A h.ono belonging to conhrnobor Corbett, London, in dead more from lockjaw. In stepped on a nail. Rurhh Hnn, Jamal Rrvna M P has BUUVIIOU UII D Illlln R.-ghb Hon. Jlmee Bryce, M.P., has been selected an proaldono of obs recently- lormod Anglo American league. R Bnrrv Smith. who fnrmnrlv nnnljmul WUFU TUIUIIGU. A pelr of one were leehed in the centre of the nlb. Oapb. Oochnno will forward the ref!) 00 bhe egenbe of the French line etoemere. The apob where the nth wee picked up in but I oboro distance from the scene ol nhe dieuber. While in in poeeiblo um eome survivors drifted nwey on the nth end were ruched by eome peaeing ship. in la more probable than the nth lound by the Splcer is one ol those on which zurvivore lloebed until belxon lrom there by the Cromeruyuhlrembe ship which crushed tzhe_,Bourgoyne. Theee rafot were abandoned. . shesmers persist: in going so full speed in fog. even upon bho cosst, and psesengors 5 who have crossed in them state than the speed of the ships is seldom reduced even when so times bho for: is so dense than one ` end of the ship cannot: be seen from bho other. or sometimes bhe tlsgsbstf so the bat! nil efo is not in sight 0! bheolfxoer n nhhs bridge. Aluhough snoh vessels hsve ioher. ho ososped s cnsnsloy. bhe ssilors selling on them know perleotly well hhsh ohev must be prepared [or sn-sooideno ho hsppen sh any moment: which msy possibly result: in s serious loss 0! life. `lay Have Been eeonod. ' Gl.uU(`Es1`lR, Mum, July 28 --'l`he Bri- tish ship E. J. Spicer, Cspb. Coehnne, ar- rived here yertordey lrom Irepnin. lbsly, with I cargo of ealb, after I remuhhly quick voyage. On board the Spicer we: A huge mo nth marked "Lu Bourgoyne." which was picked up on July l9bh In labi- tude 42.5 norbh, longhitude 59 12 west. On bhe nib were hand life proeorvou. which leads Capt. Coehmne no believe shah some of the pueougore or crew 01 bhe Ill- fabed abeemer had escaped on the nth and were rescued. A ...X.. -0 1.... ._...u. I--L-.l 1- AL- --..L_. Ir. Doctor on Prollbltun . I_|_ nu 1-: n noonllicduhy. \ Iago--AI`!'uonIo I0; Puni- An nial: on.-.41 PITH OF TH :-- -- --av-uunva Pom AITIIPI. Ont. July Y].--Tha Canadian uaalnot Chanhclain. lumber- Iadan from Paoauaag to Port Arthur. want aaharmoa Uuodayonnaula bland, Into Bnparior. Altar jauinooiog non ol but cargo tho unamar wan nlauad yantarday. That wu'oonboa:daHhaIinooltboIc- cidaal nay Shannon. It. Back, Dr. Spam: and Latin. 0! Phalangmio wnnmah-i nnalahan ~ All Day To~morrow and saturday up-uunu-nu 1.auI.uII `mucosa-i upholds: wlonuu Inlsou wun Cool I)! Illllllll and nhckod Ibo Spunioh lens with heavy cannon Ira. Inns Ivy Inc npnwn glrnooo. I'll! All- crioom nnitod with band: ol innmouu Ind nlhnknd Ihn Snnninh Inn: with Ilnnvv uvll. nlulli. cnpulll-gillcrll 0! {RIO Rico, roporh us the Porno Rionm an in- dithront no the result of tho Alnorioon in- union. An the cublnoo musing yum- duy I bologna: III road buying that bho Sponiudn nod nub I nu-col at the on- tnnca of Sngnn bubor oochivoly cloning tho but bot. H.-u-/nu. via London, J nly 28.-'l'nniI, on tbononcb cont 0! Sum: Clan provinou. wu bombarded on Tnudny by two Arn- Oricnn cmiuorl. The 8 irb boltarih to- pliod notbo n. The atrium nomad- od in amazing I landing st Topnboos. ocu- Tuuin. ulthough I stubborn dofono In -undo hi 0.).` Rnnninh -up-{noun TL. A- -- .- -_. ---.n - ----... -- ow Jthough dofooa-I`: undo by the Bpuoiah gu-riooo. The An- cimm nnilnd with hand: ol inn-unm- UUIII. Goo. Corns, minioter of Int, any: that Goa. Mania. captain-gononl of Porto RiaL rnnnrh Huh aha Pnrm Rimm Am in. flllllpplf qllouuou. Hannm, July 28~-A dospntoh Iron Capo.-Uon. Mnciu up the American: who landed an Gnnoco udnncod on Tues- day toward: Ymqni. Thoy cnconnubd Lieuo.-Col. Puig. who oomnmdod 700 ngulnrl sod volnnuon. Skirminmng took plnco dnrinz the ovoning and nigho, and at daybreak the Americana roonmod to tho position: fonnslly ocoupiod by then. In uuuw vnuu Iuuu nuuuunllvui lull BIJI Idm ininmnbion but not had time to come no u conclusion as no in policy on the Philippines question. Hnnnlm Jnlv 2R-7.A dnnnnrnh 'rnln IIIIII FT WJIIXTIIIIIS UNIX. liurnlng 000 II` langa our to tho Inhabitants when it in ap- parant that a stable rule can ha establish- ed. Whatever coneoaaiona this count: la w'illi$ tomato to 8 in will not a och tho oatlndia ialan I; only tho Philip- pines will be rocognizad aa a hula or dis- cunalon in the oottlonant of terms. The overturn from the Spanioh uninh- tray came with Inch anddonnou that tho i.-.;.o..n:.-m I... ....s 5...! H..- a- ...._.- we will sell every Untrim- med Hat or Bonnet in stock at 25c each. 1: Don't miss this. All Trimmed" Hats at half price. UTUUPF III DINNER! - WA.-uii.~un~n.v, July 2H.--In is admitted by the principel members of bin adminis- tration when were it not) lor she Plillippiuee question the Unihcul States would be ready to furnish immediately a ntetemenh of the terms on which in sound: prepuod no pro- ceed to ngotiebo n treaty with Spain. Porno Rico end Cub: hevo already been disposed of in the consideration given no the subject of peace. Neither is toconolnne undci Spenieh rule. Thin ovornmenu will any out the purpoeeool ti regulation of congress eonoemlng Cuba, burning the in- ln 1 over an oh. inhnlninnnm -hnn in in -n. OD}lIIlI I LIULU WII Pr33'nlUu- Capt. Aunon, minister of marine, up that jealousy of American atounabi com- panies is causing dilcultioc to the paninh trans-Ablnnhic company in carrying out: its conunco for the removal 0! the surnndorod troop: in Santiago. \NAsun\m1~n\r Jnlv `)H _In in grlmimul WUIIIU UUIIIIIIIJ WIIIU [Ill Clnlnoli. The foreign minister expects that Autis- laclzory ropl will be immediately given through M. smbon. the Fronch ambia- aador to the United Stntos, through whom Spain : note In: presented. (lint. Amman. minintnr nf mu-inn unw- UUTU VV IIDUUII U uomlnlnu. Munun, July 26, via Birritz, July 27.- Notwithstnnding the feet that it is otlioiel- ly admitted that Spain hes mode edvencos to the United States in the direction oi peace, it is evident that the government does not implicitly believe that its request for inlormation as to the terms the United States will demand. will prevent the des- patch of commodore Watson's squedron for the Spanish coast. Precautione continue to be taken to defend the threatened ports, and all the buoys and beacons have been removed from the ha of Ca- diz and the harbors ol the is ends of Majorca, Minorca and Ivics. oi the Baierie group. As prime minister Ssgaete was leaving the palace this even- ing he admitted that the American expe- dition under commend of Gen. Miles. had succeeded in lending at Gusnica on the south coeet of Porto Rico after a vigorous attack. As soon as the ministry oi the interior learned of the edmission made by senor ageete, it issued an order forbidding the telegraph and telephone companies to transmit his statement. When questioned today on the subject of peace negotia- tione. prime minister S aete eeid that duke Almodovar do Rio, t e foreign min- ister, in his note to president McKinley. bed asked for s suspension ol hostilities on Sunday. Mr. McKinley e reply said he would consult with his cabinet. Tl... t..-..I..... ........o,... ........-n- .L..; - _-.:- Preoentlone Aleo In: Taken In lpeln to Protect the 0oIut-`l'ronble In oer-ry In; out 3 0outreot- l'he United ltntee Bov- ernment Ill! Oerry Out the Purpoeee of Oonxreu no Declared-- l`be Onbene Will Get It. WA8ulN(JTON, July 28.-Ample evidence wee furnished yesterday tbet cabinet offi- cers were in eerneet when they raid that 8p:in e overturee toward peeoe would not reterd the eggreeeivo campaign of the United States military Ind novel forcee. ~ Not only ere the preparation: {or conquer- ing Porto Rico going ahead without the eligbteet diaporltion on the pert of the eu- tboritiee to be inuenced by the recent:- tion of the Spenith note, but t e navnl edminietrntion it cquell y eotive in expe- diting ite plum for punishing the enemy. The vessels of the euternrqindron are be- ing repered for ective eervioe without re- ger to diplometio note: end oontidention 0! peace proposelt. It wee shown by the un- reeerved remarks of mu! officials that the navy department he: not taken any official cogniunce of Spain : edmiaeion that she went: the war to end. Proof tbet the eg- greeeiveneee of the navy department has not been eected by the diplometic stntuu given to the war by the reeentetion of the penieh note wee furt or evidenced in orders lent to Capt. Higginron. of the bettleehip Meeaecbueette. now ID Gunnioe. Porto Rico, with transport: olGen. Mlle! expedition, to hold his veu-ele in reedineel for departure with other veeaelo oi commo- dore Wetaon e commend. Anurun. I ..I-. 01! ..X. I)l-_AA_ Y._I.. O" Notwithstanding Proposals For Peace. HIIIIKE PREl RM|[|NS.I mm sncnsm AllMlIS.| BUT THE NEWS CANNOT BE GIVEN OUT. 123 Princess St., Kingston. ......... ... ,,.......,. Thousands of our Shirts are worn by gan- tlemen all over the country. ogqvlnasmy & 3110., ll .-v `aid!!! as `(vow CID `run: If `rule Lnutlvv Bromoqulnlno run I ;l_|-ngginu refund the money 1! II. III out ll. 25: . Ouphu Gunuoq-o and Alexandra I0]. I50. Swift : what`) p.m. Friday. calla nu Oumnoxino both wnyo. Round trip only 250. J. . Hurley. agano. To Care a Cold in one . `nk- I ---oI__ n..._.. n._n_:_- -_. |-A anxllt IJII trVl_-lIlI$II I IICCV The Gnnuoqno cu-rings work: hand will furnish music on the return trip tomorrow. Friday. Lune Built : wharf at 9 mm. Rmnd trip tickotl. only 50 cents. J. P. mloy. Agent. -nu. V-7` v.-u~u yup-nu-;. Aunt. Sum. oloctrio Hg Md palace ouomor "Uuplnn." Built : thud, Botanrdny, 30th. 2::Mp.In.. connecting with R. R. onln. One and 3 tall hour: at Capo. Homes p.m. Suppot 350. Round trip only 250. J. 1'. Huxley. ngonb. Clothlet: majunnun IIII'38'CI an - uuuvvn - vnu-ours. HA\'Kl.()('K, July 291. -- Tho uartorly board of the Mothodiao church. avolock. have granted a nix wash vacation to their paator. Rev. H. McQuado. who start- od on Tuolday bg hha C.P.R. for a hi to Manitoba and t a northwuh. Mr. de- Qnada lain thofonruh year at aorvioa on we praunh chatgo. : Ilnllutonoo Bowen lnohol Bound. wlN.VIl'lBO, July `.2!-(.--I`uunnora from hbo want any more In: I very hen hail- norm on Tuondny nighb no Burmi 0, ex- tending out to Portage. Some of the atoms which tell at Burnaido woro non: inohoo in circumlorenco. Toward: For 0 she Itonoo were Inudh Imnllor. nnd tho nngo done in not nuppoood to have boon uriouu. 25 Cents. Ooal Prion To Go Up. NI-zw Youn, July 28.-Tho prolidonhl ol tho nnobnciro coal roads, an 3 meaning hold yesterday. decided ho nine the prices of cal to full lobed ulo nboo and no reduce who out at for August to the Iowan poino bho tn o In: over known. The mlnora. who now work on an nvor-go two day: I WOOL will work durinn Anonnb nlfhlnl wuu uuw worn on an uvorlge 070 day! week, during Augnnb perhaps only one day etch week. nag a mans, llll urunlon [runny youn- day red three shots ah bin wife with I Colt : revolver. each show taking oocoin the sbdomon. McLnno hnd been drinking hard for the put: (our week: and doubtless wu unconocioub of but son. He wn ur- rutod undloond in jsil. Pbyliolnnu who nchondod Mu. McLno roporb that -he Drobnblv will dig IIJIUDUZI Ell. M probably will die nlmnain Oollln unoaTchoa. Woonsnwx, Onb., July 28 -While dig- ging for the purpose of placing a new foundation under the wall at the mouth- weeb corner of the jail. a laborer named William Taylor unearthed bhe coin con- taining the remains oi Reginald Bir- chali. the murderer, which were buried in hhe jail yard eighb YOIIH ago. The pick etruok one ooin and in opened right an the head, leaving 3 rained aper- ture nbonualooe wide. and disoluaidg bhe right aide of the head and face of the dead murderer. The remains were in a fairly good mo of preservation, hueaieer the , had been opened andthe air admin. had. the nhianoa in thnir mmnrlinima ug- mun. Ii. anon an Inn. S.uu1u<- LAKE. July 28 --Gu'dnor Mo- hno. who owns a summer reoorb near 80. Regina Falls, in: drunken fronuy yutor- dnv chroe Ihohn Ah hi: Iifn wihh A tgfnn uuu Uuou upuuuu am: III! III IIIIIl)- ood. the change in their condition wu rapid nnd very noticeable. oidutin; Ii: uiomnu Dead. HOWELL, Mich. July 28 -l hinou Stow orb, the olden lnlmbiunno 0! thin county and probtbly bho oldest: of aouhlzem Michi- gan, died so his tum in thin uownablp_yoo- bordny. ngod 104 years. ulna month And sixteen dnyu. He was born in New York, and cum to Michigan nnd Inhaled hero forby-tawo you-o ngo. He but had five wives. and tboypn B" buried side by side in one lob. Ho bu had seven children, only one of whom is living. The old man ha been Imnrt, looking that his {arm work unbll recently. He has always been I democrat, and wu board to romurk oh the Inn presidential election, "Iltbo demo- cnu don't: win ohia time I will live so help ohom out again. -"Air. Simona. who intends having 3 Bno raoin ICIHOJIOXD year, wu much impres- Ied w th Sloane : riding no tube Englilh `trucks luo Ioaoon. UIIU IIIIIIUIT ILIUIIIII X WIUU [IIIDIIU ID EIIII time. And I dou b want to mod cm b say anything About the mutter on the time- In Furniture and Undertaking. IUI' UT. CII Sloane uid : DIUIIIU III - "I can noibhor qlrm not deny the auto- monb. Iudl don't: too how the story got out, but anyway. I will be unnblo to My anything {or oomo him to oome. my I few days lb lento. and I don h undomannd why the mutter should be made public at thin Minn. And I dnn h want: [an nnrl nAn h uni UIFUII. DU UDIKIUKYIIUH XI GUI? X-II. Slolne. who In enjoying the pins: con- certo at the Grand Union hotolkeo even- ing, wee uked whether or non he bu been offered or paid a rebeiner of 925.000 a you lrom Mr. Simone. bhe mum-millionaire of London and South All-lea. us reheiner for rth cell on his eervicee next year. Sloane nid nuns Auu manna, one oolonrgmg gpcgoy bu received what would, in ninlnlu-In` circles, be chnrnotorind an duby coll. Sloane. who Is: Aninvinn lm ninzu non. Reported run la In A Ilw) min from luglnnd. , 8.uu'rdm, July 28.--1! ll (11. `Italy that Tod Blame. the oolobrnood .ookoy hnl nlnnlvul whnh would in mlnfnlnrln` it for ranted that you wantt e BEST Smms for your money, the Best Material, the Best Fitting, thebest Finish- led, you cannot do bet- ter than call and ex-e amine our goods. ml. .... .....x.. .r ---- Ibo Dupe Vlnoon Irdny, lilo. -CA AI.4l_Z.. II. A.) _- and on 45i:nu-nun- rnuy. - ll-..-_-....- .._.'_..- _-_|__ |__AJ SLOANE IN DEMAND. A Punt : Vacation. .,, 1 1 n.. 2: SHOESALE uupunuo jlll, `won one luoflu UOIIIIJIOI) bonk robboro oro lnaorooucod, tho Onuulo govornmono. through Dr. Chonbol-lun. in- zgoctor of `norm and am-ioioo. noolod o connci elm It hid boom not 1 with tho rocolnmondouono modo In Io oonnoooion ob opoo. or oonochin woo blo to drop. Tho rooom onion woo thou an incondoocono oleomo light ho pluc- od in ooch ol tho oh oorridorl ol Ibo jnll booidoo oovotoluc oloouio ll MI to ob ground: onrronndinp tho prom ooo. `lhooo imp:-ovomonto woro nhooluloly nooooouy In tho inoonot ol juouioo. Tho connoilmo ol Frontoooe coin] nood not ho ooooninhod It ohoy rooolvo o oinilnr notication. Ropoolooly It in boon rooommondod shot the ohoolooo on- to. of lighting tho jnil with cool on pup. bo diloonnuodynnd o nodotn oyol in- uroduood. Tho oil lonpo oro y Ind dnngoronl on well no nnontiol .' ' Mmcuplu on-n:}qu And Alonnanv-. ,ll.q uovornmcnl Iona: n llomloutlol 1'0 150 Oouoll 0! [Annex Donny. [annex county councillors having failed boprovido tho noocuary lighti in tho Nnpunoo jail, when the llllld IIIIOI) robbon arc Innunnrnmd. uh. nnnuln . 'l`AHl.l". HUAIH), AI.H() |'l.P1AH.\N`l` ROOM (front) with modnrn oonvenionceu. Gun- Incl luwmly, quiet. I06 lnrlrueol. 1' hourli 'l`ormcu. A(iINl`I.-- l`HF.()NLY VANADIAN " nu mulmmnm-," In In Cm-Ivll Hopkins. H. W. Hm:-,und Hlr Iln-hl Lam or. A In: umnumuul` lo the grvutumn and 101' ulnn mornlurn Hawnrr or Amurlcq pt-nny hookx lmmllml by tunudluu Unrlmuk Inn: he-vn In ro rmlon M Hlllu|~`0IIH'|_)' bound. 'rnmu'|y lllultrol . HI: vnmllllnosllw. rrmpmtmu rm In convu- rmr. Frmuhl. paid; boon non tlmn. With thin hook ynumn down tluuu All. BllAI)l.In'-(lAk- rrmuhl. paid; boon BuAl)l.IH'-Ul\R- ur:'r.~~.\' (`n.. l.Im'rI<'n, Tnlmxru. _ 3-j::-:u u:Nn-llu0mA{.llmrl'IoNor"t orHlndut.one" now rmuly. Hand In ` plate oulm. Ever hody will udbnorl our! torrlmry. LI ml commlhlon. on umo. B:uuu.: Y-UA nuurn-um 00.. LIIIIID, 'l`mwN1u -- an 9: -Uo Ctmmmus-0xuz--On the 27th ion; In 80. (}ootgo I cubhodral, by Rev. Goo! L. Burr, John W. Cummings, tonne: -.of Guelph, no Min Floronoo Orr. ton. Mvmmn Co:um'x-Ah Bhnnloyvlll on Wodnudny. July 200b, by K0 .` that O'Connor, John Mclado on II 100!- dkik. 54-` - `- - ;.. L` . nnnnnuulv uumrAn I . Undertaker: and Embalmorl, 283 Ind II Prmneu Htreet. 'Pbonoc:-Waremonu. N; Recldauce. 91. Open dsy and night. .___j_____..___.____. THE DAILY BRITISH WIIIG. DI D. \\Jl\Di'L"J'. UNERAL DIRIDCPOR. 8| PRIN 31': KInuton.unooouor to W. M. Du Dll IIDTQIE. THE BUSINESS OF THE LATE HENRY Emma, Umlertnkar and Upholntorer, will he vnrrlml nu nl um nlrl 21...: M. s...\..Iv nl nu- THE BUSINESS be carried on Mme old stand on behsll 0! his um. 11`. BHAMI,|Adlu|nh4U`H`|x. .___..__._______..__._.._.j._ Muslin Collars and_ S_ctt_s, Ladies & Child sTan Hose Ladies Tics |Sl1_i_n wa1s:s,F Ottawa Illd BI. IA _In sou uh` wutorly 10 mm. -Modorcbo All Mlllincr_y _ All Light Q9l_9r_cd l_`ars_ols You-I, ._._.-_.._:-.j_._____...__:._._.. FIIHNIHIIEIJ KUOMH, WITH OIL WITHOUT murd,M. No. 4:!) Princess street, Vaughn `urmcu. ' (mam AND BUARI), an wu.I.uu( HT. wnh MI modern nocommudatlon. _.___..____j__._.-_--------- Note these Special % Sale Prices for T0-MORROW, FRI- DAY, at SIEACY S. __All new goodsrfrom one quarter to one-half off regular pncps. JAB. REID. Ill Lnmnu Unnnn.1'uun-wG-$0 Prulotnn BL 'I`0Ieph0n0lI7A. Open Day uadlxhl. .--:-.j-- .-_....___- MUST Licinr `THE JAIL. T. F. HARRISON COMPANY. dertnkarn And Ifvhhnlvnnn lllll And wn men PROBABILIT at 15c, zoc and 25c, will be sold at 5c each. r 30c and 40c, your choice for IOCo U ' 1. N0. 175. .1 mu. EDITION. . BRAMI ESTATE. Kvlrnu ('\Ii` mllm I Am Ba 3. coaamr. mmnrvrnn an vnn At Half Regular Prices. WANTED. At Him Marked Prices. IARBIID. 1-. .n .. Bargain prices. nuwuuccuugnuuuuluuovvylgu Ivy no son. Lonicndnlldodhod Ioupenkqof N`ilIi&IhilI'dO0' he Allucw Ioupnnbindlon thopunhh-Aunt cnnlvluurlhpuco Iuitiuodby IInfl- n Wnina-In. V'V9"VV Q%QQQQ i+iEnuNu s j QUIIVIC -I lvvr Ibr- Kn You,Ju|y 28.-Loud Bu-ucholl. PC. 0.0.3.. lunutly lad high ducal- Iar. the bud nl British ennui:-ion to uodothodiuoucu human lb Uuipd sum and Canada. arrived in on country Iadgv an (L. Tnnhmie [nun Liv-maul wnqcoctodhonnotinoolhunnisyud wlshnouiaolnornnoo of the ruins ol njlu-nlinu WIDII W loihtlily. Ilouon 0! tin lune. ' BIRLIN, July 28.-A dupuch from Shsnghoinyuno oicinl shaman! hon PrinooH|ntyolPruIiaIn mold to tho lroooincidooiusuhi In .Phi|ippinoio- lnqdmhu boon II any, the hunt Innnonhog hcygohho o none Spnnich woman and children who were in diatnlu. Au Ida-0|-undo won Int- ohip hnpptnd Io nod I lacing- inglotho insurgents which hit without my dicnlty nridog. (In running the lrcno nu ouhido Manila two United Shiv cniun. which didnoupunh to hot. Ihonnonlol no woman and children -- QM` In-- -.AA-.- gl L---..h- -_.I Donloc Holman`: I-gugomont A1'L.u'1'.\, Um. July `. ?.-Mra. Juno: W. lioboon. mother of menu. Hob-on, of Morrirnsc fume, doniod his reputed Qn. gngomontaha rocopnion undated by the we Atlanta relic! noociuion. "I Will: you would any," lh0 doolnnd. "than all about Richmond : hing engaged in an en- tire lninuho. Inna simply gotten up lou- I nnna'.|_ HA In nor. ounundgh All " Dili T VICKI. IITIVGI II Illl CIUBKI7 gdddny on tho 'l'oIIon::ltaIn Linrbgyjml. 0 van ' on ' .. .,....'.'.'-"*`........ ...........".'.s'......*..': IJUFFI UDI John Cotton. president: of the Ottawa an company, will sail for Englnnd only non week to be nbaonb shout six weeks. He will be Accompanied by his niece, Miss Swinbnrn. ol Nowcutlo. Ooh. who camo out to Toronto for her cousin Miu Costco wedding, 3 low Inch Ago. Mia Swin- hnrn in oxpoohod ban to join her uncle on Saturday nod they will loan lot New York on Sunday morning. Above in bho outaido of our Inge Warm rooms. The inside. wo think. in worbby of In inpocoiou. und we pnrbiculnrly wish you and your friend: to remember bhnb shin in your store. no !ool iron to run in at Any bimo, to much your lriondn hero, to bring your viuibon in to no the stock. etc. Viulhorn no never urged to par- nhnn. Ill UUDIKIU lull XIII. William McBride and wile. Richmond. Que. men with An accident. at the ox ri- meuhel {Ann yoeterdsy. The horsee onhe rig in which they were seabed becnme frightened an 11 passing train and ran away. Mnend Mu. McBride. who cue eboub oixty years of age, were thrown from their earrings and received severe in- juries. They were taken no So. Luke : hoapibel. Jnhn vagina nrenirlnnh nf O-ha HM:-n U0" VUII II .ID.ZOU. There is talk hum of holding 3 gnnd conservative nlly In Ottawa in September. Ihia also aid that: ir (Ihm-In Tnnnauv IXIIJXIVIUIVU I'll], ll] UCUCWI In DOPKGHIOCT. Ibis also said that Sir Charles Tuppor will deliver I number 0! political addresses in Oobuio this full. uI:II;_... |A..n.:A-....,I _.:r- I'):-L_.___I 5|!" VV IIIIIU `.`|"l"| IX \/-HI-ll. A vory curious docnmono, which has lain pordn {or unknown you-I. bu juab boon diooovuod in the aocrobuy 0! auto : otou. The docnmono in a copy of the origlnnlgy lino for Ibo loginlaouvo unm- bly win vs: nunmogod to gun; the prlnouol Wnlol In M60. Thou no 130 names on the roll, but out ofthooo only the lolloyving ten are now living: Sonaoor Alkin, Mr. Bab . Sir John Carling. Mr. Howland, Sir Hyoctor Lsngeviu. Sir Oliver Morn, Mr. Ouineb. Mr. Piche. Col. Walker Powell ( formerly Idiubnnb-gononl ), and Hon. R. W. Scout. The pay givun wu $6 per dny. and N10 bobal um-mun of tuba roll in 8I8.`2Sli. TL..- :. Ann. L... -3 |...IA:..... _ ....__.a IIUKIUIII l5l'VlU|l- The Uabdon club modal presented to Sir Wilfrid Lourior has nnivod. In in of solid gold und nboub twice on large as an Amoricnn nilver dollar. On one side is the Cobdon prole. under which are the word: Faith, Truth, Ponce nnd Prosper- ity. On the tonne aide simply "The Cobdon Club." nod the dam 0! in organi- zation. On the rim is "Right; Honorable Sir Wilfrid Lnurlor. K C.M.U. A ..-_- ...._l;.... A ...... _; _.L:-L L__ Ilodnll To Be (liven `to Ian Serving In mama to: l'wnly.I|vo Yours. OTTAWA, July .`28.-Ib I! learned today than otiiceru, non-commissioned otcen and men of the Canndinn militia will receive long oarvioe modulo. 19 will be given to all who lnvo given bwanoy-ve years mori- borioua aarvico. TL- 1`.L.I-.. ..l..S. ._...I-l ____ _..A_..I 5- 5 The R. G: 0. Steamer "columblan" (capaclly L500), thd Finest, Largest and Only Excurnlon Stunner with tour decks on the Hver,lu available for exaursious. Address CARI`. '1`. J. CRAIG. Klngswn, Ont. I I Iaulwa Room Mouldings. Pictures. 159 Princess St.. O9OO4O60?)OO A l`|u-,re Is no doubt about It. Ask ynur (iro- cur rurn lnlr pound and you will know Um rnnnnu flllillly IOCOBOUI loI'WIll[I$COlI `lo Poll Thomnlvou by. Frontonnc Cale. open duy and niuhb. Columbinn for Brockvillo and 0gdona- burg, 9 n.m., Friday. j |Lmmmnm; Hi(.I'l.l'li'["Ar'l.l.l'(.1" .S . In Amvoa At Iov 1:3. FOR CHARTER. .:j.__- REWARYD F`on semiucs. ART S'l0RE.< ? II vsr] frames, '.\H VB 1874, T.F.HarrisonCo. LOCAL MEMORAN DA. Artists Materials, Mirrors, Kirkpahick's ? Ari Kingston, Ont. ch u --A4:-\ nnugnuuululniuupwtnw Inulu wlncu would It enjoyed by than who Ind lrkodlonhourdohipn crouioglhooeun. Annnmllvuu hrnn I nu-aha: mu. WI, T [W T IW WUUIU III-Ir counted and only occntioml dcnlict. Ihichoocldbonon by I good lookout. Tholittloluoolliuofurcuoln dir Iluitoonnualoog thin route would nothiuginoonpuncou willnho Idoty ol nvipionuad Illoponu d mind which rank] in mninvnd Iv thnh -Inn Ind XJIIQWJUIHIITIHL IKKICTIII, -' lands. an out night be On the not Iy or onward pump, staun- In ubouldgoihiny Inilulolhononh IMDY& 00] DWI H) IIIlulIIICIC'VTIy W III IOIIIHUC iony north. and (allow that parallel ol latitude nntgl lougitudo forty-noun unto ilracbod: than Ilchuhip punu tbognu circlo ooono. tithe Io Futon Back Ingm- bouu.oouIo(lulond. or lhocilly in- land; an hm; uni-In In; On tho W The main 1 proposo in an lollovnz Lan- ing New York, n coins dines from Sandy Book to loogitndooonnty wot. in latitude Inn: nnrth mm min. nun mnlm nl TCUU OI lII.`IIlI IIKTX. IIIII 1 ICE Iioninalowi Ihooogiooninlog.nndIho wcuha won be more ptopiliou for pu- vho could onjoy much oi lite on dock in I non duinblg mumor than an no-nnh IUIIUWX WUUIII IICU VwUll 'I.IIlII III?!" olfognndptobsbly noobo the noun: 0! much that lacing loot. Tho distance would not In vary Inahorislly kogtboood and on Ihoeutom ship: would have the In-unt nl uh: an I human. and no (Inlan- WOIIIG compel IUUIH U0 U0 B0. In in plain to be seen that thorn in some- thing moat un:atielactory,to lay the least, in the attention which in paid by tome nautical men to the printed notice which has appeared upon the pilot chart of the North Atlantic ocean, published by the hydrographic department 0! the United States. a number 0! yearn. with relerence to the principal eteamahip companies fol- lowing the routea which are at preeent laid down. It in well known that many of them do not follow Inch routel, but when they think proper deviate lrom them for the purpote beet known to them- Ielvee. From circnmatancee which occa- aionally occur, there in good reaeon to ena- pect that thin very important arrangement. made in the intereat ol the public and lot the ealety ol navigation. and coneented to apparently in good faith by the varinue ' partiee intereeted. receive: only a epurioue kind 0! adherence and many cl thoee who, It in thought. approved of them do not teem to coneider there in any meaning in the notice. I deeire to euggeat to the varloue ehlpplng companies and the government a paler route lor trace- Atlantic eteamere. which if adopted and followed would take ieeeele entirely clear nllnnandrnnhahlw nnnh hhn Inmnn n! WUCUUUK uuu UIKUUIIIUII U| vnuu. I cm of the opinion then it. in desirable for the new late routes ho ho ee- lected for pnerengor steamer: to end from Amaricen ports. These routes should be eamhliobod by law And adopted by the governmental! of the vuloua nntlonnlibiec, md be laid down where the learn amount: of fog would be met. Thoeo ntoemera ehonld a lhere to the routes laid down for their benet end nob doviuoe lrom them any more blnn the state of she weather would compel them to do so. Ir. in nlnin M has nmnn hlul. hhnrn in nnmn. wrocl oolnmlamoupljpruwouu w Ily . 10 in of much imporaanooho all concerned Ihaoueanen carrying a large number 0! passengers between New York and Euro- pean ports should, ll pracbicablo. braveno the Anlanhic upon Inch I.-ale oournoa that in all probabilibiu would take mom clear of the moon dangerous localitioo, and. it poa- aible, steamers should especially avold that: portion where logs are lrequonbly known no exist) and may be encountered an any time, more particularly duringfthezummer months, under certain conditions of weather und direction of wind. I -.... -1 pt... A.-..'..:,... Ozhnh is i. The Bourgogzne. it is stated, was run- ning at a very high rate of speed, whereas she should have maintained only moderate speed on account of the thick fog through which she was racing. Besides this she was a long distance out of the course laid down in the Atlantic pilot chart. The captain of the Cromartyshire considered the steamer to be 160 milea north, out of her conrae. but Capt. Smith is of opinion that the distance was not so far. Figur- ing the distance from Sandy Hook to the place oi the collision. Capt. Smith says this distance shows that the Bourgogne s average apeed [mm the time of leaving port was between sixteen and seventeen knots. The crew oi the ship is given cre- dit for doing all that was possible in the direction for survivors. Special attention is devoted in the decision of intqnational regulations for preventing collisions at sea. A number 0! which are quoted. and the wreck commissioner proceeds to say : In in nf munh imnnnannnho All imnnnrnad er. Capt. W. H. Smith. R.N.S., on the causes 0! the collision between the French steamer La Bourgogne and the British ship Croinartyshire. - Aseociated with Capt. Smith in the court of enquiry were Capt. Bloomeld Douglass, R.N.A.. and Capt. Lewis An- derson, aeseesore, both oi whom concur in thedecislou. Cipt. Henderson and the offi- cers oi the Cromartyshire are declared lree from responsibility for the disaster and their conduct alter the collision is pronounced to have been most praise- worthy. The evidence. it is asserted. was clear that the ship had been properly navigated. while the steamer instead 0! endeavoring toavoid meeting the Crom- artyshire, had apparently made no eort to do so, though it seemed certain that the ship's log horn was heard by the French oioers. VIVL... D................ in :. .a-o-.l -.. -nn, A loooulty lor llafor And llxod Bantu of Travel Whloh Utonnnhlpn should lie Oolnpollod to l`oIIow-0|plu|n And Oruw 0! Oromattnhlro Ilxonorutl In-om IIlnmo-lA Bontgoguc-.0nt 01 Her Oonne. Wu Baolng lhrongh Atlantic Fog. HALIFAX. N.S., July 28.-'l`bo rookie!!- neaa wihh which many {uh oootn linen race bhrough Atzlnnbic log banks and aha neceeniby for color And xed routes of bra- vol which sbeamahipo should be compelled ho follow, are objecbc which were dincus- aed at length in who decision rendered to- day by the government: wreck communion- r. lug. Speelal Values in Blouse Welsts. Special Values in Corsets. [CAUSE IJF LATE Clll.|.|Sll]N. DECISION RENDQRED BY THE WRECK COMMISSIONER. Rccklcssncss 0| Spccd Results! In Disaster. ITRIIVEI. [IN IHE [|EEN. KINGSTON. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1898. duoon7. uBumo1;ou.-us. National IuIo-AI Louinilh 14; 8:. LoIiI.2. Alhchbug I;-Clovntl. AI Wnnlniin llrjnllz vn|..|.|..:.a.;. pruuuulluu III 301:: "rl'0IIlDllIIll III! bun carried in four pa-ovinou ulnodv. and ptobohly when tho `gnnonl plebiscite in Inkooono ortwoothon willptooouuooin favor ol it. Quboc and British Oolunbig no the doubslul provincu. Mr. Footer dad not can to spank of Mr. Button : in- brior policy pt panel. In Ill jut in its inception. humid, And be win willing to abide nnlh bu(aI'IcriIioising.bavingno claim to In Inuit. . On the utnm oi the gonrnor-pots] nndladyAbdooo Pacic cont. 5 public ncnpIpou' vi undated than on sin city ban. A , ?.'.'a:';..`.'u-`v.-...' )1 1;; (Quid pin) udhg I; Phihhl nwswulu Iovnloa Iuvulor Illtittt thiaonoing. H0 in mach into:-noted in mining and nyu his innotnonh to fur bamboo voty ouiolutory. Tslki ol prohlbioion ho acid: "Prohibmonniu 1 nnrrinrl in (Ann haunting... gl-..A- -...I GENUINE BARGAINS gl Wlsnurm, July 28.-;-Hon. Goorgo E. Foutc inin Iovnsod loualor Ihowut this gunning II: in -`nah :..L.-..A.4I :_ IIIXIU I. nu,-[our `TI IllU,'nVC $100!. Ilia lath: Marshall. Oogoodo town- Ihip. mining (or Ionnl dnyo, committed onicido by hmging bond! to I trot with I rope undo of bands: wins She wu about bwonly-dghoyouo at up and ex- potioncud Gun 0! molmcholy mac: n bro- Lbot wu mnovod to Broclvillo uylum nbouhyou ago. U! I IVO- A null at nnrvoyorn are buy at Quant- lon, taking meuuromonh tor the new bridgoto be created. The old cablonon Ibo Amoriun aide hnvo boon droppod into aha river. and about on the Canadian ride will onto I tumble noon. A Il.'..L;_-.. H._n..I g_-:_ --__:-.| ;zn -_ Wlll I-IU I LIIIIIUIU -Klo A Michigan Uooml tnin oaniod 450 01- cunionintn Iron: London And so. Thomas no Niagsn on Wodocnduy In 129 minutes. I distance of I15 mils. The tnin con- tinued 01 too cum, And mile slur mile In made in fty-four nod ny-ve seconds. Ilia: rth: Mnrlll. Oponndn Enwn. cull. an mane: ox mnwer mu be nnnalea. Robert Taylor. poeunuter ol Scans, county Down, Ireland. in dead. Hie age in oicielly givonu ll9 years, but in is believed that be we: ll old 50 I30 yarn. He served in oho infsnory in the rebellion of I798. A -A-lI' .1 .._._._A__ -_- L__,_ -. t\_,_ ,- WII lllI(.IU4'_`lUIUII ll BIIIIICIUUIJ nouiu A conbnco has been made with tho Bon- noua lake nnvigsuion company, Vicboriu, for the cuttings of Canudinn and United Santos mail: bobwooo Boone and Daw- son. All chum of mnboor will be handled. Rah.-n 'l`--I.~.- n.~..o-.\--s-- .1 |:.._.- yll UIUUIIKIC uguuug PIILID. Mr. Black, lute superintendent of the Brnntford carriage hcuory. hn inobrumod his solicitor: to one action with rolotouoo to his recent: dismissal. which he claims wu mndoquinhonh auiciouh notice. A nnnhuonh In. In... -...I. .453. -L- 1)-- WIII IIKUII I'l'("JVUTn The town council of Barrio, Out, on Tuesday passed 3 by-luv nunbonzmg the sale of debentures nmounoing to 835,000, to be used in the inaullaciou of I munici- pal electric lighting piano. Mr. Hlnrk. lnta annarinhamdnnh nl thn On Wednesday Ellen Snider, a little Toronbo bob ol own And a-ball years. drunk I quantiny of eye-wash, not knowing who ll: wu. She is in a critical condition, but will likely rv.-cover. Thn I.nI'n nnnnml nl Rnn-In nm. nn EMU HIOI-IIUCI IUVIIK II 5 HO WIII KWUVUr- Ab Luke Moqxunic on Friday mugiabrnto Mulvom ned nix inbnbitanba 0! than county 340 and coats each. or three months in jail, {or killing deer out: of sea- Inn Nnw Dress Goods Showing. New Dress Trimmings Showing. Nnw Ribbons and Vnllings Show- John Chi vane, Brantlord. no I done of catholic acid in miapke for anchor modi- cino. He is null an the had 0! the living. and medical advice nya ho will recover. Ah Lulu: Mnunnllin nn Fl-idnv rnnnintrntn nmgauon ponlnonnnry xor nurgkzry. Iuu u1Iu w - ounmo mu-nu". June: Dan y and J. H. Bhovona were on Tnuradny sunbouood by judge Hughes. 80. Thom:-. to seven years each in the Kingaoon penitentiary for burg`lzry. John Chivnnn_ Rrnntlnrrl, M. n rlnm nl IIIDIDIBIBQ WGFO OBIOIKOCI. J oooph Gerud, I odoovontoon. thumpe- od to rob his amp oyor iu Montreal Int night and when ought draw a revolver nnd LI-ind tn ommlh mm-du-_ IIUUU KUIKIII llllllo J. W. Chisholm in in Winnipeg from the Yukon. Ho nya judge Moulru amo- od out from Dawson Unby on June `I8bh by way of Sn. Michaela. In nnmlltnn Wndnnnnu Hun Inulnun I-0- mguu auu wrou uauguu urull and triad to onmib murder. 1...... 15.... ......I I u an WI] UI DU. $lCnIOlI. In Hamilton Wednendey she by-luv rc- gerding extension of ebroeb reilwe Iren- ohiee wee carried. The other two y-[ewe submitted were defeated. Tnggnl. {1-...-.l -....l ..--..A..-.. -AL-_.-A UIIIEIV DUI Illlllllllry Ul IIUU Dlpullll Uulllll. Queen Liliuokelani.Honolulu,ie suffering from A canoe: on the right side of the neck over the jugular. She can live but a short. mime. DALAIIJ..- 2.. I(._-_...G.' . _ _ . .1--- {VL.'_- I uuuru uuuu. Rebellion in Kwnng Si province. China, in practically ended. The clay ol Knngun has been captured by the govornmonc and 1.000 rebel: slain. .1 I Dkl-Lnlm in in Ii--`In... 0--.... IUTIIIUU Ilu'lU QIIIUTIUIH I058`-Ian R. Barry Smith, who formerly practiced law in Moucton. N.B . has decided 00 enter the ministry ol who Bnphiau church. Uunan LiIinnknlnni.HnnnInln in nnm-inn The Bploo ol `rho Ilornlng Papers and the [Atoll Doupntohu. The Miohlgnn Ind Wisconsin newspaper doiogatal reached Vancouver, B Q, Int night). A hm-In hnlnnaina tn nnnhrnnhnr ("mu-I-mu; has become celebrated because we are giving