kiln. I6nlLnnl__A'ntL~.Tnnvnto will play hasolnll in lontmnl on Septuembcr l9th. The duke wants to see u pane. He will see football in Toronto. la- cmsn in Ottawa and beauty in King -4 .-.. bin 3 young man to tear clothes and stud on the rear plat- iorm of the (rain, to represent the duke while passing Belleville and such -`Iguana _ places The new system of ventilation in Victorin school is compk-(ed. but will not be working until alter the fair. as the ela:I.ric light company will be unable Io enact the `outside wires -nn`lII.'||| meanwhile. I. J. Icuirl. bicycle manufactur- er. Detroit. .`lich.. in visiting his sir Icr. Ira. Henry Smith. Hr. Icuirl is on his way home after a trip to Iloulrved. lmawa, Wutettown, Tumu- Iojnd Bualo. Smith : Whilo Linincat in daemon pcnotrnting liniuont known, and I positive can for sprains, I-Iellinga, inunmntion, neuralgia. nhuunlism -...a n.....L.-.... I- |...u.I.n 9.'5c.. at 'ston. `Hey my tlmtlaj. laud: wunuu to to tear good :..-.... ..t .5... min. mores.-nt unnope Io meanwhile. inllunmauon, ueurugna. ruumuuun and lumhngo. In bottles 25c., :8] `min . drua ntnm, (`Old "75!!! `5l'8W. ISUSIII. [sling rum to and one nf the Rid:-an navigation company": io|der:_ to Alexander Hel- inilx who gun he is inning to travel company: mum-rn_ In n--nu... ..`. in-ii. who say: he gning from Ottawa to Kingston. .At Iioon `to-day on-uncthingjcem wrong with the vulva nf the whistle at the `ii`omMi\`o woril. and `wlbegl it sounded noon hour. it refund I0 he sklmui and continued blowing [qr the span: of `about (on minutes, 70. in -mid `tint -nvaI|y-ve or sumnu Ilulllllgo. nu Wade`: drug non. f`-nil \nnnAn IIAJ space `about nnnmel-. It. in aid um -Ie\'aIIY'5V3 eighty of tha hen iclnhdo III the. '- ndiun channel mm heap boguzht }r.v mayor Iorrin. Othwn, Ha I! I_3o|dm2 am for friends. 0! the 500 -I-II still for sale may ofdlelll "` true}. I rocks. I use clllllry. I cluldreu live./ IV . I . l'0(`kI. ` A wnmon. when co:l}i\{ r- runu her mnovnl to lotpi . bu been bemingon 1 men ` for the past. week. .8150, en the In that :50 needs npncy to cake `to the country. wba in Iulnnd (`Andi .I.:I.I-.- |:\`- ,' children live./4' - Capt. Artlgur IAE. '-pa ("`""-""` Kingnon. now in the Uniltd SW1 0 . mi`. 1.. taken . Ions 16-{'2 0` I W-*..-:.-*..::..,.....'*-' ':'.:':.:"..;': 3n`n|:nn:nn ll: nnl in the duke : local\our. Inter as :1- via mq-ion and us. unveiling oltho tablet ,in George`: utbdnl the bond of ulhutio: In-u-A all at the nnnouries; View SM!) clnildnn (`gill (I!-ct tin heir apps!-nut, Tiptinc Vi 6!]! be ten (?`@.Il`BilIIk'l. renew. _'l'I!' anus: w- `ncnrl "in" the Juneau. ` nld-euI he and: an Inc-nous on "In VI.` so the can-onia at OI!!-`tint veuity. ;'l`5o &i|lI-win in ......_.J `._" cl.` , gcnoox. nooxs. UT 0! 1'? DAY, unurnmg. `,1! the yacht nil ouonilnv lt- yI|loviIkfl'oIIIIhIll|ll'ol'oluuun to tho Gonna unparon which con- ic-ul and sham" lorlhe mud: of human Von Kal- tlur the German minister at Putin). which to End bun unable to pnaveul. Th unpumr William -n reply in putt van that vhilcrhe was n:ady_!.o and IE0 vunmun, the Inner mud. l|t|\IIrCIcmlIlVe| with the belief not that 3 was able to obtain awne inont pudon for their guilt by lb upin , mission alune, but would he ' by their futuns eon- dnc_t in noeutdnncu with the lure of [H3 W III (XVII IFIWIKI-IICIIEIJ, Ind undo wdlaxigh impmymbb Against the attach of invndero--no1- sbly, the mall boy. The grounds arouna'uu also being cleaned up, and till bu kept not And tidy during the inir. The grand stand: will be swept daily. . Yauinnlnv nu-on-nl hnntln `rears nnlrl Poldun, Sept. .'s.-|mpoto: vuuum rannivcd prince Chan at noon to-day, in tho pn-Inca of tho royal ptinoel. `mo. Von Rieluholen, tho forcigu oo- cntuy, the principal uinuten and punk, and the court digniuriua 'l'hliI-inuonadnleturvrriuonnn yollov ink from ch emperor Qhina an ILA (Hartman llrjilfq WM IVEIYTHIIO IX READINESS, lfor the I; run: lost Wooh--8do of Studs. The grounds committee of the King- ston dirict {Air Association yester- day nllgt.-sued various improvement; The inning: Inn been SCHOOL W fencing math umllqxiuh vnnous mlprovunc nfengthened, Imnrutmhh hubtsen I118. anuy. Xauerdny mvernl booths were sold, including the lnnin one under the gt-nnd stand. The others will be sold o-dqy, then being a brisk demand for them. D.....I- 1- .._._.'-..._ _.II L- _.l._Z4A I0!" Tall. People in carriage will be admitt- ed, as unual, by the main gate, but they must make their exist by the upper gate. When ilnide, they must notonu-occkonthctrack orgetin the way of the hall-playeu. Enlrinn AI-1 nnu nnmincr in frag-Iv |} WI (`II f IKlI'PlIyCIU. Entries an now coming in freely, and the_ oecntary and his stalf am kept buy. The outlook for some splendid race is very prunising. The 1-Jnuirmnn of than around: con!- splcnum rnus I8 very prumsmg. The chairman of the grounds com- mittee, alderman Carson, is very mhoughdul of the public : interests. He nov pnopocu to have ice water at the main points in the gmunds. fur the gooolmnodalion of vidtors. This in I boon the peapla -will appreciate. Sutetnry Edwards has nzceived a letter from manager Howard S. Ful- ger, of the St. Lawrence steamboat comgnny. in which he nay: : "Wu hum nuula vnnv fnvnrnhla ar- an e. n-`port of the committee qf man~ .ment wgq rend. recommending that accounts to the amount uf &l93.Y :'9be paid. Expenditure for the muntII.I,- l(|7.97; inuune. 8850.98; excess ol ex- [enrliture ovrr income. 3`156.9`J., . The cumzhtlu has cloned the coal contract for the year with Booth It (`n. The rt made fueling Inference to the th uf kwuac bimpzmn; u ml-ulinn of condnlcncc -nu"! par-std, to be inncrilnotl in.tbe minutes min.` I ` oo+rhpent to the family. mnnrt nl thn visiting anvornnrl. III wine: In II_VI: "We lava made very favorable ur- rnngemenu for running to the King- ston fnir`f|1)|g `vet points. and will give mom urd on mom days, than ever before. The steamer Empine State will run from (Inland-nu-v. Pnusonlx. Burk- Inn. The aionmermerica will run From Ogdensburg, . Bro;-kvillc. Prutcou, Rnckport and Gumnoque, on Thun;-` nhn-. than Ith, An `Excess of Expenditure--Wnnt` loyal Party. The regulu meeting of the board 91' governors oi lsingslun general hospi- . ml wan held in the board room at I p.m., _\'est<-rday. Ifresent : Dr.` Snlytlvo, K.t`.. in `thclchairz Prof. lur- shall, 8. W; bcrtsun, Yen. Archdea- . A. Calvin, Ivl.I`., Don- ald Xcln . W. B. Skinner. Exluin Nickle nnd ltzv. J Jul hue: fnunu I Lotus Irina: to tho` Goran Impose! by the Iupotor of Chin and Tenant`: 1: Pdnolnl Aunt- ueo 0! Kb Qt-other : Puni- A.-- "Inc steamer mnpnne mam wm from Ogdendaurg, Prescott, Brock- ville, Alexandria: Bay, Clayton, and inlerurediam points on Wodncnily, the llth. TL- .i--_.---l-.-4-- _-ill I-Inn fr"... nnnqxvn can day, the 12th. "Tho ninja:-5 any, [DO Izll. The sleuner New Inland Wanderer will also run a specjgl excursion from Alexandria Bay, Clayton, and ink-I mediato points to Kingston on the l2t.h. IZII. America Wi||__EI_ll from Cape cent on the-l2l.h. iifconnoction the excursion aftjoxn Wnterwwn points on tha'line ol the `New Contra]. -|'I`L-.... _.:II _I,.. L. -....._I I Lomru. "There will also be special rates from Gananoque, Wolfe Island, and Garden ls|and. With fair weather. I believe we will bring in II large rrmnl in patronize your fair. You have my br:st.\viahes for its success." It to the committee nn man- t with power up Mt. Judge ' Ilnyor Kent v-`We amvuinted u `ad I H! L ' ' gown-non or i moat . M passed I r\,~:-'ol'|Ii-)lI re . qucltiu the Innyur and alle met-ption oounnilln in laying um '.!\e- mule to orange so that the mynl'|-any may drive Illnvugh Aha r_:I'\vIIn.ll. y 1-`win though they may be I unuhli lo `vigil the institution. nncn`. cam! nus nnssxol 1% Imnnon Ixnux. mama l2I.h. -A- oup pen! to me ll uy. TE upon oi the visiting gnvcrnorl. H. A. Calvin. I.l .. and ex-mayor linncs. culled ; nucnoh to the ur- gwfmeui of I 1116! house. It upokc Sn KKK hnl-Inu'7hl the ulnln of tin ill- gain new in rum house. It upon in UQL \crmu`N the stale of the in- terior of the hospital and M the gar den. rqx-rt`-was mm-ired and us` km. the committee - 0 -SQL lnnnvnl In nul Jnnlnn Kw Int. ."NI.`Q` I1. ] o!1, Sept. 5.-Emparo: Willillll mnniv-I ncinm (inn :1. C0411) : HOSPITAL GOVERNORS. Vi'n- with and - York Schodl - Boots |W. .1. Dick & Son : Toronto, Montreal. ; LFor Sale`__b_3\/ SIMMONS BROS. We Can Save You Money. See ournEN's LINES at $1 McKEL.\/I-::Y & :BlRCH-L IPRESERVINGWEEK. llmutactnted b The Wm. Buck Stove Co., ihnited. Brantfo;-.1 cotooo-+o+o,+o+o+o+o+ 301.3 I? 0+O+o+o+o+o+o+o+g...';.. ' McKELVEY & BIRCH,L69 and 7. Brock Street, KINGSTON, ONT. - Oven Ventilation. : z ; . e . . . . . ' Vdleforunlnuuudhnphlt ol Cumin`: best cook: know the merits 0! it. Evuymu ::'m convenience of the 1300.3 1| `'-` `'1. T50 35"! n in y.gged.1`una t Oven Doors. Unobotmcteble Oven: I h Canada`: Fuorite And E ___.I who... iinnnnnnlr Dunner. PIQIIC Cornntod Dun. IVI\-$\I v-._ .. _, __ Hutu Ina uonnnc nun __ ththuor can have our own peculiar construction ol mg./3.-t. `ml? Piwucll lyuen Q `Oven. Flues. etc., and the "` `-J -9*` . 4 1 < llUllI"l uvvu vv an TOYE. "On The AS;;;-;-_", ma Girisf '. `_ "Regular Price $1.50 to 32. GREAT BARGAINS in all other lines. At the Great Bankrupt Sale of no Youwant one at $14.40 or $5-94?, ilk- NOW_ NEXT TO 'LAIDLAW S. 69 and f7! Brock Stront- '21; ; rit;;ess I Sftf. - Is the time to can your Peahes. Pearl . and Plumu. We have a splendid yariety `of choic: fruit. Also a big ' :"I\s"oVl{r'or rllnl _ ,-`- [W0 -.-`_-w 5. Ys, we seif saws._ ,Ha"; mcrs, Chisels and full kinds`. Tools, and of the right qua", - ._....... ......-Il--.9 rs-lnrn5 luuis, IIIU ul um: u ... 1- to unsure excellent returns! `the workman's exertion. A - I - . I. 3 _. .. n VI LT5I?s`TiI_00UNI-M Saul Bill. Sunlury. lclirunn 0. c. Binuell. u Dc.-()nuric;, Pine. llill. Silwo Springs. Frontanuc. , L. I. In-phy, M. 9c.-(.`a(u'aqui, Focus. M Bic, For whim-'-Dunn-en. Eneehior. Ilutingtou, `lgiuburg, Qthhlll. nd_ II-v I0n'u Ioun III we "unpcnu st:-org points in I lmlo booklet It your dulen. ` THE 6llHl_EY F_0ll_IIlY B0. `man [or the help 0! I0InI_II-H You'll learn sll Ibo ImP" _4.___- ____.- :.. - l.nI- L4-uuni If "x'.im'aIe'd" Mon trcal. I kki Collin lIl.3yIhIIun. the gist: oend III bid ion! All but many ulxcn tutu:-cl the hoard hid. Ian nleu Inn afterward: cl-t `I-and an IL: ntnet. BKIO|'- Collinn Buy. m .5. .5. main; nnxr at clevu ouotx un- utull of-at the regain hour. Sn-rral buyer: mentioned tic fact that lnqhuz: complain}: had been lmhivod Ionized II to th in- lu-iot qndity oiicba-no from the King! on Puu-on wen accused, nIdvphedbyteoti_I:on_y.ofnot[grm pedy caning for their nnlk. If an un- lltovunn u. not made the tank will_ } I |l'I ol f oiesuu-In can nation with the Kingdom distiibt kit. "It was originally intended to have the prin open [or oompuitknin whim deem only. but as some he nah. gm -mkinn m\n-ad alumna ox- `arias an nanny comma cause 0:- chuively it was eunnidcmrl advisable toginthnnncknnulpwmpdte. A Young Lady : Sad A death. fraught. with um_uu cir- culnnuneen of Iullunp and regmt . which made the severing ol the ulvcr cord now had to bar. III that agnntof Inn Kuhnlo S_hcldI. Dm- noa Hunt, returned to Run who (ave it. Shhndllaaaiilhlltulhortnme of inorrhp ol the luuu.. The -nnnn lntlv was but tuonlv-vevmn ol Xotflt on Inc IInI.. In: young lady was but twenty-veyauu of up. and was living with her sitter. In. John Stuart. l Divition Iueel. 'l'Iano.uin1:en maid: in Bulqlo, and AM... -i" at`;-J CL. `nag-nl -Ki-K `l1ano.nu1aen nude II Isunno, um they will often! .1110 Inna-3|. which will aid at _o':lsuud.y. She was A wnnnn lnlan-vd for nnnv IX IEIODIQ IQ. IIIII nnkuluduthnllt| :3. Run In: .In ugg In Law. I..- nu In-I. was no In Io nave urn shortly. No! loihg Ago tho and th nan, !whom she was uhonly to wed. pichd out their lnnignr at 0 local dealer`: now. and made alime- pultionn for starting a bone oftheir own. 1"]:-young man `in naarly barg- htpha ova tuninn vulmplaoeu uutqnuucmy ISM. .\.hna-ntoslumthclung. Inn, ukqoldulh. "auonu," unrulo; pron-noun -ad. "lir Silva l`I-tapas," `i- vini; Chub. "Low -in klhun." Inetl; ova-tun. "lvun." Colic:-go; z..a...;.. .4... ` A--n...a.. "`||...I.. ...L....I nlunuu mnn. itu-no, ' nun: pouol E2 'Wivu," lol; "God VI Oh Kingff V` ' IS: Einh In-of-In. `fun Frau-I nun! -war. and an [pains Iutiip. nil in . Wu!- qhy. _8qnlIw lllh. ol mull: hjll Ink numb and uhu~oou..hd _:.LA I....J--l ._.I `(An --:I- .J-_a_ Iy uilqn at uni.- lQoI'I. pin - yo W` mlnrn, ht (Ln Iund Cnntt 1'9-nigh. , a Mob Filo. riIn|pnd, will in Innnunnlul nor} :0 night . II 9 will u 4-... ~Ir:..._.l 50 year to uumha: tour nnnunsunnu inrly-one, an inc:-out ol n pct L Th llenhenhip of the yaw urn E. The nancial uuanenv. wu n= tidnctory. Ocen was dotted us fol- lovn: Patron. Williun llcndry, Bun- illon; honorary preaidv-at, R. Gihnn. lhlovnn, OIL; ptuident, J. G. Kent, " `Fiona . H 'I.o||; " pnnden' ' t a ville; Rev. J. W. Hinton. Vit-(aria, B. ` n. ,I......|. A `Ann-in lnnuml; Wil- ` Tomato; x-at vice-ptoident. Rev- ville; Rev. J. I. Flllllon. Huang, 1). (`.; Joseph A. Laurin, Ionuwasl; liain Olland. Tacoma, Wnh.: June: L. Little. Brooklyn. Inn: 1!. S. Ilolston. Winnipeg: G. Allen Ross, II.-hm N','I`,- nunnrv-Innsnru. Iolslol. Inumyl-g-. u. nucn , Iqinn. N.W.'l`.; uauunry-taunts, I. B. Donovan, Toronto; uauura, n-._. `l`v.-uh]. Tnnunlxu II. II. nouovnn, Iorulw [Barry `Trrmble. Toronto. H-II-IL otnnrnx I 5&1!-I emu!`-oi: Iron: uuncn States to Canada occupied the At- Iomiop ol u executive boon! of Lord : day nllinncc of Cnnqgh. which not has yatudny. In viurf doubt: mntowhelhuplxavincial hwsanprve van. that excursion. the board de eidad to uni: nptuanhtion on _'the ...I.i-L us ch clnminion Authorities. `$0 Stu-van can --- -v--'---j.-- of Inca. Winnipq, Sept. 5.--SImI1l_v ler one o'clock this morning about Ill) `disguittd and weary excursi-mists ye- tumed ion: from Rat Poruge. Their feeling: Ian worked up to such a Pitch of indignation that had they mini ch proper parties responsible for the pouponanent of the bum raceyuterdny lhestoryol tic eon- luaquenu.-s would have made inmat- inctuuding. Snidone -' ' Vt "Thorn no: in I-nnnnlrnl. 1"` leaded in man lqJI'$nIauo on par linking: to tit dominion uuhorigieo. Ill: 301:6: For the Postponeinontl in: reading. and one on the r"Then can no reuorru all I` v nccnhnuldnothuvobecnmwedlnt tween six and -rven o'clock. as the ` valet. at that Qime. was as ulna us crylhpl. It is stated that (iaudnnr rduIn{\to rare for venous but hoin to himself. Perhaps, hummus he knew `his chances would be hen:-r_in rough- - er - water using to his greater strength." Towns. it in an-erled. was needy to _.. aunt. a.-. elm nnn-up ml. -an-an Aid 130 out an the course at seven mm the rvefetea is criticised for not insist- ing on the race taking place. .. : A `Ln Aecidput Ipo lopgiring A V nxmsh qhapm. Tunncl. . Vancouver. Spl. 5.--Some details oi the dulh "oi assistant superintendent Ducbtxncy haw been nmeived. A um- _.I .... ah. .....i.. lino nu. 9|.` \'nr-II. Duchuncy have been remnvou. A I. - no] on the main line. on the North bend. known as Caribou Joe's tunnel. lud been on n: and the \-.-c-mien crib ac,-rk was burned. Ir. Du-tll.-um,-_v Ill suporinlondihg the nwmnsvruv.-(ion of the Ni work when A lnrga `amopnt of rock fell. killing him instantly. He Lnal Inns: in than not-vino nl than f`,P,ll rock Iell. nlnng mm msunuy. ue bag! ban in the service of the (`.P.R. I-inco llland leaves I widow` and [oar childmn residing in Vnonuver. He was I native of Qwsl-:-.~ CW0 J Kitten-vylnine. Sept. !m-The body of sad. Wuldrun, aged thirty, heir ? in; evidence: _of murder. was found today par old for! point, The wo- uu apparently had hen nnnglod to dull. 13 police ten -not long in Ending a due. and In Indian named Pnuqunk Cgyiclso was .'|l"I'csl~_'d as he `nu about to take a Imin .'-rr la-Eton. The victim had men in the 1-njail. of inquelnilng qua-tionahle w:nr.!s and tho suspect often and `era men inlner bath from lnjnriu. Smuoud. 0n.v, Sept.` 1-while John Latin!-r. and dxtgrsevu, I h.I1ncI . who Iived in the dly. was I...:I.l;-g A land 15` Anal: hm evanimr. ll.` MW & W8. NEW STOKE. wieell II CD1. IIOIPI aI.tinE.ilI|:'vr-,0. Io, was taken 1: : `ch kowignl, 130130.59 nu-nnlndv to 'IaIICIl DI 3-II: wuss vvaur.-V. 051910 . N.\'.. . 5.-- A contract in liun cloud ' III Onngo tit- an an-An--`r It lb ll. `(II A 8)I~ tinunnccofntauu-vxulornuruou Shenyang: E. tigil4topnrchnuIlg[Ilaatinindul- ml in thnnnnhnal.-It tic brim at An mun .cxmg.a v_m.h..T ml Poi..- PATIO}! 2:-1-.--.-- ~Conu-net ' With conipony. ll. A... 511' cu... n A ..._...... Laavh Tb Quid $10.41!). -n . _ - ..,, L`: |___ ` IBM. 'I'0f0Il0. usurious from United l"__.J-] IKA nl- I DISGUSTED. menu; 'rauaun'x. an T 5, A - ' I ` cl wi len- uu ufl cu lncyck us} II data: until! he 'l'honu Derry, one 01 their nulbut, who will Ienvu ur narrow [or Notloll, Virginia. Hnvnrnl uunnnnin of lb I415 ID- Inemnl drill on the 17th i C`. u- ...a In. _I n ..n.nd_ Liv- It. and In. J. ll. nuunnu, ut- inguon ovum, IeI'I.'lor Toronto on Satunky. They intend visiting re lntivu in Deuuil. bdun mun-ning. 11.. 1-unnunnrv dame -1. vnclat The customary dance at uni` YIN" club house took place last evcn_m, be- largely ultended. A numuer of | viuu; in De city were ptuem. T News uyothcoddnuuforty m M... in invnb nl Shut for mayor '.I'IO N}. Ky! I-R 01$! II` lulvy to on in favor of Shut mayor [or 1911),. Toys : friends want. to Iny bcuutthstluut. Wbencnntheybe 3 2 Th families of Iessn. Milne and Uglow have ntunled to the city after I oougzlc oi mondfi outing an '`(,`amp Keep-0nl~'l`ho - Women," near el- buurnc'1I point. Rally day in the Queen unset It ohndinl. Sn-dmfnchool occurs on Sun- 3.1., vnuulg In upuuuun. Col. Io-tnnhtt, D.u.(... In II- un-ud iron 5 than nuts outing in nu. nnnl Ian out. A I'.ho|lonl IiIIKent|nidnn:`x;t uiuino char` nu, .l..-I` u` , !`c-Huh nuts. 0` Son: 878) an] In hug upmt .-tho `I:-nluw mean on sqmunber nu. thodnt Sunday ncaoo: occur: on oun- day the `llnd. Addruluingu muting last evening Ir. leek promised an in~ Ieresung service. ' , D A, (hum has sold 3 farm in the u-resting service. D. A. Cuys has township of Hihchinbruukc. lot 50. I), second concession. to John linu- non. it was formerly owned by John Shibley, Ilutuwsanith. Up~/till to-day only seven candidates Ind registered at the model school. It is expected that thirteen or fourteen non pupils will arrive next. Monday or Tueodny to, begin the course. Felix Lsnnon, night engineer `at the waterworks ping station. is nurs- ing two ribs. Tuesdny night Inn nnnidnntallv fell into the fare Ilnle I. M. uni and wit. _nqu at Bllllo. N. . lb upoumon. (Ed, D.U.\Q.. links: rib. Tuesday nagnl he wciduntglly n at the laon nnd inmmed two _L- s`c'i7uiiWnnms.|