_9JVB"-ALimited California Fruits. Poach\. Pours. Aprloota. Plumt. Etc. Sound and Juicy. O Tasty Things. __ ._ _.- v-u-u vuuuw uuu uuvvlo SEALED LEAD PACKETS ONLY. 25c. 30c, 40c. 50c, I ---guy-------- `--.----_-._.._.. ...__. ..__.___..~- voi: tuna; noun. "New Plaid Neck Ribbons 5c and me yard. As it is miles ahead ofall otl;ers in value and avor. warn U ...-- _. ______, EYLON TE is `always dlsplayedvln selecting It Cqsts less Country or Seaside Home. fSutherland`s MEG The W. J. GUINANE BAN K- RUPT STOCK is being sold at Considenbly Lower than Whole- __I- I'L_.--_ I who. jsuchii pp0"""l' Our Aim Stun open maim- Your opportunity is lOW.*; FOR SNAPS ll SHOES BOVRIL ,( j.` 77 Pris:-co-so Street. THE KEN NEDY'_CO ; Li;r;i;ed,Montreal. Window and 1loorScroons.! ThoWhito Mountain and HE] ICE-CREAM FREEZERS. `From one to ten quarts. 25 and 27 St. Peter Stree;, Montreal, Canada. ----n aplqiuu nu.-an-u pinp- pcvouquouu-aw-ppruh-auuupu `llhlnmliug. 5` sou-onut. uluonnns. ` Thnnnnd nhorncuoupguu in. Theluehuwhcn tlolluuu in nob nrvdvillptohuyputinoluetiohno. `rho nnhvould in 3 gtnlpluoiur |hn\QnnnnIQhh-in-..gz.. :_ an.-. Tho qnouion hon its oigniconoo olnco tho growhh of imporinl trndo it oomo~ what olow. "Tho tndo ol the old loud," onld n Kingttonion who open: oomo tlmo abroad in tho intorooo ol hncinou, "to very ooooorvntivo. Mon do not accommodate thomlolvoo to tho ohnugoo ol tho than no thoy do horo. An orticlo io nob consider- od wholly on no merits. Tho goodi I htd for tolo won mporior to thooo ol othor oonntrioo. nnd hhoy woro rognrdod nccpu colly. Thgyfoct thtt thoy won of Can- dion Inonnfoctnro ooolnod to ho ngninot thou until I pointod out thot thoy did not conapooo with homo productions. nnd that ilthooolonloohod notoploooin tho um. tiono ol tholnothot country tho inpotiol policy and ptolotontiol toriffo! which no nooh woo told. would not moot expecta- tiono." Tho oonoorvotivo tplrit rofortod to will coon go whon it has hoon \donono- tlotod thot Ito cultivation dooo not poy. Lotd Bu-othoono. nod thooo intotootod with MI: in hosting Cnnodlon intotooto. hovodoclotodthot Oonodion tndoin log- lond con ho dovolopod.hot onlyhypom olohotoI`ott.hythoptooontotiooolgoodo on: on t ..us-mun upon our noriIo.ond in tino oounond ottontion. A ropototlon onooootohliohodoonho IIlntoinod.nndlt count for Into in no ooontry than in A balance on the right side. and tend tag to a lightening of the public bnrdene.is very much to be deeired. There has been a steady growth in the public debt. and it in time that from the revenue. in the years olplenty, something ehould bede voted to the material reduction of it. Would that there were a eurplue every year. to the end `that some of the country's obligations could be removed, and the enormous charge for interest be reduced. Too long has the dominion been pursuing the Micawber plan of pmying its bills. It in important to know just what the elect of thrill reform hae been. What he it contributed to the trade oi the country 2 What has been the loes by the admission. as announced, of the goods 0! the world practically (except the United States). at the minimum tariff? What will he the probable `inuence of the new order of things, setting in on August int, and according to which only Great Britain and the colonies will get the benet of the minimum tariff? ' 1 - . __..-u-. an nu unaullvllo A surplus of any kind. however. in some- bhing to be commoncod upon. In indicates I very untied incroue of trndo. ainco the custom: dutiu alone have risen from 819.- _|T8,000 to 82l,467.000, nnd thorn must: be domund for the good: or they would not boimportod. Thorn in I decrease in in- land revenue. but, allowing for it, And baking inbo Iccouno the inorouoa in other direction, the roculo in nrccord nnpunllolod since 1893. OUR 'l`RADE-0UR MILLIONS. The gratifying now: comes from Osbnvn tlnb the aurplua ol the Int: nnncinl you over the expenditure wu nboub 5 mil- lion dollnru. And thlb, with a oonbinuulzion of the prosperity which now reigns, tho Iurplua an the and of Vnho uexb year should in in excess of I million. I vvvvvv uvuvuul V o Incidentally aha though: is quickonod, would the people purobue And use the bone in wntorlng she grua plobc i! given the warm free? Would elm publlc canto show Itself sufficiently to warrant the experi- ment: I In this n aubjooo for education. uoo? Tho Wain bu favoured the idea. huh it: In- volves comidornblonn that cannot be put lightly uldo. ...... vn-nvl-V vv vuuv nu suv IIIIILIII. Thll nrgumonb in rubber in favour of bath: than agolmh bhoro. The use of bhom ll. inleronblally, the result) of education, Ind the sooner lb begin: the sooner will grow the lnollnntion than make: bho both I common noooulty. I.u.lA-..L-II_ AL. AL," I. - ...v-w wvulu III!) III . The Ilngulgr evidence in afforded can the boobs in none house: are not used by the oooupenu. thnb {our families. {ollowln each other in one cottage. ignored the bath tub entirely. "And thin," said Mr. One. "in but on illuetrecion ol oondibiom that are generally prevalent among bhe lAbour- lng clones. and if the result: of hebituel peglooh lronn childhood of pereooel cleanli- oeu, growing our, probably, of their en- vironments and the look of opportunlby or induoemenb to core for J10 same." "\L.l- _.__.__---A `- ` r....-vuv -uvuuu -Iv loss Asbudy ol tho sltusbion led to those oonoluslons: That it ooshs money bosupply super for any purpose; that some porsons bod 00 hour this expense; and blast: the bonot should be oommonsursh with the oublsy. In Detroit. bhoro no 12,500 bsbhs. snd the Inter tax is 82 for non. With the charge for water abolished how mun y moro would use it! ` - .,..-... u. vuwlnlg -nu vuuu nu uuw Iuluruuu Oi O lotnlinou and of public health him or porimonh nhould be tried. A -L._.I_ -1 .L, 30 Farringdon Street, London, Eng. .... -. -.-- V-u, -uyvuuvulluiuv VI VII! D934-nib water work: uynoom. who has been odhlldorlng bho matter 0! free water for prlvato bat.-ho. The point In: undo than many would pub _ln litbhu if oho water were Ippliid to them. And that in tho intorenb l-*...I:..--- -_.| -1 _ LIL I V |`1"HI_2_ pAIyY WHIG. E-q-u -uvvuv VIII Ull-J I The enquiry in augguhod by the oxporl-4 once of Mr.Cuo, nuporinbondonb of the n.o....n. an... _....I.. ...-.-_ ..L- L-- L--- FREE WATER QUESTION. ` A quubion nice: in oonnoobion with tho domnnd for-fru Into: for lawn and homic- vard purpouo. Snppodng bho untor work: dapartmonta grunud hhin ooncouion would `tho pooplo providrihomuivu with the Appliance: yrihh which to cultivate the gran uhono our city ? TL` nnnni-n a. ....__..;...I |._ .L - . THE DAILY WHIH, SA'I`U`RDA'I, JULY 9, 1898. _____---__--_=_-________------9-------------- nu. . 4-H: unmo unnn. 864: S: B .796:Iu-yE.Bayon.'a' : Buy 45; Ihinh Iupu, 625; Incl Ku0av. 748: Hilda It-Gun, MI: 330 Nnylor. 705: J ntknn. 589: llhol Ryan. 700: Run] 700: Garth Wilton. Public school lguin-l'noHo Curry.` cm; Wilma Govdoo. $17: lfhnuu Hum. 008: e0uhy. `FIB; Juno: Iedl. hung who `I: ounnnuuullnd Io -uutlamlulm hug Ughhl lilhg. xnluuuu lax. am: John umnotmoo; urry Gonna. 760; Fndiriok Bu-bond. 630: John Jumnon. 003; Gould Loynco. 785: Prod:-int Mecullough. 842- Okay Ho- Noul. 788: Patrick Shag only. 06:; Jonph SI. how 808: Alfred Taylor. 759: Emcee nuoo. 728;. Harold Wootlnll. 798; Ilia Wogu. 779: llyrtlo Bogart. 644: Ktuslun Calhoun. 901: Edith Ccupholl. 070: Ball: Can ~ lull. 58%: Annie Dunvoodie. 786: Lib 0 383. 734: Ionic Oahu. 664: I* . 728: luv 3:. II... -.-m. n. Lflflnll) TH UINIQ`. Tho bond of Onmimu for the high oohool ontnuoouod public school leaving onninnuonl. bald an Dnoronto. having com loud their work. report the lollowing idatu no onccunful: Enhance Fnnk Anderson. H8: John Baird. 721; iiiuiuwi Fox. Iui; John uIbIIou..oo; Harry I lornoo. 760: rmnmn Hnrbuut mo. To llo|dA Oonvontlon In Toronlo Early In loptomhor. On Thurodoy O. G. Johnson. oriac. ro- turnod from Hamilton, when ho had boon in ottondmooob A meeting of tho cxecu~ live 0! tho newly formod Canadian uoocim tion of lhriats. Hithotcq Conmlion II ll`- iato have boon identied with tho Armori- con ooooclation. bub thoy hovo broken owoy ond hovo formed on uoociotion u~ ciuoivo to Canndiom. Mr. Jnhnnon hu boon o pointed I M t.hroo your momhor of B o exoontivo committee Tho ouociotion will hold in am conveni- hion ob Toronto during tho coo-md week in Septombor. Tho cxocutivo decided to re- oammond tho iuubliohmonh of A monthly mognino for tho honot ol ll-Jriolo. Popero Iron ornngod (or:-diocuooion ond o'.hor hnainovo pnparod for tho convontion. M r. Johnoon woo olohod to rood throo poporoon on nanny topico. Be My: Kingston otinto on ourpooo tho woohom mon in thoir growth of oomotiono. Spnad on bread and butter forms a savory and sustaining sandwich- When used in the preparation of Soups, Gravies, Hashes, Entries. Etc., the perfection of Economical Cookery is achieved. TRY IT AND BE CONVINCBD. To be had from all Grocers and Druggists. A ll gl Ochoa! Inulunuouo. Douomnto l`rIbune. Th: hurt! nlnvnvninmn Inn Ilu one nenu or one arson ungn. lendere" cantnine e reflection upon the other oioere of tho corps thnt I wish to correct {or rnyeolf And also to my theb from when I know of the oil}. oere I am euro that failure to patronize Anything milituy onnnot he laid to their oh . I em euro thet some oxouee an oath nctory on the one that prevented my ettendenoe eh tho concert me he olfored on their hehell. I agree wit the Wlllu whon itetetee lhet eutioient notice had nob been given of this concern end ee engage- mente ere not ueuelly nude on the eleventh hour. I have no doubt but my brother oi- cero would hove attended bed not some prouing engagement previooely medo pro- veiled. Thrrorouhle in myown lnmily eo euddenly forced upon ue end 00 widely eprend through the preen that very day in more than eutliciont to eccount for my oh- eenoe. end I how no doubt thetil the truth uuucuro given Dy were known excuooe equally good many bo ' advanced for the other oicore non-atten- dance. Nah I`. W. O. riea. Youre truly-J. H.u.I.m\'.n', major ' Abunco Jnnulinblc. Knmwon, July 8.- -(`l`o bhe Editor): The line in our inns of `J hnrnday which said blue " po. W. Bkinnu r. oltho Huh I . W.O. rio-. was the only oicor uwondln the concern given by the band of the 43th igb. reeohion unnn Lhn u-nun` yuu uuuuu uuuunur, nun WIN] W000 rown stroota, roads in unropair and litter lling tho guuorsynlaey are not likely no carry away fnvornblo im roaelons of King aton. But thoee bhingu ould nob be done for the good mcl woltaro of excuralonieba alone. Citizens like so lnvo A Many. clonn cicy to live in Ind their desire should be catered to. uuauu ou Keep me stnete Only. The road bed of the street: is also in need of attention. Oavitiea over whore abound. The lower portion of V illiam etreet ie in a positively dan rous condition; it menace to the safety 0! cfivers of vehicles and bicyclists. Portione of Wellington etreot. Brock. Bagot. Clergy and numer- oua other thoroughfares require lling up and levelling. Chairman Uareon, of the board of works. says the etreete cannot be properly loolred alter on a reduced appro- priation, that the council ehnuld grant the committee the amount aekecl for in the estimates prepared b the committee. In this respect no doubt e in handicapped.-md had he the full amount naked for the city streets would be kept in better condition. At the came time the large amount of broken stone the city has on hand might be used to good advantage. it would coat butba trie to keep two or three old men at work going about the city cutting down woods. At the name time they could be sent out on Friday alternoone, continuing the work on Saturdays. cleaning up the main etreete. picking u ) paper and rub- bege. Litter and filth ll the gutters of the bueincse streets. to the disgrace of the city. Hundreds of cxcureioniate. and thousands upon some daye, visit the city during the entire summer, and with weed VPOWII nlrnnhn. Milt`! in nnrnnnin gnu) Heb-.. Ihe Itreetl Need Loo{Ing Alter, Ole nod And I paired. Not eince Kin etoo ee roudly hon d oi being entitle to be cel ed e city have the streets been in euch A poor condition. not only in the matter of unrepeir. but all- eo in point of untidincu. Neglect is everywhere noticeable. On the mom tho- roughlare woede ere permitted to ourieh from the water edge to the city ilrnita. In the very heart of the bueineee eection oi the city noxious weede retr their heede. blossom and go to need without fear or hin- dronce or my attempt being made to cut them down. It would notbenmilloultmxtter to pick A bunch of wild buttercupe any day along the lower buelneee portion of Princeeu street, eny below Montreal etreet. while above that thoroughfare weeds nbonnd. Alfred etreet in overrun with weeds, so nleo in a portion oi Barrio street. and in hot Almost every huuineee etreet in _ the city. In the growth thet thrlvee be- tween the rolls in the vicinity of the Union street junction oi the rtreet ruilvuy eyntcm children can eerily hide. A line crop of buy nud weeds in in eight along the roadside on Union street. fronting the orphans homo. Neglect le epperent. and it in clearly evident no attempt has been made to keep the streets tidy. bed at then ntremhe :. .1... in The loader of tho local ppdnihlon in` Maniboba It sure that Mr. Gro way must: go. But: be will be I long an in decid- ng ubonb lb if Mr. Mnodoun don not got: 3 IOIO in the Home an}: III II who ho can 0. * Dom Z bu bun nominabod by Iain ad- niron rtbo ptuidcnc of tho Unltod Batu. Tho people duty love I bore. and Qowoy in one without) A doubt. gnu. Ho not tho younger men with ' m0 K LETT-R-8_';O THE EDITOR. All you rLquire to make it is HOT WATER. FLORISTS IN SESSION. WHO :3 TO BLAME? -:-?- simm. ~ C-try. an H .n.1`e'.` .': RN63. I .':'..S'.'.` nh all dnggbu. on NI Church nu. nnplo bgulooonno y pcnoo. Iluuou thin pupa. Ad . dry: tln0riIel| & Iacpncnon company. `rotouro. ot Vnoouvor. Bcaobthnndinapolo. - WVIIUIITII nmoay lot Mlhlnl. hi report: I that on tho than out: of asthma when Clash`: Koln Oompound bu hon tricd. in not a oluglo innhnoo did {I Ml to on sndououopu-ticnlu-ououlndyhul oouuood to her bad no of mum mu-lyt you pnviou touting th unody. and loan than that bonito In conphtoly ourodinr. Ovurouo your boon pond. sud than has not boon nlightou indication ol uobm rot-swing `hut hula cl Ohrlfo Kola Compound uonuunhodloccnnnycnooluchno. Ovorboocuuhsvo ulrudybouucnrcdin Cunulnulonnhm-n....a.. mm L- 0IuIo`I [oh Don pouutlgololnlly `round by no llrlulh Columbia lion!-noon! II Iho Iluno for lnannblg. lonloopo. 3-0,. the Iodlonl Inporlnhidcnt Pro- nouoood l.on-stnuIIu Onto cine. Many temporary relic! uthm: nmodiof ham during an pub few yum. bun pine bdou tho public. And nmiluho Intro- ction to the medical profulion oi tho`: Kola Compound. nothi Ill found to ban my chat in pnlznling futun amok. Tho medial np0rinton- { dentlor thobono forincunblotin Kun- MIM. ll `Ill. nuuluhln sh- I.--A uc uur unnono Iorincunblonin I Rn. bun lint! -....s..u- ' AL.`-A4 I_ '1`, , , I _ .5` A` A4" -.I( -_ um way uomo Iron: Montreal. Mrs. J. J. Womp, Kingston, viniting for A cauplo of wash :0 hot brothorh. W. H. Dune. photographer. Yougo Itnob, Toronto. hu roturnod homo. Mn. (DL) Hccammon. Montreal stress. in my on I vim to New York. Brooklyn and Bayonne. On hor any home no will `pond 3 low day: at Bath-onxho Hudoon. WONDERFUL ASTHMI RECOVER- IE8. uma m x rmco nawnru oonnty. R. 0. Mnclny. Hamilton, of the mm of Mucky Broa.. voooolowndgi, in in tho oihy on bin way home from Montreal. Mrs. J. J `vnnun Vi--at-- -3--"H-- BOVRIL as a befrerage is the moapperfect form of visiting friends in Kinguton. O. Biddle. Pinion. in the diocovoror ol the cancer mm: which he wrought van- der: in Prince Edward county. bitchy. Hnmilmn. M mm ii... .: mru. rs. noronon. sand Buy. Frank Jaohon has engaged II engineer ofJ. Kn|pp e handoomo Icounynohc Mil- toms. W. Adnma and daughter. Univonihy nvonno. have returned homo after I plou- nno viaif. no Plovnu. Mrs. Wilimn Black, Mine Onrrio Bitch. and Min Funny Svmonn. Bolloviilo. are visiting friends Kinguton. Biddln. Pmmn, i. n.. .a:............. -- quu uqyluj and uolnj. Alderman Mcliolvoy in conned to his homo by illness. Dr. J. Adams.Plevnn. in in the city on I visit to his parental. Mrs. Robert: Stovonnon. Bollovlo. in ham to visit her dnuahtou. Min Annie Baum in visiting Mr. Ind Mn. R. Horbinon. Sand Buy. Jackson has nnmmd n ..m:..... uonmohu 0! mo Pooplu - what they an laying And Doing. Alan!-rnnn I.lnIn'..l..._ I- --...--I -- I uuulr nnu WIII llllg I eolo. Chriatien Science will lieve two services hereafter. Morning subject. Ieven o cloc|x: Elijnh a Proof Then (iod is the Source of Supply." Sermone from the bible and their run book "Science and Health." Choren Friends ball. over Mechnnioe' institute, also Wedneldey nighb public meetings. DEIIU Bycfonhnm utroob ohuroh.-~Rov. E. B. panooloy will {attach morning and oven- mq. Fellovnh moshing :0 9:45 am. in lecture room. ncromonn so close of even- ing eorvico. Minurifmh will be in tho choir and will ring solo. Chrilliinn Hnlnnma will In... L..- .----:--- \.I|l| IHIIIIIII .' Queen atroob Mothod:1au'oburch.-Rov. James Ellioho, B An putor. Hi: subjects are: ll am. "An Inoatimuble Senti- monl; 7 n.m., "Does (lodlinou Pay For This Life?" Soloin the owning by Mia: Bnilo . H-. -_|._.._ _A7.-A I ' ` _ Church sorvlou. Firab Bnixciat. church-M0rm'ng. Catam- qui courb. 0.5`. in attendance: evening. A memorial eorvice. Brock atroob Mobhodiatfchurch ~Rov. T. C. Brown. nshor. at both rervices. ll n.m.. "The! on! Ohrietianf VJ p. In . "Can I Mun Bo Hone And Not Be a Christian 1" l\..n-.. -A..--A II .5 n,.. . . - um. uuurju I I.l|0l'Il COIWI00. Mr. Downrd will proaide ah the orgm in Se. George : ontbednl to-marrow And after we evening service will play tho following Ioloocione. several of which are now : Ih~|`m~nm\ lh`I`(`I'llHt`............ . . . . . . ` .. Ull1:l`lu|I`I' III I . . . . . . . . . Pu-amrnlv (Hmmm D Mlnnr) .|:-runnlexn mu 1 lnlnlen Amlmm (om *4_\'Iup|mn_H |`usllmlu,..... .. II the greatest of all preparations for the IJIIIIII nlcl `I'D JIIPIII. Rev. J. G. Dunlop. wife and child will return to Japan in no oouplo of weeks. Mr. Dunlop will labor there! a`: a missionary under the auspices of the Canadian Pru - neriun miuion board. He has spent: a long period in Japan and has boon eminently succeuaful an a rnluionary. Since boin away lrom than country he has oxtondeg his atudioa. taking classes ab Queen`: col logo here and ab Columbian college. New York. His boat. of friends will be ploaaod to hear of his continued aucoeu in bi: chosen work. rl. ruugnulou OI rrot. nomneon. Rev. J. A. Shaw. brother of Dr. Shaw. `is the new rector lately appointed to the rich of Bell's Corners. Rev. M. G. oole bu been trnnalerred to the pamh of Oobden. Rev. W. Moodywbo ban to- -gned the recboralxip of Beaohbufgbon ac- count of illneu. will be succeeded y Rev. Mr. Pick. wunuua In naaan Anglia. The aonabe and board oi Knox college have aoieotod Rev. John E. McFadyen. M.A , 15.0.. Glasgow, Scotland. to the vacant: chair of old oeatanono literature and exegoois. rooentaly loin vaoamo by the resignation of Prof. Robinson. Rev. J. A, Nlmu b.Mn.I.-. -1 n- cg-.. geu mrny yenrl. The Canadian Ohurohman warmly oon-- grabulaia the archbishop and dioooae of Onbario upon the auccaaa aotandiug bhe arrnngemouua for a no-adjubor bishop. giv- ing prospect of harmony and prosperoua termination. 7 ' Tho prince land princess of Walaa are promoting the raaborabion of bhe inheren- ing pariah church of Shernborno, a village ' not: far lrom Sandringham. which ia re- puted no he the second christian church ounded in Eaab Anglia. aennbn and hmarrl nl 1:... Mil...- luncu 01 nov. Mr. uallnubyno. -- Brook moon Sunday nchodl picnic. Mon- dny afternoon, to Channel grove. Sbounor leaves Folgel-`I wharf no 1:80 o'clock. Adults. 200.: children. 100. Rev. D. 8. Snhhulund. Charlottetown. P.E.I.. Heading Prubyborlnn clergyman of the muibimo province. died recently. Aged forty years. Th: Cnnndhn {'3}...-4.|....... -.--..I- --- mu unolrl. VZU volool III III. Principal Grunt pmchu oh Tnmworbh and Camden Ehlfhch on Sunday in the ab- Ionco of Rev. '. Ballnnoyno. Brook moon snndn nnhnt ninnln Man. II IIID flu II. Donn Iunder Ionic! on `wodnnduy lot En land for I bhm"nonhhs' uottolou. ho annual {social in Glououbor on- thodnl. Englnnd. was abnndod by thirty- ` one chain. 920 volooo In all. Prlnninnl (J:-Ann .u.....|.-. -5 II\-......--u- PERSONAL MENTION. 83.. 0aor[o`I Choral lorvloo. l\m....A ...:n ..._-_.`J- ,. .- OI-IUROH i-anmnarns. Nearest Agencies-D. W. DOWNEY, Brockville, llnnvvn rDu-\-n--n-`-- _ - uolng Back To Japan. (3 h....I,... ...u. ...A ~ x 1 : III of tho`! .lHlllIlIll\IIl ... .3-\pu1'k `.Hve( huvon ..... .l4~\\'Is TVNDHIOHKIP. A vutytinolynotiot button not on 5 Ch nnupncntoltho Auction lino `cannon on tho 8; hwtoneo. human Kingoiou and Mount]. The notion in in npudlond . Thotolulnctiouh mH.i'.`.mI.hI 303151`. A -.--1 It will pay to look at Dress Goods and Trimmin 5, Silks and Velvete. It will pay to look at Wash Googa Linens and Cottone. It will pay to look at Glovee,, Hosiery and Underwear. There is about $4,000 worth of goods to pick from at the clearing of the TAYLOR & CO. STOCK. Odd ends, odd lengths, broken assortmenta and sizes lead us to make sacrices now in order to wind up the lines. Prices made more interesting than ever. In there a want ? You can probably supply it here and save money on it-save more than you likely think. It will pay to spend a half hour picking about. Many people during the past week have been delighted over the bargains they have picked up.~ o- cLEARIN THE TAYLOR 6: co. STOCK. to give to every dollar you bring here a purchasing power bigger than a dollar has elsewhere. During this Clearance Sale" the dollar stretches out over a vast amount of goods. Those of you who have seen our goods and our prices know that it is so-If you know what market values are. \ \ e mean that you always nd it so. Talk as you may there is economy in cash buying and cash sell1ng-We daily demonstrate the fact. How much more then is the advantage now? During the Clearance Sale when we drop prots and in some cases some of the cost as well. All Summer Goods are to be cleaned out. 35c Organdie Muslins for 25c. 20c Dainty Muslins for i2%c. 20c and 25c French Lawns for 15c. 15c Printed Muslin for IOC. Laces, Ribbons, Embroidery, Gloves, Hose, Underwear, Shirt Waists, etc. at reduced prices to clear. It Is At AllTi'mes Good Iastcanid Good Judgment FORMERLY RICMOND 6 00. I18 and I20 Princess Street. BO\.lRall_