Did You Hear ABOUT The Keeley Cure MILLS a cubmmonan,` lI-__.__I A_._-._A_ ITCE The Finest and Purcst Quality at RF-_.ES. ~ I) ....nns... curt-H ! "l rmznrd the cure us a remark- able H-:~'lixn In the virtues uf lmun's l{i(lllt`)' Pills. und um only (on glud lo rovmmm-n(l them to all sunrors {rum kitlney trujblo in any form." Dunn's l\'itlnc_v Pills um Hnld hy all tlrumzists, ur sent by muil on rocnipt of price. 500. n hox, or :1 for 81.2. ). The l)uun Kidm-y 'l'ill (`o.. 'l`<>I'nntn, (mt. ltomc-mhor the mune. l)0un'x. and refuse all others. A Port Hope cmnn who Buttered Agony, Proxnptly Relieved and Cured by Don`: Kidney P1112.- urn'nu.r wnuln nuve In sum H10 hurno, us the puins were so aevore thut I could not stunt! xhvm. "I tried a great mun) remedies hut tho) did me nu qmul. 1 then got, ]mun's |\'idne_V Pills. tnok them for one month. and um ('o1u|)leloL\' (`UTNI ! -`I rmrnrri Ihn rura nu n rmnnrl.-- . '-r 7 The terrible pains and aches coli- soqucm upon kidney derangement, the mu-.uxmLu'snl. 1-\|lIIl`uuo. Back- ucho, l`rinur,\' lliiculties, which 101- low Lhq (allure of these organs to [mar the pulnlls from the blnod,-- muke uny suerer thankful thu-t, there is such an remedy us Doun`s l\'idue_\' Pills. Plenty ul Port. }lope citizens are testilying tu the wonder- ful pmvor of these conquerors of kid- I:Q`v' ill:-1. -- Mr I A lhnnnll lhu nnnnlnr din- Ill:-1. Mr. W. A. Ru.-sell. the popular dis- trict. um-nt for {he >`.im:or Sewing .\lm-hine (`.mnpun_\-, |.ru\e8 by yhe fol- luwim: sI.uu~ment. lhut. Dunn's Kid- ney Pills are u positive cure for kid- ney` illa:-- "! sum :-rod {nr ve or six years with pains across my back, head- urhes. dizziness und kindred kidney lrmlhlc-S. I not vorv had. und whvn drivimr would have to stop the hnI`n_ us: the nnins warm an nav--ru Don't you hogan nu n-.~-on In tho world so llni out whanv me out rm-"n are nold-tno dun I. We vo an -all stuck to run on II: n M-do :ou.r.nnmtn mute lhopub llo bF!i|\WO we-uonnllluxn `nu Dollar Article v.\ `a mu): our om: lcw nun it nqnlnn no preaching Io MI lhom. `it would Hume F vnruva and Under- uhouue. and` `r nroIBL Add-d In P llnt `Poul Funds . %X-`X&&IXl-| HOTEL NORMANDIE, n_.-;_-_. ._A man as \t._ \9..s Assuriince Company. IIIEIII4 \IKI LAC` I. \I IV All SPRINGS famou Best accommodation and most accessible resort in Can- ada. The cure of Liver, Kid- nev, Dyspepsia troubles and Rheumatism have I f`AII`.`I\f\ll'A uuu l\llI.uuAIl|IuuI uuvv madeCALEDONIA .II\I\l\VI'\[\ I FREE '_l`Q_h_1EN. Eiis svenif spgmnruae. "o..m' ".`n"';'.I{{.." CREAM IITI. UJIIDIIQG. $083 loll). Ind [VII -Joba lcocun. Pnllulolpun. Pu. ma his daughter and no no u the 0 L. bout;-Inn mm. A. P `Wu; ul. Qtndlag n can o 900 0 u Iod0odat'Vmu" and " QVIQQ fun " -JohI MEMO h Iulldi 3 until and uadIoubouo-*R W. tuudlmu g.-cl- -34A. - g. ..A. .1 AL]... I ... muuuunouI-1s vv. uruaocuunt locnrghnodo 3 not can cl tl|ny.ln hnnnd $nnlinvm;Inn_ -T GT lIC--T. `m K lhtluntlootnltrueldlolntphoooigin. %-& ILCIHQQM HUI _..l north In-n - Tl I` I`? to `I ` - rt III qhnud In ' P "--Wm|nn Raglan. Ottawa. and Ho lb limbo. EIIIIIJIII I IIIII I u Iuuuu lhvvhumoublcd wkhnuwor ngiumn. nab of the skin can 1 mm, try Cancun nuod ' II n " ~ n7.\mx uI'm'. " _ III Btolon BL. Bu Fnnchoo,0|l. -31. . `'s'.:"v`.`%&::'l5:J :'ta'.`:..`:'.."s`:L*` snvuouli m`nW..-.-.:.':.-':.:z.:-*- Cnxstrs Luu. Aug. 22.-n. put, so one 0. L bout on Friday ovemn no I access. Pooplo won Inn hon `uh urn. D.-n-ndod. scotch Lin and Paula _t..n.. n..n..... p..n..a.n..u- 9. -...a CAlH1TI\\'N. Aug. .`?.3.-Mr And Ilru. J Knhnb, Rockpotr. worn horn on Bllndny viuihlng Ibnir Ion. E. J Kabul --I lnI~p Phillipa. Invnllmc psrtnor :1! the inn 0! Brynnh nod Phillips, pho'0RrIpbOl'I.Bl'0cK ville. rpm! Sundny tithing hh nnolo. R. R. PhillIpt--S. B. Hognnonn umm lm Rocbostor. N Y.. on his who.-nl on Friday next week, when no will whit fmhdn sod rnlnvu for :9 low tools. -John '1' Toonnnh In onmged in Jnoving Ihnold whool house lot R. R. Phillnpa. Ir. Phillipa inland: moving It to an ud- LWIOU Inc and convening N: into I hall.-- unl Ooh. Smith`: hlln, cubed tlnonpb hero in day on route to nllorytovn.- Mia`-Cu-ry Hollmnr. Broclvnlo. in mi log Mandi born for: Mr d'3o.--E. 3. Punk In hnvimv u call tlril nag ho. .-_.-.~ gnu, .......--v-p an w`-v|IIV| -- 1 - dam-E: 20:0: lo having n roll dxil out has Wu.1.u.\m'n.u:, Au . 2l.-'I`hon us a lama eongrognlon mu 0 o Annlicm church on Snudny uftarnoon be but Rev. It. An drown. of Aylmor.--John Ooulm who had the mlafommo ho upnln mu unxlo. In N- ovol-i%g.--MhI M. Fox. vhiclng in Porn ope. toburnodon I`:-ldny. nnd Ion on Monday to mums hot nohool dueiu at Colo IAkC.-Mioa Mnggio Caulk: loan`! [or Ardooh on Wodnudoy to ho charge oh cahool -0. Albert Fox nnd Earl Bur- rib. cf Norah Ohm, Mouton connwv. N Y . no visitors :0 C. 0. Form, I100 Hr. und Mn. J. Godlroy nod Mn. Goorgo Oahu Other vialoou no Min E. Konnody, at J. Oonlhofn; Min Klngnbon And Mm Dun nlng M: J. A. Coulher p; Mm Mmdo Sm- donon Ind Mina Ewell: Price to A Cu-d'|. A.-m:|.-rims, Aug. 22 -0no of our molt ulounod India. Mn. Herman Bowmnn. dlod luau week. Tho remain: were Mien no Ontnnqul Ior Inmul.--Mru. Amey Ayluwonh ntboudod the lumen! 0! Reg: nnld Bicknoil who died at the general hoopltnl Kinuoton.-Tho onrrouudiog rec no nncier control; man ruin would be I blaming in panting whom oizu.--Ilru. Pour Solder Ian returned from the rum when the rpm I ploumb week.-Viultcra: Mn. Fallon. :0 her brother. R (mhan; Mlu Fnnl Gilbert. in Nopnnoo sud Bollo ville; Mlu Gilbert. Nspcoto. at Robert Gilborw: Mr. Babcock. Mn. Rnlph Ban junih and In. Don 'l`honipoon,A|unudria MAI. Mr. and Mr; Mnnmr Kmnnlnn, uh JKEIII I00 -I'I- U00 1 n0EP'0",|.XIDqI'II 38*. Mr. nod Mn. McOoy. Kingston. :8 J. hompoonh. MAPLI Luz, Aug. 22 -D1m0 L Snvderloeo by lightning hie commodiom barn and one buildingl. oontninihg moon 0! this season : cro , eogebher with eome of his farm imp emeute Nearly 1 000 buehele of znln and involve mm of buy were in ubo hem. lnmnnce. 8250 - Miles Snyder`: wiie recently presented him wins 3 little boy.---Jamee Hole bu purohned I new binder --\'ieibor_t-: Mn. George Turner. Kinceoou. eh her In-bbhet'e. J. H. Luau ; Min Mug ie Baker. of Mill haven, it A. M. Sn et e; Mile Ihude Snyder end Mien Bnker no Emeeltown Bunion. the guests of His: Auto Leidley. Mien Fnnkle Gilbetl bu mourned home after epending a few day: In Nepenee. IJHIIIK PIFI UI HUI" uunuuyu Wllu E10! Norbhlnon-o.-Mlu Mnrion Grnnd bu re turned to Toronto.-Rov. Mr. Robeson and Mn. Kobeuon shrouded tho wedding of their niocoln Kin emu lub evening.- Vluiton: Mn. Clnr . Toronto. at Mn. N` D. 0onnol|y'a; Mn. J H. 8'ovuru at) G. L. Nicol`; CATARAQII, Aug. 25.-Miu A. M. Laney in ID Sunnyalde.-Miu Robeson returned to Hu-rovumlbh, and um Sin` com-. Kingston. took ohsrgo of the Wood blue sohool.-Mn. J. McKim nnd Willie no visiting in Tomato: Mn. Connolly and E. W. Connolly In Nnpsnoe.-Mln A. Truu, nurse in oululng at Byncuae, is spending part of her holidnyu with Miss Nm-bhmm-n,-M|n Mu-Inn (3:-and Mn: ra Ufllll Il'U IIIUIIIUI III . II? mu UUIKIII Ool-nwnl|.-Tho maul rognu will be hold on Sepb 8uh.-Mr. nod Mn. Joseph Oook apano Bnndny no Rocleld.--Mm Muud Wuhburn Ind brother Holton rpenb - 3 tow dnvn luo week wlxh their grand nu. Mr. and Mn. Samuel Baum.- H. Ohulu Cornwall and Mrs. Griin spout I luv duyn nu Broekville the gum 0! Mr. and Mn. W. P. Dniloy. Puvru. Aug 23-Ooorge Wood. Wnbothown, um vinlhinp hlo parents a week. I-churned homo.-G. Wuluon has moved hi: mnlu opposite Mr. 0IUQl'| Iooro house.-Oouucll mob in the town hall- on the 15th lnat.-Roboro Btownu and wife aponh `ivmdny at Cloyna.--MIu Mabel and Lyon 1 syfnir will lens !or Iluiboba to-mou-ow.-Buoh ru were oubduod la) Mondny and Tuesday : rains.--V|nlboro: Fred Ouhlor And wife. Kingston, M: G. 0Ihlot s; George Morse and hmlly, Dolbu. at H. Uu'd'r; Mrs. Norris and lannly, Napanoo. no W. l(inu'o. [mcsros msmcr uomsl lhqlnnu onln want that oonou-I nu Banana`: 0! an Ildlanl unma- um; `upon Iotloe. And mot Loa- qy 0|: nd something ox literal. `hcnnoun, Aug. 93 -The Wuhan. of Now Yolk. spent: 3 four day: here last week so hhclr coupon Bob : Lu|q-A. L. Mandy. New Brunswick.` and Jonrh Fnhnr sud others at Camp Falgor.--M n H. E. llcN o'oly. former -ohnnl boccbcr; bu ruignad. and Min P. V. M Neely. Carlo- bon Plnoo. in filling the vnanoy -Mmu Walker. Allen and Braden hnvo roturnod . (0 Klnglbon that I week here. Rocxrowr. Aug. 22 -Ur. and Mia Griin no gueou of Mr. and Mn Chlu n-n-.II `FL- -_-.._I -4:n-Ab- _;I| L- WHAT OUQ INDUITFIOUI ITAFF OF OORREGPON D! N TI WM fl. [III I Illuvn vlulhu 0.. any children I'll! 0 run lad! Into lb '00`. Vwunontpunful. hbioodgol outotonlc dlnono branch! hi: Mud: _-nth: liinnl ICJIIIHX llnnnuni In Plus on lllohn ' um onoublo. In All dlv n which I putative Iudloloo lo ullcrl for. Dr. Ennlllovfo Pulls my is land with nhty and nuslacdoo. They can to who duty by the do)!- enoponon orolmdorby tho u ,9 they contain nuuhnt Iilncilo. on truth nor doluuitno nbohnooathdwloauy In long continued Imhou the ponohlly cl nlhsthn or at} cl tho ill null: so lnqunbly unending Ibo no of game 060- uimog than ouhontmo. In-moo . hlloan at. an and pm. )0! poupi loldbydmgglounoddcuhn Inndbiu. Oat pill a duo. And plouuro oookon conbomploblng o bolldoy trip down tho Bu Lnrronco ond up ubo Oahu: lint ond Rldooo Into. or down lo the gull of the SD. Lswtoooo. ot op Ibo hr-hmod Bulgomy vor. to tho mountain resort: ol Now Euglupd ond tho too. to Old Orchard Beach. Lmln Uolln, Caeonno. St Audrow'n. to tho Adiroodonto. Inho- Goorgo sod Ohunploin. Io Lokoo ol tho 8:10 `and Goovgicn Bay. tho Hookah dlo hticl. to tho nppor loloo oud tho Pacic oooob. Io Europo ood oll pone oftho world. will do voll to no pompulooo had done:-Ip hivo toodiog manor; also coiling liovo. rotoo. ole . which will ho glndly hrolohod on oppllonloo oi Bua|oy'o pononl rowoy and ohounohlp olleo. Gnnd Tron! ouuon. too! of Johnnon otroot. Kingston. UIITU WI! UUDIIIIUU. Knowing to hi: on sorrow than many poor nneron no boluc Impound upon by unscrupulous qunoh. Mr. Grlhlll consider: In his dnhy to give his lollouunoo bho bunch of his uporlonco and units hhom to euro` by lnlormlng unyooo who will VHO! to Mu in mulch ooulldoneo when to be ourud. No attention on In givanbohhono writing out 0! men out!- onlty. bnl anyone who really nooduncnro In udvhed to nddnn Mr. Gnhun 00 A5010. lance! Advice Free `lo Ien. The Whig in requeeted in publieh hhe iollowing : All men who on nervous and debilitebed or who ore enerina from my oi the urione hrenblee reunlulnc lrom over-work. exeeee or youthful errorl. ue ewnre that moth Inedicel rme edveriaieinn to cum iaheee eondioione onhooh be relied upon. Mr. Guhun. e reeidenu oi London. 0nb.. living on 437; Richmond etreemwu for e long time n oniferer from above tronblee and after trying in vein many ed- vertined remediee. electric belhe. eto.. be- came elmneo entirely disoonreqed and hopele-e. Finally he conded in on old clergyman who directed him to en mi nenn and reliable pbyeioien. through when killed treetmonb e rpredy and perfect cure was ohonined. I(_.._l_.. 5.. Li. -1. ..._.-._ LL-L go. |I(HH`l'|l'll , . \ll|,'. .2 | .-"Lil I334 l`l"|l' Mntln-ison recoivml tho I-and intelli- pw-I11'u of .lh<- (lvu`lh (If hm` lirnthvr lmncun ut the I\'lum1.\kv. '1 ho I\Iml~ linu '1`. l'1u\s'nim( left on '|`hurst|u_\' fur UH\\P|.',`(). wlmro she hus In-n pur- vlullami. ll:-r nwnvr and (`n.;.t.uin cunu` through to take 110!` down. \\ a lulu- much plmlsuru in nntim: unmm: us :1 m-\\' nrlist in (`rn'_wm nnd oils, .N`. W. Ah-xunth-r. llis ~Im-`.1, study in crn:3'nn \\'u.~I :1 picture |nu1`hus-(I In)` lhu pru-.-at. in H|_\`lh. for (no (`uthn|ic 1. .|. 1.. al...a ..I `...\ 'l`|..\ ..:.u..... in l`.l|l'lllU `Ill("4H llllll I ll I `Y IVIII IIlI;' . |'iltsl>urg, uh lsuuc Lul-"8: Mrs. A. ll. H|lL"hl`.`i unri Miss M. J. Arthur. Ki gsiun, l\lIl0nK frivnd.sj; Iilism-9 (`n nors und frimul. \'-rmiu. M. the rmmuge; Lmlio lluuhi-s: nnd Miss Ahhin M(`Hll`l\_\'. l(ili|IHl friends. Miss JP.`-1SiQ` lluldvr hus umw un It \isit, to Rnclwstnr. Houraro Smith. in (`mn|Inn_V with thrno ulh:-r ininvr.-4, \\'vn- hora iirnspoclimz fur iron. \\'u hear (hut (hi-_v huve pur- chusod tho llliIl`S of D. 1\llll`S. |H'H`-`H. Ill l\l`\ l", l('l' lllL' \ lll IIUIII` rhurvh in (hut 1-lure-. 'l`hv pi(`lun- is "'l`hc- /\nm|n(`inlim1." pnrtruyimz tht` figure of Um \'ir;,rin in .lusvph'.-4 ll|lIII|Il(' hnnm. \\lwr0 lwsidv n tuhlv she .~'lnm`L-4 hu.~:_\' with her home wnrk um! hefuro her Hm nmzvl \\hn un- nuuncos to hm` lhul she is chnson in he the Iuulh--r of ('hrist. In the lxurlc |(l`(llllIII at uni! n tlistunco, thrnnph n. dra||`<-r.\' \\hich |u\rliull_\' Iniqlv:-I the \i0\\'_ urn su-1-51 lhrvv .1:-ova. vlnhlc-ms uf llw lhrw rI`u.~.`u-.=1 ut (`ul- \uvj\'. u ('nm'\plinn uf Hw unis! uhivh is \\'nrlhy uf u|mr9ciu1i0n. fur |lH uripzinul h9unL\. Mr. .\|u\umh~r IN u !ruu nrli '|`lw pivlurv is lhirl_\--ip:l.t h_\ .~ iIN`hl`N. prim- SI". A lm: rnft 0! lug: (`xII1`I` inlu .....-o .... \'..o...-.I..\ o.....ul I.\- II... on..- NIH! lI`|lll`(` HUI` III!` l|llL'l'l \\ Hll IIll' is Hm purl on .\`uIur(|u\` tuned by Hm tug .\'iL"llllI. fur '|`hmnps.n & l`n,'s Inm- lwr mm M ll'n- duck. Nl`\`. I-r. \\ -st unumh-cl Hm vuImm`rnlinn of hi.-imp .\|`|\u_\`, mul Hum hunk u trip In lhwmlt. whvro hr` in: spcmlimz n \\vll u-nrm-I xnvutmn. humlmu.-=1o~r In-a~_\'. \l.......l.. .`.. _. ll. 1:. ..o ..._I..lnI l`|..\ Butters:-0.. Aug. 22.--Dr. Robin- son's condition is very much im-. proved. Mrs. John llughes has not I"L`C0\'el`8d hen c_\esighL. ll-.ir\'esLin ;s ubout. completqd. ,8. Jameson. ihresher. has begun operations. Ila expects o. busy mason. A xicdding lulu-s plaice l.o-in'0rrow -night,` tho coiilrm'Lim: partied being twouof our populur )'o\m;.{. people. Th;-'y will` mku up their residence in Pillshursz. .l. Woart. Athens, rcnunn-d his duties in the village school on Monilliy. A. Ennis hogan his duties in the Mono school house a woek pruvioiis. iloih were successful in prvpurim: their pupils {of the entrance lust term. Sampson Arthur reiurnod lust. week trmn it two months` sojourn with his son, Philip. residing: in Pen!-ie, Mun. Messrs. llorhort 1\lill(~r.J'aiiius l\i\'on and Robert. 1*`:-rguson start on ']`lmrsdu.\' for Lawilc-r, Mun., to us- 'sist. in lmr\'osilng lhu grout crops of wheut the-ru. Mrs. A. ll. I.0omn'd, line matron in one of Iowa :-i Lmlus.- triul schools. hus r0.~'i;.:|n-(I lwr posi- tion the-ro and ruulrm-ii homo for ull 'indulimlu leuuth- of time. .'ulr-4. |`homus \\'ilo\ uml (il|l|glHl`l<, Illunvho and Alum. >'n;:im\\\'. Mi('h.. ore the guests of lwr sl.`1I`l`-lll'll\\\'. .\lrs. William Yoiunz. (Hhor nitr- \isilnrs are Misses Evu and |<'z\imiv Amzlin und Miss .li-ssio llvwlon. l\'im:.s`iou. at W. J. /\ngvlin's; R`1(`SSl`l. 1.`n:-nin Hun-zq nnal llnrrv llnrlinn`. \`|". I\ Hl rill`: (H |UL',H ('lI|l"' ll|l(I .\'iu I1ul. -st. .\lnmn(4~. is n [hm (`nruut snlnisl. I`ho mnrinu Iuuul gives un um-n uir cun- vort m'm'_\' 'l`hurmIu_\' l`\|`llil\|:. an .VluIo.-l`mi_k Damn). eh.-omuge. cock 0 nah : viosoud to no Ni Mend: uq .Ipns._-rrIgl Iqulpniuy. uuuquuuuyr. book wash : vuuuon to and Moon. Wlchvnn. Cloyno. lllod hm nhoo.-Rav. P. But; mac n vim to the Egonviuo psnoongo lab IOII -Chulu P. Shun undo I bnoinuu trip to Runlruv, ` (:mh~ri(`h. , H111.) ..u` I u nd In-xnn .n-ssw I llnrry . I ..l.u'u- Pr S|.`5Il`l"lll'|lI\\'. umz. ('\\'1(H\. lh\rlin;*, iss fl`il`lld.\'( . \'-rmm. llnnhun nun-I Xlica ~1\|IS!i no-no hm `. .. |.\.... nu, K.'.s.2"'\i""`}; alum?` _' ESTABLISHED 1854. I nmnfromonethounnd loll noun: lbtpuucnhnnpplysl n - A__n..I- I_ -.._..... Q- uouurn uw ptuuuun nppq :- Godwin`: luuurunco (Nor lxvnuuollm. Iavluncll LARUE RDOI OVER TILIJBAPH OI- nm sun with small mom uuulnlng oolllxa 1: hot ingu. heated with hot won: as! ugh! with no. -nltnblo lhrnaoolotcylll beam-dunmuxoodunnnl. Anal! Alv- IDHDENCE ON UNION H1'EIT|'.ruAbI"I Unlvon-H Avonun. likely on-u l mro- nor Do all. nmy bo hm! turn mad 0.0` uum--nn-Ike-E. waplf ll uululwuoo (.`u,|.I:N`uHlore. ollnglnntroct. 001]! high. heated hot wltd Old mt: Socials !!! bolltuudupmrngoodlonnnl. Apply III a WALKII. banned up tor a 3 W0 HUNDRED THOUAAND ELIAS II nun from one usounnd to manual main-1 lhr nnrunnhn nnnlv ll [.[{)Ul;IE IN VAUGHN TERRAC NO 6. P uoeaslon stance I! wanted. pply II No. 6, or A3 Wum . `HE HOUSE ON KING ETIIEIT A1` I . am not-upml by Col. Monuxunbort. p.'\.I`ll(`|Ilurn apply to Walkem O Wukom. |Merit Alone ll l`Ql\ Hlreel. l'0lC|0l'| U l ply at M'l.r.un'H Dnuu 3-mu: II: III! III! unuwv .VIuu.u n- A:--....-vo-'=::';..:*.'-..u:.:~..`:'..':.'.:.-r.::.-' n 3.3! I`oou|d no use than: gt nIl,nnd won :3 . mu tar oven umnrbd llkol :.nl:id:trIt:I'.I'Id on`r':m'n. nook. Ind-foul. Ila: h nl Imp. b I with 8 bone! :.5:.`1";=nbtyhE Jwrgcuu r:modiu.n I`/bun nugoqbn um um mm: In 4.. and undo: an Iotd of cmouu nu! folrnouu Son.` pd-an box f ().t:r:uun"(o|Iunon andnlnnonr IIwN:d cunzon "l:Kxo.xuu. lnl'uhn.nI. (ha ..o.nv children run] ON KING srnarr A1` P D1I`l|(`nlurn apply E 11" nl Ili (II I`|ll.I- ll: QITIFIWG. Iuxuu `in mama, up;o.T`u llaodonnld rl. A] ` My Kmxu-nucx A nouns. Ontario EL d conveniences, dtnnlod 9IIJohn0uI| `oo not oppomonna E \m':ytoB. nAv.i'vour.'loo\ Jami ALLGROCERS. H V W Tas placed the Paragon Peacemaker FLOUR LAWN zyxowaks } M naunmmp, }-- STRACI--{AN S. -- VICTORIAN ORDER NURSES. nniuu n; nun nnuuu l\IlI|l'!llI| \IllVlV\lllA\l Manufactured by the FHNTE||A_[J MILLING E., 3,-3-~,*,-,,".'-.*:::':.'.;;':"..:".r.;':.':.."' ..g1..uoh`n1nu wmacotl (um. of cnollhnl $II` autnnlp of am I INC--Alb! mumgu, gnd lnllnnuulon. and loathe eem.~..*:.:'.:?'.:..:`f.`.';.':.""`*'..........::$: Let Us Show Them To You- J. H. Sutherland & Hm. TRADING STAMPS. CASH COUPONS. IDGRBURN FOIHIIRLY `run - demo at on. A. KlItIM.rIot.w- nu Hpjlh to Purl. Ap- sly 0F|"l(?E. (`.0lLNli`.R OF KING AND Rl\0f`K Hlrw~Iu.m-or Wudwu Dru; Blow. wit In mm nufu urvmnluuduhoo. Apply to J. I IPCANN, run King Ht. ` Air:-mu our Vltn non-3 V lop ud uni. luv u at hnnuvuvraovou1.uhnpnnI\. lwF>"ii'biiSz rvTznn nouns A!` no mm- UBB8 BL. Vaughn 'l\rru~o. LRl(`l{ RRSIIIBNOE, um JOHN1'0Nl'l`. . All modern lmprovumentl. Brluvv a .TEAl`Y. X Hllllir-STORY BRICK HOUII. HOD" dtnntod 9IJJohnIIu|8l0d Jumor or Bnmo. ouoocllo Bnuom hum firsr: N0. 0, V-I-C`l`0RlA ummxon. Hon- Dllmel. Pouunlon Sept. ht Ap- `Iv M. M'l.|r.un`.-4 IIVIWIIWITIIV \I'IIIInII IVIIIIUFI-`hr. vl`... Z."``.'.""""`?,`. "..`.".`.`rT'..`.";`. o r. * use u n no I'D Thlni. ":?1porInon Gongs` (IDA cu... mm.-, um IInuT:nu-nu, nun wasp N` *..s..'.I`u!.".!.`Z`..".. .'.f.'..`.f'3"L'.s.'.i`.`; a..., and hnnllmlu lumen of tho alln, Ialp. __ L".'}.. `;.`.?." A....`Pu...... u. an as ll lckven the skin wonderfully loft and fresh, am! in him fragrance in extreme- ly pleasing. 'in6N?77iiB'UWIi'3_ Aunsm"ftfIi'f'iF'i:'Ii; Itn. MoNTn|:AI.-. 1 .. V 1 He ran a _me, ' Anourrnorunan. O Ind so would many a young lady, rnlhcr thus lake I huh without the Albert " Baby's Own A% Soap. Benn ol Imlutlou. '"'i'o BB Ln.` " ` M ' "" ':".':.'.".'.-."-'~ In liming o In 3:! l:l':<,~d.'1Ivli|Ih Ian 0! but, when Ibo pug. gum Ind an oak: roundly! lull- r_____--- . . ___..- --n nnlll Qll "F6256? DENTAL at the top. 0.uii.i L -... .'o-----"""" ""'.' `ab u_.h!.`!i Dlillutlnhlood nil dig. huumualipuo-Gun-.uamu.g...,,,. umaunu. nub way 31 99.... You can buy them this neck very cheap. We h me some great snaps in uizr-3 9 9}. IO_ 10%. OOOOOMOOOOOOOQOOOOOQOO O Suiociai For Men With Big Feet. --.-.... - - -_.,-.-.----%.. "fnusnun ncmus u... an umnblodwlthnncnrlhtlnltlch F!" In 3"`!- VA -4 . _ .-.:..-...` lDLicAfI6NAL. 173;] ;iin.u'o'iif ' ?%RUSB!V||l Vof lilond Puors - Illa.` |II'II nhnivd In` n in r~nunw~l'n in AMONI ) l . an... mm Valli l.i\I\I`|Nun|, mun:-u vnmn men hua ru (Wnulncrlund Fur lhu |u nu 1-l1|0l`l_) 1 has paid hulls. Mrs N prisv ul the um] \\-rv in 3-ll||(L'lVNl inn lumotl rirh um-rely \\unl .\|r. llird \ Hm-ncml In h Inns of tho 1 liun HI` thu- uml ulmul I lnsvd himsu vrula wall I` nu pursuing lhnruughl). In lht! nw -luun us u I mnsl. (`I hut Ill .-epi.lo -...I un\|lll\ I s UH`. I" N|'I-I and mun!` onndnwo I. ......-n ..n. :-nco. _ In !\'m-omher lust the trm l>`L'nn n pm-jg ut minim: Mperinmma, \\hi(`h ` nu-o such noun: that thxw suugtvu nud obtained a lease at n stretch of Iuml almut tho 3 unm mil:-s in unu. Inn. -.u-nmartv II sinrv morn ox- Inn in thotr inlanr.\'.rn Imam Io mm- mg industry. and the distortion 0! the Inn! tow mnulho have convinced may moullunk-cl unhoriuu that ulceountkn at Iumon-land and (mmhctlnnd on dnunnd to Bromo pg-nun tho tit-but Ininllu dtztricts In tho world. csn-In Oouorill. M Birminchmu in world. ` (g:-kn (`out-rill. who Ito Mn dinning the invest :-1 ptlonn. intorlnn nut Birmlnchnm I that tho disrov:-rs will who a an: Inn at lit to tho; .. my nl thin all-_\_r. cl . hi it . at 1' no u`. and `U005 NKVU ho nlvIud'v.I:::Iu:` gguoa cl . Inuit!-tuna. ha.-Ln lpnvuru-nu (`0l|H(1Pll(`0 l'l`()I . l . rl`) . ' 111- \\ m u - known unu'|_\ .-.1. and n minim: on muoor nmnotl Willimu llasunus. :. man of over thirty _\'c`urs' uxpq\n- Hlnll Illlillt ll\l' in unit` uu-rn nu qIIv.|- This `property in uluilul in vnriuun dinvrlinus. uml Hm mlits hnva shown nxiullx \\-Mrh run] more like 3 chapter `rum llu! .\r:\hiun Nights than ull mm.uiil_\. Thu Veins which have been smnplc-I show that the gxlam nu Nmlnins m-orb o-iuhl_\'-two `or rent. 0! load. (`nrryimz lhirtmn `ml n-halt ounces nl 9nI\N' ||I`l` ton. the irnn~-uolm whirh run he qnarrit-cl works nm at thirty-six nor cent. at irnn. the cup- .....- nnuim-n In thirteen nor (1-nl._ thirty`-six am. an urnn. um rup- por prminro ll par partly rnrhonnto um! partly nn|- phidr. tho (in are shmva twenty- four per cent. 0! (sun metal. while nMhnoIu' an-raps thirIy~six per cent. nrarnir in pn-an-nt In the pro- portion M tony-ave not cam mm wolf:-um canton our sixty nor mm. Tho dirtnvory "kl not nnnamnxlly en-clot! Q good deal 0! stir among minim: 0-x|-ecu and big metal men. 1. nu. nulniol ol those who hnvu and bit molnl men. In the opinion nurvawd the 1!]. tie! Dumber!-.xnd -...a I`.-gnnonlnnd n considnocl to gnd I`:-smnonlnnd on conamorv.-u to in!nnt.\'.in vamrd to Intu- ..- mnmtn-- and V\n7} \\'l\ I10` rY`(`Rl(`(l "II?!" III!` PH` qnirv. nml Con. `mn.-an rt-pliod: "no-nu.-Io Gan. .\`nu.~.vir-r lovmvd it prmmr to It-nvo him at lihm-t_V." "Yon." romrtod M. Inhnri. "but. (I .` h~`nu.n.-ainr must hn\'u1N-n clo- c ivo " `ho qrmwrnl .utn1T." This ah:-um tloclnrntion. nN`nln- nn ((lvro<.i\'I` m-churn. wns: .. n..nnx~nl'n '\lIl:. L~I\-In null rnncnal n unnmn m` (`V|vrt:.n'(- mwlllrc`. was ruvunwl 9 lmst .&L\ lv nml musod n -a-uwnlinn rmurt. . w,\M[[).-y0uR M um mama. wnu _ today for our "in _`."`"`f I Nllnul," "Inventor: Wuvotl " and mm on 0-mm-.-~ All nu Itnn I my. rum Bnlleltorn. hunplo nuuanu. "PHPTIII man was an an.-amuw In-. Tho m-nvrnl truxoravd l'Istorhn'I_v's -\'idonm~_ vnntrutlictlnu .-ztntenmnt. ul- `or ntutolnont und dcrlurinu Es.tor- hnrx ruulcl nnl\' hmo had rolu.t|nnn with mninr Du I`ut\` do (`lnm. nncl the hut I.im|t.~(`nl. Noun. The ven- --rnl nhsnlutoh (Ir-nlq-1| having hnd wnv rt-lutimm \\'|.th hlm. (`nunsnl nskod thm the dm-slor mm- 'nininu- tho tlnrunu-nts rnlutimz tn 'hv inmliry into the l`t`l|lHOh.`l of Fa- `--.rhu7,\' nnd l u't,\' do Plum, institut- ~I h_v mninr Trnventq-r on ht-hull of the mili.tnr_\' authorities should he vmnnulnlmtod tn the cnurt nnd din- mnssed. Tn this tho n'n\`vrnm0nt com- vnis.=z:\rx'. muinr (`nrric-re-. rmiml thnl hv hnd applied to tho muitm-v nu- thnrltios On the sulhiox-t hut his ro-` most hm! hoon rc-fmmd. landing: cnunsol than suhmittod to Gen. Gnnsw (\ number of sonrchlnu uuustitms nn I-`.storhn7_\"-a rs-lnttnnn with thn mmvrnl stn. The mm-~rnl_ us a ro.-mlt. In-canm vorv excited. chnutimr: "It is fnlsm It is fnlsv-" Finnll_\' rmnnsvl usnkotl why 'F`.stc-I~ hnzv was not nrrontod after the on- ..ni-u- null. nnn nnnun rnl\lind| ` tho cuurt, M russnH(m. Whon l~)storhu7._\"a de|mit.i0n haul boon nished. M. Lulmri naked that Hm:-r|1uz,\"n le-ttvrs tn the urea-xltlvnl -f tho rnpuhllc he rvml in \\'hi(`h |,slvrlmv..\' Is said to huve thronlmwd ` if Hm scumlnl rnmlmmd, thut his nun-iuli. the empvrur. wnulnl inter- : nun V or anyone. Ian It an can In: ulna who win In Lon IIII mun Ia : Wuu- IIIOIDI I1 Uhlll nu on Na! AppoII-Iv|dcuco nun": Jlennes, Aug. 23.--/it tho 1)ro_\'I`uH court.-martini urduy the uossiun he- Lrun with M. liubrioui on the sundu He told u gnsaipy h`tUI"_\ oi` mce.im: Dreyfus at the house ul` un acquaint- umje. M. liodsou, in 1884. when Ul`0,\'!IIu was u lieut,pm\nI. and V in .~4L-uing the iatler cunmrnim: with ll mun described .10 the \\`itness us 11 German uuuvhe. This wun the sum of his testinmny, \\'hu'h wua tlultui with ushes oi unconncimls hnnmr. us when M. lmhrieul said he .ml`d his ncquuinlunce that he could no-L fre- quent his lunme H Um Horumn vinil--I him. The ucquuinizmco, ii. umu-un-Ii. replieti. (.`.\(`.Ililu[ the fu(`l. in_\' :4u\inu' Liw Herman was lint hira hut hln \\ifu's irienul, which cum-sod u Et`llI.9l`n'l Iumzh in Court. which In-(`umo Intuit-r whvn M. lluhrin-ui. luu-r, rolnurkmi thut he hud no pr:-Judicu uguinst lireyiuu inr visiting his umlllniimum-e or, minor, hi:-I ucquuintumwf.-' niic, mitiing: "H n\'nI'\' nmr-nr uhn in in '1n\-- xew IL`ll. Lnlmrl tiocl up the witne.-u: in line fn.-dhiun uml l)re_\*t1u-:, hon he rum` in ru|~l_\` to this \\'itnr-me. spnke in u juiut. vnnxim-im: \'()i(`(`. dc-nyinqthut `no haul um` rolutiuns with u. (l(`l`1IullI IHul'h(`. military or ci\||. l)ro_\`fus tried to iM('r|msl`- s0\'~rul (hires. ' lluhrieul liwl. I-`nhnrhnvv \\ nl rnllnll hill did HUI ' uunru-m non. F311-r|mz_v wus culled. Inn did nut. -mu-nr_ tho cnurt. urdo-red the rend- im: of his 4-\`|don(`e us griwn Ix-furv tho cmnrt. of rm-snH(m. \t'|-mn Ia`uInI-l\n'I\"n rlnnumiiinn hnd Illlllllll "H on-r_\' with his twig "rum the urn |'n||v Inll " \(`m`. Han. (tonne horn nsknd to lm n|ln\\`- -`cl (.0 rnspnnd to lsh-rhu'/._\".~1 (vali- umm`. us gzhon before the court of `nlnntion. and dvvlxnrell in u Inud `nine -that liqterhurg.-`a Mutenu-nts Ihnt ho \\'us tho ln.'~urumc-nt of the "ennrnl man uh.-Inluto Ho. 'l`|... ...-.n.u-..I 1 an \ nrnnd I-`qfnu-hn'Iv'.va tvlbguol I'u'I`M:rruo AT we usuou on menu mi. nnxmw counmnmt. _.--_._......-......j_.-: T ....-.-- i TTl3ytcrian Ladics ,;;f._.`: .i" LITIRAI C0llcgc...mL*.c_:;; | (UK ODIIIIOI (ll IIIUIIU III: I raved rm Lmmmrly-;c7 I`:-shnonlnnd `_ .5. inlnnrv in mun!-1| in untu- AMONG ENG! ISH HILLS. ngn|_\. nnmnuinne he was \\'riH0n Iulnnmz muninc h_\- thmao cIu.-an-I) runnwn-d with him, 1 n! It nll ha [nu-rs:-xx-ru-I mnv limo ugu hu touk mm hi-a Pll(`0 Prof. (in-.\. `ho \u-Il- or_v nmcer ho is in Tm--` u m~inhlmr'x-I wife is dismis.-u.-d 9 urmy there would Le \er_\ .--Quilu u l`n mug m.-u`mrr_\` -ru IIHl(l\' nll Hu- or nl` n wutur) 1 numvcl lhrcl \n.~il.~x .lu llnw VIIIK I! NC VFW?!` IIIHQ \\'0l.llIl TX` up a fortune from his Immunity." cram n-mu-era in and nanr this city have hron [hailed for the lust want to Juudonmnd how tho smu- .- Imvmn at Imam: fruit could he 5 mad: from Ih Ridlt Iliclrk-1. wlnlo Ihr own vines are still with nu-Q grunt. Tl: . 3 wt: (inn by I Rate at - or _rnta-any. and ammo nrmatm-_v rtcolimouywalmay n-tn-. The loornnnlunltln gulp |Illl`l`hl\S|`(I JIM` .\ l0(`|\ DI J I-. .`lu\I'n.\_ uI' 'l`u1-In, uml has I;-mwcl up hun- m-ss III that lu\\n. his sun (`hurls-s uml tq-urpru W. Lav tanking rlmrgu 1:! (hr stun`. Mi.-as Lluml Hrqmn. \\'hn rwonlly on! tn llnemn to lW<`nIm- at mnrsq-, is q-x -Lu! hnmu this \\'v<-L. nrk uh I ` llurlwrilu rulnp nrmlml ul Ink l-Ilniclu is uonrimz an oml. and IIlQ`I*Hh|,[.`i ill be l`ulI\llI1'I`<`Q`(| on the 29th. W. I! I`ur.m-rt.\' hm-x muted the rr~sidI'In(`o of 'l`. Vnnunnnn. Elzin Mn:-t. and all 0c(`u|v_\ tho MIMI all soon as tho Inhlo-r Inmos in Ilnvolnck. The inlour oi the hlndol srhnul is In-inn minted this \\-3:-R l-_\~ .` 1` uln.-I: A alnnnvhhur nl I-T I-`nir. you-`n |`0\\'lIt. "lien is n rhnnro tnr a great in- vention." said one of tho jntutlnnt. Vt rd rmm-rs. "H allttricity wll do this. what In the use 0! waiting tor mm ing which may never romt? A has who could contrive nomo us at .-Icing n rtptnlnn cl:-rtrie re-nt thronrh our win: at an to r than wnnlll I-an- l\rK I)" IIH` I Hlni \\ xv nun. ..n nunn an |lw| srhnul Is D!-Inn Pulnuu (ms \\',\'V\ l`_\ t`. t`. Hlnrk. A dmmhu-r of I-T. I-`uir. Iiu~r)'nmn. is vorv low with .'\|\hui1I fewer. Miss! Kg-oihn l.a'\'inzs!nm~ in Hnilhu: friends at (`hsInlr_\. lnlx-ning In ms|:uIsn- In grape grun- on in the Ridlre dislri. new-n milrs [rum this I'll) . nulls whjch dw an-ndod upon lhv-ir \~ine_\`nrdn two weeks ago hr-ought riponimz to the [non fruit nntrad M the ruin wry- ono toured. As a result the fruit is now an 01- market H'lN'0 weolut ht fore the usual time nnd is selling at double (he 1-rim, I-rcltrewl for last year`: growth. "llama la n rlmnrn Our 3 In-on! in- pmmu. It in sun! the trust. lw `.!<'n|I,INN| lmrrvl.-1 of mum: gunrunloe Hurt the prin- mniut.uinul ml .|ulI|H|l`,\. an hu\0 In rvluml :1-IN 5-or nll the-xv 3-urvlul.-an-I`s. 'lhi.~4 nmuunl. lu ulmut. .\"'v"".'"" It. is |N`H(`\NI lhnl smnu ......n....o .....lI.u~u nru In-lull` U W '1 v-I-can--. st` . |]@)h, Nifh . Aug. 2~|.-\'isi- union by Iiuhtnillg has prn\`H| a ` hluuairw In dis|z\IisI\ t_n grape grr}\\- ..p. in an. Richn dislnrt. anon rwo ll; Anocsn Bngu 0o-panel Dou- Ilnuo `lhulr Ana Oulunx. New Yutk, Aug. `.`.~l.---'l`hc stories of u. seulelnem. of the war in-t.\\'eq-11 the Ainvrirun sugar rm-I'u1|ng cmnpmny und the Arbucklos, llosclmr nnd Mul- lq-nhuur, imk-|-1-mlvnt rt-liners. wen- upset. by the ummunccmvnl that the lrust hud cut. the price of R-fnlllllulvd numu` :4-16 of u cunt um|~ lhul xhu .\rlmcklo.-8 hml tnllowml this out h_\ uuuthvr cut. of 1-H`) of 1; cont. mak- ing thv price 55: per pmuul mr im- modmu: lel`nor_\. In Lhv sugur trndo Hm cut is thought to hu\'t- resulted frmn Hu- xiait. to New York lust work of llw \\`ho|osu}o grnu-rs (Ii (.`hivn.;_-`n. 'l`|u-sv men lu_\- lha-ir entire sum-l_\ cu` sugar from lhu ,lruM. lnut fur sou-rul nmmhs tht\'anuLll _u>Il)cr:-e in tho \\'exl. who buy from tho imlv|>9m'-~nl rm-Jinn-rh-8. hmo I)l!l'll uhlu tn lIl|(h'l`- so-ll lhuir hip: rixnls h_\' `,I` lmr pullnll. In in nial the trust. I49 .-ml(| I.- llt`lU"l?_\' nollmull `I [19 lll_|lI[`_\' mun wen more rerinns thun thought. for. hlootkpuisnning set in. and the mun lied. The cloud mun hiul nu r0lnti\'e:~4 in this count.r_\`. but his 0lIl|vlt>)'\`TS. who had taken it t'unv_\' in him. (lo- terniinui to give him .1 respoctulilo funorul. 'l`lu-_\' ll(`(`ul`tllhul_V' hirvll _ ll. lu-ursu unit it hunk or two. but. far- gmt, ull uhout culling: in u cltrv'_\niun until near the grave _\'url. 'I`lwn they 1- lied u mun who llu-d In-.irhy uml inked him if he could ilnd sniiieuio to till the Iran. He ll`-Ollllt he ('(\tIl(l. "Anti." lllld this man, in .tel|lnq of the incident afterwards, "us luck \\'nul(l hu\'e it. the tlrst person I met in my Search wun un o.\-Mvthn- (list, minister, who had been dropped {mm the niinix-atry fur lunkimr ton uitun upon Lho wine when it is red. 'l`l-o ox-mini:-xt.er nrlmlly rospmidc-(I to my mill. and ucconipnniod use to tho Lrruvn side. Arrhod thorn, ho gum (Hit it h_\'1nn. and. ulrhmuxh none of us could Him: nny hotter than It frog, we nmmuzo(l to rot through the six mrsa-s. Then {nllnwml ii pru_\'t`r hull nn lmnr lung and nth-r tluyt, unntl`(`r hxnm cut to tho unar- te-r`*-hnur inm.-zuro. \\'u thnuizlit it was surely over nnw. Ilu.t nn: ulthmuzh we were oxposod to the full uluru nf thn sun. nnd the tlu-rmmnotor niurkml ninety dqxgwvs in thu sluulv. the preni`her solo(`tv(l u .t(-.\t lltlltl sturtml in on nine if his \\'ell-r0- nu-mlwrml surnmns. This wns tux ) .......|\ rm... h..H'_al..-um t'ri.`-ndn \\'lm uuunlwrml `HHS wns um much. The hulf-(lnzvn frie-nds. who hm! thua fnnr atuod luutiently at the minism-r'n lmck while the lunar I'ut'nd thn rnrpm-, slirlod n mm hv (me to H--\ shmlo of the {rum on tho mhur sides u! the hill. und soon tlw wrench- er was lhundorimr u.\\'u_\' \\ith the rnrpso nlnno forming .tho (`murre-;:u- Jinn. l{\'-uml-h,\'(- he mvukv tn tho .-aituutinn. tho swrmnn was hrnuuht tn a hurried 01039. the p0rsq\irlI\q triomls struggled buck. and lhv (`(`l`(\- Innu_\' was (`nn('lm|Nl." I IPUKI To TH! OORPIE. AI Actual II on at no In: on Ilnu --..u_4 W. 14. Ulll, In 'lUI'()lllU nun. About 0. quarter of a century ago, when the rails or the Kyimgston & Pembroko wars helm: kem hot with the huuhuze 0! iron ore from the mines ol Fronlunuc to the furnurox of l vnns_vl\`uniu. u young .*couh- Inun, )1 good lumily, out. out in- to the wild: to got u little proc- Llcul o.\p-rh-nco in mining. It mus in summer Mme, and ull the Muck men in H1 country seenu-(I lo muke u. (loud set. on the ros_\-chcekt-d _un.th from the land of cukvs. In -u short time his neck and face were hudly suollcn-50 buLll_\'. in foot. that he felt hlmiull construhwd to go 1! u. lwnr-l.>_v hospital The in_iurj.' \-um nrnn mnrn garinus Ilmn th()lIL"ht W. L. Smith. in Toronto Sun. Ahnlm n nnnv-Oar nf n 1-nnlurw STILL wfas A MERRY wan. Onion Ilucnod ll utlsoluc. , ; \n:,.L I..- -in II`? A man wno mum I:-em: the p r Hmo wuuld rec- .:-On-Im fnnvn Iain Incinnitv " Amooinllnln. \lu:. `..`.`.`. ~~Qu|lv \u .....l \ i.~nuI\ ruin may ivan. wnutsoxr. August` :z4. 1sw.' IIII_\; \\L'lIIp |'Il|/ l||- n d ies rus_\ -chcekt-d cukvs. In-u :1 .- in fnnb Qlqn Mn fqrioty. rent: 1 .'.....-. Lula. A|Iootl& Vululxu K.Y.; Colombian llutol, Purl. N.I'.: Sat for Aleohol Morphme and vothor Dnxgu. The only genuine cure in Ontario. Beware of fukiru. For full putioulura apply The Keeley Institute. 532 Sherbourne st`.. Toronto. Ihondon & Laneashire hifel Exlrt cu From Annual llcport.l89a: New Polk-In-.I tuned for 1%. 278,. {I lhlpb Pnmlnm lnoomm... . . . . . . . . . . . .. mm in 'l\)IAL Incomo . . . . . . .. 0.456.007 Add-dmrnndldutlnj HQ 137.96 hnnllnndc . . . . . ... Ihoh Pu noon. 1 unoup: puny holdorl. An .........I-. nnnunn --7---1 .~v-'.._---vj_:, mmdvIv|nd!|\hII..Rov York. 1iIIou'AInourrII.v nun-I-uoov Iain lnlhoony. hmpun Pb. 000:] location hrumuclwfwllnnd lnllonhhlduo I. I . uIm.nlAn1.Pnp. (jut ljt Silk? fhlnnblnn lfuicl. W Ii!` IIIIUIIIII ERIC, lIl|lI$l'I- An nun-Iuln ronplny. an nu. Absolute Uucnnly.