V ton} Imam me. ...4._- - -jinn nnyn urnn '1 ijiiulni-zu-;wu---.-....r_- fun, not vilhout conrpluon. _ n__-,__, -1 .L_ __.;l__ _.L. .L The Nova Sootigv pclinneni Lggn .IL.._ln..l l -_z.l aI.. -I._a:.._. ___ Idud.lonuNnulthioior`| in uuruaaa-aucohqueuu mu. 3"I`:""""""`-' "'I ' dulblixuhyl I '9 K $I fw-tyu. us gr-v-v-v uymausmayamm-Ipwl -_J ..n _inL..na can-nannnnn. ITIT-u--v-5 vIII-t.unIanl!|lII- . loshC7ir.ulooa'm, his onus lullnitnlytoqp-sluwldorn. Uhll Sch ulid upon thwart: --- k- -----1--l ._ alma oh. gg. j, I1 I! UlI:IIUu-I p-IIH"-M `lhnhourmul the audit "5"5 rams} 14:38 A IIIE. -- $2, .r-IruI-5 : with one ball`, at in whlic-E I- _.-.L__l .I_:I-. _-4AI_.I `L, -an nuns, Ina. TnUusuA!. snrrnng IIICI anti: .. 11!`; " `?"'T hgkc. plan at Innnun In 'loentdoulItoekuuut.I59' 500" mm sunset. an about Humor Iurdnnnld. `I`1Io\.I Illilll pint Quit! nuvl-sly 03 1505901`! ol uhumou; `I. 2. lens. -vl,-oi--Ic _-4I -gig.-no-1 n.` W T-h. Au;lber illustrious nuns was that at Anenuder lpckeae. aha-uni: premier of Cuudn: III In 0 sinne- nuon `by lndc. and at that tinn- wu engaged in coutructinc some of the cnverlunent fortication uid Intrtdlo towers. which once mania! and now udorh the clly of Kingston. llo wu hnov "u 3 ooIm'sIent.urn- Q1 driuian. and it `n Cold M him that; no clergyman eould- ocr u Qfuufful gs oximponnout; prayer , A under Iociuie. ` ' Iilliun Fad. uqyor ol Klnnlon. `n I848. I-baht! chairman of thymin- ictcboolboud*oI'IhI',i|y.nnd|I+ prlator of I wholesale hnneq |mi- 1.-`located when Ch paint King A I-nay: it: I-mi ol inaction; W. I. lulu, vgoluuc IIIIDIII lava -u. - slohllkindsof (`an-Ithu-n,ou '__I~OCl tau shins citing; 8. lungs. In 5.5- -Kn@l|InnnaJj nll earthly tools. The present article deals with the buiiding between the year: [347 and INK). It was hat that the `cor- porn|'s giant! of grits" met. Flld in this ntu-sery of liberalism crew and tuned the gent. privriplen of the rty, whidt has governed Ontario no wisely and, so, well during the put thirty yarn. At the time mentioned the building was" gcmpied by Aiexur der Smith; at one time. n Irelhodo shoemaker of the city, and father -of John Smith, the pram: plopritorof Smith : printing 051': on Welling- ton st:-wt. "ix stnre In the rendez- 'lIo\IgI I century In puns.-a, me lulu. joists, elc., all bevy: by land in thou: dI_VI. before the` advent. of the uwlnill. an almost as sound as the day they wen: placed in poaitiuri hv hand: which long since `laid uidc alfartlly tools. "PL. . -..:..|. .|...|. _-id. ah. ury. Jr. olnlul. an wanna, Ira: urged with various olencu. chief among them being cruelty to prison- en. gross miunnatgmnavol business Jain. making the plans I comfort- able resort. fur his relative:-'.' and air plying some ol the fund: at his diu- `poaaltoimpmperuns.TheruulLnf invenvtion. arhichv pccupiemb some time. was to uubliph the truth of many of the (ad the com sequent removal of the warden. It was during the period of this inventi- lion that Hon. Georg: Brvwn was I regular cveninfvicioot at Smith`: I - pu-army; out It is n when lrnugnu will: gnu! intetut to all rho know its history. for in it some of Canada`: gr!-Meat men, during the moat trying and tmnblous times. were wont to congregate and dismiss the questions of the day; nnd it. too, night {My be oallcd the cradle of liberalism in cash ern Onurio. No one knows when or by whom the building was enclett old Inen who mncmbtr Kingston Away Incl` in the thirties And forties dcciue it was built over n hundred years ngo. In. Inry Bonn. the present owner. maid:-n on Alfrnillnet. Today '\he mn:mclon' employees an bqsily en- gngrd making alteration: looking to- ward llietlingupollheplntcng boot and shoe store for her son, I'il~ liun Adunn. an ex~nldennnn, undone oi the olden business urn ol the city. 'l`L.......L _ ....6..--:- L.. n--gal OL- uncluung. I . Hon. George Brown. Ibo foundcroi The Globe, was one of them. The qllbtioll may be naked: But Brown belonged to Toronto; that was hedo- ing hen ."' It will be rununbend that in I519. Ir. Brown _IooepIod an up- pointment pa uecmtary of the com- mission instructed by the government to inquire him the mportui miannn-. acumen: of the Kingston penituni- ary. Ir. Smith. who warden, was tlurged ooncu, -_._.-__ `L..- L.;__ ._..-I... a- ...:....., l0l| suwx. nu store was un renou- youn ot"ulI the prominent mfg:-meta pt` the city," and may ol hnvecolnedovrlinlninoryuthoneoi illustrious Canuliun. A list of the rum who gttbavd there any pmve intetuting. ' non, Conron Rt-nun [Ln fnnnahrni anion n `mun. In the historic old city I xa..;m.'..- oIdnaoutIaideolHmckurueI.,a I1-w_ door: allow market tqIAan._ig lo- caied. that appear: to he a |-r'teh-l:ui|d- ing, though in nalily it in all frame. with a bn'cl-vaunted from. "rovukd in among other old bonding: of var imu ages and shapes. it would attract not even a canal glance from the paaatnby; but it is place fraught 2; Irina! `nip:-nut In A" rlnn RIHIC they are oonnocuu. u u w nu-cue from such a {nu I Ixuildjng now being npidly Aland to meet the require- ments ol businuu that this ollulituuudo. 103"` P`-" to uluadu-nidaucdwhcuuouue kl and vnlinbb. Th -an who I? ..a.;.. La. ..Ln.|L.....r. 5...... u--Lethe Ind mus`... - V _ . at 11.9`... ggfuggu` dc every cnuud thin. in ,its oiatelf ` steady aunt. in an evergreen! F00` the Inn : buiinun in la IInP"?" _..a In n-anon-in Tkun lni to up hy, old Inn:-eiauuu um rug: nmory will uuuune when all ' hdadnll gnu gm uveptnwuy ugh. phat lo adv: `IDTOIIO 5% I80! (II | nocts-an-r. '1'holouoduhon|Ini:Kill" In-Ions of Canada`: Gnu xuuumhudxnnulnnonlo amo-4myouo1nun_I.on. I .-n-1.. BIL Z-lU Thu .._:-n&..- " in`-:n`:noI:t|on-" ' uia'hIue"HbE `BUSINESS we are `reputed .:_ A; .II I.:_A- J -ana||nI, But the plan! when All that thimzs-1 nccurn.-d {II the enrlv day: is {apt he: in: changed. and if the former lu- qnenlerq web to return to much out `Choir old Igunl-. `Inn Inlay I plea- sant and pmtolule hour was uprnt. they wouH not kiwi lie An?!` all the "old gynl"-but me are gape! --'.'.g.u_:_.-q- chic In-5 on us... 1;... Bus 1! ` ` ` ` .. ....~ . ..'.'.*......"**' "..:'.'.':*`: 'TIc|ain' in nude ting the 'eltic'rc- pvuulatiofil lhjritinh pnrlinncnt nu 3'1;-cur this in population units. It is pointed on!` Lot In-vlnqdhu I03 nu.-shun. while Scotland. with gnuet - population; lot but 1-.-vculy-two; and tht. London mugty `with 0 much In population than Inland or hld return. but sixty-no nu-~ I.--A ceiling and found In: linmmor in me very plan: when he saw it in "If: ch!-am. He Ind been using it in nail- ing lntliu bnto.the ceiling. between u- iointl, the plnnaen lind nidied u- wqri. entlotinaz` the Iinmmev 'n the open mace in the ceiling. N led! in say. I}. Irving and his a\|(`il\lP< wemuier nftenrnrds rm lxelie\}`e_r,a in `J... -- `rank-.`s.-na,a-.n..-' tie band. lrnng told how ne nun once lost a ne. new hammer whilr employed in erecting a building. He- tllmnclntn great deal of the tool. and hunted everywhere for it, but in vain.` Two years later he had a drum one night. .In the dream he `saw his hammer diatinclly. N.`P08ing heureen the joint: of the oeilin2.a_hm-1: the lit): and plaster. To test the trutli ol the dream he went next dgy to be place. tor! a hole lhmllzh the and found his banner in the ~n--- nlntm 352'! Inc IQW tory to need comlntnl act. The prison investigation was thor- oughly thruqhod out as these eveir ing gatherings as well an the po"litic al conditions prevailing in Kingston and the country. It in well known that in those days. when Sir John Iaodonald was the linniand leader. Kingston was a conservative Gib raltar-a veritable stronghold of Iory partialn. The "eorporal's guard ot grits" made many converts. nour- ishod the spirit. of liberalism and tn-net-honed their position gradual Iy, until at last they gnaw strong enough to break down the gates of wryism. and capture the city: this was eccted when they lecuvd Alex- ander Gunn. the present postmaster of Kingston. to npramnt them in parli- ament. defeating Sir John by n small majority. The old limestone city is mu. Ionian! unon as a liliernl cit}--a nnjority. `Inn Old llliellflne any 15 now looicd upon libanl cit}--a ..:o.. .-J nclvnnnnll iduu and nm:n`so- IOOIQII vuuru cu-_v-u city of advanced idau and ptogr`t'~so- thunk: to the energy and persever -..... ..: OI:-1 um. hand ol men. all thank: the Ina gmtwver nnm of (Int little band of men. pll of whom. except one. have posted from the changing menu 1-(earth. ` Hon. Ir. Brown. for many years. had his hodts made to order in Smith`: little .-hon. Li'e many an- nqher gnu man, be bud large under- standing, in the shape of great. feel. 'l`lne'larces1. last ih the shop (and .1... L-.. ....... nu-ntiv hum one: in 'l`I|e'laI1:esv. I831. In In! ullvp xunu they had Vsome pretty large ones in (Lone days)-was not long enough `to build Mr. Brown : hluoes on. and H931`- tor In-donfld well I-uneinhem {hat 1, -J.I_) A- AI... Ir. Incdonald vixrvily remmoen a curious incident related in the shop one evening by Ir. Irving. who, as mentioned above, was one of (E4: lit"- tle band. Ining told how be had us. Ina-Q A nd, new hammer locdonnld well I-unolnnem um um inches Ind towbe added to the largest last. "V- -uni: Avnr rant inld E500." "No man ever went. mto uuu suup. says Ir. `ucdonald. and came nm. with the same conceit. The bubblr Led, no mutter whoue hut it vu_pric I'll in. Brown and Iockeuzie comb ed them I" down." U- Il-..I.-.-..l.I virhv ramomhers cnfll III, Iuucn III!!! Inc ulvu on un- rupuHic--dll than wen favorite themes of discmrion. George Brown yu an earnest advocate of the ubo~ lition ol slavery, regnrding all men as free and equal, and detennined wdo all in his power to give to every `mu: no matter what. his color, the twat. boon of Iilnrty. His speeches on the pnhlic platform and his vigorous edi- torials in The Globe ol that day deal- ing with this question are one well known by tendon of Canadian his- need couuncnt hen. `FL- npi-An inunntinntinll Ill} thor- demanded: nrglunenu on me ruler lion Iona bill. the progress of the lexicnn war and the tint In npidly leading up 10 the` American civil which {mod the slave: of the _.....I..l:.._.'lI L... -nIn fgvnriln (`Int - \As.nu|u-Iy an the can the link hand (bur: `ti : dog). and, lih `rokn n.>|di" in Goldnitl Dc-an-ad Villngc." *...u-I` lid: to on , an in It In -g`uLn ch uno. "Smith In: I ml:-did dahaut. ud. lollowi the uiilo a little lnrthr. it can sruy he said that ' - _,_.n_ ; ._ Ill], llrlngwi. nun unitcnunuhout inihncoune oi than that din "u>rporIl'I KIIQN." while it unnerved the nua.-Ina of the iforu party in Kingston. destroyed 8-uh : _b-Asian. All slug _._ -n-an -mllannnpl -nil -IlIy puauajl \'I_y nrswuu unnuilu and great u"nlnnhtive powen. Their nubjocu of conversation wen: many and varied. Long discussion: on the hxnuss and aging indieruuce of the new Inform nliniury of Baldwin and Ldonuino in not carrying out grant reforms which lb people had du-nundndt nrnunenu the rebel lloinnuouuilihnl.wlohulio-on tlnllrdol-njositunntinlvabtdnly anlvuiouolthoeocnu-y.13u(nnd oldnua -natuntlu-nnadwhy be 1- nL. .._I_ An. I..lo .1 1L. "nun-II|l\IAI'l EL:-JV:-7;. i3 -T` oii 535. US. duct with usilun, of who`: then then won always in pan in than bygoal would go In the dop, bu, nosing}: cu-owdod. walk past And that pan-chum olnuhue. not Inhng In am than than can -1' nnnv 'lll'ICI. And ll] -"1" -H`0Cgh..'-Vrdnu attest last. , "No went into u! shop. ...... II. i.~I..n.l. And FAIIIF mu Id them III down. It. Innionnld vividly remomben -..- :....;.I...c -1.:-I in tho gluon ` Ht!` OI` nq, _uIu lllllldl nn_.-- -u-:--.v-----.._.. :-L.M'-'53 5310. `%':..'-.:"..~ ` JUST] ARRIVED POROUR A on loan .1 Inn-In `rauco- mnsvmmmx 9Sr~"`.-.-:.-: ;_.-;_;,.~:..-:-` ' 3 SALE. 3 - Our new stock for fall is-now ready for your~in- spection. All the weaves and colorings that fashion correct. are-here. You may not like them, but they're the right thing and they will be bought by the best dressers. We're counting on doubling our Dress Goods business. \Vith the values, assortmcnts and ooloringswe have we should double it Our facilities for Dressmaking, our assortment of Dress Trimmings will all help to increase our output. Can we induce you to lool: over our Dress Goods stock? We "think the goods and` prices will appeal strongly to. your judgment We want to sell you your fall dress IIO and I20 Princess Street. - - - Kingston. Ont- pamhgln/mIu1'M\;Tu3dw GREAT SALE __op__ now am Second-Hand hicvcus. H. ANGROVE. | %+FAI_1l2 tr DRESS % 69095. '-.l A` TE: ohm: of mm: inrtnsr Bottled at, and imported froip. the ' A Adlchartk `Spring, Rlcnisl chnrged only with its own najtuml gar ' ' ` is WA RE 016 suns TITUTIONS, STARR mo . 10: 9:10 in Kingston any A. Ahoruthy. Agzizzgnrzb STARR & SUTC LIF F E9 Colpmon Wu, When for the same price you got` Vyondergdlly cheap priccs. Bioycles practically as good as new. Showrooms. 88 and 90 Princess St. :IGON$ LIADINO DVRVVGOODI Oi O;C. Ann mo SUTCLII-`I-`E om: aoofos nu-olrrtns. tlnfuaoolthceuthforwomen. The "Knit: QuAu.rn" shoe '5 all and durable. BuythoKIngOualItyohoo S3 Thtln-oddly, aoptgmbor sth. 'A!0y0uIlIil5d'hI&II|&you` ,4; ` J7 Fran]; Quezson. Phon_e6 529. IQ. I901. Gantry. .Io-A-null-Q-Al-I-.ou.--Jovhl II In! vuu v--- , a'In pmncaoa 3-rnamzl !:SHIN6LEs 5. AM}! In 5. co: ' j Iouarwaugu an-cu. LRMS`i'RONG'S. ".'_.s"$"n`%W.".'."uu""""" mm: ..m.=. BIG-ET IIEARTED. lXIjI'--- ....|..g_.I -_ -....hnl Lih Wowonltladviseyontohring yourmot one- set! Gavnems lad: me our Newsul Re- Kl.` uu-its-an-. -- -'r h "' dIly.&uIaIIqn:htIvcnoltIopu'- I.y.hIliVOIiIidnIolILinInId cxpytiovuuyuorha-Ioendouahinn wilhbikquention. llioouowayoi pioidinlhodiunumtolndilueuvc .1 ._:_._. -.._|. _- ...:_L4 -.:..'..L.. - ..:........-- ".'..3.'.".'I..`7'.i-CL... TL": largo cl nun oldivurgut opin- Kvnulnunu ll\lIll r-.-.-u Lnouiiq to [I'oniacIt.I'hiucy Mar eouultationvitlnoncofhiilnndiug uqaporun.udpuinoheiroonnat, inhabit! dovnhiuplniutn. In 0Ck"&IhhIII'V({ $IuIic,witL1IIt_u&'-iodolILI ---- -1,. _._._._a3__ -..I. gun at. E` n in: plasma: touulht Ir. Whic- uln ` ` .,'."ni?."i'.'. T..'."'.'.".'.'.'".a.'." `F. Gourdier, ..q ........ _..... ufpl clad uh arbo- poO`;.io: ol this unitary, and got iuoiogd. In this yu.r_ol [not It. Ihilnqladlinullinninvnlhng ' to .I_-ngla... IX... l\_A_-8.. --J ...---. A..LI_ nun -n.-w -v Ic- ; inliuntod that he would sol coll-In noun ollho lea the-are oolloctqd by th govuruneut, that-in would not all no Iluelol the clown timlnt, undyet, out oftln Iovinj tnnlxy, it could 0.5. .'|...I. :- _.3I_'._. _..|.n.L ..__. -v v-' Cu.`I'I'IIl$C Iuav Iullj ll` -aptolbo vao'l'onnntunun.ond would tho uinitlry (of in l5!!Iid- Iy uulnc-,6 of this iuniutiuu. In a. am in ulvnntc. us 5. in cans.` Chi. E: `(in In nij AH` -mg- want: `:1 C? `IV: I11 D FRIES , ndhhI;:o1dyii.`AndthI L. in -.i-. 1.. |__.. __.:..a `L. 2...: -u-uuqc nun: us:-up can: -u---' '1; |c|V!l_o|IKv(-)3-tuion_dvuy'ncaH_v lg... H- D...` '---_..I. l- ALI. _.., v`. u- an u-r-nu` uvu-uy, -Iv wvulu unuouu inruili '.uua.L..on agricultural utooln, the nth- _.A:.._.I-:.1..__.. -_.l _..1___._ ___.- u`-nun-n-pq -|-vuu-, Clj Ii ClI' aI.ioun|"'iyInn. and prion: song _Luuha1_:.-Isa..a|i.LaJ..a.a...a` I.-- .; ~_..... - ..._. t._.:n- -..__ I9 I-I| nu xlvujltg UII E 3 VIII!` lb! Qnuafo doulul In [inn thwa- ninhnnninn Q-Li-&< in .IuI_. h- _...l. I.4`1__.AA_Ak44..J.'lL_-4Ak4I IIljpI-lI-Ufa-:-u-pun-\-us-cu av. lciuntothogoodollhnnutht Lnvhjpuhdnuaninloolcuul _...L..n nun. -..a x..n.._..4 L:. |..'..a jVl~|lj-j-IuIvIu:I~jI-s_y pd BIJC. In! iollowcd his lid for 3 `kilo. Oh!) that in bonus L- .1... .4 ._.....n 29.... _._.... - .......... .........H..........- |Iatt.|IlI.hyundniviILoIIo dnpolgovunnent. ' it will In continued. and mu they gill quply it to the pulp wood and the liilcwun. 86 will this govern- ..-1 :4` =:. :. ...u..I ..:.|. _:..a.... n.:... u. ~...'.'.:.7.'_'3.."..'.a;"Z.' it. and an um sm-I I1- _.?.L.lX.._ -_4L._'..J AL. -"`_'l - I` 5- .1? ICC WCCPTD which it u. and bean panics -in work inldinllnndforthegoodolthnpoo-` pju and an. pmvincu. A ll . Whitney would go further than `lb govinenlnndutgbliahnon utlooln of agriculture and inpovo Ibo qnuponation lnciliIian.,lor the onus:-: -_.l -.._.._4 ..l l__._. .._,_I___; IICIWWT I x I311 E. as con... quution. lie: the emu. In (In n-n-n-mu-_ -y-_ .....I.. .......:..|. I12}. :....-._J4.l W jjiibju-Int:-u: dwouko-povcf.|II|v Nil" `*0 n__._-'a.. A- Jlnn -iIK H5: Iii CwIIIlU-|IvI_II-II-V---'-' I-Il'ity to dluwitllilhlloi gjhjllctftui-il. So L.._.n_...|:...n._..J..I..-.n.-..u ZTW ?7 ""' """""'_- "'1 1'.p.ddu\'nupwuuo htI|I`dIonuI.lohn Ila-r'uhIl'o h"`l'hluuHo Iny.,"v|ow-09-I n -n __ J ___. -_.... :_ -._..l.. .03. ".r......-"".. ..;.';....:......."~` ':..;. ... '-- L.. L... |_a_..____n._ mg... Z j WI U-cu--, Qjiflo lhlialu that chaplain. inchi- n._._.._ ..___. _.- .._J-`--A-`J IL}. 500-. I wry `la1i|c'iun- rqnrncu. wvz nus-r. `wit:-` CT`. 35193 W. W .-"0'BIr39Iv9i &"3 '....n"".`L`.`7 mjlnn-nII|nn`n`tn -prion urn -out to been Sunnlig, the had 7411 Bdon that he an putot of III Catholic third at Clinton. `'0. Hanna Iothis country lmu,Ger- many. list Gull petal as he in (`limo , and when h..- unit with him. '5-cad. Heir To xmson. LI'(_,`r.oo. Ii.-.. Sept..5.-Alk1nu.-y 0. man In nturnd no-an, city it anlilg for And lomtilig Bei- Iroinnp -in Salt Lula City, who. 053 I30 of '1 counnn v imthnrlnnnn: ""Eu.a".`.,"'.`..l".;"u.'. . ?..'.'."".'.'3- In Rwy valued as usual nil- I [Ah City Actor:--_v wbnlnrj Illumnn Ln! Tb Tononoo lair people an foxy. Thy tut new buildings. The council lhu to erect than. The exhibitors no not induourl to any that ulun the oonolnodauon in inuuued they will I0! [0 hu. Thai ought to be ef- l..4:... _"la 4. colonilc" say: the city clerk olIoItnn.l,innnurtic|oonth|a- _._- __l AL. _........ I.` ..- ._____,_ .-I -unupnyjna up only .......|:... .. .L. .._:.'.:--| ..._._.-_.n TX fl} IT VIIW min Iat In lap and mpluy In our yo:_a_ng_|_4 non:-In -O Lanna I I IAN`-I-II 0; -'Iichig|n'|-mills in Ind oouidu-able on in money. v----nu -u -v---- Ucruiru no u... .. .. ._."_._- I jpcity. Evcylhilg in going their way. cont. utqblishnent unknown bolhinumnny publig: schools. The .--...Z..... -aL -_. l._I. -4 :. ....L:.L ix.-You-kL..q;no;ui.uaaann,o:n> u-ru.---no I-II- vs-. -an-u -v nu w IN pupils cubed dnily, settled uh: qxtioa. Prof. Ianin will be eneour qudbythin togoonwithhiur Inn! in Kingston. ` . Dr. Icildcn, of the veterinary faculty of IcGill collage, believe: in an oonlnunicgbility of bovine tuber- aulodn to the lmnan lunil_y. Be ukon_ no stock in Pto{. Kodfu theory to th contrary. But. an lntteen Koch and Idlinnhal the tiaalic worid lllu lollqtcqnet Inc the In! two you`. 'I&van untried M l .lo. Iinlou Glelnnll mu` 3:?- an-vj lillliun -u-,,uu-a nainivug -n Saginaw, link, will cm. in Ontario iIoIduIo[e6_IhcIroodsIIpp|y and continua dz basin-. Ontario will may inclino Iowan]: the gnnd um Gonna: banana` log} ' t. wnvuu Iv up-3 vununuun can: :3-all: ` 833' Bouuboopu-. xiuus-City, Io., Sept. 5.-Father A.l-`. Gov.-ii. pastor of the llqganan (`:- tholic church at Luau Summit. Io., III" hlnkcl Iii priestly rows lld mar rial lit: Golihrppr. who had acted at his houvqkcqvet Inc the Inc two Thaw van married at Imipnpndnnno, I EDlT0lI.IAI. TIPS. The loved lelduu--for the olocuic lighting of Ionuul did not get tho contact. Ioluul iafnoting if his not inptovidunt. It '3 always hud- up an I uunieipality, and it In shay! bonny to ban. ` Anotht lumber rm, `the Eddyi, ol Q-_:_-... $1.]. __1II -_n.|- :_ l\_a-_', Ixvw-vuuuy:-.p--,,-- --- anviaupancauenandxuriu 3:. ' Z--1-.1-.--s.-