.;.- V; In-%L.a1~.n-nan 4 co` 3.; ` D . &E-`*- -`*"`----"""' I5 ofthe w. J. GUINANE BANKRJPT STOCK or SHOES. [THE TALK OF; This semi-annual Clearing Sale and what it means for you, for every one. The money saving chances it affords. No summer goods to be carried over if price will sell them. We have giired this thing all out and rather than carry stock o\/ier will cut the prices Tor a speedy clearance. How many will avail themselves of the opportunities. VVC have made a good start. Two ofthe fteen days gone. A clean sweep of Millinery Goods. Imported Pattern Hats that were $10 to $16, you take your pick at $5 each. Trimmed llats $6 to $8, for $3.50. Trimmed Ilats $3.50 to $5.50, for $2. Sailor Hats at half and two-thirds former prices. ;~Capes,_Iackets and VVraps at half and two-third prices and some less than half. Tweed Dress Goods were 65c, for 25. Lustre Dress Goods were 75c, for 50c. 35c and 40c Dress Goods for 25c. 50c Dress Goods for 35c. Hundreds of lines all over the store at specially reduced prices. Don't you think you had better look into this Clearance Sale business. Starr & Sutclie, .-p`.-_ ..-__._ .._ ___.___ _ _ _ __ / vuov IILII-dlllllc FIILGI LLIID )Uu WHI USU ll IVVa.y5a "s 1. M" IVTNTTT l\\T rnra A Have You Grasped Its ` V Full Significence? Ygu Aye Perha:%ps"% f FORMERLY RICHMOND ck CO. M 118 and I20 Princes Street. E Store open evenings. V4 ETHE TOWN Suther|and s Big Salg I an 1!. Don. 2. ll) Acres, 150 cleared. 2 good hounds.) barns. drlvc-house and shed. umh Ind post. oalce and nchool and cheese In ulint. Part. Lot. 15, con. 1. I50 acres. brick ouu (nearly now) barns and well wnend. chulcu la_nd, i0 mile: from Captivates all tastes on a Tea Pot" test. Sealed Lead Packets only. 25c. 30c, 40c; 50c, 60c. Using some othe}. Some day (by accident or design) you may use SALADA. ` After this you will use it always. ____-`._ i P-32-inces Street. 'CT133'ffI(')3r-'rEX' Window and Dbor Screens. The White Mountain and Gem ICE-CREAM FREEZERS. From one to ten quarts. Flu . Nearest Agencies-D. W WNEY, Brockville, TH MKLZNNVEDY CO., Limited,Montrcal. Fufnitnre and Undertaking. L . . . OWNBHIP OF KINGSTON :--N. 1 hot 4. v. `I. 10) Iowa. I bod stone house Am mmnl- An innocent galety prevails at Caledonia , sprmgsmat goes far ui assisting the Baths and Vvlatersio a burs. _ _-g- omp1oyd- ` Egunar" ' 1; In Id-ind and duqhcor. In lla- l VaooIvur.BO..uotho -I.-I 1- jlit K. III 5&1! III copondt Hnil. Oatthlningly hlh of ":5. 39:1 : in the harbor." Bow charmingly wongn. liko -Bobenygcnn Xndopondout. Shonightnonhvotnnwilhuduuuu. :01: on the any: of-who nhipg._l.gga. on. * ' . A.) _L..' .L.~_`.._L.. l`|_L_ _'_ _ . jhoolsy. hot porn! sud? can-. in IUWNBHIP OF KINGSTON onn.1, lmuonn pod house an oxoe Ions [arm bnlldingnil W. gum: ll.u?:n. 3, IIlU.|00d frame onne, mg u on we greed 8 miles from clty. Part. Lots 37, ii`? Ind .11: damn com, 150 mm, good mime house. Dun bulldl I good orchard; the {inn is one of the has In the count?-, only 5 miles from n the 3rd com. 150 (`rune house. m and stable. 5 HQ city. nun 140113 In 3rd conces- . ID no stone house and arm oulldlnzu In ooudl , laud exoellenti mile: `hum . Plnlotlouthplrt 13. con. 3. 60 acres. m nuns homo-d new mune barn. -choice Jltlnteon the Bath mad 2 mile: from on ~. Tholbovo lunch will be room on unions!) 0 tam; DUNCAN A. UAYS, Real Esme Aging I: lulu. square. Kmguton. Ev? uni: - ' Iwitu In M . . ` UVUK Ill ` 00]. James, who delivered the ontion in the open house, gnvo expreniou to lofty oontimonh i touching upon the friendli- nou of Gnsgwriuin on the United Sun: in the pl-cunt crisis. He said that Great Brihlnh attitude . Wu ruponnihlo for keeping tho Enropun nation from uninh- ing Spain. Hip Iontilnontl won warmly upplndod by both Canadian: and Ameri- can pnnnt. l`lli'Bvockvillo Human wok path in an oolohntion. lxmmiou sun oonducnod hon vnnnu nnulhn gm! ,A-...:.._ rulne Ul Iluv gems. The Mbh but-elion bend created I favor- able impression. The orgeniutiou wee given the peel: of honor no the bend at the procession. During the day bnndmeuer Cerey wee presented with ve btentifnl bouquet: of owere by admiring citixena oi the burg. It wee everywhere decleled abet the Kinzebon bend In the neet ever been! there. no` I n._.. -1... 1.I:..._..n 4- -,,.- uucn-nun 1 . H` .U. FIIJOHCIDCI IDLLDB custom- ary oration. In the Afternoon there were nporta dud game! no the lair grounds. Thoae included horse end hicyole faces, fancy tumbling by 1 troupe from Algiers, baseball munch. music by bhree btndl, hrapeze noting. singing of national song by qunrtebtee from New York city, trial of apeed. tandem bicycle vs. horse. rocket hnlloona, emf In the evening there were nnd concerns and tire wotka. The bsnebnll'mnbcb ended in n dispute luring the eighth innings. A0 hho time he score stood five to tour in favor of the Kingston beam. The Ogdenahurg team was in him eld. wnonkxinguon mom knocked n fuir hull inhor oho_crowd of upecmhora. The umpire doclued in I blocked hl and would not allow the men on bases at edvenee. He called for the Kingahonienl to resume plnying which they would not do. He thorelore declared the Ogdenaburg beam winners by I Icon of nine ho nobbing. Old baoobnll umpire: any the decision was unjust and not according to preoodeno or ruma of the game. Th. IA!-.h h.u..l:.-m 5...! ..-..-.-.I _ :._.-_ Ilany Klngetonlanl And other Canadians Partlolpate. Ogdensbnrg celebrated the 4th of July in a highly creditable manner. The at- tractions were advertised, and as a result the city was lled to overowing with sightseers. The amusement) began at six o`clock in the morning, when the different bands serenaded prominent citizens. At ten o'clock there was a lengthy parade. participated in by the 40th separate com- pany ot militia, the school children. ve- terans, ote., while large oats helped to make the afllir attractive. At twelve o clock there were ceremonies in the opera house, consisting of prayer. reading of the declaration of indncendsnce, selections by the Hub I .W.O. riiles l':and ani;the custom- arv nratinn, In oh. .n-.......... um... ....._- CELEBRATION AT THE EURO. ._-_. `lllgltlnkmbo. :._.|. __ _._.._ -- TIT carried It is to ho hopod tlnuho removal olr. Hnrnfronthooeodtncuanageron I-ho Inhteolonial does not than the document of lmsimp nnthcdn on that nil- Iiy, Polioa In again "said to In uppbnt. The gown-nnonb` pvt plodps, Lnpnnnn .0 ...-A-___ -_4I r_..J _-_.'_. VALUABLE FARMS FOR snus pnnvnvn-u-n l\'; ..._,..._-_ Aldonnui Canon any: the atroota mush rouniunnhidy because tho public works dnpnrtmuna in: not tho -any ilwsoh to` spud. The pnbiie nch dopu-uncut cm ' do two things. (I) it can IOIIIOVI in own loolotnppingn. when I votk ineouplotod. god (2) it on compo! othon. sod unpioiah ny the stunt railway compnny. to do the The pole question is still agitating eomo people. Why have this worry perpetro. ted? Some people are bound to tnvel on e pen whatever hetidee. They'll even look for a pan to glory end to kingdom come though they my not work the oracle for thin ee they have for other thinge. EDITOR) AL COMMENTS. "_Evenu" in enxions for I purely Cane- ding sentiment. end one that will dominnte in ell things, and in all political parties. The movement to mute religion the ten for cabinet oice promise to weaken tye party shut makes resort to it. vv nu-rrvnv uuvuu Yen in six months he expects u out in the legislature and in the government! He is imibeting Tupper, (the bemoan.) who gave the Leurier government just: six month: in which to page in ite checks and ceeee(t.o be. Twp yeere have passed, and, natwithetnnding its mistakes. the govern- ment still livee. end. no for u hhe opposi- tion is concerned. is calculated to go on forever. Mr. Sb. John doee not see in in tho lighb. bub, like many o?`t.he party, he in colour blind. ' IV: use an Buvsuunuvuv. -. _......_, This bueineeenay as well be looked so in cold blood. Mr. 80. John need not de- lnde the people, not try to do ibi. with line bulk. The party to which he belongs has had a hard time o! in raising the money with which to lodge the proteins. It re- quires a lot with which to carry on the crisis. and it has been careful enough to "select only the cases upon which they have a hope. (however ill-founded), of success. Mr. St. John says every petition will he ~ carried to trial. He knows better than this. He knows that. many petitions were fyled u a matter of bluff, and that: they are being properly sob aside becauae there in no money to fight: them and no evidence 1 to support them. \.'.A ._ _., L I I He is kind enough to wieh bhnb disaster may come eonewhab slowly upon the gov- ernmeno. He does not make any allowance for the trial of petitions agninab the evoc- hion of coneervnbivea, and does not teem to | nnbicipnte any change in the sounding oi ` Lhe party. All he hopes for is a change in the liberal ranks, and to such an exteub bhab the government: must: go under in six months or lees. He is modest: enough to any nothing of himself. hub of course he is looking for an opening somewhere of which he can take advantage, gel: 3 seat: in the lagialatnre. and become a miniater-when Mr. Whitney forms 3 government. This l....1.........'__-_ -- --Il L- `- ` ` ...-- uuu-nu A-AJ4L||vLI L'l\\JLI.Iu Mr. St. John. who bu been singularly silent since bhe election, has bten heard from. He has been out f_r an airing in! Perbh county, and in reported to have said ' chat every election probeata pub in by the conservative party will be carried to trial, and bhnt as a consequence bbere will be is great) turn over. politically, in this pro. Vince. ----- ..., ; Bub what about the Dugaa report ? It had reference to the general tzreetment of the men on the Crow : Neat: Pane railway. lb revealed a condition of things that demanded earnest: consideration. The!) only two men died in a mercy. as rumour goes, for which the country ought) to be thankful. Was deception practised, and `.0 what extent? Was misrepresentation em- ployed? Were the men taken advantage of and imposed upon? I! wrong was done who is reepomible ! The Dugaa report: was meant) to make all this plain. Is any use to be made of it ? Apparently its con- ` t-iderntion is deferred pending the summer jaunbe of members of the governments. r -- ._.vu -u ' These commissions. by the way, are expensive, and the country is warranted in expecting that some uaelul purpose will be served by them. It may he that the re- I port ol Mr. Clute will nob bear out the charges made in parliament, in which case thehrailway contractors will be entitled to ` vat kfaction, though in what: form is non: appareqp. It may be that the report: will sustain these serious reflections, in which case the government must: act, and promptly, to the end that: justice may be done. , v- _=-W-V-Jr "'"` ""'`-""` `'""-`""' ipuI'1iC"ulnr foFtA=.i'~3ohe The iniormnbion reaching parliament ab when she visits :1 girls` sc ib luh aeuion. warranted some members did i N`*' Y"k- 01' 1* "0" . I . d ' P ' l in saying that {hate men had been gollznor iugerue Qultileli virtually "murdered by their employers. 'mukes_tlie scene a joy to L The real {Ache have not been had because i'` 3""3 may be .`"" 8 - _ _ _ , .". Tl` ' I`. ` ` an inquest) which was desired did not take g;:::n,-`Sf ,,s0l:1e[5;ly'm?ui`::k,;::` place, exception being taken to the service jibe world. but not of it. '1` ol the coroner at Pihiabor Creek becsuae be " ("3 "mm ""'i"i r see her in the role, and Ill: Md P"`i5Y called P0 t'h "195 in-r loll nliout the e_\'pt-rienc and prescribed for them during bheirill- Hunong vurigmiavl friends. ' - - Even among `-'her mos neee. Mr. Clube. Q.C., will reporb fully immds` however. Calm new upon bhe case, and be will be aeeieted in her ,,m'_ude toward the. 3"` his work by an oicial of the justice de- 50 P+'|}_H|D5 We Il_dU1`1\l|0n t b [The prima donna is suporsl p`_:mn ` acknowledges it. with u vim _.._v.__--_ ._....u- - van I-ru I.a-o PWNSBIP OF STORRINGTON :-b0'I`S )8 ' Ind 10. (>00. 2. ll) good hounds.) shed. LOOKING INTOTHE FACTS. The premier bu boon as good or his\f 'word and bu dppointed R. C. Cluto. Q C.. of Toronto, to look into the facts 5 uhbonding the death of two men. Fruorl and McDouAld, on the Crow : Noah Pnu railway. These men were nilwny em- ployee: who were attached with diph- "1 hheria. removed by wnggoti 'to a car 200 ' mile: diatonh, And. in cold weather, ouDer- ad severely, ind I ibboutfnbtention. FIVL- =_`-..__-A2__ ____L,-, ITH-E. PAIEJ Y Wm! ST. JEHN HEARD FROM. rum nun! wme, TUEBDA1. JULY 5, 1898. All IIIIIIICII BIIIT D, I DIIIWI UKIIO DI the cyntonan bound by using Cunt : Littlo Lint Pilln. No pain. ping or diaoonlon nboding unit an. :1 turn. who want. nd condition will coon chsnpollytho no of lulu : (kn Iron Pnlll. _l`ihy glam No. Bold ill drnnait. ~--- ` I01 1'3` TVII UICKICXUIIE \ Boemx. July 5.-[n the twelfth mnnni chmpimshig` rggmn 0! sh: New Eng- land nuclear rowing cuocintion Monday `on tho Clnrlu river Edward H.Ton Eyck. ol Worouur. won who mingle ucnil nco.ono undonohnlf pilu. in loan. 4515:. Ab 8317308: {or the Kiltion conoott. opus home, tomorrow night. 25. And 354:. - var.-II \.u-yIIlIIIu. The lmmnn face should always hang hulthy, rosy glow. and bhio in turnip b the we of "CiiInax Iron Tonic I in which strengthen the nerves, purify blood And tone up the system 80 pi I box for 215:. The Dr. HA1] Medicine 00., New York. Sold only at Wade's drug neon. fllllll IHU l)`ll|-IILIUIQ . [$lU\'r|('nln. I George C. \\`iIkirt., general agqnl. oh the Pennsylvania.rnilroad, said yester-I (lay that me oilinglof unliallxlsled por- tions of the Baltimore and Potomac and Philadelphia, \l ilminpzton and Bulli- more ro:Ids_ to obliterate dust, had ps:-|-. ed beyond the experiment stage. Last year, when it was tried for the firstl time, he said, it proved such .1 sur:cvs~i' that its utility could no longo: be-v doubted. The process had not been ex- tended, he said, because there was no. uoccssity for it. There has been no oc-I casion to sprinkle oil, on tlnwe pnrliuns of the lrm-k upon` which it was spiiukk-.d last year. -. -- -`J: 1IrIID I Waexoel. Anew npecml. our own hleaa. G leoea all honnonlzlngaxll beuuufully mush- . A fmndsnmeuold Amlr In this suit, and allno Inga Conn-a 'l`uble`to match. Thin In posluvnlv the best value over _o`arod for $25. __0qI;_3l6_In very prony and mod value. but \\.II`:nIp. I Hnng Kong. July 5: -- When the Charleston aholiod the port of G:ium'1, the govornur, holivving that :1 .~i.'1|utu was being fired,s<*nt ll('UlH`t(`(IuH ru-;zrnt_ stating that ho was unuhlo tn rt-spnn ` liocnuso ho was without powder. \\'h(\nI , infnrmvd that. he was :1 prisnrwr he was 1 highly indignant nnd (t(\(`i. \l'((t that he I wga not aware that :1 stmle of war ox- islod between Spain und the l'nit.-cl n Slzites. An Aniorivnn I`(`Sid(`llt, was up ` pninled provisional governor and :1 small Ameri<`nn-garrison wins-installed. I I on (In ninny Rallw|> Fmm the Baltimnwre Am:-rimn. llanrmn I" \\'ilI:i-9 tvnnnr-II ... A German Wnrnhlp Follow: `the Amorlcnn Vessel: Into llnnlln Bar. London, July 5.-A ttosputcti to tho l):iil_V Muil from Hung Kong :~u1_v.~i thit this triumphnl entry n[ the Ann-rit-an transports into .\I:tnil.'1 hay was :u-m|n- pnriimt by .-in unplonsunt int-idvnt for which tho` (ierniuns \u-ru rt-sp .-\i the ships (`'l!1l" up tho hay thvy (-10 ( laiwl_v fril|<)\\'0d by HM` Uvflltiln (`l'i1ist*r Kui.s'<`rin :\UQuHl.'t. The llll[)[`(`.`~i- sion of \\'or_v|m \\;1tt`hing tht` ves- . \\'.'l~x that slit` mm (`lust-ly n|;.~wr\'in_':` I110 .`\nl(`l'il`.'ll] tnrvos amt that .-ilw wm .'tls<) trying to Sht)\\' the z\l]l(`I`i(`.lnH :|H | .\`p:uiish that she roprvsents-I urntitmf which must he recktmed with in thi- pI`os4~nt (`riHiS. C-0rr1i:uiy'.s' ntlitualv in this matter is I`(`g-Il'ttf`tl by .`\HH`l'it"|HH and Englishrnen as highly I`l'pl t'ht'll-i sihlo and us grozttly tucking in respvct for tho Vnitod Stutv. . I\rl.in_v` (iv-rniun rm-rchnnts in Mztniln are :ilnm:~'.t (`t]U'l]-fl I5 tlisplousott with the m-lion of their _` It :1 rsh I p. Hnnu Rnntf Jnlu K` \\'|\nv1 Ihn l I l Hl.'3'l. [HKIHI , l |:iyn del Esle (`ul):i_ Jul 3.-Sc- Ivlziry navy, Wzishixiglnii. .\l 9.30 lu- lziy the Spiinisli squzidrun, (`\/(`H in `Ill, invluuling one gunl>o;il_ (`{l[11O out of San- wzis loluliy (lu- [liugo in column and slinyed \\'lllllll iui lmii1`,ex<~epliiig lllv L`ri.-`lulml Culuii, \\'hii"li \\ilS Cll.lS4`(i f0rl_v-fiv(\ miles to the W(`.`-ll\\dI`(i, HUI`- ronlloring lo the Brooklyn, hul \\`l|S lioziclied to prevent sinking. .\nm-. of our officers or men were injured ox-i (`cpl on liu.-ird the Ilrr-okl_\'n, llm chic-f yeumnn, hills, was killed und um-, mun wuundvd. Admiral Cerwrzi, :ill mm- lI1v',1ll(llI)g officers ext-opting ()quc-ml-J, zilmul nine-ly other ufl'i<*e>rs and 1,li'l)ll men are prisoners. About 300 killed or (ll`0\VnP(]IIl1(i 1li0 wounilell. Liitlur cure I for on Solace and Olivello. Have just. .-irriwd off Santiago in lIl!'i)l(`il(`,(1(l In lake clmrge while counnzmder-in-chivI is lonking out for Cristobal Colon. (Sign- ed) Watson. (`in-nnu.4Ii.rn .-...n-ln.l...- \\'ul.-.\n`_ Ali diootdon cunod by biliou this of 50 nltoncnn & mnad hv nnn Cnrtnfn 1-up \\iIlS(). I Comnwdore \\'als0u`s cnncludin-,_: svnten('o Innkes it apparent '.haxL ud- miml S':m)psnn has lurnwl over 1.) him` |`Q`Xll[)O!'lFily the (`I)I]lYI1(\n(l of Hm ('nit ml Stntos fl:-.0! off Santiago. T110 (`um- mzmduuin-(`I1ief moans udulirul Samp- ASOH. I prima is superstitious. ,_... ..... u.-L ....5...,.. \`hI\\. .., 5: [)( lhtl])S udurzxtion is genuine. Sim a.cknowledges it, churming little BhiV'l`. Pnssihly her niu_jesty`s purl rnit. possesses a charm beyond its intrinaic uttrzictiun and is carried as an eff`-1-t`\i.il rabbit's [out substitute. It may be 1h'1t the face bf '21 quoeu, who is ul:-10 uguml and noble woman, exol'<-is9.~i evil spirits sore thmtlt, pneumonia, stage-1i~.iv_ir chuppios und hard-heurtetl ('I'tli<`,S. A! nnv ruin (`u|vn (ha I\A\l`_ nu r.-iua lcommodore Wntnon`a Report. of Dean-uc. i tlon of Carvers : Heft. \\'.'1si1iiiglun, July 3.-~l[ any if the Sp.'1ni.s'h slilps of ('ei'v(-i'."i's squadron dun lw snverl they will be mimic-I to the Ann- (\li(`n nzivy. Thu! is the intention of sswmlzlry Long. For H10 purpose of (lS(`(`Ti<'lil'li[lg all the possiliilitivs In the :15. he hzi.~i mhlvd lo :~'ui1ips.u1 for H. slutoiiimil as tn UH`. (`XIICL muditiun of lhu i)(`ll('h0(i \'-391-In i|l|(l will izikv such nvlinn ininimiiulely upnn its receipt as the inforniziliun Inuy _ju.s'tify. 'l'lii.~i dvspntvh from cniiiiiimlom Wit- sun, comnizinding the (`zl3s`l(`I`l1 HqUiI(il'U, was rev(`i\'1-(1 at, the navy (l(`p:ll`llIl"ll[ Ins! niuhi` I V`\ 115 Inst. m. poouuvnlv the eirer f0r'$2s`n. Our 3161: ver ran I d ood value, the 325 suite rlvzlnpmanyv `:0 end 350 sultan. 0ul'_Il'0n and Brass Be: dlsnhn` Is wnrthv unu s_;tys, "AD, in honne rennet" I Naive and girlish simplicity ix Calves puI'tiC ulnr forte. She is in her element. b girls school, as she in convent, as she; often does in Paris, and she plays tile ' `role of ingenue with a. delicate art thuL' makes the the beholder. l The girls young, but Hll is younge-". They may imiocent, h-'1t' lathe is absolutely guileless. She is in [the There is only one thing entertaining than to, that is to ht-ar' nliout e_\'perience xiftermird . n1o'st iYliiH)`ll(`.i.` friends, nuver rel ixes in 1 the English queen, _ D( lhtll)S the Ilritwnlitm ist o-nnninn |'llilp[H(`S ILHU XlH.I'(.l`nellrl.C(l ('rllI7`,S. At any rate Calm Curr`:-3 the por- `truit, and she says with nu ive ingenu- ' OUSHPHSI "" "'DV| Ir-I IIUI IIIU IIICIYI YUIIYIIU ADC Inn. "In Ilonnilulno-" Every one knows that Cnlve professes `fan extravagant admiration for queen Victoria, and carries the queen's pic- ture with her wherever she goes. tll-` u natured persons have suggested that I .1110 devotion was in the line of $1 bid [UT 1'0) M favor. Others, equully ill nu- tured, say, with a shrug of the sh-mid- `NS. that Cnlve has a keen sense of hu-' . nmr. (Tnhe. hnrunll` ..-1..." ;..n..-..;....~n.n um, llllll. uuive nus keen of hu-` 'mur. (fuive. herself, when interviewed [upon the subject, assumes her Gret-I ;1-hen-in-the-church" expression, clnsps her hands with child-like omhusiuxzn . `and says, Ah, in bunne reinei" I u I Nnh-A nml trirliah c:.....::..:... In 1'.. I..- "'0 llntor CII-rlu `u Queen`: Portrait II. 0 In IInnnn'R.Ing.OI I AN uN`PLEAsANiTE:|oENT. Jsxn-:::.' ' When I do whu.L is right it 54901113 > me that the face, smile: nn mu. Ah! . bonnet reine." `fol Ital Von Ilnglooeqlu. ago: '_I- K I_ AL- L:.IlAL l?'('(`|\l mghl: In um 11 DESTROYEDTN A}4_nouR. ur auouu very pretty and good th:8% rivals manv so and 0ur'lron and Bass iilsplay I.-lavgnrthy your nlpec on. megooc values $. .. )up. __ We hays .he_beat. $2.50 Mattress ever uut on A Clear Cobpllxlon. _-.. R.-- -L-__I.I _|__ CALVE mo Vicronva. . Iuun Your Beau ,1- n, .. uy-5. --. \`Il\l\4ll s sver III- 'e of ere, lrug hu- saumes her , 00 Salmdny. A Jlllllg III Ulu IIIU {CI _ ed away at the ripe age of eighty yeure And eight: months. ah the residence of her son, Welter Pybus, Mink :-u bridge. Walter and Thoune Pybnr, Mrs. Benjunin Mo- Cabo, Nepaneo, and another daughter liv- : ing near Kingston ere left: to mourn. The funeral taken placeto-day. Hnckleherriee made their first appearance on the market The quuntiby was quite peeceu reuueun.peu- |d-nke limited and found A ready sale at three ne Impliclty la 4 Is NS` the acorchimr sun. qua:-be for bwenty-five cents. Saturday was hob but Sunday was hot)- ] tor. and very few people ventured out in Thu tharmnmntnr wan 'l."l- \ nlfth New ling- on Monday I.'l`on | :u|l 1 5;. l on . I an--u.-nun `lib -cl.vvur1rI'n _ Tho Faster Annual directory has appear- oI.agnin well up to the mtrk. In its necessity in every oioe because of the reliability of blue surest. nlphnbetical, busi- ness and miscellaneous dirocborioe. The peoplo of him suburbs of Bxrrioeld. Catn- nqui, Porumomh, Wolfe and GAn: en Ialunda are alto carefully recorded. The nblichora are J. G. Footer & Co.. 22 Lou- ~;u-d ctr-ooh. Toronto. 1 ITIUHUB BEEUIIIDIHLI ID IJIU TUUIUUIICU Ul mru. ' W. Benton, Pnbbshurg, for tho pm so of ` presenting Miss Isabella Gsllugher `LI: 3 ' gold watch in recognition` of her services as organist of St. John's church. Muss Boston read an appropriate sddress on be- hnll of those present. nltennrda bsnding over the timepiece. Alter this the com- ` puny enjoyed the evening. music, singing, ' etc . being indulged in. Her many friends ' wish Miss (hllsgher a pleasant sojourn I with her pnrouba sh Obtain. . Cll':. Thomas McGinnes'". charged with stool- iug fruih, yuallowed to go. The charge against hinfwill stand. Thu noun an-Inna Mr: W R:-nnhv Inl- I I I -nu-u-vwu vvnu an vvu-uv-. 0.) Monday evening 3 large number of friends assembled at. the residence of Mrs. (I7 I)--L..- I) AL-L...-n 5.... 5|... n-.-|n;ugg A` you-Inspection. some good vfuus mm mi We have the best. put. the mnrket. There In A rem dmbronco In utilities, and our aim `has n to always give Eno best. even |rprlce in low. Call and see our nos whether you purchase or not. Yours, HKJIHHU llllll WIII Bllllln The _case agninao Mrs. H. Brophy, for allowing a nunennce 1.0 exist) on her pro- perpy, was Erbbor enlarged. j At `no Pollen Count. At. the police court. hbia morning He bu {mane society laid a charge ugainsb VV.; PIPB, jr., for cruelty to animals by driving horses unt: for service. He did not ap- pear, his father being preeanb inswad. The case was adjournud. Miss Cotteil and Frank King were on band 00 prose- cum. : vm........... u..r::........' ..I...........: ...:n. .s....I - - nuuu-um uu-pm luv- At the regular monthly meeting of the board of dirociors of the young men s christian association held last evening. `I those present were somewhat surprised but greatly pleased when a member of the bmrd announced that he had received for the building fund a cheque for $100 from O Loughlin brothers, New York. The Messrs. O'L')ughlin are old Kingstoniane, whose ability and energy have brought them an abundant success in the land of their adoption, but who still gladden the `hearts of friends of former days by such ` 1 rictical proofs of their continued interest I in the welfare of the city of their boyhcod. {us their recent mnnicenh uifa to Qucen s university and this still more recent sub- ` scxiptlon tothe young men's christian ae- ` zociation testify. il n..;i.';E.;. Ladies` COHRKO4 The examinations of tho Toronbo conser- vatory of music, in theory. were held in the college on June 21st. 23rd and 24th, ohosein piano on June 30th. The latter were conducted by Edward Fisher, princi- pal of the conservatory, in person. These examinations will in future be held ln the Kinzston ladies` college bwice yearly, viz , in February and in June. The diploma ol the conservatory of music is accepted by both Toronto and Trinity universities as equlvalonli to the limb and second ex aminabions for the degree of Mus. Bac. A candidate. bherelore. who holds this diploma will be required to pass only one examination at Trinity or Toronto uni~ varsity in order to obtain the degree oi bachelor of music. A student of average ability. under a competent: teacher. can be i prepared for each'examo'nat.ion in one year. I --MAm' Cou.\'w.r\|.1., M.A.. principal. l nunuon, r;ng., Outlook. We hazard aaeriea of suggeabiona which may very well prove to be true lorecaeba. Lord Wolaeley Will go to Canada as lord Aberdeen a successor in the position of governor-general, and heartily will he be welcomed there. Inrd Roberts will go to Whitehall to fill lord Wolrelo_v'a place as mmmandor inchief. The duke of Conn- laugbb will go to Dublin to Lake up the post) of commander-in-chief in Ireland. and an the same time, with the help of the ducheaa, mean the desire of Iriehmon to be mwre closely associated winli royalty: and the dukes place at Alderabob as general in command will be taken by general Sir I Redvera Buller. uiuuua In napanee yesterday. no is spending his vacation with his sieter. Mrs. W. Woodcock. Selby. Mr. and Mrs D. a. Warner, Dr. Warner, Miss Gladys O`Bierne and Harvey Werner lefb yesterday tor Ottawa. They go vie steamer irom Kingston. The Brethren held a week : very eucceeeful rneebinpze here this week. A number of visitors from Adol phusbown. Yarker, Murvale and other places were in attendance. Dr. Ming arrived home on Saturday from A ten days ecbendence ae veterinary surgeon for the 4th Huaenrs, in camp at Barriefield. James Honey. Otbewa. is expected home today to spend his vacation Wieh his mobber, Mra. W. N. Hosey. I and Lord Robert: HI; En tlonl of the London outlook. London, Eng., Outlook. Wn hll'I.'|I'l`I n am-inn nf nunynnhinnn whinh Q uguuuuy C00], I G. W. (loodwin. Picton, was in town on Saturday. Mrs. Chrissie. Toronto. spent a few days this week with her miter. Mrs. John Dickens, Mill street. Wilkie Perry. Boston. Maae., was calling on his many friends in Napanea yesterday. He snendimr hi: vnmnrinn with his I nu . lulu very [OW people VODISIHGG OIID In ` scorching run. The thermometer was , 106 9 in the shade. The heat was ivory intense and would have been ,almoeb unbearable had it not. been for one `bretza than was blowing About four .o clook on Sunday evening a very high ]wind prevailed which must have been quite eevere on the water. About eun- ,down the wind died away and cooling ' breezes began to blow. Monday proved de- ! lightfully cool. I (} VV (In/-uiuzin Dinlnn Inna in Itsnvl-\ An It is a delightful 'n\k when with Claret , A` ',.. W I - .-Erated Waters, even yvith plain hue: _sy_ree0enad'tolil|- . F I~.5~'..`... `w?( `. -- T.F.HarrisonCo.: ' negmoua ion In no lhldo-Ro;pectd Resident Dead. NAPANEE. July 6-0n Sunday Mrs. Py bus. an old And rospected"reaideut.puI- . IWLV the line nus nf ninhtv vnnrn Anrl W0L8|':_'I.E-YNi-"()R CANADA. M---.--- Presented Inn: A watch TWA3 HOT AT NAPANEE. Klnglton 0| ty Directory. `.-s . _ _ _ _ ._-l .I._--L.._.. I.-- A_Ploaunt Burprlue. -j___T7 JME Fkmf JEJIEE ELLIOTT 13Ros. jj-u These goods are all Fresh, New Lines, and in put- chasing them you get the SUTHERLAND GUAR- ANTEE as to their merit. " All Sales For Cash. No Approbzftion During Sale. syTHERLANDs Parlor Suites `Ila-anal A _- _ #