thnnonel Wu-hum. Juno IN ~ on will Inn \ b (I800 ) Innoroum and lulu mt non uxd Inch ":3". M OM am a 15 u can n. In : I In. Lbnuoonoua nth at Muulncl with Quoboo hon ma :1 uuohm with nnunen lot un- (WE!!! ulllll DU uII,yu Inge: I5 Luv: yIIl\.\n Mrs. Georg! Sheppard of Pittsburg will remain awhile for not at Folke` stone. England. and then proceed to l nI~ la and nettle down for two years while her two boys attend school and loom the lnngutge. II... lr....nI. Nut rllnnrhtor IFEIIIIIII Ul'lUl1.' IVIUIIIIII` up xynucuuun Mn. Stotnenberx. wile of the Nelu-ask colonel who mu killed by the l~`llu'nlnos. was on nhlpbonyd at the time or her hlll-` band`: death nml did not leun of the event until 80 day: after It took place. um... 11...... E|ux....-..l -0 Dlorgknnna Illa lllen Terr; ugyq that. In I J youth also "wanted tojxdep A shop. `V 1 but ): linen shop. or I chemist`; or to be 3 ml or." ` 1|... a. La... (1.0-..... ......l.I--o -0 oh- UIIIIIHR ` Mu. St. John ouxnoy. president of mo" National Council of Woman In America. in at preaenwlth her son ind daughter. traveling In Ireland. It... numlln hum-hr-O `n.-.m..m. nnlt` ll'|lY':llIl|[ l|.| utluuu. Mn. Cormlla Stewhrt Robiuon. after` visiting many hhotorle place; In and around London. will so to Scotland and . Ireland before returning to Amerleh. u_- u.-.-....L...... ..n.. 4.4 u`... x`..|.....Ip; THE HONEY HUNTERS. THE AUTOMOBILE. THE SHAH ROCK. THE TRUSTS. ALLAN LINE Tango. calm and In guns. Wuhhgtou (in. It`: Allan! rub thn:hvon ! ovgthboth II II I815-n K-Hhhbnu . Z. .L.- `L-.. - _._A_..|. _,,, IIIIIRI-`I-II|I'VlIl UUIITHII. If there won any doubt that the min- mer Is In full owing. the annual (`appear ance of the story about the rat that tool- ed with a lira lobatar and In killed would aottlo the question. The (coat- borry three Inchaa in diameter la nnac- ; connlably onrduo. I VIITCI9 IQL Lnntleo an unllor than people and an seldom ht. On the 0 hand. conmnrlnu an generally unall bond and IOII. ` _ Ln__.| _._._n,. , .- . .. .. uuun |u`.-uIlIlVlIl|' (llu!l'll`l|ll. \Vb0n we rent-ct how on.-n nhirt wnlntn } ugh! to bo washed. In pl`I*v:1`i\`e the win- dom of having the world three-fourth: ` waur.--DQu'oit Journal. '. ___ ______ ___# 1 J- .n - .n Tho "cup with! of 1 1 In 3 pounds 8 ouncu; 0! ~ nliglnly loos. `PL- -...--_. _.l_L _n _ UII`uII W Tho aroma night ot I an In tho latitude 0: New York In M0 pounds; of I woman. l 0n_gho __ uuuuu*\vuIv.`Iu IIVIHIJCI In Don`! complain II the weather. but wipe away the perspiration nml km-p mm'ln[.-Nllhvllle American. \l`|...... ..- _.n__. L-.. ,;. | 5 . 111.9%: and svpr. ram. Tick-u non! for Q )`l `mu at-uonluu MI. 0 A and (III hots: 1 co. mm was ; I JJOIVAY It W. IOUIII. Anton. u; us. On. Isuzu. Duuullujulul lrulll ll l ll'l3Nlll llflll. The Grand Duke of Sale-Wolmar in: again proved that he in: inherited trum his ancestors I love of lwnuly. Ho has refused hi: sanction to the building of the railway up to lhv Wnrlburp. lie loos not want this vouernblo pilo with its uquisilo uurroundinxs made hideous by screaming engines. ' The most ocnniblo of uummor health ruln-Be temperate In all things.--BnIlL more Ilorald. ulul V IIVI IIII. !! is time for all bnldhonded men to ` wear sci-wens. Flies haw pnu-med their billa.-Salem Democrat. n-_-. _._._n-:_ _. .., ,_,,.. . IUIIJEIIJ lUl' Iviuluj OI wrlunx. The engagement ring of the Princess of Wales is not with his differ:-nt stones. the inltinl letter: of which form the name Bertie. the pet nlme or the prince among his own family and friends. 7|`)... D-l...... -3 Il'_|-- __- _- .4.-- I II.I.l\IlI' ul: UWII IIlllII_V uuu Irllilll. The Prince of Wales was so pleased wllh his experience of motor car: during bl: recent visit to the Riviera that he has ordered one to be sent to him at Sandringhun from I Parisian rm. TL- t1.._.I T\..|._ _n 9--- In-,n_,,_A L, I an: a|l.I ~ Queen Victoria now wonra a pair of large spectacle: with black rima when out driving. and a aimilar pair. with Mr tiroly diffarentjinsaes. are and by her majesty for reading or writing. 'l`h.. ...m.._.......o ..I.... -0 n.- n.:..---- luv \vu vvuuvun nut: ltl uua. A friend of ex-Secretary William E. Day say: of him: Illa brain is I cablnot of mm. it contains. an it were. a thou- sand drawers. each properly labeled. so that he can cut at what in want: at a once. He can talk well and with au- thority of an_\'thing-oa crops. drainage, engineering. general acience. law. art and literature. Prince Nicholas. the thin] non of Prince George of Greece. spend: his It-inure In writing poem: and pieces for tho guys. 41...... l'hso-..l- ...._ .......... - __2- -A The late Conxroasmnn S. A. Cobb of Kansas was once introduced to I polltl~ cal meeting In Lawrence. of that state. us "our gnllnnt ntnrdnrd bearer. Colouol S. A. Cobb." Cobb had been only I can- lnln of comml ry. and he said: "I um.` unduly zlwn r uh. You see before you the cob without the kernel." A n..I.._..I -n -_ n--___.--_ IIOIIII, -. -urukw uuu r Iuunul luau- The head of the house of Puget. one of whose members In the son-in-Inw ot er 1 Secretary \V\ 0. Whitney. la the young j Mnrquln of Amxlesy. who. following the example of his father, yrnndfnther. grout- pmmdfnther and xreat-great-zrandl'n- lher. has separated from his wife. Bop! humloth $3 50 0 I \|`I- WM Nth and am. mpg 1.`, MIL` I H has mum ol 5.40. lllvl. lallli lT`)l'IlIl|l'\I IIUILI III. will}. The new pnpnl delegate to Cnnndn. gr. Falconl. it Is stated by Lu Verilv. Is an American citizen and Inns been an- porlor of the l*`rnnciscIn college. known un Bonnventurn college. at Alluxlmny. N. Y. He went there in 1800 nnd Inter voted there. He has nlso lived In bou- \ nectlcut and in New York. 9|\|,_ |_._ 1\__.___,_____._ n 1 1'! nu - |lI uuu nuun vn nvunvn IIIIuI.I;uuu\- Luclul Tuttle. who was recently re- elected to the presidency of the Boaton nnd Mnlne rallrond system. In one ot the tuna! pupulllr rnllrond men ln the coun- try. He began hls rnllrond career by selling tlekets on the old Llurttord. Prov- ldence and Flsllklll road. n~L,L .j,-.L,L,,, _.r\- A . I'l1Jll`lUl' lllllll WHO |UI' U put.-grnu. ~ the inn! eight years has held the chair of astronomy in the Univemity of Missouri. ' has been appointed professor of muthch matica in the United States navy. with pay and rank of senior lieutenant. I nninun "`||QI`n n-In. Inn: luxnnntlu .., `Jll7IlU- II IU C IIIIIIIITII IJIIIIIUTI VI IVIII|.V& `William F. Cotton. who designed the nrmy tn-Import ns now in use on all government trunlportu: and received I patent for the design on June 13. 1890. has assigned the patent to the war oico for the nominal mum of $1. l'I__Q.......... lIlI..- IV-.nIA_..Q -.L- D-.. Sleeping Bear. a full blooded Gm: Water indlnn. uucceutuliy conducts a general store It Gnat Falls. Mon. Ho vwill not ve his own people credit. but extend: it to I limited number of whites. IIIlII!_.... I )\ tV__.-_ ___|_- _I__x____.| .|_- aacuuwuu; Iuauaunvn ava Ill!-' \l\llI Io Albert Heme Levy. a resldent of At- lauta.. was a classmate ot Dreytua am! entertain: many pleasant recollections of the Fmnch artillery captain. AL.-nun H llgnvlor oh; vnlllhuunlng gnu- v John Wanamaker : r;t `um-y wul whlclym I`n|_pn|d_ by I Phlltdeh phin puhlishlhwrm. . `.-ncnuulh I` l`n'nInnn of r`.nnnlu-ll N C`. -uns- 'J.`. H. Bytes-. the New York millionth-e.\ la. tlcially. the exact double of Canyon- mnn Joe Bailey at Texas. nnd the one In frequently mistaken for the other. An..... I.n-...... I--- . .....|.:-..o -0 Ac- I III? I` IWIILII CI IIIICIJ I-IIVICIIIQ Abram 8. Hewitt. the millionaire. say: that he has never sought to acquire wealth and that today nearly every dol- lar he own: In Invented In his bluluosn. n|_-_I.__ I1--- - A..II 1.|-_.|-.| (1..-- liiyarvost Excursions to Cana- dian Nortlrwost . A," you uuutuuuurpuun. ` Warm: C. Cqleunn of Concord. N. 0.. } II the qgeat colored man In the south. `Hi: Income is invested In cotton mlllu. 1-L.. I'\ -I )...-I...O..Il.._ -'I|vQIln .I.u..-.n. In III. IUEVIIIV I. IIIIVIDWV III VVIIVII Illldli John D." Rockefeller always drenen In tho quietest tuhlou. but never ml: to hay} n ower ot some kind In his button- holi. -o - . .n nu Io . nu n UI luv uvluluul lulu Ul 5'1. Professor Milton Updc-gran. who for hn In-I nhvhr van!-n has hnlnl Ilia nhnlr nf THE {mum aoov. sumvnea zpu-was. TH T RBYAL BOX. M:-:`n or 7mFu<. uuu-Cu III ? at Q!" an. ion? Idtzml `-=`*"l*"-"'! _ paagcrucunhlugnlvlc ` I `:....e..`V,.~ ~ z.A4\->1:-3:. nuonoat ' nu`: bnln I woman`; Elahalfs lnndun Ale and` Slnut Round Trlp mm `lil;g'a-t`:'n. M Follows : _ . nAL__.I`II\ .4) pl` TiiHpp"yTii 6 uFt:R??gI McKelvey & Birch, And desire to share this bargain with out trons`; size 8x4, regular price $1 and $1.50 each, Sa e rice 75c and 90c each and Trading Stamps or `ash Coupons. CRUMLEY B1305. What ,Is Nicer Than a Snow White Pnrc Irish Linen Tablc Cover? Inc Pure Wnltc 0ncs Usually Come High. 14 E SECURED AT A GREAT BARGAIN XEEXN TABLE COVER. ..._-_---a - -..__- comes to their relief. Used with this gun cleanser. the scrubbing brush loans In . (error at onoo. All club in; is easy with Oak! Dust. It dun tbs work inlhalf the dlnearith hall the con and It knight F. can of soup ornny .~ "` - ` cluncI'. F0`? ;...c3.': economy buy our lap puhp. Have you seen the new and intesting Puzzle. Call for one at Wash-i't:g'-lit,-vPder rnlnnn On !}\nlr roll:-K '7:-J nah`: Okla nunnb Klnuit Ii & l>omb}`olo' and _Ca_na Ian Da_clflc ll:_llway|. -an-any! IIIUIMIV mu.-'1----.- - The scrubbing bnnhb the implement of counts with , ` whwuhonanndaotqimnnuo , out Ineiruvu. JLC 1 Wnlntnncausoof f{a`~ss:&{Jss~s~" T T " Tu oi When the human foot was ` first introduced to shoes it was exactly as nature had made it, stxon'g-symmetrical-handsome. 1. I,-.\,__, .____,`.,A , , , , ,,_I "J ..-..-------.- ------...~._- It has been revolutionized "\. L from what it was to the foot of today by sixteen centuries of distorting tightness and freakish styles. ll ("I_A_.. G As it Once Was. 69 and 71 Brock St:-ogt. HAINES & LOCKETT. Solo LOCII 0.0Ms., MCPARLAN D'S, g AGENI. 339 an 34: Inssfnm. NEVER WAS BETTER u.;au;1;iau'ra;e;`1a;o'.;ta.4 I IIII. In In Inlnuruvu vvlvil nun nonrmmu. cmcaoo um. I! mwvonx uosrou THE NEW BREWINGS. IENS n E . . ...|. 1.. oh. t.....:......o .1 o.'.s.......nL 1 -U`. __I_!iE N; K. mmymx COMPANY I'IlIt`Anl| av nmn uni: vnlr .4... vv- -`-`---.----v --v-- -v-0-`.- ?I`welve4 sha 3, six widths, sizes leathers an colors. Goodyear walked, name and price stamped on the soles, A- _- -...I J- __ - v-__..-- ..-J ---. Slater Shoes " are nude to fit feet as they are to-dn ,comfort first, but good appearance ever forgotten. II'\___L_- ,I_-____ _2-_ __-).IAI._ _II I Use: very little fuel and makes everybody happy. Over six hundred in use in Kingston today. We sell them and take old Move: in trade if you wish. Looks Well, Cooks Well, T0R0N'i`9-_-I'l0'NTRVEAL Q3-50 and $5.00. '7" via: I All tlolou good fbr mum `Dept. um. um. _Au(_;_2un go sun. 9:. LVIIIINIIOIII mid! MBIIINQI `Ill HID! ton and uquobvo vm: women I turn. C ` V " ` v&hthodEucnubo|!0InIIihIlnIos5ound (heel u 2 p ungporlnuoavconnndlhoothoclni pOtII.I tannin: . mu "i'i'.9a`i' -_ 1-; -n'...a . S. DAV|8'& sous. MONTREAL. Lu-gut Clxqg Ilnnutpctnnn In Canada. El Padre Cigar. Mad; ;nd.Ou|rnnt_ood by Aug .`| lnllll \`n|lIl\`| ll pnwcwul. vunhrmul \u-m rwul, Fursrullrn '|'|... .~I..-Ir l`l`ll"l`I`. .\II.`l`.` IH`l'| "II \`I\|`|l. -`{l|lIC` Imus. mu! \luhol \\`MiwrnlI. Hillml. .V.\'.. M Mr. and Mrs. Jmnes Him: humln. \Ii~1-A hlnlin .\`_\l\ uml her hrnllwr lhu_\ql. l.iml_sn_\'. \\Hh .\. F (`la-mons. Mrs. 'l`urIwr llrishin. llnr~ rill rnvr. 'l`hmnns llmluins. Iin(lsu_\ .\Irs 1`lnru~m'v Kollv and I'll|lI\`I\l\`l`. Iluuln, .\'.\ .. with lmr |\un-ms. nj@.IX`IT!II..AlD IQ _Q-lacuna.-nnnuuhnuuur Illlll`. (Mm-r Visitnrc nnv W. W. Jnnlino. Il..-\.. (hm-moo. lhuid l`_\'c-rnmn uml Hm Minawa Johnston. 'l`nrunIn: llr \\'. ll. Hanks and .\|iss .\l\\' hum_\. .\'m\` Yurk; J. ll. Hicks. 'l`nrc~n'~\. ut Ins huh;-r`s. \H|Iuum lliqlu: .\Irs lh`Iumli. Xli.-as:-.1 lh~rIl\u Sm-ll. Smlio Ihnln nhunl \Inh.\I \l'nl|u\rnII Ilillnn h II! QIIIC nary -k T 0 1'0. 3`: 0...`! VII: IE L`. .I.. Dill &?B?`'.1"u's.""'-`r.u.. ?e"{y'...: ... n. hr when a mu: K HUNG lIll|l`8l(lll(` I'll)`. _. Our little l|)\\`ll In lust loomnimz mm u amnnwr N-sun. Visilnra [rum rmudltv pulnla nl llw nlnl-o nm,\' I1- tmmd ht-ndimt thnir stops In this di- nvrlinn. Smno uf the-In um` Mr. um! Mrs. \\`llHnm \\'omIIq\'. [rum the fur u\\a\,\` l\IIN[\u(INi. [mid frlrmla nu .m\\-n A Visit. 'l`hu_\' \\'on- accompan- ml l\\' Mr. \\`omIlo,\"a mnlhrr. Mm. Jnhn \\`nmIlo_\'. "l`Mrnlq~n. I`hNr trip run-rs! lhrt-0 Im\l\l|`. M xxhlrh lwu mnnlhs hmv tn lm numnt In l~ N`lllI_\' tnuwlllunr. Mrs. Woudlt-,\'. jr.. is u Ivulivo ut .r\u.~alrnIin und Ihuls mllrh llm.l is plmslmt uml hm-vl In Ihis c~munr3'. is null us in the _iuurno,\` Mlher. nu.-- .~a.:o..... ...... u.` m` I.....H.... l`.\(`lll'8ll|ll ll) RIIMIHIUII |\l\(I IN!` lum- nua '|`hmmnu! lslmul.-4 mul .\\'-nv do- Iiumod not only with Um tnM`nuw(| lalnnds. but chm with um scarcely Ion fumed limestone city. nu... Inch. 1......` 1.. t....o I.....\...a.... T)`nnt\. Mm. ZN.--l'l'n[\K`lS fnr u |bl1'lIlHlI| lmnuy _\i1-id um u.\vool.m:I_\' umurro. Nul`\c'slilu: is ulmm rum- |-lvhul In this .-uwtiun. uml lhn~uhnIu.( in in full swlmr, Hruin is Iurmm: out quite wull. Quito u numlwr {rum this vionnily ulh'm|(`(| tho I. (). I-`. 1-xcuraiun lo lximnatun and tho fum- Ihrhinal nut .\nI|- u 0|. 0|... lu..\n`......uI u over urunwuod 0 Olllun. Wolll on arms. whom an Hum. Dulgm, Appml nu. .. will be noon: and mmpuy attended to. Ihuduuon tun.-an VIIIIOII fun, that manual land on u Dn-|a E. M. STOREY, Architect. | . DAB ox-nun AN AIIDI l1'lI"l`n nnl-Inn I to: isafnol W Ilunmon. null Vail; urvln hwvcn than we (loin. VII I0 9 IL Oollc El gun. l 1U IVIU T I YIW I ' TII TIIIKKW LB 0$lD AN ROI ITILTI OFFICE } mo-nwoo-i onnun, lou B0001. III Hnnl. Danni. Annml nn. Tlll lean and auaonur srenman - ARGYLE mum; Three Round Tripl par wont Iron Khan: .to clmmu. can Point. ouvoxo. H. V., and Tnonntn. London. Llvarpool ind Globe Fire . luurgnco convoy. riluont In lllon In rum. no an Inn mt scam: the an `I I olul tho Imokholdon. ` lg` 01! ? PROPERTY unulu an A ` nu .Sw"'u'.a'.?.`2.`..?r. u.' m...."""""' ``` ' ITRANOI A BrRAN%LmA" '-.;~..m.::.~~ -- - --- mom mu aururo: IlI`\Il` rwh . ;,..|.|-nu. JA mo nuulurlu. mm 0 num:~or wvrr In the imdr of Oh hall and 014- stal- Idin were av with Hwir dreams and Van ! Th! nlidbv-mv wus r0- mnrknhlv rwsrcarnlatiw-: H was drawn from tho cc-Imtw frnm Mani- lohn V_0 `hr Ru" 0! I"\m\' The aim at tho um-ut-Imrn III-lo--nnn was fPP`lIl"l`\h\, ~\m~w=u and .\'Mr- morht an-|In`n|\-rInlI\' In--.. -`n" Hlnvonts. 'l'9Io Mg hall was lled tn the door!` and the t-Morin: was hoarw and Intvvtrinw The Maui at tho Wonmon at tho Inc!!! was pro!- ml, and M Na Flgrinqf N-tun who vnumnn on-N-1| um-mama mo00rigI- hr to the own:-ni 0! out on-nut: Irurt on uh MOI` will no QDIIIDHI-' 01- Dual! will ho !-nu-at ttoun Dwkvillo. "nu-on. Squat chill the hht. Tit 1-wind N-inrtpl and MN!` u-and Icahn will Alan attend. and lollnvi tho 0!- onllilatkl 1:! II! Iour IIID |ngutcn_wIll in bone! . mo mmvsu-r ul lflfl` um runumrn-. 'l`hn~ night was hot und the unma- Nwrv wilhln Ute hall was n[In~n- nivo. Uh in NI! mull!-vm M mu-A! hm-o N-on sunmha-I-im:. and many cg IM |u-ONO` thew chnrovutlrd me stairs and since! at ":0 Met M the hwll. n\`orrumc- lxv tho ht-M. u-Q nmvlllinn tn mics tho Inn!-In llnndn-In nr ladies were N!-mm 3'4-wml \\-ere nu the nlatturm. and nmntwsr in 0L. |.n1|u- ul OK- Lgll -n-:0. ck. ...I um lwurt nl .ltu~ nuuwr. It. was not n cold s|\c-erh. Tho \\'n_\' of tho imwituhlo il\!t`I"rlI||H\r as not atn-wn with roam. 'l`hvro was a .\~n\ttx-rim: tlomnnstrutinn nmlinst Sir Ilichtt-nl \\ hon ho was nhnnt tn rum- Im-nm his nvuvltz but when nun his tone: \\`on- card tlw tun`:-tulnoxs of his porsnnnlltr. .tho vqntpninn nt his uuttvmnrm Impnsod 3Nt`l`\(`(` vml u.t- tcutinn. Ono Int:-rpnlutq-r in pru|`uI\l\ .~xnrr_\` that ho almku. Sir Nirhnrtl puintwl nut the larva` |t\\'v!'.hIu`IItn \\llIt`h tho |'n\ornnwnl hua mmlo tn 0 future of the .\ m\ Ontario "Hnw much H11 QlIt`Il`1` an " cmno [rum the had)` M the hull. "(Jm~twc. mint Sir Ittrhurd. in -gvttnnm one-thnrtl us much u! (hr turlu is ;:1-ttlllu." .\nd tho mutu-m`o fmlml tn .~:`\m|m th'm~ with tlw untvrrmrlvr Niuulurly. n rhnllmnzr as tn tho ulivn lntmr luw qwukwl u !~`t.ntmm~nt at the ra\.~\ sn t`uI\th',l\St'(I. an xnrxdvrutv. Mn rm. that tho muHmm~ rhwn-I it tn than who `\ S\\t.`t`||lI|L' `\n\ tt\q`it\c rvph to rwklma ulul tmfnumlwl rhnrutw-- eurh was Sir Ihch`nrd t`urt\\`ri;,;hl`s .11 omh. I-`nr the nut. the nut ur trinmum vvutttvutzv The Rant! An-I luau intend In-- inc a out at intro:-Hon hon ii-ing it -at `-5.. oh` -..-a Imr wot. win: In snot` 3|` . work at tho ctr will he oannmlbc-' 3. tun-um -m h-1-mg.-5 0.... UNI I0 3|)! um. Illuuuuvv as raw U: {owls qportu nu-cu-uou Dan. 81 I ind uh. lhund `hip uonu will ha-slant mu 0!? I) All uonunll M rounrnn ul Mu nu: moon! um: um: wll ln autos for ud`o'xu Finn.-(`Two Mun Illw .ondIornurn mm: caps l.|Ih.l&.on unmade or on-tlnosu. SIISIDS IXCURSION, ` "2,,'`}',,,"{,,`, . - QII (12,uuu. ll \\i|l be seen [hut iiminvu turm- ed the main suhjerl M Mr lilrimrd`.-1 a|oN!`h. z\dmiru.hie was his In-mum-nl M u Nuhjwt usually unutl.rm*li\ o. lu- rid. _\'ot cumlc-n.~c-(I. his IuuI|_\'siu ul` Hm oxgn-nd.iture oi` the vmuury us in triumph nl ux;.u.-utiun. Ho Iuul nu muliulwo \\'hirh was nnzxgmn.-ai\v in n-I`:-I%nn`o to such ullruciho in;-ics use Hm - prIc~rvniiu| iuri. Ummdu`.-I uruwth in lllxpurlunvo. tho light for vrupor lnummmi ut \\'ushingmn nlul l||(`n`bnlIl1I|ill! dq-\`einpm~m m` tho \\'n-at. ll iinnnwruusly chm-rud mm whuu hv tuuvhod |iI`|`.Yl\` _\`n-i lirmlv u|mn tholn. Hm h(- hold, with u .-nit`. cnmrul hoyund tho sinvnulh of tho more pluifnrm snmuker nmximxs fur points, to iinnncn. and |rr:-smiod in his hN\h`l`.\' u um-.! unulysis of tho qvmwnl p:mormm`ni`s hmulling ul Hm umm\_\.~a M the vmmlr_\'. .\ anluiior ul Iilmmlism ! '|`|u- word me. well the champion who so ruin- M the ummsi.linn`s luvkiq-sa ruse. Whut u ihrhivlf Sir liiclmrii is ' i`unI. urmunoumuixo. pnli.-alu-i. with [IPF I'94~tI_\- iurlwd aomencos. with iinisimd cu\mu\\\`. \\ it.h nhsuiulo cluritw of mpnxxainn. his lmzic. his on-mailiun uml his umilysis vinfl u.-uuuivr wild slnionnunt mud plausible snuvhiwn with nvlonllc-as |\rt'<`isiun. |.i was un imoilmmul sgmwim, nmrluvd it) u rin- orous nlnstonlum [rum n|\|\Nbls to svnlinvnl ulul pension. and it cut In llm hmn nf ulho mull:-r. Io ..-..- mu .. l`n\|l` anmrh Thu \\'n.\' Hh0\llIllp.!B 01 we oppuslllull unulu e.\p<-mlnun-. thrilled with thv neut- usl mmnont of lhv ova-nillg whrn Hr Riclm-rd (undo tho tolling: alulmm-m" "Sir, I will H-ll yuu hut Hm (ulnl l\(|llil|ll nuule by this must oxIru\u- gum pzu\ornIm~nl tn the lhu-d churpv.-4 uf Cunudu hua hot-n in-l\\'o1`n Hm _\`9ur I897 and the ya-ur Hmu. l.n.dh~s und mmllulm-II, it nmuunls In jusl s.`.6,lmu_ In (II has .-awn lhnl lhnuwn funn- yours." This sentence of Sir Richard struck UIO 'domiIIunt nuts of his grant no- cmmt at` UN` atewnrtiship M the mu"- urmnont which for three yours hns udminiutt-red (`unn(h\. His was .\ tale nf nulministru.ti\'e o_icienc_\'. ui wise- uxpontiituro. ul wise u:nnmn\'. mui thu szrout nutatumilng cnnditlun un~ dnr which expenditure wun incurred und o<`0nmn_v wail! a!`~_vct0(i \\'ns the miirhty ieup torwurd which tho trmio und the industries of tho (-nuntr_\' hum tuken. thv iim\ing tido ut |-ros|n-r|.ty which is ra\rr_\ing (`ulmdu nnwurd. i4Ixtrx\\`umn1ro Walk the rhurro which Sir Richnrd mot: o<`unmn_\' was the l`t`(`nl`(i which he pruvui. Thu tunlionvo. its t-urn dinm-d try the nimutinua of the oppusitiuu uhuut nummiinnnu thrilimi with tho nCut- who u-`uutmnma PnvoO-'l5llld[ our ` pplnon npolwpu Llbqnl and nonun- " uh ,uu"`iqb-Iuuudhy In chann- ritlo nu" ` Innis. |`II\lt1Il own Ii i`pgu'IviIo'-0l.ioo"AnI )6u or the [whim [guano--IIn 'uoIu|n'n Quit)` Inward Loop I Toronto Globo. pun Ill llltl ~l0 HIS H!.`l`ll'l'l"U. 'l`h-re am occunInns--nnd this Is one 0! them--ln which the (Irnnruas of n cnuntr,\` in three years in a grant us for tho precuJIm{ (Mr 5' yeuru." 'I`hin nnnnnrn nf Sir Irhnrd n1:-nrk out vuuv ulvvuu "The Growing Time of (`anadu." l`h_ut. was the `mono whtch faced the great uudlence at Manny hull 'l`h_ursdu_v `night, `which ovorhumg Hr Rllyhurd (`artwrisxhvn "head up he re- viewed the rm.`0rd `of the llbertll gm`- urmnent of (`u'mmo.. 'l`hnromm|\- up- prnvriqto it was. for` the veteran anltk-r nf llhemlimn brought u cheer- ing nnensauo xo his heqrera. 'l`hm-n nm um-nnInnn`--nnd this In MATRON nib MKIDL ` " `ll _ I -._ 9".._.... _- __ AL`; I_ L.- gum 03'; `man Yeahs 01* um- vuuaua utvuorumr. , `yuan riot September lat. Ind and 3rd. ete valid hr return on or bemlelepl. % en other luhnnuuou Apply to 3` wggv`. Olly auuou. Tloshnneluuy uhuthmlu htnlovlllodh Oohuhiantu --g -n.-oL- AD L.` -I--I.A-_ _D..A._ pun: aluminu- Oh. mm. tmatk trusts! Win: honk- deeds of st-It nncrico and during an mm: nut American cttloolnon about to underinh in thy name! Yo an golden opportunities of a lifetime. cm) on oi :ou.-Dclin i'l`ex.)'t\'ows W`-.. _.. _._.-_I .IlZ...h1.. I- ck- JUUTIICII-I III`-I LIUWQ 'l`hon an anal dtcnltho In its way of making N-mt: olodlvq but the chief on II the Inability to can All tho nnllnuknpml into then. A: long no It Islnmudhlotodotblothnenn In no load plpo cinch on the couunct.-San I`......x.... r~s.....m. / IIIITIII ` Said tho head oi the [Inlet mm. It In my Aim in ma that every man than tun omploynout. pnwhled he In working for an and not to: hlnnelf."-I`h|lulol phll Retold. (IL 3...... c_.-a- o-..A.l XL L-_..|_ o'\IIIl'l Ill`I|luj\)ln I-l\'\llU \JI\llR-I TIl"PCl_l`Iu The automobile. with jta hi; pneumatic rims. in a ma-I builder and not I maul de- stmxc-r. like the heavy. nrrmr noel tin-d rehkk. The more nntomcbilu we have the honor will it be for our roads. From every point of How they nhould be on- marina.- \Z EXPOSIIION & INDUSTRIAL FAIR. TORONTO. August 28th to Sc t. 9th. ._.'!W'?T'." .`..'!..'T'.T.`!'..'T'_'_".. 1"? .". ..*."" .-:- Dormnclntion new-or killed I I00. and It will never klll n mm.-Munphin Com- Imelnl Appoal. Igiul ah- L-gnl Al on. -I-nlgt o--5 Oil: noloupnpoeiuetoaunu ll-`nncbcoChronic|o./ The assertion that the automobile has come to any nhonlsl be amended to wad come to go.-Tncumn Ix-dyer. \\`I.iI.. cl.` _ub...n..I.lI. -u..- _-_..6..-II- u Ir. Another nunostlon In to change the name of nmomoliIe" to Iutnkim-ton." because the Inner won! in pure Ormk. It urnuld douhtlq-an remain no in the average American.--8t. Lonlrclobobemocrat. , ___.___.Ln_ __.nL 2., 1:, .,_,,, 9, svulv nu `V-vguxuuuu n1x*\A.vI- While (ha umoumblh may on-utnnll_v nmd to kill the home. tome norruus drive-rs claim that it is nearing them to ` dentI).--l`hilndoIphia Times. TL- LA...` I- -.....`.._...l -A _` Lu: LL. ` llI`lllIl~_ l IllllI\Il'l||lll|l alalvun The horse Is supposed to go. but his going now in the mimx that known no ro- mrn. The Inmmolrilo in the propelling power.-lh>cIn-ster Democrat and Chron- ` icle. uuuur Iv wt unann- Thore is no better time for making prt-pnrntlonu for winter than during the hono_v`tlow. To do this It is noceesnry that the been ll and seal over the news- anry number of frame: of the beat honey ? for wintering. V` 11- | urn - To make dlvidln; I mecca colonies uhould be very strong and nlmoat ready to gwnrm. ,,,.,,n m, n , , ___. ;,_, , `IIHIIIII u uu Ici rls ' ln neighborhood: where poplar or other white-wood: abound the bees wlll often more up I surplus or honey. It In usual- ly 0! a dark color. but lt ll nely avored. lV._-I. A..|_-_ `us At sL_ LI-g. _L-..I I ..-A I u: n null \vIvI. Illll It In uuvq uuvvlxnn. Comb taken out or the hive should not be exposed for my length of than to the ; hot sun. as than I: nlwnyu danger of It: I melting down. Good comb: are too ul- uuhle to he wanted. | .. ,, -n,_,_ -,, ,, _nv (jg (ago Jun: :1: av In Jun houudfrl - '|`n-louu wlllbo no on Auxaul. IN: to unpl. llh. Inulunlvu :3 mm of 35 ML n....l-D Ram-An union II-nun The thlnnor the honey I: when extract- ed the more evaporation in required. Boos hatched during the summer months almost nlwnyn dlu long before spring. K`......... ..II..-. - nunnnnnwu-I Al L.A-_ Q- ....-._I- \\v I IV In uh Swnrmn may be hlrod on empty frames. ; but cam must be taken to have the him I plumb and level. ' I- _..l..I.L....l....\.|- -.|...-. .`._I.- -.. -58.-.. uuuvuu nun u_yu nu; Ivu. uxnvuu; -yuan.- Nevor allow a swarm of been to remain I long after selling. Hive them as soon as x , possible. 1 l:\....-..A;uI Lnnunu -lII --nu-IAA- --..I L; puacuuun ` Extracted honey will granulato and be- `como hard on the approach ot cold ` woatho ' In _ _|_, j|_n||__ _ __,_,-__ _ u,,n _ I! lUl' .IIlJ3Il'IIlIl III lllllltn A niece of Attornoy General Grlgxs. Miss Elinaboth A. Curtis. is one of the latest translators of Omar Khny-yam. At a recent reception srlvon In her honor by her uncle she overheard one promi- nent society woman lnqnim of another as to who Omar wan. "Oh." replied the \ woman addrvasod. ho la a new colored i poet like Paul Dunbar!" Emmn Thurshy and her ulster have gone to a rest cure nenr Dresden. When naked why she chose such in retreat. Miss Thursh_v nulcl hoc-nuse she would not he ` hothorml with clothes. Toilets of the i simplest klnd no worn there. and even to ~_ no bum-foot In the grass is recommended ` by tho physlolnn In charge. A nlnasg nl Lfiru-nnv flnnnnnl nnlnn ll (`H1180 (0 nurwny. Mrs. Pnrnoll hna recently `eased Tre- mnton cnstlo. nonr Plynmuth. England. ` There the lives in utter at-chudou. neither vlsltinx nor visited. nnd rarely stepping ontsldo hor srronnds. except to nttend the \ Church of St. Stephens-by-Saltnuh. near by. - IF.-n- "`Inu--luv urn. haw nlnnr IDS runy perrormeu. Tho Elnpreas Eugenio. who has derived ` considerable benet from her trip In the Modltorrnnoun. contemplates n voyage to the North son. Her ym-ht. the Thistle. has returned to Cowes and In retnc for cruise to Norway. nu..- n__....n L... ........I- Immml W`.- IIUIIIIIEE Mrs. iiunnie Nut Gamble. daughter .of the inte William Nut. founder of the Get-mn`n Methodist plucopnl church in America. bun endowed the William Nut chair of theology in the German Wil- ince colioge. 1n__ nu..- Nut-Inn-nlg nntlnnpnni I-Q Inc! C0ll('[U. Mlu Olga Nethenole underwent re- cently In London the operation of re- movnl or the tonsils as an old to her cenernl health and voice production on the ntnm-. The operation was success- fuy performed. rm... I.~......\.... Rmnmln n-lm hm: dorlvod Richelieu & ontanp Navlza-I non Company. ' ' HAFIILTON-MONTREAL Llne.