uny. lmgluun. huln. unnl. 1-moon. Anton--Nollio Hullidq, Euglunh, mg. Iory. mubhomuloo. Lain. French. Gu- Ilnn. phyoioi. Rrnnhvnl|o._l_ lklrlin. Ia`.-nvliah hhtnnu la. A`lI-~A ' at uu?:::a"uu:i.anu:h'L-cl -Kllxnnnnnzhjnnlhglkigllg n13%&}'T`EI&.6I'5T'i..."'.".}"62}'..'32 Ilhd I. Imlohlt . unholntllol. ohommry. Latin. lunch. mam. IJSDID. L|ndu_v-lluh0l O. M. IloAlplno. su- oiont hmory. nmhounlon. lunch. RuInnhnm._.l R TI-nnmnl Luhln Inna). OIOIIC IIIIIIOI]. lllllillflilug ITCDOIL Sydonhum-J. R 'l`rIIooIO.Lx0ln.l'nnoh. Gu-mun. _ nnIn-..-s._... `l'\._-IJ.. I\.-I_I- l.1.._n_L fllllll. Gmancquo-Gorhrudo I. Lnohanoo. Lulu. II--IA.- |l-L4I I` ll Il-AI..I_- -_ I I100. LICKTIII: Arnprlon--R. I`-awlor. Encllohunconh hlobory. chum!-try. Lxun. French. Gu- III!)- Bronh|l|o--John G. Grunt. Lwln; Lilian Van, Lwlu. I\nhNu|_LhIn Malt.-...|\.. F-q-AL II UIVII German. (1 ..\..n \lII'WIlI- WilIlamIhown-DonkldnCulylo.Bngliah. Nntor . unlhunulloo, French. Guam; Inlnl L Innlhhhlnmnu- -gnhnmgnm AT WAUGITSI :1: I033 Ill. Alonndn-ln-D. I. Konnody. Englioh. history. mnhhounhion. French. Lshln. Gnoh ; Ella Mclhnnld. Englioh, muhho uubioo. ohoml.-bry. l`nuoh.Gounun.Lshin ; Borbhn O. NcD.>u All. Englith. history. Innhomnhlco. L\h n, Greek. Fronoh ; G. H. McDo ngnll. English. hiahory, um.h0~ mnucc. Grout. French ; Annie P. MoKon~ nlo. Eoglida, imtoty. mnuhunntiu. Latin. (huh. lunch; A. Mchllllan. Eogliuh.` hlotmry. Inathcmuloo, Greek, French ; N. \ McNaughton. En lluh. history. Crook. French ; R J. Sm oh. Englluh, mnhhomt tint. Frtuuh ; D. J. Shown-0. Ennlinh. hubor . mnbhommloo. ohonintry. Lulu, lune . Goumn. Av-nnrInn_R '.\nInII lfnnllnh n-unt--.A Gunntquo - GO|`NIld.O H. LuChuooo. phyuioc. UXIWlIUlUIl*_IUU II: LITIVIU. IXIDRICCNL Molnnnan. Ulongsrry. toundniou. M00. [anon] proolonoy. Given only to candi- dnbet from ono of the high Iohoolo of Mao oountzf of Glougarty-Euhol Grant. Wil- liamstown. \l-.lA-u L....-_L.Il-I'\._-I.I Owl _-_- Cl\Il|llI\ U- U. DKWIIU. A|UXIllUI'lIu Subject: pushed by aoholanblp candl- datu In nlphnbotiotl order of the place: at which may wroto : noon. ayuonnun. Forbes Mallard! 0125. nnhhomntiol and modurnI-J. 0. Oman. Piooon. Bpoolsl. 8100. Idouoc-S. Bob:-odor. Kin won. notion. 0100. ulna to tho [undone ol the Kin non oolloghbo Inmate who usndn aghast In tho honor lmorlonlnlou uqmlnuNon-MInd E. Gram. Kinpnton. MnLnnnAn. Ulonnrrv. tonndninn. 81.00. l|I@IlUWlI- Mulon Shun:-t~MgDaaaId. 875. O1 nl prociency. given only no oandlgu tron uh. oonnl ol Ulon ury,-A. Mclionnio. D. J. gbowub. A oundrit. nhinnrn nnunn hi nnhnl-pnhln Ann W lllll I.'lU90llo Morse. 0150. ntthounblce-8. A. Tun- oooo. Bydonhun. Fdlhnl Mnnnrdi. `I95, nmhhnlngnn And llIB-\lUl'|Il'llF|U In IE`. DCUWWQ. Wi|liuunon.No. 2. 8160. oluclon and on nodal-n lanan o-A. Ron. Bunk. nnnlnl lln n Anlna_I! W Ila-ml.-. UIIU WWCTII IIIIKII U11 '3'. Il'|.o Spoolal. 8160. o nI!u-E. W. Hondu- Ion, Al-noun. N ioholln foundation No l. 8150, Eoglluh and InodIrno--Nollie Buhidny.Auron. 'MnInr_ QIKIL Lgn And nmtlnpnn_W IIU m0u'l'III--IIUIIII IllIlIIIY.I\Il'0|`Ia Mnyor. 8150. Latin and modornt-W, Wilhunu. Piouou. March ll vnA\osnnMnn._I A I`.-n. Late J. Craig & Co. B VVIITIII. l'II'Uu Williamson. No. 1. 3165. with honour of Nlohollo foundation. eludes and Eng- linh-Gnrhmcln A. (lack. Hnnnnl 0| KVIOIIOIII IOUIIUIINIU. IIIIIIIII um llinh-Gurhruclo A. Dock. Sunotd. IIInn\Alu| "II C Il AI--In -UITIIUU u Ohanoolol". C900. lnthun|tlo.-L. A. 8 Warren. Push. Wllllnmnnn. Na I. IHIS -NI; hummu- V IIIX, h\UlIl~ Dumou-Aldn MoKu-nohor. I`:-snob, lnrmnn, `lion Who Won tho Quora llnivonltl lnnloulstlun `loholnnhlpo. Print of Wales. 0100. Inthomnloo sud ooloooo-J. 6. Dr 0:. Kingston. Gonrnormnnnn . I175. ulhh hnnnr nl ElIIIX""Iln U. UV '9 &lIIRI$I- Governor-moon . (I76. with honor ot Wmlnnnon. N9. 9. olauIoo--A. Gum:-on. Ilorrhbu nL--..|-.A' can _-sL-_..u- I A Ilidllg `. uy- s oh! no, . Lnbnlin. Ouch. P` nu` yuan. 0lIIllIlIUI']\ uouqyx -nun UTIVII. glioh Notary. unthonuosfnmh. Gor- n_ nlnnlonz J. 0. Dawn. mush--ngng honlluqlnlauouoonln .._.n._-_-.. A -- ID A _._g scnounantiviw NNERI." We have the record of` keeping the best groceries. the best eeeorted stock of fancy diehee end toilet sets, end we intend to keep to that record. u_v-not Englloh. >n|n~ J - Zj IWC m Wm:-nu. Ian. A . It -A\ lb gnuiunuonooul uh also-Iqclq unududuu"I&"I.hIn|nuhnuh-nu`. mgunu Ion {"u'$':'"v7r'.n..." vii`): this county. no noun uncut. Hilda H. Garth Fhhhnsn, ol Hurlobug. 3nd Oven: nd Ivcnlylvo no . vhouyho vu arm to tho .u-aunt. Inn lllbtl I 5 tin Lebanon Volley apron our um . II In mad that In Hunlor In VIN!- odnonoon-0.51050 thought to could nah it. who the Inn: use dong ntnhlglnudopoul. Tho bodiuwon EN) nsngld. Haul: vu alight!) uuwwvu -uvgn-vac` I-Iruvvu 0'? IQII'C fnoio was fro Woman 0:000 Runnm. Pa . Aug.llr.-Fnatllu Ino- IIIIEIXIL lI IIuu- fhooatlubooou uuhkllluolooo It wunklbtoo. Ir. Iulhiunythowuld noouhmoootulu Iohl Phprlolot DIIVOI 0'0! Iallgl linen: wan 9-. i'--.- Angus Trading Stamps. IBIII` Ell Illll IOIIIUCC $ 000 Iltlo. Tho robolor Iomod to onset tho on, which hockod op. yowlod ood opts. Tho child an oorouniuq hound tho honoo. Hr. Nothing who woo olooo ob hood houd bho ooroom. pichod up u olnh ond no into the prdon. Ho out thoouko ohrlko oi tho cob ond Iho mm dodgo tho hIoI._ Botoro lho oooko oonld rooovor ihoolf tho on uuhorl on tho onoho.hoh lollod Io ooonro 1 hold. la houndod out ol dungor whllo hho onoho rooollod. Ir. Inhlu l - ed ondtho oooko oorood no h . Tho col ruohod ogoin. `oooghl tho oooho jut hohlnd tho hood and hold on. Tho tololor mood. wrlnllod. vriohod and rollod ovor. It show oho ooh ciu foooovo at umo oimoo. hot oonld not Ioonon Ito hold. In o low uinuho tho rooolot on-olghhood out. lay null oxoopo for o jut) novouoni in In toll. It too dood. I`. ..s L.. L... - ...-L. LII|.. -1-.. n. Savoo I Ihuo-\'ou~0Id Girl Iron on A\- tool by no Inn. Gnunu. N Y.. Aug. 16 -Goorp Io- ti-iu.o tumor living our Rod Jockoto Mound on tho Nopion mod. ha I throt- you--old dughtor ood o Iago Ilolholo loin ooh. Thoohildwuio tho gudoo notor- doy oornooo playing with tho on. In cl. moot oonotoot companion. Sho out o rattlesnake. about (our foot long. down the psoh. She aborted onward In no ploy with it. Tho on loohod aim her and now Mao omit An tho ohild opp:-ooohod. tho nlulor throw moi! inoo I coil, sounded the slum and pnpond to nu-iko. Whoa tho child oomo gluon within ulrikiog diuoooo. o and of guy uhod through tho air. nu-not tho coon`. toil and bounded to ooo Iido. `FL- uni`. A........I s- .n--|. ax- --g Iovoluuuuo nanny noun; PI-mm Pun. Aug. IO.--l\o conn- IWWIII IITITI othon Injured. Ill` wu pm. 0 'I1:hl: wugobound inuntlul limited. on N10 . it let: Mb olmul on land . collldoti with so outbound on brain 33 was 0! Sudbnry. sad the osfinoor on the lmporhl Ilmlnd wu kill And oonnl nhhnrl ininl-ad. mo 01 running IUU IIIIIII an now. The Erie nllwny bu out the rate for rouud trip Melon botwoon Chicago nod Now York And lntonnodluto points. and I nu war in probable. They all I round trip Not now for 818.45, when the alnglo fun Inn 890. Th. -...nLm....I I........a-| u_n..| -- u.- I115: The O. P. R. will lnnugunho 5 now two hour uroo botwoou llonoronl and Ohhun. Their new hninl an to ho the (into! over built in Oaundu And tho angina no aspa- blo of running 100 mllu our. Till Erin I-AH-AI Ln: Ans sh- --I- I..- Illll IWUI. Lyle Bbophonu. Ian 0! nldonnu: Boo- plono, of Ohuhun. wu shot and nrlouly woundod by snoohor boy. nunod Honnboo. 3b Erlio Bosch. The uhoobing nu noel- OIIN . Olin- ('1 D I ) .21: l_-.._._._,;_ _ , _ , . IOKII. Cram & Bonn big shipbuilding unln Philndo plain in diochuglog man owin to the diionloy of getting nnppliu 0! {too sad Ibeol. l-I- Dn.....|.-_- --_ -1 -|.|-_._.__ 15.- VVXUICUCI Illa KIIIW. The lord mayor ol Landon ha oponod I {and no the IIIIDIIOII home for the rollol ol uutfuron tron: the Waco Iodlun hurricane. Th Wan nnhn "hIAl nnnngnthuu L4. UH?!` DII IIIIHIII III}. Alonndor Bbowuu. `mod nlnohy bwo yuru. Ina attack by I nilwuy hnlu so Woodstock sud killed. mu. 1-..: .........- ..n v ._.n-_ x ...... _-.u - IllllIl'II'I Iron: lino VVIID Luann nnmoano. The Won Onburlo llbonl oonvonciou ho nomiunbo I Iuooouor 00 Bit Junu Edgar In who oouunom will be hold on September 130:. n--_.. 1. n-_-r'L:_ -L|_I.__n.n-_ .3 . mu. Intern um lnunn Inuktit- Notu Inn All 0vu- Little 0! Ivan- tnlnl lull: load um Innuubuol by the Dan Public. The eruption 0! Mnunglnc bu oouod. Tho foot-And mouth dluuo bu inlootod Eqpt. to North Atlantic Iqnndron will vlnlt Quoboo next month. Tho gnln nhovollon st Fort Wllllun no Itriklnu lor lncrouod pay. Thu Rnnnu nonrt mnthl -Ill nmhnhln IUFIIIIIK I0!` IIIQl'.|'.u ply. Tho Roonu court martial will probably In postponed owing to tho wonndlng of M. Luborl. ll\L- `L... _....I_.._- _L- _-_- _._-x-_-_u E. UIIl0|'Is Tho chm mun-dour: who won nioved In Dunon luv: November. won ngod then on Angnub cw. Alnxnndnr Rh-Al-h, '|aAl` nlnnhu be-A lcnunsuslsn mAunAPus.l TILEGRAMI FROM 'lHE IARTWI FOUR QUARTIRI GIVEN. what comes To Us from All Quarters. IVNEWSIIF IHE WIJRLB. THREE KILLID IY CARI. `F1 WI! EX! ITCVIIIP III IOTDII I` ` OI!` faulty wonhlp. Whoa thd MCI handed hr the put-pout. to In in It` Muutlhsultntthehcdottboprooonlou. nlkcdgnvolytolbooudothlonctg CAT KILLS A RATTLER. Voluloon In 00. Loltnnn. Aug. 18 -150 Daily Id] Ayn that Ian! Woltoloy. the oounudct In- aid. haunt-uuod loowlnuindtlo I.-u-Jo. Innhhlnk dig. -4-- mg D..nL u-aux uuuuu nlul [ll Iahiouhllonutdvu. KIto\\1u.n. Tum, Aug. M.-lilacs hudndoul than in tho Iiddlaboto (K,y)d|ou-iotwutoauuihob Julia; uinnodiuto dunno 9! pay. had been pun!-I In put out lnonuooo Sophubor lat 011-n\`A.Ang.IG -IIhnl|ood than orgcmndgsugotnlonutulonlnn Ian :0 worth Ibonlon dunno: Ouun. and that uutgcnind fag. will head- qurhnintho on Id. ulinpodngohlto otolun choral. Mia-my-punlol Quinta inculcate invention. :1 IhuninuuoinQuohoo. u 0. II) DINO? `ll Dlnulood. Losoox. Aug. l8.-'l`ho Dally Ohnouiclo. which rqudo Goo. Butler`. vlriul din Iniuol u an Indication that tho count to hing lmnhd into in.` up: "Eh hoot won that be ooh ronghvocdnol lush about that pnolou orguinlion. Ibo South Atrium bogus. W0 no convinced shot In mad for its honor and clout In- Iuuhol&ooqpIn." -Z f'--xCIU fl?-I Yaaaarday and today were daya at 'l'honaaod Naod Part.` y oaua Iron all para 0! Nov Y `aaaaa. bat ooipally from the was Sou. manner as. Lunaoaa uh yton at U a In. yolbrday. having oh hard all tho crowd aha could carry. Addraaoaa. ate. wan [Ivan at the tart. llany ol hla grangan oana nice this city today on tha alaaznar Na! Yo: . run In]! Inn! IIII govurnmonl or IIIO UnI~ bodhotoo o d the Briuoh govornnonb hovo ogrood h tho inborooh oi Alnodcou oitizouoln uho `frooovool oholl ho Ioohod ofror by tho British govornmont In tho ovoni at hootllilioo hotwoon tho Brioloh ond thobooro An ondonoondlng Io thio of feet. tho Poo! ooyo. boo boon onivod on by Sir Juuon Pounooloto ond olnhoooodor Chan in TIDE OI Ill BIT IIUIICW IDIC Do .9- tood to All hot rum. and up bly will llvo may more yous. `tho I: country- oldo IIOIINOCI to do but honor. vv nu an-cw -$wtl&- IIUUITUS Lonnou. Aug 16 -'l`bo Birmingham Po up that the novel-nlnont ol Ibo Unl- hr] Run. And Mm Ru-Mini: an-`nun--.9. uur uuun nlrunllny. `III 0! um able lad in olouly nsbon and. mod ah` ha chi! no living our oiglny yum 01 I30. Bhn II n mnmcnant nnndnmnun-. In Inn nu uuuunn IIVIII` ovur Ilnly 01 If!- Sho In I anal-gtowgundnolhu-. in tall pououlon 0! all her bullet, able to no- land In All hnr Dlj, gall nnnmmnnlu -(II Br Joun. N.B.. Au . no. -A (mo gnohorlng ol nlnbivu Moods 0! In. Any Blnuud wu hold to day at |loDon~ dd : Point. Q0000 ! county. to oolobnu her 1070!: birthday. Thu ago 0! this vonu nhln Iuii In nlngpln nnmn mind and gh- II In jlll now not Inning I norn Ind '03- gon_ ndmlhbod to under mm! Du-ugh that ho is the non of Willis `L IQ:-ownoll, ol she Sbcrllng manufacturing In} 0! New York". who llvu at No. Morri- unnno. Ellnbouh. NJ. H: II: "I have hopod sll nldng that I could !h|0ld my hall] from noboooy. but I 000 ohm in In llnpmelblo to do to. B0 to- tal?! to bulk further About lilo sllogod aha u. Illnnaond Ill In-Ily. Ponuunm-sxn, Aug. 14 --The young mm of nblunualy dun And Inmnor who in In jni hole to: Itonling a horn sod Iron ndlnlhbod ho undn nhni` Du-nah IIIOIIIIIIIII Inn QKCIIIIIIHI: You an an ignorant. Incompetent tel- Iow. Don`! you know that the weather in the moat |IlI('QI|I thin; in the won-Id? Other an arc gunned by Ian and arbitrary condition. Yb: which the weather to entirely mo. and anybody who can lid out that (M vtntlor I: go- Iug to I ought to be nblo to fonhll enli- nary noun." Then. with n (uhnphom notion. Io llnnlnni Captain Bah? (mm his pro- enn and never upon to In nth.- I-m.a.a..u. Penal. an uuumuw um Irnolumoolo norouo. Tho ooolo vu token up no unto room {or the foundulono of tho prooonb Inonu monb. A ronor port oi Mao ohoko Inn mud in I toning I cuckoo prooontod to Mac doughhor ol mayor Brooglnon. of Gloo- oulnr on tho ooouloo ot her mum All bboh now rotation of tho ohoko II 0 port which will In sold. which be told. The! listed He would In `non. Ennourox. N W.'1`.. Aug. 10 -Acr A aming of an day: the jury In who can of Payoo and Nupcirouio. no Orcc Icdlono iron Smoky Rivor.: who won ocouu! of murdoring on of their uurnhcr. brought in: vcrdicb oi not guilhyu to Poyoo. and guilty cl unnoloughhcr cation Nunoiconio. The coal: I poculior onc Mooacunorn. once! the critic. hoconc in- uuc. and tho obhcro holicving 0 6 ho bud bur-nod "wcohigo" or oonuihol. on would kill and on them All. collcd in their modi- ciuc on. He could ooh curc hlcoromcrc and . other Indium not upon him mad killcd him. cumin 06 his head and drlv in: o uhohc throng hi: hodf to make run than ho would non come to ilc upuin nod on them. . - \ Icllc or Blchcp lloopcl to B0 Iold. Lonuon. Aug. l6 -Au intonation rclic of oho iii-mod iohop Hooper in to be acid. In in A portion cl hhc uournp out from the rush on which tho bishop wu hurocd in Si. Kory : rquu-0. Glcucccicr. in 1555. on on olminobc and in-ccloimuhlc hcrooic. Th: nhnln -.- 5.5..` n-. A. -u.-|.- _.-_ BAKER'S LAUNDRY, ljjnj-L--Z.A.I WE TREAT nun III unugi. om two IIIVO Illrvlvou. Two men have lost I: III` Ilvoo in ma Inm- nor wihhln tin put thno wooko. Dl'l0[Ig I GIIEIIBO OI IIIXI 'UIIII III. to tho rlvor yootordoy. `ho wonoo and Lloyd Bnith. o `tivol oullor forhor uniloo. woro wicnouot to tho ooh. Gowo modo tho loop In oofot . Smith. not to ho ouudono. ooyo ho wil oltolnpl tho foot ooxo Bnndoy. -Tho loop woo undo in fooo at tho loo! than on! o! uovon moo who hovo jnlopod from him II-ldnn. nnlv III! luv: onrvind. was am In IIVIII mun wuo nu! Julnpuu (run he bridge. on] two but Iurvivod. Tin man hnvn Inn 5 air Him in this mun. WOOING BY IR-DOE . mu nan Anon-can um-an NICO IIII new-r I] Plllldolplh Pout. IJOOOQII Ito Onngcu ouubnlhg. .g.4|-- -_.I 5. .I-_ -... ....._ V__._` _v TOW! jlku Xl 0! I110 Ihltvn .. A.._ ID IL I- _II-__J an In lo`! loan old. _ `VI-n -Lgl-4 oiiii.iiiRB'i3p'rTc'nT y"&'.'s'e"'""'n:'|owa'"' , vlichis touuvut. 2-g..J N "You told no you anld. ntotted Bari Li. "1 never did anying at tho kind." or- chlnl the aataniahod maman. "I told you that by comparing the channa in 1 the temperature and direction of tho d with the mowmenta of this intru- eat In could anticipate a atorln. but I did not any anything about fort-telling u-onto. hooauaa that in ilnpoaaib" 'I"Kg vhmnau nbnludl 1| Olin -nllnn -laL 5` IIIISKS IIMOVED. hl I.` up n A: An --Q.--..__- _ Giiiss for Na! By And for Distance, Tholloailo lhlliqy etodlolortloohnnoluhuolonn nhvlnn :5 [Ah Onhlh uvwujf. luluu |u::-A| Woman: 81 I5- ronto 1. AI agluld B: Bodu 6. Aonuuutdlszlynnut Alhwwu 5; Iain! I. Notion! |u;Io-AI Bkhu 0: (loan. mi 1. A! Now Yul 8; IAIIIVIIIII. AI nmu 8;C|IvoIu|d2. uw..u..o.. 3:8; u.a.u1>uu-Ipunaaou. the owner. 11- Damn nohcnns. RI` 3 ucnlun apply at his omen. Ontario Unl- nounmuu KNOWN . non: m...x`.`f`..:I..`. ." `3 ".`. .` building: and Appl]loD.J.Ill1`I. ,5:-`:3. yonnconhuvd on thorn. BOICLNIIIIIOO. L ANVASERB ANTED. SAIPLE {no or rotnrnnb o I buy: pI'v~ paid. mvlunln Iumnry. -Ilu 0llI'0ll`I- 0 rs. Inlurv or oommlulon. u uoualv. `vVr|loqulol. Dom-In. Dunn III. . om. Q"`IIIIg OPCIIIX KIIK II HIQOIIUOIC The wk-om: nun-d ut the sailor with utoniulnon and exclaimed: III -.. ._ -_ lg.-.`-.9 l_...._..5._s A.L A (ll:IlL'l'0 D0 GENERAL HOUSIWORK. to fit! on. A I bc-Iwun1u:dI ll- Ihus. l:1.':.1or1-.83`? P nlvonny Anum 1` lhlubllnhmout A B BPANIIL BUCK PUP` lludly Iolurn the ammo. BPANIII. BHXJH PUP lludly the name. , Om Inuzunn no. Thno lnnruou. u. limited to {fairly vonlvx BOM El 8 00BBE`l'I"8 UNDIIUI INC hmbllnhmout BIACK Kltll Bl1`L` PUP wm mo Dulu- DIID. CuN'rox-AI Btookvlllo, August 18th. Jun: Ounton. and county-we yarn. 'a::"*;{:...`::.:.'$a .:.`:'..' W"- in! put. 2 month: and lbdnyn, bolovodlond B. I`. Bloholl. Ion-only ol Nupuoo. Funnel private from his Inolo o ruldooou. I86 Oolbomo cinch. Thursday 10 LB. to Ontmqni notary. amn--u hnonmuo. on Aug. mu. up Mr. ud In. W. J. Soon. I con. a. an unzustuvu UUZIABI. U";:.':.::`.*!.1.':::*'=r'_f;.f$.:::..` " N: lluldonogn. Opudu JAE BED. 'I`3.#`:$oi."."x`.'. ."o`.?-"r`a'-$7.5 '0`(K`l| IPVTIIKI WIIII KIIII KIIIIl'- You cannot fun-tvll nvnta with I M- roIneter." uld Captain Butler in Illb hula; Early selection mean: ret choice. All 10c, 1256c, 15c Prints and Gingham: for 7c 21 yard. Your choice of all the 1, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 sm '1` ,wA1s'rs for To-morrow and Thursday Two-Day Prices. 1` BRITISH-AMERICAN I-l0'l'IL, PANTRY um. and Laundry Woman [Here Are RESIDENCE FOR SALE. |II A 1` '\-f`A Q. i 1-Xjj ZOOIIDI "IaI&&IV$ I `III $r\& G` I! Illfll 1 owner. Divan mun; -3 1'. 1!. auuuaou com-nu. ]"| >a'$5'?u'.' "-"p?.`J`.1'.'.'.'\v"..:H Ill IIPICTIUCCI Kl! IIIIIIIIIPIK (lI`HllIS\ Sevaral month: after, when Captain Baker arrival 'hL'1`ion-taln at the end of a voyage. he was informed at the steam- ahip otlira that Earl Li wanted to are him at the vicero_v`a ynmen. The captain. judging from tho uporlenca of otlwr men. expected to rvvcaina reward for faithful aorrico and. dmaaing himself with can. took a rickshaw for the ma- donca of the (rt-ataat man in China. Up- on arrival he waa shown into the recep- tion room. and pretty soon Li [lung Chan; made his nppearnnm. tolloweni by a aervant carrying a hnmlaomely mount- ad mahogany box. no put it on the table. pom-d it and took out a beautiful harometvr. which ha is! arrived from Paris. Aftrr Ca Baker had admir- ` ed the nioohanis of the inatnunent Earl Li turned to him and said: V... I ---o Donn 5.. -54- n. L... n... I` BRITISH-AMERICAN HM'I Laundry D IILZZ TIC `CZ- N OFTKI LATI ll BUB! "g'IllI Iindcrukwnnd I mnd`nnnsmNdmm ' $10. lBlAlI.Admln1Iu'|tI'lx. MALE HELP WANTED. Otluwiuuli. Lumoo cuppa) '3 10 n.n.-IloIlonh vlndu In to- V;;'A71'HIi PlOIAIll.'l"l'll(l.f 'kui6s`I-bot` 500 Each. '4 P.h>l. IDI'l`IONo III! II!!! tuuluuuyg a `mill ! in huponun. I76-R can. Ial UITDCII (0 llllll III llllll Now I want you to nhow no how you ton-tell orvnu with all thing." "o\n nnnnnl l.umI.s|I -nun. -III: A La. nun Is-rirn IIIT l'\- `Iii IA. "WANTED. 163}: THE lair Ways In which no Found the Istonotcr O Disappointment. One day name year: no Li Hun; Chung was making a Joana: tron Tinn- tnh tohuohu on I utunoroclh Chlnon Mutual company. Being or an Inquiring dlapoultlon. he uked many qnutlona about the nmchim-ry and the furnlnhlnn or the ship. What Int:-mated him moat was the loummotor. and Cup- tain Baker explxinml it with great can and dencrlbed tho minmoat dvmila. B--u--`I -un-.oL. unit... ...I..... 1`-..n..X_ A Hon Doc. Tycho was not! regular and dual at nnlh hull: I-an-shin `Vina lid hdll FURNIEHED ROOMS \'.';1`H BOARD. 0IN~ truly located; gun, but mm: hating sud sll modem oonvonlonoeu. Apply M. II Bu-no um. next to Y.l.O.A. g Ooun Clark ; once. - `rim owes! or my tender not 1: I'll: I oopunl. R J 8900 J. W. IDWAR Chairman Count? Pro; erly. Gaunt: UIILSH County Clerk`: olllon. Klnlnlnn Ann In` Bpeolnonllonn and mnhr'p'nFl'c\'El|rs at th uvluvliao SEALED wmunm IOIITHIG REPAIRING or mouse! wall will be rooowul by the un- dornlgmd u Io ll o'clock 001: on SATUR- nn . ran fun: on was GU31`. B In (I dmnhr ru lnrsulhe 09_\fl:`l-:7 ((}`I.t9r:}:o`v|l\`ce. 0 N } URNIEHID V.` fl! BOARD locnodalgu. but hunk; nu ` All lnntlnrn nnun-an Ann... L ....|- _. Inn ..- __. , ynosmsou BBOS.l Call and feast yovur eyes on the pretty things. I We have now the largest assortment and themost beau- tiful goods we have ever shown. This is saying a lot. New goods arriving by nearly every steamer. --w 3* CO3 T -i 7-. ii! I In nu nnnnlvu pr Hogan; 0! about bond Thnudoy. hontnso Osh-0o|d can by the 15. Shaun Jana Bum lo: Own ovary Monday and Tummy on 6 can. Jana Iwm & 00. agents. Bloc t Envoy. nag llluunton. and Rondo. the clan: clown jnnlcr. ovary night at Into Onhrlo pub. , ,. - uuunnuu wunuy rn);erI,y. Uounty Ulork. magnum: Clerk`: once. Klnpton. Aug. mu `knight. whllo lean mom thickly blind. `I'M lonely count I door. I llnx (Mn melun lo mo VIII. `Ru! hnply you may lieu. Oh. love. lhough joy be I) Icllpu. 5 \ Wlm. hopo tar you and no In lhnl dh-[no AnnnaIvhno._ h - l\vo amp: that nil `nun: um nun I All then vs: no mom Ia!" Oh. lug _I` In um our [rid mum. .1 A: cut: upny borne by u dovd I hon far on nu-mi Isle. Now nftod through mu Iron bun. 0'9! um um mll mvmn . ,. In lurch 01 pan nnml if 8 LI HUNd CHANG'S MISTAKE. wnu nopo mr you IINI no b that dh-Km Apocalypse- "And then um no mm in!" LOOAI. IIHOIANDA. A SIGNAL AT CIA. _ CHINA. BUILDERS. 'l`l`.Nnnnu lnnmn us In BOARBT NKIX" --lhrpor'| Inna IO- Wvant to lbeALLBN You Mllukclt. I8a.hcIIi.8l. _ I}.u.u5NasoN. ruouvgtupu III IIUI I`!!! IR 11, Of Inltuocnynnou. Wacnsvu, Wk. Aug. 16 -`l`|n dud ol Willis: 3. Kn`, 0! lb: Iowa 0! Cold. killod by lghlolug. con` Island 5 oonploh phongnpuo input- Ilonollbolupua under whiollho mod than 850 mu boll stuck Nu. Thin unvolluu phoeognph VII found on No Iowa limbo. an it nu Io dimm- thnovon Ibo hon alone ulna ol Ibo lava won plainly violblo. `hots In unny uooounh olllh plnnonun. Glut in puuoululy ucooodblo at nothing nob plohrot. The ptohbiiy In that they all Ibo ne nnlloulou ol the chaotic cunoh tonal out In our- hos. shooting. porlnpo hnlu. Iona M03 or other ohuiod nhhnos. in than-lihtuuohu can In lightning lay uoioouoh hollow than than to porch an iahunoloou-60 auto! to sub ululow piohnn undo: nu com diuou. Thy but long Non cough! witioul Iudilc. __j -noun any HI`! 0] cannot no Ignoo that they shall not In every way like ubtohh ml. an. no us never so out not out. and would they nut by ohanon ho they nan up 1.5. , , _.,_ |.lGHTN|NG'I ITRANOI FREAK` Plohcnpl 0! Iron round on Indy 0: Innlnl-nluAnun -unuu Iv ugu u _0I'[IlI WOIIIG nun NI unolnonl uboolnholy nkuing her from my claim Ihnln nialn unto upon hot. 110 in nut: to not hm and b.' m 3' ahnnnn ht Anion. WoWant ! !_(oT , f- --:v vs-v `vi ZWII C hooom Moods wn John C: l. I homi- oomo Iuolion out woovor. hly Hot- on rotorood homo to God his wife aono. gho roturnod o for Jon hoot to Inform him tho! tho hod Imrrlod Oopronl. Moran won ohochod but concluded that ho could do oolhlug hut nooopo Iho allusion. Ho told hlo hotel and oohor ptoporu. hot diooovotod that ho avid no: make tho hlblo without vlo I o of than of lhsmvfomon who had `boon kufoown on his vifotooooh ol tho doodo. Sho coo- Iootod Io uigo if Morgue would him: uroomono Ahlnlnhnlv n|...:..- 5-.. nu III way: on], nu loll Iowa. ling min a on 3 an quot umononl. The portion to cgnunono no Mo:-gun and tho wounn who won known on hir wit: will lhl rooonhly oodod tho puma- Ihlp In an nbitruy lumen. The (sou ouno out thronch Igbo ling ol ptpon Innoforrlna Morgan : property. hr noun um an n! |l........-. Il'InuO| I'lll Morgan coma Nuns one at llowufo l Ihlinn In} Damian AAA-H- -- IIRIOI Munro man oopnonn no .I.Il IIAA & nnnngu ---nu-cu u-ur-III lI'III IHPPXI IIC Ia-[nu Ila: to Oonhul. Pannsox. N. J.. Aug. l6.-Qulu Ilornu for I number of porn 3 bond ho to Ihgn oily. bu loll town. taking min copy at a moot urnnmnnl. . . one oguou nun`. Iona f0l'U0:Om8|0:I"l mmlow Brunswick shin wont to nuke lurbhot ohm-union upon Ibo oorbonihroun lonnulon In that province. nu. uor-on. uuonoe. and Horry Boin,| Om. hovo boon o polutod to the d. pomnooo oho` In tho nkon. tho founor on room-onhor nul oh. In... .. a......Lu-. yunuuuuu Iwn Ill (HI I unou. B00 mum: goognphor and the him an dnughtr mm. Dr. Anl. of tho oglool null`. Iona for Non Scott: on New -AAL ha -n.L- I_-LL-- -L--___ A.I.._ ,.,, .7 -I n owns. `Inc an onoorou an op. demy- io hho oighb. ml. Ono. out of the but known Eu:-opun uubhorltlu on pohrognphlo goo- logy. ha been nppolnbod to the position on the am! of tho Onnodiun polo lul unrvoy to wound Mr. l`ovrior.who nu gn- od to outer the employ of tho [allot undi- onto. Mar. Del Falconlo. the opaohollo dolo~ u|0o0cnndu. lo uooohod to M-tin In Owuu Saturday. He bu arnngod to into n mldonoo on Tboodon mm. M. Hannah llnnln-u .-ul ---.. II-:_ IIJIUI wulu [In luulln 5100!." Two Hlulaoobor h ohildno nob lost on on yoohu-day. M n Tupp, (In your: old. rohlod to in I ploymooo, o-boy. I plooo ot ooko.ond`ho knoohod ono of her eyes out with o atone. Tho boy in tin ynn old. Another boy. Hurry Dovlno. found a dyn- mlu cup on the moon And amok in with o uhono. Tho up oooond hit demy- ion ninth. Ion. Hus. we Inna IIIICD eon: no lo!` the aerial. They epplied to all e! Powell bh e morning {or eeeieoenoe in loaning their mining wivee wibh e view to recover- ing their money. Neither eeerned very enxioue ho recover hie wife. but both were making in uiriee u no bhe divorce love at Oenede. %Vhen informed thee hhe ooeo oi e divorce might be in hhe neighborhood of 8300. Henry eeid, "Gee. I goeee I'll heve to let ilgo. I we-' my money beck. 'l`heh'e when I'm Iuulln elm." Tun Hlnhenhnrnh nhildnn nah lane. u. two children Loee `lieu wee-the Apne- tolle Delenu on llle We1- lynch!- meete Mode In Vnrlone Doplli/III!- -ro was In none Iooun. 0'l'l`AWA. Ann. l6.-John 'd Henry Blmon. two Itellene {tom Mo . ere In the alt} looking for their vi The two temlllee lived on Doroheeter etreet In thet olty. end the hrothere kept their eevin e in the eeme trnnh. On coming home tom wothone in loot weeh thegiwere enr- prleedto In thet both women had die- nppeered. tehlng the money. emonnt- lng to over two hundred dolleu. with them. Ae one at the women woe lrom Ottewe end the other man: Bry- eon. Qoe.. the men mode etrel ht for the nnnihnl Thai nnnlln Ms A A. D.._.II IIIT MEANS OF RIOOVIRING GOLDANDOITAININO DIVORCE. IIIIEIR mnunm sAvmcs.1 Montreal Italians Stll:t In Qucst of mssinz women. mm mm nnuwn=E.1 sun 1 nuuunco OI '1'DO0d0l`O arrow. II. Got-ooh. Quoboe. and Bury Bcin, Mata. boon umolntnd ha than a, rllnvhnnlnnolhllnt. nu--- A-4 IQ In li_Lj_L CHANGED PARTNIRI. CEYLON TEA HOUSE, 79 Brook St. KINGSTON. ONTARIO. WIDDIESDAY, AUGUS1` 13. 1899. Ibihilt .L...I C It VJXIIIH CIIJKC .57..` o II. . nnhnnlieo. Luau. physio . Raid. llobory. nothin- rice: I jerk Burnt. uni. his lot}. nrhonudu. hue, `F1005. Gar- -nn.nhni-n_ "1{:;'r'.-- 0. I`. Buuphrioo. English. Latin. lunch. pinion; lain Ioouonuld. Equal. binary. Iutlihuioo. Latin. Panel. Guns; Iujorio larch. Inf. Ilnh, hhhnru, mn|In-nIing Lnn Ii... What We Have We ll Hold. opu-w 1.. noun. magma. n:\::u:lou, Lain. hunch. Gonna: J. Whltolnnd. nabhouulon. Lain. Enoch nhnian. ynol. Nnpuno-Addlo I. Shluuoch. Iulloh. Monty. usumnllcc. Latin. French. 00:- Iuu. phnlu. l`orsh-L A E. Wuuu. automation. Lute. Oral. lunch. plgion. Psom--w. wm ugliau, history. unihonauos. lnnoh. cam. nhnim. IIUII` MINI` IT: Harrisburg !.0unuon.loqlioh history, nnhomniou. Luna. Gaul. Inna`, phy. tics; Iain 0. Sbwnn. English. hluory. muhomsuco. Latin. lunch. German. nhnian. lllll Inuwy, Inliuuultlud noon. U0!`- nnu. pludco; J. G. D . mathematics. obnion. olmnmty. b on: Ouollno Sb. R. Baird. French. German; Gnu Clark. loqlhh. French. Gonna. I. .ul..._|l.L.l I`. I. IIAII-ml.` I`__ I4ll.`luX -- ITI Itch. Latin. Ilnoolnknnn I T`: III!` pnyvui. BI-ookv|lIo-I. Fulrlio. Evugliah. hhlory. mathematics. Lulu. Fronoh. Ootmw; J. (L Grant, Inalinh. Inubomntioo, lrouoh. German; A H. Judson. Englioh. history. Lsun. Enoch. phylion, bonny; M. Ray- noldc. Engliah. history. nuhounlioo, French. German; Lilim Vuu. Ingiloh. nnhomnlog French. Gonna. DuMon-Aldn |loKonchor.mnbuntieo. Gsmnoquo---0oru'udo Adina. Engliuh. Punch. Ooruna;Gontudo ll. Lnohsooo. Inuhumtlol. `-__lI..._ T D (VI--- I..- I -u_ __L_ EIUIIIEIKIT HuniIuon-l`. P. Clnpplooo. Lulu. phy- oioa. ohunlnry. biology. KingoIon-8 Sohrodot. Ilnlhountico, uoo. olmnmt . iiol : I I G Huh Main:-v. uni ):-`t Al|nontc+E Houdorloo. Eoglich. blo- Ioty. nnhbomutiot. Lulu, (Inch. Amprior-R Fowler. mathematics. Abhont--'l`. Duncan. Lulu. (incl; 8 Gray. English. Latin. Grunt. French. Anrnn-n._NaIIln Hnllitlnv Rnnluh M-. E ` Ouiu. cam).