cmnmnwe. M. H. 'l`\vitclu-ll. United States con-' ml, conveying nxcsx-Inge of apprecia- lion from M.-cxrctury of `state, Wash- ington, D.(,T.~, fur rusnllllinn nf cunnin- Ienc passed by council, with rcmml lo loath of president McKinley.- Fylcd. D-.. A \l..L`..u.l.-u. "I"nrnn9n nalcinu rylcu. _ Rev. A. }lcl"u_vden, T(vr)nto. asking the city in purchase his prupurty for .`{he purpm-c of widening` Elm street. --AI!o ard of works. Jnlun V:-(`nil n-nllinn nlnmlinn On In vmrkn. F King:-tun h(mit-ry company. asking [or renewal uI' exemption. which ex- pires on Dem-|ulu:r 3|sl. nexl.-Fiuduou cmumitwe. II II 'l`mih-In-II Rtnlml nnn-V -noam m Wnrks. John McCall, calling attention to a foam orecttorl by William `l)n_v|e on Durham street; fence in alleged to Ive 'on the trout line: petitioner asks that it be I1.-movcd.-Board of work: and city cumminsionur. wnlam... I'<`nlln-0 ..I.;.m In I... r..I:...,. and any cunnmnmonor. Wi||i:\'In.- Follt.-at, asking to be reliev- ml of local imurnvt.-mom. tax on his property to: V ctoria. utrcet; sewer. - Finnnco commihce. H _T Whnlroinnolu Ilnnnl-Sun llunnlnn -Court oi revmnn. ~` Kingston, Portsmouth and Catara- qnl electric railway complhyyuking inion to extend it: switches from Emily ntmet to Earl street, and from Ruiz-at atmet cu opera hounc nwicch.--Board of works. It rvn...-. A: (`n "Pm-nnm, lulvin: nvltcn.-Imam ol worn. \ H. O'Hara 61. (.`o., Toronto. advis- ing the sale of municipal bonds in prefemnco In huldirig for higher mark- et.-Finance cnmlnitwe. A. ll. Cunninghmn, for Thomas Hills, clainning damages for loss by ooding of N-I.-Iuizms on Alfmtl slreul. owing to unfcctivo an-\vcr.-Huartl of vmrkn. Kimmlnn lm.-Sm-u nnmnnnv, nxkimv n .... unyn. Favor alone \ `Communications Considued. Ann Rnynnlrln, '~.Iiing for remission of (axon became of inability to pay. -Court of revision. ~` I.':-....onn DA.-onvnnnth and (`alarm- ednncil. ` `~ Aid. White aid not (11:19; 1119 visit of . the duke nr anyhndy '.`su- Hxould not he an nxcnao lur haw.-lling accounts`. through the council. AH. chin arose to a pain! of or let. Tic notion In-furu the cuuncil mun: lumonaidend. Md. whim`. 0|)- jecunn win not won taken. The nance vfoporl hd ban properly pound at the last regular nu,-sling of the coun- c. `Pinto wn no question before the muneil challenging the correctness ol the lllinlttce.` Alvl. whim uhonld move low a reounnidvrutinn nf the nnncu M In: desired to he in order. AH. `Ihitu untcrud 3 protect. 0! Im comma to no In urucr. Md. Illito pmu-at against being ignored. M. the last nu-Mine M`=tho nance cummmee he had ukvd if there wcm any accounts Ornm the lmnru of works. He wan inksnmsd that v there were not. yet in the nance rvpnn. M printed, ha funud they Inlmr [my list. amounting; `U TL. nnnoinn ln ntlnnl. the minulns TIE mmmn II) aanpu uru nmxuusn was put. and mrricd. -Md-. While mnkui for the yen: and .._un `Faun-u nu.-Inhnr -nrnm-nl. vntod in pone. AM. To 0! shined lllrtbei that tho visit of I (MILO and duchcu ol York Bad 0! uocouily pullpnned the rcgur In mnttillg of the board nl works, an (int the labor may list. cuuld um. have hum brought. bcluro as matting of the board ueept at n special meet. inn. wlch he thought was unnecessary. That was irru-qulnr dmuf-'-the pn-ooderg. Ala. him could nzcoivu .x_ 11-..... um.-0 (rum lhl! (3 vclork ` UIK. I'll-Icn nu vlllrusu-4 tau .........,-_._._. , nutin;,v irru-gulnr a'bouO-'-the Whites` the finance report from this c yclork and look it war if he no dz-air-rd. Tho tqlurl had already been adopted by 4 1 AM um... um nnt mu.-1 the ARI. I0 ! IIPIIIII-an --gu ----_ nu- In! I an agency was pond um van on lucul` improvuncnt; 550 `OCH 0` rock: really had no eon- uol 0! be sunny; the ppulor tpok iv. upon Mud! kg unify lo the oc- cnulllo Iltc \n cuy uugiuer hd punt! CI. Th mun Ihu perfonnttl 550 work Ind `lo lune their wagon. |........ L. um.`-inv ui nuauml $50 no Ole Uf Ill! `U nun: saws- lieu: til Ilwuuity of pausing \ '3 an. ._ _ Q1. cg but we-=H| than :5: an-to Wlv" ' in in alpha. `limo -pom Mun cl OHM _n:IlluI `tn 6| -1 -nu-Inn La-1 nil RH! DWI J %" *.'.:'.':;;;'.'.'.;= III and are cx-` -_,I_I-- QA A__g_A __1 ____.A - ~E.Idu udIcl"ulu-moved Ihnh "ulthhanvlil Al-L ucnnkolnueliuto cog nu occvnn 11- ` 0 $452.71. Th motion to adopt. the minutes .._- nut nncl 4-nrv-'u~rI amultl. ` _ Md. Ihiu was enwi-W `I ` ....m.... 4.. cl... imm. Ho run! IIC I. : voted nay. -. While mlkul not me you unu Every member '|m:scnt voted in of thc"motion. Ald. Whitey .......l nnu I. (NIH, JIBIG ; F.av_u. -. 1 x in op" no.-I u. 1 Biought aobd Prices. _ Who sale 0! the huuu-hold L-lit-c\s of the late lanuc Simpson, cnndnctml by nuclionpur Baku:-, win cumplulcd you tertlay. Everything brou'g|n. g'm'd price: `especially -cut Iosu nrncleu. b'ix' court` plain.-xi sold or 827.3) and tho piano brninght $225. Large crowd: `puuoniusd le sale, which was -a_ very sucunlul one. JUCRIIIUI 3CD CICCB vnuo-u ll. is, understood ,that the teachers and 'pr|1,)ilI, can well as 1.111; hoard nl education, will make`; prnsentntiun to W H: Godwin. (In Thunulnv he 0!! VIII D Vvllvl on VIIV 9- Task lgutivu Bmno Quinino Tab; ha. All dz-gum: mind the Innnty if it fails to` cute. 3. I. Grow : -K3:-(non In -1. AAA`: `uni Kn` YouMnv' inn 0! ma. pleumn by um]-jag II:II`or-11] Iuinq glans, out I toning. :1. in |a,c1 evcrything he- cnnep a bum to you; the umudy is within your raac_h_. Io will (`unto 10 lfnrcyunatusluullcrylk E CA m`% 4_ _. " ` u... -- - -u.a,- 5-~ `mg up st p `eon ol uw,wu, ~ xo which the acoaury incnuod mooni- modutiops lot ,Inuruc.ion in` mineral- ogy, gaology, chemistry. engineering, Immnv. nhvsicl and electricity. chemistry, ongmc bphny, `physics . ` cducuuon, will man! A yvmsentnnun I0 W. H: (iorlwin. On Thumlay he kn:-has hill` Ina: clcuu after thirty yearn` av.-rs ice. II I` IIIII C0` BIIIB. In W. U] uipqtunhuunulnlim. 93.) ouu E "ii V IN and: a.a."2-.u?.".s.a.. in all the now- Practlcul Educution Counts Every _ Time. Tho cry kmlny is practical educa- lion. It. is felt. mom and more an the grows lwouer lot the markets and business of the world, that the man with practical Icicutilic skill and knowledge boat: the other man every time. Ono of the llrst men in the province to rooogniao this and to `act on it wee`pnncipo.l Grant. More than ten yearn. ago he organized deputetione from eapoern Ontario, which went. to Toronto and urged on the "government the establishment of e- eoianee school in Kingston. The dairy echool and the mining eqhool are the fruit: and outcome of that movement. No other uhlveveity in the province he: been doing!` so much lur pt ioul edueetion in t 0 last te` at Queen's. To-day Iuildingg or icing `eons of $100,000, to umhh aeeeuery moonl- uccius to he In ur u .-...-......v....... nut caused by the rules ul the game as they stand. or by the lailure tn properly observe and enforce them, but by the Ipirit in which l)uthpla_v- ers and ilummrtern approach the"sea- . non a contests. In rugby. an in so many grout sports that take the po: pular fancy, the determination to win atinll humrih-I, the making the vic- tory ittl, the one uhjutt, no matter, by what means that V'it'tury is achiev- ed, has had the effect, in mine parts ol the emmtry, (E injuring the popu- larity of the "glam with the true apnrt~lu\`itug element that at me time gave it stramgi.-st support. Pcupleuf this class wlume sunmrt "is must (lo~ siralrle and uumt needed-, will have nnthiug to du with the game so long M they have grave doubts _as to the ~nmat6m` ntanulirg it-I many -if the players on certain tcama, uutl sq-lung n8 is money-niaking, gambling; 'win- at-nn_v-pri<-e element nppenna to have cnntrnlinf these. When men have `in5 vowtekl tunnu-_v in n loam. and expect to get it back in the way ol bets, it is a natural and inevitable cnnm quence that they will-make ollorta to cnllect gnocl players from wherever they are to be hail, and that those, when eullectul, will he expected to win at all outta, even nl decency on tho eld. _ y " "The only _remod_v for this is, of course. the e(lucatioh"ol' public opin- ioa generally to a higher standard in the matter ol sport, and the inter- collegiate rugby iootabbll union is do- ing good work -in this direction. The friemlly, yet `strenuous rivalry of the teams in that union, the cletumess of the game they play, and their un- tainted management, must have the elfect oi In-imging popular opiniun to their side to an extent that will make nlher teams have to either come up tn their high lewd or sink out of the amateur ranks nltnm,-thor and develop .xLrnight and nqknowleilged profession- al rugby." . - --._.._......t._. luck ol ulwrenn. "But. I am awnro that non have been lesl fofulnntvr in 1 pact than we have. The mmm 14) be In be a [nmlnmow tinn 7 "Each much mun spunk [mm his hnuwledgo at unlllliunl in his own ctmtn, and. judging by the euthani- um lur rugby hero at. Kingnun, 1 dmulul answer your m. question by shying that there in nu decrease in the inlenmt taken in the gtuno.` Ina ciiy of `JMIXJ inhultnnts, which turn: out and support: two nenior, two imermuliale and two junior un- iun M.-uml, each of them fmntrcluu in its mm surioa, not to speak of the down at more teams which belong to no uniun, one can hardly nqregk. of .1. _. ...l.. ..I` ah. nnnnhl nu nhnwinu umun, ntmuy guess. the uuiunle of tho people as showing luck oi interest. --n... I .... ..-u-. that some nlaces puhllllni. Avlnpuu. VII AMI. Walhwn can Knu. Md. Banal ! the Ru! and [mBln1lE,d. Ifgrnurmmitu, shun A run! an mum Lhh, ' rum-ll and Iehrhu. To Iooton lugby football to Proper tuition. .L I. lawn, viuo1n~en'whM. of the C. It. U., writ-an thus to the Imauaal lk-rnld, in mply to than qua-dons: "I. What in the n:m-m of the do- cmumd Kuwait in rugby. _ ":1 Kat. n-Lanna wnnkl loll! $0 73 croand latemn III rugny. . "*2. `Int chug: would had to nun Ila game to in prupur poni- linn Y IIMSGI _ i _ P0331 Cumin: are; 'ln}&t!`XIm of the . WW - W CC" "V. [K|ch.'I |I'I| '0' twirl?-112,41. nanpuiu .... lilllv X. `to can I Gold In antbny I'..L.. 1-..... n-\n-nu fhuini-n 'l`-I WHAT IS IOU IIEUIIID. Touhu Kin Lab; u-I. ud In,-Is |".ll'mInu. to r kw nuadrbnad gm-ill non. _p1_-=-I on uoliun cu! Msh. Crabs Lxnuh (nit ' ' ` Mini`. ` has nus: I. aware some places this re- : diicully u inntlnlnontnl one, `the I. by we :..:. :._ ...L:.J. l...a|.nl.u. nun-:r -up rum, n.I\., 0! the l'cl_'oI9 u-mmnnnr school and Emnnual cnllegu. Cambridge univeri-ity, has jnnt been" {nmnnintoul |-mfossnr of. lnliu at Queen ; university. Canada. Mr. I: comes of a munch Primitive .|l'el n dint, family, and {or wvcrul yunru rondemd valuable aid an Llocnl Ln:ad|cr in tho Qnngrixlgo cig,tniIn." V_. sand styge hm I I r. p:ie9PoInr_SaslSI Nstmtoi Ina NIX but-y wlll nave l-I pay. The dairy school of Kilwmzhn hm! he-en 11 great |rn'et. to Frame me far- mers. `It. has helped many a farmer's snn formml, omrb|in1_v him to secure gonvl position and large salary. And to get. Mu; sclI'oo|`lmte Kinmiton gave the old _collc Mo institutn and grmmda, `vulumd t 825.000.'ns the site for (in spinal '|Fhi. i. 3...... al... ..a.. grmuma, vumou an 1I'..5.UIuI. as tho site for who chnol. Tbju is how the ciiy has aided in beneting! the farmers both ' Qtluomimvally and "financially. gxwncnngs. , No mm km-'9 be-Nor than thc-so who hnvh use-I Curl:-_r's Little Limr Pills what rt-lint` they have Eivnn whvn tulum for 1ly=pup.-win. dizzim-1-as. pain in the side.-. cnn:~`tipnti-.m, and tlisinrrlurwl alnvnntvh, IW.`II'?Vlll(5. l)n ynur ey:-A Ln.-t tired after reu(ling_ awilu`! l.`o lrluuk sgml.-4 lluut lwslnrv he -_v4:s '.` Then ynu nm-I glass:-24 aml nosod tht-m lmelly. We will (.`.Xlllllln1: them frre. E. (5. Mitchvll. Kingston has grivcn S-'il.t'lD0 to Qm.-en's an that its lmnl-,-rs may he onlurgml and its stmlunt roll increas- ml. Uf course the citizens will lxmellt but who will foul the fl(lC(l nmnlnr? The lnrimnv, undoubio'll_v. If they in- vest 320,000 in the college they will `yearly n;oeivo_ tan time: tho that of the tax they will have paw '1']... .1..:.... ...i.....i ..r - "... n nun. nu u_u .-l<. , .. disnrdured stnnmrh. The Hvllcvillc ()nIurio points to Kingst4m s water works system an a municipal instiuuion,` which hunprrr V1.-n'nf unmt. nukmnlnum tn "Hm nan- v1:n 0| gnuu. mwunulgo I-0 U19 D00- ple. lb cxpn.-.~:m-9 pleasure at thepulr liculiun ml the reports of the cnm~ milieu;__n'm: the \vm1m and would ,|iko that plan followed in Boll-rvillc. lh. u.....- ......4 ....a .| an... .m ]0l). Reclncr-d rates on wall paper. I2};-. calm. l0c.. lOc. gills at goods at 6a., 6a. goods at uwuln at 40. Bordon to match, at W. N. L (successor to Savage .rus.l._7~8' William street. Some farmers my tlu-`v cannot sup- port the Queen's college lsy-lnlw, IL- l~`rnntennc hall will lvc user! In a lxnll room. Once a ymr it may law so used. but for thirty times a year it is used for religious services and a more of times {or lectures, concerts and public gatherings. '7 Nn nnn lamm-n lwhnr llmn thmao jun. ` u'iH9.|t. I w xx 1-... I'rH_-. I`). t`. Mitch:-ll. Principal Grant tr'llI tlm l.1rm-~rn that if they vote N:-." to the 1 Qimvnh byvlnw, they will have u l trille and lune A` lmndnxl times M much in all their ilitorvsts." " Buy a Raglan nrervuat. It serves I double pun-pow as ruin uml fall mat. lira-any. warm, and is rc-comuwntlvd liy all the Inmling clothing Iuanul'ai.-tum-rs uf (humlu. Living:<'ton' llmn. Aida.-rman ITuiilnp would like to are that. l rinc1-ss Mn-ct an-I} rt-umvul to the city park, and ltll up as u lmuulrtaml. It, would be something of interest to point. to it an the arch Mild!!!` which royalty panned. Millt~r's lit-uiluche l owda-rs cum hund- ucho ln u: mlnuten. ln lmxes We. and 250. nt. Wu(_lc's drug store. The clinirmun uf the lmunl of \-mrlu and utter wurlts committee will have a conference with refercnne to the quea- tinn vi the water,-works I.-nnnuittm being privileged to lay pipes in tranch- ,t:.~: up:-nod -by the board of works. Smut: trouble arose at the! new npcru homvc yeetonlay bcvu-use two Iuc,-D. working with the hmlc-nrriur.-A, \\v_sre mm-union men. -The .rtlma*o re- fusctl to work with them. Tho dilli- culty was settled by one man juining thle union and the other quiuiiig his 0). Jllnclnnnrl rah-u nn wall nan:-r, l2l('_ lnlInll,'l[lt|| TnuuIu0n,- wnlcn nonpro- VI,-n'uf great. advantage to the nle. IL :.~cnn-.~:+u-pi nlmuznm n0. tlmmnln on has Ill! . A \ zdvvoi Q. of ~Iellei"lI".bt$ u- i ti 1 en . `liq Ii unstim- od oi as a law dale. Jdsiloo Iiildnu will In bald In ; tin nchloeou ol Kinptun during Novutluur null lhvclnhar. _ ` Rodi in C80 unwary won nova In A h-mar condition for driving and ` vrlmelina than they an at tho pa-out Hung ` Ibo mlcntion 0! "B" but! in King- , stun and durum an anti (lo -141! with letting 0ntuio_ gobble awry- thing. A: iuvutigntion in dununhd. Their gentle ucliun und_.5,'ood ecct l nu the system rcnllv make them a pt-fl:-cl liulc pill. 'l'hc-_v plenum Ilmsu: whn `unto them. Carter`: Little Liv:-r |`illn may msll he termed "l u.-rt--u ninn Lion. l!nn'I. lnlamc the child if he in be hind at m lIm)l. pl-rlmpu him eyesight is not pvr-ct, it will count your math ing to fund this out. We test. cyos [rm-. E. (`. Mitchell. n._-_..:.._| 11..-... mll. Hm I -urm.-rn Cc . Pay raw run all an discount. Dug but Conley he live Elihu: in during T ' ~" , II. soil an my II! for In: no cliiul durhq tba wanna use-eh. rm. nhnhnnu mu-her ul.Jaaeu` OIIDHITI durl Ill cannot nuns. `Ibo uhpiou an-her oL.J Raid : cute in not been changed. It ;. -.;n In A _ I new I was in uill H7. ap Maw il mu `Ow NI'vy," any to Tn-ululu trhid of ed N) ` , uni col. polio: lhiin bu Inn 1&- : Instant fur I tarantul- time: The valet wort: oonmiuoa if can alder a pinion Iron Junu Pitt for n water vmrlu nu-vice on Smith strut. Linutun onuupmonl, !.0.0.F.,n in mutiny last evening initiator! un- ' nelur an monitor. The urguniutiun in now in ru clan condition. 1 Quulu: puuph IN! couplnilinp J but in l\ing- ` ->4-nu .-ul nhnnm All nntiun I quip xruncnxng anaucy. ` An English exchange gublivdxea this: "Waller Jr Pike, l!.A., of the Porno u'I"nmmnr aclmnl nml Fnlnnnnnl .-nlI...'... }G4r`p'-`hqulninei .._C-'-U'?""- new--locug have M- A._LA .- Punching `Ability. English nu-Innnmn n..kI.Juu -I. nu examine: u:...:...n IA cosy BRIG! 1: ll]! Iqttyuctiol 1 The cherry glow and of our God will 1:111 __..L _c__._.... `lnohu ViQ.huut sud udmlxfun Chocubouhd lag! Galo- c; I A Ugh: In its most &QArh'OIh- nnil llnnlllx. Vilinlr. As I un- eook with. too. lat hiI'v1tb. Bootlfs Let Us, Introduce Our high-grade, ole clinkerkgs coal to keep you wnxmod fc than any other coal lent your bin about llv rants In! in} ulructiu and H was th-re in no (`nun-h Tn!-Inn. tbdr oapoulion 1 an--dict in emu nn ul Ilu uml npplir Imhly the I nudv -1. Bl cg-oulnon and all I umrth In Ill-It-L" Dnluuinla :1! Stuart : 4' >904 two-'.~ 4 YOu Canno Ffail E*"""'"'" `"` .su'_ug_bue dou- Iiwacdul m cm lgnl '|'-Hun "Fi! tabla- lI|~r ull Inn! ` tin intnml as-, 'l VI0Imsn1 _ Druugilu Stuart: 4 In-. nmhl In! full Iilrd II T""Y7 Foot of Queen St.- Because 6f 3 Hits SWIFI swim Saran C025 --d can .- , -II vvl asthma`: llydu lnir uauurh in nu cl the old phn 4 nnnlimliou and fun To notice the Li`! _ .RI7. II . Inmulmrl (`lull was um, 1II"`h0 VII.\0n3\'.':d cniyli. Ir. Wil- ;not n hill in 8125. but be In: al- lovpcd OI?! 873. `It. Si-Iii`! account was comes no ground, iniuin ud ooiuidond ;. . WV! A III - Iqilltlla had oputrucu with regulated shit]. ml! and Ind non}: `pelts city solicitor; at Alld. Fnrmll'a `aghast, went iulu .' detgil, account ol (In work vurfonled. by `tho diclcnl experts. Tho commitke Lad contract- ed with wit ol III non. but _nome bf than had htoI~M||lII`\IpuIt to'i|oe`x- -- --I-II. For instance. architect _l?.I- ad. `III qnutu oonnuruu unu. my not wuutl la the commit- uu room. bin tting on the nance oounpillu and not lnviliug uugu-togmupitlnmooti . u ' AH. Farrell, that an know what he was talking Oulltnd to all lncttingn, but II: was hilon-mod Lhtit was a rultof UIQ tlllt &y dould not be ndlniuad AM, mm. noluoidond Ch! In n admitted. Ald. White was entitlul to an upluntion an anion HQ llan on the lint pmmntod nu n; nd_oup.WhyvInitthntoomouu: put inmn nooolnkfot H31) and was to B0 [lid @137; or why another man put in an Account, for wuad mu m in mid oh?! I51! _ - any do not -mun. ' (bathing AH. I-`incl! took one (It! at lnan ol [nave in- zf III dintlccdluy the ` tiilko pending `qua than coca-in nun-chm mama!- hgu. and H II mutton ol {Incum- umtiulumn to conduct annuity .- built: to tho but ndvnnuu,-o: it aims to azclndn the` plus [run and 4 `hp! ul aha cum~ nines M I _ Vufbrntiun ,qnu- Ilann. 1-` M -13` `D l'!.QIIll'! l-l In In I-1 "gm eonuuu to Another man. nnacer neiuunguopru-any in with and nun.-ly with the Blc. All. White III on obofinv j||ClVIrIIoVn.I to ill 15) 908 M tlndn . -:$&.a-fl H. n rnnrenilv that uvn II] an uununue. 4 IH.='hi.=-'-It. ii I (Inc pity any lo and." (hath AH. `VIC Io IQ lwaww Jun. Kite` Ionnnhwnoloocucilbo crldugihun -uiouol $0 In angina : -in-ion Cendud ' the rt 0`! Ian o'clock, as it the heard of walls was calls`! to 1-5.4`-In AL. -4-... IL. angina an-nu. nu-us. Wanna an casino to pit _ lacuna roe 6ahuau-n.- Ibo loony In In- nial` nanvd to \h sauna Ma. H300` H_aA_l_lI...... .a-A.u.....l lm In. Ifou Will nrdjy M , Bpliovo L.`_.__.-__4_,_,______|;_ 3. fl I} T. lalli `II. 01915. M if ` ?':'nn., V.I.,1`|.V.1l.l.i 1-onanh-...n-LII-;-A nu Importation oi 1&1. Pu-wont. olv Ibo York cloth Ion. Baud: qhcgt. nadvul `:6 ` DIN!-v troun- & tin` nth:-In we oungtegnuunu gave one splemmr ,|y"Iowandu supporting the gens:-nl hospital; olfuringn in 80.. An- dmfn olnurlnwill amount _tn over OI60, while Sydcnhnm urect Hellm- giat dmmln has also exeoded. tho `M nun:-L r 5 _ It In A fox-guy. \ This `mom apg boil;-Con|ey na- ocivod a pot ouurnng the sup- pond higuluu of a Iloncmnl Itruoj. manhunt. Thocnrd bore I opmplnint. nadir." Conley calm! the memlmntin ` non, coqouqi ma. Th - 3:-It denial Inuit: varit.u.~n ~ 3:: '.;.?`..`:'_':`.":,"::..:.":..: ':.'=*z; who lb: inter in. po|M_menu were made. Kingtton was visit for a couple of lmnrn to-day by . . Jnqar, n Lon- don, Eng. nutliurity on dog km: a A VI.-Il-llooIvn writer an amine Inb- "pc1lfor lending English and United Sula; ironing puhlicnlionp. Yesterday In. James Icuin, Wil- Hnmtvilk-'_ wu wry much nuqvriaotl In mo-rive a call frnm lh.-v. Dr. Poua. Toronto. Ira. `U1-Gnln! had not seen Dr. Putt: since he was in little chap in livlann. when In-. Icuuirc mead In nhnm him, ' ` Good Hospital Collections. I While: (III telnrno of the collections in the various city dnurohes on hospi- tal Sunday Iuvc nut yet been` pent in. them is an evidence, .hnwevor. that (Le oungregntiunn have done splendid lv"Iownnls nulmm-tint: tho mmnrnl guru, wane oyuennun n.lj:cL no! in also 100 mark. ____.._,._T_ And Iournlgin. "I5... sngnn gin... IL- nu-in-in A1 nuu -run-.n.n-. `Too many times the origin of a headache in mincalculnutl, and one begins dosing C50, name: `for it, ihn an -nnlnmdnn ol Grildn Hen- uaool Ian was. W. Neinlg, of the local customs, .11- Oumed to `charity on Sntutdny m'u-r marly a year : Aheenm. He Ina! I11! lling It-mpornry position: at Smith`: hilt lnd- IWQIQII-c Irnvinco until up polnqmenls mm c. .RlaiInn inn vinhn far a n-nnnln begun noon; uo, llolnucn ` nor u, iba nn apphcndnn thol Izininoatwould `dust on the pnin and (iv: inn-diam n`-lid. [twill can any uh, no matter how Iuvero. All druaiinil. $.* Bold Inc J. B. Ic~ , no Iuuu now Iuvero. as-.~ Sold by J. B. Ic~ _ In; Out. | . can any an: All inn. hood, jrv &l6 `Ix jun. bud ICIIKHI, Salvo cm can Ian! I corn:-. In H'.|Knouo` llm_,MI" ugy nnu, nave nuurneu yntma and Cnmillus, N. Y.. tin-ee Inch` visit. mhn inning-On- AK -noun:-:I|A'-I nu cunwcr-cry. n. T. Sunk and little daughter. Iyro `Bay street , luv mtumetl `vi-sin-n Int` "twining N V GIVE! I HQ W&KI' VIII`. J. J. 'l`i|le_v, inqnct of pm-`ad I nodal tdujolu, in lo vi:-`it ll; local ntlbito clnu almost any day now . HI vitiwd -1150 Athens model .-|.....I I.. maul 11W. HI VIUHQ Izgool 1m max. I!.:.I. -1 .|.. I. F. Harrison ($0., uhnf- nfn. nnuuuy. ' tn 0 Btion, Iontrul, in in din city; the gums ol` Alountla Bantams, Princes sum. ' AVE. I\....... -..n u_v-u..._. a. us, A. ~ rruq: unau. X Rl'Do.-fry, 0|` Itlhlvay 3' liitofpz, _|el_I ye`-unit ` to; Dena-un-.u lc do iolno work or has rm. liq: linnic Shaun. of the Bell l'clo- uunge. In returned from V 0 B W VTI` - ~ 1 Hon. . ` `in (hrtio ckct, Mlserl street, chtarhinal 3 number oi fri on outaslun of her ia'rtII- uh: caniverlary. fl. 1`. Qnnnk and Iillln tlnnnhlnr v rnsotu. xnrxon, roman. on no ;coplo - mm n: A... 1.4.. A_A n-:_- Ir. Uelntyn ontami into every dc. mil in aoncuiou with the dam-nun-. and u, xplnIui--an being du-mod Mb-lnctoty. 15:1 wan pt-ad with- .\In further Jinnoioa. -uuiunm noun, Izrncl M1001, :ll lur come ginse, up: in 4: low condition nltuduy H- }9X.._ "`-A-_.I :. :A ;1~ guy .34. tag on on u: u- ;1 on the ales. phat. wu allow- , IISLUJ. En-n louupm-I. ol & Co. limufry, Iollnvnl. anal. in niuomut fur Iv:-l|ly~ne\'I and m-III liq: at 810 a lay, with .13 odd tar . I III sauos'"5"'lu-n.."u.1-...o:c..," .4 ul . . . h C.|'.|t. tel-such cervix-, III to paid IN and uncut: ur A lump of I50 fur -crvicu nndaul in anlui pols-0, wires, etc. It III "It was not giving -uinloctioa It was ten hgch \o .-`Monro. The was exuded the ' ml on-limaw on account of addition: uperu basin; `.0 In . Ir. Cross. export ac- vouunl, not yet madam-d hi: m. NW--. Codi IQ! I0 '1'! UN I by lot Q-win in can and O) n ur unt-lilo : lap. Ir. '..iOfI& . Iltn-1|, etqagd but -nnuhunoluuox- y-xv} noun`. `M Nolan. Bfuck street, ill for IOIIII lune. in nu n In- nu.-..lh2 v on-g an V -\-u Iovuj . Duh- (ho anvrun -:1.` had. Q_,ul1__,- ___- 1,, as-~ `III ' .'-I-- om! Inna. mung. ocmua `IX! W001! Clnplny, 'I.Ii)I W. KITIW, $9.31`: J. Poguu. 'U`?7.M; Jams-I Daugherty. Sf`-0; lcFndden t F.nv_o.-. KI%.M'o: hbor [my list, 33.62; J. R. 'Ilindv.:: James Raven. 25}: Impu- ial ucam Inundrv company, Q33; 1). Hutcibon. 817.10: Ilo whpbono amn- ;.:.;.."`..`3` `.:::" "-'~' "~ , .. . . nan point eon y. 89): Pin 5 Ijuor; New Y: . 5:` U. P. PotoI'U.,%B.90: oaty :`0Ik. I1`: Gnlhcic E Iillinns. I3.- *!'mnr who Cw rmnnco commmee. R. J. Wicknta-e(l,' tnndcring thanks for oo`urwy`exlo' ed him by city ul- gcialn and press I Khuzv-ton on oc- uion ol Iii: vinit to `King-stun dur- jug the reception `of duh: and ducheas of York.--F,v|c.'d. Iaport Of Finupoo Committee. `Md. Craig pn.-vented` the report at .tbo cmumittco on nance. recnmmend ing payuaent of thug accounts: Light. but and power cbmpany. 315.- 03; 81. John's inrlni-lriul school, IL- 25; C. Chambers. 250.; `A. E. Smytho. l2.I-I; Times prinlin compmiy. 8I3.~ : Dr, William:-on. SI5; Dr. Camp- N:-Il_ I3L'I.'i: Dr. Rvnn. Il3.'u'. S: Dr. NJ: "l'._ WIIIIIIIIIPOII. Uh ); Ill . vamp- Hell. 33n,7:s; Dr. Ryan. 313.7.-5; Dr. mm; :20; YlM.hhvm' ea: 31.1%; H. II. Ilpadm, 06; W. .1. Gates. ll.9.H; rkqpny rnll. $10.21;` A. IcCu'1ncy. .90: Splhy & Youldcn, C|.53; Jlcll in no cnmpnnv. 8.1.83; M. stmm hm .*sm.75~. F`. Oser. an (`unlov- pky wood company, l1.l5: W. Gov. .M: I. Pmnn. vli: Julia 6. Ei`lrU_.I.lua `I IN 30 0 Put` dots. A very extensive inc lo dab. Oenul 8502!: in all an . Piece gout`: in endg nun:-Q-nu