Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Dec 1899, p. 8

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` Dr. F. Waugh, Ilenlist,| lllU \\UU|l-ll] ng H0l1l0' work: premium one Perhaps you have contracted a cold-it may be in the head-the assages are already closed, the head feels heavy, perliaps it aches. NATURE has tried to cure your trouble. but as the air is drawn through the narrow passages it bears with it ne, irritating parti- cles of dust and disease germs. These are scra ed off as you snife" aud hawk, and become lodge in the glands of the throat; their presence there further irri- tates, and prevents the glands from healin r, causin r discomfort and worry; your throat is sore an you fee like calling in a PHYSICIAN, but ou hesitate, for ex rience has already taught you t at DOCTORS C ST MONEY. Now, if you could only put our hand on some RELIABLE REMEDY" that w ld give you relief and"banish the ailment from which you suffer, at a triing expense, you would hail such a re- medy with joyl Try - -f TZIT C T- -IU'.-I A new rung!` which quickly our-on nunnl wouknou, , urloooolo. nl Iamlnlom. prematuns dlanhnrco e\o., gnd rottorell e organs to strength and vigor. r. L. And restores the o I It 11 Dr. \ W. Knnpn walla" Bulldl . I-on, lIch.. clndly sands free tho receipt of C In wonderful romody In order that over] vent man. may can maul! at how. VF.z.9_eJ=_s!:e...Fr Hay:-I .. ....-. .....- uv-:.u,IvIII: r ll. ULD DR. GORDON'S REIIBDY FOR MEN in I few days will mat: in old man of 60 feel 20 year: ouuger. Sent scaled on the receipt of I: cent: 0 repay poutngu, lull re lnr one dollar box with vnlunble medial k rule: for health, what to cut and whpl to avoid. No duty, no inspection by Custom House, reliable Cnnndlnu Company. write I! once ; ll wecould Egthclp you we would not nuke this honed unndmu Cmnpau not help 1 `Cl . nun _.__._v _ ___-v They also relieve Distress from Dyspepuh, Indigestion nnd Too Hearty Eating. A per- fect remedy for Diulness, Nausea, Drowd- ness, Bad Tasteln the Mouth, Cooled Tohgm Ppin in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They V Reguhhe the Bonds. Purely Vcgeuble. Small Plll. small Dou- Imnll Prloo. mu :1 Ur HLL IBIS Ilerln fromthe Aecuo! 5 early folly quickly rcclorefto robust health, nwnhood and vigour. Loot Mnnhorl, Premamre Decay, Wclk Mem- on. Error: of Youth, Night Louea, vnrlcoeele. lot cw y cured. B1 BOX OF ME AICINE FREE. OLD GORDON'S REIIRDV Pnn Inna 1.. l "V ISIGK nunncusl rlul I K311` Ina IIIUDIILI T1181." Killian ! Heart and Nerve P111: In 600. D0 3 I $1.25 3 all ` it nT1h::n A '1'onm:._ dmam I r..._-vu... P.0. Box H-. Mont-cal. P.Q AVOID DOCTORS BILLS. . ,,,.. ,- IC1`ET5?`ALL AGES nering from the affects of enrlv fnllv nuh-bl. `Pgsitively cured by these Little Pills. THE N. K." FAIRBAII COIPAIIY Mucrnl cm... umu Iain we` in the Dishes Quickly! For greatest economy buy our large package. umpllly. write If ru honed QUEEN MEDICINR %., .3 ll ll._g-_I 'Il'\ saves time,mon- ey and labor. Do! or 0 I01` $1.30, at -. llllburn O Co., Toronto. You can if you use Gold Dust. It does most of the work. It (and incidentally saving my patrons 20 Per Cent. of the cost of their Fire Insuvce ) VL- W-_FShannon`. lllllllllll ay ialendarsfnrl, F. '1`. Phillips & G0. McClary $553, [very [lne Guaranteed! The Mogt Economical anti Best Heater Made- Call and Get One. I cakes for 5 cents ; wash 4 boilers of clothes. 79 Clarence street. |ll:an'|[]U3l" `W. Crawford Gaden & Co.,l I]|Illi I we (I'll Vt Hutu! Ulu vvluu Inn P. ..m November, however, I reed of e Inn, eloted like myself, being eured by gllbm-n ,e n $1! Norrie I want Roper e 3 re en t e x. Whenlhed edtekingltlweeee lunch better I ht other box end this eompleted the cure. y heart he: not bothered me elnee, end I etrongly recom- mend ell euereru from heart end nerve trouble, oeueed by excessive nee of to- heooo, to give Hllburn e Heart end Nerve Plus I flit and felthful trial. un|........ 'I:!....o ....I N... Dill. an Kn. WT (CAPITAL MID FUNDS. c75.ooo.oo9. '"l'nlI IIIIIIIIIII, IOWIOXI UK Ill, IIUIIT and nhortnou of breath, wuknou Md Mbmty. I trl many nodlolnon nu! spent 0 do of money but could not nut an In. No rubbing requirod-only boil- ing and reusing. and clothes undo I8 white no snow if you use Galen : VJGTORINE. to I ryou-I oauudby uuuivo an 01 to;c::o. A't1mu my but would but very rapidly and than nnnnm in mm hnnnn anlv to aomnnnan I - --3-v-u 1--v-vocvu ugvo opunlnrylnnhg. TI WOIIMI IIIII V017 lipuuy Illll mun loaned to stop mun; on] to oommonu Igahvlth unnatural i ty. "mm: nnhnlthv {Ken 0! my hon! For Easy Washing, F_CfUR P. Bonnnrson. Port Hope,wI-itea : my Indy thnt bu tried it balls 1 - ow any it makes the washing. A. OIBON, Oollingwood : V delighted with Victorine `Cl mat a your : supply. kc FHUIIEIAE Mlllllli $0.. umrm. KINGSTON. tosm_g_um{t. wlul IIlIll.IlIIl'Il l'I law}. This unhealthy nolon my bout ` nnnul nhortnnnn of lm.n.th_ wnknnln And __.'.__.-jj-- INSURANCE PRICE LIST. Montreal. 3'5-00 up 1.00 up. KIM` Cl FIRE In the mundane ght The weakest and least cunning fail ; As daxkness yields to pearly light, And joy suoceedeth bale. Negroes are made slaves ! The Kairs and Basutos grind I Who mreth much the weak to save? Where can they succor nd ? Red Indians ee! The " e-face" wants his hunting-ground ;` His re age is the far-off sea, Where sh, not game, abound. It is man gainst man, And everywhere tribe 'nst tribe Has fought, almost s time began- The strife who can describe? But the time may come When swords to plou hshaxes shall be turned. When strife. and noon in --A --- - 4--~ plot; hh-a;es b: strife, and `ct, end war s dn Shall by the wise be spurned. Goo-5-v1_ims. Thus, having travelled very far, Now we come home Again ; RI-Kneulaiuln |.-aI. ._-:n.-_ I - - 0, what terric engin`ry is used I How nature`: force: atrsngely Are nbused To mow down Armies. vast and powerful too. And erce Destruction`: utmost might outdo, Whnt hsvoo dire! Then fruitful elds are made A desert lend. And ocks ere seized by every hostile bend, While homes no desolnted everywhei-e- Whst is there thet the iron hnnd will spare Of ruthless wu ? av uuu on yuan usuuylu Lu rluuy I 01881118 ; Bo emee out wet I It my be tht the strong op recs the week ; Men everywhere their own vontnge seek ; The cannot think. they cannot work dike,- Wi gun end sword end spear they hate to strike. In cruel wu. For troubles rise which cannot be put down, And enimoeitiee no oods cm drown; Nor compromise nor ubitntion seems To find 5 place except in Fmoy's dreams ; n nmu nnt war I av - 4l&\lL UL` All LlH.I.IL'l|JL|Js The olsshvo} interests is hot indeed ; ` Divergent habits oonatnnt discord breed ; The ooniot of idea lends its force, And often seems to leave but one resource, pl'.II.lAnAa mun- snvsnon. The centuries nineteen have nearly run their round. And yet the stars above have heard no sound ; The doings marvellous in this our earth To other planets had not slightest worth. The rise of continents. the ocean's ow. The growth of empires, and their overthrow. The spread of peoples from the distant east, To lands unknown, but not amongst the least. 0! what concern is this to other spheres? It cannot ever touch their hopes or fears ; And yet this world is all in all to man, Although his life is but a dream, a span. But in that dream what ardent hopes arise I And in that span a good that never dies I What noble works, what schemes, what plans indeed. Develop as rich b.arvests come from seed. You cannot put the wheels of progress back ; You cannot turn them from their destined track ; Onward, yes onward, must they ever go, As rivers rush, and to the ocean ow. OF gs "BRITISH wmc; TO ITS EVER FAITHFUL FRIENDS AND PATRONS. Hub is then in am world *' And much to be enjoyed; pub We` web 2:, the . toad inugnt (Iguana Y: in ' vvunv yvllvvv IJIIIBIIJ u! UUU nu, And sweet perfume. The children in the street are glod ; The troubled ere no longer and- Fer o is doom! Graduate of the Royal Col- lege. Dental Surgeon ol` / Ontario, Graduate ol Toronto Unl- voralty. Office Three Doors West of Old Opera House. snuu lllalll DI Illl ILIIO uugul nun! Spreads roses round. Hesostters lilies here and there, While perfect. music lls the air, Ant` --and nnnfnvnn HUI IUVU nuu HID IIIJUIU U IIIBUIII IUUIII Let them abound I Who joys md maketh others joy. And lnugha st all that might annoy. Rnflh 'II\ IIIIIYIII CONFLICT OF INTERESTS. NEW YEAR'S DAY. The bright New Year begin: this mom, And with it may hopes are liga- Hopee his end sweet. 0, they mny.blouom gsily now, An!` with uni: a-raga Qlun men] Annw nuu Wllll IIUW `KT 5].! IIUIIII UIIIIUW Full end complete. Forward we look with joyful eye. And source can tell the reason why Our pulses thrill. I But stoutost diioulty ies, And strength and energy arise, Tn Imlr nnr will auu uuuuguu nuu uuurgy urusu, To work our will. Then fur awn be murky gloom, For love And To there's largest room ; Tm! Hum nhnnn I 6.`?vlI'l;]-131']-:'l;l()-l;('>l'1'rglily_ And with new guns the mind endow, "II" :11!` Ann-unlnla Humanity I How blast! She gaineth force, From out to far-o' west, We tnoe her course. HUMANITY. The oivilizing touch 0! unseen hands. To-day ewaiteth much In many lands. A seraph mntoheth on With wings ontepreed ; He's heralded with song. Might weke the deed. O'er land and see he ies- We see him not ; And yet he cleaves the skies; Illumes each spot. r1- mun I 1uunan_ Irma. nnumnn so. ---- mtouuit with oo enoo. Give us I chum to prove this to you. It is the one remedy of all others that will cure you. You commence by taking a spoonful at a time, and the healing process begins with the rst dose. The swelling and inammation disappear gradually; the nasal openings get cleaned, discomfort, hawking and spitting cease, for the medicine has washed away the irri- tating particles of dust; it has at the same time KILLED the germs that were nding their way into the tissues; it sooths and heals, and coats over the inflamed tissues, and previents other germs from gaining a foot- hold.` Now you are cured. One bottle, at a cost of TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, has done all that the most efficient physician could do-perhaps more. Could you ask more ? Could you expect more? If you have a com), COUCH. sons rmzon, nozmsaness, oran disease of the respiratory organs, go to the nearest drug store, step in, and ask foraasc bottle of Snocmre rssoorn EXPECTORANT, take it home, or open it inythe` "'`5te`*'*&w!4I9'*"'?2 e ofadoctor. i - :._..i'..;:...A..- L _ /. Q . Gain 4 SLOCUM S OOLTSFOOTE EXPEOTORAN T. RUBBER STAMPS Stam S or all ma. 8olr-Ink- O era. Llnen lnrkou. Dozen, Bull. wnolln. Bonk, `ticket and Of- oo Bum mm Bopun prompt. JOHN onronn. uxoomoo. I `u_ vu (1.00 II 1151:. . I Women's Felt Bhppers. felt or leather soles, from 200 to $1 a pair.- Trunks And Vallscs. VICTORIAN ORDER NURSES.l union in A Irnn u-nun` n--nun lvrlvnnrnv - .I. ID DI`. Wotultnl uuo Ivuuvuug [JHUUH : Men's Fine Dongols. Slippers, tan or black, worth from `$1 60 to $2.50. your choice for $1.25 a pair. Man's: F'.m}u-nimmi Qlinnm... Pin- Jun: uuunuu IUK pull) it pan . Men's Embroidered Slippers, 700,. 800 and 900 3. pair. They are the | best lines we had and are worth from ' $1.26 a pair. .~.m,...'. nun m:......-_.. Ln -4, w.J.ggjkLs;`s'o~ 1`a-v\ u---u We wish to clear out our stock of Slippers this week and offer them at the following prices: Mnn'n menu nnnnnln DI. -.-...-_ A-- vu-u lrvuuun Irv lulu IUK. Ill BUB!!!) IIU reason: why our regnlu customer: j A .# 4 lslippers, Slippers, Slippers ll W $5.65. Gegrge Mills 8q1mlCo. nnunmtu mr lrnn 'Dhnnn |JOS. ABRAMSON.1 VVUIII} Ulllll AVVW I5! 3 1'16]- This is an opportunity to secure New Year's Gifts at prices that will please you and induce you to trade with us for I900. Wishing you all a Happy New Year. Yours truly, I74 Princess St . clothlcr and Gents Furnuher. between Rcddon s and LlIdIIW'l. `Isa mnnxunsn or ran vxo-ronnui ordot. Thou roqumnthor uorvlou Apply ?m3{.-' Third. nnporln ndont General (Except Fieece-lined Under ' wear) until New Year's Day. -rhi `Q on I|f\I\I\f.I1f|;.II In For Alderman for 1900, but a Candidate for a share of your trade in Clothing and Gents Furnishings. 20 Per Cent. Discount off Regdvular Prices. I Am Not ag Candidate ,' Can pouibly be cold for. md these ml Innnmn whu Ann -.....I... -..-A...._..... fur Cofarettes, . v- aw -----Una} Manunwtu rer Furs. 'Phono 238. `FENCES BTRIEI`. Fur Col- larettes in v a r i o u 5 comb i n a- tioneects With four more tails than are on this cut, my unuoo. mo no of your oorna; gob Xi'an than without polo: an Pot- nom o Extractor And no other. I Photo fume: and funny Id fnmodx mlrron noloubhnn oolh. E. . Mlhcholl. ueui or pamonable pride. The woman of the house was much interested and was glad that the spirit of emulation was suillciently tlevclopimz among the negroea to impel them to efforts along right. `lines. She thought, perhaps, her bro- ther was a farmer and had raised 1ho biggest ear of corn, for the eis- ` ter of the prize baby said he took ` the premium at the county fair. Or perhaps he was a skilled work- man and had won a. premium for his hahdiwork. She believed in in- dusirinl education for the colored people. The lady 01 color grew prouder, until the woman asked: "How (lid your brother win a prize ?" ' "Pnr hnlnlr H... m.........a s._._. n. LG I For being the biggest. hairy. for his age, at the fair." Product of the highest gnde. with pdoo :1 low 5: such I _4;: ' '35`! III, IIC IIDIC Han oonvinood people that Putnam`: Painlou Oorn Extncbor should be given 0110 (ounce. U00 rid of mbrd oi umhmn min - .... ma- -l. I IIJU "Did he ? asked the woman with evident interest. "Yea'm." And she said it. with a. deal of pardonable pride. of Hm hnliun lllnn mr wnom she was (loin, "My brother took a. Mme." -`hm L... on ..n.\.n -- urat. rrencn settlement in Chins. The captain had been ordered to [make inquiries of the shing-boats in the bay respecting some French- 1 ' men who had been cast away. While ; pursuing his inquiries he was so un- , fortunate as to run his steamer over a rock. To save her from total I loss he beached her. and then en- . gaged two Chinese junks to take ' him and his crew to Hons:-Kong. The crew went in the lanmr inmk I - rnuu DID]. _ Mrs. Johnson is a. lady 0! soul; pretentious, notwithstanding aha, is a lady of some color, also, being no less in depth of blackness than say, the nee oi spades. One dnv nhn in'.\rv~nn:I n..\ Lne 1160 01 spades. One day she informed the \\w {or whom she doing \ "MV took 51 Inn-nxinm nun anu ma to Hone-Kong. larger junk, while Mr. Sharp went. with the cap- tain in the smaller one, which pree- entl_v met. with a terrible typhoon, lasting more than two days. Meets and bulwarks were swept away. and the rudder was broken. The Chinese cap `n of the junk. together with l hl ew, believing that death was at ` '3. went below, not some opi- um, nd became insensible. I Fortunntelv thrm m........ n-,....A.. stepped aboard a. boat. . Mr. Sharp was on u steamer char- tered by the French government. to take troops and admiralty stores 1 from Hong Kong to Touron, the I that French setuement. cnntnin hnd hash (II-(Inn-411. 4.. hot. Ina Ind '23:. -A-_l___) ___ I A Plo Dub]. 1 I'\(\I\ns In ~ `A 4' Oorinqlonr strictly OIEIO bud Muni- tobo W out-Flour to buyers we do I) with the guarantee that it in Q

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