T I Handsome Range of White Serge 35;! ` Ira-0 yeutowhyin . _._ ,_ Vestln: at quick sclliz_1;;;.'.'ces. __,,,,.,,,,,,__,,__ ____ FASI-1|(v)N. Ulll gum lI)RlC,WlIlcll ll`! IIKIIHK It males. are now (mend up and elIIP30!Vd us wbstitnhtotnndinthoprqnnlioll otnnmhn m:l'l`Io Yaungu Intron-0l'I. JIO 30055 303.2: wukenn hisfnthnfn n'sli3.*on Io!-' lmhnnnpoun Journal _.__..._____:--J to Ian. worry. Actrun-Tho fact. in I an thlnkinl About my uhry. Munn,ger~--'l`oohId th 0 mm! bothered about it. We'll ocko 85- week hemmr. The smn` your 8-I-ry Is the loan as will uonblo you--36%" '1`!-nnnn-Int. ,/ - ..,....... ....... - -.._--. Finely powdered gdld may be preffanzgl by a most. simpla process. Fill a smtl . unglazed, earthenware bowl with common kitchen salt. cover it and expose 1!. for some hours to heat. The stove oven is I good place for is. When the water has all been dried out. put equal quantities of` this salt powder an-I honey on I 3 grinding plate and mitt in with it the nec- essary qumtity of golld leaf. Grind this up very gently, being careful not no press hard on the must 'l`i 91> salt acts as I dia- : integrator. and the in may is used becanaa I it will not dissolve the salt. When the gold is reduced to the finest possible pow- der is must bo thonmghly and carefully washed with an abundance of pure water to remove the alt ind. honey.-.\ ow York lulmwr ` Lu loolaouu lhld to Bo Iloro Dnngbronl than u munng um. ' [ Speaking of ros. suld tho lusumnob man, "they are tho queerest things in tho woz-`id. A re will sometimes take in- nlte pins to um up everything inde- itructlblo in slg b and leave an lnummtr , ble nrtlolo untouched. I have run across i an sort. of queer pranks played by tires in l my lme. , Rnmn vmmz tum tha insurance com- [Dy B11118. Some years the insurance panies established a rule that all benzine rags in printing offices must be put into `closod meta] cans during the day, and that `those cans should be emptied into the fur- ` nncos at the close of business each evening. Shortly afterward there was 5 fire in A printing office on Randolph street one night. We tried `to find out the cause of it and finally concluded it must have origi- nated from spontaneous combustion of oiled rags. The printer insisted that every mg was burned each . `wt and called his or- rand boy over to oonn.:orate his statement that they could not have `spontaneously combusted.` The boy looked crestlaiien and said that he had forgotten to take them down the night before. But the theory was knocked out when he under- took to show us where he had left them, for there under a heap of burned rubbish- was the rag receptacle with the lid secure- ly fastened down and every rag safe. "in nnnfhc-r nrintlnn nine fire averv iy msoencu uowu uuu uvury rug uuu. In another printing ofce tire every case was clmrrcd and every line of metal typo was either melted or warped so as to be of no further u e, by: the only font of wood type in thco loo turned up all right, and when the linseed oil which had boiled out of the wood and stood all over it in beads was wiped 011 it was as good as ever. I nnnn onnnnlnd A nnilmr nn ll !'l0k8tV arucio: _ `Milk veal is the only good veal. and the best period is I to 6 weeks old. T e flesh is then u do to pink. the {at i w ite and clear. If the esh has a blue tingu and is llnbby. it is too young and tboreforo `unwholesoxno. I! 10 is white, it has been bled before killing nnd likewise uuwholesome. It. is very may to learn to recognize veal at just the right ago and in the proper condition. Ono or two careful inspections and comparisons with that which is undesirable fixes the matter in the mind. Surely it. is worth while for ev- ery housekeeper to lmrn this simple les- son, the starting point of so many delight- ful dishes. Set to learn it. simply means disappointmuut whenaver veal is served at ouo's.table, unless tho pleasure and con- venlcuco of the butcmr happen to com- bine tnvorulily to one : adv_nmago." `A. MITCHELL.` - -- . .__....-.-.11-cu 13ll!l)l'.`|'l` venue was wlpeu on ID was as guuu an Uvur. I once cmmoied A poiicy on u rickety oid frame pinning mill which I knew would burn up inside of 0 year or two. 'i`imt was 25 years ago. Since then every brick piuningmiii that I have irisurotl has been burned. but the oid frnmo shod stood until last year, when it was torn down and replaced by a new brick building. "1:-nhnnsu-u 1-maid noon: to be lined risks. know me! nomo xs zuwuys now. You bet it is," from the father with square jaws and snapping blue eyes. It's been here all the time you've been spend- ing our hard earned money trying to do something easy that you're not titted for. 1 don't want no healthy young man that weighs 130 pounds whining around me, throwing up his hands and saying there : nothing ln the world for him to do. I`ll ~ show you dlffercnt. Go up stairs and get into tlm: old blue jean cult`. of yours, change that white linen for a hickory shirt, put on them cowhide boots you left in the closet when you went out to con- quer America and grease em. Then go along with me. I'm breaking up that ten acre ticld of stump land, and I'll start you on an honorable career that you're liable to succeed in. No coaxing now. mother. What. this young man needs is sand, and I'll have him pumped full of it by full. Uot into your uniform, my son. "--Detrolt I1` rnn `) nu: vvvu v w-u Eiin Mon-is Kmtsciunar, writing of "Dainty Dishes From Milk Veal" in The Woman's Home Companion, gives these practical directions for recognizing A good article: u -uni. ......I- 4.. n... ....l.. ..~.A van` and - rcpmccu Dy nnux Uluuuug. " Icohouses would seem to be good risks, but they burn more readily than match factories, and when the tire is over tho con- tents are usually a total loss. I would rather Insure gunpowder than 100 any duy."-Ch|cago Record. Tho shrewd Old Farmer Saw Whore Ell Son Properly Bolonged. Father, I m vanquished," sighed the young man in soft raimenn and long hair who had just. come from the city to the old homestead. T110 world is too much for me. I wrote; My poems and my stories were rejected. I painted. Them was no market for my picture; I lectured on scientic subjects. The expenditure was always more than were the receipts. I irted with fortune on the market. She jiltcd mo. I tried a clerkship. My mind was not on my business. and I was dis- charged. I became an insurance agent. Not. a policy could I place. In sheer des- peratlonl bccaxnoa politician. I failed and paid all attendant expenses. I loathe the past. The future ocrs me nothing." Mv nnnr, nnnr hnv." said the fond mo pass. '1 no xuvure omsrs mu nuuuug. "My poor. poor boy." said the motherns she wiped her glasses. You ' know the/homo is always here." uvm. mo. in in " (mm um (nnmr with Old ghn hottlu, which are mm C IIII unless: Ara nnw -n-mnal Inn And -mnlavud . Iowan: ActIoo)o- `V Tho Eldu X;tron-YouI ouldn'tmlnd rantdnnl Mm. hr-inn A MI; It 1 PLACING HIS TALENT3. Preparing Gold Powder. ,, 21.1 _.__.L_ _ l'IU|'Il\ I\IIvl|4II e_`vv9. Q`... "L ilgifnllulz In })n;nII&y; Henry Wade And INSU RANGE RISKS. Good Veal. x./vssrponr wmspanmcs. {Dominion ALLIANCE um, Nearly 300 Delegates I`:-erent.-'l'hey Do Not Underltnnd The Terms Of `rho Ple- bleolte Bnllw-Committee: Appointed To I Arrange The Work. ' Toaox1'o. July 5 -The Ontario branch of the Dominion alliance opened in nu- nuei moshing in the pavilion in blue horti- cultural gnrdena this morning. Dr. J. J. Mcimren, Q.C . president, occupied the chair, and between 200 end 300 delegates were present. but many more are expected in before the nfbernoon Ieuion opens. Senator Vidal was nmoug the prominent: delegntea proeenb. 'l`hn mdfnino wnn devoted to the D WORK OF ORGANIZATION FOR APPROACHING PLEBISCITE. ueleguee preeenu. The mdrning wee devoted he the I ` _, tetion of a report from she execuni ,'_ mince which reviewed the wor z year, told of what) had been done in ' re way of organ mtion for the approaching plebiscite and contained some vigorous re- marks on the necessity of further organizi- tion and continued and renewed earte no make the plebiscite a success. 'l`nm\hina nn Mm nnnnhinn nf legislation make me [JIODIECIIO I PIICCGEB. Touchinz on the question of legislation the executive committee reported that; an nob had-been paused by the Ontario legisla- ture. in response to the appeal of the al- liance. relating to the sale of liquor by druggiatr, but that unlortunately in was not 0! ouch a character as would do any good. The report was edopbed. The chairman and eecrebary. F. S. Spsnee,were questioned a good deal by delegates in r - gard to the details of the plebiaoibe. as t ~ who would have the right: to vote. whether or nob women could vote. etc.. nhowing that: the terms of the plebiscite hill were by no means understood by them. Several large committees were appointed during the morning to arrange the work for the afternoon session. |`l"Iu. in-u-nnnn nn 0.. flaln rnnnnfnnknr. [Or CD9 IXICTHUOH BBBSIUIL The ineurnnce on the Gale manufactur- ing company s property. shock and ma- chinery. destroyed by re thig morning, amounts to $45_000.and that on tbg Comm- Ramaay company's building to/ $20,000. The dnmage will probably reach $50,000 or mm min I III: nvuu $60,000. HINDI ll nun. ,: . W0 have tho Scruofu--all rmsdy for in- uodlnto mo. ' Thus In tho modosb price: : Another lxpedltlon will Be Sen! Under General amen. WAsm.\'a'roN, July 6 -1b is stated that: Gen. Miles will leave for Tampa this even- ing for the purpose of forming another ex- pedihion to Cuba. over which he will take personal control. In in oiven out than this expedition. comprising l'5,0i0 troops, from Chickamauga, under gsneral Brooke; 8,000 from Jackaonville, under general Lee, and 7.000 from Tampa will leave porn Tampa as soon as possible to join general Shafber a expedi- tion. but among military men here it is be- lieved that a poinh near Havana will be blue uexb landing place of the United States croope. l.n~uuN, Jnlv 5,--A ananial rleanateh croopa. L0.\`nu.~r. July 5.-A special derpetch from Manila dated July 2nd any: Capra.- Gen. Augueti made 1 eortaie for the purpoae of repairing the squat- ducb, which supplies the Inlled city. and in an endeavor to communi cute with Hen. Monet. The insurgents concentrated their troops and opposed the aortic, forcing the Spanish commander po return to Manila. The insurgents are said to have suffered severe lose and the Spaninrda no reported to have bed lby men killed Ind 150 wounded. mp .qAN'l'lA() nu (`_|'r;A. Julv Mb. Vll no um Muuun. July 5-10 is oicially an- nounced thnb the last: muscle of admiral Camus : squadron bu passed the Suez canal. A Greet Irorlune Sela `to Have Come to 3 Wlndnor Family. WI.\'ii.~'0n, Ont. July 5-Mre. John Leighton. olthla city, and her four zone will in all probability receive I large for- tune from England in the course of A few months. George Hall, an uncle of the lube sergeant-major Leighton. who lived for mnny years in Windsor and wet connected with the militia at this point: wee e oehtle rsieerin Australia He died About thirty year: ago, leaving an estate which is now valued at nine million dollnrs. He lelh I widow but no lemily. Mrs. Hal) has since died. and now the `T515310. ec- oording to A will made by Hall pre- viune to his deethp `lwto be divided amen! the children the mother of Song -Mejor Leigliton. He had three brothers. but. one of them died a bachelor, and this leaves the large fortune to be divided among the families of the other three. Two of the brothers are nlao dead but hnve left families. The share coming to the family in Windsor Jnay be Iboub $3.000.000 to be divided among the widow nnd three children. The other two femiliel interested live in Glouceeterahiro, I3u.'..I-..uI " X 0 III! UIIIII. AIII Ilxulw unusu- , dinblod coming into thin pen I on y._ Sho Ill delayed [our Loan. A gold won :0 thin pl-uco on Monday: ovdtoohlo vote ght into uso. loll on lonuny Iuunluull In =-- -a--`=1 I - _._.n-n|l...h.:4I-.hnghlhnInon "C980 may men lllleu Inu IUU wuunuuu. Orr SA.\"rumo nu Cvm, July 4th, Putt. Antonio. .In.. July 5-'l`ho only abatement: by admiral Cervon was as follow: "I would rubber lose my ships ab not like a sailor than in blue harbor. I: was the only thing left: for me on (`n pugnna. Mrs. William Churchill has arrived here in search of her hnnband. who. she says doliertod her and her family of scion abil- dron in Sirnis I four day: ago And olopod with another woman with whom he had been on intiunto terms for some time. The police of both Windsor nnd Detroit no on the look out: for the guilty pair. Dlud It the Age 0! lIVOII -0lO-BOIIJV- leg Hle lennlly to Perth W|;srron1', Jul 5.-~Rev. Mr. hlcTeer e excursion to Og cneburz on the 4th wee lerne A number from here ebtended Rev. '1`. P. O'Connor : picnic eb Scenleyrille on the `lad inst. Mr.`end Mrs. J. 1'`. Bennett. Perth. peid hie nater. Mrs. Ceeper Spee- glo. e min lean Snndey. Williem Weteon, ehoemeher. e resident of this village for over tee-my yoere. xcmoved his femily to Perth last week. Those who own cottage! on Little Rideeu moved into them has week. _ il|iun Oa- nest is getting the interior of hie hotel pemted end temodeled. W. E. HcCenn ie doinz the votk. Deniel Forester died in the Brochville hospital on ehelthinet aged revonty-one yeere. He wee only e few deye in thehonpihhbel hed beeoinfeeble heelth hr eozne yeere. He wee hem end livedhere ell hie life end wee eeuiaerried. ` le runeine errived here` an lot beriel. The eteemer Jemee clinehhrl nmnina inhn lhie note MAD ME A MAN 3hE .3$ Bron Hnlhotu-Stunn. nn intitnntn lriu cl ubpnrur William in barn sentenced to sunny dsyn imptisdnmono or to n "unb- no for Ilnnilering Dr. Szoooknr, lnnncr cnnn chnplnin. A bridgoontbo Ioluinnn riu-95 ni hi: Omit Iondny nhornonn with mu 1. IIIIIIIII an lilhd ind lnn_III_wI u; Ehglsnd. V Mn, f iinl. II E.-=-M . VdIII" QhYH@HlI5db`IbIVO `hooi hnndhbgd. To` MOVE on cum. WILL BE THE HEIRS. Dl XIIIIIGSIIIVI Qj II Z Its: Inllpriunndvillilfdlhnlolhopllblic alnlhrgdmocnungahduy, inn. Oallndunillhuninnyohhg yawn; lPrhuauInIs' ` "X I` 0- K. bula :- doing: rushing bndnou in the unchinory lino. Our ciliunn abound that: H. - psthy by painting our panel`. 7. O. S. Reynolds. with A goodly an o! inunoyurnuninlho has 0! hiinlnblo horn. Alfnrl Hopboul In in unl- Iuplotnbwdnyalutwuk. In.l}.L. Booth nouivod the ad non yuumlny that Int brother. who was 3 liouhmur eolouolinthomncticnn nnny, unkind in I`-L. 9-: Hands. LOOIOIIICII-. A.Abu-mlhyhupuchndobootnnd than nuunhctuuh nnplu at IQ -Gill! |..u ...a... ....| can any no. no Ihonublic juulqvnl. `us. my ~L-1-will`-nwul Ia, um; mu-not nlos. Qnouuonn: gm. uwrwuuoss. ;PI\tant sporxzig Hm |o.su~u;m Roller. mo :34. ; tn no 8 rune. 0t.o3.J;8t. liun :0nls%BAn l0 town 30. `n Can anything be better than the heat ? Cm anything be better than the latest `P Can anything be more perfect than perfection ? When you t on :3 Suit of Clothes at the OAK HALL you get the beltein qunlity, the latest in style. and the most perfect in out end workmanship. A Brother 0! In. I. L. Booth. Inow- town. 1311: In Bottle. MAu1mr'|-own. July 5.-Mia| Polloy, teacher. bu returned to her home in BI-ochillo. nnd Min Thompson left to viuiu friends in 8 noun. Fnnuon have oouuuoneod yinz. Crops no look- ing unusually roll. Chatlu Bucll md wif, Detroit. no vioiting lriondo and reh- tivon bore. Frederick Clow and Goorgo Booth. Kingston, gave us In abort call on Snnduy. An ion cnuu Iocisl nu hold on Lhe green at the punonngo Monday night. There won 3 good uotonduneo. Mina Id: Suaphomon, Ganunoquo. vu the [meat 0! Min Blanche Root on Saturdny. Llin Lillinn Pulmor. Wontport, In the guuolllnll. Lfiooth. Alugonuur bnrnlou pooplontundod the dcI|onI|'n- tion 1! Gnnnnoquq, J. P. Mallory in am... rnnlninn Luann uuchinorr T VVVVVVVV 9 Suits Thal AAAAAAAAAAAA 399999999999 999999994 THE BEST CLOTHES. in Oahu an Sunday. oooodoiiboog A ya ' ' v ONE PRICE TO ALL Unusual Display of This simpie announcement means more than you think. Two classes of people will appreciate this unusual show of Stockings after it is over-those who made use of this `~ opportunity and bought, and thosetwbo did hot. Ladies Fast Black Cotton Stockings, l0c and I2 I-2c a pair. Ladies Fine Fast Black Cotton Stockings. I KOITIIAL PBODIJUI IABIITO. I.A-.nQA` fl-`A I-`Inn l . 7 I'lA-- l`.l..4|_ CHILDREN'S White Cotton Socks. CHILDRE1`,_ S,` Cashmere Stockings and Snnkn_"% U H1 Ll)K1Sl`,_;b',' uaanmere Dtocxluga Socks." MEN'S Fine Cotton Socks 15c, 20c, 25c. JOHN LA|DLAW&SON WAS KILLED nu cum. 5.1091351: Genuine Hermado Dye and made in Germany. I E - HOSIERY. non Telephone .... .. .. Royal l:Ioou-lo 'lVoronw Railway ... Hunt 0! Montrul. Ouuno Bank .. Iolnoira Bank... lhnk of'l'omnkv . Ladies Fine Black Datum, TAN HOSE H- U,-MBJBBX 50-- With Lisle Thread Feet. Usually sold at 40c. Sale price only LT KING BTREET. in all qualities. pvu nuwnn won-w v-q-. O-rruu, July 5.--Ro|II Jennings. Io- oonnly nntooood to that month for mm. conga! Iron jail on] Monday morning. y tho dd oluknfo lione- \cood:.dd-In hukiugthn lock 0! thocollnnd X0. I l`. -*0 M. ll zluu-in-135;: 3", that that an won not catch?- nlon Bun: ........ .. of 0ommerco.. oruxwul. Land 00 . Eon Couon 00.. Iona Cotton . uw-In-cut. `HI I lunumoiqvouu The July Canadian :i`no oouuu nnoiher 0! Sir John 0. `not ! ioholun ly Articles on "Tho Fsthou o! Rclpoadhlo nvarnunnnst nu-nmnnniul III lurtrnltl nl I Itucl M "III 1.. 0' W3 Govermncnt. nceonuuniod by pottnlto ol lord Durham, load 1:. Loni: J. Rupi- noun, William Lyon` nckaosiw Jouph How. Rabat Baldwin. Bit Franc} inch. Sir L. J. Lnfoohlno.` Sir John "gr-nu --ul Inns` Iludn-uh-- A H (1-anal- Innpod Iron otnwi Jul. . . _. . I..I_ I b-L__A 'I-__ I- IInAI-u: - l5c, _l8c, 20. AGENTS.- Ihgliljna uu1Pns(....... Inlnerolnlcablo Ilontroal Tolounph dualleulhv. 00 ontrealstroot Railway. ontrouau Btll Telephone. .. llnvnl lilnntrln . 25; ONE PRICE TO ALL V Z0 I$$uII I Qv|ruv- 1lI-DlU. Ioutnu In. J '3' F -non Reool hlflnarkot :;uolIu(::|-n: 33 nwrltmto 85. : Patent Rm-inn. ammo awn lC"'II'll OI III. XIX" X- 5.. Thin in a moon Viainblo stuibuu for An Ihtubostrunning upon a oeonio" roan not an ion. , HOITIIAL I`I'00l IABKITI. A-.. a\-- olnoxra Bank... o{'l'omnkv orohunu'BaLnk.. orohanwnauko Hum: kofnommamo ....-um Lin` Coats W" 3}} PE; Vests. `` % '3 Duck Coats and Vests. % u.s...._.o... M8013. Etc, Etc.` `$`.`;'..":.`c also `Handsome of PVhIte-Serge ' ~ I3.I__. _.......I IS......_ II._4)....._4 ;_-o_n, - _ nnc__ _ ; . _ _ Q-,;,,_-_ 045 W! `. *?S'& Zgolsummersuits * , at Prics That Hug In the Shade of of course you expect to get. the boat companion in the worfd. Display good judg- ment in your domestic af- fairs," that is have your new home taatily decor- -4-.`l L... % nAoo';s;imr' . owowowwuowooooo ROBINSON BROS.. Man I 0'! PRINCEHS RTREET. ` Pho_m;300. --3.10; Bllght Roller.f;.::) $4.70; Extri, Bu rno. r 8%.-on .Ju?&";acBEo.....`x% . 1'0 on 3:30. 0lII.n-W_ cnt,No. 2 D mobs Hard. 970 to '0 `o(I)l`:a`?'1i:nx-l=;&3:a;t.o 44o"`l){y`:g:l): 'i(9:|`c.: 'ho'nl:l4l& ;oaunu, suit to 31.935 , . ono-Porx.s1&oo to 311.00 - =;":':;"`z.:.:*.:.**".`:r~ `%z.`2.*E 0 ' I`. Will! ' no to 130: Dan. Do &o,l0;.p.' ` uvnnroux. -unxizt uvu'pool-Noon.J 1, .s-wnm.x.a n , Ca mo-.nu, w1unr.':u M: No. 1 c.u.,?.x'H- mm, .03rn.now.:h N; .ou; In It ' flu od ; allow. m.. I81 I: emu. heavy. an N ; ll ha, 803 ad: mtg.-vyD:0d. chcuo- una&Iuod; l9ynE S, KING ST. . All. ` gllll Pacino Rulwu .... 8:} Large. Ripe, Juicy Water- melona, Tomatoes. Straw- berries and Bananas. the New York Arno `n-..nn- wan Paper special!-tn. ngnnm umnuvllv -_1 5999999909909-OOOQO; In Ftfgit We Suit. GOMMIRC IAL. mm Popular Favor. . Jill . .175 ` . I39! jiuuiunnunnnguuno won or in china to] flu or York in a good looking hon Q5018 IN-fool long with 1 forty-lonr foot human! ha boon built so that the on - 1g.nI`nQ-A OK. gngi-n Innbn I Qbm LL14 .. 5'! 1| rm llh Inn NH} `Rh Z!) 1725 .,_.; u can ID, A. Aha-nothy bu purchuod 1 boot and shoe manufacturer : nmploa uh Ion than half prion And will offer them to the public 3! groth bugcino. commencing Saturday. Slnavinn. Oull snd no it than in Anything you want. 127 Princess strcot. : uvw --cw-u---an-tun. Lake Ontario Park, Monday and Tues- day evening. , lo:-an Seubury. they world-renowned high diver, will divs ouch ovonin uh 9:30 o'clock.nloo mnizy new p|c~ Nara y the biognph. Admiuion fno. Am-sct.ionc for nmsindor of the week will be announced hear. Remembered Their Teacher. The reunite of the promotion examine- biom Ab Eb. Mary : school were announced on Sutzrdey afternoon. F. Rielly, neigh- nnb teacher. preeented prizes to the we ceeeful etndonu in the classes he naught, W. Cuey winning the prize in the junior fourth, and Anderson in the senior bbird. V. Dlglln -n. ll.` naninan nl . -do... lollrul, Ill lll]UUI"l'Ul| ILI ll". QUHIDT BITU- Mr. Riolly was the reoiponb of 1 nice atudenw oubt given by bhe pupils in re cognition of tho inboreob taken in their work by him. He has resigned his po- tion to begin In use coureoin Queen : uni- voralby next full. Whitman`: nod] ltaouvorod. Divor McKenzie. sent over to Brownvillo on Saturday to search for the body of young Whitmoro. returned home yester- day allornoon. Alter the drowning ac oidono dynamite was discharged during ch. day. which had the etfecb of bringing the body to the surface. and in van found you day morning by amall hoya. two miles be-I low the pain when the lad loll in. Young Whitmoro was fourboon yuan of age. II .3] T T VUIIG voqhuho `an loch. A notice- kntunohho w Yorkioher brand t|nn\L `annulus. nf Ihn nnlluun A-, v nuuu any -uuuuu. On Saturday afternoon aha Capitals were defeated by I picked beam by n more of eighteen to ninotoon on the cricket eld. Tho loan 0! this game does non alfoco the standing of the Capital: In the junior In no. The plucky liotlo follows Are now no place. bhe Ponfu having dofnultod to them. .Thh Allen the Capntnlawgo into the nch. Min Abbi: Crimmenn nnd Min Maggie m retained to Rochoetor. N. Y . this morning Iftlt viliting friondnin the city. lone Ilne Ieleetlonl (liven--Under Ans- ploee 0! B. Davidson and J. 0. Baton. A grend concert wss given Mondsy night in Perth Rosd Methodist church by R. Davidson end J. C Elston. travellers for R. J. McDowell, Kingston. in aid of the new church organ." Willism Gniry wu elected chairman, end the following progrsmme Wu render : Qfgen duet. Admiral Dewey's Grsncl March. David- son and Eaton: chairman : nddrest; clsrionet solo. J. C. Eston; song. "The Unlorgotten Heoes of the Maine," R. B. Davidson ; violin ole, Mr. Eaton; selection on comet, mtohsrp. organ and mouth organ at once, Davidson and Eaton; four relections on phonograph, consisting of songs and nsrcheo ; orutnd uet,King "Cotton March." Evston sud Dnvidnon; clsrionet eolo, J. C. Elton; song. "I Love You. My Love. I Do, Mr. Davidson: picolo solo.Mr. Entwn; trio waltz. hpnjo, harp and month organ, Dsvidson and Eaton; four selections on phonognph; 1-ong. "Remember The Maine," Mr, Davidson; clsrionet solo. Mr. Eaton; church hymn, or- run and violin. with God Save the Queen" (reirsin). Eaton and Dsvidson. The concert was one of the finest ever ren- dered in the neighborhood and the chsirmsn expressed great credit to the young gen- Hemen.et the same time congrstulsting Mr. McDowell on the excel'ect tslent among hisemplo ees. A vote of thanks wee given the ts ent, after which the con- cert came to 3 close with the nntionsl sn- them. In the siternoon e picnic was held in R. Her:-isu` grove end I very enjoyable time In spent. 'l'lio-B;co| Are rn. Yylchtnmon think the city council in only doing in duty in gunning the club $100 toward: the expense: of the coming rent. '51". Ontaido clubs have contributed $600 hovnrds the ovonb.ond the lncb taboo I large float: of yacht: will be in who lnrbor for six day: or more oughh to convince the nldar mon abut the entire prize money. il not more. will be spent: hero. The yacht: club is bringing money into the olty, nob nond- ing in away. as in the cue in horse and bicycle rncee, om. Besides. the yacht ncow on tree to the ominous; obey do not: have to pay a lee L.) --o Liam. County Bonrd or Audit. The county board of nudih. consisting of ind Price. warden Munro, D. H. Toland. 1`. gleydo and D. J. Walker, mob no the court: house this morning and examined the accounts for him Juno quarter. The account: for the administration ofjuabice amounted no $1.262 6|. (`nrnvnlrnn .`I Qlrmnhm-rl nnzl nnnntv fmnn. IUIOIIIIIOG II) Ulfll Ul- Corotmkor J. Shepherd and county treas- urer Purdy were engaged this afbernoon in mowing the grass on the court: house grounds. .2 Durinu the summer months the sheriff`: grounds. During the summer oioo no the court. house will be closed at one o`clock in the afternoon. vuu-u Il-V-- -In ..-.-.--..u. Ag a result: of the friendly feeling now existing between bhe two great) Anglo- Saxnn nehinn-_ the union jack was in great. demund at Ogdenahurg yesterday. The few merchnnne who hnd them in amok sold one very quickly and reg: etmed than they had not A few hundred more to sell. The union jeck wee conspicuous in the decorations and A huge one of that ebendard headed the morning procession, Accompanied by the Icon and ehripee and the lone star ii 9`; of Cube. Kingston excureioniete who poe- neued uhemc-ulvee of smell "jnoke loan the hunting through the desire of 0gdensburg- nu to gein bhe H93 30 eouvenire. CONCERT AT PERTH ROAD. IZJISIIII OI Int ncw nor: II Iler Dunn ` dock Iorvsrd ol the nloon u- ` a. g `L-g1K4ngIyjn-mi-up nun-I A can-gin naut- Unlnn Jack: In Demand. I. n .1. :- ,Il_ A.,|.-, Inc Innmun n-`hm \,.,,,-, In n In 1 Timon on For It ..|A|,, n n IUI" Illllllx II nupplleu Tu '{\``~ The Outlook. New York. -for Fourth of July week in en illne ted. patriobic num- ber. he conteuhe 3 very lergely of a character to correspond. A hcoimilin ol Alnerice. written by Rev. Sunuol Fren- cie Smith. nos long bofnre his death, so- compenioa the words o! Americn" end "God Save the Queen, printed side by aide under we music common to both. while the story 0! the two rouge is told. UOIWICQI at the 'I`Il!OI'Ill`|O -- not Ian Cannon! I Icon to tho Illwor. Tll0\`.\`A.\`D lsuxn PARK, July 4 _-Quito o crowd from river poinul attended the Oddfollowa domonalnum no Gmnnoque on Friday pot steamer Now Island Wan- derer. All ol the White eqmdmn 1-tat-omon are now in commission. The New York in ono of the noqt. I-tanner: on tho li\'l'. Severol Iago excnniono no oxpaotod hero during the week. Tho clamor Litllo Iho has commenced running on tho route bo- Iwoon Gnod View put and Thousand Idond Pu I. ,` ` Tluolu-go nptirq, etc. that but born going on at Rock Island light, opposite hnuiocothoniddlo of May on about oonploud. Tho loll hot wove In: ennui uito 3 rush to the river. J. A. Galloway, $0 voalho-trndo!norolNw Yo: .iI ' 5`: the Colombian. Tu New Eng opono for buainou today. Tho ot galls will open tomor- row. E`.\_Ihwood.%0w York. will in the nowilndlord at sh Hut;-my Hill hon] thin moon; Ho oonoowiuh high neoc- unndnlinna com not. eey. ` Some exhibibion uaocintiono in Canada charge the exhibitorfor the space he occu- pie-. The Contra! Canada exhibition ne- aocietion of Outnwe is not one of those All:-peco in free. Manufacturers showing their mschinoa no Iuppliod with motive power gratin. while feed is supplied to ex~ hibihorn of stock eh market prices. Straw for bedding is suppliedfroe. {N The Outlook. Nan York. -fnr Fourth of UOUII IBIIHG. Frank Hutriok loft. today for Syracuse, N Y.. whore he will spend the summer lookiug alter tho electric lights in the sum- mer punk there. Thin mm-ninn J Jnhnntnn, Rrnnk nlrnnh IIIUP pII'I IIKIUTV. This morning J. Johnston, Brock atroot. received from friends in Ireland an Irish friua overcoat and a quantity of table lincn of native manufacture. l`-lI..-b~.~-. 'I`Ln..-.nm-n. -an.-u-5.. Oar nnllnn-\_ unon 01 DILIVU HIIIIIIIIOIHTU. Collector Thompson ropol-be tux collec- tioua up to date as being up to the stan- dard of previous years. Cirnzans were de~ nirmn nf nvnilinn` Ihnmnalven nftba dis- cam 01 provuoua yearn. woman: were ub- airous of avniling themselves oflhe dis- count. hence they took ndvunbage of the time lim"n. A9. .. ........a:.... ..t n... ..-........)... -5 nu. uv Awvw awn: uuuuvvu Iouuala-noun. -`lb Aunricm line now steamer New W..L a-l..~l tn -um: `Lapel- -45-. -;..LA HIDE mnw. ` A0 a mnoting of the governors of the general hospital held yesterday uftornoon. only routine business was trnnsncmi. Acl counts to the amount of $695 79 were passed. Two nub committees reported upon minor mothers 0! interest to the in- atitution. I\..._:__ - .x....... ..a. IJ.......L.... M II n. IEIIIIUOU. During 3 storm to Hunpbon. N.H.. on `Monday nfbornoon eight: penona were killed and three are thought: to be fatally injured. Great: dunage wee done no bund- hugs and crops. Among the dead appears the name of Men. an actress. bub whether the one who played here no the Grand during Thanksgiving week the den-patch does not. any. Rama nyhihihinn gum-inlinnn in Cmmdn Tho Very Intent Iron Olly Ann Ouuunen -'l`ho unthoroa Llnu by Reporter: And an Would ! Not! Wind To u Onundlnn Pun , Prinb nlo Thursday at Hnrdy I. W. A. Rose, Napuuoe. iiin the city. The jurors for the tall ugizal have been uolectod. ~ Cade W. Barby lefblor Toronto this sfbernoon. l..|... \.|7..:..|.h In-n-nun nl uh-An!-.n in Ann. IIUGTDUOII. John Wright. foreman of amoeba. is con-. ned ho his home. `D-.. A 11-1.`).-...:- D.-nnblnn NT V inin steamer uoun naggaru,u);_ It now ulya. P. Ryan, stoke: on bhaateamer Algon- quin, left: for his home in Weobport bo- day. P. It` n|1n|1v_ mnnmmr nf the Almonte clay. The services of T. H. Mcuuirl. of the Ottawa normal school. have been dispensed with. `D....L -..I.. 'l'|.......-I... ..+ Ila.-Au`. ' QIDONIOOD. J. D. Thompson is auerimz from blood poisoning in his lelh hand, the result: of a spider bite. ` Mn .1 A (Tanner. 'I`nmnt,o. in vilitink lp|UCl' D110. Mrs. J. A.Cooper. Toronto. visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Musaie, Bagoo street. Min 'l`nlm-_ -nmrinmndann of nurses nagoo auraer. Miss Taylor. Iuperintendenb of nurses ab cenonl hot-pital, left t.o~day onanwo weeks vacation. 1 n,n'...../ n-....I...;n.. In- .6 n.:.n:t.n WCGKU VIOODIOII. J. Galfne Brookville, Isle of this ciby, was married on Thursday laab to 8 young lady of Brockville. Print sale Thursday at Hardy a. The ropairu upon the steamer Interna- tional here are giving work no hhirby men and will cost $7.500. In` (1 uI.'II.'....... rnlnurnnrl in Ilvnl-H nn I-.|-ma 'T'Qj'lUIIl IIIK IIUW ITEM` IV.` In! trrivodin port ohonly uftor oigho o'olock`lnIovul . cud lnndod her pan sap:-sun ngnlbho mo of L3: nlhnmul In Wlll COED OIIUUU. F. G. Williams returned to work on t q abeamer Roaodale today after a save ' aiesze of rheumatism. Tim Rn:-unnnuilln hunnhnll Imam whip} 11680. A new gabe, greatly needed for ll long t.ime,hae been erccbed an the Clarence. street entrance to the rear 9! the custom house. mu... -:.;u-.... ..c .1... u.....u.... ...L.....1 no The children of the Sunday school of the Johnston atroob Bapbiabchurch no-day enjmycd their Annual picnic at Channel Grove. VFL... A--..:...l IIAAIA` mung.` inhn "n`|v l1'l`D\'o Thu cnpuizad vessel mowed into Halifu lub night is believer! to be the American ship Jame: M. Seaman, from Floridato Boston. '_-L _.-..|. T I)-....l--. -0-nun.-uqnlunr uoacon. Lub week J. Bawdon. abenograpber, loan A pocketbook containing the sum of SI? md other articles while canoeing non Codnr ialund. Ia`..._.L II --bnhnlu Igh n A-n `nu Qu-nnnna ,`s1m>PEn BY ma sc1ssons.j AND THE NEWS-TOLD IN BRIEF lfndny, `.':3U p.m.. l\.A.A.A. grounur. The Meaarn. Folgar have leased the steamer John Haggaruio; a few dnya. T` Rvnn nfnknr nn hhA"|tm|mar Alann- any. G. F. Dupuy, manager of the Almonte branch of the Merchants bank in in the city. Thu nnrvimn nf T. H. Mc(}nirl. mm. Print sale Thursday at Hardy's. The tarack an Cnturuqui driving park is being rolled and pub in rab-club con- dibion. n---L-n n ...... all. u. l.'inn.I>.:m I Kc Comfortable Buebal1-- Bowmnnville vs. Kingston. Friday, 2:30 p m.. K.A.A A grounds. Minn 0'!-hm. Clmhhnm. viaiuimz Miss I UIDIOII. ' Friday, 2:;1U l\..A A gruuuuu. Mien O'Hara. Cuabbam, viaihing Dobba. Poruamounh. returned home this Mbornoon. " ` I 1\ 'I"L.\.....\.n-. in ...m...:.... frnrn hlnnrl alesze or raeumnuun. The Bowmanville baseball team. which play! here Friday, has nob man with de- fenboo hr this reason. u:.- D...-:.. u.....n... \xI..o. .5... Ida IGIIDEO III um! P0360. Mioa Bessio Smythe, Woab street, left: this afternoon for (}rasaobt a poinb. where she will be tho guest: of Mrs. McMunicb. A: n rmmlh nf him [All in :1 runs at Peter. me will 06 um guano Ul l!ll'!- mc.uunu:u. Ad 9. result of his lull in u nee at Peter- boro on July lab. Charles A. Powell carries a long scalp wound on the back of his head. A an... .--6.1: an-`nil-v nnnxln `.`II` n Inna Ill Pni mun uunu Prof. A. 0. Hinlnll and wife. B:-oak. IL 3 \' Invn nrlibn and gun 13:3-&-. GUESTS AT THE PARK. .'rmn DAIILY wme, TUESDAY; JCLY 5, . u. uuwunu Iuu VIII. Drug. . Inn nu-i'vod,:nd III ooapyaq count nur Boninnou Pain- _ ,, _ , f_ _ A , hfounmor. Scrun Donn and Window: an an nluoluso nocenity. " 3- Got rOIdy-bhe canon of ies md moi 1 Chiba in hue. `I? -..- - ' 4` AI. Cl.-Ann-_._~.II rnnnlu fall` lm.