luuim `-_g - - ' lhudluhuhi `InC'U|8IIOiI1IIIKIUXllIlUIIE.Illy ' tobuceotuperionotho "I_yx-tlo enjoying a lncn 5 OIIBSKIIUS 0| ruunuoupu I IKIIEI llCI- I SllllI\'lll inlor ed I};-r that he was give a tnntion as fore- 1 j mun m n !`8Ill'lV department in the 1' Quaker city. It is stated that Sullivan 4 f has been guilty of .. the sums heartless I ' conduct to other women. I Ill nomuouinowuunuou. unup-yuuuu lulonloxpehscnolthooowho wor'okill- ad. shopvo sqanco lluevoningin Lbolnlfoltheunfcran. g DUB nspuuuu grunt uuuclnx nu uca u\.' :0l\`I31'. and WIS UJXBI the HJJPTCSSIOD that an elegnnt cottage mtnited at the , outskirts of Philulalphtn united her. ~ Qnllu-... inlm-mn.1 I..r Hut. Inn was inc I y nappy llllaxllu uluwuy ' enjoy the society of his wile I let: days when he exprueod misgivings nt 5 having been uinnied by n Pratnnhttl clergyman in View 0! the contracting both being Catholics. and evinc- _ FII _ edndesiretoliero-married bynCstho-I lic priest. 'I he unsuspecting wile named to me pnpoanl. end the date for their re-ninrrinao. gccoi-dial! "0 we `hue oi the ` Cntliolic Church. was selected. On the evening preceding the anticipated cere- mony the untaithlul husband announced hi: intention of residing in his lnte home in Phihidelphia. nnd hinting that it would he ii good idea for his bride to convert her savings into` Auiencnn cur- rency. she withdrew OHS from the J _. City end Diatrzct Sawing; Bnuk. l'n- V suspecting diahonesty on the put of he! hnsbnud she` hnuded over the amount to Suiliun who cnrnleealy hi-I her good bye. and saying thnt .tu- would have it chnugeu at the `_ nenr Kingston. Windsor Hotel he lelt the house. When evening approached end the gay deceiver failed to put in an appearance. After eetenl hours` nbeence. the wife became anxious and instituted n search. The result was n discovery thnt her unlnith- i-lul partner had left by train for Uncle . 5nm's doinnius. Pursuit wed useless. and desiring to avoid publicity on ac- count of her nged and respected parents she returned to the residence of n lriend. The sum. secured hr the erring husband wns n portion of V the 3lVllig_lCClllJlIllIld by Miss Certy during n periodof 17 vein. Fortunate- l_\'. however. she did not relinquish all her possessions. no she still him. out at . interest. Slice Cart)` has resumed her employment in a respectable household. She repoeed great udence in her de . no-in-our nnil -An Inn at the imrireasion `I- In. Iney were lnllnuu. sun performed by thollev. push: of 8:. J ode : Chuck. I@I)' (ICCIIICI [III IOU` IIICI DWI] Kllltl ` the aections of hll unsuspecting dupe. g V For some reaaou or othet. however. Sul- livan delayed the memege.and.aevering his connection with the police force in April last. he took his departure lot the United States. Proceeding first to New York. he remained in that city for a time. but nally settled in Philadelphia. During his ubsenoe from Montreal the ex~police- man was apparently true to his ladv- love. and wrote her frequently. Hie vari- ous epistlea were couched in language 3 that even the dnllest mind could under- 1 uand. and often alluded to the happy oc- 'caaionolhmretnrntoCanada. Atthebe-: ginning ol the present month Sullivan p arrived in Iontreal and sought out his ; mum. to whom he repeated his lovo. Two day: afterhu nrnynl. on! 'J.u.u1xon. ox :.anuou.uucu.5 The manually hnppy husband hndonly ' e_njoy _ tbe_ _wi_!ev ___._ -. -?'"_ . I ' AI Ex-Coxxunu lnnu A \\ onu II a Own to Sun. u Sn-uses. ': Hound Btu. . Three years ago I respectable girl of * this city. nunad Min Cnrty. became Ic- - qunintod with 3 young fellow nun_ed1 Snllinn. than a countable on the city police force. The wily blue cost. '50 L iq of very engaging nppennnoe, suspect- ing that his hit u nninunce"wu pos- V sessodolconaidonb wealth. p0sII_I0o- nmely declared his love uni noon gunned f Hun nnr-nn: nf Inn nnunnnna-tina Inna. : ` II II IQIILATID II TIE IIPCBIJCAII POI 'Th'ao is not and than unnoi be. nuiiiin Inlnnannnnu-inrtnthn "Knuth iuci.-novtlsou or :31: you. T IQCLT 0! A PATIC. A VERY IVA.` HAS. TI BIILII - 5 ii lnrnished. Regiopolis will accommo- Ill lien 01 YBIJD. The ordinary cost to the government" , per snnum of housing a patient, (that is. i lor interest on expenditure for coasm1c- _ tiou in lieu of rent). is somewhere about ' $21 or 92; . With 150 occupants at Regil f upulis Collegge the rent per cspita per ' anuum will be about $15 per head, or something like six or seven dollars per snnum less than the present cost. that is taking the proposed cost of the im-. prnvements at present and when new. 1f. however. five years use of these be deducted. the cost per capita will be nearer 910 per head (or houseroom than 5 It will thus be seen that the sd- 2 1 S15. vantage l8_ all on the side of the govern , meat` The furniture of dormitories, `I dining room etc, is a separate item. and j will, ul courae: be removed along with 3 the patients when new accommodation f ' date 150 patients conveniently. and is to i be administered wholly from the present .` asylum. It involves the appointment of .' no superior ooers. The only addition- ` al oioers to be appointed are a male 9 lantl female chiel attendant, (selected ' from the present sh of the asylum at I 9 Kingston), with . sncient nngnher or fordinsry attendants. (perhaps two or ; three of each sex). who are appointed by Fthe medical superintendent o the any- Iilm nl- man." u I porn}. ; "hone whatever." . This rooolntion Alleges in unbstnnce 3 tlnt the occupution of the building ' by the government was 3 sop to tho.Ca- tholica undinteuded to name theirsnp- pan at the coming election ?" _,` 4 '.'You. know the olnnctk of Hi: Bishop quite as well an I an " III ind "IL Lilli- "M Sh ' Hi;Low "7-"x17:-l?iio;' nldo." ma ied Mr. Huey."-nd c-`n l fnrrn an nnininn II In but much knlh ' u 1 G0. npneu alt. l'lIl'IIy,|'IlllIIl sun I ' ' to h I In truth :i;".3 . a'.' .! $ '. n... 3.. u... s... n... dlboon on`rho Bi bopioth pun` govern t. Asl huvunnaentionod at wunftu-.:;o :**":".:'r....*'~* .:,:....'.-.*.L'* M lsvnall ` 3 4 `govern- gnentitwujnatnqneltionwhdhcnho nntortnnuttwbofg-ougnuned in no: P'l'|h|l allowed to. tennis; when tIncy_u'o or wbotha inndio uunnodniou |`nIIIh|I IIIII|dIm' ' I tlnpul-p3no.|n:lIoonsidA to Wu! tothuhiu nhlotoobhiltu hm-you ,a-than nu sh-uluIIu.lIui.tI:'ooo V` loudn- ~-.k....| cnnhmuE &1uIn1 uaaijjilx i "In thergis no money went poyabfns for I `the use of the building ?" asked the no I nnrfAl' J-ue IIIUIICII nupunuueuucul Ul bu , him. Di`. Clark." . nmqulo on `ma next. I WIIIFIIIIII (I an asylum Iorluni ioh tollovna is 1 por- _ was tsegzlnpona Louqe. AI urns auu : Catholic corporation wliich controlled it was entirely arena to leaellllrlt to the L igovernment for that purpose. In euhaa- I quent howevar. their o_b- * Jectione wae modied and the govern- ' . ment were nally able to obtain it. The : alleged expenditureol 830111) upon the ' ' building iaximaginary. The i ` rzsrnfirrn 1PEh'Dl`ll'Ill! or In ancmrrcr , 1 c I Mr. Tully, for repairs and improvements. (including heating. water supply and tting up with boilers. enginee and _ cooking conveniencesl. is. as nearly as I l can state without having the details be- ` fore me, less than $10.01). The govern- 1 ' ment are to occupy it re years. They i pay no rent whatever. except Inch par- _ lion 0! this 910111) expenditure as may ' be xtures of a permane_ut character. ` which cannot be removed. These the college authorities are to accept at the ` end of live years. and alter the govern- ment has had the tire years use of them in lieu of rent. ` u1`|... . -I:..--.. Alan. on than nnraon-nan!` I ODIIIDBLI II IIIIIIIIBUII. LAID! Ill VI. nuag- ` ' ston (the cities at which nylams no V nituned) which could he tted up and 1 ' utilized for imnodiaboecupntioa. Aha ` 1. cuutnlenmmuoaiawarounaum; the only eligible ncun building in close j` pmxinnty to my of the main uylnms ..... n...:..m|.. Collars. At an: the proximity lo III] OI Inc lnlul Iaytuulu Regiopolu College. At : :::hnIin an-notnxinn iliich controlled In nols: ounenox Inamuu an large 'with gun Injury to themselves. and ' muse gnu trouble and misery to their means. Under tbeoocizcmnuuneeu the lnspoctorol Auvlums, Dr. 0'Rielly. wu ' -nnnnncnd In nnmnrtnin Ibather ADV requested to I!=corIIIII_ v_ruuun:x nu, - lug-a uad spproptiue bmldmg coul_{ be obtained in Hnmilsoo. Looon or Iung- ....._ ..L- ..'o:.. -9 -l..u|. nnrlninl urn 0 1 l `- beginning the construction 0! an addt- * ' tional cottare at the Hannlton Asylum ` Rociwood Asylum. 5 meats could be completed during the 1 It Inc aiming uecuuu. . Ir. Hardy-"Yeo. I bavotood the to- solution. Tboae who odopted it`nppoar I tolzavelobonxadnndor some minappo-f hension. The lat-to an an lollownz At the last session 01 parliament apptoptim [ tions were mode for the construction of I I new Idiot asylum at also for 1 and for extendnng the accommodation 5` . A low months later it was found that none ol theneimprove- lrecont you. except the addition to` ockwoal Asylum at Kingston. which would nllord accommodation lor nbout _ fty pataenta. The asylum at Urillia and the cottage It Hnmilton cannot probably has completed to: com betore the , vent 1887. Theta were over `AD appli- ` canto lor admission to the various asy- ' . lnmo who could not be accommodated. , . A large nnxnbor of than an: at [recent , `._.a|. .......o I-tin-up In in nolo: othenot them are at large thgpnnnlwan and in. to:-tavnnnonlnurntmnol Ben ,1 Wm; d at ,3. ./ $.55 12:93 , g V4,, Iil o I "Is is. mononr. tint the * buildnng is to be back up the and . of live yuan Into! charge. when the E suns amount expended on the asylum 3 proper. would have given the modulus- gcommoduiou. which look: In bonothing xnaorelotloutlnnn .hnodod over` ! to the Roman hierarchy otthexrsuppott I at the coming election." Ur nw"-"\'An I Imvcn` th IR- Du-ingtbovhithntvoukoltlnm. A.t-Lllnd toonroitynreponardtho Wu: uponhimlorthopurpouool Anna-hinl-n nnlnn nnrtianlnrn In Anun-mu can: so: out: Gann- nrr-'l'n Rum ulhuyo I'll Banana um Future a U!--'l'n Ruuarnar Pnun urn 0lAll- nnum m Iucccuais. . micmroum/T 1 in t .. ` covering an area of 3.(ID I ` diatribnting provisions end clothing Calcutta. Sept. 29.-Disutmus oods. square miles. have occurred in the Presidency of Ben- gal. the largest and most populous of the twelve mnin divisions of British Indjs. A great amount of property has been destroyed and numbers of lives ' have been lost. Many fnmilien lnve been made destitute. Houses. crops, cattle and portable goods of every des- "cription have been ctrried Away by the ; oods. The government IIIth0lfl68ll': an '5 iloing All they can to relieve the.snl!er- I IKJIIIIBIUIZUZKI WIIICIU |-l'U IlI_FI$ prictloo. It left tlui chances for Torolito in chntgo (I1 Fina Licntnant Wilmot And second Lieutenant Kant. Thoabooting squad in oonitihtod of W the: following: Sent.-Xnjor loan; 80115:. By. Onwfod. F. Wilmot. Gonghlin; Uorponlucbou, J. Stig- ' G Gnngo.J.'HdI'nihon. J. Blake, nay, . . , "Br. J. Molnar; (in. Bichu`ilIan.Juck-_ eon. Bcrkot8,Woo&uIlW. Wilnot. "l'hofol|owinguot.honunhIolthouo ponitionnuthognns: No.1. Sunk. Oouahlin; No.3. Gotpu-nl \l- I l\:'_.-.I Il.' A A l`..-._. couahlin; Hamilton; No.8, )loIau;No.4.Corponl G-nnga; o.5.8c-gt.-Injorloauo. 6. Canton! Bhkg: No. 1, Butt Bay: No.8, Oorponlpoy: and No. 9. out. Gruttoni. 7 llle Wuluui IIBIU Uifi III I13 Dominion meet st Toronto this for swudedjo the moat eoieilt squad: in shooting and Ihiftin . The prise for the shooting is 3 ` modal undilm; artillery pnctiee. Two prizes vnlI'bo" for the shifting. I gold p. The uoneldbnttary willhko putt in_tho nu-it-tuna, II Inft Huh nftxnntn fnr 'n.u,wa.'&I.'""""'"'f The rolunteor eld battalion of the I\ -nnn -6 Tnnnmbu Old. Cn- In ueputuu lot Toronto-`Ito Hana ol ` QL- X_.:Ln_n 1|.I`4 ljn E I em. I I-`nlz Point. which Ins thought to have , been thg best huhor between Calcutta I and Bombay. sate. roomy And accessible i to all ships. was struck by I s gave on the 22nd inst. And swept no ; pletely thnt most of the inhsbitsnts Y nnrighert , Constantinople. Sept. 30.-IndIcstions _ to-day pointto uctiva Int Plmltntiona by the Porto: Eighty bothlions ofrst clan reserves are being mobilized in the 1 districts bordering on the Black Sen. It points which fnciliute their Innsportr M tion [or dnsyin Ronmelin III the event \ of the Sultan being compelled to adopt extreme measures tosenle the Ronnie- [inn ditculty. j A ferrlblc Injury Ducrod by tho Oonnll-y- Summary ol the Wlt. I 4 THE COKCIKIUI 0! OPIIIOX. The eonconsns of opiaioavat Burb- pean centres is that the conference at Constantinople will prove afailnro. If V Roumelia in satised Greaoe, Servia and othercouutries will reqnim compensa- tion, thus reopening tbgtroublc. nnn...n.--A..- n... -.n I0 IJWIIDVI WCIU Ill USU. III 31' boniau lost 1.!!!) killed. London. Sept. w.-A meeting 01 Ill- buudan. to couidox the Roumelinn question. will be hold I: Constantinople I next Honky. htiva d 8(- 'vin.Roum|n1nnnd willhkoplrt. inthe discussion. I.DoGian hymn- ingthopowentomnko thodopolingof Pnuna Alnrnndnr A lam-lino In-nlltll III lnll WWII!` H IIIDKU K. WE` Ill Pnnca Alennder 3 leading popoliiion at the meeting. The Cu: fsvon candi- . dnlnnn nl Prinnn Wfnldnlnnr- II HID Illilln LIIC `Jill !dsturoolPtinooWn|domu. DIIIgII'II- London. Sept. 28.-AdvioeI from Bu- charest report that ghting occurred on M Fridny near Roumoliuduring the en- engement 30 Ronxnelinns were killed and 3(1) wounded. 5!. P tenbu 38.-TIME ' vavnrnzlnnt inm' a:nd ban to Bl. rewrnourg, DOPE. 7E.-`lllCl'; government in couaxdened has to via sustained detest in the lulnntion d the new Turkish ministry. Said Pull. Turkish Fonign Ministonisknown to sympathize with the Bosnian govn_tn- ment. The jonrmls have no rejoicing over the new aspect of nnin. Th: Tnrlrinh human in ianllgvn ahtill DYE! IIIU IIUW IIWI U1 III.lIl'$ The Turkish losses in tends)! ghting at Dwnkon were $1) men. The Al- L._--- I...L I III\ I"`II-J VIII] LUU DUIFKIIIAL II II T1] UIKI the Cu: hes teiegtephed the Minister 3 the eventol theopenilaofhoetiliu be- 1 tween Bulgerieend'h|rke1.eeheiedt- ; termined to support Prince Alexnndet/`I iecheme ofunity hetweea Belg:-in end Roumelie. A pt-onnneet Ruin puc- el. in en interview to-dey. when eeted Iilitweetrnethet thecur eetioulyim tended to support Bulguie to the ex- `tent of going to war with Turkey. re- plied that Russia would declare epilet ] Turkey the momentthe Ptite -Bulgerie, and added that the Cu: 1: most empheticin hie reeulutioa to lup- port Bulguin. ' Lnndnn. Sank. 2R-Adwi1nn from Bu- ' London. Soprt.25.-'l'ho Turknlhno llnuoecupiodnunnllvillnpnanzlutm tphsPuln,s&owninRounolk.ou tho `llsrtinnivu,-;_, Ihuuwuonlnlplh nntroopconthozmilndvhcntbpluo wugn_londbytho'l'nrh. ` ' in Austria, Hungry il`:IBonmNu'I:.|nd`:lObIl luuodinto Isnsarvooorpu. Whonlholchpvctr glllellt wu ovotthro Ga. Nicolai . Tu um: dnnlnlou IRIIGKID onion {rule that or fun olnhe Bub Ioul.honuti!uIly the 1 0! Quinn than niI_rny_ `3T$&T I : The latter drew s revolver llld rT:.d at ~ In . fl` ' ' twonnd. - :.I'.I'L..."l...'.?.`;`.'.`.'!E`.`.." ..a..a -r............" ; nun, mmcungulugnu wuuux. nu an- I need po lace that suited Todaoeo uxsl toga in lunb Iran gnlxrhu t. ehnlmlg. Sept. .- lab] in St. Peutsbutg, rogurhngtho Banno- Iiu: question. in becoming Inonwuliko. `The nympnthyoftho Inanananholgly with the Bulgarian. It is stated that Hm (`mgr Inna Ialnan-nnhn lm Hinintnr Tu `runs nu Ennn llauunu III! CAIIOI Bacon: 1:. . ROUIILIAI KIVOLU l'I0l . xms-rozc rriznn n`u-rimr. lholwnbenotlhocorpn. FBI- CB): 'Inkn uni I non: hung twill: two walls. Wall fenced; euiho baugmeoubuuun. Tho tarnllingiton uocounot bad I A W In-the uni no Tb .'5.{"" :UIl|l3%lIi&. also had their `ghoonnnthmspd. Tlnothc: stuck Ina nah ' bin. onrponted and thechiel,wbowenlin`to ptouect hull Thoyclenmd out all nnddisinlocunts in the anddlonrdnnap. They :1-o ndanukinutlxe oral places. Wu at the on IhocuIullhodshooe.t.ho_ n .bein`hckod and dubbed uhofloe. yntrodawntheplnc wnecxnuion union in new Zlli. : v-cculut-all In-uu-3 nu acvunn yu As 80. an lln.wnu.u.sehiero: police .:'5; JC!'7G||VilI. Y`"'F3"- ghul&hooohenot.ioedsmsntryiugt.o' ' I.-no-u-L n-vn n churn I41 rs In the rnumxzuvuuwu-u-nuu.n. .........u- `IVQTIYCIII: . Dnunndnclnaguon Sept. llu.l$5.4_ IidneIP. Bosnian. eldutuun tithe lstuPhhiok8uIlnn.o( thin:-.ity.Iod X :.-- D.--`gong! in agar Onliury. Bq:t.IuI.lIyIIIunv. zu- Hamuat the bits`: rains. Ur. `, lhnkBou.lluelnnt.Tounto.toI'In JnnnY`mu.ol InIi;ua.cn8eptrd.iy the Bar. .1. B.!luuty.|nhercIId-ooohlnlatndeh 0.... pi... mun. Ii: Alba G:-nee. IENERALZ ncxrr AGENT. .N; 'dAvsInRLY- VOL Ln}; 1 3 nus. In Yinjtn hthc. 8tnot.lin.\lheGrmee ldmWiIJ@- kiln. to Gen. B. Mclannun. Tannin. [II Bupt. ISII. lulllwln J: Paul. $0703 Iifl dwillm Manhat- -a-I'll.-nun -jZQ$llI2UInqq': E`? A. r ox.a1:n. .-_jn 14.. A_--Q Illvnhounnlvgn llwlnutb FOR 1 ;IIruI:xxu\n`IIcu.uInnuwu:ux-uu-an :3: iiinioolho buxui-u,buuu.ouu um; _".;tho`oouablcawunlikodumbdrivun `Ihaq>.o.IthanvunoO6i`li'n'oInntnd. ,,_~"`thoIn. A!tartl:omouauI.odIhocon- Hugtnlcan. turuedthoirnuentiouto .a_,;thoeoItnl ' shtionundnoonlnd Bq, nllnwinowuthorerodnoedtouomm. ! 9...]... .1.-rlnlwlyllllui nlmylnjluur. V koimanl. soaps; 9.---The mum at theliunltholeothinnolninguhow that sthcowan 62 doth: in thoti from ;7in8t_..Ju|nBq than ' ,lin, Hnrnsinotok St.'I.ouia;uId2 ' Stcnnegunjo. 3 - CD01.`-Ily lllll OBIVUIIII lwiucuuuuu nun 2 Sub - Uonsable Bureau arrested 3 ' Inn: nhmed Alphonse Xorenn. , 3 Enlnoumkanwhilstiutho not at nu-ow-. ~' Itonuu the windows. Sergeant ; ' and Sntrconotlblo Pnevoot the g muted an nnmod Wuliun Bhck.sInrbu'.for 3 siuailu oirnia. 1` I They `wan, blougbt holoto the nngim : ti-nun tlfu nun-ninc and Lhnir Iris] unit. 5 [10113- Hontreal. Sept. 2'.|.--The excitement today over the anti-vaccination riotlast night in intense, and many declare that the time has come to proclaim, martial law. As thereii danger 0! another riot to-night the mayor has asked that 641) men of the 5th military district be plac- 5 ed under arms. He has alao ordered the detectives to scour the city and find the ringleader: of the iiot. The rioters last night were well organized and were headed by three men in a carriage. who directed their movements. Chief Para- ` dis. who was clubbed and stoned at the V corner of Hobart and Ontario streets. ' received some very painful irounrla. but fortunately no serious results are antici- j pated. Mayor Besngr-and rose from his sick-bed and came down town to take measures to quell the riot. His energetic ` measures arecommended by all. `\ He says that ilthe alderman will not as- siet him in this matter he Vwui pmeci Ihelivea and proerty of thecitizena. on his own responsibility. Col. lxannedy hadagnanlo! Hontreal engineer: on L dntyat Bonsaeours market all night. I iWh1letheriot1raa in full 3 the city hall Suyeant Beanchemin and !Rnh-(!a-nnatahlan Rnman arnntnd I. at` --I,'.vKI' U'IU'5III'IICIUII- IIJU [SHEA In line WIS rescued uh! taken home. f were used with vigor. und many ` ol tho riotous were bully cut about the bend uni hoe. Seven! arrests hnve been made, mcluding the ringluder of the rioten. " l.l.._o...l C....o on ,_'l'|.. gu-ion-nan! I YDIT UB1 IE IIOIIIXII I IDIII lljlll K! knockdown: storeluo bocre tome` Wbenhognve the re alum `and I-`hen the linemen came to pm on: 'then.soInomencuneup 'anIt.hI1=uu|odtocnt sbehooonsooni with use :u,wnurI'u'uImodon. The chic! of _..l:.. _.- ............-I --,I oglynn Ln..- .. ...........,"*` ::..;""....."'.`..'. .,.......? ....' ocgrulndovet their heads. only to be nag-n-(I -h In ugnuu n in` I-nnIitAr lllull. IE8 IIIUU UIUIU IIP IIIIIJ UIIIIEIUIII bodies uni proceeded to wreck the. win- doI'E ol the Iluuld oiee. After the xrioaenloh tholla-aid ooo they pro- ueaadedugcitboult end of thocity. 'Thoriotu-and n to thoruideneool ' Dr. Lnporto. one ofthe public vaccin- ton. on Pteuisstnot. T 5 tbs n Ina extinguished bolero ylnuetinl dun- fage wudooe. The home, however. In: ` nnu I-ncnn BI 11:: non: -.. .-----_u u. . - _. End by the mob. Dr. Lube` ' oeex. und Aid. chairman of ; Lag... dnnnngtl I-4&3... ntlok CA: TXIIII.IWU"E'I1ll'IIZI.lI.I.Ill1 IUIE neeivod with And laughter. -Thingpnov ooliudthnttholnen vetanrmodwithrien cad xed hpyo- `ION. buthtppily itwu notdeunnd uneeesluytonsetbeln. Tbooonshbleo `chntgedthnInoh.clnbbilIIlhtnndl`oh undsneeooded indiupaning thun.bnt. '~notbetonthcyb|d lnungod townsh- thaa--hr nnrnnn! khan-run-I hnnsn. f Revolve uuuns any uuu Iuunqguu w wlvsn - poronol thocourt house. DUI w own. which no opposite the city lnll. The mob broke up into dieronl .hn1ia. and noon:-dad tnwnu-L the win- Q `fix Ann-Vux:uuuuu`n Ian A Qu- g noun Dlnunnna--`Inn Au Wm. titiah % ____?_._..:._.._..____ THURSDA NO. 40 ll cunt I11 . d N 8 hntllv 30l'l1 PREVIOUS noucea uowu uu at-v-nun ocusionn. No sooner `hid the flncar-l been nfxesl by the secretu'_\'. Mr. Bertbelot. than it wns torn down hv Mrs. Chlput. A nemul one wu put rip. and .\lr<. Cbapct. was In the act cl tearing it down when she was `seized by the I l lul.8 by the oitxr. who thereby hoped to prevent her -lrom ' undoing his work. By thin time Chapel himself arrived on the scene. and Ill.`- mediately commence-l to mnke short work of the health cicials. A crowd assemble-1 after assaulting the oicinle. proceeded to the brunch office nurl Ihree`uened~.\lr. Berthelot and his unis. I.-Lnt. The most insulting epithets were hurled at the ocinln. Finally two po- ` l-cemen were sent from the Centrnl nu- tion end the crowd dispersed. ` mornlin QUIET D Y. | _ Montreal. Sept. 30.-l-lvejytliing quiet " to-day And no dancer is at present; tented. but some of .\lnudn_v nights rio- ; tern have expruuod their determinr g tion to keep quiet while the volunteers ` rennin nndernnns end to renew stack 1 mi` soonuthore is any laxity in the: , present precautions. A `lu-go number; I-of upecinl constables will likely be` sworn Return: to-dey show slut . j"t.hue were I2 deaths from unn,ll~pox in .|tbecity yesterday, 6 in St. Jennlhgw-I ,tin&ovi1lue.6 in St. Cuneaondo, 2 in .x Cob-St. Louis and 1 in se Henri. Ye.-I ,- terdny8l3 people were ncI:inntod.7 ' bouoadiaint:tad.28 puma. passed. .1" _nnd9yudncluned. sndthe policasrga I . -nnnlnina awn:-w nlnnntlnr small-nut nn- . 1 1 ` ``-*```` I Tux Cpunux Pmmc 'l' ru. Hour: `to as Fnnsnxn as 1511. llnla-Ldecidodly unptopitions `outlier e; in British Colnlnhiq the I Truncontinonul lino willbe " about We 15:1: ol.0c'- tooornext. Onlholthinnt. thotnck framsboustmadntehodn pointuir toenxhilon was ol the Ilunmnt 1:! the gnd.598 miluwutotlonr real. Thowotk hero in nolnowlntbo` hind tinqgwing to continuous wot cutvu`:dlt0nPtIoodylnvo a:.._nn- Nun-nuns. I10 milanh-anti yuun cluneu. uuu nun puuuu up ` III] 3 I I ayudnng every place" lot small-pox _pn- .- tannin, . . llilllrwiullllylllvurl onnwuu Sicunoouo Nutovl. 110 mile! fun 2 mhulurv. tho puts: ondof tho ( 4|.-In-L'nnnI:nnl and unnnnnd Iwullllvumuliluuu--Iuulwnynnr thotnck. _'l1nhulhninl.pIIhdIgul an kept up llouuml. that I ' row named at the east curl oice yester- day an I result of I plncnrl being put. up on the house o! I .`lrs. Chuput. who had torn previous notices down on seven! nnr-nmnnn \'n nnnnnr `h'mI thy Nnmr-I . oulullllt. Ind. being in force. diverted .street lamp: with stones; and six of IIIIFIIIU HUI! IZIII|IlIIlVIll lnstnight . the purpose at wreaking . vengeance opinot the good India for ` theiruimtuioe to the health authorities 9 iii diuonmog cues of smallpox end for recommending nocinotion to the iii- mstzs ol the homes they visit. The polioowexe pnpnied for the intended the I-emotion halou they` could do uiy hum. With the exception of ,some twenty or thirty boys on Catherine sheet, who broke the whom were arrested. the police had hr = tuolly nothing to do. The volunteers j nnnded through the streets. hutdid not 9 ' meet with uiiioyonce of my kind. The fact of so many soldiers hoing n.-.4: for uc:ion uid the prieats cnmlemuiny em- phntieolly the digouler has lied nn c~x- cellcnt eect. and it the iiutlioniies do not set too nrhitnnly the leruient will calm down if it has not dziue so nlrendv. ..... .-.. -.... -..... ..a .- vwoodenotntun. The 1 eeot cue. EL. mi-' "'7J'Z.e.ii...."""'". portnlnol knowledge. piling the un- skillelleye and hand out to hidden is taught ol God's wisdom to extol the tend:-root: ol lovo. the tlliigth ol _'H'l". do-n-the 1 I .too.' monlnctitudo.tho cl-udnm of -` -tieiioe.tlioeIni-ctsotvirtnoutdohiiiiiig ncheuolchnnctotcholeodan-n from sin and narrow to the joy: And purity of the better lile. But the lumen teal all these paths of oufnlneu and bone- lie. to. is the patron ol lgbonthe sumulniittotheinonl impulses of communities. and the one pcrtiier with the sky And euth who puts his luiith in God. ' You tmk --l the mines of Australia. 'l here uezlih 1. ) the red ,;w~l.f n~ J `uh: int. 322. there's g: H on {he :arz:`.. `gag 5, li on}: _\'-u ll sh Aei it out. The grcai busy west has;:ilu;eme::is, .\nl so has the ':us`.-st niart. i.1:;t-.u;dlh :5 r: I Y:';a!z"..'1 A !1_v.Ix_is_ . IIRII are ctr)` Iurnuun yluyuuc. Tlieru urn: pen indignation exprc-I~ ' ed ban to-Jay by cisinens 0! both In- 5 tioauliticn at the breakdown ol the city 1 police lorce. which never nppenred on the scene of destruction by the mob nn- . til All In over. Ibo inbnbiants have long bnoncnlling for n ieorgcniulion ol : the lace. with the nppoinunens at I new edont cliiel at the head. but no caution [in been given lo their con- plninb. and the city gets into disgrace un the win of n properly lrunod As LVTEDDID .|TY.U K III '9`YLlYIlJo A cloud :1 and-nccinuton assembled at up Grey nnnnery here at I lute hour Ingl. ninhl. for H. nut-1:1 nl Ilmkih. JHZVICKUOI ICIWHI. I.HluIIIIIIvuu' as property protected. To-day passed 3 out without the but disturbance. ovina to Much hundred man on! tho milith bung under arms at their Ir Inoariol and ready touzt at I Inolnen notion. Lint.-Cd. Stevenson. of tho` --n;II.- .n in `A--n--ul nl ILA fnnnnn I063. IJCIS.-Del. atuvl.-uruu. UI out unilhty. n in command ol the troops. Tbonnthoritien Are r a Red to carry. out the bodsh laws ngoronsly under nll . citcuuntsnces. and II" also whuevc r steps are necessary locum: purpose. Tluntu -'nn annual intiidnnlinll Qllf 1. - :(Il'BC- JIK "IIIKVCI BUT Utitll Iluuul. Supt. i`J.-!ob rule did not ` wuthol called lot. but u Ibo How. I . , eonlinlolona hu'ooIinutoI.hoptoInpti- `= lacuna Ill unovoidnhly about In: .t.ndoouh.u..m.-no..gumunu-!pn.e.uuau1u.uymunJ.A.1ud ~vicool his physical. oune income city * dou.n.naon&otQoen'I.vhohubeuh- Jnhavoordor mutated. undlileuwollaoring dutingthonulnnerishu eld. an -0- .....a..A..I 1.15-(`AU nnngnl H3 unkn d `M I 01 non. In Iuvnrunt. ! E ; IIPCBLKIS CAKDIDLII IOIIIATID AI IIIO RAILWAY 1)n\usu"smk.. Afl IDI GOVIIIOI or III TORI. IIIUIII WI! llilll I1, 351 unuuy unuqnug 1 zeeolo; "Welcome t_o enr cancel-use- ' night. '-'- um ucueugna pie . man. g 1 no... A time pngnm. onlems pm the ; line." 31:; Scott brought V-lown the house in _e tending. "Peter Sorghum in I love." A needing ty Mr. llcbonnld % Ins on the Blunders of n minister in 3 meking - v-ton: all." nu. Neliie Balsa`: recitation. The burial ol the turkey," is deserving oi mention. Shewesloudly . In!-leddon responded to n all let unpddreee and concluded with e lending. "The Iunte ohn|n.." Iilt made by theludnee _.-__n.. gnnlnnk 'l'-n Intng "IlI 0|! [W ullluub. twp Inna Min llclfuy-Ion uni lint Holma were uominuoctudtho bays ol aunt- chan showed well-lled panel and gap- emoo bout; by their-_|ihenl_uuppon for their cnndidnla. Although II hdtrx. ho ihuid.IIIoIuppo|-Iusot the othutcu-~ diduo dud exceedingly well. lino Ic- Fayden reoeindthoqnilt. In. Wilson pfeunlodnlurgoenkntbtho nlnowim n'er..Whoentit up (at lip nndiqne. Thu tnoivulfat unquiltwu _IiZ.'Tl5. IIl_ ulunulrvwi '|boutO_) lcthohuldtd thochvnch. Whom the ehoirlnd sung nIpow'o'llpiooo.`1'ho whole worldfot Jeans." Uh; thy`: I_Iuvau:1y _ CIOWU ~IIIDuSlI-HIIC. / - ` g The tuning then tried between ten 3 men on maids with Henri, Joyce und 3 ' ; Scott ucnphms. Mr. Joyce's men won f ' Hhelnurelanfternhaxd pull. :3 they f` were veryevenly nntcbod. Other sports 5 ' iwereengngedln and tin was servedi` I in the church. which was liter ; idly packed. The literary entertain-g ` men: In: bolgnn by Him B11101 singing ; nntiln` alwnhuuna in nu nnnnnrl.|In.l- gramme. The mg of war betureen tun n:e:_i,ol I )lauwnI;hnu and A spsn oi dnugm horses. owned by Mr. Buw. its pk ' ` tended with great interest. The horses ~ ` proved to be the strongest. and drew the i ' L!) n in three successive eora. though 1 ` i the contact I1: 3 good one and the ' : crowd enthusiastic. ` -n, . .._- _. am. ..:.a i..o........ 9-.. S were Iliflilflil WILL! [I313 UI |lugu|I.'I- Min Buley unl Muss Mel-lyden gun: I trio nely. Then .\lo.-sin. Scott. Thom- non and I-Idgu bri-y addressed the nu- dienor and the chair closed the pro- -: .C-unha- i I IWCILCIIILCK \- Li lLiI|C H"IK-`Jul; `J L E`! 1.1 -I 3 l'~.Ar:`! 1-: m 3 hurry 1. g. A rioljn seneeuou preceded 1 very en- tertuning and spicy A-idrem by Mr. Sweetmnu. merchunt ol Veunncher. Hus ` Irish brogne Ind huunroun lueclou-s were received with mus ol laughter. \l;-- D_.|.u- -n.I \.Ina- \h-I-'.ax~dnn anrn `vanity uunng saw nuuu-n in sun: urn. : He spoke ol the 6! Harvest" Home lhlnhuunvinp lot the mo- pleniohed gniuuiou and ollliehod unh. . whose conversion to the [linking com` 4: will auto truly indopended And hazy `tho hesruol l.hefonnon;lor U `u prorialeulcam our bodily health: and . lot we ninood uuuhino it their cine sedans. contributing to so abundant I harvest. Mon huh not 1108 than to- . curring Messing: ol the eld to he grue- fol tot. but the overgrowinq knowledge ` which God giver-of his cluuon-lhe world, the elements. the count (1 time. the one: oi wool And iron. sad those . natural laws which guide 11': but croo- uon. man, in his launch` and duly uoeuions. The spake: paid tribute to the worth of the mochlnk. tho unnu- faculrer. the much" and nuchont. I" cuutnbming to tho happiuu ol bones. muunl pmgreu And Innocent. He paid comes: Iribolosothopolonootsnd `- schoalmowc. lot noloaswuk ll incul- cuing habits ol thoughtpnd work. do- volopdna Inoohl wen. inking inbui- goos uadcol dunno. holding upo_ hrightidul ol oxoolbaao. Quin; the. =ponnlnolhowlodgo.nidin on-f hand hidden' nnndarn nl nntnln, Thu mnnchnr- Inn. ' I nun NI! 3531 into lingual ' oy an ehwnodhrightnndhuntilll. E4!!! 1 UIIIW. WC I Tim: joy 41-. thondnuotudyuinhnlhtlndnyi nrnvinln l.InnI:l.I|nnl*l:lDIl1nlIl'fn.I Gargnno u-Inuvyuqun. Turn numb`! lbs; London. Sept. 29.-The `following on 9 : additional particulars of the recent calr 9 ( \ mity at Stockholm. Mme`. Nilsaon ind I . 3 just nished 3 song end wns bowing her 1 ' adieu: when on entliusiutic, crowd be- P] gun to rush towud Clnrlea XII. Squue. -9 The police vainly tied to check the ; runli. The women endchildron ureom- ! ed. cumin: a penis. A horrrihleiaeene 1 ensued. Forfteen nunutontheurwu I lled with the groan of the dying. , Dragoon were torn from the women all I noisy persons were trampled under loot: g while ghting `lot their live: like In ` 1 union. Thonightwucleu-.ondtbe large 1 Itn of physicians worked ell night 1 cu-ingtor tlaepietern. Inny -an -till nniina It in flld it` HIQV I cannula! Ino`,ulllelu'u. nluypuruulll '1IhfnIodthnt}oy worodmwnodintbocnnd, l|no.Iuls- .... I..- .a:.|..._..I n........'uI. n! krnnnr I WCOQIIIVIIUI Ill Illllull, ulna. uur I not his disbnnedtbousubdsof honor, in bdnlfofthowoundod. Indpnyutbo fun--I -vnoilapc 1` thing Chn Cf donor. g0!`l'lII#'b IRS. ANN l`l'IOI 8.on Ihonnnbu. ill KAI