For your trade we mean, Our goods speak louder than words can ifyou will only come within hearing of them. ' non. Thoy may thso uh pnoont a 83.50 utlolo cl undorwur II frequsntly out to 83. no!- wlhlnbandng that but can 0! the nnbor lul Ihcroln bu boon udunood owonty coma. Ooohoo bu nob only gouo up In price. butioin ulmoub impoodblo lot the mill poopla to obuln oulolonl unuorlnl to hoop than colon. Tho combine. no tho Eagle knitting ooxnpnuy pooplo say, will romlo in I bigger bnninon bolug dooo In this city. and mare hand: may luv! to be omployod by them. CI VIII!-I1 vie-tune Rev. Mr. Byers. oi (hnenoqne. end e arredueie Li Princeton. occupied the puipil cl Ooohe e Preehyoerieh ohnroh yeeterdey. delivering proheolonery eernooe. Be me the ree of H10 meoy epplicente tor the pnlpie to deliver hie triel eennon. The con- reqelioo wee well pleeeed with hie elhrr. ie diooouree wee heeed upon the eoade lound in leeleh Lxn. ll): "00 through. go through the geteo: prepere ye the we} of the people; out up. one up the highwey; gether out the eeooeo; llll ep e etenderd tor the people. He epohe oi the encieol Inethode oi roednehing. end drew the lee- eon Ienghe hy the rough. herd reedweye ohrietieoe eowedeye ere compelled to trevel over while emoehe to the promised lend oi God. Hr. Byerl wlll he reheined to In the pelple next Bentley. mny-Ionr urn. The non eh lover epidm o ah Addison In nbcting. All aha puuienu sl'ooed with the dlnouo are ddng well. A ...._ In-unl n hum Inn nhunin rnnmn New York man no lnwrantod. On Thurlhy Thomu Mnybow, Kanpu- vlllo. and Min El; Bowmsn. dnughbor of Jnrnoc Bommn. orth Augusta. were married. 'I \, .-un-n- Tugnlnnnn ha: Dunn Mun. Z Vn;1meor. Tyondinnga. bu boon oom- mineod hr brinl churned with perjury. In In alleged mm ID I dlvioloo oourh Vnnlnoor non falsely. On Rnnmmhnr l3'.h Tllomn Qnllton. KIIVIII Mill lluuuu. Tho Monro. Moodio. ol tho Eagle knit- hing oomfnny. any the public union of tho mnooro 1 woollon mill oombino no this time in promnturo. Tboy ndmlb who u movomonu la: web on orqsninlion in on too). but who oompmy bu not you bun formed. They say tho lntooblon is no pun a shop no she cutting in prion than bu prevailed IIIIOIIR bbo mlll people. pad may tacitly admin than the nmallor mum-` fnoonron will be drivon out of tho bani. U16 CIIIOIII Ire ullug won. A now ho'ol bo Inn 100 aloopinz room: in ho ho bulln ah the loot ol LnRuo n inland. lnwrantod. n- ll`|..u`|.n Thnmnn Mnulunu Knmnhn Noni In-[loo Occupant. Cunmncm. Ohio, 80 t 26. - JOIIU Lynch. tho and bug and diamond robber who nupod from the puma- Mary oovnnl days car. an: opened Int ouch: M Bhopludb Bunion. nu this city. Lynli Ind diogniood Nun)! unoidunn. walking Imluouo. and vunoqliud oolyby hicvoioobyouod tlooicyluootivu. wbohuppooodioboia the vicinity looting lot Ii-. Lnoh not Ioliolcolmliulvuhughitonlslll I lullado at Delhi: not alto: bin. 0 china In I [Ind sided In to man Innlaolurun 0! Knlnud Good: Honour` llu[ In that Direction. :1... 0.... IIAIQMI 1 Ham! ton llomld. an nA.__,- |n-_ tern l LO;Il7iiJA|Lt dron uuaom. WOOLLEN Mull couamz. L`. " "'.c"x""m..n..".'."ni| .-ngd Ll: an Lhn-_ msrmct oA3HEs. INEWS llljli W(lR|.|l.I |cnunIausEf_nAc.IxArns.] wu nuuroyou Iy nre; Ion pou.uw. The pnrliulnonbnry deadlock in Anuhnlin hn rllulbod In the resignation o! the cabl- n gnu non. There are Iixhy rhipn unlocdloc uh proc- onb :0 the dock: no 85. John. N B . with Scottish iron. Wlnt Comes To Us from All Quarters. Llttln lunar: `llnl Into:-on Everybody- Notu Iron an 0nr- Llnlo oi Ivory- tmnc lull: Bond and Bononbond In the Draw films. A big oilu ab LIlldOt'l Lmdlog. 8.0.. dam-oyo by are; Ion 850.000. Thu mrliunanmrv dncllock not A vouel bu trrlvod at St. John. N B, wihh I hugs cugo ol 4_ 190 mm of Nano- glnu cosl. Than no Iixhv rhinn unloadloa proc- Boom-n Iron. AF:ench uyndlcnto will build I new runny in China. Ohlm oonhrlbutoa topic 3 000,000 Molt. mu..- 1-...-.....A. nl Mil-gnlmn urn nnn. 3 UUU,UUU min. The dornocnbc of Milwaukee no con- denh ol gunning the grub domoontic cou~ vonuou In ohm clay. Sunncl Bunn choked to deal: I! Bur- oomvlllo. N Y . whilo onhlrg a sandwich. Ho Ina [any an old. A hnv hu man mmmibtod for hrlnltb NOVIUIUQI` Q00. IUUS. II GUI. Mn. Jnmu Boohh. late of Bollovillo. died In Brooklyn. N.Y . whore tho wenb some time no on visit her Ion. End..." a. - nnln -an nl Rnu Mr Mali. TE LEGRAM3 FROM THE EARTH'8 ` FOUR QUART! R8 GIVEN. nc lorny nu am. A boy has con oommlbtod {or trial to Bollovlllo for using injury to I born by uylng 3 Mn pail to its tail. nan, Rnnu. aha succeeded Gan. Ron- Dying mu pm to ms nu. Gen. Buulb. who succeeded Goo. Ron- ourd an chief of the annual ubn In Pain. Novaznbor (ch, 1898. in dead. Mu Janna: Rnnhh, Intn 0' Rallnvilla. 7 j-Iv:-u unau- Lato Jame: Craig &`(?<->._ CIUIO I 0 I30 Vlllll III!` II). Sydney. 0 0 only son of Rev. Mr. Mau- Ior. of Oudinal, dlod on Monday Aged bwouzy yours. that a ll:-get-inc lhneu. In 1. nnnonnond thnblho Muchou em owoucy yuru. III)!!! I Ilugvanuu umuun. In In announced that the taste. ombncing tho lakes 0! Klllarnoy, will be sold an auction November 2061:. A ......|.kI- ha. gu-I-an nvnr hhn lvlnlnn will be sold an IIICDIOH uovolnuur xuuu. A rqunbble hu nrioon over the dlvlnlou M the at-MM of (who lube Almon H. Mallory, Lvonr. N.\'. In In vnluod lb 826,000. Vlm ..-I A! Rnnnnl.-n uhn In nnlv no cununv, I town DI rrllullu Dlxuny. George Washington Thatcher. Dsyuon. Ohio, was commlbtod no jtil onaohugo oi obtaining money under lulu protnuou. Tim lhatnh mini in nhnnh M: Inn: nun DI UULIIIIIIII U100`, |lllIJIl' IIIIU [JIUIIIHIKII The Dutch mini in about to lune new coinage bearing the hand of the young queen at her present we 0! nlnoboon youn. Phlnmu Miller. I rahirod Ind wall-ho-do LYOM, 11.1 . 10 II vuuuvu nu uzu,puu. The on! 0! Beauchun. who In only uwonly-uvcn years of age, bu boon up- poinbod governor of New South Walu. Rmnm-nr Wlllinxn hu ralnnd to mount pO|HKU KDVUTUDT OI AVIW Dlllll VV IlIIu Emperor Wllllun bu rclnud to accept the probeobonto ol the Blunnrok muunm uh Scandal, In town 0! Prnulun Buony. llnnvon Lvgnhinnhnn Thnfnhnr n\IhnlI. queen III not present: IR! OI nmuwiu yulrl. Phlnou Miller. rooirod wall-ho-do (Armor. Pnlu.-kl. N.Y.. oommlbbod nulcido by Ihootiug hllneolf with n gun In his bod- flllll . IOOIII. A an-on Bro on Thursday dutroyod the famous ond bonuhul church of Sun Fran- olooo. founded by Panto In 1536 no Linn, Po . son. an Bun-not Walker Gulch. 0.0. ll 0 . ohm jumble: of Quoonolond. bu boon gunned liouoonantrgovotoor oi um colony. Th: minnl-n nan-[in -h DAIIA. III . Ill] 'l`ho.minon' nbrlko ab Pans. III. will noon be I thing of the pub. The mlnon will accept: one harms olforod by Mm: on- players. Thnrnnn H Rhnriclnn !m- nvnr hilnhI- THEDAM % BRITISH WHJ1q_.% OI Ulllfln I IIOUII. . Tho chip yards Along the huh 0! M10 Dolunro rlvor employ I2 000 non an pro noun sud bho vouch undo: oonm-nchion will out :30 ooowo. Th; -nngn--agnn I..- L`;-. nnnnnm Ii. LIITUWII OIIU DI Olnplflj IIIGIIII. A mymo colony has been nubltobod 3| (nun. -Holland. Etch mombor noolvu uwonby hoouuon of land. They no amet- Iy vogohrlnnp In their dict. The Ihhnn mlnmcr of tho hrouniv ha III XIDCIIDI IIOIIDG llIVCTl10s The body ot Juan Hayes in: found dead on him trucks at Fulton Cholnl. N Y.. Thundny. 1-10 In: thirty-ve you: old. The body wu horribly nnoglod. Thu hndv nt hunlnn Ranch Inn found pnyuru. Thom D. Sheridan. for over twenty- the years norhhorn puoon or agent 0! who Gr-nd Trunk nlhny, dl uh bu homo In Bnthlo. U runu L I Buthlo. "B5. .A. Dellfhhuhborohoopora In the Ru do Ohnhrol no uklng the French govornmcnl hr $80,000 which they loan through the Ilogo of 0uorln n houlo. $5.; -5.]- ---.l- -I-.._ AL- L--.|.. Al Ink: wm mu no wuuw. The ongngomooh bu boon nunondood oi Drummond. con 0! moor Dunn- mond. and Min Ihy Roynoldu. uh: clover olocnuioniob. Montreal. Till Tnroullcn nnlhnn n\nnl|.AnhnlI Ah UIUUNUIUIJIIU. ll0u`rF.Io The Torkullcn oohhon msnnhobory sh Eoaohoda. In Ovor In. [an boon alumna destroyed by an. inn buudnd man an thrown nun nl Amnlnt mnnh, I] VIRUKHID ID IDC|f CI... mlnlober the hrounry otduod also Bush of holy to can opera- lng on she boom and to unload Ito about not: one louo uoldnhlo dulny. R.-mlnhv hm lnwulnrl Rnnhlnnd in full mun mo noun uonuum allay. Society bu lnndod Scotland in {nil loroo. The ([0000. prlnoo 0! Wash: and roynltlon at an dogrnu nod their inolnlill no ocking Mound Invornou. Tl.` Duuin Al 1...... Hang -an Conn!` POI CALI. Llll noay VII oorruuy uunguou. The body 0! Charles Bough In found 03 Rsbbbun dock. Ocwcgo. on Frlddy. Ho bad boon mining the days. In in not known how Banal: moo hi: doolh. TR: Inn-ALI n-gI.AnunnInn I-glam In Run. IIIOWII DOW LSODRII U99 III IIOIIII. The lnrgooo watonnalon nltd In Km- on this your woighod 104 pounds. A vuterunlon wu nlood nine :0 Atlanta. 0a.. which wolgbod 1499 pounds. 'l"hn Rnnhn nmv In balm: nntlunllv M- uu.. wnwu wulgoiu Mug pouuuu. Tho Buuhn any it Mine nndully ro- ducod in numbers. Bomo 85.000 man have boon plocod In etc noun lace and will only called out In out 0! on oy. W A Rlnuh mndn Min Inll`: nnnrd OEIV OIIIUI OII III X3 OI Um ll]: W. A. Rlluzlo undo the not d'I no uh oh: now will at Ibo Borlln um: cou- psny. hruorodnlo. Ila. on Thursday by cum; 58_000 loo! 0! lumber In olovon hours. A Locum: hunt on! Aha Int. -nvntnnr Io A broun bum ol tho Into governor Horatio Seymour. prooonood to the 000060 hiuocicul 0009001 by Dr. G. L. Ililkt. ol Ovmhs. no nvollcd at Ulioo. N.Y..u Thuodn . Col. Vonbuplmulot. oonnondc ol the Mulch nllliuy unduly. bu bun ronovodfrou Mo poduoo unto darn olhvlutorddonllnculalnloohocfot onporor William. Hlnnn nnnmnnlnn -ll|xl LI LI uu-uruyuu uy nns. nlxnu D thrown out ol employ menu. A mrnhin nnlnnv ha: boon OQXC WIIIKU. REC! non-union nlun 1| LIIIIO Boo Ar ..m and vii Wloohutus they sound tbonulm 01:15` by gaining dunk Ind ddling Ibo cl 3 dun-cl VIII Iullol. has New Suit Walt: count In to- an ol the diootvuy 0!: sound Putt. uuntly an Idea to ndlooad H.000 pooplo on Ilolbonno. lb Lb} Oaths nid ooh I dunguno rival h FAWN OIUO. A - Ila-n-L DA-loa- Lnnmgnhnni. A. I. Hugh. Ruluv.Iuundouu- noun nhuootpnpuny. Ethno- nnnal mu Mason. Law And Banal: Iuuvvo nun pupurvy. land not locum. Lav 1-... .n_ glob. Igngll L Rn:-nllmn. UUIIO OHARMED THE ROIIQBS noun nun won. an on no nal The Eraser, jig Omcmo, Supt. IB.-Bwu\ I61-sins from I violin won inotuunonul In prevailing I highway robbory and caused the nu of one of hi hi hwuynon. who. undo: tho name of Will an Lvmonto. wu Good 810 and con: b jurtioo Stbslh. Joooph Kiopsoh. o! 0. 1,644 nub Olsh mm vs: hhojooupicinonl. H0 in I mechanic and I violin Itudonb. _ In-.....s. 3...: Innnn .n..uunp . mph: and vionn Iwaono. Klopoch Ind boon ottondlop a party sud wu returning to his homo whoa ho ooooun~ horod than young non. "Throw It your lunch. uhoubod one of the trio. to obey proooodocl to touch him. Whoa ohoy ruohod hlo vlolio out In hold slum to nit ohmlnuto and In would p!oy I win for 0. am them. URL- them. The novel propooltlon nppoolod to the hlgbwoymou and bl: cm: was nooopud. Klopnoh ployod a ho never had played bo- lormnnd who robbou roamed hypoohud. Thoy dld not move until hhoy now own po- llcomon from the Guns] Poet nvonuo police summon. who won otzurnotod by tho IIIIIIIO And on-h-ed In tuno no no tho Iahroo robbon duo down a side arrow and uonpo. 1.: none wn mood and copborod. VVII uunluu All IIUDIE` Tonomo. Bopl. `.. 6.-hhbo| King. Ibo hon you-old duughtor of Georgi ay. 55 . Grant menu. whilo pl: lug round Ibon-` ro non hot home on guturdny. ruched burn: which rooulood in her dnth About bwolvo hours later. \l-|...l ....- an-ndlna fan nnnr Mm hnrn. man I panlu Inn [1011 ll'0Ill vuu rpvv. Her youn or brother Walbor. howanr. abayad no he p his Inter, and thla lad. who is just six yaan old. had tho praaanoa oi mind he throw the noraamlng girl on tho gran and roll hot one and over in an ab- oam u to amothar aha amar. In In doing the ran llutla (allow had hla own handa Iavoroly burned. -_-- 2 ___- u-n--. --La_4 bwolvo noun mur. Mnbel wan unending too nut hho burn- lng wood. And 3 uuddon gain 0! wind blow bbo mu ngnlout her dun. Io was ublc-no In nu inlhnnb. The child non-mod for help. bun her companion: won called what: punk: and 110:! from she Ipoh. "AP Imnnnnr bmhhar Wnlbur. IIOWOVIIH -IIII IIUIVI WIVUI IICIIIIIIII Wumnmmn. Boob. 25.'-`l`ho wsr do- puomonn has been boqlognd wlbh nppllcn tlom tram when 0! oiooru nquuhing bum rhnlon ho Mnnllu. nnd tho olnlnla hnvo eon compelled to duollno oh and ovary rtquuu. Gen. Ooh blue! to the ncrobcry ol wnr some ch-no 0611:! no noacmmodntloua exlnhod In 8 O Phlllp pluu tor Amorlcnu women. Ind bhnt the but: plnoo for bhem In: In the Uulbod Sbnhu. Boonuu of the nut up roach of the fall onmpnlgn and the need or ull unllnblo space on tho tnnrportn the Iocnhny ol war ha been compelled to rolnoo to guns may of the uppllcnolonn for ponnlulou to lot otoon me their win: with thou. \ --- II-IIIIII IIII I III'- ICU jvrvm Wnunuu. Ind.. Sopb. 96.-John Wal domnlhh. I lumor 0! thll count . hauled aloud of corn bohhiu plnoo tn rolund oxvonhynlno cents per hulhol for to. Ho hhon wont to Kunnnu. nlxboon Inllol. sod ntnod Mum:-olghl ud Lhtl! unto. from him: he not Iolonuypnlnoon mlloo. und would ooh ooh bunny-night conbo. He was out shut dun vino and hobo! uponou. Ho ohm drown out-to Knox. bhlroy nix mllu. md sold his corn tor bwontyuvon sud shall cum. which hroughb him 88 40. When ho rnchod homo ho hsd hnvollod 133 mllol and no out vo duo Dine and 82. Ennmsu. lnd.. Boph. 25.-`l`ho unlu- mouo dun-lug him In!) louhyolghu hours out the upon that Thoma: Bnuunop dld nob commit: suicide out your ago. but hirod another man to kill him. min; 8500 lot we oorvioo. bu calming in the strut at Pater H. Boyle undo: the chums Indloabod. He gave 3 bond ol 82 600 to appear before the gum! jury In Ootobor. Boylo mule: llghnoloho oh 9. Ho Admit: um Bantam offoud him I I500. bub up than II In olforod him with I d(I!lI othoro. I -I u-III. wwuu uunvw --qn BROt`K\`ll.|.R, Sept. 23 -'l'ho Ron! Illi- ury cod: sud Brookvilln loohbtll union not In a gun; hon to-day. The nonhu- wnu cool but bracing. The vlolton won I hunky lob and tn luprovommo on In-o you o Nun The tum mnnngjllt Mod our uvonl junlo sud no qulw well plouod with also moving t-My undo. The much tunlbod in I No, eight :11. laovu-d luluma Int lloolproolty. S1`. 'l`Iu>uAn, D.W.I . Bopu. `.25 -Tho Icon! Iegulnuvo connclltf 8% Kma, on 0! tho u prutdonolu ol the bastard In- lnodl. yoolordny udopuod I ruolnlion nt- in who Imperial ucrotary ol man for tho co onlu. Jonph Ohunbotluln, to tutor Into 3 nolpmclhy convention with the Unleod Btcbonon bohnll of So. KIWI. Nut: and Anguilla. connluning the SI. Km:-Null ptuidouoy. -__ .s_ 4--- ..__` ..g-_n__ IAOIIIIII III II CUUII I-Iuuy. Nlw 0ou.nxa,8opO. 25 -I'nnI Leiden. killed no tho nity opon hone In Obnbn noogn by the neuron Jnlln Mormon; In known In prlvnho lifn no Frank humon- bonnet. Ho was born `In Now Orlnnnn bbiriy-night nan ago. and In: L noinbnt of n pt-ounlnont tun-Iy hut. in Int! boon lingo manner for E E Bolhntn. Tbnlnn Kano. Iiwln AI-don and lrolnnnn. rnt;I-w-not In tillage. Cmuuo, Sept. 25 -A oolltdoo oonurld Iunday bolwoon u Ink: ot capo oocobu sod u ouhutbsn train on the L 0 above road as Fourtooolh otnoo. Iogloou Wil- lhn Do Camp In to bully lojuod that hodiod lh0l_|ul] that id nnonll lion the wool. and Guam . R Frog; no pcohbly hull) Iajuoll. :OO49OOO-000900900900 :OOOOQOOOO9QOOOOO0OO4 :OOOOOO6006000OO000OOO: OOOQOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOO: O , 44,- , U ...'Q"9VQ'VVVVVVVVVV" auaws LAUNDRY. Top\ I handle from on nub- M I ::IDoM. Tho Door, at-`H ..:'....... '......K.. on ' 1-".'.'.3"'.3e""'"en."':'v`.'..u;"'..;'"'= mad man: unboun- 828. I Banned in: (`on ID: Inn. ,.| n__.. n: I-L.. ' _._ ,V,, InIt`l.oun Inn: nomnc. n . nn.IL- _ Hind Illa Own Iurdcnr. u n . nu alu _ The cation Hood uhovllc. . no. 2;. n__ Always a Pleasure Wu Bu-nod To Daub` _ , fI__A (ll \l-L-I I Every (Iarmont Now. I-.vor (lumen! Imported. Pr cc: Love: `I hon Ever. Auortmont Luger. Como and no Thom. Our Millinory Department in IIIO worthsvinit. --New `Fall and Winter Jackets, I?tf:rt:iTor'L'5<'|'U-|31-oinu- 7;.- bo out-led on at who old Iuudon tubal! of uum. I`. Bull. Admlnlatrstrlx. BRAKE lB'.l`L'l'Ha HE BUKXXKQ 0" TH` E ..':.':":*.:-..:2:`::.`.-.::.'.:*.*:.`..".-:."5".....'*. ME ..o-o. II nnAnn Arlvnlnlnlrnll. . .._._.?___.._._. 'VE\'l:RAL RRMH1` AND HONIQT P?- L mm In ropn-non: n: An Man on In t h: and oluno by munllu. du-y 3! A yourubd upon:-on nu-sum, bout nu-. no man. nu tounalnry. Pmluon pormsnonk our rotor- on--ns, gov hunt In any Imvn. It In unduly omno um} eonluo!onI- at homo. Rbhfilt. Enelooon-It mklmuadammood onvolupo I bollunm Uountu. |)II|)L 1. clnloqo. Is""'2;oo`veR%JAsv1<. _N-o-(Ym uK1\l.-I`fn`l!nNlIBIn l'I\0I1' honmnm, with motkrn ornvonlonou. onl- uhlo for two nntlunnn. Addncl Im at |I|l omen TIC aunt upon I! I nut oocchot. Go no but Mn sub. pouch` picnic Bl: Rlohud J On-Iwrlghl II In tho db). B0 In looking bclond hung. n.....1 Burch. nun anon. nut Ian Ba 5. UUI$5l"&'L'. I IIUPO In P I`! F" n:t)`n.)IlI:l:o$ornv.'o W. m r I-lI-|Ju MAvooNu.u-Ah Key Wm. Flu. B090. 9 h, 0! yollow favor. Fuodorlok linden- nld. lth son 0! W. 8. lhorlonsld. Gun- I III!!! II`, unnquo. Ilvmsx-Ah Joyoovlllo. on B0 8. 88:6. In , rolloh oi the Inc Mich MIIIOI. mg tiny-two ran. Funonl from the unlly ruldonoo to nor- row (Tuudny) morning so nluo unlock for It Bunny`: ohrollult IIIQI nnnlnn will In lllll. Ono lnnortlnn mo. Tum lnnnlonn. 00. named uouhmy mm l ONRRT MAN OR WOMKN T0 TIAVIII. for In lmuun. salary son munlhly nml on-onnuw Ih Inc-roan. IN--Iuon pormancnl. Enclose solr-amlronml uunmpod onvolnpo. Mar numr, ma Canton llulldlng. Uhlouo. _ I-oraunanaun nv. Wolh hluud Mr, Tuudny u_:d Wcdnor umng of nut dlvlnlon court, Tuocday It 0 mm. 7 8 co 8'. 00's. Inlllioery opening on W nuday nut. tho inch. Toodm for dobonturu rocoivod 5 city .- Irounnr Irolmd up to 3 p In. . Turn ny. Ilillhmrv nnAnin_ E. V. GPIIII. Wal. PUNK 08 0'. IKE WWII] llAhL. V 090: SDAY car. I, and counts awry um` nvzdqy an It-hows: aunts pu' Jnvullcn. 0 pm. tun-kahuna. 'INIQ7*||I-ll AI Ito Intent Odd; -so runny Once: In I. nvnhnolouoor name. Pvuo Itnonpuay hour munch Inc by. L VIB WIDE-AWAKE MEN WITH GOOH uuldrvn- wunud to am. an pormnnont. local or travelling repmmnmlx-0 mr an established whol~m`o and uunmmmurluq homo uwllln dlvval. to onn-umurn av wlvvlo--ulo rllo . Him to. Iununmllnusly In Com-nu. Dnuwln ill. ondon. om. 2?- ('lN1'Ll':llN on t.Am|:~a wmnn: I npoohl wnrlt. potltlun permanent; Io- ll-blo llnn, wlth but rutnroumu; uperlunon nnnooeunry. Addnun n M I-`RV Ilnld Ilnnn-or. no lo looting Mann many. Sunni Burch. Bigot not. Ipul III day with Ian dnqhur In Gnuoquo. j-: O . _._ 'BogmI no Ibohroo ohhogdo lilo norntngshn um data! out all 50 w\~ no slang tho Iubot hoot. Tho umho pnhpon have u not am;-hm. nnnd bun Mn Lilla noun i "Watch" him with I `5, l'eliab'o mu. tune-piece and in I visual vntchi 3:: not and so much ' Ifg. Show him I: have condence in him. " 5?. `_". `!`..'."'i5 5' may him ..._....._.___.:.._.__._.. .\LI`.8MEN PAY WEEKLY PERMA- nunt. umntrroo. lipoolu Imluoomonlulo new man. Buowu Bnoc. 00.. Bnowwu Nun- nuuunm. nm. 3F The Boy. _ ou'un was Lanna!` ) lo . -- '.f - 9 mol.:l'=Idq vmhomlill I'M It nan-Ih-DIII Ilndl. I ll DII'lIlUy'I VIII! nqnlou will be nag. `Il'CllllI'Ol' lrulua up 50 o p In. uuruun . Iillinory opening. E. V. Gran. *0!- Iinnoon otuoo. Wodnudny. 27th and lo!- lowlng dayt. . Ilnnhlnn ho conoldor summer hotol pro- _ HOOD GIN HAL SERVANT. APPLY to Mm. A.C. JullNl1'\)!.N Barrio as ' `humus. .. V.'2f'.`..E'Ew$ - \uo<.n> GENERAL almvun`. APPLY to . Mlu. FInII|n.m mock lstreet. .?____?._.__:__j. I NRRT TRAVEL rur lnrn Salary 66 .':;...':' zz 3: _'-;'w yopr boy; All hldt; Ill` A.(1]oI1nston& Brmf wtabrntn I-nouns.-runs. T "??`i`2's7'Ai`&'Fi"` `J7 '1`. F. Eluuuuun uuau-nu 1. IDIRTAIIII Axnnluulufand II Prhaoou gunk 'PhonoIr- I. Bu! cum. 1. Onondnlnd n _::_Z '1'. F. HARRISON OOMPLNY. ......... --.- Ann I`.Il-Amlllnlll lowing days. Iloohlng ho oonoldor pro- poul In oonnoil ohombor thin wooing at tight o'olock.. Amman nlo of household eoon at Milli I.:h.u.n:_. VJ: I cool. clotting vat! north-val wlndu. JAE. BIID. nrlm mt rump- cnhono 41;. 0001:] :j~.__._.T ._ ..--..... ._..._...._.-j BRAKE IBTLTI vuuuan nu` IIIIIH LAT B. 3. 00388131`. uunuv-vnnn nl IDII1 `wanna. guns Phonu r-W Optn any And In IHIUIVIUI B I. I-`RY. Ilold Illnlctr. llunlllnn. OIL III. I). no In olgun o'oIocI.. Auction sale of rooms. Brook moot, on Tuudny. 10:30 mu. nln or mine. -vv-uy-- -v ww-------u'-w--v- EAL]-ID TENDIZR8 WILL BE REC-EIVI-ID up loo n .u. of FRIDAY, SEPT. 20th, mm. M. then mm or the undo"-Ignod. whom plans I! d spa-lnoauonu m be seen, for the novarul tundra workureqmr In mnllnnn-rmln anor- ntlouu nnd.nddIl|um In the uunnloy Hounr, Klngumn. fort,` ll Ulldorsluova. F` . Lowest or my lender noL nenennrlly um-o I. E. M. Hl UHEY. rrhIlA`oL I7`) Welllnglnxl Bl. URNITFRE. INCLUDING FINE l.IlZlNT'I.- man Plano belonging to D. Blown! Rotrruon. wnube-om by pm-am me In his llouidmou, [59 King utrv-ct Un vhw (Iun long II thlu uivl. Ippouh) h-hm-n tho hour: of 10:!) cum. and 1 pm. sndunb pun. We have just received .1 large consignment of these dainty Dinner Sets. You have never seen anything as pretty and they are not ex- pensive. ROBERTSON BROS. Valuable Rcsldcnucre. Furnlturc. Etc. I IIIIIII I. lIiI' Io nail" on the premlueu that vnlu|b!o ruuldonoe known as "run: \}low."Nn. on B-rrle Hlru-L. tho roaldanco of the Inc Mm. lhrzy. On Ihu progeny In It mlld brlnk bounce whh nfronlaqo on my (ill) feel. and ndaplhnrlm of 900 foot. with It lane In roan. Thlu wlll ha I\ nnemulnco for nnernnn vnntlnl n Imsltlolme In the bent. nno nrl-3'07 I3nny Ihoftin, Bldobon mm loch sons and Ulnln. Noclona. fnbuu cupeu,oucIom, ohm. `Pen 60%. Kitchen Utonulln. Urmnorv. Mirrors, rnruma. Hnlr Mnurennea. Bodullnn. Beds. Kitchen Utonslln. Mlrmrn, Fungus. H-Ir Mulrouea. Bedding, Dada, Hprlnu, Ruirlgeralor tmrulna, Crooks, (lav- dou Uunnlln, I-qnue hall Slow. llanco. (lot or )'.onkn.oM.A|oguo from nnotlonuw) and nlher guods. Pmno will posmwl_y be acid :1. one o'rlock. Hale II. 10:31 Tnrmn mnh. Dancing a_nq Depoglmggg, `IIXIIIECK IIEIC I111 HAVE RECEIVER INSTRUCTIONS! TO men an my room-. Brook Street, on TUE- I) \Y. SEPT `.`8lh.the |'h0ld t-lmul vh: I Bed Room Beta Pug tove. Iungal RoIrgem- ton Kitchen Ufem-lln, Orocllery, Jnmt. How- Ing Muohluec. loo (tn-.un 1-`nezarn, Bprln . Ilnureuoe. Balding. Cnrmvu, Hmunher R` I Couches, Plano. Moron` Top Cumro Tnhlc.-,!j Roolu-n.CurI.Alnn. Drawn and olhor goon. Bale M. 10:11. JOHN H. Mll.IR_ Auctioneer. MILLINERY opmme at MISS SMlTl1 S, I83 Princess St, WEDNESDAY. SBP'I`. 27th furniture By Private Sale. I-nvnnvrl-Hon! Inn! Ivnin IIMII I`lh1`1`1_ KKIT HTII BTU U Imam |on.|n. Io p m. J. Wablns. J.P..u0lln BaIunIII..nI- 0 I-urn-on Arm. In arm and A9- nr. loooylolnsn, to. ufnoounlnlnx In Law Ohumhoru or cut Wnl m a w|llum.CIInnooauIu_. Bavargn China Dinner Sets. wllh lino In This wlll be nnemnlnco rorntwrson wanting local! y In Kluxv-mu. The property will be or- rorml III. lo'oIocll nhnrp. The Furullure In part. vln: Ewdnrd. N.Y.. fared IN. 1 o'clock nnup. part. Smdnrd, Plano. Mnhngun Card hula I-lots-. Uounhon. lcoaynndomhor YhaIra_ Osrpe . Mlrror. Dm- porynnd other Curlalur, BNO-I-HI"<`. Ex|n- rlnn Table, Hldmonrd. lauulnr Hall Chnlru and mm. sum `run an and-noon. runn- lnrn. Kllnhen Uh-nulls mu} nun-r nomlc. and Rack. Bllver 'l`o\ Sal Had-Room ll 1uro.l(IInhen Uh-nulls mu} nun-r nomlc. Hula M10 o'clock. l`|uno will noslllvu 1uro.K|lnhen Ulunalln and nuwr nomlc. Halo M I0 will posulvoly be sold uuzao. Torma cash. JOHN H. MILLS. Aucuonoer . BY JOHN H. MILLS. Auction Sale o{__Furn|t_ur_e: lj_0TICE `T0 C0l$_TRACTOR_: um --. no.-... u... u... ..-n.... PIANO FOR BALE. l'lRB1'-CLASS UPIIGHT. (?AlllNl.1' unncl Hum. nnrly now. [My u-rmu. Apply uwlnu Omoo Hm! -. .a'u'u'..2',"'.Ei.E baton ma. inglot tboqlnin n dohhono iu|t`ol Maputo Iullu. llliluvy opto- ug otluIdny.lopI.`.l'h|. llnrdyhoo. BY JOHN H. MILLS, AUCTION SALE _, - ,. ,,, , URNITFRE. INCLUDING FINE BIINT7 Rohn-hon. wlllhenold hv nrh-nto I 9 I D'ml't lo M. 1` ` .1614; I IIIVrllIi&l'1:Iul I` HOUKIIIOLI) FlYRNl"URI-`. AT A 0 AR- ICIT1` uh! I`. 'l`uUhuA\'.Bl'l`. mm. mm It mm. n :0 FURNITURE A1` EEtI:.'1}g8lDlI`.NOE 01-` , V on ulna A. Form. No. Btreot. on w 3.054/( Cf F0 /7- HAVE RECEIVED INSTRUCTIONS 1'0 . obrtorsnloou FRIDAY. SEPT. 29th. `n lhn nnnnlupu that vnlnnhhl rmnlxlnnnn J . VA Lll. .l.P.. 00!): suoxtn. IK- An-nl. moo Arm A9- Pnoraasnomu. CARE) FURNITURE AT HE REHIDENOE 0|" man A. Form No. Division Sunset. umnmu. inn. xma. 2-nu _o-m Aucrloy SALE LOCAL HEMOIIANDA PRIVATE SALE Iahnrul n nuvubnvflvnnv A` ll. JOHN H. MJLL9. Auctioneer. . 1 JO vlrimn omh. N H. HILL`. Auctloneor. ONCE LIVED ON CARROLL STREET IN BUFFALO. lifiumss BAIIK RlEH.| Earned a Competency In State Of Wyomlpz. Inns man Assm 30 ms] Irochu In Patrolman Iun- Bu loo: Incl: of [Mo Duane 110 Burton on In anon of fortune and Adnnlnn-A nooldoulr lnurntlng Glory. Toxuwnan. N Y., Sopb. 25.--'l'hi:-by you: :30 Thoma Knn, than I youth 0! nlnotoon. Ian My home no No. I09 Carroll shrub. Bunlo. A few day: :30 he turned up In Tonnwnndn und nnrpmod his and mothor. Mn. Ella Kan. who livu lb No. I40 Bunch me. u. 11.... -..n. gun: a nun haw. Hg SUNDAY HANK! Nnloonl league--At Sb. Lonln (rth gum) 6; Lonimllo 7: (socoud (um) Louis- vlllob; Olovolood 1. Au Cmolnnnl (ne guno)5;Cb|ougo `Z1; (oooond |m)Uin- olnnul 11; Chicago 1. "Cincinnati. Brooklyn .. Pmlndelphln Boston Hnnlmon . St. [null .. Ohlmgo... Plunburt lnulwllno . New York... WuMngI4n.. Clovoluzd. . . .. M0 Bouok eoroen. Mr. Koanwonu away a poor boy. He rotnrne a comperalzivel a wealthy men. having had a of-Meet ul cursor in one weeborn abatsoe. ' ti young Kean left hie Buffalo homo . no to Cincinnati end enlietod in one r ,.r ermy. At! er seeing eeveral year: of twice and fighting In- diene on bhe plolne and in him mounoeine. be got a poeihion on a railroad end in oonree of nine oamo to be en engineer. Fin- ally ho settled down ine liutlo town in Montana and married. He in now hhe lather oi four children, in one of the non proeperone cihinane of tile ndopbod town, hae boon eheri oi hie county for severe! toms and has held obher oicee. At... nnlnn -nan Mm nhnn Innna wan- term: Inn nee new owner uuncil. After going wear: one uheu young wan- derer wrobe ho hie relnhlvee in Bniialo nev- ernl times. but received no reply. Final- ly. alnenee of thirty years. he decided to return out and hunt: up hia relebivee. In Buifalo be located his brother. hrolmnn Michael Kean, ol preoinob o. 3. and irom him learned um hie mother lived in Tonawenda. Mr. Keen at: once came to thin oiby and there wee a joyful reunion of mother and run. The anoceaafni wanderer will remain here for eeveral weeks and then rebnrn to hie hmily in Montana. lor xzsuu. "He won 3 very nhnngo old moo. " said one ol also woman who out opu-hmonbu In the homo. "Ho novor loo Anybody Into hlo rooms. and and to ho oll hlu lood und cook in hlmull. Ho nu dono no work for 1 long time. and when his men oallod And offorod to help him mad unto him 1 bio moro comlorhhlo. ho would not lob hot. " __ -,V__-v ,,--_ _ _l. . _ . _ _ _ -- )U0l'. on 0. BER wnm ll LI 1 an-n VIII onou.SDAY. I. huahnll on Iulnmar. Naulonal loagu--A0 Brooklyn 7; Wuh- lnnon 5. Ab Now Yotk 5; Bonon 2. AI Phlladalpllla 7; Balblmora 2. At Plltaburg (drab game) 0; Clovaland 2; (second gum) Plilubnrg 0: Cleveland 1. hIlN'DA\ HAMKB SIC III wit`. Uv-vvuvivu. Barnum, W. Va. 80 U. 85.-0oor[o Jumllot Olup IMO placed poison III Iona voty no Inionnolonn In his Mb lot ourabod thlono. Yootocdny Ronda: omployoo unod Rupee wont into tho huh and by clash at on oltho n onlln which polooo Ind boon nlnnul, Rnnulnln 1 arlml mndlnn OI H50 Illolonl Ill Union plluull nun noon pluod. Botpotloln n maul oundluloo annuals and but lmlo hop to am. Idnod la JnrroI|'n noovory. 120 ronoouvuve ronu. Mmldor. who use uvonby-three you-I 0! Age. wn removed from his rooms by the rollovlngoicor on Monday, and yu- borduy who police and pariah officer on making u nu-oh dlaoovorod In I cup- board alone to when he in: land dying I bond of neural hundrodn of pounds in gold. bolidu vplpnblo Iocultlu. "U!!! 6! MI roonin. VIIOI Im! an! Hon UIII 0! ml IODIIII. WIIIIII ulu not turn opened for yearn. wu full of old turnt- uure. In the other, where he lived Ind worked, the oloen lound hhe lollowlng vnllnblel when they broke open the cup- boerd: A olgnr box containing 438 in gold. nbove this two dozen the pound nobee end e eollcuy one of hen pound, all danced l80l; end all an dirty blnb only when taken to hho lnnk wee Mic ulne ol the Inter deolpheted; e heavy but ol metal In I bin ouhhox. which turned out ho ho bullion gold. allver epoone. eevenl weoohee and ohelne. old silver end cop- per money. end A fully pnld up pollcy {or 300. nu- _.g . pnvv nhunnn nlrl man, nnid Insure Oonuuun Dad. Lennon. Bopl. 25.-W|Ilhn Bonny. who uoohptoiod loan H. Btonloy. tho Alrioan uphnl. In 1887 In the upodmoo let its rollol 0! Huh Pooh. and who cub- U rudvul the soda lb =2:-n nnnnh|anInnein'I:n&nhnndn.o: Iu Pouelnd Of Plenty. But Dlod or What. Loxnon, Bepb. `. 5.-Thoro died In the pnrluh Inrmary. Shepherdou-wnlk. City road. I`:-ldny nltornoon. M1 0 n-glut maker named Mouldnr. who ad boon found dying of age. wnnr. And nogleoh In the mo mm which be occupied no 126 Ponbouville road. vu...m.. -1.. -u unn- lqnunh huh -on'n.IJu.. ta.--II an annual ncnlo O nrdloool --pallet" an nndnud antral n Iuin VV?.VV'IlI ICC III II the ALLEN lnoe. You Will Like It. In NO. Tn I link, 85. . ALLEN .9 SON. WI XII IIII j'IlI I VCIIIKIII `taller us: not! ngsfnl 3 Ink: and BIaIn|.IhvuoIuhIlotnono. JIQQA. Oolnoi tabloid MI to in- ptlnnunntlulitu. gold, Iouidu nlpnblo loom-moo. `ODD OHIII .......4l 0... nan!-I -an lnll nl nld (urn!- `Inn III A I-llohluool. Ionnuu. 820: 81-]: I50 cartel .-nan : Laugh I: nmnhnn vnulhh nl >L.W.l'Aluu wllllltitdun lull `-1-nngt-..-In LA xjzin-5.. Ah the Inn; Wnotnolcn. ... nv If. n._; on n Jenna Voood lit uqumu. -._ -_-A on R. than I|.. AN ENGLISH MISER. KING -STON. ONTARIO. MONDAY. SBPTHMBIR 85, 18939. Wa.Want You to Try 4].- AIICAIQL lolntxosnl Orlun Noujnuuroin In It Oloouo Up Jnnsrowx, N.Y.. Supt. 25 --Tho iden- tity oluho young vomnu who won mur- dorod on l`uloooor.ueu boroohordoy nlgha. won diooovond Sunday morning by Rsv. P. Ilutzlnoou. puoor of the Bnodinh Lnbhona church. who recog- nind tho body In that 0! Min Emjly Aiolphoon. I mambo: of hi: oongregohiou. About the Inn)! Iilno this dlooovory wu undo the phyuiulono who wore conduct-Inn Ibo onhopay dhozvorod thou the 3111 would but beoomo I moths: within I luv monbhn. mm. |..a .1..- -41.... s- Inn... ulna A IIIOIIIIIL Thle led the oieere to believe thet e lover might heve eommibted the crime. They ieerned thet the murdered girl hed hhn much in the oompeny of e young nun nemed Frenk Vennerhoim. of this city. The police visited Vennerhoinfe hoerding honee et No. 505 W indeor etreet end found the young men in bed. A eeereh oi the room hrcu ht eo view e it of wet trouoere covered 17 in mud end in ood. e vent in the nine condition, e pair of uhoee end e peir of stocking: aoehing with wetet. In A trunk in n oioeet wee found e white shirt with the botom heeviiy epetlered with blood. together with e hendhexehiei in the nine condition. `Bk- g..iA-...- nn-glnnh u. vnnnn men oonaluon. The evidence against the young man seemed so conclnnivo llhlh he wu no ouco pub under M-rub. The ground In the vlclnlcy of the place when the murder Ina crmmitbod was thoroughly nu-chcd. A pair of man : glovu und the bundle of I nnr wish we blndo brohn o` wore found. The handle was shown bo Vanuat- holm'n brovhor, who land not boon Informed of tho arrests. and he so once pronounced ll: the handle of his brohhor Funk`: ruor. 91%.. Anal oi-I nun: A -`Drunk In Shh lam. mu nanulo on ma Drouner lrllll I l'IlUl'. The desd girl wn I carnal In the fam- ily oi Chulen O. Wilaon. I prominent: am- no of Jame-lawn. and Ind barns no ex- cellent: ropnuatlon. The prisoner Vonnor- holm was prominent: unong the Swedish young paoplo of the may and hold s on!- uiou ol brush in Mouno Tuber lodge 01 dd lollovu. Noun of `rho Dlutrlot Oondnnm from The wing`: lxohouxu. The (hnsnoquo modal school In new in full bluu. wibh bwo pupils in Abtondunco. Mu. .1.-nan Mninon. Ballavllln. died on full mun, mun Dwo pupllu ll] Ictouuunuu. Mrs. James Mnlnu. Bollovlllo, died on Friday olghb from heath troublo. Agod axby-[our urn. Tn. Ann ah lava: anidcufo Iworonmly. On Sopbombor l3'.h Tlmmu Qnllton. Lyn. sud Min Ellanorn Eul. Athena. won untried. The bride wu nnmod by KIN Donald. Nil.` nglngnn AI Hhnnnl Q Rudd, `In. IUD uouuu. The uuluou olhsord &Rudd. Am- por. Ina bun diuolvad by mnhul con- sent. Mr. Stafford will conlzlnno the to- ball lnrnlturo bualooou. |`l`I..u... .- |lnI1'u.n Al hn liannnrnnn NIH Hll'lIIl'Ill'B Ill!!!)USU- Tbomu Molhy, ol the Uannnrquo branch of the Morohosnw bank. has been appointed nsalotmnb to Mr. Binahnm. mm- Agcr of bho now ngoucy :0 Athena. H A \Vinn|d. a noun) nllnohnr ol the 0| mm now Iquncy In nuwnu. 0. A. Wineld, a negro pmohor the Brimh Menhodinb Eplaoopnl church. wu nrroctod In Bollovillo on Saturday on the ubrongoh of I lotbor Iron: 0. G. Thruhor, of Bbnrllng, who nld the man wu colleen- lng mono] {or I church nnd Ipondlng It for liquor. Wlnold wu ordered to Iuvo hho olhy. 79. ".9.,'M5.T."ET'