Wlaltu Baker & |3o. s| KI -nx an In nu-....... -....r. his-nuythunarolollou no I-od-`n._.pm Ir. Joint known how to get the auntie: ol ch people. inpulpitmgnetvtuu-qr be inu Iuiib taking and lllfI '5 Quit I [In the Kingluno lI.l'l'I ,__ _-_._-__ .L- ._,-..- r.. lnllnu an I In.IdQdnauotc6nhunaciu'- Mon. "O.qyIhIu,"u|nuuh. "and nuol.Intbc;o-IIIWIIVC ___ 1.... -... L..I .l..-1. " . Tint : . -Onlounnlpoludqlniz uh-nu. Iunlouu. and IQ} -`sunny : cu-an-. -'nn-nyu-aha-huum. ihbdubv j j. A box. up. -cunme. nae ROTC! one child. Mun an unnulliod rm-ord of Inn!!! than a manner of. I mMur_v's public nu-n-ire rupm-outing Nnt -Lanari in the |.I*0\'iEill |q{i-Intun. W. (`. (`ald- Irveil. I.P.P.. Ivu stain unanimously "chm-n tic uuuhn! bearer. at in mm vemiun ol lihunlu hold an Friday. leeliolol na-nu lnr the waning ya: nnullcd: ll lliflfj pmsi-I-mt. J:-an Gillian. Cu?|enn Pluac; [anni- tlunc. (`noun I7!-until. Pnhnhunz at rice-pnoidna. (`olin lcl-mull. Curie ton Pluto; nomad wire-president. Dr. clm'- Canon: bird 3*.` 1.. I. Jllhtuuo. l4'urk . luau-(cry, . . Ielilun, an; : Vuvuunr. A. D. __Iclnyn, noun. . Evelyn Neville-, wife of Ardiihuld IcGuin, Nqunee. died November nl. after u very swam sud `_pm`nfnl ilhlun. She was . daughter of Dennis eville. and Ira highly respected. She wu for name yum connect:-d with the Robindon company on Q M|o?u1nd_v Pllfl gbont than yu-on ago mnrriaflnber not col-roving llluhand, Al,`_l.fh l'Il IeGuin2. She Ieaven child. llisr nn nngnllhul u...-.....l _: nnau. James Goodwin, in the Incline hos- pital in. Cleveland, 0., for three monlhn, has -mturued to. Wnupumae. and will soon be able to walk all right. He was struck by 3 Freight. cu- uni hndlv mnnnlt-cl. ngns. ne urucx ny nmgnl. and badly mangled. Thomgc lurpliy, Enterprise, and Misc largnmt lurtily, Tweerl, were united in matrimony at Centmxile, on November 27th. The groom was gm-iatod by I etcr- Casey, and Tim lary Murphy acted as bridesmaid. St, I nI.ui-k'- chnn-I: Nnnnm-o u-an ry urpny acwu an nnaenmam. St. l utIi chun-Ii, Nnpanoe, was the scene of 5 [retly wedding on Tuesday. when Owen Smith and lists Inrgaret Hijeaugil. ho.-suonlo, were united in matrimony. The bride was Immlanmcly attired in a traveling suit of brown satin. Q--nun] In'..:..I.| _ ..........:......A _._.l sun on nrown saun. Samuel Knight, B prominent. resi- dwt of Sidney. died on Tuuylay, aged seventy-Ihme years. A widow, clan-e sons and a daughter sunive. Samuel S. Chishnlm, fmglerly of Sidney, died in New YorI,von Tues- day, urged sixI._v-one yearn. F. E` Csnklv-in. l"nn1nhnl|I'nI-rl in m-E- any, aged zany-ova: F. E. Gaudrie, Campbcllford, is mal- imz vm-kly shigxnents of bullhvads, paid: an! [ilg,...to Bullnlu and Cape Vino:-.nI. N. Y. Prices are extrem-I_v good, higher dun (or years. During the,pa1n two mnnilhs be has thing ! an an-rug of nirnut three tune a work. " ` --rl... l._--.n. _..-n___ -,_. _, I7I`l .1 ma mua-`am mun * " '5-."%-a ..'-J.'.'.:u`i |'..u..-mu-uou_I'cnt_ we:-I. `The hgnark curlers met on 'l'hur.-nl:{y evening and cl-clad, [hose niu-.nI . linnorary-pregaixlcnt. '1'. 1 ll. Caldwell; pn-nideng, A. C. Ic(`nllInn; vien dent. 6.,` J. Hunt: seen-tar,\`-lmzumrer, C. P. Gnlio-rmn; managing commiuon-. Tluumu \\iIam._ J. N, n..m.:.. n w IHTIETIIOII and CICKNKI Olffi.` The Bnlltmian club has bu-en fnrmed at Lauri with the folliming oicc-ru: Ptttidont, John lloran; vice-pn-sirlont. C. Forbeu; udenlary-tmannwer, W. 1`. Trnynnr; executive committee. B: A. C, Caldwell, J. B. Caldwell. T.. S. Atkinson, Harold Hutie. H. C. Mc- lplyn and the president. and yico~pm- I...I.. L"-...:n- ..:x. _: A_,_.l!I .. III VIIIIIP I mammal ge company. Laurens, youngest dalglner of E. P. Smith, Horwn, aged` four years, fell from the bed last Sunday after- noon. while playing, all! frncwlid her, grm nl Use:-Ibow. n. r-|.-..|.. u a....|:..... .a:..a ..o L. r. urn-rmn; managmg commiuo:-. Tllnmu Wilson. J. N. Dobhie. R. W. Robertson and elected oicera.` m nnbnuinn 1-Ink Inna I....... l...........I um ll une.e-mow. Dr. (`linden ll. Gardiner did at lhmnookburn, on the lllh inst. He was born in Durham county in l.`3.`lI, und served as a eld surgeon during the United States civil war, A IT... Vnplr u... :- l|an\:\I;nI:lIn Du- coal. .. William Burnhun, Caihtown, has the contract for the erection of a bountiful residence on the banks of "the St. Lawrence, midway beu\ot`n Poole`: Resort. and Bockport, for Ste- nhan Wilau. T003 8 IT)! pheu Wilau. Jnmnn (Inn: to nnrry rarnnworup, onnnnomue. Dr. Giles. Athens-, has bmn given a salary of SWO, as [inysician for the house (If industry theta. T16 I159!!!- once on the property now amount; to flfll). (In Wntlnnminv `inn Inin L, I`|I~ Ill`, enm` ulIIIIl'I' OI ll. -. I'Il` lips, wu married to Ricllnrd S. Row- nomc. an employee of the Canada car- riage company. Lam-u-Mn. vnumreu dnurlnar nl E. ------v---y-w -uvwuuw CI vwvvvul fIlI- INTEIKXATIONAI. onunnm-om an Ital: cl sum-. Pg. who Inn as united states cum war, A Naw York firm in negotiating for the pnmhue of the peat beds near Newingion, Ont; It irlnliev-ed 0:-' turn can be aunxlied at 82 g ton, and tllnt. the peat will take the place of rnnl, Qhltl. The voung Inen o(.Pic!on no talk- ing ul fanning n non-political associ- nuon to Into [tn in the mnnicipnl campaign. ' We mgml to hear 0! the death of T. Kelloc, hrolhcr of Ira. Dennis Kedljnl. Tnmwortll, who died quite recently in Caliloruin. lurk-y White, Pnrmn, one day re- cently inol tighten-n ducks at onedis- chnrgc of bin double-'hn.rrel gun- sov- onletn mdheulo and I hluc bill. Gtvrge Swu, who sustained atom- pound fracture of his leg at Gilmuur, a few 11% 19", land Hie limb ampu- tnlcd at Belletille on Wodneoday. At (Fe Iaiuo of Isaac N. Robinson, llcllmillc-, on Nov. 13, his olxlest daughter, list Iinnie, was marlied to Harry l"Irnlwort.l_I, Shnnnomile. Dr (lm, AlIIenI_ Inn: hen uiven n 310,210. On Wednesday line Loin L. l`hiI~ lips, eldest daughter of J. H. Phil- Iinn an: mnrriul In Ricllnnl S, Ron'- Z. ISIIIIXIII. litnu. II! Inc up Cdgary. N.W.'l'., when 5: A position in g Imnivue ea-uhlinlnmom. _'A1u Iullignn. a maiden Indy and the Inn! member ol the lulligul fun- ilb did" '11 Greenback on !\o\unlor Q) pmpuoition ' well null. T. W. Cu::ron. the own- er, purchase, of John Jackson : val fun In Dnluunond. A. '..-|....- (In Tnaulnv Andrew Kit- vulunzle turn in Dnunmona. At Irhtl` on Tuesday chen, BlucH'iI!e, III nannicd toliu Lillian Grey. ol that villnge. Z. Burnhuf. `fund. has E1. to l`- I.---. II T T um-Lara In A llu child uurvivu mm.- A novueu `u on foot in Athens to build `a line ning rink then; the `(ion in well tux-ind. 1'. Cameron` Eh become g 0V9- $0. HI '3 Iuruuuy - lvuwuuuuu V. Snii Falls. Coleman Icl la-Ion Both in givu .u:l ilinuo to Ed KW. "' The Dent-runIo.cu vorh III turn- ingout abuulncundnyfottblm Icnoluninl nilwqy. u-....|..... nnnunnn last. Lyn. I310! OITII LITIGLII H WEI?! IIIIPAIIII. lingo-`no Igboln hat ho- nn run: who Gantry and Iuuboctl. . , live Amalia I. Iorriu, Siducyavu :urri1dut: Akruo Snlitbury, Fair If you have had any trouble in getting an Oil to Y0 tr-Y ours. We have `the BEST OIL that 1185 ` into Kingston in many a day, It is guaranteed .!0_ ordorless and not 19 Smoke and besides this it 8"? Cltlf whitwlight. ` `Try jggmplg, HQ and III Lume every d1y You'll see something i We're going to make a big effort from now till Xi to double up on our sales. We ve.got and will [1 coming in continually in -re new things than the P31 can give usjoom to tell about, -so that it is onlyl continuous round of calling that you will know them ' Come and keen homing. We're going t0 m it of interest to you to buy your V `IS- A t' wu-u-4- 7... [iv the away, our .DRI: SS-MAK_I1\G I)1*.I?/5 MENT is sl nckening up a bit in wurk. 9 wart one of those Oxford Grey R:1._|ans madc 10 der. ' We have them neady-made, but some pffr {I made to cprdcr. We'/c got room far a {cw ordrra tween now and Xhns Room for a few W4" Skirts-too But don't all order at Qncc. ,_._ $ee_ }McK_E~LVEY La. BIRCI NII3. IIIVOIYS l'II'$I IJIIX Ill nub. runn-nu. .DlAI Mus. Pxsnnl:-l would like your Idvice in regard in trouble; I antler every month at time-of meuntruntion. and ow no I and for no long that I become very weak, nlso get very dizzy. I am tro with 3 dischnrge before and after menses, have pain: in ovaries so bad a tiluaotlntlun ' tn-ound. lnvo non foelinginlower part ofhcl puin iubuck,beori Qwn feelinmndedre Qopnn urine freqncntln in pulsing it; have leneon-hast. headache, hinting spells. u than have hysteria. My blood is not in good condition. Hopi bl 1'ronyou,Inu:,l(na.EuxLLvul,Ism8out.bAve.,Ooun'lBl lg (June). 1899.) Mrs. Haven : Sound latter. '" Dun u. P!!lHAl:-I wish to expnn my gntitnde for win! have done for me.` I nnerod for four youn,wit.h womb troubles. in mouth I lowed very badly. I got no bad that I could burdlydo Inyw Wntobllged to sit or lie..down most of the time. I doctored for II time. but obtained no relief. I using ur nmedies-Igdh Nahum : Vcgetnble Com Blood aer, Snnative uh Lint Pills-und now feel like I new woman."--lu. Emu lIAvu,: South An. Council Blul. lown. (Feb. 131900.) ' I _uH_-II-I-nl-naII_I|ru UIIAI nun. r|.1nn;u.--u. vunu uni -I.-.1 - 5 vvvu-4 .... Pllklllllfl Vegetable Compound. For rs {fad ovarian tr`: Inland 0 thing from nervousnesl. nun he. and pain in I nhrlnnnn. I I-onsmllnl dlcrcnt nhvliciann. bl! decided to try )0 award thing from neuncne. um pam 11: mg sbdolnon. I eonsullnl ditcrcnt. physicians, try ,(_I' due. and I noon found it was giving me much nlief. I eontinvrvl its as now an feeling like 5 new pox-son. phydcnlly And mentally, and an add one more tutlmonial to the value of your tunedy.-- Mn. N. B. 8108 Valentine Ava, Tremont. New York. N.Y. 1-p_|A.n_._ ;_ Il'_. `l1l_I.L-__I- `Lg --ln-I and cnnnni Q11 I Mrs. hwbsuys: I Feel lJkcaNewPersnn, Pllysially Ind Mentally." "On: Mm. Pm:nu:-I wish to speak 3 good word for Lyii Platinum : I had tmlbl nnnrnll nun-thing from nervousness. pain land w "' `.'.:...,..1.,`"~;,.."..*":..;'::""'...,.' "3... ..,.,... most t oommncu-no Ill symptoms at dun sud can-ion: donngunnnt at the hush organ. Anylannlooqmplnintnny ptom In not gonuno. or vote at-Ihho-I before obhlnl ' the writer`: cpochl | REWARD. -- We have qopnllud with Ihalhlload City Bank of Lyn`: which will bopuld to may perlnn who can nd that th Home Ienimonhl llllolh ydln I. Plollun Id in 00-. I-III. Ill Should be Pitied - Not Bum, Men Dgxvngz Understand Howl Suffer en They ,o Speak to Me. pry M l L~I'8 GILERY GOIPOUIID. = `I I&bovin|honIn.uh no ad-In-ln...Ln-uhnLn_1vo|nj. COAL; OIL "1 [U5 vuenune AVE, LTEIIIDXII. HEW lull, A1.n. Writing to Mrs. Pinklnmis the quickest and surest In} at the -right advice uboutnll {undo troubles. Iler uldlu qnn,-Inns. she advises womcntnoe. Following is an inaunn: Mrs.`Havcn s First Letter to Mrs. Plnklnm. uI_._ \l__ 3....-.... I -4n.I4I I=I'Q uumnr nvir in lmflld E STa&3.s..iJTcuIFF' and IZH - urn...-ntnn ___.-.- -g' - -`:4,J1qn V 4- t Ri1:'ht'iII this store AIl_ of }hm. `Corns :Wi 69 and 7?! st:G;9 .XMiAs i*ii_s.ENTs, Don t Let a Single Day Pass I Without a Visit to this Storc ` ' [n . . W W ` ' "hinllkfsmll utybtkr-on-E TC$CIw U v--wu ` , llIlIl0IB'l'.'l 0ID0. `I-nunntolnd--u.I-n. iJOI`|N `STARK & C0 . l n okonlliil Anni; uucunees TMIGIIT or iii. nun;-nu A-unu ; u & '26 Toronto St.. Toronto. ` `7"aAar's % om: SOAP" "* W` """F; IALM 0!` FIGS. n-nnwwxn -nun`-nnoun-up. nu. -- 'VIlIV ulrunrp vs VII: XQ HORN! I Til A|&'& 7 z'u=.puo' '"rsio's.' I. l'lU,IIIvy, III uq Iu~orn.uE:oN1' I:lEl.lAND & 00., 5| my-uFuuV' w-1. --y .-vu--- :wdudimnnnnwautid| 1 ..n, .,.L, I W` IIIIIIVIUIII-`III -- i$I-Z within it: mambo:-dnip all tho um and energy elnhvon devoted (0 the |toducliun_o! olol. It. mount to be the nhnoiulo tioator in, tin utul market. `And wlnrichunlndaonuindier , um- __-__ _._.I2-_._ Hon 0! Minoan. The new syndicate menu clntiu puuigu "will be limit- ud,.bc_:ouuo {in opposition is not to In (riled wll or ignonad. Can it be bong`: q)7:f.l oui3.|y. The muv of the _aorponuoI_ -which Ir. Io:-gain repre sunk in very capuciqua, and it may he oqull to thypwqlloing of lh50.- 0001100 tron, Ind it may not. ludr ...l.'-._ .._A n.. .I_ -4. ._ :1- l.ZI..-_ I- IlUVpIlV\I OIUII. -IIIl II I -V-v I'- chion not tp do no, or its lnilure in that way, may l c~dN:e pmludo to the Our which will gin the poofllo glanc- Ith chap pmlhocionl. U VIE` ....`..u a. AIL; ...hI. .....-a... luv nu vuv-y llI\I\uIIvIIuI-- ' T wo_r|d in llvd will puruiwuf ' V 'l'lny`liv-a um: and other. The nu-_-1 trust in bud I npaciouu pppoIiu.. and named inclined to sup at and . gulp down overysilq on which it our- cutlolad. But thcqinnlimit with Ion o! thfq, gun! the collision 9! `hp! concern nn_y_laod to Iqpyl-c~ llllo. It may [at none hill oM,ol EH honopnly buhpt. and if itdoyn AL. an...-._ A ..._..- o....nl. ..:IIy.... nun In-Ina 'rnus'r. A In in! county. or trust. beilg coup-had ol tho npnnonutiv.-u of Dvcnl Pcilvulia uni Ohio iron Iran, ha been fumed. ll: capil will In .ID,IX. and unllicient Ion to. warrant it in clawing upon the lhulicll eunpotitiqn with my oth- CI in tho bndnn. Eva-ything look: spell for the new oouny," acid It. I`. H. Clark, of New York, out 0! firm which in at- tending to the legal douils. "ls wiil not ho otgunhad with any idea 0! ghting I-In nion dollar |tal'tnuv,. It will do buuinua in ii: uni:- nnry conputitivo way. lany [tollin- ...A .\.._I --.I 3.... an... --as id.-.1'-l with it. leonaot tellyou the nuneol UM new erpunlion." Ono mug is quite evident. ll min nuke thin: lively tor the great cor- poration of which Ir. Schwnb in the ptuident. and perhpa that in its aim and dutiny. The billion dollu uh did not comprehend and unhu-ma ._.:.|.x_ :A_ ....-.._I.._.I... gll AL. 4.-. ls_I larlu ulviy uw UIIFC Ill!- Iunwhile it in plenunl. to netllnl the (iamdiun company doing luminous at Bydmy. C.B., tic nun which in no for oapd uh attempts of the United Sula put to acquire and cum-o|_, In nuqullly invudd both sq!-an an an u-Ina` sun. with iuqucrl. In itgooiundprospor. ullqnln Illugtl in n euupuutor Cor loqinhtuc. at (In nun nation, it is auuucud, will put an not xing 1 duo. but on. when the people will tboinvuultovnuycaoruy upon the ptopodt_ion, udiich nuance that no thy mm the pvuuinun will by (id. The pooylccnn hvo wbu_` i]*C..'l\vll'lloVU'glilHc|l .I_.._-J- pi-ywuvlllvnwpu lzdldplhwilkon, Il_._....\.XI. In :_ .1..-`- 5% Dmtnlggg, fquitlon. utnnuuuu--I-Iruuu-vl""I"' nisqrunhn upon thcptohilallion w.".|_'Il1ZUIvw-Iv ---.- Iilullunapmbibitoryneuuninl-In owwdgthdumdo .Privy Ootmil [in the Ianitohc can In llvlrdlnf It. Bo-I uid t.b'pto- vinoivouldpolsdrlygoufuuitav cu-demo-.1 sauna... wail .1. _:)ow,.bIttbtpIIdin (bonnet lo thvcpiounqlntiou wchhdhtca llihll it III dioultlouy that oouIJ|ndnan.Nor'uIhoaiuuionu all Inc now, for tho Privy` Council #-4_ .._a.:..........d.. W'`_':.: in nu----u -v. in-aqgnuupmy mind] mu-I co-tiutibul [inim- W. ;_-` II`. Iain ptunhn to act-loiw ._._.La.:....... _....n- In u.. IK4. Ir.uII-----u------ lira gxfq wdoahuclglr. Iu.upo|th|oouIb|.uuian- -ituntuootllopulntdooltlot l|njHo|o(tiopI'ovhco.hth tau-Inhualthuliqnnrtnc, had hunptognndvoi-IInehncur.uu Mwulnlqrnmuyodoccd. It _....I..' It In n_-Ln an an lur- " _ rumacrm -hath p'ahiI:i1ion,IhMhopI'un- i-dun:-uouyauauai-sauna Ib _..A.... ..._..n 1.. at. I--dud` mm. IAUKVACTIIIIIID IV THE 00, J .. 7. hb. --_- 'rHE__ _pA1_LY wnnc. ilgllfil .1-I nL...:..:.... 3 III` Krill. uni it no -.-an-_y ur Iutloun, and tho public haul dr nuldl that every precaution be taken taint it`: upnnd. lntiuIt|l|uIvi|lboineverygu|e- nl hoqliul 3 consumptive. `uni. It will he provided with (way modern oolnlori. But in use should be undo obligatory on everyom who in unat- ilg Iron phthisis. In other words it should In All oenoa on the put ol .41-..- __ t_:__.I 4- a-_A _ ...._ Illlllluuuuuuvuuuvuouuruuvvu phyuicilmorfriendtolnutn non- nmptivo eluwlnen than in the and mnnner pnncrihoii by l.ho`|n"w. PROIOTION `SYSTEI. lp Toronto writlgn examinations, at I l neI.I:I_ to school` promotion, hive been aholidnd. Then in an agitation, however, to: their revival `and it nd: no eneouljngunent from Inspec- tor Bug-hos. "We are in the twentieth .._4.._.. -A... -nipl Inn "nncl L-A I.IlIHJI'y_ uuw, Iulw ut, uuu nu uhpuid heap up with the pimeu. You can lanai all over America And Eu- nopc and not nd thy promotion ex- uniinnlion uywcm in voguc in Any country." :1, (1,, ,1- s, ._, __.A.._'__ :_ L:. Ir. Ilwgllu in too nwecping in bid nuorlion. Unlen rocenily dispenso-I wick |I'9ln0Ii0II examination: were oonillztcd in several` places, and they an conducted in Kilgston today in tho third and fourth clan:-O, uclmive M uuniuntiombr cntrunco to ` fig]: school. The lone of pdylic opinion. which in wmctimen donnnn} enough, It clearly squint oxanrinagluna for grading pun-poooo. The weekly alas: ex~ unimliuna tho. Irepkly. registra- tionollnlria on woIi,oug|.w has better u to the acit-ncy nllhu pqxilt uni unit itnonrfnr mans than any map 'v icd wizichiu undo pouiblo by I menial cumin: (ion. Q.._._Al.____ _ j_.Il _;._I' I... ____ \I\nn Sondilnot I dull pupil; by um luck, or by audacity, (generally by nlllua ll pt thmugh vum-g own-int out, but rattled, will Incl ll`. a...L._ _.L- --. AL. I.'..A :...I.... Uqllulvn vuu, out ICIIIINI, VII" Inn `u (Quinn, who are the but judgm- ol in situation, an in lnvo-not bro- notionu on clan ncohla. And (om- Ilon semi supports their remmmcudr `I'M ugihtioa goo further and GI":- Inr th aholigiofn ol the entrance at nlnilnlhn. I:-nouns it militate: cgut Ito aeloctinn 0! pupils upon their ltrito. E-dcnlly the-to ispomw dirt to In Iulruail spoon ch not-In ol lib` Quinn Ibo `pmvinca aver. nntlthounonnrlhdbougdofcdnlili-in` I.A_. _..A- .l;__Il 2.. ..A..._,l__ `- "- -"1v-I- -_--I'-i- duii lb: poopln vi his illutnv dkahro. 'l`kn.huo-onpognr Inn jxlnkz 3m KL -nu A-Jr AL. uvuuuu u-a nu--u uu Ila:-uuuun ;f-Iiplll iutlfinpouunsiololali Ihbchthhulu-. - --u-u- 5- jun way. qyl` XI. 'h:a`oHs in the Ir. llacov-:5 en- Ighlnuuwulunntcrlulu, IIIlI' In ruguul UV by-vuu uu uu lction, and the isolation of po- lish is nldandod witblen anxiety and alarm than formerly. The uupu-Minn, in the can of I consunptive, would In more lIourLbnnkiIq. His would Iaotilnladioutolheworldinec it ._ _- ___|__ 4-. .|.- ;:.l..-.. :- ..|....|._ Ill. WUIIZ II -U -as uwn-on -uu olllid by 15! city, I-i the city kikhl About giving that anuunce. Th `Ii; in pauunded that the Contagion [511 A60 will Boon be --_...I_J --.I ---`In In nnvar nnn. III-y_uu- - -mu .- -.-.... ......., diplthriu, and othc coquwiouu di- uua. Th law is now exacting ` W4 !_ A_-_._| ._ AL- .I -1 :_ I I2 H X IIVT VIII!-Ivllia nolgl in to E50, IP35`! 0' 3"` -..a ' ' . w.'iTliIIIjW\.l|nIClDK)lU 'uoolInlyt.hutlIodiiuIniscbeok- ..I -- '..._..I n... :. :. .I...I. :... \w` nu oh:_ hhnb Ht: : hotly. I :9-9 Inn. damn". '3 Toronto In ennoarnod .bout the arc- tlou ol on houpihl lot oomumpnivau. A ooupnny, the lane which proju.-ted the Gnvonhum inuitution and which In Ind, thenlun, uporiunee, iawill- ing to con! 3 and nqnip it. and aooqn consumptive inlicnu Ihnoouuiloriuoldaladnllaend to it at `Torty cenlu par diam each. 0leounnIhoeompcnywnnuthou- ;,__,_.. .L_. n _.;n _..a .I..... ...-....i. ily, Quint (Log wllo thlurwd bet- utctiil huh, ifbohc`indilcr- on about this duty and lieglecu it. -iTIZWIWUI$1--nv-_y ul- ol. Ho uhouldlou-oonntotd L1- :1..- __ A4 IL; -unnj in mm Ililji I1: uv-u-w---- -oaqwm In ii-irllodiuluv hngnonlu-ntionuchd. It at... --J ul-nilir j W i quuoowc ---u----- w~ tovhuhcln-ind. Al-ndnliniurnlor hi Ioflno tough. and it an; In that Hanna I onnu-oiling [out the would not In-0 has :5: choice Inlutothrdculnlu-cu. lggaothor nan lnhily quarry! in mic III Jhponilinn ol the _...I In -.`.. L. lnl nnnnit|1.hIn .1. I. n..oqsb_uV:.Ig.La.4 uh`--Jun IL. ngnnlg -:In L3. lII...a_.n_ ._ _L-. L. .|..:_.l A. ..aIn-inid.l`AI4|l' ....LI:- :- it is clearly in- L-.IaI. 4-Ian. gkiuunvuum g. piouhg about with was _ _.n_ s._ -._ ;.Al..- .. AL. unl- INFECTION OF PHTBISIS. uoaalou Ill um: neguluun causeu oy tin persistence of_ the ti t for and agaimt Addicts. A fit! senate oun- aiatn _ol ninety members, and the re- puhiioanthavt a working plurality of about twenty. An uluunally large proportion of the member! of the lust hours of nzprcsentativea have burn m-elected. All but one of Indiana's thirteen memnera belonged to the Inst oohgruu; only one new (in-amber in Iowa : delegation oi eleven; in Mir aouri'a liitu-.n sent! them is not a change. The delegations from Maine and Connecticut, from Georgia and Lnnininnn, {rum New .Iorn1-V and Iliu- Inn LUBYKECKICUI, ITUIII \X)l'glI In" Louisiana, from New Jersey and Iliu- nesota, remain exactly as in the lift - sixth cu vn-ss. Eleven out of the twelve Iiaigan members are m-elect- ed. and in a number of other states than are only one" or two changes. Generally speaking, the very stmng republican states of the north" and th solid denmcraticntatea of the south -have returned their old I-eptenentr .j.i\'en. But change: IN`: more numer- ous in the state: where patties an: somewhat evenly divided. Thun, New `York : delegation of thirty,-lqur mem- bers contains twelve n who did not sit in the hunt ong-I-1:`; and then a nine new member: from Ohio, lllinni has six new memlnnl and Pennayl-. Vania eight or nine. ol lhylcwu. ' ` lilty-seventh congress, chomn luv. yen on the due of the presiden- tial election, begins its rm scxdion on Iondny, December 2nd. Both branches have s slightly incteued republican majority; them are about $10 republi- cnunndltldunocnuinthehouse of representative, the populist: and lilverites numbering only six or eight. In the senate Are nevanl vacant nanu, Illll Delaware, notably, in without re- presentation owing to the protxncwd deadlock in the legislature caused by the nenintenu-. of the nrln. for and 'l`luTP1'uvn~\\'ul|er action, on the doc- ket ut.`Ke|le\1'l|e unites. last week was laid on-r till nut spring; anti will be tried at Napunc. ll 31 W jizlltvll . IICIIEVII-IIIGU that juu gnd right have neither co- lour not mix." 1! Wu Ting I-`Aug ro- uoru ui_CIiIne it`: all up with the ...m..... wu Ting Fang, the Chinese minister in the United States, is willing` to face any dude American editors in debate upon the question, Should the China: exclusion bill be menu.-leul P VAIan[IloofhiIrI|etorii:inindicated by his ninglo assertion: Remember ll`: E.-.n_ _-ml .-Zulu I.-.-n. ....:oL.... ...., ll Ir. Whitney had his way-and his talk could :51. aeriouuly t.aken-|ie Imu|dn'I tell any crown timber. and It wouldn't tax any body. When he would gel. the muney with which to run tho people : business he doesn't. uy-uId nobody can imagine. Ho ought to ask tbs Toronto Star folk to gel. tho people guessing on it. The dot. [male is played out. [innate mm-cu.,| nn nun want, -mmmo. Iayor ~l td onuino is going 3.0 be- -come I publisher. Ir. Tam: dots not any, 0| that nine enemy would vrila 3 book ! Ila can say, however, Oh that B will ptint I paper! About Christ- Inu it would be inlt-renting to write down that Ir. P-reinnlaino will my in his sleep, or while the ghost walks. if M `II I29 It-9-11: I.--II\- ism it by Ihp Don n_nrl_ Iowan--iu do cluulbynlocnlnewspqnu-tohea --.:....| _.-u__n Ir......n;. oI.. I...|..-J ulqlcllllyuillzlllusw-yuyu--u-au- union! nutter." Totolitb the Iubof th II|iVI'B- For nerve of tho largo And enduring kind commend us` to the nlvernp Toto-to mu: ! u ` I-I U1 FT F2Il-lI.l ugh : In nut to South Attica. ll 8:: End stays! a limb longs nth [mat the our continent night not ban _ -2:: bongo} n1'u'.';Au. - ` U 1 W `nu-. Lu: -lucr 'l'uIh.ol (`|iago,hupro nnunnudaauiuu-quntingunuoao d|`*.nIIlyliCIIl ch 507- Duulnhnn. It in not usually huuluoddtounnuuolnnur |cmas nu cumum| [mEnuxam:o.u ---l 'v-v h CJUU W 6.~'u'.%po:aa. ' `