 I nasday. II. in h lo mas nmnuuo u nmua oornnpouuonr. St. Luuin, Juno 20.-A letter from Michan) Merueyu, of the Uuiurnity of Munich, an intimuo friund ol. Richsrd Wagner, Announces that Waguor in nuk- inu propamtiom to come to this country. S.-.riruh'eld. Man. June '10.-Nut Inn Wnnlly um bu new la him I lulu-[mud I mu propanmom no no mm country. Sprirglield, Mum, June 29.-Nut than`25,1)00 person: will witnou tho race between Yule And Harvard this ,|ly.cr- noon. Mild, south wind preuilo. - .-I It 4 I urn 1 Lulu` we mm Iucn unuu lofvl. Providonon, R.l., Juno 29.-GovoI'Ilor Hsrtronh dud not vriu 0|` Iign tho cable manage to mm in-urn "Quuu Victo- rin." It In: tho work of lain comrtdo, Tanner. . . u...u....n n...... 1...}. -)0 _A um. `runner. u-tlord. Cnnn., Ju fl9.--Q little girl named Gnhun, lama nix Inch :30 by I dog, in dying from h ropliobi; Wuhmuiun Soecidu: ho Hm: ||'u by uog, ll aynng lrom n ropnom; Wuhmginn Specic: ho II'yn the men.-hmdiu export: {or the put eleven months show nn incl-one of 8165,- 000,000 over the oorruponding period of tho previuurncni you-. The import: hue fnllou cg 824,000,000. 4 Navy Ynrk. June 29.-'l'h nitv brai- qlvo nmnu cg a'u,uuu.uUu. New Ym-k,June '29.-'l`ho city brow- nn ure organizing for tho douctidn of syntoumio them cl bur bu-roln and lungs. During tho put. three you: 025.- 000,0U0 worth stolen. ` J'I...nw.... K. F" 11....-u.-. in. 'l...:; tner uuncmo pocmolu ll IIIIIIIOIII. Gov. Tilclen has deferred MI tri to Europe aftar engnging .7. puugo for od- nasdav. it iu.repurted thut Okay lll uni nut to the Dumnbou Herald oorrupoudont. Luuin. Juno letter " Bowman, Monlann, __._Nm 29. -1`ho scout junt returuod~(ro{n >-`Sitting Bull Iv- poltn him oncunpod Imh350lodnoIut Cy nu Hall, 'Britin!_: poueuioxu. Simng Bufl ggid Cantor III the brunt mu: ho -ever uw, but 1 tool to attack I Inga vil- lage with such small force. Pruvidnnm. R.[.. Juno 29.-0ovnrnor {GENERAL DESPATGHBM ' "llullo Ilnmuou of Return Douonunuon ( Iamau It 7:! pm. IATIIIDAI Branch No. 0. llllng Bull : lincampuuent. (`HA ENE! GROVE. QIIITIIAI. II`1 I IAIIIVR rm: ufzsri mans. --. _ .3-9-... I Recluruou in an Prieo of ~ ml roll Huh I! Hyman`: Ital mono. 00--- ' cvlmard 0]` Nu` (fttfs for the r for the Gr:-`u! tale of Villa . on Mcmdzm and Tuesday od. I --cu-anti. cl Tick]. J-mo haunt. Noon Aqua` >. l`.I( 0.3-. amid was H" can plan In: It his hunky. I50 lb ih II |n.I uunml-lAnnm no hull-I HYWQZU Ki *9. 1 ml Mqulnuuu an hvhod MEI). IATUIDA I lhvuhr I Mnulrgln ll Clty Hull. -Tlulilu for nlubh Baal luau rboolvodz ' Cucln luau.-It. George`: n Kingston. ` `humus fur fuel for School Board matted until noon. u-mum. I-`u-'o'l"3Io. Tvwl bl - What u. R?` """"" K htu-chtyldul huh . (w.a'iv3g;m ,g:;x=- ".::'..'ar1::.':.. o...T.'.Z.'aTu}?.'.2." `hu 1&0:-I Iollhghn IAIUII Itll: Occasion -c.l.OIIl-saloon M 4.5. . nu`: Ioldny. J was IKIHGSTDN nusmm A BL-'- till w [ :-.-..r.*.:*.: muncuun mu gang gniavuig. Wlllnnullh R pa `latex 2" " Iuht " am | 'n__ -xll 1.1:)... ...-L .. IUIVlI- Wllllnlavllh Il I In '-'*..::....., uh: ' um -' IAQD I Q` F..rcou-nlou `I'M-ken will be in- nued on Saturday. good to return on Monday. at 31. Train Inn-an fool of Brock Strrrl. on snmraluyo M -Y p.m. .' .__. -I) IOPIOI ?0I||$lhl'y I lulu I Can III! follow: lute: Peumauuy Inrhl lnxcmfto Sharbutt .Lake.] I33: Iuwtuanawnl In unuocl rmznnuno. \ Price: ol Adnniou 503ml 26 coma, moon!- in no location 0! nova. Sun on ale at In-- Aulcyi Boohu-n-. Dunn npvn At 7.15. Per- fununnco wumwu:-en 1e8u.q._ June `I, I377 ~- I J. ll. I-lA\'l\`.R| .Y. Prdpnewr. mun nut.-A-r-n-iv r . Ivy! --. u-u . an--o-'-n rm: anaxrr.s1~ or ALL xnxsmn. CUIPANIIC8 Just mad the nuns: ul nub Oonaronoflun. only lbl nmmluom nnol Inouliolod hen-. .-L. .- 7-....- ` _...___- EVENT}, JUNE $;,1-8;.';'-g M ""}'n'iinnsuJ. * TT coo. vuvua . count was nauundu O (`umprhn 'I`\V El.Vl'I llolu Musicians. Allof the Iburo uuzml Pupulnr mm. at ouch onhrhlnmolnl in ncloct Pmaruume. Cnturclny. Juno I10t).1.l `fit; Mnnngunrnt lmvlng gclecsu-1| fat on week the fuuonu and original Jun and the ol lhh Uouun-on oflun. only tho pmlnlyom Add Rynn, Billy Rico Goo.\\'i|non, Billy Prinrou & Wat. (er, Chu.' Huy- vood. '1'. ll. Diififllonr R00. J. W. Freoth, W. Walling, Jn tn lhpior. CITY Haver|ey's Minshelal Kingston strgct Railway. lI`l|ls1` (`AR whero.Iml u ulm rolurnrul In-n~nl`Im~ all ouutandiug I-lam By order. ' (`I4 Juno `J9. 187.`. .---- v.v--w-w' N WEDNESDA 1' LAST. in the (`in found. A warn: ll: (lou, Inulong ohnin 1 inched. Tho owner mum prom property and pay nlmrgu. or he will be Iultl on Ilumluy next. It 10 o'clock. u.m , at tho I`ouud Halo. lnrl Street. P. THLANI) ` - On the l`hill|pnvilln'-Ru.u|. nlosn nilln {fem Knlngntninn. A -.n.-.. n. .... A muss nab will be snmnaanoo. lu- fruhmonu provided by the Cmurnmoo. A cordial invitation is ucou} to Kluptou frigndu. ` No ncw hunlnru and : ken. Notify pohrr hold whom.Inul Hm umunm nonunion ht. nnnn A u n nuvuuu". 1 (`o_p:noIi-In; out: day 1 . lioulnri I-I6-re. I Ivlnminion Day; j July `,21 2d~.[ Tm: L; I. (`ul'RCll. 'l`odql.`s crow, `rmaburgn, ` . . , IN AID 01-` Till`: l>'AKHUNAHl'I l"l'NI) ()l<` A eordhl Iuvlt friends. Juno 29.1877. lSlaa;co`na |ns_u_rance llnnipanyl 'IIourm.iI,v -numd 5 lb '00! (`III of III!` e `l' 3&1 [Al I _.._._._..L._.._. -._~.L --_.._._... -' ' ` -----.._.a.,..-. __.__.___. ..._,J. _._`_._ .,_.' ( -TEIIS-Fiy dolbn per lagl. to in pa! dong. 1ho"bnlnn'oh In fnurac Iul nrinul luau!-F nonnmuh interest at 7 P" "'10- Ioou_rg~_d_ _ujt_I_ortpgp s.u.h`. ON '|`H amnmbn I! cIu*u.n|os. ,_,. _ u ALEX. BAH!-`()l).4 0&1! Nlllll I` 0.\'l;|'. 1IM : yAaL: 677. IOIIM L JULY DID. RAIL I out I n. Gn..A. Nn SALE T4] Kl`) .\`0Tl('I'.`. `Monday - vlnn sunk J`: 1 Impnuriin, UNI -`.Hl|.\\ |.A.\"T` m . coIm'mLi7 ujuuu-: -.,---..-....------~ ,..nq.obcunu hnpahlbib punt! uku-mun andn canal!) In uh In the nnuuuu. Tb Dal. MFINIIIMWI Ki- asanlmiunn-nnnnohn. In "iii" ` w cut envy`! ilutu. .r.\7B.4 I`. nxvxwa-wow lAVIhTU.4 mum: in full. (`HAW lI`(LRl) LINDSAY. Secretary. 1 suJ- -uuuu nunuuupgl 1! TWO 'look pun. -ulnrb apply in L.-MORE `lhnnoslwy nep- ' , _ `wmu-'-nu. um " I-IIVX II hnmuthq l0:vl;u my rival Journal: In Fdltu - rlftzgyy. `flu litmus Wmo imnlnho dithrt Dally or war you: found lb nocullry haul. tlnm. Alllvll Ihullutbry 7:45 I n LCD huouaohry mu 1: at Wt!l|InIv|lkll:I5 uvu-unnun. nu `- : and -`Faraday; the 2nd nd 3rd._J_u]y,~ 37- I?` Lnnolu\on}m the tannin.` l:Vu- I`. ._. .... ._.-...v... I no rout-pnla to be In- `lul ,o insure olu ml o'~umnun will he ;._Ag-ut. Kingston. In 1ho"bnVluu:';b-"IV:n_I'T\:r :':;I`ar;nun-l-l|A::lnlA"' 3 wound M Morkpgp ll` . ` gucrlou,-on ~ - ____ItII___,,n, `-- -- . TULAN I), " Pound-hoover. ._.. ---lg --v rvqu Inuit tllllq all! $'look Lnpcluoonbln ulna gmlinci. I L HUKRISON4 551801 HII`l|VI_V OM00. Ill.~\vnnr Mining IN l`lll.`l nun.- | the 0| l_Zl.lGlIl4l5 T- " C2; `'3' WIIIBNII Willi! 5a.!` nl7:I`=; lqvllun --H0- r2 -2"! ".'!'IL-_-. I 5'-'u"a|"g'.u"'vo' ll` Alli UAPD vl my B` QR! ~"~n `Q L! no em nuunalula. E25`; o`|:o`o;~`-urn n-uu""u' '3 " ` "" aounaco Ind nun. Apply to Jun 5. I77. nib Glorious 1;: mi an my`. .m1. mm A OUIIO P0. -'v'o "-" -'-""'qI ~'-%3'-'.-.-.-"..":-..-2:.-... hIt.J%A on Icon I-an than 9.713: l"-In." Steamer Alexandria ( N All) AITII TIICIIDAY, the III Int. In the Iunnor IOIIII. Ibo In; as land Inlllvu (`copay vtll III A D...` A...` Iain--..--l|I- A- 5., ----V-- w... -w_-, Culling cook In M I 0 that FAII--'lVI (`INTI Iii! lontml and Way Pork. UUII NWTI EIIIIWII I UIl[$I_' `III II. V A Inn has Wllllnnulllc to 0:- urn-nl on-I-I hour. Vh'..'...".'i' ' ml. -III: NI. 3! Io`:-lurk. A full ononduwo In nqnunta bulun of luporlun 1: to In (rancid. . Iy ovdor. null IAIII. 42:30. OI Wednesday. July lilo run....nh n-nsgun 1 An..IlI Sharhott Lake and Return. The Train will leave 0-on tho foot 0! rgul Sun! A! 7.!) can , sharp` _ J05. FPPII. {-j 80 etc! olaharuclad tout-`:`oyIUII|' `DRESS M4}(1NG,& Monday, the 2nd J uly Vi 1IIIC-' }_Tn?`:'ru&-37:: f.'.'.`.'J""" "BA"ll.WRYL 2 Au inlpwunn r.-nywlfully mm ('ourIhuul'n und Grim! `I (.`el-br|loU union 0! uiluck Cm;-en. ` - A lnrpu Sim-I: uf .\|ll.K l'D|HlEl.!.A8 at law pricen. In Blurk and (`.oloh. at \':-r,\' low prawn. Blnwk Bnmlli-u. I :-rnlnn nud Mum-ll Conln. linpmved nngkos llllu-In llm.-Itru and Alpugu. Bluk lmi: (}ronud'('lr-`oumlim-1 AIIO Bu-Ipqo sud I-`Iguru . > Nnv Blue. Haul Brawn. Hugo (lnwn nud olhor ' ughxonphle Shula of (Iron urnlu lth. Also. . vary 11".. sum of Culnmd am: Wm} A|pncrua. _ cl luv! u an orunnoo. Ibo unkind or- lonr exclaimed. "didn't uv do that . I . IcH"` "Wu," Noun, IIMI had ya to in II it 1-10: foul !" On I anbcoquunt ooanlon while loan In pa-Inrmuu moot glovinoclylo I dinin- jlilhod oudwnm, IIIddOI|] Hue Qugig uuppod. Thu onus Nonr had and ` to math, ll:-an In unnod. Am! the or- nn Havoc trlunphuny ial,"nh chin, ; hnlnolbi to do club in" This ` quota:-L no 0! Mn pnooom huh: dulvctthodlugbonnddusl In bathtub K , N0 Illa donut douurthuou dqnnd hnlidq, ` he mnhtutyohbou gnu ' pd uuhlhbqnhuvn onus its ` can nodes. Thovud Thanh duo ` Inployuh-llllnldllhllwocuur : 'n"..".'a'u"-i a';.".$u`$' ' ::-'.."'*.:.-:.':.-..":.`..""= ` 9 1 ....'.'.'..`:.'..':."' "" "" ..'.-I noun 1: .. ` m . I` Dl : punlbh I V H Oldufuvugu R&.J.GA1m1NI:R mvu"'iI.T."&u.nr. Ivor! Nanny Inning .- ;-_I__.L ____._- _n .n.. n_-,4- ._ .n_.n_ Biol: Black (l|;on GrI|n 8iI|u In New 1 CON]. - ! New'French" C_ashr`ner:s' 1.1 Dominion Day. `nurbnngg nance`. EXCURSION H In: wulu-uulc l unqul every hour. -. n --n.,L MA-- In Ml Idol! or In Iruwn n rug. . Dun In ; -10: annular LOTS! I Lllnlrsu null Alpnn-u` In [ho uni - iouilnlg _nhnult-5. ` -.- -um un u..u_|!I_y, ncluoonizn ground`. For fur-that par- imm ` PRlhSE|S8 STREET. Ann: snow:x o " T0 -_. uu-yo. HEI~'RY.BAVf1)KN. Anottpuot. % lfll 8% J L IIOIIXMI. M "Fully lull were Coneurvativee." Thin may not he the opinion, but it ia the aa- eertion of the local Tory organ. Thin, no doubt, ia not intended an a "man; .1. luaioln," but it u intended to paea lor the truth. Our party modeety prevented onr relerenea to it at the time, but every body who lxnowe anything about it ie lully aware that at leeet nine-tentlu ol the audience that letely liateued to the Chieftain and the Rtratcher in the City _ ail were Returmera. Very few ol the local Orita were nut." Thie ie ano- ther"allIIeion," and in equally oorreut wlthall the etheraln the Tory organ. The feet in. the local Grlte" loreeeeieg the nah, and knowing the intenea Cun- eervative emiety to give the Honeat Preulera a oendld hearing, with a rare eel! dealal purpuaely relrelned tron geing la order thet their Tory frlende `hh ptwleytina `pollcyeettiepertelthe |Iewlag"|eeal mite" wee enlaeetly nueeuulel, it we Iayledgelrenthe hearty aedgeeerel eheeoeetenl-evel hyehtehtheltetu-I leadeneedthetrneeterly Qeeduwere reeelvelhytheaeuloletl tlieeeandeat the Palaee Wedeeadqy. v-903:--r--` Ibo Y I. I. I. A. are nquold O nmnd tho lugs lu gun-r lau- Ing. In in NH II no It. Pour!-to llnll OI WID- pnubu onl- JII; Oil. M manual. In H M1, l'Pfll Surertnhlllll ..___.L...oo>.. -------- othl HID II. To, lb! `lo! of Wk` . l'In.n In - -1; In-min .... ... .... ,,...,.....- .. ,............. ...... ... view. won an unqunliod nnd`unprooe- donkd luooou. It In: dull. I onuhing `blow to the unloundod unuuaptlonu, that the rovulnion of public untilnent Turywu-dn, of which In but so much and yo! no no little, only lwlsod opportunity to boroduood to on accom- plinhod fnct. Wall nny `Rafa;-morubo olnkd It tho grand Im_>oou which crown ` od their noon! cort. Thu: our will tho Rofonnon 0! Kingston nuoooufully meet :6 Ivory him the tactics of their opponontu. until at lut even tho paltry Incl pitinblo uujorily of 17 ulnll glimp- pur from the didaonourod Tory nun- durd, and Kingston dull" nally ho fully rodoomod For Reform sud good nonm- aunt. ._._..... 9.45;-.- ._._:_ - ruuunuuu un u-v-v vicious dintorlionu of the truth which unprincipled Tm-y journalists hnvo been urduouuly emulating Tory plutlorm gimja in diueuiinlting through the wuutry. It was It trlumplnut vindica- tion of the Reform leodora from thou nnouy Iulpicionu undor which good men and true sometime: temporarily liq,when undo the constant target of the poilunod than: of libel? It was uiunwawonblu contradiction of the great Tory ruction, whoa reality has been spin and spin uumd in tho niu hope of oouverting the otion into A hot, Ind reducing a fond Tory doluuion into a delightful Tory rulity. In I word, the Demonuration, for All tho purposes its promoter: land in i .i.-. nan: In -nun:-Ii..| .-.Ai..nn-4.4, l Thfeiormeu of Kingston my well be pardoned for the interchange of hur- ty congratulation: on the triumphwi nuc- eulol the recent demonstration. Holt worthily did the urea: oocuion deserve the designation. ' It Ill indeed A demon- ntntion of the, not merely u.ndiminiIhed," but nugmented strength of the Re- form party in the Limestone City and the Midland oountiu. It Ill 3 deInonun- tinn of the public ooulidgnee in th0 homely sud eicienoy oi the `Hon. Alex- nnder Mwkenzie an of the AND M ini-- iry of which he in the honoured hand. It. Will demonstration of on undinturbed nnd over ntrengthening faith-in' the integ- rity And nlliliiy of the Unterio Reform Cabinet, of which the Hon. 0. Mount, KiugIton'I honourod Io'n,"'iie Premier. it won ndemonstrntiou oi the utter fal- sity of thuhe reckleu And fuundatinnleu slender: which have beenhurled with all the force of I nuddening diuppointment ngninut the Reform ruler: of this onnntry ' by-tho condemned and rejected luden end champion: of Tory corruption. it with I reinintiun of thou truth` I 7.). Bhtoot kaclhwut;-vrn of truth. With ilouinlTuppoto'uuu-rogudlur I960.` pun 'tlu tau ! gun at 2,000. and grudge: to Admit that hull glhuo uu-n_ Rofornun. and nplly uoutd that until `all ma lute: who nnngcl. An Authority which ennui pt hoyoud the niunblo min of put pnjudicq honor that to violate the pdpoblo trth in tho fun 0! 7.000 pooplo la worthy bnly `olthd oontunpt of all-uiminn 0! (Air play, Ihothot Conurvntin or Liberti- The aqua well know that in Kingnlon und ricihity such silly umnncu would any on their very hot thoir own shout- dify and rolutntian. It IOOIIII to IIAVI lql; tho noccuicy, howoyor. ol rodncin, no nutter by HM! means, the magnicent proportion: of Wodneodnfd domonuntion. The organ : Inondncioun )|n|II-an kn nn .l....M nu... A.Im.n..l On uwu-vn--u-uvu. 5 no vA.uu I Ioouu-Au-vuu bout-so hu, no doubt, noon odoptod to convoy to thoooot n dint-onooo Moo improooion at tho importonoo u! the ocu- Iion. Thioltruly oloutod purpno luo bo'on' opportuuoly doloototl by tho loiror roporto which laoro oppoorod in tho Mail and othor Couooruuvo journal: which no not proporod tq go the length at tho New in ropudiotiou o_!_ Ill proton- Iionl to truth and lolr ploy.` Tho lbool pl-(on, in in lotoot diatortion or` mine- tion of tho truth, in thoroloro oxpoood by tho loot: `prooentodl even by ito own Tory conlroru, to public ridicule and necro- "Icon. us. .?..;iam;;1y7 ucoo "Auu_sIous7 xy vvuuu. Tho cclolulu today In the huviul that Inn bun pnuuorl lur dhnociun an acne Mm. than his. no has than an nun on no doom hum Hug , 1 din Iuohrlaol. for obtaining mg! soda lulu pnhuu hum Ju. unmm, f nlnuudol lill PIN; Juan Danny, ' It o.tdJohIdIJuhy, who ap! M: will M an; I -1. nu dio- ihnl; Mann I-nu. lot Ma. mu dlnovdorly. nnnuudod luu nut,` -John Gonna. let 3 Hh ol-so-, Q and onto; (horn llnlehot. VII hm; nnplbhd 0! no ' not an :r&.hH mzilian ; J vuuuauod til someday} Puujd 0-noun nu ` ml} ptthildo ova ` .3'.1`..'2'..... .- .....'!f""` "" "" ` A I11` nngh in lullumb-` I 1 1 I [Id pk-MO I0 lqulgn l'Dllll pur "Prime KIIIIM5" on the "gluriouo hank" than will In one or two to unu- , and the Nuun Cundhnn uul St. was-kl : Inoiula on `yet in to bond hon. In addition. the ul tho Cnilinn II. Church will an plnoo um Sunni: . Vod tho who 0! 50 pk-Itrol can ln (In III`. Wihjhlh uvvv, -u-v Inn Iut-nu, u 7.... H0. in thin! in noon! ol common dngud at I the just roquironoon ol joonalulk honour in xlitionl contact. A: Iloqi ooudou_ol III noun-om uulnuun cl duo with in alluding to I50 Inuit! pliant at tho Reich [5- Ihchg, the crude arm. to when it- nl Id In ulny" In unsung the union emu: 150 plan at SAID. 0! Ihmlouuootl. It In turn by a dude aioItIcMIohII.o|n`l`npput.dooluu. fully on in" In: my and annoy Von 0aonntivn." The organ and lit! III! not 5 rhclol lld uran- qolluuodthonphndldlblorn, dbqydWdooudayui|lourIIloI-lulu hutnlooubupt onaohhowsuut us, who ounly Ian non Input lav mu and doouq than 3' Vocal ouch taut titted I huh; cunt ol hdlulnlu at Ma dull! onto mun. ldhruuw, hhd. Vo|l.tboNouuhnt-yludql I-1..-a nollluolq Iioldl Iupcd h `Oh an. `no `ndln-Ooounnlnlu Kapuu olhdlyluubblhfunntofcty any nun In In IUIIOI. hill mum Aadvo I-`m County Ind | muonlight ounnion am the Boy por "Kinonrdino"; to-dgy the Udollollon uonnho-J to sun. Pull! pol "||ulian; on Moudny (Do- :.I:'nIp;ahl)nl:) 050; will be ulrnounion -u to unsung; mm pu "Print llunh" "gluriuuo ounounu lnr Ina pu nl mu nugnnnr hood, and (won t I Imrnhor that an plam M in rally I vnnclcr-1-n ncinlly when the hm! times" no mania and - am they an nll -on-onlud. Yet mob in uncut. ` AI y about A half doun hon aha plmo thin munn, and no In Mluw. but night .-...-inn nn thn Han nu` "Kinnnnlinn": VIM II.laANl|'ll`.I A Inombor ul the polim lures Ilnlnl ; uilin iunrut on Sunday nu t and to I p any Oh by the upuuing c hin booz.-'l`IIo mulch PO00 bemoan the RI- ` do (lny,.-nod hormsnd the (Bypgy, owned in Hamilton, in oI.-'l'ho droduo III Iuooadocl in taking I lnuo number 91 big houlalon outta! the harbor bod.- Pohtou no not worth 01,150 a bag, and aunt u that gnn. Bulluillo. Juno 28.-Pio-aim sud ex- ouniou an n nu ma all-Abolarbiug attention for! 0 re nl um naigbbnr- Inna. uni (mm 1 n nmnhot lulu ' nl'IT A(.`AI.VIlT Tux I'owN. r Mnyor Innorhu been carved with n \ writ at the immune: of Col. (mar, of the , QlIOOlI'I Own Rulfeu, tur an-noes render- ad during the O. T. onginoeru strike in ' Junury Int. Two at three demand: ' Iron mm]: for the payment nf the claim, but no action boing taken by tho Tuna (Jounoil it In doomed not-usury to sue , it, which bu boon done. It may be an any matter In obuiu jlldglnenl. agninu this corporation. butit will bu Inolhor thing to not the money. It in not ovary town (In! can boost of a denim an Inga I Mill and In Iliad to pay claim: him Ibo Above. r \lIla ll,LAIlI'n AVUI Ina u.`- A telegram an received here yet! day stating dust George (Jlenn, (who ohnrgml with being the prmcipnl in 1 Burden plillullih pun. and fur whl Arron I resurd in olfered) Ind huun routod yutunlny :71 Brighton. Frum 1 information wlegruphcd h.-re Lhivfn Kinuon, occnmpnniml by uicar .\l-(L (who is personally M-qnninh-ul vnthulul having been confronted with Hm nrrml uty, declared he wu not the man a 0 In: accordingly lihnrut-.svl. Uh nr now reported ufbaback --f .\'~ru....-I4 to be well urme.l. Ann I: r :'In|`llI ` rsuun rnnunuw-u. ' A young mun named Dnniel Pnuenou (formerly with tho world relmnuml liar- ry Lindley) wu arrested tn~dl)'. chnrgod with obtaining nqunntity ol cigars from Jnmoo Robliu, by fulnu preteuuea. .Wh-n lho wcud gut the cigaun ho had left the I-.m..uu! intended to an as neuhny lho wanna [um um cxgmn no lmu wu um ItAgo"And intended go neubuy on none of the Hay nu-aunern. He failed to do no, nowevur, and uuddeuly disap- nred. Ila returned no town yenterahsy and his victim hnving uhnrvod him, had hiiu lockad up. hurl` vrn: uA\' the hill Inter me mm rrox.,uIu puy ml` the hosting And lighting mi in during the time lhoy had mod it. The reply "thanked the Council for the use nf the hull. but regretted that thure war [In fund: to pay the billa." A richer" ruply than that `could lurdly he wished for. . ...- uhnr-lnu.`II.. uuxmnunnu l\I ax.-4. Dr." John Bird, who was conviomil on Tuondny hut fur violating the provi- sion: of the Madiciil Act, and ned $10 And coin or 30 day: than-elm`, was lut night committed tn jail in defiuilt nf pav- mbnt of the tine impaled. The prisoner, who in about 70 your: of :go, has resided in thin county during the greater part. uf his life, and in` highly renpectml. The general verdict of tho pople of` the suc- tiun where he I-uni-led is that "it may be law, l:utit`a nhll tough." ...... n...n~ u.-.um.u " (CVIH vu_r vwu \. 1 Bolluillo, Jluno `I1 .-'-Tho ultngo 9! `rli , nboug -ixmn mils. hem hits. _ 1 pnunud _uu'nimuod tune. the stunt: uhhc plus it the tinge bung I lhoopd. The can of dl, thin ya the ` holding of I pmaioiu aid om: John'| Cbnteb. undo! u uupiceo ol tNMa- ; nnio hmmity. Ovgr 1110 `wont run 3 late rG.'J. 3., and u nth `one on [ board to buy I Ppznic tickot,quite cum `Ill ruliud {rum C-him. `Plenty pl good Vilndl It-rd provided for than who whhdd to pariah, and I number 0! nponkorl nigod their eloquence." Tim proooodl, which unountod to our 3300, won more than Iuloipnl to ripe out the _ debt ohho Church; ` ' . The Icon! Tot] shoot bu Inoooodoul in until; I lost uiunblo exhibition o! in politionl dopuvhy in I" in "man diu- akh" tn tho [Mot-In Dououtrulou. In uuupq to doptoohullso inpooluoo unfdptlunu ul the won! it bu only uunbd in new ht-that bclmliq and ` hgih on npuhon in ma 4 and MI-Ion. I! that. indeed, was pad-I I LI- 1- -|._.l In. _...I J nnnhln-Q. n-van.--u uuvu . ....v._... The benefit concert And pnsuentatio undated Prof. W hinh (who in About lnv- ing Bollovillo to take 111: hi: ronldenco in H|miltnn),which tank place in the mydg.-- Strut Metbodiu Church last night. wu u vorriuwrutlng ovont, mud was fai_rly pa- tronized. 'l`ho progrunme, which cull- niuod of "organ" ' IL-loctiom and van!- ilmu" by the choir of .1.ho Church, was excellently rendered. The Prufauur was proleutocl with n lmudnmuu epergno. ` Alll rnu yr. J.|l|\l. AIU run -1}. a-um. M. n public-meeting halcl in the Town Bull Int night n reaululiuu was panned )4 requesting the -Town Cuuucnl to grant 81,000 in aid of the outfotern by the tire at St. John. The requeut mu granted. The concert, given in the Bridge Street Church last night. will be re-pound` tu- night. and III: proceed: applied to the lame pnrpone. nu-IA\ll`Y`!`I`lI mi In! Mldly. `I note In I urge uwnannco on I tctorl, puonln Ind friend: of lhu c ildren. A prourunme, comprising ax- un insI.iouIiu guuunu and arithmetic, English pnd French dialogues, recitation: and vocal and instrumental mu-id, I'M vary crodiubly presented. after which trims were pruqntcd by the Viry Rev. '.G. I-`unlly, to whose effort: the re-or ublinhmoni of the Cannon! in due. The Oonnni ll attended by many PruloIi._|int obildton. whou pnrbnta were prewni; mm. .AL`Ih IaIliuII.l`PL'l'lfIJ Yin the lull. IIOHIIQ I IILLIJZYI LL12 S E Q, 1| "OTC HIIUI" Helm, in urmcipnl the nd whose ' ) ar- -m. the era l.hi-l' Mc- x\l-(lay, ml \nII.h(HdlIl1) NWIUII `I and `"5" ! mum. nu . 10'` in each. |00 0' ' laud fun 7 being In K 9*` tinu wlu none! '1 in I {U003 "P_ P, I y a `fin Uonrnol lhloh hnhly 15 brought P.hI. "15 ;-tn-1 pmuo by vuucn um "luriuu-I nu...- Iun" ohruunn tho npocohoo than the throne Ihldl no not ol NI own coupon- Ing. The own my use tho phnu cpl: (the author In`: object) and very Ippfoprhloly apply it In "morn undo. ol nonuuo thou! the iuiqnltlu. insomni- oulu and eon-nptlou at tho Rafa!-I ro- giro. fxfnnnurhsn wma. 1`R1uAy, JUNl L 29. 13577, "neck to your pemr pole ' ll me me ' invitation which Sir J nhn Mencdonehfgnoe eildreeeed to the workingumn M.P.I . for . Kingeton, who offended by getting be-[ tween the wind end the greet menu no- I hility, end who nde no favor in the` Chieftain : eyee became he relueee_to1` wonhip at his e_hrine. when the wutk- l inpzmen ie I good 'l`.-ry, he in potted end Codtllid by llll hld"gluved fondlere, lull when he prefer: to put hie truetin on old oomrede like Mr. Mnckeuzie he ie die- deiofully waved "luck to hie mint pots" or hie work bench. There in no genuine eympethy between Toryiem end the Ine~ 0lllnlC, II Turyiem in eeeentially entego- . nintic to the extonaion of puler rightu: `end my ettnmpt to eetoblnh en ellienee between the two ueuelly end: in e gro- tesque ucn. M did the Toronto ceeket fraud of l8'.". . The prefurenoee ul the worliingmnn nmet nlwnye turn to the petty of Liberty end Progreu, hie hinte- rioel frieude who have eineerely `labored , (or hie welfare. Severely u "herd timee" mey preu upon him now, he ie ecemel to be lured away by the wile: of ertlu dodgore, who one not e fertliing [or him, hut, hie vote once encurod, would epuru him he e mere ehettel. The worhinumen in Cenede in for the muet pert e reedie; men, anal he he rehd that there he: been greater commerciel depreeeion ebmed then with no. lie ree/Io, too, that llteee ton! in oountru-e hen terll nug- ihg rmu extreme protection to tree trede. He, therefore. hoe no dileulty in ruchlvm the conoluelun thetjt eennot he our term which` le et fault, but thet the eenee oi the miechiel he generel commercial dinmrdhr. lruetntltp trade, 0 mar: or Ian, Ihn uurlil nwor, tinlnr .---`.c.a - Ihnwul ucbouol IBQIC Lhm A clan-nub L-3` [gt AA (Louuun /lLlh`('I`I'M4'I`.) The Tory leaders are Inokilm daoporalo attempt: to. capture the workinumon vote, and to thnt and craftily crank over tho mduatrieo which are languiahing" amt-nq III by reason of tho cruel no- glucv." of the Government in not coming to her reacun. A: as general oloction ap- prnnchea, the oolicitude of tho Chieftain of the party of gentleman for tho wolfaro of their baomocked hruthor booolnoo vory tun;-hin`g. and, if their rofouionaof . anxiety could he boliovod, I oy can hard- ly sleep 0 night: their hoado aoho ao t?i`I'[; out scheme: for tho omolioratlon u the condition uf the horny-hondod pan: of tnil. some workingmon ma ho gull- ed by thou onto-oloctiun pm onion` 0! 1 their. aristocratic patrons, whoao party has teamed every attempt to make tho artisan the {too man that he in to-day. yet we fancy the bulk ol choir olaoo on too ohrowd to sllow them:-ulvoato bo than I aportod with, and will rather to-ochu tho 5 oontimenta of the addroao which the i Kingston mechanic: pruontod to tho 1 Ref rm loadoru. { ock to your paint poto" in tho lite I invitation which sinlnhu Mocdonol onoo 2 . 'U-KKI,WX~I]' IIIII `T. - . Poul, Wound. sh (Hob-or. . Canaan. Wdundny. Til lunatic. J IIIIILA IIIRIIIIIIIT ` vvtiitu. nu--1--'3 10- nvvutuvh IIDLAIDOIIOUH. The Inn. Ilr. Julia Ian. . 'n3C."?.u.,, ' ';'LL"'."" .'..."':`........"""":~ nonuiu... r...u.y on 040500. umn mu anucnpmeu. Tfxere ~iI ll great outcry hbolzt. the acorcity of mtmey, but many of` our business 1nex:.indill'eront bunches of mule any that they nre doing more busi-4 nee: than during the correupmding nmnths of last year. The prospect: of they hnrvont, especially to the north of us, are reported excellent, nnd thirfnct re- vive: the hearts uf many. ----:o0-q.--o lllv urn. -tn. -uuivvv CIIF` . mugs. zc-sq. lu oq."u. 0 ` o-.u:3..wJ.u.y. lh Odoht. nus` w..n...a.._ nu nun... l"71ere gren mm 1nex:.in c :1 nmnlhn uf Inn!` vn-,|r_ Addreeeee were presented by the Re- lotl Anoeietione ol the city end euunty, that Iron the city being ol greet length, 'hut to far cum could on 0! very little depth." We heve itelicieed ebove in or let thet thle quntetinn {ram the local or- gu night explain iteelf. The gteeteet depth to which thle euthority am on ie, we readily edmit, ehellov enough. Om oontempotufe reputation for pendu- uoe-lihe that o! no regerd (or lecte-ie et pteeent et I pretty luevy dieconnt. Thie eilnile 0! length without depth will be recognized u burrowed for the mace eleo from the ohieltnin. It ie the pot phveee by which the "lorenoet statu- .....v- .|.....a.n'.- tlnn um-ghee [mm mwnu m'0dI' Igmn here. I Amgngomonu are being made tn huh ` I "grand demomt._rat'uvn" here at oomo time during the you-, And "the chief- gain"And Dr. Tupptr havq bcqn hlrondy con-eapondod with, we believ , A meet.- ing of the faithful will be held In town on Saturday to arrange further. The Dunkin hu been well ob- Saturday to mrmer. 'l`lm Dnukin ha! been ICTVQII in Nepnnee and` t.`|rongh- nut the county since the [It of May lust. Though nu the street: almost (lnily. I do not remember tohave icon on IlIl.0Xl(!al6(i` man in I momh., Our hotel keepurs have beenlon their good belu- viour., Their houses, with one excep- tinn, its open as before, and not one of them has ever been nocueed of uttempb ing to sell liquor contrary to luv. I am lnlormetlby the County Judge and the ,(!hie! of tho Pu-lice that not a criulinnl ar- rest has been mode in the county Ilnce May lat, and much less dilllcnlv. in ex- perienced in the elzfurcement 0 "the luv Ilmn anticipated. Tlmre .in A orent oulcrv unngo HI not 4: mm or npuuy u I punno mm. He in. hnwev/er, pernonully pupu- lar and with his oxmmvc buninou con~ necytiunn he has much inuence. There in a rumour that Mr. Cuitwright don not intend tu`u'ar again here. An-nnmamnntn urn being much! hide nksunmunr. . The Hon. r. Jutho lumen. nu-Lx_:-_| Aa__.|,_ I4 .\.._L.. ----01> _ ._o Fill In! The )Iet'IIInk's ` ' Votes, , l'Ic~Il-.-< ITIIIOH uuerpl cl `>.$-O`-1?-i `I t ha been rather raahly atatod that la-rail lnuorala hava bun been in K iugaton than tha pnooanalon of Wodnuadly laaL ._Wa caution our nulnn againat accepting this atatemont. it in not atriotly enr- nct. Thu only lunaral ovef approaching the domouatration .pI-oooaaiun in length vaa that ol tho laat Tory candidates for Parliamentary honours in thia city. We -I] f`caudldatu`f for two of then fell in tho on content. Tha funeral to which '0 refer Ill largely attended by lhlortw era, particularly by workingman, whoaa hotly dolnouatrationu on that occaaion did not,.wo nmombar very wolhcumport ' ` with the aolalnnity prevailing in Tory dtcloa at tho time. The triumphant pmoauiotia loath than and on Wodnuday Int won both of than full of funeral nig- nilcanoa to the Tory party. III-. -`fund-van Ina aural yulod ulound. noun: c Go.`np1nnI.g,- ulllllllooiiyitnoniclohg Ilul cl lbuullnthooshuclui I Om : - Iilllnlvwhu PIHI7 Ion .W5.N- ._ Ilhl mi Io...n.0. Anal Wj.fllIW' -"'hdlI0h ludhun Iris! at Ito. Ibahuiqio on Wodunla -rm connmul ht Mal at the In ol Qnublhulonnhoqo cl `nu, an bchgunnpsd. hnbupvuullounn amt IIIIOIOOIEIOIUOIIILIII go` nnuhuqlw nuts! Inu- It! ._'n caning: n. nnmn-J naming`-n Iumu. 1 --`I50 Pianist oniuul at In-vi: Mot mm and mound Mu lnulku dunn- undoo. B0 was ouhudadnll not at ` urlm pink don; ch Ibo 0! (Mn Wanna ldluy.uuuHy st flnull, Wootlolod, III Inclu- _'I\nnInLllKn Inlhnnnn bin] :1 -A (:4. Lu moon ' tau; Ia... Rita: In sum... __`I5n Dunning Anion! -I In--in IA-tn XIIW INK (II In XHOIII Ill`UIII'$UI 1 omolannn, which disturbed the union ol tho hIvd,|n1l the Gannon taught to _oIo|Il0 M: by Idling to In No": bowl nan. ~ --Tin daadon of the Rnpmno Cam-u,1 limiting jmlgnml in (nor of IL, Johnston Iclinlt the minister and true- tou at 8%. Andra`: Church, Manual, in stand o-Iddonhk common! in Pnsbyluin did. in Kontvul. Tho] nation nun am of oaruin ooconlrieitlo ru mun or. ,. --Tho irocturlol tho Suinoonn ln- 1 -' out-moo Company dooidod to an up ' twenty per com. on tho Inburibod apn- tol, pqnblo in [our huulmunu 0! n 1 potent. ouch. They also doomod is _. odviublo Io may the spam 1.. also no can ham (or u pnnnt. and ru- _ 1150:`! policy Ioldnn to inure olu- I I . _.'l'Im Aaddnn 45' ll. nnnunn (3:-mu -A olllolu noun 0! noolholdon `_h"'"'"'.'__ if" "|f'.|"'.""{:j""'_ om. Mmmw Ban harm I5'.`.')f;",,.',Z`._ p'.,',{'....`, ,,`_. .,,',"{; day tor the purpose ulom-alum` A. July; Angus. Ihn action will be taken M tho mun: ~-----o muting to In hold nhonly with nlorouco llun!mm!n.'laIu- ynur urine: out to the ununom. pruonhd by an (Scum to In-I/`a you to Moon on Lot on that -I ~~ A .:::::..1::.'.;':e."' mdnoonAln- -..__.. _..._._.. .l..iJ.4l 5.. ..lI us. nanny. BIDIIIOII II I. OIIIIO IIOII In ll-ll1(IIIl(.I. -A mrur nnnod Buuno whilst wu- toring his hobo yesterday owning M. 3 ( nurry nut Mont:-ul Ill hunlocl into loop tutor by tho wind and both were drowned. _A A-nnnn -xanhna (J -Qnnlhnhlnrn WI`! VI m|l.|I'.uInuu Sir George Cutie rlmovod to I mugrnil od fur thorn ull Mm ...,o-0Q`.-- -.___o A Iuhiaription in gloat. for the purpou of orocting I monument in the nlinni Indian Tooumoth, near to the spot ihon tho noble ohiehaiu MI in defence of British it-taroiu. Lord Dulferin hu oonnontad to ho patron 0! the undortsln in`, mud C011!!! 1: many of the Lieuten- Int-Govornon u have been hurd !ro_. The York pioneer: And the l.'ni:ad 0nnu/ dim Auogintion hue the mnttu-`in , and judging from the Ipiril in which the fwouwun have inuuguntod the move- Innt, thorn in much (renter pi-omiu of nocou lot the mehn-rial than 111:: which ill-minded the Illwh for tho bravo Ia-riot`: bone: but you. N 7 ._\ -_4g..-_:..._:. 1 A deputation of citizen: lied an inter View qith the Right Hon. Geo. Scleler : Booth. Preeident of the Local (}un=m- Ipent Bond, yeelerdey in reference to the I refusal of the B-vnrd Io eenction certain ieipendituru for tending children in Ge nude under the charge of Mine Rye. ' He pointed out that if they provided emigre- tion on I large scale it would be liking velueble iebur from thin country. (`.AI|Llin I-Literal Hnnlirm. of the Rmul VIHIIDII lIl)|~l' ll'0|lI lllll country. Cnptaip Edward Hmlinq, of the Rays! I Navy, ha been appoint;-I Cummiuiuner of Fnnlueriea. and in nhmu. to procood to ndllfll to undertake his duties. 8ir.G. S. Booth on the Subject. London. June '29.-- A Vinnnn ileupatch Announce: that Mnm,t_,er Faun. has re- ceheda mun. uttering telegram from` Emperor Francis Joseph, who enyathnt. h|v'm' read the Minister`: rpeoch onl Eutm Affairs, he could not deny him- 1 lo" the pleasure of expreuing hi: ntir faction at his patriotic and exceI!en wurdn. A telegrun bu produced great. un- ution. The debut: on We.-dnendnyrnml Thursday in the Hungarian Diet. was bu-dly Anything more than ununimuuu nxprenion 0! npprnl of end cqnlidonvo In (}ount.|Andrauy'| pqlicy. _ A 8l.1l'elnr|bunr dilnatnh luv: the In uounqnnarlsly I pqllcy. A St; Pelanburg din atch uvs the nrmy corp: stationed at nbliu. Polnnd, bu been ordered to march toward: the Dumbo. and another h_u been" ordered { in reulinsu for An immediate udvancu. I mmcnnnou foiimann. an acne [ram nuropo Lo-day. n Athena doupntoh rumor: thnt l`ur- key claims restitution oi cortun ammu- nitian whizh the (h-oelu recently banzud at Corfu :5 3 contnbnnd war and thron- tona to foico In demand refused. Urooco decided to renilt. ' (`.nnnlnnOin..nI- In-.. -nu" \'..L:n -.. TIE} AUSTRIAh EMPEROR'$ } I PATRIOTISM. The .13nn\ii?o;- rloroo. wun mo 'l'lll KlI Inzhia. donputch, ulugod Thursday,` nyn tint at Nioupolin and l.intuvm', yer Iorday. the lone: on both side: were ap- pnllina. A Conunutinoplo deapntch uyu 16,000 ride! and 3,500,000 cartridgon are on octod from Europe Lo-day. dountoh rumor: that l`ur- WM?! 7 U0!` "N'II.IJU|llY"|llIUIn|, ---~. in I" sound, but in diatnuoo t truth in ngnrd to Reform Picnic: it c but t.ho'Mav'l clean out of night. - I