ADEN a 00.. 1st,. Montreal. ES delightful to true and tumor ly. They are In- billhrdu. 1' Pool. Billiards. pt in shock. nd Billinrd Tnblos setlonl purpoool. I cUsH`I'oTs| an mun. Imontreal. [.1110 A1` IOVILLI. sol .. July lh, Onm. l.....JuIylb . " Isl.|y lth, " July 27th, _.....Au|.8 nl, " Ql....Ang. 10th, " tocu.Asuow. jj CANT STEAMER _{+I_?.7_1__ i'I'.'i"i'i.'i.s 4 Dub Q21 A Gorsets kholonlo Agonu. , ' and well. 3_r3A9-- If rlvps rlxgnda D) sand bl-nw nnwunhhll ions. IIUUCKI I4-KC ZIIlII'-' De-sort Luke. Juno 2.`! -'1`ho ufnhnv luhor in cnnuult-1m). '|`he furms-rn arc-. mm-h pI'0nHe(l with Hm nhumlunc-0 nf ruin. Minn mining u.-4 gem-rnl tulk. Rm`, Mr. nnd Mrs. Htnund mndo sm- ornl cull.-2 thrnuuh hero lnnt. we-ok. l"_.Mc(.`ul|u hnd n largo nttmadnnc-0 ut. his hon. nrocling a burn. the vwork wns nearly cmnplotod. Mrs. J". S`nnnk hnn returned from Sytienlurnl. where she was visil "g h?! sismr. J. Limi- m1_\` und fnmil; were visiting fri-`ml: hero last. week. .1. Abrams hns his home hripdnened by the nrrivnl of a girl. The film-rnl nf Ilorhm-t, Owner. A fm-mt-r ronident ore. took plnro m-(|a_\'. The (Mdollnwp. of which (ht-ens:-41 was g rospectvd hrothor. cmldnrtod it. Interment. took place M the t-emeter)` hero. Funornl sor- \-icoa were conducted in Wostwmrt. where his mnthvr ronidos. Mug: s,vmputh_\' In r-xton(lc-d. I-`.. nndnrn Ill rocnw-ri:-5: from n severe illness. Our H. (`reiqhfnn visit_etl friends here Inst woe-k. Our choose factory is nix-ins! good satisfaction. Mrs, P. Marten presontod hr-r hunhnml with n ymnmz daughter recently. Hrs. Donkor hm: rvtllrned to her Home in Harrow- smith. Gnrher has gone home for \'n('n1lnn.- Jon-vmo Jccunu. Joyeovilro. July 4..-A number of teams and men have been engaged on the road during the mat. tow days in making much-neede hrgprovonnvnts. Home hhve com enced their buying. 'l"em*horn amt: |'h various places have returned t \?r respective homes td spend vac: on. The funer- ql oi the any Jamoo Trotter ~ta|ceo 444 av-up . 'l`lmuz-uiml lslund Park, July .`l.- Largo nuinhers oi pzuoats are arriving daily I the t`,`umhiz\n.und the \uri- nus lmurdin_g\L mules, I\I'l'llhg(>`lllOFlIi lmve heon lllulll` hutwoc-n (I. i`. Pit-rm-. of the l~`ino View house, and the Thousuntl 1.:-land sieulnliout smi-ipnny concerning the ().)(`k. C. t`. l"i(-we puts ugnle on the (luck and charges iixs cents for svcryliody going unt- on Hiuithiy, which is the day of prin- cipal trafhc, but. on wak dnys it is free to nll. l'lie steamer Islander in now making lwr flliy nii|"o tlully ruin- Me. A big time is expert:-1| ut Alex- undriu lluy tu-morro\v at the open- ing of the new driving psrk. Clar- suvo Griiliih, Hcuvor Falls, will again he ticket um-nt at the duck. A stru\\'lierr,\' limb ice cream festival was held in tho |nu'illon on 'l`ueadny night. Dr. J. E. .`~'uwyer. Srdpilse, has been appointed director of the l.ulwrnm'l9 serviqes. A inomnrial sur- vico. to the late Dr. Hearlm, will lo held in the latter part of July. W. 1 . Roger and faniily, .\ _\'racuse, have . nrrivpq and have 0 on?!) up the (lrund View house. '1` 19 Murray Hill hotel is opm and hqs quits a number of guests. 0. H. Foster. New York city, will be manager. The Thousand Island Herald gives an excellent. pic- ture of the late Ilr. Searleu. formerly director of tabernacle servicss. Pavll-. ions will he built. immediately on all the state reservations purchased last season. The buildings will bs thirty Iy tort feet in dimensions. wlu`. n stations V table and seats. E. 0- Norfolk. ie,V'isW. has opened a bakery at t 0. place. Clarence Bretach. Thertla. running the hut- chor shop 10. Fins -w. The summer iitute will be luly 10th and July 28th. ll be conducted 0!. Charles `A. ll . p - returned nn_\' wmk. a Ilorhnrt Osser. plum` The mmlnrtc-fl t-enietor_v `vlrm nvhore Mm` ;('nvhPr vnrnllnn. H. (`rs-isrhfon is " Jostlsts. Jo_vcovill'e. tennis havs been phat days much-needt Some hive com: enced emrslz returned 0! law takes such ss Wind sad hln in tho Stem Glddlnoss. Ful , nssm '13: Inosls (`asst huh of VVIIIHUII 1U('l`llTIuI1llH} II. lVIllI()H( _V (`MU nistvr, Kingstun, William 'l`nnor and wife, llni'rie."mhI, und nlhorn. ` July 1sl-Mr. nutl Mrs. W, Burns rH'ciitl_v spent, a few (lays at Opini- cnn. Miss Alice ()li\or 1-tunes for (Htuwn mi Tm-sdn_v In attend the nurs-ms iruininxt school at (me of tin- prinvipul hunpftuls. Visitors Miss M(`|llru_\', Richmond: Mi.`-is Knthleon ()li\'or, ut. Ziml (`hunch pursnnugo. Rnokport and Al x- .m., Huudayu and 6:45 lfn:`"' n 1 t n ormn . on 3 y 0 G. CRAIG ch Amanla Oluhlndull Oulllnu. (`unhemlnll, June 23.--Mnny uf mu` young people utlvmlvzl [vi('nl(`8 at :~`unlmr_\` uml Hnlllh Lakge lutt-l_\', A Klmzslon deulw in phmnp.:,ru|rlm hus hem: urnmui lmro ('anvnsHim{. Mvmrs. ()rr wpru nt Sunbury on Sunda_\ . Mi.-an Muy Franklin l`(`(`('llll_\' \'1-maul Ml.-an A. Mctlruth, .\`unlmr_\'. Mr. Arm- :-alrnng pronvlu-(l his inltlul sermon in /.inn ClHll`(`ll on .\'L111duy m'=IIinu'. Ho grin-9 [rmniao of sucruss \'i.IiInr.-4' Miss 11-. l'isdnlu, Burrievld, ut Jnmes Mnrtln'.~4; Mia: llurr. Klmzstxm. ul Willium M('I*'nrlun(l'H; R. Mulmwy and Jnlr Inl%\'lr nnrl Nlv-n I Tin-no ulr l`llI|ll1)A\t'U Ill llllllxlllg (lt'\(`ln[o- nwnls an Iho |vrupm`L\' of I` Huinu. |I1spm~tm' |!m`rn\\'s viuitt-cl the srlmul ml Jnuw 17th, ('iwyrgP l{n_v um! sun ldldin urn: he-rv {mm Perth, Miss .\. kmm_\' v ontcrtuim-(I a nllmht-r of yuung !rien'ds on :~`ulIIr aw,-ninp;. Mn 1'. l`n1u:m1. Mr. um! Mrs. ll. ('rni;{t-n Hpvlll h'lllIfl||_V ut W. In-um.'..-. Mr. and Mrs. Louis [.1-rssurtl, Flmtun, um-0 gllusis of l'. I`u|'n-ull Hun4lu_\. Mrs. J . (iumn hua mum to l'\\-ml tn \i.~4il her duluzlltor, Mr-.-1. W.llu\\kins. \'i. Mun-uu, l`w(~ml_ nt. 1 (:u'mu'S; Miss Annie Lumh at 1" l.`.. \ run n `u 1., wm-rv mt mm "In-4-n lur t\'\'u Innnlhs. bi. Ilutlnr in quitv ill. .l, \\iIm-n nnd A. I4-1-mun huvv rotllrm-tl uI'h-r visiting in Mmwnw. A. I.(=(-mun has In-cn hnunroximg his furm. Hur- \i(`e wun hold in the I-`rimulu ('hUr1`h Hum|u_\* (we-ninu. Mmulows ure 1-rum~ isinu` u lurge vrup. The (:lc-ntluu-c-r mim-5 still kw]: in ()|N`l`;|tir>ll. H. Hur risnn hus hmgn rmttim: u now run!` on his Htuhlv. ,A` Tirmmvrlunn um! .I. lammm hn\ (* tinislu-d putting u roof on IL lluw:-'5 burn. I Iuuwur IIIIIIIIII. HI.-vnlum-o-r, .lmu- H4! )1, ]\ ull_\~ [ms rt-lurnwl {rum Mullvllzl. Hm-Imua, .\'. \'.. \\'h4-rI- 1'0 hm! `1u-vn hur l\\'u ilmm .-xffnr riuiiinxr 1:0 A I........... H-II' VIUC vunvlic I-`nir \'i(-w. .Inly.'1.--Hn_\' itting is the nrdc-r n_! the do._\ . >-\truu~horr_v pivklmz In almmut on-.r. Miss Mill:-L, tuu.('h`(-r, hm: return:-d hmne tn Wil- ton. Mr. and Mrs. I\, ll. Hnitlo-r nml Juhn Dmmo-It (|Hl`|I(|'d thv straw- lwl`l_\ foolthul ul Q lnlo-L lull. Mun- Um` niuhi. Juhn Luuulxn and daugh- tc-r .I|I'Ill HI`Inlu_v at llunry l(nuk`s. \\'illhLm ('r()u('h uml family sun-ut .\'um)v.v at H \ nnulnHn0'H. Capt. llnrll) rwun huuuon Humluy. :--in riuar dun `OOBREIPONDENTI `< HAVE TO TELL Ul. ` the nu ngnjnn Vanou roam In at- ` an outorlo-WluI People Are Doing: ` And What They Are InyIng-'l'lu Inna 0| luau-on to An Putin. swsmloun mamas. loout luvcr uylnn nu! Riv:-r, Juno `.lH.~-A unnlnlum- in lnuking Ihn nrnm-rlv of I` Oludowor oloonlnn. .\\`..r lnnn n II I. nlr now vmonii l..u, n .- T0 GLAIQIJOW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July 7th July 2lIt. Cabin, a d d upward ? goccynlti 50 lao$23.50. t. Grand Trunk Ry urlo Susan. A -.-.0 An rh-..._.:4 \ number (|l`\(`llIp- I A-..: .. Down tho llvu lot.u-l ho knot! in low 9.`;- lnurnuuy luau. wan in every way ll sin-cess. The costumes and the scenes were admirable. Throughout the evening the 47th battalion band dispensed churmimr and ntinring nmsiv. 'l`he (proceeds amounted to $131!. Our ElHllln(`l` visitors are he- uinning to arrive The` family, Newark. N.J.. have taken up l`0Hl(ll-'YK`(' in thvir summer hmne. Drn, llurriduo mid family will arrive thisl week. The Webster mica. lnlnim:,` cmupuny in buiminp u very large mien lmuso hero. whirh will give em- nlu_\'in('nt. to nhout. thirty persons. Mica mining is booming here. Mr. Wehstor. whilst. examine the new mica. house, fell from the lnddcr and fractured his leg: above the ankle After havim; it not he was oonvu_u-d` to Ottawa. where he will likely snoetlily recover. Rev. Mr. Shorey and ia.mil_v hm;e moved to i ham, where they intend to remuin Mr. and Mrs. Wood are visiting their duuuliter, Mrs. Alexander Ht . Wulle lslund. Mrs. bialoiiihnch und child. of Juliette, Mii-h., are spent!- iuu the 3lllllli|l`l` l'l<-re. Churlesi (muue nnd Wife. lloso-ronto` pztld Misti (inlnrv a, visit lust. vwek. Miss Maud ',l`ru1-ridnlv is rapidly regaining: her fornn-r hlflllh. Thnmus nml Freder- ick llrillith. t,`hiru.il0. hu.\`e he.-n ro- newinu ttcqllnintunoes in thin \'l('llll- ty, The h0lldl|_VS have brought with` them un influx nt pt-tltuzonues, iunumz them being noticeable, l`hnLnns 'l'own.~4oml. Quebec: .1. F. llnrvev, Wu-llinuton. and Miss Mnud Davis, liodfurd. Miss Hieuth is Visitim! friu-n.ts in l'ltlt'-ihllrh tnwnship. Mia!-9 l".llI (`rI~iu'l\iun, New \'()|'k_ and Miss |.illi0 lnln-_v_ |{m-hgatt-r. are viellimz (ll. their r`Qvi|N'('li\`t' hnlm-S. ___._?__..._._ lydcnhnm Ilolnllllntlnnr. Hydenhum, July :.!.--b`o fur the schnol examinations have lnen Vl'l`,\"' fuir, uxm.-pt the entrant-0 paper In pl1.\'slt)|ugy, to whiuh decided oxen- tlon must be taken. The curriculum culls forln lqwwledze 0! the rc-:-rpiru- tory, cirruulutory, dim-alive and nerv- ous system; but the Ilrst cnwstlou de~ munds a knowledge of the llonc utrumure. clu.Hsltl<'utl0n, oto., nhout which c-ntronce czunlldutcs nre re- quired to knuw nothing. It is to be hnpml that the examiners will consider this and disregard the first uuvstion entirely. The "(,`o.ngress ul Nutiona." held at Mace : po'ult on l`hurm|u._v last. was in every way :1 sun-rnnu 'l`hn r-nr-1tun1na and the l|lIbll\ HUN t`UH-lI.\' IN! .\|IB- L. IV` M('('uH. William l"in|o_v l\l'l`i\'w| from Qllvhoc la.-at was-I: to join his fllllih, who um ut. Mr. Ruuls. R'\'. (3, W. S\\'uin0 is to ho murr'u-d Woul- no.~uln_v mnrninu to Miss llmro. Now- Inunuh. Mr. Arxnttx-nxm, Bath, wu.'~2 murriod nu June `.3811: to Miss: ldu Nu;.rvnl. lullukner n! \\'illia.m NllL"t`N1. naur Nn\\'lur|.:h William Hi(`k.~mn urri\'ed hvre with his lrlde~ Mundn,\' morning. . xour-m-nanu. loll!` ('nrl'(|H|I(Hnu'Iu lid not see eugylhinu -nu-r ut 'J`nrun- In last _vu.u'. Mr. Finlxlo I--so-r\n-s the hix.-_'he.~`.b |r-rnisu, as well nu` tlmw uhu alslt-d him. in {i.\iIl| un thin dominion day dunmn.-atruliun. l`h- Miss:-:-; .\`tevvn.'~', Nnpmnin. .-ape-nt Hu- lulxlav and Sunluy wmh Mrs. C. \V` n....n..... I...-. .....`.n. 4.. s...'.. hi..- [Q (1, IUHIUUK \\L|.LLUIl, l)L`((HII|lI5 lrighu-nml at the upper` end or the \ill-ago. dashed through the mum slrnel at terril'u- speed. Th:-`V \\'eH- tinally stumped wzthuut. doing: any m-rious (lunIu.'0. ()n Huturdny `even- ing u |u`u('os.-'iun, urpzuni/(-d h_\ C. II` I'mkle and friends, of Nvwlmruh. nu .-ised \h.ruu;.zh this plum l`hn-_v \\1'r9 u(-(-uxnpuniurl by Yurkvr bnnd. Thun- vn-ru soldiers, suvuuen, clowma, dwarfs, giants. and ulmoe-`t. en.-r_\ lhnnu mm could think of tuknuz hurt in the m-um-.-4.--ion. Mr. l"inklo (Iron- n. four-in-hand. Your n)rl`.~4|()I1(lN|l ner 1:. I-at \In-I` \I.- L`u'..l.ln 1..-|.InI`\nd place to-dud . ne rehmlns lig co' ` \8.Vt-d my Caurnqui cemete . `H .deu.tl1 16' dhnpty regretted an muc syunpath is felt for the bereaved In mil) . rs. Irving, Chicago, 111.. ha: `return d after spending a couple 1 weeks with her pnrcntl, Mr. um Mrs. William Almtt. M.` M1-(Tun \'\'N~xg,puI't. hns rent--(I l.hn_ lxlucksunlu shun Into-I_\' Vumtml hy Mr Unru-ls und In-Eng at good mechanic is work ing up u largo trade. A ynhng sol. hus coma in L`.-riuhtvn the home of Mr. und Mrs. I`. 9idl9_\'. Mr. Reid has purt-hused n lurue number of hugs in thin sot-Lion. They ure heing t'0n\'e,\`-(1 -10 l(im{sLon_ Lu-du,\" for `shipment. Mr. nml Mrs. M. Hitvhl cock und fnmily ape-M S\u|(lny wit friends in Storrinmnn. IQIM-0 lulu Hutton. Nupunue llilbs, July 3.-- l`u~murT row, (the Huh) the races will tnlm pluye at. Napuueu. Mr. Dunn, of this place, ill rm: his racer. J~.v.vm.u-L:~,- Maid. Mr. Muddenls` mum. attached [0 5 Xmnhur \\u;.'n:U|I. lmnmnillg` xillnun dashed Ihrnuuh the nmln THOUIAND IILLND PARK. ITEAMSHIPS. , July 4.-I mustrou II no 1.3.3 8-slf Olhuu. tho occasion of popn mdlng `Iron Akron. 0I|lo.lorJu . uoloh by Goldmn In! I "l'ho Problem In the South. oouid `I onubybojoinlilch can ululon .arlOIoluI Iuquh he (in " II B an I n; Iugnlno. Id loulooty olglulu... a3'-adpu. 9 ' .'. ooolrollnd lyooo tawny hunt - 'l'hHnowd diuhnul B can nem. It. _ About A Plmdred miles from Sid bury. {the train tn which he tmve Jed nnkrowgy escaped 9, action ace! denf. Ax lirldte. spnnnimt 1| rivbr. had been burned away. and only an the train wns late, A fntsllty wou have occurred. at mm to no annnnuauy aousnmz mu- letn. He lmnelf, however, no lonwr lwlinvod th Se fail? tales. Olt` of the chief thimm whit-ll Dr. Hnell noticed on this side of the waterwua that the pom-lennd (`sDO(`.lIll_V the Ameri- vnnl, will not walk a vast! H Min: CBIII. fill An lnglluh Inrgool Ion- hr. 8, H. Snell. London, Enm. n nun-d Imrgeolh arrived tn the city last nigrht and is the guest. of Dr. R.- 'I`. Walk-em, Q.(?. He is on a. Mean- ure tour. and hul just. arrived trqm tho Pacic roast. Dr. fnoll wall urrantly struck with the treat ad- \ unct-mont. made in Amorira . 9.-Iueriully In ('mme`tiun with elm- `tririty. and wondered that England was so far behind in this respect. Home yours ago, he aalg, the im- nrolslon existed nmnmz ngllshmen that!` it was dmpnssible to wear knivkorhocloers in`(`7annda. as people had to he etmtlnlfally dodsrimz hul- latn-, no hhnnnlf, hnwnvnr nn lnnnwr lltlll wnn I710 IITXI IJOIHIHHIII HI8(`I cum II`lLV'l dvul um leaking out. It nuw `transpires that three (Eunndiun bank: will uutk-lwrite the entire in- Hue of bonds ungi cunuutm stock. this impnrtalit. umlr-rtnkinu being 1- trust- ed to the hunk of Mmit,rea.l,`t e (`a- imdiun hunk of (.`omim-rce and the Merchants bank of Halifax. Mr. Whitnviv had an axe to business when hr as-cured the on-operation ut` omi- mnt hank: directors in his great stool (' 'Nie banks have iuzrm-I in nflvunre all the nmncy ro- quirc-ul, tukjmz the t'tnnnnn_v's imndn utt ninety and the ronnntm stock at. lifl('l'I. It may also he said that. tho ontorpriw is so much thotxzht. of, that wealthy mm have been Nor)" iuixinmt to not in. but, that others had been there before them. CANADIAN BANKS FIND FUNDI. nnum.-4 mun:-rou nu-. Murphy}; puke wul ('1[.{ht_\/-fnllr n-nd Mo 1.ompornt`m:e n|not_v-nine and l\. huU when he wnl taken m hoard tho 1min. Ho rode it twent_v-one? pound whq-I oured to 1/20. '1 he 1 time of his rklo by (U&!l'((`l'H was: 15 seconds, `JUL4 J4 um 57 445. L1-or an mgnouuon llool canyon . no. \ qulrunonn II capo Vlnoou. [ Monlronl. July 4.--l.1H,le Hy lito the lilmnvlnl urmngenwnts In connec- ` (inn with the grant Dominion uteel 5-annnnwn/'1 dmnl nnn lnnkiru: nnl. It nchennler when | B 10 Vllh her ` u boning and l injure the moat } Ohulu lnrpby covered 3 Illa In Ionic!- tnl `limo. < N<`\\' Vtwk.-l\I1_v 4.--('hurll-:4 M. Mur- phy, of the l\'lnm-1 (`uunly xvlu-(-lumm. lull (lenmn:~'lrulml thul I I nnl "(ho puce that kill.-4." lle rude u. mo nI'- lcr u llylmg lucmnntixu on l"Y(lu_\' ullormmn on ll ll`\ -1 plunkml rum ho- lwevn lho mils in 57-45 FI(`(`Ull(l!, l`ho ridv wus tlw fvutllro of the L. A. W. .\'mv Ynrk slllta divlsiun Invet ut l ut<`hugue. ll wu.H u elisplny 0! m-r\u pml Hlmml that made mhnk-1 Orl aplvruhensive of the rill-r'n lilo as wt-Ll nil thrilled them. 1hmmnmln of ponplv wulcln-cl Mu-rphy make his ride blumwjln he so-mnod lost, in n whirl of (lust us he (`lung to the rour of the hu()d('(| car. He never uwwrn-d from H*.-- -onlrv of the lIll(l((.`d)lBllk. Sn nwil'lL\` (lld his legs nmvv` that only a blur of llyinp: pedals unultl he mean by those who wutchr-xl Hm wht-ohnun from the car plntlnrm. Aflcr lho miln hurl Hem C()VP|"Pl| nnd the lrnin lvvgarn tn .-elm-.ken npmrtl. Murphy shot up to wllhln reaching: tlisztnnoe 0! (ho truln and wns H('l7.(`(l under tho (Irma and pulled nlmnrrl the car. He was limp, lvut. was not Inns: ln roonverlng. "H. wnn hm-d wurk nll Win \\'n\'." mm: In rounverlng. "It W119 hu'rd work all Hm \\'n,\'." MuI'|h_\' m\i(l, but I hud no trouble keeping up, nlthc-mgh the (lust um! um t-es-t nl the sweaper on tho htmnl.-4 lmtht-rod nu-." u......:...-.. ..1..m.r_r...... .-..rl 1 m- 'l'Hl nmuu-I (`um ul (`()|ll|)iOl mg \\nrL.u U\'Ul' and uhuua mnnunts In- vulxmi in .(`nnlru('ln W.\iHlinu on July led. Dims: l.u('hin0 ('unul, unlurmr ](I('|\ nml (h`((|L'i-lug down cuurunw. $.'mu,mm: ."~()lllul\L'|`.`l canal. iiIh`M.- mm. Rivvr Hg. I411-"""('P' $400.()(N|,- (`arm-.'nlI cunnl lwulc-nillp: nf uppvr 1-IHH. 3`!-"'>i,W'Ht l"urrnn'H Point vu- nnl. $'T.'uH.(W0: lnlupu (`aIlIll. -`.. ..`.HiH,- 000` North rhunnol. S70lb,()(H); Wol- llIll(l('llIl] `Port ('nlhnrnI`. (l(`(`[H'n- im_r am-rmu*h), $.'.m_(m0; Snult H10. Marin vunal til (`hunnvl to be taken nu! t t\\`vnI_v-t`\\'0 foot 4! \vut-I`), .f.Ltm` Hr), ' % o`6'r'ror emu; Doptl ol ou`a'r' I Inn:-vs): and Ihnlt [nut . uttuwa. 9II1.v 4--vl--A return hlouuht do\\n in the hquse recemrly shows that of the annals nd river wum running the cunriergion hetwoen the great lakes and . I: water naviga- tion at .\lontrz-ul,I which were com- nlemd on Ju,l_\ Ht. 189, the Wt-I- lnnd cnnul njv thut data had thirteen feet nine inqhes of` water, and ' ul oust up till that time the sum of s:3:+`.7ms,3;';:s.4.2; t-hu Murray x-unu,l, with fululteen foot of water. at that (later had cost 31.247.470.26, mm the ,Haauharm)in Htnnl. with nimrfeq-t.` 81.611.690.26. The canals andcon-' .m~rte(l river in1prm'e1ne-nts-in course ol'con~:tructiuu or enlargeumnt on Julv lst. H496. had cost. as follows : Haun Ste. Marie c ui. 353,748,011: Hulnys canal, $1.40 _36:3; l{npid0'l`lnt vunnl. S1.-196,078: (`urnwull rant], ."!.H0.HS 3': > .nu!:xm:<`:: canal. 27.'>,9().`-`: |}M`him~ tuna]. $7,5.`N5_4.`HI; HI. l.a\\rem`- rnvor xvnrks, 5,130],- 795. ' QOIIIEPRHG (`.s']'\P(`.IIll_V [I0 AH will not walk a. ,VIId it bnl it Lss_17n-uu A MINUTE. Dub 4 honor: of I shioned on , not on sta- cs, and the fit 5 per week between an Polnt. [0, I000 Islands. Wharf, going Went nondayn I a..m., and I Luv lvqu All Inn 3.....-