'XH&Ui l|IlDIII nndvuulldudwitl audit: lawn .of Conlnfzin nmoow, uopn. u.-'rne uuuern are holding special msrviouu 1his week. Jliun Iaguie Mont vomt-r_v.`.Y|rh!r, in via-iling at Amos umnn'a.' I).-W. Luau lawn mid his {arm to L. 11. llntun. llunin qn. 'l`Iaiu place Iru well tqvnsent t the liberal con- \-en'lio'n in Ila!-mwnmith on Tuesday. Thcro are 3 number in attendance at Kingnton fair this The line-_g Jmhmn. I-2n;g1u;i'uh.`Ipent Sunday at In Smith`; \. 334330 Nunu-laul, Sopt.._Al`J.--Among the fes- tivities being arranged for the duh: and duohou of Cornwall : visit.` is n turdalig-In p "on, and a certain number of fr ml societies have shown great. interest. therein. Hither- to, tho labor unions have held alopl, but I llup bu been given to the movomom. by the deoinion ol the iron mnulrlen, 701) ntrong, and the mm union, to In .E:rt-in-ihowunilnmnu they you on 13' `r day, when they nuncicd grant otnnm. They make the mdimi QM lid! bond dull bu lololllllll. Bqu. I3.-Ina mun wln Jinn at, Int, [sully Ibbbull Honi- wrhwho wu niniohr of onion in an Ion no cabinet. ad -Kn n-' Inn-Innrhn Jnnnnnx -K-ha who nu Io:-Inc-iy Jnpcpn Nab`: .06 VuMaeon,n-d`pn-Hunt ol the bout. vu command to bud I059: fvtlih. _ . In Iontresl u L Woliomo to thol 1\.. L- nboud, already tumng m nnuclpr tion the oool, delicious beverage. Through some mishap the utri blip- pod from his ngert, and the ulo sunk to oho'boI:tom of the river. Bis- hop Williams sat up with a sigh, and Said. with his eyes sparkling: You any it, Jones; you're a lay- mnn " -not of the cloth. Al. 3 reccm. concrnve at the ncml theological seminary they to this tale of the good bish- op's wit : ` One summer day the bidnop went out fishing with a friend And, an the day wu warm, they swung A bottle of rare old Burgundy ovqr the side of A row boat. When luncheon time came the bishop u1sayed-topull g wine nboud, already tuiing in uniicipr um. um nnnl_ delicious beverage. Doom: -Iourlul. __- The late bishop Williams of Connec- ticut was I truly pioua,mnn, but was amneliynes placed ii: 3 position where he envied the privileges of those -not of the cloth. At recent. conclnvc .4 ol... an...-..l thnnlnoinnl mminnrv um person at the "lungs mom alum- .lent. majesty." The leading` tory week- ly paper, the Saturday Rnview. haml- Ies the chief courtly volume to far in the new reign in a very unceremoni- oua fashion. ' public. Even the extreme conservative par- ty declines to assume the traditional attitude of solemn adoration townnl the of the "King's most omel- lnni. mnieltv." The leadimt $01`? tlia not was among gnose wno cum- dovrn (mm London in the fuiuml train wen Hr. Melville and some of his chief anismnta. But. they were thore, mnking no show, but with eyes nppuamly in die back of their hoadn. for that night. A man who was known in II: mind In!) in ravolutionnrv cir- for that mgm. wno was Known to be mixed up in revolutionary class was dis.-.ovemd making a dis- turbance in 3 back aims}. of the royal borough, and VII` plaod where he would .|n\_re u manor 0! fourteen days` opportunity to get sober-supposing Inn was drunk-and also to reect on opportnmty to gut loner-uupposmy In wu reflect the quaint way: by which constituti- onal police gain their end: without making than mo plain to the gvneral public. Even extant par- Ho Called Upon Layman Jones- Undoubtodly Responded. Il_.A.._ _l ....--ml ion. In no nag-mu pa wu men- tion made of the {act chid sup erinteudent Ielville nnd eoyeril of his men walked nlongnide of the hniner in their long much through the ntmetu. of the went and, where the coin of ghe queen was being conveyed to Peddington nation an mutt for Wind- sor. Nor did any of the descriptive writers who new that wonderful scene at Windsor when the tailors took charge of the gun carriage remark on the fact that those who camc- rlnu-n 'PlIllI ill lh fml $30`! no-Irv: -vs count. Yolohunn, Supt. I2.--'l'bo nun who M... 21.4. Inc. many ntnbhu] no.2. Anuwer penoa. wmcn u-mu Lno Inactive force very hardly was when the German emperor unexpocwdly turned up to (wait the outcome of the illness of the his queen. Yet no welf was the thing done that he who met by several members of the special oer- vioo branch who accompanied him to ,town and never left him till ha was clear of the Engliln ions, II b all done in the moat unobstrunivo {uh- ion. In English pa wuVmen- aim: mm! of tho hm. chid nub- II WI! ut lot 5 It or no anon- hud in: on Ialviz us! around about tho ntnut cbouoting on Tote.- cdnu Court mud. to hunt up- on vitamin in any 150 court: . Nu, thy Inn-unknown. They usually Qot Id the an they Ivunun and hoot oudlllgi valid ovor bin hot or nm `not In with some violona I V hv|.ovn.thun to-complain thnt ` who Anrclmt wound the pue- Ill ol Jul shop or rumour- nhfh Ipdnklvd them with moisture. In any out then In: Ill immadhto mu. Up would come I big. huvy ol- llot in Milan, who at once accused the anarchist` ol being drunk or dis- oukrly. Como along 0' me," would on tho reinuk, or, if the Innrdaln tainted, no much the better. He was `forthwith guilty of ruining the po- lice, nd any of hi: friends VHO II- Iiatod him were ocooped into the poof . The noult was some utoniuhing cup- turu And a totnl loirunorof Tocca- niud anarchist: {tom London. 'I'Imao who had not been committed to jail for I furtnig-ht for being drunk` or dilorderly or resisting the police had found it convenient to go to the 130- vimvn, .'ro ncn 1.xan'r rnocnssxox l `I C U 5 I III? II II in VI" lalvilth lorou duh vi than on 5 [hot ocuuol just prior to tho Int Probably I nimllog unlock Iull In cnployod than ptqnntion an lining mad: [or the king : oomuution nun Juno. Not on uunbur ol up lnurnity was ur- nucd II An ninrohiu-. What. happen- odwulhatluruw oruobdotr L-ad um.` um I-Iuill n -0.3` rnlld living mostly in tho -cum cl _'l'oNnIi!un Conn road. Inc! the lonigl diurict ul vines. , ` Another period which triod the de- In-.|.i\m [mm vcrv lmrdlv was | nsgulc mun: vumI:r_v..2l `ing u mnn'u an m|d~ kn, 5! lib: inh in llnrnuwmnith nn -Labor for uh. L n___,,_ n_._. In 701. __-. TEE BISHOFS AP?EAL. Honor 3 A l|.-`u: Quakers lis mt in : 1' gtqn. liberal -mn|n'rth Tuesday. ulnar his mum]. Wk. IL... Smotm 5. con] rouawasgan um. llwlinrm - A I.---`u: 4 nnrvimus 1 Iii: Iii slt I c into 1 dv '0 --Anna ngnnnnnn a man may lie fast asleep. 'but rather slow whet`! 1 . Any woman is now who dgea not lelr and who does not pumice mans mag: Y"...8IEEl.` enlsuan mean i E. Id y ' , -..`.E.lliottA Bros.;.. s1'A NsKy a co, ENAMEL WARE UV, J1.V[)ick 6: Son's. I School - Boots! IW. J .ADick & Son s See Our nEN's1,lNEsat $1 Qgnmga .JIf1ltlCjI&-&q-- I 11, Ins and I20 Prlnoonn Btu-cot. - - - Klngnton, Ont. Fall Jpcketg.--Coa.ts. [some omw New Thingspening Up An: LASTS FOR YEARS GREAT BAR-G'_AINSp in all o:the1"1lines." S1'Ann Am: STARR & SUTC L.lFF'-`B, -anal I12`! I):-loan.`-n .H.O-1-nnt_ Iflnutnn. On mademin theminqteatdotlolcqluuuctian. The isgspedalfonmrc. Soldcvcyvhau. (bchmaluns Buy Your Boys andirls 3; J. HQBSEY. AGENT, -- .4. .-:n:- n ISHINGLES - | Ida um an-mun u_.. uuu. In-I-u. hula ITOVI. IAIOI All IADIAYOI IINUPIGTUIIRI vu--1 vnuy `run-vc ` _md Tudor-made Suits. Correct in styles and materials.` White and Black Galoon Trimmings. Applique Trimmings. Chiffon and Velvet Trimmings. Jet and Chiffon Trimmings. Arabian and Battenburg Laces. Lace Boleros in Black and Creme. All-over-Laces and Sequin Net. -All-over Silk Tucking with Lace Insertion. All-over Figured and Spot Chiifons. All-over Chenille` Figured Chiffons. All-over Fancy Chions. Fancy Ribbons and Gimps. Women's Novelty Neckwear. Skeleton Featherbone Collars, new shapes. First Showlnc of test and try more You liuri We Can Save You Moncy. At the Great Bankrupt Sale of iuaarrou-3 uainuo uni coon oat. om coda: I'- It jljj UU_I' -luv-rug uu-uuru-way ITOVI. IANUFAGTUIIII - Wholunlo IoInehQ-T0n@ Icaunnl. Ihdp-Q. - Thursday. Boptombor 12th. [T NEXT 'l`OLAIDLAW'S.. Regular Price $I.59 to}!- Su'rcLIi-`rt-: IIPOIVIII. .{'...TJ.;.;.'.._...(.......' catch this` 9 nlann A nousnrn cum. %Carling s u_ul 6- -II u-IIIUI [I91-_v ulny, 0;! Z`! on In who cull libarolo. "bit ilcbouowgb" lp and the chi nah It-r Inc- can. Th [nun dilution. in duo. in lb Whig : opinion. lo the puvoulity at on an. Ir. Glad- min his Inlet dnymwa "to n _ by Mo follogil-nu do much ._..-.a..I .- - I...h.. _-_ -....In..| zwu-I-nuns lunch: thlllghuu 9! lie` Iibunl puny. and in vqu-ring [notion unhpgaunsm . maap-10:-ncnuuhumum lcnnlihunlppdylo-hy.chtthuu .... ..... ..|... ..nn.`.....|.... |KL...I. II ?".?'. I-$3? > C, 3 u `:3 ol the govcrnqnnt pur- ty and the disruption ol tbovlihonl party to th homo nah nun-us, thus the hub ol __I)Ivo|'1nIin and Clau- bu-luin H? II: pqrty with vrhioltllq iulroloqopnrnuduodjoinodth oppooition. Th unionist movanout and tin noun:-vativo party and dith- edtln-lllanlorit utndtndwthv ._-...-_...`..A I.__4L.. AL- .L;.._ .1 AK." -uuvv aw-. -u-vuuu-cu uyvu an Il\FIl'\ dilionwpf politipnl pad. in nnguha. "A nnlllnnliu nnlla` ml: 1-. AL- nuns Lnnnaor nu`. T Principal Gyms, writing to To- mato Stu-. diooouuu upon the con- .m1... .: ....|m..| ......:_ :_ v....n_'..n v- -u -vu-J-cl-, ts |-vvjnv IIVIIIII IJU uunndld,bII.I5oidcuolnnkintbo `duh : vuitn ocoaion oi but : in oaliuptihloauiforpntoough Io hlnhnuldolit. -. . Tn...," ".:.'....' ......"?"7..'?.;'.;.;3 maniacs. and thin Inc was Iunotinu __ I.__ -- _ ._...._ 0:1. :___4_ ti. Inlfuuntoguuoaobotr Ann C`. Q:-and-n gn--hA.. I. 4...... ' I-Uvlli-V3 Twin j Zlin III nnIuli3itoIis.lnuiu'lohuuAJ- .l_-I...A in ...- - ..._._... -.._____-- >]ms mua--ma mu. f'`.';f-`..--.':T`5'E.-.t.'-'*.2-'a..`-"'-.-.".-"-Z Mucwathpnnintcvlcwudcha -nu-nu`.-In-.ln..A._.n..n.. no THE A pA1g._Y _muc. IISOOUITIMI ITS LOYALTY. "-o.:.'.;';..;. ....;.." I mlnltigul . III 9` C 13.3} WIEQIII 60` count all tnuchiu and is Irnupnrwd with 5 Id denim not only to reform but down tho Ivholonooiul odi- l'ht-pmmty bu n'n'6rnued with . she. in, via: the I in- ni` wuulth. II I hi- ulll Inc htnaithoroughly disprov- ed. `III the inoquulitien and the hil- Ilo oi distributive justice have lawn rndcul non mulurd hy the vast Qcclmihtiul of wealth inythn luundm ol 5 lov."'wluile Qhprngmu of popu- lar dilation and intelligence he en- hlead the-Iunuiivuneu ol tla unfor- unnu. `lb but unidocq (0 undr- Ilill B the dqnoutrntiou that they nnjnnnun ml iunnllh n-'I ILQ Inntlorn (III I as. u_IoI:LI-3;:-unuu my pension wank u. loodorn otlodocyln at but trying to do Ihir d'uty.9'__ Tqj Java 11: (bunt. Kid`) '. Ihlla we ml use uelaecnve on ml lflol and inict oondign unialuncnt on in: llunlnonu. We Ihnl do well calmly lo inquin into its source. It in idle to aw ummiu. inequalities of an hulll lot, or to unit that, how- qvc inevitable, they accord with dir Idlnltlvu justice. Btoodlng over theta, n nulnl a curtain` Ixnuenmeal. be no: on pnnloem. lclunley : A . "ll nuon could nd in way to tho mind ol an anarchist [us would `I! that uuuinncion of crowned hood: tad-ptuldenll not sadly it in- alumni. Int ddnlu its nun unit, in- ullluh u it makes them Ipucidl ob- iuu ol intcngt, enhnnou their im- Imulua. unuruinau tho: `niul lhat. -o pm on uuonu, enunou um: um- pnrtuw. Imp:-nun: the cinl order dopunduon their lives, and than iuc.I'ouI',I their powgr. If amt cky in folty. however. it it not on tint account to ho Thu nu-cu-rin 0! the hvlyeh pnnidun. Sandi-Carnot. ofth unprcu ol Auurit. and ol king Ilunh-I. u call an the nnnilnnt of orllo ol Aunmn. um on Lung Blllllnrt, ga well u the assailant tho: ptuldont. have been men willing- Io Icoriui `lair own livu to when ounvioti . pen-vane us than convic- tion: might ho. Tho comma or brother- Iood which can 00ll\IIIOd_I|Icl[ d9\'(v- don, ionic: satanic, in a pawn. `hilt $t tbs delcclive in track an` I-`Sol nnuulinn nnnlnknannt nil Mn Lil! "193 VI UIXUHKIIUH - Tumnto, Sept. l9.-Dr. Goldwin Smith. writing over hi: name on Bystander, lay: in the oekly Sun, uh:-ring to the Attempted unanim- tion ol pnnidenv. Icliinley : . "1: n...... could nd say` I nus .u-vu vuu uuv: an vouuvqnq : "the vain and fuiiionlblc counter" from distracting the con- greM.i_on and humiliating her lou -....l.. ..:..l..- I H... 4-`Ans A-n 'lWHl|IJlI Dllu ulllulll-Illa` nu: loun- gaudy litters! Dear, dear. These Tomato lolh an ID very queer. Bholiioune 8|. Ietbodist church. Toronto. prnpmen "A gowned choir." 'lIuy of the` congregation objcct to lI.,`bIt otlnn approve. on thq ground till the [own will luv: an tendency I4 A-4.; "I- u-in --nl l....Li..n-Imln -u --uvun vu wag.-u-j- -uu vvuuu-. any: `I "live in I pnudiue of which AL. I...I.I__`A -1 ...... ......'AA_. I.-...II.. Lugs` in luau Th Dunn Joins] numb I patriotic Sunday, with suitable nar- vuuouuudayoauucnuu Dub 0! Yak IBM in tho capital. Sam: ptolb think no no ova-Iy govcnod or nhyvuad ooudoully, but u 3 antler ol oonporino: the Journal _--_ -. "I3... ._ _ __....IE_. .1` _.I.:..L U wv uuvv III I .3-Idusrv III wulvll lzlndhit of our nnouion hardly` ;I........I -9 I-vI-In jfnlvy In U-U uwvyuv Inn ol the word lib- will con: tooth: olnotive stark. Whan Ch Inn to lead d the span! of inloolioun dit `ay II'e.heing examined also to guard qninnt injury to L luv Innwuvu Avwwu nwunnnvu uuunzx lb lhi Cb Ckrguo Iyndicau: has nednd too may lavoun (mm the _....__._a I.- _.._.l.-4- :- .l__l..._.l ,.._u__ , ~- *2 Th Syracuse mesiiool health onw- nn noting an Oxullillltion ol the ..L....I .L4I_._ &- .-L- In an-..) `mi, I4 UV-Ill DUI Ill!`-IIIII `I'D -u -yuuu rth puvbciol uclsool ol dpmeuic ulna` Iauilton does not app. _t` int n. `ltiulzoorto bobornlnckylhan rid. Sui in the conclusion `one unt: u in Iouatinun oonunpluo (H govu:'na n appointment. 'vv-u-u--. nun uy----- -cu--cu Cod-avonllthooxluioniitiu and only uppunn chin his nut `u rally Hi. I. IL ll.--4 Io wholynnuhtht thqilh lllnnlpnuyin anti: Ind. Iihuib abound in thc United Ki$|uI|. "Probably," ho days. "I thoid tyol thopooplc -_l_AI..A-...._...l4In._.-_.II.lL olh Z. 'K"hgg1m:n `git: uylum u.-oh. -_...h.:-I ..L....I nl .l.......ai.a `u Demon O1 -Discontent. .__g , 6__A ICI II. I`_I. mrrdnfu; `mans. xouue I! Mr. Spencer. who for yemjs ad the task oflooking after him whosn` he was princo of Wales. Ir. Spono-.-r in not so much in the con `_ iidi-nee oi the Inn at was Mr. Frazer in that oi` qua.-1-n-~ icturia. Them in no display of the pmcnutionl which ex- int. made at linriborougii house. The ontrunoc to thief 1'-oaidencu of his mn- jonty is distinctly wmmonpiggc, and anything but impnmisie. 5l'wo,clu1m'y wooden, gntcs ank it. with sentry boxea can each side (at tho , lumen on duty. The soldiers are t -In oimir ly id: ornament. A couple oi con- utnhleu in uniform ntnnd outlido We (ate: ready to open them for the en- trance 0! carriages. carts, and other vehicles. [or them irnu hick rhtrnnoc "8 Inll outta. Within the pin are IeV-- ugil low Imildin A, One in the gate- loopu- ri ; t other: are devoted to the use the lion. 'l`IIe*vTgi.i|non: oi the special; men is K t Iwnko chiey by the lookout for 3.. hind oi lunatic who is constantly nt- . tractor] to the vicinity oi mygi pa- In-ea. Iny arrow: ii are made . wsolnetiines they number hit ' 1 dose: in I day. all (of peopiembo gnncriiily turn out` 'l'IuoJ.osltIng A_:..n.u-I-cl noun `run I! Vlllldlilflll llllllhu. It iulrmn Italy um the uuchiu rhngvr it ulwdyo hund..'l\o Italian and Fungi pork lava I" tlloir n- hvu `Inn 'Idvil|0'i naloct y ol non. trout lb dupor mu) we duty ol looking alter Bll ` his safety. Himlroquent use of a motor our in one of these. The police- ` cannot follow the twin car he em-I ploy: and they have to make the bent arrangements they cpn at. very short notice. An he uses the chr to go -down to country houses lying in rural districts. the opportuniliu of any evil diupoaed penlon or nu an- uzreatly enlarged. Frequent y no notice in given to the police till In hour or two before he hurt: and then the talogrnphietu at the Various unions hav a busy time. It is not general] klnown the king bu his own Ite police, and that they are qnlto a dieronl. body of men lmm `those who used to guard queen Victoria. The heed of her police vru, Mr. Frazer. a line old Soowhmnn, who we: daily informed by her unjv:-uy heruelf an to her pmpoeed mnvemcntn. Ir. Fruor hen go Avie all hi: on- tournge. and the u is! of the king": mm in Mr. Spt-near, who for yam of" loohimr. after him very active tune or II lnoniy. Jung Edward : methods have in no way leeeened their work. Hie lnejeety in e vory different peno to what he was when prince of Aloe. He ren- -li|eo to the Tull the higirpoeition he occupies end his View! of his own dig- nity increase tether than diminish. There are those who say he wishes to imitate in some reepecu his nephew. the German emperor. He certainly is delighting in sudden movement`; and he: added oonoidonbly to the dini- cultiea of the police who have been charged with the duty of looking after enictv. Hielreauent use of n um um: ulna. Every man in hi: form In tome special .dcpu1mI!nI.. Several went to Scamdinnviu. several to Italy, Spain, and ' Auuria. `Bani: was not [alt nlonclorthltl nnIfowo!thoIpo- ciol-branch men who know quite as much about the Nihilist movement as the want auction of the cur : police. Thin special (one look: forward In a varv nctivh than M ii. -Innrv, Kim: urln. nucnunu no yomou no rnncn detective Iervloa to study in methods. and in as well known in all the great. French cities as be in in London. mhen of his men wont thmugh the name conga. Ielvillo in tun: wont to Germany and picked up a knowledge of German and Gamma criminal: at the name this. morn nnnn in lulu In-um; Lg- -4...... I H1000! OI IIIOIOIIKIIIICIO compared ` vith thnt. `Von in non other branch- es of the lid: police. The special- norvice"'b"r'uch ol Scotland Yard, 0! which he in the chief, hu th:J>roven- (Ion and` dountion ol politi crime In! in province. and its qualications lor that worh nude than canon ol its oloen an interesting ltudy. In the an of Melville himself he was nru can to name at. we or pane of tin English govornmom. when he in cmployod not in tho Franck police, but in lea.ruing`tLo lau- guagu colloquially as O clerk in 3 run. Allen-wnd: he foinad the F`nnch nun Ipwuu Iota loon Iorwaru In very nctivl time of it lhortiy. King EdImrd have in no wnv o to m nngnnu. mu u-umng is 3 model thoroughncu compared of Eivon _ 1`. Oh oi-I. uudl... 'l\- -......:-L o t dubrwiohu-- o dooforuunnur, 5` ' ` w E Oll|.D:::. condor. -nlpnpklng has II XI. ` Thin brenclrol the Britieh police is, however, recorded an remarhbl well equipod. l ie_ the l'?u|th per- son: 0 anon 0 c superm- tendent idyllic , a man of the lugheu may and courage, who .perIonAlly btoka up seven your: ego the only an- eruhiet pong) which ever tried to operate In (lend. Hie training is 1 model of thorouuhnan eommued , Io VIC! III Quill. uu III on lunch is anticipated. A now ruin. a ' `II; whonnovnuunnqltu VII ! , nnvor boon [nun now on the continua ol luopo-than may but km in th ulcatiou 0! III objective. pnliniluy oounut-nova ul- nlttv when in the note than doulr ling ol tho plain-clothes police hover ilf Ironnd tho n 0! hing Ed- mud and with hi: protection. Their nt gun ordeal ha been to in him sale through his: journey to Gonngny for the amp:-us l`nr|erich'u Innuil and his rnuhooquent any as n will not modify his daily routine or givc warning 0! his movements even iety ol the dctcctiven in cltremo. To Imnn watch an him mrnnrls A Isiah- privato oitiun M. Hamburg. An ho . III hour or two in Advance, the |nx- ` my on we aotecnveo In uuvma. Io hep watch on him through I lnizlr motor-cu run in the luau of iIlQICI. Jul, Illtvttzo III IWI.IUlI' my aunt, uqnoudun pnonuonn have been uh: olnqdy the pnlioa. It in lnllglud ital, when ur uvhilnlunotyctnndonnyuunpt to wreak Ia drama, that the om. brush utkipuod. A nigh. hint uh; -|nv-taunt: An nllnn vcv his 'itu|,Ivhco to crank In dung:-. thtthaout ' Doubling Ilnh Chung Iona M Abbi: tho Guru In-ion--'l'h lily`: Ipdil !oIleo-Anu- IMIC Dligu from Italy. London Iqlt. |9.--A revival ol four was also is upcciod in lump! during 150 toning vim. Th vuoh ilptollhaoureuolmchnctionil htdfy bl said than the blown ttaaelvu war they lull, and uh: c nuns: anxiety rupoccing t ; iulnclu luau cannot be pncbuly stand. But. ulntovct In tho avatar I i , ad 6' &`...`.....'`'` ..""""""............. .."'u'.';`...:' f. 1 nmou-I an uueluung Inlay can of iaimoen ml -nn I-at -out On 'vnnn. A6 OLA nu. lmmqgncmm. low In ujnoncnn noni AIAIOITI nvuzn. I UOIIOQIIIIII I! Clefl III Y Afterward: he joined the Fnnch Liv: ucrvln In ninth: in mntluuln Neidi-sishxl