A-choice Building lot Very KINGSTQN. ONTARIU, THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1898. [Iii and it -_.I GnndrUnion. In lb.) ldkuldl to-bylnr Quito II vtltinlh. ]\ KI IKKIIIB Wlf KW- Wo on show you tho Input nngo of cH|drn n hocy min, oIe..'|n the oily. Oblnn my odnnioo. ho Ihoy lnvq gonlun. ,0:-and UIDII. , M Hon. W.Hu-yiIuO|tnv:. Dr. Jock Hnnyldilmdayqthonpihl tojoiuhh tuba. All the scrub nilwny cu-nmour which fnigbtoon will ho halal. unto ho Stand- and. `fhoyarotoonurowuoptrmiu the onnroundingwillanhty. wanna show vnnnluvnn-A pungnl Io Sir Arthur Corbin in {anyone yuan old. and lava I widow nnd one too. The bozonotoy doooondn Iron: a diotlngniuhod nnrnl oenr. who won knighood lot uving Ibo lint ol drowning Spaniu-do that tho bombardment and {All olGi|II-Altar. Irnglo Death of El: Arthur Onnll-Vain Attempt to Ieeono. V.mcovu:u. B. C., July 7. --Roger Pococh, who returned from the Kloud in by the Aebcrofb route. bringe word` I an Sir Arhhur Corbin, barn, men a miserable death in the hush on ohe trail beyond Mud river, revenby miles from QueenelL The entire party of Engliahmon lefb camp to hunb horses, Sir Arthur going alone for she same purpoee. He beceme loan in the dense brush and Mr. Pocook secured three other membere of the camp end engaged in band of `Indiana (or 8100, beeiclee enguging numerous hrackere, ho hum) for him. On bhe eixth day bhey diocovered his iznche. be having no load ell this time end no means of keeping oi! . the moequitoee. which would render him blind. On the eeventh dey the truck: of ciyotee following the man's hrack were dieeovered.endon the oighoh day beer tncke were noticed lollowing along with hhoee ol the coyohee. Then ell In-ache led over a deed [all on a oreelt. and all eigne vaniehed. Blinded by iliee, a inad and dying men would have hidden hiineeli away. and eoon would loee oonecioueneu. feeling no pain.but having brilliant dreazne and gorgeoue lanciee of mind. delivered from rational thought. lndieue relue to Ieerch lurther. and Pooooh eeye: "I had 1 to pronounce the death eencenee and burn , hank. IWUHII IIUTUUII. Additions] reinforcement: for the Am- orimn nnny near Santiago, numbering `2,- ` 436 men. lolo Charleston yoabrdny on hbo Columbia nnd Yale They were com- mnndod by Brig.-Gen. Ernest. WIN "0 "OX9 50 lmpoaaune. A fact signicant: of the anxieby lolb in the royal household is bhnb the pan word, which givdb ndmiaiion too the palace. in not: taken from the captain of the guard ol halbudiera as usunl. hub from bho queen- rogonh herself. Addikinnnl rninfnrnnmnrn lnr thn Am. D0. IIJIIII. Bl pI'l5 JIIUI'B 0! WII'. On June 30th 950 regulars sailed from Tampa. These troops are now in Cuba. The authorities incend that the American army now before Santiago shall be strengthened to such a degree that defeat: will be nub to impossible. A fan`: nianimanh nf hhn nnuinhv lnlh in "`1I"i .5-`\`1`1I'lI!Q.ll`6`I"i D 'l'lIlIl\lI In a `fling Q TUUUIU WOKU IUPUIEUU Wllll KTEEU I0!!- Adminl 001-vex: and eighty oicora of his sunken chip left Bantingo yeaberdny lor Portsmouth. N. IL, on the auxiliary cruiser Sn. Louis. in prisoners of war. On Jun: flnbh Q50 rmnulnrn nnilntl In-nrn IIVGI Ill liq RU. [UT - III Wll)l.| thirty prleaha from {)ugnpsn`porb. eight nuns and 1.000 Chinooo. A passage: to- porta an engogomonb an Dugu pun bobwoon who Spanisrda and rebels, in which tho rebels were repulsed with great loss. Admin] Carver: and aiuhtw nfnm-.1 nf vu gu. Au alptempb was recently made to blow up the eparunonte of the queen regent of Spnin no Medrid with e dynamite bomb Several men were ureeted and one of bhem,Alexundro Argon-Ann. wee conned in the forbrene of Monjniob ab Beroelone and uleenm-da executed. The ouhore no still under errosn. 13-..... :5- -L._...l..l ...-n.1.... n I. eL-....l.L IIIII llllul IITUBIL From in ntrnndod pouibion, it: it (bought the Spaniard: nbtennptod to link obo Ruin: Mercedes near the hall 0! the Morrilnao in order to complete the blocknds of bin channel. The British ahonugpc Ynon Stag hu 3:- rivod sh Hnnn Riki [mun nun; with LIJU DHCIIH II. 5.0 all II` rived sh Hung ' V It-on `(MIC wish p!'le_ahAu"!rEI_ ugnpn'porh. UHVHI UUUIUu Snguba and senor Aunon, uginishor of marine. blame admiral Bermejo. ex-mini bar of marine. for the disaster than betel Cervorn. the latter knowing thnta his voo- sela were short) of coal and ammunition. and that his gunners `were not trained and did not wnnl: to go to Cuba. Bngaeea eup- porbod Carvers. bub admiral Bermejo unb- ing on Blanca : suggestion, ordered him to go. ` An Atfnmnh wan I-Annntlu rnnrla tn hin- Four iloab londa of pooplb. including the Italian, Dominican and Paraguayan con- iuula. left Sanhia oon the Austrian steamer Ma:-in Teresa, w ich sailed the day of the naval baoble. u-...--A- ......I --_.._ A_._-_ __l_:-L__ -1 KIUU DU 0UllL|I'lU|-l- Shafber has sent! 001. Dorab with 3 xg of trace to Sanbin . They would nob allow him to enter t 0 city and be war In- formed bhqh Santiago would not surrender. Rnnlri ha: nrdm-ml (".;mu-n In I-Atnrn IUIIHQI llIl$ DIIHIIIKU WUIIIU IIUU l|llTUlIUUl'n Spain` has ordered Osman 110 return home tn prouecb the noun lrom uotackn by Wutaodi ll`--- I...-A I.....l- .1 .......IL :....I....I.'..... Ll... 3 is a Time for Everything `318 In the time to pnrchuo auvwu VI ID-Iauvo From i formation received Wuhiogbon nnbhoritie `think him), if I iioole ud- ditionnl Mme is grnutedaubiago will cur` render. TL- -4-us-In I.-. -.--|-.-4I 'l`-......- LL-.. The. report has reached Tampa than (Jen. Jose 1: Wheeler, now before Santi- ago, had ied of yellow fever. 1% could non be conrmed. QL..tL..- L... -....b. (1.1 T\....-L ._:Ll. - 0.... WI! IIIIIIU Ull equal WITH! IE [0 PINK. Wusunuvrou. July 7.-A deopetnh he: been received lrom major-general Shelter in which it is stated the etrongeet pressure in being brought to beer upbn general Linerel to eurrender to the American forces without battle. General Shelter etetee that u to the present time humlredo of women on children have left Santiago end come into his line: for roteotion and food. A large number of S Ininrde, including neverul oloere. one olp them a colonel who participated in the engage- ment on July 2nd. have deserted from the Spenieh urmy end entered the lines of me- jor-generul Shifter. The women and children ere being fed nnd cued for by Mien Clare. Berton end her eeaiitente. A--vw urvvu uauunujvun WASIIINGTON, July 7 -'1`ho war depart- ment bu received ooiwnooiontion from the eld um Liouo. Hobaon nnd his men hsve been oxohnngod. Gan. Shatter ro- poru thnb All ol the man no well except two. Those are oouvnloooing from un ac- uck of inbormittonb lover. The exchange was made on equal harm: A! to n.nk.(j3 WARNING !-nu. Jnlv 7_-A dannntnh hu alupprun tho dim-dot quickiy restored quiet, And there In no nigns of further tmnhln. UI'UllUlUo Nzw Youx, July 6.-'1`ho New York correspondent of the London Daily Teh- nph bu rocoivod n Ipooisl cable from his omo oico saying chub Spain has aued`for L081 IN THE xfouovxs. '0 Arc Idling (limp lV-II ._A g`. AL__ luv; Boon I_xolnnxod. ....-._.. .. `I..I_ F1 FBL _ __ _ low: 0! Battle. 832 King Slroet, Corner Brook Street Bubrplcnguo--Atynonn 13; Rocha- tor 3. Al: Wllkubarli 6; Ionttnl 3. A0 Bulfalo 17: Tomato 7. AI Pmvldonco 13; Springeld 0. . Nuioul |auo--M Brooklyn 3; Bon- tau 5. AI Public 3; Shbouin 1. AI Chicanos; Clonlaog. MBdIinon(ru punt) Q; Philadol 8; (uuood gal!) Bnluinoto 15: Philaohlphin 0. Imlylou all: mean: vmn uum, proving himnl mun?` oflril unojnl autistic! And an admit nnd dcxtuonu op- ponent in oontronny. Tho hound eon. Inonu nhovod in ndnintion ol hilwbilmu by frequent spplnno. Bubnquntly in the lobby eons of tho moot patron: tributes to Mr. Bldg : powers van chr- od by hi: political oppouonh." DIIIUI VITO FTIIIIIIXKYI lllio III. Wuhuninotor Guano ya Ir. Blah tho following tribnto: " r. Bhh lollovnd the chnnoollor ot the oxchoquor and uulyood Man menu with tulill, nrnvinn Ilimnnl mum?` nil:-In an-min] Ir. Blah : Parlanantary III. Losnorz. Jul 7.-Hon. Edward Blah ! apooch in tho one of oonunonl on Irish nancial claims in the anbjaob olgaooral talk in tho lobbioa. Io was. in hot, llr. Blake : greatest. parliamentary MI. Tho Waaluninat-r (hum. nava Hr. Blah: Llaa 001709-{rum Uflnufxo D|.IUI'lIly IILUT XI ?- Onhbroo. giving up her huubnnd {or dead, removed to Mount: Fqreab with h"r son now A" boy of oighuem. And ongngod in drou- msking. Her lnbher died non loncgngo sud loin her I largo, tote. bub tho never `married again. On Sunday iub there ur- rivod in Toronto 1 man, who proved no he the long mining Andrew Crnbbroo. from friends he ucartninod his wits : whore- nbontn, and loft At once for Mounh loroct to look a reconciliation. He in well oif. A Canadian Enoch Aldon. Tnnmwro, July 7.-8ovautoen yuan Andrew Cmbtree, a well-to do cattle deal- or, Ian Toronto for England, with I con- signmenbaf live stock. The arrivnl of we voaaglgw I rqcorded, bub no news was re- coiv In Cnbtroo. Shorcly 1-(tor Mn. Cnbhmo. aivimr In) her hunbnnd {or dead. 3000 lfaln /JUIXIDI I II"-GUI DUO TUUUIU-I f Col. Sir Robert Warhurton. politioa o - cer of the Britiah government during the Tirah cal'F'I' n. eaya. regarding the iron- tior pol-"av which ought to be pursued by England, that what is wanted in Hh:d;l0GD, tact and nnnou in dealing with t ton- tior men. Nothing wins over the savage trlboamen more than placing in them im- phcit trait. IIDUCT para UI DIIIB l.lJIlll1l.I. The Zulu: of Angoniland. bob ` ~u Zun- boai and Nyuaa, have risen in mbellnou, to the number of 7,000. A British {moo of l00troops under Lieut. Brogdon and 100 Sukha under Capo. Pearce have gone from Zomba to chuck bho rebels. nl, Riv Rnhnrh Wnrhurt.nn_ nnlitinnl of. We loan money at a low rate on city property. MCCAN N S encourngea. The nchion of the senate in restoring the ibem relating to the commission to settle controversies between Unibod notes And Canada has cleared Lb we or the meaning of the commission on uebec the lower part: of this month. I"hn '/ulna nl Anannilnnrl, hnh ill '/.|m. IIKBIOlH'Ul'o Apecibion has been presented to the London counb council praying for the eu- Labliahmonbo a municipal open house where Dhe greatest: openoia muberpioool may be prodhcod and mtive openbio no encouraged. Thou Anhin of hhn senate in reahorimr bha UIIUIIUI IIIU cy hot. to their 1 IIVL- -.-.. II!U1C|l' 1T: -- """' ' The now oioon oi the college 0! physi- cinns and nut cons: Dr. Laban. Sh. Thomas, prui out; Dr. W. F. Rooms, London, vice-president; Dr. R. A. Pyno, Toronto. registrar; Dr. Aikim. Tomato. Drenurer. A......'.;..... L-.. 5...... n.-..m.uul on M... 85. or one month. ~ mull, London and Coleman, the Shel- burno porjurora. were Ienuonood this morn- ing by judge McGibboo. Bnmptoon. Onb., to two you: in Kingston penitentiary. ouch with hard labor. 9"]... ...._-.. 1`: AL. -nhmn ml 'I"n-In-u In ICU WIN] llIl'(I IIIJOF. Tho power of bbo llllbln of Turkey is wnnin. Tho palace oioisla and oven or- bhodox Mohnmmodam look upon him an I nunhnr Ian ha nhnvnd nr rlinnhnvnd Al mnv IIUIIBI ll UU LIIIVU SUU` TUUHIU. uuu Will UUBII $l50.000. Ab Montreal in middle-aged man named Edward Burns jumped from the third- aborey window of his boarding house in I (it: of delirium tremena and died from one effects. 13-- -|....:..,. ...:n. 'D....:. I:-..-.....--.. M... CHUUDI. For oloping with Pogia Fruppier, Mn. Morcior was on Tueedny at Hull, Que., con- demned to n ne of 825 and cows, or Ihreo months imprisonment). Frappier wn ned 85. month. ung" Lnnnn Int` rhlnmnn, hhn MAI. tor ozo. The Clilbon home. recently destroyed by re eta Niagere, in ()0 rise Iron: in eebee more beeubiful than before. The new hotel is 00 have 200~rooma. and will coal: II K nnn We can furnitsh you with I! LUV IIIHPIU IJIUIIIUK UK I LII`. The desire for cheaper telephone service has induced somebody to acarb 5 company in London. Ont`... to rival the Bolloompeny And give a house service an 818 end oico for $25. " Th. niam-m I-unnnn rnnnntlu rlnntrnvnd hv lltl'lICl Dy I DFIHI III UIUU Ul llll llljllfllu Liot.owel_ ntepuyen yesterday voted down the proposition 00 ex nd nearly $20,000 for water works and e oobrlo light.- ing. Thu rnfm-mar: nl Tank Wnrnn will mnnh mg. The reformer: of Walt: Huron will meet ab Uoderioh on Monday, Bepb. l2th, to nominate a candidate for the house of com- Iuuuu. Thomas lVoCullou is, aged aovgoby-four. of concession eight, ondon towdship. wu killed by the swung at a whitotree. canned by the simple breaking 0! a Lug. The duim for chum: mlnnhona union Vl'X!'y 0! III! OTGIDIDIOII II I PHOIW Richu-d Power. seventy-four year: of age. I Montreal railway gnboman. wan struck by I train and died of his injnrioa. Lintnuml rnfnnnvnrn vanmrdav vntad nu vvlnuaur yuwruuy. Caleb Thompson loot his right um by havirg in jammed between own car: At the G.T. . nrdl. Semis. on Mondny. Tho Arc Rm: damn Ewan, Ru-|-in. van- U`. L .l\.Il'Gl. Dfnllg OD IIIUIIQIY. The cry Rev. dean Egnn. Barrie. yon- berdny colebnbed the twonzy-lth anni- versary of his ordinnbion no I pl-lean. Rinhau-(I Pmrm-. nnvnnhmfnur van-Q nf vvwnuuny. Fire in Toronto lush night: bsdly dum- agod the new section of the Hnvergnl hall on Jnrvia ahreob. II`-.. ..........N...'. .......ll -I-Cl:-`IA: 'Il\IV| DA. 0|] all-XVII IUYBOU. For smuggling zmallertiolel from De- troit: elx women were ned 850 end coelse no Windsor yesterday. nlah Thnmnmn lmh his riahh mm In IIIIJNIIENSEIJ mancnnrns. A Fine Residence tELEunAus r-`lion THE EARTH ! roun QUARTER8 anvau. LINIO Illlorl `Illa! lnloron lvorybody-~ [ouch-omAuonI--l.IItlo or Inn- thlng luuv Bond and Bnqnnbnod by The Door Public. The New Sb. Luko s hol incl. Ohtnwa. win formally opened by 0rd Aberdeen Wednoadny. Fire: in Tnmnhn lash nivhh lndlv dnm. laws or me WllRLll.| What Comes to Us from All Q`IftCI'3o MUIIIIIIIIICIILII IUUI IIPUII llllll II I , be oboyod or diuobo no any in cannon-Inna`. . .-....- |a.L1vmas1'oN & 3110;, [PERFECT SHIRT. gw vuv-9 uu savour IUD IIIDO AVG. his Lnnuvo Bromo-Qulnlnc 'l`o.blou. All g-{gnu refund the money 1! It an to can Grub Im-gsilna in handsome Jam for the little lollowa. Gnnd Union. | Go and no for yourself at the athletic grounds to-marrow 2:30 p.m. 250. `Eb cu}:-e a coufin One Day 'DAkn Igrntlvn III-unrnrnnlninn hhlmg A II u .u ..-`nu nuvuuug-nun HAurA,\'. N.8.,Ju`y 7 ~-Capo. W. H. Bmibh, R.N.R.. of the marine and fl: as department, bu been inuhrucbod from Ob- Mwn to hold an investigation into tht LI Bourgoyne dinuhor. A colonel Dying. ' M(>NTREAl., Quo.. July 7.-Ool. Artahur Rodier. e.\' commanding oioor of the (Hub bnotaliuu. Huncingdon. is dying to his bomo_.in this cioy. He is seventy-bhroe yearufof ago and I brother 0! bho Into um- tor Rodier. ' Jj.-:._____-j- John Bowalnugh Dead. 81'. CA1'1I.\{|N|m, Onh.. July 7.--John B. Bowalnugh. one of bhe oldoao IOMIOM in the county. paved away Wedneedn no his home near Grimeby. lilo was a one cevonty-ve years of age and had apent. his whole Me around Grimaby, accumu- lating A lot. of valuable farm property by industry and economy. He wae owner 0! the magnificent: elm of land on which (irimoby camp ground is located. and had been an honored director of that: company since iba formation. He leaveea widow and two Iona and one daughter. UIUIIUU D0 lalty ODIN` an nour. Gononl manager Rondiok. of him North- oau Pncio, has issued notice to the 06000 that the wage: at train omployou over him onolro mm Iymm hnvl boon restored to one gnroo existing before the reduction in 1894. Thoinoroaao wu made in view of the excellent: nancial showing of the com- pany and wibbouo any Action on the pub of the omplozooa. Got In Unuoucltod lnu-cue. WlNNll'EG, Mun. July 7.-Ah 3 meet- lng of carpenters lab night: in wt: unmann- oualy decided to iuuo An ultinnbnm be blue employer: abut the rnte of wage: be in- creased to thirby cents hour. (Inmu-Al Innnnnnr Rgmlinlp no` 9.1.. \T..o.I. ._._- 7'7--- `um -- 1-`V1 ana Illllldilt uunvpu Allow. -1 nrgylo IIBIIIII. IIIOIIIIIISD nnd prominent labor mm. wu nuruof"-by tn oloobrio car while wheeling on the devil mi bo-day. He wu thrown violently to t. 0 ground, and was rnkon to take hoa- pitnl suffering from uoncnuion of the bnin. uuwu nun I Iluu. TORONTO. 0nh.. July 7.-Ib was under- stood chub bho date: for the trials ol bho election pronoun arising out of the pavin- oial election: would be fixed thin morning And a ll00d mmv Dolitichnn and hwvm-I cu. mnuua'n.ns.au..xn...c..; mu anomalous woulcl no nxoa om: mormng nndagood many politicisna a lug on were on bond in consequence. gm judges, however, decided notId"'_`Ir* 0 date: until after vumt.inn_ Juuguc, uuwavur, ueclaea date: until after vacation. In-an}. Allan. `J A_-_I.. . LllFI- Us DIIIIIIIOH. .lhDU9l'pI'IDC. The young couple lath for Montreal by bout thin morning; from there hhoy take train {or Goorginn Bay to spend two wool: at the camp grounds. Mr. and Mn. Hud- son will reside ab Ohtmn. llU|lq|IUllU OI CXIIUTUII 70.05- Tho groom : gifb to the bride wan a bandaoma gold watch and chain, and from her paronba hho bride received an elegant silver ma service lined with gold. Among the gutsta present: were Mr. and Mrs. Hudson. Obbnwa; Mr. and Mrs. Spidal. Obhawa; Mr. and Mra. Morgana, Ottawa; Mr. and Mn. E. Hudson. Broukvillo, and Mrs. J. Shannon, Enterprise. Thu Vanna nnunla lain lnr Mnnhmnl luv uuuru wurueplmn In gllllillnu Imlllllllonll. The bride wee beoominglv robed in oreeu: Sioilien cloth, with silk lace end oili- `wabered ribbon trimmin 9. while the oer- riod e In-ide e shower uqueo of Ma. The bridesmaid: and maid? of honor were dressed in white orgendie and carried bouquete of colored roeee. Thu an-mum : ah in tin bush!` -5.. . LVUUUIU l\U|Iyg UUUIIII 0! FUN D310`. Inc! El" Msy Dempsber, nieds of tho groom. end the msids ot honor. Miss Bessie Wilusie and Miss Pearl Spidsl. book their respec- tive positions. obs groomsman. Frsnk` Pophem. 0MJAWI.' doing likewise. The nuptisl knob wss then tied by Rev. M. Msogillivrsy, while the numerous guests witnessed the ceremony. The ceremony over the full party no down to s sumptuous re ssh pre- pared in artistic style and s few ollowing hours werespenb in gsmsssncl smusements. Thn hridn In Imntmsinalu rnhnrl in nnnnln A Happy Wedding at the Home or Iannel llamll ton. Union ltnot. The home ol Samuel Hamilton. mm. nae the eoene o! a very ha event: laeh evening when his only dang leg Florenoe wae united in marriage to Frank Walher Hudeon. Obhawn The arlor and drawing roome were rnaanlllcen y leetoon- ed and banked with flowere. lnajlng the place a veritable bower of beauty. Rneel. emilaxp. oernabione, Iiliee. palm plenol and other lleautiee of plant) life were arranged in goreona display, aridln cheerfnlnale to the appy ceremony. Ab al] pub eight o'clock the bride, lesnlng on the arm 0! her father. enhered the parlor end`took her etand heaide the groom, under a beantilul horaeehoe of carnatione. an Mendeleeohn e .weddi n march was played by Min 3. Edith Q-man. Tim In-irlnnmalrla, Mia- -I'Uul.IIllIIIIIU WI! p|IyDI1 Dy MIII H Edith owmnn. The hridonnsida. Min; Nettie Kelly. cousin oh-he bride. And Min Mnv Ihmrnhar. nimh nf tho on-nnm -nnl uuauu uuuu ulwr vaoumon. J osoph Allow. 3 Argyle utnolununltluhh .nd nrominanhlnbnr man. urn um-nai`-ha Shirts with these essential points can bought at'a reasonv able `price at "Ah Untrimmedzats exactly half price. No reserve. Every Trimmed Hat half price. K must be perfect in every detail, the ma- terial, the cut, the t, the sewing, the style. - JOYOUI WEDDING BELLS. y 500. for ne lube that sold At 750 , 8|, 8| 50 and $2. Hndy`u cloarimz millinarv nla ununa I00 on, an nu Ina U3, nu'ay'I clearing millinory sale stkung no-marrow. WIII Bold lnvontlxntlon. .\- run `I..v_ II n_-_ Will llnnton Win `P ___ 1.. __,___.ln,; AL. mm Not` Ilxod. A-` 11,-. 1-. S.'n'.'J'eB2}'o".'33'"eEZ' 'rJ'am 3&"'ITy in some bout about 3:30 o clock. Than 5 U ohmy who took in the trip. ` V Di: noshfo. Iuuu. Lucy nuuruoa uni llillllllf GOIII Hngguo at 11:30 o'clock sud noohod Ill! island about noon. They rushed to Oh rgpor and of tho Inland, when M107 Iql-. tbounolvu boating. ofi. Dinnot in Iorvod there and they roan:-nod by th ulna 3:30 o clock. Than gin-I for`!-Iats that sold from 75:: to 82. Your choice. 5oc. Turbans,Walk- ing Hats, Sailors Legbotns, etc. Fame uousn. ant moms. coon mt. `wwplclsg-ixgger Queen street. Wll. LAIKI. `SN nun - K nu-III. The Inhormodinta ondoavorprg ol 1 strut church hold I picnic to Dawn? Olin land. They boarded Ilia Itumor Hnnwnrh Ah ll:39 n'nlnnL and rnnnhul ILA `IJKNIBIIED wooml. wrr on WITIIOUI! board, at No. -I30 Prlnoeuu Btroot, Vsnglu Terrace. TA RLE BOARD, ALSO PLEASANT (rront with modern oonvcnloncal. Oin- tral loco gty, qulet. 106 Earlv-trout. ymm ": mrmorn-' sons, lomhffl. mlonlrgc 1-rku tLnduI.lmn4 who are ulmlrorl or Mr. ()lIIdIIlA)ne:jul would Ilka to spend the WANTBJI). HONEST, EN Imumflb N naxt.tlm-0 mon am telling tho ummhlou nmrv of his llrn. otmmh you how mdo HID work and guamn no succou. From (I) in $5.00 a day nhmlutul auto. Thom n no war orrnlluro and H. w II he an nyable work. l u.rl.IcuInru furnished Prue. uADun'-GAl- IUCTHUN ($0., l.nu'rIu),'I`ouuN'm. Funuxsumn nouns. wrm on w1-mom` Tn rnuua A1` uNur;-uuAMuElcMAI1)a AND PAN- " my woman. Apply lmlnsn Alnltona own. '1` UN(7F--llll5T-CLASS PASTRY GOHK mvcruluxperlenood Waltrouwu and Kl!- chon Worm-u. Ansrly In A. L. FULLIR, Pro- pl'Il'l()l'Utlllllul)<)ll0 nn,(luuI\n :- WANTEI). AGENTS FOR THE} 0A'l'- est (`anndlnu book, him of GI no,"| memorlalodmon. b Hopkins. Oanvluerl gn)8|)eol.IIs now mu . Bum In everybody. may to make :\&00 da Iv. Be nrnt. In the IIOM. llnAIu.r:\'-(IAumc'mon 00., LxuIn'.n,Toamt1'o. _-:.-3-. :_;__ KLBBLID. Fluwlcx MUNNs-Ab bho rouidonoo of Dr. and Mrs. Munnn. Thodlord. on World- rlnn ,InIu Rah IHOQ Minn II.-um-nh BRAKE ESTATE. HE BUSINESS! OF THE LATE Bram-. Undertaker and Uphollumr, v be carried on at the old stand on hohlll of NI estate. 1!`. Bxuun. Adxnlnlstntrlx. III . puny UIIII. I03!!!` IIIIII III-I'K.|"u Z-I Manna to McA. M. Fenwiok, B.A. Moonejow, N. W.'l`. HUD80N-HAMlL'I`0N-Ah the ruldonoo of the bride : fnhhor. Union moot. K . ston. July Mb. 1898. b tho Riv. . Mnnaillivrnv. M.A_. Fran Walt Hull. lSTEACY& STEAGY`; L: K`: I'LLV`\l\II` HRIIIIVXI` I ' Undertaken and Embolmorl. 213 Ind Princess Street. 'Phonoa:--Wonloouu, I Ren1denoo.Dl. Opondsymd night. We nut to IO you your out mil. 3 mvn aha good: Inn -Ant uul Ah INEWGOODS NEWBLOUSEand SHIIITWAISTS Ladies and Ghild's Undemar, LADIES LINEN SKIRTS, LADIES READY 'l`0WEAB Print Wrapperswv for Hats that sold for 50c. $1. Sailors. Walking Hats, bans, etc. Your choice 25c. [uM1cDwrmLY-A HOTIEWAID. to MISH FEnrmu()N, Klngatruot. {COME AND BUMLI), 204 WILLIAM 81'. . with all modern accommodation. Eo'n.".iETy' ."iSsT'F{ B'o"i'1o'v'."i: Mncgillivny. M.A., Fran Wllt Huds non. lmmmntlm nnrrlnnnr. (Huang. tn NI-CKIIIIVFII. 195-. lI'.n` ".|"|' lllllls eon. locomotive engineer. Ohlmn to Florence. only daughter of Senna! lien- ilbon.` `T 0N(!E-CHAM6ERMAlD8 AND PAN- l.rv Women. Annlv Hm'rn-m AnnmmAa U 33- CUEILI . In LEADING Uxtnnn-rAxnn-I-I0 Prlnoeu 81.. Telephone 147A. Open Day And Nllhl. \'I` ON(YF}--F`llI5T-CLASS PASTRY 000%. xnvcruluxnerlenood Waltronuul Kn- w -won-uuvv vn only `:;:;i-`ruT.;a;;)n..;I:h:;ilord. World . day. July 601:. 1898. Min Mmzurob . Munnn tn MIEA. M. Fnnwlnk- ILA- 3| 3: 9953325`. UNERAL Dmmoron. an Pnlnonsslrl Kluzlton, Iuooeuor to W. M. Dnnnan. j wnmtn PROBABIUTHI. 50c Opening out daily. Inspeotnon invited. 500 5nd $1.60 `ouch. --:-:2 '1`. F. HARRISON COMPANY. cl--inbnva and 'Il\-unI.nI-mm--- CK. null New designs, fast colors, well made, 31.25, 31:50. $1.85. $1.25 and $1.50 each. "' 5, 6, 3. 10,12, 15. 18, 200. BETTER GRADEB-25o, 800 ?{7}sSZJh.' we Aroloulnlchng , Cull/)Ind no than at 47 mat. ED1TiRl I 1- .-A. 3': Olh mdt. Lun-uou( 10 L: - Modcnh vu:u:J IOIINI winds. line and -dooldddly HALF PRICE. FQR nnN1T' Had A music. .-.II_L- -_.I-_._-. B. B. CORBBTT. HYDFIWVXD (HI DD?` WANTED. BOARD: MPANY. Fl, II rumoouu, 00; um. 25: L 210 PRINCBII 31'. ` iii-"l"IC -3-C`.-"lCl`.""1I All our Untrimmed Hatsplaced in two lots. Starts Tomorrow. The entire stock of Hate, Trimmed and Untrim- med, must go out. Most all th Hats have been placed in stock since tat June, so we need hardly my they are New Goods. In Two Lots. Our. Great Millinery 'Clear'ng% Sale THOMAS H. JOHNS, Pralonb low prices will not lut. Buuulnr the only bird. otc. Do "EAL: av moan. IIIDC TIII, mII".I\ BI Real Estate and Insurance Exchange, GEM JARS. ,Buy or Build a House If You Twm td} 3. NO. 157. 75. Tur- nvunlltho 'u nl ll. Vhndehcken din : nu-ry ` am in petals do udnll , inlnr nglnat unit! In w& 31 can`! win. 1. Unuulv II Inc punuo usury. 1 "llymalnmnwnntednotogclnbook," rapllcdtho llttloglrkpthdncing nllbnry` anal "1 ylvy nurlwgrs, It rluuuiul Ill nnoporpicxlty, but it's byunnn named 8tphmCnno,und I tlupl tho namoln an Ilnhhhh M (".unna;' "-.l.`hImnn EDIE]. ` Mn. G:-Iggn-Yoa. Mr. Grlggs. I have been to cooking tool, but you don`: mp- pose, I hope, that in I cqoking school wor- thy the nune they ever bothsr thomnolveo about cooling things that common people can nord to eat.-Boot9n Tnnncrlpt. -u-an-- v- uyv'-v- What in It. um. girl?" asked thon- Indnnt at the public III-try. "llv rnnunrnn-nnfnd mammal A hunk," ` - -- u----V-, .vv- ,. Mr. Griggn-It poems to ma. Hattie, this bread is not quite as light M It ought to be. You should be qr good breadmaker. I think you dud you had boon tooooklng Ichool. 1|... n.I__ ,,V.. ll. n-I311: I L--- A` llodoq Warm`. "Hoist the signal that ships advance and n .. ' commanded tho admiral. Thn()aegi up, and the crow cheered loudly. 1,5119 sun shone brightly oh Ma and ships and on tho forts on show about to be attacked. The rvpo hastily. I notan and interviewed nx `or to their pcychologic`l,pu~.nsatio 3. " ii not be a better day, ' murmund the ad; mirai to a subordinate. Look at the light." A; that mmm-nt _a man hastily approached. Stop!"hecried. Tho bom- bardment cannot take place today. " Im- possible!" cried the admiral. But it can't, " authoritatively answered the pho- tographor. Tho cinernatograph inn`: in working ondon-."-.R1dy. \7Ulll[}ID('l`llll]. I know in. I wouldn't like to have you think I was harborln old grudges. The warm, mnld spring is here, and I (pose bygonos ought to be bygonos. But for thole of mo I can't um-why anybody with mmh a power of cumin and plowln and wndln and clbanln in him could have he-It back so last winter when It rome to nmkln `a little path through the Know down in lm rmno. mm.W_n.n-nu. Fm. DI-nan \ Illlillll ll Illl IU pllll |rIll'\||.I8Il IIUU NIKDW UUWI I b the trout gntc!"-Dou-on Free Press. [Ill |llU I013} U] |LIU Ullflvll. "Oh, thoughts Ilka them ain't anything out of tho vouunon with me, " he mmarkod complacontly. I know II. T wnIIIdn t Illrn tn haw: IIIIII Illlll IIIU IITBII III IIIIU lK pllIl`lUIl. "Maybe, but. you was ossumin the re- lpomcihliity. You said you was goin to plow your wny through the isthmus of Panama and wade through prejudices and barbarinm and attain I height. of civiliza- ` tlon such as had novor before been ap- ` preached. You was goin to clean tyranny o the face of the earth. " sun. ol..\.....ly.o.. III... .1... ..l.-.74 ......ALI.._ IIIIIJIUUI GIPI'$Il|-II UI UUUIIIIUHDHCU. "I can't help thinkin over what you was sayin to Ike Gavvins last. night," she went on. `Bout the United Stntm?" "Yes. You and him said you was goin to out. your way through every obstacle." Of non!-an I didn't. mnnn urn mg: nnln Cl Ullll IUIII Wily DIIIUUKII l.'\'l'l'y UUHIIKIFIU. Of course I didn't mean we was goin ` In on our own account. I meant mo and him and the mat of the population." Mnvhn hut. vnu wnn nnqnmln Hm an- KWIIJII IUWUTKUII mother without stopping to observe his dubious expression of countenance. T n_nn't. hnln thlnln nvnr wk-O. vnn U I [ll] uII'U\l- "I didn't mean any harm by It. Of course you can't help formin your ideas o things In general by the cases you happen to know about by experience. 0! course when I my husbands In stnngvo L aln t na- Inmln any relpomlbllitles outside of my own Iun'}y." Sh: Int an llltnhmlnn Illlh A nun nf -n. ` DWI] lllll II." , ns Vt _ ~l-moo _t_ as. mt . '3...."~.m..':.... .f".`.3,J.`: nnnlahnr wlthnnt. nfnnnlnn n nhaa-no kl: III]. "What book do you want?" - I pnttynenrtonn,"ob njoinodln I-nnnanlbtltv, "hut It`: Ennmnn nnvnul 13th, MM 0.111. The Committee do not blnd themselves to ac- cept. lhqlowesv. or any mmmr. (Blgued) T. AUSTIN SMITH, Chairman. Iluory and Practice An. llu Boallud, Vary Dlbnlt Things. x,` Eloazu-," she mld nuho hung her aun- bonnot on A null and began poellng pota- toes. tho:-e`: B heap of Imuxgo thlngs ln this world." V So I've heard." And husbands aln't the least strangest umong 'mn." He looked up sunplolomlly. Anythlng particular ln that remark?" he Inqulred. "Y rIIdn t rnnnn any has-In hvllt DI I oraunok veneer Unurcn In l`!nlLl'DOLL:l1\Ke Vinnie. Plan: und 9 mentions v-an be seen at the Parson uune Ln Shnrbot Laku. Tenders reoelv up to WEDNESDAY, July 13th, aux BEAUTIFUL...-r WEDDING PRESENTS .--\-.. -vv -v.u. -`vnw-.-aw By your grocer ($onamnl.ly telling you that this huugood, etor XI 50. don't. trust. him, the name Monsoon on the packet in your guarantee 01' (unmy. Lead packets only. 60. I00. (00. 00 um (loo pot pound. I'M Contractors and Builders. II`II`&T\EI3u III A \f'I`lI`I'\ Il`l\D WVEKIIV DYTYY lil KY!) ARE YOU CONFRONTED I-n.. _...._ ........... ........ .... I C VVIIIIOIVUVIU |IIl\u nvuauluvu nag ENDER-B WANTED FOR THE BUILDING of 9. Brick Veneer Church In Shurbot Lake Village. Plan: And uneclcnuons run be seen ILUIIIUI 'UB{ OIIIIGTBII [UC- Quoon aorocb Mohhodiab Sunday school picnic Friday afternoon at Channel Grove. Boat loaves Folgon what! at 1:80 o'clock. Tickets, adullfa. 25c; for sale at the wharf. Bankoho received at the chprch bcbwocn 9 and 1 dclock. D0111 III EDI Ulwn I II` 000. Prof. Booburyu buobcll much, Oihiunn bmd and dancing ab Lake Ontario Pork Bnburdny agornoon and evening. 10c. and 51'. HA. T.-mg. ...uI--u gnlunl L--I-`A nlnnln Inn 01'- Sb. J unon Sunday school bukoh picnic ho-marrow oihernoon to Long Island Park. Boob leaves Fol era whnrf at one o lock. Adnlbo 200: chi dron 100. n...... .o....s |l-s|....u-A cl....A.n uduml "Inn. -up any-; a-woo -ova av. yqgu. --u---- to Poll Thoundvou Dr. Frontenac `Onto. open day And night. For Queen and Empiro. St. George : Bumu in_.och an athletic ztoundo Fri- du 2:30 p.m. nun Ind mm: In Ru-dv n millinnrv llllllu {III lfluly IIKFIIOOIL Queen noroeb Methodist: Sundny school pioaig to Ohsnnol Grove Friday albernoon. Go in Cans Vinmnh Snhnrdnv. Bummer [H0019 I30 UDIIIIJUI UFUVD I may IllDIllUUI.lo Go Onpo Vincent Boom-day. Bboamor Vinion uvu Bum : wharf ab 2 p.41. Ono hnnr Ah tho Gang. Fnrn 35:-.. Kirk1)atrik s Art Store, V IIIUII IIIVX DWIIII I WIIBTI Ill hour at the Cape. Faro 350. Pm. Hugh:-Ins h-nlnll ....: (ll zzau pan. Inn and calm to Hardy : Inillinory ale to narrow. \ St. James Snodny school picnic to Long Iclsnd Park Fridny nflcrnoon. Ononn nhraon Mnllhnllinh Qnnrlnv nnhnnl flpllhlli lotolioon IOIWIIIICCCI In Iinnt Ila:-Alina III. ( .. ._.._ ;lT-UZZLED HER. LOOAL umonauba. r'lIIIpWiWl0q. IL- _I..A-:__K.-I_ Q_ _I Fortunately lol. u. _,,,-_ _- vI,A.n_ . Pot? Ax-r1)'x:(>-,:IFu.. Jul; ";.-l'our hun- dnd lpniuh pricootm nnripu Oahu oi! one an nun cannon nrnvo noon the navy man be urgod until it new. Gen. Pnndo with 6.000 man in at Santiago. Admin] Hampton could do much by landing notes, guns. and quick ring gun: and blue jac- kob. And coming to tho nlicf of the men among the hills. Ho can bombard oho city. or loan I lost torpedo boat: and form hit my Into the harbor. Boclrkod that thou-my ahould coma Inn. Well, is : has holding in own on the hills which it cop- ituod with Itch Ion. The army and: artillery. It used: nmooootooonmnd vhoin Inll.urong andnblotoltnndlho hudnhipn ottoma- minn. II ii lnfllcnlnnm and in The Onbr Place In the Clv where Picture : Framing Is done right. go. It nad- ncodl union for _...I. gll AI...` 1 nuns an Iuuu Ilnngi I Rxcunn Hnmnm Duns. Ill ` Iwlb II In I HUI! I III` fit. me ill he ehonld be relieved; if not, the presence of come men with ebeolnte authority it necessary et. the front. I em quotin whet hrinde commander: de- mand. hecommending genera`: orders ere dieqbeyed without A moment : huitetion. I have heerd them conntennended In my presence by colonele. Thie in written with the eole purpose their the entire preee of the eonntry will force inetent action st Wnhington to relieve the Itnined sinne- tion. Here in whet it needed: Firet. Artillery: bntnehlnt cannot Arrive noon the nnwv HG` II WIIII ll DION]! ll|'II|. Ifllfy: but that cannob IFHVO the -an-A L. nu-`J `until in -.A- I!-_ D-_J- JIIITC ITO KCIIOKIII DIIKIDGT` IXUHID, LIV- bon And .ChnfYoo and Col. Wood. Never before have no mnny commnnding officer: ,_'`I vo_d 'oo"_oo`uIt|n't}ly on the ring line. you 0 _mpn `who is supposed no direct: the eu- hi xpodition is in 1 tone Ah the rent. 'n in ha nhnnld In miiavnde if nah, CUUTIKU U! American lUIuIU|'Ia Trutahlully the expedition wee preper in ignorance and conducted in a eeriee o blunders. ILe commanding general has not yet: even been within bwo mile: of the scene of opontione. Tine otpt rode to a hill two Inilen from Sm Junn the do be- fore the battle. He wu overcome by 0. And he been lying on his beck the renter puo of the time. ever since. Gen. eelcr, who refueed no remain In bed with his lever, in here beside me.uleepon e poncho with bullets puein over him. Thurs Ara n-nnarn n Rnmnnr, Knnh, Lnu. TU Ill KI. FIIUW UII IUI I UIVII. ! Some of bheni hed been wlzhoub iood for forty-eigho hours. When food did come it we: hard took and eotfee. Those who rmoke--and they are in the majority- were eulferin agoniee from bhe lack ` of oobncco. T eir nerve! were so unatrnng in coneequence that u n rubetitube they were smoking graze, bee leaves and herbs. Overhead the tire wu iuceuenu. Ten men at euime nnnned Iihe rie pihe end were relieved every hour. The reel: of the com- peny or broope lay lower down the creeb trying be sleep. Shnrpnel hunt: over them, killing end wonndin eevernl. They were under nnintenupbod re from sharp-shoot ere. I do nob eee how men nob mode of iron cnnabnnd such I auntie oi nnire much longer. It in non e queenion of weeks. bub hours. This may eound hysterical. you in in written with the meet. serious endeerneeb intention. We Are in the {Ace of poesiblo diouter. Nothing he: been done by shone expeditions beyond proving the heroic couture of American eoldiere. 'rv-nhlnf-`"1! fhn nvnndikinn can nrnnn-All "Ill DUI? TD DID OI IIDO UIDUIIX illy WDFU dnooJuno30bh. Th had uolcvonlnd time to take them off or n bub. n-nag nl IL-- In-:3 Lqhn -Ln-uh Inna` Inn- vnuu n puceou plum. The eituetion here is now critical- elerming-end it would be [else to mekeit otherwise. The troope should never have been lent here without the entire force of Artillery et Tempe. end until it arrive: they can neither edvenoe nor retreat.Thoy can only lie on their lecee or be shot at if they rise. They have been in the moat cruel beet end wet with fre- quent ehowere for three deye. They are uneble to move ebout. They ere under en unceeeing re. Even the etrougeet end the hreveet eennot etend each n etrein long. Leek of speech. of exerclee, of iood end of tobecoo, end the inceeeent fire of bullete end ehrepnel will deetroy eny constitution. I -nnh elnna nhn tranche: hhie mnrninu Illu IUIDPIIUI Wlll UXIJFUJ II-I] L`U|lI|IlIlIllaIUl.l- I went: along she trenches obi: morning and out man lying in the high grass. which Inn ta wet as Ipongo. Tho dew had ooh boon out 0! the oloohu they wore ninnnjnnn Nlhh- Thaw Ind nnl mun Ind I. the undersigned. do Busby agree to nlnnd Ibo moody on I twenty-ve cont boulo of Dr. Willa English Pills. in`, shot Ilinj thnolounlu o! contents ol home, do not rolicvo Coutipntion nod Hud- nc . I ollto wnrnuu: Ihn loan`-`bottles will pcnunont y can most o tiuoo out of Sounhcuon or no pay who Wi lnglilh Pill: no and. LIUGVY. ILIUWIIIK D0 IICK UK IIIIIIIIIIJIIIIUIL The city is protected by six inch guns. The United Shams have only sixteen three- nnch guns, for the siege guns have nobbeon taken from the ships. In is as impossible no nuke Ssnbiago with the infsntry now nverlookin ins walls as in is on open A safe with I pocob pistol. Th: nitnntinn ham is now m-il.innl-- wulun may Ioruly neeueu. The Iltueolon eh present in thin: San- Ilego rieee Iron: the harbor be the emu ol 3 long hill. '1`hree~ uerbere ol.e mile back from the hill ereta e hill: at Sun Jun. occupied by the United Bbetee entire army. The United Snatefbroops book the bill: before the erbillery had arrived. They oleered bhern of the enemy : troops and loeb many men. Now bheb they have them they cannot: again advence until artillery has opened the way. Another -uch vicbory no then of July lat end the United States troops mush retreeh. The eitueoion is exceedingly grove. Judging from the queliby end quenbiby of the rntione left: behind bhem in the brenohee the Splninrda are bounbifnlly nupplied with food. Their re in constant: and heavy, showing no leek of nmrnnnition. Tho nitv in nrnhnntnd law oi: inch armn. Are Oompolled to Llo Hot In the 'l'|-onohol -Got No But from spnnloh Attachi- Wot Wm: Humorous showers-'I'hoy Oonnot. Inna The strain Ilaoh Longer -No lloco Gun: Landed Yet. IN nu: Tuscan A1 SAN JUAN, Cuba, July 4.-~An tar as the Spanish rmibced. the army rooted ho-day. No a vonco was mode boosuso uo advance was possible wihhoub artillery. Linolo ro ly woo mode to bho oonnbsnh infonhry ro K-om Snntia 0 Int nighb. The S niardn opened up I: o entire line with n rnpnol oncl Manners. Our troop: ropliedond other An hour the lit- ing oeuod. Only I few were wounded. The chm! ooou wuho doubts! the mon I rut, IUIIIAK HLAI nnnnlu ragga` LT...F'.'.'o'u' 33 no'a'$."u3 which they sorely nood Thu Iltunhlnn Ah nnunnh ----, - .- ~v~.-- -..,-v...r .- .. vv.._-.. ith bull :-5;: There are [soon 3 Burnout. Kano, Luv- nn and Chang and {`.n| land Nnvnr Amrlcan Troops Without Food for Five Days. THEY DARE NOT ADVANCE NOR RETREAT. IAN AWFUL S|Il|Ml|lN.{ lmmna AN umzenslm; Hus. C XVI Ilifw III] II :l'thou things now. (8ignod)| mo HO ,Tl\o Drugaist