It Will Pny You In n ltlnlr -0 IL. -.4. nus:-ulyl Gunner Pnlomoutnn, "A battery, was kicked by a horse . this morning `on Borricold commons, while out ex- vemining the bones. HBVll8 conveyed Ho -the buttery Ioapiud by Sergt. flirunnl. when surgeon Iilliunnon at `waded to La. injumd leg.` ` ` Tn uu-u unucuuqn Dell DOG D0 I'ig'IIQ 10 use his nam as he did it Tlmnda '9 works. 0 lommlln Wright. I treated him fiirl_v.. ]Lives Of % The Hunted] llllll amermqn I `meeting of t I II h Wnl lb: naa`xo' Right To Use re. Jniiiii IcDermcwtt called at the city engineer : 0:: this morning to stale that uldenn 1: Bell had rigin. I_nis nqmq at Thm-rim . - -~ -v~-v---'1" Them was a. reception at the Cpl}- vent. de Notre Dame last. night in honor of the third anniversary of archbishop Gauthier : consecration. Hi grace. attended by Rev. Fathom Mei, Kehomthe other city clergy, and the uepamto school board. wort: pm- sent. VA ne pmsrruume of music w-ifs giH:n by the children. ._____ Birthday .0: The King. `This is the king's birthday. Early in the morning. the indications did not point. to king": weather. the sky being overcast with threatening clouds. Hnwensr, the sun gradually peeped forth, and continued to do so at intervals until it came forth in its splendnr. The day was not olxsorrvui in'Kingnlon,.cxcL-pt by the go\un- meat iiccs and the banks. Flags oated from all the prominent build- ingn, and alum from private residen- ces. M. noon a royal salute was red by `k`A" eld battery from Point l"red enc . vxruqlully. am: ueceaactl I.mrI._v-one years of age, was a Roman Catholic in religion. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon, when a solemn libero will be sung in St. Plar_v'a cathedral and the running in- (erred in St. Iar_v'a ccmelery. The deceased leaves a wife, but no chil- dren. llr. Nolan was well-known and highly mspected in'the city. _____-. uy an Injury no manual. I-`or thir- teen vars be was a faithful driver for HcKel\'e_v & Birch, and for Um last. four or ve years performed the same service for the K. 6; P. ralway company. The deceased dn`rI._v-one vears ace. was a Rnvnnn l`..ol...I:.. -v-can vn -acnlll JULIE. Kingwoninna will learn will: 11-` gr! 0! the death of liclnel Nolan, W Brock unset. His demise was due to stomach affection, brought About by an injury he reuaivcd. For dair- vmrx he um. . l.:M.l..I .I..:.... tjjnjjq Reception To Archbishop." C1 vent. de Notm lbmms I... ..:..|.. aom. .1. W. unbnnoon; vice-president, W. S. Hcrringtun; oecretary, A. Alex- ander; trannurer. W. F. Hall: chap- lains, Reva. A. lcbonald and J. No- gan; executive committee, W. A. neu- boule, C. S.` Ham. J. L. Bayes. Wil- linm Templeton, W. C. Smith; nudi- ton, D. L. Hill, U. J. Flu-Jr; skips, Hum. W. A. B1-"house, J. 8. Hum, W. S. Smith, J. L. Bayes, W. S. ringtnn, J. W. Robinson, A. Alon - der; ice oounniuee. W. C. Smith, . S. Hun; mpren-ntuiwn go Tom. league, president and vice-provident. AA QIIUX-$IlII$J.w The annual meeting of the Napunoo curling and nknting club wu held last Tuesday night. The follow- ing olicut were elocuad [or the year I901-3: Patron, J. A. Shibleyz pn- lroneu. In. J. A. Sbibley; presi- dent. J. W. Rnbinnon: vies-mun-id:-.0 Ironeu. Ira. J. A. Sbibley; Rnbinnon; vice-pmnident, W. Hcrrinmon: lurmlnrv. A, AIM. I1`! '40 UNIIXEII. The matter 0! the King!-ton knitting company, asking for cxtenainn of ex- emption will be submitted to Ilia elec- ton at the approacliing election. u-on, we lumnlo accountant, aun- lnjltod Ilia account. for over KID. TIIO account an: reformed to tho Em and light cununiltee [or endonaement. Sel- by 6 Rune)! tppliad to have their na- ooaumeut placed at. I|0,(lI), they in now assessed at 812.000. If I In rate in xed the rm will engtge fty more eluployeu. The nutter will In Infer- nd to council. l`I.- In-OI-n ..I .|.- l(:..'...4__ L__:..:_- cm: uxes Couunithc. The civic unu connilton net Int waning ind, according Io nporu, than puss:-at had I lively time. An nnemtwulndotodinci nodde- unn, ice. but that o would not be brought. into line. Expats Cross, the Toronto Accountant. aub- -nilnul Li . . m . .._a L-.- .....- I`II 'lL- I $1521.? mu." Ohdnlh an pndund in adula- ptovn IN: chanson. Th covar- nnfn ulvw\lu-o-1 hr unite: to an aux elu. titling but that tin can of uilioyltlt Iillh out ya: eoruin." In ptouhutl dio- nt uviduu that `(is n no iuutiou ol adilg "Ibo wboluslo dtnlruccion ol bison lib." `ho Daily News up! all banal: not not to wait for olcicl npnru, hut toiuhtonthcunpn I-adlg blnhu up and IL: pooplt dint!-ilmud may their Mend: or nnowd to .3` ..-inn Eh!` - Ln]! ntlxnnt an in . W `HI "Ii 0| TTOVT ID ,.'f...riou when a lull oucnpc can In Ind: I-hr ooupaumt ornninliol and with none ngud to the vaunt- vuion at life; that. or uunnilnion and an anal stain on the nut cl F,-nl...I " than Amaotmua nu , ' tonllclit, nnillhnorullly of the ldhnlnnin-, rhnohn and oIh:-nihnirilnwtohcouuidill r ngnlgllm -_ --nnnnul In naulnoln ""mnnw st Xlohd ` Hg]-.._ my Pnlnnmno .. -41): I undo: luv: lncnlycduclun fhoovun-ut-chugu it Il&"1'bIhdcahn-urn _ -An- KILL I0.-I FUCHS TIL uunc YAIIIII. Death Of Iichul Iolan. The Alumni Io-9:-ing. nnnnnl mnnoinn ..l` L. L? BID -1 Isabelle ` John I 3 ) I TOYE will sell regular l5c. and 20 Candy for ONLY l0c. A POUNI Our fresh Tallies are delicious.` Tr [Saturday John Laidlaw c`: $4>o4u>4>-M-cc-:4-o4_4 pupae an impromptu meal. BOVII time to prepue and. is always palauble. delicious cup I bmth, 9 dninty sandwich gravy at a moment : nobce. `Ci ----u-rout -vsIl\lCC`l 'h:u:ll-nevcthentslaumadd. -A.. ...-_I Kl`-.- .A__.__ __ 1 gown i- we be "Pd .-.~ ___-._ L- -A - I--- Stow open All Day MIINIJM Jove, MARKET s< C .31 $32: nu: us: two or III C1~ cl . >001 070991` to JIIIIN `Um dun. Nov. lat. I90}. jifii T IUa 377$ I5 Ptincua Street. s_gL.AA...-._n.. u..; I Illlodrivluvalongthcto hot I coal M Troy, N.Y., JoI:":`i`Ihor -ital thrown Into Ibo watt and dcmnd hforo nuisance nrriv-d. no was born at haunt. 0m., and his nn.n-u Han thorn, Tb it hdoth gun: - and In th Y I gym ovuhg. n and Sun, two tuna cap- lfruk King and Charles uqxunivcly. 136 lunar Inn cl thirteen to four. M Iln the [Inc an nenhouup cg a load of oyuerl Tynan Int waning dclivered al v (loo . "Th Climate 0! Eur` nu-gm-I mm mcu-Lpnintinl in Inhal- tan. I! \\ill'l1n lmilg ,on Broadway anal Sow-n1_v~IsinII| aired: on the site ol the old Vnndanhcuwl mansion, whu the British gvnonl. Hove, aid. jjj . nu. Wlniu-mo Ila. Int. Int , I'll nagrainod at Iknipu[`u-ran. Ho salad in -elf-do-. To Put Up A Hotel. Now York, Nun.-. 9.'-WiHinm W. As- tor, wlm spend: all his limo in Eng` |oIul.,,.gt| invest! About I3.-510.000 in an immense nulu-uno.-M Imus-e in New _\'.u-It city. Thu nm_lmu-.I will he the largest and nuiltjinlntinl in Indul- `I. hint nn RI-nnci-pan nnnovonwro and Gaqm, ' . The Roynl aluminum company, Shwongun. Qne., is asking for in- eorporumn. capital, stock, &'il)(|,Q00.l II nun! ll uw,uw. , Gupc dz Wutern railway mm- puv will at non union for 3 club ` tor to run I railwhy from I-`ruarville. though u counties 0! Temiaoouu, Bnnovovfuuvo and Gaq:c., ' RDVII` Aluminum onmn-nu ucuwa. Nov. 9.-'l`be Dawson and] White Home navigation company is Asking for iuoorpontion. The capital in head at M50 000., Glll ` nnlnrn r-Hun-u .u....., Al 54|l` AU DIVI HBIDIDC. Chicago, Nov. 0.-Hrs. Julim Yan- ,kee vuu lmrued .10 death and` her lurdnnd qeriuuoly injun.-d in n re which badly `damaged their home ht.-ye.` Yankee. who lived on the wp.oor`nf-` the building with his wife, was boil ing ur in a pot on his move. The tar ran over and down u ion the] oor. igniting the wnudwor and semi lire in Yankeek clothing. In licr ce- lom to aid her huibnnd In. Yankee was enveloped in ames and when found by neighbors was beyond aid. in gulp In weight. - The American herd of Gurnseys won the prints fur butler fat. "If the direc- tor-msnoeml allows the Canadian pro- test. which involves an interpretation of the ruin. the Canaciian -Jersey herd wiil win the prim for mmt. but- lel`. ' E. ' W. I Wluieuno 16. Hall. of . inn nn::tln..I -- wnl secured by from this emu pr:-dm:oaNl, also . gnip in weight. Amoncnn donut A IIIIUCI QIJOWLI`. -Toronto, Nov. 9.--Cnnndim cattle won at least two of the four prizes otferod in connection with the model dairy test at the Pun-American, which lasted throughout the six months of ' the exposition, while a third is still a poaaibility, the award being under consideration by the dimctor- no,-ml on an appeal from Canada. ucoeao was secured by the Holutein herds cmmtrv Em tm-I ....i;.n- W Want Ineorpbrntion. buown. Nov. 9.-'l bo Dawson and White Home nnviominn man... :. . of Scotland, S.D., was robbed yes- uldny of 85,111). The sale was blown open and the entire contents carried uvqy. The explosion aroused citizens `who hurried to the bunk building, just in time to ass the two robbers nnking their escape on horses. ._ ----.w- on: wvuuu nuuiu JIUIII lnucv lover. Ottun, Nov. 9.-A cable has been re- ceived M. the military deportmoun Int.- ing that trooper Ruben William Ice Benin. Roberta Born. died of onterio vur It Sundorton on November In. The cable uh that In. Jolunnn Sonlnorvmn, 473 0...... nfvnnt ...a 110 came nu uni. In. Jolunnp Sonuurvmc, 473 Queen street. out, Toronto, Uu., be informed of chip. cidpns Boo `rhlovu lineup: on Horseback. Yunkton, S.D., Nov. 9.-The Funk of Soodund. S.D.. um: rnhl-A um- I A Sulenr In Sputh Attica Froml I`_A-_.l_ 9-..... Ironl. oi the bulldi blown out. In the vault wu I6, in end and $.61) in negotinblo securities, but tbs robbers you no alarmed by the explosion that without ntoppi `Io scum any plunder. they jun into a vehicle in waiting uni _dtove may at top speed. vonllt was wrecked and the Iron! ol the buildilxnblown ou. In tho vault Ill Ill, in and: --I A II" IEOVUI. wlor in has employed as jani- tor of the Academy and hnd bun dio- lar dnnkonnon. , Revenge for Iio ' wuthocnuan oftlsenm null. Luvlot was named and jcil~ led at Toms River. U y_ s.u.::s,' ca q-nnuu an-Inn, SIII Mn` "37: lo Ionq. Dnrien,|:'i;., Nov. 9.-'l`l|ree roblnnt mode 3 Mumps yutord ,v in loot e rmer mm but hzn. but was {oiled by an over-change of ai- uoclycorin. lnxom-utn u zxnosxor. Inch Vault of Du-in Isak, Inf fl.` -- K-_._ Nan Lug... -;ov. I.-8 :n1sar 9-cperior . , ueulv. c c. ""*`..':.'..::.,:.'.`.*". ~=";..'~~." ...:.', 7 N" Y Ivy oil hula, I former employcaol the iututz The bullet. euu-zed and was locum! and oxtncurl by the surgeon: who warn eallod In utend bur. Sheer mp:-riur '90 hi Inn.-' nu-unln-go-I -- :__: Trying To 8:50 Hush 7I|,in-nun "thin I: II.-- V T `I30! '03 IIVIIOI. Connud Anus)! loans: in j._ 1l_-L _-_j `.I--u. u Inn 1;... Iobllil. n which Ihdocton It-[huh to I60 ovuwxenion at In nn '43 1 IATI IAI `I'll! 11-: Undo A Good Showing. .2-mm`, Nnv (l_l`-..-..I:.._. ` nommn at $5.000- A CLILDILI DEAD. ufyuvvv was yji II: he return Mud: .___-_.. ll III I River. y me nonau-In bel ntry fur total solids . in: total aolida ,.'u =A,:!:?.7z-g :v- I'll 1DAlLZ ::;;Y;ZWI1.TIvATUIDAY- nonnnn u. [hnnchllc-d (lie . eleven-l_v. Uitdldrs Hardware,` `Q magma. g...` I , can In I run. (`apt Jnmu llyrna, rilbltl mld Jain lam lo Jooxk and ldlnth. 0!: tbs V21 IIII. Dyna will null his fun noel. jnjj wllvvi JIIC5 ICU!` `CI: wul. ! Unmet : boots in box call` and dorguh; lmuoncd or"'"T'&l','( heuvy! sole, for 'l.50.~ H. Jenninn. Kill! an. gun vnrnpgu lot 1!. ` ' Tqromo, Nov. 9.'-ln Toronto a` movement is on foot with I View ol asking Andra: (`nmegin to nab I fruit for the building of a new public 1 ibruy building in this city. lent building is loo sun" as we! :1 idndouvenicng for its purpose. u--|------n ' shoot `that Iorit Ydur Attqntion. L w......a.'. x....... :. L ~--`I - `nummngons appeared . inulliouable 'sniI. and buggy uvectont with silk but I in haul. ...... gnu auuncun. * New York. Nov. 9.-Bob Filzaim- monsfpngilist. nally foreiwote al- ` leginnce to kins Edward and became - an American citizen yea! v. Tile piper: were! isncd to hi `judge Aspinwall. of ~81-nnklyn, whom Fituimmom appeared ilrfoshioulble `mil and`hnm.'v overcoat will: gill: I... ,..., logro Publicly Hnngodp Madison. l"la., Nuv. 9.-Wi|liam Jones, a negro tlvsperndn. who recent- ly killed three men in one day, two blich am one white, I shot sever- al other members of the heri"| pom-e. was publicly hanged here yen? terday. Several hundred [people wit- nessed lhrr exoclnlinn, a number of whom were neqrm-s. ~ I nan cnuneul on lunguton and sur- rounding district are fast. nding out that nowlmna else can they get u w liable fun and at such moderate prices as at Campbell Broc., the lead- Ingmnnufactumm of furs, 64 Princess street. ` oo Ivan II, :01: To have n lpok at the novelties `in fun wev are showing which includes everything that in newest and best. Th of Kinasnn and mu. llouIcholr!`urnlturo.` ---urn-cu Ill E-ll III To mark the feast. day of Saint Charla llormmu, the titular foul of nlulabinllop Gauthier, the boys of St. u-y : leparnte school tendered his grace A roceptinn at ten o'clock this morning. Sungs were sung and an uldnu rcsenml to the archbishop, who 5 suitable reply. The boys were well trained mid`: the supervi- _aion of principal Ilacnunara. mezwe. Th-3 prin-sncr wa toned io imprieonmenl. fnr life. I-run. lunch. a `loam.-(er, aged thir- ty-vp. Irllile loadinv sand at a an- vel pit at Cobb : hill. Rothelter, N. Y.. was buried nndrr mm: of gravel `which caved upon him. When taken olllv lll ill dead. Charla: Shaman. n -ixteen-your-old `Gennnn boy of Jancville. Ont, lost his lilo Friday night st Aylmer, Quv.-., in NI! n which destroyed R. H. Wright : zteenlnoun-. The property won '15,!!!) and no inlurunm. In. Alucnder Iilloy. widow of the Inc trac mamas: ol the R. 4:` 0. nnvigul-ion eo inpun_v. died in Iontn-al on Friday. aged seventy-four ymra. Their children an all cloud. but three mg ma ' . "310... "w`."".}..',"i.:?c":Z`J7. c........ ::g with maul:-ring hi: former rt, Hi.-A Winifml Fuolre, has Imn found guilv of murder in the venom! dc-mw. Tl:-3 prfn--nor was ten- `O imnrimnmant fnp I-'0'. an! no. The (rain elevdtor owned lw Wil- liun Kounn & Co.. Hnrlinzton. 0nt.. Iru this morning destroyed by n-. TIM OOIIQPIIII. RN`) lnuthvlsl of wheat and 2,0!!! linulsals of barley. wane totally dash-nyad. ' Find. Ulrich. hamster, aged thir- bit (JnI.I.'. hill Im-1...... u scnululen an an-av: hm necrrt. Juutico Judson S. Lundon will re- lin from" the New York state court. 0' Appeal! bancl on Juluaqv Int, hav- ing numbed seventy years of age, the Iiuit of ago [or judicial service in this lid. 9.... ..t .n.- .,,,_.,, ,-_ SWO! of the lwentywiix convict: who escaped from the a-Include of the new Fedora] prison at Loan.-nmvrth. KuI., on 'l$urntln_v aftcrnoun. have accounted for. Two u! the live an . In Ask cu-nggxo re: 1:. nrnmn hing o__l_ n--_.._.._ luv` to -u vuIn[un_v. (`onunuco and mm law! have how violated Hy United States rnilmadn. Truc manner: mlmit that rule: on grab are cut. and that the upon Iclvechk-1 alwnw hm can on uqumu. I. 8. Bchuylnr, cashier at the pa... or boon ol dun Ninuura Full: pom-: bu bnen .mm-I. charged Inch nicqnproprinling 8|,-300 belong- in to 150 on'm[-ny. (`olllll and Inn! Inru H-\-n In--. 3.-.W;1! _.` '39-! (I IRWIN! A. Di, -illiuuire pocket, jg Yqngir. u nmnriom bandit. did twenty-n year: in pi- . can land a non-iuion u captain Oh lllnupoliu p-slice tone, but J . Gnqhn `I uoondti-o and trial I.(hnIA_ lnr bin n:`nnnnnnrv In II mg I W - W Ith I; at I"4lwnnd A. CI ' .. OOH H lhn nillinnnira nnclnl jjlllalljlnii has-tang you U-sod sua- wiio, Wild- I-Q -nn| -1-.1 1-K-I L... .IJ--nu-n - Inception To His G1-goo. ` -gal. AI... 1---` _ Nbw An American. \'....x. r M -