Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Dec 1899, p. 1

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`IVE IIKJIIUIIB F1'lI UANAIFIAN lonuud luau will honooeptod, It Ip- pmrod. rrouuhe uh Haunt. Apply :1. Fri- pmomco. Klnpton. ll 1 IIIIHTII A IIHIIIT ['3- From other on v u obhlng of 61-51: lm- porranee la r ' .` The paper: make ufuch of oh 5 . ,9-nervousness at: Modder river, wh they any is evidenced by hwo false elar, which reaulbed in their almleuly fualladlcg the 7'veldh ell nigbb. The nnnmnllinn hhnl) the Bryant` nnnihinn Ply IKJ UDU BUGIIIDK OI HUI! Dl'lUllIIa According no bhe Daily Telegraph`: Chlevoloy correspondent. all lube Boers aouib oi bhe Tngoln river have re-crossed, fearing bunt: their retreat: would be barred by bho swollen rivar. Their lngora have been moved nenror ho Ladyamihh. with the objocb of iurbher pruning the garrison chore. Ir... .5... ......s.@....l.|.x.... ..r 42..-; 1... Incl DUCT Ulla LHBUII l'lVUI' III A` lull- The Mme ldee cm be read between the lines In some other telegreme. and uhe ex- peobebion is growing than Gen. Buller will shortly make I second attempt: to cross the river. The laheeu news regarding the hreneporoe indicates bhab he has been re- luforced by 8,000 men and elghuceu guue eluco hhe leilure of his first abtempn. but: an bhe Ablanbleu with two henberlee, lofb Cape Town yesterday lor Durban, in may be summed than no move will be made untll bheee eddllzionel twelve gene have ruched uhe lronn. By then Gen. Buller`e ebrenghh will be suf- liclenh bo enable him no employ owo divis- lone for bhe smack while holding bhe camp wlbh I whole brigade. The been lnformed criniciem here la in no wise over eaugnlne u be the reeuloe, hell leering label) bhe aobeclr may not: be e euccoee. The Boere, accord- ing 00 the lamest: belegrnme, are carefully preeervlng the secret: of tahelr erulllery em- plecemenbe. They, uherelore. do not: re- ply bo the ehelling of bhe Brlbieh. Annnrdlno nn hha Dailv Tnlnar-nnh`n Tho Boon In Onrerolly Preurvlng 'I'I:oIr Arllllory lmplnoomon!l-Lnngou Arc luror Lndyunlth than Bolnro-No Olnlo l'or Anxiety Regarding the Bri- tlnh Prloonon AI Pretoria -1110! An 80: (Juan Po: And Are Poorly 08 Uln- nnolnny. Lonon, eo. 30.--"A great: event In impending no hho concluding word: of I deapntch good December `27uh,ln which Winston Churchill, corrupondonb of the Morning P090. doacrlbea nhe respective positions of bho Boers and the Brlnlah an and near the Tugola river In Nnbnl. Th: nnmn Ida: run In rand hnhiaan hhn iwmm: nmnvEsng,u.| jnns sN__nI:|NH1RIIIyl GUNBARE NEEDED BUT ARE EN THE WAY. Bullcr To Try To River. , OIDIIIIOG `I'hO Pooltlon. _.. _- .u- ___ I .,,_,, KLDIGSTUN. i)N'l`AR1U. SATURDAY. DACEMBER 30, 1899. Ilonl will he mudoknown M. the Fur further psmoularn or Iv to MIT ll & 1 cross 1`pc I `I'I.IUll-U Ivvuu III Incl-IJII le lauuvr Bmun Qnunno Tablet: All I In?! lhnd Ibo money In! full: to euro. 80. V. Own : dnftln II u out but. Capt. Ihcooo received A- lotto: thin morning Iron Lint. A. Clyde Caldwell, ol Ibo KiogI|ou-Onnwn company. Canadian nginonl in Bouah Africa. who in: roll sad in good npirih. Dull. BERG] in ion undo tnnopon amour. IV IIII -ypuunuuv-5 uypruvvu. Losnos. Doc. 30--'l'|u queen in: up- provod of tho appdintmonh ol the dub ol Oonnumhl no commando:-In-chlol at tho Britioh lotoou in Inland. TOWNSHIP (ll AIl.\lA`l1) Roovo-3cophon Wbolso. Oonnr:il|on-Junu Sannoo. band, I. B. Conny. O. Lynch. wuuuw-vuuu -uvu-1 01-nvu. Doc. 30.--'l'ho cubomn deput- Inom bu ucoivod noun dollun conocionoo money from I party in Minnesota: who bu repented of dolnudnng tho rovonuo ol Cm- ndn yuan ago. Tho Iuncnl no Innlln. MANll.A. Doc. 30 --Tho lumen! of Gan. Lawton was held hhis morning with In- proulvo ceremonies. The tuning van uonvoyod no the onnlporb Thomu which ails bhln slbernoon. on rm nu unuoo. Lonnorx. Dec. 3').-Aldolborh 8. Buy, the now Unitcd Benton consul at Pro- borin. Mo Wntorloo railroad station hero Ihlo morning for Saytbamphon on his wny Do Cap 3 Town. x any war vv-gnu uv-u. Tononro, I);c. 30 -John H. Mnrtin wn found lying dud on the that In his house. 183 Baldwin street. yesterday. He had died of Ipploxy. Mnrhin lotto`: a widow, two sons. And 3 dnughtor. one at those living in Oahun. 017,000 For Obnrlnblo otnullonn. UA`\lRRlh(`.l`2: Mun, Dag .U'.-The will of Daniel `Hhurp Ford. publisher of the Youth : Companion diuposoa of an estate olnboub 82 500,000. The will give! I77.- 000dlroobbo public charitable and rolig. lone lmtvlhutlona nod provide! that the lncomo from uevorsl hundrod thousand dollar: Ihsll be uvuilnble lor almilar uao. We Extend To Our Friends and Patrons Wlnlo In The Blvor. Qvnrw, Dec. 30 -Andrew Cyr, I farmer of Maria, counby oi Bonaventure, happened 00 be walking on the beach of the river I luv dnye ago. when he discovered in the Inter, n abort: distance from the land. I inrge enimnl, which eeemed to be alive. Oo closer enminebiou it: proved Do be a whnle. which had in some unexplnimhle manner got: into shallow Inter And run eground. Mr. Cyr immediately around his neighbors and ab low bide one nnimni wee. miter considerable difonllay nod dun- gur, deapnbched. The whale is said he he seventy five feet long. And in is eabimeted will fnrniah over 50,000 gallons oi oil. IIKVUUUTR-IIIIJUIIUID IIUBTE. Lxter-Io is the Pelotma,ol bhe Hamburg- Soubh-Americm line. She was bound horn Bamboo for Robbardum. Her pm!- neugeru are male. The vessel : back in bndly broken. Went Down In A storm. LONnoN, Dec 30 -A large German mall eteamer. whose name ie not vet: known has [zone aground, dnrlng a barrio gale, in Em bay. about) It quartofol of a rnllo o Dungeneee, the southern extremlny ol Kenn. Heavy seen are breaking over bbe vessel, and nbe life boabe ere unable to reach her. Feare are enberheiued lor Dho ealeby of pauongere. Ih le believed hhab cho grounded eoeamer in one ol the Hamburg`-Amerloen llnere. l.nm._ln in Mu: Pnlnhnn nf hlm Flnmhnrrr Onpltnl `tldlngu. OTTAWA, Ont: . Doc 30-To dAy a Cuna- dn Gnzeote oonbaim the nppoinhmenu of H. N. Babe. Joseph Riopalle and O. R Oun- nlngham as the Ottmn Improvomenb com- mission wloh Sbephou Edward O'Brien 1: secretary. Thane appointment: are made under the act of Int. rem-Ion giving $60,000 annually to ohe city of Obunwa. In in nndnrnhnnd hhmh Lieuh. Edward annually no we may cl uuuuwa. In is understood that: Lieub. Lallbarbe. Quebec. has been uoahlo to ac- copb I poeimun as llontenanb on the connin- genb. Thu Mnadnlnn Inland ahanmahin com~ gonm The Magdalen Inlnnd steamship puny, of Hnlilax. is seeking incorporntiou. II: has I propoeed cnpmsl of $100,000 with honquartera an Hz-nfnx. 'l`|-n Willlnm A Marsh mmnanv. of n9Il"q|llrCBI'l BU llllllll. The Wllllnm A Marsh company, Moubreal. mnnnfacnnrera, is applying for lncornorabion. Thu propoeed capital stock placed to $200,000. uuuano co uovoiop one exporu umua. The news that nho bubonic plague has reached Hawaii bu caused some alarm in British Columbia and all the health 0!- cera have been notied on hallo ovary pro- caubion against) the landing ol cases at: any of uhe seaports. I I Mnl.Ann nv.Hntnnn Rnv nfnnr. or one oeaporui. W. J. McLean, ex-Hudson Bay oicer, who was reparood low in the hr northern Slave lake cmnbry, has renamed 310 Win ntpeg. He reporbn having discovered cop- per are !n the Abhabnalm region and any: his party suffered no prlvatioul owing to the abuuduuoe 0! game in the norbh. P0F'|J U1 UITUUIIIECTIUULI Illo Toe Canadian muunlnebnrere aeeocinhion hue concluded I bbree days eouveuhlon eh Snnhlord so which an agreement: wee made {or amxlgsmanion of iubereana in western Oubano to develop the export: trade. Thu mun Hum r-ha hnhnnln nlnaun hen HOAG wno goo unrougn one we. The bobal catch of wall in tho Norbh Pacific by Oansdinu sealing voaeeln during who pub Iauon Ink 35,344 As compared wlhh A beta] lot precooding year of 28,552. Y .iman'n man : lnrnhhlno ntnrn Ah Pran- WI"'l I DOW-II I0! PTUIIXUIUK UIl' Ul ZO.UU.'.. Z ;imnn'a men : lurniuhlng store sh Prea- bou was robbed by two men, who over- powered and gagged A clerk who slept. in aha promises and drove c-` with I waggon load 0! goods. 'I"hn noun nf I-hnlnnnlv rlnh anld nun!-91. IUD III IQIIUUU. I John Grebnon. owner 0!: GM: share in Bus brewery. bu died in Englnud. luv- ing 3 $l4.4l5,000 oatnte. Non 5 cont wn bequonthod to charity. I'm-nu Rm-mun. I Hnmilton bow. lad ocqueumoa I0 cuu-uy. Percy Burrows. a Hamilton boy. nged twelve years, was drowned in the bay in nu nbbompe bo rescue his younger brother who goo through the ice. Thu hnhnl much of umln in him Norbh noun 0! zoom. The new: of fabulously rlcb gold quartz bolng found on Sulphur creek. near Daw- son, la conrmed by the Dnvnnn papers, bub (she Sun hhinhih In only local do` ponib o! circumscribed area. Tun (`umnrlhm mumnlnnbnrnrn nnoninhion `rho Vary Latent lo I Onllod from All Over`! , or d. Alenndar Sullivan. _ . clerk at Corn- Inli. fell into uh; can 7 lll nnma WIII. III! ".100 UIJU G The Ketblo Rivor bafo_re pu-[lament I ICUIIOIL A The Chicago aooiuby (cl 0 r is! ol&v,ri- don And orphnna of Brlbi h 9 ion to be war have sent 85,000 to I: e unnolon house {and in London. `I4-.|.n ('1-gimp.-. Anna: Ala Ink ulnar. in I.` I __-nA._` Bu-s-nn l\-lulu` Inl- TO DUI. A 001.0 II (III DI! ll: lyvolltllltlll Approved. _-.. I \._ OI! TL- __._._ L WISHING YOU A Happy and PmspemusNewYear PITH OF fl-IE NEWS. Innlducl llootlono. Connlonoo least. I\., n IIlL_ -,,,.. D. lair- Queen : hoekoy tun Inna st noon on Monday lot Domini] whore JIM] will play uni night. , ' _ Thou Va 8 Hook shot It the point can thin Inning. Ulnunzui III] Ktio M VIII YCIIIIIVK. Moons. Vnnbuvoo 8:00.. Meadow. [hub purchuocl In. Boxnbocglfn fun. eon- niollng at 150 sens. ll-nA4|n'n hnnbnw has-u Inning Ah nnnn an 1... ITUIIIUIUS III OIU I08 50 UUITIX. All the roturnlng ocon no not at the olocnlona on Monday roooivod their bollol bout nod inurucllom from city clerk Dronmn on Fridny night. III II llnhhnn II A, AOnAnn'n an. UYCHUID on lnuny IIIRIII. W. I. Lozhhud, I A., I Qua : gra- dun. was in the cioy to-clny. B0 II bnulllng [or I [run in Brandon. Ian. Mr: I`. W. Wdahl Inll MLIIAC for WIVIIIIDR IQ I III III Dflllillg -IIIo In. C. W. Wdghb Ion to-any for Ponh bo opood the opening at the new with rolninu. Ila-n. VnnLIIvI Bron. Ilmdow. nib ulll`0VlI' IIIIU INTI. WIIICII WII IUPIITZL Rev. B. Hunmond. city miulonsry. bu iuborouod himsoll in bolnll of Dania! Small, who will be plncod In Victorln in- dnntrinl ochool. the city booting hall the con. ll- II..|- Lg. -nhl anus 0|`; A-ll--I..- BAKERS ll . XIX! IIII IUIII DUI IIIU AYIIDM hotel In Smith : Falls, to W. H. Willis. CPL- .__--L-.n innlnl-n - -u-3 Llaunb A- noun In DlnIIIn'I lull, I0 W. n. WIIIII. The purchuo iccluiou u new block on Water some in thnb town. Tho prioo paid wu Il3,000. Th. (hrlnnn Plano nnllnnhor nl inn. pnm wu ua_uw. The Carleton Plano collector of haul. Ir. McPhonon. ill butler. On Docum- Inr Ith ho returned who roll with all the lust. Ilnonnting to Cl!) 735 86 oolloctod. All Aha rnlnrnlnn nh-an-I In uni nh th- VII PIIX UH IIIUEUII VIII: Auilor of London. Eog.. who had on- gngedbo work {or Livingloon Broo.. hu not out: word bhno be but chnngod hil mind About coming to Ononds. Bo but gone to South uric: us mambo: of tho aruzoon oorpu. This morning M) n o'clock the front mapped one of tho re slum wires. Thu reman were "called to snno." but know not when to go. In book noun! hours to dioeovor who break. which wu ropslrod. Rnv R HnmmnnrI_ nihv lnin-Innu-I, hnn Tho Soul 01 Scotland At their mooblog on Friday night: decided to give A firewall upper to the uovonl members at the camp who leave {or Boubh Ah-Ion with the second Csmdiun conhingono. The upper will bake place on Tuesday night. A mnilnr nl lnnrlnn, Rm: -kn hurl An. U[IoI'I January Illa. On Tuesday morning Mourr. R. Uglow & Co. will open their groan January clar- ing sale. An immomo shock on In reduced and cleared. Their Jsnunry sale in known so one of big bugnina 01 the your. nnd no doubt: will. as usual, be a huge success. lnpportvnr. D u H. Rldenu ward elecborrnhonld honor bbaxn- I.-elvee by roburning Dr. Du ea Aldermen, even though ha has been selected lor nor. vloein Bonoh Africa. His name use he- lore the elecboru htfora he knew ol the other appointment). and no now fail to elect him would ehow lack of loyalty. 1! the country honor: him an I eo'dior. purely Rideeu ward electors will not; decline so do the III!!! to one of in cltaizona. Ulevalluu, umu. The demand for good abonognpbors in conauanbly Increasing. UDIDI. IJBLTUIIJ, EIICUIKI - R. E. Browne. I student of the college. has secured a position as abenogrnphar in bho oiioe of the Cleveland coppor company, Clevelnnd, Ohio. l`l~. An.-\..u(I `II: nnnzl -0..-nan.-uh.-n I. O :5 'Phono 23. EQIUIIPOGDCSOODIODQIIIAFIGU} Bnelnoee oollege Hotel. M. Sbnrhleff he: been nppoinbod to the eha of the college and will commence his duties the ne of the new veer. He bu e re!)-clue ncecherfu cerbicebe and in en undergraduate of Queen : univerelby. Mlnn Mnhnl Mnnnd_ A orAdnhAn nl hhn |IIl|lDI"gl'IUIlIlG Ul VUUIIJ I |1UlVUYB|II,. Mlu Mabel Mnnnd,n gndubno ofbbo college. has secured 6 position 3: unno- gmpher in the office of the Brimh Whig. 'I"hA ndhnr n! [ha "Pm.mym n An-hJnnr. KI'l|plII5I' Ill LUV ULLIUU Ul LLIU DTIUIUU VVIJIK. Tho editor 0! the "Pexman e Art: Jour- nel. New York. on n recent. vieib to e number of bunineze college: In Oemdn, writes in the December number of the Jonrml, a very complimentary article on obe thorough and very progressive conreee of etndy given no the K B. O. .I Irwin A arnduntn nf hhn rnllnaa hrn OI Dlillllly KIVHIJ I!) ll). IX D. D. J. Irwin. as gndunbe of hhe college. has secured 3 position in the First: National bank. Detroit. Michignn. R E Rrnwnn, I -rndnnh nf hhn nnllnan, UIIIIID ll] UHDIWI. The kit: and clobhing 0! the men of bhe contingent) have been arranged for and in- cludes a helmets for artillerymen, one helmet: cover, `a felt: cowboy hat for the mounbed men. a eld service cap, green serge frocks, two pairs green [serge aroun- are, two khaki frocks, bwo pairs khaki panbaloons. two pairs navy blue pubties. three pairs of ankle boots. three ilnnnel shirts, three pllri oi sacks. bwo knibt-ed helba. bwo pairs ni braces. own woolen cape, knibbed jerse one pair canvas shoes, tzwo nnderahi wo pairs drawers. ohroo bandkerohieis. groan coab. Valer- proof coab. Holdalls, soap, bowels, hoot: laced. clasp lrnile and lanyard, grease bin, blanking boxes, insoles, ehenc lfor matting, brushes oi all kinds, shaving, olooh and polishing. combs. knives and iorks. spoons, |'8Z)l`!, sponges and pipccley. To Be loon ndo Bondy. HALIFAX, N 8.. Dec. 30.-'l`ho transport: Lzmroutinn which nrrlved here only ohia morning will be lled up an onoo. Bha will take ten nth -arr, sixteen sbeffeeraeanta and sergennbe. 314 troops and {H5 horses. Hugh Allan says she will make fuller time Do oho Ospo than the Sardlnlan. UIFU The Montezuma and the Lauronhlun will sail on January loh lrom Halnlax, having on board obe arrilierg and one regiment: of obo mounted naa. The Pomernnlnn, tho bhixd of bhe m-aneporne. will sail on January 20 h from Halifax. TL- ......s._.-L I..- |.._lI,I1...-. LL- LA..--. ZU ll ITUIH IJIIIIIIIX. The contract for building the bony wnggoue for (the contingent: hue been given to rms In Woodatrck, 0nb., and Harlan, Ooh., and the Hghn waggona will be bnilo in Omnwa. TL- Lip. -...l ..I..b.|.1...- Al AL- -nA-\ l\` LL`: Wnggonl for the Onundlun Dorm`-3- Wood- ock, Ottawa and I-`urn Inn: `Get the (;ontnctI- Bough llldor Bag: for tho Gunners [dial] to be lulled. OTTAWA. Dec. 30.- l`ho mouubod rie conoingenb is to be divided into bwo regi- ments, the one drawn from poinbe out: of Mnniboba under Col. Lenard, and we mounted policemen, I separate regiment, under commissioner Horchmor. with Col. Steele as oecond in command. Ir. in nnh Cmnrnhnhla hhnh sh. AI-hlllnl-I1. DLBBIU I! E50030 Ill CIJIIIIIIIIIIQI. In is non improbable chub bho Irhillery- men will be provided wlbh rough rider bun instead of helmeoa. there being some d-;t- culoy in securing the lnbter; many of the aroillerymen would prefer she but In any l nnlaacumnfnuuuntuuui lawns snu JAN.15 AM! 20] ARTILLERY WILL BE THE FIRST TO GET AWAY. To Have Charge of the Mount- cd Police Corps. `on. Mr. Body but sold out tho Arlington min! In lnihh'l Valli. In `N, H Willi: Soul: naturally generous but chilled by experience resemble brooks covered with ice. which are Inll beneath of beautiful movements and sweet murmurs. The colt of running I My ocean liner from Liverpool to New York and back It Iolnething over 890.000.` Iollovod or III canon. 81. Tnnmnx. Ont, Doe. 30.-Oh|ol lu- apoobor Bennett, of obs pone aioo deport- monb. Ocbuu. la in the cihy to dny. ind bu relieved poab manor W. H. Ingnm of his duvlu on pool: muboi. one Night. Some things go without suing." smil- ed the pale youth with tho lofty fore- head. urI"L-n_ ___.I II __n_.: .L_ L--__u-- IIUIIU. That's good." smiled the beautiful young girl. "1 like a min that can an n hint."--Knnsns City Independent. Wilkinson s,] Deuh from The Plngne. Mr.1.normu:, Vioboriu. Dan. 30.-Advioe| from Noumea. New Caledonia, en, then the whiboe obere have been notched by hhe plngue. One 0! them bu sluco died. Filheen Kidnhl and Cbaeee have died of the plague and twelve are under breat- menu. lnjllrbd. uwo unouuy. Wooloy it Co. Edwnrd Sbnnwood &.Uo.. J. W. Buolor paper oompsny sud tho Henry 0. Shoppud prlnoing company nul- fored. The cold wu lntonlo. New Bond I :-ojaoud. Cnuwao, Doc. 30.-Anobh9r nilrond to the Pncitic count: is nabroug prnhnbillty. Bevenl eastern capitalists: and promoters have been in this ciby for two or bhrc-0 dnya. and in in "said thab they in comidor ing plane lot nbo connbrucoion of such I line. I. :- ..-I..I AL_L - Ix..- 1---- n_I._ I ,n,, A-. IIIJU. In is said chub a line from Snlt Lake Ciby (:0 Lou Angelea, Cal, In In mind, and abut: who building 0! in practically Ina been de- clded upon. The plum In to conaurucb al- most: dlrect to taho Calilornin cioy braver!- lng the mash ferbilo porbion of woabnrn Utah and one noutzhernmoah part: 0! Ne vnda. In in said hhno nmong the capitalist: lnberesbed are men prumluonhly connected wloh western and sonbborn ruilvnys. -Jo. ---- an vu-on;-J Cnn'An0. Doc. 30 --A re In obo seven borey building. No. 220 Ind 222 Monroe ahrooo. early 00 day complololy doauroypd bhnh building and dunuzod adjoining utmo- turen. The bot-nl loan will bu In the nolgh borhood ol $l.000.00(r Nine remen were Injured. two urioualy. Wnnlnv R1 (`.0 . Eduard Rhnn-and Xr,hn will IDIIO I CDIDQO Ill 0710 COUNCIL Throe :nember~ of the present: council hnvo managed alhlnlor come your: and the evldonoe in chat: the people no not noiaed. They have n ohpnco ho make maboor right: on Mondsy Ind loin hoped they will an lntereab enough to come out: And rocord their vobu for n change.--Vo'rm. WI! UUIUIIIS UIIIJ IJU nupnluuu UH. The Seizure: of cargoes of American Jur 06 Dalagoa bay fall 00 oxciho much popular inherent in England. In In generally look- upon an a fine point of inbornahional law. which will be amicably settled. So far no (lllcial shops In the malr her have been taken. owing no the non- arrival of the necessary papers from Welsh- lngbon. The military and lnbornahlonal law autborlhiea are all unanimous in do- clarlng nhab Great Brlbain should not 1 do clare lood sbutfa opnbraband ol war. A Call To Votorl. PUllTHM()|'Tl|, Dec. 30.-(l`o the Editor): If aha eleohora of hhln muuicipsliby will vote In the inherent of the village they will make u change in the council. Thrnn mamhnrn nf Hm nrnnnnh nnnnnil ___,.. lnnruotod to Go Blow. Lennon, Doc. 30 -The impression con- binuea no gain ground that: Gen. Bullar and his subordinates have been Inubruoted bo underbnko no imporbnnll movement: until hhe ll'l'lV&l of Gen. Roberba. and than Gen. Roberta Will so once commnnd who dlvialonn under . Goon. Gunners. Warren and French, aubauquently much- lng upon Bloemlontmln bo capture ohnb place Ind draw off lube Boer: from body- emlllh. To accomplish this In is believed than Kimberley and Mulching may be no rlced. Whetahor Gen Buller will ucqul. once no bhla nrrangemonb is seriously doubted by many who know him, and they are runher inclined to believe he wlll au- tempb no emulabo Gnu. Gouzh, who. under almllar circumaoancea, rotriovod Ma re- unr-nnu in India -hula Hlr nL...I.. Mania- UIJU uuclny. The naval guns are engaged in dnily pnctzloe mud in in amid on good nubhoritay bbnb bhirby or lorty B to hnvo been killed by the firing during I) nya. --_,.; `I`'3`li?I!I'IIIIII0II'I!i'I?`I-`Il*I"DPl'l`l3l`l1`l iii: lllulllr IIITCIIILIBIJIUUUI. IUIFIUVUQ HI! I'll` vereou in Iudln while Sir Obnrlen Napier wn coming out to supersede him. Then nniznn-on nl nnranan nl Amnu-inn: H mr rmuoue -rum uauuma Ill! be 30- lloved by Jenner: 7.I.. Loxnox. Dtc 30.-A doepetch iron Durben predicu that Lsdyunish will be relieved on or About January 7th. While there in uobhiug to beer out this lorecesb shore in eome die- poeioion ho believe Gen. Bullet in pre- paring enotaher ebbemph to advance. thin him: by en eobnck on the Boer position on Inhiawe mountain. VII. ......-s..J -...u- 6...... 1 -A...i...lo.|. .4 LUIIIIWU IHUIIIJUIIII. The reported aoxtlo from Ladyemlth. r_o< mining in the capture 0! I , 1- position. is nob confmqd And up ntly In only a htr ato y. `B A nhinvnlnv (I Ahnh. linhnd Dnnnmhqr lllf euuly. A Chievoley de\e`>ehch. /deed December 29th. unkee no menu of in. `Fife ume rneeeege shows renewed noulviby upon one part: of the Britieh Apparently preparehory to some notion. The Boer poemon enab- ward of the camp was thoroughly recon- noibered December 8bh. wlbhoub dnwlng the enemy. Tl-an nA\'A| annl an anrnanrl In rlnllv LETTER! TO THE EDITOR. em "nwasllm SUSPENDER$.' GUARANTEED DONIINION SUSPENDUICI NIAGARA nus. cam-mx. A Won: To The Wis; LIKELY A KAFFIR STORY. Bl; Inc In Ohlollll 1' l'\-- on A 11-, 1.. A. 0. Johnston & Bro. JE WELLERS, That delicious Candy in 1 lb tins. VIITOW 0313310 DIIPOSI 0!` `III rnllowlu and will ht than (A0 o : Popular 0. Ghana n I. A.. M oluu-.0! : Moo O1-uoury meann- ornscd n yclomhllb Wmhn Dwight W may. rm. Volulnon They all it can at (my Olen`: 0000. Bring Increased Prosperity and Happiness. EV .._.:____.j._._j_....-__.... A BRILLIANT OPPOBTUMTY II 0!'l"ll- ed to one roaponnlhlo part Inovory town in Carmel: lonuot-Into hlmnal with an nub- Ilnhed Imporur And Mnnuracturnr oolllu direct lnoonnumera Apply Uoonn, Dave: 681. London, Uni. TEACHER. IMMEDIATELY. FOB III`. A Iemnlo Pmumnnt `Huber for 3 3. No. D iovvnuhlp of Knnnobeo. holdlnq a second OI` third class norunuala. Apply. outing ulory exp0olod.ln J A. Nnwron, Secretory-THO Iurer. Arden P.0.. Om. __..______j_..__.__.___.... ANl`EI)--BE!-`Il)ltNl'08ALE8lA1l VISI- Ilmv mrdwenr and house furnlnhlng goods trndaamuollt-It orders on no Inlon. Addmnu, lvlng Iorenoo, B. I 00. Michi- gan Btlyy ANT A1` ONCI: GOOD HONINI` n In every locality. local or tnvolllng. 5 d ndvurtme our coodn. tut! upnhow an on rent-on IIOIIE publlo mag nnd all oo 1: fcuom plnoou. 0 ex rlonoo nveded. nry or oommlulon. $0 per month Inddxpeunu $2 wpor day. Writ-I It once for ruculnrs. The turn: Ismail: 00.1.0 on,nnt. ?: TEACHER. IMMEDIATELY. _l_! 'lnvvnuh|n :1! Huang... .e.|.u... - ........n UIIIU. W|vKuAM-In Kiuyston, on Don. 29m. 1899, Kai: Bird. beloved wife of Obulee Wtohhem, eged twenty-four yeere and six monbhe Funeral pllvlto on Mondey. Gmmn-Of nenmonle. II Cornwell, on 2903!: lush, the, olden deugbter oi Jllnu Glllle, aged owentay-two yeen. Funeral from her let.her'e reeidenoe. 236 Earl Ihreeb. on Jen. leo, eh three o'clock. Divtne service no 2:30 ` DouunnnTv--In Kingston. on Dec Will. Annie (hllegher. beloved we of Jamel Dougberoy. e ed lby-two yeen. The lnnenlwll leave her late reeldenee. 299 Moncreel nbneeb, on Handey ulter- noon eh I245 eherp. Friend end eo- qneinbeuoee are veepecslully invited to ehbend. A GIRL FOR A DENTAL OFFICE. App! . gnu 6 to-night or londny to Dr. Wm; . E4 Pl'ln(`?8l mreet. (Ea lnnrujz Ibo. `nun: lnuruonl. limited to tinny wordl. ..___.j____:_._...-.._. SLADE S Butter Scotch. .5. n. u rn.nI.\AD\JLV vuulrnn I g lnnvnxlms Ann m(nAmmna Z1 and II! Prlnoau Street. `Phonon :-W 90: Beddnnoo. 91. Onon day And nlght. AD. 11321. M Tu: LIA]! U an--DIm Pnnoou BL -m$?.o.."J`1 '-`:53 oven DI! and l1zht_ ` nolnl. Pu:I.--At Kingston. on `funds y. D000!!! her 26th. the wile 0111. Pool, ol 3 daughter. WUHUIUUS ICBUII3. We extend to you cur very best wishes and Compfimenta of the Season. With cheerful greeting we welcome I900. (`n-Jin n.. u-Aura Steaq; 6: Steacy. .4} Mr White Goods Sale We are about part`ng company wiah another year. T was a good year : condence restored ; better- ment all around -v-Farewell 1899. III. ..._.I......... ll... nun: I`;-`Input pcllly wlul Iclvcul. juy. We believe we are lace to face with an era of great Commercial enterprise which will bring about wohdrous results. It: . ,_ 1 AA _,___ ___________ |___. IHCLIL an axuuuu-A IIIBVVUII Au, - We welcome the New Century with all its hidden years of mar- vel and mystery. \Ug .....l.nm. oh. Nam Vnnr nf VCI auu mystciy. We welcome the New Year of Expansion and promising pros- perity with fervent joy. I. 5.1;. run on: mm in Inna Happy_WYear. Are the beat. Why ? Because they are fresh ground, pure, and the finest procurable. ' WOOK. APPLY AT 161 KING ETILIEIE U ___-_____._.:j___..___.. MAN WHO (MN DO (VANVAIHING Ill . tho clty. Addreu D. Wmu Onloo. ' Otiunmdt. IAVI'0O(lppol) ' 5 10 mm. - Wutorly windu. no __| and docidodly oold to-day sad to- llIPP(IC_ clty. VEAR% WEATHER PROBABILITIII. T. F. EARRIBON COMPANY. FII\l'l'Al.'I!lll A in Il?unAI nine 1 --ul MAY THE LASI` EDITION [0 MN D0 (7ANVA81N( D. Onloo. W|lK|NSN'S CO F F E E'S JAB. REID. I"--n--- A --- 5;;`rJ<'1ially yours, Lndlea Whlbo Undet- weu. Wblbo Oobtonc, Bboahlngu And Pillow Ooboonn. Embrdldorlu, olc , all sh special prlcu. Tuesday. Jan. 2nd. COMM mucus K!.!P3`*!Fs S_4_F.$F9I- I80 Wellington Street. ::j- -Illl- I REV. '1'. J. GUOVER. B.A.. Principal, 174 Barrio Street. _'?.9!.T. C_9_l!_'i3.E.:n IUPIIBOGII Street. Ehtlblluhed 1874. 66l`H YEAR. NO. 80-1. 'THE DAi%L`%"% BRETISH WHIG.' 'Il'll\lllAE\' BURHION-IAJOB IIAUIE will be In uwndonoo fur the next row dnys Alhu do that Bunsen mom 9 mm. to I`) noommr the purpose of pumhuing Borneo for Artillery purpmtl. -jT: II Idln|I.0Od II. Biy llmo. rolomnou -P1-Inolpalurnnt. Prot. (`ur- _ Up-town p..a...:ae;.' :~vcT!9~.%.ALE- 360:: H NOTICE. rio?Tc:E. vlo U. I IONTIZAIBIBT out.-Ool. D.0.C.. I C 4. Will boa Heppy Year for You if 3 You Besolve toi Have Your Linen: Laundred Here. FGR sans. IIUWII II: EDD IIIIIUOI II mun MOWAT. Vandnrn` ilnllnltnl FIVI RXIUYII F08 CANADIAN lqnuud UDIE MOWAT. Vendors` Bollcuona. STEAM LAUNDRY The Druggiu . I. -. DUIIII 00' j W` IIOVI OI Rut ol Ind: and Lonadovno. Ia was by nonhuman. Tho Kingston curling club will have In Int practice on New You : dun-noon. A vhlin nf Ibo Ext nin hand: -Lon III VHIIC OI IX II In lbs to t....L... ..! . ."L. II II who no no on J`. Laohuo fat 3 Uglow 0. Co : Jlnury dun-log uh. Gnu bupioo. """` """* A Munro pony you the Idea that It in than bulnoato mic all the who they can. Ohulog nlo ol lone) good: and nonl- I announcing Tuadny. `at R. Uglov t 'I. nuv. rnu. It] villonlulny. 9no_;uo-Iona" ohumu. In in hopod oh than will be I lu-go nt- hoodunoo no the mating ol the uooeintod ODIIINOI on Tuesday. nn. `lad, no 4 p In . in the city ooliciton o on. The upon lot the an! month will show am the olfon no unto v( rk the but: of relief but boon lalrly nuoouolul. but it in dounblu Lbs! coopontlon should oxoond to nll ohurchu And uoolotloc no that than uholl be no over- lapping or duplication ol roliol. sad that nll chuinblo work ohonld ho mad: elbo- hi-n Ill ull tin. Boy: In on re Burr cu. nu-ur -v--vn navy-I --vu- wvvi-I. A ooclnl wu hold Iuo night for tho oonior deportmono of Qnoon nroot Manho- dlu Bnndny school. The (allowing mottl- buhd no the prognlnmo: Chonuu by the girls choir: dunno b lluu Lowery md Allan: recitation: Mm Msgglo Phillips and Min Ruby umr. ooloa by It. Inyoll nod Mrs. Striving. During tho owning Rov. My Elliooo undo a spirit- od uddnu on the work 0! Mn oolnnl, and at the clan pronntid oho uuporiutondom, Ir. look. with I complain not ol Carlyle : voth. Held In st. Inn : onhodnl on New I7..--- -5.- --I - nr-y Thou will in midnight: ms in Sh. Mu-y'n cnthodrul on Moodsy mornlow. the rnh d: of tho New You. an on Christmas dly. II gnoo crohbluhop Umthler wl oiolato. 'FL. __.I.. _III I.. --_.l---J L- - Ll-LI_ 0l1l0lIKvU- The music will be rondorod by a highly Iiolonb obolr. A very lug: congregnblon will undoubtedly be pronoun. () THE WORKINGMEN OF` KINWITON: Cnarlen l. Bun. Aldnrnmnlc anclldalao In St. Lawn-noe Ward, Ihla murnlns; mrnlnlmd men with uullururlory nnnwt-ru In five quen- lmmu |aIIb4=rnre him by the councll of mo Trades lmmr l'n|nnu. and I-4 p|M0d on me Illl. or uavullvlnto-a worthy u! we support. of the wnrklnumen. OWEN JONES. Band regularly on Tnxewlny and Thurs)? c-vculuzs and Saturday sflcrnm us. Adml I-Ion 150. I lU'III\IsI IV-I Iilglv I HREE OR. POUR FIRST-CLARE Pl ANOH wlllho hauled to privulo nnnlllen for the winter at A low monthly reuul. Apply \hrnuuh Whla. lnsqtnn Envered M BAND Monday Afternoon 3:30. [Monday Evening Hnnkny Match. Day Classes ' Hours -: 10:1!) to Afternoon. .. . . 4 HE FOLLOWING VA LUARLE BUILD- ING LOTH In Ihe City 0! Km (on will be unit! by Pubuc Auction on Thum ny. Jlnunry lIlh,l9(X),aLllo'oInol1n the roman in by John H. ltlu. Aucllouwr, nthlouuouon Ioovuu on Brnnk litres : lnl Nu. `Rh. on this went. Aida of SGHUULXF ART. Rooms 210} Prim-,e.s's Street, (Uvur Medleym 2l0| ll'Iut`$B.H (Over Medley : Drug Store.) Ulmseu wlllbo rosumod (after vaoallnn) an Uhuueu wlllbo (after vaoMlm1)a.n under : Evening Classes ;1,_T,,,`j.,f 11.... in . 7.01) on u.-m In the higher zmd me- dium class of goods, do not forget that we carry the very chcnpcst lines of all kimls of crockery and glass. And our prices are, as usual, lower than the other fellow. R EJLTSON BROS. Ill]. yr Lnldlufa nnnnghlho good: ulo Ibnrtl l Tuoldny; no adv Run] an mvnm rink Mondnv nlmrnoon 'l'|IXOIy} IK IIIV Band no oovoro i Monday nlbornoon nnd hockey match t 0 waning. Vnmv -n...-1.. Rnv." A (hum-ulna nhnn. W`. BIVIITUII IIIGTDCOII IOU IVUIIIIII. Annual meeting of stockholder: at King- Ibon & Bath Road Co. on Monduy no 3 D m WDUIIJCI. The onborhainmenh In the clay ball on Monduy nfbornoon and owning will be u annd mm. Ina nocxuy Inlucn In (nu Ivuulug. Your Onrrior Boy." I donorviug ohnp. will nuke hla annual bow on Mondny. Anmnl rllumnnh nnln nl nnnmnllnd ULIQ A Happy and Prosperous. New Year. thanking you Ior the liberal patronage which we have had during 1899, and hoping for a continu- ance duriug 1900. I Wul Ell! UIU IIIDIlI| DOW DII uouuny. Annuul dlncouno sale of ouunollod wuo curb: Tnoudny no Mcliolvoy & Birch ; lYnn|A Tam : nnhin Ah Vlnhm-IA Than- IIIIIII TIIXGII III lCl\lVOy G D||'I:ll'I. "Uncio Tom : Ouhia no Vlcoorh Thu- Ilro. Saturday uttomcou nod evening. Anmnl mnnhinn nl nhtmlxhnldnn nl Kinn- pm. The Royal:-Ink will be open touhbou on New You : nlcernoon. Bnnd in no- hondnncc. ML- -..o.-.n.I.........n an ok. -15. l..lI A- FIZZ WI 510' XXVI if. ';IovhIiu of the but pinkotQ- vial Illnmnunn The Bully Ion Boot Ior WM; Bunion C` Dgn I'D:-@nnl-an lulu. HI". I -|. wnrklnumen. ":`<'r1.-lnry Council n(Trm1eu Labor Union. Kxnusrun. Dec. sum. '3'.` I. Benton bu boonoloohrl mono! I... Al I..4I. -.A I--..l--_- '\ ..-- L- Houra--: 7:80 to 9:30. EIlBlI)ENTIAl. AND MAY SCHOOL for boys. The object. of we nchrml lam ro no boy: for the Unlvommea. H..M.(J. and gun non under the bout poralble lnnuem--a. The following uubj v.` n, Math:-mnllen, B('|l`n(`0. Inglluh. Clualcn and Modern Languages urea taught boy may take nnynue or Ml of mono Inb]e('lIl,l\a bls parent: dealre. student: mum r-md nrocrou. an the num- luv up-uy -up-w lJvv- nun nun. --v-u---- 20 Pool fhnnulvu BI. Ilunlcl clocoioun on Moudny. lath 0 ohms sud bio: tonight. Oak AI ,' Queen's II vs. Fronle4Jna,c\s. 76nn?iuI 3uH'n}X's PIANOS 10 RENT. nun 1\II nuxuvn Inna-r nu A()ll I! Iollor Depart-on Boolnl. --n,| ___ L-|J 1,-` _n_|_. LOCAL MEMORANDA. "0harles`E; Wrenshall, PRINCIPAL. -N.9.T.'.9..E:. Shine] s ?'(`mYv"dn"") . Jan. 3rd, llmao Inbjen, as his deulre. rnpu! rogreu. bar In each clown Innmn 1. Private Lemons are nlno glvon. Thumoulnln. rururoooen sud All |nlbrmn- Hon given on Ipplloauon. `Perm: modoruo. Don admitted tlmo. (my rolomnou-Prlnnlnnl urunt. (`arr- 12.30 Murulng, `.::3J to 4:!) I sdny. Jan. IIOIIOIQ Boll IOIIOVOC. Kmnmuv. Doc. 22, vi: loddcr that -Our monnhd oroo undo: roooonniw nnoo today and count! Ihroo ol the today : gnu mounted in dicnlt poni- Ivlooo within 1 for miles ol Klmborloy. Tboy tho vinilod Outer : turn: and did some untul wotk. Everything ro- munu qoiol. Afoweuonol oourvy bun oocurnd Among the Indus, nod Aldo. to II and this lino of tho you. typhoid lover in mildly punks. Oihorvloo Ibo bllo Insllh In um umhccory. or that to In Ildng hunt supplied with `non. our inolnloo pronto Ion honvily npoqn u. The unngth ol Ibo nu-moo bu oooaidonbly nuanced nines the clap . The nun bu-don ollbodoloooohukllon upoatbontouh don ol Ihnb lmpahl ooon. Col Kohvioh. onmnndingmad Cups. 0`Icun and um`. Iulgoo. won-nu Agmn. Lmuron. Doe. 30.--'l`ho In oieo bu rooolnd this dupstoh : "Capo Town. Doc. 28 -1110 Indwu colllory line in now work- ing ngain." IXIIIK IITT IIIIQI Illu IIVU WDlIIIuTe Pnlrmnu. Dee. 26.-vln Lorenzo Mer- qnee. Dec. 28.--Commendent Bnymen re- poroe ee lollowe from Molopc: On Mondey mornfog obe enemy from leloklng eutect- edoneofonr lorhe in rorce with cennon Maxim: end en ermonred ureln. end eo per- eieteuuly than hhere wee ghting right on the welle ol the fort. But we reheined our !ort." The Brihieh loee In reported ee May. The other cornmenderp reporo "All quiet. um: the exoepoion of ueuel bom- berdlneoo eh Ledyemihh. Gen. Luca Meyer has recovered end returned no the Iron. unuyuuewu -uv nu-In-uu. Pnnonu, Dec. 26, vie Lorenzo Mer- quee, Dec. 28.-Oomnnndenb Swerlz re- porte from the leeger eh Aiowyn e koopi. neer Zeeruet. ohet he bed en en- gegemenh on Friday. Dec. 22nd. with keire in nine neighborhood of Derderpooro. The keiiire- occupied e wrongly iorbied ridge, end were well prepered ior emer~ genciee. Aiber heavy aming the hnrgbere cepbnred the hir hion. loeing three killed end ve wonu ed. Pnrrnnu. Den. Q8,-vin In!-nrrzn Mm-. C WIKUICU IIIU IIKIIDIIIUY UXUHU DUB UIURUFU ` reel bnrghors. The British officers at retorla are strongly guarded b pollce rmed wlth rl as and revolvers. hey are lrtquently visited. Their only exerclle la a daily game of rouoders. They are allowedto become members of the state lobrary, which contains many good books. The government allows them us daily ration of "bully beef and groceries. but any- thing may be bought from the local trades- men. As (lreat Brltalu does not pay her officers whlle they ere prleoners, mmy of them are poorly o nanmally. Allare despondeot. and the inactivity of their me makes them dull. Exaggerated reports of Boer vlotorles aggravate the general melancholy. Churchill describes the other ranks who are eoclmped at Waterfall as very unhappy. because they are without money and are unable to buy tobacco. Thelr ratlone are very scanty. but thelr health la good. No Oeueo lot Anxiety. ; Lonnou, Dec. 30.--Winsbou urchill. the oorrespondeob of ohe Moroin Posb,ino despetoh dobelllog one posihlon of tabs Bri- ulsh prisoners eo|PreboI'lu. deolsres bhsb bhore is no cause for anxiety concerning them. He adds abut: the Boers are oer- beinly nob e blood-hhirsby people, end than may are most desirous of deserving the respect: 0! European usolons by correct. ob erveuoes of usages of war. The only mis- hnvinr II In: In-hh rnnnanrlnn -hnnn hnvior In by Irish renegade!-. whoao c vnrdice and bruulloy excite bho disgust: rVlUUUl Ul urugua Ul wnr. nun OIIIY Inla- rnnl I-mrahnrn Thu Hrlhinh nmmu-n ah The assumption ohab the Boers` position is becoming unbennblo bhrou h the weari- nou 0! men, typhoid fever, not 0! water nd bone Iicknou may be dlloonntod in visit of I Moddor River dupahcb to uho Tlmu. dnbod Dec. 25.11, which says: "We have bud no carhlln informutzion concerning the Boers doing: for Iovornl dnya." lllu. Brook su-eov: hm N0. 1m,ou the west. Aldo of Albert 81.. Lot No. 703. on the out alde of Nelson BI. bot No.0 on Ibo south out (`or- norouohnulonnnd l`omnw nu. `Perm: um roam. nun M. the vlmo of solo And me slnnco within thirty day: harunnr. The Vendon reserve one bid. other nonm- Ilonl will he mudoknown umoofnlo. lbr mrunr nsrunulnru Ir nlv In

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