3.-A thirteen in (In on-inning! the non new year: swaying In nurope. At Piketon. Olno, September In, Israel I. Mc(`ol|asIer was stabbed to death while endeavnring to lill the role bl pacemaker "in a quarrel at l (hm-e. . V Hid ll: Hus. III Ch nun call no it ('1: chew: up you. `the Ilnrn cod-9 1 In posnuon. Rev. William Edyveauo, l|0di9`- minister died at Ban-ington, N.S., this morning. He was born in Corn" wall` in 1863 . 'l"I.- A-0|. (Minna-nit. in I`nrnn4'n nn . W. uavy, nmgnon. On the market square this morning, I hone` owned by Edward G:-Aham was overcome "by bunatroke and fell to 0. around exhausted. ll-an ' D Rhino mimic.-A Mr and the unu unauucq. Mrs. '. D. Soles, visited Mr. and Ira. Clark Allen, Brockville, the past week, and will visit friends in Ogden- burg before returning home. At the polioq station this morning a lady visitor was returned fty cents which a cab driver illegally col-' lected from her some weeks ago. _ :1` be` British North-Aixiarricun squad- inn is now at. Quebec, comprising: Cruiser ('1-ascent, cruim.-r Proserpine, cmiser Psyche. and cruiser Pallas. W In` ljhkv V A Ilfnnlinll mnnlnr cmmer rsycue. aua cruiser ruluus. W. F. Libby. B.A.. Englinh master at the Straord collegiate instimte, hub ruignad. Ho purposes spending the next few yuan studying in Europe. AI. Vih-.mn_ (Mun. -S-utember lst. GAIIPQ. The Manner Empire Stale had one of the largest excursions of the sea- son from river points to-day. She brought. over 250 people to the city at noon. kulh Intern. - The enga men}. of Frederick S. Flower, ne aw of the late governor Roswell P. Flower,__and Hilda Clark. a. the funoun opurruingur, is rumored in New Yrk. ` . l`.Ep-Inn-A in vP..nn-i`u nu-Iunnln Luv in New Xorx. `Tehchert in 'Gcnnah"'schoola have been prohibited from pulling the ears nf pupils. It. is declared int many children have thus been rendered per- manently deaf. v u -n __________ |__,_| lnuwllsly Insul- Lakenido collage, a nunmer hotel at Cnigdohjn Springs, wad complgztely dostroy by fire on Saturday mqht. Tim ntv-vn (rm-at: lost. all their many a posed. _ The d$?clmt_v between the Urauhne "nuns `and (Ink city of Qucbm`. with mference mu ..d1_-.- transfer 0! the Plains of Ahrahnm. has been neuled. Ind deeds will he siqpcd Ihortly. (inn!-an glllvnh has ham: nlnviml Iumnjnd he-r gumc pvqu (IIsI.`ovI-nln. This nfu-ruuon n nnrious amide-nt oc- curgvd un ()nmrio- Mroet. corner of (Tlonsnee street. lurk Envno-an driv- ink I_rig. Iha-' `wheels of which caught" on Ilsc- -tn-1-v. car trucks. He was xlhmwn to the ground and I had cut; bring mnoonocioun by contact with the grmzod. Ila-vu conveyed to the H610! for byst- _IUEOI. In. Thom Iilla, vilrnceiva, at her home, 122 University avenue. F:-iv day ulwrnoon but from two to ve n :-In:-L ' o' lock. beau bu bee in uulogruphio coirespondence with the emperqr, spe- cial couriers visiting Berlin twice weekly. . Tlunmnn J 'PnIInn l.n'|Inr,1e{I tn- weeuy. Thoma! J. Tnllon, tailor, left to- day on the steamer Toronto, (or Tor- onto, when be his uocured a good position. Rm.r_ William Edvveaua. 5 W8. Tj lm sroluz. % wall` In woo The depth oocurnd in 1`oronto on londny, of Pearl, only daughter of Mn. Davy, and of III: late professor J. W. Davy, Kingston. n tlm mnrhrj. nnunm this mornjmr. Huxiir Bey. Turkish Ambassador, has been urdzmd to leave France. He dc~ ported in: Switzerland on Sunday. A Ertinch naval division will go to Tur- ln union, rnncn IIIIVN Ildnh TL: nnnnn I ma my-uvu I wourmg \apparcl. Puniln nf St. apparel. _ Pupils of St. `Paul : imlustmnl school, `nnipeq, on their way to a picnic dfu voted the body of it man near gm river. The body was badly (I posed. Thu (Ti it-II iv Iwhreen Urauline deeds will no mused nnoruy. George Sullivan has been playing more of his pranks. He appeared in the box for Toronto, yesterday after- noon, and broke Rochester : net-ord of fourteen wins. He has Jvon his last. three matches.` . ll :1 u..n..:...... ........;..a.mIm.o tnree mnwnm.-.K F . H. NcGuignn, superintendent. and G. W. Briiwnloa. assistant sup-.~'~ rintendent. of the Grand Trunk rail- way system, were in the city'to-d_ay in their private on. It is said they um inspecting the track, prior to the visit of the duh `and duclmqa of York. ` | ` ~ ` ` `v -u....:.. I..-_..|.:_- nL:l-.L.I.l.i. in . lorx. " ' `Nude Josephine. Philuk-lzhia, in 3 London policv. cnurl, told of working A swindle invuhmg 850||.0(l). Sh: bought; xge than-s of Canadian Pacific stock, raised 'Ih- jighrel to l,1l)0, get- ]vhanI.':iE..,'L(l') 1h('l'B0ll. She neglected to mix the ~pmp:.-r new-Iuo Ituumnnd he-r discovrrvd. This lftrrnunn A 00 incur couogc as hoborougn A410,, BIIFCOH Gowdoy this afternoon took out infatuation at police headquart- on charging William Burton with u- uuls. ` . Il3.u II-Mia Inn-iann. Wnlnrlnwn. nun. Nlyju Hattie Harrison; Wmrtown. . ., is visiting in the city 1. of-Mina Plum Whitney. 29 Stock IlI0l. u... rl-1.-..-- um- ...:u.......:.,. .4. acaoonwnooxa. wt, III. nnuul. luoeau Iueu. Rev. J. Iuiio and lunily avou- turned from chit hummer ouung at their cottage at Loborough Luke, Rm-uni-A (lnwdav thin Almrnnan took Illilloll 0| ooll, not own Iuwu ii sh I-`main dialling, 30 Fromenuc sweet, can ho_IIAd It I by-gnin._ IoCInn'| not nun clot. , list has Swih ratunk-d to-day Iron Syncuu. !(.Y., me; a pleasant. viii. than will lticndl. In. William lony_ (neo Jennie Ber- ry) Lama int, Icahn, in visiting Int parent: on Princess street. ' Snnmal Sung`-`rm, at an Bellavilla nu puuu on rnneeu unsu. 3n_mue.I Stlvtliinn, of the Bellovillo lqtelligunoer, in the guelt oflhio nic- wt, In. Bnjul. Rideuu unset. Ilnv J `nail: Anal lnlnilv hAvnrn- Vary luv. Iulnun Imhducon ol Norlolk, I in tho 'l`1hvnl_ ' 5:'oqa,InaIuII, of Cleveland, one, in vision; his mother` on Damn. fl: `Clem, York `tract. i:'in ln-. Vlflfi. viddng has mother, In. Danna. - ` F IITIV1 II yary, \..u., Ir . ' . . `tqlbil llongbton mtrned on Sale) utdaxdlcr six wads shame: in Eng- h...|_ I , l lug In-:3-rapt: aked VP '7' TI! nun Clinch 'l`ro_ItIo in run urrivnd at Sydney`, (`.I5., 10- v. . rims: and nuts. Laumsm V |lj. Vary; NOV. Willill nnhnhnnnn nl Nun-lnli -- `Love ; Boas Iy ` `nu Way. n -nI In a Ilu-and -n'-. _ IIODIITI 01,`!!! DAY, by we Baulruay . :|t_v-ve guests lost. all their r annnrcl. hurls I . Polhnm Uurn, , in beta killed any pave mu: J'.,|utI.he ens} pin aga-chum. `T: ".13. . V ( - . , ,__ :..`&.'..3-`I-5 T13; R'.'.'."I Iv pun n In`: In rrannl Uiy 5| (`-1n.,,(`nnnhg? _ To Iourr JD": Curd "oil. Who nilnvl Hnrriet Beecher Slqnf nyun . W `Inn J_; !'&__|__ n_,.| c liillylll What donule. um r-euonn place. At.` thycollqicu inuitute H2.nu ocbolpn were admitted thin morning and 153 old pupil: van pt-meal, mak- ing I total of 35. The 1-ulranocchu in tho lug:-N an in (wt or six yuan. It is packed that when :0" the olnfpupdn nut: die aw.-misuse will an nn In litllu SH] In cltru I-pmyvu c-any Imus. Ottawa. have I-on-n noid that thin uluiu __would in nsduccd. Thaw 'Lnvn I131 suing II 7K -no '-`HIWWPI n`"'I|"I. Won is Kuhn En-nu Frau? Wbv-n 'I HIuu Dun Haw:-Ila. W)-n di|`1"lmn-an Bnrmmn W-nrl.` -~ `rut all:-r_ Iinthrop Int-kwnnl Prue-d. WM um: Rider Hanan Rmnu-r ha lo-C Rom To-rry Cool. Whv in Han-I Grand r-vault.` Ill` wt INK I Viw in Sarah Grand? Twn-uh Anvh-V In-vrl. ll... 1...... -:n .-..__| 1-. Inc ppnonc ucnoou nna collegiate in- ntitulo reopened to-dayiith a large nuouhncr. Sumo of the dune: war overcrowded. and a gum! many clun- guhd to he made. Ionv found pupils M Victoria -clwol have been -trnnsfctnd to Louiit school. The changes in the leaching nu inpwplw-. liu W_A|hr'Irv-nmvnl to list But- nv-y_.'-I plan. while [in Volume uh: Iisu Heston : place. AI.` Ch lujigln innli-In I19 -an will go up to N"! 350- And one in Ht :0. a hbonafreot. Tllerkn nlnunid, "mflondnllbo A Iordiv ruler o er In and sea." Th lnhnru nigiod. l'in the wood lace , He jmirnryed over the whole Vida world, "Ht diutmv-M, In his heart lay curled liha n wrrvnt Mrlrl-n in leave: and mats. And lilo -a-mod lmllow and (old man dross Ho var-I-I at won"; and doubted God. And :65] like a bend. and wont back to Lb II . AWIWEMGJ mud. The um M (`In labnrvr till:-d_ Hm soil. And u-uh-d Gad daiylnr lmnhh nnd mil. He In-dd--' (or lava in bi: vnulul brim:-. And Honnhd nd dai_v_lnr health nnd {nil voulialul mine, And tv- liw-a chnninl in man and lime. "in hunt: I-If Simple. and simple his tread` To trnr Ga! lnllv: it prwvtl hi: rm-rl. quuwanvc gnuuuu 1|` `ha! do---r IHHVMIV "opt? Tn Kari:-(tn Hollow. I'L-a |..'........~ _|._ 1-1.- I A avvvav: can-so vvvug-an Ella Vials: Wilcox. The start aw over I town on: day. Andhaoloachwinznninlnnthy: "at It l'nlil . Whafl Whoa I motes, 13.11., l|ll`\'l\`d. Mr. Siuumon was pn-s'id1-nt of `the (fntamtxii bridge company, A director of the ingston hosiery company, and a governor of the Kingston gvnerul lioupifhl. In religion he was A Nutha- dist, A member oi Sydcnham urea-1, church. Mr. timpsun was a conser- vative in politics, and when in active liin was 0 staunch support:-x and worker for the late Sir John A. Huci Ann- IA start day. And hui ol each wingnn inlnnt by: 0m to I rich man : hon: he brought, And be kit hbon:r'r cot. . Thu I-km -an mid. "Iv non dull bu I... And he in I He bourh. pi:-ition, name 4 And In bounhl him I wile ` Tn Gad Inllv: it as-rwvtl hit D0011. Au! 'Iiii-;hlI-`IIe_d- Iig,!nbor, and bvlpn! him 46' dh . - With n nnilo on bin lip: and n hnfie in Ha-I NW` donald. ' I O I'0l'K(`l' I `canola. . It in undn-ntood that Mr. Simpson lvavts an estate valued at mjer 8300,- -nm In Iuririul nnuc-V. What lmlnv-n-` when John Ken-'ln'c-l Dunn ? Samuel Snvilv-I. we gwnwr pan. 0! the lime. ,.Deceascd was born in lreland about gghty years ago, and uni rated to Canadg with his parents w en he was about lwq-my years of age. neuling in Kinpnon. For many years Ir. Simpson was in die \vbulo:ualc grocery bunincsa on Brock street, in partner- ship with his brother, W. B. Simp- son. Then he retirml from that buui-' nuns, and went to Australia. where he remained for about ten years. and amasned a large amount of money. Returning to Kingxturn about 1860, he: became a pri-ate banker. with oioe on Clarence -street, where he re- mained ever since. ` I|nn..n..c..l Du`.---::.1I IIL... ll...-.u'.J. nlalnlfa I.'V'L'r UIIICIL Dea-ascd married Miss Beumiah, daughter of Dr. Bcamish. Cataraqui. His wife and um: daughter. Mrs. Stokes, uifa of Capt. R. H. S. Stokes, R.N., survive. Ir, Sintnsnn nun: nrpg'hI4-ht. nf `Hm -v-a van vn nn.uI`II.0lI I_ UIBOII Ind `wealthiest luidonts. Isaac Simpson, one of Kingston : oldest. and wealthiut n-sidents, died at his home, . King street west, tn Monday morning at half past. ten o'clock. Since. January Inst Mr. Simpson was unable to attend to business, being cunned to the house the yenter pan. of the lime. Deinluu-d urn: hnrn in lrnlnm-I .|u\..o nun. ' ~ Ionuul. Sept. 3.7-Arr important netting ollln city council in in pm- tlio afternoon. the special buyi- neu haingthe cit lighting contract. It is claimed that he lriendu ol le Royal electric company -have stolen a much on the alarm element, zwhilt I nnmbei of thy. `section were away from the city with the object. of giv- ing the rontnct. to the ltpynl oc|n- ` pay. The ptmpectmol I onoohlnful outeolnd wu nlected on the [rice 6! loam-nl power stock. the pan.-nt com- pany, in the neck market this monk "III. the price advancing two point: to ninety-nine. gorge Wgyling. "chairman of the racing bonrd of the (`.W.A. has been nunptmdcd for one, ymr. Some fteen monk took part in bicycle race: it. Uuuman lnrk nn Inhnr rlnv `nun nf llll `(DUI In DICYCIC THC II. Quepnin park on lnbor day. None of them. however. have standinz of note an racers. The track in outlawod in` consequence. The trouble uroae ave`:- um meets being lwld M (In same hour which is contrary to regulations. Arthur Irvin:-.. nf Tnrnnhu, .nrn'nn-ml wmcn ll contrary to regulations. Axjlmr Irvine. of Toronto, proposed Io ram Iichu.-|_I and Elk: on that track shortly and the trouble will like- ly interfere with his plans. Wu Om of Kingston ; Oldut andl wnnifhinn gnitlgnbn 7 lo-opening; Of The School: l`hepubl' book ndcoll 'lc'n- Ititulo lo-d.ay iitlfgr lutue .uvemv.srv_tr-Alma! q -3--- no `mount : :1 no - uuncxru. cncpts. '8toe.k in tho uhtaliivnncod `two font: in Vin: o! A Lib- `lihood of the lonttoal Strut M Lighting Contact loin; so- -..-.A _ DEA'.l'K-O? ISAAC SIXPSON. III 3 IIYWITVW -.r'fL ' Imrr till Funnel Lover? il Jiin Wivvwm ~ I .I-'- 1'1 M`:-r and All in down`. Which ol than mm was the richer one.` ' Quoriu About Authorsv _ A_.|_.,_,, u _,o , Poverty And Wealth. ...I.- Ulla.`- M XI i..DI- y 7- W ,1 W- --vv--In --II] `VVUIIICII ID DIUVV UV I. IIIEI [III |`*'_" ' economy and who does not. pm me it snnusxr steal. EIAIELLED `IITCIIEI I E. \ oalyby V, x % A man may lie fast asleep. but rather slow when awake. Any woman is slow w 0 does not learn, no-nnnc-nu and ...I.- A... _.L _-- 4:-- 2. L.- I.....c'nl l....E.niott Bro,.;, STANSKYG: co, ENAMEL WARE The best way to t2'1_l;ll;ovlll-.ly'sl Liqlxied Ozene during the summer is in the form of a. drink. It makes a most tefreshinv beverage. In taste it is very much like a. superlor qualityb? lime fruit juice, and its use prevents nearly all the disorders so ` commonly suffeted in hot weather. _._ ...-.-,,,n_-.__nn .4- Cumlt out phynicinn about your case. Write till details and will at I apecinlin advice free. You letter: an abulutely chndcntid. Adina! Oh Cjli DcpIn!Int.`1'heLiquld0noI|cCo.229Kinxi8t..CIieuo.U.8.A. ~ soaudonaculvn-I331-to ynVpzono..or-ronon1o.x1nrn Togonio and Clings The fdllowing remarkable case of \Vm. Francis is worthy of your attention : - I have the pleasure in teatilyinu to the curing woven ol your Own: and what it baa done for me. For elghtea year: I hp: been troubled with tropical dysentery. alaoa complication of ulna dlaeaaea. 1 welded St. Geo1't'a Hospital. London. England. Theytnld me my diieaae van in- curable. I then went to Weat London Haaoital. u I-lammeI&th:'Buland.. lvaatold the aamething. For the laat chit natal have been U14! by the General Hoapltal. Grace Hoapital. and also Since: Stnet Diavuaaa: theyall did their beatbafall aaid I waa incurable. One 0! tha hoapltala aaked malormybqdyvhealdied. Thhahowedhowbadmy caae van. I hadalaoalnmplnmy atomach about the" a'hral' a hu'a Q. srhieh waa thouglattobea cancer. It burned like in all the time. Pihally I could keepnotlninzoamyatomaehaadlalaoloat my apnetite. It. A. Canning- hamadviaedmetotryoaoneaahe thoughtit would care me. Alter-takiu Oaoue for a ten daya my aupetite can: back and the lamp in my stomach went away and In a week : time l couldntont 1:! bed. I haw taken about four bottlea 0! Ozone and all my complaints have been complaely cared. I . never felt better 3:: my me. It in certainly a miracle to care I! diaaaaad body acfall I have [one through. (signal) Wu. Paaxcla. A Ellis`: 8.. Tannin ` Dysentery is an ailment most corhmonly suffered in the summer. It is a form or catarrh due to the bod you eat and impure drinking water. Powley's LiquiedAOzone recties your stomach and bowel action. It is ood for any form of disease that attacks the mucous mem e lining of the stomach and bowels. Used in drinking water it effectually destroys germ life and prevents the disorders they usually cause. . . For dncntry an Porky`: Liquid Ozone in deucnooonlul done. use cverylheu" minute: Thiutops the lermenluion quickly. uilmllaxu the mcuibnncnn lining oi the stomach sud bowels. and prevent: recurrence of the dbotdcx by inking diaediu coo- plete. ` %M9Cla1'yManufdcl:urinQC0} 1 `Algal: -rnnnntvn unufblll Weathr .Ailment mu ...-m.- u a.A~m:.l{sUN. us Kw; uncut. Kingnou. Boaoaulnll-' Just large enough to bate a fowl or roast. shih a pan, e0c., and yet too small to admit enough cold air to chill lb: oven. The F Aypus .Apr|\'E" has all the scial features found on. 1 . an the other ranges made in Canada, and many exclusive ones. r ` .1. :- a tlnade `: -:?--:._--2 . - .. .n-. _....:._.._...._:.__._j.._._..- T. LASTS FOR VI-3ARs-. - ------_ 0/V00/V. ronb/vro, A/or/;p}}z. w/MN/13:9, A 3 VANCOUVER, a. 5) Jam! Ml. 11 Wm. Buck s?33J'E:";.I Emma, nnnuoui . _ mm Ila no-no-us up an tuna-on n-pun. Tnermrnbxenecomynomcnmuacnyaaneuyor II1- I3_...-l- 1.! `I`A.n-Ln n&c1 & VBIRCH, 69 a 7: Brock sum. ---'y'y; .. --ww -w |%`Ranges at J Significant at I_`:actS_:4boqt_ ___- , U 7 A perfect baker, and a'fuel save`. _~ Aerated oven. 'I_`_I1ermometer an oven door. 4 or'6 cooking holes. 42 styles and sizes.- Free Ea 4 vvvvv ub ..... ... 1- -_l.-_ -_, 1, Eamphiet from our local agenr ortaeafest house. `Nunavut: If a\IpUvvIp- nnvu- c--v---o Wm. Francis. of Tomato. me uuonxlg. ' (Signed) Wu. Pnuccu. 8 Elliott st. Towns. W- -__._ '.._--of---`' am. sandal untquu qnwgdmuvmw. 'nanu:|"1net_e u | our nevu- :.~*~;" .22;-::..:.......--2" ...-:=. A man Roycil tho but :.'::,.-.2-s..'~v='..... .;-:.-..e..-:: M. _, .3 :.:,......== '-rm.-.32. .**:-...:'t "l'jsuiI'l1:etelnnbeIthI una " In win. 4:! nhnnn m 1: in A away ct 1 Oh. Annals. -nap I-- Famous Active Rgnges qcnoox. aooxa all E In XAIIIIIW, who so brutally uuuueu ulc unuy. A pelican nbuiard the hey yester- ' dny lomnoon sud touched the house. He ditoovu-ed 5 lug: pocket knife dnvend with blood. lying on the oor. Th blade` 0! the knife wu fully four iuehu Ion , and was very blunt. It is upset elm. this in the inurumem with whiqln tbg Invunds were inllictad. no out! this. tbt poliou know nothing top! ~41 case, though they an lnllnuhnv un A slug. 7 lBVXUIFIU*JJi saws: U -2 proving. . Th condition of list Bridget. Swift, so BVQDI: iujnmd by an unknown list on`. Friday night, 1-hows signs 0! ihpmvanc-at. h. was thought that blunpd poimning would set in, but '|y this Inn hoen svortad. Inn 'olv.Iobudngu` have been runov , HIS In right arm in still bandngod for .uIr|y in full langth. She is notable to DI It Lands, wan to food knelt, Isidro in very weak. Her tin `v.nnu|yood.andt|_|waam 3 FFIIVI.-;u---.,... i 1 a Q qlllliy Ill IJIIIIJII :50 lost on ' y night. ` Thu lieu _ at not oondewended . .. econ to mu the Bend ._L.. .4. hunt-III: n-nnullnl the lndv. j-T chirgod With Lnunlt. M polias lulu: this morning n-nnyor H. 1`. , lion had a warrant iuoed char-gin: Iielnnl lhvinr wit) uuult-and with min; gr6%1_v insult- Pqg hump. The uuuuloj took place .06 the hit [rounds Iolday during Ch jll of the install `notch. to male arelon to trace me new ' 50 brutally annulled the lady. A nnnnnnn nhnined the hey usur- Vldton. la lhnnnpulh Trlhuo. and an eodll. l l'_K.1.llIi an out vuuuganu-m Ibo exhibit of dniving, in pencil Ind color. Ild I! K. F.` New`- lnntln AI. tho Jinnininn lnnnhnrf min- no color. Inca ll. r. new- lunda 51. the Dominion wanton con- VIII-ion at Ottawa. is l0U- in chocol- ' to iugtiutiiwhuu It en__bouuu A clydny oi'nvonm.wnp Fndpa-inclusive. Tho` work in by unison! pupil: of 'l`onnmuda, N.Y. -:-----n:--J . luI`Nu-.nuridya1nd-r- udlnl can luau . II uanlmopl zlno GIOB, following up 5 clue, A: can ho. . But given our whiten, no pun. AMI In am one: Inozidou. , Wlonlosouroltl DbI|O? IICyoIAlI-I lo ulnar. ud qIurI. and prone, To-halide rhythm iilllly; t Inland that the lad _ Ila: Sound gunk: db oomwh --.a._-_ tone. nuctsguu-mu Swift Im- na-nvlnr_ ` Oval ` Ila: I`: HM! nltnd shaw- A-cub. Bun I'M run": 0-0 30- - |klELl!N_&_ W--I luau-u nyouolunnyw `a-mslu-an 0. I on 6. 1-: Na`: 2 II` list And our gmoory till`. 6 night 3. _ ananhhno nu: ` . In `Nu IIII Irwin.` ` " FIDO Exhibit In Tho Collghto. 1-L. '..|.:|.:. .3 .a...`..a.. :. .......:I u. the blunt mun anoint cube . for Augn-t. Iwl : l:-in. ILKJI: unit. `jfl: lo- "Eh Idnll. .1 11..-!) II N. .1`! ' cono. mgr Vim-no. . II. vu imamly nnnod dnt,I|Ic~Hn- donn del Rosario Ind Appeared hens. `and time then thousand: of peasant ` folk have lockedtto the lonely spot when she in alleged l_o ln_ve been own. Taper: an burnt, `hymns and liturgies an clnnlud. varied ever and apon.~).y shout: oi "I-`.vvivnl. vnnnn nirla alt-uni with St, VilIll' U.-I-MK W0` IUO OIII G, `KKK now.-In hour 85. Hay : in Toronto -OI londny. 3t.|:u-y`: won the llt:l'l- 7 I .uul Gunhnquo lookIhbt`two.3w2|nd|2w 2:-nan. nun -anvcvu A ; an. Krauu in London. 3 Iffndun, Sept. .'l.--Dr. Kraune, fornr er governor of Johannesburg, taken into custody in London last evening, was chargcd at the Bow street police court thin morning with hi h treason` in the Transvaal, under I 'tive oendu-3' law, and wan inf a week without bail. No eyidenoe ex- oopt an: to his array. was olfered. Sir mu Louis, on. behalf-9! Krause. if any deposition agailnt hi: cligg._ supporting the charge existed. Prosecutor replied that then was, of course, information aiint the ac- cuncdin Cape Colony. flghe police here, he said. hnd acted upon telegraphic in- structions. . \ vvuu us!-U cvauw QAvV,UVU ` The Qt-poncety contract for the two new build` ol the school of `mine: wu nwuw Wilmot In Davis. the Iowa! hnddnr having backed down. _tou{ epntrgot ' for both` II and: (lull), much` lord ILA: tln H-ilalinir nnmniiuhi TTIX Tm Cw _ P ' , 6. 3.-(A n-port II reach- cd `:3: 815:): llriluay, that. Sn-uli Berlludtiscti ynllulhlzthulne` at Bol|.o-lplerlhn`-Ie . ' y ` sun: V.`-canon-n. Quay. Tlundny the America nmlu her last trip ol the season to _ocl:nl8e nnl'l)n&abuiIr. Iunvinu 8 mm. 50:. uusnpoluoa land ` Ugdu:-buf. rllcu,-`ago To no sumo: . Alhgod Vision. Bonn. Sept. 3.-|t would be neocl- only to golbock ta the liddle aguto 6nd 1 pnIkl-0.o the names of ignor- ant uupenitition which no not: to be wilou.-d in the little district of Pro- cono; mgr Vim-ho. ' _ Io -.- n-nnwilv nnnul that [Inc A- V. .III-VI avnnrvvu -A3-_l-. ` 8.-our , ;-. t`IO:' . Kw um? * u.au~ Iboull ol "I-;vvwnl. ` Young girl: struck `with St. Vitus` dance wen waving their nnnn. says I Ann-unnnndani. at `IX Immanuel-n.fnin1p dlneo Vlvlng lnelr Inna. awn loornapoodun. of 15' _Iau-Agate, (gin: inc vmmen were nrovelinn on the oornnpoodan. 0! tan jnnagere, lum- in; women growling gruund. nnd cbildn9n-impeI|od, u it were, by a mysterious power- their way on their knees through the crowd. waving gnrlnnda of flower: and lighted upon. their eyes xed, appor- omly on some vision. Thu nick: an Ala-Adv far advanced any on some vmon. The night was almody for advanced when some e-auntie`: cried out. dun they saw the Iodonnn n `n in 3 clump_ of bu:-hes,.wu thong : in` 1 c act of [wing her bk-hing. whereupon amid shouts And wail: :1! the people dunnnnl nn lhnir inns-, morn noun, ound Intent to the front door and killcd him. Pmphet is the you pcnou over Inntencod for life id nisipno. - ` . AL __ _I.sj.._`_ ucuulugi II unit uwpw, lnllclg lower tin tho Building oommitceo _uticipo|od. ' nu!!! urlannl. _aopt. J.--A tlurteon your-old boy ood up in (tho cmiml cuun yumday and was untonced to imprisonment for life; lain crime being mm1der._ The-boy Eugnno Prophet. liy name in I nah wallow mm-u. Hp, ullllncr. unrnoy lalllllo l'l'0plIBI. lly in polo yellow He showed no onobn. He loved I little mgr: but twelw yeah cm, and. be canny unollaor boy nunod lama: Hill- net. played` with" her, young mur-` deter uncured I nvolvor, went .to Hill.- mar'n II-nun nnllnrl Invbum on ok. runs. an . :5.--1'nr7n claims A new Ieuiahm a live: in luxury, heals nickncu and make: I small fortune. He is humble birth. He says man : fully in a gold mine. in which his digs.- He charges I'I-om Iillf. (8100) to 60,000 ' (8191130) for an interview. Hcttlnims to have cured the Wll form of can- cer after two haunt` incantation. A lIlII"I'l nnnnh-u qhnn... CI:-16 cl... !luonud ll.IcGu,oltho'l;nsou ' .50: tloollnpdnlioutbnu `oi Iu.Bu-nidI'IAlocdonnntlplsc- in II: injury thudron :0. 8100.000. {Th nlntiou ol Ir. Eaton nnd`lIin_ loa~ia-Iiwjnn Ina: nu-sided _|nd the ~'|nu chap: that the tonne: Intro- zduadnqryinllinhonuointhe dio- `l:I.intol,|hoIuakaupc|-andponuaaied 'wile\o|onv'ohin,ukinviv.hhar thirtwowhildnn. III.` In bgut; men, "He 9- 7101-; Fun. hurl. 1 out; on. - 94-: non. uar allcr two nmmr Incantation. A police enquiry shows that the cllnrlatan has A chateau near Chur- bourg. He in still at large. j neared ny wu Yuan on Cape Vordo` hlulds. St. Vincent, (J.\'.l`., Sept. .'!.--The I Jiritish royal yacht. Uphir, wick the duh: and duchass of Cornwall and York of: baud, and the war \'eJaehy- uIm)rtinS lb yntlnj new sighted to- `dny o urlo Prayn. no charges Qnormou sum: For `conoultntion. _` _ Paris, Be it. 3.--l nrin claims Inn-in}: .- an Nun. in luuun. L..-I.. Gnunoquu won invo out of; that ugh-bu fvnn- 8!. .27 : in Tamika in mm nm.1uwuj .Acn:n or msruc1'r"oIf. NEW IISSIAH IN PARIS. surxnsnuon. --. I bcoucncu Iolow uo9,ooo. L. nnl-ngnlnou ....-;...... L... .|... . -L1Ij__._ a2-j- T OPHI3 SIGHTED. Ogdoauburg `hip . -ml-u 0L; An--nu ---5.- IDIIII IIKI VIII! I on their kneec. To Prison For U! . n-|.- __ n_...'. as A .