VVIXLQ. unis? q0I';n:i-`y`in thitwgy Vii . I B 9! and S` . won-I lrqnlnllul umwnotua Inc mower. Henry Oonhor in bone for tho holidays. -0 local 0 no tniuing daily for hbonou on qua: sch Mr. and Mn. `noun Sprmld opun Sundc with mend- n I`-Ila-prim -hank Ma y and Min oponl sum: as J. llulya.--,Llts. Jmu omnaold. ammo. so viemng uj mnunon.....m. L... Iy.....u.... 32.... auuu unnnua. Toronto. to vidtjhg 3| CIIo GOIIg0 with hot brother. Hoary Shook -'4tnnl of ouryou tolt not in in km social at Cahnqnl at night- R. II`. Robson. rib and dancing. an Inn Iuuu uualsnqu Int night-- Robeson. and dnuthhr. opoollvdaynllu-acorn visiting in our vil --|liII Ilebonnld. Ouun. mm at num. Bxrxursuog J 3,- 13,...` - uidnoHnncn;.gop is not as g : Inn upwind. in am it i Mr.-4o.o fu-mun Lu-inn n hm. u....'.... .1 1.-- L-.l mull rumunrn u I once. Marlo aunt. l`. C(NW:\\'. Ash. non. Pun A: uu .---r. nuwnrqu nll [DIITIIQII I ll bi ct.--~Ac (I. Sumdorcock wan passing one a hot`: new with Mo Inovnr the homes bacon: frighuuod nmlwnohd hie --llnnn no.m..- in Inn-A 0.. um. Inna... -_.._.;- R0(`Kl`0R'I`, July 25-Rev. Dr. Elton, Now York. has bought tho head of Star island lrom Charla bormull and is going to build and improve it no ones. A num I bar of Free Masons from hon nctonrlod the funeral of R L. Booth at Malloryrown Sunduy afternoon. The sympathy of who nurroundinq community in extondod to the hunily.-l)r. Egbert: Lo Fevri. New York. has purchuod I polnt. just up oho rlvor from Rochporb, of H. W. Edgley and in- tends building thereon.-- Visitors: Min Rnth Palmer. Woll`o lulnnd. no Minn Ethel Sbovonk; Min: 1. Lone . Uanunoque. to J. Cool`:-: Mica l-Iahllo uoll. Poole ! Ro- uort. nu J. l)ichy'n; Mn. (`-odhin. Toronro, in npondl 3 few weeks with her son, E. Godkln.-- rn. William; Panic : R.-um a. II llpiuul I IUW 1319!! mm (I0? E. Godkin.--lm. Williams. Pooh : Rooorlnia the gun: of her mm:-. Mrs. R. Williams, for A fur days. WIm~unom:. July 97.--Conu'nuod dry washer is having 1 bad clinch on tho Inn cm --Mr. Edwards has pun-had I 00" .--An (3. Rnundnnsmvh run .....a.... H.u.I.In/nix` (_`m.\nns, July I5 ---llar- vesting he: already commenced in this locality. Owing to the dry weather berries ere nob plentifnI...-Honey chi. gear in and to he very plentiful. Thoee who have bees will reap an abundant. cxop.- -About two weoke ago a hear was seen in this vicinity. The appearance of hruin oauoed not. A limo consternation among the people. -- The weather has been very dry, and in conse- quence the min and root crops have been eulfering. hie week : rain WM badly nee~ded.-Charlea Tryon is home on |\ visit. this week.--Mre. J. Knapp ie on a visit bu Bu-ockvi|le.--Mr. and Mn. Payne. xiamng friend: Around hen lot the pane week, re turned to their home in Almonbe on Mon day.-Jamen Brown came home to see his mothenwho in very poorly. AI.I.I:N, July :55 -Tho oxcoaaivo dry wotthor bu had I had other: on the grain. pnturoe And vogoubloc. but bhe min last: evening was a grant: benefit for niacin.- Farmer: have niahud buying and some have begun hu'vubing.--E. Payne and F. Woodman have pnrchucd new bindoro.- Barrio: nu Icarus --t.iuito in number from hon ubtondod who pilarimqre (:0 Sb. Anne do Bonpreon July ma +Viuibon : Min .100 Muhonoy. Rochester. is vinibing bar brother. J. Mulroney: Min Uecilin La Fleur. Chicago. is home on n vioio be her parents: the intend: leaving on Friday [or Ohiongo. In. F. McAvoy. Wabortown. in viaitinn her mother. Mrs. T. Mchnnell. W. H. Kivoil,Kingstou, in visiting :0 John Hogufa. JU lllUlIU."VllIl0UI'N I El`. Illrl Dlrl. [V8110 Fraser it George Loon on Fridny night; Joseph Lucas and wile with Manda an Moscow on Sunday. M/u-me LANE, July 2:: --Tbelong-look ed-for min um came on Saturday last: he: brightened the proopocna of farmers very much --HurtmI\n E. Snyder : horee ran ewey Ieeh weehdemoliahiug the hungry ton green oxtenb.-On Friday nighh Var ton I). Snyder entertained at hie homo, Mn le Lawn. e number 0! his rung frion a. After rofreehmentm. plays 0 vari- om kinda were lndulged in. also some very fine eelecnone of vocel end inebrumenlel mueic. All exproeeed themselves at being more then leeeed with than evening : en- joymenh.- ieiborn: Mr. and Mn. Ieenc F`:-near eh (lane-nu I nnn. An II`:-(an ninin. WA.~uiiivn.\', Jul 27 -~ Farmers are l through buying --l anlel Smith has pur- chugd oheuloop Rover. - lnclnnlaber (llonn had I diver engagod repairing the i-luicea. --Mra. Tolnnd spam`. Sunday with friends in Kingston V ~l)r. Mundell. Kinca- tou, in visiting Joseph Mundoll -\1ra. Mullen and fnmily, Bumilo. N.\'., are viaihing her aunt. Mrs. William Glenn.- Tbe Mines Dempsey. Cislabogio, are main. inn lrionde in this vlcinioy.~Miu Kano Mcllroom has returned home units; 3 ml- ing three weeks At: Weatport. v-M|au ntio Olen bu mourned ho her home ufbor spend my I week wlhh lrionils in Kingston. u-?`I--2 ' Mnummnn. July 25 -Miu Colin Dono- van, Moorotown, wan vloibing friends bore me weok.-Miu W. Allan. Loncdowno. apono Bundsy oho guano of Mine: Mcliu . --Min Non Donovan wu nucoeacful n pulling the public school leaving cumin I.lon.--Mn. Amos Glue In fully rtcovored from but roooub illnau -Miun B. Ford. Llnadowno, Ipenh Sunday with friends here --Hnying is nearly ninhod and har- vouoing has commenced. Tho hay crop wn excellent and the grain crop also good. bub rain is badly noodod.-Mru. Hugh Smibh.Toronto. paid a min with relative: in this motion. \V'Nl` Hupvl .\|umn~nl .. Pmerhum . 'I\mu|l0. . .. u. ..nn. A1.1*IIom~n. July 26 --Rev. Mr. Currie, Perth. oxohenged ulpiou herewith Rev. Mr. Bennebh lath Begbem -Deolen Bedour, who he: spent some time in Brmah Col- umbie and elsewhere. returned home Inch week and paid I ying view to friend: here.--Min L`n`e Menziee, Wescgnorv, pent Sunday ab home -J. Munroe. eth- hurnu. visited here.-J. MoOerd|e wheeled to Perth Saturday evenin --J. Jtolmen Elliott visited friend: are -~.\lr. and Mrs. J. Ervin spent: e couple of day: visit- ing to Salem Inn week. .._-..-._. rho IVGOI of tho '0! Thai 0300!! tho l Iuldonu oi Ibo Ildhuad Din:-Iot- muo Inc:-you Iloiloo. And Inch mom. 1 H81 Onn llnd lolnothlng of lawful. ` P1-nrrn. July 27.-A (run many no no ' Olivora Fort And Chrmtoh Luke cam mg gm now.-- alk of who electric nllron ho- mnon Perth nd Lumrk It being rammed. The bylaw Ill be again votod on in Porlh on Augulh 5`.h.--The large 0. P R. non- ducobns` picnic, will bvhold In Perth on August 1521!. [mEfoiWsi1fr mm ` --v- WHAT OUR INDUITRIOUI STAFF OF OORREOPONDENTO WRITE. noun a. :1. parts; V103 WQIIIIIIO. Piob"o.~nl'. A.IAIu'o;I1\u|dIi1 8|-on). Ncilwi. u Coup Want : John Wiann. Yukon -0 Retort Bum Rand...` K:_..A._ nnH`n,- IIinn- -5 n II: lord aulluan. uooutu. I tho` guonoolllinnlanch lohruoouplo chunks. Vidlonx It ,King~ IbII.__n 8. D. Chrkb; Viobt clinic. Piano; ` n D. A. 2.5..-.. u. ....| in... Quuugwi cuuu ul uullll JOITIIII VII uric nwiuh Ihnl toll diuuo Ii halo:-i:. vb` elniuodlh victim in no Rye ill- noun. Tholitthcuo was inhrnd insho Wileoonnohry on Friday Inc. In T. N . (hr. Trnon. At Gannon I`..-nu. am an ,uuuuo. I aqua. nunu with Hour. In ` k Dom {van `n Ilium: Annie nd Edith Wood, utnotnt. llama! and lint J. G. Hoary-II -new-3. hump 5 Hum. Hannnn visitors 3! him lhph-chin`; auI\v|Il\l.... .. v - upovlnl low rules In ulhor palm.-4 on nppllvm II. I` Npmlul nxlnval mu-.~ lu wmnlpeg \-|m)m~u mum! mu! Iaxkv Rnm.-. ' l'Iuln|m\\naI:-.-u-nnu Klmnum. ml II-Sllgun an nunry Hsn..uro visitors him. ngbygu nu nanny. : llIul`onl_ CITIIII l_)1: Ihcnnonrol. 0m;\VA. July 2% -Death has again vioibod our village. On Tuudlv `last the i youugut child of John Iorlon wn ntrieknn Di` that fall rlinnnnn tlinhmhg-in WIIKKIPIHK UUIIKII. On Sunday, July l'.'nb. the spirit of Mn. E. Abumn, wife of Wiliun Abremv. lpasaod over the river to enter into its oernal rent, at the edvenced ego of abby- four yesre. Mn. Abume we: the daugh- ter 0! the lete W. R. Key end wee born In Hull. En lend. For the lee! few month: the life 0 domaeod wen doepsired of. She received: stroke 0! parelyuie early in the wiuber. perelyaing her tongue and render inn her nn\ble be ever e tingle sentence On Thursday Oh! roveived enorber be! re mining eouaicuom-new the reeumod her eceuecomed place It the able. The end oune peacefully end tho med any witlmnu l -snuggle. or funerel ocmured Tueedey week to the Methodist church end an conducted by the Rev. Mr. Stafford. who punched e pnctieel ee well an e very impreeeive ter- non. The alter opece wee filled with choice owers. hliagee end eve:-groom. very tutetnllv unused 5 line K mebeue. Mrs. Abnmabetl I reci- A--.e at nu. .im`-silo {no phi. ....... ...... ulilllllu. mu. .-\urlIn!'IlIl I13] I I?!- dont of this vicinity for thirty-new-n your-. md was held in on-mom by the wholo mm- munity. Dentin 0! Ira. Illllnm Alulllll-UIIIII` Du- trlot lulu. \`in~.n:~w\, July 20 -Tlio rain on Solar` lay wro mono acceptable. Gordon: are very much in nood ol more rain. Hnying in nearly completed and is bound in ox- cellenc condition. Considerable grain in harvested. Dr. Moles left for Arnprior on Monduy. He had worked up I good practico hero. and his many friends rogreh very much his lonvin . Fred die Randall and Jennie {udbrook pm-ed the entrance exuninntion an Slur bob l.-iko. Those who wrote Ma tho Syd- onham exnminuiono nompluin ol the anth- mohic paper: being rather diflirulr; the man of the papers on the whole won very hurl Joseph Walla nnd wile. .\linnoaobn. after an absence of nix your. are visiting friends lforo. S. B Peters and inter. W ii (on. were callers no W. A. Grant`-n. Sun- diy. Miss Florence Bond. New York. is the guano of Mrs. Dr. Cluton. Mrs. R. lhvidu-on and family, Kingston. ooconipnmiod In` her sister. Mice Wuhan. are coming at Fourteen Island Like. An- other party in noon to join them and apond a wool: nmonq the iolnudo. A. Junlnc in chnnging the ngpounnco of his honao con- siderably. B. urphy is doing the point my. Anumhor of children are ill with whooping cough. On Rundnl Jnlr l'.'ih. Izhn nnirit of Mn. QUVIIUTVIIIO, JUIUIIIU. Wlll VIIIU HUI` IIUPIIUW` J. V. Craig. Mississippi, for a four day: upou her return from A trip to So. Anne dc Bouupre. und will be accompanied by her dnugntor. Mina Blanche Somervillo --Miap Hannah Rocho and Frederick Doyo won. unborn sumo ago. united in mun-ingo.- Mn. Dr. Charo. Minnesota. is coming out on: tour through Cunudn und will Ipend A few days with her brother, J. V. Craig, Miuiuippi. x---~ --------- l\l|-~u.u.-n-rl, July `26 --Llhl.|o Mina Ethel Umlg.romdung in Turonto, hm returned home on A two months min to her pa ram: and la accompanied with her cousin, Miss Murio Somervillo. Tonm.o.-'.l`wo hoav Min hlla occurred here on Snturduy and Iunday ovonlnga.-Fnrmora no bun) bringing in the h|y- Min Balls Guy. Perth, in visiting friends In Munlsslp i.-~ The Mluoe Ilunb are vlaihlng Men 3 In this viclniby. Miss Maggie Hunt: will be remembered as I former teacher in the village of Mineisaippi. -\lra. J. Murray Somervillo. Toronto. will min her nephew. J V (Train Minninninni fnr n Inn: dnvn l[llllnUI"l3 Will IIFIICK` UKWIIIIIK IIH 19 in two plucoe. Airs. John Jnokeon I: quite ill; wohopo she will recover soon.- Viuitoraz Mire M. Hunter 30 H. W. Swnotrm\n's : Mr. Mchougnl M: R. Oon um-`v; Miss Moore nu F. Baboe'r. I ll )0l`, wnere DIN` DMI WK! Blllu 0|ll~ ivg tho baby. lb struck her feet, bpxo her mean to pieces and can one (ooh uvoroly. wlnlo the other one wad nob cub no bnu Both loot. were blnckanod on the bottom and the baby has one black npob on the bottom of one foot. Mr. Ball, nitmlng back from her, was nhoclnd. S. Swab- umn a horse was otruck. breaking in: log in turn nlnnnn, W\ln_ Jnhn Jnnknnn 1. \ nnN.\cnxn. July 26 --The wuthor in very hoo.~Al`ho lightning` lash Tuouday went: down the mm pe of Slmon Ball`:- houae. hunting an inn of the pint. AM ammo out bhrough the hobbom link, hhon wont into the wainanohing. alivoring Imam on down through the lloor And came up or me other side of bho above through the H where Mrs Ball was standing hold~ | inn vlm lmluv In -rrm-In bum Inch, hnnt Imr .-mum! an-I lulu` ltnm--. ' luluu | NII'.-will` Klnxulun M ll:.`lHs.m. ar- rlwln U MVIIM I:. I;\.m.: Ixvmrmnumn. ' I\bI'\|IIlM6t~`I`[\|l\.;\'lI|1`Ilx\|l0I\.lIl.; lhmuu ' m.'&. John N.IL,I nu ' `uh nnrnmuinrn Al .s 58, um n n I -n..s.a Dmn CRREK. July 25.--Owing to the lute trash and continued dry weather. com and pmoou will ho a light: crop.- Buuh than no raglnp on all side: at no. Christopher Loyao has lost: his noun as a result: of nmo.--Soovel Poooroon hat the job of building 3 nnw bridge in plnoo of uhe one than was burnod down I few dayl- ago near Crou lako.--Ohuloy Ponny hm- low In; house and con sent: by ao.-- Everyhhing i- horrible dry. No rnln since- June 25t.h.-Rlchud Lnnboo John Ar? nay. Jamel Wu-0 and Goorgo kellor. jr.. have gone over bo Uncle Sam : domain Lo work in hnrvoatm-S. Camp but the con tract of painting`: houoo for 3. Aloxnnder, Arden.- -'I`l:ero will be no bottled hem bhio rummor of In kind; the low that oncnpod the from and ry wonthor lnvo been con aumod biy ro.-Anot.hor addition to tho I ..... D....l.-.. Ylgn-. (H. n luau .I.. A UUIDOQ Dz nru.--nnuI.u0I' IUUICIUII I falmlly o _Roubon Dollno; in : a boy. --urn. Aronlnllu nl'Il'l)lI IIII l'Ilul'l'lIIl II for -9 din: by days no Thouqand I6- hnd arb.-Mlu Run Harpoll n" bodd rponding n {In do): with friend! II Piou- burg. Mr and Mn. James Cook; are it homo after u ndlng at"! day; at Sun- zarvlllo and olby.-Mr. and Mn. R. I) Mu-Mn, Winnipeg. Icoompanlqd by Mn. Sidney Mnbin and son Hnrold. Switmr ville. undo nu nuhorb vim to-duy.-Tho hlondl ol the law John HM-her an sorry to but of his domI|o.-8omo ot the young people from hon attended who Inn puny as Onnnqui In conneobion with tho Metho- d in church. IIIIOIIS DVI DXB UIIIIII W. I UK lull to him don not amount so much. I nth nu tor Mn honey}: lb honoglnkoi. --Mn. Arohlbnld Knight: bu nlurnod :1 Dan ..n-ulinn I la! dnvn Ah Thnnund IA. man; his boat. Unllh noun. `A hot mo in Mm than not Alnnnnh to much. I QERONA VIEWS. " Fritz-Row `old am yon? ' CuI-l`m 9. Raw old as 90! }\'itx-l`In 10. I would bl II. but I warn: 0 whole nu-I-Unnn acou- "YDII Ill" 80 K} )'UUl' IICEK. Tho next day an ``Ad." appeared in the papers for an oxporinncod chlol clvrk. and thvru In M. lN|.st- nnn man who soon no job In the Innllm-.--.\'o\v Yurk World. I _Young mum. no trmlnn. Toll me the truth or I'll dlsvlmnw you an (M spot!" I Inl vnn tho M-nth uh I -uni. In Vlolurln .... \'um-cvuwr . (I'lIlll UI` I ll \lIb1`lIl\l'KV` yll Ull IHU Ill!!! ``I told you the truth. ulr. I wont to the fun`ml. It ynu want me to I'll bring mu mother around Iomormr and nhow you the undcrtakofu bill. sir. Il)(|"- '*Thn|`II nln" n-hl (Inn Inna: nIn-Iw A--I-l--vr -- Nuvrr mind nmv. alr." mmlnuod tho boss. Then turning to Tummy ho mid: .\'nw. young man. I:-ll mo dlruotly whom wow you ymtnnlny nfturnoom" I an: Inn In nnv nrnnallnnlhnl-'1 fun :-nl Will`-IT` \\'I)lTV yll )'1`H"`l`|lI)' l|lKlYl'lI(XJIIf "I was up to my pmndInot.hnr`n fun I'|I. I nvvcr said I wont to tho buobuu guns. I". (nun 17 FY`) By I|(|.ll`p(|lI llll` - \\'hM. you llttlo hnpum-r!" ("rind the chlrf ulork In I mam "Didn't I an; yuu at Iho Polo mmmdn _\'mh\r"-- Il.\ :Q.\r\Iu\4l .u|un~k Hnuun nnrl MI! `III `In I5 I IN` l'UIU KIWHIIIIII _\'l'HIl\l' '- Nu smpp:\ Hwm and hlh his Hp. Tlm boss glam! um hhn angrily nnd mud: ' ` Mr. Gowwklo. I though! you lvft on an ument msv. You won up to tho buo- bnll game your-sol! then. sir?" *`I...l_nr"._|nnIl.unu'l lhn nhlnf nlnri my. "You left at About 1 :30, I bo1lovo,"nId ho crnftlly. "Yen. slr." - "Um. them In time for the BMI1 thou. I Iuppom," ho conunuod ruthor nbsenmly. Y yrs, air." "Good! You didn't miss the `int. In~ nlng (hon. My, that was an oxrltlnn In- ning, though! Wnsn`t- than home run a hmnmcr. though, and that thrro bugger In thn ninth, hey? That was tho In-at play Fro soon In 83 lung tlmo, nml"- "l__I Ann`! Inst nnrlnvulnnd In-nl all I I VI` soon Ill 8 IDDR IIYIII`, uuu - l-l dun`: just nndvn-rand you, sir. I didn't svo any hzuqbull gmu:-"- ~-\\'Imo. 1-nu IIMIA hnnnl!nr|" IVPINI Hun IHO H Hu(`l'U(IKPl' I Ulll. ill". lull *' "Thut.'ll do, and tho boas clowly.` "yon Inn so toynur desk." Tim nnvt dnv an "Ad " Anrnnnud In (ha IUUI l|l`l' U |lllll'l'l. Ila! Sumo old grnndnmthor story! Did you permit. him in louver" Yon. nlr. lint. l (lid so that I could qumtiun him toduy in your pivusunno nud catch mm in the no right before you and so humiliate him imingly. Oh, I have it 1 all plcuumd uln-mlyl I thought. ii. would ` be :1 good joke. Ha. ha!" Yon: no it won d! Very wuli. you"- ' lint jun: than Imy eutorod with tho no gloomy Mr is his mp in his hand. .7`Liood morning, `ommy!" sold the /6095. ` `Como hum A moment. Mr. (lo- wm-klo informs mo that you were not born )'06iI`hll\}' l|lN`l`llu0lf`. ' ' Yrs. air." was tho lnooniu mply. "EI~-w(-nt to your grumlmuthl-r's fu- nornl." auggoawd the chief clerk, nudging the boss. You-2. sir." Tho boss manly smiled and nllnwod the bmming uowuokio to continue with Tom- In!` 'K'll(`QI No, sir, uxoept that I loft. the onion at him on a wry urgonm man than omno up D) the morning. nnd--<~r-'(`mnmy nskod ` for tho afternoon of) to utmnd his grand- mutlu-r`a funornl, " III]- I KM.-A ..I.I -_a--os.I-\`.\Ol..un -OA--I `l`l\v-mm .... .) I'm`um\u|, Hw Hun Frum-Isvn, 1`nI. \ HL l`m1l . . ; !\I'r. (lnwmklo." said t_ho boss, "was thnro nnythlng now ymcvrdny In my ab~ Kenny?" H \ln n`h nvnnnt that I Inf}, flan nhux nh I HUI! yUll ll PEU lll! llllll This qulnml lnM\ N".l cnnsidnrnbly, and for I110 rust, of the (lay buvm-as was re- nmvml with doubled vlgnr at um prospect nf tho fun fhn (-hlvf clerk hllkl plunnod K)!` tho nut, (II\_\'` I h`.....Iu 9...: unaunulnn !|uu Ian-n n`\In. -ulb 1 l[llV lll'lb UH)" Early nvxt mornlnn the bong, ohlof clerk and his nsnlsulnts wum haul in work again. -`\lr llnu-nnl.-In" nnhl thn hnnn "urn: nrll. Iluuu II vuvvn lll|.ID\4Ul\l\I uuu VI tho cl:-rku. Yon. lndoml l" nnswnrod the clllef clerk. ` "I'm up to that H-lck, though. I let him l go anyway so than I can huul hlm ovnr the rouls tomnrrnw when the boss in how. 'l`hon you'll see the fun!" 'l`lu|u nnlnfml vnntrmw nnnszlclnrnhlv and XII INIBHUBHIUII I'Ul|l lll Ill DUI ll ZIUUIUDH UURIUC Well. Tommy. I'll porllt you Do lmvo today inasmuch as ycurm-nmlunothnr died, but don`t. lot. It happen (xx.-xln--nr- mthcr-bo hvm early tomorrow mm-n!ng." In nn Inatnnt tho door slmmuod shut. and l`umm_v was gone. |'\\'nIl Ohnu nhnnl.-"' nnunnul nun A. llUI' lllll FBI. Fora momeno bmlneu caused In the onion and tho now ntlloo boy mu t,ho cen- ter of attraction. The chief clerk dropped Mu pen, txvh-led around in ma mkxlvlng chair and with a vent grin smrod at the boy. The` ualutant clerks stared u-innuo at each other. and more than one com- ment was made on the boy's connummah check and the anticipated bnsaball game. Hnwnvmx tlm chief nlnrk nmnuulnu his GHUUK unu ll! IIHVHJIPILUII Ul|'JL`lX(I Wue. However, the chlet clerk mxnuulng his self pns.~msalon rupllod nit-at n imdochuuklo: \Vnll Tnmmv. I'll hm-ntlt. vnu rn Innvn ponuu: "Homo. Mr. Goweoklo. may I go home? My grandmother died and I wnuwr go tor her l'un'r ." II`,._- .....-mg.-`A `\unl-Ann ...._.....I l_ `L- U0 Q?nWl'\Il Klllllllly. Ullp III llllu. Plano. Mr. Gowooklo." he sold. nd- rlmsxlng tho cbfd olurlx. "pious, Mr. (30- woekln. may I go home?" No nnn lmndnd his Innrlnnt rannnnf. -nal \VI|l UUH], Iilll Ivllll UIIIUI UIUTK UBIIF euuurly over Mr: desk writing vigorously. Pru- rnrly the door opened and who `now amo- boy entered gloomlly. (mp in mud. Plnnnn Mr nlmnlxla," hn nnlrl ml. 1 Inn lPullw'Isl`\ Mlnmmpulln . DuIuI.h.... . . \\':wl` Hum-rlu WXKIU; WI] 1 EU IIUIIIUU No one hooded Mn modest request, and lo mpontnd: `-I-VImum_ Mr nwnnl.-In mnv T on hnmni Business was runhlng. Tho boss was out. nnd the tablet clerk. who omolatod ln hls absence. had exp:-euad hln lintontflon at leaving lmmodlmely after lunch on urgent bu-alncns. Every one In the apnoluua oflloo ` mu busy, and tho ohlot clerk bent eagerly nvnI\ hlu dmk wrltlna vlnnrmnlv Dun. lt Poll motullyco the Ground locum: tho Youth Wu Not tho Bahama: u Othu-`Doomed Elm. sud. Altar ruling. ooollod on tho nmorlnrl llollla A JOKE f./[HAWT FAILEI3 THE CHIEF cunws `rm: son THI ` orncz npv. II KIIIHU "|llII'BII IlIl`lI. NIT. *`I--l~--r"--mlm4~nvd lhn chlof clcrl, _I_I_..n|-"... nuuy wu.-v mun-. `Well. that's cheek-"' nmttorod one of . nl..u-Iv 4 one You nun Count. {ELLIOTT ; F UV!" Special Reducgu" Pies air the balagmfe of the season while our present stock laistswu Hus! HhHl"I`el'- ('hm\\nl and Only l)lr\~-~! I Iuu.m}.muv.-\>i.\1nA. Nul{'l`H\VI~H'l`.BRl- TIHII l`0l.U.\lulA and the \'Ul(|.).\` U(zl.l> Fl EIJIS. . Nu lelhnnn 1.:-mnnfwu or vuulnlnd lmuhlen. , I-`m~1`u|nnInI Sllep.-urn. I-`lm-ul'l`m1rlnl Hl1`1p~ vru xkml First-(`lu.~u aloepnru nlmcln-d In all l`m-\llol`un.~I lraslnu. I CU'I`\RATE8. . . . . . . . _ . . ' 69 ahd 7] Brock_ Street. Oil Stoyhes, A Rf`pigePaLd.1`S. Clean Home Dyeing IGE GREAM FREEZERS, `CH LORODYN E- 1ll`lIh(`l`:||:-l_\` unlmv. \\'hlvl1lu' n` |\`HI`II In my Iuul hwn uwnrn h-Hn` Tlmmn. .ml_v llllll. llll. Su|1llHlmlllI`~x\l l.~. I3-L, 2., L. 49; ml.. mul ll.~. mu-In. Suite in at-Imlno w|lhnul- the wmd "Dr. .I. (`n|||.-A Ih~.m~n.-*.- |`lI|nrnd_\'nI"` on umuuwnnnml .\'luIn|-. Iiwlwtlwllulnx Medical 'l\n`.i muny lI(`|`IllI|1I|I||v.~4 mu-h lmule. :-k.u.Ic .\l.\xur`.u"rm:m|x-.l. T. l)AVENl`UR'l`_ 3&3 urml` Ruuuoll uh. llloomlbury. Inndon. Eng. MCKELVEY & BIRCE1, Sold Wholesale by the Proprietors ` Worcester : Crosse ac Blackwell. Ltd.. London; and Export Oumen generally. AGENTS: J. M. Douglas & Go. and C. E. Coloon & Sou, Mon!-maul. mum IA8'l'. nomu wlum I N3. 2 Exupmsa 2:25 mm. N0. :3 Exkresn 1:3) tun II 12:06 p.m. " 5 2`)-'$a.uu ~ I " l:06 p.m. " 3 9: 0mm | " H " 6:45p.m. " " 18:. pm ` Nun I 2 snuul 1 daily. "1 " l:06p.m Nu. dnfly uxoupl. Mumlay. " ll) Mlxod 8:|Bp.m MI ouu.-r trulnu dull axm-pt Bumkxgi `lmr uoxou, ruervnt on or space! upon. I Uu `hp J. P. IIANLEY. AGENT. Clw Puaour Huu.mn,Cornor Johnston and 5 _ ommwutmu , _ I ouvrunm wnxppnn of-every Bottle of the A 4 . ORIGINAL 'YYORCESTg`RSliIRE DR. J. coL.L1s EiRO\]\iiV_i=:' RITA! L IVIRYWHIRI. $1` r='r:rTcJ.a Str-0:91"-V"`: xf-I THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE ( In mlmmwl h_\' tho prnrovudnn to he the mom won la-rful uml vnlunlmw nmwtly owr ullmoverod. CHLORODYNE `.:.:::::.::?::.r?c:.t*.'.:;r:.""" "" `""' CHLORODYNE :;:*::::.::::'!~".2:;3?h:..n:::'y3.:`::.':..:t::`.:?A:::.." "" CHLORODYN ..:'r.."3*;;.::.`.`:::`.::::. `.':,..`:.'.:`.:.';.';r` '""` " "' "" "`" CHLORODYNE S133.`-iI.`,":5.Ei'..?:1ff.(:l'::I'L.fL3'..`.i!.f:f"" ' "'""*'- " In the only panlutlvo In Nonmlfln. nhouxnntlnm. HmIl_ (`Iun'9`I`. 'I`IInl|ulvlw, .\lt-nlml t|I.\!l(`. CCQQOGQ probrletori . W. 5 . "W I..Londcm; _ K nnerslly. ` t . , - HIRE. . % . , Window and noorsmma * ] The White Mountain and Ham ICE-CREAM FREQERS. 'Frdm one to {en quarts. IN BLUE Ila?/h" DIAGONALI. Y A 03083,] HE Kingston & Pembroke! And Canadian Pacic Railways. I D mm & cofs xmi 11 Kingtn. U! lJ|l'(`(`l-l'1l|l)l`l IUNIIK` ll) IHI cum-rI:o srnss POINTS. Mun I.........o ....|.... :1... 455 Per Cent and upwards. Home Seekers Excursions; To Manitoba, Mlmmou and North Dakota. vln Chicago and st. Paul. I T-' Uulng July llIl|. IRM. July Wlh, NEIL |'uw~mzur rnmmr mo (lmnd Trunk RAIL ` H Hymn-I11 lwhvwn pulnln, mm IAXYAI. nnd lnllull, Iuwlucllmq Puruu In ALASKA. KIADNIII K E, Till`) I /\1`l|*`lI'1`0AH'I`, WINNI- ghlthunl Hm Nul('|`l|-WIIZHT` M walla! 8'1`. MII. and II nth--r vmu I-uhvo polula. an uawtly thu umno an other lnel. I -var-Ililasl \JIr`IlI-u\i I'\III`I9 Il|l` Iuwunt rum-u. llme lahlvn and goueml lu- I\)rmau.|nn xs xlnly 00 s I-`ms >. A. I-DIMEII. (`Hy 1`1okot AgI.. ' I-`um. lhvvk HO... lilugnlun. 0100. II. DANINIS. ` uouoml Pam Axum. Nnw York. COAL that is COAL at w nuuur rmauw .`1llN`|)llI|{ \ `urn m-Iwevn I CAPE VINCENT AND NEW YORK. Illrnal Mlunrl n....|.. .. .. uuuuvu mun pun. \ ulrug lU|t.lI|.; nuruuu 5% I.I\.' 8!. NJL, I `uh Houinrn . Q P. not C.P.R `Baht Mm. `guru III-Il\J\llI IIIV\)I IIIIC ln connection with `M St. Lawrence River Smmbout 00.. llmltod. omecr SHORT We To NIAGARL FALLS. ltuuml Trip Uolonhu. Tmxou jj cuNw:\\'. -Anal. Ooh. ntWfa:(TWI) :u- I'Iuu\|Iy(0r rumor tho (lmnd Trunk lull- mty H)'.~4YI'lIl nulnls. l.()(`A l. mu! wrirnn IIIVVInlV I IIIVII l)lr(`tl.Hlu)rt ltuule Lu all NEW TIME TABLE MAY I5ll\. uuuu -A-un .. uo-..m iand I In connection wl Lh "ruAvaLL|Na-BY RAIL. Isl lclllnoton Strut. 3--0-U:-n'5'Annu-anlliusn. UHIHI, N.Y . . . . .. Syrncuu. N Y.. Ilochuur N Y.. Allumy, Bunlo. N Y. Nh|.|n|I'n l"ull-LN mm. Axum. ow A Iunung S-`\'>.\I). I `B 9:&HLu| II l D... ` Lilli. Returning Hopi. Mth I nupt. mu I u :'.: mm N H:I.'; p.m `urn ln\twcw\ \ III` III lIl\l\ no 2:30 p.m r..|n .. ... uumnunaaotwooaiuo be Iulltlovoutput. ~ - :ll) .11 1:110 l|:|:'n |>.m | r n Husetmnuacuuireioe = upshot. math to `put up. ""a.*..'::z.:."`..;':.' In mun. url \.IFWv[U IIu\l \.IlIuuvv\!x I/Nu-in Momlmm, WIncla_x-3 and hid `in at : gun. Mnmnm lolnmlanud Alexnnd v. \_M:kIndInotoonncuon It oswogo lhtxnr 0|` . I-`or mrlhet Ihitnmmtlou and rum of has an Jas. Swift &VCo . Agents. ET__E_ii'amet. iP.,_____s"~??3?3~M- A Nice turnout !-at ----- ---u- -:12 Rochester.` Oewego. Kin;-ston and Alexandria Bay. '1'IuuINII hwAvI\`.'4 3WlfT'-`R Wll;\RI~` Tue: `n. Thurnluys `ml suunhyu at |0n.m. mt nun nud Chm lotto. U . um um. |\nr'nmunnd SUHPIA I'.[*LI. Tho hnosl m pa DI` Hm a'(`Q\.~1)Il (or heqlm gm] oommrt. I ARTHUR AHERN, 9'cmu\ry, Qudno.` I`\'Ar lloloslu AIIII nlmnnunmn nnnlv In Forget It. Not. ` llli BEST ISTIIE CIIEAPESI. ism. AgJ_NDELL I -nu-u uvusvv II VII 0). IIIIIIPCIIC5 with olctrlc.l|.;Iuu. Nmudo mus. and In modern conuurln, U\lI.9 IRON IONTIIII. no MONDAY! M '.! m. lth July; lul lfilh and `Blh .\n'u. tn: emu. NA. railing at Quvh~ Fa hvr Pulnl, (Nu-pe. l\'rx~*. Numnmnslulv, `E F. I. (`hnrlnttm-nwu. I . l~`.l.; uoorgetmvn. l`.I~`. I., an Suurlx RR]. Tim hnnnl Inn: in` Hm y.1w\n lnr Iunnlllx -n.I I n|\|lIuu .'\I|r.lsn,\`x'IvuIl[, VQIICLEA` Nor lick:-Iss\|ul nlmvmmms apply to `J. I`. I1.-\.\'1.I-zv. or .1. r. ux1.mmax.nnv1c, I `Hoke! :\g\*n\.n. Kluxnum. onl. {Quebec Steamship 00., Limited. liulsuul .. . . .....'\\H(. II .'\|IR. I-`Irnl cal)ln.$.'r2..'uUmul npwnnls: `Ind v:\ l.|\'1-r voul, lk-rry mul lnmlum, $.`hL:h. 2 I }Il)ll \kl_.\':)lhlg0\I`. calling at Derry. .\Ium;` I ' b . 9 `bu nu! nnll Al Rlmmmm am! \l.n-In. gmvan AND our ST. uwnauce HIVIUILI I`nuvu...~u run... I .--...n._.. an. inn: gnu |.'Sl\B IN \ uni. |.A`l`lTUnI$ Twln Screw Iron S.S. Campana." .wILh nluctl-|n llghu l\lt~\l,rIn Imn. ....| .n Montmnl and Liverpool, oamna at Rlmouakt and Movllle. I-`mm Mnntronl I! Am. Quebec 6 [ml '|.I\uNul|am.. .. . . ..luL\' 2| `lul_\ '21 (`nlllurnlum ... July 2* July `.'\'l `Nam!-lhm Aux. i Amz. H l`a\rI.~n|ou| . Amx. ll Ann. II! D,__, ____ . _, _ . .. . .. . I .-\\u(. 0. luyll In \'um-mum` ...\uu. M, '.!::m [um . I Ann. l2|,xln_\'| gm .*'ntsun:nI . Amt. Iii. ".`l'l|\.m Ann. '.!I~,lnyI|uhl \'m`kn|nlm A\u:.`. u, :)Up.m Ana. 2:`, daullglnt lmmlnluu ..\ug. 2T.R::mp.n1 From Llvurpoul. I-H4-unwr. Frum Nu-Alon _ July `NI: New England Aux. llth, : -p.m | Any. Illh . . . (`unmIu. `.AlI[.`. .")ll|_.`||\.lII , Flrut (`uhIn-$nH and upwards uluglo; silt . and upwards return. _ Reoond Cnblu-QM to SIM!) 11310: 8%.?!) to . 37000 return. Htoerngv to Llvorpooliumdondor . bnndnn. U1: nv Quoounmwn, mm 311 10325.50. . Mu|1rr`I|l`n Mlouun. electric lhz|':u.nmu-.lnu- nm. p.m. I MP8`: r.;`llom')' lmu`1;n T\|N|dI\_\'N mu] 1'1,um1,\ '--m.:.'.\3z..?`??1`I`:"`I **;'r'*`"" M 8 r- mw_u_r) I "` H" 01-30. J. (Port MRO- Huu\Iny-Hl I'.N0l`\.|| Kln " 19-9 `g N _m ft\;`I`|;`::\n"-ml}-I lnmvntls nml laxnmlrln Bay. as n.,..;::*.*...::;;:::::::."::'*:,:;r""Lg, n at ' lingght Apply to H. H.(ll\Y.l)1{g ` V _ B-L. BTHIBR I. (:0 nugnunuuo ugh-can LAI.-LI-4 Jll|\' mu. `ho nu! ml] at Rlmnuski and .\lovIllo. L P. H:\NLE\ ..-\uxN1`. Nrnml Trunk RI.nInn_ :--u- CWTIIC-I--N (dommencing 7th June). Tr!-Week] Klncaton & Rochester. N Y. Bur. "Nurt Klnx" loan-on undnyn at 6:45 ,, , TRAMRR DRAVRS 8\Vl|T'-\\ Wllxxkl` 'I`uOu||\\`h. Thnrnluvs and Suunlnn at mr Plolnn mnl way porn. ' ' ' r On Monnluvn, Tueuulnnyn, \Vo '3. Thur!- ` day: and I-`rfduurn w Bellevulu and ammo. A__LLAN LINE] : Between Hamilton, Tornnln. Klngnton 1,000 l u I | lnIn:u|u, Ilupldu of the BL. Lnwruuou Imd Mun- lreu . F Duly Service on the Picturesque Bay 0! Quinn. Leaves dull nt 3 P. M. (Sundays exoepwl) mr Plotnn mu Tueuulotyu. Wo Timm- gsrn. "N0|Tx'T'_l_`kl-'l.__l_lNG" ll'\n.-n-.`n.... . : vs rs IICIIIV . II VI VIIIIUIUIUUVU. ' Agent, ().1`.R. Station 12 Clarence Bl. D. l0l{IllANCll: I 00.. (lonornl Agonu, Mon- rea . __ . -_v_ V was nlnaov 1 -VA: QIQAIAHVLI Fmm Montreal. Hmmner. Frnm Quebec. I . July III. 9l|.l\l... . . .l.uhrmlor Jnlv mun, It p.m | .'\\uz.1l_IuylI In u.`.!::mp.Iu `.20, clnylluhl Aug. :0, 2:30 p.m mm. ..\ug.;7.'.R::mp.n1 :1 p.m I Aug. `. :'>lh_:lp.m EQIU HI! I U`IdV\n Fin: Insurance in 5 Companies at lowest rates. Ganlinars Heal mama Insunnoo, { """ J. I`. HANLRY. l mu|on[qrAunt. iL1vEIu*ooL smnvxom DIRECT. j Dominion L_@teamshiE HAMILTON AND MONTREAL LINE. urmamma "HAMILTON" (.`0MMEN(`IN() MONDAY JULY 4'r.n ulmmwru will lomvn lmre lmy. uolnu Ema 42:30 a m. (hung Wont 3:00 p.m. f4,T.TP }Y-.T'-'."E Ivar` IIIIII VUI-I SI: ETIIIIIIIIVV BUIIIII CRVISIH L`! V001. LATlTUDI$ ...I.. 8---.-. I--- 1- B 4.4-_ ___-_ _ fisrn. HERO, Rgnbiou a Ontario Navlgitlon company. THE SCENIC LINQ OF AMERICA. r. lU\lV'Lh`l . .-\umNT. umml Trunk Station. J. P. GILDli`.R.`5l.I`.I~2\v'Iu`.. Auln. II CINVII M0I>iE?+aLoAN uvnu. Leaveu Klngnum :- uolng l'|nMr'l`U EHDAY M5 p.m. (iulnx W\~ut-FRlDAY M 10 p.m. FAICEH :--HamIlwn, M5), mmrn. H50. Forum--,. `I, return. $7.m;Mnnmml. fl In, 11`- urn, $7.. ). Bnrthu and ,vnyn. . emu |ncIuu--I bull: 'rm\v_r.u.mo-av `BOAT. &um` `H "I-m N N I`, l!i' \ , ""'-`-1`-`-`an:-'1-'7-3:. 1~ouoann_.:`hn1~uumx ma smut Illllhlery than Io_bo dread In the null hnphuam wqdtyuurqhu-n uouduhlly _ 4- .4 L "1 I TORONTO-MONTREAL LINE. JAB. SWIFT & (`()., I-`rehgm. Ayruul. ;: . Auln-. Clan-cum lItnuL v uuv. p.II'|. 2191 `Alli Uh Hm .I.- 0...: .\..m.. |. nun l`:\h|lI. New 1: HtlI\ ` Houses. Lots and Farm: For Sale and1`o-Let. _ 1:2- 1--. A_ ,, n