thnhpoluuuudvonh, Bragg... hA& IIu|hry"A"bnduuv|Ivo; -ogl-iounliplnuhuiin lb old hp. Oul$"lI|ry.o&uh-y,ig 355...; Ii-I-gm-1-H Ii-II-N-1. in .5. cl combination. it in anottod. will support Ibo dynuly. tops! the nupoooion of con- uibuioool right and continue the VI! to the utmost limihn. um nporua that (ion. Woylcr will tom: 3 cabinet in which Gen. Polnviojs will to miniobr ol rut. This combination, Ihn dnnnlw -nnggl 55.- ._--..---'-- -1 A~- vi'.'\'n<:x:".'I`ii.Yy 2|. - According to I -pociul dospntch from Madrid prunier Snguhhu `n offered to ruign. but baboon con lod by tho quot: nuns to contain with othcr pomicd law'- on 9 to his future count. In in also reported thnt Gqn. Woylcr bingo in chin. nan \\'AsIrI.\-mxn`, July `ll -Thon in no fl`- porc. either ofcial oruomi oicisln conr- muion or denial of the report than non. Garcia in dead. Lnxnox. 'JuYy Imcinl dlnu-L frnln |l.A.;.I -.._:-- 1 u -vnrro" rrom UIIDJ. Nzw YORK, July 2| -Tbe Paris corru- : pouuout of the Morning Journal cnbloo his ` papa: an follor : "I have the authority of the foreign 0 `ice for uying can itio nbaolntoly cotiu that poses negotiations Inn begun botwoon tho United States and Spain. Spain noted the United State- uudor what conditions pace nnybo ob~ hinod. ll1InperuIlve Command. \VA.~uu.\':To.\' July 2l.--!lcKinle{ thin morning ieeued personal order: t. rough : tahe eecretuy of the navy toedminl Sump son that he should proceed immediately boPort.o Rico with genenl Miles. The * pruidenla orders are unoepbible el no mie- conatrucbion. They are imperative to A degree seldom given except in ones ol ex- treme emergency. While no otliclnl infor- mation that the eet hue nailed bu been received It bhe war depercmenh no in this morning it is believed blnt Han. Miles And h e troops. under convoy of uhe navy, have d -mrferl from Cuba. NI-\r \'.u..- 1.1. on and -- ul ausrvlolon yeeneraay. Thie comprehensive reporb made by the _ phyeiciane show than the twenty lepere, who were releaeed during the bombard- f menu. are enill at large. In in ennpected Ibhao ohey have oecaped from the city and are min ling with the United Sbatee troops. he 200eick pereone who were pub on!) from the hoepibale during the bom- bardment have not returned to the hoopl- balo. Alire will be practically normal In Santiago in a day or him. No denite dam hae been see {or Ihr moving of Ame- rican oronpe. ` the American medical VIII! iuwnor or we conqneiei oity. Dr. Orlando Decker. a representative of society, and Dr. _ (loodlellow, of Gen. Shafter's sta, report- , ed to day to the commanding general the the results of their examination of the sani- tary condition of the city. They said that the water supply would be inadequate even when the pipes were repaired. There is no sewerage and the accumulated lth ol the city is carried into the bay by means cf suriace drainage. There are only six cases of yellow fever and two suspected cases of a mild type. The hospitals contain L800 patients. In the military hospitals are twenty-eovon wounded otlicera. twenty-four sailors and 4 27 soldiers. Of theee thirty rive have died from their wounds since the capitu- lation of the city. The Mercedes hospital has 624 sick and the Concho hospital 406 cases. Among the sick there are 977 cases of malarial fever and 200 cases ol bowel complaints. There were twenty-ve cases of starvation yesterday. comnrehamin rannrh mm. 1.- ta- THE DAIFY ward. ` aoav uu nuance In our nearte." ; Sentiment throughout the American , army is vastly more favorable to the Span- ` ierda than to the Cubans. The Cuban: have not yet been permitted to enter the . city in accordance with a promise made by Gen. Wheelerto Gen. Toral. Even the Cuban residents feel that it is better that their compatriots did not come into the city so pre em. The American troops in the city consist of only a skeleton regiment. actin as pro- voet guard, and some oicera. be main body 0! the army is on the hills, with every man eager to get a good glimpae of the interior of the conqneiei city. 51.. A..-_:-.r- -- - ' gut`! (`I PFOVIBIOIII. Santiago is still depending upon wells and cisoerns for her waber supply. The supply lrom outside the city is still out oil". In will probably be restored in a day or two. Most of the citizens of Santiago are delighted with American rule. Exceeding- ly cordial relations exist between the oili- cars and the soldiers of both armies. The met: and fraternised in the cafes whic were open yesterday. Many Span- ish and American oicers exchanged swords as rememberance ol the campai n. One Spanish general told me that he elt '10 sense sf humiliation in surrendering Do an American army. Your people." he said, "are brave and generous loan. We can yield to you without disgrace, but we would have rather left our bones. in Cuba than Do have made terms with the native Cubans. We are entirely satised with the treatment we have received at the hands oi American oicers. Defeat has left no malice in hearts." Santimanh ah.-n....L.....s aL- -V - `V Amen-loan And lyenleh soldlere lieoome l'rlendIy-0ondmon or Wounded., July 19. via Pm Anoonlo, July 21. --Civil order he been completely reeoored in Santiago and no excessive con- gratulations of victory are permiobed. All onfes were closed lash nightrlor the autho- rihles are anxious than nobhing shall mar bhe good impressions made by the orderly manner in which the city was bransferred H from Spanish to American rule. The Span- , ish and Unioed Stabes troops yesterday 1` hobh pnuronizsd the pieces where in- 1 ooxicnnbs were sold, and drinking boasts to a such other from welllled glasses. = The municipal aubhorlbies thought In hec~ * her to rescrein the jay ol the viooors for the ~ presenb. Stores where food and clothing - are for sale are beln reopened and the ; Americans are the 0 customers. The soldiers are much in need of wearing ap- ` pastel, and now for the first time since ohelr landing on Cohan soil, they have ht- gun to bake heed as 00 their rsimentr. The food problem will soon be solved. for government trannporos entered the harbor no-dsy and began 00 discharge their car- goee of provisions. Snnnium i. nan .a-...__u:__ ,, W Iron William 00 Kingston. `thou; unmet Denver. Chiongo to Oungo. corn; summer Booodolo. Chicago no Preooooh. oorn; barge Celtic, Cbicugo ho Proocobsg. corn. I ruuauw. to m. Pom DA1.nous1I,Dnb., July20 --D;vn : Sbounor Lsngdon, Chicago ho Ogden burg. gouenl cargo: barge Minnodou. Fort William whoa; l_DulVl'. n olran tvu-nu niannnnn Arllnull, Alexandria my to Charlotte. n The steamer Calumbinn left thin Inorn- } _ ing for Mound:-in BA] and at noon re- named with 3 Inge excursion party, luv- ing again for river poinhinb three o'clock. .._-..__. Welland 0| .3! Report. Pom` Connomzx, 0nh., July 20 -Down :. Sbenmor Simon and barge lhic. Chicago no Prescott, cornzlteuner mplre Bum. Clevolnnd no Oawego. general onrgo: steamer and bgrge Whitaker, Chioego to Kingaoon, com; bu-go Ewen,Chioago no Preeoobb. corn. Pnnm Hun .... M. n_. '1 ,n_nn r\ Bpnrtan. to lloohul; noun? Arnndcl. Alonodx-in Bay Ohuloih. Calumbign Ilfh thin l!|I|IlI- Alkyaurxroarhr X THEY TOAST sAcH_o'rHER. POLITICAL WIRE PULLING. nun..- !:...L (1.1 `Y,'I -- VI-I -- U- TIZICIHI. PAIuu.Jly 2| - Tho uinilut 0! con- Io_co0.. Io Built Innojoull. Io-day ro- dolopoo [mu Ihoehsnhot You can pick up a vast number of Money- Savers during these Two Days? selling. Dress Goods. Prints. Ribbons, Laces.Hosiery.Gloves. Underwear, Etc.. at the wind up of the The balance of stock then left is already disposed of. If you have had your eye on any thing buy it now. before it is too late. These Two Days will be given over to Clearing Out the Little,Things and Odds and Ends. rmmv ANns7\TumTAv Y -..- V`r,.Jv. Boys Black Ribbed Cotton Ielose, sizes 9, 9%, IO inches, first black, 25c for 20c pair. Women's light weight Fast Black Cashmere Ilosc 20c for r5c pair. VVomen s Iiancy Plaid Ilose 35c and 45c pair. Women's Silk Vests, fancy trimmed front and arm straps, 90c for 50c each. Fans at IOC, 12%c and 15c. ' Sheet Music, popular pieces, 5c and IOC each. Men's Flannelette Shirts, extra ne nish and ne material, 3 for $1. Men's Balbriggan Undershirts 25c. Men's Nav Blue Serge Bicycle Suits, coat un- lined, patch poczets, pants reinforced and elastic vents, $7 for $3. 50. `l),._,._' 1)l__l_ 11311 I F .. :- Starr & Sutclie, Are the Last Two Days of the Sci!- ing of the Taylor 6: Co. Stock. lv\.Tg`l`iv;gre:>- `gt-1i.rlt.s,o[)Ulce`z1bt`<`e<?`f'If white collar and cuff bands, $1 for 75. Men's Plaid Gingham Shirts, soft fronts, 75c fnr cnr D\r\I cvav for 50c. IA`- Points straight to the fact that this Clearing Saleo Summer Goods is a Clearing Sale. That money is to be saved buying here. Not an odd line or -two, but goods in every department are reduced. R/Inn's T\Tn.-..l.',...... C`L2..a... _I--4-_1 r.,,- .n _, I -. II "Each Day's Doings at This Store Nearest Agencies-D. W. DOWN EY, Brc chville, THE KENNEDY CO.. Limited.Montreal. FORMERLY RICHMoNDaoo. I18 and 120 Princeou Street. Want An understanding. . l_I_ OI `IVL- _:_:_.-, W n-utIIIw-n-rijjvli. uglldthl-lUl'tIl'I)l. P.l.l.. Jul, g|_._ 1...: 5.... am: his :.'..'=. '3... -U -tr! BHUT- Vlf`l'0RM, B C.. Jul-y-;l.-Hot majesty : chips Plant; Ian: uni Anphhn hove I.llu|l'hlIPlhoo$wIId. u._...:--._~- D Q I I_|_ Tlolcrhiool Ca . Bl! I ,| An 11,, ,, ., ._ ._... uu-u-q `nvv INC 01 nvolnlioo. Worn Ihosponiardo like Ibo Punch. on impuldvo and u inpotnou. Ilia; Irooldhvolonguinoonvopblbo govornnoot nib. wlnlovu tho null. oulondu-tho conviction that no condi- h'n_ L._..._ ."_:| --,,n.n L - gr"... r------ ----- u-uycuuuu upngl dhnnovunkdh:iIvunH I M bni 0.1.-I-. -___.4 _ _ . _ _ _ _ . ..... rm.-us. uuuru A-`VIII! DO` coming ugncily. Spainiu in need of some one nun who will play 1 union : put. H0 in not via - blo at pnnnl. Tho man who rule 50 pro- Icnt an chulntau, who are riding with polinicl nnd nopooaiblo for Ike awful plighl into which day have btongln ulnir country. They cannot uh thouuolvu. and they thruun I Iniliury donpoci- cl AL- _--- J-~ - ~ l` . . . r--- -v-v --- ---v-5" bueineee in rnim,wit.h no credit. no money. no food, uiuh only ecnrvehion be!ore eoxne people, when the country wmoe in wine governments. A chmco ho recnpenbe. The netionel apiriu ie cruehed. IL want: reviving. How 2 By A new form` of gov- ernment? Repnblicien hen been tried, under Cnehillugencjlwithoub encceee. The mooorchy in the hope of the people. Non u it is represented by the queen regent end her son. though both on worohyol ohepeoplei rognrd. but no it mey be re- Ipreeonoed by strong men in the govern- ment. who villgeo down to eerione blui- neee and direct political ethire .-with be- Muninn --gau- _._._- -..- ..,r.....-u-qnunvuunu WI! ull DKOIID cub. tho (ovunmont nu sunnountod some dulouloy by 3 public agitation which won diverging In no click. The real oicuhlon in Cuba in non: bun proporly can before the people. Evory non of the govern- ment in bownrdo deception, and when dia- meter bu lollowod diuuor some new un- ution bu boon projochod no duz'o the people. Between Don Carlo: and his pro- bontnunn to the govornmonh and ion cbious, Spain is suffering and fun losing lbs or bionnl Iplrit. Who into be its hturo? Deprived of in colonioo. of the Philippines and of Cuba. A bankrupt, with home And foreign _.-v.. ._--up u u-nu UI Uuvlullo The evidence of this is supplied in tho ravolutionn which appear to be ruined and aupproslod ct. will. Hall I dozen timu. since tho Spanish-Amoricnn Int hu brohn Auk IL- _..g___-_A g.. . - _, , _.-_. _- .- .. ....v.uuu us uvuul 0.: gun. the premier, chub in his lab appeal he decided beforehand how large I major- ity he needed end how the cube of the minority should be distributed. "Not: only had bhe adversaries be be counted, but. also weighed, for ll: is not enough that: the min- isber should roaolve to allow a certain num- ber of republnc ms, of Carlists. of conserva- tives. em, to be returned, he must alen determine which of them. IINL- -,,.-J- - - _ __,- --.- ...... VII vuvll mnuyuuuluu. 1110) I cm, however. arrange crises with great ` one and precision, and produce the de- sired effect when an election occurs. The mueee being mechanical in their Action, and Iuhject ho manipulation by the few, can be depended upon to act as they no worked. and no it is recorded 0! Senor S1- nn-0.` sh- ...........;-_ .L-._ : n- - A I ----~1v r-uuuv I-unna- The Spaniel: mechine. in is announced, hue been run by A minority of 400,000 per- sons, who menege all the politics. and are inuenced by the desire to obuein govern- ment: oicee. These 400.000 can read and write-bhey are wonderful dretoa-iciene-- but the governing brain seems to hnve been left mm of their composition. They CID. hnwnvnr are-nun. nu`.-- ...:LL __-_A l , |,--r.- .-.-v vvvlv uualllllj HUIJUIUIIU in notional spirit. Of the l8,000.000 of persons who occupy chin biaboric Imd about 16,000,000 odd are Jllitonbo. and of obs 2,000,000 who remain and have educa- tion, and, therefore, bhe x-ab qualication for oioizonahip. fully one-lnlf the number have no inherent in politics, no concern aboub public affairs. 'I"|... Cl..- ._:_ LACKING A STATESMAN. It wu not long since E. J. Dillon, writ- ing to she Conbetnpornry Review, said that Spain was mined bounce in was populnted by 3 people who were uingulnrly decient: in nnhinn-I -ni-in nl a-L- I0 0041 n ' Ulllldl. and n noujuuumgug. ..,,, vupurfonnod. [son an. avg it 5:. nntgivu bin: pull, so 5. .110. `O 5""'Pl!. undlnllnloutdaggn. htllttuuuvvllkuownr ltwunog polainlh nlliis hpu-but tuna dhmnn-n:n.nL.alA...n_..--..- -1 _..-,....... The rsb paragraph is also unfair and misleading. The reform association did not propose an increase of expenses for surgeons: they did not: ask for two ap- pointments. bull only for Dr. Kilbor-n's; and the secondary proposal was Do divide the old salary. The removal of Dr. Neil- son to Obbawa was the dsparbmentfs own action. Where then is him great offence 0! one liberals of Kingston ? They did nob propose three officers; were well conbeno with Dr. Neilson, and did not: propose a ohange an all. If Dr. Neilson was no he ab Oocawa as dhifootor-general. and owe men were to mend to two separabe insbi bubions in Kingston at the old expense. when does the Military Gazette mean by saying ohah bhreo men were ho be salaried to do one duty of one? Is it sense? i I I I I , l Iowan: `vii. could ho wont IIIII -.__ -....w. uuvnvu :4-vu uuu run "I CVO! place. The minister of milllzin is 3 hundred times fairer hhnn his tory predocouorr, but ho will be naullod all the more bitter- ly at the next election, and the credit he will get from the people will be mic1fo- acopieal. Il'IL_ nA_A the governuonb nrchihooo, A llbonl. Tho bory urchluoo ruled prior to l896. Every ooncouion than can be given to the abhor *parhy ll freely hnndod over, and you the Military Gnzohto talks of liberal neocla- tlon inberlorouco. Perhaps that journal would like the liberals ho dinbnnd and lot ` the oonurvntivoa have lull run 0! every nlana. Thu mini... .1 ....'m.:- .-- - L..-.I_-: ;: W|'IIhn'` uvu'-lit:r;d`c::ot'i:-V`; In dauublo donctiptiou when Ibo .in uni: untut. gin oviduco of gnu \I7._. 5L- B_._:-__|_ nu _. ____, --. ..-u--u git` ; and inuvuul poo ; I Ionsl. Tuontohlbfhunndlnhndgemnu-1 ing with its Aucricsn lino Io Iootnnl. In Lunch Ida-0 lo-0. Advorunemonl in Oh center Times This in Iogivo notice that my wits. who IO In but without tueionl unto, nturnod Ind inplnd to In buck nglin. Iillnotluvuugnin in n nu-ry.-Jnn' Alno. ' uuuovllnulh `hunk railway. .... w. you. n gvuuomm wont to the DOC. und tcpnoonbod Oh one olhhooo __ {Iona had hy pnniaunu cunning been hpoinhd you after you though he morib- od only In otdinary shun; thus he was col- ch in tho mm:-. Iiunlly demanding a pllelontholngoton camp muff Andre \ hoing one at Bollovillo. Ho wan to both sntocnl. and against this kind 0! uuunption and Another plan which it is kindly not to mention cu-cog objection was him. The D.0.C. lnnkly add ho would to quilt nliood with usher man. had ho Iudovcnnonthnn am. Not until than, till [no to act. did Oh: uoociuion huovo. with the nude can gin other oloor. who nvuhadunphmmvu uhdiornod id and A ----- 5---*~~-"* ' New Inllvu Line looted. Ih1'uwA. 0nt., July `.21.--'l`he Hnlibnr- hon. Whitney and Hnnewe nilwny is the nuneofthe new line about to be con- otncood to connect lettowe with tho Ot- enwn. Areptiot and Parry Sound nilwny. at Whitney nnd continuing onward Io nlibnrton. when connection: will ho Inndevillithehnnch line ol the Gnnd. uoyuur Ina K`. K. .u.'\rsb::ll. Names appear in the order in whn they are guven in the list of suvce.w{nl students. > .nuu \llH\\l-\l. N. Hllll`llI:bn. Second year, agriculture`. live stock, Iuirying. poultry and apicultur~.-.\[.' Raynor and F. ll. Marshall. ' .\'ntural Sk`I(.'n(.'(`-.. Raynor 1nd F Ry Marshall. I \'elorinnry'scit-nu--F. R. M.'IrRhi\ll.| M. Rxwnnr. W : 5 English literature, theses, political wnnmn and gramm:ur-.\I. R.-nynnrnnd I". R. harshnll. y I Pin-.3..- ..l-,.;-:-:._ , - H. Flrhilll. Physics, electricit an-I dr.-ming-i4 Raynor and F. R. .\.'1rsh:n|l. Names nnnnnr in nu. m-.4-.. ;.. --.L:1 310. First year, first and second Clili hon-V org in agriculture, live stock, poultry and npiculluro-U. llutlun, J. R. Hutchison and (l. A. Mvlnlyre-. English lite-rzilure, grainnmr :iml' cmnposiIinn-(}. Hutton. Mulh`m.'ilic3, physics. lrot.k-keeping and (lrn\\ing--J. R. lZluu'hi.~mn. Second vvnr nun .-..I....... i;..... -...... aLuut'In.s; , ' General pr(bfi(`i(`n(`y, first your - G. llutlou, Eustnn's (`nrm-rs; J. H. Um- <-hisun, Eumtt; (1. A. ;\1n:lntyr<-, Ren- frow. General prnfir`iency, svcond ymr - M. Raynor, Ruse Hull, l .E.; F. R. Mur- shull, \\'<-slhroqke; .\. (T. Scntt. King~ stun. ` -__---- lame: and standing ol tho Young Ian Who Ilnvo Pnuod Sncooutnlly. The rvsults of the year's ex.1m!nn~ lions at lhn Outnriu zuzrirullural ml- lcge, G nlph, just to hand, runlain (hr following names of local and dl3ll'iL'l students: I? An."-nl ....... I A ` Marthe thereupon acknowledged her- self partly guilty. Brown asked for I light sentence for his daughter. The ma- iatrnte aonbenved her to one year and 364! I I in the Mercer reformstory. town was deeply elfected. bub the mn- " gletrete comforted him by laying ubeb such 1 sentence was not a puniehrnenb. It was inbendod for the girl : good. -....- ........- ..... yup, -uu woruon comes with s bud guns. Tbs rslonn susocistion of Kingston did not ask for the submission 0! Lisnt.-Ool. Llontiunbsnh list. but it loomed blast into oicsn wsto applying for lbs one post. A gontlsmun wont to the D00 and 5.) LL.. ., --- UVVUUII LIUICH. "It; in u very good thing for yc vou do nob know, remarked the Lute. \l-_LL_ AL--~ ` ' ` ulllllllllio Brown continued, saying : that: his daughter had been employed here, but. he could nob say how she behaved herself be- nweun Limes. ul..'._.. ..--.. ---l -" aux gumg oopenlnonmary Innocent. judge."[ March: Brown. the young girl belore bho magistrate last week on I chnre of vegmncy. and remanded, was again brought. before the colonel this morning. She plesded nob guilty to she charge. Her father was in court. "I An n-h -u-..A L. ....L --- -- I -' yuan In one mngwuon penitentiary. Dolan romnrkedu be left: the box, I am going ooponitonbiary innocent. judge." the vouna girl hnlnn: I |l|Il'Il J. Purtell was charged with wilfully breaking a pane of glass in the restaurant: of P. Nolan. Defendant said in was broken by accident. Nolan said Purbell tried bo sit down on the window sill and went: through the glass. Purbell wne willing to ay for the glass and the costs of the care. -Ele was given one week in which to do so. Thomas Dolan. charged with having stolen a watch, purse, eho.. from Charles Ta lor, was brought: up for senbence. Ha ha; nothing further to say in his own be- half. "From the excelleno reports] have heard of the character of young Taylor, said the magistrate. "I cannot believe your awry, and you have only injured yourself and made your case worse by try- ing bo injure this young man through your story bo me. I find you guilty of this charge and sentence you to a term f seven years in the Kingwbon penitentiary. remarked as he left: hhn rm. -1 all g ...L .4 , ,,,,,, ._- ---- .1-uvvuvvu vu lull? pl)` lice magistrate ohis morning. The list was cleared off wioh prompbnees. Willlau McCabe was the first name call- ed. He was charged with stuempuing to break into the house of Mrs. Buck (Jessie Wolfe). J. L. Whining, who appeared for glainuxff, said a mistake had been made. is client had seen McOahe in the police sbahlon and salg `he was not the man want- ed. Mr. Whilnng asked for McCabe s dis- charge. The magistrate was very glad for ; |dcCahe s sake that sllalrs had baken such 1 a turn. I 1 l).._a-|I __- .1 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. Donn, The lghwny Robber. Goal To The Penitentiary. A lengthy dockeo containing cues of unusual inboreeo we: presented bobbe po- IV V... uni IIUUII [KP mitted to attend the prison investigation yovterday.` The amount of false `state- ment disclosed. the revealing of attempts to rake up from discharged oicere, hotel porters and every other prejudiced source matters hearing on. the suspended men. shows a state of.discipline and con- trol far irom creditable to the service. That this state of this thing was directly encouraged by oieers in high standing is all the more deplorable. The WHIG is lighting for ooere Hughes and Derry the cattle battle for fair play it waged for ex-policeman Hoyle, unjustly discharged by police oicials; that it still hopes to carry on. irrespective of politics. for rer- geant Newnham when the time comes to meet the minister of militia in the electoral men; that it has fought again and again for persons who are not personal lriends or allies, but who are the under dog in an unfair fight and have not wealth and in- uence to gain them a high footing. vv vvvu vuulvu LIAM-I HUG uuw. in wow onrgoon Llouu.-Uol. Nonlaon Ilu boon ordorod book on Klngobqn ho ro- onuo duty on on oooy my auto of oho dith- culo . T D.O.C., Kingohon. rooonhly none o It ol hio ptopoood comp oholf to hoodqunn ooro lot opprovol, in occordonoo with gono- rol onion. in loco of to tho roiorm osoo- ololion. Ao 0 nono of o proinioonh mili- oio olhoor. who hoppono to be o oonoorvm oivo. in on Ilo hot. tho rolorm oaoooi hion prompnly hod o nlormor put on in ploooo! tno coooorvotivo, and the I) O. C. woo no inohnolod. O! oonroo. shore in no politic: in tho inllitm, oooordilig to tho proloooiono ol oomo pooplo. hue o notion oi tho dopomnonh in lncomni-ohomihlo on my abhor ocoro-hlllitory Guano. Tho ohovo ononoooo from one of a clue ol oloon ond cribloo who are continually pulling the log of tho minister of milihio and tho hoodqnorooro ohoff for (non for choir friondo ond pots, ond thoroloro oo -60). A `-1. --an. "VIA --l-- ' `:,.,r I1.` DID A BIIPLI DUTY. " People who thought the W310 upoh Mo warmly upon also prioon auoponcionu would have been odied had they boon por- mlnuui an .|m.-A H... ...-x..... : .......... __ rumsn up Wruiz Vsrazif I1: El inane GOT SEVEN YEARS. you that be magis- ' $l'III,. The l. company`: huge Calhoun lduhogovcnuunl dry-dock today and \bouAcIivonndhmoIlcCu|hyn&- y. The china-Gloogury and eouaon lin- nicdou from Fort William with 100,000 bnnhnloof than arrived in poruhin mom- i . ugh dune Algcrian, which broke her paddle Ihul in thocornwall and I.-0 vuk. rocoummmd Inc .-..|.. ..;... .... lhl\'7Il (`"l"l))'S, Tho` Lundnn Chronicle, tho llluxi ar- dent supporter of Hit` l nitv-d .~`t1to-q 'v .-unnng thv lxundmi `.|N`.'\'4_ `X[Il'P.`l.%Q ap- ' prPhPlI`i0n of the result. at \\`;itsnn's expedition, believing that it will stif- 'lfen Spain intn iniporvinus ohstinru-y, '2-nusing an indefinite p0!4l|IUnt`mPl'|l of `|pem~e_ while at Hm same time it \\iH pruhahly lend to sumo kind of h'Iri.-aq- 1 ing intwru-ntion hy nthor pmwrs. The `paper suggests that the l'nited States ` should rm-unsider the stop. ` 8 L I UTIIIIIU. The shunt Bohemian from Toronto. sad the 8 (mm Honing! touched II Swill : mhy. Ifjabnnnrrv and an--w |H-- `tho latent lldwo About Vouoll and tho Port or llnxuon. The tag Thouuon loft. tor Montreal this V morning with two burp: groin-lodon. Tho schooner Acncin with cool from O0- wogo in discharging nu Crnw!ord'0 whorl. Tho tog Juno! A. Walker loll [or Ion- uonl Inn owning with six groin-lndon barges. Tao schooner Kata with coal lor J. Rich- ardson & Bonn arrived from Ouwogo this morning. mofi 0" -v...-auuu "Alina I ULJIAIINU. Surgeon Lieuh.-Cal. Neileon. directn- general ol medloal wall. was removed on Ottawa on promotion. Immediately bhere waeaecramlle in Klngebon lor the ap- pointment of permanent medical ollloere there. The clay M.P. recommended one person, while the local reform aeeocintlon recommended anobher. To conciliate both laotiona. in war proposed to divide the upoile by appointing one medical odi- cer to the Royal mllluary college and an- other no "A" bastery, R C.A. Then in to lay, three officers would be paid no per- form the work lormerly done by one- che dlrecbor general an Oshawa, a medical officer ah the college, and another at "A" banter}. This wu evidently too much. even lor the mlllhla depnrtmenh, to unl- low. to um surgeon Lieutn.-Col. Nealeon ordered run. In m._...... .. -- '01 um expmnllnn IS about to sail. .\l V tun .o'vhx'k yestorrlxw nflvrnonn :u`:1hlo= lr.-patch was rerm'wd from (?en._\lilo=< informing the` so.-relury of war Hut prop.1r:alirns for lmnrinpr (}n.|nl'In.InIn -hm! lwen ]Ir.`l(`li:':IH_v 'o|nplt*h`d_ hut that he \\`.m \\.|i!ing for the xxet-v=.~L~.-try naval cnnvnys. Th Lundnn (`hrnninln II\A ......o ..... Iurxs. : , 'I'lwre nppmrs to be much ill-l'evlinpr in Mudrid owing tn thv stnhcinvnl, that the Capitulation nl Santiago was mule upon an undorstumling mth .\[vKinley that it did not nu-.'u| vmn`|u.~ii-rn of hus- tilitws on the side of the ;\lllQ`Ti(`.'lH.`l. but that on the contrary it men-l_v rnoans invroznsmt onvrgy in pursu:mm- at the war of torritnriu! capture. \'one :1.` the ships hearing H'(l')[).`l bound for Porto Him have` pm:-ovrlvd further than Snntingzq hut .'ul\'i`es ro- wivod at the war tlvpurtlnent yo= 1 d:I_v indiv:1t<*s I'll the first dvtm hmont. I I of H10 expedition is .-Jmnt ; .n'vl.u-L- u-9.0.-.r.a.... .1. .-.... _ -- I .. - ...- y 1: null IR -I. lift)- fnuml pnlilirul rnistuko. ll :utd.~I that Ihvy mo u>\'-r-rnlnmz ttn-ir sln-ngih ul \\`u:~`hingtm|_ und ltmt n-You the u1`('u- pntinn uf the (`unury |.s":nmta' might lead tn rvgrottuhto (`(IlI|ptt(`.IttlIll.s`. .\ rvru:u'k:thto thing _ve.~\to=rtny i.-1th-it the jingn Mmtrid llnp.trri:A| .s.n3.~1.\'p:nir| must assurvdly nxk fur p('.'|(``, nu nth:-r .1-nurse being pni.-s i')|(*. The SIHIH` p.-pa-r says that thu (`0|.dln`t of .-\lm-l it`.1n.-I to~ wants the Spanish pri.~mm~r.-:1 has been morn humnnttnriun thnn that nt the Germans to the I-`ronch prisoner.-x in IE7], and thu R.ll&`!t.'ln.`i towards thn Turks. ._y,u-uuu uuuul nj111o\'o! In : 'l'lw. Kraut \:|li\0_ (|'n*.':L inln .'~`p.'1m.~'h pnlilirn on-r `V-`L Linglnn, .... r -I .....u-, m'(`i.`H'1'.i that :1 \\. |U`l*% .I u lln-i \\`-'|.`-`hillillull, um] Ihn . ,,_, ,. ull nunulgu. The Spanish torpmin gunbuut `R1111-l` nrio, undergoing repairs at Assump- tion, U'.'xrngu.-my, fur :1 week past, has left that port, going in the direction of Cuyuhu, Iiruzil. 'l`lm lramsport Se-noun, uilh sirk and wounded, has arrived .11 .\rw Yurk {rum .\`i|mnv_v. There uoru only tun physi- ~i.'u|s zxhourd and H10 ship \\;As in :l filthy cumliliun. Six (`.'l.s"`S uf fever`, of lyplmid nnluru, \n-n- fuulul ulmlrd and Swinhurno Island. '/.4-ivumz, Hellin, -nnsr- lo:-.':nv'n-.< that if \\ wlmn o`nnn'.'s' illln .'~'n.'nn\-In ur-In--~ - - -" ' [WIT mun. Premier 8.1g.-|sm_ on leaving the coun- vil yosu-rtlzxy, ennphulivully und hotly denied that the .\'p:u1ish gnvornnwntor. tiered Tnrul tn giw up Snnthgu. 'l\*r1)<-r` ario_ undonminnr l`\n:|irc .. A.......... IIIIIVH. (`UL Jnhn Jm-uh Astor is nn 11 back frmn Sznnliugun lo \\ :lshing| ing lhu lmnrvr uf Hm (runs of '1 lion ngreed upon by the cnunnis of (Ion. Shufler and Gen. `l'nrnl. ..v n - V5 unv- The strangest thing ebout it ell in the movement thet e relief expedition hue reeched Gen. Gomez, that it found him end his ve thoueend followers in dis- hreeeed cirouinetenoee, that it geve him euppliee in munitions 0! wer end lood, end then he will be given further eeeietence. All of which goes to show that the reports ere not elweye be relied upon. The insurgent chief been opereting ee cir- oumetencee heve permitted. He has bed to work ee well en tight, end he end his enny heve hed e terrible experience. He he: not been ee free. new of the trachea. to tight the Spenierde, en the Atnerioenn heve been, booked by the navy, but he in e hero in the eyes 0! hie countrymen, and must be ooneidered in the future 01 Cube end ite government. ( av.-1 um: um future vnnnl :u'r0.1.~4 ix! hmus. .\I-Inhors of the Porto Ricun _junl' New York riry ulm have been work for Hm fnrlnntiun u{ an imiepond form nf gnvo-rnmonl fur (ho isl.: have T(``(`i\a'tl fillle ~m'nur:1gr-In from Hm ndrninistlntiull. (Ian. M has ngn-ml to m`<`(`pI, Hm H9l'\v'i(`t*.` of Julia Hvnln nml .-`(\wr;\| HUN`! uwnnl of tho _iunt:L us gu.-mls and intmprvl in his coming rnnlpuign, hut. Hm minislr.-Ilinn hns been wry careful to mnku any prmniseu ulmut rm-ogl ing the Junta. \\h('n Purtu Rim] fallen. 1`..l Y..|.-. r7. I - _,, . -., Inn` muu.uumcn unu Munlt uffivinis with whom I tulkml said l utlmirul Dewey (`nuld deli-ml him against the German form in the fur provided Gormnny tlll(>`lll|)iI`(i tn possessitm uf one if the i:;i:LlAtiS ur tempted to interfere with A1110!` ()])+ I`(lli()nR which is now run.-zidtlrml tremely tiuuhtful in vimr, nf tlw us unve given by the (I1-rmnn gmw nwnt. But the J'Tumpo;tn <`hl)(`('l'l, it Eng nut (in-ut Ilrituin, nf murso. I- possibility in the nogutizttiuns fnrgw and tha presidrnt hns tnkc-n nwnst uhivh he i)(`il9Vt`S uill rentlor this 4 up: .'....n-. A uAm mrsuuosucs. umy strengthened. Iindor the supplementary ordarn \\'hl(`h have been giwn lo (`,()l]llJl.'lnd(`l' Watson, he is to hold himself in rendi- nvss to proceed to any point, that the president may desire. ()per:tting in Hpunish \\':ttm's he will he in u (`entlul position and can return to the Auxerit-an` coast to pml.e-ct Amerimm. ports or run pI~'n('A>ed tn the l`hilippin0.s" to n~inf0r<`s- udmirul l)vw9y if any uttempt be m.1do by it third power tn wrest any of t.lm.-I islzmds from the l'nit,ed Stzntes. Re-in- fur('(`d by the Munadnuck and Munlerc-_v, I rexu` udmirul hm.-m. ......i_i .l..l'_...| .. um mgumzauon ot the formidable east- ern squadron and giving its communi- ' er~in-chief instructions to pro(:eed to the coast of Spain, president McKinley ; was actuated by a desire to not only terrorize the enemy but to ilnp:`9.s.-I all Europe with the sea power of the Unit- ed States. I am able to make the state- ment on the authority of an Anierican official who is in the confidence of the president. The formation of the east- ern squadron and its despatch across the Atlantic will be a notification to the powers of Europe that it is the purpose of the linited States to com- pel the Madrid government to comply with any demand that it may choose to make. It was for this reason that the eastern squadron has been 'onsid-:r- ably strengthened. lhn .ennnInn:nnt..... .. mu uuuwa untoI-'rnA luau:-A lqnr dron u Boon Ooolldortbly unann- oIod-'l`ho lvowoa Pnrpou of mu Ad- ministration. \\'z1.shington, July 2l.--In directing the organization of the furmidab!e squadron und aivinrr in .-........-...u to lmprcu All In:-ops With the us favor ol the United lIntu-`l'lu luun IIAI loan llnnlldnrnhlu lo....-n.- OF iEUiIOPE. nnia-lo, lnilc-d exprc-.-awn \\ ;\l.-non`: In that in ..-.n cif nu-ny|u|n`.\ LU lQ`lll {any 1 `tn I J II341|n1n-I1 anal '\l....n .,_ uurnvwvuvwu In Iv. From this it may he inferredthat the oepitellnte are likely to preclpitnte I new revolt end onuee e lreeh outbreak of trouble with the Cubene. but generally their trouble commenced with the rich plentere end lend ownere, who undertook to mete the lebourere hear the burdens of mlegovemment. Every new tax use as tax upon the lebour party, Add the burden of them all became so heavy thnt the people felt the; could not endure it, that they could not survive the oppression, and might me well die in An attempt to remove it. The struggle eo ler, with the Cubans, he: been for political independence. to the end thet life may be made more tolerable. end mey not be inclined to let the oepitel- iete diotete the kind of government they ehell have. since that may mean A _re- 5 enactment of the old iniquitiee under A i newreglme. - _ , IIVL. -L--..--_L Al I .\il| I. . .-nu-nglllln, IR`- rms cupiluI:|- - cnllnlnissiuntws n. `I'nrnl 1 HM HIFI \ `aslnnglun, HIS Hf vnnih --nx nun l`m'ngl)iz- Riva has his pm thus -1. .uu rexnr himself ' inrvnsl In lulu- : 11!- In...-:1... .. l'urlu nu... ...| In. John Lillie. ol Houltoo lndi ' lone. Toronto, in the gnu: ol Kin. __..__......._.__... Tho doaputchu from Wuhlngoon, ro- gardlng the shhlbudo ol the Cuban: in tho preaonb Inr. are certainly oonluaing. One day, and by Amorloan. in is announced than the president has boon disappointed, the in no way and in no unto hnvo they noted tho part: of allies, sod olm shay cm- not. therefore. in consulted about the form ol govormnonu which follows. In in Added blast in will be republican. and (abut the American onplbnllutua in Cuba are do- torminod that the uutivo element: shall nob to roproeontod ln lb. 0.... ALI- .-1. xrrxrunm or rm: cunanz-17'"